13 TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, J ACTUARY 13, Ten. FAFT CAMPAIGN TO OPEN HERE AT QHGE Committee Will Wage Active Work in Oregon Favoring His Renomination. OUTLOOK DEEMED BRIGH irrn(cmrnl Are Made for Bgln nine; Circulation or Petition! to Hare President's Name Pot on Ballot. Interestine: publlr meetlr.se and wide publicity will be the principal features ef . livalv rftmrtlElL which will be (tsrtM at one br the Taft committee to stimulate sentiment In Ores-on In 'irnf r.t Pruinl Teft an the Republi can candidate for the Presidency at the o.-r.ins election. Preliminary arrange ments for the general ramoalfta were mm4 v.at.rfiaY at a meetlnfr of the committee held In tlie headquarters on the f'ftn floor of the Selllnr bnnoina. Committees were appointed, a general cian of ramDalsn laid out and every- i::ir wn made ready for the first a-tine The meeting attended by Dr. A. C. Smith. John S. Beall. W. K. Woodward- Waldemar Setnn. John F. Uwtn. r o. Llvelv. A. M. sinitlh. W. M. Kll Ina-ssrorth. Phil Metohan. Jr.. John 1L Bursard and Ben Selllnc. Attorneys A. E. Clark ard Pan J. Malarkey were bmv with the Win rae In the. Clr cult Court and could not attend and Uiror Rushllntit was busy and unable to attend. The only other member of the committee not present waa T. B. Wilcox, who Is out of the city. Prtltloaa t Be rirrvlate. Arrangements were made for the be 1-lnnlnsr of the circulation of petitions to have the President's name placed on the official ballot, I'nder the arrange ment manr circulators will secure names and the required petitions will be sent to Salem. A committee comprising Dr. A. C. Smith. W. F. Woodward and D. O. Lively was appointed to select speak ers for the public meeting's planned in various parts of the state. Efforts will be made to secure many interesting speakers for the meetings in Portland. President Selling, of the committee, was authorized to select a publicity man ager to attend to the office affairs and handle tha publicity campaign, which the committee intends to extend throughout the state. Details as to how this campaign is to be carried on were worked out at the meeting. Literature will be sent out explain lnr the work of President Taft during him nresent Administration and the general public will be kept informed sa to the developments, as tne cam paign leading up to tha Republican convention are reDorted. Reports were made by John S. Beall. W. J I. Kllllngsworth and John V. I.ogan as to tha growing Taft sentiment In tha East as well as in Oregon. Mr. Kllllngsworth. who recently returned from a trip to Boston. New York. Wash ington. Chicago and other cities ex pressed the opinion that President Taft Is the only likely candidate in the raca. East Farsis Taft. "I talked with people In all the cities I visited." said Mr. Kllllngsworth, "and found that there is a strong Taft sentl ment on all swlrs. In New Tork I found some opposition, but I do not be lieve It will amount to much when tha time comes for tha nominations. Every where In business and financial circles I found that Taft Is considered a safe and conservative President ami ha seems to be the man the people want." John F. Logan said be bad Investi gated Eastern sentiment while on a trip to Washington. New York and other cities and ha found Taft favored by tha business interests, tn financial circles and by the people generally. He said ha visited the Taft campaign head quarters in Washington and found an air of confidence, lie said the central committee has its work well In haTnd and la rapidly spreading its campaign work to the various committees in tha states. John 8. Beall expressed tha same opinion regarding Kaatern conditions declaring that in cities ha had visited he had found Taft sentiment strong. Ha eakl be had found a little opposition n some sides, but did not consider It erlous. "There Is a feeling of confidence In President Taft." said Mr. Beall. "ha is conservative and safe and that is why sis present Administration is meeting atth the approval of the public in the East. I do not think there is any doubt about the sentiment in Oregon being strong for Taft." Tha Taft committee hera will work in harmony with committees In the various counties which are being or ganized to handle their county cam paigns. The help of tha outside com mittees will be elicited In the publicity campaign to be waged by the Portland commute and this committee will in turn help the outside committee In their work by supplying literature and speakers for public meetings. XOTICE DEEMED TOO LONG Amme Purs to Keep Clerk From Fil ing; Roaman'e Declaration. Pecause) George Roesman's notice o't candiiiac for a Republican nomination as State Representative contained mora than the 100 words specified by law. Edwin G. Amme has filed suit In the C'.rrult Court to restrain County Clork Fields from fillni Rossman's notice. Amme filed notice Thursday that he will be a candidate for re election as State Representative from tha Eighteenth Plstrlpt. starting of tne suit axalnst Clerk Fields followed a laughing conference - In Mr. Field's vfSce. In which Rossman and Amme participated, thus leading to the sus picion that the action Is largely for the purpoee of achieving notoriety. Amme asserts In his complaint that Romanian's notice of candidacy con tains 304 words. Rossman left the paper with Mr. Fields 'Wednesday afternoon, but rc-jueeted him not to tile It officially un'.l notified by telephone or otherwise. The order to file had not hei received at e o'clock last night, closing tlrr.e. "Statement One. rire.t Primary, 'nsible Legislation. Tor Re-election. Is the slogan adopted by Representa tive Amme. '"Statement One. Strict Economy, and I Mean It. is what Rossman wants printed opposite his name on the bal lot If ha decides to be a candidate. Roman filed a demurrer to the com plaint late yesterday afternoon and argument will be heard by Judge Uateos Tuesday morning. l cueas trie idea Is to test the law. mhloh limits notices of candidates to 1 words." said Clerk Fields. "I would like to see It settled, myself. Olcott Ponders Over Warrant. SALEM. Or, Jan. 1 (Special.) Seo- its 3 EBB K ".5.. i HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Our 14-pasaenger electria 1ms meet all trains. A hiRh-class, modern hotel in the heart of the theater and ahopping district. One block from any carline. $1 per day and up. European plan. E. P. MORRIS. Prop. The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 350 Rooms, 104 Suite, With Private Baths. JiTW ITREPB00F BUILDING Moderate Rates. PHI Matschan & Sons, Prop. PORTLAND HOTEL The largest and most magnificent ho tel In Portland; nnsorpassed in el a" ranee of accommodation or excellence of euisine. European plan $1.50 per day and upward. O. J. KAUTS1HX, Hsaaisr. HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., retaxr Olcott vra pondering- yesterday over tha acquisition of a warrant (or I35.C11 drawn on the Assistant Treas urer of the United States at San Fran cisco and addressed to the Htate of Ore son. It drifted In through the malls yesterday unrepistered and unaccom panied by any letter of explanation or statement as to wutt it was ior. no la under tb Impression that It Is In payment of moneys due from the 3tate Forest Reserves for distribution among; tha counties, but tha warrant was with out a line of explanation In connec tion and tba Secretary will write for advice. DAUI METEOROLOGICAL REPOBT. PORTLAXD. Jan. 11. Si ax Imam temper ature, is degrees; minimum. 1 aea-rees. River reading. S A. M.. t feet, caanga in 14 boora. . 1 foot. Total ralnrall. a F. K M i P. M.. s i Inch. Total rain ran since September 1. 1911. li-l laches; nor mal, lis Inches; deficiency. 1.45 Inches. nine, hours. Barometer treducea to sea aval) at P. 11.. H.B inchea THS WEATHER. I 1 1 ! 1 PUIA State ot Wsatbae ! IATICN1 4 0.4s; 4 F. (Rain t 0. 1 14 N'W Sno 14.0. 00 . IClear I-' 0.1 10 SW Clear Itoatoo ....... Canary hicaao Denver ....... I t 0.00 4'NW'Claar -14 0.0' 4 3 (Clear les Moines ... uiuth 1-14 9.00 14 Sff l(,lear ureka ....... 0.70 s llaln It 0.S8 J2 N"Wi:iear 43 .e io sw cloudy H 0.;tl a NK Rain - O.OOl 4 XE Clear 14 2.14 SW Rain - 0.00! 4 W IClear 4H 0.04 Iti.N Pnow 15 0.2 !2 NE Cloudy 4 0.74 : S Cloudy 14 O.ltj 4 VE Cloudy 4 .(M' 4 W k'lear 1 ; 0 . o; 22 StV Snour n . r. i;,sw ;pt. cloudy f I. HA 4 N" jClourty l O.O'i i: S (Cloudy . 0. 101 N" rClaar aiveatoa ..... elena ........ arkaonvtlle ... Kao.aa Ciy .. Marahfield .... Montreal w Orleans .. New Tork North Head ... North laslma . phoenix Pocatal'o ...... Portland ...... Roaeburg Sacramento .. 1 1. Louis Ft. Paul Fait I-ake eaa Diego ..... lvn Francisco . rpokin ....... Tat-oma Tatooah laland Wal.a Waila ... Washlncton W'lunlleg .(-14 O.OO 10 SFC .Clear 40 o.oo 8 w lonaj it O.wlJ I Xtf Clear IS 0.00, 4 NW Cloudy 42 0.34 !4.SW iCloudy 14 0.40 20 SW 'pt- cloudy 4 .. J9 SV Cloudy tt 0."4 14 3 Cloudy I o.i: 16 .v Cloudy -10 0.0.i:.SE ICloudy WEATHER CONDITIONS. Tha atom noted yesterday as approach- l-nc the Washington coast has moved rsp- t Idle Inland and thia avenlnc It la central I over Alberta. It caused the following max- I itnnm wind velocities: North Head. (4 mile I southeast: Tatoosh I, land. 41 mtlea south and Taooma. 1 tnllea southwest. This storm has sleo caused heavy rains In the Willamette Valley and Sound country and i all streams dralnlcs the Coast Range and 1 the west slope of the Caacade Rause are acata rlalna rapldlv The temperature haa ; rLaan decidedly In the North Pacific states, tha Northern Rocky Mountain States and In tha Dakotaa and Minnesota. Cold waather eont:nuea In the Middle Mississippi Valier. the Ohio Valley and the Wast Gulf E-.ates. From Nsw Orleans to Corpus Chnsti t.-n peraturea below freeslcs pra vallrd at 7 P. M. this evenlns. The followlns are the stages in th Wil lamslte River at S P. VI.: Portland. 10.1 feet, rise slnow mornlns: 1.3 feet; Casadero. 12.4 feet; the river at Caxadero haa rleea at tha rata or lq reel an oour aunnt int t last etKht bours and at a P. M. It was still ' ralmna at that station. The stage at Jef- . f.rn was ll.t feet, whlrh la a rise of S t ' feel in the last 4 hours. (No report was received from Jefferson yestardayi. At Al bany and Saiam the river baa risen slightly and at Uarnsnurs and Eugene It has risen rapidly. At Eusene the stage at a P. M. waa 14 feet, a rise f 4.1 feet alnos morn ing and at Harris burg tha stage was It feet, whlrh Is a rise of S.9 feet In the lat nine houra The river at Portland will rea-h s staee of 13 fest by Paturday night or Sunday morr-tng. snd the crest wili not be reached much if any before next Tuesday. Kstlmatea as to the height of this crest In Portland will be made as soon aa tha high est water la reached at E'igene. Tha conditions are favorable for tx-cn-slonal ram In this district Saturday with siiKhtlr lower temperatures. The winds aong the coast will diminish aftor day light Saturday morning. FORECAST. Portland and vicinity Oo-sstonal .raia alio cooler, south to w.-et winds. Oregon and Washington Occasional rain. The Hotel Bowers Eleventh and Stark Sis. Under New Management offers all the conveniences of a high-class hotel, with all the comforts of a home. European plan $1.00 per day up. American ' plan. too. f amous for Its grill, a la carte and table d'hote service at reasonable prlcea Special rates to permanent guests. - F. P. WILLIAMS, MANAGER ' H. E. FLETCHER, Mgr. I'lrrs-" si aaD r . ...... Z . ""a V1 "1 -t . ST ifafisras r New Perkins Fifth and Washington Sts. A Hotel in the Very Heart of Portland's Business Activity MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Elcotrio Anto Bus. Cars t and from Union Depot every few minutes. L, Q. Swetland, M,r. C. H. Shafer, Aes't M.r. Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect, and conducted on the European plan. Props. Props. probably part snow east portion, cooler; south to west wind diminishing along the coast. Idaho Rain or snow; cooler. KPtt'ARD A. PEALS. Plstrlrt Forecaster. DIED TOUMU In this city. January 11. Cyrenlus H. Young, aged 4I yoara. The remains are at Flnley's parlora Funeral notlcs in a later Issue. ZIMMERMAN In this city. January 12. William Zimmerman, of Nshalem, Or., arcd 60 years. The remains are at Fin " ley's parlors. rOhAL KOTICKS. SQUIRES In this city. January it. 1913. Llda J. Squtraa aged CI years. Decaaad la ourrlvsd by a huaband. 8. V. Squlrea; father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Ford, of Onama. Ia.: four daughters. Mrs. Kva L. Osgood. Mabel. Drace and Eugenia Squires; also three sons. L. T.. E. J. snd Kugane. all ot thia city. Funeral services will be held today (Saturday). January 1. at 1 p. M.. al tha family residence. 1372 E. OUsan street. Friends and ac quaintance, kindly Invited to attend. In terment Hues City .Cemetery. IUBnlnr at MeEntee, Funeral Directors, 7th and statant. nnfc none Main 42U. Ofrtre of County Coroner. A. R. ZEUEK CO.. 64 Hllllama ave. Phone Eat 10SS. C IQSS. Lady attendant. EDVTARU HOI.MAN CO.. Funeral Dlrert era, trS 1 at. f.ady assistant. Pbone M. &07. i. P. UM F-V1 SOS. 3d and Malleos Lady attendant. Pbona Main S, A laws. EAST RIDE Funeral Directors, snreas to 8. Dnnnina-. Inc. E. at. B HZS. LKHtll. Indertaker. Milta. Kast 7KI. u 1HSS. r. Kssi Alder and Lady attendant. 8kewee I nderlakina Company, Sd ud Clay. Main Slot. A ts'21. Ijdv Attendant. jMT. SCOTTPARK: T.AKliR. PFRMAiF:'T, BKAVTIFIL. POUT- . UKDH fl.MAMODKKV e KMKTKRY WITH PERPETUAL. CAHK. of all burisl plots without extra rharce. Provided witQ & permanent lrr4duclhle Maintenance Fund. Lo- cHtiun Ideal; Just outside the city limits on north and west slopes of picturesque Mount Scott. Devel- a oped at a cost of $200,000. Equipped witn every moaern convenience. at 1 PRICKS REiOVABI,K. g, a Ki'RVK'R THK lltT. a a 0K 1ILE Sdl'TH OK LK.NTS. REOI LAR e I TOMOBII.K. SKKV- e g, ICE Fit EE HKTVI, KF.X g, 1, ETVTS AND THE e g, CEMETERY. tl ft 11 ?CITY OFF1CF, 920-971 TEON ! BUILDING. MAIN' 22o. A 7086. s CENPETERT OFFICE. TABOR HOME PHONE. RING B bill. IHK.V CALL LOCAL, 4201. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily ac Boaday. aPw Un On tlma it (Sam ai twa sronarattT tlmra fto tSama ad tttraa snaecntiTa ttm SO baina ad ats or fn ronatM-atlva tira. . Mm KermlttAiicea mutt -cgampaiiy aat-aC-lowa ritrra. hn otm adTCTtlacineBt I not ron In eon aerutlve ltus- tha ona-tim rata p plica. tflx word count mm mnm Una an caah ad Tritarniatit. ud do 4 conn tad for Iwraa tiian two Unea. 4kn ciaarge or book ertlarmrato tho rbartfo wilt be bod oa tha arlu4 aumbr of 1 intra ap purine In the papar, isaxcUaa oi tiis gumtrcr of word In eaarh line. In N?r lodar mlX JTrtii-a-iTienta ara cbarsed by UMinn ouly, 14 linaa t thm Inrh. - Tho hoi ratra apply to advrtltwnat mnd?r "New Today" and all otiaor CiaaaUlca- tioan eirrpttnc the foUowlxic: Mtuatioma Wanted, Male. tttnatlon Wanted, fremaJe. OrtrKUDlaa will s-cr-pt claMlflx1 adTertlite--mrr.t. over tbe tlwpbone, providing tho ari verilaer It m aal-crtb--r to either ptaooe. "o Prire will bo quoted over the phono, but HI wili be rendered tho folio wine day. Whether ubaetjoent dTerttoementa wiU bo eeepted over the pbono depends, upon tha promptness of tha payment of telephone ad Vfxtliseniente. hituatlon Wonted and Per aooaj advartlaemenl will not bo oceeed over th teUphuao. Orders for one tneer tion only will be ocetpted for "Hoasea for Kent. laniJtura for baie.M 'BuliieM Oppoe tuniiiee," "kUxnmlDt-lLQumcm" mad "W autod to sUeaU ASICSEMXXTS. II Pll t THEATER 11 Aa X Ji 1J 7th and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 1122. LAST 2 P erf or mance, Special Price Matinee, 2:15 Tonight. 8:15 Greatest English Actor FORBESROBERTSON And It in London ComnaJiv Jerome K. Jerome's Symbolic Comedy, THR FASSIA',; OK TTTE THIRD llOOR BACK.' Prlcea: Thi afternoon Lowr floor, 91.t0. balcony. $1.0o. 7Zc 50e; gallery. oc Ton lent Lower floor S2.0O. Il.ftO: bal cony, $1.50. J1.00, 7&c COc; gallery, 73a, OVV. FKATS NOW PKLT-TNT SKATS MOW BtLLI.Ntt HtlLia TbtAltB 4 b'lsc TOMORROW tp-cUI Prle Pmrl1n Futiloa Matin WdnedsVT. ANNA HELD In tha Musical Flay. . MJSS IXSOCEXCE' n.M in r-.t Tmriu(-rinn. ctirla. ICveninffa: Kntfr lower floor. t'J'. bal cony, fi ro $1.50, s, rows $1. rows 75o, e rows toc usiiery. reierveo. ire; au mlssloa &oc. Wednesday matinee. 11.60, s 1 soe- NOT ilORE THAN ft SEXT3 SOLD TO ONE PERSON FOR ANY HlMUUi etitl- FORMANCE. RAKER A S1S0 Oeo. L. Bakar. lis. Mattnes Today Laat Time Tooltrbt. The Barrier Rea Teacis maaterrjlece. A thrllltns. heart- rripplnc story of the Last Frontier. Evening prices. 2 Sc. 60c. 75c, 1 Next week, start- I lnr tomorrow, Rosa Melville, in "tits Hop- I kins." MAIN S, A lots .MATIMtE EVERT DAT Ri&fin B-rs-M-rii WEEK JAN. S. Knox Wilson, former musi cal comedy favorite; Ina Clayton, Haw thorne and Burt, Max Hart's Mx Steppers, Mies Robbie t.ordone. The Flying; Wards, ojrrunr asuraes. vt-KCK JAN. S. Ameer Abon Hamld ana HI. Nine Whlrllna Derviahes. Mile. 1' Fedia, Noble and Brooks, Rutledae and Italnbridce. Relfi. Clayton and RelT. Pao- taareeoope, Pantaa;es Orchestra- Boxes and nrt row Balcony reserved. Phones: A XlSSj Main 8S48. Curtain, 1:80, 7 :1s, S:HI. Mtlne-a Every Day. Grand am. !"."-"KK: WEEK JA'. . Mr. Imrlss KlLssribbon. Ned (Cork) Norton. R. K. Kay moth. urctieMtrm. rncei, 1.00 -wa sov. LYRIC THEATER 1-OCBTH AKilt SXABK ALL THIS WEEK. WEEK JAN'. 8. 'The GT Deceivers." Two performance alsbUy. 7:S0, Wo and oo. Mattneea dailr. t:3. any Sea ine. JrTiaay nlrbt. Chorus Girls' Contest, next wees. "Tbe Lobster Girl." HCII.NU JeOTICEH. GOLDEN RULE HIVE. No. IT, Ladles. ot tha Macabaea meets tne nrat ia i,.. Thursday evenlns of each month In Selllns- Hlracn nan. . UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARB HELD AT THIS OF FICE FOB THE rOLIXWINO AMtWbr. CHECKS AND MAT BB nil) ft SSS" eexTixa your checks at the orb- OONIAN OFI-ICK: a eiu 7a rftfl TRA. TS1. TS4. B 12o'. 44T, 608. 689. . 8. 899. T18, C 698. TOO. T08. 709, 71 1. H2. 728. T2T, . T84. 7. TBi. 7S0. , n B71 698. 699, 70. TUB, Tie. T1S, Tie, 7Hi TIU Tltt tl 114. lOU. Id. IW. H90. 2. 694. 697, TOO, 703, 1U. TOO. 7l7. Tli. F 072. CS8, . 718. (i 2t)3. 703. 704. T05. 712. 728. T2t. 741. M 693, 706. 714. 719, 7123. 784. 787. T4S. j !tn tiu T27 747 TB0 7B6. 768. 769. K ITS. 857. 658. 666. 667. 672, 4i8. 68. 6i. 69. I, ti5. 706, 713. 72. M BKO, 604. 70S, 714. 731. J 84. S, 710, 714. 734. 2S4. 6rt. 706. 718, 716, 717. T1S, T21. v r. 7trfi Tfi.l. 712. 719. Is AT 2. SS. 7HK 717. 739. 720. '721, T39, 752. S 277. 690. 704. T 646, 676, P4. 9T, 707, 70S. T10. 760. v Auti eat o SS !)9. 70S. 725. W 669. 877. ftSO. 681, 688, 683. 864. 696, SU8. 700, 704. 719. ' X 7t)5, 708. 712. 714. Tli. 717, T20. T25, 722. 7! 5. T35. T 708. T18. 725. T28. T8S. T4T, T4S, TOO. AB ttPT.' tr Htut ufil. 684. 6S9. 702. AO 692. 7vfl. 713, 714. 715. 716, 722. 724. 725. 728. 736. ae 684. ess. ear. 700. 704. 705. tos. 712. 721. AF 67V e9. 695. 699. TOO, T18, 719. AJ 4T7. 694. 706. 711. 715. 722. 724. AH R25. 658, 6SS, 715. A4 6H3. 64. 693 . 697. 698. 718. AK 7-t3. 7')4. 70S, 709. 711. 71t. AL 62. 6. 702. 708. TO, 715. T28. AM , l4, 696. 704. AN TOO. 709, 711, 790, 817. IfLtiQ AAO. ATO. A93. AP 654. 655. 689. 681. 699. 700, T06. T07. T18. 721. 722. 72S. AR TOO. 708. 704. 706. 716, 718. AM 616. 706. 712. 713. 719. 722. 728. AT 701. 707. 714. TIT. 719. 729. 819. If above answers ars not called for within six days, same will be destroyed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CTTT HA J A.. Mala BBS, A 788S. HUIANE OFFICKR. berseaat Crate. MMlln aa E. 24th K. Kast 4778. n. A Dunmlre. Raa 886 Wasoo St. W. O. Ea:on. Rea. 73 EL. 16th. East 1753. Horse Ainbiilanea. A S101. Pr. Ex. 4. Kllhta. Sundays and Holldaya. A 6169; Pr. Ex. 4. Trunk 7. VEW TODAY. WEST SIDE Lot 50x100 feet, on Thirteenth and Taylor streets. Good for a elose-in apartment or ROOMING HOUSE Now on the market. See us at once. Price $30,000. Hartman & Thompson ReaL Batata Dpt. Chamber of Commerre, gam! One movlns; plctura and three box bowling? alleva In town for sale or ex change for lota Very cheap. Best op- portunlty In town. Money-makers, la rood working- order, all clear. Address At V10. oregonlan. Hawthorne Ave. Am the owner of 150 feet frontage on i tho avenue, cloto in, which I of fur for i for a few days at $15,000. No com. mission. Part terms. AO 697, Orego nian. COLXI3. BERBIDOI e THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, fM ore tec tocs fata Mmt fU a. THEATEE tmnress , i Formerly ra ' v guillvan at Cotuldl JTEW TODAY. (For Sale WEST SIDE. ' -a T p-s-i l r - IMew lnreeotory Brick Building FIVE TEARS' SECURED LEASE. PAYING 25 PER CENT ON CASH INVESTMENT. Ellis & Snyder 603 Board of Trade. Ti na RTCST nlaea In Portland ta bar. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER aae MOST DEalKA-feLJC residence properly ex the city. iEEIMO 15 FIBUKVIWO BETTTSB to and see tha meay csxoxtJis resta leaces under construmlea aud tha io-e ajrovemeaU aTOins; oa. lbs. Oresaa Real stats Company CRaJfD AVE. AJfO MULTNOMAH ST. Buildintr 80x100 feet, one 6tory and basement, at corner E. Water and E. Madison sts., on trackage. Good loca tion for wholesale business or garage H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 404 Wilcox Building. MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN BAIN 505 SPALDING BLDG. Seventh Street Lot Fine apartment site, 60x100, on Seventh St., near .iarxet. l-riee siD.ouu. GRTJSSI A BOLDS, 3IS Board of Trade Bids., 4th and Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Residence Property. TOl C V EVERETT, C. D. SIMONDS. .7 J I J SIR Board of Trade Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS 57c JOHN E. CRONAN i 7 K4CI kaaldloK Bid; REAL ESTATE DEALERS. T W XTItlTan. 315-316 Falling bids. B.&MEDICT, .02 McKay BKI'BaKEK a bids. al. 549. ChaDln A Herlow, 832 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. 8. A Co., 60S Corbatt bldg. Jennings A Co. Main 206 Oregontaa. l'ALilt.K-JU.t.3 CO., 11. r.. 4U-400-ve Wiloox bids. The Oregon Keal Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah St. (Holladay Aoaition;. RKAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. SPLENDID BUT. . 177 feet frontage, near Hawthorn ana '47th et- PRICB REDUCED. TERMS BAST. JUST THE LOCATION FOR A BUILD ER. NOTHING CHFAPER IN THAT WHOLE SECTION. HART Jl AN & THO-MrsUM. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLD3. ROSE CITY PARK VIEW LOTS. I have for sale the last lota la Rose City Park which hav unobstructed views: the prices are ngnt, mo louauons are right. It la built up on all sides and near car: II you STS iiitertsai.au, tuiuuiuuiutLo with me Immediately: It will be to your advantage If you want something choics. AS) 728. Orogonlan. FOR SALE. Two lots m Parkrose, east' front, water. walks. 100 feet from station of carline snd Sandy road; lots are an cleared ex- ceDt a few nice pines; Ideal for bungalow site; prioe StsO each, email payment down. balance is per moDio. as 1 1. urefu nlan. THE Canadian paclflo Railway's installation of new paclflo coast terminals at (.oquit lam represents in the New City your op portunity. Our lots 6O0 feet from the sta tion, prioe $400. Write for circulars. Mo Pherson A Fullorton Bras., Vancouver. British Columbia. LOT IN LADDB ADDITION,- OPPOSITE FARJC SaOO Kt;.U W iT.t 1-M r. 7i i mak. KET VALUE; OUR MONTHLY PRINTED LIST OF BARGAINS WILL INTEREST YOU. GET A COPY. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, 322 MOHAWK BUILDING. LOOK HERB.. How can you afford to go on paying rent when you can buy an acre of rich alluvial soil 4 blocks from streetcar with graded streets, sidewalks - and water zor $1150 on easy terms? AT 731, Oregonlan. NOTICE TO BU1LEDRS. We have about 16 lota located near fJSth and Powell; prices range xrora oo to $1000; will take house In on same or let them go as second mortgage. Call 14 nawtnorne ae! . $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH, w-. viv lnt: matured fruit trees: re stricted district, near car: cement walka Bull Run water. 202 Board of Trade biag. Pbone Marsnaii -sis, a iwfc $500 CASH. $200 payable lo per montn. buys euxiw leei, A D"uv 1 1 " feet from hard surface paved street, phone evenings. Tenor a?'?, sat menu ar. $aJO0 &. LOTS, Irvlngton Park, on 30th st carline, near iviiiiimo" . tuiin.imW In snd most ail paiu; tonne. wwuor. sua Dekum bldg. ' TRIANGULAR LOT. FIRLAND, 37B- ' $10 down, $5 monthly ; enough said. Fr-d W. German. 41 Surnaio. it or A 2776. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY.. Beautiful homea and home, tea. ail Ylcwa. locattou and prloea; can ault you. Main 66L BROOKS. A 38t- SICKNESS. MUST SACRIFICE BSxlSO feet. Alt. iaoor neignu, imi-iovomomi Vak. . $1100. easy terms; no agents. Addresa Jl i 19. uregomaiu IRVIXOTON" snap. 50x100. 13th t-, next to corner or Knott. ituu. nest o&rs;ain in that district; owner needs money. 801 Iekum bid?. FINEST residence lot in city; all improve ments mCIUa-a; wtuKing u it-Luce , un.it, cash. Call owner Sunday. 452 E. 10th st. S. CHOICE Rose City comer lot for sale. See Email Bros. CO. xor xarma. oao Aeuuwonn ave. HAVB fine tract of iana near toe t;ity ParK oar. i..uijw; very uucaj. Jf.r j Oregonlan. For Sale-ay-iloose. NOR HILL HOME. 10 -room modern bouse on 224 at., near Kearney; faces east; price $13,000. For full particulars ae ua IX. Jr. rAL -i - r--j ' vy., 404 Wilcox Bldg. DON'T BUT TILL YOU BEE ' th most perfeotiy built modern horn In Jrvinf-rton, 1Q rooms, finished in oak, lot POxlOO. Call up C 1R6. East 273. N Holladay Addmon FOR LEASE REAL ESTATE. For 8ale -lloi HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Price 325t. ISO cash: striclly up-to-date -room. bungalow, only 1 short block from Hawthorne ave.. where, you have advantage of tiouble car service: has wide porch extending clear across front, nice reception hall with plate glaa mirror door, beautiful largo living room with fire place and built-in bookcases on each side, paneled dining-room with bullt-ln buffet, complete Dutch kitchen. 2 large bedrooms, with clothes closat and built-in wardrobe and linen closet, nlte bathroom with medicine chest, large -attic- with dormer windows at each end. 2 more bedrooms can easily be arranged; full cement base ment and laundry tray; there, ia. not an other such buy in Hawthorne district as this, considering the -price and terms, so you had better come out today and look this over. So come out to 124 Haw thorne ave., and we will giadly show you the place. Morriu A Baker. Phone Tabor 2943. HAWTHONRK. Price S3900; 84O0 cash. New. modern 8-rooraed house, only one block from Hawthorne ave.. close In; west of 37th St. This beautiful home Is double constructed throuchout house; large porch extending across front; nice reception; sliding door to parlor; aroh columns to dining-room; nice fireplace; ' with lesded gisss doors; beautiful buffet in dining-room; Dutch kitchen with loti nf piinhainl nwlm- four larae bedrooms u rat- vlih .tm .l.rea clntheB clOSStS. and -bath. Thia home Is .the choice of . mv list for the Drlc I am asking for It. I must sell soon, for I need the money, Do not hesitate to look this ue if you im lookliur for snmethlna nice. T. Sutherland. 1084 Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 2017. INDIVIDUALITY. . THAT'S WHAT VOT7 WANT IN HOUSE. IT DON'T COST ANY MORE TO Hirtl TTU1T Vr If W A N'T THA SOMETHING THAT DON'T SUIT. WB :fkc:fat.T7.e on THR ARTISTIC HOM WE KNOW WE CAN PLEASE YOU, BE r'Al-Mpt WBt V'OW TIOW. Ol'K GUAR ANTEE IS WORTH SOMETHING, IF WB BUILD FOR YOU. COMB IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH OUR HEAD DRAUGHTS MAN. WE WII.I. FINANCE IT IN BUILD IT FOB YOU, ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. BUTTERWORTH-STEPHENSON CO.. Inc. 70T COUCH BL.DO. r WILL SACRIFICE MY IRVINOTON HOME. TTara'a what It actually cost: 7 -room house, double boarded, fireplace. furnace, hardwood floors, stylish and mod- Htn- rmttilnnfihlM lixutlan near the Irv lngton Club; cost to build f.VlOO Lot. 70xlOO. cost 3oou Hard-surface pavement cost 400 Total Sacrifice this week ....$94O0 7500 for X make you a present of.... AH 718. Oregonlan. 81800 IRVINOTON SPECIAL BARGAIN. TERMS TO SUIT. If you are looking for a nice home, can give you a special bargain on 24th, near Hr&zee: T rooms. Datn. nrepiace, aen, tun basement, furnace, lance attic, very handy, modern and complete. Garage and cement drive. Prioe (0750; will make terms to suit; might take a lot or two as first payment. 418 Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 2753. MR. T OT OWNER! HERE 13 YOUR CHANCE TO IM tPTtnv-R! . TOt"D PROPE1RTT WITH HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT. WILL tTVTAI-St IT AT A T -OW RATE OF IN TERF.ST. PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. 8. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG, - THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO IVrOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLD. IRVINGTON HOME. A new, modern 9-room house facing on the Tennis Club grounds. In the cente, nt Portland's most exclusive residence dis trlct; furnace, 3 fireplaces, beautiful woodwork, oak floors; many special fea turea: sunroom. sleeping porch ana Dll Hard-room; lot 76x100 ft.; price 810.500. H. P. PALMER-JOKES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house, in Laurelhurat 2 fireplaces, large sleeplng-porcn. nuiit-in refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, fire leas cooker, built-in wardrobes, etc; cor ner lnt 75x90. east front, beautiful view $7500; $590 cash, balance easy monthly Ytavmenta Provident Investment & Trus tee Co., 201-202-208 Board of Trade bldg. Phone. Marshall 473. A 1022. ' - 4-HOOM COTTAGE. J20O CASH. Nice 4-room cottage; electric - lights, nice bath, good plumbing throughout; a nice little home, lot 50x100: No. 791 Kenil worth ave. near Gladstone ave; block to car: price only $1000; $200 cash and $16 per month. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. MODERN HOME IN RESTRICTED DISTRICT. Six rooms and bath, full cement base ment, lot 60x150, 8 blocks from carline, 7-mlnute service. ' . $3200. sano down, balance like rent. An unusual bargain. AE 719, Oregonlan, MODERN BUNGALOW. K rooms and hath, modern plumbing, wired tor electrilcty, exceptionally large closets. $1660. $165 down. Balance $16 per month. AE 720, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL 9-room cottage on East 9th St.; beamea ceilings, pnneini aming-room, bullt-ln buffet, Dutch kitchen. furnace. fireplace. This Is strictly modern and bargam at the price asked. REALS A ROBINSON. 881 E. 11th St- E. 5021 ft-ROOM bungalow, furnace, fireplace, buffet. bookcaxea. narawooo. uuurs, gas, elec tricity, good view. Rose City Park, 2 blocks from carline, $33o0, easy terms. p-nvirimt Investment ec Trustee Co.. 201, 202. 203 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 4T3. A 1022. 2-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE, $350. Neat 2-room house, alectrlo lights, nice ly furnished. Includes new $o50 piano, Awinir machine, etc: on Alberta i price lll&O; $350 cash and $15 per month; 6 per cant: owner going away; a. iny. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. My beautiful 7 -room home In Nob Hill district, with b .Hard room. den. HDrary, leeping porch, fireplaces, hardwood floors and every artistic comfort and modern convenience; must be sold at a aaorifice p rica, AS 722. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON. O-room new and modem home; tiled kitchen and baUiroom ; absolutely com plete; faces east; pri.ee $&0OO, term. H. P. PALME R-JONES CO.. 40 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main bd&9. A 2663. izzaa "RITTS 'WEST SIDE HOME. Owner is obliged to let nil lot and mod ern 4-room cottage, with bath, in best rasiricncA Dart of city, go xor less th market price of lot alone. It la 2 blocks from carline. lt minutes out; tine view pavement paid. AS 721. Oregon! an. FIVE and six-room homes, fireplaces, hard wood floors, furnaces, with all built-in modern conveniences; near carline; all street Improvements 'paid; monthly pay- tii ant nlan. Provident Investment A . Trustee Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of Trad bldg. Phone Mannaii 473. a maa. ONE OF tha best 5-room bungalows on East Taylor at. ; large attic, cement base ment, some fine fruit trees; modern in ' every particular ana a good buy. - BEALS ROBINSON, S61-E. 11th st. E. 5023. SIX-ROOM nous on lot 3IxlO0, four blocks from W-R cai; $1276. $77 caah, terms on hainnr: lot alone is worth the price am leaving town, must sell this week. 4Z3 -Chamoer 01 commerce. FOR BALE Lot 60x100 in beautiful sub tli vlnnn saaav temu. also 4-room cottage. no Interest. If you. are Interested in the best Investment in Portland, investigate thia AG 727, Oregonlan. a. ROOM m TING ALOW. $2204). 44th, near Hawthorne; $700 cash; this Is an absolute snap and should have your earliest attention, r rea w. uerrn-n, Burnside. M- cr A 2776. 4IRVINGTON New home, 7 rooms and bath. auicUy modem. $000, Including all as ssTsmanta, easy terma Owne.-. 825 Teoa bldg. Phone aialn 112. - - "NOTHING down,- $3t month, covering 7 per cent interest; new. modern bungalow, $ blocks from car, Irvlngton district, $2400. Phone owner. Main 87-iO. mornings. " H. N. SWANK, 808 Abington bldg.. sella new bungalowa Terms like rent: - $-,44jo Modern 5-room home broken; terma North. bungalow. f 1800; Owner, -62 E. xlst For Sale Buslne Property. FOR SALE by owner An ideal apartment site on a beautiful corner, five minutes walk from Heiiig Theater; part cash, bal ance at reasonable terms; no agents: no commission ; will deal with buyer only. Address E 706. Oregonlan. THE best "buy on 7th street, -ington. P. O. Boa 16v near Wash- REAL ESTATE. For Sale Business Property. UNION-AVE. CORNER, !S per cent under adjoining values; 124.8 feet on Union ave., 126.9 feet on Grand ave., 190 feet on another important street; intersection of five corners; hard pavements in and all sidewalks and curbs laid; Union and Grand avenues are the most Important East Side streets, end their values are as sured; this tract contains S4.093 square feet; $1(00 cash will handle: balance very easy; this week only; act quick. GOWEN-IDB TRUST CO., 2 Lumbermens Bldg. For Sale Acreage. ONE ACRE of light brush and timber. 40 minutes out on Fourth st. carline. one mile from station: sidewalk half the way. 15 new houses In view, built during 1911. this sere of the best of soli snd only 12S0. 125 cash and 12.50 and interest each month. THE SHAW-FEAR CO 102 Fourth St.. Main 35. A 8500. 5 ACRES of timber, 2H mllei belc from Willamette River, opposite St. Johns, on Germantown road, a bargain at $lso per acre, email cash payment, balance monthly la tallmenta. THE EHAW-FEAR CO" 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A S5Q0. 5 ACRES f MONTHLY. 10 ACRES $ltt MONTHLY. Near Portland, only short rifle on electric car and close to railroad station; rich soil, best of vegetable or fruit land; spring water; a rare bargain. PACIFTC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO. , 405 Couch bldg. CHOICE ACRBAGB TRACTS Close to Portland r rich walnut, fr-stt and garden land; only small cash pay ment, balanc pays for Itself In product now on the land, which we accept and are th only peopls making this liberal offer. FIRLAND TRUST COMPANY, &X3-8 Spalding Bldg. BONA FIDE SACRIFICE. 6 acres at two-third of actual value. Must be sold within the next 4 days; only 35 minutes out from center of Portland; 10-cent fare and is corner property facing Foster road and three-minute walk from station; excellent for investment, home or chicken ranch. Phone owner days. Main i24. evenings. East 61 9 7 ' CHICKEN and FRUIT RANCHES near Portland; a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prioea; beat soil; fine view; wood, water and roads; 6 acres, $400 per tract; 10 A-, $500; 30 A.. $800; 40 A.. $1200; 80 A ' ( 2000 ; 160 A., $3X; liberal terms; inves tigate. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., - 309 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. 10T ACRES on Tualatin Rlvr, Ore gon Electric across center; forced sale to close a bankrupt estate. Call on W. A Shaw, trustee, 103 Fourth st. 10 ACRES logged-off land, 35 miles from Portland, mile from nice town, 2U cul tivated, best soil, brook, 4-room house, $'(CrO; also 10 aores adjoining above, $450 terma Wm. Irle, 681 E. 8th. 196. Phone Sell wood' 2 ACRES. 2 acres. 2 blocks from electric station, all cleared and close In; price $T50 per acre, $150 cash, balance on terma W. C. HARDING LAND CO.. 80 4th St. Board of Trade Bldg. TEN acres beaverdam land, under irriga tion and reaay for crop; oest ior onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc.; river and rail transportation: nothing better an ywhere ; low price and easy payments. Investigate. 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th mU SCARCE are acres like this one; fine soli, clo to car. water furnished and in a rapid ly-I growing section; price 11200; easy terms. Phone Marshall 2439 after 6 P. M. or AT 730, Oregonlan. I HAVE 6 acres in a thriving valley town, near post office, store, church and school. I will sell this on easy terms or mlghr trade. AM 716. Oreeonian. . 500 ACRES unimproved hill land, near city, on railroad and good county road, $1 25 per acre ; half cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. AK 728. Oregonlan. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.00 per acre up; large ana smau tracts, can Kinney fc Stampfer, 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. 10 ACRES flna soil,lBtreeL car and water through It; $1750; terma F. uboia. i-.uf Teon bids. 1 - SNAP 160 acres $700 per acre. 180 acres No. l land l mile to rauroaa station. Smith, 31tf Hamilton Bldg. For 8ale Homesteads. TWO claims heavy timber, worth $7000 when patented.; can be t nomesteaaea or timber claimed; house and two acres cleared on each; on good wagon road. 31S Maxquam bldg. Marshall 684. JUST learned where there Is some fine homestead lana near rauroaa. ana win go to see land soon; will jook up other places if you want a homestead. R. L. Wolleaon, 125 N- 16th. $300 TAKES fine homestead relinquishment in central uregon on ime 01 wogon ern railroad, now building: 15 acres plowed; all fenced. Addresa A. C. Powers, 658. Kerby at., city. For Sale -Fruit TEN-ACRE PRUNE ORCHARD. Four miles south of Salem, on macadam road, in old fruit district. Trees are 4 ' years old, will be cultivated and cared for 'i years longer. urcnara win Dear ini year, and will more than pay for th tract within next 4 years. A dandy investment or home for you. Price $3500. Small cash payment, balance monthly payments. 423 Chamber of Commerce.. . t ON S. P. R. R.. which will be electrified. this Summer, muru lnjm runima dliiu ti mile from Yamhill, all in growing crop, lies those beautiful 10 -acre Good rich orchard tracts; ideal for all kinds of fruits, vegetables, berries and poultry raising; you get one-third of this year's crop delivered at B- R. free of charge; price $125 to $250 per acre. 610 Roth cfaild bldg. Marshall 39SL SMALL tracta in Hood River sre scarce. I will Sell two to rour acre or my iv-acro ranch because I need funds. Trees 5 years o 1 d. som o bearln g ; onl y half mile from town and schools. B 713, Oregonlan. BARGAIN Kennewick Highlands, 10 acre orchard tract, two miles from Ken newick; good road; $6500,- $3000 down, terms on balance. Address owner, O. R, Stone, Kennewick, Wash. , BY OWNER 20-acre fruit ranch, all In cul tivation, witnin jv miies 01 rornana, tn reo miles of Willamette Valley town of 3000 Sopulatlon. Address J. E. Holladay, New erg. Or. CHEAPEST orchard lands; finest fruit belt Willamette vaney; ciose vo gooa wvi easy terma COURTNKY. 42g Lumber mns bldg. ' For So I e Farm. 40 ACRES, within ten mile-clrela. $3000 set buildings, land all cleared, W mil to station; an elegant country horn at bargain price, for half cash. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., 10a ! ourtn si. Main 85. A 860O. HOP YARD FOR SALE. . 40 acres, splendid hop yard; all .wired; three good hophouses and warehouse; -'60 acres more fin farm land and 60 acres pasture; good house and other- buildings; a splendid buy; $125 per acre. EDWIN JACOBSON. Dallas. Or. SALT River Valley, Alison, offers best in ducement in soil, water, ciiinst ana Busi ness openings, farming year round . 81ft clear days in year; alfalfa, sugar beets, citrus fruits, all graina Writ Gland a; ( Arizona ) Board of Trade. S20 ACRES of best rtortn -uaxota wneat land, one mne irum w .... will sell cheap or trad for unincumbered farm near Portland, city property or first mortgage aecurities. . T. J. RUDY, Mecca, Or; PLUMMER A MILLS, . 517 Lumber Exchange, have a few choice tracta of hop land. Polk County fruit and farm land. Umatilla County wheat lands city property. 40 acres truck -ranch to lease, timber lands, any size. 20 Vt -ACRE fruit farm. highly Improved home, "iin u ' -v " . a-' --t"vi;i.ui.. $s0O0: Easy terms os Abington bldg. ti. Si. Bwana. FOR SALE Alfalfa land and stook xaaohs L. jacopa Kiamati rrun. jr. DAIRY, hop and grain farm for sale. scash renti, sear roi-tiaau. s.v au