TTTK MOTtyTXO ORrOOXIAX. TTTTTRSDAT. JAXTTAUT 4. 1912. - .. i t UNABLE 10 DELIVER Bad Year for Hop Short Sellers in Belgium. DOZEN FORCED TO WALL One Speculator Tail for 1X200,000 Marks More Hops. Are Sold In That Country Than Existed. German Market Strong. riayia; th hop market tor a daelin b resulted disastrously to a doxen or nor peultlv dealara of Belgium, according to a letter reid jrstry. TwoIto or tsar hap merchant, factor and eoxnmtseloa mn of that country hav failed, one of them for 1. 300.000 mark They vera ahort thousand of baiea which they rer noablo to de liver. Mor hope were Bold ahort la BIs"r thla season than existed. Bama of th American dealer hare been pinched lev ere 7 br the shortage and nlh price ; bat they did not per the cam ertth the reelileaaneaa of the European dealer. AU the oontlnontal market cotttlnu to r! and attll higher price axe ta lew. be eaaea of the great ocareltr of atocka, Oer maa adTlco reoatred yetrdy car fit aa the loweat quotation on poor quality, while election from tha few good Iota remalntnr were held aa high aa IIS. There price ar eqoal to 65 to 7? cents a pound rirat coot to the grower. The total arallabl aupplr of hop In all hand In Germany la cot over euoo to SOOO package. Writing to a Portland firm, oao of the largeet German dealer ear: Thrr t no chance for prlcea t drop from now on to tha new crop. 6tocka tn dealarr hasda ar entirely Jlipotfd of and bot llttl la left la grower" hand. 1t la now coming ta light that many German brewer ar Insufficiently stocked and by Spring e ma look for aa acute famln of aopplle. "Should bad report reach us of poor Win tering of roots, we bealtat to vwntnra a prediction aa to how high 1911 hope will go In th lata Fpiing and Summer. German government relurna recently pub lished ahow a production for 1011 of S12.&0 rata,, aa Tlut 40.:39 cwta. In 110; 121. Is cwta la 1B01. 82,7"rJ cwta. In 10, txj.K-a cwta. In 1SOT. 4I0.TS6 cwta. In lo and 5M3S cwta In 1P06. Th area under cultivation during thee year wee 2n.d.S hektar In 11 1. iT.n In IKin. I.4 tn !09. .iki in IKOs. ss im In 19JT. 55 Ml In lo and w9.ll In 190&. The acreage under cul tivation In 191. therefore, was almust one .slilrd leea than tn 1003. London cahtea received yesterday reported t.'.at market firm at unchanged prices. ItUlnTM CHANGE HANDS AT tC Only Traasaetloo Repartee la tha Wheat Market Oate Flrtner. The only trans Actions reported la tha wheat market yesterday wer In blueetem. rmi large blocks changing hands at 63 rvnit. The demand for export grades was mall, but the market was ateady. T:ie oats market waa firm with a fair demand and sellers Ideas advancing. Bar lev was firm. .Aral receipts. In care, wer reported by the Merchants Exchange aa followe: Wheat IJarlcv Flour Oats Hay Mnndav and Tuesday .... ft J 1 It "Wednesday . . . M 1 4 Tear ago SJ 1 " 1 Reason to date eiM 174 i43 r Tear ago Tlr4 S'iT 114 571 . IS in 1 147 14J Foreign crop oondttlor ar trummarised be tit Liverpool Cora Trad Nesi a fol-lowe,- f'nlted Kingdom There hav been eontra nal heavy raiaa during th past week and the crop reed drier weather. France Th continued heavy rain are be ginning to causa some anxiety regarding th crop. G'rmliir The crop utlook ut fevwrabt. nseru of native wbeat continue on a large !. The weather la wet. Kuatu I tie eaet ther are aom com plain' that th crops aro without -snow cver and eom fear of damage br froet ar expressed. Cuewhere th emp are protected be a s"od snow cover. Arrival a t th porta are lie-tit. Roumanta, Hungary and Pargarla Th crop outlook ta favorable, Ther ro good sum-lie of natlr wheel. Th weather 1 wild Italy and Spain Th crop outlook Is gen eraliv favoraul. althooft dfier and coiuer weather would b beoeflctal. Auatralia Crop prospect ar being main tained. HTOR.4.UB Arrixa are icrt.D ttkmkh. Market Getting steady for aa AU-Areamd A improved ton ha developed la tb pp; market erne th opening of th year. YVith etorag charges paid, holders ar mor disposed t ak higher pric. Th orng mftraet waa firm. 91 being naked for fancy Mock. Not many axanges a re orferlng In California. Ther will b no freah bananas on th market for a week. The Northwestern train poewed through El Paso yesterday. Tha etreet wae bare of celery and none will b avallabl until Honda. Cauliflower and bead lettuc wer als scare. Two car f sweet potatoes ar la transit. TLe nloa market waa firm and thr wa a firmer ton to th potato market. cmruN's at tor price or wintek news bell at Id mm 17 Ceala aad Mor Ar anted. Chickens sold at th highest price of the Winter yesterday. Hen and Springs wer scare and r-adlly brought Id centa. and for fancy lota buyer wer willing to pal mor. luck and gees wer ateady. Turkeys were l:eatlful nd dragged. Xreased meata wr l.ntk Th egg market was verv firm, but higher p-lce wer net quotcfl. There were r new developments In th butter or chre mrketa F.lgla rotator Go t Kaiisaa. Ten car.oade of potaties grown around r.lj-.a wlil p aiilrped to Kansas marketa lat thla mon'h or er!y In February and th e.r in hr-li the potatoes ar trana portea will he i1'ratei, with banners and atrvamera tellin of the origin 'of tha ship ment and 1'ie ail' an:ak,-e of the Klgln coun tr. 1-. ioop la brlilnd tk shipment and Hi rare ar Intended to b a moving ad vertisement of the country. The potato market in tiie E'gtn territory Is good this -ear and ttie prlcea ar bringing In neat sura of money. It la a profitable and extensive Industry in the north end of (he c'un:v. Bank Clemrlnga- Urk clearings of the Northweetera cities yesterday were a follow s- 'arin-a. Balances. Portland ............ t-- $;i:3 see-.ti .'."vi4t l4.7iet Ta-oma .............. e-:7 477 77 440 Spvkati 7..1.;:i l(.t PORTLAND M AHA. ITS. Grain. Fbxtr. Feed. F.ta. TlHCAl Track prlcea: Bluest em. 2o: e.ub, 7c. red Ituaalan, 7tc. VaUey. S0c; forty-fild. 7tJSOe- FLOl K Pateota ft SO per barrel, etrigh'a ft'1!; exporta. t SO; Valley, .; grna-u. tl .. who: wheat. 94 SV I'ORS w hole. e-'7: cracked, tsh per tea. HIUi'irHe-Bri-. .J per ton: mil d -rga, 90. aaorta 9-4: il;d barly, 917 OSS. r.TS No. 1 white, flO-sa per ton. HA1 No. 1 Eastern Oregon UmoiAy, lt ' . I 01S-SO: No. 1 Taller. 1BJ1: alfalfa, tit 14: clover. 1112: grata. 111911. saLt. rtto. ovf P " Vegetable aad Frtdta. TROriCAl, FRUITS Orxngea. navela. tl'i. Japan. fl.0 per Rundl; Cali fornia grapefruit. i-iof4; Florida grape fruit. IS -... banana. SHi'itc per pound; lernona 4t4.5o per box; pomegranate, 11 ' T-r b"X". persimmons. I..V per box. FBE.-H rRV!T! Peara. ooc-l.M per box: grape. Tic H 5'i per box: A'" grapes tMtT7 per barrel; cranberrlea. iv at 11 10 per barrel: casai.aa. II. J per crate. POTATOES Buvlnc prlcea: Burbanka -cul lS per hundred; sweet potato. (JslOa Association price. 1 I 7r VEOEIABLr Artichoke oc per d ox en - beans. 1-DlTijt: vahhage. Hit" Per pound: ce?!lflower. l.tHit per cratai coi ery 4 per crate: curumbera. 1.78 per doien: eggplant. l-'Sc per pound garlic lloc per pounu: lettuce. I .) per crate: pepper. ItltK per pound: PuroP'"; lfl per pound: radishes, iio P" don. ifro" PB i.: squash. l01x. r pound; tomatoea 11.15 per box. plry and Cevmtry Prwdaca. BUTTER uregon creamet r buttw. solid pack,.r.Sc; prlnta extra; bultertat, lc leas than solid pack prlcea. 1'OL'LTRV-Hens. l917o: Springs. lc. docker young. 17c: X-e. 1: Vxrk--live lagJ-K-: dreasej. choice. ICxIWO. E'b Freah Oregon ranch, oariilled. 97 He per dox-n: eaae-count. SJo per """. CHEtiE-Freah Tillamook flaia, 17i.e; Toung America. It He- . PORK Fancy. tHcre per pound. vtAI Fancy. 1111 14 per pwund. rrovlaloa. FAV 1 to li pounds. 13mnt: " toleoTnda. lHHtTlise: 14 to , 1. pound.. 19Ujlc: 1 to IS pounda US triage. "inaVo. lie; Plcnk Uxc; cottag. roll "tABIV-Kettl. rendd. ""f..1S,'"s tub UHe: standard, tlercea. 11 "ic: tuba, lie; shortening, tlercea. sc; tuba. c- BACON Fancy. Trc: atandard. -Jo. choice, 2lc; Engilah. lo17c DRf BALT CI KED-Regular ahort clears, dry salt 124c: amoked. 14c; ahort clear, backs. II to 1 tb. dry Bait. l..c; fo1" 14ic: anort clear backs. 10 to ao Iba. dry ealt. Wo: amoked 14c: Oregon export, dry sail. lHic amoked. 18c. Hop. Wool and Hide. HOPS 1!11 cn.p. 4Q844c; lda nomi nal. 1012 eon tracts. 5.V. MOHAIR Clvolc. 8Jt37e per pound. WIH,!, Eastern Oregon. 9Stlc per pound, 'cording to shrinkage: Valley, 1 17c per pound. . PELTS Dry. He: Iambs, salted. ie0c. short-wool pell. 75c: butcher pelts Nov. take-on. SOaOOc: Dec. take-off. !Kic4ll- Hir.fcS salted hides. uloV,o per pound salted calf. l17c: salted kin. 10l lie: gre-n hldea mtttVic; dry calf. "rOc: dry hKlea, lTtjlnc: salted slags. Vst"cl greaa stage, SHudc C A SC A K A Per pound. B"j t7C- I.lnareel Oil and Turpentine I-lNsEED OIL Pur rw. In barrels. Tc; boiled. In barrels, tic; raw. In cases, ttc: boiled. In eases, tdc TURPENTINE case. TSc; wood barrels. 70sc - FLAXSEED OIL MEAL Per ton, 144. Staple Gneerle. S-lLMOX Columbia Klver. 1-pound tails, 9i2i per doxen; 3-pound tail. 9-9: 1' pound flata. 92-40; .Alaska pink. 1-pouad tail. 91 Si. COFFEE Roasted. In drums. 2O0 per pound. . HONEY Choir. 9175 per ca; tralnd honey, loc per pound. SALT llranulated. 115 per ton: nair ground. 10-s. 9" 00 per ton ; 60s. t per ton. NITTS Wainuta. lo-,mo per pound: Braall nuta. 14 19c: a.herta. 14lc; al monds. 17vlc. ecana lc; eocoanuta. KOc tl per doxen: chestnuts, 12e per pound; hickory nut, tlffloc per pound. BEANU Small white. 4c: lnrg whit. 4Sr; Lima. 7ic; piuk. 5c; Mexicans. Sfce; bayou. &c. RICE No 1 Japan. 6c; cheaper grade. 9tt4Ur: southern head. et7c; Im ported Imperial, tc: Imported extra No. 1. loISc ei GAH Dry granulated. 940; fruit and berry. 9H40: beet, 9."U; extra C, 95-; powdered, barre.a, 91; cubes, barrels, 94- PRIED FRrTTS Apple. 14s per pound; aprtcots llHr: peachea ll14c; prune. Italian. lCvftloaie; lvr. lc; far, whit and Bblve; currants. 1oy 11c; raislna looto. MuscateL ,0 7c: bleached Tbompeon. 11 "ae: unbleached Sul tanas. Use; aeedeu. 7itSVc; dates. Per sian. 9Va per lb.: Fard. 91 0 per box. UAH ITIAN CISCO PRODCCB MA&strC rrlce Oooted at th Bay City to Teawe table. Fnlta. Etc. SA. FRANi-ISCO. Jan. S. Th follow ing produce price, were current her today: Vesetao.e Cucumbers. 7ficir9l; garlic. Stili'-a- green pea. St l-vi trn.g bean. 104 q it 'j.-; tomatoes, 9l.5'J v LTi; egg plant. 1 a It utter Kaney creamery, tec Eugs Store. JJc; fancy raxtch. 94c. t-uiurs l.a-'l l."n. Ches Young America 14 0130. Kruit Apptee. choice, 91; common, 65c; Mexican lime. Ij.4o-: California rem en cnotce. 91 7e; common. 91 1: navel rangsa 11.1' Si -: plneapplea tlOt. I'oiatoes Oregon Burbanka tl-Zjgll.Tt; Ballna li-.irbauks. -ai aJtJl ": river Bur banks. :1: eweeis. IJ-orfL7&. ltiltufe Ursa, 1-0 a -ti-lJ. mlddllnga 91-eta. Hay Wheat. 1173.': wheat aad aata, 111 0:0: a, I. fa. 9Utl3.M. Receipt Flour. 41.14 ' quarter lacks; wheat. 1.1TO cental: barley. centals; oata, 23 cvntala. potatoes. .1t!?."i sacks: bran. 1 cs. sacks: uilUd.lna. Xi sacks; hay. bu IWBX Metal .Marketa. NEW TOIIK. Jan. 3. atandard copper ICiav. Spot. January and Ke-hruave, 1.751 lAll-'tc: Mnrcli uu.l Al'rll. tl 'iJ 14.1'J vf ludon. easy. Spot, it'.-l 11a Sd r future. 101 7s f-1- Arrive. s reported St New Ur to-". -. 7rK tuns, cuatom-houe returns ahow export of l't-rt tons o for tin month. Lake copper. 14.vtV14Sc: electrolytic. 14S 41 14 Sc. and caslinx. 1.1 1, tl 14c. Tin Vak and uus-:tcd. bpot. 4l.8i V eM.' Joc; January. 4L70 I 42 3..c ; February, 4oTi4:0'c; March. 40.00 J 41. "Re; April. 40.00 : 41 .Oc. London, weak. bpot, i!91; futures. 414 1". . Lead Eas; 4-40e4.5Oc. New Tork : 4 --7 v, 4i 4 x; ac. East t- Loula. London. lli l.'a tU. Speller Xyull: S"iSw.35c. New Tork: lijti.;oc. East bu Loula London, ii:6 ls Antimony Pu!I. Cookaon's, T.75C Iron Cleveland warrants, T01 7Hd In London. Locally Iron wae steady. No. 1 f.ur.dry Northern. l4.7&u 15: No. 2. 914..10 tjlA: No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern soil. 91 riei ft 14-7 Coffee aad Sugar. NEW TORK. Jan. 9 Coffe future cloeed ateady. Jatiuary. ll-tHc; February. 13. AO.-: March. 11-H,:: April. 13-lfc; May and June, ln.oftc; July. la.03c; August aad Septeniber, 1.1.t'4c; Uctobcr, Noveuiber and December. lXvuc. Spot e ffee viulet Til". No. 7. 144 i llc Santos. N-. 4. loc; mild coffee, qir. t: LVtdova. IB s u 1 e. nominal. Itew sugar Barely sleuily. iluscovado. .S test. 4.ooc: centrlfuxal. .M teat. 4 Aoc; luoiaiea sutfar. ,S:t t-i. 1 7oc; refined, s'.cad: . Naval More. FAVA NNA1I. :.. Jan. 9. Turpentln firm. iOSc. Sal-s " ( 5 barrels, recelpta ICO barrels, shipments 7 barre!s. atocka 95. barrels. Kosln firm. S.vlrs 21' pounds: receipts 44)e iounds; shipments 4inij pounds: stocks lv.6Ii punO- gu.'c 1'. 7; I. 97.05; E. 97 lt; F. 47.1; i. r.1-' tt 7.rK; If. I. 97.1; K 97.Ji' -i M. N. ;.4d; WvJ. 97-70; WW, 9:73. tried Fruit at New Tork. NEV YORK. Jan. J Evaporated apples ateady. Fancy. lt'ic; choice, t1: prime, tafjv'sc. Prunea firm owing to th strong atatla tlcal position on the Coaar. Quotatlona ranxe from 9 to U4c for California fruit tip to 34-4s snd from It to l:c for Ora gona 0o to So. 1'eache remain quiet. Choice. 11H9 11 1. c: extra choice. lliji:c; fancy, li live. " New Trk Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 1. Motion futures opened 9 to 9 points htftber nd closed ateady. with active months unchasred to 1 points lower. January. c; February. .ee; March. 9.14c ArrlL .Ic; May, JI7c: Juna 7c; July. 9 o; August, 41o: Sptemher. 47e; October. .lc: November, t ic; December, t.e'r. Spot cloeed quleL M:d-oplanda. I lie; da. ou.f. 9.40s. No ale Advance) la Coal OIL MEW YOHii. Jn. 3 Tb standard Oil Company has announced an adcanc of 15 In a.1 gra.loa of reltned oila. R..flne m caaes. 10; standard whit. 97 J. bu!k. . An danc of t-o per gallon for all grade of naphtha aas alio announced. SELL FOR PROFITS Stocks Thrown Back on Mar ket and Prices Drop. HARRIMANS ARE WEAKEST Bo. in- by the OuUltle Public Cenatn. Money Rates Contlntte Easy. Broad and ActiTe Demand tor Bonds. - NEW TORK, Jan. 9. For a Um afiar th opening today th atock market sort th same cheerful aspect which It assumed dur ing yesterday sharp upturn. Tb open ing rang of prices showed small gains for almost all of th standard stocks, except th Uanimaxia Lehigh Valley shot tip 914 points In th ftrat ten mlnutea Th demand we brisk, but before the end of the first hour the mrkt had loot Ita galna During the remainder of the day it tell back, and la th lat session It became really weak. Th day's movement In general wa as cribed to prorlt-tnKliig. Th Increase In public buying, which wa noted yeeterdy. failed to develop to slxable proportions, and stocka bought on the rls yesterday wer thrown back on th market today. Aa prlcea fell, there waa some short eelllng. The Ilartimsn stock wer weku Union Pacific, in particular, waa under pressure, and lost nearly 2 points. Among the lee active stocka movements were wldet. Virginia Iron lost 7x point, rireat Northern Ore. American Can pre ferred nd luter-Metropolllan preferred de veloped considerable weakness. 1'ltteburg. C. C. at St. L. wss again active. The preferred rose rW points, extending Its advance in two day to 13 polnta. Th common gained about half aa much. Money rate wer easier today, call funds loaning aa low aa 2 per cent. The day was barren of tiavde news, ex cept that bearing upon steel and Iron. Orders for steel were said to be holding up well. The production of pig Iron In De cember waa catiinaied at over 30.000 tons In excess of the preceding month. The total for last year wa between n3,000,kM ml 24.000.000. as compared with nearly 117. is 1910. The bond market waa broad, active and Irregular. 8ome of the reorganisation Is sues wer strung. Total sales, psr value, 94.023.nOil. I ntu J States bonds were un ch.wged on call. CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bale. High. Low. Hid. AIMS C'hal pf 71, Amal Copper .. :0.7IH 7V, . M Am Agrlcult ... lt Co' tint 63i Am Beet Sugar. S.lot o-l o7 M o7 4 American Can .. ti.not) K'l, n - 12 Am Car A Fdy. l.tuxi Co1 5414 54 Am Cotton Oil.. .'."O 471 4 4'i Am Hd Lt pf !"' Ill 21 -JO Am Ire becurl.. 4' lsi IS'; IS Am Linseed .... 4" l'J 11 r. Hi, Am Locomotive.' H'i 3flH 31 3.1 Am b'mcl & Kef 5.1't") 74' 7'' 7-'i do p;ef erred,. 2i"l Ioll- 102 " lo4 Am Ptcel Fdv ., tluo 3o 34'a 35' Am Sugar Htf lis Am Tul at Tel.. 1.3IK) 1.17, 1374 Am Tobacco pf. l.l"- lo t, lt2 lvt Am 'oolen .... 1 -7 1'7 -1U Anaconda M Co. 3.m 0 3S 3 3" Atchison 2.Jf ion:, 1oa. ioat do referred.. 3oi 1HI lol's lol a, Atl Coast Line.. 2im 1H41X 1.14'v 1.14 Hilt A Ohio ... l..-."t I04 lo.l'i 1WI Bethlehem Steel H" 32 72 -tl Brook R Tran.. S.'-'l'" 77 4 77 77 Canxiilan Pac .. l.00 VM 23Tt 214v, Central Leather 2-.H 21 ' 2" ' 211 do preferred.. buO 1 is SO '' Central of N J 310 Che A Ohio ... 80 T4V 734 7.14 Chicago A Alton 24 Chi Ut W-st ... 5"rt JN 1 ! do preferred.. S'H 37 1 4 34 Chicago A N W. 1(N 142S 142S 142 C. M A St Paul. 4.300s Ill's 1101 110 C. C. C A St 1. f'H Col Fuel A Iron. 27 Col A Southern.. 44 Coneol Ca l.fton 141 IRS". 1SI Corn Product .. Ifti, 101. 10' Iel A Hudson.. 1110 IfiSV. lS-J'vi lis D R Ornn.le 20'4 do preferred.. 2O0 41 '4 41 4i Dltlllera Seeurl 2'o SI4 914 31 Erie !.. .3"0 .i:', 31s "14 do let pf 7o r.-tt, 92 ' "2 do 2d pf .... 1" 43 4.1 42 " O-n Electric ... C"0 1S.H4 13.14 1 r. lit North pf .-. . "0 12S 12 12 Ot North Or.. 2.700 44 424 4.14 lUlpols Central. Io0 14H4, 1404 14n Interbor Met ... .10') 17V, 11 1S do prefeire.1.. 10.300 ..4 4 R.1 BX' Inter Herveeier. 40O lne loo lnny, Inter Marin pf. l.SOO 21 2IH 21 'v Int Paper 9 - Int Pump 200 3.T4 3 4 9.1 Iowa Central -, J.J K : Southern.. 400 2$ 274 274 do preferred. . Laol-do tle ... l.ewn lo'S ln,"4 l"11 louts A Nash.. 4'0 l.-.Ss 1H M"t? P S M " 'lOO i.i.i ' iM - 134 14 Mo K.n A Tex. 200 30 294 do preferred.. - Mo F.cirtc l.t 40 S 3' 4 National Rleult 4 00 1414 1401, 141 National Uad .. 2.6-0 rtt, 64 B3H N Rv Mex 2 pf. 1.500 S- 95 V T Central ... 1 1' - l'J; '"IJ V T Onl A Wee 7"0 3 374 J-.S Norfolk A West S t.") 1" i;oJ North Am S' 7S 744 744 Northern Pao .. S-1"0 J;?"4 Pacific Mall ... 4(Vrt 80V, o 30 P.-ntiylvanla ... l.S' I-;iv l"1 People' On 103 1 1 C C A St X... t.vuv aoexv ' jZi? Wk"cXlr."i ; a Pull Pal Car ... 4' J:;'4 IMS ! Ilv Steel Spring. J .; 22 30J4 Reading ." 1MH 1..1H lMJa IlermblTc Steel .. 2iv. 2tS 2.1 'x 2.. Vs do preferred.. 3. S'S " JJ Rov-k Island to. l.J.'O 2"S 2JS nSin'Ttii 2? l"i Bt I. Souihweat j"2 do preferred. Bouthern Rv ... 9,000 3t 2 iH do preferred - - - ;:,' 1. Teiin Copper ... JOO 37". 374 g. T.xaa A Pacific 4i jl -r.? R0U1 Tol. St LA We. 2'jO 1S S J do preferred.. 20 344 t?4 .JjHi Union Pacific .. 4S.7tK 1.4'. IIJH do preferred. 61 4 4H4 i- s Stol .". '..112.T'K) 4 . 8v dl.referrii;:1"-! lllg 1" vtah Coprr ... .7 ?.S ' .v4 V.-rxroCh.m 200 Mo. oe 2O0 ,VW) 94 VV.huh do preferred. Weetern Md Westing :iec . Western Vnlon 300 SCO 17 l1-4 1B oo4 iviij o vi 7t 100 784 754 7 4 Wh-el ALE. l ehlih Vall'7'.. V..-V0 144 !S J Chlno Cppper .. 3-j"0 . 2', -H Tine Corlsol --. 1..,(M 1 o' Tot.Tlfs for th. day. 420.S.K) sharws. BONPf. i w new ve . - . ., do coupon ...11 3 'v. Japanese 4s ..... !il4 1 A n U 4..-- l-4; atorke BOSTON. Jan. 3--Ailouex J Amalg Corrr.. M A 7. I. A Sm... 2;; Arlxona Com . . -B A C C A 9 M. . llutte Coalition. Cal A Arlxona. . ) cal A llccla 44 i-.m.iinisl II at Boetoa. (.'toeing quotation Mohawk ... . 4' Nevada Con . .. . ' Nlpls-ing Vines.. 4 North Butte . North Lake 'old Dominion... Osceola 'parrott (B AO 'oulticv .-.,' 4 111 '4 M4 47 m 10T HV4 7r, 10 2f 34 r.t .1 irS Cop Kan Con Co 2-" K. Uutte Cop M. 1;1 shannon Superior :Sup A Bos Mln,. H Tamarack ' 1- I i M . . r 1 oo. - fllroux Con .... Oranly Con ... ..J Oreeue Cananea. S u-eev Lake. 2 41 d"o preferred... v riv 1 i on Lake Copper.. . . 3rt a, I'tah Copper Co. l.a eaue iv" -Miami Copper.. . 25 -)s vv mona i wolverine . . . 100 Moaey, "Sxchaage. Etc. NEW TORK. 'Jan. 3 Money on call steady. S'ifill1 per cent: ruling rste. 3'sl elos ne bid, 2: offered St 2H- C Time loina. easier: 60 day. fS: 0 davs. 3V4: six months. "iVJt- Prime mercanUle paper 4. T4:4 percent. Sterling exchanxe firm, with actual bual nes. In bankers- bills t 4 K-lift for a0-dr bill. nd t 4 S4o for dcmnd. Commercial Mile 4 2. Par sliver, f-4 c Mexican dotlare. 4-V. Ooverument bond, ready; railroad bonds. LONDON. Jan. S. Bar silver Steady; 2id per 011 nre. Mouev 22'i per cent. The rate of discount In the open msrket for short bill Is 9 "4 per cent. Th rat of N'KW TORK, -'n- 3. closing euotntlons: ir 'k i-ef 2s reg..l"0 !N Y C Ken 3-. S7Vi Udo roup.; -..10 No Pacific -is... 9Vi t- Ss T res . .IOIV, No Pacific 4S...10O 1 1 do coup,""' - - "K'l -? ' nlon Pacific 4aloO-4 dlrconnt tn the open msrket ror xn.rvw months bill la iik per cent. AN FRANCISCO. Jan. 9- Sterling on Lonuon. 60 day. 94.93 H: aterUng on Lon don, alehu 94.064. Drafts Sight 2c; telegraph. 9c. Chajvgna la Avallabl Rnppllca. NTEW YORK. Jan. 3. Special cable and tlegraDhlc communlcatloria received oy Bradstreet'e ehow the following changee in available supplies as compared with previous account: . , Bushels. Wneat. United States, east of Rock- lea. decreased .' 0 Canada, Increased 4.0v0 Total. Cnlted States and Canada, decreased 450.000 Afloat for aad In Europe, do- creaaed l.letru.ouu Totel. American and European, de- creased 2.S50.0O0 Corn. Cnlted B tales and Canada, In- creased liS.OOO Oata cnlted States and Canada, ds- creased .. 1.169,000 Coaditloa of th Treaaury. WASHINGTON. Jan. 9 At th beginning of buslnee today the condition of the Cnlted olate Treasury waa: Working balance la Treaatrry offices .. $ 70.944.044 In bank ndF phlllppln Traa... 34.043. 4i'.l Balance In general und 12.234..l Ordinary receipts ? . Ordinary disbursement 2.311.31fi Deficit to date this -er 22.7li2.2.'5 Deficit this time last year 8.8. 0.907 The fig-ares exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. HOGS ADVANCE A DIME JtARKET GRADtTAIIT GETS VP TO MimVIXTKR LEVIX. Sales Are Made at $6.85 at the North Portland Tards Cattle, and Sheep Are Firm. There wa a strong and active demand for hogs, cattle and aheap at th stock yards yesterday. The run wa rather IlghL Hogs advanced a dime, cattle held their own at full price and th few good sheep offered commanded outside flgurea Only about three loads of steers were on sale nd the best of them brought i. Top grade cows sold np to 95-ii and, 95.60 and the best calves went at 9S- For cholc hogs, buyers paid 96.89. an advance of IS centa over Tuesday's price. Ther wa not much doing In the sheep pens. A bunch of good lambs sold at 9-2e and a few better onea sold at 99. 83. Receipts yesterday were 250 cattle. 9 calves. 411 hogs and 3f4 sheep. Shippers wero: John Hill, Payette, 2 cars catlle and calves; Kidwell A Caswell. Lowden. Wyo.. 4 cars of cattle; L. H. Pauley. Levriston. Idaho. 1 car of cattle; I V. Walton. Kent. 1 car of hogs; Rich Brothers. Wasco. 1 car of cattle and hogs; H. W. Strong. Moro, 1 car of hogs: C. It. Uelshee. Moro, 1 car of cattle, hogs and sheep; J. x". Reynolda. Condon, 1 ear of cat tle; J. S. Flint, Junction City. ! cars of cattle and hogs, and C. Helm. Hllliboro. 2 cars of sheep. The day's sales wer as follows: Weight. Price. 2 cows 1315 94-75 1 cow ..................... 1030 4.00 10 cows ...................... E - J 11 steers 1213 -00 1 bull 1200 4 "o 90 hogs 173 6-SO 4 hogs 115 .0O 13 hogs 301) S.50 21 steers l!-t 6 00 6 calves l'-'o 8 .00 3 bulls 1323 4.00 IF. row lout i.uo 9 COWS 1119 4.50 4 steers 1-17 4 steers 116: .2" 220 lambs 7-' 5.L'-. 25 steer I?? 6 Oil 25 steers 1160 6.00 1 steer MO S.50 1 steer 5 00 8 steers . . . 01.8 S.50 2 steers 9D0 4.00 56 cow Sf0 .--" 28 spayed heifers 990 5.50 1 heifer 1020 S.r.O 1 cow HMO r. oo 2 cows 835 4.50 2 cows ........1115 500 2 COWS .1050 5.50 9 cows 113 J .9.00 1 cow 1140 4.00 1 cow 1110 4 00 1 calf R"0 &.90 4 bull 105 4.00 10 lamb 107 5. S3 11 lamb 114 51 1 wethera 130 4.7ft 11 ewea 118 4.00 47 hoe 7. . 158 ..". 2 hogs 340 .1.50 2 hoK 198 ' 94 hogs :oi ( Si 1 Iiok ' ?90 r'-r'" 73 hoes 274 6.7.1 14 hotrs 300 t.110 3 hoes 410 5.50 94 hull !Oi Prices quoted at the Portland Vnton Ptockyarda for the various claaaea of atock w ere : Cattle Cholc teer 99-7.1 r, IS rcood to choice steer. ......... . '.Sntt 5.70 ( hole cows 4.7.1fe 5 50 lio.Ml to choice cows 4.4nf 4..:o Cholc pyed heifers R.oOfc? 9. .10 flood to choice heifers 4.50' 4.00 Choice bulls 4.2S 4.50 flood to choice bulle A.nnit 4.2.1 Choice calves 7.00-fS S.0O Good to choice calve 6.759 T.OO Hogs Choice to light hogs 4.8S1 C !i flood to choice hog n.oo 6.15 rlmooth heavy bogs 5.50 9.73 Sheep Choice yearling wethers 4.00'fe 4 7.1 Choice killing owe 3.25 ut 4.04 Cholc lambs 9.00 9.85 Good to cholc lambs.. 4. Mis 4.7-7 Culls 3.00 4o0 Chicago Uveetork Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 3. Cattle Receipts es timated at Market steady to 10a lower. Beeves, 94.70418: Texas steers, 94.25 4y5.;&: Western steera 94.30S8.60: stockers and feeders. 99.25416.70: cows and heifers. 9:06.40; calve. 95. 506.90. Hog Receipts estimated at 34.000. Mar ket steady to shade lower. Light, $.",. SO (q, 6.114: mixed. 95 9506.20; heavy.;t 6.20: rough. 95.65476: good to choice heaw. 8jt6.20: pigs. 85-1006; bulk of sales. 95.95 4X6.15. Sheep Receipt estimated at 29.000 Mar ket, .steady to lOo lower. Native, 92.754 4.60: Western, 91-24 04-60: yearling. 94.45 43 5.70: lambs, native, 94.25 3 6.50; Western, 94.75 3 6.50. Paget Sound Grain Market. TACOMA. Jan. 8. Wheat Blueetem. 91c; club. 7VvC: fortyfold, 7Ue; red Kuasian. 78c Receipts Wheat, 76; barley, 1; corn, 1; hay, 10. SEATTLE. Jan. 3. Wheat Bluesfem, pit-c: fortyfold. 7P4o: club. 7e; fife. 78c; red Russian, 77c. Yesterday's car receipts -Wheat. 24: oats. S; barley. 2" corn. 8; hay, 31. Kuropean 4) rain Markr. LONDON. Jan. 3. Cargoes Armor and higher. Walla Walla for shipment at 8.1s fM to 38a English country markets steady. French country marketa holiday. LIVERPOOL. Jan. March. 7s R'4d: May. 7s 3T4d; July. 7s 44d. Weather cloudy. . Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. S. Wheat Mar. 91.07: July. (LOT; cash. No. 1 hard. 91.0S: No. t Northern. $l.i7'4: No. 2 Norfh ern. 91.06 6 1.06 ; No. 8 wheat. 91.03 I. 03 "4. Resolved, that bitulithic pavement furn ishes the best foothold for traf fic. Citizens GAINS 111 EUROPE Offset Shortage in Argentine Wheat Crop. CHICAGO LOSES STRENGTH Slay Option Is Three-Eights Cent lower at the Closer -Corn and Oats' Decline and ProTlslons Are Firm In Spite of Stocka. CHICAGO, Jan. 3. Assertion that crop gain In France. Italy and Spain hav been sufficient to make the Argentina short- g relatively nnlmportant seemed to take ail the strength out of wheat today. Th. market-closed easy at a net decline of "jo Later trading left corn H 9 Kf to 4o down oats unchanged to 4e off and hog products varying from a shade lower to Be up May wheat fluetuated from 04c91.00. and at th finish was 9-ic. a net loss "'May corn ranged from 63434 to 34c closing steady, -4f4o not lower, at 63 "4 8 93 "40- Cash grades wer depressed. No. 2 yellow was not quoted. Cpper and lower levels reached for May oat. wer. 444o and 434c, with th do. 434 0. a decline of- Ho from laet night. Despite the big stocks of packing prod uct, and. notwithstanding the heavy run of hogs, selling orders were exceedingly small In the provisions pit. As a result the close wae unchanged from yesterday. Th lesdlng futures ranged aa follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. May 9L00 91.00-4 9 -9 July 'J5 -Wot . . CORN. Jan .0'i .00-4 - -5'i !' May ;34 -J July .113-4 -Ws OATS. May ...... .4S -IS'i .474 .474 July 44-4 -44'.. -i'SH Sept.; 40'.i -40V4 -40 "' MESS PORK. May 15.87!x 13.93 '15.S7'.i 13-95 LARD. May 8.SS 0.40 K.35 July ...... 9-47 14 9.52 Vi 9-47 14 9-5214 SHORT RIBS. Jan 8 17 14 8,321 JgH Mhv S.B0 S.OO 8....1-.1 S-W jui v.::.::: s.3 sm, cash quotations were as follov. Flour Firm. live No. J, 92 4T93C Barley Feed or mixing. 0c$l" fair to choice malting. 91.1S91.90. Timothy seed $12(&15. Clover 918.6010.5O. .,.. Pork Mess, per barrel, 915015. 50. Lard Per 100 pounds. 89.15.!' tlraln statistics: Total ciearanoea of wheat and flour were equal to 8S.0OO bushels. Primary receipts were 304.000 bushels, compared with 312. 000 buchelB the corresponding day a year ago. The world's visible supply, as shown , n .. a a-o ...H it l-.noOO hushele. oy Diausuecifc - ----'--- - - Kstlmated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 29 ears; corn, ai, car, v,, " - v-, ----o S3.00 head. " cHi- . A-n VrsnelMa. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. S. Wheat Steany. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, 81-50 jj.irley Feed. 91-90: brewing, nominal. Oats Red. SI. COS 1. DO; white. 91.703 1.72',; black. 91.65Ol.S0. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Bnr!ey December, bid; May, 12.024. . rfopa at New Tork. NEW TORK. Jan. J. Hops Dull. ANNOUNCEMENT J. C. WILSON & CO. Members "4w York Stork Fxehange, Acer York Cotton Kxehanse, t'hlcaco Board of Trade, The Stock and Bond Excaaasje, Saa Frsacisce, With Office at Mills Bulldlnsr. San Francisco; Pal ace Hotl, ban Francisco; Alexan dria Hotel, Los Alleles; TJ. S. Grant Hotel. San Diego; Hotel Del Cor onado. Coronado Beach, desire to announce thut on JAN. 15, 1912, THEY WILL OPEN OFFICES In the L n m brrmen'a Buildlnx, Portland) Alaska RnlldinK, Seatllci Canada Life Building;, Vancouver, for the handling of ail orders for STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN AND COTTON At the RtFtralar New York and Chi eakn Half- of ConnniMlon. All these offices will be con nected hy private wire with our present complete private wire serv ice from San Kranoinco and Loa AnpeleM to New York and Chicago, thus affording all our cllenta con tinuous quotations from all East ern markets and the advantage of direct and instantaneous private wire service lu the execution of Ic. WILSON & CO. MAIX OFFICE, MILLS Bl.ll.DIX, Saa Francisco. THE BAEBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. SOS-SOS Electrle Bids;.. Portland, Or. Oabjtr Huber. Manaeer. STEAMERS YALE and HARVARD Portland to Los Angeles, tourist .23.85 Portland to Los Angeles, first class... Portland to Los Anfieles. round trip, tourist 45.70 Portland to Los Angeles, round trip. first class BS.T0 Portland to San Diego, tourist "5. 00 Portland to San Diego, first class 30.00 Portland to San Diego, round trip, first class S8.0S Railroad to San Francisco, the exposition city, connecting with the famous new tur bine steel steamers. Tale and Harvard. larg est and fastest strictly passenger ships on the Coast; average speed 28 miles per hour. Make reservations early. ban Francisco, Portland SLA. SS. Co., 1KAXK BOI4.AM. Agent. A 4598. 12S Third St. Main 625. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICA?.. HAWAIIAN S. S.CO. :15 Railway Kxehanse Bide Portland, Or. Main 83T8. A 35S. Steamer Anvil Falls from Albers Dock No. 3, Thursday. January 4, 7 P. M.. for Tillamook, Bay City. Newport, Florence. Bandon and Coquille River points. Ticket office 1:8 Third street. Phone Main H'JS, A 46nt. Dock phone. A 1903, Main 151. Freight and passengers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Drafts, letters of credit and travelers' cheeks, payable at all available points throughout the .world, are sold by the lumbermens National Bank Capital ..... . $1,000,000.00 4 Per Cent on Savings Corner Fifth and Stark First National Bank Capital $1,500,003 ' Surplus 850,003 Oldest National Rocky LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock. .' '. SM! Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, availi able in all parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets. White Star Line 1VEW YORK PLYMOUTH CHERBOU R-SOrTHAMPTOS FAST MAIL ROUTE TO ENGLAND and THE CONTINENT. . m. v .r-e ,,! ITIneat steamer In the World kkSj-s- "OLYMPIC" iSH. .'HEItCH A 1.A CARTE RESTACHAKT, TTHKISH A1VT ELECTRIC BATHS, t KESCH A I.A J pooL FOUR E,.Ev ATORS, GYM AS1UM, VERANDAH CAFE, PALM COURT, KTC. WILL RAIL FROM NEW YORK Wednesday, January 24 and February 2 1 and Hegnlarly Thereafter. urtitTr OTAD I IMF Room B. Bailey Bldgr., Id and Cherry, Seattl WrlllC. jlAK 1 1" I-. or Local Railway and Steamship Agent. Connctln-r at Prince Rupert. B. C, with "8. 8. Prince John.'" Wetlnedy t t P. M., for Stewart, B. C.; Thursday, January 4. 18 and February 1 for Queen Charlotte Isl ands; Thursday, January 11 and 25 for Ma issue and Naden Harbor. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (.Double Tr ark Roote) Four throufh train cbllv Xo eictw fa re between Chlcac-o and mil polnta Eaet. Throug-h Pullman stand ard and tourist Blrpinjr tars . J. H Buixis, General Agent Faiweng-er Department, beat tie, Waamiiston. First Arennt and lea ler Way. TKaaTCIaCKS GClDftV PLAN YOUR SPRING - TRIP NOW - In addition' to regular sailings for Europe and the Mediterranean some especially attractive tours will be offered during 1912 by the North German Lloyd London-Paris-Bremen Sailings George Washin-rton Tues., Jan. 23 Prinz Fredrieh Wilhelm Tues.,Feb. 6 Kronprinz Wilhelm .... Tues., Feb. 13 George Washington Sat. Feb. 24 Mediterranean Sailings. Berlin, .Sat., Jan. 20 Prinzess Irene Sat., Feb. 10 Cruise to Black Sea and Caucasus, from Genoa April 23 to May 29 $200 up. Cruise to Tolar Regious from Brem en, July 18 to August 15 $125 tip. Independent around the world trips starting any time, east or . west $618. Oellirhe Co.. S Broadway, New York. ROBERT t APPEIXK. G. A. P. C t50 Powell M.. Opp. M. r rands Hotel, 8. T. or Local Aeeuts. CAXADIAX PACIFIC STEAM SKIPS. Express Service via 6T. JLAWBENCE KIVKR SCENIC ROUTE lytta Than 4 Days at fcea by th EMPRESS OF THE ATLANTIC. Weeklv Salllnss to Eurooe. First-class. I'-S.OO; Second-elass. 53.TB; one class cabin (II) 150. THIRD-CLASS BATES. Hamburg, Antwerp, Bremen, etc., 30, IS1.00. "f Mt"0.0.1: .Ir0nd.n'. G.'.".I.0.W. e31.2S, M.5 Norway, "Denmark. Sweden. .. -J34.75, $ift.25 Special rail ratee on requeat. F. R. Johnson. G. A., 142 Third St. All agent, gell Can. Pac tickets. COOS BAY AND ECREKA STEAMER, ALLIANCE SAILS THTRSDAV. JA.V. 4th, T. 91. NORTH PACIFIC . S. CO. 133 Third 8. Bank West of tha Mountains Effective October 29th, 11L Steamship Prince Rupert Leave Seattle, Washington, Every Sunday at 13 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT FOR Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert, 6. C. TRAVEIJ-R.S' OTJIDH. Ask about "Olympic Largest Finest Steamer in tha World. American Atlantic Transpar; Red Star White Star . While Star-Dominioi 3l,r..8.ilfj-ri T. II. LARKE, Rooxa n. Bailey B11T.. Second and Cherry. Seattle. Hub. Apply Local Ry. and steamehip Acta, Willamette liver Rpute Boats for Oregon City and Bslera. Uaily, 6:46 A. M. (except Sunday). For Corvallls, Albany and Independence, 6:45 A. M-, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. OXfice and dock. Xoot Taylor st. OREGON CITY TRANS. CO. Phone Main 40. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA (Cnlon Line of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Direct through steamers, bailing from San Francisco, Jan. 10. Feb. 7, and every "l days to Tahiti. TVelllnEtoo and Sydney. N. 6. Wales. The Use to Isle of the South Sea. For reservations see Coupon Railroad Agents or address Hit d. Rolph & Co.. San Francisco. San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct 6. S. Boanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately t 6 r. it. N0KTH PACIFIC S. S. CO, Ut Third Ht-. Pooneo Main 1314. A UH- COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATUjf. fails from Ainsworth Dock. Portland, P iL. every Tuesday. Freight received at Alnsxrorth Dock daily up to 6 P. M. Pa-.(- fare, first-class, S10: second-class. 7, lnciudins meals and berth. Ticket ' office Ainsworth Dock. Phones Main 2US. ata-a IT0 A 12.t4. EXPRESS 8TEAuER9 FOB -Bn Francisco and Los Angela WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. Bearer Sail 4 P. M. January 6V 6AN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. S. CO, Tick Offlc. 143 Third St. rttoaa aLaia 4 aad A 14M