THE MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1912. 14 WiXTEP REAL UT ATX. .I.IENT to buy firm 2S to 40 acre with running stream and improvement. Muil tnt or station; vol r $4.uO; wants to turn in hi hu of room and bath, m. ctrie lights, lot 5 'xlou. with r- and berries: location co K. 9th t... Bear FrrKuit Price f.JV. Owner only. GOIDARD WZKUUICK. 143 Stark bt. ttirsi will buy n-"! m houM. six to r'ght room. In Goldsmith' Addition or m Kin Second Aauition, r a ood scant T-t la sam locattnn. OuOUAhb WIKDRICK 4J furk Mt- IV A.TK1 To buy modrrn unlncumbrd f -room residence In good location, from pary who will take lvO0 ca& and bai ance In vounf orchard in Hood River uu trlrt: otrr on:y. A J Orlonln, WAMKU To lease. tte fur smill. locat ed to traMf the ewnri to sd the output In The Portland markrt. V ornoniitu WILL pay c-ta for East Side Mtj stjt ;rt lora;ln ar.d price. P l. Ore 'n: .tn. WILL psy cah fr rholce lot In Roumert r K-c 'ity Park, near carllne. If an j. ii. T T"3. Oregon tan. W ANTED V block. b-twen Bnir and tel bridge. fr cash. 415 Chamber of Commerce. m I WANT a 3 or 4-rra modern bungalow, nsr cariiee, muit be ch-p for rash; glv v .tln and prp--. O m -. Oreguiusn. II A ' F buy-- for -r-x-i bungalows In t.a:d or Hawthorn addition, from $-3t0 - fo0 ,n ""1. Oregoniar;. HAVK rt'ent fr ar"rtmenl-houso alta or v:nfi b:wk. A 1. oregonian. 1 Ht'V eiuilta in building iota. AD 70i. A Kt:s f f ne ftr and cetr n-ir ths Nhlm Itier and only 9 mils frm the bav at l.'j. on tht new railroad. be AtT'-rn -y. 4 14 Spaldmg bi'Ig-36- A :.L;.-. p I'" limiw. wil Uatfd In K'ania-n t'nnty. f-r al at an attractive T"'r. A'J 7". ''rro'iinn. ' TIMUKK LANDS. II- "I iMT ASH S'LD C J. M i:A KKN. 3-4 M-Kay Pldg- to rxfiitvr.r. a vrn YrtR'!) r:fFT or ir.ouo. A. 1 S ni.U frm a roli'if town: 4 truna da. y to Mirm. -i A. Lop. 4 A. Spi-s anJ Ital'iwin aip-. i- umj . J-siory hou. . n- w how. wlrt-t for rctrtc itKht and p.umbinc for hot and tod wit.r; A-l oii r fruit, mal- ruta and hia. win tn- of r-n.-i or grocwrif a lid dry good. r;i in and U-s ma ihow you tho Ur"" W. A BAItTHOLOTKW. 2 Lumbermen ILdaj. Main J.'.t.i KuriTY In 1-acre traM. all cleared: . .. k -.utn f Portland, near too ion. It- K. and boat landing; nne for fruit, garden r rhl-kens; for ' at a harg.ln r will trad fur automobile and t.v i,n:i dirferenr. Klrt. 3uH ilerchauta A IlAli;!N. W til take arMMt tuiitir.g lot on brand n. tru-tly modern California bunsa ; r ardwmnl f! flrr'.are and every hmit iu fture: located t biK-ks to liaw ii'rne ae. on lot; price only 14a. rb-r :-. . KIKST-'i.ASS M K' I LATU'.V 4J 1'iis. tf and clear of !l Incum brance 3 block fro.n d p-t and busl n part of a new tlx town of Crook 'un:. for hru and Iwt. a re, roomlnc hoii- or boi.D'ti. will traile all sr any Prt of Mia. ypai.ling blilg J Vr K1. god Impiovemrnts. tf. 1 mlie fr-m capital town Northeastern Ure Kn county, will tr.le all or part for butnea In or near l'ortnd; established r-al e;ate and Insurance preferred. A S. Orconian. A CHANCK KOK A XKST KC.O. H re bearing Spitaentwrg orchard m Orr i n Klectrlc. Inrom bearlna from the atart; will trade on city property or 1 1 tn terms to au.l. AdUrea A. K. P., ! I'hamh'f of t'otnmerce blU. 7-H M roonilng-houee. renter of Port land srood condition : rnt $V $1K; vou 'can't eat It; wtll take 0 ca.h. i-alam- Coiumbl Or.hard bonus. Call at -IJ I.urr.Nrmfnl bidg- Id ACUII.H of land at Richland. Wash.. level and under Irrigation and Into hay ; prli t.'.VM; equity ! to exchange for auto t vacant lota. Call 313 Lumber mens b!dg. . H1t"R tr a-reiiK: grocery tor for lt; bnnralw. $ V down, rest Ilk rent; con-f-.ionrrr at tnvolc; frm. dellrsteasn f..r trade; cafi and term. fi04j Board of Trade. War-hall 417".. TO KXCHANOK Aparimnt-houe, elegant ly fumthed. new. modern, want amall a.-nount of ch. American Trust Co., 213 'hamMr of t'oromerce. i" aR flS fland at IIod Itlver: prlc $im; equity 3T-5 to exchange for va tant it or hou equity In i'ortland. Call at 313 Lumbermen bldg. ONE" 210-!b. team and gootl double har neaa. true p"J ! ter : must be ld before yat urdae nitfht ; owner going Lat ; prlcw $! i Front r KXC1I NK KR TIM 11 Kit. X a-room rot-i, furntshcU ; lots 6 l'K ea-h. free and clear. -Id Chamber of fomilrrf. VE hv hous. Its. farms, acreage, rootn lr c-hoii-. nioriKAK'S. tonta or anything ei on mar wu nt to 1 for. (iAKLANO CO.. I'.'l 4:h rt. THKKB lot worth llMi. clear; 5 In Ku rne. I In !UMfrd. wantcl. i-rm m'l -ern hmi. a HI assume or ti r.-n b :r. . .K iAl-K or ecnang for a cow. coal rove, nouaehold furniture and book. AT, iegonlan. KACll AN; K. ctear lot, a- reag and mn or flnt tunlicr c'aim. fln Sou. Writ lrTm,itair:v. IS-. Vadrona t. niolrn houe, easy w alklng d lane to car. Kaat rld 213 Chamber of I'nmmerre. T exchange for borse. harnea and buggy . or cow, equfv in two bea-'h lot, faat g-ownn In lue. AT ft, Oregonian. JlvLfc: and Hum "d lot In lKod River and cft for rtrsi payment on farm, I ;.hv or--"l' in. KdH SAI.K On g.d Iturbam milk cow. Tit 4 front :. Si.M raJi. rri lot l exchange for gro- rrv stre. Sh Yeon bi.g. VkH TH lE Colt. I vt-ar old. for apple or pt'ato. "a'l 2' 4th - " I OK MLI Horse. rbiclew. He. UK. haw jul opccd the Rose City PtarIS at Utti ard A Idcr and are prepared to a 1 totartiT Lie vei bct of at tent Ion ; a.o hae Utc and bu.ness rig to hire v te Uv. -k r mon'h at ti l rt lr!:-e. e mo have a ule baru In cn r -tion with a car-load of Willamette Val lev ttiaT" weigh ir. g from 1HN to 10 tuOvj a few cheap gelling from $Z0 up: tul ha r of these mares wti have coi:s t re r:nliif Spring t rm the very best of tru parted r r.. ail of our stock will be ruUt KUranted and rree trial altowiMl. All k-n U of buKKie. ntnni and harneg for ;e rerT cheap If In need of ar.v tnirg in our Un gt us a call at I03 A Id T. rhone l'nXJ TU'KL. C'V8 AND MLLLS KOK SVLE. W yv en hand at present for : 3 i bead bortri fnm 1 ' v to lgv Jb. 4 fi-h cow, t hrad mule. It will pay an on to t sll and tnspeot tLesw b f -f bis ir.g elarwlicre HAWTMOH E .TAHIX. 4:0 H a thorn Avt. IF vou are In n-d of a first -cle pair of farm mare ar.d I th!nk the best brood nre m tbe "lty t-daTT cme and ii v team .-f -Mrfc bars. erT Closely mated. i .nr. . poun J b'tn In foal by imported hlre stallion; ahsoluiely sound a.d true t work In all hanra; com and tills tesm tried out. as 1 mnm have more t c-rce. Nah s tam. Aldr. I HAV K a learn cf geld'.og l-f with zn f r sa. we ahirg rlse t :tfc K in c ' r. jerfeci s.'Ut.d arsd true aa tel; bar h-cr worked In ctty the pst season: i account "f owner m'flcf on farm h ih to kl them and repla-e wlttt n.ttr. rrlce. witb henvT breechen har nrs. . for te rrir.air.der of ttua week Q"'v -.-j Aider I ti a tiie fret all-around farm teT for -! in pnrtlwnd iodf for tb money, j-jut t x . mar snd g-IdlrC- .fht ?-; s-oind. ft and go-i worker in all har nfi. rrtc with new breechen harness. 11.1 sell senarata. 331 Second. '"R cno'ce of f!a bead of mare, weights Ti"i to l.txl punds l horses sold allow n:g f 'or da?' fr--e triI. which ta the tt jrMf rn .trth; remembr. Tour c boles f r -.V m Second, between Market and hi A RlAlN Stanl ard -bred and ore of the ht rtrt'.nc borse in the Cttv. years ? o'.i d-k bsr in color, welchs 1in; guar- -ee t.. sound: :S. 1.4 V'rort il h iK'i.C V. coal b a- k team, weight 4'. fat, tr-ic to work. Ping or douK,, 4und I In "everv vit; rrlcs fir tj'tlck sale, with ' o-w hreevhirg harcsa. S143 will sell sep arat. Alder. HIRE Horsea snd wsgona by the day" vmH or mon:h. special rates to buatn bouse, t'crt'sd S'abisa. i'''h and Coacfe a. bsm Aiawa La A 11., rot MLft, Vehicles. Eta. A It A ROA IN $150 buy good work team. weit 25v lbs., harness and farm iun; a.o J25 bu 3S-ncb wagon. pnoa -lw xj 17-s. llanos. Organ and Miftfl IbM i-nnent. WILL give pUno careful car for uaa of a m , will pay for moving both ways and give bet of reference, by adult. O 697. Oregonian. $9A PIANO fr half pritc. $73 cash. A "43. Oregon l an. Autosntrbll-. ISCOND-HANP auto supplies. snytbinsT yow tot: ttrea 93 to -0 each, all sixes, tubes . vulcanised S&c Auto Supply Co, M j VI -in St. I KIW garage Just completed. Live and dead etorttse. Speedwell lIoir 21. SI XX t-5 14th St.. .or. Couctl. I FOR PALE Packard auto truck, used only j 43 daya Ca.l P. U Uotsford Co., eon ti.ur. WILL buy or trad st titdm lot for small sjt. Hrok. Marsnall J. wt- Blrrta. m Mock. T WO Vhi; leghorn rockt-rei. thorouch bred and from prli-wlnninc strains; price 2 ."O each; ' B irred Plymouth Kock o kri. Call 3lu East SOth at., or phor.a B 1"J6L II elli MY CLEARANCE P AI-E on meo s bijri.-cra l suits, raincoats and oTprrnjtt. Jns-ad of a few at this tlm of the er. I f;rd myself with hundreds. In order to clan up my "7.ft t- 10 values, marked lR.7f. are cut to 3l.V7o; JC- to 3-"o vi urf. marked $14.75. cut to S11.7.Y M $ a month rent plays a big ran In my rirancf sale. Take lb ele vator for real rrgaina JIMMY I'l'NN. Room 31i. Oregonian Md$. M Y CLEARANCE PALE or men pant; $4 trousers at $?25; trou"rs at 3.2; $d trousers, $1.70. R member, m v rent 1 13) a month. If I psid on t he ground floor such val ues as thet mould be impossible. JIMMY IM NN. Room Oregomrn bldg. Take 4vatnr. T. r" i a i . EK u rn i h ed office solid oak ro'J top d -9k. fo'itlng typewriter uek. solid nuk: Smith-Premier tpcwrlter. ruts, tub!, revolving chair and tvpewrltr chair; cheap If sold at once; cash or on e.isy terma For partlcuUrs. phone Mam f4ll. LAVVV E ItsTATT E NTIO N. Nw st of rc!n Reporter, ronsistlna; of Vol. 1 to 117 inclusive, together w'!& Tolum. s I'at Iftc IUc; and Illue Book. Thrsw hooka are new. havti.g never been u. 1. Writ to or rail at .No. 15 E. ith ftr.. N. . T1E MRTIIWEST TYPEWRITER CO. ARE NOW LOCATEl AT W STARK. ST it KET. Rebuilt f. pe rlters of all nakea; prlc lOWet in t r.e C1T . .1111 it'tCiAl, sale on sewing macnine; allchtly used . Singer. Wheeier A Wilson. Whit a I'-vmestie and New Horn; om thr r.w HO machines now 1-7 .V. whtla thy last. 8. S. BlgeL 330 Morrleon aL TWO-PVRNER alroho! srove. Lugnr pistol, young pointer tiog. Washburn guliar. soma bosaod hedge root", very lartre. Address .... . . Il " Il V" SAEF.s t;-nuine Hall safe, new and second hand, low prices, easy terma Safes upened and repaired. Puree l Safe Co. and Port land Pars Co.. t-3 5th St. Main 63''J. SECT I i.NAI. hoorjue snd desk combined, golden oak Unnh. cot "t0; sell for $:i.V Afo other furniture. Call at Wil liams av. FR PALE. Wilton rn;. Ux 12. oak edroorn aot, rU Iowa tuxedo, sis 40, cheap. T H. dra goman. MEDH'M alia af. showcases, filing cab.. ix-drawr Net l nrh register. & W. or. Ctb and oak, ad floor. CA P ITA L "j t N K CO. dealers In Iron, metal, robbers sack. mchlnry, pipe, tools and J ah lota Marshal' 3v;0. lITII X. 1st L ANNl'AL ft ALB of unredeemed pledge at Vnd Myer'. 71 din il, nar Oak. 4 years In Portland. WILL sacrifice aimotl He steam boiler, H. P.; must aa this wak. Owner. East 3 "7. MACHINERY of 2 W. sawmtil for sai In part or tn full, at bargain price. A. R- adger. Toledo. W ash. GO"U tvpewritr and desk, snap $0. mi ll; Iewls blog. FIR-T-CLAS. dry l".r wood, $3.00 per cord. Phone Marshall 3417. KOH SALE Ticket. Portland to Los Ange les. Address V 014. Oregonian. good rotten manure for sal. Phone Last boNKEY engine. xl: might consider trad fop pArt. Cortiln. " Aider. VICT KOLA. If bargain, write, staling style and price. II .13. Oregonian. U SALE Well rotted ft:rtlilar manure. Call E- il-2- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BCY CLOT HI NO. FURNITL'KB. TOOLS Highest price paid for men's and ladles cast ot f ciothlng. shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main SuM. l'i 1st St.. The tjlobe. lllOHEKT prices paid for ladles' and genlw cast-of r clothing; we respond piomptiy. M arshall 31M.V MAKOKK S AUCTION HOUSE. 70 fc- Morrison. 1'hone E. l-ii. pays highest cash price for furniture. WB pay the highest cash price for second hand furnltu.e. Sealer A Martin. Phone Euit 31J4. 1S Hawthorne irr. IF you havo a nice beaver muff to all at a bargktn. call up Tabor 132. I'Oi;i Auciln 'o. pay most kind of furniture. Main vf. caxb for any I. A Cil.V VANTEt A Hy map of lv. F. nrflce l'-'.t3 ln biug. WANTED Head aid tall stock lor turning latne. Jt i.a orrni'iiwii. W E tint rooms $2.30 up: d paint leg em. East IJ4. reasonable pru U tH W A N f EI M A LK. TRAV ELI NO saiesuisn wanted by old s- tabilvhd firm to carry '"va a "!u In thrown Eastern tregon. Grays Har bor and tolumbia River towns; must be experienced salesman, references and small bond r qui red. App-y by letter to Kay motid til-'ve o . bto kton. cl. W ANTED H-y of 11 to 14 yi.irg of age for of nee w ork ; opporiu-.ny 01 navn-c-ement spl.-n-Ild: s-.iarv d per week. Ulve p.ione nviinbr and st.ite -s.perlence and gie rvf' r m--s. R 7-Q. OrcKonlan. W ANTEI Experlencwi record man for work hi anous count lea Must iurnin refernc-a State salary eapeetod. V o'.3. riKonian ARCH IT ECTl" R AL draughtsman, with lo cal experience, wanteu . state tun partic ular as to fip'rtroct and salary expected. O 711. Oregonian. WANTED Thorough!- experienced as 1st- ant bok keeper : uiust pa fc-ooa penman, ac curate ar.d rellaMe; gie references and phonr. R 71. oregorTan. KXi'EEIENCED furniture aeman to rep- M, tit our lino or nan racxa on commis sion. Address A. It 11 ec a 4fc C o,, Cloclu natL Ohio. WK desire th servlt es of a good wide awake sales agent to nanaie acre.irs oniy. Iainond. Orant 4c 0.. 3a4 Hoard of Traue MAN t work few hours a riav taking cara of two horse for room and Doaru. Appy A. Srgrer. .Ml N Uls: t. WANTED Man 1th team to plow 3 acre by contract: 9 m:ie inm cuy; $iv I'D, e. H Tl T. Qrfg 'I cst pen ter to tit work up to $ IOO firt pwyment on lot or moa'ni -rrona house In M, John. $11-313 Lewi bid g. WANTED Solicitors for family llnuor trad. app v between ana 11 a. j.. 44.0-441 8 1 a r k. CARPENTER wanted to figure carpenter labor on frame building. bosrs ox Trade, after 10 A M WAN Tail At once, agent for sslablisued route, outside or tariina, oona ana rei-er-nces required. GranJ t'nlon Tea Co. Wiix give gHil bo.rd and room to e.durly 1N4U to do chore on place in country. 7'4. regonlAn. W AN EL I'lioio K'upvn agats. soiuetrang new; a snap. Ho ton muuio. - aiorri son . . WANTED An ambit lou young man who wisne to secure practical iraimu- in uc tectue work. $.i-f4 M wetland bid-. WANTED Boy 14 year old. Marsh pt$. Co.. 1 S Front st. COATM AKEUS to ork Ir.fiUe, Apply Max well the tailor. I Washington L. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, with references. Anply Coffman a 43 Front t. BtV seated at Power A Eatea drug at or. !- tfth t- Must have wheel. OchD solicitor wanted at one. Call 149 lTh pt. THHKE neat oung men ta canvas on new o?er. fl pi'kum b.dg. j KHMANENT inrom for salesmen. Ask for Mr. Itryant. oa. Bl SHELMAN wanted. Apply alagwell the Tsl'Oi. V4H ay'ilngton St. W A NT ED Experienced baker helper. 16 O : b be st. rriOTCM'.RAPH coupon snd portrait agent, new ofTer. Cuthbert Stud to. Dekum b.dg. ri'hTV.ll. r-' at-le hv portcrLxlug sraiu. u Caniral bid. ELF WANTED-MALE. INCIDENT. Toner nan. trangr, out of work flit bis total cash asset If I pay you $3 for j have only $1$ Wft btwa m and atax- t aMon. i Secretary If yon pay $3 for apodal ra- ployment membership you will bavs tha f T. M. C A., witb its raaourcaa. betwesa J VM U X UUU Result Young maa Jolnad asaoclatlaa. In less thaa a bad aaUaXaciary m ploymsat. Record for Tear 1911: Call for men Position filled lass Employment membership auaranteee member will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; five I month f u 1 mernbersblp privileges. 10 months' o clsl privilege and undertake to kesp Party employed during th full tarm of szcmberanip without further charge. W bae oonatant demand lor btgh- frad. exprlnced mn. Are yea fitted i)r a better position ? fie secretary employment department T. U C. A. iBLE-IiODlED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corj.s. between th ages of 19 and 'A Must be native born or hava first paper. Monthly pay $l.t to Addi tional compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, quarters and medical attendance free. After 3 years' service can retire with 73 per cent of pa and allowance. Service on board ahlp and ashore in all parts of the wor;d. Appiy at I'. S. Marine Corps remitting- office, Ad and Washington eta, or .Hd st., Portland, Oregon. stock salesmen; Men of ability, personality and rood ap pearance for a hlgh-grad financial propo airion; a new, clean-cut Portland company, that wli; show dividend earninga that will appeal to conservative Investors. FRANK M. BROWN, Inc. 1020 Chamber of Commerce Bide WANTED A German firmer with family to take a farm on shares; elght-acr or chaid. In full bearing: also plow land and plenty of paeture; plenty of water and all land Irrigated; good house and build ings and a market for all produce. Thl is a good opportunity for a competent and Industrious man who can furnish flrst cluss rele.-encea; no capital required. Ad d res p O'-'tf. oregonian. WANTED A LIVE salesman The man who can fit that description can make $10,000 with me during 1912. Lt a have a talk and you will any It 1 the best selling proposition you have ever seo. Call fore noon at The Fred A. Jacobs Co., and ask for Mr. Jones. VuCSU men wanted between ax It and S3; railroad servlc; telegraphers, elation agents, clerks; salaries $73 to $90 per month. No strike; positions guaianteed competent men Address N 117. Ore gonian. Enclo stamp MELi WANTED HMA1A FAMILY rook and nuts girl out of city), $-""; housekeeper, $-; waitress (out of ctty t, $lo ntck, room and board; cham bermaid, 3 JO. . C j.'. Wasli. St., room 1. WANTED A good girl for genera) house work; especially must be a good cook ; w-agt-s $40 per month to the right party; location of work Council Crest. Apply at W ANTED Thre refined ladies for corset work with The Bone Co. ; if jou want permanent, well-paki work, and are will ing to w ork. apply at once. 31 ra. C. IL Ball. Clark Hotel, room 414. V ANTED A wtraan. unincumbered. In good health. fr general ho use w or 't In a fatuiir of three adult, place perrianent. A 4-U1. call efore noon. 6 CO EUxabotn s:., I'ortland Heights, UIKL wanted for general housework; muhl be a good plain cook; 3 in family. 77.1 Knott st.. corner 24th. lrylngton. Takw Itioadway Alameda car. COMPETENT girl Xor general houiiwork to go to Che halls. Wash.; must hav ref erences. Call at Port.and Hotel, room $ or 6, between 11 and 12 today. WANTED Good fir! for general housework, small family; Swedish or Carman pre ferred; wuea 3o0. Call 497 East ltita st. N. ; Irvlngton car. fcT. PEU1ENCED lady for general house work, (amity 3; good wage. Farrirgton, 453 E. lath gL North. Broadway car. WANTED Ladles to do fancy work at home, all or spar time; good pay for r.eut workers. 3 1th st. WOMAN cook wanted; only Pr!: enced cooka need app. Main Xb; 404 smu iiuii. 340V) Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2J0-. 31?;S. IIOWE'U LADIES AGENCY". Waahiu$ion bldR.. 4th and Wash, ata. Main fisJ or A 3 -'rid. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. flo9 Both ciiild bide.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced girl to do cooklne; and housework; good wag. Apply 70ii Flanders st. WANTED Good girl for general housework; family of three, near carllne. on Salem EK-ctrle. Mr. C. M. Arnold. Aurora, Or. 1J1D. cttv references, French preferred. Call between 12 and 3 P. M. 010 Davl. near 21t. WANTED Young lady a flllug clerk; rouit be experienced and com well recommend ed. V i'.d. Oregonian. f "EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking;, amall family of adults. 5iO Hoyt t: WANTED Young lady, more aa companion, one wyilna- t pav $10 a month. Phone B 1R41 before 1 P. M. BY wholcule house, an ambitious woman willing to apply herself; experience not rej u I rM. J tn. tjregonian. COMPETENT girl for general noufework. rt'.H t'lackamas. Broadway car. Telephone E443V SCHOOLGIRL a company for my wtfo whilo 1 aiu gone, for room and board. A a'JIS. before 5:30 P. M. Mr. Thompson. WANTED Experienced cook and second girl, the latter to sleep at home; refer- en cea req u 1 red. 714 E verett. EXIER1ENCED furrl r to rellne fur set. also experienced woman to clertn and curl plume ana Dana, .varsnnii -vow. iuuc WOMAN for general housework, small fam 11 v. Inquire C83 Kast Alder it. or 190 4th ft A tJOD home with all the conveniences and pool wage, tn exchange for good service. Call 713 E. Bumside, bt. -2nth and 2-'d. tO.Ml'ETENT $lrl for general hoti-iework; no was'tlng; references, rhone Main 2937 or A .".r.4. GENT I. EM AN. out of town. wishes house keeper, children no objection, good wagea Y 7- Oregonian. EN I ERIENCED girl or woman for general houses ork and cooking, family, of three, bid Lovejoy st WANTED Olrl to assist with general homework. T'J Hoyt st. W AN l'Kl All-round, flrt-clas cmR for honrrtinr-hnu-ee. AP Oregonlnn. WANTED Girl for gnera.l housework. C.ermun preferred. Call M. 101W. A REUAHT.K young girl to assist with light house ork and children. 7 JO Johnson st. GIRIi for general houaework. 702 North nip lit. WANTED Girl to as'et In general house work. Mrs. O. Po'Ul. .." Davis. GI HI for general housem ork : no children; call 31 fth cor, of Clay. WANTED Ilrl for waltres In restaurant. 313 Bumsl Je. WANTED Lady teacher for Chinese mil lion. 2MJ Taylor; call 7:.TO t 9:30 P. M. GIRLS lo operate combined Ironer In laun dry pear city. Phono Main -9. WA NT ED Competent girl for general hmi'-wprk. 771 Kearney f. GIRL to aslft with houtework In small family. Apply morning, lfll N. ??d. W A VTFD A oung plrl to gF!sr In gen eral housework. App'v Iltf7 E. 7th yt. N. W V N TED Girl for rnernl housework; small family. Apply o-'-T Rodney av. Iil'I KKEKlKK for small family; brlug r.frences. 1"2 loth st.. room 2'S. W A 1ST oraper with hit:h experience. Re loth, room 2- . 1 1 i.-iti ills. $1.73 per day. The France. room io. cor. W. Park and Morrison. -J W ANTED Girl for general housework in small family. 446 11th et. WANTED A xirl to do general housework. $09 Petty grovs st. WANTED A girl to take car of children In the afternoon. sd Pettj$rove at. WAITRESS wanted. T. K. restaurant, 64 H N. 6th st. WANTED Girl for g-nerai housework, small family; adult. Kearney st. WILLING, he It hy middle-aged woman to help with Usht housework at 400 3th. GIRL for general housework In Irvlngton Int: hours w o "''1 Multnomah su j p 4 WOMEN canvassers At once, good pay. 149 East aoth s;. s S cars. WANTED Girl for general housework. 80 Marguerite ave. 10 WAIST finishers, also apprentices and embroidery. 132 I'Vh. room SO. W-TKI' An old ladv want an old lady lor cunij iy. 674 Kaleigh HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALR. 3IKX AND BOYS TO LEARN A Li TO. MO BILE repairing, driving on up-to-date car; electrical, civil euTineerlng, survey ing. In moat practical way ; room and board while learning; position secured: satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue froe. National Pchooi of Engineering, 2110 Wast 7 tli. Loa Angeles. BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, bill clerks, etc.; I will guarantee your Qualification to fill positions In 30 days; private Instruction by public accountant; position secured. J ,430, Oregonian. WANTED At the Capital City Steam Laun dry. Salem. Or., first-class marker and sorter; either lady or gentleman. HELP WANTED MISCE LLAN EOCS. KEEP OCT OF THE RAIN. Learn to operate movlng-plc-tures; operators cam $23 week ly; easy Inside work; short hours; learn business In the finest and best equipped school In the world; lessons reasonable. Dav and evening classes. NEW YORK AMUSEMENT CO.. 5-3' Washington, near 17th. MI-N and women 10 learn the barber trade In eight weeks; special Inducements; per centage paid while learning; tools free; expert Instructors; 17 year In the busi ness; .87 schools; a lifetime membership f ;lven to each student. Moir Barber Col egr, S3 X. Fourth St., Portland, Or. MFN wanted, age 18 to 83, to prepare for firemen and brnkemen on nearby rail roads, J SO to $100 monthly. Experience unnecessary; no strike, promotion engi neers or conductor, $130 to 32oo monthly; Kood life career; state age; aend stamp. Railway Association, box. Oregonian. BARBERS State Board of Examiners will be In session January 8. 9, 10 at 167 H 1st t.. this city, to examine all those hold ing permit. Those falling to appear, their permit will be revoked. T. M. Lea bo. Sec ' WANTED Men at Loa Angelea; can learn trade; fair wajrea after second month; automobiles, electricity, plumbing, brick laying; practical work on actual jobs; 1300 students last 5 yeur: only few months re quired. I'm ted Trade school. Los Angeles. DO your stories icll ? Alunuscripts criti cised, markets suggested. Interview by appointment, Addres Manuscript Editing Bureau. OOP Maefc-ly-Tlehper bldtf- WANTED By mail clerk t. Portland exam inations announced Jan. Jo; sample ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. ::41-K. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Associa tion. San Francisco. LEA It X chiropody. Famous Dr. Wagner's Method taught by Harriet Merchant, 402 Cent. bldg.. ldth and Al.ler. Main S993. 31 A K E money w riling short stories, or for papers; big pay; free, booklet tells how. Lmud Press Syndicate. San Franciwco. LADIES to learn the business of. the Sani tary Heauty Parlors, 4P' Dekum bidg. PRIVATE bookkeeping, shorthand, typewrlt ing. Slo Chamber of Commerce. Main 3835. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. $3 mo. 2ti9 14th st. Main 8813. ASiUt. 11'llU.V Kmetland bldg SITUATIONS WANTKD MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerka. WANTED Hv single man. American, posi tion as clerk in grocery, general store or commissary; three ear's experience In general atore work; can brinjt recommend ations, prefer to contract for the year; will go uny here; speaks English only: pive particular! and aay when to come for interview. Address box 334, Chehalis, Wash. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, wants to keep set of books afternoon and evening; will open, close and prepare balances and statements; charges saiis- f trior v. A I M. Oregonian. Wil.L AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSB OR WRITH up books, prepare balances and state ments. Install systems. Ollllnrham. au ditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BOOKKEEPER, all-around office man; also stenographer; have New L. naerwooa; ex perienced bunking, real estate, lumber, etc.; references. F 699. Oregonian. RELIABLE young man, accurate, experi enced, good penman, warns posmun, reference. Q 710. Oregonian EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position. temporary or permanent; reierencea. ad u'.4. Oregonian. Yol'NG man wants position afternoon as bookkeeper; some knowledge of stenog raphy. B S03. STRONG boy, with horse and wagon, aeek delivery work of any kind. Want only $la per week. Call A 71&2. Miscellaneous. Y M. C A. INDUSTRIAL. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Second and Ash ata. Furnishes men for factories, mills, log ging camps, railroad construction, farm work, and all other classes of skilled and unskilled labor. Marshall 2271. A 7743. A square deal to employer and employe. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 21$ Second, corner Falxnon. Women's department, 243 balm (in. All classes of unskilled, skilled, professional and clerical, male and female help fur nished on ehort notice. No fees charged, phone Main 8335. A YOUNG man. attending college, deatr te work for board and room befor and after acfaoot Call or and res in. B D. B- room 6j0 Common weal th bldg. EXPERIENCED furniture repairer, refln Isher and polisher, aleo furniture and hardware Sulesmnn wishes position, strict ly sober. AB t:2. Oregonian. YOUNG man of experience want a plac to work as janitor or to assist Janitor. T 706, Oregonian. HAV E some experience operating moving picture machine; would like to get a chance to make good. S 706. Oregonian. WANT prlvato cars to wash and polish, by an experienced young man. AB 0!3. Ore gonian. WE are good party laborers and we want station work by contract. AF 697, Ore goniHn. AN experienced Japanese wants situation housework or chamber work. AG 701. Oregonian. BY frst-class carpenter. In or out of city; in year' expe.ieiice as foreman. Phoue East H3i BOOKBINDER wants position as sLock-cul- ter. N 703. Oregonian. POSITION a janitor by n experienced man. 'all evenings. Marshall 80'JB. KEL1ABLE geniieman wants lo do colioct lug. P 609. Ores-onlan EXPERIENCED man want poaltlon as Jan itor or porter; ref. AL 61. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANT E D FK M A LK. BokkeDr and hteDographer. STENoGKAI'HEW. lady. 6 years with Mid dle Weit law llrm. 3 year Oregon bank ing experience; thorough knowledge leg! forms and documents; wishes position A-l law firm or bank: none others considered. AC 693. OreKontan. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER. Can handle any set of books, take dic tation, attend correspondence: first-class in every way; a thorough busLness lady; salary $7& ; best local references given. H 71. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, first class, wants couple hours' dictation each day; copying, mani folding and statement work solicited. 4-1 Board of Trade. Phone Marshall 372. YOUNG lady. Portland business college training, wants permanent position as stenographer. Csn do bookkeeping. Will begin on amall aiary. Phoue East 4340. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, first class; A-l local reference a Phone Main 241L . STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, wishes situ ation with chance of advancement; will ing worker; beginner. AB tiOO. Oreconlan. YOUNG lady stenographer and bookkeeper wants position. Call Marshall St92, room 17. YOUNG lady desires position aa stenogra pher. Marshall l"d. apt. JPH STENOGRAPHER desire position for fore noon. Phone Main S7l. STENOGRAPHER, with some experience, seeks position, phone Marshall 2.1. STENOGRAPHER. 4 j ears experience, wants position. AE 699. Oregonian. Urea maker. EASTERN dressmaker and tailoress wishes 'high-grade ork by the day. Five years experience. Portland reference. Mia Rose McMullen. C 1174. MR A. DAVIS, dressmaking parlor, work guaranteed; reasonable. 330 Madison. Main SEWING done la Sell wood 19.'-2. family by the day. Phone NEAT dressmaking, by the day; price rea sonable. Phone A BX23. DRESSMAKING In homes, $1.30 per day. Wo(ilawn 1 " J3. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day; experiencea. 1 j- COMPETENT dressmaker wishes more en gagements, ttooaiawp in'- COOK, housekeeper on ranch, with child. Kyrle, 8'2 E. 15th St. N., Portland. MATERNITY nurse wants Case, do light housework. Max shall filTT ATTONS WA NTKB FEMAJX, Nttrsew. RESPONSIBLE lady will come to your home or hotel caring for children or semi-ln-valtds at any hour day or evening. Phone Main SlPo, a 3qo. I M Khii, experiencea. wouia iiko moro 1 any kind, day or week. Tabor 3669, Main 1 4rt9 TOl'NO woman, practical nurse, references, desires engagements. Alain 2039. A 4T7.". H ouekeeper. A COMPETKNT middle-aged woman with daughter wishes position as housekeeper or charge of rooming-house. Phone Main J249. or A 5." 31. YOUNG woman, Norwegian, want position as housekeeper or cook on ranch. 1209 East Salmon st. raDor nuo. WIDOW. 3, desires position as housekeeper. g-Md home. Mies Morris, afternoons. Main 4920. NEAT woman with daughter Id dealrea sit uation, housekeeper widower's famliy. at. Louis Agency, 233 Alder. Main 2P39. RELIABLE woman wanta situation a nurse ; good housekeeper. AH 696, Ore gonian. COMPETENT seamstress wishes engace ment by day or at home. Marshall 816. Domestic. REFINED, neat widow. 36, would appre ciate home in widower's family: good seamstress and cook; home more than aal- 11. v , 2 HWISS women, perfect cook and second girl, competent workers; well recom mended; country not objected to. AD 70t, Oregonian. . SWEDISH girls would like work, family rook or chamberwork. Please call at 3f0Vi 2d st. and aend send cards and we will call. , BELGIAN girl desires work In Catholic family, unable to cook; excellent refer ences. Catholic Women's League. M. 2431, A 29Wd. - FINNISH woman wanta work in small fam ily at small wages; speaks very little Eng lish. 74S Minnesota ave. AN experienced" second girl wishes position with private family. Wood lawn H'S. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants steady chum ber work in fine hotel. Main 904. FINNISH girl wants housework and cook ing. Apply today. 842 Minnesota ave. SITUATION by an experienced cook. P 701, Oregonian. Mlseellaneon. WANTED By lady who has been actlv in buRlness for several years, position In millinery store, where I can learn trade thoroughly and work into responsible po sition or interest in business. Address S 7o3. Oregonian. A REFINED lady who has traveled exten sively, speaks five languages, would like position as traveling companion to lady or chaperon some voung ladies to Cali fornia; best reference. AC 693, Ore gonlan. COOK, woman, wanta position; no general housework: will be in city after Wed., so please answer at this office. Q 707, Ore- gouian. WOULD llko the care of 1 or 2 children from 2 to 6 years; good home and moth ers care. Phone E. 3381 or 335 E- Gll san st. EXPERIENCED clerk wants work in bakery,- delicatessen or grocery; can give reference. T 702, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wanta day work, washing. Ironing, cleaning; washing; taken home. AC t:4, Oregonian. YOUNG girl would Ilka nice home and low wages in return for light services. AB SS7, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wr.nt day work, cleaning, washing, ironing- Phone Mar shall 39S9. room 3. WANTED--Houework by Scandinavian girl, neat and Industrious. Address 592 Savier. GE RMAN lady wants day work aewlng or cleaning. Phono A 4200. GOOD cook and housekeeper wanta day- work. C 2094. COOKS, delicatessen, hotel, boarding-house, private family. Main 2039, A 4773. CAPABLE woman, washing. Ironing, clean- . t. w 1 ; Ofiia A AT7Z. mg, o cems iiwui . -'"'. - FIRST-CLASS girl desires situation, cham bermaid hotel. Main 2039. A 4475. NORWEGIAN woman wanta day work. Phone Main 4l9t. BY first-class laundress, Thurs. and FrL; references. Phone Woodlawn 1611 WANT work sweeping and dusting 3 days a week. S 707, Oregonian LACE curtalna laundered quickly. 25c pair and up. called and delivered. Tabor 31 . WOMAN wanta cooking and other work by day. A 144T. CHAMBERWORK by experienced maid. Phone A 3637. ; COMPETENT woman wishes to take care of child. Sellwood 1860. LADY wants day work. Tabor 8141. HALF day work. Phone Main 5369. WANTED AGENTS WANTED A few good live agents who can make good; must be able to call on best people In cltv. Call 925 Yeon bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED One or two unfurnished rooms on West Side. O 11, Oregonian Booms With Board, LADY wishes board and room In private family; modern house, good locality; must be reasonable. Phone B318S. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CAPLES. Restdantfal. 850 Taylor. Transient, Bet. 7th and Park Sta. Opposite Heilig Theater; central, quiet; rooms from 75c dally, with private oath, from $1 dally; special weekly and monthly ratfts; suttea new, handsomely furnished brick; elevator, telephone, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot J car to Taylor or 'W" car to 7th; from Hoyt -street depot. "S" car. transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2200. CORDOVA Hotel. 11th and Jefferson sts.; brand new brick; splendidly furnished; all room with telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths; e-ery effort Is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests; the rent are most reasona ble; rooms by the week, month or day. "J" car direct from depot ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington st. opposite Multnomah Athletlo Field New brick building; all modern conveniences; well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splend'd accom modations for transients; convenient Vt the business center and the rates are mod erate (plenty steam heat). Marshall 1959 HOTEL LA SALLE. Corner loth and Burnside sts.; two blocks north of Washington. Absolutely fireproof, elegantly furnished; 40 private baths; telephone in each room; rooms with bath $7.50 per week. Special rates by the month. Phone Marshall 4049. HOTEL FOR D. 733 Washington, corner Lu cretla st. New brick building. Just com pleted; fine largo outside rooms wJtta tele phone service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly furnished; hot and cold water, steam heat; best of serv ice: very reasonable rates. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suits, with private bath; hot and ecld water, steam heat and private phone in every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates: grill In connection; tran sients solicited. FURNISHED rooms for single women; steam heat, electric lights, parlor, sewing room, laundry and large community kitchen: also ras for cooking in each room; all furnished by the landlord. 874 Sd et., comer of Montgomery. RAINIER HOTEL. On block from Union Depot: 140 out side rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat; offers special rate to perma nent guests; rate 50c to $2 a day; $3.30 and up per week. Phon Main 3413. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105H Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up; $4 week and op. HOTEL RENW1CK An Ideal home for bus iness people; centrally located ; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposlU Heilig Theater. Phone Main 916. LIGHT, airy room, modern, suites or single, steam heat, -t- and $3 week; 5 mlnutaa walk to theater and stores; free phon. LINPELL HOTEL. 128 4TH. MADRAS HOTEL, " I JiO ana v ua. Rooms. $1 a day. $5 week; nothing ex tra for two In room. Thoroughly modern. THU WEAVER. 710 Washington, near ad tiiceiy furnished outside rooms, private batn and phone; board If desired. M sti5L HOTEL BENNETT. 226 Taylor, new, modern brick. r.ew rurniiure. .eam nem. reason- 1 able. I NICE, large, warm room, suitable for 2 or $ persons, free phone, hot baths, steam J heat. 3t7 Taylor. j 1 LIGHT outside Bleeping -room ; steam heat, 1 hot and COIU water. Arusuia a pi., iud Everett St. Tun haZEL Nicely furnished rooms nodarata prices. Cor. 3d and llontconaanr. nr. J FOR RJtNT. Furnished Boon NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOX, PARSONS, ROWLANDS. 213H 4th SL 211 4th St. 207 H 4th St. On Fourth St.. running from Taylor to Salmon st. ; brand-new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date in all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL bAVON. 181 Eleventh street. NeT, modern brick building, steam-heat- ed, private, baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy, com fortable rent reasonable. Call and se us. Regular and transient trade solicited. LARGE corner front room, modern, walking distance. 284 Park, cor. Jefferson. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. NICE sunny outside room, two large win dows, close to carllne and easy walking distance. East Side; fine residence district. 560 East Main St., or phone East 4720. DESIRABLE frqnt room, opening on large porch, modern conveniences, fine location, gentlemen preferred. West Park. Main 9000. HOT water heat; large, bay-window room; private home: bath, phone; ten minutes walk from Postoftice. 414 Market, cor. 11th; also one small room. N E WLY furnished, bright rooms; steam heat; electricity, both phones: rent rea sonable: walking distance. .111 nowa day ave. NICE warm room, southern exposure; mod ern: also hall room for So per mo. -o N. 17th. PLEASANT front room, furnace heat, bath, phone, walking distance. ladies preferred. C83 E. Alder, cor. 14th. Phone E 5141. VERY desirable room, with steam heat and every modern convenience; close in. Phono A 4o70. CLOSE In, well furnished rooms: one single, for two gentlemen. Hot w ater, bath, phone, furnace. 264 12th. FURNISHED room in private family, rea sonable to young lady employed during day: references required. Phone E. 4d"2. NICELY furnished room, bath, heat and phone, suitable for 2, walking distance. Phone A 1918. NEWLY furnished front and back parlor, single or en suite, gentlemen only. 167 North 17th St. 110 PER MONTH. 231 Grant at., furnished front room, ladies preferred; use of piano and homo privileges. WARM, quiet room, well furnished and clean, electric light, phone ajid bath; gentleman preferred. 700 Flanders. SLEEPING rooms, suitable for gentlemen; warm and neat; board If desired. 575 Couch, cor. lMh. 2 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In mod ern home, $7 and $10; every convenience, walking distance. 11 E. 9th. SMALL, neat front rooms, always warm. 575 Couch, N. E. cor. 18th. CLEAN room for one or two; reasonable. Ji!8 miyst. NICELY furnished rooms, bath, heat, phone, within easy walking distance. 208 17th. 829 WEST PARK, 2 nicely furnished front rooms, walking distance, very reasonable. $6 NEATLY furnished room, modern con veniences, furnace heat. 393 lltu st. LARGE front room, heated, kitchen priv ilege .waikingdlstaJice:$3J $9 MONTH, good room, heat, bath, walking distance. 452 6th st. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, 307 West Park. bet. uoiumoia. ana v. my sig. NOB HILL district; warm furnished room, cheap; private family. 770 Irving. FOR RENT Warm, comfortable, nicely fur nished room. 24S N. 20th. Main 1-103. FURNISHED rooms, $1.50 to $5. 2 14th st. near wasningion. NICELY furnished attic room, $8 per month; centrally located. 404 Clay, near 10th. SMALL room JL50 per week. 268 12th st. Unfurnished Room. WEST SIDE, large unfurnished room, 2 closets, bath, electricity, could arrange to use kitchen, good neighborhood. A 2ioiS. Room With Boarq. WILL rent during my absence of about 6 weeks beautifully furnished small apart ment. Including board for two. In select family hotel, for $75 per month; regular price 3100; no children; references re quired. Main S895. VERY choice large corner room, with fire place, all convenience, suitable for two; first-clas table board; also single rooms. 88 17th st. North, DOES a home uppeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, biad verandas, quiet, close in. near car, 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. LAMBERSON, 554 Couch st.. cor. 17th Very desirable, clean rooms with steam heat and running water; good board; fine lo cation for teachers or business men. PORTLAND WOMEN'S-UNION; 28d year. Booms with board, use of sewing-room, library. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt. Attractive, clean rooms, steam heat gooa puara, ciuao in. icummm. Hnniti, with Rnsrd in Private Family. LARGE, clean, sunny front room with best privileges; reasonable. Marshall 3726. 543 i4j 5th st. WIDOW lady with beautiful home, all mod ern conveniences, fireplace, furnace heat, near carllne In suburbs, wishes to board man and wife or two gentlemen. Phono C 3188 or Tabor 5S0. ROOM and board in private family, all homo privileges, very good cooking ; it will pay you to come and see for your self; men preferred. Phone A2037. VERY pleasant front room, large and nicely furntehed, for one or two people; also single room ; good home cooking ; terms reasonable. Phone Main 320. ELDERLY lady wants child between ages 3 and 6 yeara to give mother's care; will have good home. Address 160 Porter st-. City. . TWO beautifully furnished front rooms, one mahogany; one with alcove, white enamel and chintz; prices exceptionally low. 739 Glifan st. Marshall 186S. LARGE room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with bath electric lights and furnace heat, breakfast and dinner; $23 apiece. Phone M. 7539. - LIGHT outside room with good board for gentlemen, close to two carllnes and easy walking distance. Phono East 4j20, call 5d0 East Main st. NEWLY furnished, strictly modern rooms, 8 minutes' walk to P. O., home cooking. 427 Clay, near lllh. Marshall 3959. SMALL room, with board, modern and home privileges; very reasonable. Slain 6t0. 20S X. 23d St. ROOM and board. In comfortable modern fiat; good location; furnace; good homo cooking: reasonable. A 3752. 54" hit 6th. 66 N 14th ST. Rooms with or without board; also housekeeping room. Main 7621. LADY can hav board, large handsome room, privileges, nice location. Call -16th St., near Wash. - k- - Prmasrant -ond habits, wants roommate 'of same character; congenial home, gooo Darq.r-aBuna.-i-. BOARD and rooms for 2 gentlemen in pri vate family: home privileges: good cooking- reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 21ti. TWO large rooms, fireplace in each, well furnished, excellent board, near 754 Hoyt St., corner 23d st. Marshall 2S20. IRVINGTON. Very pleasant, well-furnished room vrith board for 2; home privileges. Eatat 4140. mi FRONT rooms for two, single beds, 40- new, modern conveniences. &8 17th st 'between Everett and Flanders. LARGE room with board, bath attached, suitable for 2. gentlemen preferred, refer ences. 291 W. Park. WELL furnished rooms and board, splendid view, furnace. 3t0 Hassalo. U car. BOARD and room, good home place, 125 month. 787 Glisan. TRANSIENT rooms and board. 123 23d st. North. FURNISHED room and board. 332 10th st. Phone Main 657. ROOM and board. 706 Jf lander st. Phone Marshall 197". ROOM and board. $23: two in room; mod ern private home. 410 Park. Main b27. WEST SIDE Large room with alcove; ex cellent table board. Main 2071. LARGE front room, warm and comfortable, suitable for two employed. 188 E- 12th S. BOARD and room. 3S9 Taylor St.; private boarding-house. f CHILDREN to board, best of rare and a real home, near school. Tabor 317. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite, excel- 1 e t board: also table board. 656 Glisan. NICELY furnished single room, furnace heat, with boardJ 497 Montgomery st, 291 11TH ST., near Jefferson, home cooking. week. Marshall 2BM3. LADY wishes gentleman to room and board or board without room. 463 10th St. FIRST-CLASS rooms. wi:h or without board, modern. Marshall 3302, 705 EvcretL FOR RENT. Apartments. THTD WHEETLDOX, Cor. Park and Taylor st. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth and Salmon ata. Walking distance. Furnished complete. 2. 8 and 4 -room apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service first-class. FORDHAM APARTMENTS COMPLETED. At 170-172 Ford st.. just south of Wash ington, are the most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland : finished in hardwood throughout, giving tenants choice of oak. Circassian walnut or mahogany: elegant wall coverings, tiled baths with superb fixtures; highest class service; each with private balcony and bath; 4 rooms with most convenient ar rangement. $42.."9 to f; 5 rooms. $."0 to ?K. This building Is different. Let Mrs. Burleigh show you through. THE Bl'RCK. Corner lst and Ghsan Sts. New furnished PEd unfurnished spart ments of two roonfs and bath, very de sirahle location. Call personally or phone liar-hall 4141 or Priv.ite Exchange 4. MEIER & FRANK RENTAL DEPT. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, between 19tb and 20th. Just off Washington. Just finished: most magnificent apart rrents on the Pacific Coast: location ideal; rentals reasonable: every modem con venience; high-class service: references required. Phone Marshall 502. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fnr rlshed apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect ; rentals reasonable : every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones in all apartments; high-class service: references required. M 1p 22T0 and A 7057. THE BARKERT cor. 2lst and Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2, 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric, automatio elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come tn the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 296L m THE EVERETT, 644 Everett St. New and elegantly furnished apart ments; 3 rooms, reception hall and sleop-Ir.g-porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located in ona of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dla- tanca. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14tb and Colum bia 4 blocks south from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely flrst-ciaa. furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, janitor service; rent per month, l-o. eov $40 and up; must be seen to ba appre ciated. . KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King St. 4. 5, 6 -room apartment; select tenancy Apply on c remises, FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt; 4 rooms and bath, private balcony; new brick building, electric elevator, su perb location, in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and best of service. JULIAETTE APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished, 2d and Montgomery: now read; private phones, disappearing beds, water coll. refrigerator: steam heat, mod ern laundry and dryer; latest system of ventilation: rent $20 to $28. Also Iris, 8d and Mill:, 4 and5 rooms. $30 to 140. LTJCRETIA COURT. unfurnished; a class by themselves; see them ; Lucretia st., near 23d and Wash. ; 2 to 5 rooms, all large, light and outside; large closets and baths ; ha rd wood floors, free phonea in each apt. Phone prop, and mgr., Mar shall 1529. Janitor, Marshall 1500. 208 16TH NEAR TAYLOR. ONE ELEGANT 5-ROOM UNFUR .XTPHED APARTMENT. ON TOP FLOOR, SOUTHWEST EXPOSURE. APPLY ON PREMISES. ORLANDO APT3-. 20th and Wash, sts.: two and three-room furnished apts.; every convenience; very large rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones; auto matic elevator: easy walking distance; ref erences required, warsnau 14. VICTORIAN, Burnished apartments. 11th and Columbia very ursii auir, " "'J. pletely furnished, possessing all modern conveniences; close-in location; walking distance; very low rates, best of service. also four rooms unfurnished. BANTHORN Apartments, 251 12th St.. near Main ; superb location, close in; elegant 8-room apartment, with private balcony; every modern convenience; ,two sleeping compartments. ; CUMBERLAND APTS., West park and Co lumbia sts., one 3-room unfurnished and one 3-room furnished apartment; all mod ern conveniences, choice location, only 5 minutes' walk from business center. ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand Ave., cor. East Stark. Nicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modern, prices reasonable; Wal-ing oistance. riiunw THE WINDSOR APTS.. Cor. E. 14th and lamniil. w e now room front corner apt., also a -room. Everything strictly O. K., walking di&tanco and reasonable. - CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22d and Glisan with unexcelled car aervice, also easy walking distance; 3-room apt., with bath; modern conveniences; very reasonable rent, THE BL'ENA VISTA, cor. 12th and Harri son sts., beautiful new brick, every mod ern appointment: one 3-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished; references re quired. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment in North west; 21st and Johnson sts.; all outside rooms. Apply on premises, or call Mar shall b lb Lbi A-Nl- LUl,bcuc. Snlendid furniture, quiet home place: one" 4-room apartment, $10. worth $60; also 3-room. very reasonable: every mod ern convenience. The Altamont. THELOIS, 704 Hovt,"near 22d; elegantly furnished 4-room front apt.; large, light rooms, reception hall, private bath and phone, electric, kitchen. Mar. 2011. 5-ROOM liht basement apari merit, at the Roosevelt, 670 Kearney St., $25 per month, including heat. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, 3d and Oak. ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. with steam heat, bath, light, telephone and elevator service, by week or month. Tourny. 2d and Taylor. ATTRACTIVE. sunny. 3-room lurnlshed apartment, all outside rooms, view of mountains, walking distance. Cedar Hill Apts 1 block south 2d ndwaah. A 7523. THE LILLIAN, cor. 6th and Montgomery sts 3-room furnished modern apartment; bath free phone, steam heat ; walking distance. Phone Marshall 137$. HADDENHALL 414 11th, corner Hall; 3 and 4-room, newly furnished apart ments Steam heat, private bath and phone. ana up. 1 " j.. KiNGsrlUKY Apartments. ISO Ford sL, near Washington Elegant new brick building, complete and modern, private balconies, best of service; 3 rooms with bath. PARK APARTMENTS. 35:i Harrison; beau tiful 3 and 4-room furnished apartment; walking distance; best of service. Phone Marshall ,070. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, PARK AND MADISON STS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, close In, strictly modern. " " THE M'KINLEY. 49 East Moirison, corner 7th, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m'gt. LINCOLN APTS.. cor. 4 th and Lincoln Modern brick bldg., 2-room apts. J.5 to $30; private pnones:. no children, no pets. Main 1377, A 3472. G RDNER APARTMENTS, corner 13th and East Ash; 5 rooms, all outside; fireplace, hot-water heat; everything first-class; good location. Phone East 2S7L THE CHETOPA, 154 Flanders 2. 3 and 4 room modern, furnished and unfurnished, new furniture, new building. Apply Jau Itof. ONE very desirao'e mouern six-room apart ment, the St. Clair. 715 Wayna su Phons Mam 4J2Q. 3-ROOM apart ments. furnished and gonu partly furnished: steam heat; modern. 24 Ea?t 38rh and Main. FOP RENT 2 4-room apartments, electric light and gas. $15 each. Call 703 E. Belmont or phone E. 3 102. ' BERY L APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. V.tO Lovejoy st- Take "W" car. BRaTvTKEE E:'-ant 5-room apartment. West Side, walking distance; rent reason able Main 7741. 2l5 12:h st. SAN MARCO APT?.. E. 8th and Couch Brick modern; M rooms, private bath and phones: $27. Call E. 2751. FLAT "A." 549 Washington street Steam heat. Phone Marshall 452. THE Northampton, 407 Hail st.. 2 and 1 rooms, strictly flrst-ciass. Main 42fcS, V i