TnE 3IORMXG OltEGONIAN, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 26. 1011. 16 CHILDREN JOYFUL IfJ CITY HOSPITALS Tov-Laden Christmas Trees Brighten Day for Little Ones Who Are I!'. NURSES DISTRIBUTE GIFTS Cot of Many of YoanjcMers Heaped Hirh With Prniv Attendant Tnjojr Vrmt and IeMltute Men Arc Serel. Children wh Here chitc! to ppnd rhritmm In the hospitalit thfa year r th favorl cif of Sunta Claus jet-rdav. particularly n th vood Sa maritan llplt;il. ariierv a Urce chil dren" mar.t U rrmint .inil. All chil dren n ho had lrn lnmtt of th wort pirrw th l. - t .rt-t ma, chil dren hom mif'rtun h tourhed earlv in lil. ihil fren of many of tha )na-tlm ratlnt at the hospital and many f the old p ticnta t hr n..! vest, aarhrrrd amur-l the lirtatmas Ire and preni and randy were thr In ahwndani for em-h n. h ildrcn on ni re-hra peered ut. brtuht-eyed nd ttrn:ltn3. from under heap of present., hub irurzled ird rofwJ am they hindd thrlr doll and trv art! ma older children poured de It sh ted I y over preen ta of books or (tmf or of itome new merhanlral top, cirla hurxH thrlr doll and all vera happy. mrnm AM Santa. loriit irejut,nir tattle were preed Into aervlt-e hy Sanu ilau. ho found bm pa'H and ht tree much too small t contain nil the prenenia he had brought, and the.-) were dtMributcd br light-footed nureea. mn ant called out the namea he had put on the packafte. One of the happiest boys in the ward wm Imie Preddle Hermlr. Freddie baa bct n at th hospital more than a yenr and tJurlnir all that time has lain patiert and rht-erful. He Is only t vfirs old and has rosy cheeks and bright blue ee.. curly ringlets of gold en hair and a smile that almost never fades. His nurses say that in all the time he has been at the hospital he has been known only twice to cry. He suffers considerable pain at times, bout a year uko he fell from a cherry tree and suffered an Injury to the spine from which he may not recover, el- thuUK'h bis doctors are hopeful. Kreddle Prayer tuwrrH. 1 It Is Freddie's ambition to be a sol dier and that Is why he tries to be so brave. For many months he has breathed silent prayers to the Christ mas saint to bring him a drum and a tin with real bullets and a Are en gine. Not only did he get what he asked for. but many more thine. His stretcher was heaped with teddy bears and Karnes and books and trains anil cars and boxes of candy until they fell off the sides. Freddie thinks that the little robin that pushed him off the cherry tree and hurt him felt sorry for him and told ISanta I'lau about h i in and that that is the reason he got so many presents. It Is Freddie's firm belief that when be tried to ctltnb the cherry tree In the back yard of his home at Vancou ver one bright day last Sprina. to (ret a peek at a nest of little robins way up in one of the II nib, the old mother robin pushed him off. A happy arlrl yesterday was Marie AVairner. Mane and Freddy have been In the nursery together for almost a ear and have become fast friends. She 1 two years older than Freddie and believes herself, by the peculiarity of her position, to be Freddie's proper nurse. All of the other nurses become her assistants hen Freddie's welfare is In question. Saturday something happened that made Marie very sad and almost prom ised to make Christmas for her sad, too. Freddie was stricken with con vulsions. For once his cheery smile faded and nurses and doctors feath ered and shook their heads in solemn whispers. Someone said Freddie might not live and Marte heard of It. All ntrht Ion she buried her head In her pillow and wept and when morn in; tame siie refused to eat. At noon also she woutd not eat. but In the mean whtte Freddie gradually revived, ills smile and rosy cheeks once more re turned and Marie was persuaded that ah was mistaken about ' the serious nes of Freddie's Illness. Y era saallew iaay. SWew a happy asainy esterday. She received a larze number of presents that tended to heiahten her happiness, ft'it he was rno'-e absorbed in Fred dies presents than her o n. Freddie held tightly to his drum as he lay on h is t retch er. surrounded by his other Rtfta, and guarded it most jealously as his most precious po.isesMon. And Mane alone was the favored individual whom Freddie would permit to beat tne drum. Karl Norden. a little S-year-o!d boy who wss kicked by a horse, received Ins presents propped up in bed. Mir jone Barnard Is another little inmate of the children s ward w ho was made happv yesterday. She has tuberculo sis of the hip and. like Freddie, la ohheed to spend her time on a stretcher. BED-RIDDEN YOUNGSTERS IN "T MVTRIBITIO OK CHRISTMAS TREE AT SECOND BAPTIST CHTJKCH, WHICH DE J - LIGHTED HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN. ! i a '.V i yovt: OF PRESENTS DISTRIBUTED TOTS FETED AS WIFE, NOW DEAD, PROMISED Alexander Kerr Is Host at Bij Christmas Tree for Poor Children of North End, as Young Bride Wished. FtKTV-SIX wildly xrltd youni5tr from the North KnJ of Portland r given n Idea yesterday aft ernoon of how the "oilier half" llvel when they were entertained at a gigan tic ChrlMmas tree! and dinner at the home of Alexander H. Kerr, at 129 Fourteenth Mreet. In the Riving of the party to the waif. the promts of Mrs. Alhertina Kerr, who died re cently, was fulfilled. Nearly a year ago Mr. Kerr. Mr. Kerrs' young bride, said that on Christ mas day. she would fill her home with the poorest and most destitute children that could be found In the city. V. G. M.-Laren. of the Portland Com mons, to be ber courier. lrs. Kerr died last O-toher and shortly before her death she again em phasised her desire to hold the party. In place of Mrs. Kerr being hostess, her widower, aided by his daughter and son-in-law and the sisters of the late Mrs. Kerr entertained to the ut most the youngsters who took advan tage of the invitation. Kvery t'fclla tiets Cilft. Good things abounded. The Christ mas tree, sparkling with scintillating electric lights, seemed to be an Inex haustible treasure house, for there was not a child that Santa Claus failed to remember. Sacks of candy, popcorn, oranges and a metal saving bank were among the other treasures the young sters carried away. Neither the bar of color nor that of race was drawn and the only time trouble loomed was when little ne gress insisted that the only white doll on the tree, garbed in a dres of the same color, should be hers. Her claim was admitted. ' Many little ones were carried In on crutches, others possessed varioua de formities but their all and every trou ble vanished before the good cheer set before them. pr Children Made Ha.T. poor children who had not been able tn net In at anv of the other enter tainments were entertained during the evening ai the Se ond Baptist Church, at Seventh and Ankeny streets, by the Volunteers of America. II seemed as If evary unattached little boy and girl. In many cases their llmh showing through their rags, found that Eanta Clans was "really, truly" at the Vol unteers' celebration. Still another home to be thrown open to the poor Is that of Mrs. H.. V. Van Iniser. at M Jackson street. Mrs. Van Puier personally combed the city for poor youngsters of every possible description and today will play Lady Hounttful by throwing open her home to those for whom otherwise Christmas would have been a hollow sham. A CHILDREN'S WARD OF HOSPITAL MAS TREE. PRIt.Ti BV CMD HtMtRlTlVS E 'Vk- r RV VOLIMEF.RS OP AMERICA. ".. . t"' f . r 4 .1 : 1 : ... V - - -4 . t Tfce Mra. Alexander H. Kerr. T Who promise to tilve a Party I t. Poor Childrea Wu PulfUled t Yesterday. Christmas tree and a good time of every description will be arranged. Knlfchls Templar Celebrate. Portland's Knights Templar organ isations yesterday held thalr usual Impressive observance of Christmas. Members of Crusade Commandery. of the East Bide, accepted the invitation of Oregon Commandery No. 1 and the services were conducted Jointly, more than ISO sir. knights being In attend ance. This was the largest number of members participating In these exer cises In Portland. Following the pro gramme newly-elected officers for the ensuing year were installed by J. B. Cleland. past grand commander, as sisted by George V. Robertson, mar shal. The new officers are: Eminent commander. Victor A. Avery: general issimo. Hopkins Jenkins; captain-general. William Davis; treasurer, James W. Cooke; recorder. C. F. Wiegand: senior ' warden, Roy Quackenbush; Junior warden, N. R. Cox: warder, James Hislop; standard bearer, H. E. Hutchinson: sword bearer. A. M. Brown; captain of the guard. E. L. Pettis: guards, J. G. Garrow and W. M. Darling. MADE HAPPY BY CHRIST . SATA CLAl'S.' 1 1 -... . ; ' I' IT1 A STRAIGHT TALK TO By CK. Holsman,M. D.The Leading Specialist . .n.,Ai:i.t imiinr dusively. I own my offica and equipment, publish my troi photorraph and personally iuprvio the treatment or ail p.ti-nta from th time they come to me until thy ars dis charred a cured. Althouah -my time u Jul ly fupled frm early mom tint Ik late t night tn lookinir after th want of my patients, and In adminislrln my special treat ment for B'.ood Poison. Varicose Vema na other dlseasa. I always take pleasure tn consult lnK with new patients. la ottering- mr services to the afflicted I am givin. you the Bt;T that can be had anywhere. My reputation and esperionr for the past IS years can leave no doubt as te my ability, honesty and Inteifiity and should he "ufficleat to convince the most skeptical that 1 am the FOREMOST and LEADING BpcclalUt in Port.and. I pose.-ss skill and experience acquired in such a way that no other can share It and should not be classed with Inexperienced doctors or ,PA 'thorough lnvestlt!on should be made by very a.llni .h. . fitnaulta. Duly and drntlnv to self and those who depend upon you demand the best med-C K. Uolsniao. il. t teal attention. I have the ability and can rive yo this service I have alsavs charged very raaonADle. lc. ao. ;hat rar aervlcee mar be obtained by any man who slncerly deairea to be cured. I make no mi JeAtlint atateroente. false promisee or unbualneasllke propoaltlons. I would like e have you for a patlvnt If you will come to me on a atrlctiy proff ssieonal ba sis, accepting inducements that I offer, which are my ability, 18 years' success ful experience time-saving treatment and cuie of certain diseases. I dally demonstrate that varicose veins caa be cu: ed In nearly all cajea by one treat ment In such s satisfactory way. pain ceases, swelling subildes. a healthy circulation Is rapidlv re-esfab-lished. fnstead of the depressing condi tions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured er refund the money. KIDNEY AND BLAUDEB. With these diseases you may have more complications than are presented by ary other disease. By my earthing Illumination of the bladder X determine accurately the disease and hy microscopic examination and urln eiyti I maUe doubly sure the condition ef the kidnes, thus laying foundations for scientific treatment. IF1G BLOOI POIHON. Scientific trestmeeti only should be used la combating this losthesome dls I cure Blood Poison by the new tier man Remedy which I Introduce di rectly into the blood, purifying It. neu tralising U and expelling poison from he system. New blood thus formed (uppltes and rebuilds the tissues In such a way that the ratient recovers his normal state o health, strength aad wundnesa. MV JIKFCT THE VTMfCNT I'OU tRVOU8 IEB1UTT. That disorder commonly known as weakness hum tor years and generations baftlcd the II url of physicians, yet to his very Cay a- :.iaJoiLy of doctors. I Treat All Aliments of Men, and Cure to Stay Cured I Offer Free Consultation and Examination I invite von to com to my office, 1 -vlll explain to you my treatment for vartccie veiJs hernia, nervous debility, blood poison, piles, fistula, bladder, kid mvm5 all men's ailments, and give you FREE a physical examination If you write for free book snd self-examinatlo n blank. . jIX office Tie open all day from A. M. to I P. M. and Monday from 10 to 12. All correspondence treated ooandent tally. Letters cheerfully answered. DR. C. K. HOL PARCELS PILE Express Companies Need Week to Deliver Packages. POSTAL RUSH NOW OVER Carrier Deliver Mall to Have Christmas Presents Beach All In' Tlme Messenger Boys Are Kept Busy All Day It will take a week for the express companies to make deliveries of all the Christmas packages now in their hands. At the postofflce the Christmas work is virtually completed. What ever remains to be done Is due to de lays In shipment or tardiness of the senders. Delays at the express offices are due partially to the people themselves. The express companies do not make deliv eries outside of a limited zone. Notices are 'mailed to persona living beyond that limit and they are expected to call at the office for their parcels. Sometimes it Is a week or more be fore they call. Meanwhile the packages are held In storage. Occasionally a package cannot be delivered and is retained by the ex press company. After the expiration of a specified period it Is advertised and sold for charges. Wherever possi ble, in case the charges have been pre paid, the sender Is notified and given an opportunity to reclaim his present The rule at Christmaa time is to pre pay charges. . so few such packages ever have to be sold. Few Pareela Unclaimed. As a matter of fact that percentage of unclaimed holiday goods In the ex press offices Is much smaller than the regular commercial packages. Every year, however, the Portland offices of the various express companies operat ing Into this city accumulate a small number of presents the Intended recip ients of which they are unable to And. This may be due to a number and va riety of reasons. The address may be insufficient, the wrapper may have been mutilated in transit, thus destroy ing the address In this case, how ever, the waybill would be a means of Identification or the consignee may SfvlAN Hi CASH FRIZ EVERY WEEK FOR ARTICLES ON "HOW WE WON OUR HOMES" The Portland Realty Board invites the homeowners of Portland and vicinity to enter an essay contest for the best articles on the general topic, "How We Won Our Home," and offers the following prizes each week: FIRST PRIZE, $25 - SECOND PRIZE, $10 x THIRD PRIZE, $5 The articles should deal with actual, concrete personal experiences of home-winning and home-building, setting forth, step by step, the progress toward the achievement, from the time of making the first payment on a lot or acreage to the realization of the ambition. It is not necessary that homes be entirely paid for. Articles will appear in The Sunday Oregonian. Photographs are desirable, but will not be considered in awarding prizes. The right is reserved of running in The Sunday Oregonian stories not awarded prizes. The following simple directions should be observed: 1. Articles should not be more than 800 words in length. 2. The writer should be a bona fide homeowner, or a member of homeowner's family. 3. Write on one side of paper only. 4. Sign writer's correct name and address. 5. Mail articles to City Editor of The Oregonian. 6. Prizes will be awarded Wednesday of each week. MEN nnmenis or men n. (.Units liot excepted, are attempt ing to overcome It by methods that nave been la constant use and have always failed for halt a century. They dose the system with powerful stimu lants and tonics, calculated to restore nervous force or strength that is not snd never has been lacking, with the esu;t that the functions are tempo rarily excited to the positive detriment f the patient. Weakness Is only a symptom resulting from many local conditions tnd Is curable by local treatment only, without the glvtng of a sinulo Internal duae, which demon xtrates the absolute accuracy of ray understanding and treatment of this disorder. In years I have not met with a single failure and I have entire confidence tn my ability to cure all cases that come to me for treatment. I am equally certain that no treatment other than that which I have perfect ed can completely and permanently rertore strength and vigor. NO MONEY REQt'IKKO TO COM HK.NCt; TREATMENT. Many patients have no confidence in .heir doctor, be cause he demands pay before a cure has ben effected and them are many who have been misinformed about ihetr condition or through unsuccessful treatment have become skeptical and t hluk there Is uo cure for them. I went an opportunity to treat such men. It makes no difference about the financial part, aa I accept pay for my services as beneflis are derived; nrhen I am satisfle the patient la re 'atle. Health n capital at interest. 1 wli: prove nyf ability to cure before r kn.c pay for my services. 221V Morrison St. Cor. 1st Street PORTLAND, OSEGON have changed his address, making it Impossible to find him. Unclaimed packages at the postofflce go through their regular channel to the dead letter office at Washington, D. C on their way back to the send ers. Letter carriers made a regular de livery yesterday morning to accom modate their patrons who were to re ceive presents from distant places. The volume of their deliveries was as heavy. If not heavier than that of any previous day of the season, owing to the accumulation over Sunday. An ef fort was made by the carriers yester day to dispose of all holiday mail and In this they were satisfactorily suc cessful. Only delayed packages wll pass through the mail carriers' hands now. Every express wagon in the city was busy yesterday morning making de liveries in their prescribed districts. The full force of street and wagon employes was required to take care of the rush. As a result everything in the delivery district was disposed of. The packages held in the various of fices now are those destined for resi dents outside the delivery district Many of this class called at the express offices yesterday In response to cards sent out notifying them of the pres ence of Christmas packages. Meanenger Boys Busy. No less active than the expressmen and the mailcarriers were the uni formed messenger boys of the Postal and Western Union Telegraph com panies and the delivery boys of the various special messenger agencies. Deliveries of bundles from one part of the city to another demanded the at tention of a small army of lads, but the messengers of the telegraph com panies were engaged with the added duty of delivering Christmas "letters" transmitted by telegraph. With the Inauguration of the "night service by both companies and the "day letter" service by the Western Union this form of exchanging holiday greetings has grown in popularity. Hundreds now adopt this method of re membering distant friends or relatives at Christmas time. For the holiday period the telegraph companies waived their rule of telephoning the contents of the messages to the addressees and mailing the typewritten sheet when con venient, and made direct delivery by messenger Christmas day. Many Port land homes were made happier yester day by the receipt of these long-distance communications. - , The inauguration of the cable-letter service by the Western Union a few weeks ago also encouraged many . to send Christmas greetings between Portland and European points. Sev eral London firms having agencies In this city cabled cheering messages to their local representatives. Better Pianos for Rent at Sherman, Clay St Co., Morrison at Sixth. iFZl w.ffijmnr i mill! CURED IN 5 DAYS No Detention From Occupation, Family DR. A. O. SMITH, THE LUDIW SPECIALIST. I nm a registered nnd licensed physician, confining; my special praevice to the ailments of MK. I have more money inveeted In my establishment than all other Port, land epeclalliits combined, nnd I will aive S500 to nny charity if I cannot show this In true. I publish my true photogTaph. correct name, personally conduct my office. I am the most success ful and reliable, as medical cre dentials and press records prove. I make this statement so that you will know vou consult a true spe cialist, who sees and treats j-a-tlents personally. I possess EX PERT skill and experience, ac quired in such a way that no other can share. To all men who are sick and In trouble; to the men who feel they have lost the energy of youth, and that the etrength they ought to have has been sapped from them; to those who are not sick enough to be abed but feel they must use all their will power to force them selves even to their evervday tasks to all these I have a special mes sage of hope and cheer. I can cure that lame and aching back. I can re store the lustre to the dimmed eye; I can make you realize that the vouth of yesterday has not been burled in an age of several decades, and that your pitiful con dition Is now due only to damaged health. This health can be le stored If you will act now. Come today, or the stage of n-le-t may get just past the stage that is able. ..A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure or no pay for services. I guarantee to ure,cf .Irvlces tsost you every dollar you have paid me for my ferves. My servloes oo t you nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins -Hernia, esFistuwooa Poison." or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My fj benefit.. an (3 no more man you are aDio ami uwuac sr ja a a DR. A. G. SMITH I Cure Men '$ 1 O IS MY FEE Pay When Cured Uci eral Debility, Weak Nerves, In somnia Results of exposure, overwork, etc. Ail ments of Bladder and Kidneys, Varicose Veins, quickly and per atanently cored at small expense. I cure such aliments as Varicose Veins. Piles. Specific Blood Poison, etc., completely and permanently, often with only a single treatment. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, jo A. M. to I P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO Washington St- Corner First Portland, Oregon. I THE DR.GREEN ADVICE TO - MEN You do not care to read long-winded boastful adver tisements. What you want Is a cure Come to me and get It. I cure all ailments of men. Pay when satisfied. Consultation, exam ination and diagno sis free and private Hours daily t to 6 evenings 7 to 8 ; Sundays 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. 362 Washington St.. Portland. The Eminent Chinese Doc tor Is Curing Many Cases of Sickness Dr. L Wo ;.j-T He treats with non-poisonous, non-in-Jurious herhs all diseases of the Throat, Heart Liver, Lungs. Stomach. Kidneys. Piles, Constipation. NervounnLSS, Neural gia. Rheumatism, Catarrh. Eczema, Blood poison, Diabetes and all organic diseases. COXBCT.TATION FREE. Patients out of town can secure these health-building remedlea bend 4 cents In stamps for symptom blank. WO CHIBSK MEDICAL CO. 230)6 Alder, Cor. Third. ST 1VTT men and W omen $"4 CURED m S.K.Chan- (??J hiMva TY1 nrl 1 1", 1 a sin . liar. O, tV. . Ulllicac 1I1U1V1 W, IH. s. K. CHA., with their Chinese medicines of herbs and roots, cure won derfully. They have cured many suf ferers when all other remedies liave amh fin fa cure for both internal and external sickness and all chronic ailments. Their remedies are harm less and grlve quick results, no opera tions. Consultation free. Examinations for ladies by Mrs. Chan. Call or write for symptom blank to S. K. CHAN CHI NESE MEDICINE CO, KSSVi MorrUon at. between let and 2d. Portland. Or. BING CHONG, Chinese Doctor Ms a of Chinese haras and root nsedlcln. curao all kinds dlseaaea of tb. heart, lunsa, liver, stomach, kld ajsy, blood troublea of maa sad woman when othera talL If you suffer, call o writ, to 2321, Wash, at. tor. 2d. Boom It, Port, Or. 81? mm Dr. Wo Jg pSfi nr. : T I : .J or Home NO SEVERE OPERATIONS. MANY CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME-SAVING. MOST NAT URAL. MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE I YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS 1 A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. I Invite you to come to my of fice. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood Poison, Piles. Fistula. Bladder, Kidney and all Men's Ailments, and give vou FREE a physical exam ination; If necessary a microscopi cal and chemical analysis of secre 1 1 o n s. to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions. Every person should take advan tage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent a) cure is what you want. CONGESTED VEINS Impair vitality. I dally demon strate that varicose- veins can be cured In nearly all cases by o n e treatment. In such a satisfactory way that the vital parts are pre served and strengthened, pain ceases, swelling subsides, a healthy circulation is rapidly re established Instead of the depress ing conditions. I guarantee you a cure to stay cured or refund the money. NERVOUS DEBILrTY. Cerebro, where the mental forces are impaired. Spinal, hre the spinal centers are involved, v ltal. where the sympathetic nervous sys tem and forces that govern the or gans are deranged by reflex effects of ailments. I treat these condi tions and all weaknesses induced bv nervous complications and ex cesses and put you on the right track to health, restoring the con ditions essential to your future life and happiness. S06" FOR BLOOD DISORDERS. I u s e Professor Ehrllch's won derful new discovery, " 606.' in cases of Blood Poison. It cures In one treatment, and is the greatest marvel of medical science. T h i s new remeBy has been successfully used in thousands of cases. Let me explain n 10 you. r1111;1 J" a a vt T l p M. 234V2 Morrison St Corner Second PORTLAND, OREGON Listen To Me I am a duly qualified phy sician and sur geon. I have had 30 years' e x p e rlence la my par tlcular specialty. Ailments of Men I ao not cure all ailments, but cure all I take. There Is no delay. Tou ere benefited at once. The spark of life is soon revived and quickened. Once more hope Is re kindled and life becomes brlgo: again. I Cure Men Quickly aith Blood Ailments. Nervous De cline. Varicose Valns, Plies. Rup ture, Kidney, Bladder and ail ail ments peculiar to men. Do not let money matters keep you away, as my charges are so low as to be within the reach of all. GOOD HONEST WORK and a SftUAKB DEAL is what you want. Consul tation and examination free, (.all now or write. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance Second street. Port land, Or. Office hour 9 A. M. to Sundays. 10 a. M. to 1 P. iL I publish my own photograph, per sonally conduct my own office, have no connection with any "medical ompny," "institute" or "museum, but am a thoroughly reliable, up-to-date scientific specialist in all ail ments of men. So hired substitutes to treat you. If I accept your case for treatment and do not effect a quick and lasting cure, you need not my one cent of my small fee. Let ni prove to you, without cost or obligation, that I will cure you to 5tny cured, before paying out one penny. 9 to 5 7 to 8 Mails s Sundav, 10 to 1. Examination Advice Kree. J.J.Keefe,Ph.G.M.D. Room. 11-14 Lafayette Bllic JI3V4 WASHINGTON ST COR. Bth, PORTLAND, OR. L. T8 YEE & SONS The old eminent Chinese jj doctor cures any dlaeaae i a auccesaf ully. such as weak serves, constipation, astnma. -' catarrh, cancer, pilea. nerv- " 64 ousness, rheumatism, blood . OSL. a:-f-i pelson. lung, liver, kidney F 'j and stomach trouble; also & -V . J ailments or men ana womea. t-' j No matter -who has failed. w"si-'X'l I ruarantee a cure It cur r. zfT. ::C-A .hi. 1 h,v nent a lifetime . 7. i,.-k. .nd rradualed from several universities and look post-graduat. courses In China. I have thousands of testimonials 5"' -J.feful patients. I use only the 5 harm.eV. Chine., herbs, reg.rdle.. of !h hl.h orics. So I can help you. Call 1? wrtf. f?r aymptom blank and circular. I. T. VEJB SONS SIEDICIXB CO, 142V4 tint. I IS- Cor. Alder. Portland, Or. tzy. w. Broadway. Writ, for nookWt. K. V. " 4