TTTE rORNTNG OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, JAXUARY 3, 1912. . 3 COMMITTEE SPLIT Oil CUTTING FARES Three for Five-Cent Toll and as Many Favor Regula tion by City. BURGARD STARTS ROW A-rtKjn That Plan Is ' All Poll. He," 'ot Good Business or Good Senae" Stir City Attorney. Company Won't Take Grants. "I think thi Is all politica."'dclared Councilman Buriard in lon of the (tract committee of tha Council yesterday afternoon, whan the pun tioej of maximum farea wu under cn arteratlon. "I don't see that, to cut faree b-low i cents, la a ood buel nee proposal or irood ense. Tergonally. I regent that atate rr.ent.'" retorted City Attorney Grant, who had advocated the city reeervina; the. riant to regulate fares. ?o do I." aald Councilman Bchmter, another low-tare advocate. "I did not refer to you. Mr. Grant," replied Mr. Burgard. After paaatDK three hour, the com mittea undid Ita work of a previous session, when regulative provisions were recommended to be Inserted In the proposed franchises under consid eration, and voted 4 to 3 to leave S renta as tha maximum fare. Tare far Resralatlea. Those voting for K-cent fare were Counrllmen Baker. Bur-ard, Dunning and Monks: for the right to regulate, with a view to rotting tares. It the Council should feel Justified. Council men Joy. S-hmeer and Magulre. F. I. Fuller, vice-president of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Company, which Is seeking tha sew franchise, also announced that hla ompany does not. at present, want a franchise over the Broadway bridge, hut that It prefers to watt awhile, lie alao declared that the company baa not promised to build a line on Sev enth street, and Intimated strongly that It will not. unleas It gets Its own terms. Seventh-street property owners want the company to build a double track line and operate "a reasonable service, both ways, during the day," from the west approach to the Broad way bridge. In case the city grants tha franchise, across the brktge; it not, they want no tracks at ail. Daable Track Wanted. J. B. Laher. speaking for the proper tv owners along Seventh street, said that they do not wish to have tracks unless the streetcar company operates over the Broadway bridge, but that they demand that double tracka be laid clear up to Jefferson street. In rase It does operate over that bridge. The company has Intimated it wlabes to build only to Morrison street. In inv eae. if at all. Mr. Fuller reiterated his declaration that the company will accept no fran chise with a provision giving the Council tha right to regulate fares. Ha aald that goes on every franchise, as the bond buyers win not look wltli favor on any such a proposal and money rannot be obtained to build lines with such encumbrances, be said. While some of the members argued that the city would not rare to op press the company, but should have the right to cut fares, should the oc casion warrant such action. Council men Burcard and Baker said they would not favor cutting farea under I cents, as they regard that as rea sonable. In view of the many miles passengers may ride for that price. Moaaf Tiker Catenates Asked. "I know something about bow hard It Is to get funds to run business on. and am opposed to putting any provi sion like that in." commented Mr. Bur lard. Residents of Mount Tsbor were present to urge the company to extend tne line from the top of the hill about one mile to the east, but Mr. Fuller said that the grade Is about per cent there and that It would be difficult to operate cars. Father Fltxpatrlrk. In charge of a parish in the pelghbor hikxl, spoke stronglr for the commu nity, demanding action that w. ill In sure service for the people. It was Anally decided that he and a commit tee shall ranter with the company of ficials to see if some agreement can be reached. The committee will meet again next Monday at 10 A. M. HILL'S SUCCESSOR SOUGHT Neither Gray Nor Weyerhaeuser to Head Great Northern. If Louis IV. Hill resigns the. presi dency of the Great Northern Hallway, as hss been persistently rumored in tha past few months, he w- 1 not be succeeded by Frederick E. Wererhau ser. - son of Frederick Weyerhaeuser, the timber king. who. it waa reported, bad been designated by James J. Hill for the position. An official denial that Mr. Weyer haeuser had been chosen for the place has been made by Mr. Hill, although he refusea to deny that ha will quit the Great Northern May 1. The re port that Carl H. Gray, president of tie North Bank and the Hill lines In Oregon. Is to succeed Mr. Hill also has been denied. It Is understood that James J. Hill is endeavoring to find a successor to his son and taat as soon aa he suc ceeds In finding the man. the rhsnge will be made, as the younger Mr. Hill It eager to engage In the development of his agricultural Interests. NATION SUES 0. R. & N. SI. SO In Penalties for Violation of It-Hour Law Pasted. At tiie request of tt;e Interstate Com. merce Commission and at the sugges tion of the Attorney-General of the Called Slates, a complarat was filed yesterday by Vnlted States District At torney McCourt In the United States Idetrict CAurt against the Oregon Rail road at Navigation Company to recover penalties or I lO.Svw. Tr.e complaint alleges that the de fendant company violated an act of Congress, known as "An act to pro mote the safety of employes and trav. elers upon railroads by limiting the hours ef service of employes thereon." It sets out -1 Instances where employee of tha defendant worked more than It hours oonUauously In tha operation of Ira trains, giving tha names of each, the day an date, and exactly where this service was nerformad. In aaoh Instance a penalty ot $600. as provided by the law, is asked. The Interstate Commerce Commission baa a force of detectives constantly at work In different parts of the country on the trail of infractions of this law. with the result that many suits have been filed against railroad companies. It is a civil, not criminal, action and will ba tried before a Jury, If It should coma to an Issue. The suit Is filed against tha O. R. X. Instead of the 0.-W. R. N. Company, because the time of the alleged infractions of the law antedated the consolidation of ths Harrirosn railroad interests on this Coast. COURT CONFIRMS FEES Motion to Reduce Costs From $9000 Denied at Astoria. ASTORIA. Or, Jan. X. (Special.) At today s session of ths Circuit Court tha motion to reduce the attorneys' fees In the esse of the Astoria Savings Bank vs. the Seaside Lumber and Man ufacturing Company from I000 to $1000, and to reduce tha receiver's fees from $1000 to $600, waa denied and an order waa made confirming the sale of the plant and timber holdings to C. O. Palm berg and associates for II J. 000. An order also was made approving the report of the receiver in the caae of F. S. Godfrey, receiver of the defunct Bank of Seas'ds against the Seaside Lumber and Manufacturing: Company. The report of the receiver showed that bis receipts from the sale of mort gaged property were 11C.525.0S. He was directed to psy the plaintiff In the suit ths sum of 14780.12. to pay the Astoria Saving Bank and to pay numerous employes of the mill company on their labor claims the sum of $507.T4. JOINT INSTALLATION HELD Two Court of Foreatera Combine In Bis; Ceremony. Joint Installation ceremnniea for the newly-elected officers of Court Paciflo and Companion Court Rose City, of the Independent Order of Foresters, were conducted at tha lodgerooms In Allsky Hall last night by Deputy Buprams Chisf Ranger Iwlng. Mors than 160 members of the. two lodges were pres ent. In behalf of tha members of tha lodges, lodge pins and pocketbooks were presented to A. M. Legrand. B. F. Beamer. J. E. Smyers. Ockloy Olen and John Wilkinson for their activity In the membership campaign conducted In the past year. C. H. lwlng bestowed a past chief ranger's badge on A. C Caugbey. snd Sirs. Mary A. lwlng. past chief ranger of the Companion Court, waa presented by her friends of the lodge with a gold-handled, umbrella. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Btrtha. BURKE To Sir. and Mrs. Joseph J. Burks. 148 Clay street, a daughter. SKOOO To Mr and Mrs. Georg gkoog. 875 North Twenty-first street. December to. a daughlsr. HOOLLND To Mr. sad Mrs. John -Hoglund. 71 Roosevelt street, December 13. s son. . OI'STOFSON To Mr. snd Mrs. Richard Ousiofson. W East Seventeenth str.t. De cember . g eon. K ROO H To Mr. and Mrs Oustave A Krogh. city. December 20. a son. Marriage Licenses. ' TlRRS-MAnANB Charles S. Tlbbs. elty. 23. and Marise M. Mauaoa. IS rtlSK HBATTOX-c. vietor Fllnk. elty. 53. and Gertrude E. Strattoa, SI. FIEStfR-MOORB rrank C. Hesse. city Ural, and Edna Maude Moore, legal. MKAY-FAIRBA1RN David N. McKay, city. lesaL and N.t'a Palrbalrn. legal. DWKKrf - CAROTHEHS Clarence C. Dwers. Kelso. Wash.. 20, and OlUa Car ethers, lessl. M'MILLAN-TVTLOR Harry H. MacMIU len. T aroma. Wash., S4, and Eleanor T. Tarlor. CARfZZI-OUICH Cyras Carusxi. city. J, and Mane Gulch, legal. DAIXT METtOROIXKHCAL REPORT. PORTIsAND. J a, 1- Maximum temp-r- tun, u. d-f rm, mlnlrn urn. SO drf Rirrr roadtng. S Jl. W , i 3 tf. lo leut 24 AoUra. non. Total rmtnfall (ft P. M. to P. nona; totl rainfall alnc St tmbr 1. 1911. IS M Inrhaa; nomjnl rainfall tnr Pptmbr 1. 19 M InohM; dMcnry f ra I Ufa :i ( oe fWpt mbr 1. 1 1 1 1 . 6 23 tnrhoa, TUU aunahin. none; poaaibl ua iln. S bur 42 minute. Baromtr ra ducd to a ltvtl) at S P. M.. O.aa inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Th hit.-prura ar orrr th North ra-rtftr 6tat ba rmaintvl nearlj tatlnn irr and cold atbr cootlnuaa la this dis trict. Tha baromtiT ta ralativaiy low ovr tha Canadian Northwaat and alonr tna outharn bordar of tb Cnltad 8ia.tca. A Mgh-praaaura ara tf conaidrabla atrvna-th la central orar tha Dakotaa and tba tmpr aturr ara vry low in thoaa two sfataa and aio In Mtnncaota and Kmatrn Montana. No precipitation of consqunca haa ocurrNi In tha laal St bonr ncept m am all amount of rain tn tha ulf PtaiB and local inowi lo portions of tha MLaaourl Valla. The) condlttma ar favoraMa for fair Hthr In thi ditrlct Wadneadajr. with Cuntinuad low tamparatui-aa. rO RECASTS. Portland and Tlrlnlty Fair nd contlnuad cold- ariabla wlnUa bfcomlnt sterly. irtgoa fair and contlnuad ould; viarabia win. la b-xominsj eaatartr. Waahlnaton Fair and continued cold; ranauia alnda brxomlm aaatarlr. Idaho Fair except mow aoutbaaat portion- clnr aouth rfrtlon. KDWAKO A- BEAL-8. Dlatrlot roracaater. Al'CTIOIC ftAI.ES TODAT. At Wllaoa'a Auction How, t 10 A. rurnltura. 171-a-tt iacond street. enurrcco Kvncu. MOOSE. ATTXNTIOS. lnsisllstlen of ofrleers and prosrsmme nest wednssdsr nlgnt. Jsnnsrr S. at S P. M. t.ui Hsll. d St. near Jettersoa. Msltlng Moose Invited. w- s- oaten'. Plctator. WALTEH M UOVEKN. Secretary. WASHINGTON- LOIX1E N-r. 40. V P. AND A. M. Htat.d communication this (Wednesdsy) venlnf. 7.3. fcaet Sta and sturasuie. M. M. degree. Vis itors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND. becrstarr. HAWTHORNR LODOB . NO. 111. A. F. A. M Stated com. U munlcatlcn this Wednesdsv even. aAs ing at 7 so o'clock. Maenir Tim. work In tne h.. a. eesree. letting brethrea welcome, c K- kliUer. secretary. PALES1INB LODGE. NO. 141. A. V. AND A. M Stated rem- ln. e'elnck. at W. of W. Hall. Arleta. isiung oretnrsn wsi corns. Gl. T. howahd, secrecary. V-crr?- AtTIlA CIRCLE wfll glre a J".-- Nes Tear whist and oOO party s:. Thursday. January 4th, W. o. VJ w- S'S. 1JS Hth St. Prises V. snd dancing. Admission 20c. ( COMMITTEE. (. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 7. y -cr K b. Special comntunlcatloa Ats. this Wednesday II I F. II. at Z.l- Wlrs undertaking parlors. Sft Wul V isms ava. for purpose of eondnctlrg funeral aerrlee of tstsr Franoes a prut, late member of Missouri. Mont. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. S. R. A. X caiied convocation this Wednesday! evsnlng at T:S1 o cl ack. Work In Mark Master's degree. Visitors sre welcome. A M. KNAPP. Secretary. SAMARITAN LODOE NO. J. L O. O P. Every nj.trtoer Is requested to be present this (Wednesday srsnlng at S e'clock and bar the r porvs for 1.11 and see the aew.y t.ttd efners lnstaid snd help make a good, star Uer 1012. B. Osrold. secretary. 4 AMCSKMITNTS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor. Fheaee Mala 1 and A I'O PERFORMANCES TODAT Special Pries Valines 2:15 Last Tims Tonight 9.13 Charles Klein's Greatest Flay, THE GAMBtKRX" PAfL. EVEKTON SPLENDID CAST This afternoon: Lower floor, II. Balcony, 5 rows 75c. rear first 6 roe 6"o; gallsry, Roc, 55c Tonight: Lower floor. $1.5 Balcony. It. 73c 00c Gallsry. Oc gemla ow Mills. Seat Sale Today 10 A. M. DE PACHMANN Heilig Theater Friday Eve., Jan. 5 Prtres 3 JUI,, (tl.tMI. I.allei-v, KraeneJ, S1.0O. Admlssiom TZo. Box Scale S3. Lege Scale SI -SO BAKER -MTU Oeo, L Paksr. Mgr. Toolght. All Week, Mats. Wed. and fat. Ths Kirks La Khslle Co. present thst famous American ptay of tlie West. "THE VlsMilSIAS." With splendid csat and production. First time St popular prices. Wed. bargain mat. 3".e. Sat. 34. 30. Evsnlng prices ll&c. iOc. 73a, ft. -The Barrier. maw a. A tete . MATLNCE EEltY DAT n-n-va HIGH.i IMS-xWi! WKKK JAN. I C'barle-r t.rsnewln. asalnted by Anna i hance A Co., la -Jh Awakening of Mr. l-ipnr" )te?nolria and looeau, N-heack and Van. The I-'oar limolli lanl. Oorar Leraine. Hub Bajmoad Co., ub and Tip Trio. Matinee Every Day. nress 9 narlr Balllvnn Con-.tiioe. KrftnMl Vaiidev'H-0. WKKK 4 AS. 1 "A Nirht In Poll t.on." HmI etephkn, Leuckles and Yowl, II am rigr. Juwaspb rw. Hhimd, nonrr, toa Jtobert. umbratra. Prirrt, lc nd LYRIC TilKATKK rOVKIU AND BTAKK ALL THIS WEEK. FROLICS OF 1912 Twe Perforumneea N ghtly. 1:110 and StlK; .o and I.Vj. Matloeet. Iiaily. t:0. Any seat lie (except Sundays snd Holiday.). Krlday Msht (bums t.lrl." Couteat. ext week Tile tiay llccHTers. PEOPLE'S THEATER SPECIAL I Victims of Battle MAUTtROOM OF" THH RED CROSS l.X TIUl-OLI. ORAPIIIC. RK4I.IST1C, STARTI.KO. (bCU.XD t.VlK.1 FKATHIK, Snowball, the Posing Horse. STAR THEATER Wall Street Romance AND THRRE OTHi:il CltKAT FILMS. ARCADE THEATER Cinderella IX THKEB M ATCHI.KSU REUS, A.VD TWO OTHERS. TIV0LI THEATER VA.MTV FAIR, THREE) REELS. BIO SHOWS AT OH JOY AND CRYSTAL DIET). TONPIXG At tha family rwidenca, 681 K. Mlmon at-, January 2. FreUarlck J. Ton ln. ait 2 year a Kuneral aarvicea will ta hold at real d en ca January 4. at 1 P. M. Cleveland. O.. papra pleaaa copy. NARCPAWA Kimbal Karuaawa died of ra n sump U on. b unday, IMcftn bar 3 1. 38 yrara. rO'EkAl NOTICES. COONLKY In thla city. Jan. 2, at the rei-d-nc of har daufhlfr Mi J. K. Blaaler. '.i3 Waaeo at rev t. ICl!xbth A. Coon ley, aK(t -5 yeara; aha ta also urvived by anothr dauahtar, ilra. John Bray, of thia cltr. Friends and acqdaintancea ara kindly Invited to attend the funeral aerv a, which will b held at tha chapel of th Ekewea Vndertaklna Company. Third and i lay atrwt, at 2 P. M. today. In terment at Walla Walla. Vajh. PHKAFFER In thla city. January 1. Du ella II. eheaffar Cnaa Due : La M. Befur. ct-d yean. Tha funernl aervlces will be held at Ftnley'a chapl at 2 P. M. Wednesday. January S. Kriends Invited. Interment Lona Kir Cemetery. WKSTFALL At tha family resldenra. 39 K. Mxh at., Mary Ajrnea Weatfall. ac;ed 41 year. Funeral aervlcea will ha held at Lerrh'a Undertaking I'arlora. Eaat th and Alder ata. Thnraday. January 4. at 2 P. U. Krtenda invited WISE Tha funeral of tha lata Ben Wlaa will ba hald from Hoi man' Undertaking Parlpra at 1 o'clock P. M. Wednesday, January S. Frt-nda ara invited. nttnnlna; McKnt. Faneral Plrertera. ?th and Tine. I'hoiif Main 4:tW. Lady a Utant. Office of County i oronrr. A. K. Ztl-I Kll CO.. S U II llu ma ave. Phono Kaaft C I0n. Lady attendant. .1 K1 HOI. MAN CO.. Funeral Direct or, fi d at. Lady aaiMant. Phono M. 07. J. P KIM KV SON. 3d and Madias l4.4ly altendaat. Phone Main 9. A l&tffc. EAST SI1E Funeral Director, aacceooora o F. i. IunnlQg. Inc. K. 62. B I.FKCI1. Indorfaker. cor. Faat Alder and PUlh. Kttat B I. Lady attendant. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dallr er Bnadar. Per Line. One time . lSe fisnse ad twe eonaeetrtlre times 22e 8ame ad three ennsenrtlTe times SOe 6aAie ad sis er seTea eonsecntlve times.', arte Kemlltmncee must secomnisr eut-et-tosra ha eee adTertiseesent Is sot mn In eaa eecatlve U.uee the ene-tlme rate applies. wonts eonnt as ane line en cash ad Tertlseroents and Be ad counted (er lees Ihsa twe lines. on charge or bonk adrertleenients . the char-, will he baaed oa the artnal nnmber of llure appearing la the paper, reaardless ef tae aumbee ot words lo each line. la New Today all adrertirfmeots are charged be mesa are only, 14 lines to tbe taTrie abase rates apply to adTertisemente aader ew Today' and all ether ciaeslnca tlon. eseeptlng the rollewias: Mtoatlone M anted. .Male. Mtoatlons Wanted. lemale. Orecoalsai will accept classlned adeertlse- OREGON HUMANE SOCiEH OI'I'lrK TITT MA1.L. Mala SDS. A 75S. HI HAM Of FlCtll. herseant Trate. Residence. 4 E. 241 b N East 4J 7. R. A. Dunmire, R. a3S Wsno !t. W. O. Eston, Res. TS E. ls-h. East l.Si. Horse Ambu'.aacs. A 10l. Pr. Ex. 4. N:cht. Sundays and Uoildays. A 61 M; Pr. a.x. 4, Trunk 7. THEATER amy todat. Buy This Seventh Street Corner Two blocks south of new "Journal" 11-story steel building, and 8-story Sullivan & Considine building one block south of Heilig Theater. Great developments in immediate neighbor hood. Best buy in Portland. Few days only. $59,000 $19,000 cash handles tbe deal 'Wake np, grab the opportunity as it comes long. E. J. DALY 222-223-221 Failing Building. FOR SALE! 160 acres of the very best apple land, small acreage improved and set to trees which are now three years old. Fine stream of water. This tract of land lies in the heart of Hood River Valley and if "you are contemplating a purchase of fruit land, it will pay you to come and look over this tract. Address A. Whitehead, Lock Box 616, Hood River, Oregon. WEST SIDE terminal trackage, 75x100 lot, on 13th and Irving. One of the few bargains in this close-in district. Has some im come. Price $36,000. Terms to suit. HOYT STREET y block near the North Bank Sta tion. Enongh income to pay taxes and insurance. Price $48,000. SEE US. Hartman & Thompson Real estate Department, Chamber of Commerce. DOCTOR'S OFFICE FOR SALE PIXLT KO.IIPPKD. Three rooms. In fine location, near the new Broadway brlilue landing;, on the Kast Side. Party that opened this of fice had a chance to ao to the West Side and take an old physician's prac tice, and offers It at a bargain. A spltjndLl chance tor a young physician. Low rent. O.FRED FISH, 513-914 .elllne; Bulldlns. A 771 1, M 441. MEM HUH RKALTV BOARD. INVEST $3275. Fine corner lot on E. Davis Bt.. both streets hard surfacs; modern 5-room bouse rented at ri50 Der month. The present Improvement covers only half the lot. Buy It and buUd another house snd you nave a nice olean little Investment; 77S cash will iL H. BIBRMX TO., 20? MrKar Bid. Xhlrd and Stark Sts. 19 13 Orsnd Trunk Pacific R. R. will ba nam Dieted. Buy now. British Columbia farm lands. Prices ara soma up. Ws are selllns land In the Buikley Valley. Fort Osorgs. Fraser Valley country and ths Necnaco val ley Write for booklet on this last and best West. Addresj North Coast Land Company. Ltd 1017 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. port land. Phone Main 2267. Main office. Van couver. B. C. Paid-up capital. Sl.4UQ.00u. COTTAGE $1500 On a full 60x100 lot. street Improved, cement walk and sewer aji in and paid; only 12 minutes' ride, good carllne. Owner will consider cash only. Income at present rental 180 per year. A. H. BIRR ELL CO, 102 McKay Bids, Third aad Stark Sis. Furnished House to Let JLTCAJIT lOth. Completely furnished throujrhout. nine rooms; location moat desirable. For particulars address ' AD TOO, Oresjoaiaa. MORTGAGE LOANS 5 '5 JOHN E. CRQNAIf, 7 Saaldlaa Bids. O IS WANTED Equity Vacant Lot. Laurelnurst, South of Olisan St. BQ2 McKay Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Residence Property. 57 C V. EVERETT, 7 C. D. SIMOD, IIS Board of Trmde Bldr COLLIS. BEKRIUGB lUOHrSOll, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, U4 Uoreestee Block. Pheae Mala SMI. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William a.. 315-318 Falling bias. BRUBAKEK BENEDICT. ITOS McKay bide. M. 519. Chapln Herlow, 832 Chamber Commarca Cook. B. 8. a Co.. 608 Corbett bids. Jennlnrs Co. Mala lhS. X0 Clresonlan. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 04-403-4 Wilcox bids. The Or.son Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah St. (Holladay Addition). REAL E8TATB. For Sale Lots. 2 CHOICB lots, 50x125 each, on west slops of Mount Tabor; haudy ta Belmont car 11ns; sasy terms. M. V. Harrison. Ger llaser bld. ' ALBERTA DISTRICT. .'.2J. llth. near Golnf. $.10 down, (10 monthly. Can you beat ItT Theo W. German, - Burnalds. M- or A .770 FOR SALE Three lots on Tillamook at. I bard-surface: slnsly or otherwise. P. O. Box SSO. city. , rfa itn.i OA an. b,Oelc from electTle line. 1100 to I50. very eaay terms. J. W. Hefferlln Reslty Co.. 40S Corbstt bld. BEE Le Nolr Co.. for West Side property. Exclusive dealers In West Side realty. 8SS-7-S Chamber of Commerce. SIX Irvlnston Park lota. S2160: on the 10th St. carllne; easy terms; must sell quick. Eos owner. 101 Dekum bids;. 110 CASH. J per month, pretty lot new addition; 5-csnt car; .330. HIGLET a BISHOP. 182 D ST. MUST HAVE SOME CASH. Will sell my lot resardless of value. C 14w5 or Tabor nOSSMERS jot svxioo. nesr Sandy road; make me aa offer. lOnO Hancock St. L.T on hird-surface street, near Ladd Add., for sl,, Tou can't beat this for a fcar- taln. Call 414 Spaldlnx bids. IRVINGTON LOT for sale at a sacrifice; must havs money; one-half on easy terms. AC t9fi. oresonlsn. LOT In Harver. Cook County, Ili., for sal or trads- 8 704, Ore font an. For Sale Lots. A STRICTLT high-class site, cen trslly located and exclusite; facing a beautiful park; houses will never be built across ths street; cement walks, sewer, water and gas all in; single lots in this district are selling for as high aa S30O0. These sites are oOxlSO feet, almost the size of three lots, and ths price is only Si400; terms If desired. This is posi tively the only property of its kind on the market in PorUand. No steep hills to climb or heavy expense in shaping np your home site. Get further particulars. Let me show you this property. Phone Main 1503 or A 1515. Be sure to ask for Mr. Urdahl, or come to the office, 52 Corbatt bldg. ON WEST SIDE. 2 beautiful full lots, only U minutes out from csntcr of city. 2 blocks from one carllne snd only 100 feet from an other; east front and sightly. Price, for a quick sale, only JrtGO for each, terms. Adjoining lots ars being sold at from SOO to $1000. For further particulars call on C. F. Pfluger it Co.. suits 12-14 Mulkey bids., cor. 2d ami Morrison. MOUNT TABOR HEIGHTS. The best view property, adjoining the nest class of bomss. is MornlnKslds No. J- fin Cholce location $800 to $150u; easy terms. - Improvements paid. Inducements to builders. HARTMAN" THOMPSON. BANKERS. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CORNER lot 65x100, In restricted residence district. 11 blooks from car lins, 20 min ute, out from center of city; cement walks and water mains; $750. half cash, balance easy pavments. Address C rl. Watts. Me.Mmnvllle. or. $300 BELOW MARKET. Fine oxlO0 lot on E. Yamhill, between 2Sth and 2tb; fine residence district: worth $2V)0; must bs sold quick; price $2200; $700 osbh. balance at 0 per cent. ORUSSI 4 BOL.DS. 818 Beard of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. LOOK at southeast corner, 50x100. on Hol man st. and Cleveland ave.; I will sell this beautiful corner very cheap on easy terms. E. J. GET3ER. 42Q Chamber of Commerce, $lo i)un. eiu ' . '. i 1 Fine view lot; matured fruit trees; re stricted district, near car; cement walks. Bull Run water. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A 1W. FINE- lot on East Ankeny street, near car barns. I want a lot up to $750 further out as a payment; terms on balance. M. fOKTLANU HtlGHTd EXCLLSIVELT. beautiful homes and homes tie,, all Tie Was, location and prices; can suit you. Main 11.51. BROOKE. A 33- For House. - REACT TO STEP INTO. A CHANCE LIKH THIS ONLY COME.3 ONCE IN A WHILE. A CLIENT OF OL'RS MUST MOVE AT ONCE. . LISTEN 5-room bungalow, attic, base ment, fireplace, built-in bookcases, pan eled dining-room, fixtures, completely fur nitheO. silverware, bed linen, dishes, six cords of wood EVERYTHING NEW Only $3250. easy terms, or will trada equity amounting- to $1000 for a good lot. Located on the Mt. Scott carllne. P. D. VINCENT CO.. 41 7 Chamber of Commerce Bid a". NEW TEAR BARGAINS, t-room house, full corner lot. East 13th and Ualmon, S fireplaces, basement end attic; only $500 cash payment requii ed. 10-room house and full lot, onl 9 blocks south of Postofnco, West Side; fair Income. Some bargains, clos-ln lou and small tracts of acreage, and part xchan;a will be considered. T. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MIli3 THIS. 6-room bouse and 6 full lots on West Side and only 12 minutes' ride In car; owners frning bark East; price only $1800; worth $vi00; $ToO cash; balance to suit. For further particulars call on realty department of C. F. PFLTTGER A CO., Suit 12 and 14 Mulkey Bids;.. Cor. 2d and Morrison. $:irt0 ROSE CITY PARK $3200. 5-room bungalow, all modern, just new, buffet, fireplace, panel dining-room, full bailment, laundry tray; 50x100 lot, all im provements paid; $30O down and monthly payments to suit; located on fittd and Thompson. Go out New Year's snd aee It. M. I. FORD CO., Builders 606 Manchester Bldg. Office, Mar. 27. Res., E. 3016. LARGE, well-built, modern home. 18 rooms, slg-htly location; would be fine for private lanl'.arlum, or double fiats. The ground will hold another buijdlna;. It Is really worth $10,000; $8000 and half oaah will take It. This Is something- good, and the price is a sacrifice. J. E. Smith, 518 Chamber of Commerce. S-ROOM modern residence and sleeping porch, one fine corner affording best view on East Side; two corner lots; will sell for $70oo on easy terms, and might accept a good lot as part payment; would consider a good Seattle lot. J. E. Smith, 613 cnamoer commerce. " ON HALL ST.. BET 11TH AND 12TH. Fractional lot and 9 -room house, rented at 136 per month; pays 7 per cent on the price asked; Improvements all In and paid for. For price and terms call on my maenta. a r. PFLUGER & CO., Suite 12-14 Mulkey Bldg.. Cor. 2d and Mor. ""HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $20 per month. T rooms, vestibule, mirror doors, solid oak floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, fur nace, fireplace, strictly modern In detail. National Realty & Trust Co.. 724 a. . . f. . hi.). Mil. K19fl. 10 ACRES of rich soil, near Oregon City carllne, 5 acres lu cultivation; house barn, orchard; price $45O0; owner will take house and lot worth $2500 for first payment. E. J. Gelser. 420 Chamber of Commerce. "ht" TABOR HEIGHTS HOME $5750. This was built for a home; owner must have money: the house Is modern having built-in bookcases, writing desk and win dow seats: fine sleeping porch; good Tlew. $600 on very easy terms for a modern -room house near the S. P. car shops, worth at present $3250; owner left and will sacrifice. F. FUCtltt. tnamwr m ....... S-ROOM bungalow, furnace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases. hardwood uoors. gas. elec tricity, good view. Rose City Park, Z blocks from carllne. $3350. easy terms. Provident Investment & Trustee Co.. 201, 2" 208 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 473. A 1022. FIVE and six-room homes, flreplaoes, hard wood floors, furnaces, with all built-in " modern conveniences; near carllne; all street Improvements paid; monthly pa mcnt ' plan. Provident Investment 4 Trustee Co., 201. 202, 203 Board of Trade bldr. Phone Marshall 473. A 1022. nvr.v $500 CASH. Good t-room modern house, nearly new, and over H acre of ground: Improved streets, cement sidewalk; good location, near carllne. about So minutes ride from (th and Washington sts.; fine place for chickens or garden. Only $500 cash ro- Qulrea. po. l ...... n T.- ortY Owner will sell modern 8-room house. In fine location, close In on East Side, at two-thirds actual value. If taken at once. If you have J1000 cash to Invest, see this place Immediately and you WIU look no further. AJ o2. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL West Side DOxloO-foot lot on lltn St.. near Hall, east front. For par ticulars call on ths realty dept. of C. P. Pfluger Co., suites 12-14 Mulkey bldg., cjr. ana 3' u' . .. m nr. V Til f THH 15 IT El the most perfectly built modern home in Irvlnitton. 10 rooms, finished In oak, iSt Vxlio f Call up C.1S66. East 173. No agents. w . n. j-acrmwa.. x--. -r- UTT T. HflVR Irvlnr street, near 24th, 7-room modern bouwooLcscHyiDr8 agency. 4lb c nam oer vi ymuiuciwr;, a sr.-. r tcii f,is per month, new four-room modtrn cottagS. lot ftoxlOO. near W. W. Q"'hi& BISHOP. 182 8D ST. IfiVINOTON New home, 1 rooms and bath. Trtly modern. $J250. Including , all as sessments, easy terma Owner. $25 Teon bids. Phone aisinu. IRVINGTON HOME. Just finished; small payment, easy terms; or will trade for equity In farm property. Owner, A. o. Hershey, Hood River. SEE Le Nolr Co. for 'West Bide homes. Exclusive dealers In West Side property. 8:lft-7- Chamber of Commerce. MT home at cost. Walnut Park, desirable; t carllnes; would consider trade as part payment. 1104 Rodney. Phone C 1678. H. N. SWANK. 808 Ablngton bldg.. sells new bungalowa. Terms like rent PIEDMONT New 8-roorn.modern home, only $4500, by owner. AK . uregonian. 6-ROOM bungalow; must sell quick, at cost of construction. Owner. 40 Common weslth blilg.. lh and Ankeny. LOT 25x100, 8-room house, "West Side; must sell; no reasonable offer refused; no agents. H 714. Oregonlan. 40TH ST., block from Hawthorne. 10-room house, large lot. terms. AB 675. Oregonlan, Far Bale Houses. FIFTEEN MINUTES FROM POSTOFF1CE. $3500, INCLUDING STREET IMPROVE MENTS. 4000 square leet of ground: blocks from streetcar: pre-eminently located In the very best and most desirable district of the citv, on the West Side, command ing a beautiful view of the rivers, moun tains and the city; lot Is Improved with a 4-room modern cottage. Including new bathroom; owner Is forced to sacrifice this propertv In order to save other Interests, and will make you a very attractive prop osition. T 646. Oregonlan. INDIVIDUALITY. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT IN A HOUSE. IT DON'T COST ANT MORS TO HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. THAN SOMETHING THAT DON'T SUIT. WJ SPECIALIZE ON THE ARTISTiC HOME. W KNOW WE CAN PLEASE YOU. BE CAUSE WE KNOW HOW. OUR GUAR ANTEE IS WORTH SOMETHING. IF WB BUILD FOR YOU. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH OUR HEAD DRAUGHTS MAN. WB WILL FINANCE IT AND BUILD IT FOB YOU. ABSOLDTKII P.IGHT. BC1IKRWOETH-JTEPHEXSOS CO. Ino. 707 COUCH BLDG. SWELL BUNGALOW. $6o0. Fino new C-room bungalow, double con structed throughout, gas and electric, fine fireplace, paneled dining-room, cove cell ing, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitcnen. solid bitiss hardware, fine fixtures, den. oak floors, hardwood borders, enclosed giast breakfast room, in fact nothing missing to make a complete home; on E. Mill at.. Just south of Hawthorne: price $3700. a snap; $650 cash and $20 per month. GRUSSI 4 BOLD 3. 318 Board ot Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. t irnn itrt RtPRl VI K. Six large rooms, besides large hall and sleeping porch, bathroom and toilet sep arate, full cement basement- house new and extra well finished; hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in furniture, beamed ceil ing, Dutoh kitchen, furnace, laundry tubs, electricity and gas. Beautiful location, one block from carllne; good view of Mount Hood. We can sell this house for less Chan actual coat; $1000 down and balance by the month. SEE E. W. PETTIB ONE. CHAPIN HERLOW, S22 Chamber of Commerce ITS- A LITTLE BEAUTY. 5-room bungalow, been lived in about lO months; hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, shades, fixtures in fact it is com plete and the values Is there. $tr,0 cash, balance $25 per month. Price $3650. 8. D. VINCENT ft CO.. 417 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. i00 WEST SIDE COTTAGE 00. Nice 5-room cottage, - electric lights, nice bath. In first-class condition throuKh out, lot 4uxl00; some fruit trees and plenty of small fruit: half block to Ful ton car, on Idaho St., In Southern Port land; price a snap. $1$00; $600 cash and $15 per month. GKUSSI A BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. ' THAT VACANT LOT. TVHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF -WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC., CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS, 3.4 ABINQTON BLD. NEW and strictly modern 6-room house; hardwood floors, full fireplace, furnace, beamed celling. In a high-class residence district, centrally located: good car serv ice. Will sell on easy terms. $3oO cash, balance monthly. Price $4000. or will build to suit you. Get further particulars. Phone Main 1503 or A 1515. Be sure and ask for Mr. Urdahl or call at 523 Corbett bids. IRVTNGTON HOME. For early sale on terms to suit buyer, we offer a fine modern residence on 24th st.. 7 rooms, bath, den, large attic, fire place, sleeping porch, full cement base ment, best furnace, SOxluO lot, with gar age; price $6500. 418 Hallway Exchange. Marshall 2753. BEAUTIFUL 6-room house. In Laurelnurst; 2 fireplaces, large sleeping-porch, built-in refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, tire less cooker, bullt-ln wardrobes, etc; cor ner lot 75x90, eaat front, beautiful view: $7500; $500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Provident Investment & Trus tee Co.. 2O1-202-2H3 Board of Trade bids. Phone Marshall 473, A 1022 FOR WEST SIDE CITY PROPERTY don't fall to call on the realty department of C. F. Pfluger Co.. as we have some very choice buys. In case we haven't got what you want wo are In a position to get it for you. C. P. PFLUGER tc CO., 6uite 12-14 Mulkey Bldg.. Cor. 2d and Mor. Member Portland rteaity .ooaru. IF YO0 WANT SOMETHING GOOD you have to give something good for it; we have 4S acres, all In cultivation, with buildings, very good soil, close to electric station, for $200 per acre, and a couple $1000 cash for good Portland property. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. V.T--.-1 'AT r"T T I' T rooms; oak floors, fireplace, panele-1 dining-room with beam ceiling, 4 bed rooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen; an artistic home; $1000 below market; cash payment of only $500; be sura to see thla Call bet. 11 and 4 o'clock. Owner, 620 E. vta r. JKUAUVAI " 1 . . .. Owner needs more room; this home has $ rooms, also large bathroom, extra good furnace and Is a modern home; price Is t000. one-half cash, balance S years: this home la located on Broadway, and near su r For Said Business Property. WEST SIDE, CLOSE IN. $3750 cash buys a fine apartment site, BOxluO. on Johnson St.; some Income; price $7750; this property Is positively $2500 below tbe market price. E. J. GEhiER, 420 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE large douDie n ""'" , . i and new bungalow on adjoining lot, In come $70 per month; will sell reasonable or might trade for business lot: would pay some difference If suited. See J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber Commerce. KO". SALE by owner, snap Sherwood. Or., business property with new brick build ing, cement sidewalk, etc, now leased for term of 5 years at $30 per month. Call Stllwood BQ4 Jr B8173. 24 PER CENT ON AN INVESTMENT OF $7000 AND TAKE CAR E OF BALANCE: PRICE $12, 000 FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION. v7VKRMAA-. 310 BOARD OF TRADE. For Sale Acreage. CHICKENand7rult ranches, near Portland: C walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view ot Columbia River and snow neaks- 2 acres. $250; 5 acres, 400; 10 c"s $800: 10 per cent cash, easy pay men": other tracts near railway station, 'MBLiKD REALTY CO.. BU9 Yeon bldg.. Portland. Or. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS Close to Portland: rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only small cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In products now on the land, which we accept and are thWonIy people making this liberal offer. FIRLAND TRUST COMPANY. 806-8 Spalding Bldg. ACRES close to ' Multnomah Station, only 20 minutes from Portland, all cleared and fenced, beautiful sightly ground; this ia property that Is forced on the market on acoount of non-payment of Install ments. It will pay you to Investigate. The Western Securities Co., 414 Spald- lng blag. wnnnRHRN. 10 acres In city limits, fine garden land choice orchard and small fruits; 6-room plastered house; beautiful grove, cement walks. Snap at $7000 CHAS. RINGLER si CO., 211 Lewis piug. TEN acres beaverdam land, under irriga tion and ready for crop; best for onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc; river and rail transportation; bothlng eetter anywhere; low price and easy payments Investigate. 812 Couch bldg.. 108 4th sL ,1.- x-crv Aviiu. 720 acres in Willamette Valley near good town of 1500 people; railroad runs through nlace- good soil; land is rolling. HARDING LAND CO.. 80 4th iu Boardof Trade bldg. 1375 BCY3 5 acres deep red-shot soil, adapted to fruit and vegetables, all smooth and tillable; no rock; wood and water; near good railroad town. 1 hour from Portland; $ir-0 down, balance on terms. Palmer 512 couch bide.. 109 4th st. SO ACRES Tlgardvllle Heights; 8-room house, barn, etc; 40 apple, 5 prune, 8 cherry, walnut, 1 quince, t plum, bear ing and 8 young trees, Tor sale; terms, or exchange for city property. A. CT. Cha- WJUllfc . w. - . 14. ACRES ONION LAND, CLEARED. 18 miles from Portland, m miles from R. R. station and boat landing; $200 down, monthly payments to suit. H. W. Freeze, owner, 308 Merchants Trust bldg. B and 10-ACRE tracts for sale by owner. In Marlon County, at station, on Oregon Elec tric; best of soil and location: terms reasonable- part of land suitable for town lots. C. A. Barelnger, 302H Park St.. city. L 2. 8 AND 5-ACRE tracts, close to Port land, on electrlo carllne, $200 to $400 per acre, very easy terms. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co., 408 Corbett bldg. For Sale Acreage. SUBURBAN HOME. 5 acres of good level land. Juat ' 1 block from electric station and country town, lota Just across, a tvo foot street, from this are selling for $150 per lot. 1 acres of this are In strawberries and small fruit, 2 acres was in potatoes this last year, balance good standing green timber with all the underbrush slashed. This tract is all fenced with new woven wire, new 5-room cottage, new barn, good, well and large' chicken house. This place Is Just 12 miles from Portland: car service every 60 minutes. Price $2000; $tWM cash, balance you can make your own terms This would make aa Ideal poultry farm. BRONG-6TEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg, 267 Oak St. Farm Dept. ACREAGE Our specialty; small tracts west and northwest of the city sold on month ly payments. See us before yon decide. THE 8HAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth SL Pnone Main 85. A 8500. 157 ACRES, on Tualatin River: Oregon Electric through center: a bargain for same one; must be sold to close bankrupt estate. Call on W. A Shaw. trustee, 102 Fourth St.. Port land, Oregon. This Is a forced sale and you may have the benefit of it by calling on the trustee and look ing Into the matter. 5-CENT CARFARE. 10 acres, only Sli miles out, on West Side, all in cultivation: modern 8-room house, barn, chickenhouse, good well with gasoline engine; everything to make a good home. This must be sold by Jan. 10. This Is only $i;tr0 per acre and 6o car fare; $4500, balance to suit. HARDING LAND CO., go 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acr up; large and small tracts. Call Kinney se Stampher. 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. For gale -Homesteads. HOMESTEADS near Portland, large timber, running water, prairie, good soil, desirable homes, near railroad and river; location fees right. Covey. 267 Oak, room tX. For Sale Fruit Lands. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS? If you desire to get back to the soil and want a home, come and see us and we will give vou 10 acres planted to trees and take care of It for four years at $20O per acre. Think of it- This section is where the first berries, cherries and pota toes come from. Come and see us and get our booklet. THE DALLES LAND & ORCHARD CO. 504 Board of Trade Bldg. MOSIER BARGAIN. 160 acres of fine orchard land near Mos ier: over SO acres in orchard; only $75 per acre, and will accept modern Portland residence as part payment. AK 603, Ore- gonian. 15 ACRES of cherries, almost ready to bear, in the cherry section of the Northwest, for $u260. Think of It! $360 per acre. Will pay for itself every yearn a short, time. $2500 will handle; balance to suit buyer. Address Good Ground Orchards. : Inc. The Dalles. Or. A SNAP 27 acres of first-class fruit land. 30 acres under cultivation, the rest easily cleared. Tract Joins Lindhaven Orchard Co. land, 6 miles from Lebanon. Or. With buildings and improvements. $135 per acre. Apply to owner. AK 692. Oregonlan. CHEAPEST orchard lands; finest fruit belt Willamette Valley: close to good town; easy terms. COURTNEY, 42s Lumber? mens bldg. For Sale Farms. 92 ACRES. 98 acres of all A-l land; lies level, fenced, cross-fenced; has road on three sides: new 7-room house, painted and plastered; new barn that cost $1000, cement foundation and floors; 4 acres of assorted or chard; good well, living creek all the year; 75 acres of this is In high state of cultivation, 10 acres more ready to plow, 2 acres of green around' the barn for shade for stock; this is located 18 miles from Portland, on a good graveled road, 60 yards from school, R. F. D., telephone; 3 miles from river and railroad station and in a very thickly settled locality; this Is as well Improved a farm as you will find in the Northwest. Price $12,000: will take Portland property up to $5000; $1000 in cash, balance can run 3 years at 6 per cent. BRONG-STEELE CO., 267 Oak St., Farm Dept. 85 NEW BUILDINGS IN 6 MONTHS. 4OO0 acres sold since June. Most rap idly developing district of California. 10, 20 and 40-acro tracts under gravity irriga tion; a rich Bilt loam soil 20 feet deep Yields 10 tons alfalfa; acre supports 2 cows all year. Creamery furnishes cows, taking cream check in payment. 13 acres prunes paid $4500 this year; SO-acre pear crop sold for $31,500 on tree; sweet potatoes. 14 pounds to the hill; continu ous crop of cabbage, lettuce, radlsnes, turnips, carrots, cauliflower, celery and many other vegetables. Winter and Sum mer. Most abundant water supply m state. Alfalfa now $16: two crops pay for land Come now and bring your livestock. Pasture free. Write today to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, . Los MolinoB. California. 70 ACRES. 10 miles west of Portland Courthouse; all cleared: fine young orchard; school quarter of a mile, eight-room modern house, fully plumbed; a fireplace, nice porches, fine large barn, complete water sys tem, telephone in house; free dellv erv of .merchandise, also rural free delivery of mall: In fact, a lovely country home; the very beBt of soil, a chance for a high-class dairy. Price and terms will Interest you. Call and see us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 103 Fourth St. Phone Main 35. A 8500. S20 ACRES. 820 acres, ISO In cultivation. 100 acre, timber 2 U T miles from railroad, good 8 room house and other buildings; 2 good wells running stream through place. 3 Teres' family oYchard bearing; 1-3 of crop eoea with place; wheat, oats, hay. etc. Prtce $45 Per acre. $4000 cash, balance to suit you. T ,vti rn.. SO 4th Bt., Board ot Trade Bldg. 7 3-10 ACRES bottom land, running water, new 10-Voom house, full basement 28x40. furnace acetylene gas. 2 patent toilets, bath large verandas. 7 chlckon-houses w"h scratch sheds, barn, pig house, all ?tock and utensils go with place; price $10,000; terms. H 715,Oregonlan. BALT River Valley. Arizona, offers best In ducement in soil, water, climate and busi ness openings, farming year round 815 Sear days In year; alfalfa, sugar beets, citrus fruits, all grains. Write Glendale (Arixona)Board ot Trade. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracts, suitable for general farming, grain, bay, fruit, hops, dairying, etc; about 40 miles southwest if Portlluid. Or. Call or write lor price lit. W. E. Kidder. CarltonOr. GREAT BUY $45O0. 15 acres on electric carllne; beautiful feittiriines. fireplace in house; 8 blocks from SS.toe. ; 2nd high school. 618 Lum- bermens blag. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. ISa Morrison Bt. FOR SALE Alfalfa land and stock ranches. L. Jacobs. Klamath Falls, Or. Miscellaneous. j IT STRAIGHT & SON, Eugene. Oreeon. have 20-acre improved Santa Clara home to sell; 6. 10, 20-acre tracts (plowed), ad joining irving, choice; 50 choice lots FDringfield. all or single: timber tracts on sFuslaw- townslte. on new railroads; cor- respondence sonciieq. six RAILROADS now building to Eugene. Or For full particulars and Eugene real ....t write Geo Melvlr Miller, real es 'Eugene. Or. "established 1862. WANTEDJIRENT FARMS. AT'once:"want a small farm ; about 80 or 40 acres; yrlt,or caH at847Couch st. rOW RKST FARMS. JAN 1, nice 10-acre farm near Courtney; 8-room cottage, stable, henhous. etc; $28 mo. Phona Oak Grove Red 8. i I