Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Pupils Benefit in School
Tasks at Home.
Krtvrnve Tried Oat in Polk County
School Found to Be Great Suc
cess) Scholars Encouraged
to Help rarrnls.
PALEM. Or.. Dee. tl. (Special.) A.
I. 0"Reltly. principal of the srhool of
Ppiinr Valley, r-olk County, has re
ported to Superintendent Alderman on
tho success of a plan of "soma credit
work" which ha haa established In the
school there and which haa opened up
a new order of thins" for tha pupila of
that school.
L'nder tha homa cradlt plan any
pupils who daalra to antar tha conteat
mar do ao and competa for prises,
which. In thla Instance. Include three
tl prizes and three II prises which
are placed In tha bank to tha account
of tha winners.
Tha plan la to offer ao many minutes
credit for each little task which Is per.
formed about the house.
Every Taak Rewarded.
As an Instance. If the boy or rlrl
builds the fire at home In the morolna;
he la irtven five mlnutea credit: rallks
a row, fire mlnutea for each cow: splits
and carrlea In the wood, a 13 hour sup
ply, 1 minutes; turna cream separator,
in mlnutea: cleans horses, 10 minutes
for each horse: srathertna; ega-a. 10
minutes: feed chickens, cows, piers,
horses, five minutes for each kind of
animal; churnlnir butter. 10 mlnutea
making; butter, 10 minute: blacking;
stove. 10 mlnutea; maklna; and baking;
bread, one hour; maklna biscuits, 10
mlnutea; preparing breakfast for fam
ily. 30 mlnutea; preparing; supper, 30
minutes; washing; and wiping; dishes, IS
minutes for earh meal; sweeping; floor,
five mlnutea for each floor; dusting;
furniture, five mlnutea for each room
scrubbing; floor. 20 minutes for each
room; maklna; beds, five mlnutea a bed;
bathing;. 30 mlnutea for each bath, and
a number of other claaaea of work are
The one who has the most minutes
to his or her credit at the end of
specified time la awarded tha prise.
Itesalaea Statesaeat (irreaw
The parent or guardian of each pu
pil la lnatructed to aend an Itemized
atatement of tha work done. For In
atance. Rebecca Inatrom la shown by
a letter of her father to have fed the
rtilrkens. gathered tha kk. built tha
flrea. made two beds, prepared supper,
washed and wiped the dishes, swept
and dusted two rooms: and at that went
to bed at 9 o'clock. She also prepared
breakfast, washed and wiped the dish
ea; and waahed her teetu. She la 14
yeara old.
Her sister, Lalu. eix yeara old. fed
the chickens one morning- and washed
her teeth. For this work the girls
were a;lven certain credlta toward the
Mrs. Tf. N". Atderman"a child went to
bed at 0 o'clock, thla being; one of tbe
provisions, milked the cow nie-ht and
mornlna: fed the chlckena two times
and separated the milk once, being glv
'n 35 minutes' credit for tha work.
Maynard Cochran, five years old.
rleaned the barn and awept the kitchen
In an effort toward tha prises. Jack
Klmpklns. aired 11. secured three hours'
credit tor hie work, and numerous oth
er reporta of a similar nature are
shown In tha atatement from sir.
Fall Credit ! Given.
"Ton can see that It la not my Inten
tion to give them full credit for tbe
time necessarily apent In home work.
writes Mr. O'Reilly. In relation to the
adoption of the plan. 1 have learned
that thla world doea not give m full
credit for our time. Had I learned It
when I was younger I believe I would
be a better man today. I have ex
plained and demonstrated this to my
school, thus preparing; them early to
learn to give more than they get. The
plan Is an agreement between each pu
pil and me. If lie falls to live up to
his part of It he should learn that the
violation of hla agreement always
worka a hardship. I'erhape I am teach
ing; eome practical businrea law here.
"The plan of tha awards atarts them
on a commercial future and haa result,
ed In my having to tell them all about
savings accounts.
I have 31 pupils and receive 33 notes
each morning; from the parents."
Contest So OkMalry.
I'nder the rules aa adopted no pupil
is required to enter the contest. Any
pupil entering la free to quit at any
time, but anyone quitting without good
cause will loss all credits. Every day
tha teacher Issues a credit voucher to
tha pupil showing the number of
minutes for which he Is credited.
Ten per cent credit is added to final
examinations for the credit of pupils
who enter and continue the contest.
When the pupil haa vouchers to the
extent of one day earned, by their lur.
render to the teacher he may have
holiday, provided not more than one
holiday la granted to a pupil a month.
If tha puptl drops out or has an unex
cused absence, he forfeits all credits,
for nnexcused tardiness he forfeits 18
per cent of tha credlta and forfeits 10
per cent when he Is lesa than 90 per
cent for deportment for the month.
Clod win. of Foster; Frank Grimes, of
Shelburn. and Lola Faulknor. of Bhel
burn: S. Leroy Faulknor. of Shelburn,
ana staoie orimes. ox iyons; e.. i.
Cook, of Harrlsburg, and Rose Nixon,
, I .. . V. .. . T ) . . .. T ... . 1 I
vi nuMiuuis, ui x?ivwu, li
tany, and Jeaale Shulta. of Albany;
Vergil Rice, of Holley. and Hattle B.
Whipple, of Holley.
One double wedding; resulted from
these licenses, Frank Grlmea and Lola
Faulknor and S. Leroy I-aulknor. and
liable Grimes being- married by Tie v.
8. A. Douglas, paator of the Baptist
Chucch of this city. Grime married
a alater of Faulknor and Faulknor
married a niece of Grlmea.
The "Owl" a Helpful Store for
Last-Week Buyers of Xmas Gifts
Many Bidders Compete) for Supply
ins; State Institutions.
SALEM. Or, Deo. II. SpeelsL
Bids for supplies for tha state Insti
tutions for the next six months were
opened today by the State rurchasing
Board, over 00 bidders competing.
The only contracts which have been
so far warded are as follows: Beef.
I 4. rlteusloff Bros, Salem: mutton.
tt.0, StuslolT Bros, Salem: bacon. I
Christmas and
New Year Post
Cards at lc Ea.
Quick and courteous service. Hundreds of suggestions in the practical kind of gifts. Prices that make the Christmas
purse go a little farther than elsewhere this is what has meant so much to those who have made their Christmas pur.
chases at "The Owl Store" that will mean so much to. those who have as yet to complete their gift selections. Tou can
come here assured that "Owl" service will take care of you in the right the most satisfactory way The Owl Store's
service of every day in the year.
Christmas Book
lets at 5c and
10c Each
: . f ay: U "
Lf-'-rf 'A-- rri i-iii "tit iraaf t
Mrs, Asaaada Fraser.
Every Leather Handbag
To Go at Vi Less in Price
Not one in our entire stock of
new Leather Handbags reserved
from thi Holiday Disposal Sale.
It means that you select from
the very latest styles the best
leathers at their respective
prices and the most artistic
frames. Every one of them must fc :
go that's why we announce ,a"
such a conspicuous reduction in price
entire line, for instance:
50e Bafrs now . . . 33 $2.00 Bags
$1.25 Baps now... 83 $2.50 Bags
$1.50 Bags now... SI. OO $3.50 Basr
$4.00 Bags, now $2.67
sn'i-rai'iY7r ifi
throughout the
now. . .$1.34
now. . .$1.67
now... $2.33
A Notable Christmas Jewelry Sale
It is with the intention of disposing of our entire line before Christmas
that we have made such remarkable reductions. For instance:
Hat Pins worth up to '50c, now'9 Any set of Ear Drops, now at 29
Bead Necklaces now at. . .-. ..19 Fancy Sterling Silver Pendants,
Hat Pins worth up to $1, now 19 6et with brilliants worth up to
Any Sterling Silver Ring, at 19 $10.00 now at $2.49
Some Gift Reminders in Sterling Silver
At 25 are Sterling; Silver Pencils,
iey Miners, etc.
at 35c? are Sterling Silver Button
Hooks. Shoe Horns, etc.
At 50 are Sterling Silver Nail
Files. Stamp Casea, Pencils, Key
Kings, cigar LTJtters. rocnet Knives,
Letter Openers, etc.
At 7Sr are Sterling Silver Luggage
Tage, eta.
All 91 Sterling Sliver Penclle lew
Sterling Mlver Manicure Sciawora at
Shoe Horna. Buffers, Desk Blotters. ONE-KOTJRTH OFF,
Timely Specials in
Gift Articles of Brass
Special, 49 for 75c Brass Ash. Trays.
Special, 89? for Brass
Card Trays.
Special, S9 for ham
mered Brass Vases.
Special, $1.59 for
12-inch Hammered
Brass Jardinieres.
Special, $2.49 for
large 15-inch Ham
mered Brass Jardinieres,
One-Fourth Off on All Silver-Plated Stand Sharing Mirrors
85c Silver-plated Hatpin Holders at 25
Fraaer, who died i
December- 15, at t ye
ara. waa the eld- 7 (J
' Jamea Olvena T ' -
PALLAS. Or.. Dec. 21. (Spe
cial.) Amanda Fraaer, who died
in thla city on
the age of ?I years.
eat daughter of
and Elisabeth Amanda Campbell
Ulvena. h waa born In Morgan
County. Illinois, on February 4,
1838, and in 1842 her parents
emigrated to Davla County, Iowa,
living there until 1SS3. when they
crossed the plains to Oregon.
Sine that time Mrs. Fraier had
made her home in Oregon.
Her parents located on land
about seven miles north of Dal
las. In Polk County, on Salt
Creek, and lived there until their
With the exception of two sis
ters that died in Infancy, there
were eeven children In her
father's family, three boys and
four girls, these children being:
James and Thomas J. Glvens,
twins, of the age of 78 years,
living in Dallas. Or., and
who say they are one of the old
est pair of twtna living In tha
stste; William G. Glvens, Mrs.
Amanda Fraser, Mrs. Orpha
Daehlell. Mrs. Sarah Black, all of
Dallae, and Mra Kliaa Kennedy,
of Palnuse-Clty. Wash.
Amanda Campbell waa married
to Luclan B. Frazer July 31. 1856,
and through this union she be
came the mother of 13 children,
nine of whom are now living,
they being Riley Frazer. of Al
bany. Or.: Charles Fraser. of
Twin Falls, Idaho; I-. U Frazer.
of Vancouver. Waah. ; Clay
Frazer. of Dallas. Or.; Vletta Neal
and Hattle Burnette. of Albany,
Or.: Pinky Denny, of Lincoln
County. Oregon; Carrie Holcomb.
of Doty. Wash, and Jessie Mul
key. of Dallas. Or.
Many Helpful
on Our
25c Counter
Just such a collection of
nseful articles as will of
fer many helpful hints to
last - week buyers of
Christmas gifts. Here
are some of them: Shav
ing Pads, Ash Trays,
Thermometers, Pin
T r a ys, Match Boxes.
Necktie Holders and
many other articles.
In Pure
Medicinal Wines and Liquors
An opportunity to economize in stock
ing up for your holiday and later reeds.
In the following you will recognize the
best brands:
Wilson (That's All)
Duffy's Malt
Hermitage Bourbon
Henderson's Smoothest
Special i . . .
De War's "Extra Spe
cial. " Special
Cedar Creek, half gal
lons. Special
Facsimiles of Egyptian Pottery 25c
Something different in the way of gift pieces of this character is pre
sented in these facsimiles of Egyptian pottery. For plate rail, mantel or
table ornaments they make the most Ideal gifts. At 25 you choose
from our entire display. In which are many pieces that have been sell
ing for much more.
$11 SO, Union Meat Company, Portland;
pure lard, $10.60, I'nion Meat Company;
compound. $7.50. I'nion Meat Company;
tallow, IS 74. Cross A Sons, Salem;
bologna, $$.75, Cross A Pons: hams, 14
cents, Sulzberger Sons Company, Portland.
Supreme Court Sustains Conviction
Aided fcy Prison Hecord.
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. Pec. 11. A case
In which finger-print evidence In mur
tier trials is Involved was decided thla
morning ty the Supreme Court In th
case of the people va Thomas Jennings,
convicted of murdering Clarence B.
Killer, at Chicago September 1. 110,
largely through the Introduction as
evidence of a bloody finger-print.
Alter a review of the evidence.
Judgment of the lower court Is af
firmed and Jennings must suffer the
death penalty on February 1$ next.
Jennlnga had aerved time In Juliet and
In 1910. when leaving tbe prison on
parole tha Imprint of hla fingers was
taken and this print corresponded with
a bloody flnger-prlrit found on the rail
ing of a porch of the Hlller residence
and supposed to have been left there
by the murderer.
Record of Marriage) Licenses for
Single Day Broken.
ALBANY, Or, Dec 11. (Special.)
More marriage licenses were Issued in
Linn County yesterday than have
been granted in one day in Linn County
In many yeara. Altogether seven li
censes were issued yesterday, as fol
lows: Harry C. Thompson, of Tan
gent, and Zella M. Davla. of Shedds:
Ore tt Duval, of Sweet Home, and ilary (
Son of ri-Cotcrnor Patterson of
Tennessee to Be Examined.
Lowered in Price in
Time for Last-Week
The prettiest Christmas
Stationery we have ever
shown the kind that you
will be pleased to give or
receive. Here, then. Is
your chance to save in
buying such gifts.
490s for Large Fancy
Ho of Stationery regu
lar price 76c
'Zhe for 3oc box of Sta
tionery. 39f for BOc box of Sta
tionery. 19 for ISc box -of Stationery.
These 25c Pin
Special 19c
A novel rift usest?d In these Shoe Pin
cushions that are offered at the special.
XO Shoe of glass. In several desirable
colors. Exceptional value even at tbe
former price of 25c.
Should Close Out
Every One of
These Handsome
- $7.50 Clocks by
Duplicate them elsewhere if you
can at their regular price or
$7.50, or even more. And- yet, re
gardless of their exceptional
value, and in order to dispose of
the thirty-five now on hand be
fore Christmas, we are sacrific
ing them at the ridiculously low
price of S3.98. A good clock
is one of the best and most sen
sible of gifts. These are good
clocks, in handsome mahogany
finished caKes, twelve Inches
high, with melodious hour strike,
and also half-hour strike. Just
thirty-five of them, so better
come early.
Sterling Silver Manicure Sets, up from S2.00
Sterling Silver Brush-and-Comb Sets, up from '.$7.50
Specials in
Fancy Brass
Just a little different and
more artistic than the or
dinary therefore Ideal
for gift giving. Frames
of ornamental old brass,
mirrors of finest bevel
plate. The prices are op
portune for Christmas
SI. 98 for 8-Inch Mirrors
worth $2.50.
82.13 for 9-inch Mirrors
worth $3.00.
?2.79 for 11 -Inch Mir
ors worth $3.5.
Four Christmas Specials in
Ivorized Photo Frames
15 for 25c frames 25 for 40c frames
23 for 35c frames 29 for 50c frames
Buy Your Christmas Candies
at the Owl Candy Shop
Some Suggestions
Plain Mixed. 15c lb 2 lbs... 2.1c
Broken Stick, 20c lb., 2 lbs ...35.
French Mixed, 2oc lb., 3 lbs. . . . . .bof?
Holiday Boxes, up from 50
Holiday Baskets, up from ..75
Liggett 's Chocolates, lb ,..80
Puff Jars
at 49c
Pattern Glass Receptacles
with satin brass and stiver-plated
tops. Gift sug
gestive and splendid
value at the special, 49e.
Mesh Bags Are Popular
Of German silver, closely woven and
extra strong, with 9-inch chains. A gift
that will be sure to please would be one
of these pretty bags.
5- iiich Bags priced at S3. 49
6- inch Bags priced at S3.98
7- inch Bag:s priced at ....$4.89
Great Christmas Special on Toilet Sets
7.50 TOII.ET SET NOW 85.89. One of the prettiest sets we've ever
shown of quadruple sliver plate the flat colonial pattern. Here's a
suggestion for a likely remembrance and your opportunity to effect a
substantial saving in its purchase.
THREE-PIECE SET Slow 83.98. Another pretty set of quadruple
silver plate of German silver. At the special price, 83.98, there should
not be one of these on hand with the close of the week.
Wallets, Bill Books, Letter Cases, Card
Cases, from 50c 'up. Gold lettering free
where price is above 50c
Leather-cov'd Pocket Flasks, 75c and up.
$2.98 for $5
Ivorized Toilet
In that rich old ivory finish that
Is so very much In favor. Three
pieces brush, comb and mirror,
attractively arranged In box.
Regularly priced at $5 now
$2.98. '
FROM S2.50 UP- FROM $1.00
One-Fourth Off
on Parisian Ivory
Complete Sets
Just a few remaining sets
of this popular ware that
we desire to close out be
fore Christmas. They're in
boxes, therefore are ideal
for gift-giving. Two of
these sets priced as follows :
$4.50 Comb-and-Brush Ret,
now $3,28
$6.00 Manicure Set of 8
pieces, now $4.50
A Miscellany of
65c Auto Wheel Ash Trays ..... 49J
Rexall Guaranteed Watches. .81.00
Hair Bmshes, excellent values, . up
from 50
Military Brushes, good bristle, as
sorted wodd backs up from,
pair $1.50
Henckel Manicure and Scissor Sets,
up from $1.00
Williams' Gift Box
Many men are going to be delighted
with this ideal combination gift this
Christmas. Contains ahavlng stick, box
of tooth powder and tooth brush hold
er: all richly nickel plated and in an
attrsctlve Christmas box. A sensible
and yet Inexpensive gift. 50.
One-Fourth Off on
Traveling Rolls
A splendid gift for those who travel
lady or gentleman. Complete traveling
toilet and manicure sets in handsome
leather cases. The prices are right for
those who would like to give such a
1 5.00 values now ft 3.7
114.UU values now x
12.00 values now
125.00 values now
6EATTL.K. Wash.. Dec. II. Counsel
for Malcolm C Patterson, son of Mal
colm R. Pstterson. Governor of Ten
nessee, announced tonight that insan
ity proceedings against the young man.
who is accused of assault In the first
degree for shooting K. T. Seal at Tort
Orchard. December 7, will be begun In
the KltMap County Court tomorrow.
Should Patterson be adjudged Insane
his fsther will file a bond for his cus
tody and take him to Memphis. Tenn..
to be placed In an asylum.
In the absence cf Judge Yakey. of
the Kitsap County Court, Judge Frater,
of the Superior Court of King County
(Seattle) will preside. Governor Pat
terson called on Judge Frater today
and discussed the matter of an Insanity
hearing with hi in.
Royal dainties rich plum puddlnir:
deep, delicious, flaky pies: spicy little
Oermsn Chrlstmss cakes, and big cakes,
too. Order right away for the Christ
mas feast. -Any branch of the Royal
Bakery Confectionery.
Seattle Y. M. C. A. Secretary Here.
John E. Rleke. assistant general
secretary of the Seattle Young Men's
Christian Association, is a guest of
tbe Portland Y. M. C A. Mr. Rleke Is
spending several days here studying
methods of scientific management that
have been worked out by the local as
sociation. 11. W. Stone and bis stall
have been giving considerable atten
tion to working out a scientific system
ol economy In Y. M. C. A- manage
ment, with the result that they have
succeeded In making material financial
savings without impairing the work in
any degree.
Pallas to Have Library.
DALLAS. Or, Dec. 21. (Special.)
Tha City Council has passed a resolu
tion providing for the levying of a tax
each year to raise the sum of 11000 for
tha maintenance of a free public li
brary. This was done to take, ad
tage of Andrew Carnegie's offer of
$10,000. A committee was appointed
to select a site for the building, the
city agreeing to furnish the site and
also tu get up proposed plana.
SS Per Month Kent.
A piano. Chlckerlng. Kimball, Kohler.
Fisher and many other makea Kohler
Chase. 75 Washington street.
Southern Pacific Official Thinks
Northwestern Operations Too
Remote for Connection.
EUGENE. Or, Dec. 21. (Special.)
"If I should hazard on opinion as to
tha backers of the Pacific Great West
ern Railroad," said D W. Campbell,
general superintendent of the Southern
Pacific lines In Oregon, yesterday, "I ,
would say that It would sound more
feasible end logical If proposed by the
Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul.
The Northwestern and ,ita terminus
are so remote from this section, its
nearest point being In Wyoming, that
the late news story to the effect that
the Northwestern Is back of the Coast
branch enterprise Is entitled to a rea
sonable doubt. Then again, the
Northwestern haa so Ion lain dor- j CLEAN BREAKS DEMANDED
why should It not be assumed that the
Milwaukee, right here in the field, is
more likely to be the factor in the new
project? But then no one seema to
know who is really back of the pro
posed Coast line.
"We have to go to the newspapers
here of late to get the real news in
regard to railroad matters. It would
appear that we have a strong oppo
nent in the field with reference to the
Coast line road. What are they going
to do with us? is the question."
Mr. Campbell and F. L. Burkhalter,
district engineer, were in Eugene yes
terday on a tour of inspection here and
in Springfield. They had Just come
from Yaauina. where they bad been
engaged in a similar mission.
"I have been but 30 days in har
ness," Mr. Campbell continued, and am
out now looking over the territory and
getting acquainted. I am certainly
very favorably Impressed with the
country. It has great possibilities.
Eugene has great opportunities for de
velopment and has ample room to ex
pand into a city. We have also been
over Springfield and Its growth and
civic pride gave us a favorable lmpres-
sion of that wonderful little dtiy
New York Boxing Commission Lays
Down Law for Referees.
SEW YORK, Dec 21. Clean breaks
for boxing bouta in New York State
is the rule laid down by the State
Boxing Commission at its weekly rneet
lng. Referees negligent in tbla respect
may be brought before the Commis
sion. Tbe Commission also ruled that in
future a boxer can have only four sec
onds in his corner, and that seconds
must stayeln the corner where they
Eastern France Tempest Swept.
PARIS, Dec 21. The eastern dis
tricts of France were swept today by
a violent tempest of rain and wind,
causing much damage to property and
fishing craft,
Several fishermen were
Two on Way to Salem.
C. E. Le May and Fred Reams, sen
tenced to the State Penitentiary for one
to seven years and from five to 15 years,
respectively, were lodged In Jail by
Sheriff Kelsay, of Wheeler County, last
night. They are being taken to Salem
to begin serving their terms. Le May
was convicted of larceny in a dwelling
and Reams drew bis sentence for
burglary. '
The World-Wide Fame of
-3 UN TEE?
Is founded upon its superior Excellence
its Ripe Richness and Rare flavor
AAm .
at all
by totolmn-
A BO. Bal
25 Off
On Reading Lamps, Stand Lamps, Folding Spark
Screens, Andirons, Grates, Fire Sets, Piano Lamps
Take note of this in selecting your remembrance for the home
Residence, Store, Show Window, Hotel and Office Building Lighting
Both Phones 311 Stark Street, Near Sixth