. TITE MORNING OREG OXT AX. FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1913. 20 Second Annual Oregon Cat Show at Meier & Frank's, January 16, 17 and 18 Full Line of the Famous Spratt's Cat Goods, Drug Dept. Our Great January Toilet Goods and Drug Sale Is Now in Full Swing on the First Floor Hundreds of Specials in Daily Used Articles The me dales wm ivii 81 Annual mv Clear- ISf ance i Friday a Banner ay at Meier & Frank y : : . The day to which all look for the biggest offerings of the week! Although every ar ticle in the store is reduced (contract goods alone excepted), we've secured this page of sensational Friday Surprise features which are bound to throng the store every minute. They're on sale for the one dav only many lots are limited so come early ! Sf Carnival Astonishing Silk Surprise Today! $1, $1.25 and $ 1 .50 Grades at first rvoo -MAIX BCTLDIXO. ORDER BT MAIL. Choose from thonsands of yards of rich, shimmering SilKs at less than ordinary mill cost! It's an accumulation of odd pieces and bolt-ends of oar best $1, $1.25 and $1.50 SilKs. Fancy Taffetas, Lonlsines, Messalines, 20 to 27 Inches wide, In scores of pretty checKed; striped and floored designs of every wanted color. SilKs for waists, silKs for dresses, for cos tames, linings. In the 1145th Snrprise, the yard, 63c 1800 Pairs of Women's $3.00 to $4.50 Shoes in the Snrprise, THIRD FLOOR 1TEW BTTILDIXG. ORDER BT MAIL. from our regular $3, They're all good, stylish, desirable Shoes broKen lines, of coarse $3.50, $4 and $4.50 grades, oat for a big Friday Snrprise Sale at $1.89. Patent colt, glazed Kid and ganmetal leathers, in plain lace, button and blacher lace styles, with hand-tamed and Goodyear-welt soles. All sizes and widths in the lot, as a whole. Come early for the best choice. Friday only at, the pair, $1.89. life j wA ' l. L'Kffcsii of For the 1145th Surprise Women's to $40 Polo Coats $14.85 SUCOXD i'UIOK MAJX BUI UMNO. The attractive White Polo Coats some slightly soiled that's the reason for this remarKable redac tion. So comfortable in their allenveloping lines. Fall or half-belted styles. Also a wide variety of other warm. Winter coats, in rich, plain cheviots and broadcloths, gray tweedl and zibelines. A good range la r sf it sizes. Regular $25, $30, $35 and $40 coats. Priced for the 1145th Surprise at only $14.85 $5000 Worth Staple Leather Goods for Surprise at FIRST FLOOR XEW BflLDIXQ. ORDER BT MAIL. We've thrown all thought of profits aside in this clean-ap of Leather Goods for the 1145th Friday Surprise today! Over $5000 worth of staple Hand bags, including genuine horned al ligators, genaine seals, walrus, In di i a goat and patent leathers, at exactly cne-half of former price 1 This lot wmn in blacks, tans, bines and other colors. All staple sizes, with nmetal, German silrer and gilt mountings. The first here will get best selection, of course. High-grade, 55 to $30 values, at exactly half marked price. $1.50 New Spring Waists Just oat of the cases for this 1145th Surprise splendid $1.50 Lingerie Waists in new advance Spring models, 3 pictured above. Nicely made of sheer malls, with trim- mlngs of German and cluny laces. and Patch necKs, long or short sleeves trim- f The Neckwear Surprise 75c to $ 1 Pieces, 47c first FTooB iwinr iniDim Just m pretty and dainty m car be this high-grade 75c to $1 Neck wear that we special today at 47c Jabots and Rabata -nicely trimmed with rich cluny lace and Irish crochet medallion. They add the finishing touch to the Winter's cos tume. Come early today for best choice of this 75c and $1.00 Neckwear at on for 50c to $1 --CHandkerchi'fs Dainty, fine linen Kerehiefs, beautifully embroidered in initial, corner and scalloped styles. Taken from our regular stock because they're slightly soiled. 50o to $1.00 Kerchiefs today at only 29o 47c For the 1145th Surprise Men's to Third Floor 00 Raincoats $7. 85 $12.50 robberlzed English "slip-on" Storm Coats; fall length, with military collars and welted waterproof seams. $12.50 to $15 All-Wool BlacK Thibets, Priestley craven'ted, quarter lined, sleeves sllK and Venetian lined; also worsted Raincoats in a big as sortment of light and darK gray patterns, reg. convertible collars $7.85 ---"lit; ivmffl'ii-fliiiiifliYati'a Up to $30 Paris and New York Hats at $5 IECO.VII FLOOR SEW BUIJLDIXQ. For Friday, we offer this amazing Clear ance on over 100 beautiful Pattern Hats, bearing the labels of Georgette, Marie Guy, Litchemrtein and other famous Paris and New York modistes 1 Street and street styles, including the smartest midwinter fur trimmed I lata and even many with ostrich plume. Former prices from $15 to $30. In the 1145th Friday Surprise your choice onlv $1.95 inces xrom o wj $5.00 for$5.00to $12.50 Hats A tabla of pretty street Hats for Friday choosing, at this little price. Trim stvles with which to finish out the Winter sea son. Former prices f 5, $6.60 to $12.50. Knit Underw'ar Surprise Women's $1.50 Mixed Wool Union Suits, 63c FIRST FLOOR KAXtT BUILDING. Think of choosing warm Winter Union Suits at 63c, and they sold regularly at $1.50 1 Medium weight mixed wool garments, made in all styles, high and low necK, long and short sleeves, Knee or anKle length. Actual $1.50 Union Suits today at 63c for 20c and 25c Rich C Naut AlKSilk nihhnn Beautiful Ribbons in scores of plain and fanoy color com binations. Warp prints, Dresdens, Persians, plain and Roman stripes and checks; 3 to 6 inches wide. Regular 20c and 25c Ribbons for the Snrprise at 12c. $6.50 to $7.50 Rich Brassware at $2.98 The durable and artictic combined in this rich Rns s i a n Hammered Brass ware. Medinm and mass ive pieces Jardinieres, Umbrella Stands, Pedes tals, etc, jnst as illnstrated at the left. An offer that can't be duplicated the city over. Actual $6.50 to ii: ? ; lr !! ill i'; :! i ill" & 1 r Brass- y ware for the Snrprise a $2.98 See 6th Street Window Display For the 1145th Surprise Boys' $2.50 to $3 Blouse Suits, $1.88 We've 345 of these Meier & Frank' Rassian and Sailor Thir & floor Snits for boys. Splen did, stnrdy snits, all cheviots, in gray, blue and brown, with f both military and sailor collars. Regn lar $2.50 to $3 grades, in ages 2 to. 10 years. Friday's Snrprise at $1.88 $1 and $1.25 KnicKer Pants, 65c AVell made, in woolens, of browns, grays and mixtures. Ages 4 to 16 years. $1.00 and CEJ $1.25 Knicker Pants, special today, onlyOiJC 35c Cone Shaped Gas Toasters, 19c Every home should have one of these convenient Gas Toasters! Ejc actly as illustrated. of copper wire, cone-shaped, so they toast 4 pieces of bread evenly and quickly at one time. MaKe cnspy toast without drying the bread. For use on any gas, oil or gasoline stove. Regular 35c Toasters for Friday Surprise Sale at only 40c China Salt Boxes 29c 19c Almost indispensable, once youVe used them In the kitchen. Made of white china, to hang on the wall. "Will not gather mois ture. iRegnlar 40o for the Fri- ry Q day Surprise only, special, ea. tttJC For the 1145 th Surprise To $1 Semi-Made Corset Covers 75c FIRST FLOOR JSEW BUILDING. Just a hem at the front and bottom and you ' ve com- pleted a dainty semi - made Corset Cover of fine Swiss, Ma deira and Ap- penzelle Embroidery. Some finished with neat embroidery scalloped edges. Beadings run with ribbon. Especially dainty for wear with lin gerie waists. All nicely sa boxed; $1.25 and $1.50 Corset Covers priced at 5c 6000 Men's 25c to 50c Silk Ties at 16c For the 1145th Surprise Out on the center aisle today a big bargain table filled with beautiful silK Fonrln-Hands, remain ing from our regular 25c, 35c and 50c lines! Wide ends, flowing ends, French folds and reversibles, in a practic ally, endless assortment of new patterns and col- orings. Your c choice Fri- I day for only To $ 1 .00 Night Shirts 50c A cleanup on men's flannelette Night Shirts, made in military or laydown collar style. Also sateen Night Shirts in tan, blue and lav- Cr ender, which sold for $L00 Friday only, at OUC f H $ 1 New Framed Pictures, 69c FIFTH FLOOR SEW BlILDIJO. ORDER BT MAIL. Brighten the walls with new pictures. Pretty colored subjects iu oval gilt frames size 9x17; copies of old masterpieces in brown val frames, size 13x16 and IIarrison Fisher Heads in black oval frames, size 13x16. Choice of these $1.00 Q f pictures today for the 1145th Friday Surprise Sale $1.50 Pictures "Yard of Flowers" rith gilt frames and artistic An etchings in walnut frames. Snrprise today at the low price of only ZJOs Big Grocery Surprise, Coffee 26c For Friday's Surprise, our Pure Food Grocery features A this special Coffee, our own blend, freshly roasted, lb. OC "Tea' Soom Blend; Coffee, the Id., 39 Grtoly Bluff Butter, two pounds for 68fr Log Oabin Oane and Maple Syrup, 9I.UU Olives stuffed with celery, special at 10 English Breakfast Tea, the pound, at 25 Walter's Baker's Cocoa, the can, only 20 Japan Tea, an extra special at only 32 Olives, regular 85c bottlea, special at 40d Fancy Layer Bainins, the package at 15 Assorted Jams, 25c grades, special at 16 TELEPHONES PACIFIC, PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 Telephone clerKs will be ready at 7 A. M. to taKe your order. j i -1