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' " 1 a"'" ' i.-n.i. ... . . .,..-r- - n , r in'mlTi --""-t--"iitn;- -rf " " jJF Friday and Saturday for Shopping, Then Generous Assortments of Holiday Merchandise -CHRISTMAS Coupled With Removal Sale Prices, Makes This Your Logical Store for Holiday Gift Buying Final Reductions on All Christmas Things Means Profit Sharing Pure and Simple TTIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1911 mm pi I I f 50c Week WlPo 0takz a Jote of tfje jfoUotoms ac- Final Reductions on All Jewelry Final Reductions on All Leather Goods Final Reductions on All Stationery Final Reductions on All Pictures Final Reductions on All Gut Glass Final Reductions on All Handkerchiefs Final Reductions on All Neckwear Final Reductions on All Scarfs Final Reductions on All Marabou Sets Final Reductions on All Xmas Ribbons Final Reductions on All Silverware Final Reductions on All Table Ware Final Reductions on All Art Needle Work Final Reductions on All Fine Fur Sets Final Reductions on All New Dolls Final Reductions on All Infants' Novelties Final Reductions on All Men's Handkerchiefs Final Reductions on All Men's Furnishings Final Reductions on All Xmas Aprons Final Reductions on All Navajo Rugs Final Reductions on All Indian Blankets Final Reductions on All Framed Pictures Final Reductions on All Russian Brass Final Reductions on All Smoking Sets Visit the Holiday Bazaar Second Floor. No Gift Over One Dollar RED CROSS STAMPS Booth in charge of Mrs. Henry Metzger. Assistants Friday morning. Miss Minnie Fleischner and Miss Mar-, ion Citron. In the afternoon. Miss Emma Baumand Miss Gertrude Hirsch Give a Merchandise Order Good all over the store. Issued in any amount. You get the benefit of removal prices, an advantage not offered elsewhere. c7 REM0VALSALE1 Store Opens 9 A. M. Store Closes 9 P. M. run is horsed Secretary Urges $814,000 for Tillamook Bay. PORT TO BEAR ONE-HALF C hannel of I r"wt at Hay City I (ontrmplatrd Large bawmlll, to Cot Million Dollar, In follow. UREOOXIAN" NEWS BL'RfcTAC. Wash ington. Dec. Jl. The Secretary of War today transmitted to Congress with his approval the report of the Army entrl neers. recommending the construction of the north Jetty at entrance Tilla mook Hay and the dredgln-r of a chan nel ;no feet wide and 16 feet deep from die entranre to Hay I'lty at an estimat ed cost IS 14.000. on condition that local Interests bind themselves to defray half the cost. As the Port of Tillamook and the Port of Bay City have pledtsed them selves to raise half this amount, the "nirlneers recommend that ton Kress this session appropriate 1200. 004 cash to start the work and adopt a continu ing contract for the re main Ins: $207,000 of ths Government s share. It bring un. lertao4 that local funds srtll he mads available as needed, so that work, ones hegnn. ran be carried forward rapidly t completion. Original Plaaa MeeUrlea. The original report of engineers rec ommended two Jetties at the entrance to Tillamook Hay. a 16-foot channel to Kay City and a 14-foot channel to Tillamook City, at an estimated cost of S:.30.40. bnt this plan was rejected by the Rivers and Harbors Hoard as being too expensive. The plan v then mod ified to cut out the Improvement above Hsv City, reducing the cost to $1,744. " on condition that local Interests hear per cent of the cost, but this ito mas reje.-ted and only recently one Ictty plan on the half-and-half basis wss submitted and approved. It Is said rn the report that If one Jetty proves inadequate, the question of building a second Jetty will produce the drsired ;o-foot depth across Tillamook liar and if this proves to he the caw-no further ! project will be necessary. I F-arly rraals'-eratta-a l.lkely. This modified report will be consid ered by the rivers and harbors com mittee and In. huird In Its new Mil this Wlrter. A stw.n ai the appropriation for the deepening of the channel from Tilla mook Hay Is mail. bv fie. tlovemment a large sawmill will probably be erected at Hay City, to cost probaMy $1.I0' !. ItiiKsell H.inktn. of the Vhltne Company. as In the Kast yesterday, but In a former Interview he has said that his rompsny would upend St.0tf0.00o aw soon as the llor prrmfnt appropriation wa-i available. There are now l o small nril? and a sash and lo-or factory at IJ.iv City. A channel of If feet at low water fronf the bay to the open sea will mean that the JS.OOO.OOO.OOO feet of saw timber tributary to Tillamook and Hay City ran be profitably shipped by water to Pacific Coast points, and. as toon as the Panama Canal is opened, to East, ern points. Stasas-age.Valaea Eaorsnoaa. Scott Bosorth, who is Interested In Hay City property, said yesterday that the stumpage value of the lumber tributary to Tillamook Bay was about 1130.000.000. and that the lumber when sawed, should be worth about 13,500.- ooo.ooo. Bay City, being 10 mllea nearer Ban Francisco and other southern points than Portland, has an advantage of irom 10 to 12 hours in the shipping time by water to these points. Some or tne land in that section has as high as 20.000.000 feet of timber to the sec tion upon It. PRIMARY LAW CONFUSING Conflict In Reapportionment Threat ens Wisconsin Delegation. MADISON'. Wia, Dec. St. Consterna tion reigns In political circles here over the discovery of a technicality In the reapportionment act which threat ens the rejection of Wisconsin dele gates to National party conventions. The Wisconsin primary Is to be held on Tuesday. April t, 1912. and the latest day on which names may be submitted to the County Clerks to make up the ballots la March 19. It is. therefore, necessary to certify the names according to the old Congres sional districts, ss outlined prior to the passage of the new apportionment act On April 1. one day prior to the elec tion for delegates, the new apportion ment act goes Into effect. The dele gates to the National convention chosen under the old law might be held as irregular, as the new law went Into effect before ths Tota actually was cast. EXPLOIT Yd LOOMS PLANS OF XORTHWEST DEVEL OPMENT LEAGUE LARGE. the civic Improvement club the City Council has, by resolution, agreed to accept the Carnegie library offer and donate a site for a library building and appropriate $1000 per year for maintenance. BACHELORS IN CATALOGUE Kansas Men Adopt Systematic Meth od for Securing- WlTe. -ULTSSES. Kin. Dec. 21. Scarcity of marriageable young women In Grant County. Kansas, has caused the bach elors vt the county, which is 25 miles from a railroad, to band together with the purpose of obtaining wives. The catalogue of the organisation, which Is known as the Grant County Bachel ors' Club, published today, gives the names and qualifications of eaeh of the 3 members. In a foreword the catalogue says: "The purpose of the club is to pre sent a list of good, honest men for the a omen tired of single blessedness to look over and pick from, assuring them that only prizes will be drawn." The catalogue, which contains pho togrsphs or each of the members and a list if the property he owns. Is to be sent all over the United states. Members Are Pledged to Strenuous Activity In Securing Settlers for States in Organization. ST. PAUL. Dec. 21. Officers of the Northwest Development League have perfected a propaganda of exploita tion for the coming year, which in Its comprehensiveness Is unlquex ' All the talk of booming "back to the farm." to which the people In this part of the country have been treated since the Governors' special started East, was crystallized and whipped into prac tical shape by prominent business men from St. Paul and the Northwest who malts up the league. Resolutions were adopted In sup port of the immigration bill, now be ing prepared by Senator Norrls Brown of Nebraska and which will be pre sented to the Senate soon after the hol idays. The league was a definite do mestic Immigration policy for the whole country. There will be a series of state de velopment meetings held during the Spring throughout the Northwest. The league will make an effort to get each state to raise a fund of 95000 to be called the Publicity and Immigration Fund. The various members of the league have pledged themselves Indi vidually to a strenuous activity In getting settlers on the lands and help ing them to succeed. They Intend to purchase exhibit cars of their own for various "booming" tours next year. The officers of the league will leave St. Paul May 2 In a body for Seattle. Wash., where the Northwest Develop ment Congress will be held June . After the Congress they will go to the Rose Festival in Portland for a week and then start out on a tour of the entire Northwest. McMlnnrille to Accept Library Offer. MMIXXVILJ.E. Or, Dee. 21. (Spe cial.! On petition of the women of A ROYAL CHRISTMAS. &g Christmas cake and lift) Chrint maa cake; d?ar ltttl Gfrmin .hr.M mas cak; Royal plum pud-linen am fievp. Jl.cJous pl. Th-y are dliriotin. Or3r of any branch Koral Bitkrv A Confectionery. BUY ALLAYER. JJ7J Player Piano, used but guaran- leeti. rrf. mwpi iiurai . rvoiuer x Chase. S7& Washington street. Lumbago Stiff .erk a ad elatlrm Are all forms of rheumatism. whih depends' on an acid condition of the Mood resulting; from defective action of .the liver, kidneys and akin and af fect in a; the m uncle?" and joints, causlna; Inflammation, stiffness and pain. For any form take Hood's Sarsapartlla. which correct the acid condition of i the b'ood and effects permanent cures. "I was very much troubled with ! rheumat'sm. Reading; of the fures by I Hood's Sarsaparllla I gave it a trial, j isuor my blood was purified, and the ' rheumatism was (rone." Mrs. Km ma ! t Schaffer. 401 High St.. Easton. Pa. There Is no real substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla lct It today. In usual liquid form or choenlat-d tablets called Sareataba. ncBroor ott, dressing. The greatest shoe grease made. Pro longs the lite of shoes and renders them absolutely waterproof. Ise It aurlug tainr wsather. At any store. PRINTING flnllng. Blndla Plume. - ami Blank Book Isaklag. -Mala tctul. A -2SL Portland Printing House Co. J. L. Wrlsht. Pee, and Oen. M.aagec. Book. Catalncae aa4 Commercial. Teat aaa luUf ata PerUaa. Uragsav "HEITKEMPERS" Christmas Gifts of Jewelry Real 14-carat gold jewelry, standardized solid silver, and all articles of real worth, with capable people to put them before you for your inspection. Certainly a real help to you at this time. Let us contribute in making this one oE the most enjoyable occasions for all. G. HEITKEMPER CO. Diamond Dealers and Jewelers Old in Portland Yeon Building Kew in Location 130 Fifth Street Rose City Importing Co. Famous for Wines. 17-19 NORTH FIRST, COR. BURNSIDE. Champagne, All the Popular Brands at Our Low Rent Prices Cook's Imperial : Pts. $1.00 Qts. $1.75 Italian Swiss Asti Sec Pts. $1.00 Qts. $1.75 Mumm's Extra Dry Pts. $1.75 Qts. $3-25 White Seal , Pts. $1.73 Qts. $3.25 Kmg.Brut Pts. $1.75 Qts. $3.25 Clicquot Pts. $2.00 Qts. $3.50 Pom'niery Sec ...Pts. $2.00 Qts. $3.50 Free Christmas Presents Free, Rapid Delivery. Phones: Main 6737. A 7775. Catalogue Free. We prepay express on all or ders amounting to $4.00 or .over, beer excepted. aaaJ tffl LgsJBBUBjMF Practical Gifts For Any Member of the Family Our Stock of JSP 'kas5itsssssssasasssS KODAKS tf OPERA GLASSES IS COMPLETE Kodaks from $5.00 to $65.00. Brownie Cameras, $1.00 to $12.00. Lemaire Opera Glasses, $5.00 to $30.00. Eastman Kodaks and Lemaire Glasses are beyond comparison for quality and for a reminder of the giver for many years to come. Columbian Optical Co. 145 Sixth St. Bet. Alder and Morrison. Selling Bldg. 1 ft pHERE is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune." Ask the great financiers whether they doubt the truth of this state ment; our merchant princes, our mine owners, our land holders, and all of the men who have accumulated wealth. Without exception, they will tell you that the first change In the "tide of their af fairs" was due to the careful savins' of a little money. Open a saving's account with Hartman & Thompson, Bankers CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG., PORTLAND. OREGON. 4 per cent interest paid on saving's deposits. I!