' TTTE MORNING OREGOyiAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1911. . " K V fciiM v CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OBICOM1K TEUrUOKU. frtnim c-rtv-n ... city c:ig:it!oa .. aurciay Editor ... lomp)iinf-rMi Mala TT9 A es Mala 7OT0 A ".Ml ......Mam 7070 A S"S ...... M.IO T'7l A J Utia T'lTO A 5 .Mala T00 A evai AStCSCVE-TS. HCTLM THEATtR ie.nth and Tarlor Waa.nh.i: A Krr.rr pra-nt l.'ie comedy. "sn I'a-.." Ton.gtil at s.l- BAKCR THEATER lElerwith and Marrt .oj GTBa fcnn.r and Oartrude Hutcae aoa la "Tlkrae Twlna" Too.ftU al OTfRECH TH5 ATKR iMnriaoa. "'h and iv-nthi Vaud.ll:e. Thte al ttraofB at a 11 and ton:cnt at t:l. flN'TAOC! THEATER evant and Al. irl Vitdmiii. Ttiia aXteraeea a l:le; lontahi al III and a. EJfPHt THEATER (Park and Washing ton Vau?vlj.e. Th!a aftaraooa at and ton!nt at 7:SO and A. X.TRIC THEATER F-orta e4 !ark Mj:eal romady. 'Tn Olri and the Prlnc.- TkiU aftornooa at 2 SO tod to a:st al T o and li- TAR. ARCADE. OH JOT, ODro!C. TtVO U tVat-raa IMorn. It A. M.-U P. at jionci to wTucimt M Oraare far eaplae af tas TaaB Orwatlaa. wale arlU ba leaoea aa Jaa aaur 1. 11. la aa aaat ! frtrada. eh.ala aa aaat (a Tba Oraaoalaa al rmiCB CEXTS. la tiva Tnitad Ptaloa m raaada aa MnJe. esate. fwan aaataca. a mta. A4dfM. Taa oreaealaa, rertlaaeV, Or. AdTanlaamraia lataaArd far tba City Nawa aa Brtof calomew ta aaadar'a laaaa aaaat aa aaaeVe) ta Taa Orraoalaa aaxlneae office ar e'rleva at onlay eolna- WoormH to Hati ruaimu Tata. Multnomah Camp. S-k 7T, Woodmen rf lha World, will hold Its annual 'hrltma ftlvltlr tonight In tho rm!l on Ejc Sixth, near Alder street. Children in families of members of tha order mho ni.ny ba In need hava been listed and will ba fnrnl.'hed trans portation to the halt Two larva trees hava been set up In tha hall and both will be ladn with presents. A committee has bourne 20 boxes of randies for the children and many boxes of apples and oranges will be liMrlbuted- A seven-piece orchestra will play. The committees were In structed by Multnomah Camp to see that every family not able to purchase a turkey la provided with one and :1 widows of camp members will re ceive turkey today or tomorrow for Christmas. Clerk Wilson announced that 150 turkeys will ba distributed today and tomorrow to thosa who hare turned in applications for membership. It la expected to initiate 300 candl datea January 13. Mot-NT Tanot KxTCNBto ix Vraw. Chairman J. Kennard has called a meet Ins; of tha street railway extension committee of Pouth Mount Tabor to night at the Hotrth Mount Tabor school house to complete arrnnrements for a canvass for funds for constructing: the extension. This meeting is held to divide up the territory to ba covered Xrom Kast Plxtteth street eastward among tha different members of the: committee, that the work may ba done thoroughly. It la proposed to raise about lO.And to be us4 In the con struction of a street railway that will probably connect with the Hawthorn avenue Una. The Mount Hood Railway JL f'ower Company may build tha ex tension. Faster Work Asked. Workmen In the city sewer repair department have become Impatient over the delay of Mayor Rushlight's special Council committee to Investigate salaries of city employes. Tho workmen hava petitions In for Increases from 13.(0 a i.iy to llort a month. Yesterday the Mayor received the following letter: A. C. Rushlight. Dear fir Seeing that you hAva appointed a committee to In vestigate and regulate the wages of city employes we humbly ask you to urge this comm'ttea to hasten Its work. Respectfulty yours, K. Ptevena. J. 8. andergost and K. Walsh." TA.swia.1. Aoux Rebi-kcd. Muni cipal J u.l ire Taxwell was again Judi cially rebuked by I'reaUiinz Judga linens of tha Circuit Court yesterday when the latter cut from tlio to $100 the fine of Ji.-k Ogden. a bartender convicted In Municipal Court last tv.to ber of selling liquor to J. F. Walker, an Intoxicated man. Ouden was em ployed in a saloon at Front ami Madt .n streets. He appealed from JudK Taxwcll'a decision. JiTATd UACTKRmUXMST IMPROVE. Mate B.trterl.loi;lst f'rrnot. mho has been 111 at his home, at 6:S Kast Twen-ty-rtrst street North, with broncho pneumonia for the last two weeks, tat up for the first time yesterday. Ir. CaJvin S. White, who has been at tending hlrn. says It will probably be a week or ten 1j)I before he will be able to be about. 17500 Asked ret Falsb Arrcst. Charging false arrest on a charge of larceny by bailee. Clyde W. Keeves yes terday eiarte.1 suit In the Circuit Court to recover ITioO damages from E. Jef fries. Reeves says In his complaint that he was arrested June 1 and was f.trced to give f.'.i'HU ball. He was ac quitted by Municipal Judge Taswrll June 2 I CiiARi.ra Roman TO SrtAK Perv-li-ee will be held In Congreg At I on Ahaval fholom Synagogue. Park and Clay streets, tonight at S o'clock. Charles Koblaon will adJress the con cregatlon tomorrow morn'ti'g. Servicer will bt't'.n at :3 o'clock. Rabbi It. Abrahameon officiating. T. W. C. A. Gum Tra Tot Msicr. Frl lay. Pcember li: Corn soup, oyster stew, ri'ast beef, baked hsJtbut. tar tare sauce, stuffed peppers, buttered asparagus. tomatoes. fruit salad. chUken salad, vegetable salad, ginger cake, with hipped cream: berry pie. ice cream with cake. NoTlCg TO fXrOSTTORS AtfERlCASI Bi s. Those desiring to realise 100 cents on the dollar on their American Hank depoatts ara requested to send us name and address. If yru win also atata amount of your balance It will help. Address box AO . Oregonlan. riRTmo.vr Sltidat S.-hooi. Exrcisj;s TtJsEo- Tha annual Sunday school entertainment of Piedmont Tresby terlan Church wtll be held tonight. A painstaking effort has been made on a programme, and Piedmont haa a full share of musical talent. 1-lRt-ntOfS Btttini" Popcorr. Just received a carload of Iowa's best rorn. r'P tr lrs: popped In the beet creamery butter. If you want the best we hava It. Tha Puritan. Fifth c ml Morrison streets. Christmas at thr Bowers. Christmas dinner will ba serYed In the beautiful Hotel Bowers Ortll from 4 to I0 on Monday. Concert by Nason's full stringed orchestra. 11.60 per plate. For Saus. Northeast corner Tenth an l Cillsan ituvlO0). Inqulr of iYltx Ptroebel. sec of Strobel Barenstecher Iind Company. 134 Sixth. Chixa. 5lasswar axo Frabses. C.lfts for all. Bailey A Co.. 424 Wash ington, between Eleventh and Twalfth. f-' at iss watch repairing, diamonds, watches and Jewelry. C Chrlatensen. second floor Corbett bMg. ' HrDso.fs Oc Store. 110 Third st, open evenings this week. SRATisa todAr H dr Oaka Rink. m L, MriTH. Jeweler. 11 7th st. m WASHixc3To?i-STngrr Prwi-rr- Muter. Oven 1'riuay evening until i;30 I'. M. toTta oi East Stark Wastid. Tba Montavllla Business Men's Club haa been asked to Indorse s, movement to get a streetcar line built on East Starjt street between Union avenue and East Ninetieth street In Montavllla. A. E. Meaerve. who lives on East Stark street, attended the meeting Wednes day night In Warren's hall on the Base Line road, and presented tha sub ject for tha. consideration of the club. He said that the property owners gen erally want the carllne built on East Stark street and will assist In getting the company a franchise. He said that the Interested property owners on Union avenue near East Stark hava signed the. petition and will work for the extension. The petition for the car line Is addressed to the Portland Ball way. Light St Power Company. East Stark street was first selected by the Mount Hood Railway Power Com pany, but waa abandoned for another reuse. Civil Serticw Tists Set. The United States Civil Service Commis sion announces that the following ex aminations will be held to secure ellgl bles and fill vacancies In the different departments: Press feeder (female), Jsnuary 10; negative cutter, January 13; testing machine mechanic January 11; telephone lineman, Jsnuary 11; food and drug Inapector, January 17-ls; architectural and structural steel draftsman. January 17-18: law clerk, stenographer and typewriter. January 17-1; topographic draftsman. January 17-lt: telegraph operator. January 17. Further Information with reference to these examlnatlona can be secured from Z. A. Leigh at the Portland Postofflce. Si-rr Filax to SRixa FrRJurrrRX. To cbtaln possession of the furnishings of the Meredith, an apartment-house, at 711-14 Washington street, or 17500. their value, and 11000 special damages L Oevurta at Son yesterday commenced suit In the Circuit Court against Wil liam Balxhlser. In the complaint It Is alleged that Harriet A. Henderson, a former owner of the apaf tment-house. gave her note for I4S00 January 1. the amount to be paid at the rate of 1160 a month. In the note It waa provided that failure to pay a monthly Install ment would make the whole amount due on the note Immediately payable. Balxhlser. It Is alleged, haa become delinquent In his payments. COXTRACTORa Bt-AsTSD FOR DEATH. Responsibility of the Hurley-Mason Company, contractors, was found by a Coroner's Jury to exist In the case of Jrk W. Parllng. a plumber, who was killed Wednesday, while working on the new Llpman. Wdlfe at Co. building, at Fifth and Washington streets. Parllng was struck by a timber which fell from an upper story and the Jury found that proper precautions had not been taken against such an accident. The hearing was attended by a number of attorneys and It is probable that the rnding of the Jury will furnish material for a civil suit. DAMAoa Si-rr Settled. The trial of John Matthews against the Leonard Construction Company In the United States Circuit Court for 110.000 dam ages ended suddenly yesterday, when the attorneys announced that they had agreed upon a settlement and asked that the suit be dismissed. It was al leged that the plaintiff was working for the defendant in excavating the site for the new Multnomah Hotel and that without warning some Iron girders fell on him. causing permanent injuries. The amount arrived at In the settle ment was not disclosed. White Salmor Resipert Drca Herb. James Cox. of White Salmon. Wash.. died in Portland, December 10. at the aga of T5 years. He Is survived by his widow. Mrs. Ellia Cox. and the follow ing children: Charles Hugh L.. James and Robert Cox. of Portland: Joseph and Arthur Cox. of White Salmon; John Cox. of Goble. Or., and Mrs. Blanche Rice and Mrs. Emma Dupont. of Harri son. Idaho. The funeral will be held from St Mary's Church, at Williams avenue and Stanton street, tomorrow morning. Interment will be made In Mount Calvary Cemetery. Hai Price. Am. Ftrs. Closlng-out sale. Grand Leader. 146 Seventh, bet. Morrison and Alder. Fvra. Half FRtra. Closlng-out sale. Grand Leader. 14S Seventh, bet. Mor rison and Alder. But Her Ftrs at half price, at Grand Leader. 145 Seventh, bet. Morrison and Alder. W" as hixotor -Street Poiuc Market. Open Friday evening until 1:10 P. M. Dr. One F. Akix. Corbett bldg.. has returned. The Beet Xntaa Gift. A wonderful story of the times be fore the railroad. "Fifteen Thousand Miles by Utage,- by Carrie Adell Stra horn. Illustrated In colore by Russell. Intensely Interesting. The Western book of the tar. if If In a k Hvurry . J i pi H You've Delayed Too Long and Don't Know What to Give7 We are prepared for rou this season and have a Special "Rush" Coun ter, close to both en- I trances, piled high with filled packages of Swetland's Quality . Sweets . -e. t J Assorted uon nous mu Chocolates or Chocolates alone. Thrse in holly design boxes and wrapped in holly paper sizes 'z lb. to 5 lbs. They are already filled and You Don't Have to Wait s 9CPVUA MOtX How Much Will You Spend for Christmas? and how will you pay for the gift things you buy f Pay cash for all you -can and have the balance charged till after January 11 and then spend vain able hours making trips to pay your bills I Here's a better system. Open a checking ac-x count with this bank. Pay all bills by check and always leave a rea-' sonable balance. You 11 find it so much easier to save that by next Christmas you'll have added several hun dred dollars to your capital. We welcome an account of any site. Portland Trust Company of Oregon Third avnd Oak Streets 3 u.i i.iv..juv.a i a.asiaairreassaaaavp aaesi -.. ' . - ..: X .-. 1 J-' et r-r-K-ie-,-- .A- I T 1111 .vi.'iv" ;-.:r 1i-i'.'VrT-ia..Vx-'s.:-a.-.3Cj FUEL PRICES REDUCED. Short, green elabwood $2.75 per load; blockwood. cordwood. oak, ash, fir, coal, four-foot elabwood. Banfleld Veysey Fuel Co.. 75 6th st. Main 36J. Sawdust for stables and butchers. CHRISTMAS AT THE BEACH Hotel Moore Is steam heated, warm and comfortable aa your own home. Ppend your vaoation at Seaside, Or. Open all yea:-. GENUINE INDIAN CURIOS. Navajo blankata. baskets and bead work. 40 Morrison street. Wah-ta-Wa.o. AT THEQUELLE. Plenty larce. juicy Tamhlll crawfish. Clolnc-room for ladles. Ith and Stark. PE.XXET BROS.' FK1DAT SFGCLaU We offer our $2 wines at II a rallon: II. iO wines at 7So a arallon: 8tralht Kentucky Whisky, seven reara old. reaular 14.60. at H-60 a gallon: Ken tucky whisky, rea-ular $3.60. at 2 oO a fallon; 13 arade whisky. $2.10 a icallon. rlday only. S7 E. Morrison st. Phones East i$7. B 142. Tree delivery. Pianos Rented S3 Monthly. Kohler Chase. $75 Washing-ton st The House of mM& Fort land's Fashion Center. Shirt Special for Xmas Regular $1.50 Quality for 95c Xtra Special Sale All New Fancy Suspenders 75c Fancy Suspenders .65 $1.00 Fancy Suspenders 85? $1.25 Fancy Suspenders 95e $1.50 Fancy Suspenders $115 $2.00 Fancy Suspenders $1.60 $2.50 Fancy Suspenders $1.75 Xtra Special Sale All Mufflers and Dress Protectors $1.00 Mufflers .... $1.50 Mufflers $2.00 Mufflers $2.50 Mufflers $3.00 Dress Protectors. $3.50 Dress Protectors. $5.00 Dress Protectors. $7.50 Dress Protectors. . . . . 85 i . . $1.25 . . $1.65 . . $1.95 ..$2.35 . . $2.85 ..$4.45 . .$6.75 Headquarters for Xmas Gifts for Men and Boys Do your shopping here; no waiting, no red tape, you will be given prompt attention by courteous and intelligent salesmen who know their business and can assist you in making your selection. The character of our merchandise is in keeping with the high standard of our store. Gifts selected here will be doubly appreciated by the recipient. They're bought by men and sold by men for men. A, Gift that will please every man is an order for a Brook $3.00 Hat, a Stet son Hat $4 to $10, a You man Hat at $5, an Austrian Velour $5.00 and $6.00. AN IDEAL GIFT 45 rii,, rtf-riot- $1 to $5.00 Lest you forget the Prac-. tical Gift an A. B. Steinbach Co. Suit or Overcoat $15 to$50 We are Sole Agents for Hole proof Hose for men, women and children. 6 pair guaran teed 6 months. - 4th and Moniaoa. Port Mod's Fashion Cemter Since 1SOS. XMAS AT THE IMPERIAL I am sous disteibuter of Special table d'hote dinner, $1.80; from & to 9 P. M.. served in a beauti ful dining-room In the midst of tasty Christmas decorations. Reserve your tables now. Phones: Main 64S1. A 5803. F. W. BALTES AND COMPANY PRINTING Main 163. A 1165 First and Oak CCHWAB PRINTING CO OSOLICITS YOUR PATRON ACE Q45i STARK 'STREET DO YOU LIKE GOOD THINGS TO EAT 7 Call at our store and see our line of CHRISTMAS GOODIES. L. Mayer s& Co. PORTLAND'S OLDEST GROCERS 148 THIRD STREET A 4432, Main 9432 JUST A LITTLE BIT DIFFERENT, For Your Christmas Dinner: New Jersey Sweet Potatoes, fresh Green String Beans, Hothouse Cucumbers, Artichokes, Celery Hearts, Fancy . Bed Tomatoes, Bed and Yellow Bananas, Virginia Hams, "a treat"; Mandarin Oranges on stems, Shelled Nut Meats, Malaga Eaisins, Malaga Grapes "for salad," Pommeresche Goose Breasts, Imported Cammerbert, St. Johnsbury Crackers, Sparkling Sauterne, Sparkling Bur gundy, Champagne, all brands; Bar le Due, Mammoth Ripe Olives. For Gifts, We Suggest: California Glace Fruits in 1-lb., 2-lb., and 3-lb. boxes. Gilt Baskets from $3.50 to $25.00. .See window display. Fancy Nurnburger Lebkuchen, Stuffed Figs and Dates, in baskets and jars. To Our Host of Customers: , We would suggest that you think of as many of your needs today as you can, so we may give you individual attention. We will deliver your order early Saturday morning, as we have equipped our delivery department . with extra autos, which will keep our "Promptness in Delivering" up to the reputation we have established. OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY. "A cordial invitation to the Newcomer." ' CHARLES THE GREAT Clear Havana Cigars -$1.00 Per Box, Up TANTOS Porto Rico Cigars Perfectos and Panetelas Box of 50 at $2.00 All Leading Brands of Cigars Pipe and Smoking Articles SI. S. RICH CIGAR MAN , 267 MORRISON STREET Bet. Third and Fourth BEaPORB AXD AFTER. No More Colds for Bald Men Thousands of bald men in Port land and neighboring cities es cape colds by .wearing OUR FAMOUS TOUPES They are so perfectly construct ed tbst no one can tell it isn't your own growth of hair. . Let us demonstrate. Privacy assured. Mail orders filled. PARIS HAIR GO. - FEB VET & HANT3BUT, 147 Beventn St Near Morrison. HOME BUILDERS ytm arc contractors and will farntaa lot and flnanca tba building of a bom for you on caiy payment!. W atva rcfarancaa and aak rafarancea.' WYATT, EITABBOOK at RAT. SOI Cnea Bid. Pkra, Mala 4311. Main or A Hll J. I. urrKH, rKEYSTONE V 7 'il1: press SEALY-LOWELL CO. GEOCERS, BAKERS, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS. In addition to the countless good things intended especially for Christmas, we have today; Hood River Spitzenbergs, "A" grade, for, box $1.50 These Apples are good for cooking or any purpose where EXTRA fancy fruit is not required. TOR BREAKFAST TRY OUR Fine Kippered Herring, per dozen 50 FRESH TODAY FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER Corn-Fed Turkeys of Extra Quality, Pound, 27c CHAMPAGNE Mumm's, White Seal, or Cliquot, quarts, $3.25; pints $1.75 2 pounds extra fancy Mixed Nuts 45 Port or Sherry, per gallon, up from $1.50 We will not open on Christmas day, but there will be somebody in attendance at the store on Sunday morning between 8 AM. and 11 ,A. M. for the purpose of adjusting any mistakes that may occur on Saturday yon can reach us by telephone on Sunday morning. Phone Main 7200, A 6181. 288, 290, 292 STARK STREET ACREAGE One to five-acre tracts on electric line near Portland. Richest soil in Oregon. Near new and rapidly grow ing suburban town. Prices reasonable with easy terms. Call at our office for literature and informa tion about the richest farm lands in the Northwest Ruth Trust Company 235 Stark Street Portland, Oregon O. A. C. Short Courses Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks Evary citizen of Oreaon la oordtalljr Inrlted to 1fll T attend the short couraea of the Oregon AgTioul T I II I . tural College, beginning- January 8. Eleven dla- J taS tlnctlve couraea will be offered In Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art. Com A merce. Forestry and Music. Every course Is de A ff M alsnad to HELP the student In his dally work. XaXYXj Make this a pleasant and profitable Winter out Ins. No tuition. Reasonable accommodations. For tltari ra 1 T"V beautiful Illustrated bulletin, address I M W I I L II H. M. TBNNAN'T. Registrar. Corralllay Or. ' Far as era' Bnalaeaa conra by Corrcapoadeaoa. Foster & Kleiser AB13a High Grade Commercial aaa Klcatu. J .STElI.l SIGNS TaiIor aaV a 447 AI.DF.R ST. Baa aavatk a.d East Bventt Stmta. POXT MISS THE SALE. Faoaea Kaat Ilia. XI34, 1 A