tl '2, 1912. GREGG AND STEEH TO HELP BEAVERS Veterans to Coach Recruits In Jiner Points of Twirling For Two Weeks. I LONG HUNTS SPRING CAMP Manager Counts on Trying Out Shcclcy at First Base Again-t Jarkson Volio to Hold Down Third Corner. Whan tba Portland Beavers, two tftne successive ohamplona of the Pa cing Coaat Utcut, Una up at Spring; practice naxt March, two of tha beat pitchers of which tha club arer boaet ad, mam bar a of tha Cleveland Ameri can League team. Steen and OrgI. will ba likely to be on band to coach tha youna; twlrlere of McCredle'e staff. Mil Bteen. tha leading pitcher of tha Pacific Coaat League laat season, selected by the Clereland club, yeeter day announced that ha would put In at last two weeks wttk Walter Mo Credle'a aquaJ at tha Portland train ing camp previous to reporting to tha Cleveland team at Alexandria about March li. and ha Intimated that Vean Ureas would ba with him at that time. bteen has volunteered bis eervlcea for that period of time to Manager McCradle. and tha Beaver leader Is not averse to having a man Ilka "Bid Six" around when it cornea to furnishing Information to tha youngsters. Steen showed hlmeelf to ba ona of tha best pitchers In tha country by hie work with tha Portland teams of 110 and Ull. both of which clubs won the pen nant, and. as ha likes to work and help young pitchers, his services at tha H-aver camp will ba of considerable alua to the team. Ore;, before leaving; for his Clark- ton. Waah.. home for tha holiday sea son. aJso expressed a similar Intention, but. as ha has not yat signed with tha Cleveland team for next aaaaon. his prreut Intention la this regard can rot be determined. If ha should be come a -holdout" It would hardly bo likely that ha would go to tha Beaver i. in, hut In the event that ha algns wii.i c:eve!.in. he will undoubtedly I. -in S'.rrn with VcCredlo's snttad. and ii. cn nroceed to the Cleveland ramp. Wir'i Stceri and Grrxt at the train ing .-.imp. th Young pltrhera MoCredle i:ii. picked up can expect to learn ..n. valuable assets la the pitching art. e e e Kl"a.'ina; hlmeelf as satisfied with i iintp!cl.n of tha San Francisco I'.b for the coming e.ason. Manager TMnr.y Ixnar Is now touring Southern i nl ! f .-niu with a view of sl."tlnsr a tr:ilatn rtmp for the Seals for the -.:;!:iir Spring. Modesto, Madera. Mi:-;.rJ. lt.kersfl.Id. Vlsalla and other n'-s are bidding to entertain tha SciT in the practice seaeon. and white he la looking for grounds. Long will vUlt all thuii places, and will likely remain In I -on Angelea to attend tha a-he lule meeting of the Paclnc Coast lengTie. lr. Is figurine; on Jackson playing tl r st for the Seals, and on Tohe. the Texas leaguer, making good at third. wM.-h he ptti will round out tha Seal Infield r.frety. lfe also announeea his Intention of trying Young fheeley. tha Spokane recruit obtained In a trade for Hunky Shaw, at first base, and thinks he Is well fortified at this po sition s'nee Tommy TVnnant has been disposed of to the St. Louis Ameri cans. see Clark Orlffl'h. the veteran baseball player and n:ansger. who played In tha Northwestern League In Hi:, and now In charge of the Washington American League .t. tangha at Tv Cobb's an nouncrrent that he w!'l retire before he has become a "Ti?li.n." Griffith has been aotlve'y engaged In baseball for more than ?0 years, though In the past four or five years he cannot be said to hava partlclDated In the game except from the position of bench manager, and Ma doubting of Cohtv'e Intentions sre worthy of note. Orlfflth msv he "a'! In" as a player, hut he still knows the game and as lorg as he la In demand aa a manager, he win stay with the sport. Cobb mav find himself so situated soma of these divs. and managerial berths look aw fu:iy rood to the players who are slip pine as far as diamond usefulness Is rrn.-erned. AVGFT.S TTIOrGTTT CONTENDERS Trnnant. tx.Se-al. Says) Portland Will Be In Coast Race Again. TX3 ANMFI.FS. Cal. Jan. 1. (Spe cial.! Tommy Tennant. former first base-nan of t'ne Seals, who roes to tha Sf. Louis Browns next season, be llves tha coming Coast Leagua ra.e will be a three-cornered affair. Vernon. Loa Angelea and Portland are the clubs which Tennant thinks will finish one, two, three. "O.iklanl should bs in the running." sill Tennant today, "but tha loss of Wolverton may prove a severe handicap to the club, I do not regard MrCreflle as an Ideal manager when tt cornea to getting the he.t results out of players, h-it ha Is usually found hovering around the top. with last season's team prac tically Intact and a number of new men from which to rick. Hcgan fig urea to finish cloaa up. "On paper Loa Angeles oartalnly looks like a contender. IM'.lon at first and Metxger at third rant be beat. Howard and Delmaa are good ballplay er'. lxbr beara tha marks of a com er. Hdtmuller Is a fine hitter, Smith Is a good catcher and Improving rapid lv. KM.e talry Is nothing less than a phrrtom. With the new men to be addJ anfl the pitching ataff atronger than a year ago. Perry's boys certainly figure on parchment aa contenders." n AKNPOI.I.AR WINS FIVE-MILE r'lui-h Close In Y. M. C. A. Cross. City Raoe Time) S:4. VVIth McDonald, his closest opponent, but four feet behind blm at tha fin ish. Bamdnllar yesterday won tha V. M. C A. crosa-clty five-mile run. In J minutes and 41 seconds. Tha three m'.Ia portra was won by Langley. Ha came In 1 fret ahead of Turner, but tha rest of the runnera straggled for a number of blocks, tba last ona coming In In aa auto. Tha time tor the novlca run waa IT minutes and five seconds. Tha entrlea In tha five-mile race. In tha order they finished, wera Barndol Isr. McDonald. Booth, ray ton. Dorrls and Kurta. With tha exception of tha firat three men the others wera itropf out for a good distance. The thrte-mllers came In as follows: Lang lev. Turner. Fleming. Thelchel. Gun tti.r. Bremner. Hendrlcksoa and Thomas. Tha corse for tka first waa T. M. C A. to Taylor, to LownaduJe. to Alder n Wuhinrton. to Twent v-thlrd. to Thurmu, to Twenty-second, to Wash- i III. II. kU . w CI I ? w . Ins; ton. to Lownsdale. to Taylor and ! to the I. H C i. Th. thrM.mll. SVAVit AVeP th. fol lowing streets: Sixth and Taylor to Lownsdale, to Aider and Washington, to Twenty-third, to Johnson, to Twenty-second, to Washington and Alder, to Lownsdale. to Taylor and to tha T. M. C A. Tho prises for tha events will ba pre sented to the winners today at tha T. M. C A. gymnasium. YACHT FHTXISTTXA IS VICTOR Seattle Craft Shows Heels to Fast Tacoma Boat In Annual Races. TACOMA. Wash, Jaa. 1. (Special.) Philistine, owned by A. V. Cum mlnga and repreaentlng tba Seattle Yacht Club, won the feature race of tha Tacoma Yacht Club's annual New Tear'a regatta this afternoon. J. O. Baebford. secretary of the local yacht club, acted aa aklpper and piloted the speedy Seattle craft to Manxanlta and return In record-breaking time, in aplts of a heavy tide which It was necessary to fight both ways. Phllis tlna defeated tha redoubtable Marana. tha prlso-wlnnlng beauty of Commo dore B. T. Jacobs, of tha Taooma Tacht Club. Corsairs, winner of the Paclflo In ternational race, waa not entered, be ing overhauled by Commodore Jacobs for the coming International race. Tha finish between Phtllsilna and Marana was on of the best ever seen upon Commencement Bay, but the better boat won. Sprite, a io-footer, won in the pow er boat class, although pitted against soma of tha fastest boata on Puget Sound. She waa piloted and entered by P. L. Hammond. The catspaw of wind with long calms made It difficult for the sail boats. Presto, entered by C E. Hog bert, nosed across the line a winner, but the day waa a failure from the wlndjamroera point of view. J. W. Powell won the 100-yard swim ming contest. 1ICGGINS AVIXS SWEEPSTAKES Score High In Handicap Match at Warerly Golf Club. The Wavorly Qolf Club Handicap Sweepstakes yesterday was won by Amos T. HUKglns with a score of -lJ. while second prise wont to Wil liam MacMaster. The hard ground made play somewhat difficult, ao that high scores were rather tha rule than the exception. Today sees the commencement of the men's handicap, which will laat about six weeks. The first fortnight la given up to qualifying, with tha first round propor commencing on January 1, and the final on Kobruaxy 11. HOLLADAY IS CHAMPION ELEVEN WHIPS SI'LAUGHLIN BY 5-TO-O SCORE. Contest Played on Slippery Field Is Scoreles fntll Humphreys Make 60-Yard Run. Y'.ic Inueipender.t football champion ship of the city was won by the Holla day team on Sunday at Columbua Field by Its defeat of the McLaughlin team, I to 0. The game waa ona of the moat hard fought seen on the field this Win ter, and was scorWesa until Humphreys, end for the Holtaday eleven, made a -yard run for a touchdown In the third quarter. Humphreya was the most brilliant star brought out by the afternoon's mud-skating conteat. C Drlaco'.l was a second Tyson, making hlmaeif useful on all occasions. The ltnoupa: AicLaughltB. Position. Holladar- Burrs L K Tett li.rtn 1. T HssMnsS l. !rtseoll L. a lluike V.. Iinseoll r. Tni, ilsnnlnt K liT Nash Mumfoid R T Lawrence Toomrr R F: McMshon HurVv VI H Humphreys lierw'hler I- H Mi.rns o Hare R H Rarsom ti ers F" B olssn The game between the Alblna Juniors and the K. K. Watklns teams of the Archer - Wiggins League at Columbus Club Field Sunday waa scoreless. Neither team came very near the other's goal, except on one occasion when Trlny Jones, of the Watklns tenm. almost got away with a fumble. Hit-berg and Jones playeB a good game for Watklns. while Colvln and Nelson starred for the Juniors. The lineups: F E. Watklns. position. Altlua Jrs. Clretrmsn L. K- Colvla TturkovUeh 1. T oua n.ocn Clrstsm ..... Hetrg Highland ... R. Jones ... liewlit T. Jone . I ert'r.ti!r .. . . .1 O.. Htfr C. .. ...n a. . . . R T . ...R K. ...W B. ...L. H. ...F . . . R M . . .. Powurt McNIcbols .. Al HlocX . ... epsdT . McKenna Arnt . ... Nelson . ... hrry Froart O'Nsll refererd both games. LEST WE FORGET What Feraser Port I 4 Players Are New Dtflag. No. 51. Ike Rockenfleld. HERE la tha original, genuine, dyed-in-the-wool, come-back" kid. Iko Rockenfleld. who was one of the galaxy of nearly stars L. E. Dugdale foisted upon the Portland fans In 1904, and who waa listed among the down-and-outs that season, aa well as several other seasons, only to blossom forth as a high-class man elsewhere the next year. Uorky" waa brought to Portland when the cherubic and rotund Beattlelte tried to demonstrate that he knew baseball to the critical fane of Port land. I. -it Ike did not Impress the fans of Portland very much, though "Dug" Insisted on playing hlra regularly, ljiter. as well aa previous to coming to Portland. Kockeo field had startled the natives by hss batting and fielding pro clivities, but here he did nothing of the kind. He waa like a lot of othera who took Dug's managerial prominence as a Joke, and acted accordingly, for he seemed net to care whether school kept or rrot ss long ss he could convince Pen C. Illy that he had" a check forth coming on the first and fifteenth of each month. After his Indifferent season with Tortland Rockenfleld went to John Sic. Cioskey's Inter-Mountain League club tUe following year, and then landed with this same "lloneet John" person with St. Louis In the National Leagua In ISC. Hockey stuck around In St. Louis and ot' places In the leaser leagues in the Est for awhile, and finally drifted bark to his old love. Tacoma. which club Introduced him to the Northwest. li was with Tacoma until the season of 111 opened, when George Schreeder palmed him oft to the American Aaaociation. Road Ilstrct Voles Taxes. NEWPORT. Or, Jan. 1. (Special.) Road district No. C. tv htch containa all tha roar's adjacent to Newport, held an other road meeting December :. after having beea turned down recently on a 1-mlU tax levy, and voted a epeclal tax of 4 mllla. A VICTORIA IS WINNER Pacific Coast Championship in Rugby Is Clinched. CALIFORNIA ELEVEN LOSES Deciding Game With Score of 8 to 0 Is Fought Out on Wet and Slip pery Field Berkeley Team Violates Rales. VICTORIA. B. C. Jan. 1. By taking the third and last rame of the serlea by a acore of ( to 0, the Victoria Rugby team today triumphed over the vlaltina; University of California students and crowned themselves ohamplona of the Paclflo Coaat and holders for one year of the Cooper-Keith trophy. The battle was fouitht on a slippery field and play waa kept anoat entirely at the players' feet. Victoria played the better all-around came, but had the visitors observed the rules of Rugby a little more than they did. their brilliant flrbt to retain the cham pionship mlajht have netted them some thing. Honald Gillespie, hero of more than one battle, acored five points of the new champions' score. In the first half, from a penalty, he drop-kicked the ball over the bars from the 40 yard line, raining; three points. After a remarkable dribble rush from cen ter, Carstalrs scored the only try of the match at the extrome outside cor ner of the goal line. Then at an al most Impossible anirle, Gillespie eon verted the ball with a skillful bit of footwork. California's three quarters had no chance whatever, the Victoria forwards following- up ao etronarly that passing waa Impossible. Captain Johnny Ftroud did the work of two men for his team, both in ktcklna; and tack llnir. Victoria won two games of the three In the series, tlelner the first for no score. Last year. California took the trophy on a one-game victory by a score of S to 0, the other two games resulting In ties. Referee Sparks had to warn the vis iting team on one occasion for "feet up" In the scrum. The Callforntana left for home to day. Canadian Polo Team Victorious. SAX DIEOO. Cal.. Jan. I. Battling hard for every advantageous position and making each stroke count for Its full worth, but with luck against them at the last moment of play, the Coro nado tour, led by Lord Tweedmouth, lost the opening polo game of the sea son to the invading Calgary. Canada, team by a score of H to ihi. Coro r.ado'a penalties, four fouls and safe ties, lost Its players the contest. Denver Ed Orfered Match. TACOMA. Jan. 1. A New Tear'a AN EXCITING MOMENT IN NEW YEAR'S DAY 2-0 GAME WON BY MULTNOMAH CLUB OVER SEATTLE. t - ; . - U r , t : fit ; -1 '.vi" - ' " '-, - - - " . i : Dad Clarke Attessptiac Place Kick FToaa Forty-SIa-Tar Liar, Rtaehart Holdlaa- tha Rail. KakUaa as4 Place Tbraaak the Forward Mas Try las; te Mas the Play Tela Kick Fell Six Feet abort of the Crowbar. L Robinson & Co. "Where you get the best" offers EVERYTHING in Ihe store If contract goods excepted Hasten Men! Replenish Your Wardrobe Washington Street Near Fifth present In the shape of the promise of a contest with Jim Flynn or Al Kauf man at Salt Lake came to Denver Ed Martin today. H. X. Williams, a per sonal friend of Martin, who Is acting; as hia manager, received a letter from, J. E. Kelly, the Salt Lake promoter, saying ho will match Martin with either Flynn or Kaufman and will stage the bout at Salt Lake February Oregon Basketball League Opens. CHEMAWA. Or., Jan. 1. With Ave Institutions represented the Oregon Intercollegiate Basketball League has opened the season. Thus far the Che mawa Indians and Pacific College are In the lead without having been de foated. while Thllomath Collefro has won and lost a gamo. McMinnvllle College and Paclllo University havo both been defeated In the only games they have played. The Chemawa team defeated the Philomath five last Friday by the close scoro of 28 to 25. PAPER CHASE ROUTE ICY JAMES XICOIi WIXS AXXTJAL HUXT CLUB EVENT. Hares Sliorten Course on Account of SHpperj Going H. C. Camp bell Riding Is a Feature. Owing to the icy crust covering most of the route covered by the Portland Hunt Club riders In their annual New Year's day cross-country ride yester day, the hares Mrs. F. O. Buffum and Ambrose M. Cronln ehortened the route from the regulation eight miles to six. The event waa captured by James NtcoL mounted on Will Wehrung. Despite the slippery going, the riders enjoyed the sport. The time of the race was not so bad, considering that care ful riding had to be negotiated cau tiously. The riders were eent away at 11 o'clock eharp, and finished at 11:S0. William Walter, mounted on Mike Wis dom, finished a close second to the win ner, while Walter -A. Gruetter took third honors on Lady Myrtle. - A feature of the race was the riding through of H. C. Campbell, who partici pated In a Hunt Club run for the first time In four years. He made a good showing, despite thej fact that he was unplaced In the race. Mr. Campbell had found it impossible to compete at the three previous New Tear's day races because of business dealings which usually took him out of the city at this time of the year. The hares for the occasion selected a fine course, using excellent judgment In avoiding most of the, icy declivities common In the valley through which the riders Journeyed In the competi tion for the Hunt Club cup. Among those who participated were: H. C. Campbell. James NIcol, Cheater O. Murphy, Walter A. Gruetter, F. -Ieadbetter. Arnold F. Rothwell, Joseph Wiley, Eugene Oppenhelmer, William Walter, H. C Norrlln, Dr. Coghlan. William M. Davis and J. D. Farrell. Snow Falls In Linn. ALBANY", Or.. Jan. 1. (Special.) During the past few days considerable snow has fallen In the mountains of this part of the state and In many places In Linn County there Is a large quantity of snow well down In the foothills. ' ' ? : i , : 5 ' ' i 1 . s f i - - l v' -'j''"T.'.r r .1 t-i 5 .' " - . . - SOCCER MATCH ISDRAW CRICKETERS 6CORE TWO BUT MCXTXOMAHS EVEX TJP. Early Flay of Visitors Aggressive But Winged "M" Puts Them on Defensive at End. PORTLAND ASSOCIATION IiEACClC. Teams. Nationals . Multnomah Cricketers . Occanica . .. Won. Lost. P.C. ... 8 0 1.000 ... 1 .730 . . . 3 S .400 ... 0 4 .01)0 The Multnomah soccer team succeed ed In making a draw of their game with the Cricketers yesterday morning on Multnomah Field, after being two goals down at the end of the first half, and with one man short up till change of ends. The field, though on the hard side, was In splendid condition when the Cricketers started off, and they began to press immediately, ,lray in particu lar being dangerous on several occa sions. Two corners were forced In quick succession, but one was put be hind while the other was cleared. Then Stewart and Cameron got away for the home club, but the Cricketers resumed the offensive and from a cor ner kick Banham notched their first point. Within five mlnutea of the restart Creasy tapped a high one un der the bar for the Cricketers' second. After crossing over positions were reversed, for the winged "M," now at full strength, did virtually all the at tacking. Albtnson scoring number one while Stewart added the equalizer. Toward the end the visitors made a couple of dangerous dashes, but the home defense prevailed. A draw fairly represents the run of the game, though the football was by no means strenuous all the time. In the first half, with one man short against them, the Cricketers showed pretty combinations, but they fell away In the second period, being com pelled to act strictly on the defensive. Both sides were short of regular men, with the Multnomah team the greater sufferer In this respect, as they lacked the services of Dyment, Matthew, Fab re and Bennett. The lineup: Multnomah. Position. Cricketers. Oiffsrd o Cross R B H. Darby Mackle LB W. Matthew McKle LHB Gardner McEwen CUB Graham S'tnmoni LHB 7...T. Matthew Dirk O RF Mackenzie A STRAIGHT TALK TO By C.K. HoIsman,M. D.The Leading Specialist i in an szpsrt specialist, traatinv aiimsnts or mn x- claafvely. 1 own my offics and equipment, publish my true photograph acd personally superviso the treatment of all oatfents from the time they corns to me until they are dis charged as cured. Althouch ray time Is fully occupied from early mom untn late st nlgrht In look in after th wants of my patients, and In administering my special treat ment for Blood Poison, Varicose Vein and other diseases, X always take pleasurs in consulting with new patients. In ofTerinc my services to the sfE.icted I am rlvinrr you the BEST that can be bad anywhere. My reputation and experience for the past 18 years van leave bo doubt as to my ability, honesty and lntes-rlty and should be sufficient to convince the most skeptical that X am the FOREMOST and LEAUING Specialist in Portland. I possess skill and experience acquired la such a way that no other can share It and should not be classed with Inexperienced doctors or specialists. A thorough lnvestlfatlon should bo made by every a ."line; man ata to tha stnei.Iit onaulta. Duty and destlnv to te.f and those who depend upon you demand the beat xned-G. K. Hole mas. M. O. leal attention. I have the ability and can civs you thla service. I have always charged a very reasonable fee. so that my services may be obtained by any man who slncerly desires to be cured. I make no mis lea dine statements, fa; promises or unbusinesslike propositions. 1 would like o hava you for a patient if you will come to me on a etrictiy professiaonal ba s s, acceptinr inducements that I oiler, wnion are my ability, 18 years success ful experience tlxn?-savln- treatrosnt and cur of certain diseases. I dally dsmoastrate that varicose veins can be cured In nearly all cases by ns treatment 1b such a satisfactory way, pain ceases, swelling eubaldes. a healthy circulation is rapidly re-eetab-llahed, fnsfead of the depresslcs; condi tions. X guarantee you a curs to stay cured or refund the money. KIDNEY AND BLADDER. With these diseases you may have more complications than are presented by ary other disease. By my learcblna Illumination of the bladder I determine accurately the disease and by microscopic examination and urtn s lysis I make doubly sure the condition of the kidneys, thus lay In foundations for sclentlflo treatment spkcjlfic bmoe powox Bclentlflo trestmetft niy should bs usea In combat:nr this losthesoms dls tit. X car Blood Poison by the new firmin Remedy which I Introduce di rectly Into the blood, purifying it nea irsllxlng It and expellins poison from he system. IVew biood thus formed supplies snd rebuilds the tissues In such a way that the r silent recovers his BsormaJ stats of health, strength and aoundaea. MX 1IKECT TRET.rE'T FOB RVOC9 DKB11JTY. That disorder comcsoniy known as weakness has for years and feneration battled the efforts of physicians, yet to Uus very day a majority of doctors. I Treat All aAilments) of Men and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer Free Consultation and Examination X Invite you to come to my office. I -via- explain to you my treatment for varicose vein, hernia, nervous debility, blood poison, piles, fistula, bladder, kJd cey and all nan's ailments, and lv you FREB a physical axamlnatloa If yon write for free book and self-examination blank. My office open all day from V A. M. to t P. ST. snd Sunday from 10 te IX All corTpondence treated confidentially, letters cheerfully answered. DR.G.K. HOLSfflAN CURED IN 5 No Detention From Occupation, r amuy DR. A. G. SMITH, THE LEADING SPECIALIST. I am registered and lleaaswel pbyvlclaa, con Mains nay special recvlee to tha allsneata of MEN. have mare snoaey Invested la any establishment than all ether Pert laud special lata combined, aaa I will give S00 to aay charity It I eaaaot shew this la tne. I publlah my true photograph, correct name, paraomally conduot my office. I am tha moat eucceaa ful and reliable, aa medical cre dentials and preas reoords prove, I make thla statement ao that you will know you conault a true ape ciallat. who seas and treata pa tients personally. I poasess EX PERT skill and experleno. ac quired in such a way that no other can share. To all men who are sick and In trouble; to tha man who feel thay have lost the energy of youth, and that the strength they ought to have has been sapped from them; to those who are not sick enough - to be abed but feel they must use all their will power to foroe them selves even to their everyday tasks to all these I have a speclsl mes sage of hope and chear. I nan cure that lame and aching back. I can re store the lustre to the dimmed eye; I can make you realise that the youth of yesterday has not been buried In an age of several decades, and that your pitiful con dition Is now due only to damaged health. This health oan be te atored If you will aot now. Come today, or the stage of nsglest may get Just past the stage that la curable. V ,aa4.v . K rum r st j 'jlLfc tHisii -1 i J jrable. I - WRITTBX GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a our ma M-w rte .rvinAR . I rusrsQtee to euro certain nwiueit Jv.rv doriar0ry"rhav? pilfST for my service; k My service, eo.1 you nothing unlesa I oure your Varicose Veins. Herala. Pa, FlsWhi, Biooo ? i-2 J?! JIJL ffK-MS nyy forrm.Sneaf?ts"ftSOnBble "X.?." "i'i' '"-2 w . o vi Office hours a. M. to P. M. DR. A. G SMITH Cameron IRS" C Darby Stewart CP.. Creasy Alblnson I LP .Banham Munro OLP Gray Referse Clark. Linesmen Hay , and Bimpson. SKATING RECORD SHATTERED Lamy Goes 100 Yards on Ice From Standing Start In 9 Seconds. SAKANAC, N. V.. Jan. 1. Edmund Lamy, former amateur skating cham pion, covered a hundred yards on the lake today In nine seconds from a standing start In an exhibition trial. The previous record was -5 sec onds, held by Morris Wood, an ama teur. Bronson and Devlin Draw. LOUISVILLE, Ky, Jan. 1. Kay Bronson. of Indianapolis and Tommy Devlin, of Philadelphia, fought ten fast rounds to a draw today. Marvin Hart refereed. BING CHONG, Chinese Doctor Mad or cblneM barbs W-4 root medicio eurM all kinds diMAMi of tb bsart, lnncs. liver, itomsch, ka- wi M..hlas of mil roman w nan w.nw Lx you suffr. call f a 232Vi, Wash. bC. 2d. Room 18- Port. Or. Jipeclailsta not excepted, are attempt -ing to overcome it by methods tbat have been In constant use and have always failed for half a century. They dose the system with oowerful stimu lants snd tonics, calculated to restore nervous force or etrenKth that Is not and never has been lack in, with the result that the functions are tempo rarily excited to the positive detriment f tha patient. Weakness la only a symptom resulting from many local vonditfons .tnd is curable by local treatment only, without the Elvins of a elnple internet dose, which demon. Urates the absolute accuracy of my understanding and treatment of this iisorder. In years I have not met with a slnffle failure and I have entire con fide no in my ability to oure all cases that come to me for treatment. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfect ed can completely and permanently rer tore strength snd vigor. NO MOMS1' REQCiKED TO COM MZNCK THEATiltXT. Many patients have ao confidence in Cheir doctor, be cause he demands pas before a cure has been effected and there are many who have been misinformed about their condition or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and think there is no cure for them. X want an opportunity to treat such men. It makes no difference about the financial part, as I accept pay for my services as benefits are derived; when I am satlsflcji the patient Is ra table. Health s capital at Interest. 1 will prov maf ability to cure before asking pay for my sorvlcsa. 221 Morrison St. Cor. let Street PORTLAND. OREGON ' ' K and a j I Us MEN DAYS or nomc MANX CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN OKB TREATMENT. M08T TIME-SAVING, MOST NAT URAL. MOST SAFE. A RADICAL . AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARB THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I Invite yon to coma to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose elns. Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood Poison. Piles, Fistula, Bladder, Kidney and all Men's Ailments, and Prive you FREE a physical exam nation; If necessary a microacopt cal and chemical analysis of ore tie a I, to determine pathological and bacteriological oondltlons. Every person should take advan tage of thla opportunity to learn their true oondltlon. A permanent oura la what you want. CONGESTED VEL1I Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varloose veins can ba cured In nearly all casee bv o n treatment. In suoh a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served andatrengthanad. pain oeases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation Is rapidly re established Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you cure to stay cured or refund tba money, NERVOUS DEBILITY. Cerebro, where the mental foroea are impaired. Spinal, w h e r e the spina) oentara are involved. Vital, where tha sympathetic norvoua aya tem and forcea that govern the or gans are deranged by reflex effects of ailments. I treat these condi tions and all weaknesses Induced by nervous complications and; ex cesses and put you on the right track to health, restoring the con ditions essential to your future Ufa and happiness. n sea " FOR BLOOD DISORDER. I u e Professor Ehrllch's won derful new discovery. " 80S, In cases of Blood Poison. It oures in one treatment, and la the greatest marvel of medical aclence. This new remeBy has been successfully used In thousands of cases. Let me explain It to you. Hnria. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. 2341s Morrison St. Corner Second PORTLAND, OREGON MODERN METHODS t nA.iHir.l nnlv specialist in Portland that publishes his own photograph, personally conducts and manages his own office,, and con sults with and treats all his own patients. I have more quaiificaUona and experience than any other spe cialist advertlains In this city Every man calling; at my office la assured of my personal and Indi vidual treatment until a cure Is el fected. My fees are one-fourth that exacted by the various medical companies." "Institutes" and mu seums." Be sure to consult m Be fore treating elsewhere. BLOOD FOISON 1ST I rnriLi MY PROMISES. I ACCEPT NO I1 tllAHI.K CASES. I Sever UOVO OUT FAJLSB HOPE. Why treat with Incompetents when you can secure the expert services of a competent specialist? Come to me If you have any or ina following disorders: Vsrhwre Veins, ptmplea, Nervous Debllltr, Nerve, Blood and Stein Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Polaona, Eruption., Ulcers, Special Ailments, PI lea Fistula. g to 57 to 8 Dally t Sunday, 10 to X, Examination Advice Free. J.J.Keefe,Ph.G.M.D. Rooms H-14 Lafayette B,d-.. 8134 WASHINGTON ST, COB. 6th, PORTLAND, OH. The Eminent Chinese Doc tor Is Curing Many Cases of Sickness Dr. Wo Dr. Wo He treats with n on -poisonous, non-in-Jurionr herbs all diseases of the Throat, Heart. -.Ivor, Lungs, Ktomach, Kidneys. Plies. Constipation, Nervousness, Neural gia, Rheumatism, Catarrh. Eczema, Blood Poison. Diabetes and all organic diseases. CONSULTATION" FREE. Patients out of town ca.n secure these health-building- remedies. Send 4 cents In stamps for symptom blank. WO CHINESE MEDICAL CO. 250H Alder. Cor. Third. L. T. YEE & SONS ai lui, in. ja Th old eminent Chines. doctor cures any aiseas. 2 auccessf uUy. such as weaK X C'-i nerves, constipation, asthma, iJ V5 i i catarrh, cancer, piles, nsrv . fa .nun.... rheumatism, blood . tf 1 poison. lan. liver, kidney S: . J acd stomacb trouble; also i- t 3 ailments of men and women. 4: 4 No matter wiio bas tailad. B V."''3l luarante. a cur. It cur-La4-iii able. I have spent a lifetime studr of berbs ana fmuww ...-. "nlvirsiues and took post-gradu.t. eoureea In CblnaT 1 bav. thonsand. ot testimonial from my arnwful patlsnts. I us. only tb. most harnTless Cblnss. bwbs. regardless oj th. blab pric Bo I can belp you. CaU ir writ, for srraptom blank and circular. iTt. WB BOSS MEDlCtSK CO, Usti First. 8 Cor. Alder. Portland, O. ty. r. Broadway. Writ, tor booklet. N. T. and hysterical or despondent at time. GCJTVS BLOOD a NERVB TONlConrea . tor cood. BuUdsnptbe system and bright. . ema tit. mind. 7ooaboa. rTrtte for prootV ; DR. BOslAKO CO rhlladatehia, JBsK' f wx S3