v K Y - , , 15 titP". MnRMXG OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1911. ' 11 t f - T 1 a v a n Tntn nrrott When in Doubt. BUy Merchandise Bond-Customers Jr"- ri,r-Lunch inTeaRoom. 4tK Floor Well,Jar,io CD. Co.'s Branch Office on MamJTPlMsaglS?"!"- Mal" - aLo1J Xmas Handbags tpl2.50Val. A most remarkable sale of eitra pood, real seal and novelty leath er Bags, most every wanted shape with gilt, silver or gunmetal frames; all well made. The values run to as hi?h as $12.50. Special "$4.98 fib I rl II l 11 II It II - V W VI A3 11 " - " " " '-'- isr 4 Ots at Q:3Q A. M. and Closes at 9:3Q P . m7 tore PY. 1 WnmoBrina Children 4 rii will jn ere iieriiuun J 1 I FancyNecKwear S2.25 Grades at 98c Don't miss this great cleanup sale of women's Gift Neckwear, which, fciin -rrv over, we will sacri fice. Each put up in neat holiday box. Several good lots comprised. QQ Values no to $2.25; special at iOt Scarfs S2.25 Grade 98c $2.75 Grade $1.48 $3.00 Grade $1.98 An immense showing of all the newest Evening Scarfs in the Dew Drop effects, in dainty chiffon. Imported novelties in Dresden, gold or silver-tinted novelties. Spanish hand-run lace effects, crepes, etc. All grouped for speedy selling. Up to $2.25 grades, 98c ; to $2.7o values, $1.48; to QO $3.00 values atDl70 All Marabou Sets, Muffs and Stoles V4 Off That beautiful, soft down of the Marabou stork and the Indian Adjutant bird so warm, so rich, so dainty. Our entire stock 1j - is reduced for this sale $2.25 Coat Hangers at 98c Hundreds of beautiful ribbon Coat Haneers, each prettier than the other; a most accept- Vle cif t. Worth $2.25; special at, ea. Cluny Lace 4 Off Our entire stock of Cluny Laces, in ecru, cream, etc, for making Christmas centerpieces. etc. These are priced at a certain saving oi 98c l4 $2.00 Collar Bags now at 98 $2.60 Collar Bags now $1.37 $3.00 Collar Bags now S1.78 A great selection of every wanted leather and style, black and all colors, extra large and well lined, at above reductions. 65c Xmas Ribbon 33c Attractive patterns and colors in dainty Silk Rib- QO bons; 65c grade, yd. OuC Sale of lOOO Dolls Beautiful LifeliKe Cunning , Hardly two alike in whole lot-we have selected all tte i o . i irom ,rJT JL ,io, .n Jl that have broken boxes, and divided them up into deferent lots to make choosing easy for you. Schools and churches take notice, here's your chance to supply your needs, GREAT CHRISTMAS SALE ir DrPssedDolh 15c 50c Dolls 25c Beautiful Dolls with bisque heads, curly hair, sleeping eyes; dressed in Himitv lawns, satin, etc.. hats to match, and with shoes and stock- " n -A. . ings. Our regular duo vaiues bi, speumi a nr attractive lot of dolls, with bisque heads, curly hair, sleeping and flirting eyes; dressed in lawns, crepes, etc., with saucy bonnets to matcn with shoes and stockings. These are f- all good 25c Dolls. Specially priced iuv 65c, 75c Dolls at 38c Such a pleasing lot some have sauor-siyie dresses and tailored effects. Some have "dainty lace-trimmed dresses. AH have.bisque heads ana sleeping eyes or flirting eyes, hats, shoes OQ and hose. Regular 65c, 75c Dolls, each $2.75. 3 Dolls $1.50 Little darlings, every one, have bisque heads and sleeping eyes; dressed in the height of fashion, dainty lace-trimmed dresses, with J rA picture hats. $2.75, $3.00 Dolls U X Vf rhe lines are limited, so better step lively- very doubtful ir tney wiu iasi me enure ujr. n auu - r . Kindlv Requested To Carry Small Parcels TKi. Will Relieve Condition snd Aid Delivery Men d Save tKe Hor., 25c S1.50. S2 Dolls 95c aI hpAntv- with bisoue XJii-ClXXVTJ V. v. j heads, sleeping and flirting eyes, with curly hair; dresses of lawns, satins, etc; rich bonnets to match. These are actual $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Dolls; specially priced at, eachiJC $4.50. $5 Dolls $2.75 $6.00$8Dolls$3.5C Only one of a kind and a limited lot of these most - -ii niio attractive faces, with sleen- ing eyes; dainty overlace and chiffon dresses and beautiful trimmed nats. negumrmy rjj A crt fin TiaIIo ot snecial J3m I J And the $6.00, $6.50 to $8.00 Dolls at S3.50 Sensational Sale Women's Waists $6.9Waists .98 $2, Hundreds of women are waiting for just such a sale. "We have gone vig orously through the stock in order to make this our greatest "Waist Sale. In this lot are chiffons, nets, messalines and taffetas with high or Dutch necks, long or short sleeves, with trimmings of braids, laces, frills, etc. Also a lot of Marquisette Jumpers, sizes 34 to 44 -reg. values to $b.ou, $2.98 ' $15 Waists $4-S $25 Waists $8J Child's Coats At l2 Price Children Dept. Beoond Floor Our entire stock of children's Coats, including all the fancy mixtures and novelties, as well as all black caraculs and plain cloths for children from 2 to 14 years of age; the most pleasing styles; all well made, and good values at $4.50 np to $25.00; now 2 SaleTea Aprons 75c 85c Values 39c Apron Dept. Second Floor. A splendid showing of women's white Swiss Tea Aprons, all daintily trimmed with lace and ribbon, and fine lawn Aprons with dainty scalloped edges. Our regular 75o and 85c val- QQ nes;. Specially priced at, ea. OI7C Rhavlt. Scarfs, ("an. LecrcriiiffS and Infants' Sweaters, offered at a reduction of OFF Holiday Specials All Parisian Ivory Goods specially priced at Y4 OFF All Mirrors, Hand Stand, etc., are included at OFF All Work Boxes placed on special sale at prices of 4 OFF All Fancy -Work Baskets are included in the sale, VA OFF All Scissor Sets are included at a reduction of OFF All Manicure Sets are placed on special saie at y4 uj j Raantifnl new. rich looking Waists of dainty messaline, chiffon, taffeta, nets, marqui settes, etc. Plain or fancy styles, with high necks and long sleeves or 6hort sleeves trimmed in laces, embroidery, fancy braids and bead trim mine : also a lot of changeable and plaid silks; dy QO values to $15 at tftffr.iO a a-rtonaivn assortment oi high-class Waists suitable for gifts, for evening wear, etc. The materials are nets, chiffons and marquisettes, styled with high necks and kimono sleeves, are trimmed with laces, hand-embroidered or beaded yoke ef fects. Beautiful Waists, worth to $25.00 on sale Q QQ now for only tDOitO S12.50 to $65. OO Waists V4 Off Christmas shoppers will rejoice at this announcement, i or today and Saturday we offer our entire stock of beautiful high-class Waists of chiffon, marquisette, fancy nets, silks, etc., trimmed witn irisn crocnei, nanu-eiiiuiuiiicxcu, ui uamij . -, itt etc. These $12.50 to $65.00 Waists on sale at a saving ot ' v $12.50 Waists reduced to only 9.38 $15.00 Waists reduced to $11.25 $18.50 Waists reduced to $13.88 $20.00 Waists $25.00 Waists $65.00 Waists reduced reduced Reduced to to to $15.00 518.75 548.75 ale of Toys $7 Trai'ii $4-95 Ask for Outfit No. 14 which consists of an engine y i j 7fp with 10-foot spring y2-inch wide, drive wneeia, wim V ft' iv' puton rods, brake and releasing roa in cao oj. eu- 1 if vine, one tender, one mail car, two day coaches, 14 CtiV feet ' track one tratd section and pr. QC -J If of switches. A splendid $7 Train; spL iD $1.50 Train 98c Train No. 1. made up of an en gine with 7-foot spring of fine tempered steel, one tender and 2 feet of track; weighs 50 ounces. A good $1.50 train, spe- Kine, one tender, one mail car, two day coaches, 14 of switches. A splendid $7 Train; spL $1.25 Train 85c Train No. 0, made np of a good engine with 6 -foot tempered steel spring, one tender, one .day coach, 8 feet of curved track; all AO packed in a strong dox. Q r- cially priced at only J OC II Our regular $1.25 value OJL 51.25 Stationary Motor at 85c The latest and greatest success in the Toy world a Stationary Motor made by the "Ives Co." who stand alone in the manufacture of such tovs. We have these motors in 5 sizes. In this sale we offer the "Winner," a battery motor with low consumption of energy a good power developer, has switch to throw on and off. self-adjust-ing brushes and mounted on an iron base. A reg. $1.25 toy for OuC 50c Crawling Beetle, Priced Special for This Sale Only at each, 35 55.00 Wagon $3.95 Hardwood Express Walton, adjuatabl. aeat. with dashboard; hardwood. ateW rim whcela; 16.00 0 QC wagon 50c Beetle at 35c Mechanical crawlinc Beetle: will crawl t. e1re of tahie. then turn and walk away from danger; a wonderful OC. S0c toy for JJ- raoiy"" 11- mi Women's Evening Coats and Wraps at V Women's Evening, and Street Gowns Off Wonderful Bargains in Wearing Apparel in Dept., 2d Floor All 5moKing Sets at 300 Vases V3 Price Crockery Dept. TTiird Floor nigh-class Vases of every style, shape and pattern, made of art pottery, china, etc.; the most pleasing assortment you would care to choose J in dose out Xmas Sale of Fancy Pillows To $4 Grades $1.69 To $7 Grades S1.98 You can't afford to miss this un- -1 ..1. Af filflfTQTI t Pillnws made up from the cuttings left from drapery work Velours, cretonnes, tapestries, etc. Material in one lot is worth d -1 fQ $2.50 to $4.00 each; special UJ X .Vi7 ti. .ik.. lrt is worth $4.50 tJ f f llic ui 11 ji ww " , - yto $7.00 each ; priced special All Furs At V2 Price A genuine, bona fide sale of our entire stock of women's and misses furs: ALL FUR COATS AT HALF ALL FUR SETS AT HALF ALL FUR MUFFS AT HALF ALL FUR SCAEFS AT HALF Svy lis y4off Art Furniture Dept., 3d floor. Mahogany and oak Smoking Sets in various styles, all well made, high-elass goods j. Choose from lot and, save ALL MAHOGANY SEWING TABLES ARE MATERIALLY REDUCED THIS WEEK. Entire StocK of La Valliers Reduced lfa A splendid variety for your selecr tion at the following prices : .00 La Valliers, special at S15.00 .00 La Valliers, special at S11.25 .00 La Valliers, special at S 7.50 .50 La Valliers, special at S 5.63 ,00. La Valliers, special at S 3.75 Jewelry Counter First Floor 5 Velvet Bags $2.98 $3- Velvet Bag's $1 In the main aisle, first floor, a sale of all the newest things in Velvet Bags, with gilt or silver frames, long cordelier handles, best lining, coin purse inside. The $5.00 Bags are placed on 6ale at fhi QQ $2.98 and the $3.50 Bags for only Jl.i70 Xmas Umbrellas WitH Attractive Handles $3.50 Umbrellas $2.95 Ladies' 26-inch Gloria Umbrellas, made with the best paragon frames, fitted with a beautiful as sortment of handles ; regular $3.50 values; are placed (tn QJ on special sale at Dm.c4? $5.00 Umbrellas $4.45 An assortment of men's 28-inch silk and linen Umbrellas, with frames: warranted water proof, fitted with attractive handles; $o values for sale at only iU. OlUlUVU'w $4.45 $7.50 Umbrellas $5.95 Women's 26-inch all-silk Umbrel las, with paragon frames and Fox frames fitted with a beauti ful assortment of handles ; $7 50 values on special Ci C O E sale at this sale at i)0.c0 $7.50 Umbrellas $5.95 Men's silk Umbrellas, 28-inch size, twilled or plain, with Paragon frames, guaranteed water-proof tops, plain or silver tnmmea nan- dies : the reeular $7.50 values at only $5.95 S1.75 Umbrellas, Special for $1.27 Women's 26-inch Umbrellas witn rainprooi xops uu k" """'J steel frames, all fitted with good handles in pleasing A tjw patterns, good sellers at $1.75, special each only All TTmbrellas over $5.00 reduced Take advantage of these offerings. lOOO Men's $2.50 Sweaters $1.35 It-is doubtful if a Sweater was ever made which would wear as well, fit as well and look as well as tms one unies n sold at double this price. 1000 in this lot, bought way under price, especially for a Christmas leader. Heavy cardigan knit wool Sweaters, with V-neck, coat style, with pockets; colors are oxford, red and brown; all sizes in the j1 OC lot. Regular $2.50 values, priced special at only .V S5.00 Sweaters S2.95 er Jackets of all wool in th. fancy Hitch, V-neck styles, colors are oxtord, brown, tan, cardinal and green; sizes 34. 36 and 3S, for small or medium sire CO QC men. Our repular $5.00 vaU, P- 50c Suspenders 23c 3000 pairs of good, strong eiasuo us lisle webs, fancy backlesQQ leather ends; 50c values, special tu S1.50 Smoenders 89c Fancy silk Suspenders in plain or fancy patterns, inlaid enamel, rolled silver and gilt buckles, each in a Christmas QQC box; regular $1.50 values, special at JV' $3 to S4 Sweaters $2.15 Heavy Cardigan knit wool jersey Sweaters, with turtle necks, oxford, red and navy; our retrular $3.00, $3.50 and tO 1 R -l no v'rW . snecial. for this sale V- Store open until 9x30 P. M. every night this weeK A Bift' Sale of Gifts For Men i nn and S1.50 Set for 69c Beautiful three-piece aets of Silk Suspenders, Ann Hand and Garters to match, put up m fancy gQc Christmas boxes, worth $1.00 and $1.50, for"'' Men's 50c Bat Wing Ties at 23c 1500 pure silk Ties, in the bat wine styles, plain or in fancy figures and stripes; good oOe values, very spec'il!.T P"e'd for ,hi le ' onI-T 'ftcn' 20c Japanette Kerchiefs lOc ... . : .-1 n,..lt. Jnantt Handkerchiefs, with fancy colored. centers and borders; our best 1 Qc rpalar 20c values, bargainized for only, each, VK" 1 Morcerlzed Sox Box 75c Medium weight, fine quality socks, seamless, in black or colors, all sizes, mercerized finish; our regu- yC lar 25c values, the box of four pairs for only "Everlasting" CD. "Service Sox" The two best brands. Come in medium arid heavy weight ; black or colors; put up in boxes of fljl Of5 six pairs; offered special for this sale, box r Pure Thread SilK Sox S1.20 Guaranteed pure-thread Silk Socks with i heavy rein forced heels and toes: come in black and all CI OQ colors: offered special, box of atx pairs for V Food Specials For Yotir Christmas Dinner Phone Your Orders Exchange 12 A 6231 Atmore's Mince Meat in bulk, lb., 16 Atmore's Mlnca Meat In Jara. 3 lba.. 75 Atmore s Mince Meat in pall. S lbe- fEC Atmore's Plum Puddlns, 1-lb. cana, 30C Atmore's Plum Pudding, Z-lb. cans., 55 Atmore's Plum Pudding, 8-lb. cans, 85c Atmore'a Plum Pud'd, 4-lb. cans 1.15 Olive Oil. Dr. Mock'i in boUes, Sl.OO Mammoth Queen Olives. 75c bottlea 50 Fancy Layer Ralains. special, lb.. 20 Choice IJiyer Raialna. 2-lb. box, at 30e F"ancy Laver Ralslna. 2-lb. box. at 50 Exlra Fancy Ralslna. 2-lb. box. at 60 Fancy Layer Ralslna. 5-lb. box. 91. Ext. Fancy Layer Raialna. S lbs. S1.50 Best Tillamook Cheese, per pound. 2gC Engllah Nuta, the pound, at only 18 Soft Bhell Almonds, per pound, at 20 Fllberta aelllnr at. per lb, only 18 Brazil Nuts, the pound, at only lg Pecan Nuta, priced at. per pound. 18 Italian Cheatnuta. two pounda for 25 Orangea at. per dosen, 25 to 5y Popcorn priced here at pounds 2t Imported Malaga, can at only fiO New Golden Dates 15 lb- 1 lbs. 2o New Imp ted Date 20 lb, 1 lb;. 35 Citron Peel at. apeclal. per pound. 18 Orange and Lemon PeeL pound, 16 Mixed Peels, special at. 1 pounds, 35 Westphalia Ham. per pound, only 75 Glen wood Butter. 2-pound square. 0 Smyrna Figs, genuine Imp ted. lb, 20 Mixed Nuts. best. lb. 20. 6 ;. 90 California Shelled Almonds, pound. 45 California Shelled Walnute. pound. 45 Jersey Cranberries, East'rn, 2 qts, 25 Mowat'a Seeded Ralslna, pound at lO Good Seeded Ralslna. 1-lb. pkgs, at He IS-ox pkg. good Seeded Ralslne for 7 Queen Olives In bulk, reg. oc qt 45 Maine .Corn. 2 cans 25. dox, 1.40 Peas, Oneida Co, 2Sc can. dox. $2.75 Peas. Imported French, per can. 23 Muahrooms. Imported French, can, 25 Tomatoes. Hunt's Solid Pack. 2 c ns 2o California Grape Fruit, sp'l. each, K Boiled elder, pint 20. quart at 35 r.MAsv te-rr..i Salf of Men's S1.50 and S2.00 SHirts Now on Sale at a m rl THaa 1 95c $2 Pajamas V $1.35 800 suits of men 's Pajamas, made of good quality flannelette, in pink and blue stripes, with military col lar and pocket, fastened with silk frogs and. pearl but- d1 OC tons; $2.00 values for P Men's 75c Gowns at 45c Good quality Flannelette Gowns, in fancy pink and blue stripes with military collars and pockets; pearl buttons; all sizes. Regular IC 75c values, special at only Men's Corner, Main rioor, Sample Shirts in plain or plait ed bosoms, with cuffs attached. They are made of fine French percale, woven madras, Russian cords, etc in hundreds of neat hairline stripes and figures. Each one put up in a pretty Christmas box. $1.50 and QCm $2 values, special at only ''' - $1.25 Arm Bands 35c Fancy cable and frilled Silk Arm Bands, with gilt enamel and fancy buckles, put np in Jap anese box; 75c, $1.00 andOCp .$1.25 values, special for'-' Ordflr f5" hv Store Open Evenings. Great Sale of Christmas Slippers Daniel Green's QQ ?R2.?0 Sllooers at tP-f ' A sale of the .famous Daniel Green Felt Romeo Slippers for women, made of the finest fur felt and trimmed in natural fur and beautiful ribbons, in baby blue, pale pink, chinchilla gray,, brown, dark blue, tfjl QQ wine, catawba, etc; wool heels; $2.50 vals. r Men's $2.50 Slippers at $2.19 Brown Kid Operas, full ooze lined vamp to toe, the best wearing and most comfortable of all $2.50 Q9 1 Q slippers; offered special during this sale at V- wmnViK2.00SlitTersS1.39 Here's where yon get value, "Women's high-grade felt Slippers in all colors and sizes; our best tfjl OQ regular $2.00 values, on special sale at, pr. V '' Men's$2,$2.50 Slippers $1.69 Center aisle, north main floor, a sale of men's Romeo, Everett and opera style Slippers, worth $2 Q CX and $2.50 a pair, offered at the low price ofV"7 Children's 75c Slippers 49c Children's Felt Slippers with leather tips, in ; "dQc or black; very good grades; regular 7oe sellers