Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 04, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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Fiver Trip From Astoria
Portland Made in 5 Hours
33 Minutes.
niK Co-Mrr Arrie Hrre Full Hour
in Advance or lisp-td Arrival.
ArrEe on Way Slightly Above
16 Knots n Hour.
t..ft Astoria at 1:ST. reaching
Portland at
A,. ,prd. 17 knota.
t,al speed from Astoria to
muti of Willamette. I.t knots.
Beet preWoue time lowered - mln-
I'nmaaisted by previous preparation
and t-.ariiered by trie fart she wu s.l
feet "by th stern." or drawing tbat
much more water aft than forward,
which placed her In poor racing trim.
tli hla roaster Heaver knocked all
previous speed tests between Astoria
and Portland Into the proverbial
-rocked bat" yesterday, when she
reached Alnortli dock at 4 30 o'clock,
fiiliy an hour In advance of her ex
pected arrival. Her actual running
lime waa S houra and Jl minutes,
which la registered unqualifiedly as the
rn er recird.
TMe Heaver held the greyhound and
broom for the hest run from Mn
Fran- laco to Portland, made a year
aco last July. On her prevloua voy
age, arriving- Dec-ember 1. ahe outran
the river record by steaming from Ai
tort to Portland In i.nurs and
minute. ?!ie had t'i tide In her
favor and waa In good trim, yet no
apeclal effort waa made to lower the
Her average for the trip waa slla-htly
above 1 knot, and aa far aa the mouth
of the Willamette the ran at about
a lT-knot clip.
Tide la la Fewer.
Fhe reached the river yeaterday
morning about T o'clock and remained
at Astoria, until 10:JJ o'clock. dls
rharitinK cara-o and loading: caaea of
salmon for San Francisco. On leaving
up ahe waa drawing 1 2 feet forward
and IS J feel aft. The tide waa In her
lavor and ahe slipped along at a rapid
a-alt from the mart, deaplte the addi
tional draft astern.
Forced by Government regulations
to alow down In the Willamette, ahe
Inst considerable time, but up to the
time of leaving the Columbia ahe had
averaged 11 knota. which la far bet
ter time than her admirera here cal
culated ahe waa capable of making.
Tn tne dock of the Portland Flouring
Milla Companv. now recognized aa the
point from where speed la gauged be
cause of harbor rules, ahe averaged
IT knots.
Members of the crew were no more
elated at the performance than her
passengers. numbering about 140,
many of whom thought that because
the vessel was late In leaving the
lower harbor she would not be
In Portland until after dark. As she
waa looked for about i:30 o'clock, there
were no hotel busses or public con
veyances at the dock, and when she
waa made faat there at 4:30 o'clock
and her passengers began streaming
from the upper deck. It waa felt by
representatives of the company that m
mistake had been made as to the time
she left up.
Iaal aad eloa Happy.
Two of her company wore more
beaming smiles than usual. Chief En
gineer Paul, who thinks that the Bea
ver's engines are about the finest that
ever turned over, and Captain Nelson,
who holds that the trim model should
come In for Its share of credit for the
time made.
Lien la I Captain Snow, who has pilot
ed "some pretty fast ones" on the
"crick." says that when it comes to
time, easy handling and in general a
ship atter Ms own heart, the Beaver
heads the fleet for pure class.
The Beaver is fast winning; her way
to popular favor with tne traveling
public. Former records upstream have
been close to six hours, and some men
on tiie river have sought to recall
bursts of spee,i that might compare
ith the performance of the Beaver,
hut the latter's crew say that they
hav not seen anything on the North
west Coast that can-vross her, boa-.
Columbia Contract Company Again
in Official Disfavor.
Maintaining a buoy on the east side
of the harbor, midway between the
Morrison-street and Hawthorne-avenue
bridges, without having It properly
marked to warn navigators. Is charged
to the Columbia Contract Company,
presided over by Daniel Kern, and
Harbormaster Speier has served notice
I.iat the float must be designated dur
ing daylight by a red flag.
A few days ago the same concern
was complained against to Collector
of Customs Malcolm and Major Mc
Indo. Corps of Engineers. l S. A-.
for laving fire barges abreast there
and established lights at night on but
one of them. The case will be made
tie subject of a fine, but whether each
barge will be constituted a separate
offense has not been determined and
wl'l he referred to Washington offi
cials for decision. I'ndrr the law the
Columbia Contract Company Is privi
leged to make a statement covering
the charge and that will be forwarded
to Washington with the report of the
inspectors who discovered the viola
Two Norwegian Tramps Chartered
In Advance of Completion.
To new Norwegian tramps are to
J un the line that controls the Oriental
liner Kyaja. which Is operating from
Portland In the Waterhouse service of
Hank I-ine. as J. l.udwig Mnwinckel.
her owner, has awarded contracts for
vessels of 11.0" tons each to cost
y.m in advance of laving the keels
the carriers were chartered for periods
of 1 and 1 - years to carry ore from
Stavanger. Norway, to Rotterdam. Hol
land. Their home port will be Bergen.
Norway, claimed bv most vessels of
that flag. Reports from abroad are
that practically every deepwater res
eel under construction Is a steamer.
there being no sailing Teasels started.
That Is taken as further evidence that
the windjammers are being relegated
rapidly in favor of ateam tramps. The
Kygja's present charter expires next
Ilrnulri Will Be Released by Bank
Line In Kali.
In the latest schedule of the Bank
Line It Is arranged that the British
steamer Strathlyon. which Is to sail
from Portland Saturday, will terminate
her connection with the fleet on reach
ing Shanghai about February IS. as her
charter, which was entered with the
Portland A Asiatic and transferred last
year to the Bank Line, expires then.
For that reason no steamer has been
named to sail from Portland June i.
which would be the Strathlyon's time,
and a charter of another carrier la
expected to be made for at least s
The Norwegian steamer Hercules,
which Is also loading here, but will
not finish her lumber cargo In time to
sail for Manila before January 15. Is
to be released In the Fall, aa she makes
her last trip from Portland August
;'S. The Orterlc. sailing from Portland
January It. Is to have a large list of
flour and space engagements for that
product and lumber are said to have
been made up to the sailing of the
Kumerlc March 13. The Waterhouse
Interests say there will be no change
In the schedule giving Portland ship-
pers the benefit of a steamer erery 10
(lava, aa such an agreement waa made
when the Portland St Asiatic's business
was taken over.
South Africa to Get Big C'arco.
ASTOJtlA. Or.. Jan. I. (Special.)
The Knappton mill is cutting a cargo
of 1. 000. 000 feet of lumber, principally
heavy timbers, which have been sold
to the Oregon Pine Lumber Company,
for shipment to South Africa. Presi
dent Brls of the mill company says as
soon as this cargo had been dispatched
the mill probably will be closed for an
Indinnite period, unless In the mean
time there should be a decided revival
In the condition of the lumber market.
Marine Note.
Work on the Government dredge
Clatsop, which Is carried on at the city
levee, where oil-burners and fuel
tanks are being installed, is expected
to be finished January 12.
When the Standard Oil steamer Ca
tania left up from Astoria Tuesday
Captain Canty fully counted on bring
ing her to Portland, but she was in
tercepted at Kaiinler and given orders
to proceed to Puget Sound to discharge
cargo, and she left the river yester
dsy morning.
Having finished discharging Inward
cargo the Oriental liner Strathjyon
hauled up from the North Bank to that
of the Crown flour mill yesterday and
will start working there this morning.
If her lumber cargo is aboard early
Strathlyon. . . .
Alliance. ......
to Antra.
Eureka. .....
In port
. In port
In port
In port
In port
In port
Jan. S
Jan. T
Beaver. .......
Sua H. Klmere.
Koaaoke. ......
Rosa City
Oeu. W.Eldar. .
San Pedro....
Tillamook. ...
.Coos Bay ...
.San Fraoctace
San Padre...
Jan. s
Jan. IS
Sin Peon
San Dlcge
Jan. 10
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. Fur Data
Aenl. . .. ......Bandoa...... Jan. 4
Alliance. ..Eureka ....Jan. 4
Sue H. Slmore. Tillamook Jan. 4
Falenn. ....... Ban Franeleee Jan. 6
Strathlyon Honskong. . . .Jan. 6
Beavar San Pedro. ... Jan. T
Breakwater. ...Coos Bar Jan.
Branoka San Disss. ... Jan. 10
Bear San Pedro. ... Jan. 13
HTculee Manila Jan. 15
Bote City. .San Pedro. . .tan. 17
Geo. W. Elder. .Saa Dlage.... Jan. 1?
the Norwegian tramp Hornelen is to
leave down from St. Johns today,
bound for Sydney. She discharged
about 150 tons of coal from her
hunkers yesterday that was barged to
the plant of the Independent Coal
At Oceania dock longshoremen be
gan stowing wheat in the hold of the
French bark Buffon yesterday after
noon and the Norwegian ship Sierra
Miranda started at Montgomery dock
No. i In the morning and In the after
noon shifted to Oceanic The British
bark Inverlogle left for sea in tow of
the steamer Monarch and the British
bark Lydgate Is ready to depart with a
cargo of 14S.T00 bushels of wheat
valued at i:l.4S.
Inward cargo is to be all discharged
from the California at Atlantic line
steamer Klverslde at North Bank dock
tomorrow, and she will shift to begin
loading lumber for the Atlantic side.
It Is unofficially reported that the
name of the new corporation that will
handle the affairs of the Alaska Pa
cine, Alaska Coast and the North Pa
cific steamship lines, eecently merged,
will be the Pacific Alaska Navigation
Following a period of Idleness the
steamer Weown, of the Hosford tow
ing fleet, will resume operations today.
To assist in hauling the Open River
Transportation Company's steamer
Twin Cities on the ways for an over
hauling, a crew will leave today for
Approval hss been received from the
Bureau of Lighthouses of the bid of
the Oregon Prydoclt Company for re
pairs, cleaning and painting on light
vessel No. 13. which Is at the Tongue
Potnt buoy station and will be ordered
to proceed here shortly. The same firm
will dock the tender Heather for
cleaning and repairs.
F.ntriea at the Custom-Ifouse yester
day were the steamer Alliance, from
Kureka. and the steamer Rosecrans.
from Monterey. The British bark Lyd
gate cleared for the United Kingdom
with wheat and the Rosecrans for
Captain George Wood, one of the
best-known pilots operating on the
Columbia River bsr and who Is a mem
ber of the Tort of Portland staff of
cicerones, spent yesterday in the city
on a short recreation trip.
Captain D. D. Conway has succeeded
Captain W. C. Monacle on the steamer
S barer.
With 11S0 tons of cargo the steamer
Falcon. of the American-Hawaiian
fleet, arrived yesterday" afternoon from
San Francisco. She left up from As
toria at :46 o'clock yesterday morning-
and was at the company's berth
at 4:30.
Pilots Archie Pease and HarTT Em
ken left yesterday ..board the Tort of
Portland dredge tender Wenonah to
make soundings on the river as far as
Slaughters. They were accompanied
by Captain Hugh T. Groves, superls,-
tendent of dredges, and will prooaoiy
complete their work today.
Movements of Veswls.
PORTLAND. Jan. 3. Arrived Steamer
Beaver, from San redro and San Kranciaco:
stenmer Alliance, from Eureka and Coos
Bar; steamer Falcon, from Sen Francisco:
steamer Johan Poulsen. from San Francisco:
steamer W. 8. Porter, from Monterey. Sailed
British hark Inverlogle. for yueenstown
er Falmouth, tor orders, steamer Northland,
for ban P-wiro; steamer tleo. W. Elder, for
Fan Ulego and ports; steamer Hose
crans. for Monterey.
Astoria. Jan. 3. Condition at the mouth
of the river at B P. 3d., smooth- wind east.
10 miles: weather cloudy. Sailed at 8 A. M.
Steamer Rose City, for Pan Francisco and
Hvn Pedro. Arrived down at 4 and sailed
at 11 U A. M- steamer Breakwater, for
Coos Bar. Arrived at 7 and left up at A.
jj. si.amer Falcon, from San Francisco.
Arrived at T:3o and left up at 11 A. M.
Steamer Beaver, from San P.dro and San
IT :.: y
Pranelseo. Sailed at : A. M. Steamer
Catania for Seattle. Arrived at and lert
up at :2t A. M. 6teiimer Johan poulsen,
from San Francisco. Arrived at 0 and teft
op at n .to A. M. stramer w. s. Porter,
fro. n Monterey. Sailed at !l40 A. M.
Shooner Kred J. Wood, for Honolulu. Ar
rived at S and left : at H::w la.t night
Fteamar Alliance, from Eureka and Coos
can Francisco, Jan. 3. Arrived at S P. M.
Steamsra Klamath and Willamette, from
Portland. Sailed Schooner W. H. Talbot,
for t'olumbla Hlver.
Honckonr. Jan. S. Arrived Corea, from
San Francisco. . .
Seattle. Jan. 3. Arrived Steamers Wat
son. F. S- l.o"P. from Kan Franclfco: North
land, from Ketchikan: Governor, from Ta
roma Salle,! steamers Lyra. Buckman.
Eureka for tan Frwnoisco; Delhi, tor Ldy
amlth. B. l; Watson, for Tacnma.
San Francisco. Jan. 3. Arrived Steamers
Chsrles Nelson, from Mukllteo: Klamath.
Willamette, from folumhla iilver; auhooner
Oregon. Mary Iodne. from Coquille Rlvor.
Balled Steamers Maalclan, for Liverpool,
via Victoria and Vancouver; Manchuria, for
Hongkong: Thomas U Wand, for Bel
llnaham: Nann Smith, for Coos Bay: schoon
ers W. H. Talbot, for Portland; LUzle ance,
for Puset Sound.
Los Anseles. Jan. 1. Arrived Bear,
from Portland: Willapa. from Grays Har
bor: Olympic, from Portland; St. Helena,
from Columbia River: Oentralla. from Grays
llaybor: Raymond, from Willapa Harbor.
Sailed Steamera Jamea Hltalna. for Fort
Brwcg: F. H. LSett. for British Columbia
ports; Shasta, for Columbia River: Man
dalav. for Crescent City; J. B. Stetson,
for Oraya Harbor.
Buenos Ayres. .tan. 3. Arrived previously
Augusta, from Tacoma.
Tides at Astoria Thursday.
i nn A. M T.l feet':lS A. M 3. feet
0:10 P. 11 . feet7:;0 P. M. . . 0 feet
Sale of Heifers by Dairymen De
clared Bad Policy.
As a result of a three-months inspec
tion tour of the dairy herds of Tilla
mook County, Deputy Commissioner
Duncan ot the Dairy and Food Com
missioner's office Is convinced that the
dairymen make a mistake when they
dispose of heifer cows. He refers to
the comparatively small number of
heifers raised during the past year.
Several prominent dairymen of Tilla
mook County went through the upper
Willamette Valley recently for the pur
pose of securing heifers, Mr. Duncan
says, but were unable to find any. He
further says that not enough heifers
are being raised to replace the old
cows that must be taken from the
herds each year. He therefore con
siders that calves from all high-grade
cows should be retained. Mr. Duncan's
report is In part as follows:
"Tillamook County last year re
ceived for her dairy products SoSO.OOO.
Uiree-fourths of which was produced
by the Co-operative Association, the
total being j 50,000 more than either
Marlon or Linn counties received for
butterfat. Many of the dairymen have
excellent dairy barns. On Wilson
River they own their own water sys
tem. We found more sanitary milk
buckets in this county than we have
seen in the Willamette Valley in over
two years' work. In the Willamette
Valley .-most of the dairying is a side
issue, and naturally the operators be
come careless, but as the Tillamook
dairymen make it their exclaslve busi
ness, we had expected to nnd better
conditions. Where we found unsani
tary dairies and utenails we were sur
prised to find that the proprietors
were entirely willing to correct con
ditions. "Of the 34 cheese factories visited,
most of the larger ones were found
in good condition. There were others,
however, in remote districts that need
ed attention. In general, however,
they took the suggestions offered
without resentment."
Father O'Hara to Deliver Series at
East Side Library.
Father O'Hara will deliver the fol
lowing Illustrated lectures In the au
ditorium of the East Portland branch
library, at East Eleventh and Alder
streets. Tuesday evening. January .
and the Tuesday evenings following,
except Jsnuary 13. at 8 o'clock:
"The I-ast Stand of Paganism In
Rome." "The Transformation of Social
Life In Rome." 'The Downfall of the
Roman Empire." "Roman Culture and
the New Nations." "The Story of the
Monuments ss Revealed by Recent Ex
cavations." "A Walk From the Late ran
to the Vatican in the Fifth Century,"
"The New Rulers of Old Rome."
Admission Is free. Tickets may be
obtained at the Faat Portland branch
or at'the central library. Seats will be
reserved for those holding tickets until
10 minutes before the lecture: after
that time the admission will be general.
Coal ! up. Ediefaen Fuel Co.
Pacific Railway & Navigation
Part of Harriman System.
E. E. Lytic Who Planned and Built
Hoad, Retire From Orrice to
Takes Few Months' Trip
Through Europe.
With the beginning of the year the
Taciflc Railway & Navigation Com
pany, operating; the 0 miles of road
between Hillsboro and Tillamook,
which was completed late in 1911.
passed out of existence and became a
part of the Southern Pacific system.
I W. Campbell, general superin
tendent of the Southern Pacific lines
In Oregon and Northern California,
assumed charge of operation and yes
terday made his first Inspection trip
over the road. Arrangements now are
being made to transfer the traffic into
tlie hands of Harvey E. Lounsbury and
John M. Scott, general freight agent
and general passenger agent, respec
tively, of the Southern Pacific property.
European Trip Planned.
E. E. Lytle. president of the Pa
cific Railway & Navigation Company,
who built the line to Tillamook, re
tired from office January 1. and has
planned to spend the next few months
In Europe. Mr. Lytle has been active
ly engaged In railroad development
work and operation In Oregon for 20
years and in all that time has not had
a real vacation.
Completion of the road to Tillamook,
which is known popularly as the "Lytle
Road," brought to Mr. Lytle the reali
sation of an ambition that he has had
for many years. He devoted constant
effort and much self-privation to the
task, which required six years of actual
work to accomplish. During that time
he worked untiringly and was beset
frequently with difficulties that threat
ened to make all his energy and seal
worthless. .
For more than a year, following the
panic of 1907, construction operations
were entirely suspended, but Mr. Lytle
continued his efforts to push the rails
to their western destination. It was
then that he enlisted the aid of the
late E. H. Harriman, who undertook to
f.nance the project, and under whose
system the work finally was completed,
Mr. Lytle. however, maintaining active
charge of the property and continuing
In that capacity for three months after
the road actually was completed.
Having given the people of Tillamook
and the tributary country their first
railroad something for which they
had hoped in vain for more than a
quarter of a century he has deter
mined to take a well-earned rest.
Affairs Are Traasferred.
Miss May Enrlght. secretary of the
company, who had charge of the office
in the Wells-Fargo building, has
closed the business and turned the
affairs over to the Southern Pacific
Traffic on the new road will continue
to be handled out of Hillsboro in con
nection with the regular Southern Pa
cific service. It is probable that a
through train between Portland and
Tillamook will be placed In operation
as soon as the business justifies, rhe
territory along Tillamook Bay promises
te develop into a popular beach resort.
Many cottages already are being built
there and it is likely ,that Portland peo
ple will go there in- large numbers to
spend their Summer vacations.
T. O. Hanson Shoots Self ; Despond
ent Over Family Troubles.
ALBANY, Or.. Jan. 3. (Special.)
With a bullet hole clear through his
body, almost touching the heart, T. O.
Hininn ia still alive after shooting
himself with suicidal intent at his ,
. , . i . . A - Phttslrlan,
come in ins --y w.-,,. -
says he has practically no chance to
Hmmn arose at 2 o'clock in the
morning, wrote two iciivn, vim
wife and one to the Coroner, and then .
tried to shoot himself through the
heart with a revolver. The bullet
went through hia body and also
through a stovepipe several feet away, i
and lodged in a cupboard. i
Hanson was at once taken to St.
Mary's Hospital. The cause of the at
tempted suicide is not known. Rumor
ascribes It to domestic troubles and
also to despondency over failure to se
cure positions he desired. When he
found his shot did not prove fatal,
he asked that the two letters he left
be burned, but they were held on a
promise not to open them unless he
dies. i
Mansnn came here about two years
ago and worked for a few months last
year on the city police force. He was
married less than a year ago.
Marshfield Road Due Soon.
MARSHFIELD. On. Jan. a. (Spe
cial.) Those Interested in the Marsh
field company formed under the name
of the Terminal Railroad have an
nounced that they expect to begin ac-
About Renting a Piano.
Where is the best place to rent a
piano? At Filers Music House. Every
make of piano is rented according to Its"
value. Cheaper grades of ueied pianos
SI 50 to S-.oO and $3.00 monthly, best
makes 34.00. 00 and 8.04 monthly.
No cartage where piano is kept six
months. Cartage one way is charged
where piano Is kept only three months.
At Eilera Musio House you will Invari
ablv find everything exactly as ad
vartlaed. Alder street, at Seventh. I
tual construction in Marshfield be- f
tween the middle of March and the
1st of April. According to the fran
chise granted the company by the City
Council of Marshfield. the company
must expend 110.000 on construction
before June 1. The company expects
to build about a mile of an electric
line first. The franchise also provides
for a steam road down the waterfront
streets, but this will not be started
until tne conditions warrant.
plans of the company will be complet
ed at a meeting to be held early this
month, when C. A. Smith, the lumber
man, who is interested in the move
ment, will be present.
Party ot Visitors Will Be Enter
tained at Commercial Club.
Preparations have been made at the
Portland Commercial Club for the en
tertainment of the members of the
Canadian excursion party that will
reach Portland Saturday afternoon by
i.i nvr the O.-W. R. N.
from Seattle. The visitors will be met ,
at the Union Station by tne reception
committee from the club, headed by H.
Beckwlth, and the afternoon is to be
given to a tour of the city in the
observation cars of the Portland Ball
wav. Light & Power Company.
. 1 1 1 .ntartllnA at S
i CO VISllura " "i mo ' '
dinner at the Commercial Club at
o'clock, which will be followed by an
informal reception" held in the club
parlors. The Canadian Bpeclal car will
leave over the Southern Pacific at 10:30
o'clock Saturday night, for San Fran
cisco and other California cities. AU .
of the large towns and cities of West- ,
ern Canada are representee
personnel of the party.
Following is the committee that will
take charge of their entertainment in
Portland: H. Beckwlth. Dr. W. T. Wll-
Ti-Kn n T Scddinsr. C. C
liameuii, ---- i
Chapman, A. C. Jackson, Robert Mac-
Kenxie. K. K. Baxter, F. C. Malpas.
William Mac Rae. J. C. Robinson, W.
C. Bristol, James Laidlaw, B Hoyt. i
George Hutcnins. tj jw. nynna.
I am positively the only specialist
in Portland that publishes his own
photograph, personally conducts and
manages his own office., and con
sults with and treats all his own
patients. I havemore qualifications
and experience than any other spe
cialist advertising in this city.
Every man calling at my office is
assured of my personal and Indi
vidual treatment until a cure is ef
fected. My fees are one-fourth that
exacted by the various "medical
companies." " Institutes " and "mu
seums." Be sure to consult me be
fore treating elsewhere.
Why treat with Incompetents when
you can secure the expert services
of a competent specialist?
Come to me if you have any of the
following disorders: Varicose Vetsua,
Pimples, Servens Debility, Nerve,
Blood and Skin Disordera, Bladder
Troubles, Blood Poisons, Eruptions,
llcers. Special Ailments Piles or
B to B T to 8 Oallyi Sunday. 10 to 1.
Kxamlnatiun Advice lrec.
Rooms 11-14 Lafayette Bids;.,
I rare quickly and permanently all
curable eases of VAR1CO8K V KIN 8
without severe surgical operations j
jurious drnrs (80S skillfully adminis
tered if preferred); NERVO-VTTAL UE
BUJTY without stimulative remedies;
BLADDER and K 1 D " E T tronbles;
PILES and all RECTAL ailments of men.
f vour ftbsolut pro
tection. Consultation,
Exaraln atlon and
ptarnosla free and
private. No c a
accepted through
corrapondnee. One
peraonaJ It to of
fice required before
treatment com-;
Tuences. I muit first
see and know your
exact condition. This
1 the only InteUl
tg e n t. satisfactory
way. Come tod a y.
I ue you noneat
lr. treat you skill
fully and cure you
promptly. H o u r t
daily. 9 to 5; evn
1 n r a, T to 8; Sun
days, io to r.
M2 Washington St., Portland. Or.
X wilt treat some
of your allmants for
as low a fee aa $3
and 910. I will
make you an ex
ceptionally low fee
on any aliment you
may be suffering
With tbla , low
fee and my lone
and successful ex-
perlence In
kV allmei
ln treat
ments of
men you need, not
suffer another day.
I dnn't care who has
tried to cure you.
and has failed I will five you a aure
rare and a small fee. Don't give up
before seeins- me.
Rv the latest methods known to
WFIUCAI. science I successfully treat
Come In and see me. Have a confi
dential talk ajid be examined without
cost or oniiaatioa. I will cure you.
The Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and fc?econl streets. En
trance Second street, Portland,
Or. Offlco Tiours 0 A. at. to P. at.
Bundavs. 10- A. at. to 1 P. -M
V ' -.W
Rheumatism is caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood, which
gradually gets into the circulation because of indigestion, constipation, weak
kidney action, and other irregularities of the system which are sometimes
considered of no importance. This uric acid causes an inflamed and irritated
condition of the blood, and 'he circulation instead of nourishing the different
portions of the body, continually deposits into the nerves, muscles, tissues
and joints, the irritating, pain-producing acid with which it is filled, f6"
matism can only be cured by a thorough cleansing of the blood, and this is
lust what S. S. S. does. It goes down into the circulation, and by neutral
izing the uric acid and driving it from the blood, effectually and surely
removes the cause. S. S. S. strengthens and invigorates the blood so that
instead of a weak, sour stream, causing pain and agony thoughout the sys
tem, it becomes- an invigorating, nourishing fluid, furnishing health and
Tijror to every part of the body and relieving the suffering caused by this
disease. S. S. a being a purely vegetable blood purifier, is the surest and
safest cure for Rheumatism in any of its forms. Book on Rheumatism and
any medical advice desired sent fre to all who write.
A. J. McKenzie, Mrs. E. T. C. Stevens.
C. C Craig, J. Fred Larson. H. Fries,
A. F. Bwensson, J. J. Sayer, J. I Miller
and W. G.' We.
White Salmon Hotel Reopened.
WHITE SALMON". Wash., Jan. 8.
No Detention From Occupation,
I am a reals tered aad Ileeased
sfaralclan, coaflalnc my special
rracvice te the ailments ef MEN.
save more money In-vested In my
establishment than all ether Port
land specialists combined, and I
rill BTlve asoo te any charity It I
cannot nbow this la true.
I publish my true photograph,
correct name, neraonally conduct
my office. I am the most success
ful and reliable, as medical cre
dentials and press records prove.
I make this statement so that you
will know you consult a true spe
cialist, who sees and treats ba
tlents personally. I possess EX
PERT skill and experience, ac
quired In such a way that no other
can share.
To all men who are sick and in
trouble: to the men who feel they
have lost the energy of youth, and
that the strenrth they ought to
hare has been sapped from them;
to those who are' not siclc enough
to be abed but feel they must use
all their will power to force them
selves even to their everyday tasks
to all these I have a speclsl mes
sage of hope and cheer. I can cure
that lame and aching back. I can re
store the lustre to the dimmed eye;
I can make you realize that the
youth of yesterday has not been
buried in an age of leveral
decades, and that your pitiful con
dition la now due only to damaged
health. This health oan bo le
stored If you will act now. Come
today, or the stage of nlect may
srat Just past the stage that is
f ? v f V,1" i
or no pay for services. I guarantee to " ",", CMt you
very dollar you have pal3 me or w rererV,i.Mpiie, FlstulVBiood
nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins. Hernia, ies, piaiu .
Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. Mr AVbenJflts
and no more than you ara able and willing to pay for
Offlco hours A. M. to I P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
By C.K. HoIsman,M. D.The Leading Specialist T nWn mo ilT!- and fUU
photograph and personally supervise the treatment of all
patients from the tlma they coma to mo until they are dis
charged aa cured. Althoufh my tlma is fully occupied
from early mom until lata at night in looking after the
wants of my patients, and In administering my special treat
ment for Blood Poison, Varicose Veins and other diseases. I
always take pleasure In consulting with new patients.
In offering my services to the afflicted I am giving yo
the BEST that can be had anywhere. My reputation and
experience for the past 18 years can leave no doubt aa to
my ability, honesty and Integrity and should be sufficient
to convince the most skeptical that I am the FOREMOST
and LEADING Specialist In Portland. I possess skill and
experience acquired la such a way that no other can shars
it. and ahould not be classed with Inexperienced doctors or
specialists. .
A thorough Investigation should be made by every a.llng
. i i - ' i . h- MnuillL 11 n r v and deatlnv to
self and those who depend upon you demand the best med-C. K. Uolaman. M. B.
leal attention. I have the ability and can give you this
service. I have alwaya charged a very reaaonablo tae. so that my aervlooa may
be obtained by any man who alncerly desires to be cured. I make no mis
leading statements, false promises or unbusinesslike propositions. I would like
,o have you for a patient If you wilt come to mo on a strictly nrofesslsonal ba
sis, accepting Inducements that I offer, which are my ability, lg years' auccaas
lul experience tlme-aavlng treatment and cure of certain dleeaaea.
l dally demonstrate that varicose valna
can be cured In nearly all caaea by
n treatment In such a aatlafaetory
way, pain ceaaaa. swelling subsides, a
healthy circulation Is rapldae re-estab-llahed.
Instead of the depressing condi
tions. I guarantee you a cure to etay
cured- or refund the money.
With these diseases you may have
mora complications than are presented
by any other dlaease. By my
searching Illumination ot the bladder I
determine accurately the dlseaae and
by microscopic- examination and urin
alysis I make doubly aura the condition
ct the kidneys, thus laying foundations
for aclentlfle treatment.
Scientific treatment only should he
used la combating Lhla loathesoms dis
ease. I cure Blood Poison by the new
Rerroan Remedy which I Introduce di
rectly Into the blood, purifying It. neu
tralising It and expelling poison from
he system. New blood thus formed
supplies and rebuilds ths tissues in such
a way tbat the tatlent recovera his
normal state of health, strength and
That disorder commonly known as
eeaknesa has for years and generations
battled the efforte of physicians, yet to
,s vary day a majority of doctors.
I Treat All Ailments of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured
I Offer Free Consultation and Examination
1 Invite you to come to my office. I -vlll explain to you my treatment for
varicose vetna, hernia, nervous debility, blood poison, piles, fistula, bladder, kid
ney and all men'e ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination if you
rlta for free book and self-examlnatlo n blank. .....
Mr eOTce Tie open all day from A. M. to S P. M. and Sunday from I te li
All correspondence treated eaalident ially. Letters cheerfully answered.
DR. G. K.
(Special.) French Stabler has again
opened Hotel Washington, which was
deserted a few weeks ago by R. G.
Connor. Mr. Stabler is Improving the
hotel and has installed auto service
between town and the station.
Coal 16 up. Edlefsen Fuel Co.
or Home
-.A n-.rT7.TT7t T T ATTftVSt
fJ DC V X.XVS1 V -
I Invite you to come to my of
fice. I will explain to you my
treatment for Varicose eins.
Hernia, Nervous Debility Blood
Poison. Piles, Fistula. Bladder.
Kidney and all Men's Ailments, and
give you FREE a physical exam
ination; if necessary a microscopi
cal and chemical analysis of secra
t i o n s, to determine pathologic!
and bacteriological conditions.
Every person should take advan
tage of this opportunity to learn
their true condition. A permanent
cure is what you want.
Impair vitality. I daily demon
strate that varicose veins can Be
cured in nearly all cases By o na
treatment, in such a satisfactory
way that the vital parts are pre
erved and strengthened, pain
ceases, swelling subsides, a
healthy circulation is rapidly re
established instead of the depress
ing conditions. I guarantee you a
cure to stay cured
or refund ths
Cerebro, where the mental forces
are Impaired. Spinal, where the
spinal centers are Involved. Vital,
where the sympathetic nervous sys
tem and forces that govern the or
gans are deranged by reflex effects
of ailments. I treat these condi
tions and all weaknesses induced
by nervous complications and ex
cesses and put you on the right
track to health, restoring the con
ditions essential to your iuture life
aad happiness.
Inae Professor Ehriich's won
derful new discovery. "60s. n
. DAl.nn Tt cures In
cases oi uiuu u ..... ... -
treatment, and ! the a test
marvel 01 meun- -'cuv. - -
new remetiy has been Bucceaslully
used In thousands of cases. I-at
MA avnla In It tn VQU.
Smith', written guarantee means a i cure
234V2 Morrison St.
Corner Second
Omcnt DUDllBh OIT trU j?Y '
specialist not excepted, are attempt
Ins; to overcome It by methods tbat
Have been In constant use and have
nlways failed for half a century. They
dose the system with powerful stimu
lants and tonics, calculated to restore
nervous force or strength that 1s not
and never has been lacking-, with the
result tbat the functions are tempo
rarily excited to the positive detriment
.f the patient. Weakness is only a
symptom resulting from many local
conditions nnd Is curable by local
treatment only, without the giving of
a single Internal dose, which demon
ttratfes the absolute accuracy of my
understanding and treatment of this
ri ie order. In years I have not met
with a single failure and I have entire
confidence in my ability to cure all
cases that come to me for treatment.
1 am equally certain that no treatment
other than tbat which I have perfect
ed can completely and permanently
rertore strength and vigor.
jVKNCE TREATMENT. Many patients
have no confidence in ihetr doctor, be
cause he demands pay before a cure
has been effected and there are many
who have been misinformed about
their condition or through unsuccessful
treatment have become skeptical and
ihluk there Is no cure for them, I
want an opportunity to treat such
men. It makes no difference about
the financial part, as 2 accept pay for
my services as benefits are derived;
when I am satisfied the patient Is re
table. Health e capital at Interest.
1 will prove rnr ability to cure before
asking pay for my services.
221 Morrison St.
Cor. 1 at Street