Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 04, 1912, Page 16, Image 16

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VI " l.fcAKAN' K KAl.K
n Tn.n. Bis - . J r'?ff?7 ,B"
In M.r to el- up mr V m.rlt.J :i.Ti. sr. c-t to ";
Iti-Vto IJi ..;u.a m.r-4 SI.-.S, cut t
J;m te rrr ...ran.-. T... Ih. -.trr
XT r: ra.rair
j:m i.i njc.
f'.nn-n i ir.tni n PMC
on irn ra..i. 1 l'u.- ,!?
r,-.m:r. .- r.t ' ",
Old I-" on if.a ground f.r suea al
um "' "' t- ir.-:s:b!.
px ;15, o..r.. ,in ndt T 1Tt"r.
loViTilA-M. .k'l fir. acd C0.'T;ili;"
. .51 eoi..l:-i-n : .1 -r.. llo
I A :!- H. .1 EW I :Ei'KISU CO..
M-rctirt. 1 r :t I
fctti and vii-ii'
I;ril'AI.ST TVI'fcV.T.JTr.R
4 vi.w l.rM'ATJMl AT 2V
Rfault typ.wn:er- f : I mak-; flce
,w-t !r lue cttr. Maw A !
i.XVAL SMC ured-em-J a4dge
I ci Myers. T1 h t-. near
).ri in loruinu
H)(t ifir pad f-r 'n and
els: off riutliln. -h.s. f-.rntture
! Th" ;i .
. MKT irl' p-.u ' - -
i-..."f r ." ung. respond prompt..
UTo K- M rri"n. I'non E. I"'.
FTT-thi .1. i- if U:nln. Writ-. uni
tU rj rrir. II QrcnianL
HM.P T ATH -M 1.K.
Tun mn. :rnr. out t worfc
Ma totl run Mu-lf 1 Pr f" J,'
pvctftl riuploj mnt mmlrhlp I wiu
h onl U(i lta mm and tx-
Ttry if y pr $ fof; .frJfi
T. M. C A., with its rvurfc
Ru.t mftO Joined Ml'
la 1-m thfta w ftiUcr -
play tnsU
r.-rl for Tr 111:
c;' for nin
I'Mltl'iUS Illir J
Employment nTitMp rtiftr0
ritti ;,t 111 irur rmpU mnl or re
fund of mmtH-rnip f . mZatZZ.
fu l m-m Nrn -p prjulr. moolhr
ciftl prl t;- rI unJriak to '9
party errpuJ tlurlnc tn fu!l trm o
te.merrttp wt:hut further CMff.
W hftv on:at axaftOi X J'
frd. iprincvt1 mn Ait fnia
. r be 1 1- T pwftiitob?
riijr mpiojmcat lpArt.
T. H A.
AFM.K-ld P1 KL men aatrU tor tn u.
VriB vr, l-;v.n ii 10
.IV Must ftuii hv flr't
rmrrm. M-nth.v p V $15 to $-'. Adi!-
t: ftt fihi'tTMiii'ii j.w.t;r. Ki. cuin-in---.cftl
nttrnrtnc Tr-.
'Er .; -4r twrM. tan r-:lr with
rr rent nf ; . n.l ftil" nrf. hcrlCon
worl !. AM-.y t I. ti Viln 1 orp r-rn-ltirC
i.f.'i J.l r. J U 0 UtOa t-. OT
I . ' - .!'.. 'o-t.aii.l. rr-ii.
nf hilii. pr.ruiy n4 rooo P
rtrart f -r ft hltti rrf nnonclftl prop-
'..n. m rw. cn-cai Jrtiftii4 cmpr.
fhi tii' htir it tiilrnd rmnji tftftt
ftpOftl t i-.ntcrk(i lnfoi.
KHANK V4, llltuW.X.
.rrmin f-mr with fnh
A.o p.jW lra
lar.rt lrnitftif.. -o.J h.iu nd Pu.J-
r t 4 iinrke! rr a.l produi-. i f"J
nnfo.tunHy tor a ..-..mitenl ftnj
....... .an furiUkh Qrt -
rd raplUil ff4uirl. A J-
-' ( '-' ' r
IX ,TKI'"f"f V
trti. - r : i in t n.
. -n of I 'nit'
Army, j -!! f J. un
nt hb.:. ho ca
ip,y t- Ttrtrutt
h. H. Third
: r
..1. IT.
K want xtrm v
Krra. but rrttl II
tlrm i nut
wM furnish. W r- no lwu.-ta-h.a c-mi"
t t ity of I 'rtUDi! :i l Hfto
t. idO ftk fr Wr. I .M !.
VaNTE D A LIVE al-ma Th mi
wo . an fl tht rlp'.ioa cn
n thi) lunnf lull. It
i.k an toj w: 1 It la th at
r.n ai Tf... Kra A. Java&a cv. And w
f.T J"I'W
law y UTn... ..iu.Mn wanted by old -
tar.ihi -1 f rui ( cjrn
)ir, thfwjfrt r-
i i , i-nor towns. ntut
..n,i r-iu.rrl. Aft.? ty 1-lUT to K-
TO -
men intrj wtwe-en ut
rmilrit rua: tlra.pbra, tftlk.a
ia. cUrkt: amlarl to $ pr
cer tr. t ma Adi
O ra
cunlan. Fncloao atainp-
vi'N'TrrCn.T"of" to i yra of as
f..r .f:ifw fk : of dvan
rment ; .ft -r .i Pr wk. titva
ihu numhT aud PTi-m- aud
tfu r'ffnnf l ti "-v. T-nn.aa.
IlITKi Tl KAL drauchtsTiian. Hh lo
l airiTk-e. wanted, atat full partl
r a t j r xprrac and aL.ary cxpccied.
:i 1. Ore con tan.
i;rFIlfCKl furnlturo a.em to rp
'rrarnt oit 1 no wf r. k on comm a
aoi. 1 Jr.aa A. KfawH Co.. Cincin
nati. C'ta.o.
THfRS i anopenlnc ho!! ardwara
fr a loy w;.- I" at least lintahd t
crammer aradea; m"at te neat and quKk
ant) writ lebiy. U Orasouiaa.
MLKVAN for Winona Villa aenmleKa hoa
l.rT. on to whom to ..tKp-r ear
like a UrvutO. . oouier,
r? J rerhir.a HoieL
ON you find tha kind of
. f If not. Ittt ui t
lb to auit
i ft
Smrtll amount
"f c-.lT.ta needeT. Call 7 Spalding bIlC
T.VO flrat-claaa boller-makera wanted
Hv Out 'l
tuwo. Call
vMK! Kxfertf ncad man to cut Cancy
drapHrriea. luqulra at carpet room. Uc
vurts "oti.
V ANTlliv AmMtiova Junior clerk for rsil
rvad work App. il WalU-Kant b.d
I TSuraday mornin.
PXB" Kod. clean. eolr baker-a helper
aitrd: mt P aiuif w y
Arp:T 44 t.. Hurnilde.
CKKt'i: r In larre hoMl, hou-.
chart- fcr advanntvut. Alirea. tn arn
1 jidniinc. 1 Oreconlan.
TV NTED KH'aMe ; ounc tnarrieU ma.
at e tv uae tpewrltar and niata amatl
i nr. rffTfr.ct AT T'.l. (Tfcnlan.
W N T r I.- A tailor, experienced oa lad lea'
,,oki and a:a U. K- Karrall Co T:a
ami Alrfer
oKKFrlTKU fr mftn-jf acturlna; b'laioeaa;
rp'rtnar and Aiary expected. X
. oei:trlan.
W'AMtl) I hot-' coupon aenu: aome:hi:.S
rrw, a asatk Doatoa titutiio. 42 t Morrl-
U'AKEH! to work lii'Ka Apply
f a tl -r. t Waantnrton it.
T'-"K rat vounc men ta caaea
1 r KUriNT in - on.e for aaleamea,
M.- i:rant. ills Teon bid.
lu firLVN a-.ted. Ajp'.y llaswall taa
Ta'ior. - TA'aahingtow. at.
11- Ti : KATII eupa and pan rait a gem a,
raw offer. Ccth&eet Htud'.o. PtBm b'da.
STVO A par. t wha hM had eparlanca
ir" produce lira, VK T3. rconlan.
lil .-UF! VAN wnte4
v. :' Stark at.
Fan tag Tailor In
7 o i
kaarr en wb- are Dot afraid of work.
4I& t:ark at
TCATF.r A by with wr-eel at 5 Burt
at ; tnuat te nea la ipp-'arin.i.
1;.1 wante-L Apply Qek t
aTl'rr.FrR. Alder.
HFIT W Tn FTM A I. at.
k".i cir!; wage $10.
r""M . Pi-)n Main TIP-
X, r Y re a niarh-aiaea propoaitioa.
4: Hack b.d.
tu,-.!n. call'-r 1 .
kT.I of firman-- VP A -4. WATCJe-l'aa.lUt
WANTED om patent aoroan for feneral
bouawork; two in fatnl.y: no ehtidnn
Appiy w K:iiott ava. Ladd'a Additloa;
t.m liaatbome a.e. car to J9u at.. X
bi-ck aoutrt Call morning.
VAN'TLU A good Sir! for rnra! houM
aror . epacl,iy muat ba a good cook;
w)(n $iu per month to the rignt parly;
location of work Council Creax, AVp f at
Parinr Coaat Fieciiit Co.. 1-th and Uala.
V AMLI) Tbree refned lnd;e for coraet
work with Tr:a ttotia Co.; If you
perruanent. wall-paid work, and ara wlii
l?.g lo work, apyij at once. Mr, C ii.
f:i. Clark flu tel. room 414.
W A.N i l. l A wunvaa. ui.ucumbered. la
good health, for g-nerai h .ueawork In a
fami y of three adulta. place permanent.
A 4!-t1. ca!l befor, noon. 0 E.laat-ato
a .. l'..rtlrd f leigaia.
WATtI L-adiea to do fancy wora at
home, all or aar time; good pay for
r.eqt work ra J-S lltb at.
34wt. UathintoD at., cor. tlu upataura.
frone atatn -
Waalilngton bid.. 4th and aah. ati
alaJTt ! o or j.
W . N T K I 'Ilr! for general houaewora:. ji
at y It at. North ; taka Alberta
car to end of Una.
WANTKi "KtfiLed. capaMa woman for ra-
a;onaiLle pnt tion. V.ari Co.. Koth-
r 1 t,!'tc . A U tr.d n'rx!on. i
W ANTE!) Kxperlanred girl to do cookrg
and houMtiork, good wage. App.y t.
WA NT Experienced girl for generai
hnior; mut know how to cook. AP-
,iv Irving at., near a-
WASTED 0-od girl for general nouarwor.
lamily of thre. near carlir.e. on 'm
Ei-;rlc Mra. C, S. Arno.d. Aurora. Or.
H'M'SKK'KEf'KKP. crtoka. waltreaaea. Cham
barmaid f fico arlr.a. nuraa. 8t. Io'iia
.tn.- .-ti AMer. Main Z19. A ill':
WANTED Neat. Tenable- girl Tor gem-r-u
ork la famiiy of I. god homa for
w;iln girl. I'hone? Tabor 2"H.
til PI wa-tcd to att in llht houae-work.
E. Everett. Take Montavtlla cax. get
.-rf at 3l?t l-
31 AID t.'v refenre, French prferred.
a:l between and S I. M. Davig.
tiear .latj .
EVr'EIilENfED girl for ceneral houeeaork
and cook:n. ama.l family of adulta. 5.t
l!oyt at-
WANTED Young ladr. mora aa companion,
one wllllnr to par $10 a monlh. Fhone
It 1141 befora I P. il.
WA NT E T Experienced cook and aecond
g.rt. t he latter to sieep at boute; refer
r nce required. 714 Everett.
W"'dANrr general houaawork. amall fam
Inquire to Euat Aider at. or 1W
4:h at
A ,M'D home with all the convenience and
coed was e, in eachanca for good aerrlca.
i all 711 E- l'irnalde, bet, yoth and 2d.
COMPETENT g-t for general houMwork
no na-ohtnc; referencaa. ihoca alain 29o
or A .VH4". ,
G E NT I. EM A V. out of town. wlahea ho
Vecper. children no objection, good wa,
Y "'.'.. r gorian.
T Young cirl to aaalet In general
bouweork. family of two. Apply 6ii Ev
erett at.
WANTED dirt to aaalet with general
housework. 7?9 Hoyt et.
GIHL. for general houaework. T02 North
tSlt'.l t'r general houaework: no children;
call Z71 tth. cor, of 'lay.
CIIU-S to operate iomhliif.1 Iron-r In laun
dry na.r city. rnona Jiain n.
WANTrli Coni-:ent girl for general
bnuea rk. 771 Kearney at.
liiKL. to aa-iat wllh houaework In email
family. Apply mormiign. .m
SOI.nTOIW." fTJ per day. Th
room 1. cor. W. Park and Mo
The rrancea.
W A NT ED Jirl for gener! houaework l
email family. 444 11th at.
WANTED A girl to do general houaework.
0 Petty roa at.
WANTED A girl to take care of children
in' the afternoon. kuPetiygro-e at.
WANTED Otrl for genera! housework.
mail 'family; adult. 733 Keamiy at.
WANTED An oM lady wanta an old lady
f..r com pant &74 F.alelgh.
K IT'll EN heiper wanted at 7 Weet Park.
'all at 1 A. V
til Kb t'r general houaework. tVt Schuyler
at. Hru-lwycar.
WANTELr A goo-1 cook. Apply betaeen 3
ar.d a o'clock. 61 Kfarnr).
li l girl to a let tn general houaew ork.
.rlatf twi.-rdlng-houe lt;s loth.
WANT'rH- irl for ganerai bouaewoik. AP-
j y 3"o Ta ' It a;:
4 VOMEN car.vaaaera at once; good pay.
143 EaM l"th. car. Phone E. d-'
W A NT E l" A girl to take care of an old
I.idv. i7o MiMgan ave. Take L car.
WANTED 2 ealeeladlra. Apply li 11th it-.
aiarv $12 per week.
COO K k K E V V. . R. cajT; ilera. D,tl clerka, etc.;
I a. i:i cnrai.tee your qualltUanona to fill
loettior a in JO day; pri at Inat ruction
v pu'l-c auntanl; position secured. J
40. un.oulan.
WANTED A go-d plain cook In large la-bo-lr-c
man' hotel, muat be economical.
A;. '.- rhf o'v.e. ! ?or. (rt-rlin.
WA.Ml.l' At Capital City bleam Eaan
ilr . balem. Or., ftrst-claaa marker and
sorter; either lady or gentleman.
btbICTTOn3 for fraternal ord-r; good
propositi. m. fail tody 1 bexltigton
ae. Take Fell wood car.
bi!.llTIlS. Udtea or gentlemen, for A
h.tiehold article. all "J 1 Oak at.
M il.V and women to learn the barber trade
111 '.cat wrki; apecal Inducenien ta ; per
cfnttca paid l-arnlng; looa frc;
ip-rt Inatructora; 17 ear In the bual-ti-na.
ST achooia: a I If en me memoera.ilp
given to each atudent. Moler !; 'her Col-l-gv
S3 N. Fourth at., f'ortiand. r.
itN wanted, age 1 to oi. to pre), re for
firemen and brakemen on nearby rail $ 10 $ Uo monthly. Expurlei.c
nnnecenary ; no atrlUe. promotion engi-it.-rr
r conductor. Jl lo -t monthly;
good life carera; a late age; aend a tamp.
l:vilway Aaaoclation. t.ox. oregontan.
BARDERS State Board of Examiners will
be in session January 8. 9. Id at 17 S Ut
at., this cay, to examine ail thoea hold
ing permit Those failing to appear, their
p. rui: la mia ba rvvoked. T. M. be bo,
WANTED ilea at boa An.r'.ti. can learn
trade; fair wage after second month;
automobilr. eN ctriclty. plumbing, brlf k
laving; practical work on actual jobs; 12'0
atudct.ia last 6 years, cniy few months re
quired I n.Ted Tratl Srh-vl. 1, 05 Ancelea.
Do your atortea aWl " Manuacripte crlti
c!ad. marketa suggested. Interview by
appointment. Addrea Manuscript Editing
llureau. ektt Maegiy -Tlchner bldg.
W ANTED By mail clerka. Portland exatn
Inatioua announcetl Jan. Jo; aampia iu-s-tloua
rrt. Frank, in Ingtltute, Dept.
;.4 1-K. i:ochester, N. Y-
WANTED Picture pia writers; big pay;
well teach you. Picture Play Aaaocia
tton. 8-n Franoisco.
i: VKN thiruP'Hiy. Famous Dr. Wagner a
alethod taught by Harriet Jj.irrhant. 402
ivnt. bldg.. 10th and Alder. Mam
MA K. ti money writing ahort ator.tMi. or for
papers, big pay; free booklet tells how.
t nited Prea Syndicate, fan Franciaco.
AIIE to learn ma ouaneaa of the Sani-
y lie.itlty 'y a" --"'mo .'a.
fKIVATE bookkeeping, ghortband. typewrlt
i n g. M Chamter of Commerce. Main
WHlflNO. $5 mo. 'JoW 14th St. Main U.
: .a iibh.' amuiuiwx a
Rwatland aidg
Baakkaepee aad CWraa.
WANTED Ie single man, American, posi
tion aa clerk In grocery, general a tor or
rommlaaary ; three ear's experience 10
general iore work; can bring recommend
ations, prefer to contract for tha year;
will go anywhere: apvaka English only;
rite particular ar.d say h;i to coma for
uerview. Adurraa box -U4, Ch aha Ua,
up book a. prepare baiancee and aiate
menta. install ayatema taiMlngham, au
ditor. 411 bewla bldg- Marahaa TIT.
BiXK KEEPER -stenographer. experienced
banking. luiut-er. real ctat. etc capable
a-id willing worker; reference. AP, 707.
A PHYSICIAN Just returned from Vienna
would Ilk to aecurw a poaltlon aa asaiatant
to a pitrreon. Addr- i 7V. oregontan.
FUiNlEB. Xfr ara' experience, wanta po
aitloa. experl-r.ced In cointry or cay
n-wparr work. b T". oregonian.
WE ara good party lahorera and we want
:t..-n work by contracC AE 6w7. Ore
g r.!-iri
WANTED Re ftrst-clasa meat cutter
ateady work. Main
WKlnTroomi $3 I up; t. painting at
raaawnab.o pr loa East ftlX
I HTTAnnll WANTED MALR. I WIJTIB-T1I K"'- I I . .. ., ,, Mu F.mlt..
Second and Ah ata.
Ptiritlabea men for faotoriea, mil la, log
ring ea .pa. railroad conatructlon. farm
work, and all other claaaea of akl.led and
una all led labor.
Marahall 271. A 77 4 .V
A aq tiara deal to employer and err iploya.
It 3 Second, corner Falmon.
Wemen department. 25 Salmon. AH
c.aee of unakiiled. akllled, profeaaional
and clerical, male and female help fur
aiahed en hon notice. No fee charged.
Phone Main A 5o-4.
TTI VATER and dVaftgrnan. experienced In
structural at el and reinforced concrete
build intra and bridges: can also keep
small pet of book. Addree or phone A.
J Hoff. care Y. M. C A.
EHENt'H gentleman. bt of references,
apoaking Engll-h fluently, good w rlter.
energetic is looking for good poalUon.
M 701, Oregon lan.
t Ol'NO man. attending college, deelrea ta
werk for board and room before and after
achool Call or addrea ma. H- D. H. room
P05 Commonwealth bldg.
ARB you looking for a reliable man to care
for vour machine and do other work T If
so. atop looking and look me up. AT 70-.
14IDDI.E-AOED printer. long experience
newapapor and Job office, would 1'ke po
sition; non-union. Phono aat 7 JO.
W ANTE D Poal 1 1 o n by man and wife to
take car of rooming or apartment-house.
Phone A 424. room 10.
lOl'NO man of experience want a plac to
work aa janitor or to aaslst Janitor. T
7XV Oregonian.
JAPANESE boy wUhes a situation and go
to niarht achool; wagea no object. Arf
74, t regonlan.
M IDDI.E-Aii E l man wanta work In whole
sale or Jobbing house; ateady. sober, good
worker; referencaa. Phone Est
MAN and wlfa want to take charge f
rooming-house; experienced. E 70'-. Ore
ctnlnn. I1AV E some experience operating mo Ing
pirtnre machine, would like to get a chance
to make good- S 7o. Oregon mn.
WANT private car to wash and polish, by
an experienced young man. AJJ Oro
gonlan. MAN ar.d woman want position to manage
and run a farm. AS 7tC. Oregonian.
Yul Nii man wants farm work of any kind;
reasonable salary. C 714. Oregonian.
Bookkeeper aad Mfpograplier.
STENOGRAPH Ell lady, 6 yeara with Mid
dle West law firm. 3 years Oregon bank
ing experience; thorough knowledge legal
forms and documents; wishes position A-l
Uw r.rra or bank: none oihers considered.
AC I3, Oregonian.
STENOtiRAPHER. flrst clae. want couple
hours' dictation each day: copying, mani
folding and statement work solicited. 4.1
Hoard of Trade Phone Marshall 372.
THORorQHbY competent bookkeeper and of city reference. Marshall CM.
TOl'NU lady dealrea position aa stenogra
pher. Mitrshall 16tM. apt. 900.
STENOGRAPHER deelrea position for fora-
n un. Phone Main S7l.
BxT: N Hi K A pTf ER. with some experience.
eks position. I'none aiaranau ,..n.
fiTENOOHAPHER. 4 years experleoca.
nls position. Ae. w. .'rci"m-.
EXP ERIENCED stenographer deelrea per
tiianrnt noaitlon. phone Main 71111.
YOI"N lady stenographer and bookkeep-T
wanta poaltlon. Call Main 3M6. room 17.
EASTERN drespmaker and tailoreaa wiahea
hlgh-grad work by tha day. Fiv years'
experience. Portland references. Miaa
R oae McMuIlen. C1 174.
GENERAL dreaamaklng and children' sew
ing In famlllei. East 4S.
bEA'lNU done In family by tha day. Phone
Seliwood lio2.
JAPANESE girl, neat dressmaking, by the
day; price reasonable. Y 7H. Oregonian.
Dit Ess MAKlN'l in home. $1.0u per day.
Wood la w n 1 7 23.
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by th
Cuy : experienced. phone Tabor 4.1.
COMPETENT dra-maker wlshea mora en
gag'Miinia. Woodlawn HM'.
EXPERIENCED, all kin. la. will car for el
derly Invalid, Infant, maternity. Main
ii ATE KN IT Y hurao wanta case, do light
houaework. Marshall 1t27.
N i ' RSE w lanes more ctisn ; 1 S yeara' ex
perience; little hoasewitrk. Main tJ'3.
Y I'.N(J woman, practical nurae, reference,
deai res engagements. Main 019. A 4? 7a.
YOt'NiY women Norwrrlan. wanta position
ae hoiiB-keepar or cook on ranch. liOt
East Salmon st. Tabor 1 405.
WIDOW, 80, desires poaltlon as housekeeper,
good home. Miss Morris, afternoon, Main
EXPERIENCED colored woin;n wants posi
tion, house ke-iper. Call A oTlto.
WANTED Br experienced cook a position;
would tnko charpe of boarding -houses
restaurant or hotel. S76 Wllliame ave.
Phone C 31Ht.
3 F WISS women, perfect cook and second
giri. competent workers; well recom
mended; country not objected to. AD 7v4
Ore k onlan.
M Ueel baaeoiaa.
WANTED Hv lady who haa been actlva In
buslneas for several yeara position In
millinery store, where I can learn trade
thoroughly and work Into responsible po
sition or Interest In business. Address
ti 70". Oregonian.
WOCbD like the rare of 1 or 2 children
from 3 to 6 venrs: good home and moth
era car. Pnone E. liShl or 853 E- Ull
nn st.
W EDI SH girl wl.ihe a place for general
houaework; Mount Scott district or Haw
thorne ave. preferred. Phono Tabor 1701.
Call after o'clock.
NEAT woman with daughter J desires sit
uation, housekeeper widower's family. St.
boula Agency. r3 Alder. Main
SI TI' AT If i.S" wanted by Swedish girl to do
housework: best references given. Call at
KM K. 19th North.
REl.l AFI.K S t dith woman wants laundry
work Wednesdays and Thursdays weekly.
Phune East 3.11.
EXPERIENCED clerk wanta work In bak
ery, delicatessen or grocery; can give
rrftreiue. T 7"-. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work
wa.hi'ig. lruuing preferred. Phone Main
."4 62.
EXPEKIENCF.D woman wants fancy wash
It g to do at homa or day work. Phoii
Marshall 4t2A .
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work,
cleaning, washing. Ironing. ' Phone Mar
ahall o. room
g1cRMANAMERICAN OIRb desire position
with firat-claass iamlly; references. E
', Oregonian
M I DDI. E- A ED w nman wants any kind
dby work; reaaouablo. Marshall 1319.
Mrs. M. M.
YOl Nii lady wishes workby day or hour.
Phone Main q4'J", room
fcCHOOb?IRb wishes to assist with work
fr room and board. Phone East
WANT work sweeping and dusting t days
a week. S 707. Oregonian.
COMPETENT woman wants day work, also
catonn. Mr, benter. Woodlawn 212j.
LAC E curt aire laundered quickly. -5c pair
and up. called and delivered. Tabor S17.
Cil AMHERVt H'.K by experienced maid.
Thone K 5rl37.
LADY wishes day work, washing and Iron-
inr. Phone Mrs. Rahafs, SeMwood 13IS.
CAPABLE woman, washing, ironing, clean
ing. -S centa hour. Main 203. A 477-.
TWO Flnn.ah girls desire situations, cham
ber work. Main SOSf. A 4776.
COMPETENT woman wlahea to taka car
of child. Pellwood lgo.
COb R ED girl, maid theater or chamber
maid; good reference. Phone Eaat 4.
BY firat-claas laundress. Thura and FrL ;
reference Phone Woodlawn 1411.
WOMAN wanta work Wednesday. Thursday
and Saturday. Tabor -44i.
WANTED Housecleanlng or laondry work
by the hour. Phone Marshall ;1J7.
COOK!". delicat-aen. hotel, boarding-house,
private family. Main 235, A 47 7-i.
p.T VOFK.Sc an hour, reliable woman.
Call Main .M'J7. Mr. Frown.
WANTED To c-nk for men or borw. city
or country. 64" i 1st South, room S.
COMPETENT colored w oman wants plac
to cook, s'eep home st night. Call A o73o.
tv rrmm mldd le- eed woman, w ork by
V d;y or hour. Phone 0 23 1 .V
WANTED A few good llv agent who ran
make good; must b ab'a to call on best
peoplo la altar. Call ft Id Yaoa biug-
Kooma With Board.
for boy 16 years old and a;-?ntlemanly ap
pearance, and not very large for age; can
furnish best of references. Father met
with accident and cannot aupport family.
Phone Eat 4"oL .
lOt'NO couple desire 1 rooms (preferably
with baLb). with full board in first-class
bouse or private family. Lu good neighbor
hood; at 1 terms, etc AV Orego
nian. FOR RENT.
Fnrnlabed Rooma.
Thoae threa beau'fful furnished hotel
S13H 4th St, Sim 4th St. 207U 4th St.
On Fourth St.. runnlnx from Taylor to
Palmon sb; brand-new brick, elegantly
furniahed; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly up
to date In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of th
ordinary, in th heart of th city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, as we know
you wti: like It. Roo-ns by the day, week
or month. Tourist tiada solicited.
Residential. 3.".( Taylor. Transient
Bet. 7th and Park Ft-.
Opposite Hellig Theater; centra!, quiet;
rooms from 7Sc daily, with private bath,
from $1 daily; special weekly and monthly
rates; sultea. new. handsomely furnished
brick; elevator, telephone, hot and cnjfl
running water. From Union Depot J
car to Taylor or "W car to 7th: from
Koyt-etreet aepot. "S" car. transfer on
Morrison to 7;h. Phone Marshall
CORDOVA Hotel. 11th and Jeffer-on "t-L ;
brand new brick: splendidly furnished, all
rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot ana
cld water, many with baths; every effort
la mad for the comfort and convenience
of lta guests; the rent are most reasona
ble; rooms by the week, month or day.
"J" car direct from depot.
62S WasiitnRton it., opposite Multnomah
Athletln Field New brick building; all
modern canvenlences; well regulated resi
dential aud family hotel; splend'd accotn
modatlona for transients; convenient li
the business center and the rates are mod
erate fpler.ty steam heat). Marshall 1930.
HOTEL FORD. 7S3 Washington, corner Lu
cretia st. New brick building. Just com
pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele
phone aorvlre. rflth or without Plvat
bathe: new and splendidly furnished; hot
and cold water, steam heat; best of serv
ice; very reasonable rates.
IP. 1 Eleventh Street.
New. modem brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
lu rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see
us; regular and transient trade solicited.
BARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw
thorne avea. Beautifully furnished room,
single or en I'llta, With private bath; hot
snd cold water, steam heat and privata
phone in every room; moderate weekly or
moninly rates: grill In connection; traa
s ients solicited.
FURNISHED rooms for single women ;
steam heat, electric lights, parlor, sewing
room, laundry and large community
kitchen; also rss for cooking In each
room; all furnt-hed by the landlord. 74
Bd St.. corner of Montgomery.
On block from Union Depot: 14f out
side rooms, with hot snd cold water and
steam heat; of fere soeclal r-ites to perma
nent guests: rates SOc to $2 a day: $3.20
and tip pei week. Phone Main 3413,
1034 Twelfth St. Marshall 270.
In heart of business district; steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone in every
room; $1 Pay and up; $4 week and up.
HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for bus
iness people: centrally located; elegant
rooms, all modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor st.. 1 block from Portland Hotei.
oppoalte Hellig Theater. Phone Main Via.
NEWLY and elegantly furnished corner
room, hot and cold running water, steam
hat, private phone; best In the city.
Main 1135. 25 Trinity Place, cor. Wash.
blCjHT. airy rooms, modern, suite or aingi.
steam beat, S2 and $3 week; S mlnuieif
walk to theater and stores; fre phona
lrh and Wajh.
Room. $1 a dav. $3 week; nothing ex
tra for two In room. Thoroughly modern.
THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near Jd
Nicely furnished outside rooms, private
bath and phone a; board if desired. M SwL
WEST SIDE 3 large, unfurnished room-,
firpt floor, fl replace, pnntry. sink; $12. bo'J
Vater at. Phone Marshall ii4.
HOTEL EENN ETT. 220 Taylor, new, modern
brick, new furniture, steam heat, reason
abie. i
NICK, large, warm room, suitable for 2 or
3 persons, free phon. hot baths, steam 3MT Taylor.
1 LlclHT outside sleeping-room ; steam heat,
hot and cold water. Arcadia apt., 704
Everett st.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at
moderate prices. Cor. 3d nd Montgomery.
" Furnished Rooma In Prtvato ! a roily.
FOR RENT Furnished room with open
fireplace and gas cook stove, $13 per
month; front room furnished. $12.0 per
month. CaJl 073 Irving iu Tbono Mar-
haii ttsr-.a.
DESlRABbE front room, opening on large
porch, modern conveniences, fine location,
gentlemen preferred. West Park. Main
UuOO; ; :
LADY alone will share her furnished apart
ment, separata sleeping rooms, or will rent
bedroom, with use of bath. 22d and John
son sts. Phono Marshall 2110.
HOT water heat; large, bay-window room;
private home : bat h. phone ; ten minutes
walk from PostolTice. 414 Market, cor.
11th ; a. so one small room.
NOH HI LI- Two well furnished, connect
ing sleeping and sitting rooma; modern;
two gentlemen preferred. TtiOVx Irving sL
XEWbY furnished. bright rooms: steam
beat: electricity, both phones; rent rea
sonable; walking distance, 274 Vs Holla
day ave.
ELEGANTLY furnished room In modern
home largo enough for two gent lent e-n or
two ladles employed; reasonable. Phone
Tabor 1737.
PI FAS ANT front 100m. furnace heat, bath,
phone, walking distance, ladies preferred-fs.-
E. Mdor. cor. 14th. Phone E M41.
FURNISHED room, modern home, heat,
electricity, bath, phone- 3&4 College. Main
FURNISHED room In private family, rea
sonable to young ,adV employed during
day; references reqnlr-'d. Phone E. 4j72.
THREE very pl-aaant, clean rouma in pri
vate familr. furnished for light house
keeping. Phone East r:2.
TWO beautifully furnished rooms in mod
ern home, $7 and $1. every convenience,
walking distance phon eEast J4S.
WELIdTRNIPHED rooma with bath,
phone, gas and electric light. $12 per
month. 273 14th St. Main 5VJ1.
NEWLY furnished front and back parlor,
single or en suite, gentlemen only. 167
North l"th at.
WARM quiet room, well furnished and
clean electric lisrht, phone and bath;
itentleman preferred. 7l-0 Flanders.
CbE VN room for one or two; reaaonable.
r.S 12th st.
NlCFbY furnished rooms, bath, heat, phone,
within easy walking distance. 2ns 17th.
LARtSE front room, heated, kitchen prlv-
llcge. wa.ainc unn""--. ' -
NOB Hlbb district; warm furnished room,
cheap; private family. 770 Irving.
FOR RENT Warm, comfortable, nicely fur
nished room. 248 N.20th. Main J4H3.
lfTrRNiSHED rooms, $1.50 to $0. 2 14th st..
near Washington.
1 NICE, warm room for 01m or two; walking
'distance. ; : 2 7 Wert Park. t
TWO furnished rooms: light. he;it. bath;
rentlemen; S and $t, numtlu 2tif Fargo.
$9 MONTH good room. beat, bath, walking
distance. 4.' 2 5th st-
FOR 3 gentlemen, fintly furnished room
for rent. 412 Alder, cor.llth.
$ VICE room, ga, bath, furnace heat.
393 11th 5b ,
SINGLE sleeping room, stove heat, bath
and phone. 4..0 Yamhill.
TWO furnished house room, hot and co.d
water. $12 month. 4vi W. Park.
SMALL room 11.50 per week. 2'JS 12th sb
I ofumNlied Rooms.
FOR RENT Rooms furnished or unfur
nished. -30 -j 1 ajnnui ai.
Rooma With BoardL
DOES a horn uppeal to you? THE WHITB
HAia cor. 6th and Madison; larg rooma
bath brtiad verandaa. quiet, doa In. sear
rar, 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
LAMbERSON. 54 Couch eb. cor. 17th
Very desirable, clean rooma with ateam hear
and running water: good board ; fine lo
cation for teacher or business men.
fORTbA N D WO M E N fU N I O N; 23 dy earT
Rooms with board, use of sewing-room,
library. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supb
Attractiv-i. clean rooms, steam beat,
good board, close in, reasonable.
THE CALVAP.D, 4oJ Morrlaon, corner loth;
wU-f uxmabed roouia and board.
WII rent during my absence of about
weeks beautifully furnished small apart
ment. Including board for two. in select
family hotel, for $7 per month; regular
prica $100 ; no children; references re
quired, jibiq ocpj.
VERY cnoice large corner room, with (lr
plao. all conveniences, suitable tor two,
f.rat-clasa table board; alao alngla rooma.
8.". 17th st. North.
Boom With Board la private Family.
LARGE, clean, sunny front room with best
of board; easy walking distance, home
privilegea; reasonable. Maraha-l 8:o.
rn 1 r.rh at.
ROOM and board in private family, ail
home privilege, very goou cuo..a.
will pay you to come and see for your
self; men preferred. Phone A2t'3.
TWO beautifully" furnished front rooms, one
mahogany: one with alcove, white enamel
and chintz; prices exceptionally low. .33
Gllaan st. Marshall 136. -
LAKOE room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with
bath, electric lights and furnace heat,
breakfast and dinner; $25 apiece. Phone
M. I..3P.
LARUE front room, single or doub;e bed,
solndid view, suitable for two with ex
cellent table board, furnace heat, , W est
Side, walking distance. aiar-nan
LARGE room. 2 closets bath. P1 h.ot
water, home-made bread and pastry, suit
able for 3 or 4, reasonable, .i4 Burn-
ride. k. ltr.'o.
LOVELY front bay window room for two
people; also sine room; everything mod
ern; good home cooking; easy walking
to pnslncB center. Main 82s0.
TWO connecting rooms, with or without
board. Tor three; private family, good
home: baths, etc. 12 East 8d sb North.
NEWLY furnished, strictly modern rooms,
K minutes' walk to P. O-. home cooking.
4"7 Clay, near 11th. Marshall 3959.
SM VLb room, with board, modern and home
privileges; very reasonable. Main 6-1O.
20s r. --a si.
66 N. 14th teT. Rooms with or without
j . ,Aipkipning room. Main
7ui. ' ;
YOUNG man. Protestant, good haniia, wami
roommate of same character; conK""!
home, good board, reasonable. Main 33r.
BOARD and rooms for 2 gentlemen in pri
vate family: home privileges, good cook Thono Woodlawn 21R.
TWO larRe rooms, fireplace In each well
furnihed, excellent board, near t4 rioj t
St.. corner 2.'td st. Marshall 2820.
Very pleasant, well-furnished room with
board for 2: bome privileges. East 4140.
o FRONT rooms for two, single beds.
tao- new. modern conveniences. S3
'between Everett and Flanders.
LARGE room with board, bath ttached.
suitable for 2. gentlemen preferred, refer
ences. 291 W.Park.
WELL furnished rooms and board, splendid
view, furnace, 340 Hassalo. U car.
BOARD and room, $4 per week.
233 6th,
netween cannon
SINGbE or double rooms, reasonable, fur
nace heat. 205 N. 23d. Marshall 2298.
BOARD and room, good home place, $25
month. 7S7 Gllaan.
TWO gentlemen will find comfortable room
and board $5.50 per week. Marshall 266 .
NICKbY furnished room, with board, suit
able for two gentlemen, li'5 liti st.
TRANSIENT rooms and board.
123 23d sb
FURNISHED room, and board.
Z-l 10th sb
phone Main wu.
ROOM and board. 706 Flanders at. Phone
Marshall 1978.
ROOM and board. J25; two In room; mod
ern nrivatehome. 410 Park. Mam 8527.
"WKQT SIDE I-arge room with alcove; ex
,.u to hi boiLrd. Main 2071.
CHILDREN to board, beat of care and a
real home, near school. Tabor 317.
vt FASANT rooms, single or en suite, xcel
lfnt board; also table board. 656 Gllsan.
NICELY furnished single room, furnace
heat, with boarib 497 Montgomery at.
291 11TH ST.. near Jefferson, home cooking.
St? wei'K. maii:M
FIR-T-CLASS rooms. with or without
boird7 modern. Marsha!! 3-2. 705 Ereretb
Hovf 4 rooms and bath, private balcony;
new brick building, electric elevator, su
perb location, in walking distance; most
convenient arrangement, low rent and best
of service. -
WILL rent during my absence of about six
weeks beautifully furnished small apart
ment. Including board for two. In select
family hotel, for $7.1 per month; regular
Price $1LH: no children; references re
quired. Main 8o5.
ORLANDO APTS-. 20th and Wash, stij
two and three-room furnished apts.; every
convenience; very large rooms; ateam
heat and private baths and phones: auto
mate elevator: easy walking distance; rel-
eren ces rej u iren. jib""""i
VICTORIAN, furnished apartments, 11th and
Columbia Very desirable; newly, com
pletely furnished, possessing all modern
conveniences: close-in location; walking
distance; very low rates, best of service.
io tour rooma uiuui hibhcu,
HANTHORN Apartments, 251 12th sb, near
Main ; superb location, close in; elegant
H-room apartment with private balcony;
every modern convenience; two sleeping
CUMBERLAND APTS.. West Park and Co
lumbia ats., one 8-room unfurnished ana
one 3-room furnished apartment; all mod
ern conveniences, choice location, only S
minutes' walk from business center.
82 Grand Ave., cor. East Stark.
Nicely furnished two and three-room
apartments. modern, prices reasonable;
walking distance. Phone East 300.
THE WINDSOR APTS-. Cor. E. 14th and
Yamhill. We now have a beautiful 3
room front corner apt. also a 2-room.
Everything strictly O. K-. walking distance
and reaaonaoie
Most up-to-date apartment In North
weaf 21st and Johnson sts.; all outside
rooms. Apply on premises, or call Mar
shall iiw,
THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt, near 22d; elegantly
furnished 4-room front apt.; large, light
rooms, reception ball, private bath and
phone, eiectric -v-
PLEASANT, well-heated front room with
board for one or two, modern home, strict
ly private and reasonable. 601 E. Madi
son or phone B 2696.
410 nth Furnished and unfurnished,
strictly modern apartments; walking dis
tance; prices reasonable; no children.
ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. witn
steam heat, bath, light, telephone and
elevator service, by week or month,
Tourtiy. 2d and Taylor.
THE LILLIAN, cor. 6th and Montgomery
sts 3-room furnished modern apartment;
bath free phone, steam heat; walking
distance. Thone Marshall 1378.
KADDENI1ALL. 414 11th, corner Hall;
3 ana 4-room, newiy i "cu -
mente. Steam heat private bath and
i.hone, $2T. and up. Phone Marshall 1171.
KINGSBURY Apartments, 166 Ford sb, near
Washington Elegant new brick building,
complete and modern, private baiconlea,
b-at of service: 3 rooms with bath.
PARK APARTMENTS, 353 Harrison; beau
tiful 3 and 4-room furnished apartment;
walking d. stance; best of service. Phone
Marshall aoTU.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments,
close In; atrictiy modern.
429 East Morrison, corner 7th, 2. 8 and
4-room apartments, furnished up to date;
private baths, moderate price, new m'gb
LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln
Modern brick bldg- 2-room apts. 22.50
to ISO private phones; uo children, no
pe ts. Main 1377. A 3472. .
THE C'HETOPA. 1S4 Flanders 2. 8 and 4
room modern, furnished and unfurnished,
new furniture, new building. Apply Jan-
ON'E very deslrab'e mooern six-room apart
ment, the Sb Clair, 715 Waya mu Phon
MODERN furnished and unfurnished apart
ments. I162lt: LHiion ave. North. Phone
iri id RENT 2 4-room apartments, electrio
light and gas, $15 each. Call 703 E.
He'.mont or phono E, 302.
Furnisned and unfurnished apartments.
Love Joy at. Take "W" car.
BRAIN TREE Elegant 5-room aparUnaat,
West Side, walking distance; rent reason
bie Main 7741. 296 12tb Sb
gAS; MARCO APTS.. E. 8th and Couch
Brick modern; 3 rooms, private bath and
phones; 827. Call E. 27.1b
FLAT "A" 54 Washington street Steaxa
heat. Phone Marahall 452.
THE EbMS a and 3-room apartments, furniahed-
191 14tn st. Main 6444.
THE Northampton. 4T Hall St., 3 and 8
rooms, stricti flrat-clasa. Mala 423ft,
Cor. Park and Taylor sts.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon sta.
Walking distance.
Furnished complete. 2. 8 and 4-room
apartments; buildings new aud strictly
modern; sen-Ice first-class.
At 170-172 Ford st. Just south of Wash- ,
Ington. are the most complete, highest I
class apartments ever built in Portland; ,
finished In hardwood throughout, giving i
tenants choice of oak. Circassian walnut or 1
mahogany; elegant wail coverings, tiled
baths with euperb fixtures; highest class
service; each with private balcony and
bath: 4 rooma with most convenient ar
rangement. $42.50 to SO: 0 rooms. .io
to $ti0. This building Is differenb Let Mrs.
Burleigh show you through.
Corner 21st and Glisan Pts.
New furnished and unfurnished apart
ments of two rooms and bath, very de
sirable location. Call personally or phone
Marshall 4141 or Private Exchange 4.
Trinity Place, between 19tb and 10th.
Just off Washington.
Just finished; most magnificent apart
trents on the Pacific Coast: location Ideal;
rentals reasonable: every modern con
venience; high-class service; references
required. Phone Marshall 502.
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, moat magnificently for
clshed apartment tn th Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every
modern convenience. Including banquet
hall and roof garden; both phones In all
apartments; high-class service; references
required. Malg 2276 and A 0f?.
THE BARKER, cor. 2lat snd Irving sta;
this new 4-story brick now open; tur
rilshed and unfurnished in 2, 3 and 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric, automatic
levator. Holmes disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice
box, plenty of closet room, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patrona. if yo
want something nice, come to the jsaxner.
Phones A 1744. Marahall 2961.
644 Everett sb
New and elegantly furnished apart
ments; 8 rooms, reception hail and sleeping-porch:
automatic electric elevator ana
private Pacific telephone; located in one
of the choicest residence district sur
rounded by elegant homes; walking ais-
bia. 4 blocks aouth from Morrison st,
new brick building, completely first-class,
furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments; private bath, steam heab hot wa
ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cb paner.
Janitor service; rent per month, ,826,
$0 and up; must be seen to bo appre
ciated. -
171 King Sb
4, 8, 8-room apartments; select tenancy.
Apply on premises.
unfurnished. 2d and Montgomery; no
read; private phones, disappearing beds,
water coll. refrigerator; steam heat m0(t'
em laundry and dryer; latest ystenr-t.
ventilation:- rent $20 to 2S. Also Iris.
8d and MIH4 and 5 rooms. $30 to 4P.
lluc RET I A-COU RT. unfurnished; a class
by themselves; see them; Lucretia at.,
near 28 d and Wash.; 2 to 5 rooms, all
Urge, light and outside; large closets
and baths; hardwood floors, free P hones
In each apt Phone prop and nf m
shall 1529. Janitor. Marshall 150Q.
KENTUCKY APTS., 28th and Oil" ""ii
thoroughly modern 4-room apts., n
Includes steam heat, hot and cold wa
gas range, private bath and Pone. on
the East Ankeny and MontaviUa carllnes.
New brick building. West Sld. Ijrl-jo
baths, phone, steam heat hot and cold
water, good range; best of Janitor rvlco.
rooms up to date in every way. AC oob
Oregonian. -
Market- new corner brick, ready for oc
cupancy Ulc. l: all bright outside rooma;
two and three-room suites cPittl-T a
nished for housekeeping. $-5 to $3T0.
. . 1 u,i ITIO
Apartments, elegantly furnished. for
housekeeping; all outside rooms; hard
wood floors, private phones; -. 3 and 4
room apartment o , $....50
lam at., come.
GRANDEST A. furnished apartment. Grand
a-room splendidly furnlaned apis.;
irlo elevator and every modem n.
lenca; close-in location, best of service.
very reasonable rent. .
THE JEFFERSON' Cheapest modern 2 and
8-room apartment, In tbe city: walking
qi3iancc. on 1
8-ROOM apartments. 'urn"V.d Srn"2S
partly furnished: steam heat; modern, a
East 18th and Main.
The .welleat. most modern, and "P;?
daT. flat, on th. East Sld now ready
for occupancy. Everything first -class
Prices reasonable. 253 E. st one
block north of Hawthorne ave. Call own
er. Tabor Sulll, or see A. K. H1U --
.19 Henry Diag.
New. strictly modern 6-room J". "
water heat, furnished, hardwood floors,
sleeping porches, tile bath, gas range.
E. 22d and Brazee. E. 35. C 2322
NEW modern 4-room flat. 8th and Han
cock st... hardwood floors, fireplace, fur
nace, sleeping porch, tile bath, gas range,
furnished, rent no.
and Brazee. E. 935. C 2322.
THE finest 4-room flat In Portland for
30 per month, strictly modern: sleeping
porch; all new. 403 East Sth St. orth.
fnone cast o.,.
WEST Side 6-room steam-heated, unfur
nished flat, on Hth near Columbia. J45.
. .. . n i. u.Mhall
418 naiiway
LOWER flat, $23. 6 rooms, 66 Hoyt st.
Eee Mr. Melson. Janitor. St. Francis Apart
ments. 21st and Hoyt sts.
ATTRACTIVE, modern 5-roora flat. Nob
Hill. :7.50- Main 7157. Evenings East
MODERN flat, 6 rooms and bath. 733 4
Hoyt St., near 22a. Apply 139 th st
Maln 6a'8.
COMPLETELY furnished 3-room, flat with,
bath, for 21. Phone after 4 o'clock. Main
JS176. tiOtf reu;gr.g.
FOR RENT Modern T-room flat, 444 Park
St.; fireplace and furnace; $37.50; no cbll-
qren. rnoup .am ... . "
MODERN 4-room flat: sleeping porch. S2S
Northrup St., t27.r0. Phone Main J225.
..ROOM furnished flat, 4 rooms now rented
... . -on ft7.! fitb.
nearly )jaj ..n. -v.
MODERN 5-room flat, furnished or unfur-
. i . i - j tr uih .ni4 &.h Ti 2 ft 0 fi
nihiieu- Act"
8-ROOM fiat and bath. 18. 621 Overton sb
TWO fine six-room unfurnished flats for
rem di t i L" -
$16 NEW 4-room flats. Palmer 4b Hill, 152
6-ROOM modern flab o06 Belmont sb Rent
$30. .
NICELY furnished upper flat piano, phone
nnrt water, close in. 6 East 12th st. N.
FI'RNl&HEO 3-room fiat. Appiy --v
ket st. Phone Main C18. i
4- ROOM upper corner flab modern, 177
Green ave.; near 23d and Wash. Main 8tfSH.
5- ROOM. up-to-date flat, splendid car serv
ice, rent reasonable. Mam 2414.
Honseaeeph-K Booms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marahall Fur
nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free:
$15 per month up; a clean place, best la
the city for the money; ghort distance
from Un'on Depot. Take "8 or Jth-st.
cars north, get off at Marshall sb No doga
$1 SO TO $2.50 per week, clean furnished
housekeeping room, free heab phone,
bath, lfcundry. yard. 406 Vancouver aye
and 2-i fetanton; u ' f
The M liner, jou ft awii'
unfurnished housekeeping rooms, steam
heab eleVtor. all conveniences, best locat n.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, all
conveniences, very reasonable. -90 bix
teenth North. ,
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, heated,
$.1.50 to $5. The Mercedes, itOth and
Washington. .
THE MONTGOMERY Cor. East Morrison
and 8th. Furnished housekeeping suites
TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms,
$12 per month. East 2481.
HOUSEKEEPING rooma In new concreto
bldg Phore Woodlawn 299T or 2379.
HouwekeeplngRoom In Private Family.
ifuRNTSHED housekeeping rooma, private
family. 1 East 7th. Phone East 1329.
$12 TWO nice furnished housekeepin
rooms. 127 East ltith st. near Morrison.
$10. two new furnished housekeeping
rooms. 71& East 2 2d, between Stark and
Oak; $10, three-room lower flat, unfur
nished, corner 22 d and East-Stark. Phono
East 5356. .
FRONT suite large connecting rooms over
looking the park; gas range, running
water, free phone, bath, sewing machine.
10 minutes' walk from Postoffice-; nice
place, for adults only. SS4 Park st.
TWO large rooms and kitchen, all fur
nished for housekeeping, free lights, wa
ter, phone, big basement, largo porch,
cars run every two minutes. Call In after
noon. East 5G1 or TS1 Union ave.
NEW and well-furnished suite of three or
five rooms; private bath, complete for
housekeeping;; steam heat. electricity,
both phones; walking distance; new build
ing 274 H HoUadayae.
NEWLVuriUshed kitchen. bedroom and
living-room, corner house, pantry, cios
ets. Axmlnster carpets. linoleum. gas.
Ehone; everything furnished; $22-W.
ast Yamhill, between 2Hd and 25th. t
TWO furnished sunny housekeeping rooms,
with electric light, gas. bath and tele
phone; rent roasonablc. 374 II Hams
ONBor "2" newly and completely furnished
housekeeping rooms; gas and electricity ;
private bath. 2h Grand ave. S. E-. cor.
TWO finely furnished connecting housekeep
ing rooms, running water, all conven
iences free; price reasonable. Main 8643.
353 12th. ,
TWO large, light single housekeeping-rooms;
furnace heat; rent verv reasonable. Phone
Main 7Stiu. 501 Harrison st. .
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suits, bath,
phone, electric lights, w alking distance
East 5976.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooma with all
modern conveniences, walking distance.
521 E. Ash.
FOR RENT 3 desirable unfurnished housrt-k-eping
rooms, walking distance. 312
Gth st.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. $10
month; 029 Montgomery, between 6th ard
7th sts.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping suite; bath,
gas and furnace heat, reasonable. Phone
Main &SS2. oo ovejoy si.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooma ti'O,
including light. 693 Union ave. North.
Phone C S1S1.
2-ROOM suite, also single housekeeping
room, clean and reasonable, in modern
home. Phone East 3S26.
THREE completely furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas, basement, bath: 10 mlnutea'
walk. $l." month. 526 Kearney at.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, with
porch; all conveniences. 453 Hall sb M.
TWO sunny housekeeping rooms, running
water and alnk in kitchen; electricity, gaa
and bath, phone A 2740. 450 Park st.
FIXE new 3-room suite, excellently fur
nished, all modern conveniences, separata
entrance. 700 Flanders. i
A FURNISHED front room and alcove, light
housekeeping, furnace heat, hot and cold
water, laundry, facing south. 475 Clay.
$15.50 MONTHLY; 2 rooms and kitchenette
conveniences, central, clean, desirable. 44$
6th st. Main 44t.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms to
adults. B55 Yamhill st.
ONE nicely furnished housekeeping room,
lul East 11th sb. corner Wash.
813 14TH. corner Clay, pleasant 1. 2 and 8-
-v. ipW.t'l hniiaolrnnnlnr fniltea.
N1CELY furnished housekeeping room, walk
ing distance. 449 6th at Marshall 3430.
NEWLY furnished 3 connecting housekeep
ing rooms. $20. 870 12th sb
THREE housekeeping rooms. $20. including
Ilghb 600 Union ave. N. Phone C 3161.
COMFORTABLY furnished housekeeping
rooms, reasonable, 91 V4 1st., near Stark.
FOR RENT. 4 unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, 125 E. 40th sb Rent 10
TWO newly furnished front rooms, house
keeping, ran, pat.ii, ynum- o is
2 OR S housekeeping rooms; no objection ta
children. 802 Holladay ave,
2-ROOM housekeeping suite, phone and gas.
across from Falling schooL721 1st sb
3 CLEAN eunny furnished housekeeping
rooms, modern, $22.50 month. 602 Front.
$20 A MONTH, fine front-room suite; all
conveniences. 147 Lonsdale st
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms
in private family. 5 E. 11th sb t
8-ROOM flat, completely furnished; furni
ture for sale; flat for rent, om mu u
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, very comfortable.
TWO connecting housekeeping rooms, lower
lioor. j aru. ua.ui, imut- -.. i..........
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, si
N. 1 4 th st. Davis and Everett
CLEAN light "well furnished housekeeping
rooms. 393 6th st
Hon sea.
Home hunters, visit our up-to-date ren
tal and information department 4th floor,
main building, and see the vacancies wa
have listed of desirable houses and flat.
You'll save time in getting properly and
comfortably located. We keep In touctt
with all vacant houses, flats and apart
ments In the city. We also keep a list of
new buildings In course of construction.
The combined lists of all real estate deal
ers. This Information is absolutely free.
NICE new 4-room cottage, $15.
Nice new 6-room buusalow, $18.
Nice new 6-room bungalow, $20.
Nice new 5-room furnished, $18.
Nice new 6-room house, $25.
Close In. East Side, near S. P. shops.
831 Chamber of Commerce.
10 rooms together with 100x100 feel
ground, all kinds fruit trees, berries and
shrubbery; Ideal place to live; close to
Hawthorne ave. ; $50.
211 Lewis rJiag.
NEW, modern home on Wasco st; good
neighborhood; between two carllnes; walk
ing distance.
Main 802. A 2392. 228 Stark Sb
6-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished,
2S4 College sb, 10 minutes from Fostoffica.
Phone A 5794 and C 2323.
FOR $18 you can rent good 6-room house.
904 Corbett at. Phone A 7273. 913 Yeon
7-ROOM house modern newly painted and
papered, 1 block from carllne. Call at bd
E. rtOth S. for key WW car.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage. 431
Kaxt Oak at., corner E. 7th. Phone i-.
251S- ,
BEGIN the New Year right $30 monthly
1 - rt firt navmant necea-
sary rnonp t "pt-
FOR RENT S-room house, with large yarc
near two caninus. apij
at. Fnone .
Cottages for sale or rent Stokes Far-
ner, perpy si. 11mm "
'- -0 7-ROOM house, porcelain plumbing.
"furnace, gas. electricity. Phone Seilwood
6-ROOM corner cottage, central West Side.
modern, reasonable, to good party. In
quire 8-8?arksb .
NOB HILL 7-room modern house for rent.
725 Johnson st Key at 721 Johnson at
Apply mornings.
I OH KENT o-room house. 482 Hlu
$27.50. Fhone A 8192.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage. 656 Vaughn at
.16. Phone Main
MODERN C-room house. East. Side; cheap.
Main 4055. .
6-ROOM flat. 26S Ptout; yard. $20; key 260
Stout Main 5853.
iT-ROOM house, 40th st, block from Haw-
thurne. AC 682. Oregonian.
6-ROOM cottage, attic, bath, furnace. Call
SH e. 17th. Phone East 2880.
6-ROOM home on large lob near school;
rent $1U. 1008 East Stark sb
fciX-ROOM modern; tmali yard, good vlewj
rent reasonable. Main 1869.
5-ROOM house, largo lot, fruit trees, hen-
h oust;; rent $12. 9 East 63d st.
4-ROOM house, electric light gas. bath,
reaponahle. 506 E- Clay. Inquire 604.
i 5-ROOM cottage to rent. 12. C21 East 13th.
Take U U car.
NEW 4-room cottace. 6S2 Sandy road,
cor. 19th. Phone East 2301-
f urnished Houses.
LARGE, desirable 4-room flab every con
venience, well-furnished home comforts,
large closets, private veranda, $3i. 4&s
Hall. -
NICELY furnished 7-room house, $30, South
Portland. M. S. R-ntery. Stearns blcg.
-n 7-ROOM houfe. modem, f75 E- 9th.
.1. fder. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny.
DESIRABLE 5-room house, completely fur
niched Appiy at ol" Dt
COMPLETELY furnished six-room h
Tonse 11V I
34ih at.
in-inerton. """
1 EN-ROOM rurnimiu. u cn,i.t, -a-. -
between HarrUoa and Hall. 185. Main 8033.