19 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1911. V K SANTAS MAIL BIG One Tot Traces Christmas Saint to Elks Temple. HIS STEED SEEN AT DOOR Ward of Home of Good Shepherd Also Write You Mothers Face Cheerless Day a Fnoda Are In Cloved Bank. Ju a big doll, a doll's bed and "some thine" for "Roane," her l-jrar-oM sister. That's alL Alice Krlmbel. a little -year-old rain who lives In a small Texas street home, has written to Santa Claus with the modest req'iesta enumerated above. Phe was absolutely confident that Pan ta would receive her letter. 'Cause why? Because she bad trailed him to hie den. Mlsa Krlmbel Is a most observant miss- She believes tha. Santa has discarded Prancr and Dancer, his reindeer team, for a pair of elk. She knowa his home because she saw tbs elk's head over the tloor. Therefore she mailed A letter to "Santa Clause. 7 and Stark, where the elk head Is." Before Eanta CTaua received her note It had to pass through the Elks Club, but the officials of that organisation have taken good retro that old Santa has been given an opportunity to read It. This Is the letter: ' "Dear Santa Clause I am t years old and I never had a big doll yet Mamma 'aid Santa will fetch me' a tedy hear coat I wont play tonight pleas Santa Clause give Roslle something too she Is t yean old. "I know where you live causa I aea your elks head over the door I want a doll bed too please Santa "I sleep with my grandma you will find my s toe kin In her room." Tat Willi atorklaga. Out at the Home of the Good Shep herd Is another little nsald. Her name Is Amanda .iambers and she says she Is a good little girl. Her mother Is dead and she wanta to hear from St. Nicholas. Here Is her letter: "J tout I would write you a few lines to let you know what I want for t'hrlstmas anil how I am getting along, well Santa I want a pair of stocking No. t and sum rlbens well santa my mother Is dead and she la up In haven and I hop that you will not for get me well santa I am going to be good so you will not fore get me well santa I will have to close now with love and kiss good bv Sanrlau. ' "Tour little girl, "AMANDA CHAMBERS." Kor lettera such as these and many others preparations have been made that will Insure at least a rail from the genial aatnt of the season. It la determined that none will b left In want. Elka ta Diatribes! Baskets. Hundreda of dollars were voted last Saturday by the Elks to purchase bas kets of food for those known to b In want and similar action waa taken by tb Ad Club for those ttfat had been brought to Its attention. There'll be no Christmas at the Xoulse Home, at ITS Cable street, un less those able to donate material coma forward. More sinned agalnat than sinning, there are 11 girl mothers, nlna of them In their teens, little bablea clinging to them, who look wlth dole ful apprehension to Christmas. Tha available funds of tha home that were to provide brightening Into their Uvea for Chrlatmaa were In a defunct bank. Tha girls face desolation- Their bablea vary from daya to months In age. The mothers themselvea are around 17 and II years of Kfc WOODLAWN FUND SIGNED Extension of Car Line From Thir teenth Street Assured. The extension of the Woodlawn streetcar line from the present termi nus to East Thirteenth street and Pe kura avenue Is practically assured. Members of the Woodlawn Improve ment Club, at a meeting last night, subscribed the S400 necessary to make up tha balance of the $2000 required to pay for half the expense of putting In the extension. The arrangement of the club with . the Portland Railway. Light Power Com pany waa that the expense of the ex tension bo shared by the property owners and the company. If all those who subscribed last nUcnt make their paronta promptly, the committee In charge of tha work will wait upon the streetcar officiala within a few weeks and ask that tha extension be made at once. Pr. Arthur L. Canfield. Edgar Stans berry and Frank Green were appointed last night to circulate a petition ask ing tha City Council to contract for parking Pekum avenue from Union avenue to East Thirteenth atreet. The Improvement of Pekum from East Thirteenth to East Twenty-sixth street has already been arranged for. ' DAILY JfTTEOBOLOOICAl. RETOftT. PORTLAND. Dee- It Maxlmom temper ature. 42 degree, minimum temperature. Si ;M. River rad:Dg. $ A. M.. 4 feet; rnane. nt last 14 hours, .$-fot fall. Total rainfall i P- at. to $ P. at. , none: total nfell sine eeptemoer i. nu. (nchsx; ; normal raiman sine 'juun i. If IS IT,-. '- t" 1. Ma. on; poiM Tjnh1n. hours 3 .m.nat. Bromtr r-ducul to m .-. tfti ft- r. m . iur"' WEATHER CONDITIONS. BrMaUp ovr - n sal ftOd 1h nortbrtl portion of th l'nii4 Via., and th pr- urt b vr ID i g rA: r portion of iho tSoutho r ori: metric blop. and hi prouro io ebtftir. orr tho Atlantic sinp. ...w .-..... eanira! sa-t klfll. lre oraoura lion hn occun-od wjthtn tl"i U It ctpiraiion Hour in mmniamva. w tot. Oklahoma. in M-M.ippi Vi.fr. Ijkltm Bc'n. tha Gulf and outh and M'1'- hours wvathvr U !:!&::? trmr eir tha rrtT portion or tna rarinc fp n n Plaiao tao E:wrd to tha Atlantio 4-oaat. It i cwrtr in tha Baoln. Rocky Thai .... - U.MK'& 4t I rr'dif l tm i'-ri ana wvTrT d fne rsatn or BMW f B North- Wuhinf I. Wwhirtftofl and North-ru Idahow r mda -mill abtain, modarato to ftouLhrty nat. .org Uia Coaat. ru recast a. Port' and and Ttrfnity frMay occftaional rata: wouih-r! wina Orrfon Kr;4a fair m tha oftat : oa--ftoctl rain in do waat portion, auutnoriy WaahtBffto. FYicay rmim to tha waat: rain mr mow la tito norbut. fair in tha aouth oaot portion aoutharlr wuda. kriait aioxig tno Cooat. rian rrldav fair In tha aovtn; now or rain la tha awrth port : on . THtOLX'RS T. TRAKE. A-tiDti tn-trtct roracoatar. OTort-e-lr offer-Anawiwila. " Copiaa of tha Chrlatmaa numbrri of tho iS it etch and Graph i. of London. Lnajlnml. hv bn ravolTtM. Thn nt-t-acuvo coloro-J pictures and tntoroat tvf rM-d m r rottr nro aura to plj. r-f lx-tln a- na thoy do tho "hrtst ttum optrtl eprrleocd "over the wtcr." ' BVSH 4 LANB Don't Experiment with Experiments ' The Bush & Lane Piano Player ' was ' created " after ' four; years' experience with player mechanism a. The idea waa : not simply to create a player that was mechanically trustworthy, but one that would be the equal in originality and excellence of construction of the Bush & Lane Piano In the Bush & Lane Player-Piano the high qualities are' maintained that have placed the Bush & Lane Piano among the highest grade pianos made. ' We offer you an opportunity to visit our wire rooms " and become edqeated in the (highest type of piano player .construction. HOW SAVINGS GROW: la ardrr te lllmetrale the nplt arowth sf eavlnas with 4 per cent ceajpis lmtereet added. w. have prepared the following tahlet A Weekly lfepo.lt f Kate af latereat $ .25 .50 1.00 2.00 FOUR Per Ceat per a, eaaaposmded Iwlrt year. Jaaaary let aad July 1st. 5.00 i oreys ax Hibernia A Conservative Custodian DAILY CITY STATISTICS MnarTtec aWeta. Tncnma. TVaah.. 2. nd R-n E Tyr. 19. AnM".r;-S:. no-Mr. 1. Christian .... noiiiTD T.h. Itnlaian. JAKl'W 11 " - tltr 4 and Martha Jan HIMsmlto, 40. POW ELURAVMOND- Frank C. PowelU city. IX and I.-r V. Raymond. -- ' ......D. ii.- n-.it.. Jnhi WI.MJln-m-i'.i" Wlnsate. city. SO. and Uora . Thumbera. "mioLriOiinowN-x. r.Rtiir. os- wo. Or.. B3. and Hattle Broen. Si. VBHOFP-LORENSKX Charles Ausuat Vbhorr. caty. 2i, and Edna Christina Lortn- "fRowL-i.rsi-Dir d. croi. city. 2. and ottve l.uml. 23. . MYERS-TL'i-KKB Claud M. Myers, city. SI. and Mrs Nellie M. Tucker. WU.rOX-FOI t.lv Brock U villeoz. city. 5. and Mn Mary E. Foulk. 4.1. ORB-AT WOOD W-!M)n Thomas Orr. C4ty, and Harriet Sterlln Atwood. 14. Births. v " ttRlilHT-Tn THE Su preme test of good beer is in the taste ! THK . TASTE TELLS." TET THE TASTE." 3 l,,r Taates Caod. Laoha (.aod. aad I a fod. " It'a the aallty Beer I I I I Phone to your dealer, grocer pr to Portland Brewing Co. Main : AiJ2i Qts . 1. IS per 4nen. Pints. II 0 per case of two doien. rveiivrv Fverrwhera. Bnttlea Eichane.i. 1 ma PLAYER PIAl eMajestic Theatre - CI I i Will la S I n. Asooaat to Will la 10 Vra. Arnouat fo wl 1 1 la SO Vra. Aanil Will la 40 Vra. Aaaoaat to to $ 73.j$162.$403.!$l,294.. 146.1 324. 806. 2,583. 293. 650. 1,614.! 5.177 585. 1,301. 3,223.110,355. It462.i3,252.i8,070.25888. accoint Savings Bank (ESTABLISHED 18 TEARS.) Second and Washington Streets Opea Saturday Evealage, Six to Eight. Wrirht. T43 Everett street, December 10. a daughter. KII.UAil To Mr. end Mra James M. Klllam. SIX East Elshtlcth street, orth, Ie-emher 4.' a dauichter. BPAXira To Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ppan ler. 7-'iA East Seventy-alxth street. North. December 2. a daughter. THOMPSON To Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Thompson. IM.1 East Couch street. Decem ber 8. a daughter. RERER To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reber. 142 Klorlda atreet. November 10, a daughter. MONTOOMERT To Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Montgomery. 783 Kant Seventy-aixth street. North. November 19. a dauchler. DOL'OLAS To Mr. and Mra Dan Dous lsa. Eaet 74th and Fremont. November 1ft. a daughter. STEVENS To Mr. snd Mrs. John C. Ste vens. P?7 East Kelly. Decern be 14, a son. HOLM EH To Mr. and Mrs. Charles AVCTIOM SALES TODAY. At private residence. t"l Kearney at., near list St.: furniture, etc Take W car. bate at 10 o'clock. Baker aV Crowell, auo tloneers. At Wilson's Aoetloa Ronsa. at 1 A. M. Paraltare. 1T1-S-4 Seoond street. MEETING NOTICES. aA CRUPADE COUMANDERT, fiij V. D. Stated conclave this tngton Maaonto Hall. Red t'roaa. AH lr Kntahts cour teously Invited to attend. F. H. NOLTNER. Recorder. SELLWOOD LODOE. NO. 181. A. F. AND A. VI. Stated com- 4P munlcatlon (thls (Friday) even- son'le Hall. East 18th street and Pookana avenue. Election of of ficers and payment of due. Vlaitors welcome. By order TV. M. C. W. STRINE. Secretary. MTRTLB CHAPTER. NO. 18. O. C. 8. Regular meeting this (Frl dav evenina at Masonic Temple at o'clock. Desreea By order W. M. JENNIE H. OAU.OKAI, Sec. ' MT. ROOD TENT. NO. IT, K. O. T. L Meets In the Belllac-Hlrech bulldtns. 84j aah Instoa street- every Wedneeday aisW CUSSI.HED AD. RATES Daily ar Suaday. Oae tieve - . eame ad In eeaeeeettve times.. arUae. IXe tto Oe hame a? sU ec sevea coaeecatlve times. . see Krmittaacaa aiust accompany eal-ef-tewa ay wiree f-eii.m.. hew eae ad e erUaemeot le an ran In aeaw eroute Uaaea tae ."-", rate applies. N. words rani as Me Ue ea caaa ad eertlsemeala aad ao m caaated far less "'on 'cbarileor book advertleeioeata the rhaie will be baaed ea the actual aaaee at Uuee apuarta( the paper, recardtcee ei U, aumber of words La each line. - 1, cw led ay mil adveruaemeata are rharced by aaeaeare ealr. 1 Uaea to taa ltie ahev ratee apply to avertteemeats aeaer -w wmi Uoam eaceptlna the follewtna't Mluatlooe Wanted, laaaata. , Oreaoalaa wlU accep classified adiertiss aaeeta ever the telruboae. provtdlnc tha ad. vertuver la a subscribe te ellbee phone. N rrlcea will he qaoted ever the phoe. ba ill will be readered the lollowtaa day. Whether eabaeiaeot advertlaeweala will be accepted eer the pheae depend npea the praniHiea ef the payment ef telephone ed iOTtiarmeata. Mtaatlea Wanted aad fer nenal advertleeaaenta will wot he accepted ever tna tbe telrpaose. Orders te aae later- Alt will ae acreineM ' Kent. nmltnre for bale.- -Beam ess upjw SKI AMT!ESrE"TS. .ANNUAL TWTN- NEW YEAR'S EVE PERFORMANCES NEXT Sunday nrp Ol Heilig and Orpheum THEATERS Begins -11 P. M. ' Under Auspices T. M. A. (Theatrical Mechanical Association) HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE Secure Tickets Early Remember Last Year's Big Crowds. EXCHANGE Tickets on Sale Now at All ' Theaters. Exchange and Sale of Tickets Begins Next Friday, Dec. 29 f at Rowe & Martin's Drugstore, Sixth and Washington SOc Any Place SOc UPlI IT T r-l EATE K in Hit. J VJ ;h and Taylnr. Phones slain 1 and A lilt TONIGHT TOMORROW SUNDAY SPECIAL. PRICE MAT. TOMORROW Wasenhsls aVKemper Present The Comedy Hit 7 DAYS Evenings: Mver floor 1.6. tl.O: balconv. 6 rows. $1.00; S rows. 75c: 11 rows. 60c; gallery, reserved, 5c: admis sion. 25c. Tomorrow's Mat. Lower floor. 81, 75c; bal-ony. "Sc. 50c; callery, 6c. 2Jc SEATS NOW 6ELUKO MEAT SALK TOD AT FOH X-MAS ATTRACTIOV REIL.IO THEATER S NIGHTS t MATINEES Beginning mat'i8 December 25 Montgomery and Stone In the Musical Comedy, , THE OLD TOWJf Prices both evenings and matinees. Lower floor. 2. Balcony. S rows. $1.50: rowe. l; rowe, 75c: o rows, 50c. Gallery, reserved and admission, 50c Only 8 Seats 6old to One Person for Any Single Performance. R A. K. E R Main , A S380 - Oeo. L. Baker. Mgr. Tonight All ' Week Matinees, Wednesday. ?5c: Katurday. 25c. 50c Tos. M. Gaitea' famous musical comedy success. "THREE TWINS" Great rompany of 60. with George Ebnee and Gertrude Hutcheaon. First time at pop ular prices. See the Tama Tama girls. Evenings. S5c. 30c, 75c 1. Nest Week fjeorgs Sidney In "Busy Issy. MAIN . A 1010 .MAT1NKK Kit.KI tfax TMM1 Ml EHTS is--so-rsi trrvK December 1 ft Helen Grantley and Oumpanr; Gordon Eldrid and Company I Puck and Lewis: Abbott and White; lelli and Cajre; The FMbor Trio; Esmeralda and Veoloj Horld s Evente Moving; Plcturee. Matinee Every Day. Sullivan A Ceneldlne. Refined Vaudeville. WEEK DECEMBER IS Anna Bucaley. Mme. Bartholdt'e Cockatoos. NeweU and Mble. Belle Dixoa. Harry ThosipMS. ??w" sen and Clare, ore beet ra. prices 15c aad lac. 'STAGES Matlaee Dailx. W EEK DECEMBER IS Mrs. Harry Tata. "Motoring;" Tower Brothers and Miss Dar rell; Count the First; Panlag-eecope: bol Berne; Tbe Melnotte-La Nele Troupe. Boxee and flrai row balcony reeerved. Phoaeei A Xi. Mala 41.1. Prices, l&e aad zoo. Car tain :S0. 7:1 and LYRIC THSATXB FOURTH ANI 6TAKK ALL THIS WEEK. EXTRA PROP. DANIEL SMITH THE VOCNOfcsT OLD MAN. Tbe Keating A Flood Musical Comedy Co. -THE GIRL AND THE PRINCE." performances 2 .30. 7:50. .15. 15q and 2o. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY CMA?OFR.ef;CI Residence. 24 E. 24th N. fcast ? jCjl. Dunmlre, Re.. Wasco St. W. Eaton. Rea. J E. ltn- East lib. Horse Ambulance, a ewi. cr'.. . I Nlshta. Sundays aad HoUoajra. A SlSOi Pr-J AjL 4. TruaA 7. -I iDfilGHT aw 1 THEATER EM 6$) . BORN. . . WENDLING To Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wend llng. December 14. ltilL a son. TERKS In this city. November 11. JustineJ Orla yeras, age as )' r . , nounrement later. Remains at A. R. Zei ler Cov'a parlors. MORAN In Patton. Cel.. December IS. Ellas Mornn. ageo oj i" t Dunning A McEntee s parlors. Notice of r Tuncrai later. rlXtKAL NOTICES. beloved husband of Mrs. Ellsa Cox, fa'h'r of Charles. Hugh L.. James and Robert for. of Portland. Joseph and Arthur Cox. of White Salmon. Wah.; John 'ox. r Ooble. Or.: Mra Blanch Rice and Mra. Emma Dupont. of Harrison. Idaho, will leave the A. R. Zeller Co. s parlors. 5M Williams ave.. Saturday. December VI. at 8:45 A. M.. thencs to St. Marys Church, corner Wllllsms ave. and Stanton it.. where services will be held at A. M. Friends are respectfully Invited. Inter ment Mount Calvary cemetery. PAYNE At the family residence. ST East 78th St.. December 21. Addle M. P'"; aged 2 years. II months. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Montavllla Methodist Church at 2 P. M-. tomorrow (Saturday). Decem ber 23. Interment In Bralnard"s Ceme tery. LA VERT In this city. Deoember 21, at the fsmllv residence. 783 Kearney st-, Lbuis D.. wife of Harry Lavery. aged 33 years B months and 12 days. Funeral services will be held st the Cathedral, corner of I5tn and Davl ats.. st A A M., Saturday. De cember 23. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Newark, N. J., and Brooklyn papers please copy. WILSON In this city, December 18, Robert Wilson, aged 5 years. Funeral services will be held st Dunning A McEntee s rhspel. Sundsy. December 24, at 2 P. M. i Friends and acquaintances respectfully In vited to attend. Interment Rose city . Cemetery. ANDERSON" In this city. December 21. Sareptla Anderson, sged 38 years, beloved wife of Dsvid Andernon. Funeral services win be held st the residence. 584 E. Madi son street. Sunday. December ?4. at 1:.W P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. In iMmMt tiin Fir Cemetery. HAY DEN Mra Nancy G. Hsyden. at the residence of her daughter, Mra C. fc Parr I'll E. 7th. died this morning st 7-:0. Funeral services st Holman psrlors, Saturday, st a P. M., December 23. In terment Lone Fir Cemetery. WIL80N In this city. December 20, at 30 bhaver St.. Catherine A. Wilson, aged 70 years FunerAl services will be held at Flnleys chapel st 10 A. M. Saturday. De- . comber 23. Friends Invited. Services at tbe grave rrlvate. BELL The funeral services of Anne Ruth Bell will be held at her late residence. 245 East 71st St., corner of East Main, at 11 A M. today (Friday). Friends Invited. Please omit floCers. , Take Mount Talskr csr. ' ' PARLING In this city, December 21, John W. Parllng, aged 27 years. Funeral serv ices will be held at Dunning A McEntee s chapel. Saturday, December 23, at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. XON8ETH FLORAL CO, MA Hit CAM SLUG. w ' " llVkll.VIt phones:. Mala MU8 A 11SX. Daanlng- A McEntee, Funeral Director tth snd Pine. Phone Mala 4S0. Lady a eUtant. OfUce of County Coroner. A. R. ZELLER CO.. SM WUUams ava Pbene East 10S8. 0 18. Lady attendant. EDWARD HOLMAN CO.. Funeral Direct en. gsOJId st. Lady assistant. Phone M. Ml. i p. FINLEY SON. Id and Madtaoa. EAST SIDE funeral Directors, sacoessers la F. 8. Dunning. Inc. E. on. B tale. UEBCH. Cndertaker. cor. East Alder aad Slain, east 781. B ISM. Ladjr assistant. NEW TODAY. $5500 50x100. ON Overton Street between 25th and 26th. Hard-surface streets, water, gas, sewer and pipes laid to curb. Lot is 3 feet above street; in splendlid neighborhood. Make your own terms. . Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Second Floor Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE terminal trackage. 75x100 lot, on 13th and Irving. One of the few bargains in this close-in district.' Has some in come. Price $36,000. Terms to suit. HOYT STREET Yt block near the North Bank Sta tion. Enough income to pay taxes and insurance. Price $48,000. SEE US. Hartman & Thompson Real Estate Department, Chamber of Commerce. 15 ACRES Near Union Ave., at a price which will make you 'a fortune in a few years if held. . Brbng-Steele Co. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS CO? JOHN E. CRQNAN, HOI J O atta ssidis Blda 0 lv MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Residence Property. rrr1 c v- everett, rid UaV c. D. SIMOXDS. Jf J (J 416 Board of Trade Bldg. 'I3S0O. ' Modern B-room bungalow. Just com nleted. Esst S3d, bet. Madison and Sal mon: will take aood lot as first payment. Phone Main 23T3 or E. 1311. COLLIS. BERBIDGR THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, (14 Weeeeeter Block. Pbon. Mala am. REAL ESTATK PKAXgRSV B.ek William Q SIS-SIS FalUaa bids. .riAicirR a, BENBOICT. MS M bide M. S4S. Chapln A Berlow. SS3 cbamber Commerce. Cook B. ft, A Co.. SOS Corbett blda. tannines Co. atala ISA, 20S Orecoalaa. PALMER-JONES CO. H. P. 04-eOa-SOS WUcoa bids. Tbs Oreson Real State Co.. Grand aea. aa ataltnomab. at. tHolladay AddlUon). REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, BXCLL-8IVELT. Beautiful homes and homesltes. all views, locations and prices. Can suit Too, Main S551. BROOKS. A 383ft. " CRESCENT, OR. Lets I200 up; to be June city of great ' Eastern Oregon railroads now building; gt In now. 208 Rothchlld ldg. LOTS 60x100. one biock from electrle car Una. 100 to 1J0. Try easy terms J. W. Hegerlln Realty Co.. 408 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE 1 lots (BOalOO). Villa HIU on Ht. Hood carllne; W. J. Henderson, car. - Cloeset A Derers. Front and ankeny- iTT6TtiaV. cash: will sacrifice two ebole eiaw Wararleifb lota, if "- Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. CORNELL ROAD. 2 lots at head of Overton St.. facinr east on Cornell Road and running back to Summit ave.. ' a beautiful residence site; price 000. H. r. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox BIdg. Phones. Main SOOT. A 2653. On 4th street, 3 blocks from csrllne: worth .00. Must . taste cash, so will sacrifice cli an AO 645. Oregonian-J $10 DOWN. ia PER MONTH. Pine new lot; matured fruit trees: re stricted district, near car; cement waiks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of , charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Pnone Maraball 473. A 1023. IRVINGTOX bargain. 75x100 on list St.. bet. Braxee and Knott, fsclng East, street Im provements all In and paid for. For price and terms, phone C 1: owner, erood lawn I HAVE for sale two full residence lota, Just off Sandy Road, with all Improve ments paid for. Price '-."0 eai-h. This Is a bargain that you seldom see. C oi0, 'Oregonian: 111 V) LOT 60x100. best In Highland, street Improvements in and p;iid for: ' hard-surface street. Phono Woodlawn 32. IBVINGTON lot for sals cheap to direct purchaser. 1 can't pay any commission al the price asked, so, dealers, don't an- swer. B r7rt. Oregonlan. MI ST sell a lot In Rose City Park, facing east, two blocks from car. If sold before January 1. 0t: 35 down. 12 per month. Owner. 27's Marguerette ave. For Sale Hoosea. BUNGALOW, a rooms, cement basement. 1 Mock Hawthorne car. on E. 67th st. Built in buffet, bookcases, mission elec tric fixtures; billiard room, hard- , 'wood floors; on slope of lit. Tabor. t A bargain at 13700. $700 cash, balance 20 monthly and Interest. For this and other "Class A bungalows at right prices, see ex- DORR E. KEASET & CO.. Second Floor. Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. PRICE S3100 $500 CASH. Bandy 6-room house: 4 large rooms downstairs: hardwood floors: gray-pressed brick fireplace in living-room, with built in bookcases on each side; buffet in dining-room, beamed ceiling, extrft fine cab inet kitchen: the upstairs has two .large rooms and three large closets; modern, bathroom; full cement basement; also piped for furnace; beautiful chain fix tures all In; house faces east; 50xl00-ft. lot; owner going away, asks us to let this 3S00 house go for J3100. If you have' J500 for first payment, we can ar range the balance. No mortgage on. this place. Phone me and I will give you t.ie number. Tabor M INDIVIDUALITY. 4 THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT IN A HOUSE. IT DON'T COST ANY MORE TO HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. THAN SOMETHING THAT DON'T SUIT. WE SPECIALIZE ON THE ARTISTIC HOME. W ' KNOW WE CAN PLEASE YOU. BE CAUSE WE KNOW HOW. OUR GUAR ANTEE IS WORTH SOMETHING. IF E BUILD FOR YOU. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH OUR HEAD DRAUGHTS MAN. Wl WILL FINANCE IT AND BUILD IT FOR YOU, ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. BUTTER WORTH -STEPHENSON CO. Inc. 707 COUCH BLDG. THIS BRAND NEW BUNGALOW ON EAST 4DTH ST. NEAR TILLA MOOK. Just off the builder's hands. ' To raise money for quick turn will sell at $3750, S600 down, balance monthly to suit. DORR E- KEASEY A CO., 2d Fljor, Chamber of Commerce. I1O0O UNDER VALUE. IRVINGTON HOME. Owner offers a fine home on psved street and carllne, worth 17500. for 16500 for early sale; 7 rooms; den; large screened-ln side porch. One of the most complete and handy kitchens arid pantry, full basement and furnace, fireplace, etc. Nice ga.age and .10x100 lot. Will make terms anywhere from ."(0 down to as much more as desired. Phone owner. East 3032; THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE 'OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OLR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC., CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS, 824 ABINGTON BLD. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TOIMPROVB YOU Re P ROPERY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLA3 FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. 8. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. . HENRY BLDG. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house. In Laurelhurat: 2 fireplaces, large aleeplng-porch. built-in refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes. lire less cooker, bullt-tn wardrobes, etc: cor ner lot 75x90, esst front, beautiful view; v $7500; $500 cash, balance easy monthly varments. Provident Investment as Trus tee Co. 201-SD2-203 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Six-room dwelling; sun parlor snd sleeping-porch Inclosed In glass: hot air furnace; full concrete basement; sta tionary tubs: living-rooms. 13x22; one bed room same size. 3 other bedrooms; located at 753 Broad way i lot 50x100. For sale; very .easy terms. McCARGAR. BATES A L1VELT, 301 Yeun Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Just completed by builders; we will sell at right price, a 6-room bungalow, with large living-room, paneled dining-room, buffet, full cement basement, 50x100 lot, one block of carllne. Small cash payment. M. I. FORD CO.. 508 Manchester bldg. E venlngs. E. 301. Day. Marshall 267. THE BEST CHRIS1MAS PRESENT EVER Present your wife and family with an up-to-date home: everything modern: new 8-room bungalow on E. 37th St.. on . Rose City Park carllne: price 300; small payment down, balance like rent. See owner. J. 6. Atkins. 529 Henry bldg. - Main 36B1 jrTabor Beautlful reception hall, large library, living, dining rooms, buffet, bookcases, all oak, kitchen convenient, three fireplaces, six 'bed two bath rooms, fine basement, stone columns to porch, lot 80x100; best location. Irvington. East 273, C 1868. No agenta W. H. Herdman. BARGAIN For Immediate sale, new 6-room house: fireplace, furnace, bookcases, buf fet, veneer paneling, large rooms, numer ous large closets, fine bath, sleeping porch, double construction, finely fin ished: must be seen to be appreciated; bargain. Owner, East 3838. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, 8200 Cash. $20 per month. 7 rooms, vestibule, mirror doors, solid oak floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, fur nace fireplace, strictly modern la every detail. National Realty A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 5129. " " E. BURNSIDE ST. ' SlxlOO ft., with good 9-room bouse, near E 22d st. Flats could be put up on the vacant portion of this property and a good Income assured at once. Price 87500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. - 13200 BUNGALOW 13200. . New 5-roem modern bungalow, fire plaoe, gas and electric fixtures, etc; street improvements paid. 1 block to car; a snap; little down. bI. like rent; will take vacant lot. 868 Wasco St.. near 28th. FOR SALE New 3-room plastered cottage, pantry snd bathroom, lot 50x105. Price $950 $175 cash, balance easy. Take UL Scott car. get oft at Gray's Crossing. Ask for Beard, at Howe's store. CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Splendid 6-room bungalow, $240 0; $200 down; balance monthly. 332 Lumber Ex change. LAURELHURST. Equity in beautiful six-room bungalow by owner; $700 cash, balance of $3550 easy payments: no agents. X 692. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON New home. 7 rooms and bath, strictly modern. $52r.0. Including all as sessments, easy terms. Owner. S25 Yeon bldg. Phone Main 112- 12 CASH and $10 per month. 4-room cot tage, y, block from 5c car; lot 40xltK; anan: $1000. Klfil ET A BISHOP. 132 Third St. Pqjj SALE Irvington home. new. modern, full lot, 10 rooms, tiled kltchenand bath. Nelson Bros., 0t Lewis bldg. . Phone Mala7591. ; gin DOWN $5 per month, beautiful lot near Mt Scott, 6-cent car. $325. Hlgley A Bishop. 132 8d. TTiv t-rsom house on Mount Scott line, $a75, and one corner lot 45x93. $290. E 2. 'Oregonlan. ' i--.oo FOR new modern cottage, easy terma 'jphon. C 242 or Woodlawn J228. REAL ESTATE. For Sale IP TOU WANT A 000 HOUSE FOR : $4500 We can show you one in Rose City Park, on corner lot, only 50 ft. from Rose City csr; 10 rooms. This house for $1000 cash, bal ance on easy terms, should sell at ""we have the best Rose City Park nouses. v DORR KEASEY A CO.. Second Floor. Chamber of Commerce. YOUR BANK ACCOUNT IN THE CLOSED BANK will be accepted as first psyment at 100 cents on the dollar on either of these three places. $2500 flven-oom and hath, bungalow on 48x100 lot In Montavllla, on Slat st. $.1500 five-room and bath bungalow, on 50x100 lot, close In. on paved street. 100 feet from carllne. $7500 Fine Irvington home, complete with all modern conveniences, 7 rooms, large attic, garage. Portland-Pacific In vestment Co.. 41 Railway Exchange. KILLINGS WORTH AVENUE BUSINESS PROPERTY. Two stores and f!at above; income $5$ per month: lot 50x100: price S5000. VI 111 consider exchange for IO to 20-acre farm In Willamette Valley suitable for chicken raising. GODDARD WIEDR1CK. 243 stark street. 15 MINUTES FROM POSTOFFICK. Located in the very best neighborhood on the West Side; surrounded by besutl f ul homes, and Is the only property on the market In this particular district: modern cottage of 4 rooms and bath; lot contains 4000 square feet: all improve ments in and included In price of o500; small cash payment, balance easy. S 648. oregonian. FIVE and six-room homes, fireplaces, hard wood floors, furnaces, with all bullt-tn modern conveniences; near carllne: ail street Impravemeats paid; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of Trad, bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A :022. Fine 6-room house; 3 bedrooms, fur nace, fireplace, buffet, cement floor, laun dry trays, hard-surfaced street In and paid; lot 40x100: walking distance: a bar gain; 14500. $500 down and $25 per mo. 7t6 Belmont, near 23d. Pbone East 8948. BUILD your home In Laurelhurst; th. most desirable residence district In Portlsnd; I wil furnish 90 per cent of the amount required for your house and lot, giving you the full discount. 1195 Multnomah St. o - 6-ROOM bungalow; furnace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors, gas, electric ity rood view; Rose City Park, two blocks from carllne: $3350. easy terma Provi dent Investment A Trustee Co., 2O1-20J Board of Trade. Marshall 473, A 103s. HOLIDAY sacrifice, account sickness; beau tiful bungalow. 1161 Ivon st.; unincum bered lot end little cash accepted first payment; Investigate Immediately. Phone owner. Barney. Main 2500. $150 DOWN will buy up-to-date new 5-room bun- salow; we will build for you on easy terms. 1112 Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 17n. MODERN 5-room bungalow, 150 feet from Waverley-Rlchmond car; fireplace, hard wood floors, paneled dining-room, easy terms. Phone owner. East 2135. For Sale Business Property. WAREHOUSE SITE. $10,000 m lots, on corner E. 8th and t.sr ruther. -t. with oveK 100 feet frontsg. on main line S. P. R. adjoining Inmsn Poulsen mill property. H. P- PALMER-JONES CO.. . 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones. Main 869W. A 2853. FOR SALE by owner, snap Sherwood, Or., business property with new brick build ing, cement sidewalk, etc., now leased for tefm of 5 years at $30 per month. Call Sellwood 904 or B 8173. ' For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE our specialty: -have subdivided more than 5000 acres ad jacent to Portland within past five years. Have two large plattinga. one in Valley west of Council Crest, the other opposite St. Johns on west side; every community convenience; easy terma See us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 8500. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland, walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snew ptaks; 2 acres. $240; 5 teres. $400; 10) "A'V-FapTland REALTY CO, 809 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. " A BARGAIN IN ACREAGE. 6 acres, near electric line. 10c fare, on one of the best auto roads leading to city! If this I. taken by Monday night neit. the price will be cut big. After Mondav the Inducement for the cut will be gne- I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. S.Ei iMIO Bono, Anjdeal location for a home, an Invest ment or a quick speculative turn. A nail acre- also one whole acre, one block from Sandy Road, all Improvements, side walks, graded streets, water, etc., paid for. Dirt cheap at the prices. Let me show them to you- C 691, Oregonlan. 6 90 ACRES, half-way between Portland and Hlllsboro. 2 acres cleared, little 2 -room house, well and fences; fc-mlle to station; 20 houses In sight; good land, good neigh bors snd a chance for some one willing to start In cheap; $1750. with easy monthly payments J 716. Oregonlan. TEN acres beaverdam land, under irriga tion and ready for crop; best for onions, celry. cauliflower, potatoes, etc.: river and rail transportation; nothing better anywhere; low price and easy payments. Investlgste. 512 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st. WE HAVE SMALL TRACTS OF BEST land on the market, ready for cultivation. Nothing better anywhere at any price; easy terms. Will farm it for you on shares. 512 Couch bldg.. 109 4th St. . 2 ACRES on sidewalk, at station, 40 min utes out, all cleared, within 2 blocks 01 $5000 new residence: many new bouses In sight and for $1000, with $100 cash, balance 810 and Interest par month. C 73, Oregonlan. -t 44 -ACRE tracts SO minutes from heart of city, on electric line; good soil, all cleared and level; fine suburban home. Pries $250, $25 down, $5 per month without interest. FIELD A GORDON. Tit Chamber of Commerce. 24 ACRES, brush and trees, -mlle from station, sidewalk one-half the way. set tling In fast, grand soli and yours for 6''o .with small payment down, balancs monthly. P 687. Oregonlan. iAN"D 10-ACRE tracts for sale by ownsr. la Marlon County, at station, on Oregon Elec tric best of soli and location; terma rea sonable; part of land suitable for towa lots. C. A. Barelnger. 302 H Park at., city. 39 ACRES, all cleared and lies beautifully, right on transportation and for StillS; 45 minutes' ride; good terma F 659, Ore- gonian. L I 8 AND 5-ACRE tracts, close to Port land, on electrio carllne. $200 to $400 per acre very easy terms. . J. W. Hefiferiia Realty Co.. 408 Corbett bldg. aCREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acra -UP' large and small tracts. Call Kinney t stampher. B31-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. T For Sale Homesteads. I rfi TNaUISHMENT of 320 acres In North- east l.H LU.u.j. v. - Taylor st. . " ' For Sale Fruit Lands. CHEAPEST orchard lands; finest fruit belt Willamette Valley; close to good town; easy terma COURTNEY, 42S Lumber mens bldg. For Sale Farans. 173-ACRE farm, 19 miles from Portland; fine house, barn and Improvements; am retiring: horses, vehicles and implements; 20 Jerseys, hogs, chickens, etc.; plenty feed for the Winter Call and let me show you. W W. Church. 2S3 Taylor. A 2395. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Larg. and small tracts, sultabls for general arming, grain, hay. fruit, bops, dairying, etc; about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write lor price list, W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. 20 ACRES by owner; sacrifice; all cleared but one acre; best of fruit, garden land, spring house and barn. In Newberg dis trict, near Station. Main 7235 or AR 676, Oregonlan. . : FOR SALE !- acres, all cleared. 1 14 miles from United Railways electric lin; 2-story house, -good barn: fine for truck gardening or chicken-raising: good fruit land; easy terms. V 675. Oregonlsm. RANCH 00 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison st. EASTERN Oregon ranch. 2800 acres, for sale at reasonable price by owner. A 717, Oregonlan 4