TIIE MORNING OHEGONTAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13. 1912. 1 X W . 1 ' ' " " ' f " f ttlvrrn-RFAt ESTATE. I FOR tX HELP H ANTFO-FCMAU. SITUATIONS WANTED MALg I FOB KENT. : REAL TATB. I WANTEP-RKAI, 'U I ,. Fnrnlsto-d Room. Boom With Board In Private Family. FA I M . PAW MILL Fl.Ot'R MILL I for sa:e la the txt 60 daya tna following; 17 tcrM of land, well fenced. grxA new 7-r'-rn cotrae. two tarn, lo:s of out buiidiuss. 2-'.-jo capacity He am paw mill and paninj ro'll la .No. 1 condition; a ' -barreif uii ro.ier process flour mlil In N 1 running order and rrsun s good f!ur any tntil in the galley; surveyed water cower r 54-foot fall t the mill, and aiout SlW-o worth of development work dcr on It. This powr aione is wort II a great deal mora than 1 a for t: e hu. property; icru of creit bo:om land couivl b tiut In cultivation at 1 : 1 1 epr- aoout 70 ara In grass, bal ance saw timber. AM kinds of saw Umber ran be wcurtd up the rivr. A fine rail r. ad tie propojlr: n. Property lls on mm east tank of South San t lam River. 34; mii-i above Waterloo. 9 miles up the river fm Lebanon. Daily rural rr.a'.L tele i hone. -rool mll and a naif. I will take J.-; -iufv iMu, tirue on balance at 6 rer cent. You fo!k that are looking for eome thtrr iM. rt buv. ee Mr. Csmp, GhfcvlOKY INVrPTMKNT CO.. 41 Corbett hidif. IK3XT WAIT 5 YEARS. RUT CALIFORNIA FULL-LEARING ORCHARDS. MNFY BACK IF N T SATISFIED. S.h'.oj Cin and $3u.' p.-r month bnye five icr-i with fu.l brarlng fruit tra In the f imoui Unwell orchards at Chl co. California. I'ymrnti Include Inter est ana txes. Your money hark !f not u1ld upon inv::ir.ition. The Ridwe;; (rrharvli ar th- mot DfH and p-o-dui-t:e In the wonderful Sacramento al y of Ca: 'f -.mi. It a our tos.l'l'nrf in tr.s land th tt pro-np'tJ thj generous offer. Vt p-r;e, prune. almonds, apri cot and Hartlett par. Rujera railroad f.ir-iJL not e'.-eJing wi.l be cred ited on urrftiie prtr. !-" M'"in the ti-rlVnrc loan of Chtco 14. toy pop. K-fTnrtf: Any hat of Chlco. Am.-ri-rn Nut.or.a! lur.k of Sab Francisco and First Na::or..'I Rank "f San l.e.ndro. -nd fwr va.ua b.e information and fcta Bldwel Orchard. Inc., ChIco.Ca!. yit s. I.E acr-i. 1 nt;e from !.'-tte- in,.-. fm h-e atth m.-Jern li-pruiVn.-'r.-j, turn. ..irr tr(n. nearly t'I crarod; b---jt.ful l-ati.-n; adjuns l.nwueriale Orrhard. $I'i.i. ha;t ra-n. A. Or-ir.trer. -" Fit R SAl.t: 40-arre " rcson f ni l ra.u h w::h ini pro erne iit a. in it-ti J- It Ivor i -ly. Cail or ante Jo H. L.e. 171 Mc-l-)U(i) avf., Eere:t. Waeiv. ItAN' H a.fea. with buil-l'njs. 15 luiie from I'ortlu.J. near electnr li e: tart;a.n for :i cif.i. by wn-r. 1J Horrita riII"KEN ran h of ft a-r-: d-I with r nr. wlrl..w In ly. B12 Kt uni'- Mlcellaoeoua. jy1lAXUIiOAl! now build In c to Kufna or For full partlc'iiare and Kuijene real etate. write uA M-Mn MUler. r-al eft tele. Euitene. Oi. Ktabllihed 1J- to rrnNr.F- ;...! a.r.a M-.ro Und. $12.: p-r aie. r:er. to lruti- f- r h juo, ovd rooruln ltiu or eroc-ry ;.r-. 4 arrea. joiim city Itmlts of McMmn vi! nar tiio to:i"--'. n how. -i' i--ree In frui;; S'.-..W ul trade lor city prop erty, thle I a n.ip. .-r-ru b-iuso f.r roomlns-noue. !:, f r d clir, in goa email ton lr. Or--in, fr anything of Taluo; w.:i tx I" f'r fliaraon-'a 1. C. liKEH C.. 61T Poar-i of Trade. CASH and e-iu.ty In nice .'" cottar- oflvred tn e. n in Xr a od Income proper-y wortn t7.'.OU. Client ffT.-re $- caeh. a lot free e-f Incumbrance and a :.'" 'Hui'T In a life i"!mont lot; wante the abovtt to app-r a Rr!it pay men t on a thoroughly iTio-im e)-r-ont b"u nr care, la th ;oa Cltv rk ditr!ct. icealty Exhjrjre Pep!. HAKTMAN THiMFsON. Chamber of Cuinmrck " H M'SGWATl! t. Owner wlil turn In hi cqultv of fl0 in two fuil lote at Fuiton Park, only '2 Mock frm eta'ton of tut oreron Electric and T5 foet fr-m the Furth-t. line, hlch la to be lctri:led thie Sprlnit. aa firat payaier.t toward houte an.l lot in .'e-'.rable location. Will so aa hlch aa Price of UK $17". For further Particulars call on Keaity Pept. of C. F Ifluner A "o.. euit.- ;2 and 14. Mu'key t-' cor. 5d ar.d N!orT.!on. t Tit Lk. Fin 0-cr tract, near Oreeham. to trade for trvincton or I.aurelhurat home, of 7 or R roome. must be modern; ttua land llee aout mlie from electric hne on th auiomoMIe nd. Uee lerel. ar.d Is all In cultivation ex'.-t ; 4 acr-a. which haa a b-auilful rn- f tree on; prlc Is leaa than nurrounJinc land; no padded rrire allowed for house; wlil pay .ash d'f?-rnr. If any. 3l Commercial vrk. -d and Washington. LOTS FOR MOr.TOACB I will trade some tots for i1 first -rUu mortrface or will take snail iort : aa f.rst pa) meat on nou ana lot. H 1J. Oregon laa. FOR P LE owier. 4 -room o'd h ousel, la fru:t tree. &ixl0l lot. l..-f.ot block to car. w.ilk:n distance, at i isauuri ave. ; price ft I vj; term. Phone Main -'7l or see owner at 64 Jefferson t. between 7 and S o'clo.-k. HAVE (MO acr. . joining- munty -at. Grant County. Washington; wish to exchange for c.uM la residence. T- W. LAMPrRT. 56 3d St.. city. 5AND 10-aere tracts or larger, a; I cleared and all within a mile of or. Electric ela tion fine soil; will soli on eaay terms to settlor or will exchange f-r Portland pm-verty. E M orris. 3 Henry bldg. MORTOAOE TRAPF. a change a aood mortmr fT vainit or I rr proven pr-'peny ia or ..7 j". V 711. I'reyonian. Wli.I. trade r.i .quity in mo.!ern Sy retldeti e f-T pnrt ciah. b ;ince good auto or o'her pr.tperty. I hone B 114. Call bZ. --h. MODERN g-room houn w'.th 'ep!ng porch an i ll-ep! ce; good i! 1st r let. ciose to car; wi. rii-ni; for ntuiir house. AH Til, t'rvr'i'.un. il-.V "KK rnch. n-jr Mt. Ang-1. and S- J0 ch. f r tffwM saloon c ose in. S e Kcich nm. 117 Hoard of Tra-.e. HaVK motlern bunf.il'i. I want farm l.tnd or iiins-r i nv ncr East 1741. FOU MI.E TIMHFB I.A VI. WE h tvf approatniaitW three hundred mil lion fet of t:ntK.-r. d near railroad. accsalt.U mill pr-tpotlun . attractive t r i .-. Aft 7 '' .;. rc troi'lan . " T I ! J'ER LANDS BOCiHT ANO M)LD C J. MVRAi'KITN. W McKay Pl!. 1TXTFI TO KKN'T FARM. tt A NTr.D T rr.t -.'.-a' re ranch; rnut bft f.-r g-irden aTid rhKkfin near Port Tsnd S. 71'X Crv-nlan. FARMS n XTEn. ANTKl' T rnt m joui 1J a- ra potato Lt-nd for Ave t.i: or niore. V 73. Cre- WATi:l-RKL ESTATE. CT.IFNT warts 2 t 40 a rs, l ae to sta tion and go.-d town within r.o mMre of Portland. Must ha e . rek running thr-uta and fair budding; price not to rred $rj-0 GuL'PAUO A W1EIRI'K. 1 Stark :rrct. WHAT HAVE ut" !n IV or lo-.-re t: :. c'se In. f-r c-nh " Wa have b iy-r th.it IS anxious to get ftettied. e esv;t xc.uaive con t -.ict. N. .KTH 0"AT Cl't-ON'ri T!lX CO . pi: -t '.'.n ". 4- "(,::nter "f Com. Cl.:rNT warts to bur modern house of 7 rocms. r.ot eiT 7i-,0. or good vacant i-t. La Uo.ils'nuri or King s -d Audi- t oa. COMnn A W'TEDRICK, '2 4 J S:ark Stn.et. W a NT t b-.iv on or two bti!nea lo;a. Prion or W i;::aiu ave.. no fancy prices o-ii,lertd . sa: loca'.lon. prua. irrms ar.d :u i pgr.. cu. are. no a gen 14. Address 1' O. t-ox S.m;, f-ortland. or. VVANTr.' I-ot or house and lot rM In, centra! hlt Sule. tor vhuh will gle new nnvlTo buncslow on M irguer 'c. n.ur rarllt f. at I.''- and assume d.ferenc. 4 1 N K.ulw jy Exchange. Marshall -7...1. W A N T rll A email eut-dt vision or bunch of creep lott to se.l on easy ttrmi Am now open for somvtn lr g g u d. T H I'lilLLIPS CO, I'hnr.e Mar. 4l3i 4"3-44 alcKav FldC. IUENT wants J or 2 acre, within nil.e ft station on Oregon E.ectixc and nonh of Oak 1 1 rove. OLDAlD WIEORICK. Stark btreet CI1FNT wants lot or residence st of ZZi and non - of Washington. GuDDARP WIEORICK. Stark Strerl C 1-1 EN T w ant a email chlken ran,-h close to station, has $-v0 c&s.i to apply. GODDARH A W IKl'KK K. 2S stark y.net. Wit. I, pay rash for eu'ty io one or two lots bt n Tf:h and ith. near car. R-e 'irv P-k X 717. CTsrIen. WANT r;ce hoii or bungs. ow. on or cioee ti rarine; umall pa:nrit down, balance snoiubiy. X . OregooiaJU I i WE CAN CELL TOUR PLATTED OB UNPLATTEU JKOPtKTr. If you own any platted real estate or real estate that can be platted, which you cannot aeiL write to us and we wiil subm.t a plan to you. without coat er obrgatlon. upon which WE CAN SELL IT. This plan will be MORE PROFIT ABLE to yo than any other know a tr.et'iod. Our fiumerous refereneee will testify to this All correspondence prumptly answered. m GLOBE REAL ESTATE PALES CO. " MaJeetlO BI4ff alUwaukee, W la. I HAVE gVovO.OO cash to InTest In gen uine aacnilce price, income Portland pro perty, deal only with owners, no oom mil lions palu by either party. In answering; give 'oailon of property, price and terms. Anrthing else not considered, aa I ajii too busy to bother with uncertainties. I may Invest In a number of grnall properties or all In one. I am a private Investor with no conaecttoua whatever with any ri eetate concern. M'.ght consider Cheap timber. and. AJ 714. Oregonian. WANTED. PLATTIN'i PROPOPITION. Hare the rain: prefer something roacy to put on mar'set; acreage or bunch or lot that wli; sell; must be snap: give ex act location or don't answer; ready to w hulns tf you can show good value. AD 7'S. Oregon tan. . I HAVE a lot in Denver. Col., paved street, . swer and streetcar. Have also two autos and can only use one. Will ell or trade for something 1 can use.' T. it. PHILLIPS CO, fri3-404 McKay Bldg. phone Mar. 41. FOR HAt.K. rhlclfs. FtC JLST arrived with a lreh cir;..al of Wil lamette VaMev mares and grldinge. ago 5 to everything sold with our guaranty to be as represented or money refunded. These hors-s w-tSh frm 11'0 to ItiO l". m:d are all we;i broken to all harne.ia. Several w -:i-niated teams, also several n.area la foal: we have htad to pick from, so 1 think you can get what you want at our iaile: price iO up. Rose ':v Stab!-. "IO Alder. bI.E 1 : " team and harneea. f and 1 em old. wright 2.00 lbs., work slncle or double aud i-u:iJ. $10 team mar-a, cara old. w eight lOOD lba ; mare and horse, weight 2:t'0 lbs. Will seil separate. I9t Water st. Foi: SAIJ ln'head of ;jod horses, weighf iKu to 1 4uO rounds. 4 farm wsgona, 1 top ai.-on, a buggies, o sets of harness; must ee.I at once, owner going liaau Call ?!H K. tfh st., tent on com-r A BAKU A IN; flfti bus team, mare and horse; ..ov ' r-S. ; nnrncii ana (arm w a- s m: also $.i buys -inch wagon. va o.d: ck. coiner 07 th aud ud ave., P. Lnmard. uK ttlrib Hrae and wagoua. by tae day. week or month; eclal ratee to bcalness houaee. Portland Stablea, 1Mb and touc eta Phone Vain lJ. A 1120. J I S T arrival!, a carload Eastern Oregon horsee. from lb, each to 17w li-a.; all sold under guarantee (.r a. trljil glen. O. H. H-caitty No. .1 E. "th St.. Montavllla. W ANTED Horse, waaron. harne: wilt buy errate. 314 Gcrlinger. Phone Mam all '--T seil al onte. g od farm team. 2"l5 5th St.. S. fc. End of Hawthorne ave. cr. Wa'k 1 block west and 2 eouth. bTAl.l-S for rent. In.juirw Herrlcke gro cer, zwt- jcn-rson si. . ku-if .imr burse. 1 -" lbs,; liltl le pave- mrnt Sore. f, .:ra- i. WNTEI Oood farm waon with top. Ad dress Z2 Aspn st . Willamette Heights. TEAM of mules. gor condition. 7 and 10 jeers oiu. a iv vhiw'- ViaooeT Organs and Musical Inetraments. Kl KTZMAN piano; handsome mission cae with ismps. nn "iiumwu. - f., 3i0 cash. Owner. AJ 7H. Orego nian. NEW Kurixman clrcas;n walnut upright; SU eqnu i" trig i-..isi- t "wii" HCOND-HANI piano for sale, reasonable; In good conciiion. m.. . w lawn 2P.3. CHAPEL organ for sale; quarter-sawed oak case. -fj. in..in,uiwi Hi; H-GU A LE upright plat, ob. will seil ;. Everett st. cheap; terms or HICH -GRADE upright p;a:io cheap. ,r.i si. mm ii i j i . n ' -. Hli"'H'GKAE piano; iravtng city; will sac rifice for f-'-'.V Call Main PSt. Automobllee. WE are exclusive dealer of sllght)y-tred automobiles. ri er 73 cars to eeiect from. Every car cuaranterd. Oregon Auto s7x crLange, 21st and Washington sta. 1 PI A CADI T.LAC. J ost m-erh auled and re palnted. This car le fully equipped and is as good as new. Big snap, only $.s. Ore gon Auto Exchange, 21st and Washington streets. Al'TOSI 'HI I.E tires Tlrea from & dollars up Slightly used auto eundrlea cheap. Tubes vulcanised -5c. up. Auto Supply Co. u:n Main streeu Phones A 7078.Mar- shiti 3''a.i. SMITH is now located at -n3 Madison street with his eilghtly-uacd tires, from S3 to $1$ each ACT"loR!l,E at a bargain; consider real -:ate ior pan. " bldg. NEW garage Just cmpl-ted. Live and d-ad itnraie. Speedwell Slotor Co.. 2, 31. S3. So J4fh st . cor. Couch. "WANTED Auto truck. 1 - tn or larger, to oierate on shares. AH 71 M. fr-gonlan. MltcHlaneitu. MY CLEARANCE PALE on men s psnts; $4 trousers at $525; $5 trou-ers at $;: $! trousers. 1175. Re member, my rmt is 3u a month. If I paid H on the ground floor such val ues ss these would he impossible. . JIM M T DI'NN. Rrom 15. Qifgonian b'dg. Tnke elevator. iiAsVange with hot heater In. Ficvtrtc . Heater. Fie. trie fan. St. .1 range. t'ook to. smnl', ana some bedroom furrf.ure. 112 Morris. I'hone East 1 iotf. LAK'.E oriental rug for sale at sacrifice; l:e 1S13 feet; fine rug. In good condition- can be eem on Friday or Satur day niornli.gs at T3 Barker Apartments. 11 st and Irving sts. Cash consideration only. O.NK I4.i; embosainc press, one Hostoa stitcher, one s;:igle panchlng machine, one tinwr'i folding ma. hir.e. three hansers, tw o pui:-'- :nd sli ift.ng. yii1 k Print l o.. 4 Morri.-on. phone A TH NORTHWEST TVl'E WRITER CO. IS NOW LOCATED AT 2W HARK fcTKEET. Rebuilt typewriters of all makes; prices) lowest In the city. Vain CV--. A 147 SAFES Q. nulne Hall saf. s. new end eecond hand low prices, easv tvrnas. Sales opened and repaired. Pur.-el Safe Co and Port land Safe Co.. VI 6th St. Ms'n SLIGHTLY-used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing sca. etc.. bought and sold The Faclrtr Stores Service Co., lUiJ Stark st. Maln7711. FIVE extra goo1 dairy cows, mostly fresh, with 140 gvod monthly route. 7o Har old ave. fell wood car. S-!lwood 1171. 59iXrtSHARES? of Nations! Copper 5c and e hares Ca 'unr t Buna Vista, 5c In Seven Devi. phone C i:.vi. A Ll'NCH counter restaurant outfit for sale cheap. Apply 112 I nion ave.. or phone East 1S0. ANNUAL PALE of ur redeemed pledges st L'ncls Myers . 71 6tn st.. near Oak. 40 years In Portland. -Toy Ice-making quipment. complete. City Market. Ice A Cold Storage Company. IJO East Washington. ilEDU M s;se sufe, ehowesses. filing c six-drawer Natl cash register. A. cir 6th and oaa. 2d floor. FOR PALE Automatic card-printing press, cablret, tvpe. etc.. complete. In first-class condition, new. Answer AF 714. Oregonian. FRESH dairy end family cow for sale. a xuile east oX Lees, Foster road. A, Ueaa. REGAL. 5-pa!sengr aulo. nickel trlm im ng sreedornter. new tires, for 6i0; a bargmrt. t all 421 Hamlltonbldg. W I l.lx change 10 acres, value tloo. free and clear, for runabout. 1-0 Union ave. E. 321 on men's high-grade euits. raincoats and overcoats. Instead of a few at this time of the year. I find myself with hundreds. In order to clean up my 27.60 to 10 values, marked 13.73. are cut to J1.V75; $'ZM to S25 valuea. marked 414.75. out to $11 75. My $ K) a mouth rent plays a big part In my clearance saia. Take the ele vator for real bargains. JIMMY DC NX. . Room 815, Oregonian bidr VISIBLE typewriter for rent at $3 a month. AC 710. Oregonian. WANTED MlgCTa.LAyEOrS. WE BUT CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest prlr paid for mens and ladies' caat-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic logging. Call Alain 20 SO. 2W 1st iu The Globe. t IF you want to sell your junk, tools or Job lots. Just call the Capital Junk Co. Mar shall &d9. 67-qtf N. 1st st. U'E pay the highest cash price for eecond- nana iurnuure. - -East C134. &4S Hawthorne ave. BARGE R' 3 AUCTION HOUSE To ir viarrlaon. Phone E. 1032. fas highest cash price for furniture. HIGHEST pricee paid for ladles' and gents cast-off clothing. We respond promptly. Marshall 3:45. WANTED Second-hand bench for garage, with vis and small assortment toos. AL 716. Oregon. an. . FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind or furniture. Main bUSl. A 244o. WE tint rooms, up; do painting at reasonable prices. rnone iCuND-HAND restaurant range wanted. 1 nq u 1 re ;;i'3 Hawthorne ave. SPLENDID location for physician in new seaport townslte. AN 73. Oregonian. HFLP WANTED-MALE. INCIDENT. yann Toting man, stranger, out of work (130 his total casti asset; If I pay you $5 for special employment membership 1 will huve only 115 left between me and star vation Secretary If you pay SS for special era- ?loyment membership you will have tne . M. C A., with ii resources, bstween you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week had satisfactory em ployment. Record for Tear 1011: Calls for men Positions Dilsd .. .22SI lb3 Employment membership guarantees msmber will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives 2 months full membership prlvlU-ges. 10 months so cial privileges and undertakes to keep party employed during the full terra of membersiUp without further charge. We have constant demand for r,h" grade, experienced men. Are you fitted for a better position 7 See secretary employment department, T. M. C. A. ItJ.E-BODIED men wanted for the U. 8. Marine Corps, between the aes of ltt and 8r(. Must be native bom or have first papers. Monthly psy $1 5 to X. Addi tional rompenaatlon possible. Food, cloth ing, quarters and medical attendance free After 3 ye,arsr service can retire with 73 er cent of pay and allowance, service on oard ah Id and ashore in all parts of the wond. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps re cruiting office. Sd and Washington sta, or 13t od St.. Portland. Oregon. STOCK SALESMEN Men of ability, personality and good sp parance for a high-grade financial propo sition; a new. clean-cut Portland company that will show dividend esmlngs that will appeal to conservative investors. FRANK M. BROWN. Inc.. 1020 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED fnrL 8. Army, able-bodied, un married men. between as of 18 and 85, clttseas of United States, of g;ood char acter and temperate habits. who can sp-ak. read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit ing; officer. Worcester block. Third and Oak str?ets. Portland. Or. WANTED Gentleman of good appearance to handle loans exclusively: must be steady and reliable and capable to earn ing IJoo per month; no applcation ac cepted for lees than 4 months; office ex penses will not exceed 125 per month. Na tional Realty A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Com mere s bid g. WA N7ED A live salesman ; the man who can fit that description can make flO.OuO with me during 1912. Let's have a talk and you will say It is the best selling propostion you have ever seen. Call fore noons at the Fred A. Jacobs Company, and ask for Mr. Jones. WANTED A young man about IS years old with hrst-clasa references, who will ap preciate a good Job where there Is an ex client opportunity for advancement ; wages $10 per week to start.. AM 723, Or-gonian, TO UNO men wanted between age IS and it 3: railroad service; telegraphers, station agents, clerks; salaries $75 to $1KJ per month. No strike; positions guaranteed competent men. Address N" 217, Ore gonian. Enclose stamp. WANTED An experienced fire Insurance man for office work: must understand the details and be accurate; state ex perience, references and salary. AO T-&, Orejronian. WANTED An experienced stock salesman with good credentials; company helps agent win success; good leads; perma nent position and promotion in the new company. Address R 702, Oregonian. TO ambitious, energetic salesman, we offer permanent Income position; advancement; experience not necessary. American Cen tral Life Insurance Co., 216 Railway Ex change. TOL'NG man to take equal partnership In business paying $ 150 per mo. ; mun In vest 150; no soliciting. Call Saturday A. M. Gayosa. Stark and Grand. Phone E. 64"5. Room 3t'. WANTED Teacher to tench two young men, day or nlKht time, the teacher must go to St. Johns. 527 Dawson sc. St. Johns, Or. SALESMEN earn 101 weekly selling our fine line of calendars and noveltus, good territory open. Racey Adv. Co., 1010 Main, Kansas City. Mo. R ESI DENT salesman, well acquainted with trade in Portland and vlctnty, wanted to curry popular-priced fur line, Charles Meshel, East 12th St.. New Tork. SALESMEN wanted to sell Vacuum Clean ers, such as Golden Rule, Golden Rod and Royal pattern. Hubert Mfg. Co., 400 Montlcelio ave..Chlcagx T'l- COLLECTOR and solicitor will provide au tomobile for conveyance: prefer one having experience with car. Box AR 716, Ore gonian. WANTED Man who Is able to sell private corporAtlon bonds; premium. J. H. Tip ton. llitS-10 Spalding bldg. EX PERI ENCED produce man ; one experi enced on this market; haudlfng veal. hots, eggs and f arrnproduca. Q 722, Oregonian. WANTED An ambitious jounir ' man who wishes to secure practical training In de tective work. 608-5O4 Swetland bldg. WANTED General merchandise salesman. Commercial Abstract Co.. 4U8 Commercial Club bliltf. m WA NTED Experienced marker and sorter. Palace Laundry Co., East 10th and Ever ett. WANTED Several live wirts; good money to convincing talkers. Appiy to 12, 418 ' Mob aw k bldg.. 3d and Morrison. PERMANENT income for salesman. Ask for Mr. Bryant. 1118 Teott bldg. WANTET Touns; man to solicit and de liver with wheel. AH 716. Oregonian. AG FN1 to sell photo coupons; soinetnlng new. B ston Studio. S42S Wash. W ANTED Plater snd polisher. Oregon PlftTlI g W (TK?, "nu Wl-irr, CoC-D electrician to figure work today. 811 312 Lewtsbldg PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents, new offer. Cnthh-rt Studio, Dekum b dg. BARBER apprentice wanted. 94 Front st. R A RFF.R wanted. 275 S Couch st. irF.I.P WANTED FBMALK. GIRL for general housework; no cooking; city references. o.o Davis, between 21st and 22i A Fl RST-CLASS waist draper, experienced waist finishers; also apprentice. Central b'dg.. 2 HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 846 S Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 26B2. WANTED Lady to represent Harper A Bros., on a special premium book offer. 21 Worcester bldg. GIRL wanted to sew - mattress ticks. 348 1st st- COMM'TEN'T nurse for care of children. Phone Fast 3l 341 East 12th N. GIRlr wanted for general housework. 760 B roadway. ' PANTRY girl. 30: first class hotel. Howe's Ladies Agsncy. 8B. 270V, ash. GIRL for" general hotutework. Phone B 1612 or apply 316 E. 2"dh. cor. Stephens. 4 LADIES for city work; can make $5 per day. 417 Fliers bldg. EXPFRIFN'fED girl for general housework. adults. 223 North. 21st SU WANTID TOCNO LADIES FOB TSLsV PHONE OPERATING. WITH OS WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELE QRATH CO EAST STB AND AN KENT STB, WANTED Several roans; Indies botwees the ages of 18 and 25 forpermanent posi tion. Apply the P. T. T. Co 8 Aids su, or 416 K. Ax ken y St. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED FOR COOKING AND GENERAL HOUSE WORK. SMALL FAMILY ADULTS, BEST OF WAGES. 670 HOYT ST NTED Experienced girl for kitchen work; must be good cook; small family; waxes $3 J. Apply to F. H. Page, 414 Ja.-kson st., Portland Heights. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCT. Washington bldg . 4th and Wash. sts. Main SS36 or A 8266. GOOD, reliable girl for general housework and cooking;. Call afternoon. 61 North- rup. WANTED Girl to assist with baby and second work. So4 Mellnda .avs.. head of Johnson and 25th st TRAVELER, salary and expenses. The Francis, room 15, corner W. Park and Morrison. EXPERIENCED girl, fnnilly cook, MO; also neat woman. housework, country. bt. Louis Agency. 253 S Alder. Main 2030. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 600 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Competent stenographer; none other need apply: salary $10 per week. Address AP 723. OregoniaiK EXPERIENCED girls for laboratory; no others need apply. Blumauer-Frank Drug Company, 8th and Everett sta HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. BOOK KEEPERS, cashiers. Dill clerks, etc ; I wlil israntee your qualifications to fill position in 30 days; private instruction by public accountant; position secured. J 430. Oregonian. WANTED Man or woman to run boarding house : water, llfrht and sleeping room furnished; rent $25 per month. Call at Central Hotel. St. John. Or. HELP WAVTXD -MJSCKLLANEOTJ8. MEN wanted, age It to 85. to prepare for firemen snd brakemen on nearby rail roads. $!0 to 8100 monthly. Experience unnecessary; no strike, promotion engi neers or conductor. 1150 to 2uo monthly; good life careers: state age: send stamp. Railway Association, box. Oregonian. MEN and" omen to learn the barber trade In eight weeks; special Inducements; per centage pjd while learning; tools free; expert Instructors; 17 years in the business- 87 schools; a lifetime membership f ;iven to each student. Moler Barber Col ege. 85 N. Fourth st.. Portland. Or. WANTED- Men at Los Angeles; can learn trade: fair wages after second month; automobiles, electricity, plumbing, brick laving; practical work on actual Jobs- 1200 students last 5 yearn; only few months re quired. United Trade School. Los Angeles. WANTED Railway mail clerks, customs clerks; Spring examinations In Portland; sample questions free. Franklin Instl- lute, dept. B4QL. Rochester. N.Y. r DO your storlee sell 7 Manuscripts crltl clred. markets suggested. Interview by appointment. Address Mandscript Editing V'tireau. 6Vitf Maegly-Tichner bldg. $33 WEEKLY acting on the stage; will teach good noveity act nnd start you lm- med lately. 65 North th. WANTED Picture piny writers; big pay, we'll teach you- Picture Play Associa tion. San Francisco. LEARN chiropody. Famous Dr. Wagner's Method taught by Harriet Marchant. 402 Cent bldg.. 10th and Alder. Main SM5. MAKE money writing short stories, or for fnpers; big pay: freo booklet tells how. nlted Press Syndicate. San Francisco. FISK TEACH EUd' ASSOCIATION. 610 Swetland bldg. LADIES to learn the business of the Sani tary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. PRIVATE7 business school, 810 Ch. of'Com., removed to 042 Hamilton bldg. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WRIT I NO. $5 mo. 1'tiO 14th st. Main 3Stf3. WANTED 1000 men: lBo haircutting. Ed. Dennlson's barber shop. 1 Morrison st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG married man, good habits, with years of experience In cigar business, would like position with some good firm, retail or wholesale; references. P 717, Oregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE uo books, prepare balances and state ments install eystems. Gillingham. au d i t or. 411 Lewis bid g. Marshall 7 IT. ASST. Bookkeeper, cashier or high-class office man of experience and ability. Ref erences Drst-class. u il't, oregonian. WINDOW trimmer, card writer, advertiser an d salesman. A L 720. Oregonian. Misrel lan eons. T. M- C. A. INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Second and Ash Sta Furnishes men for factories, mills, log ging camps, railroad construction, farm work, and all other classes of skilled and unskilled labor. Marshall 2271; A 7745. A square deal to employer and employe. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 215 Second, corner Salmon. Women's department, 245 Salmon. AH classes of unskilled, 'killed, professional and clerical, male and female help fur nished on short notice. No fee charged. Phone Main 3555; A 5624. COMPETENT, first -class nurseryman and florist, 14 years all-around experience. 28 years of nge, thoroughly acquainted with all the details of propagating and green houses, etc, wants position. AL 71i, Ore gonian. 1 YOUNG msrried man with small capital wants position with young growing firm In Portland, or to represent a business in small town near Portland. Address C 718, Oregonian. WANTED, by a young married man 30 years old position as traffic manager, shipping clerk or anything you may have to offer " that will lead to advancement; must have work at orice. Address AO 601. Oregonian. MARRIED man wants farm work, experi enced general farming, -eober and reliablo; no children ; state particulars In first let ter. Address P. O. Box No. 120. Troutdafe, Oregon. ' POSITION by reliable cook. last employed for about one year as chef in best hotel of city of 14.000; strictly sober; well reo ommended. Apply AK 724, Oregonlsn. FLOUR miller now needs position, experi enced manager of small plant ; use any kind of power; any offer considered. AJ 710, Oregonian. DRAUGHTSMAN, mechanical. 8 years' ex perience, wants start architect's office, AM V-4. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wishes a position, to go to night school; csn do housework; wage rot object. AT 727. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, typewriter; speedy, ac curate : wide experience; fine correspond ent ; able salesman.- Box 265, Salem. EASTERN couple want position. woman good cook, man handy at anything, city or country. AL 718. Oregonian. MAN and wife, thoroughly experienced, want position as Janitor In apartment house: references. Phone Z. P.. East 34. GO(D Japanese boy ?ants position in pri vate family as cook pr general housework. AR 7;0. Oregonian. DENTIST wants position: first-class work man, licensed, sober snd reliable: refer ences, experienced. AV 3. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook want a situa tion In hlfe-h-ciass family for good wages. Roy Isubot. 221 Ford st. CONTRACTS taken for cutting wood and ail kinds of Japanese help. Mala 6.021. Horn A 8U21. , 44 N. 8d St. YOUNG man willing to do any kind of work. Phone Main 31'6. WORK as Janitor; good referencea Gus Monson. tel. Main 41. A 4408. JAPANESE wants position, drug or saloon porter. W. M exu n ema, fr4 N. Eth. NOW Is the time to gn your carpenter work done cheap. Phone A 45."7J T. M. C. A. STUDENT wants work for room. board. AS 724, oregonian. WANTED Position as collector; will give WANTED Work of any kind by 2 married men; inside preferred. Main 7771, room 8. WANTED Position building and operating loBEing railway or managing company store on salary or commission; have had 0 years experience in both lines and can furnish references. AL 724. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Boo kkee De-r and Stenographers. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer with four years' experience dsir.- posi tion; can give best of city references. Main 2411. STENOGRAPHER with 6 years experience in general office work, desires position with reliable firm. Phone Marshall 852L GHtL Eight months experience, typewrit ing and general office work, wishes posi tion. Main 61140. WANTED Stenographic work or mailing statements for small concerns. AS 7d, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion. Phone Marshall 2428. Dressmakers. MLLE. DE BILLANT. 655 Washington. A 8140. Exclusive French designs In gowns, tailored suits, waists, etc Portland ref erences. DRESSMAKER recently from Philadelphia; first class; wants engagements, $3 a day. AJ 710. Oregonian. WANTED Sewing: children specialty; will call for work. 9J Alblna ave. PLAIN sewing done at home. Phone C 166. Housekeepers. MIDDLE-AGED lady desires to be house keeper for middle-aged people or for gen tleman ; no youngsters or invalids; good domestic ; salary. Main 49S4. a'pARTME N T -HO USE manager is open for un engagement; best of references. AM 722, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper or cook by woman with girl 3 years old; coun trv preferred. Hllis'lale, Or.. Box 18. A GOOD Hungarian housewife weeks posi tion cooks, bakes, washes and Irons. 34U N. 17th. Waves JS0. Irs. Mel star. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position as housekeeper, chambermaid or laundress. Phone East 871. EXPERIENCED housekeeper In roomlne; house or hotel, wanted by lady. Phone Main 8950, room 35. EXPERIENCED woman desires position as housekeeper in hotel or apartment house. Main 4tilT. WANTED By lady, as housekeeper for widower or bachelor. AH 7l oregonian. CAPABLE woman with girl 6, housekeep ing, cooking; good wages. St. Louis Agen cy. 2533 Alder. Main 2039. A 4775. YOUNO woman, practical nur?e, city refer eneeg, desires cages. Main 2039. A 4775. Domestics. HIGH SCHOOL girl wiaheg place In good home to assist in light housework for room and board and smalt wagea Ad dress. J 77B. Oregonian. SITUATION wanted, lady cook; experienced, good pastry cook. Phone Main bU50. room 85. 6TRONG, experienced young colored woman desire chamberwork. Main 20.TO. A 4775. WANTED Pofition. cook, helper or cham bermaid. East 1929. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT, reliable and trustworthy wo man wjuld like to superintend and take charge of an apartment-bouse; can give flrst-c.ass references. AF 719. Oregonian. SCOTCH woman wants Immediate position, housekeeping, clerical, coffee business; can manipulate typewriter. Miss M., 201 Cherry St. YOUNG woman desires position In grocery or wholesale house, thoroughly reliable; pood education: some experience; could be caehler. AM 721. Oregonian. WANTED A place with old people, where It Is quiet, or old lady. AP 725, Orego nian. POSITION by capable young woman In doc tor's office; city references. C 71B, Ore gon i an. EXPERIENCED woman cook, hotel, boarding-house. Institution; references. . Main 2t39. A 4775. WANTED A "position by first-class wait ress. Good reference. Out of town pre fer red. B40 Union ave. North. C 1758. WORKING girl will work mornings and evenings for room and board. A3 727, Oregonian, 3 GIRLS want general housework or day work. Call at 814 N. 17th. St. or phone A 1899. WOMAN wants laundry work or house cleaning. 536s Lake St. Phone Main C342. Maria Toporowelcz. EXPERIENCED woman with city references desires position as cook or housekeeper. East S 122. RELIABLE young German woman, good saving cook, wants place; East Side pre ferred. Y 766, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work, small family. East 2a57 between 1 and 4 P. M. VERY first-class woman, city references. family cook. Main 2039, A 47 1 5. WANTED By competent lady. mangle work In laundry. AH 717. Oregonian. WANTED A competent lady wishes posi tion as chambermaid. AJ 718, OreKonian. WANTED Ely graduate nurse, position In doctor's office. AC 716, Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper by woman with small child. 520 Indian ave. FIRST-CLASS pianist and singer wishes po sition after Tuesday. O 714, Oreconlan. NORWEGIAN woman. experienced cook, good baker. Address Elma. No. 455 20th N. GOOD, reliable girl wants housework; good cook, phone Woodiawn 481, S. Johnson. WANTED Washing and ironing by hour or day. 25c hour. Phone Main 765o. YOT'NG strong German woman wants day work by the hour, phone Main 356A. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS on salary or commission. The greatest agent's seller ever produced ; every user of pen and Ink buys it on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted to $620 In six riavs; another 432 in two houra Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44. La Crosse, Wis. A LIVE agent to sell orchard tracts on the pavment plan; only responsible party need apply. Address Good Ground Or chards. Inc.. The Dalles. Or. WANTED TO RENT. Rooms. AT Irvlngton, physclan (single) desires 3 rooms to open office; on carline, near 5th and Broadway preferred. Address J 777, Oregonian. YOUNG gentleman wishes to get a nice and warm room; West Side. AJ 713, Ore gonian. WANTED One or two modern unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping in private family; state price. AK 729. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. YOUNG man wishes room and board with private Catholic family; northeast part of city preferred. AH 721. Oregonian. YOUNG man. 26, wants room and board In private family; fond op music, O 721, Ore ponlan. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL RENWICK An ideal home for bus iness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modem conveniences; 7th and Tuvlor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel. opposite Helilg Theater. Phone Main HOTEL Garland. 25 Trinity place. cor. Wash.; outside room, newly and ele gantly furnished, private phones, abso lutely modern, $3.50 weekly and up; tran sients $1 per day, two In a room. - MADRAS HOTEL, 12ih and wain. Rooms. SI a day. 85 week: nothing ex tra for two In room. Thoroughly modern. THE KING. 309 Jefferson; nicely furnished room, hat, electric light, close to busi ness center; rates. Including bath, 82.60 per week up. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or s.nK-le, steam beat. 52 and $3 week; 5 minutes' walk to theater and stores; frcn phone. LINDELL HOTEL. 32S 4TH. FURNISHED front room suftab.e for two gentlemen, 173 16th, No. Yamhill. Main fuott. TWO rooms for gentlemen, well furnished; steam heat. Cor. 6th and Yamhill. Apply 247 Alder st. Phone M. 8478. NEWLY furnished and jrapcred front and housekeeping rooms, fine' location. 95 Front. NICE warm, clean, comfortable rooms, fro phom. hot bath, steam heat. 3i Taylor street. . ARM N1US HOTEL, 41 0 '4 Morrison, opp. Baker Theater, nicely furnished rooms; permanent, transient; low rates. Main frHoO. DREAMLAND HOTEL. $274 Stark sbore Pekin). light, heated rooms'. 92 a week and up. THE WEAVER. 7R Washington, near 22d Nicely furnished ou'sule rooms, private bath and phones; board UC desired. M. ot&L NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN 1 Those three beautiful furnished boteis HOTEL HOTEL ' . HOTEL MINOOK, PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 2134 4th St. 2114 4th St. 107 Vi 4th St. On- Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon st.; brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know v you will like it. Rooms by the day, week "or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL BLACKSTONE 11th and Stark sts. Catering to business people. New, mod em brick building, elegantly furnished; elevator service, hot and cold running water, steam heat and phones In room a private baths, single or en suite. Rates 81 per day up. permanent 84 per weeK ur. 850 Taylor St., bet. 7th and Park. Resi dential and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Postofflce, stores, thea ters ai.d restaurants; Just off business streets and carlinea; quietest and beet lo cation; new brick; ample steam heat and hot runninp water; phones, levator. From $1 dally. 95 weekly. Any car from Unioa Depot; from North Bank Depot. 'S car to Tavlor st. Phone Marshall J200. CORDOVA Hotel, llth and Jefferson sts. ; brand new brick: splendidly furnished; all rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths; every effort Is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; the rents are most reason able; rooms by the week, month or day. "J" car direct from depot. ANGELA HOTEL T25 Washington st.. opposite Multnomah Athletic Field New brick building; all modern conveniences;; well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for transients; convenient to the business center and the rates are mod erate iTjieiity steam heao. Marshall 1U.0. HOTEL FORD, 733 Washington, corner Lu-crt-tiu. st. New brick building. Just com pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele phono service, with or without private baths: new and splendidly furnished; hot and cold water, ateam heat; best of serv ice; very reasonable rates, ur.TCT BAVOV 1S1 Eleventh Street, few, modem brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com- fi-t i Hie- rrt roflonnnhlft. Call and see us: regular and transient trade solicited. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms. sinKle or en suite, with private bath: hot and cold water, steam heat and private phone In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates: grill in connection; tran sients solicited. THE CLARNO HOTEL. 248A HOLLADAY ave.. Phone C 8199. Steam heat, hot and cold water. Elec tric light in all rooms. First class ac commodations at $2.50 per week. L. U or I car direct to door. FURNISHED rooms for v single women; ateam heat, electric lights, parlor, sewing room, laundry ar.d large community kitchen; also gas for cooking In eaoh room; all furnished by the landlord. 374 8d st.. corner of Montgomery. t RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union. Depot: 140 out side rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers pneclal rates to PrmaT nent guests; rates frc to $2 a day; 83.50 and up per week. Phone Main 3418. VAN GORDER HOTEL, . 1084 Twelfth St. Marshall 279a In heart of business district ; ateam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up; 4 week and up. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices. Cor, lid and Montgomery. Furnished Rooms in Prtvato Family. FRONT bedroom in private family: one block from Williams ave or three blocks from Union ave. Car service best in city. $2 week for one or S3 week for two. Ladies preferred. 29B Shaver. HOT water heat, front room, $3 per week. Everything new; brass bed. phone, bath, private home, 8 minutes' walk from Post offlce. 414 Market, comer llth. ROOMMATE wanted by young man on 7th St.. West Side; parlor room, piano; rea sonable; phone; reference required. AT 72G, Oregonian, NICELY furnished room; heat. bath, phona, electric lights, home comforts; use of piano; also roommate wanted by congenial young man; reasonable. 94 North 16th st. NICE sleeping room for arontleman, 88 per month. Phone East 5576. 554 E. Morri son NICELY furnished room, quiet home, five minutes' walk from center of city, heat, bath, phone. 272 Park et. EXCEPTIONAL front rooms, also house keeping, single suites; hot water heat. 855 llth. WELL-FURNISH ED room with bath and phone, close in on West Side. 278 14th. Main 5821. TWO newly furnished rooms, bath, electrio lights, furnace neat, warning aisianca. 6"i Everett. LARGE, clean, furnished rooms; modern conveniences: 2 men or couple. 129 N. 17th st.; walking distance. WELL-FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; steam heat, terms rea sonable. Phone Main 7S07. SMALL, well-furnished room, suitable for one gentleman. t References. 208 Four : teenth st. ' TWO clean comfortable sleeping- rooms, suitable for two or four; $6 and $10; mod ern home. Phone East S926. FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen, nicely furnished front alcove room, heat, light and bath. 711 Marshall. Phone A 1588. 287 7TH ST., nicely furnished front room. $2.50 a week; electric light, beat, tele phone; furnished. LARGE, light, new, elegantly furnished front rooms, heat, light, bath, phone with or without board; reasonable. 472 Salmon. WELL-FURNISH ED steeping room, free phone and bath, furnace heat, one $2, one $2.50. 170 N. 16th. WELL furnished front room, heat; SO N. IGth st,, near Washington. STRICTLY modern furnished rooms, 7 min utes' walk P. O. 427 Clay. Marshall 395a NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen with board, 195 16th st. FURNISHED room. $6 per month. 67 NT. 14th st. Davis to Everett et. ROOMS. $1.50 up, heat, phone and bath, walking distance, 221 13th st. "WARM, comfortable room, modem home. 790 Lovejoy st. $11 per month. ATTRACTIVE alcove room, bright, clean and well furnished, $16. 268 14th st. NICE warm room very reasonab le ; use of piano. 361 10th at. HANDSOMELY furnished large front room, two meals. Call 32 Ulth st. N.. near Wash. NICELY furnished rooms. $1.50 to $4. 2 North 14th st., near Washington. WARM, comfortable sleeping-room, for par ty employed close in. at 431 Taylor st. LARGE, pleasant front rooms, suitable for two steady roomers. 430 Yamhill st. NICELY furnished room, gent, heat, bath, phone, $2.25 week. 325 lth. J-ROOM apartments, furnished, steam heat. modern. :'S4 r-ast. J6in, corner .nam. ATTRACTIVE room In modern home; walk- I l I r( nA 7 1 1 Vac Oth r ROOM suitable for 1 or 2, bath and. phone Furnace heat. 266 32th st. CLEAN room, $2 per week for one, $2.50 for two. 268 ith st. & LARGE furnished rooms, 2 small; terms vary reasonable. 211 12th. FURNISHED room In pri va te family. 408 7th st,; most reasonable In city. WARM, pleasant front room suitable for 2. Marshall 3So9. 740 Irving. $1.75 AND op weekly; easy walking dis tance; gentlemen preferred. 305 32th st. MODERN rooms, $7 to $18. Two meals, $ 1 6. M aln 8527. 410 Park. 2 FURNISHED rooms. Apply 307 Everett St., flat C. or phone Marshall 2362. SMALL room, $1.50 per week. 268 12th st. Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping rooms, with pai, electricity; rent reasonable. 125 t.. -iotn, TH REE unfurnished housekeeping rooms for rent. 179 20th sL, one block south of Washington. Rooms Willi jjoaxd. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in, near . . r " Awiarlan nlflll. Car. 4 DlOC43 iroixi xr. LAMBERSON. 554 Couch St.. cor. 1 th Very desirable, clean rooms with steam heat and running water; good board; fine location for teachers or b u s Iness men. . -t-t. -n - nai 1 1TU CT SIA.MIUU, " , Attractive, clean rooms, steam heat. good board, close in. reasonable. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. library. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. ROOMS with board. Two fine rooms, fine location ; home cooking. The Magnolia, 617 Kearney. CHOICE single and double rooms, with board; modern and select. 33 N. 17th. VERY choice and commodious room. suttab.S for club for gentlemen, o rotherwise. if desired, with breakfast and dinner and all home privileges in private family of two. 405 12th st. Phone Mar. 3936. PRIVATE home, have one boarder been with us 8 years, would like another like him who can afford to pay well for clean, warm room, modern home; would like ref erence. Call C 3003. YOUNG lady to room aud board with young people in strictly modern apartment, piano and all conveniences; walking dis tance, Marshall 2vM. A LARGE finely fur dished room, suitable for 1 or ?. close In, West Side, all con veniences free, with or without board. Marshall 2424, 2s6 34th. . NICELY furnished bay window room, with board, and slngie room ; best home cook ing; ten minutes' walk to business center; t-rms reasonable. Mam 32v. MAN and wife can secure, home accommo dations In private family, elegantly fur nished, modern home. Nob Hill district; reft-renees. AS 728. Oregonian. FRONT suite, 2 completely furnished rooms, gaa range, furnace heat, plenty hot water at all hours, free phone, bath; extra bed room if desired. 170 lGthst. LARGE room with board, bath attached, suitable for 2. gentlemen preferred; refer ences. 2!3 W. Park. TWO young ladies can have room and board in pleasant home at reasonable rates; close In ; call "4C Montgomery st. BOARD and room $6 per week; 2 In room, $5 each; heat, bath, phone, 560 Rodney ave- VERY attractive rooms, large light, well furnished ; good board, reasonable. 120 N. 18th. WIDOW will take 1 or 2 children to board; beat of care; both mother and grandma to look after them. 51 J East Bumside. NICE front room suitable for two or three; all conveniences; home privileges. Phone Main 2 US North L'3d at. NEWLY furnished strictly modern rooms, with board, 427 Clay, near llth, Mar shall 3959. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel lent board; also tahle board. 656 GISsan. SINGLE or double rooms, reasonable, fur nace heat, 205 N. 23d. Marshall 229i ROOM and board in private family; home cooking and privileges. Main 62 2 2. WEST SIDE Large room with alcove; ex cellent table board. Main 2071. LADY without children wishes the care o child under five. Main 5672. GOOD board and room for one gentleman. 591 "4 Davis st, GOOD room, 2 meals, nice house, near Mult nomah Club; choice. Main 2219. FURNISHED rooms with board for 1 or 8 gentlemen. 5o East Oak. East 552. NEATLY" furnished room, with board; home cooking; reasonable. 669 Northrup et. FURNISHED room ; will board. 320 llth st. Phone A ltt:i6, M- 7573. BOARD, room, private family, home prlvl leges. Marshall 3302. 7P5 Everett. ONE cozy room for 2 young men. 70t Flanders. Marshall 1978. Apartments. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King st. 4. 5. 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. GRANDEST A, furlshed apartments. Grand ave. and East Stark st. ; new brick bldg.; 3 -room splendidly furnished apts. ; elec tric elevator and every modern conven ience ; close-in location, best of service; very reasonable rent. THE DEZENDORF. 208 1GTH NEAR TAYLOR. ONE ELEGANT 5-ROOM UNFUR NISHED APARTMENT. ON TOP FLOOR. SOUTHWEST EXPOSURE. APPLY OX PREMISES. ORLANDO APTS., 20th and Wash, sts.; two and three-room furnished apts.; every convenience: very large rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator; easy walking distance; ref erences required. Marshall 184. VICTORIAN, furnished apartments, llth and Columbia Very desirable: newly, com pletely furnished, possessing all modern conveniences; close-in location; walking distance; very low rates, best of service; also four rooms unfurnished. " KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford st., near Washington; select resi dence district; a 3-room. with balcony overlooking private gardens; all conve niences of the best class apartments. Main S8S3. A 7448. HANTHORN Apartments. 251 12th st., near Main; superb location, close In; elegant 3-room apartment, with private balcony; every modern convenience; two sleeping compartments. OiiDF. Ei I.E IGU APARTMENTS. 82 Grand ave., cor. East Stark. Nicely furnished two aud three-room apartments, modem, prices resrf-onable ; walking distance. Phone East 800. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In North west; 21st and Johnson sts.; all outside rooms. Apply on premises, or call Mar shall 3360. THE NORTHAMPTON. 407 Hall St. New 2-room. furnished first-class, good service, telephones, etc. walking distance. Main 4299. CUMBERLAND APTS. West Park and Co lumbia sts.; 2 and 8-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences, choice location, only five minutes walk from business center. WINSTON Apartments, 14th St., at Market: new comer brick; all bright, out aide rooms; 2 and 3-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping; $25 to $37.50. For Information call Main 1739. 1HE ST. CROIX 170 St. Clair st., nicely furnished and unfurnished 3-room apart ments. Private bath, free phone, steam heat, free Janitor service. "Just off Washington" Prices very reasonable. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts.; 8 rooms with bath. Superb location, close to downtown district. All outside rooms, best of service, modern; very reasonable rent- CEDAR HILL APARTMENTS, sunny three room furnished apt., steam heat, phone, balcony, walking distance, reasonable rent. A 7523, Ma rsh a 1 1 3 1 5L , PARK APARTMENTS. X53 Harrison; beau tiful 3 and 4-room furnished apartment; walking distance: best of service; prices $40 to $50. Phone Marshall 3070- THE EVELYN Apartments. 267 N. 21st St.; one 3-room unfurnished apartment, all modern conveniences, low rent. Main 1989. CLAYPOOLE APARTMENTS, llth and Clay; new brick; 3 rooms, with balcony; wall beds: superb location; reasonable rent- best of service, every convenience. THE LILLIAN, corner 6rh and Montgom ery. 3-rovn modern furnished apts.; pri vate bath, phone, steam heat, walking distance. Marshal1 137S. JU ANITA FURNISHED APARTMENTS, 3"5 llth st. 2 rooms with bath, steam heat. etc.. $27.50; easy walking distance; good service. ' THE BIRMINGHAM. 390 12th St. Brand-new one 2-room, furnished. Mar Bha',1 484. , LINCOLN APTS.. corner 4th and Lincoln Modem brick bldg.; 2-room apts. $2.50 to $30; private phonesj no children, no pets. Main 1377. A 3472. tup TV t'STFA T. 410 5th Furnished ar.d unfurnished strictly modern apart mer'.. talking dis tance - prices reasonable; no children. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. PARK AiMJ jiai'jov.x oio. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, close in; strictly modern. THE M'KINLEY. 49 East Morrison, corner 7th. 2. 8 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m'gt. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison sts. One furnished room, with private bath, for gentleman. LOVEJOY APARTMENTS, 17th and Love Joy; 1 newly furnished 'rnt 3-room apt., rent rgimuu- j . 8-ROOM apartments, unfurnished, up to date, new building, ateam heat. 234 E. ISth, comer Main. ' BERYL APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. 95 Lovejoy st. Take "W" car. 2 SEPARATE apts.. 204 Gransta Apts.. cor- ner Stark and Grand ave. 18 days for $10. Thir A 1 N TREE Elegant 6-room apartment. West Side, walking distance; rent reaaon able. Main 7741. 295 12th st. "RUCK Hartford Apts., 21st and Flanders; 4 unfurnished rooms. 8 furnished, private bath, phone, sleeping porch, $30 and up. riv verv desirable modem six-room apart ment, the St. Clair, 715 Wayne st. Phone Main 4H.)U. Tut- CHETOPA, 184 Flanders 2, 3 and 4 oom. modern? furnished and unfurnished. new furniture, new bldg. Apply Janitor. THE Northampton, 407 Hall St.. 2 : and 3 rooms, strictly first-class. Main 4299. FLAT "A," 549 Washington street Steam heat. r'none - -, , - kl.M2 and 3-room apts. furnished. heat, pnonn " , ToTl 704 Hoyt L, rear 22 d. fin 4-room apt-, turnished, Marshall 2V1L