eaaTtT aa mmmmmammmm r 15 TTTE 3TORXIXO OREGOXIAX. SATUHDAT, JANUARY 13, 1913. rOB RE XT. Aptrtmeo t. BEAUTIM LLT Ft'TlNIBHEO APARTMENTS. Tn Oia finest and bst-ap pointed apart mvnt houM in the city. Reasonable Rental. Re.'rtncu. HIGHLAND COURT. 24 and Glisan streets. the wttf:kt,tk. Cor. Park and Taylor sta. Car. Tenth and fiaimoa sta. Walking distance. Furnished comp'fU. 2. 4 n4 4-rom apartments; r-udlnjts new "and strictly --odcm, service first-class. THK CAMAS. T4 LOVEJOY ST. Tn4er new mamxfment ; nw modern lirk. i 3 and apartments, with prtvt baths. w;t!on halls and Inde-r-nent puodm with every apartment. We will -T-nt yon apartment 25 per cent cheaper than any ylce In the city; good Janitor rvleo, plenty of hot water and good heat all the time- If you want to cut down your expense and t Just a nice apartment as you ar getting, give us a call. .-. . J'OKDHAM A? AKTMENTS COMPLKTEU. At 17J-172 t'ord st-, Jut toutti of Wash lnjrton. are the mot complete, h la heat class aDartznenta ever h'iut In Portland; finished In bard wood thtoughout. giving tenant oholce of oak. Circassian wainut or manor any; elegant wall coverings, tiled Kth with n ryirS t iTtiirM! hlrbeit clan service; each with private balcony and bath: 4 rooms with innu convenient r-r-or-mant. 2.SO to l.V; room. $M to lt. Thla bulldlrr U different. Let Mrs. pTirle!t;a how yoa throusju TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity P.aoe. between IPh and 10th, JuH o;f Washington. Just finished; most masnlf Irent apart ments on the Pacific Coast; location Ideal; rental reasonable; every modern con venience; hish-cl.- service; reference rju1rei. phone Marshall tZ. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irvine; eta.; thi new -:ory brick bow open: fur niahed and anf um!jhj In 2. 3 and 4-room suites: reception hall, electric, automatic elevator. Holmes diaarp'srlne bds. built in buffet and writing- desk, gas mart. Ice box, plenty of cio-.-t room, both phones), vmcuura ciner free to patrons. If you vrant something nice. cnm to the Barker. Phone a 1744. Marsh a! 1 2W1. TUB VILLA ST. CLARA. l?rb and Taylor. Just completed, most marntflwn tly fnr nlshed apartment In th Northwest; loca tion perfect ; rental reasonable; every modem convenience, lnciudinjr banquet hall a .id roof trarn; botb phone In all apartments: hir-i-:as service; reference rej tilred- V aln an d A TvflT. HliNZ Al'ARTMtNTa 14 tu and Colum bia, 4 block south from Morrison St.; new brick b-Ildln. couipiteiy first-class, furnished In & S (.nd 4-room family apart ments: private bi.th, stetson beat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, janitor service; rent per month, $-4, 'iO. o and up; most be eesn to be appre ciated. JfUAFTTE APARTMENTS, fumlxhsd and unrurnUhod. 2d and Montgomery: row ready; private phones, disappearing beds, water coil, refrigerator; steam heat, mod em laundry and dryer: latest system of ventilation: rent $?t to $2. Also Iris, 3d and iiui; e anti o rooms, s.'w to w. LL'CKETIA COliRT. unfurnished: a class by theruselvcs; see them: Lucre;! a at., near i.d and W uh. ; J to 6 room. aJl larxe. Iiaht and outside: lary closets and baths: hardwood floors, free, phones In each apt. phone prp. ar.d mr.. Mar iM'l lStf. Janitor. Vsrshail THE CHKLTKNdAM. Apartment, icstniir furnished for houeekTlcg; all outa.de rooms: hard wood floors, private phr-nrs; 2. S and 4 rooo apartment. $ '.3. 7.3'. o.. 2i3 N. Ih at., comer Northmp. Marsha!! 23 X IT. FRANCIS APART M UN Td. 21st and Hoy t; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony; new brick buii-I.r.ir. etr!c e vat or. su-p-rb location. In -alklng distance; moat convenient arrangement, low rent and best of a-rvlc. 1 lata 3EIV, modern 1-ro.nn flat, easy walking distance. ry private, fin bath, eiegant wardroba and chlt.a cluset, larre paate Window, shadva, curtain pos. l.noleum. as ran;e. hot water heater, furnace, laun ch rv; a Ul-rri-c. pUo. adult only. . 7th and 'iu-h. PART IKS iroinc south, will rent finely fur nished C-roH.m flat nntil AP-ll 1; vry convrniFO'-t. piano. i. in. on Wet tfide, adults only; rererunces. alaln ftoT& 311 11th st. i.-.-, UAKK 11 T 3 -room ui ; er f. it. bath, -a. e.eeiric Hcht and lumice; nearly nr. $.'.t per n:o::.h. Key below. POHTLANU TKlr CO- Or" UitEGON. Th rd and ,ak. Nfc. i-fv-oni ( Ala fr rent. K. ITth St.. between Main and Ma.lon- Thea are a--t."tly hirf-cl-is f at. twner. Tabor -.;. rr see A. K. HlH. 41? Hnry bldg. ..u ilAKKilT ft-rvhjm. strictly modern, .vd v.ew. 1 Pr month : ky teiow. Portland Trust Company of Orsgon. Ad Oak. . LoW uH f IMC 6 rooms. tii Hoyt st. e Mr. Ms. sun. janitor, bt. Fraacla Apart ment Zlat and Hoyt sloDKK.V i-toom upper tii nacc. vacant 15th. 7U t. f .replace, f ur Krarney. Mar- Mt th- KN flat. 6 room and bat h. TM Hoyt sr.. near 22u. Apply liv th su Main ftT. . OR RENT Modsrn 7 room f at. 444 Park at.' nrepiace and furnace; f t7.50; no ehU- drsn. phore Tabor 7- or East 143L xroPERN i-rootn upper ft; sleeping porch. waking d'.atance. Apply 41 Tlliamook. P h o c. C ( HOLLAHAT APO . S roomi upper flat. walking d.atsace. near Z canine. 41.1 S Waa- o at. E. 3S- S. ICELT furnHhed. five-room, lower flat. 81 Market st. ft-ROOM fiat, fs rar.e. water heater good eo od it Ion. Northmp. Main MODEI-N 3 -room flat, furnished or unfur- lsheI. East 13th and Ah. B 2 a-R.'OM modern flat. 76o Irving street, cor. 23d. Key at grocery store. 4-KOOM upper corner flat, modern. 177 H Green tvt , near 23d and Wash. Main 8tM -KvOi uodexa flaU lo5 East ISiA sU Rant li-J KVR N I8HED ' 3 -room f lat, complete. 233 Iarkt st-. phone Main 51 pWTLL modern 6-room upper T.at, adul'A Z East T amni. i. m one c w Tl tu i v- iVFH 12 :a and Marshall &:shed for bouseaeepln: gas rsnxa, eleo tne lights, hot watsr. tath. laundry, free; fl pr mcnth up; a clean placa, beet la the ity for the money; an art diataaee from I'd'm nepot. Take or ltti-sc car BP-'h. get oif at Mar-hall st. N doga 1. W TO - 5 per wees, clean furnished housekeeper ro m. free heat, phone, bath, laundry, yard 4i Vancouver ave and 21 Stanton; "V car. Phone b. ei. lbe Ml.ner. aiH Morrison St.. furnished Of vnfun.ed bousekeer ir.g rooms. ateam beat, slev-tor. aU conv enleccts. best lot a to. HOL"SEKFEPIX' rooms In new concrete b 1 g. pnone Wo.. .11 ua or Z997. flft FOR 8 housekeeping rooms with piano; i;rg r-otn. Sia MiMn st. Heiwekeeplng Koom n Private fl aUy. & N I' E. complete y furr. . .r. la'jr.lrj. phone; J .icd rooms; bath. Fast Ftark. lit SKK'K1'IJ. fir msn ar. i wife, heat, v tr in rvotn. Tl Morrison. j - .1 -om f -r : "'ir.g nten in ire fj:r.ilv. !"vr. K. tt "Ri 'NT ao e. furmahed f -r housekeeping ; e.o single room. 4io sra-in. VERY cen liu lences 51 l ove. Ot 1,1 convea- light, phone M 40.'.4. i4 ba h . 3 l Y rr r. -f iirr. .I.e 1 housekeeping. THK? N. J C n.ce h'ii kepi. :h. Ma'.a g room. 113. 2 iOOM h gs. orp uaekeep,ng suit paliirg tchool. phone and TWrt nicely furnished honkeepir.g rooms; s.tk. aster, ta'.h Call t?A Pe:tcTove st. i CLEAN. Titht. furr.!ed hoa-Veeping r-?T.s. ras. r ath: H2.B-) month. Front, i; H" ' l h keepiP suite. " rnf- r. n--e; pr-s ranab e. FT t r ' . ' not K t ; f:r.. $J.C up. I 5 I'uvi. r-.rr.er 14Th nrae. TliT.EE f -niah.d aom.it.; IE r roma, up aiaa, (.4 moaiX Cai til Wli.iania m FOR RUNT. Honetee-ing Room In Private Family. TWO very comfortable housekeeping rooms, range, gas, bath, newly furnished, clean, wa.king distance. 2 car Unes. 772 E- Taylor. Phone East 6200. FRONT room gulte. newly furnished for housekeeping; free phone, electric, gaa, bath. 0-W North 21st st-, x block from Wash., tiS per month. TWO housekeeping rooms. 147 3 3th St. be tween Aider and Morrison st- Rent 22.0 per month. LIGHT, clean, well-furnished housekeeping rooms to refined people; private homa SCK E. Palmon. E- ltiHf. S COMPLETELY furnished hoasekeeplng rooms; gaa bath, basement. 10 minutes walk: $li.M per month. 6-6 Kearney st. FtnxUKED front room alcove, housekeep ing; heat, hot and cold water, laundry. bachelor, married coupia, -... NEWLY furnished 3 connecting housekeep ing room; ligat. bath, phont; $20. 3.0 st. ONE or 2 newly completely furnished house keeping rooms; gas, etectricuy, t-ri bath. 2H Grand ave., 8. E. cor. Ankeny. KE.-iFECTABLE young lady atcnographer wanted to share housekeeping room; rea sonable. Call Marshall 243 after 4 o'clock. W E I.L-EURNISH E t housekeeping rooms. $10 month. Montgomery, between bth and 7th. . TWO nicely furnished housekeeping room a with water; all conveniences; reasonable. So3 12th st. MalnljM3. N H " L Y furnished front rooms for houe-ket-plnc. fi:at, floor, private family. 4a Yamhill St. , . v-i4-i.i v f,imihrl hauaekeentnc room a sink, hot and ouid wair; reasonabla 4o0 Montvomery. CLEAN, pleasant front room, housekeeping; price to suit tlmea 82 North 11th at. naT4THTcom'er Clay, pleasant 1. 3 and B-room rurnisneq nouaeaegym; TWO houaekeeplng rooms, $i!t. includng 1 : c h t. wi Union ave. N. Phone C 3lcl TWo neatly furnished housekeeping rooms In private family, o inn at. LAHOE deairabie rooms with fireplace; also sU'p!ng-room. 1M 1 4th. TWO desirable housekeeping rooms, first floor, separate entrance. Iu7 13th st. South, TWO nlcelv -furnished housekeeping; rooms, reasonable, walking distance. -V4 Bth St. Vtouveo, NEW modern home on Wasco st.; good neighborhood; between two car Unas; walk ing distance. GEO. I. SCHALK, Main 312. A 2.192. 22S btarV 2L. 5-JlOOM, cottage, modern, garden, chicken ard. to party buying ga runjre, hot wa ter heater connected. Chicken for ale. Itent. 14. lwd Jarrett. Wtiin. 234& aven lnga , a-ROOV bouse. J1R. near Brooklyn School. 2 carUnea Beacon and East 10th sta Anolv tlaher. next door, or K. WUUs. otJ K. :h St.. or bellwood 87S. 2i3 N. 21ST ST. 8-roora houae. Apply tor key at 2.3 N. 21st., cor. Northmp, Phone Main 601i. . CHEAP AT KENTON. Cottage for sale or rent. Btokes ft Far mer. Derby st. Phone Woodlawn 26W9. MOLiEKN. 6-room bungalow In Irvlngtoa Park, one block from car. Reasonable. 22 Board of Trade. Marshall a-ROOM modern house. C30 East 17th St. j Tagttart st.. 1 block from W-W car; rent lH. Phone East 2000. MODERN cottage, newly tinted. Reason able. Woodlawn. 2010. 10-44 East 8th N. A. Car . TWO house. G'enn ave., I blocks from Al berta carllne; rent 1!.S and $3 per month. Apply J. H. Cowla. k'Ji Alberta. JTOH RENT Nice, clean 6-room cottage. 675 7th st. Inquire 14 Lincoln st. Phone MarehaU 142. tld MONTHLY rent buy home; no first parmect necessary. Owner East 2741. NEW cot La a 45th and Lincoln, flreplao etc.. reaar.ahla Main Tabor 8d-ia. 4-KooM cottage; electric light, gaa and bath, 1037 East Orant. moor lva. 6-RooM houae for reul. ld a mouth, call l.'.l Hawthorne ave. NEW. modem; Broadway car; rent very reasonable to good partlea MarehaU 1177. K-'it RENT 10 -room house, E. 4th, block from Hawthorne. N 7- oregonian. C-I.oO.U house for rent. East eth and Tay lor 81. Agpiy .XI Jl l .m it m. house, furnished or unXurnlshed. Apply 41 th at. 0-KOOM cottage, attic, bath, furnace. Call M E. 17th. Phone Main 203 a. rOR KENT d-room htfiua 4512 Hail at.. t27.. Phone A 312. biX-llOL'M modern; small vard, gaod view; r-r t ra nnbie. M!n IJOV. 1 i H T roam fanuic SulC.bl. for LwllTI or two ,mIl fmlllm. Eit -'T. 1-RuOU furatiihl nou. on . StU at., tn lrli.tf:oa dl.irlct, 2 blocks from car; 40 ir moa'.h. H. P. Piiinnr-Jon., Co.. 44 WilcuK bldff. PhoBU ialn 66flb A A CUVPLKTtLT furnlh.d horn. In Irr Inrlon. altualcd at SS2 Clackama. llrwt. $::7 :.l pr montn. Aicvarsar. xam m I.lv.lr. al.nta. 3UI T.on b:d. COMPI.ETKL.T fumUh.-l. plant anil eonvrnlcni A.-rooia cottare. 12Z per month. In; WllliU. ivt Kr Hiill Unl ITL MOI'tUN" houee. 4 rooroa. only .mall fam ily of adult, with ii lot need apply. r:i 4oii uth t. N V modern, ft-room. furnished bunxalow. F. CV.h and Cora ara, R.nt $18. 8. A. WrT.rtth. 341 Chamf.r or commerce vuUDKN furnnhed 4-room fiat for rent; ' . t Mnn.a J V "1 HA n .ce 1 7 arrauaca ui . ' .i.t c. lis PER month. furnLhed B-room bunia- low. n'" i i " " " " FI.SLLT furr.l.iiaed rtjldenc. for KOOU Car. HU trmm .umu arlo-k 4t Mu.llhanj t. 10.i2 Cham. Com lilii.LY furnl.h.4 7 -room houa. piano; on car.ln.; r.aaonaoi - ' ; -: ,t. liu S-KUOM new. llimurn, " . compl.l-1' furnished, f.73 iltll 1U Main 7. a Nit r 1 IurniahU 7-rcom bout. 3l, SoulD) Portlarl. M. S. B.ntery. Slearna bld. NKW 7-room hou-, nw furnltur. cornpl.l.; FVRNISHED flv.-roora oottas. SSM &Mt tvih mu; -Iirpjlr. n.xt door. SIODCKS -room nprr llt. omlahl. Tsw, E 'Yamhill. Phono Et I.M. SHAVER ST FurnUh.d 7-room oorner houa izv montn. iaj rn iiw WR RENT 6-room furntehed houaa. bun r"llde. t-a Pr month. SOS Ablnton bld. ll.UM, t.r Krnt. rorollur. Tor FL'RMTURE, coiy 8-room Tat, Nob Hill dV.tr'ol. blh-claa boardln cbuoM. Mam 7"S. ; . a-KOOM cottaca. new furniture, for ! chr." W. 6ld cloa. In. Main ITUi a as. tS90 FOR new furnUhln.. complete. In room modem flaw r.nt J7.l. AS T1J. UCFKOIll.U. rrUNITLJtK of rood a-room flat for aa'. flnl f ir rrnt. 4S "th at, 3 blocka from l'rtl.nd hoteL Fl'RNITl'RE of nine-room houa. for aale; hoii. f"r rent. 412 Yamhill. fforea DRf1GISTS and Qoctora. attention For rent a corner .tore and apartment abora, In new brick bul Mine. cor. Eaat 30th and Ollian ate., rear mam entrance to Laurel rurt; aplendid l.K-atlon for drua etora. ' lnaulra room SOT Oerllner bid... Id and A.arr eta. . ROOM. 23li3. aultahl. for hall or aampl. Howe-Iavia Co lit 2d at-. . near Waahlnc- ton at. tEVERAL atorea at eaat .nd Madlaon-at. br'dae. t'M to I4t. accordlnc to alaA. In q aw ITlKajrjhoaaYa. ET"FIE on Wa.hlnjton at., near 8d. ; ch"p rent; good iv.auon X.r tailor. AR i21 lrraor..wn. STORE and i Uvlrj-rooma ood locaUoa for aay buuew tl Ruel b:d. Offlo MOST CFNTRAL.LT "located officer Ali-nlaht elevator aer-vlc. 0S Swetland bide. t.:h inl Waahlngton. FOR RFST De,k. Inriudinjt twiephon, and ervlt.a of tenoarapher. reaaonabla. At D"5'rC ROOM. Includln rer.ptlon room. phonea and el.rk e.rrlc: 7.0 par month. 7. J t. nanioer m il KNisHED outald. oCTic. tor rent. J0 w orceet.r p.ca. PART of fin. out.td. offlc. for rent at $10. 414 Railway F.T--liang. LTesKKOUM fr rent. Couch bids. Anawer at once. AO !. Orcironlan. HalK. F7.RF.KNf I ftorrroom. f.r.e hall. Monday and Saturday niiht I O. O. F. bulld- Ina;, Lh ad E at Alder. Ino.ulr. at ball. T-' JOM iiuf'.ern hous. on corner E. 10th at 1 block fro-n Broadway; enmpl.c. In'rnlnhcd. r, childr.n; rrfnc. H. P. I':ni-J'in Co.. 4u4 Wlicox bide. Paon.a Villi 0. A KM. Bt SINKSS OPPOKTPMT1". UP-TO-DATE BUTCHER SHOP. In a good-live auburb of Portland; aale. .rerace $lSOO per month and la netting $250; equipment la of the very beat and up-to-date. Including; fine horae. new ma on and harneaa; rent $18, with ft yearr leaae. Thla la a money-maker and w. Invito you to Investigate. GHrFSI A HOLPS. 31S Foard of Trad bldg.. eth and Oak. BLACKSMITH SHOP AT LENTS. A general bta ckamith ISop, horaaahoe Ing and wagon repairing; fully equipped with up-to-ciat. toola; doing a good bual neea; ront $5 a month; wnl aell half ln tereat for $noO or th. entire ahop for $6i0. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 1S Board of Trade b'.dg.. 4th and Oak. MOVINO plctur. ahow. Weat Side, beat paying location In town. $M per week guaranteed above all expenaee; will give trial; Una chance for man and wife; ir you do your own work will pay $w per week. $1000 cash, balanc. out ofbualneaa, T 745, Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE boalneaa Actlv. partner to engage In Mtabu.hed going bualneaa, beat propoaltlon. $-A.vuO atock on hand, v al uabl, $-year Iim Muit be a live on. with from $2oo to $H0O0. Phon. Tabor IS3 .venlnga, or addraia Box AF 71S. Oregonlaru ill 00 A SPLENDIDLY equipped reataurant with a fin. trade, good location, long leaae, well eatabllihed : anybody that un dnrstanua th. busiueaa can eaally mak. $.100 per month clear. For further par ticular ae. Rabb A Patton. $22 Lumber mena bldg.. 6th and Stark. P WANTED, artner to take half Intereat in a light manufacturing plant; a man who can take charge of an office and manage men; eatary per month. Kinney A Stam- pher. BS1-2 Lumber Exchange bldg.,.6lark and Second ata. ON ACCOUNT of lncreaaed bnalneaa In my granlt. quarriea I find It Irapoaalbl. to look aftor all detalla. ao have decided to tak. In a partner on on.-half Interest baais for email amount of money: do not writ, unlesa you mean legitimate bualnaaa. P. O. Box 87U. Medlral Lake. VYaah. A GOOLr opportunity to buy good retail atore at right price: trade already ea tabiiahed and well advertled; good at a cheap rent; beat of reaaona for gell ing ; deal direct with prlnopaL AR Oregon lan. - SALESMAN (oil preferred) a. agent for Kaatern manufacturer; eaay. atapie line to Ilia, factories; big profits; experience unnecesaary; muat carry atoclc for deliv ery. If have reaponalblllty. money and can acl! address manager. P 71$. Oregonlan. CALIFORNIA BUSINESS BARGAIN. At Palo Alto, Stanford Unlveralty; old atabllshed furniture atore. largest store and beat bualneaa; low rent, long lease; aeil at Inventory. Owners wish to retire. Terms. Addreaa AV 630. Oregonlaru CIGAR and confectionery atore. centrally located: muat bo aold at once. Inquire at Hochfeld Broa Cigar Co.. 211 Morrl aon at- DO.VT PASS THIS UP. REST AU"R ANT MAN A nice little reataurant for rent for 3 months: ownora going away for a reat: everything needed; goes with the plce; $lt rer month takes thla. AT 71IS. Ore gonlan. FOR sal. or trade, a good paying grocery business, stock complete, with living rooms, would consider farm. This Is good bualneaa. Addreaa B. A. Tounker. SSI DIM at.. Portland. Or. Phone Tabor 14. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity; partner want ed In new enterprise: two atate rlghta ae eured; big a-ller: $150 required; lnveatl aata. Call b'Ui Henry bldg. Call 1 to 4 P. M. ' ALL or one-half lntereat In bakery and lunch room; a well eatabllshed business; have a large wnoleaale and retail trade, fine location: will give good reason fur Belling. A 745, Oregonlan. , FOR SALE By owner, up-to-date oaah gro cery, cigar and confectionery, long leaae, fine fixture.; alckne the only reason for aelllng; $1200. Addreaa F, O. box Wis, St. Johns. Or. fto BUSINESS cards, $1.00; you muat bring thla ad. ll"ee Cltv primary. Vj2 Third. IW0 letter heads, Al atock, $2.2S: S0O good envelopes. $.Mo. A REAL BARGAIN PAIN LESS PRICES. IF you are looking for a bualneaa opening, call on us. e will ae. that you are lo cated light: no chargea for full Informa tion. Kinney A Stampher. 6S1-1 Lumber Kxchanae bldg.. 2d and Stark ata GROCERY STORE. Corner: rent $20. lease: gooA olean atock and fin. flxturea: will, lnvoc. or make low flat prlcA 14a Union ava N. Marshall $28 , PARTNI7K wanted In a atrlctly cash busi ness: must Invest 17S 1n the buslnes. and be satisfied with $1 weakly to start. Sl'd lumber Exchang.. lull s A LE A anap; meat market In good location, close In: doing good bualneaa: want to leav. city at one i 70, Ore gonlan. SPLENDID looatlon for up-to-dnte meat market: new briok hulldlng, w ash. au, near il.ld. Inquire Sns Uewla bldg. Main 8."0X Ask for Mr. Kaaeberg. LUNCH ROOM. Doing $S0 a day; making money; Wast Ride; mlk'ht consider part trade. WHEELER A HALL. 811 Lumbermena bd. W ANTE I J Man with $30"O to Invest In le gitimate proposition; will guarantee 20 per cent: will bear cloa. Investigation. A 703. Ore eon I an. LIGHT manufacturing: partner wantedl growing bualneaa; can oic.r experience not necessary and small cap ital required. Call 248"j Stark at. nn IC1TVWFS AM) LUNCH. Partner wanted; muat b. flrat-claas mr : I7.". . . WHEELER A HALL, oil Lumbermen, pa. ONE-HALF lntereat in imtllM larra, iiw-M.ri.-n: giooo wLI handle: $4"00 per year prolit. A. M. Hlghhouaa, MOVl.vo-riLii.iir. i hlai iv. "Weat Side: doing $200 a week; eeata 400: close lnveatlgatlon; $3000; terma. WHEE LF.lt at HALL, BU Lumbermena bd. THE beat corner cigar, confectionery and liicht grocery, good lease: will awl right No agenta Sea owner, corner loth and Waahln gton, t ' " MOVING-PICTURE MACHINES. Complete outat. Including graphophone. tlOO; other Edlaon marhlnea $M0 to $76. guaranteed. Laemmle. 833 Oak. LUNCH xti-o doing good business, new building, good lease near Jefferson Hleh School; owner has other bu-'ln.". 1111 Kerby at. Foil quick sale, the finest located pressing shop In th. city: will aell at a big aacri h.e $75 will handl. It. Call 1S1-B 11th BONDS of Portland Realty Aaaoclatea bought at discount- Addreaa Evenden. McMlnnvu:e. i.ir. PARTNER walited to help In atore: will pay $100 month salary with share of profita particulars 24S4i Stark at. SNAP Grocery store atock and flxturea. Price, $200. Bent $1. SS0 Milwaukee au. cor Mall. Tak. Sellwood car. WANTED Active man" to attend offlc. and collect ae partner, will pay you $100 month. 823 Lumber Exchange. STRICTLY oaah bualneaa: partner wanted; will pay $4 day; requlrea v.ry Uttl. mon ey. Particulate 248H Stark .t. llbvTNGPICTURE theater; beat furnished place in auburb; $700 cash, balance terma; no opposition. 404 Rothchlld bldg. DEPOT diir and confectionery store, that owner will guarantee la paying $200 month. 823 Lumber Exchange. CI'KP and fruit .tor. on K. E. corner 3d arid Alder ata. lor aale; prlo. $4u0 IT sell thla week. iikio GIVE half Interest In business that is proving success; prefer a mechanic. In ventors' Model Works, 2S3 Morrison. APARTMENT-HOUSE, bargain, thla week only 4 per room. $1000 needed. Brooka. 3018 Chamber Commerce. Marshall 3S2. REAL estate office, well established, wanta partner; can make $35 weekly; $175 ra qulred 803 Lumber Exchange. MININO AN1 INDUSTRIAL STOCKS, Te'ephone sd other bocda bought aa4 add. Fletcher Inv. Co.. ?2.t AOlngton. KfiTAURAXI; aeata 40; Weat Sid.; well e'stahllshcd; prlc. $1200. 803 Lumber' Ex- Ml-VING. If vou want something good In placer, a. Mllia. 417 Lumber Exchange. $iv0 AND services wlil buy an Interest In a timber company: young man desired. 813 Chamber of Commerce. f POOLH ALL. $450 cash down buya thla place, heart of city. Ca'.l oia Teon bldg. Vl'ANTtin Pawiig restaurant in good loca- tlon. AR 717. Oregonlan. UKuE hotel and grour.da at popular beach resort. $1? O'O. AB 713. Oregonlan. $j0 BUYS nice little meat market, do ing good bualcars. 10S3 Division street. HOME bakery and delicatessen, doing good buslneaagood location. W 84,Oreonlan. STap- Reataurant. prlc. $:oo. rent $2$; your own terma 505 Teon bldg. ;.t REP AIR ahop: opening for ateady man ail 24S1, stark at. r,liO?"KRT. rigare. etc.; rent $12. price $2. rw:i Lumber Exchange. cIThnER grocerv atore. doing good euaineaa, Ca.l at 1003 Eaat S4ta at. Koxth, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I HAVE MONET And am willing to Invest np to $$ with a good, eatabllahed, going concern, which la willing to pay a proper salary for flrat class office man: It yeara experience lum ber and banking; can manage men; am also expert accountant; can audit and systematize books, and enme experience advertlalng; am looking for something with a permanent luture. wnere naru work and ability will mean advancement: principals only reply In confidence, giving full particular, first latter. AJ 713. Ore gonlan. pnnr. matt, a vn PIfliH STORE. A fin. pool hall, five fine tablea; fin. cigar nxture, ana aiocK ot cigax., iuuow., ate; fine, large corner atore: cheap rent, with lease: .oorf business location on East aide: prlc. $2bo0: part '.ah. Place ia clearing about sjuo l-er montn. GRUSSI A BOLDS. IS Board of Trade b'.dg., 4th and Oak. FOR RALE. Pool room, 5-year lease. Rent $30 a month. Including hot and oold water, oap and towels. Thla room la 24x00 and connecting ftret-claea reataurant. Prlc. $1500. Addreaa P. O. Box 577, Lenta. Ore- ton or take lit, Scott car, get oft at nta and aak for Mac'a place, SALOON for sale. Independent llcenae. Flxturea and atock. good location. C 723, Oregonlan. BrsrjTESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. HA VIC $S00 to Inveat In bualneaa that muat Include employment: no fakes considered. Address AL 723. Oregonlan. WANTED to rent Small machine shop com. plete with tools. B 700, Oregonlan. ROOMING HOUSE FIRST-CLASS BOARDING-HOUSE. 7 rooms. $ regular boarders at present, $S0 per month, rent $40 dollars: oleare $80 net per month. In one of th. beat aeotlons in city; price $600; $400 cash, balanc. monthly. O. FRED FISH. 818-514 Selling Bids.. Opp. Oregonlan. A 7711. M. 4841. Membor Realty Board. SACRIFICE. 110 rooms. 84 furnlahed, rent leas than $5 room, ateara-beated, bath, electric and gaa lighta, lease, brick bldg., rooms all full: pnc. $2000, If taken by Feb. $200o; .owner la going back to Japan. Tourny. 207i 2d at. MARY E. LENT CO.. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. HOTELS ROOMING APART MENT HOUSES. All aizea and prlcea. 822-4 Failing bldg.. ad and Washington. LEAtaE and furniture of big rooming-house can bo bought at $15 per room; always been money-maker: 'recorda and present business show it; there's reaaon for ,ell lnR; furniture worth great deal mora AH 720. Oregonlan. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US About a good rooming-house. RUTHFIELD INVESTMENT CO.. 817 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. LEASE and furnishings one of hlghest clasa apartmenta In city.-Cloae In, every apartment rentedt owner nae otner busi ness. AH 70d. Oregonlan. DO you want to sell your roomlng-houeeT We pav cash and charge no commlsaion. RUTHFIELD INVESTMENT CO.. 817 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. FOR SALE Th. Empire rooming-house, at 112 N. Fourth St., 24 rooms, all furj-, nished. 14 months- leas. left. Inquire In V tho alternoona CAN you pay $300 down on rooming-house, with 100 monthly profit? Brooks. 1014 Chamber Commerce. Marshall J92 ROOMING-HOUSE, central location: net prollts $120 per month; $15o0, terms. Brooka MarehaU 89U2. BY owner; rooming-house of 10 rooms, nn. location, clean and In good condition, rea aonabla: terma AO two. uregonian. MODERN, cloae in. beautifully furnished, 8 rooming-house; $200 will handle. 28U 7th. ROOMING and boarding-bouse for aale. LOST AXI) FOnfD. FOUXD Where you can buy genuine .hair mattreases retaM'at wholeaale prices;' w. renovate mattresses and return same day; vre also renovate feathera Portland Curled Hair Factory. 1L Metzger, Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374 LOSX On 2od or Hawthorne-ave. car or on 2d. between Wash, and Alder ata., or near Hawthorne ave., on E. 21st St., small cameo pin. Finder phon. Marshall 8014. ltuward. LOST Black and whit. Llewellyn aeUer dog: round collar on; last year's llcenao. Reward for return or Information. B. Trenkman. Main 632. A 2482. LOST Saturday afternoon, a girl-, tan leather purse. wlLh a pair of kid gloves Inside; Christmas present; return 8 A, 7th at. LOST English Pit bull pup. white and brln dle, collar with nam. "Rowan." Kewaru. 674 E. Morrison. Tel. Main fc30. LOST California aapphlra necklace. Return to Northern Pacific ticket oflase, 205 Mor rison at., ana receive rew.ru. LOST "Old Town' cano. No. 12747; a suitable reward for recovery. Address P- O. Box 41m. Home toi.pnon. a liST Female bull terrier. Phon. Tabor E3. Reward. J jjsT Gold watch, monogram "E. M. K." Reward. Return to Eo4 Roaa at, Eaat 5254. rtlECI AL NOTICES. XTepotala Invited. NOTICT3 O? BALE OF SCHOOL BONDS. Bealed blda will b. received by th. Treasurer of Clark County. Washington, up to Saturday, February 8, 1S12. at the hour of 11 A. Mm for purchase of bond, of School Dlatrlct No. , of ulark Coun tv Washington, lasued by aald district for th. purpose of building a high school. Amount of bonds. $loo,0O0. loo bonds at $1000 each, payable 20 yeara after date. Interest not to exceed per cent per an num: principal and lntereat to be paid at th. office of County Treasurer. Vancouver. Washington. Bidder, ar. requested to name th. price and rate of Interest, at which they will porohaa. aald bonds. Board of Directors reaerve the right to r.jtc? any or all blda Said bid. to b. accompanied by a certified ??'cv; (Z amount of on. Per cent of the bonda to be aold W. R. Fletcher. Treasurer of Oark County. Waah. Dated this 8th day Of januarj. SEALED BIDS will b. received at th. ot nc. o7 ta. und.r.lgn.d. 403 Tllford build in I. PorSlnd. Or., until ft P. M. January 18 111 for th. Improvement of th. CrWaton School grounds, aam. to. conalat of clearing away tre.a. etc. Copy of apeclflcatlon. may be obtained at the i of fice of the nnderalgned. Certified check for lO per cent of th. amount of the old. payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each propoaaL The Board of Director, reaerv. th. right to reject any and all bid. Dated January 10. 1ML R. H. THOMAS. Bohool OT k. ntLI9 v Ail t-t-r, I will receive sealed bid. tot 450 ocrd. of good body fir wood, cat last Bum mer: freight cost T6o d.Uv.red on West Sldei terma 23 per cent on making eon tract, balance as arranged. Addrea. Wood, 805 Lew la bldg.. Portland. Master'e Notice. SIERRA MIRANDA. Nr. ahlp. Captain Fey ling from Callao Neither the captain nor the undersigned conslgneea of above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. KERR. GIFFORD A CO. Miscellaneous. TO whom It may concern: My wife having left my bed arid board. I will not hero after be responalble for any debta con tracted by her. isigneu) . jw.. FINANCIAL. BONDS FOR EXCHANGE. Short-time aecurlty taken In exchange at market value for all or part of $2.0,000 Urst-mortgage. S per cent, sinking-fund gold bonds, due In 12 yeara with bonus cf atock good for T per cent dividenda, give particulars first letter. J. A. BAXTER, TRUSTEE. 149 N. 23d St.. city. MORTGAGES (first and second), contracts and .oiler.- equltie. bought. E. L. D. eaux. 10o9 Spalding blda. 3d and Wajh lngton. Main 83. " PLENTY OF MONEY OX FARM OR CITY PROPERTY. WM. C. BORCHERS. S07 OREGONIAN BLDG.-- WE pa- highest cash prlc. for builders- eon tracts, first and second mortgages and other aecurltlea Home Installment Ca. .01-402 McKay bldg. MarehaU 3oa. FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES BOUGHT or seller', int.reat In contract, of aal. OQ real eatata in Washington or Oregon, H. E. Noble. 816 Lumbermen, bldg. FOR SALE First mortgage of $1200. 8 per cent, on lot and 3-story residence valued at $2.ro0 situated on East Side, close la. Address A 72'.'. Oregonlan. WILL aell account in American Bank A Trust for 0 eta on tho dollar. J. G. Sllnserland. 302 Oak. SELECTED firat mortgage. Xog aa,e, Joan fcela, tot Spalding biug FINANCIAL. EUROPEAN CAPITAL, Bnpplled for attractive enterprise. In all substantial lines of ruaineaa. railroada. wa ter and electric powera. timber, mining, lnduatrlal, agricultural and Irrigation projects. Bond, debenture and atock la auea underwritten. pichaaed or aold. ' Financial undertaklnga of all kinda han dled. Mlacelianeoua commlaaiona and or dera of all character, accepted for execu tion in any European country. Corre apondence inclosing full detail at first writing 1. Invited. ROBERT E. CAVETTE, Paclric Coaat Ofllc. T03-7O4-7O5 Hogs Building. - Seattle, Washington LAURELHURST atock; X will either buy or trade good west oiae property ior xu relhurat atock or certlncatcs; give full particulars as to amount, price, etc. AE 724. Oregonlan. FIRST and aecond mortgages, contracts and commission, accounts bought, real estat. loana E. B. Mllier. 410 Ablngtoa bldg. WE buy notea, mortgagea (lirat and aecond), equltlaa F. H. Lewia A Co.. 8 Lew la bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. PRIVATE PARTY HAS $25,000 TO LOAN ON EAST OR WEST SIDE CITY PROP ERTY. WOULD LIKE ONE MORTGAGE FOR ENTIRE AMOUNT. BUT WILL DI VIDE IF NECESSARY. NO EXPENSE TO BORROWER. EXCEPT SMALL FEE FOR ATTORNEY. DESCKIBB rKOreu TY. NO TELEPHONE INFORMATION. AG T30. OREGONIAN. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. Money loaned on real eatata WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 410 Commercial Club Bldg. LARGS aupply of money to loan In auma of $000 and upward, on real aetata aecurlty, at ft and 7 per cent. MALL A VOX BORSTSL. 104 Second at,, near Stark, PLENTY of money to loan at 1 per cent on Improved city real eatata Sea Bryant with JOSEPH GRAHAM. 1007-09 Board of Trade Bldg. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purpoaes. 3 to 8 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced aa building progresses. Tho Kquluible Sav lnga A Loan Association. 240 Stark St. WANT CASH ? We buy mortgages and sellers- contract.. CO-OPERATIVE TRUST COMPANY, 404 Yeon Bldg. $600,000 ON Improved city or farm property; building or small loana at lowest rates; large loans a specialty. McKenzi. A Co.. 514-016-516 Oerllnger bldg. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS, FAR AND CITY PROPERTY. EDMUND L DEVEKEAUX lOOD BrALPI.N G iiLyo. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 1 per cent on real estat. security. EDW. P. MALL. 800 Chamber of Commerce. WE have plenty of money to loan on Portland property in sums from $1000 to $00,000. at lowest current rates. Morgan, Flledner A Boyce. 003-006 Ablngton bldg. MONEY to loan on suitable city real es tate aecurlty in auma from $10o0 np warda, at current rates, Parrlsh, Watklna A Co.. zau Aiaer ai. $400,000 TO LOAN ON REAL E3TATB In auma to ault at low ratea f, u-T i . IWFHTUrVT CO.. 817 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG $0000 TO LOAN on city realty at reaaonabla rat. of Interest. Bryant, with JOSEPH GRAHAM. 1007-08 Board of Trade bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less, real eatat. aecur lty. Farrlngton & Farrlngton, 418 Com mercial Club Dug. MORTGAGE loana on improved property, 5 to 7 per cent. Henderaon & Hill. 607 Spalding bldg. HAVE aeveral amount, from $1000 to $5000 to loan on good real eatat. aecurlty. 413 Wilcox Diag. $100 TO $300 TO LOAN FOR SHORT TIME ON ANY GOOD SECURITY BY PRIVATE PARTY. 207 OREGONIAM BLDO. 1 HAVE $10,000 to loan at ft per cent ln tereat for 3 yeara; East or Weat Side In come property. D 73 'J, Oregonlan. $200,000 TO LOAN, large loana a apoclalty, building loans, lowest ratea. W. U. Beck, 815-310 Falling bldg. MORTGAGE1 loans on city propertyi lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and stark. $70iK TO 47000 to loan at T per cent by prlvato party. Address AF 721, Orego nlan. IMPROVED or unimproved property; email building loana, contract, and mortgagea bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Bh.rlock bldg. LOANS on real, peraonal, chattel or collat eral aecurlty. c w. x-aii.n, ovo-a jgmo. $0oo0 OR any part to loan, lntereat 7 per cent. Main 1166. MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. F. H. Lfci'Vln. a lnm xii, MORTGAGE LOANS, int. from 6 per cent. Henry C. Prudhomm. Co., 807 Wilcox bldg. LOANS on Improved realty at loweot ratea, BUFF1NGTON. Chamber of Commeroo. $1100 AND $900 at 7 per cent. Miller, 418 Chamber of Commerce. STATE funds, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Muitnoman coumr, .w oi mm. LOANS on Improved properties, beat terms. John Xiain. 3W ppa.mn. mw.. LOANS on improved Portland property, any amount. M. Billings. 5Q9 McKay bldg. PP.IVA1E money loaned on real estate mort giges. H. MlUey, room 204 Gerllnger bldg. I WANT to loan $1000 to $4000. Writ. me. 821 iiiugon. mi MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER. CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK a T. nvEf. anv amount, ft to 8 per cnt. W. H. Belt. & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. E. T. Price, 610 Rothchlld Bldg. tJOOO IRVINGTON or good Eaat Eld. loca tion. Ward, 210, Atty., Allsky bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. O. GOLTRA. FAILING BLDG. PRIVATE party has money to loan on mort- gage siiruiiij. a., $1000, $1509 AND $2000 to loan on real ea tat., I pa:r e.m .-,. Money to Loan Chattels and Salarlaa, r i $$$$$$$ DO YOU NEED MONEY T W. win furnish you. strictly confiden tial and without delay, a loan in any amount, on your auto, piano, furniture, llveatock. atorage receipt and all other kinda of aecurltlea, on terma to ault; also on weekly or monthly payment., WE BUY AND LOAN On first and aecond real estat. mort gage., Mllen contract, and chattel mort- k REAL ESTATE A BROKER AOS COMPANTT. 812 Hamilton Bldg. 131 34. Main 2084. f $ $ t $ $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATE3 IN PORTLAND. .107 repaid In inatellraenta of ..ft .48 $30, repaid In Installment, of. ...... .ft .80 $00. repaid la installments of .42.00 Larger amount, in proportion. W. do not adv.rtlae misleading term, ar rates, but (lv. your our charge, la plain figures. Euslneaa strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ 308 Falllrg bldg. ft ft $ DON'T borrow If you can avoid It, If yoa do, com. to people who will give you easy payments, lowest rat. and treat you hon estly and fairly. We claim that reputation. Come and be satisfied. Loana on any se curity with merit. G. A. Nlcnols Inv. Co 807 Wlloox bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others fur nished without security; Capest ratea, eaaleat payments. Come and got money when yoa want it. and pay aa you can. Office. In all principal cltiea D. B, Tol man, 317 Lumoer Exchange. GOOD SUPPLY OF MONEY to loan at low rate on furniture, pianos, autos, llveatock, contiacta, mortgagea or any other personal security. Adolphu. Lane, 414 Ablngton bldg. Marshall bl4. MONEY ADVANCED On furniture, pianoa ealarlea, a to. Lowest rates. HCTTON CREDIT CO, 307 Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN on livestock, household goods, pianoa an toa. contracts, anything of value; strictly confidential. Frank Lane, 608 e'wetiand. iHllEDlATB loans trom $5 and up on ail kinds ot aecurltlea W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Main 803. LOANS on diamonda. Jewelry and other ar tlciea at one-half the usual Interest rata; confidential 323 Falling blcg. CASH ON CREDIT. EMPLOYERS- LOAN CX. 821 ABLNGTON BLDG. MONEY to loan on short time, in amall or larger amounts, on what you have; atrlct- ly private L;aii 0.10 i.uid o.r r.,t-uausn. W h, LOAN money on dlamonda and. jewelry at half the ratea charged by broken. Marx A Bloch. 74 Sd at. FOR the lowest and best rates on chattel security. Phone East 1172. A LOAN lor the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 DtKum bldg. - LOAN'S on dlamonda and other aecurltlea "r?ou Hall, room 8, Washington bide FINANCIAL. taeaey t. Loan chattel, itfd sslsn NEW COMPANY NEW METHODS. BALART LOANS CHATT8L LOANS. This company was organized by lead ing buslneaa men of thia city to LOA.n MONEY to working people and othera on their PLAIN NOTES, without endoraer or publicity; alao cn furniture, pianoa. horaca cattle, storage recelpta and autoa at rates honeat people can afford to pay. QUICK LOANS ANY AMOUNT. ft .40 Weekly Pays a $ lO LOAN. $ .85 Weekly Paya a $ 25 LOAN. $1.40 Weekly Paya a $ 50 LOAN. $1.50 Weekly Paya a $ 7. LOAN. $2.20 Weekly Paya a $100 LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODA1. Rebate Given If Paid Before Due PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 206-7 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 6th Sts.. on as h st. Open lion, and Sat. Evenings till 9 P. , P81TATB PARTY LOANS . $10 to $100 n furnltur., pianoa, goods In storage, flx turea automobiiea, machinery, horaea and truck, without removal, bank booka. ete to husband or wife quickly at lowest rates. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Private offices: when In need you will make a saving by getting our terms first. Call. Writ, or Phon. Main 4617. 3 L B Y COMPANY. Irving W. Rosenthal. Manager. 4 820 Lumber Exchange Bldg.. Second and Stark Sis. MONEY loaned on dlamonda and iewB'" atrlctly confidential. 141 3d, near A'der. MONEY sold on installment, confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. Loana WantecL PKIVATE PARTY HAS 200O TO OS EAST OR WEST BlUfc Cm PROP ERTY. WOULD LIKE ONE .MORTGAGE FOR ENTIRE AMOUNT, BLT J IU DI VIDE IF NECEriSARY NO EXPENfag TO BORROWER, -CEPT SMALL FEB FOR ATTORNEY. DESCRIBE PROPER TY NO TELEPHONE INFORMATION. AG 729, OREGONIAN. . CLIENT wishes to borrow 2300 on hla 10000 suburban liome. I wlUin to pay HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Mortgago Loan Department, cnamoer ot --m.ii WANTED $7O0O for 8 years on undivided half interest in block do- In on Jt side; worth r0.000; will pay 8 per cent. M 724. Oregonlan. . WANTED I want to borrow $3500 for 3 year-. 7 per cent, real estate urlty; prefer private party. Address AV 64-. I WANT to borrow $2000 on my bearing- or chard, worth $800v, 3 years, S per cent. WANTED $1600 on good timbered land from private party; value actually $t)iMX. AS 72o. Oreuonlan. WANT $5o00, S years, 8 per cent; iecur lty, well Improved suburban property. A. 711, Oregoiiian. WANT 7&QQ from private party on farm worth $40,000; will pay 8 per oent and ex pense. X 73i, Oregonlan. MUNEi' WANTED Applications on hand ior desirable loans, nortgages or sale. Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. b07 Wilcox bldg. PEBSONAjj. THE Columbia Medical and Surgical Insti tute is now nicely located at the corner or Sixth and Yamhill street, next to the Portland Hotel, and is well prepared to treat and cure diseases of men, women and children. This Institution was estab lished In Portland five years ago, where, during these years. Its marvelous success In curing tnousands of persons of disease has caused it to stand tbe peer of any like institution in the West We also mak 9 a specialty to treat and cure ths following formidable diseases, which by our Jong experience and large practice enables us to successfully treat: Oirlght'S disease, diabetes, dropsy, rheumaium, locomotor ataxia, paralysis, epilepsy. Hemorrhoids, tumors, ulcers, specilio and skin diseases. t ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for men and women. We have an electrical office that cannot be duplicated on the pacific Coast; , X-Rays, Statics, X-Xtay Coils, Galvanic. Faradic and Sinusoidal Batteries; nigh fre quencies currents; llgnts from the smallest to the most powerful; baths of every de scription. We use massage, manipulations .nd adjustments with vibration. Over 60oO patients and not a death while under our treatment. Wo do not use medicines and never operate. Our offices are always open for inspection. We have cured hun dreds of people that others have given up. If you are not satisfied, cail or writs us. We occupy the entire north hair of the third floor of the Rothchlld bid. Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. in . . T-i U L' U O A"TT Di RITit Mrs. Dr. WneatJey Howe, Indian herbal baths cure obesity, gout, rheumatism, par alysis, olood poison, skin diseases, all disease-; graduate doctor in attendance. H'6'i K. Ota N., near Pre4coU. Phone Woodlawn ADDRESS wanted That of Bert Webb, formerly of Portland,, believed to nave been on the fire department there 10 years or more ago; also the address of his sister Mary ; any lnfornxaUon will be thankfully received by their brother, Neal W ebb, Jefferson. Iowa, MILLINERY school said makeover shop. Learn in six weeks. New ciaas starting now. Get ready for positions and loca tions. Also remodel last year's stuck hats for milliners very reasonable. If you want to sell your business call or write 806 Goodnough bldg., opposite Pos to trice. .V.DiSH XRATNED NUKgE Helsingiors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach aliments, under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East A-tkeny carline. Phone East 200. B lbv3. DH. ALICE A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and children, has removed to Lafayette bldg.. Wash ing toil at. NATUROPATHIC treatment. I cure nervous and chronlo diseases without the use of drugs or appliances of any kind. Dr. Catherine C. Gates, 3u7 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 8143, V to 12 A. 1 to 0 P. -d. Sundays by appointment. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse; long experience, best references; treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; massages and baths. 34 WUliuns ave., near Weldl-r su, U car. Phone East 3d08, C 03. Open Sundays. ME A O. tablets, - marvelous cure for nervous debility and weakness from any cause; pr.ee $1. Druggists or mail. Ev ery box guaranteed. ir. Pierce Remedy Co., -4o Alorriflon St. MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 212 Allsky bldg., 8d and Morrison sta HEIRS wanted at onoe. 50,000 estates seek ing claimants. You may be one. Facts In booklet 635. Send stamp. lnternaUonJ Claim Agency, Pittsburg, Pa. "GYM" PREVENTS MEN'S AILMENTS. HARMLira preparation; sent prepaid on receipt of GO cents. Address. "G-M," P. O. Box 621, Portland. 1,a DiKa Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills, the woman's medicine; price 2 box. Drug gists or mail. Every box guaranteed. Dr. pierce Remedy Co., 245 Morrison st. DRESS SUITS for rent, $1-50 month; keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed -m, rUs repaired, prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3(jy tt tar k. DR. W ALKEli specialist ror men, quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consuitauoi. tree. 181 1st Portland. RHEUMO-A positive cure for rheumatism; price $1; every bottie guaranteed. Dr. Pierce Remedy Co., .45a .Morrison st. LO REN Z NERVE TONIC TABLETS restore lost vitality, Z5o box; 6 boxes XL-5. Stipe Taylor klSS RAGNHILD JACOHSEN, Scandinavian trained masseuse, phone Marshall U4, tt4 JonnBon st. DR. KETCH CM treats women's maladies, also chronic diseases. Washington bldg.. Cor. 4th and Washington. Main 8474. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, iXtc; curls and puxts, 70c. San- ltary Beauty Manors, ivo uenum bldg. JUSS PERRY, from the East, graduate masseuse, at 3u Holladay ave.- treats rheumatism and all nervous trouoles. MISS MASON, scalp and face treatments. iiia Morrison st. iTs GEORGE, of Chicago; scalp treat- meDts. s4o yi aiuqi . twin. a, umu i.oor. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. P. Hill. 429 gliedner bldg. Main 8473. i-ixa healthy baby boy to be given away fnr adoption. 514 Northrop st. xilsS LEWIS treats ba-dness and diseased scalp. 4jo Stark st. Phone Main 353t. MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp treat m e n t. shampooing. 14 Swetland bldg. ume COURT RIGHT, feature and skin spe cialist, 26Q -0th st, N. Phone Main 5042: d 1 1 u OF FIGS Remedies for diseas&a of I 6 via W iiaia fi.lW PE RSON AX- HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. B00 PURE CUT HAIR SWITCHES. $12 84-lnch switches 4-f $0 2o-inch switches Hair dressing - Face masoage .........---- 3 fchampoo Manicuring. 25c; 5 for 12 scalp tr atments ;.:.,. ' SuperfluoLB hair removed by electricity, guaranteed not to return. $4. $3 and $6 PUFFS only 91.48. Cut hair in any shade; switches, an length. Prices naif. Sanitary Parlors, 4W-412 Dekum bldg-. 3d and Washington, DR. A A AUSPLUND, Dlceases of women and surgery. Exam ination free; 802 Merchants Trust bld, eth and Washington. Phone Main 4047. ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatism and nervousness, suite 12. 841 Vs Morrison st. BUSLNESS DIRECTORY. A ccountan t tt Expert and Certified. EXPERIENCED all lines; books opened, closed, written up. financial state menu: private instruction; service anywhere, permanent or temporary bookkeepers 111:. pea. au- QBciimm mm.. -ms--, ACtUU.Ma auaiieu, yaies-i a.-i.-.-, -come statements complied by certified V couctant. A. F. Dieter. East 8653. Analytical Chemist. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO.. analytloai chemists, examiners of chemicals, drugs, foods, etc Assay er and Analyst. Weils proebstel, mining engineers, ohem- isrs ana a-a) era. .ui a nwiiuiavM. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 136 Morrison st. Attorneys. A E. COuPKH, attorney-at-law. General practice, abstracts examined. Removed te tO AlatS 1BUII UlUg. M. H. C. KORNEGAY. corporation. commeroiaL real estate law, and collections. i22 Yeea. Ifrabs und .Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 10(1 N. 5th. Main 2.0a. Chiropractic Physician. DR. 7 ICKNER, Columbia bldg.. next Sta Theater. A d. Main 0r87; rea. B 3a?e. ChlropodUt. WILLIAM. Kstelle and Flossie "WtrV only scientific chiropodists in the caty. Parloro 302 Grlinser bldg- 3. W. cor. :d and Aider, pnone main itwi. DR. MARGUERITE CRAWFORD graduate chiropodist, pedicurist. manicurist, c'V and face specialist; superfluous hair per manentlyremoved. 5l4aCjimfj CHIROPODY and pedicuring. r". M. D Hill, ofricos 42 -Fiiedner bids. Main 347J. Coal and Wood. COAL ALBINA FUEL CO.BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. W OOP. . .NATIONAL FUEL CO., coal ood" Marshall 0G0. A 354 o. SS Water sx, - Contractors. T. U BUCKNER contractor, jobbingof flce and store setting. 8 N. 8th, st. (arpenters and Builders. STORE fronts and remodeling fc"1! made a specialty. M. Foulks. Main 84i). DancLn HEATH'S SCHOOLLessons 25c, fancy stage and social dancing taught dany. walta and two step an.efedf2ixlt4 bi sons. Class Monday eve. 109 2d St., oe tween Waahincton ana - PROF. WAL WILLSON-S SCHOOL, lesjon. "5c- waltz, two-stop or three-step a"-". tie3 in first lson or 1$ stage dancing taught aulckly. 8S6H Wash, it., Dei. vv. r " . PROF. FORD'S School ot Dancing. 37th and HawthOTM ave. Classes Tuesday and Thursday evenings at S. Pj'vto le"011 by Appointment. .i&uvi PK1VA1E school of aancln.. Lesson, by appointment. 289 14th.Phono Main 8S93. Engines Can and Bteam. glnes. 281-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone K 010. leed Store. & M1SNEK hay. fain. ted.g;- Ladl e' Tailortir BchooL Room 309 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder, Irgpdscape Gardener. Sellwood lloi. Leather and Flndlnga. jT A STROWHRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es- tablishea isjo. aov MusicaL euw i.4ii - t-i siir atudlo iitf Hth South. Mala S333. tor practloln.. ' Osteonathlo Physicians. l-rL T-ltiaunnor ot aio ax xxm . 112 belling Pius- . r w Kort'nrup. -415-10-1T Dekum bid. Pr- jSivoSJ ano:' Chronlo Diseasoa Phone Ottlc. M. 3".- t-"t ar 102' Paints. Qua ana COAST-MADE paint and varnish H b;' adaited to tne Coaat climate. BAaS f.HWS?., p.ivt CO.. 191 (Second St. MCl. J.CJfc - ..... - . s& Patent Attorneys. PATENTS obtained, ti-ademarks and oopy rlihtli registered, all countries. Booltlet trie PTK iiAVJiKUN. 8a Woroeatw oiub. . -KSTS nrocured by J. K. Moclc. attornsy PA J late T o U S. Pateut Olllce. Bow at-law, late ol u. o- j. Trad, bidx. was. let fiee. iiw tug ETTa-ND FOglMGNVI- procure a. 09 Chamber ot Commerce Hiag. "T u p i r; h T domestic and foreign pat S?ement case, ou-s Dekum bldK. Pawnbrokers r-i v MTESS' Collateral Bank; 40 year T Portend. Tl 6th at. Phon. Main glO, Paving. S?-i I'lpo. fiPB and IltUnsa. n.lne.ra- and .taaaa Ues- M. 1 KLINH. . C4:x,!j?1'nm gufea. ; xxr.Ri rR 6AFB CO., 10S Sd at- Sale. Tijf factoryE secoAd-hand safes. Second-Hand Goods. TaSf ' seUco1idanToSing: K- Marshall 2354. - i ih hlahest prices for second-hand wfj,ifi?mr ' Malp 7908- 6ao sah es. UMk and Snow fixtures. . ura, CO.. branch Grand Bap- TiiB hVXh?.. Too" th and Hoyt. K. l-utkai Ida enuwv- manager. - zz bTRnALL. 208 Hamilton bids. Show cases mDS.fock; prompt delivery. tUlM M- Winter Lumper Co. T. . usuiLl, MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new JSV'od-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. storage Battery. T.TVB agents tor the celebrated ED E?OM NEW STORAGE BATTERY. . Eieo Vehicle Company. 1508 leon bldg. titorag. and ATanmer. r. PICK. Transfer A Storage Co.. of lice, -nd commodious 4-story brick warehouse, f.rat. iron rooms and fireproof vault. il? valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pin. staz .IJni and furnltur. moved and packed r.hlnng: special rates made on good, fn our fh??uga car. to all domesUo and ;"n PQlntS. Main E96. A 1996. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storaga. safes. . and furniture moved and packed fos'lpment. 67-1.9 Front .U Tel.phon. 1M!iln R47 or A 224i. nREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agenta Office. storage 474 Glisan .U cor 13th and GUsan. Phonea Main 69. A 11Q9. TVDOWiitora. rr to $GS will buy a REBUILT TYPE ''white? rebuilt as good as new; all ikea to choose from at GUI's. 8d and Alder; terma to ault; every machine guar irteed. Call or phon. for representative. buui nr A 6068. ta-k axe the exchange or the largest typa wVlter concern on thla Coast: inveatlgat.; Ju makea. all pricea. The Typewriter Ex- hance. witi .. ... r.Dullt. aecond-hand rentals, at cut " F D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. 3?. 1407. Violin Makers. X :.rnr Violin maker, expert repairing. Room si 2 Allsky bid.. 205 Morrison cor 3d. Well Drilling. TiRlT I IKS wells. Phone Mala 1348 or writs XJT-fc 1SS MorxUoa at. i