15 TIIE 3rORN-IG OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. DECE3IBER 27, 1911. y FOOLS III MILLIONS VIEW OF W. G. BRISTOL Rotarians Hear Attorney Pour Out Vials of Wrath in Noon Address. BOURNE IS DENOUNCED Dr. John U. Bojd't Addre berres as Ft for "Dynamite BUly." Work of Portland Realty Board I Explained to Club. tV. c. Bristol, recently elected m Hiembr of the Rot&ry Club, made his first appearance at the weekly lunch eon yaterday with a characteristic address. Dr. John If. Boyd was k pea Je er of the day. and It was his address upon -The Man Who Can" that fur nished the starting point of Mr. Bris tol's address, when C. T. prat I. chair man, called upon him unexpectedly. Dr. Boyd bad spoken to support of th rfoctrln of "the Inequality of men. classifying; mankind into the "plus and thm minus, the dibits and the ciphers," Her. Mr. Boyd declared It to be the duty of the "plus men. the "men who can. to lt themselves be- rnma leaders In society and use their anility not fur their own advancement, hut for the betterment of the entire social structure. Den-rylna; the ten den tee toward corruption that have appeared In political flld from time to lime, be said: "At present:. If f were running; for office I would rather have a ward he-lr for my manager, than th bt members of the Kotary Club." Mr. Bristol criticised the members of the club for the applause accorded the anecdotes told by the speaker and the tendency to pay less attention to the more weighty parts of his address. KmIi Xaasfcer 8LaoMoeX. "I aaree emphatically with every thing It. Boyd has said, only he didn't make it half strong enough. he de clared. "There are more fouls In the social body thsn he gives It credit for. In England there are 12.000.000 fools, and in America there are 90.000. 000 d d fools." Mr. Bristol asserted that the people had gone mad over freak legislation. He sharp It criticised Senator Bourne. hnator Chamberlain and Kepresenta t!ve llawley, saying that they had showed themselves unfit for their positions. "They have all become preachers of the Initiative and referendum until they haven't time to give any attention i the needs and wishes of their con etttuents." said Mr. Bristol. "The initiative Is being abused to il"." he continued, ''until everyone who wants anything, no matter what it may be. rushes out. gets a petition Mgncd, and soon has the people voting to give him what he wishes. I sup ai the rate It Is going that I mi-riii. if my law practice were not wittMm torr. get the people to sign up a. petition for an initiative law i-om-l-e! i in atl litigants to bring their t witness to my office." Mr. frail gave a short address ex I'iaintng the work that the Portland FCealty Board 1" doing In Its efforts to purify the real estate business and urlve out of It all tricksters and fak ers. Plasm C 'asaitte - Rsrta. 'e are In the business for profit, ef course. he said. but most Of the real estate men have Ideals. We work for the upbuilding of Oregon. We try to bring the landless man to the man less land. -Portland is. 1 believe, great enough for the present.' he continued. "We need to turn our attention rather to the settling up of land over the state. But Id up Oregon. d Portland will build op to keep pace with the growth of ita tributary country. This. I be 11 . the truest greater-Portland doc trine." The Greater Portland plana commit tee, of which t. corse M. Hyland Is the chairman, reported to the club, that January had been set ss the date for harrng the Mavor and Councllmen for , guests at the luncheon, to discuss the ' Bennett plans and to hear a lecture upon "Greater Portland." Illustrated with stereoptieon views of the plans. The citv Council Is to be urged to favor an appropriation for the publi cation of the Bennett pinna to be cir culated among the citizens for educa tional purposes. W. T. Buchanan was appointed chair man f te committee to represent the Kntarr Club In the formation of the new City Club, other members of this omrnlttee are: J. T. McDougalL J. I YamiK V. W. Rohlnson and M. W. Hunt. MAN SENTENCED: PAROLED M licaton Ka-rmond Tr-Jipe toni Jail Term After Prom !. Klve months in the County Jsil and an immediate parol were the lot of Wheat on Kaymornl yesterday when he enfrd a plea of guilty before JudKe Uat-n in answer to an Indictment rharring Mm mirh larceny by bailee of Se from Oeorae K. Matthews, a Tifgro. Fpreenttns that he as not yet ready to more In but muit hare the premises watched. Raymond hired Mat thews to sjuard an blast bide house for him, evactinr ISO from his employe as bond for faithful performance of duty. He decamped with the money. Larceny hy bailee Is punishable by a peniten tiary term, but Judtce Catena accepted Raymond's propoeal to plead cuilty to a charge of simple larceny. Raymond made Tc-luMe promises of future good behavior. TRAVELERS TALK ON WIRE Trains of North Bank Ilae Tele phone on Board. It ts posalM aow for passengers on the Nortn Bank ro) to talk over the telephone to their friends or to their offices in Portland from a aeat in the observation car at the station until the time of the train a departure. XMi service was Inaugurated in Tortland yesterday and now ia in auc cessful operation. Connection with the vires of the Bell system Is made on both the fast trains to the K.it. leav ing here at 6i A. M. and 7."0 P. M r'.pectlvely. and with the Astoria ex press leaving Portland at .li P. M. DAILY CITY STATISTICS HA.rV aN-LrtVY ilea Uardmen. elir. tl o.1 Edith UK a" Levy. 21. HOsrORD-i.I.AiiiETT Oliver J Hosfsrd. dtr II. and "ran.-e. I- Oeggelt. II FOwrR-l'AI.71El Robert Edgar Bower. Stops a Cough Quickly -Even Whooping Cough A Whole Pint of th Quickest, Surest Cough Remedy for SOc. Money Refunded If It Fails. If you here an obstinate, deep-eeated couch, which re f oses to be cared, get a 50-cnt bottle of Pinex. mix it with home made sugar eyrup and start taking it. Inside of 34 hours your coufh will be gone, or Try nearly so. Eren whooping aoufh is quickly ooqu.red in this way. A 60-cent bottle of Piner, when nixed with home-made surar syrup, fieee you a pint a family supply of the finest cough remedy that money could buy, at a deer serine of $2. Very easy to prepare full directions in package. Pines soothes and heals the inflamed membranes with remarkable rapidity. It stimulates the appetite, is silently laxa tire. and has a pleasant taste children take it willingly. Splendid for croup, asthma, bronchitis, throat tickle, chest pains, etc, and a thoroughly successful retrdr for indpent lung troubles. fnei is a specisl and highly concen trated compound of Norway White Pine extract, rich in guaiacol and other heal ing pine elements. It hss often been imi tated, though neeer successfully, for nothing eise will produce the same results. Simply mix with surer syrup or strained honey, in a pint bottle, ana It is reedy for use. Anyone who tries Pinex will quickly understand why it is used in more homes in the V. 8. and Canada than any other cough remedy. The geonine is guaranteed to fire absolute satisfaction or money refunded. Certificate of guarantee is wrapped in each package. Tour druggist baa Plnex or will get it for yon. If not, send to The Phaex Co., Ft. Wayne. Ind. Plnex is fully ajuaranteed by Laue Davle Drug Co. rtltrlbuters). Portland. Sutherland. Or.. St. and Hattle Mar Da I si el. IS. M'DONALD-M-KINNET K. E. McDonald. Tacoma, Wash.. 2. ul GMrgle aUallBney. IV HOSHLTON-lirOBMI'-K-M. B. Hoaelton. Crow. Or.. 19. and Jessie MeCormlck. Crow. Or.. i CADOKAV-PFIEFER Christian H. Cado nan. city. :X and Myrtle Plelfer. 2. 1IOUNE-D18E- B. U Molina, Pasco. Wash.. 7. and Emma Duse. 2ft. TOPIC UIBET1CH-Jo. Tenia, city. 4. ar.d Mardtna LJuhetich. 22. GRANOT-LIN DHLOD Richard Oranot. cltv. 2, and Klin Ulndbiod. 24. VAN DE MAKK-K1NO A H. van ds Mark. rlty. 27. and Oraca Kins. 21. COPELJkSO-WIl.KINn J. F. Copaland. city. 3u. and E. D. Wllklna. 31. HA.RTFOKD-GIL.BALGH Wm. M. Hart ford, city, legal, and Ruhr O. OUbaugh. ''SLESt.IR-BAKER Lester M. Uxlle. elty. 2b. and I.eo Ruth Faker. 21. WLI.KO.W-BAHUiR-Br. W. J. Mul mny. Maltv Waeti.. UsaL and Iaab.Ua Bah- ""jCNM HlTBARD TTiartea V. H Jones, joti'i city. S2. and Harriet E. Hubbard. 2-V KNOX-FlaHER Dr i. H. Knox. Vancou ver. Waab.. legal, and Harriet V. FMhsr. I"jlNEAt--OART Tom McNaal. Aberdeen. vVanh.. legal, and Farah Cart. lagaL KIMOREN-t-UNDbERO John A- Elm gren. cltr. 22. and .Maria N. Lundharg. 20. JEXNISOS-JOHNSTOX Forast R. Jen nlni.t. rlly. 23. and Ka;a Johnston. Tl. 1 R 1ST M A N- EC R ' T J ohn Chrlatman. city. 24. and titalla Sacrist. 22. ' Uirtha. METERS To Mr., and Mrs. Louis Meyers. S4 East Thlrty-savsnib street. December 14. a daughter. CAill UfcLL To Mr. and Mrs. John Camp ball. lt Eighteenth street North. December 2. a daughter. KISsU.vo To Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Klaallng, 114 Grand avenue. December 11. a aoo. FUIXTOVTKES To Mr. and Mra. T. Fountoakea. :( North fclshth street. De cember is. a son. PALMER To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Palmer. 41 s-kidmora. December -1. a daughter. JOnV-'aON To Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Johnaon. Portland, IWember J. a daughter. MANDT To Mr. and Mra. W. JL Mandr. Foriy-flrst avenua and fieveny-nlnth street Southeast. DKemoer IS. a aaugnter. R1TTMER To Mr. and Mra Oeorge V Blltner. (!lity-lghth street end Forty-third avenue gouthaanC. Dacambet a. a daughter. HF.kUA.. To Mr. and Mrs. Burke O. Beemaa. U Hawthorn, avanue. baamter 14. a aoo. BEYER T. Mr. and Mra John H. Beyer. BflO East Thirtieth street. December 12. a daushter I'HRISTENSO.V To Mr. and Mra. Ola Chrlsteneoo. SSI East Oak street. December 19. a eon. CODD To Mr. and Mrs. Jamas E. Codd, s-7 Vnton avenue. Te-ember 1. a dsnghter. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally ee Meusday, Per Una. A.;, tlaee lie t mmt a twe eeneaeatte. tlmre ........ xte tm aU tbre. rooeecotlr. tlnaee See Sane, ad sis ac aeeea ceaimlivt tlnsee. . See Keealttaacea sauet asawv 't-l-4ea bee) est advertAaeaaeat la ae rna In eea seeaUe leeuaa the oaMlsv rasa appUaa. Mm weede teal aa eoe lin. aa rasa ad- veruaesneate aud a ad canted Im leas taaa la. Ujsea. Oa ebarge e Halt alllllle sueata the e( Ium appeavrtaa la the paver, regard I . ml vae aumber of weeds la earn Uaa. la ew Teeiy all adaertleeaseata are charge, by aacaenra ealy. 14 llaes te tae ti 1 b. ab.v. rate, apply te advertisements urr e Taday" aad aU etiiar clasalDcej uotm cscepling in. fnlluwlags euoalloae Uuue. Male. Mtaauou M eulea. luMIe Orraumaa will arcept claealfled advertise sneate eter tbe telephone, providing the ad vert leer a a subscriber te elthee pheoa. A. prtrea will be eooted ever lb phaae bat blU will b. rendered tb fell.tvlog day. v netber eabeeqaent a4lvertteeaeale arlU be ee.ed .vee Iba vseae depeada ap. tbe uremptnee ml the peyasent al telephone ed vertleeaaeata. Kllaatla. V aoted aad rer aoaal edeertleeoseata will a4 be aerepud aee tb. lelepboaet. Ordera far a. liner tKa aaly will be accepted fee "llian laf Kol. Samllar. lee Sale." i(valacea Oppae lualflea." "sta.asalg-rt.aaes" aa. -Maalad t steau" ArCTlON SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furntlure. 171-g-a recond street. MEETIXI NOTICEa. A. AND A. S RITE, ORaV ilON CONSISTORT. NO. 1. INC Annual meeting la Memorial Hall. Scottish Rite Cathedral, this evening at o'clock. By order Maeter of Kadoah. WASHINGTON COUNCIL. NO. . R AND f. M. Staled ara-mb:y this Wedneslayl evrnlng. 7 :S E. 8th and Burnelde. Election and tnetalla- t.on ol oltlccrs and paimT.t or dues. Irllors we.come J- H. RICHMOND. Recorder. -wa, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AT 6 ev TENTION Dancing and card ; ' e party this (Wednesday) evening. Masonic Temple, Weat Park and Xamhlll sta LOT AI. ORDER OF MOOSE -Portland Lodge. No. 21. meets every Wednesday ment at Felii !all. id and Jefferson sis. Visiting Veoee lavlted. WALTER M HOVERN. Becretary. W. N. tiAT ENS. Dictator. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. J, I. O. O. P. Reeuler meeting this iWednerdsy evening si b o'clo-k. initiation and other very Im portant business. Vie. tore alaavs welcome. R. (1SVOLD, Secretary. ORIENT LODGE. NO. IT. L O. O. F. Retrutar meeting of ne lodge. Third de gree, aoiourntng members cordially In vited te be with us W W TERRT, Hecretsry. SOU. BORN Te Mr. and Mrs Gerald Anthony, December IM. Ill. a luMr OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OITlfl CTTT HALL. Mala IM. TaSe. HI.HA.M OH1CA.R, nninl Cnla. Heeulence. 114 E. ih N. ast 417a. R A. Daorr.lre, Res. tag Wine St. W. a Kstoa. Rea. 1 E ISth. East 11a. Bsras Aaibulaaee, A S10L JT- Es. Krshis. susdsys and Holidays. A Siej; Pr. a.x. 4. Truk f. A A3TTSEMINTS. Uril It"! TTTEATER S iirfiauv l boora Main 1 aad A 1113 -Two Performances Today Matin. 1:15 o'clock La it Tim. Tonight 1:18 Montgomery and Stone In tb Musical Comedy THE OLD TOWN" Lower floor fl: balcony. ( roes U 50. rows $L 4 rows wc. 6 rows &0c; gal lery. 60c Seau now selling. OH. tor CALIFORNIA. HT- f J f THEATER X2 I i-t 1 VJ 7th aad Taylor IM1" Dec 30 GLEE CLUB Returning from European Trip. 10 MEMBERS 3. (1.00. TSc SOc. 85c 25c. SEAT SALE OPENS THURSDAY. BAKER Main 2. A M0 Geo. L. Bsker. Mgr. Tonight, all week. Mats. Wed. and Sat.. Merriest laughing show of tbe eeaeoo. George Sidney In his hilarious Musical Com edy. "Bl'SV IZZV." wltb ( arrle Webber aad a boat of prettv girls. Evening prloee: tc. &er. ;je. gl: Mate.. tSc. IWc Wed. Banrtn Mat.. lie all seats. Next Week "ItlE liU I.IMAN." Bungalow Theater FRIDAY, SIGHT, DEC'EMBKR 20. 10-Big Vaudevile Acls-10 BENEFIT TO RAISE R. R. FARES HOME FOR STAGE FOLK STRA.ND ED I. POHTLA.D. Tickets ea Sale at Powera' at Kates' Drugatore. 129 sixth Street. MAIN . A 1S0 Trick Creltue 4Y (a.. "The Hlang Prtnre Ho. preme. In a New Claeey t omedy riketrb. "shorty's Elevation": Will Koehm'a Atliletlo tilrlai Careoe and WUIard: ktbel Mellon, eugh; Hopkins aad Axtellj l.tor I'he lographyj Loa Durbyelle. Matinee Every Day. Formerly brand. Hntllvua CoaAldina. Ke-fined Vudfr:iie. H'KEK DFXEMBER 2iW bt.ro ttuUer Trttup of Tvrolr-n rVren-vder : Malm, trddj Bad TS'khol; Orn-t suid OniWi Uan ad Frio, "Krla's iler U. J. Colliuui; Ort-britrm. ltrlcr lSr.ana 10c, Matinee Trafiy. Clarence Boweo and His In Georgia Camper IS; Bretland and Wells; Will Herbert and Lnngweed Sleterss The Del la mewl Troupe; .Mile. Viola lalanno; George 11111 man : Pantageecnpe. Boxes and J-lret How Halrony fcWeerved. ropular Prices. Cur tain I:sO. 7:1 J and . LYRIC THEATER FOIBTK AND T ARK . ALL' THIS WEEK. THE SCHOOL GIRL si Children's Matinee, Saturday. Dec. Tn nerformanee. Nlshtlr. 1:HQ and :I6; like, Z."c. Matinee Dally. 2:30, any seat lae lexcept Mindaye and Holidays). NEXT WEEK "I'HOIJCS Of lmt." PEOPLE'S THEATER. . TOl'MtER BROTHER, Pramatlc. STIKK DHKOIS A HE MADE OF, i 'omen v Drama. Bl'HGLAR'e LICK, V Comedy. v Kromats. Photographic Acrobatic THAT KF.ATTHE TRIO, Confer, Bauer and Wilson. STAR THEATER. VAMTT FAIR. Stupendous Three-Reel Production, l lll.HT W ITII THE GOOD.t and RAI.COAT, Iiouhle Biograph Comedy. DORIC THIO. arcade Theater. OME GOOD I" ALL. Dramatic MOTHER-l-LAW KAISE!! Oomed v. MOOFRt RIP VAX V1KLF, Comedy. PAPA'S KUEETHRAKT, Drama. OH JOY THEATER. 4TORV OF THR VFT. Dramatic. l'F" riG Ilia lit RAGE. Melodramatic BILL! OK HIX.O Gl XCII, Comedy. EI.WOOIl. I'oni'inr f'nrr. FC.N'ERAL NOTICES. CLARKLT At Oregon City. December 21. Theodora W. Clarke, aged e years. Fu neral services will be he,d from the fsmlly residence. Sixth and Monro, sts., Oregon Illy, today (Wednesday), at s r. M. CLARK At the family residence. n ,h and Monroe sla, Oregon City. Theodore Warren Clark. Services from rreM?nce Wednesday. Dee. T, at S o'clock P. M. Interment at Mountain View Cemetery. IO.VKI.T11 FLORAL CO, UAKVILAM BUM. FLORAL DElil.Ns. ;. Mala tlOls A llBX Dean Ins a MeEales, Funeral Direst ara, ttb sod 1Mb, l'hon Mala 4sa. Lady ae slelanl. Ofllce of A e only Ceraaec. A. B. EELLEB CO, 4 WUUaras av. raM.Eaat lu. C log. Lady attendant. EDWAKD HOI-MAN CO.. Funeral Dtreet ses. It 1 st. Lady aealstant. I booe M. SSL t. r. FIN LEX 80N'jd and Madiaa Lady tteadaat. rboee Mala S. A las. LAST SIDE funeral Directors, seer. to . S. Duaalng. lac. E. it. B :. LKKCH. Cadertaker. ear. East Aider aad lata, tad .at. H isag. Lads aeeleiaas. NEW TODAY. Fourth-Street Snap 100x10. f-icinir aat on Fourth at., near Sheridan; K'X'd tracknK for warhous, laundry, arape or iti're; wortn $70uii; todav, $3i4w t,-A-ti; ;ptnff Is believing. 171 Ka-U 23d. I'hone East 64t. NOTICE IS HfclKlCBT UIVEN tht -th ptu-inrbtp hffrtoforT xf:inr hr and b- twfn Carl L.lb and 1 W. Riner undr the Arm naru of Hinr Ci-mt piny. ..") bn-n br mutual ron?nt diMoH i. All ln dbtdnM of a id prtnrhip i asumMl by Carl L.t and all aivounii at p.ybl to htm at 613 Yoa build ln. Portland. Or- (OH. MORTGAGE LOANS Vil Vllaiturina UU tkonjcui.. . vea:,s TfQl C- V. EVERKTT, aws Q4 J O 41 Board Trade ajdg. JO MORTGAGE LOANS CcTT JOHN E. CROfiAN, HOJ. J JO mmn kealdlae man 6 tJ COLLIS. BEKRIDCB THOgMOX. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 1:4 Warreater Black. Inaae Mala 4UI. UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA rA ta.tii.ib mtitx VTW TODAY. North Portland $40,000 3 J2 Lots Frontage on 17th, Pettygrove and Overton Streets. Well Situated for Warehouse, Sta bles or Factory. ' Income $200 Per Month. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co, 404 Wilcox Bid?;. ACRES Near Union Ave., at a- price Trhich will make you a fortune in a few years ifx held. Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg. 19 13 Grand Trunk Pacific B- B. f"! om- tlsted. Euy now. British Columlla farm inda. Prices sre going up. We ars selling lend In ths Bulkley Valley. Fort George. Praser Vsllcy counliy and the Nechaco al 'ey. Write for booklet on this lssl snd best cit Addr.M Nortb Coast Land Company. Ltd 1017 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Port. . . . w ! 7 u,ln nffle Van' couv'er. B. C. Paid-up capital, gl.a00.000. Auditorium or no auditorium, the location Is what makes values. A fine lot on East Third Htret. between Giinan and Trvinpr. for H.iOO on casv terms. Kay worth at present flu.uoO. A safe speculation. F. rtCHS. 420 Chamber of (omnifrrf. KFAL ESTATE DEAL ERA Berk -William Q.. 15-U Failing bids. iiKLBXKEK & D1.M.PICT. 603 MoXtJ tide. M. M8. Cfcapin Heriow. 832 Cbambr Cotbbitc Cook. B. B. 4fe Co.. 60S Corbatt bide JnalDffB Co. Mai a liwi. 2a4 Orecoalaa. fALUEK-JONES CO id. 1 4U4--0 W lie ox bids. Tb Ores on KaJ Etata Co.. Grand ava. aa MulUiaDSh u (Uoiladay AtldlUoat. R EAL K ST ATE. For Sale Lots. CORNELL ROAD. 1 lota at hettd f Overton St.. faclns Eaat on Cornell road and runuina- back to Summit ivt.; a beautiful ridenca site; price Joyo. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bide. Phones Main 86r., A I66J A FINE LOT FOR $7i. In Rose Cltj- Faik. close to carllne. and s;ood view; a bargain; terms $-0J down. 10 per month. PE yOL'NO 4 JOHNSON. 614 rhambfr of Commerce Bids- SELLWOOD BUSINESS LOT. Corner iiixlCO fe?t. on streetcar switch, across the street from brewery; price for immediate sale 1000; terms cash. H. P., PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bids- $10 DOWN. 110 PER MONTH. Flr.e vliw lot; matured fruit trees; re stricted district, near car; cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bids- Phone Marshall 473. A 1022. DIVISION BT. Lot 5x100, all hard-sur face, downtown, just, me piace ior a sarase and only tl-'.V) at that. This Is a nap. Let ma tell you about It- Call 414 IS pa Id In k bids. $10 CASH. pr month; pretty lot. new addition ; pet in now ; prierp ig.uc av per cent Jan. 1; only HIGLEY a BISHOP. 13'! Third St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes and homesltes. all views, locations and prices; can sutt you. Main 66l. BROOKE. A 8S3. LOT block L Council Crest Parjfc Addi tion. noxiieU m uAivvjfli, ONE-HALF CA-H or 140 CASH. Mrs. J. St. Peter. IWd st.. Everett. Wnnh. Must sell today, corner of Emt 87th and baindy Road. MUST sell, lot ftOxlOO, near .Reed Collr-are place; IJU per ithhiui. iiT-t. iun aellins fr $9.0- H Ore,onlan. LOTH BuxlUO. one biock from electric oar- ltne. iVW 0 fiOV. T. r-mj lci .lie, .j. Hefferiin Realty Co.. 40S Corbett bids- $lO0 EQUITY In attractive W averleigh MelSnia IW-. ' iivrae. .. - echnxe. K tj51. Orogonlan. $3uo BELOW ACTUAL VALUE. Lot 60 10O tn Itoaamere. near Sandy K-an kale h lots In Merahfleld. Or.; one or all: Prt cash, rest to suit. P CS7. Ore ponlan. FOR SALE By owner. 1 lot in Wfiimore land. $mh. Prt cash. r"t to auI- p "" Ortonlan. MUST have cash; will sacrifice two choice view Wavrlelsh lota. AP 874. Orcgonlan. TWO tots, Inlversiiy rark. cheap. John Hamilton. Yacolt. Wlh. " For Hale Uoaf4. BEAUT IJr'UL HOME. Terfect In every detail, roof laid tight, covered waterproof paper, then shingied; 10 rooms, 2 baths. toilets, choice ak finish, a-laborate stairs, baaument, 3 Hre piaces sione trim, lot vOxluO cor. C lbo, "East a73. No agents. W. H. Herdmap. m MUST BE SOLD. Owner wlil sell modern 6-room house tn fine location, close in on East Side, at twu-thirus actual value. If taken at once; If you have SlwoO cash to invest, see thia p ar immediately and you will look no fun h-r. A K tiSO. Orrgontan. ' SoTHlN-i DOWN. 5-room. thoroughly modern bungalow, Dutrh kitchen, full cellar, nicely arrangd outb faclns. payments Just like rent. o monthly; price $-."o. iRVLNGTUS HEIGHTS. Main NEW W EST SIDE COTTAGE. Nice new cottage of S rooms, electric lichtn. batb. full cement ibasfment. lot S.Cx.OO. on Kellv St.. near Carolina. Price SatoO..- loOO ofh and $20 pr month. URUSaSI & HOLDS. 018 Board of Trade Bids-. -th and Oak. a-POOM iunfcalow; furnace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors, gas. electrlo iv rood view; Rose City Park, two blocks from carllne: $350. easy tcrnia. ProW dent Jnvestmsnt Trustee Co., 201-20J fc o ird of TraU e. M arsb all 473. A 1022. $32fK BUNGALOW S.1200. ajea; i-fooin modern bungalow. Are piace. rss and electric fixtures, etc.; street Improvements paid. 1 block to car; a snap- little down. bal. like rent; will take vacant lot. E6 Wl-o st., near 28th. UNAP IN A H OM E. $"500 on easy terms for a modern rooni houM, near s. P. car-shops, worth tvaft. If you want a good buy. be quick. V' " FUCHS, 420 .'hamber of Commerce. $150 DOWN will buy np-to-date new 5-room bunga low or we will build for you on easy terms. Ill- Hawthorne. Phone Tabor Z27H. IRVIN'iTON New horn?. T rooms and bath, airily modrn. fo'JoO. Including all as sessments, easy terms. -Owner. s2S Teon bldg. Fttor.e Main 1 12. 1 'S "ASH tl" pr month, neat 4 -room cot tage, let 40xliK); Vs block ftc car; price h' iot.FT ft BISHOP. 132 Third St. rANDY' nw aix-room house, two blocks Rose Cltv Psrk car, $l7o0; $i0O down, bal ance l:ka rent. Phuae Mara nail Uld. MODERN7-room bouse; will sell cheap if sold at once, or may consider trade for unimproved property. AJB )74. Oregonlaut. " - 7 H. N. 8 WANK. got Ablnston bldg., sella new bungalows. Terms like rent. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Bootes. LAURELHURST HOME. New 3-story. 7-room houee aa follows: Large reception hall, living-room with f irepiaco and built-in bookcases; dining room with built-in buffet, paneled walls and beamed ceil.n;; Dutcii kitchen, white enameled, with plenty of cabinet space; three larpe bedrooms each having a closet with window; large sleeping porch, bath room, linen close;, attic full size of house. flnnrafl inrl nla-.trrf harttWOOd floors downstairs: full ceme-nt basement with" furnace: wood lift and laundry trays. The house faces east on a 50x100 lot; all Improvements are in Including sewer, gas. electricity, cement walk and paved streets. Trice $5500, 5uO cash, balance terms to suit or might take a lot as first pay ment. Call Main 937 or A 2!3. J. V. GUTHRIE, 271 Stark St. . HOMES. HOLLADAY PARK. $5250 7-room modern house. 4 bedrooms. 2 fireplaces, faces south, on paved street. EAST BURNSIDE STREET. $7500 9-room, house on 81x100 feet, near E. 23d St.. future business prop erty. HOLLADAY. $7500 7-room modern house, on corner E. 13th and Wasco ate. IRVINGTOX. $8000 l-room new and modern house. tiled kitchen and bathroom; ab solutely complete; faces east. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wllcex Bid's. Phones Main S699. A 2653. INDIVIDUALITY. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT IN A HOUSE. IT DON'T COST ANY MORE TO HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. THAN SOMETHING THAT DON'T SLIT. WE SPECIALIZE ON THE ARTISTIC HOME. W KNOW WE CAN PLEASE YOU. BE CAUSE WE KNOW HOW. OUR GUAR ANTEE 13 "WORTH SOMETHING. IF WE BUILD FOR YOU. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH OUR HEAD DRAUGHTS MAN. WE WILL FINANCE IT AND BUILD IT FOR YOU. ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. BUTTER WORTH-STEPHENSON CO. Inc. 707, COUCH BLDG. I R VINGTON B A RGAIN. Here is a propertv worth $7500 on a fine street, offered for $6"'0. owing to changed plans; 7 ro. s. bath, don. large attic, fi rr n i ar incif.AH wide norch. screened In sleeping porch, an endless lot of built-in conveniences; full basornent. best furnace. fiOxlOO lot: cement drive and nice garage. on U4th st. Terms not less than $000 down. 41S Railway Exchange. Phone Mar shall e.753. SWELL HOME. 1O0X10O LOT. Fine modern 7-room house, furnace, f1reiI..ce. china closet, den. 3 bedrooms. sleeping-porch, nice auto garage, corner J00xI0i. lots of nice roses, ere. street im provements paid, on a corner 2 blocks from Union ave.. near Piedmont, price snap, only $.".00; $1300 cash; will take g od lot as part payment; not many bar gains like this. GRUFSI A BOLDS. SIS Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTOX HOME. A new modern 9-room house, facing on the Tennis Club grounds in the center of Portland's most exclusive residence dis trict, furnace 3 fireplaces, oeautnui wooo. work, oak floors, many special features; sun room, sleeplns porch and bll Hard- room; lot i oxiuu reet; price u.auw. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 40 4 Wilcox Bldg. THAT VACANT LOl . WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THIS MONEY AND BUTLD RESIDENCE Olt ITJ-ATS. PI.V9 FHr"(r TFT WR BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS, 34 ABINGTON BLD. MF1 LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROPER Y WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW KATE -OF INTEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMA, IN AND TALK THIS UVan. J. S. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AiS'D BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. ONLY S.V0 CASH. Good -room modern house, nearly new and over one-half acre of ground; im proved streets, cement sidewalk, good lo cation . near can in w, a.uui elrl enm Kr an,) Wash 1 net On BtB. 1 fln place for chickens or rarden; only $000 CMSn rcqUlrt-'Q. Al VI r.uii inn. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house, in Laurelhurst; 2 fireplaces, large sleeping-porch, bullt-la refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, flre ress cooker, built-in wardrobes, etc; cor ner lot 75x90, east front, beautiful lew; 157500; M0 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Provident Investment A Trus tee Co. 201-302-203 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A 1022. IBVIKaTON fJVAP. t New 8-room rooiern bouse, with attic. 4 bedrooms, sieep.ng porcn, urroAiam .net H n.n firAnlHr f limiC. etC hard-surfaced street: lot 50x100; worth $7500. now $6400, $1000 down and $40 per month; will tak vacant lot. This is a real snaD. See it. 601 East 2flth SL, near Thompson. Phone Eam 5949. rT.nsF-.-Tv HOME. On Marguerite at., newly paved, and only too feet from carllne; a nice 5-room and bath bungalow; large attic, full base ment, fireplace and on 50x100 lot, at only $'.200; about $500 down, balance can be arraneed. 410 Jtanway a.xcnange. Mar shall 2753. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $200 Cash. $20 per month. T rooms, vestibule, mirror doors, solid oak floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, fur nace, fireplace, strictly modern In every detail. National Realty A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce oldg. Main 5129. " " DO YOU RENT? OWN THIS HOME. fivA-rnom and bath bungalow on a 41x100 lot on Slst ot.. In Montavilla; one block from carllne; a nice homo at only $2200. Terms can be arranged with party who has att-aay posuion. J.a xvaiiway change. Marshall 2753. BELMONT-ST. HOUSE. Fins 6-room house; 8 bedrooms, tur-na-nlf fireplace, buffet, cement floor, laun drj'travs. hard-surfaced street In and pa'd- lot 40xl0; walking distance; a bargain-' $4500. $500 down and $25 per mo. 746 Belrhont. n-ar 23d. Phone East SW8. $1H00. New 4 -room cottage with buffet, ward robe cupboard, bookcases; water in kitchen- lot M'xioo, fenced; beautiful shade trees, 8 blocks from car, 5c care. 13 mln , utes to center city. West Side. Owner. V ti77. Oregon lan. FIVE and six-room homes, n replaces, nara- WOOa IlOOrS, 4S4. modern conveniences; near carllne; all street Improvements paid; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade bldn. Phono Marshall 473. A 1022. For B.le Bostnesa Property. WAREHOUSE SITE $10,000. 1 V lots on corner E. fcth and Car ruthers sts.. with over 100 feet frontage on main line S. P. R. R-. adjoinms ln-man-Poulsen mill property. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main S699. A 2653. FOR tA LE lO0-SO within one block of wniiams avenue and Broadway; $33,000 or will lite for term of years, or will sell WMxHK) for $15.Q0O. Phone E. 42f8. tor Sale Acreage. ACREAGE on the Oregon Electric; 1 acres, $1400 ; 2 acres, $2200; 20 min utes out on 5-cent fare. "9V acres at $225 per acre, IT miles OU$ acres at Beaverton for $1250. Call 414 Spaldtns bldg. NEWHOUSE AND 2 ACRES At electrlo station, 50 minutes' ride of rlty. alt in high saata of cultivation and lies fine and on good county road, bear ing orchard ; price $2000. on terms. A. w. Smith A Co.. 436 Chamber of Com merce. Main 5826. CULTIVATED LAND. ALL CLEARED. $140 PER ACRE. ' Black loam soil, near Portland, elec tric and sttara transportation ; located in the beat farming district in the state, fall 405 Couch Bldg. TEN ares beaverdam land, under irriga tion and ready lor crop: best for onions, celery, cauliflower, potatoes, etc; river and rail transportation ; uothlng better an v where; low price and easy payments. Investigate. 5 12 Couch bldg.. 109 4th at. WILL FELL 5 ACRES. LU'HELWOOD ORCHARDS. For f ioo cash, balance can be paid In labor, clearing land. RUFF & KLEIXFORGE, 4 1 8 Board of Trade. WILL sacrifice 20 acres under irrigation if taken within next 10 days; must go South, owing to ill health; do not answer unless' you have some cash and man business; owner. Address F 681. Ore- gonian. 8 5 ACRES toick garden lana. ail ciearea and under irrigation. 200 ft. from railroad station: casv terms. Diamond, Grant A Co.. 50-i Board of Trade, ill AND fc-ACRE tracts, close to Port land, on electric carllna, SiOd to $400 per acre very easy terms. J. W. HefferUa Realty Co.. 408 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE and farms from $12.50 per acrs up large and small tracts. Call Kinney h Stamp her. 631-2 Lumber Exchange bids. 20 ACRES fine land, cleared and under plow $100 per acre; terms. Diamond. Grant & Co.. 5i Board or Trade REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreasse. 5 I; ACRES. 5 Vj acres, all goodJcve! land and In cultivation, faces on good county road. 1 block from electric line, 4 blocks from country town. You can have city water, electric light and all the conveniences one could ask for in a country home. This Is just 13 miles from Port land. Priee $i;S0; $450 cash, bal ance good terms. BRONG-STEELE CO.. V 267 hi Oak St. N 1R7 ACRES on Tualatin River. Oregon Electric through center; a bargain for some one: must be sold to close bankrupt estate. Call on W. A. Shaw, trustee, 102 Fourth St.. Portland. This is a forced sale, and you may have tbe benefit of It by calling on the trustee and look ins into the matter. ACREAGE Our sTWialty. small tracts west and northwest of the city, sold on monthly payments. See us before you decide. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 102 Fourth St. A SuOe. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; wslklng distance to sod town; running water, best soli, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; 2 acres. $250 ; 5 ceres. $400; It) acres, $S0O; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tract near raU-way station. $15 to $30 per acre. n FRANK M-FARLAXD REALTY CO.. SOt Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. 112 ACREAGE BARGAIN". 10 acres all under cultivation. Ideal for ootatoes and orchard; all new build- j sf S-rrtnm huncalOW With fireplace; barn, well, woodshed, hos and, hen-house, and only $3'KK; "4 cash, bal ance $30 per month. Will rent you 20 acres adlTjinlng ll aesirea. RUFF & KLELNSORGE. 4IS Board of Trade. ft-ACRE home, small 2-room house, good well, 2 acres cleared, balance brush, of a mile from station; rich soil, no hills. 20 homes in view; a fine community; $ "250 You will buy this. Only a little cash required. ooo. ureioui-u. 6 AND 10-ACRE traots for sale by owner, la Marion County, at station, on Oregon Elec tric; best of soil and location; terms rea sonable; part of land suitable for town lots. C. A. Barelnger. gi2 fa r-ara n.. wl,. For Sal? Homesteads. EAVB for my homestead. Central Oregon. In a few cays; can ..-... fee reasonable. V 667. Qregonian. For Sale Fruit Lands. TO INVESTORS. CALIFORNIA FRUilT LANDS. c a a ........ .,r.Ass.ii..H fruit land in Sac ramento Valley; can be subdivided and sold In 10-acre tracts at an immense profit; land asVJoinins being sold in 10 acre tracts at 00 per acre. The Jand i. isvurori -nrt radv for cultivation; lo cated 2 miles from railway and water transportation; oranges, aimonos, grapes, peaches, apricots, olives, prunes, all grow to perfection in this highly-favored dis trict ; abundance of water, best-known system of irrigation; will stand the closest investigation; price $40 per acre; $10 per acre down, balance can run from one to five years. N BSb. uregonian. WE have just placed on the market 200 a? iha f i n .. h t fruit and berry land iu the Mt. Hood district ; this land Is cleared and under cultivation; the soil is 20 ft. deep; our proposition is to sell to you in tracts to suit and to' plant your trees, take care of them for four years and th3n turn over to jwu a. "'' ko eiT, nrpharri. W offer this land planted at $200 per acre and up and will riv-A vnn f. veara to d&v for the same. rail and sret our booklet. The Dalles Land & Orchard Co.. 506 Board of Trade. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. o anrfx oil T,la.nted to commercial va- fifties of apples, mostly Newtowna and Spitzenbergs. part in bearing; fine spring, good house, beautiful view, near town of Hood River, on main county road; good income next year; moving to Portland and will take modern 7-room house as part payment. Aiv est. uregunmu. CHEAPEST orchard lands; finest fruit viiinmAtt Vaiiev: close to rood tern belt ... terms. COURTNEY, 42S Lumber- mens bldg. . For Bale -Farms. 98 ACRES. 98 acnes of all A-l land; lies level, fenced, cross-fenced; has road on three sides ; new 7-roora house, painted and plastered; new barn that c ost $1000, cement foundation and floors; 4 acres of assorted or chard; good well, living creek all the year; 75 acres of this U in hrgh state of cultivation, 10 acres more ready to plow, 2 acres of green around the barn for shade for stock. This is located 18 miles from Port land, on a good graveled road. 00 yards from school. R. F. D., tele phone; 8 miles from rfJ-r and rail road station and in a very thickly settled locality. This is as well im proved a farm as you will find in the Northwest. Price $12,000; will take Portland property up to $5000; $1000 In cash, balance can run 3 years at 6 per cent. BRONG-STEELE CO., . 2S7H Oak St. Farm Dept. ALFALFA ?15 TON 10 TONS PER ACRE. Alfalfa is now worth $13 a ton at Los Moliuos. We have 0000 acres of land that will produce 10 tons per aero every year. That's why we are conservative when we say "Two crops pay for the land." Fine Winter pasture, come, now. It will pay you to ship your stock. Acre supports 2 cows. Creamery furnishes cows and takes i butter fat receipts in pay ment. Good cows pay $10 a month. Best hog and poultry district in the United States. Green stuff all Winter. Every fruit of TTnited Btates trows to nerfectlon, Soli 20 feet deep, rich sediment loam, no alkali, hardpan or overflow. Gravity Irri gation. All the water you can use. Land Soing wltn a rusn; m new nouses oum iu months. Easy' terms. LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Los Molinos. California. 70 ACRES 10 miles west of Port land Courthouse; all cleared; fine young orchard, school of a mile, 8-room modern house, f uliy plumbed, a fireplace, nice porches, fine large barn, complete water sys tem, telephone in house, free de livery of merchandise, also rural free delivery of mall, la fact a lovely country home, the very best -of soil; a chance for a high-class dairy; price and terms wiil Interest you. Call and see us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A SSOv. SALE OR EXCHANGE 67 acres Rogue Kiver iana . w .tin m.iu, -----bottom land; 175 acres in and ready for crops; adapted alfalfa, fruit or garden truck- water right; will produce several hundred horsepower by enlarging the present ditch on place; house of 7 rooms, two large barns and other buildings; 21 miles to railroad station. Take part in trade for property in or near Portland, balance at 6 per cent; price $55 per acre. Box 541, Asniann, nr. 275 ACRES, BtocK rancn, mnt xrw R K-. i mil ui kiiuu'i 'f - -. one house. 2 barns, 73 acres cultivation, stock implements and 40 tons hay go wl place; value $2500; price $R500; will take some city property. See owner, 22 E. 20th "at., cor.Asn '-ru t mnnv rrniTXTY. ,ov homesteads, rough land, bot tom land and dairy farms in Tillamook CounfyT See us in regard to Tillamook lands. DIAMOND. GRANT & CO., 506 .tiuara oiirauc. $4500 BUYS THIS. 15 acres, all under the plow, with fins buildings on it. within 75 feet of an elec tric line. 300 feet to high school. 3 blocks from 6 stores, close to Portland. 018 Lumberrneno dior- YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR BALE, liree and small tracts, suitable- for Seneral farming, grain, bay. fruit, nops. dairying, etc; about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or- Call or write for pries list. W. E- Kidder. Carlton. Or. FARM near Beaverton; 2d acres, nearly all cultivated large moawrn new barn and fine outhouses: creok runs through land : m ust be sold ; will take $5500. Call 414 Sliding bldg. HERMOSILLO, Mex., irrigated farms, grow oranges ana an ninus w '--. ' truck, alfalfa and cereals; $.0 acre; cash, balance hi crop payment. A, M. Highhouse. 906 Wilcox bldg- REAL ESTATE. RANCH 00 acres, with buildings, 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 1S2 Mornaon St. TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE or - EXCHANGE. A choice 15 acres, only 21 miles from Canbv. Or., and only 20 miles from Portland. This place Is alt level and absolutely fre from rock or gravel; faces on the main county road and is close to church and school. There Is a fair 4-room house, new barn, good chicken houses and parks; 1 i acres set in strawber ries. 2 ac res in young peaches, 1 acre of apples and S. of n acres of assorted berrlia that will besr fine -next year: one horse . nw wagon and harness, plow, harrow, cultivator and all necessary fsrrn tools, also some chickens, go with the property. This is an exceptionally good buy and will be worth your time to in vestigate It. BRONG-STEELE CO., Ground Floor. Lewis Bldg.. 2tJ71-. Oak Street. Farm Dept. SO-ACRE COUNTRY SITE. Fair house, other Improvements, unin cumbered, on Ml. Hood auto road and electric, near Gresham. choice Powell Val hy land. $100 0 less than adjacent prop erty; want 7-8-room house, $7000 to $9000; can pay come cash- THIS IS GOOD! Coos County dairy. 354 acres river bot tom, frontage and boatlanding; conserv ative value $70,000; offered at $45,000; two railroads building into Coos; want Portland income property or good sheep or fruit ranch of about equal value. BUSINESS LOT EQUITY $1600. W'ant 6-8 -room house with acre or more ground, near 5c car; some cash. -v. Other Good Trades. E. E. DARING. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 509-510 Wilcox Bldg. SOMETHING CHOICE For sale or x chmgc, 12 acres, 40 rods city limits Lebanon, Or.: highly improved, all till able, in Fall crops, except 10 acres; house 7 rooms, hot and cold water, bath, all necessary outbuildings; this also subdi viding proposition; laud next to it sold for $200 acre. My price $105 acre; will ac cept to $17,000. good commercial bearing orchard, $2100 cash, $0000 can remain on place. Your price must be right- my prlca cash va'ue. Owner, Box 425. Lebanon. Or. EXCHANGE YOUR VACANT LOT FOR A BUSINESS. Can put your lot, if worth $500. in as part pay on a neat, well-furnished place of 11 rooms, which will pay all living expenses of a small family and give you rooms for your own use. Convert your unproductive capital into an income. O- C R. ELLIS A CO., 509-510 Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE A 22-roora, 4 -apartment-house and a 7-room residence; both new and modern, and a vacant lot in Bel ling ham. Wash., and a 6-room house In Grand Forks, B. C, and a 7-passenger auto for a good business; "rVould prefer a livery or hotel in a live town in Oregon; may consider vacant lots or farm land. Ad dress Mrs. H. K. Edwards, 3108 JSew at., Belllngham, Wash. IF YOU have a residence clear of incum brance worth $4O0O to $6000 and prefer a FIRST-CLASS MODERN ROOMING HOUSE instead, call and see us; we have numerous ROOMING-HOUSE and HOTEL propositions of various sizes where we. can put in part trade. O- C. R. ELLIS & CO., 509-510 Wilcox bldg. $G5,000. Will sell or trade for Portland Income property, 344 acres best apple land in i;?natchee Valley, Wash., 4 cash; 32 acres In trees; 15 bearing, others will bear In 2 years; pumping plant installed. A 724, Oregonian. MOSIER BARGAIN. 160 acres of fine orchard land, near Mosier; over 30 acres in orchard: only $75 per acre, and will accept modern Port land residence as part payment. AL 671. Oregonian. . I WANT a $-500 Portland home in exchange for my highly-improved 13Vb-acre place, 6 -room plastered house, new 3(rx40 barn, shed, coops, etc.; lots of fruit; 10 minutes' walk from station. 25 miles from Port land; price $3500; no incumbrance; no at'ent. AR 081. Oregonian. YOU WANT ACREAGE. I have some very fine improved S nd 10-acre tracts near station on Salem elec tric; will accept city property. LaBarre, 209 Commercial block. WANT pianola or equity in buslne iS lot for lot (all clear) at Seaview, Wasa., or for motor boat with boathouse; boat in good running order, fully equipped, canopy top. etc. P. O. Box 847. TO EXCHANGE. We have a choice list of Tualatin Val ley farms and acreage to exchange for city property. A. W. Smith & Co.. 436 Cnamoer or upmmercq. rnune -"" - TO EXCHANGE; Good stock and horse I ami in tne norao dch ui mbwui i( change for Income property or apartment house site on West Side; give location and prica in tire- n.pd. ja-.-s -"j, wP.. .. THE best home in Prosser, Wash., in Yakima Valley, to exchange for timber land. Apply to Dr. H. W. Howard, 700 Marquam bids- Phone Main 806 and A 4567. TIMBER wanted in exchange for 6o-roon. house, clearing $300 per month. E. P. KING. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 213 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A modern cottage or bunsalo on the East Side, not too far out. in ex change for a first-class grocery, from owner only; best of reasons for selling. J 745. Oregonian. WILL trade for unincumbered suburban lots. l?ft well-furnished rooms, housekeeping; all rented; clearing $10O month; cash value $llrOO. rnone aiarsna.ii j, j EXCHANGE Ladies tailoring for 1Bn painting and window lettering- Y 1-. Oregonian. A GOOD 160-acre Kansas farm for sale or will trade for Portland reai estate. O. H. Patrick, 702 Yeon bldg. MODERN 8-room bungalow, sleeptns-porch, built-in buffet, exchange for grocery stors or acreage, uiamona. ooara m 1 1--. TOLEDO Property to exchange for Port land; will pay cash difference. Jamieson, y 1 n roruauu. FAIRPORT lot for St. Johns lot. Box 820, St. Johns. ' WANTED REAL ESTATg, 47,50 Clean and neatly furnished rooms. Single or en mine. iow HBv.ol.J,...n rooms in suites of two, three or four; pri vate bath, telephone, good neighborhood, close in. Call 128 East 19th at,, near East jqorrison. iui cuwuo. WANTED to buy modern unincumbered 7- room resiaence in ,vuu. party who will tak S1000 cash and bal ance in young orchard In Hood River dis trict; Qffneig uuiy. an. - - n WANTED Bungalow in good district; must bo new ana rnuuvr, , J o i Burke. 021 Electric bids. Marshall 2ZS1, WILL pay cash up to $2000 for equities in . ...ii nn tan insula. iTfve lo cation and lowest cash price. N 689, Ore gonian. DESIRE to purchase 5 or 6-room new house, . a.. j x IW.ete small naVItlAnt aown; iiu is'-"."- . - Laurelhurst. between 5000 and S0S00. F 62, Oregonian HAVB"2300 CASH TO INVEST. :7, m dstall what you have at an absolute sacrifice K 653.OregorJan. BRcash. irom owner 2 to b 'Mres close Slang? .?om n"3. Oxonian. WANTED 50 to 1W acre-, inia atuo i . Sindy River; sxaie - iS o r 347. rxr vTVO u. acrJs in Parkrose ; must be eir newarlln. and sightly. B 681. Ore- IHJU. J- . v. ay-. gonlan xv a XT ont or more suouroan aucp, A-4 i-i.ee D.rlr hnnva nor. oavmeiit on ruw jr3 Puree ft Co.. "18 Chamber of Commerce. VAVTED Lot In Rose City Park, cheap for cash; prefer corner. E 683. Oregonian. tt t. nav cash for lot In Berkeley. H 68T. rTT-w i , nmmercial orchard. 20. 81) r,'r. Come auickly. E 6s. Oregonian. t ist your farms and Irvington lota with XJ. ,J ot t v.nn.h nt Commerce. tacKua. on ........... FOB SltV Horses, Vehicles, Etc. AIR rood cheap hores. sound and good pullers: inquire 838 East SStb st. Wood stock car to Gladstone. "HEAD mares and horses, with good har ness; one top spring wjgon. East 12th FOR SALE 1 black horse, weighing 1606 lbs. ruBKN. gpVT team, harness. wagon; trade for acreage. i none otii.wm v V