TOE MOUSING OUEGOXIANV 10 ...vr,'7-!: I tfc '."'ft No Half Hearted Methods Here All Dress Goods Sacrificed The time h. come for final disposal of all the drei. good, that remain oo our .helves. Bear in mind that in advertising a .ale of dre. good, we call your pabular atten tion to the fact that, unlike many .tore, who place reduction price, on old-fashioned, undesirable dress gook. that in thU .tore every reducUon u made on dependable, de- .irable dres good, that are used at all time. -Aaple dres. good, made by the foremort manufacturers Dres. good, that do not varr in quality nor desirability with the change of the fashions RTJT U'e take the greatest pain, to cany all quaht. from the Ilg.t m. THEY MUST BE RELIABLE, for every yard of dres. good. IS SOLD fc 1 1 H OUR GUARANTEE. Serge; saltings, cheviots, diagonals, epingles, plaids, mannish suit ings, clockings, are all reduced: . As an example we quote the following: 54 Inch Cheviots, Worsteds and Suitings 95c Selling Regularly at $10 and $1JS the Yard A collection of 54-inch cheviot, fancy worsteds and Scotch .uiting. in the most desirable colore. 54 Inch Fancy Worsted Cheviots $1.29 Selling Regularly at $175, $2.00 and $225. An assortment of 54-inch fancy worsted cheviots serges, canva. nutings two-tone tweed suiting, that are now in the greatest demand and will continue so. at they are all of medium weights. Nothing prettier for taUored suits or coats Imported Scotch and English Homespuns $1.49 Smllmr Rerularly From $2.25 up to $3.50. The very mention of Scotch and English homespuns chevioU and tweed, will .ufficc a. to quality. Nothing can poss.bly be made better than these nuiur In demand year after year, .eason after .eason. they hold fcrst place in Ine heart, of women who favor mannish-tailored suits All Silks at Final Removal Prices re male no exception, whether you buy a .taple messaline .ilk. a fancy waisting lk or a foulard silk for a full dress All silk, are .old with the price influenced by this great removal event. FOR TOMORROW WE OFFER 5000 Yards of Silks at 69c Selling Regularly at $135 to $1.50 Delightful wlk. for evening gowns party dresses, evening cape, and co. tume. in 27-inch plain and .aim-finished, all silk pongees Tusah and other modish weaves Beautiful .hade, of Copenhagen, old rose, new blue, maple, navy. light and dark russet .hades light and dark gray, wistaria, reseda and apricot. Crown Taffeta the Best Taffeta 49c Always Sold at 85c the Yard Here is the met .taple taffeta and the best taffeta that is made. A fabric with lifa and quality. Taffeta that ia bound to give you the best of service. So d we think of this meritoriou. taffeta wlk that we carry it in over a hundred different shades The entire lot, final. 49c ( Ribbons at Final Removal Prices 50c and 65c Fancy Ribbons 24c Hundred, of yard, of five to seven-inch fancy ribbons in every color ia Persian, floral and conventional designs 85c and $1.00 Fancy Ribbons Final 33c Very wide wsh ribbon, in all the delicate color combination, in both light and dark grounds Ladies' White Petticoats Now 98c All Our Petticoats Selling to $2.25 A thousand petticoats in one great lot, being all the petticoats in the store, ranging in price from $1.50 to $2.25 each. They are made of a very su perior quality of cambric and long rnt with drr ruffles and em broidery, also ruffles of lace and j insertion, wuiers wun uccp iumc and cluster tucks. All have under dust ruffles. Corset Covers 25c Selling Regularly to 50c Cf ft A very unusual collection of dainty corset covers, made of good A SOU umicucua. ui " . with lace and embroidery edgings and insertions, headings and rib bon drawn. Some with medallions. Combinations 98c Selling Regularly to $2.25 Including corset covers and drawers, corset cover and skirt of fine sheer material. Round neck with torchon or val lace and inser tions, ribbon drawn through head ings and some with medallions. . es m a m 1 1 Final White Sale of Underwear Gowns of the Best Workmanship Gowns of the Best Qualities Gowns of the Best Styles Gowns That Fit and Wear Exactly Half Price Comparison is the best standard by which the worth of merchandise is determined. Comparison is the method by whjch we wish you to judge this sale. Comparison is the method by which we wish you to compare the styles, the workmanship, the quality of the gowns placed on sale at HALF PRICE. All told, we offer for your approval about twenty-five hundred domestic gowns. On Sale in the Rio- Whit Bazaar. Second Floor Made of the sheerest nainsook, long cloth and cambric In round, square and V-shape neck. They are trimmed with embroidery, insertions, edgings, headings, ribbons and medallions. They are generously full, and throughout each detail in workmanship is of the best Regular prices 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 to $16.00 Half price 43c, 50c, 63c, 75c, $1.00 to $8.00 Visit the Great White Bazaar Second Floor -Thousands of pieces of the finest French and domestic undermuslins heaped high in snowy white piles upon twenty different tables. Placards setting forth the final prices proclaim remark able bargains. Nowhere will you find well-made, carefully-finished, full-size, dependable under muslins at such prices as you will find here. por years our, undermuslin department has borne a reputation for neat, attractive, refined styles. Always giving preference to quality, rather than showiness. The unsurpassed low prices never affect quality in this store. The "Impossible" Is thd We all glory in doing the thing At the end of a three thousand year old joke Icarus, the Wright Brothers flew. It is the impossible only that has counted since earth it has counted most with us in the West. Now Regarding the Nev Everybody knows that it is designed and built stores of the West. Everybody knows that it is n but an aggregation of stores, each one complet roof. Each one an authority in the merchandise We know that stock taking is but a few weeks at hand. . That we still have to dispose of an ei We Fully Expect to Ac And This Is the Way We Expect to Do lb Are Going to Make Prices Lower Than The We are going to make this the most vital money savii ary Sales and all manner of annual events, which are tx salable throughout the year will sink into insignificance merchandise offered in this store, during January. Through this method we know that the several hund ally seek the practice of economy will through their pure possible. In that way only will you be able to practice To Further Insure the Success We Offer Extended Credit to All Our Customers anc All Goods Purchased From r Will Be Billed to Y( Finest French Hand Embroidered Underwear . At Cost Prices Mapy Fine Corsets Covers Final 98c Selling Regularly from $1.25 to $2.00 Each Made of fine sheer nainsook and long doth. Circular cut neck, some trimmed with laces and insertions forming a yoke. Other with medallions, headings and ribbons. AH in dainty refined patterns that women of good taste always select Many Drawers in One Great Final 98c Selling Regularly from $1.25 to $1.75 Pair Many of the choicest and best-selling drawers, made of fine sheer nainsook and long cloth in regulation. Vassar and circular, also extra sizes. Trimmings of embroidery, laces, insertions and cluster tucks. All Infants' Underwear at Final Reductions There is no room left for further reductions. We de termined upon the importance of this sale, upon theim perative need of disposing of EVERY French under muslin in the house AT ONCE. , We. are reasonably sure that the prices advertised to day bring the finest French underwear down to the VERY LOWEST QUOTATIONS known for such exquisite garments. Our entire stock consisting' of towns, .chemise, draw er mrwt coven. iLirts and combinations are included. Theie garment art made of the finet nainsook, percale and other dainty sheer materials. Some embroidered with scalloped edges, some with double scalloped edges, giving extra trength. Some daintily hand-embroidered in simple deigns. others most elaborate, com bined with fine lace iniertions, beading and medallions. But why dwell on Our French hand-embroidered undergarment are widely knw"j and at regular price -have always enjoyed the reputation of being LOWER THAN ELSEWHERE. With such trenchant reductions as are now placed upon them for final and rapid removal, nothing short of a personal visit will suffice to give you an idea of the beauty and the remarkable economy that this sale offers. CORSET COVERS fl.25 now 83c SI SO now 98c $1.75 now $1.17 $2.50 now $1.67 up to $633. DRAWERS $1.50 now 98c $U5'now $1.17 $2.50 now $1.67 $30 now $2.33 up to $9.17. m-COWNS$2.50 now $1.67$3.00 now $1.98 $3.75 now $2.49 $5.00 now $333 up to $14.67. CHEMISESMS now 83c$U5 now $1.17 $2.50 now $1.67 $4.00 now $2.67 up to $8.49. SKIRTS $3.25 now $2.17 $4.65 now $3.10 $8.50 now $5.67 $10.75 now $7.17 up to $21.83. COMBINATIONS $3.50 now $2.33 $4.00 now $2.67 $5.00 now $333 $80 now $5.67 up to fl .ftf. All Italian and Venetian Silk Underwear Reduced EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED Real Sales Make Big Business T! Final Removal Prices Make The last annual linen sale begins tomorrow. It takes on the proportions portions, nor the importance to housekeepers that this great final cleanup sale Tb martpt condition was never better for the retail buyer. If you know surplus stocks and import lines that remained unsold by the maker. Business the remarkable bargains offered tomorrow are due to these conditions, urc lose money. At times it is the wisest thing a merchant can do. We could i tbnt raw it would entail too lone a-story. We advise vou to anticipate your hnen needs. The very thing you majrne Irish Linen Damask Table Cloths At Half Regular Prices These table cloths are of the best Irish linen damask. The patterns are creations of; the world's best designers. They come in two and two and a h i - , ; - n -Ul- -lfkc Li. kn in fhp store onlv a few weeks, bemsr purcha for the holiday trade. They are lacking in one thing only. CLEANLEME3 soiled from display, and handling, hence the reductions. xnnmti; n 7 nn fi no 9 .50 I1.00 $12 41330 $15.00 $25 Fin. 2.00 $2.50 $325 $3.50 $4.00 $475 $ 5.50 $ 6 $ 6JS $ 7.50 $12 Art Linens HALF PRICE The Great American Towel Removal 25c I Scalloped Edge Linen Piece 35c Size, 18 inch, now 18c 65c Size, 24 inch, now 33c $125 Size, 36 inch, now . -63c $4.50 Size, 72 inch, now $2.25 Embroidered Linen Center Pieces With lace edge, hand-worked. $1.50 Size, 30 inches, now. . . . . .75c $2.50 Size, 30 inches, now .$1.25 Filet Hand Work Linen Centers Bordered with linen lace. $2.50 Squares, 30 inch, now. . .$1.25 $2.50 Scarfs, 18 by 54 in., now. $1.25 v ' Madeira Eyelet Work Hand-scalloped edge with hand-embroidered Madeira eyelet work. $275 Scarfs, 18 by 36, now . . .$138 $4.00 Scarfs, 18 by 54, now. . .$2.00 $4.50 Scarfs, 20 by 54, now.'". .$2.25 Japanese Tea Cloths $12.00 Cloth, 36 by 36, now.. .$6.00 $12.00 Cloth, 45 by 45, now. . . $6.00 $7.50 Cloth, 54 by 54 inch. . : .$3.50 $25.00 Cloth, 72 by 72 inch. .$12.50 $25.00 Cloth, 54 by 54 inch. .$12.50 $2.50 Union Taffeta Umbrellas Final Price $1.65 In sizes for men and women. Every um brella fully guaranteed. Best paragon frames, case and tassels. Imported wood handietJ ' - Former Price 35c After vsars of exDerimentinz. an Am, can mill has succeeded in producing all liri made of American product, which puts imported towel at the same price to sham We have been most fortunate in ha1 our orders filled, so that the first delivery these great towel on the Coast was m to us. These towels are hemstitched of pure w a it it huckaback body and fancy damask Dora WitVi a mnnnirram SDace at each end. They are 40 inche long and 20 mc wide, complete, : Turkish Bath Towels ' Final 29c Former Selling Price 40c Turkish bath towel, full bleached Y hemmed ends. Size 45 by 24 inches. M two-ply twisted cotton. Linen Huck Towels Final 17c Each - I i'nni YtucV towels 36 bv 19 inches. M with hemmed end, firmly woven and v i 0 l I tancy selr-border. I 600 and $5.00 OddUmbrelK Final Price $3.10 J Odd umbrella of broken lines in first.rf ity colored silk. Handle of solid ii 14-karat sold and imported wood.