11 Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Standard Sewing Machines-Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors on Second Floor Delightful Luncheon in Tea Room, 4tH Floor Shoppers 2 c LuncH Served in Basement Delicatessen Dept., 4tn Floor Note CKange of CHoose any Hat in our millinery dept., excepting plume-trimmed hats from $132 .1 i . r 0 Oldls, WoirHmsiini Business Hours For Saturdays At This Store In order better to serve oar customers by maintaining a full force of sales people throughout the day and to jrive additional rest to oar employee, we will not open oar store hereafter until 9:30 A. 1L on Saturdays, and will close at 9:30 P. M. Saturday nights, as usual. up ToineDesi ior 5QO Store Opens 9:3Q A. M. Closes 9:3Q P. M. Saturdays TITE jrORXTXG OKEGOXIAN. SATURDAY, JAXTJARY 6, 1912. in oys'$6.50to $10 Overcoats $4.85 Women's $6.50 Dress SKirts for $2.89 In the basement "underprice store" we offer women a Dress bkirts made of serges, panamas and mixtures, plain colors, stripes and checks, all splendid new styles and pood values at the r en- Jar prices up to 0.o0; ottered special CO QQ during clearance sale at low price of P.O7 S1.50 Waists Only4c In the basrment "underprice store" a sale of women s Waists, plain or fancy trimmed styles; good values up to $1.50f offered for the clearance sale at low rnce of. each, onlv "OC 51.50 Gowns Only 89c In the basement "underprice store," a sals of women's muslin Gowns in several pood stvles. well trimmed, eut full and lonp; all well OQ made; splendid values up to $1.50, each C Women's $3.50 Shoes $1.95 In the basement "underprice store," a clearance sale of women's Shoes, comprising' many styles in patent or (run metal stock, with kid or crave nette tops; all the new. late styles in f1 QC dependable $3.00 and $3.50 values, at V vO Men's Underwear 37c Tn the basement, a sale of men's Shirts and Drawers, medium and heavy weight, plain or ribbed, with fine warm fleece lining, in eray and tan eolors; a complete range of sizes from 6 32 to 46; onr best regular 60c values for O C $1 Underwear for 59c In the basement "underprice store," a sale of odd lines and sizes of various kinds of men's Under wear, natural gray color, all irronped in one lot for a speedy clearance. Good $1.00 val- CQ ues, offered special during this sale, only ' V Bargain Circle No. 1 MAM FLOOR. Sale Doilies, Scarfs Center Pieces, Etc. An extraordinary sale, for one day only, on the circle counter. In the cen ter of the main floor. Dollies. Center- ? teres. fc-arfs. Lunch Cloth, and Table 'loth. In Japanese .mbroldery. Bat tenbera; or German cluny work: brought down from the second floor art needlework dept. at following price.: S9e PIMM le l'e nc 3'o So - - 1e t pleoM o SI! PIMM . .....4V Tie Plr. 41M SAC Ptr . .....B75 1. 1 Plr . . . . TOC II. Sv I'WH II Jo Piw ... 9a 1X00 P1KM ...1.4 S3 15 Plec. 14 31 Pler. . S CO pir. . f A 50 Plres . 14. OO FMcs . ! Pie-. . IIOM Ploce. 113 H) ri fla.00 Plocoa .11 31 .13 : .tits . 14 a . l1 .$- 14-'0 Piece. ..ttt.14 0 Piece. US 10 07 tifl 1 1 f I I : i 1 1 71 i.l I VI W III! 1 I V, 1 ' $3 378 Coats Bought Special Just Received A very advantageous purchase of 378 boys' and Children's Overcoats just received from Bamberger Bros., of New YorK. The best and most attractive little coats we have ever been able to show at such a low price. Russian, double-breasted and button-to-the-necK styles. Materials are Scotch tweeds, serg'es and Cheviots, also a lot of the new Varmth-without-weigTit" Coats in plain blue, tan, g'ray, brown and mixtures and chinchillas in red and blue. Sizes 214 to 10 years, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 and . q $10 values. We offer these Overcoats at the low Clearance Sale price of $4.0i3 B oys Junius au Vz ir rice $5 Hercules Suits $2.50 $10 Hercules Suits $5 Tiirrw a genuine clearance or ail our hoys Hercules Suits, none better for good wearing llMlll OTialitV: tiantS are Iinpn-linprl. manv nf thp matPriaU afp rravpnettorl nil nto rvlifi1v II - 1 . . u 1.- c n mix jk- . .. ... ... I Grounds, full fashioned, double soles, heels 1 xiiaue. nerroies aum mj- I anj toes; all sizes; 35o to 60o grades, pair 13C cules Suits, $3.75; all $8.50 Hercules Suits, $4.25; all $10 Hercules Suits at ipO.UU J c ' v 'i" tf1 on 50c Women's $15.00 Suits at $6.85 6 to 9 :30 P. M-, in the basement underprice store, sale of 60 Tailored Suits, all good, stylish mod els in black and blue vicuna, cheviot and mixtures, all well made and finished, good satin linings. None shown before 6 o'clock. Our QC regular $15 Suits, spl evening price f"J,J-' Women's $5.00 Waists at $1.98 6 to 9 :30 P. M., second floor, evening sale of wom en's Tailored Waists in linen, madras and mer cerized cotton, with stiff collars and cuffs, plait ed fronts, Gibson styles, or shirt styles; also"a lot of Marquisette Waists; values up QJ1 QQ to $5.00, special for this sale at, each P I I2y2c HucK Towels at Only 9c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, on first floor, a sale of good quality Huck Towels, with colored bor- Q ders: liJJ-Ao values, on srieciaJ sale at onlv Men's 35 -50c Sox, Special, 15c From 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, in the men's depart ment, first floor, 1000 pairs of men's imported fancy Hose in fine lisle thread or cotton stripes, checks and jacquard designs; all dark colored B radley Mufflers Clearance Price 25c All three departments will join in this sale of the famous Bradford Mufflers, the handiest and best mufflers on the market. Just what you need for these cold days. They come in black, white and colors. On sale in the men's department, the women's neckwear de- OC. partment and the juvenile department. Regular 60o values at OC E.&W. Shirts Reduced Men s $2.50 Slippers, Only $1.29 2000 pairs of men's House Slippers in tan, vifi or seal, wine l.id, mat kid and beaver Felt Slipperti in gray or black; heavy hand-turned soles; Komeo, Everett and opera styles ; our regular !j 1 O Q values up to $2.50, on special sale, pr. P '' Suit Case $2.35 $13 Suit Case $9.95 Clearance of Keratol Suitcases, 7 inches deep, 24 inches long, with two straps all around, with brass lock and bolts, leather corners and good strong handles, steel frame; linen-lined; regular $3 JJO OC values, special at only V"-- Women's Four styles in eowhide leather Suit cases, 24 inches long, two straps all around, brass lock and bolts, bag Handles, sewed on loops and cor ners, steel frames ; linen-lined, shirt I old and inside straps; PQ QC all $13 values, for only pJW ,,T57oBatH Robes Bargain Circle No. 2 Main Floor Between Elevators $2.00 Slippers 98c The Bargain Circle will be a busy place today. It will be filled with Honse Slippers, with 3000 pairs to draw from. Felts, Crochet, Mer cerized. Fnr-trimmed Juliets, etc., in wine, red, blue, gray, chinchilla, preen and black; also Sultana High Roll-top Crochet Slippers, aq the "so comfort" kind; all good values np to $2.00 the pair OC Extra special for Saturday only A great clearance of Women's Bath Robes of good quality blanket cloth in floral designs with snawi collars, sanor couars or v necKs, piped with satin ribbon. wun euk irog lasiemngs ana cora lies, snaped sleeve and turn back cuffs. Our regular values to $10.00, specially rt r rs priced for this great Clearance Sale at only, each u)0Oi 2-in-l House Dresses$i.79 In the garment store, second floor, a sale of. women's two-in-one house Dresses, made of "good quality per cale or outing flannel; can be worn as kimono or as house dress. Can be adjusted without taking off; will fit any waist or bust; J1 7Q all sizes ; vals. to $2.50 i i Semi-annual clearance sale of the famous E. & "W. Shirts for men, which is held only by permission of the manufac turers. The sale includes the entire stock of fancy shirts, 91.50 Grades 91.15 It 02.OO Grades $1.35 I Women S 5UC IlOSe, OpeCial, lVC 92.50 Grades 91.85 II 93.00 Grades 9185 L6 to 9:30 P. M- main floor, women's imported . ' I lisle thread and sea island cotton Stockings in csale Men s Underwear $2, $2.50 Values $1.55 In the men's corner, main floor, a sale of the American Hosiery Company's Underwear, shirts and drawers; fine quality, medium and heavy weight, full fashioned, white merino, silk-trimmed; shirt sizes run 34 to 46 ; drawer sizes run 30 to 44. Our best M r? E? regular $2.50 and $2.00 grades, offered special at only PlJJ $4 Underwear $2.25 American Hosiery Company's Shirts and Drawers, in the nat ural gray color, silk and wool, also heavy white merino shirts; sizes 34 to 46, drawers 30 to 44; our regular 3i00 to dJO O $4.00 values, Hpecial O $3.75 Underwr $1.95 Cartwrighi and "Warner's Eng lish Shirts and Drawers; fine lightweight white cashmere and medium weight fine natural wool, all sizes in the lot. Best regular $3.00 and C"I QC $3.75 values, at only ? 4 plain colors and fancy patterns, and em- 1 Q broidere'd Boots; reg. values to 50c, pair 35c Cashmere Hose. Only 19c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, on main floor; a sale of women s DiacK casnmere blockings, in meemm weight, merino heels and toes, ribbed tops, 1Q. -fast Hve? vftlnptl tn ttn Tiair. Rrtp.c.ial. onlv XV Child's $1.48 Sweater, Only 55c 6 to 9 :30 P. M. today, sale of children 's Sweaters in pretty combination colors and weaves in red, wniie ana tan; sizes 6, to, o; siigniiy c c mussed; our regular $1.48 grade, special-'-'' Boys' 50c and 75c Cap, Only 19c 6 to 9:30 P. M. today, an evening sale of boys' Caps in broken lines; some have fur inside, pull Drugs and Toilet Needs at Clearance $2 Underwear at $1.55 Gantner & Mattern English Knit Underwear shirts and drawers, in the Winter weight, white with pink, blue and lavender cross j1 C tZ stripes; our regular $2.00 values for PX00 $2.00 "Savoy" SHirts S1.35 Onr semi-annual sale of the popular "Savoy'1 Shirts for men ; a collection of hundreds of hand some patterns of high-grade materials, cut full in the body, correctly sized and well made; in all sizes and sleeve lengths; our regular 1 OC $2.00 Shirts, offered special at, each plOD fl.00 bottle Scott's Emulsion S3 (1 bottle Angiers Emulsion, 83 ft bottle Russet's Emulsion, 83 $1.00 Pint Lam's Remedies, 79 fl.00 Dr. Pierce's Remedies, 79 $1.00 Peruna, the Dottle, only S3 1.00 Sal liepatiea, special 79 f 1.00 Bromo Seltzer, at only 83 $1.00 Gude's Peptc-Mangan, 83 $1.00 Wine of Cardui, only 83 BORDEN'S HALTED MTT.K f.1.5 hospital size, special, $2.75 1.00 lanje size, special, only 80 60c small size, special at only 40 12Vi TOILET PAPER, ONLY 8c Extra quality, 1000 sheets to roll. 8c TOILET SOAPS FOB ONLY 4c Good grades, in assorted makes. 25c TOOTH BRUSH AT ONLY 18o All textures, guaranteed. BRUSHES, ONE -HALF PRICE Hair, Military and Cloth Brushes. $1.00 RUBBER GLOVE 3 AT 69o All sizes, white or red rubber guaranteed 85c and $1.00 (2Qf grades, during this 6ale at Of C Syringes, Hot Water fA CCC Bottles, Combinafns VIT Hospital Absorbent Cotton, the pound at only 29c Peroxide, one-fourth pound, regular 10c, special 8c Peroxide, one-half pound, regular 15c, special at 12c Witch Hazel, one-half pound, regular 25c, spe. 12c Witch Hazel, one pound,' regular 35c, special at 23c Listerine, large size, $1.00 bottles for low price of 69c Syrup of Fig's, regular 50c, now on sale for only 35c James Expectorant, 50c, special now for only 40c White Pine Cough Syrup 50c, special now for only 40c Foley's Honey and Tar, 50c, special now for only 40c Clearance ofShoes Our Entire Stock Reduced Largest and best stock of popular styles in all Portland. Men, women and children may benefit by the reductions. Haviland CHiraa Fancy Decorated In the big China Store, third floor, a sale of Haviland & Co.'b Fancy Decorated China at prices to effect speedy Clearance : $ 1.60 Relish Dishes, price for this Clearance Sale $1.06 $ 2.25 Salad Bowls, priced for this Clearance Sale SI. 43 $ 2.35 Mayonnaise Bowls and Stands, for Clearance SI. 56 $ 2.50 Sugar and Cream, specially priced at only S1.66 $ 3.25 Bread Trays, for this Clearance Sale at only S2.18 $ 3.50 Cake Plates, for this Clearance Sale at only $2.33 $ 4.50 Chop Dishes, for this Clearance Sale at only S3. 00 $ 6.00 Baking Seta of three pieces, Clearance Sale S4.00 $ 6.00 Bread and Butter Plates, Clearance Sale, doz. S4.00 $ 7.75 Lunch Plates, for this Clearance Sale, doz. S5 16 $14.75 Cups and Saucers, this Clearance Sale, doz. S9.83 $16.50 Chocolate Sets, for this Clearance Sale only SllioO $ 8.50 Fern Dishes, for this Clearance Sale, at only S5.G6 Women's Gowns $1.50 Values 98c Warm, cozy outing flannel Gowns, made of good material, in pink, blue and gray stripes, made in the kimono style and military or regu lation collar, trimmed in finishing braid; values to $1.50; ourQC- special clearance price, at OC down, neat colors and mixtures; our regu- 1 Q lar 50o and 7oc values, special price, each X 5C Boys' 75c Underwear, Only 29c 6 to 9 :30 P. M., evening sale of boys ' fleece-lined Underwear, extra quality, ribbed, for boys; -izes to 14 years; regular 75c values, offered OQ special during this sale at, the garment'' 5c Ivory Soap, Special, CaKe 3c 5c Fairy Soap, Special, CaKe 3c All Mirrors at One-Quarter Off $1.00 Hair Brushes, Special, 50c The "Ideal"-Rubber Cushion Hair Brush. 15c Face Chamois, Special, at 8c Large size, square or oval shapes. 35c Face Powder, Special, at 19c 50c Perfumes, Special, Only 25c Good standard markes, in all shades. Clearance sale of women's muslin I 2J.DU flat dnapeS, dpeCial, OVC Gowns in the slipover styles, with J 6 to 9.30 p. M., in the millinery department, 2d round neck, short sleeves and dain- foor a great assortment of Hat Shapes in velvets, ty allover yokes of fine embroidery felts satin an(l velvet, satin and felt, blacks and colors, m small, medium and large sizes. OQ $3.50 Underw'r 2.35 Gantner & Mattern 's English Knit Underwear, shirts and drawers, Winter weight, white with pink, blue and lavender cross stripes; flJO OC our regular $3.50 garments, priced at p S5.00 English Underwear S2.7.5 In the underwear aisle, 1st floor, a sale of Cart- wnght & Warner's English Underwear, shirts and drawers, fine light weight, white silk and wool; shirt sizes run from 36 to 42. Drawer sizes run from 32 to 40. Our best regular $5.00 tfjp JEZ values, offered special during sale at O or inlaid with dainty Valenciennes laces ; regular values np to $1.50, on special sale, only ' pecials Department Fourth Floor. O. W. & K. 40o Imperial Roast Coffee, specially priced, lb. 28t Genuine Mocha and Java, regular 45c Coffee, priced at, lb. 40d Golden Glow Butter, the 2-pound square selling for only 82d u. w. Vl. bpecial nutter, 2-pound square selling for only yJJt? Hams Shield Brand specially priced for this at, the lb. lS1 Queen Olives, regularly sold at 60o a quart, special at only 45 Ripe Olives, regular price 40o a quart, special for this sale 35J ooiumoia .sausage ior csunaay vKreamast. uraer some early. Annual Clearance Sale of Canned Goods By the Dozen or Case Values up to $3.60, offered special, only 45c Burnt Boxes at, Special, 17c 6 to 9 :30 P. M., center aisle, main floor, a sale of beautiful burnt-wood Collar and Cuff Boxes, Lace Boxes, Photo Boxes, Handkerchief . and Glove Boxes, Necktie Boxes, etc.; worth 35c to 1 7 45c; offered at special evening price of X 1 1 $4.00 Corsets, Special, Only $1.29 6 to 9 :30 P. M., corset department, second floor, a clean-up of odds and ends of Corsets in the new long models, designed on straight lines, made of coutil, batiste and Pekin stripe, trimmed in lace, ribbon or embroidery, fitted with four or six hose supporters. Koyal Worcester, Marquise and fiengo Belts. Eegular values to $4.00, C 1 OQ special clearance sale price, at onlyH''-' $6.00 Corsets, Special, Only $2.93 Broken lines of Bon Ton Corsets, made of fine coutil or batiste, boned with Walohn, fitted with four or six hose supporters. Regular flJO QQ values up to $6.00, offered special at pfiJO GRACE Die BANKER '. ". MTEHS" O-DAY STAY EX TENDED INDEFINITELY. Judge Gairns to Contldrr I'arolo of Convicted Leots Financier If Drpoaltors Are I'lUJ. PTMidlnc Circuit Judic, Oatana hu continued Indefinitely the li-day star of execution which It allowed F. .V Vyert, president of the wrecked Mount tvoct Bank, of Lent, when he sen tenced him December S to serve two Tear, in tha penitentiary. Friend of Xjttt are endeaTorlnv to obtain the moner neceasary to make rood dollar for dollar to thee, depositor, and oth er, who lost through the failure of the bank, their hope being to obtain a parol from Judge Catena Myers pleaded B"Ullty to an indictment accus ing him of ac-ceptlns" deposits after he knew th bank to be Insolvent. Judir Oatens said yesterday that a petition for parol would receive con sideration If Myers succeeded In reim bursing th depositors. Friends of Myers are understood to bar already a-ieaned I35"0 to purchase the notes and other securities which Receiver Tobln has been unable to realize upon. To settle every cent of the bank's Indebted ness It will be necessary for Myers to rals between $10,000 and 111,000, It Is believed. The banker la still In the County JalL He ha been In oharre of Sheriff Stevens ever dor Jade Oatens passed sentence and. although It la almost cer tain that be will be paroled If bis friends succeed In their financial ef fort, he probably will remain in Jail until they do. J. B. Cleland. attorney for Kecelver Tobln. said y-eiterday that tl per cent has already been paid the depositors and that there is on band enough from ui sal or property to bring; th per centage up to 60 per cent or more. C. M. Idleman, representing; the deposi tors, said that IS per cent has been paid, that t600 was received from th sale of property and that there must be t;000 on band from other sources. Th deposits of th bank amounted to about 1:5.000. Th receiver ha realized little from the promise, to pay, tn the shape of notes and other paper, which th bank had when it was closed by Examiner Wrla-ht, Mr. Idleman said. The Latest Talking Machines. No talking; machine department in the city is as complete, cozy and com fortable, and In none is as courteous service offered a at Th Wiley B. Allen Co.'a new store, corner Seventh and Morrison Sts. Buy th records for your VIctrola from Ehermao. Clay Co, Sixth at Morrison, ee CHINESE WILL PARADE REV6LTJTIOXISTS TO CIILE ' BRATE MONDAY. One Thousand to March Through Portland's Streets Girla Dressed as Xnrses to Take Part. Celebration of th victories f tha Hans in the Chinese revolution will be held in Portland Monday, when, bear ing; 600 Bags of the new republic, sent from the Young; China Association In San Francisco, nearly 1000 supporters of the Han renuhllr will n.r.. the streets of Portland, closing; their fete with a banquet at a Chinese bail oa Fsurth. street In th vening-. For a week companies of boys and young- men, most of them members of the Touna- China Association In Port land, have been drilling; in the halls of th Chinese Benevolent Association at 267H Davis street, and It Is expected that more than 100, trained In military evolutions, will appear In th parade. Th lin of march, laid out partly by th oommlttae In charge, starts at Sec ond and Pin streets, traverses Wash ington street from Second to Fifteenth street, and turns down Morrison street, Solng- again through the business sec tion on Its way back to the Chinese quarter. Mounted on white horses and bear ing the red. whit and blua flag- of the revolutionary forces, two of the young er Chines will lead the procession. Following will be four Chinese boys, one of whom will carry a revolutionary flagr and the other the emblem of the United States. Carriages, automobiles and two bands, hired by Chinese so cieties, will be In the parade, for which permission will be asked of th city of flolals tdaj Mors than 60 Chinese girls in nurses' costume, and bearing; the emblem of the Red Cross will also be In the proces sion, daughters of merchants and busi ness men of the old and new China town will be dressed as field nurses. Floats are also in preparation. At the close of the procession, a din ner will be served to adherents of the rebel cause at the Nanking Restaurant In the Chinese block at Fourth and Everett streets. Several hundred will be seated, toasts of the new China will be given and songs of victory will ring. Ail these preparations, says Chinese gossip, la in direct contravention to the requests of the Chinese vice-consul in Portland, Moy Back Hin, whose office under the Imperial government made him frown upon the parade. Efforts to have official recognition of the celebra tion failed after a heated controversery between Moy Back Hin and a com mittee from the rebel sympathizers. ( Insanity Plea Will Be Defense. JfT.aMATH FAXkLS, Or, Jan. 6 (Spe cial.) On of the main defenses of Noble Faulder, Indicted for the murder of Louis Gebhert, construction camp cook for Erickson & Petterson, build-' ers of the Natron cutoff, will be in--1 sanity. It Is contended that Faulder ' is mentally deranged and irresponsi ble when In his cups and that Petter son can help to prove it. "KOH-I-NOOR" Pencils contain no grit, have no soft spots, are always re liable. A trial will make you a con stant user. Where's the Best Place? Where Is the best place to rent a piano? At Ellers Music House. Every make of piano is rented according to Its value. Cheaper grades of used pianos 1.50 to 12.00 and 13.00 monthly, best makes 14.00. $6.00 and $8.00 monthly. No cartage charged where piano 13 kept six months. Cartage one way la charged where piano l kept only three months. At Ellers Music House you will invariably find everything exactly as advertised. Alder street, at Seventh -1