TTTE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAy. WEDNESDAY, DECE3IBEK 27, 1911. Account, Payable February First Merch andise Purch ase d on Credit the Rest of This Mo Will Your ry Our Tea Room, Fourth Floor Floor Delightful Luncheon Served in Corsets Reduced Kimonos Reduced Sweaters Reduced Waists Reduced Gowns Reduced Cloves Reduced Hosiery Reduced Umbrellas Reduced Notions Reduced Laces Reduced 4ft fci Ami imuB vr i . ri HaSrlfoecind Parlors. Second 1 I Olds, Wor tosB Kro!gg f Sal Great Reductions In All Departments of the Store pecials in the Basement S20.00 Dresses $8.85 $30.00 Sits at $9.95 Our 34th Annual Clearance Sale of.Women's nrc(t of Frpnrh and English Storm Serges and other popular and durable materials, in a good range of the season's best styles.' Only one or. two of a Kind, but that maKes the as sortment all the more varied, and you'll be more apt to find one to please. A good range of colors, including" blacK and navy, trimmed with lace and buttons, or plain tailored. Our best values to $20 at $8.85 riparancp Sale of Women's fine tailored Suits selected from our splendid stocK and sent down to the Basement for a speedy clearance. Rich, plain-tailored or fancy models, trimmed in silK braids. Jaunty jacKets faultlessly tailored. Many are lined with SKinner's satin. The materials are cheviots, serges and smart mixtures of all wool goods, in pleasing shades of navy, brown, tan, gray and dQ QC blacK. $20 to $30 Suits, special, p S6.50 Dress SKirts S2.89 Women's Dress Skirts, made of such good, durable materials as serges, panamas 'and mixtures, plain colors, stripes and checks; all splendid new styles and eood values at the regular prices up to (Jjn'OQ f6.50. Bargainized for Clearance Sale j)iaO Women's Coats at A great Clearance Sale of Women's Good, WarmWin ter Coats, new stylish models that are wanted by all fashionable women for street wear and Bhopping. A good assortment of materials and colors QC are comprised in the lot Clearance price JttJti S4. aO Waists at Sl.OO la the Basement "Underpric Store" A rousing Clearance Sale- of Women's Waists in the Basement, an a-ssnrtment made up of pne to three or four of a kind, comprising all sizes and many different styles, ranging in price up to $4.50. Are priced for T - ff this great Clearance Sale at the low figure D1UU $1.50 Waists at 48c So determined are we to close out all Waists in this Clear ance Sale that we group a big lot of plain and fancy trimmed styles, worth up to $1.50 each. Chcoseyin from the entire lot at thi special low price, each TrOC $2.25 Kimonos S1.19 la the Baaement "Underprice Store" Our 34th Annual Clearance Sale offers most remarkable bargains in kimonos. . Notable among the line is a lot of well assorted and well-made Kimonos, cut full and long; all sizes in the lot and ranging in price up to - 1Q $2.25. Special for this great Clearance Sale u) X X J $1.50 Gowns at 89c Women's Muslin Gowns in several good styles, well trimmed, cut full and long; all well made. Thrifty women take advantage of this Clearance Sale and lay innQ a good supply of these splendid $1.50 values at QZJK 35c Veiling lOc Our 34th Annual Clearance Sale in the Basement calls for a gen eral cleanup of all Veiling'!. Here's a lot comprising blacKs and colors in many different meshes. Regular values - c up to 35c, special, yard, 1 vt Entire stocK of Veiling" reduced Entire stocK of Rihbon reduced Entire stocK Trimming' reduced lOc Pearl Buttons 2!c Clearance Sale of Pearl Buttons, 2 and 4-hole, assorted sizes; 2000 dozen in the lot, suitable for general jj use. Regularly 10c" a card; specially priced, 2 forOC 35c Hat Pins at 5c Clearance Sale of 600 Hatpins left over from the Christ mas sale. Black and all wanted, colors in the lot. Values up to 3."c ech; very specially priced for this great ft 34th Annual Clearance Sale your choice at only DC 50c Embroiclery Flouncing 25c In the Basement "Underprice Store," a file of Embroidery Flouncings 27 inches wide and Allovers 13 inches wide, in a pood assortment of patterns in the most pleasing desipns; worth 50e m yard; OC jeial tor this sale only, the yard 4 cSEi..$1.48 In the Basement "Under price Store" a great clear ance of fine Lace Curtains in the Nottingham patterns. Extra large sizes and most pleasing designs for any room in the house, all g'ood values to $4.00 a (1 AO pair. Special, at S1.0 $3HatShape25c In the Basement "Underprice Store" we specialize for speedy clearance a big' assortment of Hat Shapes of good quality felt. All good styles, small, medium and large, blacK and colors. So rich in finish that a very little trimming will suffice to com plete the hat. Regular oe values up to $3.00, at Men's 45c Gloves at 25c Clearance sale of Men's Gloves in the gauntlet style goods which we sell regularly at 45c a pair, spe cial for this 34th Annual Clearance Sale at only jC Boys' 45c Underw'r 19c Clearance Sale of boys' underwear, in the fleece-lined sec onds; very warm, well made and good values at -t Q 45c. Thrifty parents will lay in a supply at only 1 JC Entire stock of boys' Underwear reduced for this Clearance Sale In the Basement "Underprice Store' a sale of men's Pants of good cassi mere, in neat patterns; all sizes in the lot, and excellent values at $2.50 a pair; they are priced ?1 QQ special for Clearance Sale ? A Remnants at V2 Price Xow from the great Clearance of Remnants of all kinds, cut tings from this season's best-wiling materials, such as Dres Goods, Silks. Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Wash Goods, Drap ery Good, etc.; all grouped on one table and priced for JyU this big Clearance Sale at the remarkable figure of just ' 15c Curtain Scrims lOc A big line of Curtain Scrim, Madras and Swiss, in the popular wanted patterns for curtains and hangings, fancy work, etc; all good grades, such as we sell regular at 12ie and "1 Qc 15c; they are placed on sale at the Clearance price of, yd. Women's ?3.50 Shoes $1.95 A seasonable offering of women's Shoes; a great lot, compris ing nunr stylec in ratent or gunmetal stork, with kid or erav enette tops, all the new-style lasts in good, depend- C"1 QC able makes; complete range of sires; $3, $3.30 grades r 12c Emb'dery 5c In the Basement "Underprice Store," a Clearance Sale of Embroideries in neat pat terns and good width; worth regular C 12c a yard; spec'l Clearance price, yd. All Eaibroidery Considerably Reduced. All Flouncings at Material Reductions. 75c Slippers 29c Clearance Sale of 500 pairs of splendid tTatiu S!irnr of hravv rtlnsh. with beaTT carpet soles; very warm and comfortable; all sizes: worts toe a pair repuiar; yU sDecial Clearance Sale price, pair-' Outing Flannels 4c Hurry now and prepare for the long cold nights to come. Here's Outing Flannel for gowns, kimonos, pajamas, underwear, dress ing sacques, wrappers, etc. Mill ends in good nseful Af lengths and best patterns. Special Clearance price, the yd. Clearance of $1.50 and 51.75 Suitings 50c-75c Fancy SilKs yd. 39C-5UC oiin Children's Coats $3.50 Grade $1.89 In the Basement "Under price Store" a great clear ance of Children's Coats of heavy cheviot materials, in the reefer style ; colors are )rown, blue and red; sizes 2 to 6 years. Oar regular values to $3.50.. 1 QQ Clearance price, piOJ SI. 50 Flannel Shirts at 95c In the Basement "Underprice Store," a sale of men's Flannel Shirts of good ma terials, all well made and finished; all sizes in this lot; our best values at $1.50 each; special for the Clearance QC Sale. vour choice at the low price of Men's Underwear 37c 100 dozen men's Underwear; shirts and drawers; medium and heavy weight, plain and ribbed, with fine warm fleece lining, in gray and tan color; a complete range of sizes, from 32 to 46; onr best 50-cent sellers; specialized at only''' Entire stock of men's Underwear reduced for this Clearance Sale $1.00 Underwear 59c Men's Winter weight Underwear, shirts and drawers, remark able good quality; odd lines and sizes of various kinds; natural gray colors, all grouped in one lot for an early-morning CQ. crowd-bringer; our best $1.00 values; special at only7 Men's $1.25 Union Suits 69c In the Basement "Underprice Store," a sale of men's Union , Suits, in the heavy cotton fleece lined; all sizes in the lot and unusual values at this exceedingly low Clearance Q Sale price;, they are marked at the very low figure -l $2.00 Portieres Sp'l $1,29 In the Basement "Underprice Store," a Clearance Sale of Portieres of heavy tapes try mateKal in rich colors, 30 inches wide and 3 yards long; good for dqors, windows, top-throws lor couches, boxes, (t OQ good $2.00 values; the pr. V etc All Draperies bow at Clearance 6 ale Prices Clearance Prices, on All Curtains. Ginghams 4c Yard Clearance Sale of Mill Ends of good quality Ginghams for aprons, children's wear, etc; bought especially for this 34th A at me yara, oniy and all Wash Goods. Annual Sale; the best staple quality, Clearance Sale of all Dress Goods , 54-56 Inches -wide, at this sale, 69c Poplins, Clearance dale, yd. at iioc Clearance Sale of "White" All Uiiderimisliras Reduced Great Sale of Night Gowns Women's Night Gowns of the finest quality longcloth, nainsook, crepe and sheer lingerie material; made in the slipover style; round, square or V neck, short or three-quarter sleeves or kimono styles; reduced for this great 34th Annual Clearance $1 00 Night Gowns, Clearance price 79 $2.25 Night Gowns on sale for $1.69 $1.50 Night Gowns, Clearance, price 98d II $2.50 Night Gowns on sale for S1.9S Sale of Women's Drawers Our entire stock of Women's Drawers in crepe, longcloth, nainsook, fine muslin and cambric; open or closed, circular or regular, all are . ., . A .i a i -n nf - A. 11.. -CnA-:. Ar. reduced tor tnis 6-ta Annual Clearance oaie at me luiiuwiug jjixv;o . ii j.- tn . A-rf aTW 111 I "Women ' 75c Drawers now only nflc "Women's $1.00 Drawers now only 79? "Women's $1.25 Drawers now only 98d Corset Covr's "Women's Corset Covers, made of cross bar dimity, longcloth and nainsook; all beautifully trimmed; priced us follows: 40c Corset Covers, clearance price 29 50c Corset Covers, clearance price 35 75o Corset Covers, clearance price 49J 85c Corset Covers, clearance price 69 $1.00 Corset Covers, clearance price 79V $1.35 Corset Covers, clearance priee 98 $1.50 Corset Covers, clearance sale $1.29 $1.75 Corset Covers, clearance sale $1.49 "Women's $1.50 Drawers at only S1.29 Women s $1.75 Drawers at only JjJ..4tf "Women's $2.00 Drawefs at only S1.79 Combinations "Women's Combinations of Skirt, Corset Covers and Drawers; made of crepe and longcloth and fine nainsook, as follows: $1.00 Combinations pried now only 79 $1.25 Combinations priced now only 89J $1.35 Combinations priced now only 98 $1.50 Combinations priced now at S1.29 $2.25 Combinations priced now at SI. 75 $2.50 Combinations priced now at SI. 98 Others up to $25 are reduced accordingly. Economical women will take advantage. Women's $15 Waists $4-98 Women's $25 Waists - $3.98 "Beautiful new. rich looking: Waists of dainty messaline, chiffon, taffeta, nets, marquisettes, etc. Plain or fancy styles, with high necks and long sleeves .or short sleeves trimmed in laces, embroidery, fancy braids and bead trimming; also a lot of changeable and plaid C QQ silks; values to $15.00, at PiwO An extensive assortment of high- class Waists, suitable for evening wear, etc. The materials are nets, chiffons and marquisettes, styled with high necks and kimono sleeves; are trimmed with laces, hand-embroidered or beaded yoke effects. Beautiful Waists, worth CQ QQ to $25.00, on sale now at pO.J7 O Women's S6.50 Waists $2.98 Hundreds of women are waiting for just such a sale. We have gone vig orously through the stock in order to make this our greatest Waist Sale. In this lot are chiffons, nets, messalines and taffetas with high or Dutch necks, long or short sleeeves, with trimmings of braids, laces, frills, etc. Also a lot of Marquisette Jumpers, sizes 34 to 44; regular d0 QO values to $6.50, bargainized for this Annual Clearance Sale at $12.50 to -$65.0,0, Waists at Off For this great Clearance Sale we offer our entire stock of beautiful ati Tnarmn'sptt.PK- fancv nets, silks, etc.. trimmed with Irish crochet, hand-embroidered, or dainty Ja (Iff laces, velvet, etc. These $12.50 to $65.00 Waists on sale at $12.50 "Waists reduced to only S 9.38 $15.00 "Waists reduced to only S11.25 $18.50 "Waists reduced to onlyS13.S8 $20.00 "Waists reduced to only S15.00 ??; nn Wnista' rdned to onlv S"l S.7i $65.00 Waists reduced to only S48.75 Dresses Va Price All of our Peter Dresses for young priced for speedy ance. Choose from ALL WAISTS ABE ALL DEESSES Thompson ladies are clear- t lot at 3 REDUCED REDUCED A Lot of Women's Suits at h Price A Lot of Evening' Coats at Half Price Our Entire Stock of Bedding Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire1 Stock of Curtains Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Blankets Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Comforts Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Dress Goods Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of White Goods Offered at Clearance Prices Our Entire Stock of Kitchen Utensils Offered at Clearance Prices Our Entire Stock of Cut Glass Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Silverware Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire' Stock of Chinaware Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Hardware Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Mens Clothing Offered at Clearance Prices Our Entire Stock of Furnishing Goods at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Umbrellas Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Underwear Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Ribbons Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Laces, Etc Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Shoes Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Our Entire Stock of Hosiery Offered at Clearance Sale Prices Buy and Save Buy and Save Buy and Save Buy and Save