, - ; : - - - - - ; - 20 RKAL ESTATE. ft? ACRES. M irrf of all At land, lies leel. fan-ed. cross-fenced, has rad on 3 sid'-e. r.ew T-rooiv buM. pa!nt-d and p.asteTed. new rani that coet $l'wO. cement foun dation and floor. 4 a. rs of -sortM orchard. goo1 Itvtr eree. ail tn year: T5 arres of tr.'s la in hlg-i sta'e of cuimatlon: W ares mor ready to pow. 3 arres of gren armd the earn lor st-ade fr This 1 lorated is from rrran4 on g-- graveled T-ad. V ards from ahL It- F. P . tphofia, t mi.ee frm river eei ra:iral tatlon and Id a very ih hi ttt!d locality This ! e;i im rroT-i farm s you i ' Ttr.4 In tl.- Nrrhwi. FTire $r.OOn. win tal- portia-ii pr"p-rty up to ''. $ irtM In cash, ba ance can run 3 )an at 6 i-r cent. pROVO-fJTFET.F CO.. ;rt7S CH CL Farm ept. HT.NS VAT GOlJ DOLLAR. Fsg. 5 ron-t; weather like fpring: hre eerntne" rnn or mr a nmi -h; onlv j f-w irt. n eupporra a fami'y; Mr 7 nun all Winter. n wow. r.o hHs xjrdi, r.u frsn teet. ici-r pro-luct'on h'ah-r than S'immT, some fln sandy and g-avi:y trarta with pnrr f ahade In Mmrar: ldai p--u;try ln-l . nci n-Ter Kow 2" cmm winter or humm-r; flneat rtl-r d:strit tn t'ni1 Ftta. crfmrjr f-jrn :ahes tti on butter-fat paym-nts; - ajfa fa if tone pr aT; every fruit of ?..rt h Ame-i'-a r --nl -tropins, gravity lrn!lr.n. :i th WaTr you can U- . wi'd paa:are fre. t urn Write today to LOS 1IOI. IN ls LAND roMPAXT, 4 Arr.KA 4 a-rea. ftf iT Iff etittl ri'irn. balance In tTtuoer. Ti i is I level n4 the very b-st of soil, fa.'-ea on a"0l gr -'e road; S r-'le to rh-vl. I1- mUea fr-n fl- ataMn and rJn'r tT. fair a iw-n hua. cM barn. U f" f artl rrfbe.!. t.nS IT mi'a fr-n p'rT.arid. iTir Hv.; ran ge g od ternis. pr.OVT-fTKF.LE CO.. n; Oak st. -R farm. 14 acr-n. W unner plow. 13 a rei of prunes. large iv-nn-id- r prune rtrler. vme timbr. f ne anil. X milea frm fMi ton auil b.t andnr In t'lark Co.. V (n ; rarm and all iu.i)ments so for f7t per a- re. ame t-rm. Kir panlru !ra addrcsa A. Iemlng. Battleground. V. gh. TWO miles from Cnlton. f'Uckamaa "o.. 120 with od bul'dinaa. oung orchard. 40 a--ea bae bng-t.cht f'Dr. well and -vera! ipr rr. live atream; io be sold at aa-rifire; K-0. ha:f ah. O, J. Ho;ina. Tavtor. aire: Me1.-. Hich alUy Und. Klno Itav, A. M. Iltgh- far f re . buyers, b'd. TO EMHWr.R SOMKTHlN'i CIIOH'K For are r ex ehnge. 15'.' H nn a. 4" rods rlty limits I.ernon. lr.; hlh;y improved, all till able, tn Fall crop, nrrpi 1 acree; houae T rrx.rna hot and ro;d water. lath. al Tte-e4ry outrtuildlnga; tit la also aub'li 1ing proposition; Ui;d next Ao H sld for a re. Mv prl li acre; alii if tpe 10 J!T,rt. good nmmerclal bra ring; nrthard. raah. n tem 4n on plate. Your prUe niuet be rtght: my prlt e raah a.u. 'n-r. Itx 4'2 Lebanon. ir. in. 4-ai'artaieiit - house .lonce; both n- and and a T-room re, modern, and a vi H an.. aad a 6-f ant lot In rv-iiinirnein. r.otn houe in ;ranl a -raaAener auto fr Fuiaa. H. C. and a g'I bualnea. woui.l pre;er a ""J or hofl In, a iie to ti lu trron; may rnider vacant Ut or farm lnd. Ad-.!r.-i Mrs. II. K. bdaartls, St.. Itehingfia'n. Waah. A'"MKr!. bear e iff trie cars and mu muv r. Wah. : ? rar-old I-ro-un houae. Targe tarn, lamile on hard, berriea. 1. ve- nric and farming im pinnenia. rieap at :.; tnortjeage $ ii. runs 4 S 'rs. Will tske oniv ni'e gnrm timbered Port laud h"u fr equiir. HaF:TMN TH- M f. N 'hamber of ''mmT--. il VK fin- modern ho-ne In 1 rarllne. 7 rotrn. la'-re attic, hi.Mirn' f urn are. 1 1 r-1 ( a . tni;lP. full cetn-iit ati.l all th unrrH mitalern on en len-ea. .V'UlUO lt. it i e-ir.' g r nd t-enifiit di S.'tiix: -aUI tke nnlrr reulei ranint. hnlame t:te. 41S It pric 1 as part Hway Ka -nat: e. Virh'l ST --'. Kill N1 A K . nr irAduu. a eaut;ful '- a't ."vl',i. wl'h a s d h"us-. r-nts f-r ". will trade f.r Vet hide properly - tn eaae. atit proper t on W et st.i atii iwum o:n9 difference; prUe el--". hakimm; ixn t 4H, wi f.ir. 1 rml M.T. T F.CHAN'1K. a email improved frni id hr: vt Wtl.ametie Va'. ml'e from U L town, i.t-.d fin." and ft. Prlt -Srto.i; w 1M -fiid. r grrn-.-ry or ifnrl m rrhni: up t ' "0 and Py llnt-r-.-r . - tU- .. 'ornI ma. Or. W II. r. rx i ange for I'umpXf itiov i.s -p fh"creih, and " tr4-i. walnut j. -its or a'-raa. fins ::iall upright piano ; ture outfit. large new ; ieeorla; fm latge rjee. Ncwmin. Ot '1 t u-'ti e. wort 1 1 " ee. no r-t. I aant ie .-n a f.ira or real orth prte a-K'd. Al irh. .ncmter. Wafh. r trails; a-"! romiiig-tou. le rtalc. H mut b I reea iher o-d ji'n F. ilW IO M. rrl rt tet lati'l. t u- r.. fti.ai.t nnr rarltne. to trade f h .use an.l lot In Irlngin or i.a ur-t hurst ; 11. tnriat! a lues considered. . AH o7 1. i'n-'nn. t i :.K Teem bm n f-tnt from ue on paw l work ai.icle or il'-ulie. a liS'd wor'i. but tllrt rrie rnare, sore li a; rr ets ; true t ilttt tluu ronr at AM. Port land StaiMt. l-fl end iVu. het s7K 10 Tea. very bat land. 1 cultivated, near carlm. tu trad' bouse and lot In lr;njton or 1-J bo inflated aiuea considsrcd. Oregon Ian. nruughiy for g'Mml uri hursi . AU 671. 11 A' RK-J, le-ioom --rra !n Vnrlng f' b-iU1. OUtll t'i- ba!ane el d lot . In P .r i'er K-f'arj' uses. S ar; will and up trade f'T U- 1 i M I.U' II A KU ontts ba.) hatd r ln mltrd Had- -.liatt deliver : .11 i t f..- at-re nri'PTt J I- a tisui;iig Msi-t VUl.- r-Cl-A1 -Pss-ng--r ar. mv!l. worth $1 -. tor a lnmTr4 relinquish tK.-nt wear of the niounijiiiia. .Vail 41 Hamilton b'dg. trade fr lat top office dek. A l-gause double-barreled. hatntuerleaa. h'g 1-grade aotgnn. H W4. r gor.lan. W ev'hane fo Inte-eat In trtuat lt re help. w.-t'i Ai if i-ffs e usincss. Oregonlan. 1J-A'KK Waru.g jrj nnrl ti-invm h ouae r.Mm ho in rurt- t tjale 1 r J-J l.unibr Kx-hange. IF you have a - re farm with stock and tools to trade for bo me In Portland, write te pte. iwner. A 7 1 J. tregonlsn. tTi.'H'K t furniture. g's end crockery for a or trade. Lantuer Mer. Co., St. .tohre. I !. LI'lTT Anderson bungalow. R.ae t'tir Park. What U you? AX CIS, Ur eg man. Cu! ORAn land to exchange for section of Tun:y land rear here. J. F. Heui, 114 Spalu.ng bldg. FOR KF..NT FARM! FOTTt KKNT atres. all ared. miles from United Itadwavg electric line; r-aiory hous-. codJ barn, fine for truck gardening or chK ken-rs:s'ng. good ftult ".and. ay terr ra. " rt"?3. I'ren'n'in. ACKCAGE for rent. For rent for term of eara. acres In Kee ruv Park. Inquire Chamber of purr erce. AOKKS No. 1 agricultural railroad land. -l pr year, near Port. and. on electric tr!lne. 7.'.- S Washington si. Room lrt. FOB TIMBER LANDS.- TIMBKK LANDS B(.L"tiT AND (-OLO at 'CRACK EN. to4 McKlf Tt'dg. piv'R an opportunity to get a gilt-edged timber clatra w irhout money see today win T. Wood. 46 Chamber of Commerce. W A VTKD TO R ENT FARM. ' VNTKIV To rent, about land. t S. Oregonlan. 14 W AXTF D-KE A L ESTATE. W ANTi'U Fiva or six-room bungalow, new. mod-rn: buiit In conveniences, good netgh lorhood; atare Mweat cssh price and lo t at on. f . Oreaonian. It'll raah. from oe-ner, ei.-trl" line and 1 U'.r from eltv. A to ,1 acres . -e thai r.-n l.in. toss W A .NT fcat bide Portland acreage; will buy or io aerca U price la rtgbu A Qrx g oaian. WANTID HEAL ESTATE. IF yoa have anything- in acreage or property for sa.e or exchange, ltt aame witn us and you will get prompt and good r ulta WATfOX A THEHKEI-SEN. - - Spalding B.dg. m V.'.VTEU TO ELY Modern unincumbered in rood location from nanv who will tik ft 1 owe cash and bsl-sl nr la oung orchard, in Hood. River dis trict. Owners only. K 74. Uregnntan. VANTKI 5 or -room house. In the rflicn borhood of touta?rn Pacific cr shops; price not to excrd 230o; cannot make a cash payment, but wlil pa to 90 per month. D Oregonlsn. HAVE buyer for .-! to M00 property, l awn ave. to Broadway bridge. If you ara to sell. see- Hall Ax. Koark. ill Cbana- be- of Ci'mmrc. WANTTIH 5 -room bungalow: have aiuiiy of ' In e.'" l-room houM and wiii pay rasa diff-rcn:e ; onrs only, G iT. f regoni-n. WA.NTKi S or. J acrsa close In. will trade first mortgage and notee per cent. See yirj Hr-nita. 432 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. . LOT WANTKI). Will buy a lot In Alameda Park close to Rroadaav line. 1 V YO(." WANT TO PI1. ANSWER X US. Oreronian. FOR 8ALsV Tehlelea. WARKt. MAKM. MARKS. Carload of the beet In Port. and today, from !. to 1-M Iba. all young chunky built. 15 head from one ranch and most ad with foa! by full blood P-rehemn. welgnt C0. We hae In this laat ship-tn-nc aoin eitra wm1 mated palra. Come ai d se- th-m it you don't want to buy. A i ato-k a:d with our guarantee. Come early and mt vour choice, also have f"f rirp mar-ra aultaOie for ranch work. or lnp it"M eali TUlU liORSK MARK KT, i3l Front. U work team, mare and horse, rttgbt o pounds, with good harness. Ntee chunkv pair, mare and horse, weight about irtOu pounds each, suitable for nv light work: gd travelers. one sit.gle horas. weight 1200 pounds, good, tru- worker; prb-e li.V f.ood v.tneh wagt.n and top spring wagon rlaat l2ta. one block north of Hawthorne eve. FOll SAl JT'-O-Ih.' tra tn black marcs. nmtd like two peas; found anil trui In eve-v wav. This team would make any rancher a pair of fin brood mares. Priced for quick sale at t-j.V. If yon want a bargain, look tins rir up- s fhey will brtn tW In the Spring and will not be here long at this price. Portland Stables. 1Mb, and Cnwrh s:s. l'.H A crl.ad of niarea. geiaing and piaiched team: every horse guaran teed la b represented or money re funUciK Portland btablea, 15lh and Couch at. Ft Hi SA1.1 Mt-lb team theetnut geld- 1 gs. md and true, dead mates; 3 - In furtn wagon and heavy breeching hsr- s. all complete for inquir rtlsnd Stable, lith and Couch sts. FOR WALK My driving horse, aorrel. ears old. weighs 129 ; light-covered wagon and rubber-tired buRgi.s. -I'hone ev-nSnrs. Ksst 3-31. J- Seed. FlR HI 11 1- lloreci and waaous. by tne day. we or month; spe.-ial rates to bual-as hous. fortlaiM .-ttablws, l"-th and Couctj st IMtone !.-:n 1. A 11-0. FOIC hiI.F. ;od. cheap, honest farm team, i"!- OHth st.. end of Hawthorne carllbe. walk one bloek west and two block sou-h. i Am Winter gotl team for use on small farm: best 'of referen.es.- Address J. A. Kumtner. i;oring, Oregon. 2f,ro-i.lt team of mutes; will exchange for l.orses or cattle. 14 fntoo ave., corner of Afh. ItAiHiAlN Team mares. IswO. t 1111 and work any place. old. Jw. C3J Water at. extra good and $ years A FINK l"f-pound farm mare, heavy with f! will rxi-banic for good Ileery horse. 14 I'nton eve., corner Tf Aeh. FANCY little saddle horse for Fleming's born. 64 Front st l.ee. ale. $40. Ask; for Wll.f. exchange a fine diamond ring for g.Ml horse and buggy. 14 L'nlon Ave., cort;er of Ai. " W N1 K i) A ei"d. eecond-hsnd delivery w .-mou Haw t honte heet Metal Works. 1 :;. Hawthorne ave. li' '!. ch-ap team, mar and hor-a. weight pounds Woodetock cr to Gladstone. f..:s t-t '.th st. FOU AI.K - On" f.iie back 1 -ch, sound end true. .. horse, weighing Aiilonioldlt-s. BKFfl.K u buv an automobile call and look over our stock of o.er 10 cars; all ntukes and prices. Thee csrs art- only sMrrht is-d and are In Al condition; every rr guarantee by us. HRK'JON AI'TO FXi'HANGE, and WashtriKton Sts. WHITE Sr-amer. late model, ft-passenger, fullv e-i:ip-d. This car is as good as nw; nmur must have money at ones; no reasonable rr..r refused. . 1'K;oX AI'To KXHIANfJE. .'1st and Washington Hts. 'C'R fiAI-K Two ll'll Mets car. 12 h. p.. top and full equipment, one slightly used, oth'-r uVvrr hrvti out of sample-room: rasl-tak. the two. Public Garage, Wood- lirn. Or. llll C . well new ; AI'II.I.AC. etii'ip-d. p:ienger ; exct-ptlonallr This car la almost like III paerlflee foe nulck sale. OKK.iON Al'TO KXt IfANGE, J 1st and Washington Hts. ha;:pin; a braskett, An.Attinie repnlrers; clean, overhaul, re p.nr cars at owner's garage; rstes resson anle; wrk guaranteed. Addrees 1V2 ir - id ave. V h ok? Fast -' -o . 111 1 KK'IA I 4-psssngt r; detachable ln neaa. fuliy equipped, in Al condition; only OP KG ON AVTO KX'-HANUE, -.M-t and Washington Sts FUPKKAL. THICK. GfA RAXTBEO -for oi;e yesr; little used; good as new; Will save od If vim can pay cash. Audi era owner. K H71. Oregonlan. ixcovp-H AND auto supplies, anything you want: tires M to 1-0 each, all sigee. tubes vul. an:cd Uc Auto Supply f. U&l M-i-n mu WANTKl 1 second-hand truck. 3 2 or 3-tons ; must 1 in good condition and trnia. I, 2. Oregonlan. KfclW garuge just conapletfd. Lave and aaad giora.. spe-dweil Motor Co., 29, II, 1 3i lth St.. tor. Cout-h. ro'lTLANL) Magneto . neto ar.l coll repairing. Mail .'i.' LV xpert mag Park, NortU. piH sAi.fcl - P." k rd 1 1 das. "ail F. 1 con uldg. trut k. uaed U):sXord Co., liKo runabout, l. Hist o erliauled. brook the Tailor. Couch bldg. liul- Flanee. Orgaaa and Musical Inst r'aaaen ta. ' WHT NOT7 BUY A PIANO FOR CHRISTMAS? You can make no more appropriate gift. One of our guaranteed pianos or player pianos will be placed In your home on paMrent of -" ur 410 then pay a few dollars each month until the instrument Is paid f"r tiood upright pianos from $0 up, good pla r plan. -a from up. Weber, tueinway, c bickering. Kimnaii, Chase, k nn he and many other atanaara maaee to select from. KolU.f.R A CHASE, . 370 Waahlngton au $t!UMi:B LITTLE CHICKERTVG tivright ptano. boudoir design, full oc taves was accepted as part pay on a new pianola jUano, This Chlckering must gv at 4tw: f5 cash and I a week take 1U v KOHt.tR A CHASE, r IfTO Waahlngton st- t4. spLEM'tn fihhf:r piano. Origlnallv cost ;H) . 4145 bnys IT now; terms a cash and 45 per month. KOI1L.KR &. CHAtfti wo Waahlngton at. U the price we ask for 330 K! .Tit all uprlpht piano. ery latest de al a us, terms to sulu KOHLL K CHAPS, tTi Wamugtou IL $ITT Is our price on a Chlckerlng up-rifc-nt piano, or.ginal coet $5oO;fi7T bujl U nsi te i:s flt cash and $5 per month. KOHL.F.R OHASli, 375 Washington at. f"75 buys a full-slae cabinet upright ma hogany piano: fHdu model- this Is a splen C.a snap at 4-7; terms 1U cash and 44 per mouth. KOHLKR A CHASE, 75 Washington au STEINWAT UPRIGHT PIANO. $90. Ebony case; terms 410 cash and, 47 per month. KOHLER CHASE. 37i Washington at. ' bun a durable mahogany pyr piano, -aa had little use, originally Coet ; now $7J. Terms to suit. Free mu- iC "."""jvOlUTR CHAFE. 375 Washington at. , will buy a hlgh-rade upright piano, old reliable maker, haa had little use. nor a scratch or mar on. cabinet; terms 110 eah snd $ rr month. KOHLEK CHASE, 375 Wasnington FOR SA1.K a m on'bs. H for si. 15 cash, used Hast 132. FlsCHIt apnght piano for sale. -cheap. 440 Third SL Mala 345t A Tv4,a TTTE MORNING -OKEGONTAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1911. FOR SAI.E. ptanoa. Organs and M alcal Instrument s. TROFFPSIONaL- musician. leaving- city, wishes to depose of high-grade upright piano at ones; used three months. 'uUY guaranteed, no reasonahJe offer re ruse. Call or telephone between 11 and 1 o'cloek noon. Hotel deward. Miss Grace l unroe. TO CHI KCHES. For sale Two-manual pipe Organ. spesklng stop, built by a first-Msss East ern Oulioer ana in exceueni c-n--"-- never b-en monkeyed by piano-tuners. .Ad ciresa U H-Sit. Oregonlan. . FOR BALE, cnesp. one walnut ease Wheel- ctt- ic niinn. in Tiru-ciui mnuinu Pitk s warehouse, ii. W. corner pine sts. 2d and Iogs. Birds. Jet Mock. BIRDS received at Portland Bird Co., 1 Union Ace. Phones fcaat l An other shipment of the celebrated Harts Mountain Rollers and Saint Andreasher Roller canaries; English Monvich. Bull finches and Goldfinches. Three Imported Japanese spaniels, one female German ' dachshund, one puppy, just dog. XtL'I.L. TERRIERS, puppl-s and matured stock from my prise- Inning strains, for ire at rsasonablt? prices; suitable for Christ maa glf's. Willamette Bull Terrier Ksnneia. Frank E. Watklna, owner. 260 Alder st. ' GUINEA pigs make nice. hsrms Christ mas presents for the little folk. Call Meurlce Mann. C Eaat S50. COLLIE puppies make Tine Xmaa presents, fid on hand, new catalogue for stamp, t-hade' and Farms, Amity. ti FiVl SALt-S. H'-aton terrier puppies, two brootl bitche. one stud dog: all eligible. Prleco Kennels. Esst 14th and Morrison. CANARIES sion. W.- L'heap. fine singers. 05 Plvl csr tn '.th. rUsawtt. MT CHRISTMAS GIFT. AMniAa fa n A rilnrllll ma K e TT nractleal tH rmr m mm nrMnl . For my s-'i.u 10 u values marked lMH.75 tmr -Die tt 1SS. For my f 22. 60 to $23 values, marked 414.. 5. par me 4S less. Thi Is my ChrlatroaJ gift to purchasers. JI.MMT M'NM. Toom SIS. Oregonisn bldy. Take elevator. REIN F.K, furrier, hss on hand extra fine mink, otter, beaver, ermine, etc. sets.; sealskin cnat. slieh'tr worn big bargain: tear and leopard ruks: aelllng at COBt ? riose out; sae money, buy here. 404 Merchants Truat bldg., th and Waahlng ton sta. FOR FALE OK RENT LOGO I NO AND HOISTING ENGINES, locomotlvea, coa trsctnrs' equipment. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT Ctt, 74 First Street. SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new and second hand, low prices, easy t-rma. bafes opened and repaired. l urcej afe Co. and Port land t-hfe Co.. S3 g:h rt. Main fr.-H. LA Dl Ba lT-jewet. adjusted, lady Wal thsm. In 14-karat solid gold, watch set with diamonds; oniy 130. Uncle Myers, 71 flth St. ifOUSEROAT IK'OW 3-try cheap, furnished, newly painted and caulked. Inquire Kenton ton Boathouse, Colombia blough. s noon. 1I-JKVV EL Ho ward . wstch for at near Oak. 14-karat Hoes titled Uncle Msra. 71 Gin. CAPITAL JUNK CO.. dealers In Iron, metal, rubbers, sacks, machinery, pipe, tools ana Job lots. Marshall y.S.tO. ftT-fii N. 1st st. MOVING-P1CTURK machine; also dissolv er, good condition; for th outfit If taken at once. 4.13 Morris a CHHIr-TUAS bargain rn all makes of type writers. Come and see them. Northwest-. era Typewriter Co.. 90 6th sL FU RE-WATER white diamond, 2 1-32 karat: 4.100 net price, cash only. S 660. "-Orgonlan. ANNUAL SALE of unredeemed pledges at I ncle Myers. 71 6th at., near Oak. 40 years In Portland. FINK young Jersey heifer, bred to regis tered Jersey bull. price $-5. Phone A WKlTKRPREfrS. almost new, $115 complete, splendid for circular letters. 3S3 Oak st. bAFKAle'I turn-sired fireproof, combination lock. Addr-PS P. O. box 425. NEED tiioue v. Elk c harm, moiide; cost $).": take SZ teeth. IS dla Phone A SW3. QUILTS, cotton. wod and Everett St.. rear f3(T. Ilk. 1401 East FOR He SALE 25U irv Kramer. racks pot h toes. Para. Wash. FoR SALE WcU-ruttcd Call E. 21-2. Zertlliger manure. FOR PALE 3 diamond rings. H 66. Oregonlan- BKAl'TlFl'l. diamond for sale cheap; ?t-K, perfe.T. K .4i;. Oregonlan. Ft 1 1 SAT, E G ood East 4S4. . liorje manure. Phone B E R II Y liollv for sale At the Home for the Ared. East 30th and Stark. FERTILIZER. Well-rotted manure fertiliser. MANURE for sale. Phone East 1774. WAyTFI MISCELLANEOUS. WE HUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS Hteheat prlre paid for nin'a" and ladies' caatolf clothine. o.. furnltur-. tools, mechanic, lugg'nir. Call 11 -In -'0S0. w 1st St.. The Globe. WE pay the h Ik heat cash price for second hand furniture. Keatr & Martin. Phone Eaat 3134. 341 Hawthorne ave. BAP.GEk'S AUCTION HOUSE. 870 E. Morrison. Phone E 1 ' Paya highest cash price for furniture. CA.SC A R A sagrada bark. I would like to represent good house. Richard Hllller. 100 William st.. New Tork; WILL lint rooms for 42.50 and paint honseg at your prit-e. Phone East f4tt,; B 2strL FORO Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. M.un MM. A 2445. SECOND-HAND rolltop of flattop desk, swivel chairs. PIne Main Myi. I WANT to buy several number one milk cow. D RS4. Oregonian. HELP WA.NTEIs MALE. AUTOMORuTe SALESMEN WANTED. A nrst-cUaa and experienced automo bile salesman - who can show a clean record can And sn opening selling pleas ure cars or trucks whic h are well repre sented and popular in Portland territory: only those who can give best of references need apply. F tl"2. Oregonlan. WANTED A young man familiar with of fice work and secretary's duties, brieht and accurate, good stenographer nd type writer: experienced mnn only; give your references In first letter; stale age and experience and salary expected. Apply J 7 14. Oi-gonlan. IF YoU aro a salesman, we will teach you to sell land and p:iy you a good commis sion ifnr doing II. Wa want two good men, who are hard workers, to close prospects obtained by us. No "door knobbing" or "hnuse-to-house." canvassing required. Call 146 Rth St.. and sak for Mr. Hodson. IF LOOKING for position and A cash In vestment paying 13 per cent Intereat and - loo per cent return In a short-time, with absolute security and beet of bank ref erences back of the proposition, call for Reese, 41t0 Worcester bldg . city. YGUNG men wanted between age IS and 45; rallruad service telegraphers, station ' agents, clerks; salaries 4' to 990 per month. No strike: positions guaranteed competent men, Addreaa N 217, Ore gonlan. Enclose stamp. MEN wanted eecrywhere; quick seller; work all or spare time; experience unneces sary; make bt money; territory going fast; act quick. 614 McKay bldg. AN e-ptnenced aoil Itor; must be flrst-cla-ta and a hustler; Eastern man preferred; good money to right party. 430 Ry. Ex change biug. AN exceptional opportunity for a young man to leam detective work: salary guaran teed when proficient. 50Ji504 Swetland hidg. ; ; WANTKD Man to contract for land clear ing. 10 or more werea. short distance from Portland, already al ashed and burned. AV 70. Oregonlan. WANTED Sober, reliable automobile buaipeasa. street. man to learn the Call at 200 11th GOOD position for salesman; also machin ist, able to invest in prsperous Portland machinery house, call 32 Henry bldg. BOT, with or without wheel, well ac quainted with city. Eggert. 347H Morri son after A- M. WANTED A "carpenter capable of building common stairs and sneedy door hanger. Call Sell wood 1371 betweenS and 9 A. M. BARBER wanted at 212 Main . Xor Friday and Saturday. GARDENER, wrtrathmaker. wanted: good psv. Call :3 A. M.. 71 Marshall. BuY&v with wheels tor Xmas work, watfes. 27 Taylor. good BARBER wanted for Saturday; wages guar- anteed. 2 1st st. PHOTOGRAPH coupon snd portrait agents, new per. Cnthbert gtutilo. Dekum. bldg. PERMANENT income for salesaaen. Ask far Mr Bryant. 1114 Yeon bldg. WANTED Live agent te sell photo coupons. Boston Studio.' S42 Waahmgtrm st. WANT E D-J-G o rd on pressfeeder. Kllhara Sta tionery A Ptg. --o.. :.th snd Oak ats. Rl STLKHS to s- II rail in- forenoon. coal 1 good eimmi&ilu 4:: Ablngton bids. BARBER wanted. 3" 4 Burraide. BARBER, w anted! 159 Morrison U HELP WANTED MALE, INCIDENT. Toung man. stranger, out of work (- Ms total cash asset) If I pay you 45 tor special employment membership I will have only 1S left between me and star vation. , , Secretary If you pay $5 for special em- ?loyme;it membership you will have the . M. C A-. with Us resources, be l wee a you and starvation. Result Young roan Joined assoclatloeu In less than sr-week had satisfactory em ployment. Record for 11 months ending Not. Iff: Calls for mn Positions filled ..1774 Err, ployrfTent membership ' a-uaranteea members will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives S monthsr full rr.t? tberr nip privileges. 10 months' so cial -privileges and undertakes to keep f party employed during the full term of - membership without further charge. We have constant demand for high grade, experienced men. t Are yon fitted for a better position? Bee secretary employment department T. M. C. A. . ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U 8, Marine Corps, between the ages of it and ti. Must b native born or have first pa pers. Monthly pay 15 to J6. Additional compensation possible. Food, clothing, quarter and medical attendance free. After 30 years' service canretire with 7S per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of the world. Apply at L. S. Marine CopS Recruiting Office, rooms 1 and . Breeden blrig.. 3d and Washington sta,. or room 7, Winchester House. 13 H 4d st.. Portland. Or. STOCK SALESMEN1. M-n of ability, personality and rood ap pearance for a high-grade financial propo aitloii: a new, clean-cut Portland company, that will show dividend earnings that will appeal t o conaervati ve In vestors . " FRANK M. BROWN. Inc.:' 102V Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DO YOU want a proposition that will ell? One that has so many comparing argu ments In Its favor that If a man has any salesman qualities at all he can earn? from 45O0 to H'mO every single month that he ftorki? This Is not an old proposition thnt everyone knows about. It la brand new and no salesman who hustles can possibly fail to make good; leads furnished. See Mr. Jones. Fred A. Jacob Company, fore noons. THE MEIER ft FRANK STORE desires a first-class cardwrlter at once; no other need apply. Supt.'s orfice. tt floor. WANTED A clean-cut. hleli -grade sales man to travel the states of Oregon. Wash ington and Idaho, making agencies for a fl it-class line of automobiles and auto trucks; u the right party we can glv a good deal, but If your record is not first class, both as a salesman and .personnel, do not reply. In answering give age?, ex perience and references. II 93. Ore gonlan. WANTED One third-class ship draftFman . at $4 per d I cm; one second-class assistant ahlp draftsman at 42.SO per iiem. A com . pftltlve examination will be held at the Navy-Yard. IMigt-t Sound, Wash.. January 22. 1012, for rilling the above position. For further information adilress "Command ant. Navy-Yard. Puget Sound, Wash." WANTED lor U. e. Army, able-bodied, un married men, between ages of 18 and 35, citizens of United Statea. of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak. r-ad and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Worceater block. Third and Oak streets. Portland. Or. FIKPT-CLa"ss coat tailor wanted. Call be tween 10 and It. 321 H Washington st. New York Tailors. WANTED Young boy to run errands. Ore gon Barber Supply Co., 1SU 3d bl HELP WAN TED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED TODAY. Cook. $10 per week: waitress, $25 to 3; housekeeper-, $20 to 125; family cooks, solicitors and gdrl for general housework at good wages. . PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT fO., Ladies' lept. 2"5S Morrison WANTED A young lady teacher for pri mary grades; must be able lo play the piano; give references. Apply at 1st st. fur particulars. clarke-Kundret & Co., Job printers. EOON KEEPERS, cashiers. Mil clerks, etc I will guarantee your qualifications to fill poaltiona in 80 days; private Instruction b public accountant; position secured. J 43. Oregonlan. - COMPETENT woman for general house work, 2 in family; no children. Apply 6S0 Elliot ave.. In Ladd Addition. Take Haw-tiiorne-ave. car. get off at 20th, 1 block south. Call in mornings. WANTED A good, steady girl for general housework, small family, wages 125 a month to begin. Call 454 E. 22d N. in forenoon or phone East Cu9. WANTED Young women to enter training school for nures; 2 years' course. Ap ply Aberdeen General Hospital, Aberdeen, wash. YOUNG lady for office work, experience with comptometer: state age. previous employ ment and salary expected. I JS4, Ore gonlan ' WANTED Refined young ladies for legiti mate business; easy work; good salary. Apnlv the New Scott Hotel, bet. 9 and I. 7 1 h land Ar.keny sts.. room 244. GIRL want Ad at cigar stand, foreigners need not apply. Call after 12 noon, 229 Alder st. ' WANTED Ladles to learn the business of the Sanitary Beauty Paxlora. 400 Dekum bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 815 Washington at., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 26D2. MRS. HOWES LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash, sta Main eSo or A 32 WL W'ANTE D Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 000 Roth child bldg., 4tli and Washington. WANTED A girl for general housework: family of three; no children; German spokL-n. Phone Main 6345. WANTED Lady cook. '8 hours -a day. one who can cook meats and also pastry; good pay. Apply AR 671. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS waitress, top wagest A. B. C . Restaurant. 3S6 Morrison i- Call before noon Friday. CLEHKS wanted for Friday -and Saturday; eipe-lence not newssary; good waea. E. I. Charlton CQ.2S3 WaslK st. EXPERIENCED second girl; first-class fumily; wages $30. Main 209. A 4773. COOKS. $36. country; -$10 week. city. Howe's Ladles' Agency. R- 2t. 270V, Wash. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call at PS tith at., nenrKtark. ' jXlANESE wants private English teacher In the evening. AO 048. Oregonlan. GIRL for general housework and cooking; no children. Call mornings, 821 6th st. EXPERIENCED suit and waist aalesladlea. Grand Leader, io nn. WANTED A lady bookkeeper, 6 hoars a day. 29 E. 3d North. GIRL to asalst with housework And take care of Child. Phone C 2J60. AN experienced body-lroner and sleeve-iron-er. National Laundry, East Stb and Clay WANTED Housekeeper for small family In country. Addrecs Box 103 Dufur. Or. WAITRESS or dishwasher from 11 o'clock to 2 every day. 44 2Ud st. - HELP VAJTrP MISCELLANEOUS. MEN WANTED, age IH to 35. nramen. $10 monthly, brakemen $S0, on nearby rail roads. Experience unnecessary; no strike. . Positions guaranteed competent men; pro motion. Railway employment headquar ters 81 men sent to positions last four months. State age: send stamp. Hallway MEN and women to learn 'the barber trade In eight weeks: special inducements; per centage paid while learning; too.a free; expert Instructors; 17 yeaia In the busi ness 87 schools.- lifetime membership given to each student. Moler Barber -College. 85 N. Fourth t-, Portland, Or. J WANTED M en at Los Angeles, learn trade. Fair wages after secona moniu. "lvV: biles, electricity. plumbmF. brlcklaylagf practical wora wo " " V dents last five years; few monihi re quired. United Traa fecfaool, Lo Aa g-Jls. - - WANTED By mall clerks, Portland sis Inations announced Jan. 1; sarnpi ques tions free. Franklin lnsUtute, Dept. 341-K, Rochester, N.Y! WANTED Picture play writers; big Pyi well teach you. Picture Play Assocoa- tion. San Francisco. LEARN chiropody. Famous Dr. Wagner's Method taught by Harriet Marchani. 404 Cent. bldg.. 10th and Alder. Main $995. PRIVATE bookkeeping, shorthand, typewrlt Ing. bit? Chamber of Commerce. Main 6&35. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING, lamo. 2bi 14th t. Mala SU3. WANTED Men to learn moving picture op erating; it's good. Laemmle. 33 oak. FISK TEACH EiuT JU0ClATlOK. ' B wetland bldg, ' HELP WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. Learn to operate moving-pictures; operators earn 4-5 week- . ly; easy Inside work; snort hours; leam business In the finest and best equipped school In ihe world; lessons reasonable. Day and evening classes. NEW YORE AMUSEMENT CO., 52 6 Va Washington, near ittn. . MAKE money writing short atorles. or fM papers; big pay; Tree booklet tells how. IV.ited Press Syndicate. San Francisco. SITUATION W A NT F. t MALE. Isookkeepera antl Cier-s. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and state ments, install systems. Gillingham, au aitor. 411 Lewis bide. Marshall 71L BOOKKEEPER, 83. experienced, desires po sition; first-class city references; also ex perienced, stenographer. F S7o, Orego- nian. STENOGRAPHER, young man. law expe ' rlence. haa own machine, desires position; will work reasonable. Address E Obl. Ore gonlan. - BOOKKEEPER Young man with S years experience, good penman. Al references; wishes position. Phone Marshall 355S. M ieceilaneoua. "MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT R11KICAU. 215 Second, earner Salmon. Women's department, 245 Salmon. All classes of unskilled. sklUsd. professional nd clerical, male and female help fur nished on short notice. No fees charged, phone Main 3556. A Sua. RESTAURANT OR CAFETERIA Married couple wants position to man Age or take full-charge; best of Xtmncmi aro willing to invest some money. E -4U, Oregoni&u. VOUNG man. attending college, desires to work for boaid and room before and after school. Call or address me. H. IX IL. room C05 Commonwealth bjdg. WANTED Position as publicity agent of Oregon town, or management of weekly newspaper; large experience In both lines. Write tq C. B. Bowman. La Veta. Colo. AMERICAN single, elderly man. wishes anv kind light employment; la handy. In telligent and reliable; city or country. AS Oregonlan. - A HELlABLE man wania position to take care of automobile and drive; can do all repairs. A-l reference, phone Main 2143 after tr-mornings. - WANTED Place to work aa Janitor, part or full time, by young man of some experi ence; reference. AO 647. Oregonlan. GERMAN. 3ti. wants work on farm; handy man : knowa powder, animals and tools; no milking. A 71L Greconlan. EXPERIENCED man from the East desires position na foreman of machine shop; best of references. AT 6CS, Oregonlan. YOUNG man, neat appearance, good educa wtlon. speaks several languages, wishes po sit i oiiotaiiykin EXPERIENCED tool anrf dye maker from the East wishes position; best of refer at f.tUt. Oretronian. WANTED Position on f arm , by man. and woman; best of references. E C7, Ore- goTiian. YOL-NG man wants position, steady work preferred; good references. AM 67Z. Ore gon lark r' YOUNG man wants position as tailor; ex perienced, quick and accurate. 500 Eaat 14th St.. Vancouver, Wash. YOUNG married man wants position of any kind; has wide experience; reference. B k. Oregon ian. WE tint rooms, $2.50 up. do painting at reasonable prices. Eaat 6124. YOUNG man wants any kind work after school, 3:30 P. M. E 07C, Orcg-nian. JAPANESE wants position, housework or saloon; store work. AO 6-10. Oregonlan SITUATION bjf all-around baker. 67 tfth st. North. JAPANESE boy wants in family Nor hotel. M. Tomlyai, 30 i 3d st. North. EXPERIENCED young man wants position as jan,ltor. Phone East 4738. YOUNG man. 22, wants place to, work on '. farm. 4 North 4th. JAPANESE bov wants position at house work: speak well. D Oregonlan. AS night watchman or janitor; experienced. Phone "Wood lawn 227.". SITUATIONS WANTED FKMAIJg. Boo-keeoe and Stenof-rapfaera. STENOGRAPHER. 8 years' experience in all lines, will give half, days work, $40 mor.th. K M4. Oregonia r - POSITION wanted by stenographer of high capability; beet references. Address E 677, O regonian. 'STENOGRAPHER, some experience, wants permanent position. Main R522. Ureesn tafcwreO DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Phone Main 6222. PLAIN sewing wanted out by the day. Phone A 42ofi. Mrs. Beet. Honae eepera. LADY (middle-aged wishes position as housekeeper in or out of city; fare paid. H 69 S. Oregonlan. HOIiSEKEEPERS. cooks, waitresses, cham bermaids, nurses, day workers. St. Louts Agency. 253 Alder Main 3039. A 4775. NEAT" capablewoman. references, desires aftuation. housekeeper, widower's family. St. Louis Agency, 253 Alder. Main 2039. NURSE, much experience, maternity, in valids, elderly, infant; light housekeeping. Main SjJ ?S. X NLTRSE will care for Invalid or do house keeping, rnono aiaranau ouao. FOR healthy young; wet nurse. Phono C 1723. Reference. . MceUnneoo NEAT young lady wishes position aa com panion to young lady or invalid or house keeper for small hotel. Miss Pedro. Main Its So, faimer nuuaw, rn- n.-v COMPETENT cashier wants steady position; 6 years' experience; references. F 68. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS cook-, waita position, camp, ranch or boat; no laundry. B 666, Ore gonlan. CASHIER wishes position In moving-pla- ture show; references. Sel. 1865. CHAMBER WORK by experienced maid. A t6&7. LACE curtains laundered. 25c and 35c, called for and delivered. Tabor 317. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, best of ref- rencea. Main UQH1. . ' WOMAN want work by the hour In Nob Hill district. Phone Main 7S33. DAY work for Friday. Call Main 5407, Mrs. Brown. W'OMAN wants to take care of child at er home. Phone Sell wood 1560. WA.VTED TO BENT. House. UNFURNISHED house, from lO to 20 rooms, on the West Side. Is waoted. E 678, Ore- gon Ian. ' . i Boo ma. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished room In steam-heated apartment, by gentleman. West Side only. Address Na 218 Failing bldg- , WANTED 2 or-3 unfurnished rooms, light housekeeping. F 076. Qregonian, Rooms WHh Board. YOUNG gentleman desires elegantly fur nished room with breakfast lu high-class 1 apartment or strictly private family in aristocratic section. Only the best consid ered. Address Banker. P. O. box 435. WANTED By 'cultured couple, a home with refined peoule; two rooms desired. Phone Keefer. Main 5602. - v GENTLEMAN wants room and board In congenial private family. Eaat Side; state terms. F 070. Oregonlan. Fob kent. Fnrnlsbed Room. LIGHT, girv rooms, modern, suites or single, steam heat. S3 and $3 week; 8 minute walk to theater and stores; free phona LINDELL HOTEL. 123 TH. HOTEL P.ENW1CK An Ideal home for bus iness people; centrally located ; elegant rooms; ail modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main 91. THE) WEAVER. 710 Washington, near 22d Nicely furnished outside rooms, private bath and phones; board if deslred.M S&5 BRESLIN HOTEL, 11TH AND WASH. Bteam-heated rooms, $2.50 and up, with bath, $7.50. ELM PLACE, 414 Yamhill St., rooms $3.50 per week up; hot and, cold water, steam peat, private bath. THE KING. -W0 Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms ; modern, heat : rates. Including bath. $2.."rt) week up; central. HOTEL BENNETT. Just opened; new furniture, every rooia modern, steam heat. 226 Taylor. Xhe HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery FOR RENT 1 housekeeping. 3- furnished rooms. 414 Stark at-, cor. llti- FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CARLTON ' 14TH AND WASHINGTON ST 9. A LIMITED NUMBER OF BEAUTI ' FULLY FUKNIisHED AND APPOINTED ROOMS AND SUITES. WITH AND WITHOUT PRIVATE BATH. FOR PERMANENT GUESTS ON VERY REAS ONABLE MONTHLY RENTAL RATES. EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT OF HOME . WITH THE ADDED CON VENIENCES "OF A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL AND ASSURANCE OF A POSITIVELY FIREPROOF BUILDING. ROSS FINN TO AN, MANAGER. NOW OPEN! " NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those re beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 213 y 4th St. 214 4th St. 207H-tnSt-On Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon St.; brand-new brick, elegantly . furnished;- steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms: strictly up to date In all respects, and &i populsr prices. If you want something out of the ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us SvCall. aa we know you will like it. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAPLES. Residential. ' 350 Taylor. Transient. Bet. 7th and Park Sts. Opposite Heilig Theater; central. Quiet; - rooms from 75c daily, with private bath, from $1 dally; special weekly and monthly rates; suttea. new. hartdsoroely furnished brick: elevator, telephone, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot 'J" car to Taylor -or "W" car to 7th; from Hoyt -street depot, "S" car, transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2200. CORDOVA Hotel. 11th and Jefferson sts ; brand new brick; splendidly furnished; all rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths: every .effort Is made for the comfort and convenience of Its guests.; the rent8 are most reasona ble; rooms by the week, month or day. J" car direct from depot. GRAND UNION HOTEL. 3S7 V East Burnside. Lire on the East side and save money: 120 modern rooms, single or en suite: steam heat, hot and cold running water in all rooms; rctims with private bath; rates from 60c to t. 50 per day:- $2 to $6 per week. Phone East 5940. B 1278. ANGELA HOTEL. 025 "Washington aU, opposite MuHnoman Athletic Field New brick building; aU modern conveniences; well regulated resi dential and family hotl;splendid accom modations for transients; . convenient to the business center and the rates are mod. erate (plenty steam neat. Mnnr.au ivw. HOTEL FORD, 733 Washington, corner Lu cretia t. New brick building, just com pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele phone service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly furnished: hot nd cold water, steam heat; best of serv ice ; very reasonable rate. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suite, with private bath; hot and cold water, steam neat and private phone In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates: rill in connection; tran-- stents solicited. , t wnTwi. r a vnv 131 Eleventh street. Ne-modern brick building, steam-heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and sea ua. Regular and transient trade solicited. 347 13th t.. near Alder, in business dl trict: newlv furnished. steam-heated room.: a quiet, homelike place (or quiet people; permanent, transient; $3 per we ok FURNISHED room, for single women; steam heat, electric lights, parlor, sewing room, laundry and large community - kitchen: also gas for cooking in each room; all furnished by the landlord. 374 Sd et., corner of Montgomery. One block from Union Depot: 140 out ide rooms, with hot and co!d water ana steam heat: offers special rates to perma nent guests: rate. Sic to 2 a day; 3.50 and up per week. Phone Main 3413. NEW OCCIDENTAL. -Hrnn, comforts, modern conveniences; special rates to permanent roomers: tran sient trade especially; rooms 73c up: cen tral location; cars to all parts of the city. 70S EVERETT Room suitable for 1, 2, 3 - or 4 men. Reasonable. THE LARRABEE. 22 team-heated rooms. r 14. Larrabee. modern $2.50 up; close in. Furnished Booms In Private Family. private family; bay window and French tloor leading out to porch; strictly mod ern. Phone C 229. 073 E. 12th et. N. Take Irvlngton car. WE have a room worth $30 per month; will rent it for $18 to the riRht party, ee this If vou want a good room. Gentlemen only. Marshall :43. 20S 16th St.. 2 blocks aoutb. of Morrison. PLEASANT, light outalde corner room for rent; electric lights, bath, phone; clos. In 660 Eaat Main, corner 13th. Last 4720, FINELY furnished rooms, b0 per week and up; p"rlvate home, bath, phone, hot water heat. 414 Market, cor. 11th; eight blocks' from Olds. Wortman & King. TWO elenantly furnished rooms, well licht ed, running water, hot and cold; furnace hebt; suitable for two gentlemen. i07 West Park st. Phone A 1770. FURNISHED rooms in private family; well furnished rooms; clean, light and mod ern; 6 mlnutea to Postoffice. Price, right. S63 6th St. WARM south room, hot and cold water, opens on large Bleeping porch, separate beds, desirable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. West Park. Main 8000. NEWLY furnished room in new flat, modern convenience, and bed fit to leep In. 61)4 Everett st. - NICELY furnished room. bath,, telephone, walking distance, reasonable. 564 Main street. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 2 young men. bath adjoining, all conveni ences, close In. 228 10th st. near-tSalmon. NEWLY furnished front room for one or two gentlemen; furnace heat, close in. 214 13th St. . NICE large room, suitable for 2 men or man and wife, furnace heat. ' 474 Clay. cor. 14th; walking distance. NICELY furnished front room for one or two gentlemen, with bath. 268 Chapman ,t., H PlQCK norm OI .leuerbun. NEAT single outside .leeping'room. basement-Sheffield Apts.. 270 7th st.; no car fare; .team beat; 3. - Apply Janitor. NICE furnished front rooms, 12.30 per week and up; electric light, heat, bath and free phone. Call 651 Taylor st. XWO well-furnished "Bleeping rooms, steam heat, bath, electric lights and phone, i . KGT XT' V.lli LARGS front room, heat and phone, Jeffer son oar. easy walking distance; 2.50 per SMALL and large rooms, newly renovat.d. beat, phone, pain, z-i om .i. NICE warm rooms, walking distance; bath. i. , ,nri .,rt 9Aft 1'2Th. 4 WEEK for two; running water, etc.; 5 minutes' walk. 181 11th. 415 TAYLOB St., Bleeping room on aecon lioor. mwgrfi 9v ...m..... LARGE front room, bay windows, first floor. stove heat. bath. 4UQ ainhlH. - 434 SALMO.VST., cor. J2ih Every modern couvenit-nce ; a home for business men. Ta AND up per week; desirable location;' gentlemen preferred. 3oi l'-'th st. WARM comfortable room, close In, for entleman or lady. 4M1 Taylor. NICELY furnished room. 745t4 Hoyt st. TJnfornUhed Room.. LARGE front room, bedroom, kitchen and pantry with sink, for rent cheap; first floor. 485 East Morrison. Boom. With Boar. DOES a home uppeal to you 7 THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison: larg. room., bath, broad verandas, quiet, clos. In. near car. 4 biock. from P. O. American plan. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Room, with board, use of sewing-room, library. 610 Fianders. F. N. Heath, supt. THE MANITOU 281 13th st. -Pleasant rooms, excellent board. Main 1184 ROOM suitable for 2 or 3 Persons reason- able, easy walking distance. 1;61 lath ct FflANT room, facing Park, reasonable; can Accommodate two boarders. 374 Park. ' Room. With Board In Private Family. ROOMS, with board. 712 Flanders at. Phon. Main 1547. ; ROOMS, with board: home cooking. 650 ilh St. rnone. FIRST-CLASS board and room In private famll y. 653 E. Pouch. WANTED Child or babyj $2.."0 per week. 343 East 7.id St. .xorin..- Mmuaiii'a. .i. GOOD board and room for one gentleinan at 514 Davia. FOR RENT. Rooms Wllh Board In Private Family. LARGE, well-furnlshed he.ued room, with, bath, in modern noma; berd if wanted: reasonable- rent. 321 Sugene -St. Last NEWLT furnished, strictly modern rooms, suitable for one or two. J minutes' wal to P. O. Home cooking. 427 Clay, near 11th. Marshall 39r!. NICELT furnished room, furnace heat. l..n a week and up. all 'modern conveniences, board If desired. 571 Gllsan. Phono M. 42S8. . LARGE, light room. heat, two closets, suit able for 3 or 4 men; best home cooking: home-made bread. 734 East Burnside. East ltil'6. IN private family, strictly modem house. & minutes to P. O. : home cooking and home privilege.; 2 or 4 persons; terms rea sonable. 305 11th st. $22 BEAUTIFUL front room: for two. f40; all new. modern conveniences. fcS 17th St.. ' betw. Everett and Flanders. ROOM and board, modern conveniences. go.-d location, home cookinc: terms reasonable. Main 320. WEST SIDE, large pleasant room with al cove. Excellent board. Main 2071. CHOICE single and double rooms, with board, home rooking. 33- X. 17th st. CENTRAL location, home cooking. $8 per week. 291 11th st. Marshall 2693. PLEAt?AT rooius. single or aouo... goi board '656 Gllsan St. GOOD board and room for one gentleman at 5iU V Davis. " Apartments. TRIN1TT FLACK APARTMENTS Trinity Place, between 19th and 20tn. Just off Washington. Just finished: most magnificent apart- 'ems on the Pacific Coast: location ldealt rentals reasonable: every modern con venience; hiali-class service: references required. Pbone Marshall 502. . HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.. new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2, S and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam -heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service : rent per month, o. ' 40 and up; must be seen to be appr. ' ciated. " ; THE"VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, moat magnificently fur nished apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect: rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including baaquet hall and roof garden; both phones In an apartmenU; hlglf!ass Bervlo. ; reference required. MaloHi276 and A 70&4. THE BASKET?, cor. 21st and Irving Bte.1 thi. new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric, automatlo elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closot room, both Phones. vacuum cleaner free to patrons, if you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 261. " THE EVERETT, 644 Everett St. New. and elegantly furnished apart-m-nts; 8 rooms, reception hall and sleeping-porch; automatic electrlo elevator ana private Pacific telephone; located in one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dls- tanc. e. . 3-ROOM APARTMENTS New brick oullding. West Side, PrlJ baths, phone, steam heat, hot and cold water, good range; best of janitor errtce. rooms up to date la every way. AG 608. Oregonlan. KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King St. 4, 6, 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply' on premises. UPSHUR APARTMENTS 26TH AND UPSHUR STREETS. - Thoroughly modern S-room unfurnished anartments. $20; 4 rooms, $25; this in JiBude. hades, steam heat, hot and cold watir. gas ranges, private Pfci" u.V phones and Janitor service. Apply premises. WINSTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th St.. near Market; new corner brick, ready for oc cupancy Dec. 1: all bright outside rooms, two and three-room suites completely fur nished for housekeeping. 2U to j7oII. For information. Main 17::P. THE AMERICAN. ' 21st and Johnson sts., walking distance; finest apartment In Northwest; 4 and S rooms: every convenience; tree phone; all outside, daylight rooms. Apply on pre.Tl- Ises. or can jiaiauq.. :J..v,. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt. 4 rooms and bath, private balcony, new brick building, electric elevator, su perb locatio-.i. in walking distance; most convenient arrangement, low rent and best of service. ' THE MORDAUNT. we have one unfurnished 4 rooms ana large reception hall, all outside rooms, close In. 18th and Everett, opposite Chris tian Scientist. Church. Phone A 186L Main 6046. KENTUCKY Apts.. 2Sth and E. Gllsan sts.; new and modern concrete bldg.. 4-room unfurnished apt., 25; this includes gas range, stoam heat, hot and cold water, private bath and phone. Phone B 14o or E. 63S7. CLAYFOOLE APARTMENTS, 11th and Clay New brick building. 3-room apartments, with balconies. 2 wall beds in each apart ment; close In; reasonable rent, best or aervire every modern convenience; aplen- dld neighborhood. GRAND EST A. furnished apartments. Grand ave and- East Stark st,; new brick bldg.; 3-room splendidly furnished apts.; elea-t.-ic elevator and every modern conven ience; close-in location, beat of service : very reasonable rent. CHESTERBURY APARTMENT, corner of uth and Kearney; elegant, newly fur nished front apartments, every convenience- board if desired; references. Mar shall 368. A 440S. CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22d and Gllsan sts.- beat of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service, also easy walking distance: 3-room apt., with bath; modern conveniences; very reasonable rent. HISLOP HALL, furnished apartruenfs. Haw thorne ave. and East th St. New brick building. splendidly furnished. ' S-roon apartments, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent, best of service. MADRAS HOTEL. . 12th and Wash. 4ny room in the house at $5 - week, and nothing extra for two In a room. Thoroupitiy muu"". K.INGSBURY Apartments. 186 Ford St.. near Washington Elegant new brick building, complete and modern, private balconies, best of service: 4 rooms with bath S40. 210 20th st. Three 3-room apartments, S35, 40 and 42 per month, completely fur nished. Main 1178 or M. o042. BUCK-HARTFORD APTS., Mat and Flan ders 2-room elegantly furnished front apt. private bath, phone, reception hall. steam neat, mai . ATTRACTIVE. sunny. S-room furnished apartment, all outside rooms, view of . mountains, walking distance Cedar Hill int. 1 hlock south 2 id and Wash. A 7oZj. Xlcelv furnished and unfurnished apts., very reasonable. A 1024. Main 1082. ST Washington. MODERN apartment for rent and combined office and residence furniture for sale cheap for cash; West. Side; down town. AM 01. urpfuaiou. TUT. TTPCTTT.t. 410 6th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walking dis tance; prices reasonable; no children. iu IP w ITIVI.EV. 429 East Morrison, corner 7th. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; nrlvate Dams, -..-! " p PARK APARTMENTS, 353 Harrison; beau tiful 3 and 4-room furnished apartment; walking distance; best of service. Phon. Marshall 307U. THE RICHARDSON APARTMENTS. 14th and Market sis. For girls, nice one-room " apartments with kitchenette; THE JUANITA 325 11th. near Clay, nice- ly furnished 2-room apartment for rent, large light rooms, modern. $30. KAN MARCO APARTMENTS, East Sth and Couch; brick, modern. 3 rooms, private h.th And phone: to 27. Call E 2i.l. riNfc- very desiraol. modern six-room apart ment, the St. Clair. 715 Wayne st. Phone Main iVM. "THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS. E 14th and Yamhill 2-room furnished, prlv'ato bath and phone; reasonable. ALBEMARLE -Furnished or unfurnished apartments, private bath and phone. Ease 41'J3. T-I1E ARCADIA. One 3-room apartment, nicely furnished, rent $3- 7'J6 Everett at. GRACE Apts., -4tJ and Northrup sta. ; o room apt., front veranda and sleeping porch, private phone, hot water heat. BKAINTREE E.egant .-room apartment. West Side, walking: distance; rent reason able. Main 7741. 295 12th st. i-EGN'CE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district; co&venlent to 2 carllnea. 186 st, N. THE Northampton, 407 Hall St., 2 and 3 rooms, strictly Urst-class. Main 419 . 2iODERN 4-room apt. and sleeping porch. Bryn Hawf, l.s5 East 10th. near Yamhill. fLAT "A " Ml Wa-hlngton street -team heat. Phone Marshall 452. THE ELMS "."and B-room apartments, fur nlshed. 11 1h at. Main 0444- A ft