Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 25, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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obinson's anpual
From 50 to 75 to Take Part
Aquatic Event Today.
sale of Stein-
Demetral, Here to Meet Berg,
Sparkles With Diamonds.
Greeks Welcome Him.
Great Annual Christmas Feature to
Begin at 1 1 o'Clocb AH Intend
lug- to Contest to Be at Bridge
Hour Before Start.
Suits and O'ercoats
i r3
Yrh lYiim Good Match Against
Gotch Bis Mat Man Sajs Ilia Go
Willi TUrg I Only In Na
ture of a TnonL
Portland's colony of Oreeks turned
at en masse yesterday to welcome
WUIlam Demetral. "the Greek demon.'
claimant of the light heavyweight
wrestling championship, who tansies
with John Bora- here Friday night.
Demetral waa accompanied by hla
manager. Otto E. Rou, and hie piirata
lla-ht system, which consists of a hand
ful of dlamonda about the alia of
Immediately on hla arrival Demetral
waa taken In tow by John Puios.
Portland merchant who haa been a
friend of the mat man ever since ha
waa a child. Puios rare hla country'
nun assurance that at leaat 1000
Greeks will be on hand to aea him
maul the ex-mentor of the Spokane T.
M. C A.
Demetral la Viae Shape.
Demetral. who haa been ranked with
the beat light heavyweight wrestler of
the world for several years, haa been
training In Salt Lake City for four
months and looks to be In perfect con
dition. IMS present weight la 110
pounds. Hla laat appearance
against Prank Gotch. when the wortd'a
champion exhibited hla prowess In the
Vtah metropolis. Demetral succeeded
i In staving off the Iowa farmer for 2S
minutes for the first fall and IS mln
utea for the second.
"My bout with Berg will be mora In
' the natura of a tryout before Portland
- wrestling fans," piped Demetral with
; a flash of his chest protector
us hla remarks. I have aeen
grapple a bit and I know that
be a cinch for ma to beat nlm.
"I understand that the wrestling
J game la not In very good favor here.
hat condition prevails In a great
many cities, simply because a bunch of
second-raters have been running the
port into the ground.
Ps sr Matches Bart Came.
I "But with two good men on the mat
the fans gat their money'a worth. If
the wrestling game la to prosper, the
tailing element muat ba relegated to
the discard. They axe gradually kill
ing the game and are making It hard
for the top notchers to draw a good
' "In my bout with Berg I am going
I to abow wrestling devotees how much
pleasure there Is In seeing a good
match. I expect to arrange several
bouts her thla Winter and I am con
fident that the beat men In the game
will coma out here."
Although ha haa been prominent in
wrestling affairs since ISO 7. when he
won the professional championship for
hla clans In London. England, this is
Demetral's first visit to the Northwest.
He haa been kept busy around Chicago
and other K as tern cities alnce ha won
championship honors and has never
found time to see tha West.
Oood wrestlers of Demetral's
weight are scarce, and tor that reason
the majority of hla bouts have been
with men of greater poundage," said
Manager Ross. "Despite thla handicap.
however, ha haa had good success.
numbering among hla victories matchea
with men Ilka Farmer Burns, Jim
Parr. Zyboazko, Charley Olson and oth
ers. He haa never lost a fall to a
man of his own weight."
Cettk Give All Credit.
Picking the greatest wrestlers be
fore the public today. Demetral names
Gotch. Mamouth, Peterson and zyboss
ko. In the order given. lie aaya It la
a toss-up between half a dosen lighter
"Ootch la a wonderful man." said
DeraetraL "and tha only wrestler who
would have a ghost of a show against
him la Mamouth. He la a finished
wrestler and probably would give tha
champion a hard tusel if they met."
Manager Roes will select training-
quarters today. Demetral being anxious
to get to work Immediately. The Chi
cago man wants to abow tha Portland
fans what kind of sport they can ex
pect Friday night and issues a call to
any wrestler to work out with him.
"I have been training for several
months and could not be In better
shape, but I want to show the people
that I can deliver the good," explained
Demetral. "My work. for the most
part. will be light, but If any big men
show up I will do a little heavy wrest
llng." I'ortland has several promising
wrestling programmes on tap for the
next two months, for several grapplers
may appear before Portland crowds
Berg. Demetral. Leon. Zbysxko, Peder
son. Ralcevtch. Cordrelli. Samson and
Smrdjal. Aa Portland fans have al
ready seen Gotch. Mahmout, As be 11 and
Roeber. the menu will have been nearly
. complete.
After tha BrsD.metral match may
come Zbysxko versus Jack ILeon. al-
' though Seattle promoters are said to ba
angling for thla bill.
Pedereon. Cordrelli and the other for-
. elgnera are billed for early In Febru
ary. Even though Leon doeg not wrestle
Zbysxko here. Portland fans may get a
s-ood look at tha Russian giant In ac
tion, as be Is to appear as a semi-final
' wtodup in tha Berg-Demetrai bout,
agreeing to throw Jack Root, a Port
land Iltf-pounder. three times within an
- hour. If thla match la not staged. Root
will be pitted against Early-wine, a
Bellini ham heavyweight, who haa the
Indorsement of Harley Simmons, tha
Belllnghajn promoter, who has had sev
eral good youngsters under liis wing.
: ; ; j .: ) ....-.!
Present Football Game Rapped
by Washington Alumnus.
College Sport Has Become Spectacu
lar System Which Misses Purpose,
Declares Editor of Graduate
Official Periodical.
tle. Deo. 14. SpeclsX) The university
alumni, through their official publica
tion, have declared for Rugby football.
and favor Ita adoption hers as proposed
by Leland Stanford and the University
of California.
"The strongest argument fn favor of
the English gams la that It lends Itself
more readily to the ..teal of college
athletics." aaya Joel L Johanaon. editor
of the University Alumnus. "It Is not
a sentiment of the after-dinner speak
er. merely, this Ideal, and some effort
should be made to realise It.
The present gams of football with
Its multitude of accessories, sectional
conferences, complicated National coda
of rules, special eligibility require
ments. National rules commissions.
elaborate advertising campaigns, all'
American and all-con.erence teams,
hlgh-ealaried coaches, umpires, field
Judges and referees, secret practice.
'scouting service, protests, gate money
division and more of the kind.
ms a more efficiently organised
business for wining championship glory
and substantial profits than a college
There Is no need for so much elabo
ration In the game played by college
students among themselves. When the
desire to win predominate too much
and the way Is opened for numeroua
alien considerations; and when there Is
added the desire to profit as much as
possible by the public Interest In
college game, the principles which
justify college sport are lost.
When a game stirs, up so much
pother about a university It Is safo
to conclude that it Is losing Its proper
function and beginning to serve as a
publlo spectacle. Football certainly
doea not exist to gratify our desire
for the spectacular. But when a team
practices behind closed gatea and only
Issue forth on state occasions to play
a match game, it would seem that it
served this purpose merely. And when
there Is so much argument over rules
and scouting In the enemy's territory
In order to gain aome advantage over
the opponent. It would seem that the
desire to win exceeds reasonable
Student aentlment here la overwhelm
ingly giving up the American game.
and it la considered that California col.
legea have rather "kow-towed" to our
English cousin in so quickly doing
away with the home institution. Man
ager Zednlck. returning from hie south
ern tour, appreciated the fact, and, in
apeaklng of the proposed Innovation.
acknowledged that it would be impossi
ble to establish It now. i
to take place In thla city Friday night,
December 29, between "Strangler"
Smith, of Portland, and Frank Reed,
the one-armed middleweight wrestler,
known aa "Nebraska Kid." Catch-as-
catch-can rules will govern the bout.
and the best two out of three will de
clde the contest. Reed haa appeared
twice in this city and both tlmea threw
his opponent. John Berg, of Portland,
will referee the bout.
Alblrva Juniors Sleet Mohawks.
The Albtna. Juniors and tha Mohawk
football elevens will play ona of the
deciding games of tha Archer-Wiggins
Amateur Football League today at the
Columbus Club Athletio Grounds. Both
teame are in fine shape for the game.
They are of about equal weight. The
Albtna team haa made several changes
In its lineup. By winning todays game.
the Albtna team will have a good
chance to win the championship of sec.
lion 1.
Soccer Stars Play Tie.
ST. LOL'19. Deo. tt Playing for the
soccer championship of the In I ted
States, the Tacony tram, ef Philadel
phia, and the St. Leos. of St. Louis,
battled to a -to-4 tie here this after
Bfon, ,
Forest Grove High Wins.
FOREST GROVE. Or, Deo. J4. (Spe
cial.) In the aecond game of the sea
son the Forest Grove High School bas
ketball team defeated the McLaughlin
Club, of Portland last night at the col
lege gymnasium, 4 to 17. The Forest
Grove forwards. R. Vaughn and A.
Ireland, and Parker, at center, were
the big point-gettera for the home
team, while Burns, the McLaughlin
forward, was the atar for the Portland
team. The Forest Grove team has ar
ranged camel with other high schools
In the Willamette Valley.
Referee, F. E. Mercer. Timekeeper,
Professor W. Scott.
Smith and Reed to Wrestle.
FOREST GROVE, Or. Dec 14. (Spe
cial) A wrestling match Is scheduled
Vancouver Soldiers Are Defeated by
Score of 14 to 0.
Columbus Club football team defeat
ed the Vancouver soldiers yesterday,
14 to 0, on Columbus) Field. The game
was ragged on both aides.
The Catholic Club played a consist
ent game as far aa line work and buck
ing was concerned. A touchdown and
a safety was scored In each half. The
soldiers missed some of their best men.
Padserdskl and Greenewald being two
of them.
Sherry and Campion played best, for
the club men. while Baumholt and Pat
ty starred for tha soldiers.
The lineup:
Vancouver. Position. Columbus Club.
BaumhoU O Dueber
Pulton .........i.R O. ......... Lawrence
Fulton ...... R T. O Nell
Green R E. .. ... . .Jones
CeMjr ........... .L G. Glennon
Lynch L T Eavers
Carmlchae LE... Donaldson
Hunter ...W B. ......... Kennedy
ilall K H. Sherrv
'atty H Olaoelll
Davis g B Camploa
Kef errs. Cook: umpire, Hoffman; field
Judge, Southard.
Independents Fall Behind in Race
for League Championship When
Xorth Bank Wins.
Played. Won. Lost. Prt.
Mt. Scott 9 1 .70
North Bank . . 8 2 1 .60
Independents 4 3 t .COO
0.-W. It. t K. S O .000
Soccer matches In the Oregon league
yesterday saw Mount Scott Increasing
Its hold on the championship by a 7-u
victory over the O.-W. R. A N., while
the Independents fell behind through
defeat by the North Bank team by 5
goala to 1.
Mount Scott had several changes In
the lineup, through Captain RobsogVs
desire to get as many boys Interested
In the game as possible. The game
was too one-sided to call for much
comment, though it served to show the
continued improvement of the Mount
Scott contingent.
The lineup: ,
Mount Peott. Position. 0.-W. R. X.
O. Ptreder O. W. Gavin I
J. fttreder R B...... Tead )
Bartholomew ....-l. P . . .. Chamberlain ,
G. Kobson R H B. .. . Strubel 1
O. Drrnen ...... .C H B. ......... J. Gavin '.
Ounn ........ ....I H B.. Wrlsht
McOllvie ........O R F... Llnd
Wallace .-I R F. Robertson
V. Kobson .........C P. . Johnson
F. Dryuen ........I L F. Maxna
J. Robaon O L F Vosa Hayea
Th TnHnenHantl.Vnrtli Panlr tn.teH
on the Columbus field was somewhat '
of a sorprlse. North Bank gave their i
opponents little opportunity for close
combination. The losera felt the ab
sence of Fuller at fullback.
Play was of an exciting nature all
the way. At half time the North Bank
led by a couple of goals, but than their
defense weakened and the Indepen
dents came strongly to score three
goals in rapid succession, thus gain
ing the lead, which they kept for some
time. But the railway men set up a
hot attack and managed to win.
The winners were well served by
DrlscolL Francis, Crosby and Spooner,
while Bryce, Wells anfi Wempner
showed good form for the losers. The
lineup: '
North Bank. Position. Independents.
R. H. Karr 0...... Cledsted
C. Karr K Randal
wfth SO entries assured and a pos
siblllty of 25 more starting. Portland's
third annual Christmas swim, under
the auspices of the Multnomah Ama
teur Athletic Club, bids lair to no me
moat successful thins of Its kind ever
arremnrerl Arthur Cavlll. the man who
la responsible for the Christmas aqu
tlo festivities, laid out the course yes
terday afternoon.
After finishing this work, Cavlll de
clnred that those who want to par
ticipate must be at the Salmon-street
wharf not later tnan iu o cioca im
morning. Numbers and positions will
be distributed at that time, and those
ftLiiin-r to he on hand will not be al
lowed to enter. Those who have not
made application yet can do so this
morning by seeing either Cavlll or
O. K. Jeffery, chairman of the ewlm
mlnir committee of the Multnomah,
Wintry Weather Predicted.
Weather conditions are predicted to
make the affair a real Winter event.
Rain is not expected and at 11 o ciock,
the time set for the swimmers to
start, crisp, cold air is scheduled. Tha
coldness Is not expected to dampen tha
ardor of the swimmers.
Chairman Jeffery has arranged for
a limited number of spectators having
a choice view of the race. 'iicKeis
tnav be had by applying to the Mult
nomah Club or Mr. Jeffery. No boata
will be allowed to obstruct the course
other than those provided for the or
flclals and newspaper men.
Lewis Thomas, who won the 1910
Christmas swim. Is confident of "bring-
in' home the bacon" again. He nas
little fear that the beautiful Britten
trophy will be taken away from him.
Course Is 100 Yards.
The men will start from the Haw
thorne-street bridge. They will swim
100 yards.
Following is a list of the officials:
Oliver King Jeffery, chairman: Frank
E. Watklns, starter; w. J. retrain,
assistant to starter; Arthur Cavlll, di
rector: Walter A. Holt, referee; T.
Morris Dunne, Elwood Wiles, T. Irving
Potter, Edgar E. Frank, C. C. Carpen
ter, M. E. James, A. B. McAlpin, George
8. Shepherd. Henry MacKenzIe, Ed
ward Jeffery and Henry Hanno,
Judges; Clayton Fallaa and Fred W.
Simpson, timers.
What Former Portland Players Are
Now Dolmg,
No. 51 Herman Iberg.
HERMAN, or "Ham" Iberg. as his
many admirers on the Coast called
him. Is noted all over the country as the
king of "slow-ball" pitchers. Iberg's
specialty waa the slow ball, and no
pitcher waa ever known who could
float 'em up slower than the San Fran
cisco lad.
Iberg first cams Into prominence
Lite twirling for the Seals in 1900, and
his slow ball made him famous. He
went from San Francisco to tty Phila
delphia Nationals In 1902, and on his
return to the Pacific Coast he joined
the Portland team of 1904 and pitched
for this club all that season.
Iberg was a, quiet, unassuming fel-
ow who was willing to work early
and often. He was the most success
ful of the Portland pitchers, outside of
Jake Thlelman, that season, and It waa
his slow ball which won him success.
"Truck" Eagan. the hard-hitting short
stop of the Tacoma Tigers, champions
of 1904, said of Iberg In referring to
that pitcher's work in 1904: "Ham has
a peach of a alow ball, and a slower
ne than that, but that Is all ne has.
Trick." however, often nearly broke
his back swinging on Iberg's deceptive
floaters," so he ought to know.
After 1904 Iberg retired from base
ball and entered the contracting busi
ness at San Francisco and Oakland, in
which business he Is now engaged.
begins at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning
Pick as you please from our entire stock of blues, blacks, mixtures,
etc, and all Full Dress and Tuxedos - - truly an extra
ordinary opportunity. Get yours early.
get the
near 5th
I publish my own photograph, per
sonally conduct my own office, have
no connection with any "medical
company," "Institute" or "museum,"
but am a thoroughlv reliable, up-to-date
scientific specialist In all ail
ments of men. No hired substitutes
to treat you. If I accept your case
for treatment and do not effect a
quick and lasting oure, you need not
pay one cent of my small fee. Let
me prove to you, without cost or
obligation, that I will cure you to
etay cured, before paying out one
a to B 7 to 8 Dallyt Sunday, 10 to 1.
Rooms 11-14 Lafayette Bids.,
Spooner . .
HaUlnsalt ..
Plaolcb ....
Francis ....
Manning ...
l B.
R H B...
'.III. I. II Bill
O R r...
.....I R F...
I L F...
O L F...
.. Bayllss
..... Grler
.... Bryce
.... Tuffs
.. .. Tltley
.... Wells
... Barold
.. .. Hitter
RWere Mansiy.
The Oceanica will meet Multnomah
on the letter's ground this morning.
You 6o not mrc
to read Ion -win ti
ed boaatful tdver
tLtwment. What
you want la a cur.
Coma to xna and
ret It. I oura all
allmanta of men.
pay whan aatlafled.
Consul tat loo, axam
.nation and dlajmo
la frao ana private
iHmr daily to 5
evenings i to I
Sundaya 10 to 1.
3 tTaahiagtoa St. Portland.
Honeyman and Escheles In
door Teams Are Victors.
FelscI, Pitching? tor Escheles Allows
but One Safe Hit and Fans 1 5
Batsmen Donlap Strikes
Out 22, bat Loses.
Honeyman . . . . ,
Ettchles w.
Won. Lost.
..3 5
... 1 S
In the fastest game played In the In
door Baseball League thla aaason.
the Honeyman nine defeated the Marshall-Wells
team T to 4 yesterday after
noon at the Armory.
The Marshall-Wells team outflelded
and outbatted their opponents, but
were unable to bunch their hits. Sev
eral times during the game they had
runners on the bases, but were unable
to chase them around.
The Honeyman team bunched, their
hits In the second, third and fourth
Innings and scored their runs In these
three Innings. The Marshall - Wells
team scored In the second and ninth In
nings. Henderson, pitching his first game
for a month, was hit quite freely, and
his team mates fielded rather poor be
hind him. Luck seemed to favor the
league leaders.
Welsendanger Is Star.
The -playing of Hirsch and Williams
was the feature in the fielding line.
Welsendenger caught a much better
game for the losers and hit hard, get
ting four safe swats and walking once.
Irwin. Mangold and Lankford, also
of the Marshall-Wells team, got two
safe swats. McHale, Bauer and Magee
clouted in good style for the Honeyman
In the second game the Archer-Wiggins
team went down to defeat at the
hands of Rupert's Escheles by the score
of 1 to 0.
The lone tally made by the Escheles
was a result of a passed ball in the
fifth lnlnng. Felsel opened the Inning
with a bunt and took third on Turk's
second hit of tiie game. He scored a
moment later when one of Dunlop's
curves got away from Hansen. This
waa all there was doing in the scoring
.Felsel, the Albany import, pitched a
splendid game and allowed but one
safe hit. Feisel's support was excel
lent throughout, and not one error wae
made behind his delivery. !
T , - kMBlrl.V tVl !
strike-out record for this season by
fanning 22 batters. Dunlop's curves
were all working well, and he pitched
his best, but his team mates failed to
Only one error was made In the game,
and that was credited to Bleeg, who
interfered with Bracchl, while the lat
ter was attempting to get a noia oi
McConnell's safe swat.
Hedrlck did the star fielding of the
game, making two hair-raising catches
in the game. Turk was the only bat
ter to connect twice during the game.
Bracchl made .ne only swat for the
Archer-Wiggins team.
Albany Pitcher Fans Fifteen Men.
Besides allowing but one safe hit,
Felsel fanned 15 batters.
The scores:
M.-W. 4 12 3Honeyman.. 7 9 5
Batteries McKenzle and Weisendang
er; Henderson and McHale.
R.H.E. R.H.E.
Escheles 1 6 0A.-W. 0 1 1
Batteries Feisel and McConnell. Dun
lop and Hansen.
Cleveland Boxer Who Is to Sleet
Abe Attell Shows His Class.
CLEVELAND, Dec. 24. Johnny Kll
bane, of Cleveland, scheduled to meet
Abe Attell for the featherweight cham
pionship on February 22 at Vernon,
Cal., had a shade the better of Charlie.
White, of Chicago, here last night in
their 12-round bout.
From the outset the fight was fast.
Kilbane's clever footwork was espec
ially notable, and only three times was
White able to land on Kllbane at long
At infighting White gave a credita
ble account of himself and seldom got
the worst of the exchanges.
My One-Treatment Cures
For Weak, Diseased Men
Cure, to Stay Cured
Honest Treat-meat.
Dost waste time "trying"
other doctors. Go to
Longest Established.
For 80 davs I will heal and cure all Weak,
Sick, Diseased and Discouraged men at a
reduced fee. This is lust one-nair my uoui
.hnrirfl I orlve vou the same care and at
tention as If you paid my regular fee. Toil
could receive no better service for S1000. If
fou could but talk to the many cured patients
am dismissing dally, you would refuse to
sutler longer on me promise ui omtr uo.uio.
Don't be a Weakling, a Failure, and your life
a miserable existence. Why pay exorbitant
fees when I offer you better curative treat
ment for this low charge? I am a man of In
dependent means; the curing of my patients
Is my first and only thought. In this I differ
widely from grasping doctors who think only
of their fee and care little for the welfare of
their fellow men. Take advantage of this
offer at once: don't wait till the last few
days, when the crowded condition of my
office may prevent you seeing me.
There la usually a pain across the small of your .back." blue rings unto
voir eye specks before your eyes, your sleep does not rest you you get up
In the mornlnr feel In tr tired, your mind at times wanders, your memory Is
poor, you are fioUow-fyed. whites of your eye. are yellow, you are fearful,
klwavs exnectina- the worst to happen, very nervous, you start in your
sleepVMd SwVkeVom a dream very much frightened; stinging pain in the
breaat, no appetite.
If you have been unfortunate in selecting a doctor to treat you. or if you
have not given vourself the attention which your disease demands, you know
that every day you put the matter off you are getting worse and worse; you
are mortified and ashamed of your position among your fellow men. life
dots not possess the pleasures for you it did. Would you not give mch o
possess tlfat ROBUSt'hEALTH. SOtND NERVES and a CLEAR -BRAIN that
were vours before the ravages of disease attacked your system? Ii : you
have this desire to be strong and manly In a true sense of the word call at
my office at once, and I will take pleasure In explaining a treatment that
has restored hundreds of men in a much worse condition than you are.
finMnCOTCn UCIUO I cure this affliction without pain or knife. Soreness,
lUNULOltU V tlilO swelling and congestion of the dilated veins vanish
quickly. A healthy circulation of blood is re-established, and that old-time
feeling speedily returns. Avoid dangerous operation, I can give you the
quickest and safest and surest cure known to medical science.
Dl nfin DfllCnU If you have sore throat, mucous patches, pimples, copper
uLUUU rUIOUil colored eruptions, sores and ulcers, bone pains, falling hair
or anv symptoms of this aliment in either primary, secondard or tertiary
SSuesf consGlt me and be forever cured of it. My treatment cleanses and
eradicates every taint of poison and every Impurity from the blood and
svstero AH danger of transmission or recurrence is removed. .The taking
Sf lSrtou i mSfraU Tfor years never cures. My treatment Is a specific a
SirSin ant'dote" you improve from the very commencement, and are soon
permanently cured, as proven by positive blood tests.
I WANT to emphasize the Importance of selecting the BEST DOCTOR.
-nV? to ME I will "cure you In ONE TREATMENT by administering "The
wonderful GermaV Remedy" The greatest medical discovery of the age
the results are like magic
t ai ?" (TRE to stay cured Rupture, Kidney and Bladder All-mJnt-pnesTl&tula
and Rectal Affections, Rheumatism Catarrh. Ecsema
Sid ill Chronic Nervous, Blood. Skin and all Ailments of Men.
iimiTr ns a full description of your symptoms and trouble, if unable to
II nil t n All dealings are confidential. Expert Consultation Free.
Delays a HuMerousT ifours: . t A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
The Leading Specialist.
I asa m resrlstered and Ileease
pkyslefan, confining my special
eractiee to the aliments of MEN. I
establishment t k a m all other Pert
have more money Invested la say
lead specialists eombimed.
I see and treat my patients per-
soaallr All men should know who
the doctor Is they consult. I use my
Photograph so that when you oome
o see me personally you will recog
nise me. Investigate my personal
standing before accepting treatment
from a doctor of unknown Identity
or reputation.
Are You
being treated in a satisfactory man
ner bv vour present doctorT Is he
carrying out his promises? Has he
cured you in a reasonable time, and
lived up to his guarantee? Are you
navlnc him exorbitant prices for
medicine? Does he employ thorough.
It up-to-date ana scientiiio metnoas.
which would be approved by the reg
ular family doctorT if vou cannot
answer these questions favorably to
yourseir, come and. nave a coniioen-
tlal talk with me about your ease.
It will cost you nothing.
Cured in 5 Days
Re Detention From Occnaatlon,
Family or Home.
FACT. I Ail CtiKTAlJNlY FKlfi-
I Invite you to come to my office.
I will explain to you my treatment
for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous
Debility. Blood Ailments, Piles, Fis
tula. Bladder, Kidney and all Men's
Ailments, and give you FREE a
physical examination; if necessary a
microscopical and chemical analysis
of secretions, to determine patho
logical and bacteriological c o n d i-
tlons. Every person should take ad
vantage of this opportunity to learn
their true condition. A permanent
cure Is what you want.
nay oinces are open ail day rrora
A. M. to I F. M and Sundays from
1 t L
A. G. Smith, M. D.
Morxlsoa St Corner Zd,
Portland, Oregosu