TI1E MORNING OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY, ANUARY 4, 1913. . . A ... r,; r s..-j mu.m Hrpann rat Show. Januarv. 16. 17, and 18 Our Free Rental Bureau on the 4th Floor figSS. Hflndudln; Tp Serb Selections by Pianist Be Pachmann. Who Will AptlHeaig Friday Naw Features Each Dav in the Meier Frank Clearance and White Sale The Tables Are Banked Afresh With Snowy, New Muslinwear for Today . " ' ,. S 3.50 AutoVeils $1.95 RemarKably rich appear- ine these fine new im- 'ported French Auto Veils. Attractive and becoming as well as protecting the face, .lair and millinery. Fine, lustrous quality, chiffon with beautiful satin border of self color. Fnll 2Yi yards long, in light and darK colors. Actual $3.50 Veils are bargainlzed to- T Q C day at the low price of, eacn $ 1 .50 Union SiritsToday 98c The sort you want to wear these cold Winter days. Warmly fleeced Union suits for women, including the famous Klche- lieu maKe. All regular and extra AO sizes. Actual $1.50 grades, today Women's $1 Fleeced Union Suits, each, 57c Women's 50c Vests and Pants, each, 29c 75c Wool-Mixed Vests and Pants, eacn, 47c Women's $1.25 Winter Union Suits at 87c Women's 50c Fleeced Vests and Pants, 39c Children's 75c Fleeced Union Suits at 47c Children's to 35c Fl'd Vests and Pants, 21c SECOD FlXOB SEW BUILDING. ORDER BY HAIL. m till J NMSmr' 'III 1 Fch mornine since this ereat January Carnival of White began has seen the dozens of tables piled high with fresh, crisp garments, only to find them depleted by night! In bright." airy, sunlight factories, busy hands have been working for months on the immense orders placed for this event alone. Our woman Muslinwear expert specified the ma terials, the trimmings, the worKmanship she saw to it that " . Li.i. nn-nrt hfe mi. w9t ii n to the Meier Q every gunuem cuio - - r j Franh standard in quality and value-giving. 1800 New $1.50 Night Gowns Many a woman will purchase half a dozen of these splendid $i.BU Govrna at 98o. Remarkably well made of good quality muslin, cam brics and nainsook. Pretty trim mings of neat laces and embroideries. All styles high and low neckLong and short sleeves. Choose from these splendid $1-50 Gowns today at only All Styles of Combinations All Kayser Italian Silk Underwear at Clearance Prices. Crepe Undergarments New. fresh and dainty these practical crepe Cndergrarments that can be used with out ironing if you like. IVettily trimmed in laces, insertions and embroiUerioR. The Gowns now at 98c $1.43, $1.67, and $1.93 The Combinations at 88c, si.13, i.bi pn.ifi Including the celebrated La Grecque tailored combination Corset Cover and Short Skirt. Daintily made of sheer nainsooks, lawns and cambrics. Pretty trimmings of laces and embroideries. Regularly $4.50 to $0.50 Pe"h5f,2 for the White Sale at $2.75-$3.S5 New Corset Covers Neatly made of the finest of cambrics, nainsooks and lawns. Trimmed in VaL and torchon laces tucks, headings and ribbon. Many of the wanted tight fitting styles. Regularly 35c to $4.00. White Sale prices. 25c, 39c, 43c, 67c, 98c, $1.43, $1.95 and $2.19. To $6 Corsets $1.49 It's a rare offering in high-grade Corsets Staple make, including a sample lot of the famous Madame Irene. Every late model, medium and low bust, with supporters at tached. All sizes. $3.50 to $6.00 fc1 AQ Corsets, on special sale today at V1 French Underwear 4 Savings of just half on these beautiful French Undergarments. An imported sample line. All styles, with embroidered edge and trimmings of real vaL laces. Regularly J t $3.00 to $150. Now specialized at only t Fur Weather Is Here Now $2730 Blue Wolf Sets $20 SFCOXD FLOOR MAI rlLDIXG. nnoKii bt maii- f )m ml $20.00 $78 Bl'K Poy Coats $56.50 Particularly attractive for the miss or young woman these fluffy Blue Wolf Fars. The necK piece is one-sKin animal effect with large bolster Muff to match. Our regular $27.50 Sets are bar. gainized for Clearance today $17.50 Iceland Fox Sets Of pretty long, white, fluffy fnr, so becoming and attractive for evening and afternoon wear. Larpe shawl collar and Muff to match. AtC5l O JVL Clearance Sale price today, only Vx " $185 Black Pointed Fox Seta Beautiful, fine quality fur. Extra, large Stole Collar with wpiar back. Large pillow Mnff to match. $183.00 the set, regularly; CI OA HH Clearance Sale price at only P 1'1,uu THE FUR COAT SPECIALS. SSSElectrSlCaatJMJO $70 Electric Seal Coats at $42.50 $2T0Hndson Seal Coats $132.50 S65BlacK Pony Coats only $42.50 Closeout of Book Sets Below Publishers Cost! Jnst 60 sets of these elegant De Luxe Snbsdption BooKSets for a final close-out at less than original cost to publish 1 Our own previous sale prices are radically lowered. Every booKlover shonld avail himself of this wonderful offer. . Author Fi-llinj; FiolJing 6 Don Quixote 4 I.rs Miserable 5 Miserable " World's Host Pootry " World "s H'-Jt Poetry .. Plato 4 Pi " Dant.' j Irish Literature lrih Literature " PefW S Shakespeare 10 Sue l' Sue 10 No. Vols. Binding; Cloth ''i Leather i Leather Cloth 7i Leather ''i Leather 34 Leather "Vi Leather s4 leather Leather Cloth Leather Leather Leather Cloth ;,i Leather Sub. Price $18.00 $23.00 $20.00 $12.00 $16.50 $24.00 $16.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $18.00 $2."..00 $30.0i $'?6.0O $33.00 $42.00 Our Price 4.00 .00 5.00 3.75 4.75 G.00 6.00 G.00 (i.00 G.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 SIO.OO S 8.00 SIO.OO S S s s s s s s s s s s Ct-;c Aro nnincr Out hv Mll Hundreds in the Clearance Hundreds and hundreds of women prepared in earnest for the coldWinter jays and purchased warm, comfortable Suits for wear until early Spring. Still wonderful choice for those who comeV, today. Handsome modish models. Every style you could wish for. All $15 to $20 Suits priced at $9J35 All $22.50 to $25 Suits priced $14.85 All $28 to $35 Suits priced at $22.45 All $45 to $48 Suits priced at $26.65 All $50 to $60 Suits priced at $32.45 Clearance of One-Piece Dresses Pretty, attractive street and afternoon styles in wool and silh. i en tn 1R 5fl rtresses now on sale at $7.95 Idnv f ..w ' n . f rtn en rtnrrnr n rtm nn calo flt S 1 2.45 to 97TfTnrp5ses now on sale at $15.85 Odd lotsoT" Presses up to $65 at only $22.45 have -rsassr- ffffim ml J:V-ir . Clearance Stamped Ready-Made Under wear at HalfrPrice It's the deli'ht of the woman who em broiders this dainty perfect - fit ting' Readymade Un derwear stamped in pretty designs all ready to be worKed. Each garment in a sealed uacKaee with enough D. M. C embroidery cotton to finish. Night Gowns, Combinations, Corset Cov ers, Drawers, Chemise, as well as chil dren's Dresses and Rompers. Made of fine French NainsooK and finished with French A clearance today at exactly half" price to maKe way for new shipments. $1.00 Stamped Garments at 50c $1.10 Stamped Garments at 55c $1.25 Stamped Garments at 63c $1.50 Stamped Garments at 75c price t 1 1,000 Yds, of 45c to ?5c Embroideries Today at 25c Many a woman will looK ahead and plan the Spring" and Summer under garments as well as the children's dresses. FIRST FLOOR NEW BUILDING.' And today for the first time we place on sale 11,000 yards of beautiful Em broidery Flounces, worth 45c to 75c Pretty eyelet designs done on swiss and cambric, 18 to 27 inches wide, for the special price of, a yard 25 c 5,000 Yards 10c to 1 5c Embroideries 5c Dainty Embroidered Edges and Insertions fully 6000 yards m the January White Event today, fretty designs on swiss and cambric, 1 w o inches wide. Neat for children's wear and other lingerie. Splendid lOo to 15c""embroideries, av. r iVLLy 5c Clearance of Men's and Boys' Underwear Every Garment Reduced Every Make amv59g With the coldest weather' of the season upon us, these phe yVira oi covtno'c tnrlav nn every earment of Men's and Boys' UUiucitoi j b Underwear and Hosiery are the height of timeliness! Men's 75c Underw'r Heavy-weight Egyptian cotton ribbed 7jc Shirts and Drawers, in blue, A C salmon and ecru; Clearance, ca-tuC $ 1 .50 Underwear Fine, heavy Winter-weight natural wool and camel's hair Shirts and ff 1 1 O Drawers; all sizes; priced f)-A X J7 Boys' 50c Under- wear Special 39c SrjlendiJ 50c natnral wool Shirts and Drawers for boys; also famous 'Wright's fleeced cotton Health Under- QQ. wear. All sizes, ea.,' $1 Underwear 65c lien 's heavy-weight nat ural ' wool 6hirts and Drawers ; splendid C C 1 imiilfi. each at '"'' ' r Rg. 50c Cashmere Sochs, Special 29c For clearance selling, 1200 pairs of men's fine 50c cash mere Socks, in black and nat ural. While lot lasts 7Q today; social, pair,4 $1.50 Underw'r 98c Famous Bradford- blue wool ribbed Shirts and Drawers, all sizes; QO. H , . ...... - j Reg. 25c Cashmere $2 Underw'r $1.29 Scchs, Special 17c A "run-of-the-mOl" of men's warm cashmere wool Socks, in black and natural. Splendid 25c grade; 17 3 pairs 50c; pair A Best $2 grade men '6 fine . cashmere wool Shirts and Drawers, bluest OQ and tan; only 1 ,i7 Ajax Guaranteed SocKs Now Special The miaranteed Socks that arc gaining hundreds of new friends each day. Six pairs in box, guaranteed 6 jj 1 months ; special P X O i A Rousing Clearance on Trunks Canvas Cov'd Trunks I High Grade Trunks Waterproof pninted, fiber bound, with 2 trays. Well lined and trimmed $ 9.75 Trunks, 30-in, for only S8.35 $10.25 Trunks, 32-in., Mr only 88.75 $10.75 TrunKs, ior onay mi.io $115 Trunks, 36-in for only S9.G5 Duck Covered, waterproof painted, and extra well constructed. Lined with linsn witb holt-lock mid two strans. $22.50 Trunks, 34-in., at only S19.10 $235 Trunks, 36-iu., at only S19.f5 . onrS ---- ' ' IMl'l'll III 'T-JM-lMM.hM 1 0,000 Pieces of Glass ware in the Clearance! Entire Stock Is Reduced One-Fifth MEIER FRANK'S BASEMENT. 0 ORDER BT MAT1.. )t'i fe iff?g00 --4 Thlo-Blow T a m b 1 rru, as above. rsul arly Bold a t 60c dozen. A at, each xv E n K T a red Table Tum ble r a, one pat tern, as above, r e g. at. each O C I e Need Etched Tinbl er, as above. Regr-y 1.25, dozen. J f at. each Needle Etched T u m b 1 en, as above, Rer'y 1.25. dozen, 7 at, each C Dainty Cot T n m b 1 era, one dewign as above. ! reprularly t'l lie doz.. at.. . 25c Glass Berry Bowla, 19 75c Fruit Dishes, 6zn 59j 90c Pd, Sherbet Glasses 72d 35c Glass Syrup Jugs at 28d 25c Glass Oil Bottles at 19d 75c Table Sets, 4-piece, 59 50c Glass W. Pitchers, 39d 50c Glass Cake Stands 39c Canned Vegetables Now 3 for 25c 3 Cans 25c Eastern Canned Corn, doz., 95c) New PacK Tomatoes, dozen, 95c j. Cat String Beans, doz. cans, 95cj Hawaiian Pineapple, three cana for 50c ' dozen cans, specialized at only $1.90 Asparapis Pieces, large can at only 15c dozen cans, specialized at only $1.70 Holly Milk, four cans for 30c; dozen, oC Mecca Fancy Asparagus, special, can, 20c dozen cans, specialized at only $2.20 Canned Peas, 2 for 25c; dozen for $1.35 Cove Oysters, special, four cans for 30c dozen cans, special this sale at only Soc 511.23 Trunks 36-in, for only S9.G5 $24.00 Trunks, 38-in., at only U.;i5 rwMWrTrT--iiiri. . Holly Milk, four cans ior uc; aozen, oov rir;Tr vnifn noris d $11 J5 tS. SMi. only SlO.l 5 $24.75 Trunks. 40-in. at only SliO.95 I TELEPHONES-PACIFIC PRIVATE EXCHANGE 4; HOME, A 6101 TELEPHONE CLERKS ON HAND AT7A.M. TO TAKE YOUR ORDER ALL OTHER SUITCASSTRUNKa lAXVTWmmJ?S REDUCED TELEPHOr-rAViu, i 1