Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 04, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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rrtatmarnom Main A
c ur rrcuia'ioa Main T0T A
HmMiDf Editor Main TOT A "
jnflr EJIter .1IUD TOTO A
rflmpitnf-mm Main TOTO A G
Sjptnnleadeal bulldlnc Main TOT A tots
MAKER THEATER (Elevaath and Morrl
aon G.orga Kally In th. drama. "The
VI: stnftn." Tontsht at a. 15 o'clock.
ORPHKt'Jf THEATER Morrtpm. btwean
ith ao4 S.nth Vatiaavlll.. Tula af
tamoan at 2:16 and tonight at 8:1 o'clock.
or VaudarlUe. Thla afternoon at S:li.
lonlsht at I 19 and o'clock.
KMPKE.-S THEATER (Park and Waahlni
toa Vaud. villa. Thla afternoon at
tonlcht at T:SO and o'clock.
LTRH: THEATER iroarth and tark
Murlral comcdv. "Krollra of ltll." Thla
rtaraoon at : and toalcht at 1:t sad,
f.U o'clock.
rirat-rua plcloras. 11 A. P. M.
Stoixm Acroa Rbcoverkd. The tu
tomoblle stolen from Dr. Holt C Wil
son Tuesday night while he was wlt
nesslnjr the play at the HcUlft Theater
waa recovered early yesterday, after
the thief had traveled Zi miles In It.
according to the apeedometer. A police
man foond the car atandlna- at Hood
and Caruthera streets, where It had
been abandoned after a porttoa of the
differential broke. The thief had used
Ma own apark plua;. aa Dr. Wilson had
hl In his pocket. J. p. Mclnnea, of
IS Waeco atreet. aim missed hla car
Tuesday nlht. He left It In front of
the llazrlwood. at Tenth and Wahln
tn street, while making; purchases.
nd when he came from the atore It was
not there. He recovered It later.
Mm. E. A. ConLT Fi-xt. Haxo.
The funeral of Mrs. Kllxabeth A. Coon
ley, who died at the home of her
daughter. Mrs. J. K. Blaster, at
Wasco atreet. Ttleaday. waa held yes
terday afternoon from the Skewes un-
lertaklna- parlors. Interment will be
made in Walla Walla. Wash., her
former home. Mrs. Coonley was S
years old. For sis years she lived at
Trails Walla and made her home In
Portland for 20 years. She Is survived
by two daiikhtera. Mrs. Blaster and
Mrs. John Hray. of Portland.
Two Daisies Oit or tl Condrmkkd.
From the monthly report of Iieputy
rommlioner Nelson of the Dairy and
Food Commlasloner'a office, covering:
dairy Inspection In Turner. Or., and
vicinity In December, 1 dallies are
shown to have been Inspected by him.
Of these two were condemned. The
dairy of R. K. Brabham, near Junc
tion City, was found to be unsanitary
and the cows dirty. Mike Heltzman's
dairy near the aame place waa found
to be unsanitary and tha utensils also
below the stamlard.
Mrs. Phtt FvsKRAt. Htu. The fu
neral of Mrs. Frances Krally Cole Pratt
waa held yesterday afternoon from Zel
ler's chapel, on Williams avenue. In
terment was made In Rlvervlew Ceme
tery. he was the wife of a. O. Pratt
and mother of Mrs. G. Gray, of Daven
port. Neb : Mrs. Claude Hansel, of
Lincoln. Neb.: Mrs. Mercedes Swett.
farter. H. P.: I. K. and Miss Kdna C
Pratt, of Portland. Funeral servlcee
were conducted by Portland Chapter.
No. T. Order of Kaslcrn Star.
KraurrcAita Mat Cross Bridob.
Provisions are made for double street
railway tracks on the concrete bridge
to be built across Sullivan's Oulch on
Knit Twenty-nrst street. There are no
streetcar lines near rJast Twenty-first
street at present, but plans have been
made for service there. The bri'lxe
will cost $77,000. It will be 31 fret
Ions; and (0 feet wide. Residents hops
to get a branch from one of the street
car lines north of Sullivan's Gulch to
operate over the new bridge.
IxsniAxn Max Marries. Frank L.
Wheeler and Mrs. Jessie P. Dickinson.
Hoth of Seattle, were married December
30. in Portland. Or., at the home of
Rev. Benjamin Younsr. of the Taylor
Street .Methodist Kplscopal Churrh.
Thry will reside In Portland. Mr.
Wheeler, who waa well-known through
out Washington as a liability Insurance
expert. Is now associate" with John H.
E'-ursurd & Co.
Mayor Rushllkht announced yester
day the appointment of R. E. Kreniers
as chief engineer of construction In the
office of the building Inspector. Tho
sppolntee hus been work Inn under
temporary arranrement tor two
months. The position Is one of several
created by the new code, and carries
a salary of K00 a month.
It Was Reported In The Oregonlan of
yesterday that Klmbal Narusawa, of
the Japanese newspaper, died December
31. This waa an error though not on
the part of The Oregonlan. Some one
evidently endeavored to play a prac
tical Joke on Mr. Xarusawa. who called
at The Oregonlan office Wednesday
afternoon, asking to have the mistake
Uraxos to I-tSTAix Officers. Eve
ning Star Grange. No. 27, Patrons of
Husbandry, will hold an all-day ses
sion Saturday at Its hall on Section
Un road for Installation of officers
for the ensulnar year. Reports of offi
cers will be heard. A programme In
charge of Miss Wtllda liuckman will
be given.
funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Westfall. who
died at her home, at Mount Scott, was
held yesterday afternoon from Lerch's
chapel. Interment waa made In Mult
nomah Cemetery. Mrs. Westfall waa 41
veers old. She is survived by her hos
es nd. Larry A. Westfall.
MoTHtm Mett Todat. Tha Jan
uary meeting of tha Portland council
of the Congress of Mothers will be held
at o'clock this afternoon at the Jef
ferson High School, at Jefferson and
Congress streets, on the St. Johns car
line. Mrs. W. J. Hawkes will preside.
Wriokt's Sahtui PHog Shop has
moved from The Oregonlan bldg. to
he ground floor, at 244 Washington
street, between Second and Third. Same
old prices prevail.
Milxs CouxoK. near Oakland. CaL.
a woman's college. Spring semester
opens January 10. Luella Clay Carson.
1. 1. D. president. For catalogue ad
dress Registrar.
Pattos Hosrr Directors to Must.
The regular monthly bnslneas meeting
of the Pstton Home Association will
be held Friday, at the home, at l:in
A. M.
Visit mt Ocea iv Winter. The ell
mate Is very mild and the famoua Hotel
Carhart was never more attractive.
Winter rates. SI per day. American
Atrnnx Sale Topat at !:Se P. M.
Mortgace sale of th- Baltimore An
tique Furniture t'o.'s stock, at la- Park
,t. Faker and CrowcIL auctioneers.
VAt-vrs for storing trunks, stiver
ware, etc.. a convenience to those leav
ing the city for a period of time. Cham
ber of Commerce Safe Deposit Co. e
Fcr Sat. Northeast torner Tenth
and Gllsan (100x100). Inquire of t . Its
stroebel. sec of Strobe! A Barenstecher
Land Company. Ill Sixth.
Tr Lkasb. Location on upper
Washington street; suitable for garage
purpose; term of years. K JS, Ore
gonlan. N
Storr for Rixt on Sixth street
Just off Washington: long-term lease.
Apply Wakefield. Flies A Co, SS 4th.
V. Kastar. ladies' tailor, haa re-i'i.-ed
prices on sll orders. 401. 402 and
4t Merchants Trust bldg. o
Dr. dentist, has returned and
opened offices In the Msrquam bl-lg-Main
"Hiipilrero Ber." Same price as
local beer. Mala ?. A iZtl.
SkATuo today all day. Oaks Rink.
CoiTtT Cmts Six to Appxa". To show
cause why they axe not In contempt.
Judce Bean Issued an order in the
United States District Court yesterday
for Caspar Ling. C.A. Pweek. George
W. Young. Green Hudspeth. James
Dalton and J.' W. Geary to appear in
court February S. Thia proceeding has
grown out of the suit of the Pacific
Livestock Company against W. D.
Hanley and 20 others In which the de
fendants were enjoined from Interfer
ing with the plaintiff company and
others in the nse of the waters of
Silvles Klver. In Harney County. It
now is alleged that certain of the de
fendants have violated and disregarded
the terms of this injunction and have
completely shut off the water from the
use of a number of persons.
Mator Appoixts Depctt Inspector.
Msyor Rushlight yesterday appointed
D. K. Soden. who was recommended by
the Employers' Association, to the ejosl
tlon of a deputy In the department of
electrical Inspection, under Chief In
spector Anderson, a union labor man.
When Mayor Rushlight named Mr.
Anderson aa the chief inspector of
electricity In the Building Inspector's
Department, there waa much comment
from the employers' side, as they al
leged the appointment was not the best
that could have been made and that It
was political. Mr. Soden was desired
for the place by the employers. Now.
both men. more or less representative
of the two sides, are to work side bf
side and both are in tho city's employ.
Kpworth Lxaoug to Ralj-t. The
third quarterly rally of Portland dis
trict Epworth League will be held In
the Woodstock Methodist Episcopal
Church Friday night. January 1. Miss
Mary Hepburn, a deaconess, will be the
chief speaker. She will outline the
work of the mercy and help depart
ment of the league, with especial em
phasis on the visitation of tha sick and
care for the needy. The rally will be
In charge of Mrs. Lena Sweetland. of
Laurelwood chapter, third vice-president
of the district cabinet. The Wood
slock chapter will furnish a social pro
gramme, beginning at o'clock. The
nrst part of the services will open at
I o'clock.
Bi-sixbss McVi Cui'R to Meet. The
East Shle Business Men's Club will
hold a meeting tonight In the audi
torium of the F.ast Portland Branch Li
brary, at East Eloventh afkl East Alder
streets, to discuss plans for a frelajht
depot and freight facilities for the East
Side. A report will be received from
the committee appointed to Investigate
proposed amendments of the franchises
of the O.-W. K. A N. so thst tracks
extending to the railroad bridge may
be operated under common-user pro
visions. Reports will be submitted by
the committeea on auditorium and
public market sites and the status of
these questions will be announced.
W. T. Foster to Dsxnrx-R First
I.ECTOtx. W. T. Foster, president of
Reed College, haa consented to deliver
the Hrst lecture of the course wnicn
the United Improvement Clubs Associa
tion Is arranging to be given in the
auditorium of the East Portland Li
brary. The date haa not teen deciaea
but may be the last Monday In this
month. The course will Include
lectures on the "City Beaullfu
"Greater Portland Plans" and similar
topics. Seversl prominent men have
consented to speak. All the lectures
will be open to the public. Mr. Foster's
lecture will pertain to the benefit of
college education.
Womax's Cuasse TO Mext.
The art department of the Woman's
Club will meet today at I o'clock. In
Woodmen of the World halL at Tenth
and Taylor streets. Tapers will be read
'on West and Copley, by Mrs. D. 6.
Smith and Mrs. F. L. Stinson. Mrs.
Welster. the leader, will speak on the
technical qualities of the works under
discussion. The Portland Psychology
Club will meet today In Olds. Wortman
A- k'lns'i cafeteria, on the fourth floor.
The subject. "Thoughts for the New
Yesr." will be given at :30 o'clock by
Mrs. Alice Welster. Other speakers
will follow and library books will be
exchanged. Calx Lctherax Pastor.'
Rev. C C. A. Jensen, pastor of the
Trinity United Norwegian Lutheran
Church, at Portsmouth, will leave his
pulpit next week, and will accept the
pastorate of the Norwegian Lutheran
Church at Denver. Colo. Mr. Jensen
has been pastor of the Portsmouth
church for two and a half years. Rev.
Halvor Rogen organised the Trinity
church about three and one-half years
ago. He now Is pastor or tne Norwe
gian Lutheran Church at Eugene. Mr.
Jensen succeeded him to the pastorate
of Trlnltv Church. The successor to
Mr. Jensen has not yet been chosen.
Eioht-Dat Campaiox Dropped. Be
cause only SO of 1SS ministers re
sponded to an Invitation to give finan
cial support to the Men and Religion
Forward Movement, and an eight-day
eamoalan in February and March.
those In charge of the Portland branch.
of the work have decided to ananuon
the plan of the eight-day campaign
from February 13 to March S. Although
the short campaign has been dropped,
the work of organising men in the
rhurches for evangelistic effort under
the five heads of social service. Bible
study, evangelism, boys' work and mis
sions will be continued.
The United Improvement Clubs' Asso
clstlon will consider the school amend
ment proposed by the Civic Council at
the meeting next Monday night in the
auditorium of the East Portland
Branch Library. The amendment was
before the last session of the Legis
lature and was defeated. It will be ex
plained to club delegates. All clubs
have been requested to send their full
delegations to the meeting.
Corpus Back From Sax Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. George J. McCarthy, of
Tacoma. arrived on the Beaver from
San Francisco yesterday. Mr. Mc
Carthy has been covering the special
session of the Legislature at Sacra
mento for the Associated Press. He Is
prominent Elk and says all the Ta
coma Elks will be In Portland In the
coming Elks reunion.
The ladles' Aid Society of Taylor
Street Methodist Church has invited
the Lailles' Aid Societies of all the
Methodist churches In the city to an
all-day meeting in the church parlor
January 10. Luncheon will be served
from 12 to 1 followed by a social hour.
A programme has been arranged for
the afternoon.
CoHBX'a Trial REorxs Tooai. Max
G. Cohen. mho was Indicted on a
charge of soliciting a bribe from a
womun of the undermorl l while acting
as Municipal Ju.lfte In the absence oi
Judge Tssweli. will go on trial before
a Jury in Judce Morrow's department
of the Circuit Court this morning.
At-LEOCD Peiuvrer Gains Delat. Sell
Masterson. under indictment In the
United States District Court on a charge
of perjury in connection with an Indian
liquor case, was arraigned yesterday
and was given until next Monday to
plead. He asked time to engage an at
torney. Coi-xcil.iax Jgxxrxo Bbtter. J. J.
Jennings. Councilman-at-Large. Is III
at his home. He Is suffering from a
complication of diseases. The informa
tion given at his residence last night
was that he Is slowly improving, and
that It Is expected Tie mill be out In a
Central, W. C. T. U. to Mest. Tha
Central Women's Christian Temperance
Union will meet aa usual today at 2:20
P. M. A mothers' meeting will be con
ducted by Mrs. Margaret McKenxle.
The meeting will be held at room 302
In the Goodnough bldg.
MR. Raffett la Irtrovix Mrs.
Raffetv. wife of Dr. C H. Raffely. who
haa ben seriously ill at her home, at
East Tenth and East Washington
streets, for the past ten days, now Is
considered out cf danger ,
Focr Max Becom Cmxxjss. Judge
Wolverton admitted four men to
citizenship yesterday In the United
States District Court after an examina
tion of ths men. and witnesses who ap
peared In their behalf. At the conclu
alon of the examination one of the
witnesses attempted to compliment the
court for his thorough examination, but
waa quickly stopped by Judge Wolver
ton with the remark: "The duties of
the court in these matters are specifi
cally provided by the statutes." - Tha
men admitted are as follqavs: Alonxo
Alfred Johnson. Norway: Harry Alex
ander Bell. Canada: Karl Magnus
Koalvang. Norway; Nils August Peter
son. Sweden. In being granted his
dtisenshlp Koalvang was permitted to
change his name to Edwards.
MoNTAvu.Ljk to Get Firb Protection.
Montavllla is to have fire protection
this year, a fire station being provided
for In the city's budget. It will be
built between the Base Line road and
East Gllsan street. There has been
rivalry between the residents of North
and South Montavllla, but It Is practi
cally settled that the fire station will
be built between the Base Line and
East Gllsan street on a central cross
street. The water committee haa laid
large water mains In Montavllla and
placed a number of fire hydrants. There
is a good fire pressure on the Monta
vllla main. A combination chemical,
engine and hose wagons are to be pro
vided for the fire station.
Pavixo Patkxt Attacked. A direct
attack has been made against the
right to Its patent of the Hassam
Paving Company In Its suit against the
Consolidated Contract Company for al
leged Infringement in the construc
tion of street paving. The question
came up yesterday in the United States
District Court, before Judge Bean, on
a demurrer, which alleges that there Is
not such a "novelty" In the manner
of the street construction by the plain
tiff to have Justified a patent being
granted by the Government. The mat
ter was taken under advisement and
whichever way Judge Bean decides
the case will be appealed to the higher
Erfort to Trace Him Through Trav
elers' Clw-cks for $1000 Fruitless.
Drue Habit Lessening.
Effort to aolve tho mystery sur
rounding "Dr.": J. C. Day. who was
k.n hv the nollce in a downtown ho
tel Monday after he had created a
disturbance, and who was later found
to bo possessed of a considerable quan
tity of valuable paper under three dif
ferent names, proved unavailing yes
terday. Day talks Incoherently of having;
been In Alaska and in other parts of
tho country, but explains nothing re
garding tho papers. He has been tak
ing treatment for the morphine habit,
and had reduced tho amount ho con
sumed from 20 to 3 grains a day. Ha
received two letters yesterday, lone
from tho correspondence sanitarium In
Houston. Texas, and another from a
Dr. Severance In Seattle.
An attempt made to Identify him
through tho Bank of Commerce of
Vancouver, B. C. on which bo had
travelers' checks for $1000 In favor
of H. H. Chase, proved fruitless.
Chicago Bookkeeper Says He Does
Not Know or Dr. J. C. Day.
at-t . T.n a A TV Ttlnclc.
L111I.AW, iau. . ... .
a bookkeeper for the Sopher Lumber
Company, wnoee name . auuc
were found on a money belt worn by
a man who la believed to be Dr. J. C.
Day, but whose identity, aside from
. . 1 - .....Km. .Via nf)li.H of
ma name, io k""llu -
Portland. Or., said today that he never
knew anyone by tne name oi ui.
nor had he ever owned a money belt-
Real Estate Operator Missing for
Several Months.
LOS AXGELES. jln. 2. (Special)
Frank C. Smith, formerly a real estate
operator with offices at 602 American
Bank building, Los Angeles, whose
effects and papers were found in tho
possession of "Dr. J. C. Day" when the
i... - ..,4 In Port-
ianr aa j . j
land, haa not been seen here for some
Smith also conducted an investment
bureau, but left set-eral months ago
ostensibly on a visit to San Francisco.
He gave np his office, but told Fred
Thurston, who had an office on the
same floor, that he waa going Into
another building when he returned. He
intimated that he would not be gone
more than two weeks. Nothing has
been heard of Smith since, as far as
can be learned.
De Parhmann's Captivating Beauty
or Interpretation Has Strange
Power Over Audience.
Seats re now selling st the Hellig
for De Paehmarin's recital Friday
night under the direction of Lois
Steers-Wynn Coman. The marvellous
beauty of De Pachmann's tone and his
poetlo Interpretation of Chopin have
occasioned the saying, 'Just as Shelley
Is the poet of poets, so Is De Pachmann
the pianist of pianists." In truth, not
Paderewaki himself can move other
musicians so profoundly as can De
Pachmann by his captivating grace of
interpretation, entrancing sweetness
of melody and exotic sense of rhythm.
Every hearer Invariably leaves the
auditorium after one of his recitals In
a rapture of awe and delight. And De
Tarhniann enjoys It as keenly as his
audience. .
Don't take It out of your hide these
chilly mornings. I can sell you a
i . ) 1 -nnl coat convertible
CU K I ail ir - .- - - -
collar for 111.75. but mark you. not
made to sen ior
n,.,rr,v Dunn, room J1S Oregonlan
bldg. Take elevator.
New pianos to rent-at 14 per month;
rent allowed on purchase. The Wiley
B. Allen Co.. cor. Tth and Morrison.
Wright's Sample Shoe Shop
has moved from the Oregonlan bldg.
to the ground floor at 144 Washington
street between Second and , Third.
Same 'old prices prevail. !
Poultry Association. Incorporates.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. a. (Spe
cial.) The Clark County Poultry As
sociation has filed articles of lncor-
in a series of in
dorsements of the
Certificate of Title
system by bankers,
lawyers and real es
tate men reasons
why a Certificate of
Title furnishes the
buyers and mort-
4-gagees of real estate
"We believe the certificate of
title system to be the only mod
ern, up-to-date way of handling
transfers of property." Hines &
Farlsh. real estate. Los Angeles,
Lewis Balldlas, 4th aai Oak
poration for ISO 100 shares at IJ.50
a ahare. The principal place of busi
ness will be Vancouver. The object
of the corporation will be the holding
of fairs and livestock and poultry ex
hibitions. The incorporators were R.
J. Kenney, J. V,'. Wulf. S. Goodnight,
D. 8. Cameron and Samuel J. Miller.
Alaskan, Who Died December 16,
Was Member of Fire Department.
W. Harry St. Clair, who died of heart
disease at his hotel at Glacier. Alaska,
December 1. was at one time driver
of Engine No. ( In the Portland Fire De
partment. Before that he served an ap
prenticeship aa a printer with the arm
of Swope A Taylor. He was born in
Portland December 1. 1865, in a house
which stood at the corner of Sixth and
Washington streets. He left Portland
for Alaska 13 years ago. In the gold
He was the eldest child of James St.
Clair and Mrs. St. Clair Lea. and broth
er of W. N. St. Clair. F. M. St. Clair and
Mrs. L. B. Lalghton. all of Portland;
Mrs. E. L. Hathaway, of Los Angeles;
Mrs. T. A. Clonlnger. Of Scappoose: L
J. St. Clair, of Cordova, Alaska: Mrs.
TV'. M. Lea, of Almira. Wash., and. Mrs.
Annamay St. Clair, of Missoula. Mont,
He leaves a wife and two children. Mrs.
Grace Neville and Linden St. Clair, all
of Alaska.
$10,440 Placed In Federal Bank
Here In One Day.
Another record was broken by tho
Portland Savings Bank Tuesday, when
the deposits amounted to $10,449 for
the day.. The postal authorities be
lieve the deposits will reach the half-mllllon-dollar
mark within a few
In some of the Eastern states ef
forts have been made to discredit the
postal savings banks, financial Insti
tutions refusing to purchase the pos
tal savings bonds at par. Postmaster
Last Week's
Pimples Gone!
Pimples, Blotches, Blackheads, Dis
appear When Stuart's Calcium
Wafers Are Used.
Trial Package Sent Free t Prove It.
Tou won't be always worrying about
what your friends and strangers think
of your "broken-out" face, if you give
these wonderful little wafer a chance.
That's because they go right to the
seat of the trouble, the blood, driving
out all Impurities, strengthening It, ton
ing It up. And when the blood is clear
the skin is free from blemish.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers are perfectly
harmless and may be taken freely by
any one. They contain absolutely no
mercury, no poisonous drugs, no opi
ate. Stuart's Calcium. Wafers contain
Calcium Su'.phlde. and a mild alterative
every doctor prescribes them a hun
dred times a year. They are the most
effective blood-cleansers known to man.
It doesn't matter whether you have
blackheads and pimples "something
awful." or bolls, tetter, rash, car
buncles, eczema, liver epots or a muddy
complexion, try Stuart's Calcium Wafers
and get a surprise in a snort time.
In order to prove to you that Stuart's
Calcium Wafers are the most effective
and prompt blood and akin purifiers in
the world, we will send you a free trial
package on request. Just send your
name and address to F. A. Stuart Co.,
lio Stuart Bldg.. Marshall, Michigan.
When you have found for yourself
how good they are. you can get a full
sized box for 60 cents at any drug
Distinctively Uncommon
Stylish and Comfortable
For Men and Women $3.50 pB
Positively unequalled anywhere at the price. There is not a
shoe sold in Portland costing a dollar more than the Knight Shoe
that has one single advantage over the Knight. 2
"Follow the Children They Know."
Our CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT is unique. It's the largest on the Coast.
1 The kiddies don't have to climb stairs they and their parents delight in
going up the ship-like gangway to the second floor, where special salesmen
cater to their requirements.
Coupons given for Pipe Organ to be given to most popular church.
Mail orders receive prompt attention.
TuU & Gibbs' Bldg.
Merrick has received word from the
department that this situation waa met
quickly by the Government, which de
cided to take UP these bonds at par at
any time tho holders desired to dis
pose of them.
Wright's Sample Shoe Shop has
moved from The Oregonlan bldg. to
the ground floor, at 244 Washington
street, between Second and Third. Same
old prices prevail.
On tap today at
127 Sixth St.
Sixth and Stark Sta.
Fourth and Yamhill Sts.
Seventh and Stark Sts.
Third and Washington Sts.
Try a Glass and convince yonr
self what Beer tastes like.
& at
- ; ' "
11 l 11 VlSJ. aavasaww
the better restaurants
wil find that proof of nico discrimination
Dclkious Appetizing Satisfying )
Keeps after it is opened, f
Pnrc and unadulterated. '
The natural ftmat at ied-ripe tomatoes, fresh ,
frcxn tne Tinea, eosnbincd with the purest of '
spices, pecparod in spotless kitchens.
C lalalm eaJr Aon Wsrwfionta
and Ladorsed by ttia
Where's the Best Place?
Where is the best place to rent a
piano? At Ellers Music House. Every
make of piano Is rented according to Its
value. Cheaper grades of used pianos
II. 60 to 2.00 and 3.00 monthly, best
makes J4.U0, 6.00 and IS.00 monthly.
No cartage charged where piano is
kept six months. Cartage one way Is
charged where piano Is kept only three
months. At Ellers Music House you
will invariably find everything exactly
as advertised. Alder street, at Seventh.
About Renting a Piano.
Where is the best place to rent a
piano? At Ellers Music House, kvery
make of piano is rented according to its
value. Cheaper grades of used pianos
SI. SO to 2.0 and l.l.OO monthly, best
makes 4.00, J6.00 and $8.00 monthly.
No cartage where piano is kept six
months. Cartage one wav is charged
where piano is kept only three months.
At Ellers Music House you will ln
varlablv find everything exactly a ad
vertised. Alder street, at Seventh.
Mala or A Mil
jl c aaiiiiiinjaj
Your Attention ! ! !
Our list of used pianos includes many of the best makes, rang:e in price
from $120.00 upwards, and every instrument advertised will be on our
floor nntil sold furthermore, if" the instrument is sold, we will be able
to give the name of the purchaser. We do not advertise bargain pianos
that we have not even bad in store. Reasonable terms to all.
Kimball $ 1 65 Vose & Sons $215
Kingsbury $187
F- HpTinkRanos
UDi Ah n h
"A - -r- T-iimrtiai.
mi rxmB
The Money-Saving Piano Store.
Pour Blocks North of Washington, at Sixth and Burnside Streets.
U. S. Government,
Formula and label unchanged the Food
Law now conforms to our high standard
of excellence.
Oir (aktos on aw Is aa tmlOe
The Portland Balty Board invites the homeowners of Portland
and vicinity to enter an essay contest for tha best articles on the
general topic, "How We Won Our Home," and offers the following
prizes each week: v
Tbe articles should deal with actual, concrete personal experiences
of home-winning and home-building, setting forth, step by step, the
progress toward the achievement, from the time of making the first
payment on a lot or acreage to the realization of the ambition. It
is not necessary that homes be entirely paid for. Articles will appear
in The Sunday Oregonian. Photographs are desirable, but will not
be considered in awarding prizes. . The right is reserved of running
in The Sunday Oregonian stories not awarded prizes. The following
simple directions should be observed:
1. Articles should not be more than 800 words in length.
2. The writer should be a bona fide homeowner, or a member ot
t homeowner's family.
5. Write on one side of paper only.
4. Sign writer's correct name and address.
6. Mail articles to City Editor of The Oregonian.
6. Prizes will be awarded Wednesday of each week.
Get iu3 Original and Genuine
We are contractors and win furnish
lot and finance the building- of a home
Jor you on easy payments. We give
references and ask references.
SOI Cone Bldz Phase Mala 4211.
Button and Pleating Shop
7tk and Morrison Sts.
Phone Main 1318.
Foster & Kleiser
lub bradt commercial aad fcUccuia
aat Smalk and East Everett Street.
Ffcoaea ICaat 1111. B 2234.
The Fcod.rJrink for AS! A?es.
For Infants, Invalkkancl Growing children.
Pure Nutrition, upbuilding the whole body.
Invigorates the nursin gmotherandthe aged.
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
A quick Insch prepared in a minnfe.
Take no snbstitnte. Askfor HORLICK'S.
Rot in Any FiJiik Trust
TQf Kastern Funds on Best Tcif
0 Portland Securities at ZjC
Other KundN for BimlneM Properties
ad Close-In Rettidencew at
6 at 7