17 tttt: uronxTxo orkooxiax. wf.dnf.sd.vt. January 3. mig. ARSENIC 111 HOPS English Brewers Complain of Some Oregon Crops. POOR SURPLUS IS USED BeUeri vlwa wer abort buyers. Cable from London reported a strong jMrnlnj of th market after th holiday, with th fclshest pneo of thm leuon quoted. (rotter Warned Against the Vae of a Choap Artirle Local Batter' PrJora Are AdTanced Wheat Trading Is Light. for aw rat I f4; rompiiinU bav been r 4 from Kngttah dealers and brrrs f tho Improper curler of soma of tha crops of Paclflo Coast hops, tha trouble gtnwnUy halnff eaoaed bj tha us of a. poor crada cf sulphur containlns arson tc On tha subject of araento tha EngUal. brawars ara eopocialJjr eoslttT. aa Its prasaoco ia hops has caoaad them much troubla la tha paat. la this connection tha f olio win f letter rc!v4 yesterrjay by Herman Kiaoer from E. C. Ho ret la of Interest: "We ret a rood maxy complaints this year from England on tbo subject of ar nlc In Oreoa bops. Whatever arsenic there Is la Ore on hope la tha result of the of Haa-decto aalpbur. which, tboujrb OOH cent pure, coalmine one part araenlo la bout 4( parte sulphur. This amount of arseale la sulphur rivea tha bops eicht tfmea as much araenlo aa the brewers In Kng-land that analyze their hops will stand fr. Th araenlo In sulphur elves Oregon hope a tiack vya and hurta the whole Coast, and w would susireat that through other dealera you take such steps aa will shut Hwndetto au?phur out of Oregon. "Th'rt are some of the sulphurs In Japan, tiat la Boo so. Satauma and Cob sulphur, that are practically free of arsenic. That la. they contain leas than one part of arsenic In parte) sulphur, and to those sul phurs there la no objection on score of ar talc, We xpct that this year the sulphur Im porters will make a special drive to sell the Htnde'.to sulphur, aa that cornea In free or duty, while the other sulphurs have to pay a duty of $4 per ton. and Ur that reason It la aecceaary that tboee people la Oregon that are Interested In tae marketing of Ore gon hope Jhould take et this time stepa to prevent the Importing of Hagadetto sulphur and. If It la Imported, to prevent Its use by hopgrowers." BTTTTrR I? TWO CENT HIGHER Loral Sup pile Are Well Cleaned VP Uti Poultry Firm. Creamery butter was advanced 2 cents a pound etterdar. making the solid pack but 3i cents. Local suppllea ara moder ate. Cheese waa quoted firm at last week'a prices. ' The egg market waa firm but no higher. The market, however, haa an upward tend, ency. Live poultry was In small supply and f Irra.y held. There waa a considerable quantity of dressed turkeys on the street for which there was not much demand. Dreveed meats were firm. Bank Clearing:. Bank clvarfngs of the Northwestern cities yesterday ere aa loilowp; Clearings. Balances. Portland 1 3trj. 1 5 :.'( 053 t-atli- .V41.14ft IT.-i.T''- Taroin k. .; TH Spokane b.m PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc. TT1? T. A T Trark prieea: Bluestem, t3c; cub. 79c; red Russian. 7Sc; Vaiiey, 10c; forty-fold. 79eS0e. KLOl.'K r1 a tenia. per barrel, atraighta $4 "3; exports, 3 J0; Valley, grhm. 1 , o , who. heat. 4.8i. COKN Whole, :.T; cracked. 3$ per ton. M I Li- TL'FFS Bran. J3 per ton; mid dlings, 30; short. 134; rolled barley. $37 ejS. OATS N'o. 1 white. per ton. II AY Now 1 Haetern Oregon timothy, ei9&0: No. 1 Vailev, $15dl: alfalfa, 014: clover. $11912; grain, $12tftX BAR LET Feed. $J6 0 37 per too. $1S $1 TRUHNf. IN T4IIEAT MARKET SMALL Buying Quiet la Other Cereal Prices Are Meady Throng beat. T.i? grain market la still feMng the ef fM of tae holiday Interruption, There i vrry little trading !n wheat yesterday and the other cereals were alio quiet. Prices w-r quite steady throughout. t. iftital Hour buyers are showing Interest '.a pri but nut much business Is betas put through. Lm t. receipts. In ears, were reported by th- Jicrthanta Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay M'n. .id Tu?a. P4 1 rr ,' S-3 h'.tson to date.M lc.r t2 Tiie wkly wheat 11 9 13 273 1 i St llsl ettstlca of chants Kachange foiO' Aaiericaa Visible Supply iiuhe!a Jjrttiarv 2. l!12 7M.'MKrO January it. lll 44.-'.0.hI January 3. S7.7:4.V0 Jinuarr a. Iims 4i.4M u0 January 7, li"f .e,;vo'0 jASuaiy a, 1 'S 4--Jb..-o January A, i 4'..Bly 0"0 Januaiy 4. l4 7.S'.0' January A. la 4i. ;41.wi Decree e. an titles en la.iag Wee ending Io- Kor Huh,i t. k ii ;t-'. cent lue at .. 10.U4.ow 14 94S 7t the 15 im; 1440 Mer- W ek end.ng Increos. J.lW.ii 74 0 tJ,""U l.-U. U"0 l.U l.lHtO s.;;a.uvo Ol.tM Week end lug Vegetables and Fruits. TROPICA L. FRUITS Oranges. navele. C3.750&: Japanese, 1.40 per bundle; Cali fornia rrapefruit. $3.5004; Florida grape fruit. $5a5.50: hananas. 5JHc per pound: lemona, $4 tf 4. So per box: pomegranat.ee. $1.5 per box: persimmons. $1.50 per box. FRESH FHV1TS Pears. 5Oc31.50 per bo: grape. 75c n $1.50 per bos; Almeria grapes, $4.5007 per barrel; cranberries. $10 fell.bo pet- barrel; casabaa. $1.50 per crate. POTATOES Buying prices: 13 urban. Oct $1.15 per humired, aweet potatoea, $3 per crate. ONIONS Jobbing prfre. $1.6A per sack. VEGBTABLKS Artichoke. 1)c per doS- en; bean. 17f: vabbage. 1 1 o per pound: cauliflower. fl.H)tf I per crate; cel ery. $4 Ou per rrate; cucumbers, $1.15 tfl-75 pr dnxen; esgplant. 1-Wc per pound; garlic, 0'c per pound; lettuce, $2-50 per crate; peppera. 8910c rr pound; pumpkins. 10 per pound; rslt.he. Sio per down; sprouts, y $ l-: squash. Uls Pr pound; tomatoes. Sl-15 per box. Dairy sad Country Produce. BUTTER Oregon creameiT butter. slld pack. Jlc ; prints, extra; butterfat, lc lesa than sotld pack iric.'t. . ,ILTRV Hens. lie: Springs, 15c; ducks, young. H--: geee. 1Z& lc: tur ke. live. r-: dreesed. choice. 24 9 25c K ICS Fresh orvson rant h. can tiled. 17 He pr doien; ca-?-count. S5c per do sea. CHttSE Fresh Tillamook flats, 1 Vc; Toung Americas, IftC. pi'RK f ancy. lSD)o per pound. VJAL Fancy. lo per pound. STOCK PRICES SOAR Market Opens With Confidence and Strength. ADVANCES ARE GENERAL Ic. Dec. 3111 liushela Bushels 17.y.".i"v 17.&.' ll.3va.uv0 13.ttuu.0v fAJf 1RANC1SCO PRODUCE UARKEt Prlceo Quoted at Che Bay City fas ae tablee. Fruits. Eta. BAN FRANCISCO. Jan. X. The follow tag produce prices wre current hero today: Wgetae e Cucumbers. 65c0$l; garlio, SfSc; ifn pes. 7fl5c; string bans, ;glk; tutnaiues. $l.$04l.75; eggpiant. Id ioc. Butter Fancy creamery. Sic Kegs More, He; fancy ranch, SCc l-nioi.s $.2.'t l.U. Cheese Tcung Americas. 14 915c. r iuli Ai'i'lf. i t.o.i e. $1; cwtniu-tn, CCc; kit xi can limes. $S.&0 9 C : California lem eca choir. $1.75; common. $1.2; natal erangea. $1-76 U I 60; plueapples, $S O $ Potatoes Oregon Bur banks, $1.2iS 1.7$; Salinas Bur banks, $1.651 river Bur- banks. $ltfl--5. sweots. $.o02.79w Wi..'iu3s ran. 50a middling $3.' u 34. Hay Wheat. 117 9 22; wheat aad oata 11 :;; ,fj fa. $11 u 1.V50. He.-elpts Flour, 304 0 quarter sacks; wheat. ::&$ rentals: barlvy, $U45 centals; oats. S centals; potator-a. iT.'.O sacks; bran, as sacks; midl lines, 75 sacks; hay, $11 tons ; wool. 10 bales. Increase In Volume of Outside Busi nessMoney Rates Continue Easy. Favorable - Reports From the Steel and Cgjiper Trades. NEW TORK. Jan." ?. The beKtnnlnc of the New Year In the stock market brought confidence and strength. Bullish opera tions were conducted with vim and prices were advanced throughout the list. A sig nificant feature was the Increase In the volume of outside business. The day's transactions rose considerably above the recent average. fceveral factors operated for high prices, one being the abnormal ease of money rates. Reinvestment of January Interest and divi dend , payments also contributed to the In creased demand, more than $200.000. 0 be ing thus disbursed. Last week's favorable bank statement and the rise in American securities in London auto were bulllaa in fluences. The market rose at the outsee- on active bidding and maintained Its advantage with out faltering-- Toward the close, there were some slight recessions among the leaders on account of pro fit-taking, but the day's rise was not Impaired materially. United States b'teel. Union Pacific and Reading all were advanced more than X points. Galna of 1 to 3 points were gen eral and among the lesa active stocks the movement wes wider, in some cases reach ing or 7 points. Favorable reports of conditions In the steel and copper trades had their effect on the industrial stocka. Exports of copper irom the Atlantic porta in December are tJrMt on re:ord. with one exception. The bond market wae firm. Total sales, par value. $J.b57.600. United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOS1NO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Wabash first 4s 5V Western Union 4s V7k &S Westingboue conv 6s e. PIV Wisconsin Central 4s f3 West Shore 4s 1O0 101 Money, Exehanxe Etc NEW YORK. Jan. X. Money on call stead y. S H A 4 per cent ; ruilng rate, $ i closing bid. afc; offered at 4. Time loans steady. Sixty days, S, and SO days, SVtf4 per cent; six months, 894 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 404 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actusl business In bankers' bills at $4.835 for fid day bills, and at $4.$36 for demand. Commercial bills $4.t3 Bar silver 544 0. Mexican dollars, 4sc Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, steady. LONDON. Jan. t. Bar silver Steady, 25 t-16d per ounce. Money 2 92fc per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills la 3 per cent; three months bills ih per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 2. Sterling- on London. 60 days, $4.8t: sight. $4.8S. Drafts Sight. Sttc; telegraph. 7c ESTIMATES CUT DOWN ARGEXTtVE CROP IS POOR IX SOUTHERN" PROVINCES. 8a!cs. f.(W lLlNMI U'K 7.3oi 12.100 I. 'MO luu Totals ...Zy.SOOtf 2.2ftS.oo $1,120 0V0 World's Shipments (flour Included) Week endir-g Deo. From Hughe's I. can.. . 2.?v.i.i ArgDtlr.a ... '.' AuJUalta ... 01(i.it lua. porta. . . I.s7 ;?. Itusata dia.oo lod.a l.v.ifOU' Week end trie Dec ii Dec. 1L 11 H iis.e'a It ushe: Wee a ending 4.5.1.uJO (Ml 1. !. WH 5M.0OO :.io.uo 1.27.uoO 2 ; ITU.U"0 7U.00O Totals .. . .S.314.W0 Werid's shipments, V. and Canada. . .f4.tHt.(M.v Argentine :i.37i.!tv Austrsl.a I .otS I'luubi&a porta 4 j.itj-.o-.'rt V Ail .1 I 1 niak lodia 4.4U.UOU 1 0. U 24. OVO 1 0. 42 4. OV season to date Toal since bame period JU). i. issi season. Metal Markets. N HW YORK. Jan. 2. Standard copper, qnlet. Fpot and January. 13. M H Xf 14. 12c; rebruary. 13.tfui 14.:c; March, April and May, 13 V 14--V London, strong. Spot. i&tt 6a U; futures. 04 5a Custom-house returns show exports of ST. 40 tons for Ds cml)ir Lak copper. 14 4 ty 14 4c; electro btic. HuHSr; casting. 1J014c Tin. dull. M;ot. 44 d-'ic; January. 4$ 5"v ii 6-.V; Februray. 41.60 ty 4J-50o; March. 4 1 w d 42 ooc; April. 40.Mu 41.75c London, weak. ept. 2(tl; futurea. HH los. Lead, quiet. 4 4otf 4 i0c New Tork and 4 Si a 4 37 East fct. Luule. Londuo. 113 12s d Spelter. Quiet. CCOflr&SOc New York and S.10u-JO Uat Ft. Louie. London. &2U loa. Antimony, dull. Coksons, T.75c. Iruo Cleveland warrants. $oc 6d In Lon don. Loraily Iron a as steady; No, 1 foun dry. Northern, $I4.75u 15.UO; No. 2, 14 50 014.75: No. 1. pouthern, and No. 1. South ern Svft. $14. a 14.75. 61.051.uw I4ibt.t til. 440.0" Js.;i.n0 2o.01d.iMo Tstaia .. . .2l. 107.OO43 S17.S27.000 ORtUitlN APPLE IS LONDON. Nrwtemaw !4el ( le 17 Miilllags ream per iWx. Ths latest weekly market report of W. Dennis a pons, of London, says of fruit trails ronduione there: irc our lsst market report waa issued we are pleased to be aMe to report a con aideraule advance In yrtce here oa all c.e of apries, Newtona tnciudsd. ou will pcrtispe recall to mind that In that market report we pointed out that un til the immense crop of lttttons grnwn in Neva Scotia had gone irto consumption New. lawns could not be ei-tsd to meet w!tl in:Mef but a very small demand This Ki&soa crop 1 aw finished, and this baa s n nronieJ with much greater demand fr .NtsioK us. as bad been anuclpaied by us We beg to report that during the past week we have ba sel.lng four-tier fruit wt prices ranging from se ed to e per box. ai d for S't-tirr fru.t we bae been able to gt up to a Ad $er box. The e four-tier rr-itt was. as may pe surmised, a very god psck. but although thie la a high price f-r IaUoo at the momaat aa compared with tae prlcea that einer aclLa are brlnglag. it w mm nevsrthe.ess east y obtained. Oregon Newtown aav been In spec tally etrong demand at extremely satisfactory prirri; wa have bn selling this week at pr.ces raustns c-orJin to the couau from 17s 6d dowawarUe to le per b.x. the count of god colored fruit having sold rUtiy at from Ids to 17s. For irrnon ;i;i'BMrf we have got price of 16 ard eu pr bx, and this also must, me think, be i-oLii,!'rt4 a e t isf r(or price. prars The market contuaue good. Ore t a ioni.i. Ijw OU to lis Ux. There hit ui-tortui;a:eiy been a car of fruit arriv ing l.cre in a very waty condition, be-liep-1 to te the result Ot being earned at an urm tmrature oa bosrti the steam J a a vnt tt le very late now fur tnia w.i.i.T f..s vni'fiuf la active demand. n I i iTtiac iott-r than any othr v :. W hks im this irri ha'f bosS o to s-se at 1 easiiy. whilst fa. I t .- vi s.nn.r frjit have been aeiling at l.- to tUi'.'t Ueurre are selliag at 7a to 7s ad per oca. Stocks at Bowtoa. BOSTON. Jan. AUouea Ama:. Copper. . A Z L A bm. . . Arizona Com H C C A S M. Kultw t'oalitloi Cal A Arizona t MI A llec.a. .. .444 Centrtmiai I S Cop Kan i'oa Co ."5 K tlune Coo M. 1-" r ran t.iin Cliroix Con l.ranby Con ... orvue Cwnanea. 1 Hnynl!e Copf Kerr iike l.ke popper Mtaml Coi per.. . Closing quotations: 'Mohawk .17 .N-iaia Con . 2 N.w.ftsinx Mines. k North Butte 2H North Iks 74 i'id Dominion... 47s, Cvroit li8 Parrot t (S A C) . 14 Wutncy 70 Munnon 10 S-iperlor , 12 ' Sup a pna Mln., 4 'm Tamarack , ZS ,U S S K A M... " ; do preferred. . , 22 3 I'ImIi t'on ...... 2 I tali Copper Co, 5rt S'4 V inona JVi 25 Wolverine 101 r.u w 3S 47 a. 17 Condltloa of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Jan. J. At the beginning of bus.nrss today the condition of the United ttaire Treasury was: Working baiar.ee la Treasury of- . ' $ 71.475.075 In banks snd Philippine Treasury 34.320.545 Total bslauce in gcusral land. S1.A.2 Ordinary re e!pts strrday . .... 2,sv.84$ tird.uaiy dibureTnenis l34j';i lefu-tt to date this faseil year SU397!45 Def U-it at t ils time last veer... 4 447 1 If These flgurea exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions AUie Chal pf .. A msl Copper , .. Am Agricuit . .. Am ltt tSugar. Ameriian Can .. Am Car A Fay.. Am Cotton on.. Am Hd st Lt pf Am ha oecurl.. Aim Linseed . . . Am LooomoUv. Am Smel A Hef do preferrsd.. Am Hti Fdy . . Am Sugar Pef.. Am Tl A Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. Am W'ootvJt . . .. Aiitconda M Co. Atrhijon do preferred.. Att Coast Lli.e.. Halt A Ohio ... lit-th.Lhsm Steel Hrook R Traa.. Canadian Pac .. Central Leather. do preferred.. Central of N J.. Ch a A Ohio . . . Chicago A Alton Chi Ot West . .. do preferred.. Chlcage e& .N W. C. M A bi Paul. C. C' C A St L.. Col Fuel A Iron. Col A Southern.. Consul lias . . . Corn Products .. Dal A Hudson . . D A R Orande., do preferred. . Pisilllera' Securi Eriw do 1st pf .... do 2d pf .... Oen Eiectrlo ... t;t North pf ... Ot North Ore .. Illluota Central. Intrbor Met . .. do preferred.. 17,0" JO In tmr Harvester. 10O Inter Marine pf l.OuO lut Paper lnt Pump 200 Jotra Central K C Southern . . 300 do preferred. Iaclede Oas ... 4,100 Louis A Nash .. 7O0 Minn A Kt L M. b P A S 8 M Mo. Kan A Tex. 600 do preferred. Mo Pacific C0 Nat Biscuit . . . 4k National Lead .. 7ih N Mex Ry 2 pf. l.ROO N Y Central ... S.oOO N Y, Ont A Wes 20 Norfolk A West, ll.eoO High. 8 7-4 tKl', o 's i- BIS Cloilnc Low. Uid. TV, 1UD 3.4ix aui l'0O lut) 1.2-HJ J..'.OU 3(H 40l a. too ' V.40O " POO lilM !" Hut a! j mo "too aoo aco T.3J0 2.0" KJ o0 boo J. ooo .10 loo . lo.ooo North Am Nurth.ro Pmo .. I'.cinc Mall ... Pennaylv.nta ... People, Uu ... H. C C St L.. Pltteburf Co.1 Prewed S Cir .. Pu.l I'.l Car ... Ry Steel feprlcc- Heading Kepublio Kteel .. du preferred.. Rock laiand Co. do prelerr.fl. . tt L t S F 1 pf Si L -Southwest.. do preferred.. 81naa -he!Tiuld .. Southern Pac .. Southern I'.jr . .. it preferred.. Tenn Copper . . . Tcxaa etc Pacific. Tol, St I. Wes Union Pacific . . do preferred.. IT S Realty ... U B Kubber 4 .0"O 10O 4. HOC) 200 S.lOO 300 M.4n 1.4oo 1.500 2.4O0 1.S0O OVO cx0 1041 ."i'to ioo l.voo rtoo 1IM 2.80O IS Jl"4 sos T4', 102 V, 8 J15 LIS loo- i-.ll, ioi s 11.4 S 13S ili, TT -a i'l i, Ml. 1X 144 111 80 21 141"" 10 K "ii'i 41V, 32 V, l't 44 lMf !;(.. 44 H 140, ' 1TV, b.-,:, low s "si" 'is it ISO 30 '40 i 140 1 C4 '(, 3.1 S lo-jv, J lo-JVi T5 US'. Sl litss loS'a ioi v 32 l(..1Vj 21 2ov, 41 W 44 112S Tl Mi Jl- :t v. ISia 174 Vi loo v, 111 v, f.7Va .-.4 S ltti. Co V, T. r.i v. ill, r.4 ITVi "is" 1 1 M SC'a 72 JOi'S .-. 115 137S loi'S 2K S 1"S )Jl, 1114 V, loS 31V TH :s4'. U2 'ik 34 142 lout. HO 37H Hi" 10. "is 40. 31 V, 31 S 4J l.W 127 43 140 Va 17 f.4 lov 20 'S3a 'isi iotW "id" 13SH .14 S 35 C 107 8S lotH 74 t, 117 am 123 '4 101 , ssva 1 1.11 :v, 8.1 24 H 4KV, 404, 44 1114 2iV, Tlv, 371, 21 13V 171 S B2V 1 I7V, 111 V, sv. 34", 15 ft)t Ulbl. Hnppljr of r.rala. NEW tORK. Jan. 2- The Tlelble aupply of arain la th. I'niied eu.tee. Saturtiav. lec. sa aa compiled by th. New York Pro due. Exchange, a aa as follows: liuchele. Decreaae. Com .. Ikata . l:e .. Itatle-r .. .Hve . . 1S.T.4.0H1 . . l.-i.'tt 1M. . . 3.-t-'t vu ITi.wO 4o.tH(0 1.1 tn'O 1A4. OVO lnrr.aa. HRWOH AND 1MOVS AKK 11R.MEK (.141 W eather ranee-a Prtre. t. AaTaac IS) C allf.rala. Te erarf. and limun markets ara firmer be-aua. of the arrergth la Cai.Tnrn la. vbsra th coll weath.r la cauaing price, la ad vane. Reports rK-etred aai.rday from lb. soutk aa tAat th. lemon crop had 4en tnlsre4 .y tha froau Tnra waa a ,ood leva! toT.mea-t Im apptu. but supp'.lea war, .cemented by ree. s'derah,. rece:p.a of svend, from Hood I::tt. Veeel.Kea a ere m ,eod supply except sa-et potaioe. and ei lery. Mar Iavtr- far IJia. Thr waa mora inquiry ea tha lo.ai hop snarh yeatarday thaa (or aeverai aya aat. hot a. baslne.. . aa put through, aa Cffew Mel Kugar. XEW TOI1K. Jan. i Coffee future, cloaed quiet, net unchanged to t point, higher. Sales. IM bngs. January. 11 74o; K.oru ary. lJ.uc; March, ll.tjc; April. ll.jo; Mr. June. Jul. AulLiit and Septesnbar. 12.:ic: CH;tobr. i;;c. .Voiember. 11 D.mfcr, 11 I.e. lipol cofre quiet. Klo. No. 7. ,o; San toa No. 4. llVt. UU duiu Cordova, if li:it Raw auur bjre'y steidy. Muarorado it tea:. 4c; oenturuKnl. n tett. 4Oc; mo- i.m u,ar, aa im. a ..c; ref.nel V S Steel 113.3"0 do preferred., l.ioo I'tah Copper .. 8.10O Va Car. chem .. 4' Watiaah 30 do preferred.. 4oo IV, .tern M,l ... loo Weaunc Klec Wratern Cnhn ., Wheel U K .. I.--liih Valley .. 2O.20O Chluo Copper .. 2.20O Uay Cons 3. Too Total ealea (or tha day. 407.400 shares. BONDS. ' Furnished by Orarback Cooke Co. Hid. AJ-Ved. Amir Tel Tal eon 4s ICS lo American Tobacco 4a.... American Tobacco ea US 111' .'.l. hlon Sen 4a V0 Ml Atchlaon c .nv 4a 104 17 W Atchtaon adj 4a stamped, 1.300 80V4 181 S 17V, 19 ISO 2 IS 3 .'.(.4 12 f.5 47 24 18 II la 34 73 102 V, 33 11.1 137 lo.l 2 SM ll' 101 134 103 1 7 13.1 2i HI 310 74 24 10 38 148 110 60 27 41 140 10 170 20 41 31 31", C2 48 1.13 l-'S 44 140 IT M ino 20 S8 13 28 b4 log 165 81 134 30 6.1 311 140 54 3.1 107 37 1 74 11 31 128 1"3 lOO IS 38 l.'.K 30 1.12 2 S.I 23 48 41 2B 70 42 '4 112 20 71 37 21 13 178 12 48 68 111 58 M ' IK r,o i 78 3 1S1 Vf 2I 18 quiet. Dried trait a New Tork. NKW YORK. Jan. I Eraporated apple. Inactive but eteauy. Spot, fancy. floc ciioi.-e. p,cl pr.me. u ac. ' ... quoiauon, range (mm 8a up to 30-40. and from ti 13'Te for ial:fori. lo-.Mi-e tor tir.fR Pr-lk.a tractive but illc: extra cho.ee. S 12 c. ateady. Cholc. 11 11 12c; (amy. 12 race Baud Urala Markets. TACOMA. Jan, I Wheal Bltteatem. t2c; lor-.yfo'd. .: run 7c Rejcelpi.. hay. J. wnaat, 28 cars. aaia. SEATTLE. Jan. 2. Wheat B.ueatem Slc: f.-rnfold. ;vci rlub. Tfic; tre. T8c red rtuaai.A. 7 7c. ' Minseapolla nbreit Market. MTErOLl Jan. J Wheal- Mav lie?; July. I1.S ra.hr No. I har.1. 81. o: No. I Northern, 81 0701.08; No. 8 Northwu. 81 e 4 1. ; No. 8 wheat. 81 i:ti.ij. vi . S3 .lol .lol . : . lNt . l.tf in. ... ti ...us . . . M ...1 ... wi Atcbia.n cnv oa lo Atlantlo Coast Un cons 4s.... H.l At Couat LJne ' L. A N coll" 4s.. l4 Baltimore ee Ohio 8s l.altliuore a Ohio 4a ltruoklxn Rapid Traoatt 4s Canada Sutttern firat 3a ChcaapeAke a Ohio 4s C. ri ij Joint 4s C. U V Ills 4a C. B dt W lenver 4a.. ... Central Pacific flral 4a Chicago er Kaatern Ilia 4s.... ClilCi.o. It I 4 P ref 4s CMicaxo. K I 4c P Col trust 4s Colorado er H.uthern first 4s. le.iver St l:lo cirande 4a l-!aware J. Hudson coar 4a... fclrte 1 1 rat con. P 1. 4a lnt Met 4a J.tpti,. 4a J.li.n.K flrat 4,e Japaneee ertond 4a luiavllle at Nnahvllte unl 4s., Mlaaotirl, Kn.... A. Texas 4a. M.aaourl l'actifo 4a .1 New York central 38 .w Tork Central 1. S Sa.. New York City 4a N T City 4a of 1V.17 Norfolk et etern 4a Norfo.k and Western coiit 4 N Y unl a W 4 Northern I'acif-c P 1. 4s Northern pacific 8s Oreton Short Line 4e Oreaun P.y w Nav 4a Pei.ua Ry 4a of l'J4 p.iUUiplne Railway 4a Heading gen 4a Republic of Cuba 5a Southern pael-fo firat ref 4s S.-ulh.m pacific col aa.... HI 87 .107 .107 . 1'4 . . no 92 t3 10.! 84 . ..102 ... 4 ... 1 Southern Railway ea 6 St L. at n r ref 4 so fnlon Paciflo drat 4a 100 Vnlon pacific coot 4s lo t'nlan Pactfio ref 4s 7 Vnlte4 Htataa Steel 8 P 8a J01 Vriled rtat3 reclatered K I nlted Stales 2a coupon 1'10 Lnlted Statee 3a registered lol tnited 6latea 3a courOB 101 I'mted States 4a reKiaiared 113 I'ntted Btatee 4S fuupfln. ...... .1 13 rnlted Railway 9 F 4a ! fc-aitad Rr Ht L. 4. 77 aa 1W Kf. I'.l !! !( S lol 101 7 H'O "T P0 tM hH 72 y !0 T . Nl S7 l'2 12 .. ift 0.1 I 107 J ICS V4 ml 01 tll US 103 S4 es loa e f.' 7 80 101 105 07 101 1 lOO 1". V'2 114 114 TO Reports Cause Sharp Advance in Wheat Prices at Chicago May Sells at Dollar Mark. CHI r AGO, Jan. L Startltn shrinkace of tha estimated yield In tha great producing Southern provinces of Argon Una sent ths J wheat market sharply hlshsr today. Tbs territory affected was said to aggregate 1. 10 COM acres. Many fields were alleged to be in such wretched condition as not to be worth cutting-. Closing prices were ! steady at a net advanoa of HSo to 7c lorn iinisnea i-ioc up, oais .c io t gain and hog products from 2a off ta shade additional cost. May wheat ranged from SSHc to 1. with last sales ?c net higher at 98?ic May com fluctuated from 63 H to 4c. closing- steady at -3 a net gain of a shade. Cash demand was slow. No. 3 yel low was not quoted. Outside limits for Msy oats were 44 H O 444o and 433c, with the closs io up at 43vc Provisions held steady en account of the absence of lard deliveries on January con tracts and because of light receipts of hogs. At the finish, quotations had not besn altered In any degree which could be called significant. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. ANNOUNCEMENT J. C WILSON & CO. Members Brew Yark Stork Excfcamjre-. New York Cwttoa Kxraaage, blraco Board of Trade. The Stock; and Bond Eicbaatt, Saa Kranciaco, , With Office at Mills Bulldins. San Francisco: Pal ace Hotel. San Francisco; Alexan dria Hotel, Los Angeles: U. S. Grant Hotel. San Diego; Hotel Del Cor onacio. Coronado Beach, desire to announce that on JAN. 15, 1912, THEY WILL OFEN OFFICES la the L a m h ernn'a Bulldlna;, Portland! Alaaka Bulldlna. Seattle; Caaada Life HnildtnK, Vancouver, or the handling of all orders for STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN AND COTTON At the Rrrnlar New York and Chi rac" Rates of Commlaalon. All these offices will be con nected by private wire with our present complete private wire serv. Ice from San Francisco and Loa Angeles to New York and Chicago, thus affording all our clients con tinuous quotations from all East ern markets and the advantage of direct and Instantaneous private wire service in the execution of orders. J. C. WILSON & CO. MAIN OFFICE, MILLS Bt.ILUI.VG, Saa Kran cleco. Jan. Way July Jan. Hay July May July Sept. Jan. May July Jan. May July Open. High. ..I .3 .93 . .l9 l.oi) . .84 .3 CORN. . .80 .AO . .S .4 . .3 .63 OATS. . .47 .48 . .43 .44 . .40 .40 1IZSS PORK. .15. -.5 I3.S0 .10.05 16.10 . 18.-i2 1U-1-J LARD. . 13 BIT . B.40 9.43 . 15 B.3S SHORT RIBS. Low. Cloaa. I .3 t .13 .1144 .4 .no .63 .es .4SS .4.H .40 .BU .14 la .60 .6.1 .03 .47 .48 .40 15.42 15.8J ltj.10 12 9.40 9. SO 13.42 13.1'2 14.10 12 9.40 B.C0 8.30 Still 8.05 8 30 8. SO 8.66 Jan. 8S2 8.37 May S 'lll 8.63 July 8.67 8.70 Oraln statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 686.000 buahela. Primary receipts were 771.000 bushels, compared with 78a. 000 buehets the corresponding: day a year mto The visible supply, of wheat In tha United Stales decreased' 1.179.000 bushels for the week. Estimated receipts for tomor row: Whaat. 18 care; corn, 4.8 cars; oats. i;7 cars; hogs. 4000 head. Grata at San FVanclero. SAM FRAHCISCO, Jan. 8. Wheat Steady. Barley Firm. Spot quotations Wbeat tihlpplng. Sl.S0ffl.86 par cental. Barley Feed. 11.86 per cental; brewing, nominal. Oats Red, $1.60 91.O per cental; white. $1.701.72 per cental; black, tl.60Sl.80 per cental. Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley December. 1.I7 bid. $1.41 asked per cental; May. 12.01 per cental. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. 0S-0S Eletrtrle Bid., Portlaad, Or. Oskar Huber, Ma mixer. TBAVKLKtlli' OCIUaV HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLAS9 ROOD TRIP The most delightful spot on entire world tour for your vacations. xllghtlul saa bata inc at the Umoui beach ot V alkikL Tba ay let. did B3. Sierra (10.O0O tone displace ment! malcea the round trip in 16 daya, one can vialt on a side trip the living voicaa of KUauea whlcn is tramendoualy active, and see far himself th. proceaa ot world creation. Mo other trip oompares with this for the marveloua and wonderful In nature. Visit the Islands now, while you can do it so easily and quickly and while th vol cano is active. Prompt attantioa to tale. Srame for bertha. Balllnga: cmb 1 aouary 6. January 27, etc. OCEANIC ft- 8. CO. 78 Market Street, fan Francisco. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS. F.xpres Service via ST. UWRINCC RIVER SCENIC ROCTE Iea Than 4 Bays at Sea by the EMPKKrtS OF THE ATLANTIC. Weekly Sallincs to Euroce. First-class. IS.1.00; Becond-claas. S03.75; one class cabin (II) $50. THIRD-CLASS RATES. Kambarg. Antwerp, Bremen, etc, 830, 881.00. Liverpool. London. Glasgow.' Bel- faat 31.25. 832.80 Norway. Denmark, Sweden. ... $34.75. Soo.25 Special rail rates on requeaL F. H. Johnson, G. A., 143 Third St. All aitenta sell Case Pac tlcketa. COOS BAY AXD EUREKA STEAMER, ALLIANCE SAILS THURSDAY, JAN. 4th, P. 31. NOHTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 132 Third St. European Grala Markets. ' LONDON, Jan. 2. Cargoes Arm; Walla Waila for shipment at 35s Hd. English country market, arm. French country mar kets holiday. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 2. Wheat March. 7s 4d; Uay, 7s d; July, 7s 8L Weather cloudy. Resolved, that bitulithic is the best street pave ment. Portland Citizens Steamer Anvil sails from Albers Dock No. 3,-Thursday, January 4, 7 P. M., for Tillamook, Bay City. Newport, Florence. Bandon and Coquille Klver points. Ticket office 128 Third street. Phone Main 628. A 4506. Dock phone, A 1902, Main 151. Freight and passengers San Francisco libs Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder 6aJl Every Wednesday Alternately at f. it. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO, lit Third Ht.. 1'honre Mala 181. A 131. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BKEAKWATEit. Sails from Ainswortn Docka. Portland. S P. M.. ovary Tuesday. Freight received at Alnavw-th Dock dally up to 5 P. M. Passages- fare, flrst-ciaas. 810; second-class. 87. Including meals and berth. Ticket office Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 2til. Uu 170 A 12:!4. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB San Francisco and Los Angela WITHOUT CHANCE. S. S. Beaver Mails IP.ll January 7. 6 AN mtMlsro I'OKH.Ami n. s. CO. Ticket Office. 142 Third St. Pbone. Main 403 and A 140 DORSEYB. SMITH General Steamship Acent. ALL. LINES ALL. COUNTRIES. Experienced Information About Travel. 69 Fifth St, Portland, Or. Phones: Marshall 1979, A 129S. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LARGEST STEAMSHIP COMPANY IN THE WORLD. TO THE ORIENT GRAND CRUISE UAYI'.G NEW YORK. JAN. 30, 1912 Br tbe palatial crulslnr S. Sa'-VICIOaiA LUISE (iSS) to PORTTGAL, SP.UN. the MEPITER KAVKA.N and the OKII.M. 78 DAYS $325 tD Also cruises to trie West Indies. South America, round the World. Italy and Egypt, etc REGULAR SERVICE LONDON - PARIS - HAMBURG PENNSYLVANIA Jan. 18. 2 P. M. I PRETORIA Jan. 28. 12 Boon PRES. LINCOLN Feb. 3. 10 A. 31. tCRAF WAU1ERSEE. .Feb. 10, 2 P. M. tUnexcelled Rltx-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant, Gymnasium, Electric Baths. Elevator, Palm Garden, t Hamburg di rect. Second cabin only. Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa 8. 8. CINCINNATI Jan. 27 VICTORIA LOSE (Orient Crnlvl.Jan. so . . Write for Booklrta of All Cruises. Hambnnr-Amerfrao line, UK) Powell Street, San Francisco. Cal O -W R ft N Co Nor. pac. l. H. u. R. R.. Burllnaton Route. Milwaukee & Puget Sound &. R. c. f' u.t..-. p. rn.iin. eirtn atreet. Portland. Oregon. Pnucer. Mulkey bids -fr WHITE STAR LINE Th Larceat sal Floret British Steamers AA TO THE MEDITERRANEAN A ' aaaaelra. Gibraltar, AJalera, Kaplea, Gea.a, Alexandria "CEDRIC Jaasuarr 24, March . "ADRIATIC" Febraary 21, REIil'LAR SERVICES FROM KIW YORK AND BOSTO.f. "CANOPIC" February 8, Harck 1C -CRETICT m. 27. WHITE STAR IKE, Raerns "B Bailey Bnlldlaar eeoa4 aaal Cherry St. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: J. C A INS WORTH. Prealdeat. R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier. R. LEA BARNES, Vice-Prealdeat. A. M. WRIGHT, Aaalatant Cashier. W, A. HOLT, Assistant Cashleev LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES FOREIGN EXCHANGE Drafts, letters of credit and travelers' checks, payable at all available points throughout the .world, are sold by the l.umbermens National Bank Capital . . $1,000,000.00 4 Per Cent on Savings Corner Fifth and Stark MANY of our large depositors started in as small ones. We have seen accounts grow steadily. There is a great deal of satisfaction in the knowledge that our facilities and advice have been of assistance in the growth of these concerns. The same personal interest tbe same assistance is offered you. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1865 Washington and Second Streets LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock arplns and Undivided Profits... IIIMIIIIIIV .....$1,000,000.09 . 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers ' checks issued, avail able in all parts of tbe world. Corner Washington and Third Street Regarding Your Will The Security Savings & Trust Company will see to it that your will is properly planned, strictly in accord with yonr wishes, will carefully prepare your will to the end that there cannot possibly be any misunderstanding of its true intentions, will act as executor or trustee, or both, seeing to it that every desire in corporated in the will is carried out to the letter. THE SECURITY SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $1,400,000. Fifth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon. First National Bank Capital $1,500,OOD' Surplus 850,003 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1SC7. Bead Otflca Tsisatt, Cauda. Kerer Tarfc W Kzekaswo Plaaa, Loa da a 1 Lombard Street. Over two Iinndred other branebee In the United States and Canada. J-very care taken ot collections. 1 rafts on all foreign countries and prin cipal cities In United States and Canada bought and sold, and a genera Hanking business transacted. Interest allowed oa Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C HaXPAS, Haaaicr. i