THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1913. .If Invite Your Friends to a Saturday Luncheon in Our Tea Room-Fourth Floor Best Cuisine in the City Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor Special 25c Shoppers Lunch Served in the Basement CITY LIGHTS MAY BE POT UNDER BID Mount Hood Company Looms; as Rival of Concern That Has Contract. Engineer Is Ordered to Draft Speci fication! Jor Lamps for Districts Now Dark Mayor Would Take Orer Distributing- System. Simultaneously with tile action of the UB-httns ooramltte. of the Execu- r ' ...tarifa ftftmOOn TO recommending- the araXt'.nr of specifi cations for are lamps In certain dis tricts, the ratification of this report by the Board and the appearance of a .iron, delegation from the Peninsula . - ii. . u - ttuahiirht an- 10 pieaa tor ri-in, ... j - nounced that he favors taking- over the .....v....!.. .v.tom hr the city and ca!l!nr for competitive bids for all city "rfcl". .v - vnunt Hood Railway Power Company Is striving- hard to rain a rooinoia in ia - . talcty. for its representatives appeared before tne ugcuna t"'; - -d afternoon and assured Dr. H. .. t. - t i c....aMiH the mem- nxou ana bers. that the'.r company is able to bid on the installation 01 arv. ,,T .u. mA that thev will submit bids when the advertisement Is inserted in the orriciai paper. Flaht aarared. While Mayor Rushllht expresses some doubt as to the power of the city to award contracts to the Mount Hood Company, cwlne to the fact that the Portland Rallwar. usrni -ww.r - nv.vap contract for In- stalilna arcs, nevertheless, a bis; fight la foreshadowed by the action of th( . . 1. v...4a avnd t h I MKUUV DUMU " . j ..... . J announcement of the chief executive's attitude on the general proposal 01 mu- w. . - - 4i..w ! natlnn In ' I liril IS ma mmiMitjiB the Peninsula district, as laid before the llshtlne- committee or a ms " jt.Uon of cltlsens. headed by A. L. Mor ,1. r th Panlnsnla Association of Clubs. They are demanding are lights for a territory described as lying be tween tjoiumoia ana rriin vards and Patton and Vancouver ave nues about one square mile. Not one arc light burns In the district Rreldeate Deaaaaa Relief. -n- hare been notified." said Mr. Morris, "by representatives of th . . n 1 1 - t i.hi a Pnwar Crt m pany that the company will Install arcs provided we circulate house-light pe titions in the neighborhood and obtain mourn contracts from residents to Ha avtwinaa VnW WO CSJl't Ob tain any contracts because the Mount Jlood company nas ail tne doqki the district and Is furnishing lights al ready. Furthermore, the Mount Hood Company hae expressed a willingness to Install the are lights and stands - it th. will a-lva It an opportunity. The situation In our community is deplorable. We ray as ......... . . . aa anv rlttina do. but get no llyhts at all. The rapid growth of the district makes It Imperative that I have relief and that Is what we shall expect from the city." Action of the lighting committee of the Executive uotra was a recommen dation to the Board that the City Engi neer be instructed to draft specifica tions for aro. lights in the Peninsula is similar and that the City Auditor be stallatlon when the specifications are ready. The Board rat. fled this recom mendation at Its regular session at 4 ocioca. CltT'e Right QaratloBed. "I am In doubt as-to whether the city any but the Portland Railway. Light 6 I'ower Company." said Mayor Rush- ni. ni, w urn men lum ri 11 1 u a uw wnun or the lighting committee. "An opinion from the City Attorney would be neces sary on that point. However. I am In favor of the city controllng the dls trtbutlng system and I also think It would be wise for the city to Install LLkl.. . k VIxMi.t TaKj. Mt.r. volrs. where a good deal of power goes basin. We should. I believe, get ready soon for the next contract for city lighting. I don't know but what we should call for bids pretty soon for th. lighting. That would give us plenty of time to work- out our plans nd to discuss the situation from every The plan favored by Mayor Rushlight Is identical with that advocated by Ir. Harry Lane when he via Mayor. He favored taking over the distributing plant and buying power from compet ing companies. Now that the Mount Hood Company is able, to bid. and li.l.l.. mM t a.tnn .alvmH .- cav. it appears that there Is a general XJIV.W IH 11. . Hlimui'B. ADVENTISTS MEET TODAY Feren Cbarrbea to Join In Sabbath School Convention. Seventh Pay Adventlsts churches of Portland and suburbs will hold a Sab bath School and Young People's Con vention today In the building formerly occupied by the East Elde Baptist Church, at East beventh and East Ankeny streets. Two sessions will be held, beginning at 30 o'clock this morning and 3:3 o'clock this afternoon. The Central. Montarllla. Ienta, St. John. Mount Tabor and German and F-andinavla,n churches will take part In the convention. Among the subjects to be discussed will be: "The Object of Young Peo ples Meetings." C J. Cummlngs: "The Necessity of Thorough Preparation for Work." Dr. W. B. Holden; "The Object rf the Sabbath School." Miss Ruby Vrlfcht: "The Value of a Thorough Ftudy of the Fabbath School Lessons." Mrs. A. Dlmond; "The Sabbath School l!!ealng." 1L H. Haines. Elders Milton H. Su John and A. M. rart will begin a series of Sunday right sermons tomorrow night at the Central Seventh Iay Adventiat Church, at East Eleventh and East Everett streets, on "The Significance of the Avikenlnr of the Kings of the East." Elder St. John will speak tomorrow ulght on "The Downfall of Turkey Pre dicted by the Prephet Daniel." OFFICES FOR RENT. Elegant offices in North est build ing, corner sth and Wash, sts., can be leased at prices ranging from I11.S0 up. A large unobstructed entrance to elevator. Olds, WortmaB' & Only Retail Store West of Chicago Occupying an Entire City BlocK PENINSULA DEMANDS ARCS STORE OPENS AT 9:3Q A. M. CLOSES Qi3Q P. M. EVERY SATURDAY Candy Special On Bargain Circle Sale $3.50 Corsets Only $2.89 Clearance of discontinued models in Nemo Corsets, styled -with the self-reducing and relief strap; an excellent model for full figures; a d?0 QQ $3.50 value, special, only V"u'' $8 Corsets $6.48 Another lot of Nemo Corsets made of handsome fancy batiste material with relief straps, modeled for full figures. Our best regular $S val- CfJ AO ues, special for this sale 'Pu,wv; ORDER BT 31 AIL. Between the Elevators First Floor MTV DID we sell over three tons, nearly W Xy four tons, of candy in one week TVe think it was because the people have learned the real truth of the purity and freshness of our Candy. We expect these specials to attract thou sands of sweet-tooth people. Prices as follows: 50e Marshmallows, special, the pound, only 30 40e Chocolate Caramels, the pound, special, 25 40e Butterscotch Square, special, the lb.,-27 30c Sponge Taffy Straws, special, the lb., 20? 40c Nut Fudge, special price, the pound, 25? 40c Cocoanut Biscuits, special, the pound, 30 25c French Mixed Candy, special, the lb., 23 50o Chocolate Chips, special price, the lb., 30 40c Mint Cubes, special price, pound, only 25 30c Clear Hard Candy, special, the pound, 20 30o Orange Jelly Squares, special for only 23 25o Chocolate Drops, special price, a pound 20 40e Cream Center Caramels, special, only 23 50e French Nougat, special price, the lb., 30 25c Broken Peanut Candy, special, a pound, 18 25 Mint Molasses Chews, special for only 18 ANY STORE CAN HAVE AN OVERCOAT SALE BUT FEW WILL OFFER YOU A $35.00 Coat for $16.85 Clothing Dept. First Floor Southwest. The ordinary thing can be accomplished by anybody. It's the extraordinary thing done this year, or any other year for a storo like this, with a stock of all new coats, to say "WALK RIGHT IN AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE" is extraordinary; and it's up to you to -take advantage. For today only we offer our entire stock of Men's Fine Overcoats, 'in all the season's best novelties in Raglans, "warmth without weight," Long Coats, 46 and 48-inch Overcoats, silk lined or quarter silk lined or plaid back, double faced or any other coat EXCEPT BLACK worth regular from $25.00 to J1 h ofi $35.00, specially priced for this Clearance Sale at only P OeOiJ Men's $15 to $18 Suits $9.85 Good materials and pleasing patterns, such, as the sober business man would choose. The materials are worsteds, cashmeres and tweeds. All are well tailored and moulded to fit perfectly. Sizes 33 to 46. Regular $15.00 to $18.00 values. Priced for this trreat Clearance Sale at only, each All our Men's Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits now selling at exactly One-Fourth Off $9.85 ill CiOTiES J?fPr "Savoy" Shirts New, Crisp 1912 Styles Best Materials $2 Grades On sale in the ft . & men's corner, R as l on first floor. tM jLKJfJt E. CgLW. Shirts Reduced Our entire stock of E. & W. fancy Shirts, comprising all of this season 's most up-to-date patterns, and all made of the best materials, at these reductions: $1.50 Grades for Only $1 J5 $2.00, Grades for Only $1.35 $2.50 Grades for Only $1.85 $3.00 Grades for Only $1.85 Boys' $6.50-$10 Coats $4-85 Boys S7.50 to $8 Suits $4-45 Clearance of boys' Russian Overcoats, sizes 24 to 8 years; snappy, mannish effects in good, durable materials; blues, tans, grays and browns; many are wool-lined ; our (ft A CC regular $6.50 to $10.00 values, at V'OJ Here goes for the clearance of all broken lines in boys' Suits, only one. or two of a kind; all bright, new knickerbocker styles; sizes 8 to 17 years; good $70 and $a.ou val- Ojf ues, at low clearance price of only Boys' $1.50 Underwear at 98c Boys' $1.50 Sweaters for 89c Our great annual clearance sale of boys' Stutt- garter Underwear, shirts and drawers, me best known all-wool gray mixed, in all sizes. Men's Slippers $2.50 Values $1.29 As usual after Christmas, comes the sorting up and closing out of all slippers. In the center aisle, main floor, we offer all broken lines of men's Slippers in Romeos, Everetts and Operas, in tans, wines and blacks; values up to $2.50, OQ at special Clearance sale price, a pair VA $5 House Boots $2.69 Men's high-cut "Cavalier" House Boots with roll tops, seal and vici kid stocks, in red, tl0 CX green, tan or brown; value to $5, for f . $2 Slippers 98c Women's Felt Juliets and Crochet Slippers in col ors of lavender, blue, pink, gray, wine, QQr green, red and black; values to $2.00, pair - All Men's Shoes Reduced AllWomen'sShoesReduced Our regular stock values at $1.50 a gar- QQ merit, offered at low clearance price of i70l Our Entire StocK of Boys Apparel Reduced Clearance of boys' Sweaters in the coat styles and button-to-the-neck styles; browns, grays and reds; our regular $1.50 values, spe- QQ cial for this clearance sale at only, ea.O Boys' 50c black Sateen Shirts, special at 29 Sale Mem's Underwear WE INVITE COMPARISON OF QUALITY AND PRICE $1.50 "Bradford" Shirts and Drawers 95c Clearance 6ale of the famous "Bradford" Mills Shirts and Drawers, ribbed, white wool, Winter weight; soft, warm and durable ; shirts finished with 6ilk bands in front and pearl buttons; drawers with three-button sateen waist band and French straps; sizes up to 50; regular QC $1.50 garments; offered special for this sale at''' $2 "Bradford" Shirts and Drawers $1.35 "Bradford" Mills' Shirts and Drawers, natural gray ribbed, Australian -wool, Winter -weight; shirts have silk band front; drawers have four-batton sateen ttjl waist band and French strap back; $2 values px.sJJ $2.50 "Bradford" MaKe Union Suits $1.95 In the men 's department, first floor, heavy ribbed natural gTav wool Union Suits; soft, warm and durable; sizes up . . j f .11 1 i .a. aaf to 50 ; regular sizes ana siouis ior iau or snon men; regular $2.a(J values, clearance sale. $1.25 American Mills Underwear 85c A spirited clearance of a line of American Knitting Mills' Shirts and Drawers, Winter weights, ribbed, natural gray worsted Shirts and Drawers, extra well made and finished; all sizes up to 46 ; the most popular $1.25 sellers. We are making a special sale of these goods and all OC economical buyers will do well to take advantage OiJl $3.50 "Staley" Mills Underwear $2.25 In the men's corner, main floor, a sale of "Staley" Mills Shirts and Drawers; extra heavy, plain Australian wool, camelshair color, in sizes to 48; good $3.50 tO OC values. Bargainized for this sale at, garment pi.CiJ $2.25 "Staley" Mills Underwear, $1.50 Underwear aisle,' on main floor. A sale of the popular Staley'" Shirts and Drawers, heavy ribbed, silver gray wool, non-shnnking, extra strong, warm, dt able; shirts sizes to 52; drawers to 48; $2.25 Bargain Circle No. 2 (rJt'lToo'r) Women's $4.00 Sweaters $2.79 For one day only a special Clearance of Women's Sweaters in plara and fancy weaves, high or V necks and military effects, (jn "7Q with pockets and belts; our best regular values to $4, for S)aU J Women's 5.00'Petticoats $2.89 Women's fine Silk Petticoats in messalines and rich, lustrous quality t.ff. riinmH with bands and accordion plaited ruffles; some with fringe 'trimming; others with pin tucks; black and all Jo OQ colors; values to $5.00, priced for this Clearance Sale at Q,KJJ $2.50 Vals. $1.55 S3.5Q Vals. $2.35 In the men's corner, main floor, a sale of the American Hosiery Company's Underwear, shirts and drawers; fine quality, medium and heavy weight, full fashioned, white merino silk trim'd; 6hirt sizes run from 34 to 46 ; drawer sizes run from 30 to 44 Our best regular $2.50 d 1 CC and $2.00 grades, offered special during this clearance sale at the low price of only P JJ Gantner & Mattern's English Knit Underwear1-shirts and drawers, Winter weight, d0 O f- white and pink, blue and lavender, cross stripes; regular $3.50 garments, priced at ? $4.00 Underwear Now Only $2.25 American Hosiery Company's Shirts and Drawers, in the natural gray color, silk and wool, also heavy white merino shirts; sizes 34 to 46; drawers. 30 to 44; our regu- djO OC lar $3.00 to $4.00 values, special PSs.s-s- $3.75 Underwear Now Only $1.95 Cartwright and Warner's English Shirts and Drawers; fine lightweight white cashmere and medium weight fine natural wool; all sizes in the lot. Best regular $3.00 and J I QC $3.75 values, offered special, only P .'' Women's $5.00 Waists for $1.98 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, on second floor, an even ing sale of women's Waists of all linen, mercer ized cotton or madras material, in strictly tailored Btyles, with stiff cuffs and collars and shirt ef fects; plain or embroidered. Values 1 QQ to $5.00, offered during this sale for P '- $2.00 Kid Gloves for Only 59c 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, in glove department, first floor, a lot of women's soiled or mussed Gloves and odds and ends, left over from the season's selling; black, white and colors. Our reg- CQ. ular values to $2.00, clearance price, pair''' $1.50 Box of Men's SocKs 98c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the men's aisle, on main floor, men's mercerized cotton Socks, double heels and toes; black, tan, gray and navy col- QQ. ors. Box of 6 pairs, $1.50 value, special Men's $1.50 Pajamas for 55c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the men's aisle, on main floor, a sale of Flannelette Pajamas, neat pat terns, trimmed with silk frogs, large sizes CCp only; regular $1.50 values, the suit, sp'l. Women's $1.50 Gowns. for 98c. 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, in the, undermuslin depart ment, on second floor, a sale of women's Gowns, slipover styles; round necks, short sleeves, made of good quality longcloth, neatly trimmed. QOp Our regular $1.50 values, special at only - Women's $1.50 Comb'ations 89c 6 to 9 :30 P. M., second floor, an evening clearance of women's Combinations, Corset Cover and Drawers, made of longcloth, trimmed in allover embroidery, lace insertion, etc.; our regu- QQn lar $1.50 values, offered special for only-''' Men's $5 Non-Aqua Shoes for $3.85 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the shoe store, on first floor, a sale of men's Non-Aqua Boots, with Vis col soles, full "16 iron," with extra channel nail ing. Good $5.00 values, offered spe- 0 OCJ cial for clearance at low price of only P-eJi' 25c and 50c Plates for Only 10c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, third floor, or basement, an evening sale of Historical Plates, which 1 fr sell regular at 25o and 50c, special at only v' $20.00 Dinner Sets Only $10.00 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, on third floor, an evening sale of Austrian China Dinner Sets, three deco rations to select from; neat decorations with gold line; 100-piece set, regular $20.00 M fl Of) value, on special sale at low price of V x vrvv Men's $12.50, $15.00 Suits, $7.48 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, men 's corner, on the main floor, sale of men's and young men's Suits, good, serviceable, practical styles; sizes 34 to 44; neat grays and mixtures. Broken lines of tj?,7 AO. our Fall styles; $12.50 to $15 values P eTU Oriental Cream, Special at 95c 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, in the drug aisle, on main floor, an evening sale of the very popular QC. "Gourand's" Oriental Cream, offered for - Fine tissue Toilet Paper for 8c 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, in drug sundry aisle, first floor, good quality Toilet Paper, 1000 sheets Q to the roll; special for the evening sale, only '' Best Face Powders only 29c 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, drug sundry aisle, on first floor, Poudre Zoraya, "Ed. Pinaud's"; OQ very high grade; special evening sale price Boys $2.50 Rain Capes for $1.79 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, in the juvenile department, on main floor, boys' Rubber Capes in all sizes, just the thing for school or for 1 HOk cycling; best regular $2.50 values, for P ' Boys' 75c Night Gowns for 39c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, on main floor, clearance of boys' Flannelette Nightgowns in air sizes. OQ. Best regular 75c values, for this sale, only ''' Children's Coats V2 52.50 Coats $1.25 $15 Coats 57.50 Second Floor. Clearance of children's Coats, made of the fancy mixed materials and plain colors, for little girls 2 to 6 years of age, at the following special prices: Girls' 5.00 Wool Coats for $2.50 Girls' $ 6.50 Wool Coats for $3.25 Girls' 9 750 Wool Coats for $3.75 Girls' $10.00 Wool Coats for S3.00 Girls' $15.00 Wool Coats for 7.50 Child's Dresses 12 Price Second Floor. Clearance of children's Wool Presses in plain or fancy mixtures; sizes 6 to 16 years. An assorted lot in assorted sizes. For this sale, priced as follows : Children's $ 5.00 Dresses for S2.50 Children's $ 8.50 Dresses for $4.25 Children's $ 9.75 Dresses for 4.87 Children's $13.50 Dresses for 6.75 Children's $14.75 Dresses for 7.38 Children's $17.50 Dresses for S.75 Child's Bonnets 12 Price All our children's Velvet Bonnets, in pretty new shades, neatlv trimmed; $1.50 to $8.75 al-IJl Prirp, ues. BfieciaJ, onli" 1 ltc Sale of Drvig's and Toilet Needs In the Drug Aisle, on First Floor Packer's Tar Soap, special at 15 Woodbury's Facial Soap for 15 Pears' Unscented Soap, only Xl Standard Toilet Soap, assort- A ed odors, large 10c cakes, at " Munyon's Witch Hazel Soap at 5J La Premera Castile Soap for G? White Pine and Tar Cough Ofn Syrup, special for this sale v Foley's Honey and Tar, only 1S Grandmother's Old - Fash- OO ioned Court Syrup, at only Hickory Bark Remedy, only 25 Kam-Thymo, special at only 10 Perfumes in bulk, all odors, OC standard makes, ounce only-'' Face Chamois, oval or 1 fg square 6ize, 7x9 inches, at Face Powder, "Cannons," at 40 Pompeiian Massage Cream at 30 Riveris Talcum, Lehn & 1 It Fink's; clearance price at Pasteurine Tooth Paste, only 14 Face Sponges, special at only 5J Talcum Powder, 1-lb. cans only 8 Borax, 20-Mule-Team, only 12 Whisk Brooms, special, only 21 All Parisian Ivory, one day, 1-3 off. Mentholatum, small size for 16 Mentholatum, large size, ior a7 Syrup-White Pine Com- 1 Q bination, "Squibbs," M pt-. 1 Petroleum, 1-pound glass jar, 8? Absorbent Cotton, 1-lb. roll, 29 Corn Plaster, Blue Jay, at only 8 Witch Hazel, 8-ounce bottle, 12 Witch HazeL 16-ounce bottle, 21 Peroxide, 4-punce bottle, only 8 Peroxide, 8-ounce bottle, for 15 Listerine, large size, special, 69 Sal-Hepatica, large size, at 79J Wine of Cardui, large size, 79 Rubber Gloves, household, CO. 85c, and $1.00 grades only"7' Hair Brushes, solid back, full bristles, special at only - BRUSHES FOB HALF PRICE Hair Brushes, Hat and Cloth Brushes, Military Brushes, all tak en from our retnilar stock ; slightly damaged; UHalf Price to $5.00 values111 r IvC BORDEN'S MALTED MILK $3.75 hospital size for only 2.75 $1.00 large size, special, only 80J 50c small size, special at only 40J B asemenf Sp Women's $15.00 Suits $6.85 Women's $5 Waists at $1.96 EVENING SPECIAL, 6 TO 9:30 ONLY This tremendous bargain will bring scores of thrifty women to our basement. 300 beautiful Waists, many of the newest and most attractive styles, in silk or net, plain tailored and fancy trim'd styles; all d1 QQ wanted colors; worth to $5; evening price P.'0 Meia's $1.25 Sweaters for 48c ALL-DAY SALE In the basement underprice store, clearance of men's and big boys' Sweaters; warm wool, heavy weight, car- 1 -1 ". . 3 J J 1.1 M aigan no, with pearl Men's $1.50 SHirts Only 95c ALL-DAY SALE ' In the basement, men's heavy-weight wool Flannel Shirts, in dark navy blue, made good and full; QC sizes 14V2 to 16V2; our regular $1.50 values at - digan rib, in gray, trimmed in red and blue, A Q buttons; sizes 34 to 42; values w EVENING SPECIAL, 6 TO 9:30 ONLY A group of women's Tailored Suits, made up of good materials and styles in keeping with the popular vogue ; all we!', lined and neat fitting. Some were bought spe cial, others were taken from second floor lj? O C regular stock; good values to $15, special at pvleOtaf Men's 19c ClotH Gloves at lOd ALL-DAY SALE In the basement "underprice store," clearance sale of men's and boys' warm cloth Gloves, good heavy 1 Q quality, our regular 19o grades, offered special ! Boys' $4.50 Overcoats $1.93 ALL-DAY SALE In the basement, final clearance of boys' Ove'rcoats, 75 in the lot; made of heavy tweed materials in smart, neat patterns, well lined; sizes.3 to 8 years, J-j QQ good values up to $4.50, on special sale for P Petticoats at $1.49 Garment Section 2d. Floor Clearance of Ileatherbloom, sateen and cotton messa linp Pfitt.ip.nats. stvled with accordion plaited ruffles end trimmed in tailored bands, string or ti"! JQ fitted tops.' black and colors, special oni Y 500 SacKs Cane Sugar Delivered Only WitH OtHer Goods JLL 4 Lbs California Grape. Fruit now only 5 30c Swet, Juicy Oranges at only 25 Golden Glow Butter, 2 lbs. at only 85 O. W. K. Butter, 2-lb. square only 72. 10c O. W. K. Coffee, the pound at 28 Fancy Winesap Apples, the box S2.00 ausage It's pure and ooL It's.Ture Pork Sausage; comes to us fresh daily. It's made from Government in spected pigs. It's seasoned with pure spices. 61U BRAND For your Sunday breakfast.