TTIE 3IORXIXG OKEGOXIAX. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1911. 17 AMrr-wTvr. SEAT SALE OPENS TOP AT II p j , t - 1 rt HATE K. I! X A. 1 VJ aBl j,,r. passes Mala 1 and A li: -4 2GHT9. BEOIVNIJiO TUTIWDAT Opeetel !UlM (Mania. -Vtcl-1 Krntpfr CrwBt The Comedy Kit 7 DAYS Evenings: Lower floor . l-50t, b$L0O; rows, BOc; gallery, reserved. 3.V-; admis sion, 2-V. Saturday mtUnt: $10O, 75w 60c 3ic 24c BAKER " V Vfaw r.o L. B'-rr. M r Tonight All We- Matlns. Vdnfcl7. 5v4 Ss.tLirH.i- 2fw- SOf Jo. M.' Un.ui muiicti comedy SJCCeJ. "THRU TTX" OrMt Company of tin. wit-i George Ebres and Gertrude Htcheon. rirst time at pP u'ar price. Se tne Tama Yim girl. J!vn!r. 2-V. 5V. 75r. $1. Next W Qrg ptdney In "Paty Tsxy. MAI-: A .MATIN EE Et l RT DAT I.GHfJ 1 THEATER m- HTFK DMFMBKK H H- C. rant ley ad (ompuj; Oordon Fldrtrf Md fnpyj fus-a- safjH I wi. - ihlmil llhlte: fr'rlix 4 Calre-t Tht Fllr Trt; OntormJ la aod o.oi warid i fcirnti MuTing nnurffc Mafias Every Dax- e ' Farmer!. irnd. ' a,itllra. foo.idine. eule lie. a . kl' ttrr -CRe-st t 4an. Hnrklee. yim. llArtnolrtt. 1 wtaim. .Newell aad Mhlo. Belle Mion. H.rrjr Thompson. Ra ma and i lare, Ilffhwiri. Frio lAe and iAe. 'ti MatlBvo p.11. wrrK nwrrxiint i Mr. Harry ti.. -.j ... . T iimihm and MIM Irar- rell: nnnt llw rifM ; I'ulunrvpr: Ml Bern.i Tiv Meinolte-L. ole Trwop.. Boar. and ftr.i raw haleooj rrarrrfn. t ntMiee: . til. Mala 4I 1. Irra, lie and Sir. r- tala 7:t aaq a. LYRIC IHIATXI IOIRTH A.NO BliU ALL IH1J TVEE7TC. r.TK fROf. I)MH MTTTI. 1 Tut: trIM,L.-r OLU MAN. The Keating- Flood Mualcal Comedy Co. MB E r iVIk TH P" PRIVrE, 2 Sl 7 SO. 1J. .'o andJ.Vl. University of Oregon GLEE CLUB 0XAPTT BOr.. K'TV KTSW, t UKTKB Ft So )' lada. uiiii Tiirittii nr.ii.. pkc. to. T.k.i' .ml iluoJil. J'rlcra r HIV. T.V-. fl. J I N E RAX NOTICES. . . v-r-- i n t.iM r,iv EctnbrT 1 "C a lat"rr'.drnce. !3u alrrrl. Ry. O'Orae William Oitvon-y. D. V. as-i J'-'- Frlenda Invited to attend Vn,'r' . "LV r.-ra! parlor. Third and Salmon treet. ai II A. M tomorrow iun)'. . .. iri-r ih. run.lulon of rr 'Iw'r'malu will ronvryrd br i"lal elrcirit- rir to Oron City for ri . a w- In ihl. . 1 1 v lrnNT IV at th r-.irt.n.'i. ttl!4 at itark alrrrt n....,-a it Clark. ord Itl yara Tne i mrv.x.l y a hunhand and io chiidrm Ko.. Clark, of thu city, and Vr C. f run. of liaaton. Or. The fun tral aric.ii -111 b h'ld at Klnloya at !. K M. Wcdneaday. Dcm- b-r !''. Frlenda Invitrd. .mf.t-t.. t r.m.mi of V r Rita White, of C;ifi--rd Whllr. and duchtrr of K-nma D. Itarh and Rrand.WuKhter of the i.,. i .n.i v l'ah. will be hrld at t"iiiie"a i har-l at 2 I". M Tucrtay. ro. IJ ntrri:i-nt in SUwo.t crmelery. ttl. s;.okan. Tort Toh.rnd and Juiirau papra pleaae copy. Frlenda In vilrd. PEJ1PJKT In thte city. Pcembr IT. t her rciidearr. ij "in -..? .--- ' (1 . 1 mnntlil. 27 dlVI. Funeral from tne above reldnce at i a M. tomorrow wruu.j;. ... aA ih. r-athlrai. lAth and Davll imvirn at A. M. Frlenda In vited. Intrrmtnt ID Mu Calvary Ceme tery. PTITT At late rraldrnre. til Tnlon avenue orth. Uecembrr in, vv lui.m o..... aed Si yeara. montha. ft daya irvlted to attend funrral aervicea, whlrb will be held at Holman a funeral parlora. Third and Pa.mon atrfta. at 1 P. M- to day tTuday. Deermber It. Interment la Rlrervlea- Cemetetry. ABPis In thia el'y. at the realdenee. .'-5 Tlbbetta atreeu iwimprr j. junn j.... aaed & yrara Fumral will take l1'"-' from lunnlna at ji -ldini coarwi revrmher at A- M. Serv- i. .. .t SL Mu hael'a Church. 8 :AO A. M. Interment ML Calvary Cemetery. BOWMAN" At the reetdence. S Eaat Tar if .imt December II. Carrie Paulln Howmaru aaed il ycara. 1 m.iM. 12 daya Frlenda Invited to attend tne funeral eer lca. wht h be held at the above rcl dence today (Tucadayi. at I HO P. M. la tenuent at Rtvervlew Cemetery. WILLIAMS At Kenton. Pecember 1. Jamea H. Willlama. aed 67 yeara Fun eral aery-lcea will be h'd at Dunnlnc a McKntee a chapel Wedr.eadar. leoem ber ;o. at l-M V. l Fitenda rcapeitfuiiy invited. Remaina will be taaea to tne Crematorium. LEtt'lf The funeral arvlrea of Hannah v im. wil he h-ld at her late reai- dence. Sill Eat .d etreel. K-. at 2 P M. t..lay tTu-adaTi. December 11. Frfenda invited. Interment Multnomaa Cemetery. alFLHRVM Funeral aerrlcea of the late Mra tutrenie C. Mr. drum will be held todae iTue:davi. December II. at the family residence. SO- 7th at.. Oreaon City. Or. Frlenda of the family Invited. LINPHAI. At the Good Samaritan Hos pital. Iecember 17, O'jetave J. Uln.lhal. aa.d M yeara. The remaina will be taken Iv e peaiaon Conirany for interment at Warren, or., unlay tTuexlay) at II A. M. WHITE The funeral aenlcea of Varaaret White will be h.ld at Ftnleye rbapel at 2 V. M. today iTueedayt. Frienda Invited. Inrermer.t .-e.lwood Cemetery. XtjyKTH IXORAL CO, MAKvjCAJa HLAK). ILUU.II. aK.lvNdv raaee.:. Mala Huti A 11. bmaalaa A Mr Fntee. Funeral Din lufc Tth aaw Tina. l'Ueoe Mala 43. LaaLy aa. atetaat. Orrica af Cenaty tereaer. A K- IEU F.K CO.. al rbeae Eaat leaa. C . I VVUllaaaa are. Lady aitendaai. IDMAKU UOL1MN , t unreal tlLrect ara. tza 3d et. Lady awUiaBL I'feoae M. Ml. . T. iTNLET tadT attradant. 1'fe ON. Sd and Madleaa. eae Mala P. A UM LAST blllK foaeral Dlrectore, aacceeeara a. lloaaiaa. lav. a. as. D aasa. LCkCH lata- U. t'adertaaer. ewe. Eaat A I dee a ;al. H lea. Lad aaalelaat CLASi;FIED AD. RATEo bailor ar alaj. I. me. Oa- tun7 tt troo 'rratl v tlmra t.r aaw mi Ihrr rnr-.'Ull ttiutr 3t Nm ati me ttrtra rMirrviiit tln-a. . 4V tSe-mlltt.fe-r mim acrMUiiaajr autf-towB arl-r. hrti or .vrdvlemt.t w at ran In rao mK:tir ar the ooe-Oia rmt ppltr. ix worn count linm nm ctkt. ttriiirH'CBl al cvoatttd tc c tbn imm llnetv Ua CU-ir book 4ilrrrtKrttl Ita rtiairK will (m ba-ra on ta ctnl Huinbtr--f .aJicm pp-rinc in fhr pp-rr. rr-rliwmm tb Bum Le-r t word la b lo. In v 1cHa all aiitrrtiM-nitrala ar-rbarctp-i by araMir. only. 14 Uam to lU. larta. 1 bo h.r ratro appiy ta adroitm . aador ToUikjr ani aU oibcr ciaawUta tltfito c.criln; bo fUtnaliVnas U inifC Maia. tItft-alltMea eialrd. I ruult OrrfiBwa will atrrpt L ad"rrrti trtrnts fltrr ti trltboe, prnUnc iht a' Ttir l a ub-M-rli-trc to cither phonr. . prU-w alii bo quoted 0T I ho phocr. hi bill will bo rrraairrrd the t4lrtn. li H bfthrr tMrqifil dvrrlt4rtnrnt t'' .rtrd or tbo phono ffiti ttj. ... pro..iao of ti'o P' "- -' ' vert irmmtm. ftitaatloa Hiat-o aad rVr fgaytaal MTrnlt4m'iia will aot bo acrapo4 tot lh lolrpboaa. Orttrr for oao inr ttoa anly wtLl bo arreptod for MHoatioo loo a.t. I-uratdiro lor l-olr." "'Uaalntra tippar tur t-- " "laintj lipitart aa H aalwd fto 4at ainress KXETIX3 IfOTICCS. A. AND A- & RITE, Atn.rworffc arV Chapter of Rooo Croix. No. 1 Rrfaiar meetJnc In MmorlaJ Hall. Vcottlsh Rite Cathedral. :hla eveninr at S o'clock. Br ordor WISE MASTER. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 1. K A. M. aprcUl coDcMtion this (Tudar ) evninc at T90 o'clock, at Masonic Hail, E. Th and HumalfiT. airreta Itiata'latlon of officers and social acqualntanr fcnur for 111 nwmhfri Hy order H. P. J. E. MAKTIN. Ffc. PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 97. O. E. P. Stated communt-itlnn t hi (Tuesday oventnc at 234 RuimII tre-t. J p. M. Social. By order ot W. M. ANNIE E. COOTE. Boc. OP.EOOV COrxCTU ROTAX A RCANt'M, meets at tho Audi tortum. 2o6 Third street. tho first and third Tuesdays of aach month, at ft P- M. Visitors curdlaiiy valcomo. O. O. H ALL. Ferretary. Car Hooeymaa Hardwara Co. H ASS ALO L01"X;E NO. IS. L O. O. F- Members are reu-!ited to meet In our hall Wetniay. I.-mD-r 2' at 115 o'clock to attend tbo funeral of our lata brother. James H. Willlama. Services at Imnnlnc V AlcEnt-e"s tuidrtaknc parlora. thence to Crematorium VlsJUCf members are ro qiiesied to attend. F. COZENS, ec. CEO. WASHINGTON" CAMP. W. O. W.. a-IU ivo Its reruiar whist and dunce Tues day ova.. ic 19. at W. O. W. Teznp'.a. l- 11th St. H. I BAKER. Clark. MT. ROOD TEXT. NO. 17. K. O. T. afeota In tho ei;in-H!rch build in. Waabiaajtoa atroou ovorv Wodnosdajr ai4Sbt. PECIAI. MEETlN'l OF CEMENT WORK ERf fX'AL, HI, next Tuesday evening. AU znebhers requested to be present. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE riXT H I.f. Mala !. A 7aS. H1MANL OliiaH, berg east Crate. Rca'dence. 24 K. 34:h . beat it.!. R. A. Dunmlre. Rea 634 Waaco St. W. V la ton. R.a. 71 E. Kth. Eaat 17i. Uoraa Arr.bu:asre. A 6101. fr. Ex. 4 tv:nta. Sundaya and HoUdajra. A 1U; FT. La. 4. Trunk T. FW TODAY. SPECIAL NOTICE Auction at Residence FRIDAY NEXT, DEC 22 617 Kearney Street, Near 21 t The t urnlshtnm of no von room", comprising- very costly folding' dtven- fort, parlor rockers In oak and rattan, are curtains, boily Brussels and Ax- mlnMer nips 9x12. several small ruers, center tables. (Jlnlnif-room furniture, heater, fultling bed and mattres. Iron Dens, yprinjts. mattresses, reatner pil low"!, sneeti. blankets, comforts. spread, dressers and commodes, toilet ware, velvet rtiK". lars; mirror, silver ware, fold) nor screen, carpet sweeper. rsss and rhfnaware. Jewel steel range with water bark, iras heater, kitchen treasure, utensils, etc. Jale l-rlilay aext at 1A A. M. This house la for reat. ON THURSDAY NEXT We are Instructed bv Mr. I. W, Wrt-cht to sell the furnishings of his private residence, removed to our salesrooms. 1 5' I'ark St.. for conven ience, of auction sale, comprising" up- rl-rht piano, parlor rockers and tables, Wilton and other room-nixe ruics, din-tnp-rooni turntture. the furnlshinars of three bedrooms, vlx: Iron beds, sprlngrs and mattresses, niraseye mapia ana mahoirany dressers and chiffoniers, kitchen rantre. etc. Sale at 10 A. M, V. C. BAKKR A0 C. A. CROW ELL, A netloneera. 100 On Your Money I own ten choice lots, 50x140 each, within 6 blocks and less of the union depot at Bend, Oregon. I am broke md will sacrifice the ten for $1500 ;ash, which is less than half price. Answer today. AL 659, Oregoniain. 1 ACRES Xear Union Ave., at a price which will make vou a fortune in a few years if held. Brong-Steele Co. Ground Floor Lewis Bide. We lliat Tare Mar Aceata far Lots at 1109 easy terms, liberal corn- mission. Apply.! once. BEND PARK CO., Pertland Hotel Court. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTOAr.CS FARM MUHTSAGEH, l OtVESI KATKS. TtHMS TO t7TT. A. H. BIRRELL CO, I03 M-KAT RVILniMQ, 1 kird aad Stark. 'ourth-Street Snap lAOxlOO. faclnsr east on FV-urth street. ear .Sheridan. ood trarkase for ware ouse. laundry. jrnraKe or stores. i-orth f.OO't. todav $a..-' cash, fceeins: i believing. 1.1 East r3d. Phone Ivast Apartment Lease I have a r'ient who wants to leas a fl-t-tras unf uralahed apartment house oi:th of T am hill and west of Seventh street. il ..t if property owner will bulla ror n. Ircfers corner. Geo. 3. Malr, 2 Lum Tiers Pl-lg. MORTGAGE LOANS xlpf JCHN E. CRONAN, JOf O : .aldlaa Hlda IO $87.50 PER MONTH ur flats. Sixteenth in.l Jefferson sts. Pries ISiuO; casii tluOu. JOHN I- KiHVnPf. Mallear Kacaana-e Bnllrtlac. 13500. Vrwlem R-roora bunaalow. juat eorn r ctc. Kaal 5Jd. bet. ilBdla-vn and Sal will take eood lot aa r.nt pay ai ant. hore Main -.-7S er E. 1.111. rol.US. BEKRIDQl At THOMPSON. LBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, :i Uercnter Ule. k. rbeaa Maia IUI s NEW TODAY. Base Line Road Subdivision Short distance from Mnntavilla. Base Line road on the one side, Mt. Hood electric line on the other. Ve have placed in our hands for immediate sale one of the finest little subdivis ions near the city borders. The price is very attractive, showing purchaser over 100 per cent net on investment. Tract consists of 480 lots, all subdi vided and all ready for the market. We can convince the most conserva tive investor as to the merits of this proposition. Blue prints, literature, ote- on hand. Electric line station on the tract. Ko phone information on this. F. E. TAYLOR CO. . 404-5 Lewis Building Members Portland Realty Board. TEACHERS' EXAMK ATIOXJI. Notice Is hereby given thst the County Superintendent of Multnomah County will hold the regular examination for applicants for state and county papers In Kaaira' Hall, eighth floor Marquam building. Portland, as follows: FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing; Wednesday. December jnth. at A. M.. and continuing until Saturday. December 23d, at 4 o'clock P. M. Wednesday forenoon Writing, united States Hi-tory. rhysiologv. Wednesday afternoon Physical CSeog raphv. i;adlng. Composition. Metliods In Heading. Methods In Arltlimetlc. Thursday forenoon Arithmetic. Civil (Government. History of Education. Pevchologv. Methods In Geography. Thursday afternoon Grammar, Geog. rsphy. American Literature, Physics. Methods in Language. Thesis for Pri mary Certificate. Fridav forenoon Theory snd Prac tice. Orthography, EnKllsh Literature. Friday atterr.oon sichool law. Botany. Algebra. Saturday forenoon Geomctry.Geology. e-atnrday afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. R. F. ROBINSON. County School Superintendent. Lease 0 LOW EENT TERM OF YEARS 22,000 Square Feet Ground. North End warehouse district, just autside fire limits. Terminal track qow on property. Only 6-block haul to R. R. depots. AC 677, Oregonian. REMOVAL NOTICE Ward & Younger Real Estate Dealers, v Have Moved from 526 Yeon Building to 425-26 Yeon Bldg. Main 7525. A 4274. The Best Farm Buy In the State of Oregon Forty acres, all well fenced; 34-acre FA1I water ritjnt, v acres pasture, an EXTRA GOOD four-room house, to gether with enough lumber to hnlid a good barn: seven acres in cultivation. Sow, for JUST A FEW DAYS, we have this place at $1800; terms half cash, balance 18 months at 6 per cent. This place la on TWO main county roads and only 64 miles from town, and Is easily, worth $3i00. If you want a r AK.vl, see us at once. THE KEWLON-KOLLER CO., INS., SOI Iturhaaaa Rafld-ns. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Residence Property. ri upci .y. 7 EVERETT, SIMOXDS. -"' J J 41 Board Board of Trade Bldg. RFAt WTATE DEALERrV Feck. William O.. Failing bldg. BKVBAKKR BENEDICT. bQX McKay bldg. M. D4H. Chaptn, Heriow. gS3 Chamber Comatm Cook. B. B. Co.. SOS Corbett bldg. leanings Co. Mala 10. 204 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO U. ' P 404-eOO-40 wuooa Mac The Oregon Real Estate Cow, Orand are. aad atuiiBuman st. (uouaaay aaaiuoBf, REAL ESTATE. For hale Lots. FOR SALE Oxl CO-foot lot. Grand ave. and Hoiiaaay su; price 9jw; in is nas an income. WATSON THERKELfiEN. Ppalding Bldg. bAi-'RlFlCE 11 lota 40x100, fenced, bearing fruit ireea, city water, near car. sin an house; 41000, easy terms. T 043, Ore gonian. 00 Cheapest lot In Portland ; graded Streets, nun nua uiciuutu , iui im fu.l s'.xe. (K'xlW; must sell this week, C tiM. Oregontan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS fi.XCLfSIVELT. Beautiful homes and homesitea, all tews. location and prices. Can suit you. Main SMI BROUKS. A S39l KOI SALE looxiio; snap; E. 3d and Multnoman sis. WATSON A THERKELSEN, 8Q6 Spalding H;dg. DIVISION-ST. lot. ovrxHHj. for t.V; on a hara-sunaco kiitpi. ii-- .i"--. erty In town for fiats. Full particulars at 414 PpaMlng b'dg. OWNER of two choice lo;s In Laurelhurst count of HEALTH: MUST SELL AT ONCE. AV 7i9. Oregonian. FOR SALE Corner lot. 2.lh and Weidler all ' M I.VO. in Hi. WATSON ft THERKELSEN. 3"6 Spalding B'.ng. LOTS 50xHM). one bioctf iron eiectrio car- line. $100 to v Heffenln Realty Co- 4QS Corbett bldg. " $250 BELOW ACTUAL VALUE; Lot. 3-xlu0, in Rossmere. near Sandy road. 10fO Hancock st. FOR SALE 4 lots (50xlOOt. Villa Hill on Mt H ood canine; - n ruun mu, Closset ft Da vera Front and Anksny. IsOT ON BROADWAY. $750 CASH. Compiled to sell lmmediattly. Call to dav. iv0Hancoca t- LOTS S:t. 84. 35, Mock 71. Mlnthorn Add.. S 1 CrO . Snap. . J luunaauii. v,u 4s.11 is. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. MINNEAPOLIS, 72 city lots 40xlJi feet to a )ane on bloc, can ba had at a bargain: auarantefd high. dry. level and cleared; ornament! trees; three minutes' w;k from carltn and beautiful park. Price terns l;Mr cash. $oM in 1 year; In 2 years: $1000 in 3 years, and bal ance 4 yenrs. 7 per cent tnierent. This Is an exceptionally good offer. Address own er. Hamilton. 811 Dominion Trust b.dc Vancouver U. C. CHRISTMAS PRESENT Well. yes. What's nicer than a fine lot In Irvlnrwood? Swellest district in Portland. Take Broadway car. get off at Klickitat su and walk east; agent on the ground; choice restricted lots at $.- per lot. WESTVRN SECURITIES CO., 414 Spalding bldg. BARGAIN For immediate a!e. new ti-room house: fireplace, furnace, bookcases, buf fet, veneer ianeling. large rooms, numer ous large closets. fine bath. slueilng porch, double construction, finely fin ished: must be seen t he appreciated; harirain. Owner, East 33!. ;0 DOW.N. 10 I'ER MONTH. Fine view lot; matu-ed fruit trees: re stricted district, near car; cement walks. Bu'l Run water, fruit cared for free of charne. ;M2 Board of Trade b.dg. Phone Marshall 473. A 102 BARGAIN EXTRAORDINARY. $60 per month buys beautiful modern house, paved, restricted district. $3600; cost i40. Five room finished with four unfinished. Tabor S.'St'. IRVINGTON barram, TixlOO on 21at at., bet. Braaee and Knott, faclr Eaat. atreet Im pmvemenia all In ana paid for. For price and termi. phone C 1: owner, or V, ood lawn WAVERLKIGH HEIGHTS LOT. Fine view of the city: 40jloo lot on E. 2th. near Franklin; price 00; M cash. GKI SSI A BOLD.". 81H Board of Trade 4:11 and Oak. GARAG location on hard-surface atreet. risht close to Ladd Add., one of the main thoroucufarea In city: only 1250 for a int. 11 vou mean bualneaa, call at onca. 414 Spalding bids'. AM leaving town and will aell my Jrvlnsion lot beiow market price. toda. AU 67u. Oregonian. Soxliio Writ. For Bale -Hoi IKV1V.1TOV SWEI.T. HOME. New 7-room swell house, furnace, 2 flreblaces. doubly constructed, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet, paneled dining room, beamed ceilings. Dutch kitchen. fireleae cooker, refrigerator. 4 bedrooma and Bleeping porch, lot 5:xlOO, east front, atreet Improvements paid, on East 20th. liear Thompson; price s50; part cash: will trade good lot aa part paynient- GRrfSI - HOLDS. 31 Board of Trade Rldg.. 4th snd Oak. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Fin. seven-room and bath modern hom on 24th at., neht on carline. complete. with all up-to-date conveniences: Auxioo Int. with garage on: worth 7500; price .-.0 for early sale. Terms about $1000 down, balanc. time. Eaat 3152. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. ONLY $1:100. Wall built and nicely (lnished. plas tered, tinted, wired. PORCELAIN BATH, etc.; good neighborhood, close to Rose City Park car and school; you Beldom have a chance to aecure V great a bar gain; lbO cash. bal. 20 monthly. Wil lamette Trust Co.. eir. Spalding hlrfg. J,;,,, WEST SIDE COTTAGE t'0. Nice 5-room outage, electric llphts, nice batb. In first-class condition throughout: lot 40x100; some fruit trees and plenty of smll fruit: half 1. look to Fulton car. on Idaho St.. In Southern Portland: price a auap; f IS'iO- ftlott cabh snd $15 per month. GRUSSI & HOLDS. m Board of Trade pldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON SNAP. New 8-room modern house, with attic, 4 bedrooms, aleeplng-porch. breakfast room . and den. fireplace, furnace, etc.. hard-surfaced atreet. lot AOs 100, worth $7r.ii. now $0400. $1000 down and $40 per month: will take vacant lot. .This Is a real nap. See it. Sol East 2flth sL, near Thompson. phone East S04S. CAIaC TABOR 2S."2 and make arrangements to see this beau tiful 5-room Call lorn la bungalow. located 2 blnrks lo Hawthorne ave.. on 50xO lot. It's complete In every detail from "cellar to garret." Polished hardwood floors, fire place, etc.; the best in Portland for and on easy terms. Phone at once. OS HALL ST.. BET. 11TH AND 12TH. Fractional lot and -room house, rented at $35 per month; pays 7 per cent on the price asked: improvements all in and paid for. For prico and terms call on my agents, C. P. PFLT'GFR ft CO. Suite 12 and 14 Mulkev blrtg.. ror. 2d ft Mor, ABSOLUTELY MlT SELL IMMEDI ATELY. I must leave the state In about a week from today and will take 21oo for my 8 room modern house. nar (Jllsan; lot .Vx 135. This Is absolutely the best bargain In Portland; terms. Room 8 Washington bldg. Main 4352. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. M0 Cash. $20 per month. T rooms, vstioule. mirror doors, solid oak floors, built-in bookcas''S. buffet, fur nace, fireplace, strictly modern In every detail. National Realty A Trust Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 5129. SUBURBAN' home, close to Portland; 6-room house. 20 lots, 50 fruit trees, berries, etc.; splendid for chickens; running water, spring; telephone, dally mall; two blocks from electric car station, on best auto mobile road; $3500; very easy terms; or $2OO0 for house and six lota J. W. Hef ferlln Realty Co.. 408 Corbett bldg. MUST BE SOLD. Owner will sell modern 6-room house. In fine location, close In. on East Side, at TWO-THIRDS actual value, if taken at once; if you have I10O0 cash to Invest, see this place Imxnedlntely and you will luok no further. I Oregonian. ALMOST new modern 9-roora house and over half acre of ground, lawn, shrub bery, garden, fruit trees and chicken yard; in fact, an ideal suburban home; lc car fare Willing to sacrliice for quick sale. Only $1000 cash needed. AC 673, Ore gonlan. FIVE and six-room homes, flrepiaces, hard wood floors, furnaces, with all built-in modern conveniences; near carline; all street Improvements psld; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investment Trustee Co.. 201. 2'2. 203 Board of Trade bide, phone Marshall 473. A 1022, BUILD your home in Laurel hurst ; the most desirable residence district in Portland; I w)U furnish 00 per cent of the amount required for your house and lot, giving you the full discount. 1115 Multnomaii ml. Main 3250. SELLWOOD BUSINESS LOT. Comer, 60xH. on street switch, across the street from brewery. Price for Im mediate sale. $10OO; terms cash. H. p. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow; furnace, fireplace, bulTet. bookcases, hardwood floors, gas, electricity- rood view; Rose City Park, two biocks from carline: $3350, easy terms, Provl drnt Investment ft Trustee Co., 201-203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A 1022. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Beautiful new residence, 0 rooms, fine view ; among handsome homes, best part of Heights: fully Improved district, wallc insr distance; must sell; make an offer. Main 8551. BROOKE. A 8839. $1500 CHRISTMAS gift for you; a 9-room corner house and two lota, In best part of Sunnvslde district, with best car service in city; only JiwO; come quick; pick this up- snaps don't last; terms. 1101 Failing bldg. HOLLADAY HOME. 7-room modern house on comer E. 19th and Wasco sts. This is a very attractive house and good value. Price $75t0. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. . 404 Wilcox Bldg. HOLIDAY sacrifice, account sickness; beau tiful bungalow. 1 181 Ivon st. ; unincum bered lot and little cash accepted first oavment : Investigate immediately. Phone owner. Barney. Ma 2.Mt0. 'ilM, 5-room modern bungalow. Jot xl0O; full basement, light fixtures, everything complftr); l block car; 20 minute out; orlce $2500. HIOLEY BTWHOP. 132 Third St. ARTISTIC HOMES FOR ARTISTIC PEOPLE ON ARISTOCRATIC TABOR HEIGHTS, END OF MT. TABOK CARLINE. PEE 0- Q. BAILEY. PUB HENRT BLDG 17000 NEWLY completed, completely mod em 7-room house, in Irvlngton. Splendid location and very desirable. See us for particulars, PARRIHH. WATKINH ft CO.. 250 Alder St. MODERN 5-room bungalow, 150 feet from Wa erlev-Richmond car; fireplace, hard wood floors, paneled dining-room, easy frms. Phone owner. East 2135. BRAND new three-room bungalow with bath; biggest snap in Portland; very easy terms. -Phone Main .719, or Tabor 822. Geo- R, Bcxhra. : $50 CASH and $10 per month, neat 4-room bungalow, lot 4oxloO; 3 blocka- Mt, Scott car. 20 minute HiGLhi BISHOP. 132 Third St. LAURELHURST. Equity in beautiful six-room bungalow bv owner: $700 cah. ba;ance of fW,ho easy psvmenrs; no agents. X tU2, Oregontan. lS'EW modem bungalow, at 1352 East Mad ison st.; easy terms. Owner, G. E. Waller. Phone Tabor 2342. $"S0 FOR' new modern cottage, easy terros. P lions C 2429 or Woodlawn $:2t. REAL ESTATE. INDIVIDUALITY. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT IN A HOUSE. IT DON'T COST ANY MORE TO HAVE WHAT YOU WAN T. THAN SOMETHING THAT DON'T SUIT. Wfc. SPECIALIZE ON THE ARTISTIC HOME. Wr KNOW WE CA'N PLEASE YOU. BE CAUSE WE KNOW HOW. OUR GUAR ANTEE IS WORTH SOMETHING. IF WE BUILD FOR YOU. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER WITH OUR HEAD DRAUGHTS MAN. WE WILL FINANCE IT AND BUILD IT FOR YOU. ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. BUTTER WORTH -STEPHENSON CO. Ino. 707 COUCH BLDG. SOME OF MANY BARGAINS. IOOxHm) on Park at. ir0xloo on West Park. lOOxlOO on Taylor al. SOvinft on West Park. SOxlOO on Taylor at. niixino on Tenth at. fa'i. rto on Tenth et. Box 65 on Twelfth at. rtoxlnO on Love.ioy at. MixlOO on Overton at. For prices. Income and terms ses "VANDUYN A WALTON. 515 Chamber of Commerce. 125.000 RESIDENCE. 14-room. handsomely-appointed home, facing on the Irvlngton Tennis Club in the heart of Portiand'a most exclusive residence district- Large grounds, double garage. This house Ml built by tho owner for a home loss than a year ago. and it ia that auch a place Is offered for eale at a really reasonable price. Poaaeaslon of the premises con be given at once. S-e us for paitlculars. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wllcof Bldg. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WE BUILD. OIH r.EPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 334 ABINGTON BLD. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE 15 YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROPEKY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; pt- FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AiS D BUILDER. H EN RY BLDG. BEAUTIFUL S-room house. In Laurelhurst; 2 fireplaces, large sleeping-porch, hullt-lo refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, fire less cooker, built-in wardrobes, etc; cor ner lot 75x00, east front, beautiful view: $75fi0; ?"r00 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Pr-v;dnt Investment ft Trui tte Co. 201-32-2'3 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A 1022, FOR SALE Six-room dwelling; sun parlor and f leeplng-porch inclosed in ylass; hot air furnace; full concrete bny-raent; sta tionary tubs; living-rooms. 13x2; one bed room same size. 2 other bedrooms; located at 753 Broadway; lot 50x100. For sale; very easy Terms. , , McCARGAR. BATES LIVELY, 301 Yeon BIdfr. . ROSE CITY PARK. Just completed by builders; we will sell at right price, a t-roora bungalow, with large ilving-room. paneled dining-room. bwfrt. full cement basement. 5txl00 lot. one block of carline. Small cash payment. M. I. FORD CO.. 50 Manchester bldg. Evenings. E. SOlii. Day. Marshall 267. NOW IS THS TIME TO BUY. I have soma 6-roora and 8-room nooses to seil at the right prices; all new and ud to date: ripht on carline. Ci H. HAMPTON. 723 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 6129; Rea.. Tabor 1664. THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER. Present your wife and family witn an up-to-date home; everything modern; new 7-room bungalow on E. 37th St. on Rose City Park carline; price $3600; small payment down, balance like rent- See owner. J. S. Atkins, 529 Henry bldg. Main 3691 or Tabor 2232. A MAGNIFICENT HOME. Beautiful reception hall. Urge library, living, dining rooms, buftet, bookcases, all oak. kitchen convenient, three flrepiaces, six bed. two bath rooms, fine basement, stone columns to porch, lot 90x100; best location, Irvlngton. East 273, C 18t6. No agents. W. H. Herdman. FOR SALE 4 fl;its. close in on West Side; dandy location; thin is a snap. WATSON & THERKELSEN, 30 Spalding Bldg For Sale Acreage. SEVEN ACRiiS. Rich deep soil, unimproved, partly '"cleared; nothing better for vegetables, small fruit, chickens or a little country home; 12 miles out on carline and 1 H miles from station; $175 acre, terms to suit. JOSEPH GRAHAM, lOOT-9 Board of Trade Bldg. ft TO If Ft A rT? IT A f5R TRACTS. Close to Portland; rich walnut, fruit and garden land; only small cash pay ment, balance pays far itself In products now on tne iana, wnicn we ncwpi uu uro the onlv people making this liberal offer. -t n . vr-i TDTHT fOA.T'OAMV bOO-8 Spalding Bldg. fHirk'KN and fruit ranches near Portland: walking distance to good town; running water, best soli, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow neaks, 2 acres, $250; 5 acres, $400; 10 acres. $800: 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tracts near railway station. $2" to J'-O per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO, 800 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. WE HAVE SMALL TRACTS OF BEST land on the market, ready for cultivation. Nothing better anywner at any price easy terms. Will farm It for you on shares. 512 Couch bldg., 109 4th St. a ACRES best garden land in uregon, per feet :y Ciearea ana ununr .rriKaiion ; near nnH town, railrond station and river: $125 down, balance easy terms; nothing better on tho market, 512 Couch bldg., 109 4tn st. Office open evenings. Marshall 1639. o iPRES on sidewalk, at station. 40 mln Utes out, ail ciearea, wiinm a chocks or $5000 new residence; many new houses In sight and for $1000. with $100 cash, balance $10 and Interest per month. C 673, Oregonian. $375 BUYS 5 acres l-ep red-shot soil, adapt ed TO ITUIV aiiu e6r;iaiiicB. "ii oiiiwi'iu tt'iu tillable; no rock: wood and water; near good railroad town, 1 hour from Portland; $150 down, balance on terms. 512 Couch bldg., IV J Ul i UiJril I i-im.fes.. 14 -ACRE tracts 50 minutes from heart of city, on electric line; good soli, all cleared and level; fine suburban home. Price $250, $5 down, $5 per month without in tar eat. FIELD ft GORDON, 719 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES, all set out In fruit, house, bam, furniture and all implements, adjoining rlty of McMlnnville, $3u0 an acre; liberal ' RLOCH REALTY CO.. 200 Alder St. FIVE ACRES onion and garden land, per fectly cleared and plowed ; sub-irrigation and well drained : on railroad and river; near good town; price $1750 on easy terms. 612 Couch bldg.. Iv9 4th St. FOR SALE lO acres near Falrview, ail un der cultivation, near O.-W. R, ft N. and O W P. tracks; price $400 an acre. WATSON ft THERKELSEN, 806 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres stump land near Cathlamet. Wash. ; will trade for good Iota or other property in Portland or suburbs; prico right, Lueddemann ft Burke. 921 Electric bldg. 5 OR 10 acres, very best land, thoroughly cultivated, near carline, Xo trade for good house and lot in Irvlngton or Laurel hurst; no inflated values considered, AB 071. Oregonian. A AND 10-ACRK tracts for sale by owner, la Marlon County, at station, on Oregon Eleo tnc best of soil and location; terms rea sonable; part of land suitable for town lota C. A. Bar-singer. 802 Park St.. city. oil ACRES, brush and trees, "4 -mils from station, sidewalk one-half tho way, set tling in fast, grand soil and yours for $625 .Wlin SUitm i""lru siuwu, UttiaVIlUO monthly. D 667. Oregonian. l"s ACRES, all cleared and lies beautifully, riKlit on transportation and for $095: 43 minutes ride; good terms. F 659, Ore gun lan. i"v ACRES close to Multnomah, on the Oregon Electric, for $1400 on easy terms; this is a buy; If Interested me at onca at 414 Spaidingidg. 2 $ AND 6-ACRE tracts, close to Port land, on eleotrio carline, $200 to $400 per acre very easy terms. J. W. Hefforlia Realty Co.. 40a Corbett bldg. WOOD PROPOSITION. " 80 acres, containing iO00 cords of oak, arh and fir timber, close to Portland. lu0 Hancock st. Wi, ACRES on Oregon Electric Ry.. finest platting proposition on the market, fin cleared land. See attorney at 414 Spalding bldg. ; FOR SALE 12 acres. 1 mile from Eagle Creek station. $1100- 244 First at. Mid nay Barber 6hop. WA XTED Improved farm with good house, about 10 acres; state terms. J. W. Haf fer.ln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up; large and smali tracts. Call Kinney ft Stampher. 5:il-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR CHEAP LAND, Address IPSO Hancock Street. FOR SALE Equity in 20 acres, oXfc on dol lar. Tabor ZS'k REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE our specialty: have subdivided more than T'MOO acrea ad jacent to Portland within past five years. Have two larire platting, one In Valley west of Council Crest, the other opposite St. Johns on weat aide; every community convenience; easy terms. See ua. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth at. A 3500. 6.90 ACRES, half-way between Portland and Hillsboro. '2 acrea cleared, little 2-room house, well and fences: a-mlle to station; 20 houses In sight: good land, good neigh bors and a chance for SLine one willing to start In cheap; J17..0. with easy monthly payments. J 710, Oregonian. . For Sale Humeeteada. RELINQUISHMENT. lf'0. acres.' 3 ml!s from R. It. station, in Crook County. 20 acres In cultivation, nearly all can be plowed: house llixlK. over t fenced; tcill be under ditch; SiOO. Blocit Realty Co., 2i'6 Alder st. HOMESTEADS, with, timber and water, de sirable locations, near Portland; some prairie, deep soil, wheat, fruit and stock land; good homes, near railroad and river. fovea. 207 Oak, RELINQUISHMENT of 320 acres In North east Lake County. O. J. Holmes, 2b3 Taylor st. Irrigated Lands. IRRIGATED '"Carey act" quarter near Bend. SI SO" less than price now set by state, 3v$ Henry bldg. For Sale fruit Lands. WE have Just placed on the market 2-oo acres of the finest fruit land in the Mt. Hood district: this land Is cleared and un der cultivation; the soil is 2r feet deep; our proposition is to sell to you in tracts tv nir m, to nlant your trees, take care of them for four yars and then turn over to you a iiifii-lijs i u"i offer this innd at S200 per acre and up and will give you 5 years to pay for the s;wne Ca'.i and get our booklet and par ticulars. The Dalles Land &. Orchard Co.. IM'tJ Board of Trade. Mn?TER"WANTS MORE FAMILIES. inn acres near town of M osier; 60 acres cleared, about 35 of which is in young orchard. Uooa spring on p. -, ucaut.. ful view and attractive surroundings. Price $12 POO. Will taKO moaern l.m. i nrurn Portland residence as part pay ment. Sea this place at once if you want a bargain. K oos, uregoniuu. CHFAPFT orchard lands; finest fruit belt Willamette Valley; clnpn to good town; easv tems, COURTNEY, 42 Lumbar- mens bldg " For Sale Farms. FOR SALE , M 81 acres, 35 miles south of Portland, one half mile from town and railway ata- . a 1 1 mm .nnntv tieat. all IT cultivation and mostly in crop. Good 7-room house, barn, and other necessary buildings, running creek in back end of the place. $mo per acre. IVilTHFR nVU! 49 acres. a"ll in cultivation, mostly all in crop, good 7-room house. Darn. rrr.harH oil other necessary improve ments, well fenced, close to town, very desirable piece of land and a gooo mmie. Only lo0 per acre. 80 acres, with 2 sets of buildings, all in cultivation, 60 acres in crop, close to town. Could easily be cut up into 3 farms. Splendid proposition and will be roM verv rhean to close an estate. Come in and see us. , , Rtv-KT UtO-ACRK RANCH IN VALLLY . 20 miles from Portland, half-mile from boat landinc. high school, cnurciira. stores, etc. 1 mile from electric station n COIO.H i?itri n-iih irirwaik' nearly all the way. 52 acres in high state of cultivation, balance oak and fir timber. 8 Hvine snrincs and 2 fine streams. Fine iti-room house, food ham. chicken house, hog house, buggy sheds, blacksmith shop fullv equipped. 3 good norses. z gonu c, 8 head of hogs, binder, mower, rake, har rows, waeons. nlows. everything needed to ''handle the place. Grain enough to last until the next harvest. Party is un able to handle the place and must sell at once. This place Is $.0 per 'acre under the price of any other adjoining land. Might take house and lot up to $3000 or J4UUU in i-ortiana. or pari irauv. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO. Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. .8 ACRES, all in cultivation. 4 miles from town of 1500, on main county road; 1 acre bearing fruit, x acre berries, acre vegetables, 12 acres oats and vetch, bal ance for Spring planting. Comfortable 6 roim house, good barn, chicken house and "hog houses: spring at barn, house and chicken house; team, harness, wagon and hack, 4 Jersey cows, 4 Berkshire sows. 1 hoar. 50 chickens. dIow. harrow, hayfork and tackle, garden and barn tools. Placo lays fine. Just slope enougn 10 orain Price $3500; $1750 cash, balance 1, 1 and 8 yeara Geo. G. Mair, 2 Lumber mens bldg. THE BEST FARM BUY IN THE STATE OF OREGON. 40 acres, all well fenced. 34-acre PAID water right, 6 acres pasture; an EXTRA GOOD 4-room house, together with enough lumber to build a good barn; 7 acres in cultivation. Now for JUST A FEW days we have this place at $180O; terms half cash, IS months at 6 per cent. This place is on TWO main county roads and only 6H miles from town, and !s eas ily worth $3500. If you want A FARM, see us at once. THE NEWLON-KOLLER CO. INC., 301 Buchanan bldg.. Portland. Ore. THE most remarkable civic growth of any city in Oregon, outside of Portland, has hp-n in Salem the oast year. Next year will be far greater. Land surrounding the capital of Oregon Is the best in the state. Prices are not Inflated. It Is the place for the small fruit ranch, because the market for the fruit has been de veloped by the fruit unions, canneries and packing plants. Call for booklet and ' further information. SALEM BOARD OF TRADE, 225 Henry Bldg. Phone Marshall 2073. WONDERFUL BUY 54 ACRES. 22 acres in cultivation, 15 acres partly cleared, balance In timber; good 5-room house, barn, chicken-houses, etc., 2 wells of water; '4i on county road. 6 minutes walk from electric carline and 6 stores; $90 an acre buys it. DAVID LEWIS. 618 Lumbermens Bldg. FOR SALE 5-acre place near Aurora, good home. $1750. 6 acres near Hubbard. $1500. 37 acres close to Hubbard, 12 cultivated. $110 per acre. Fine 70-acre farm with stock, $125 per acre. 2 lots in Portland, prices right, C. M. CRITTENDEN, Hubbard, Or. FOR SALE 20 acres uncleared red shot soil on O. W. P. carline, close to station; this Is fine land and can be had for $150 an acre; an A-l opportunity for party who wishes to make a good Investment; can be cleared very easily; $2000 cash, terms to suit. WATSON & THERKELSEN, 3O0 Spalding Bldg. - THINK ! 64 ACRES. $A0 per acre. This farm is located close to Portland; 22 acres in cultivation; partly beaverdam; 15 acres nearly ready for the plow; the balance In fine timber; half a mile from electrlo carline and six stores; fair buildings, two wells and other out buildings; terms. 618 LUMBERMENS BLDG. FINE farm, 147 acres, 90 under plow. 12 acres of prunes, large Schneider prune drier, some timber, fine soil, 8 miles from good town and boat landing in Clark Co., Wash.; farm and all equipments go for $70 per acre, some terms. For particu lars address A. Denting, Battleground, Wash. V UAUCnr l i-t xix x-ixv 14 4 acres, located at station on electric carline, within 3 blocks of six stores. 300 feet of high school; seven beautiful build ings on this place; all In cultivation; place well worth $8000; termi. 618 Lum bermens bldg. $4500 BUYS THIS. Beautiful 1 5-acre country home, with t f inA hulldines. all modern and new. within 75 feet of the electric carline and I station; 300 feet from high school, 3 i blocks from 6 stores; land an in cuiti vat ion. Room 618 Lumbermens bldg. 173-ACRE farm, 10 miles from Portland; fine house, nam nu impmemtiiiB. mu rtirlnir: horses, vehicles and Implements; 20 Jerseys, ho;s, chickens, etc. ; plenLy feed for the Winter. Call and let me show you W W. Church, 2S3 Taylor. A 2305. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Larfte ann smaii irncia. luiaiuiB general farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops, dairying, etc; about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write for price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. TWO miles from Coiton, Clackamas Co., 120 acres, with good buunings. young orfnaru, 40 acres have hog-tight fence; well and several springs. live stream; to be sold at sacrifice: $3uo0. half cash. Q. J. Holmes, 2s3 Taylor. 20 ACRES by owner; sacrifice; all cleared but one acre ; nesi oi irun, Karuen iana, spring house and barn, in N-wberg dis trict, near station. Main - 7235 or AR 676. oregonian. FOR SALE 16 acres, all cleared. 1 miles irom Lnit nauwaya eiectric line; 2 -story house, good barn; fine for truck gardening or chicken-ra islncr : good fruit land: easy terms. V F.7.". Oregonian. 20 ACRES near Beaverton. with house and barn, fir $4000: a good buy. WESTERN SECURITIES CO- 414 Spalding bldg. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electrio line: bargain for all cash, by owner. 182 Morrison st. TO EXCHANGE. 32-ROOM hotel; steam heat; doing good, business; in thriving town close to Port land; will trade equity, $7000, for what you have in Portland. 9-room 2-famiIy house, close to carline. $5500; 2:h. equity; will trade for good l:l 1 or UHa automobile or sell for $1000 cash and some go-nl lots; house rents for alt out $45 per month. We have several good pieces of clt.v property to exchange for farms and would like to hear from owners. We also have several farms to trade for city property. Owners rlease answer. Ray more Realty t""o., 4."'-0 Worcester bldg. CAN YOU MATCH THIS SNAP? We have listed with us for sale or ex change a high-class farm of 5 7 acres, SO under cultivation, and located only 1 miles from Oregon Cit. Owner will take $5000 cash as first payment, or some good Improved city property to the value of $500, and $;000 cash; balance can remain acainst property for 6 years at 6 per cent. Price $18,000. A bargain. Better Inves tigate this If you want something good. , C. F. PFLUGER & CO. , J Suite 13 and 14 Mulkey bldg.. cor. 2d & Mar." " Member Portiand Realty Board. TO exchange. SO acres. 35 highly improved, stock. Implements, tools. 6000 cords tim ber. 1 mile to railroad, close in. for Port land prnjerty. . -r;" 31 acres, f-ne soil, improvements. Im plements, stock, good, roads, equity $1000, for grocery, confectionery or rooming- house. SZ2 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Farm in Nebraska; alfalfa and stock; joins a good town of 2000 people; will consider unincumbered Portland prop erty up to $25.0m; must bear investiga tion, as this property will bear careful inspection; value of farm $30,000. C 60S. Oregonian. CLOSE IN. NEAR O. R. ft N. SHOPS. " Full lot, good, 4-room cottage, brick. foundation, street improvements ail In nd"j paid, price $3500; will take small placed' farther out as part payment. Fred Wo., f German. 32S Burnslde. M. or A 2776. , CHICKEN AND BERRY RANCH. $6000,- 5 acres. 4 minutes' walk Gates Cross-. Ing; 10c fare; nice Improvements, good ' ! view cf city; will take Portland residence " " up to t4o00. Fred W. German, 329 Burn S , side. M. or A 2776. 4 WILL exchange for lots or acreage, fine $ 7r.ii electric piaiio; small upright piano ;t. complete moving-picture outfit; large new- phonograph and 25 records; fine large ' Esty orsan, walnut case. Newman, 5268 Washington st. Main M5S. C. F. PFLUGER ft CO. Have some choice farms to exchange fo-t city property or city property for farm.-'1 It will pay you to see us before you trade. Ciill suite 12 Mulkey bldg., cax.i 2d and Morrison. 5- FOR EXCHANGE tie for auto. Lot and fraction In Seat,ft Two 80-acre trarts in Columbia Co. f o ! auto or home. -rrs C. M CRITTENDEN. Hubbard Or. WANTED Farme from 10 acres, improved " In exchange for city property close in Write or call at once. J. W. HEFFERL1N REALTY CO. p. 203 Corgett Building. - WANTE D To trade house and corner lo.L 27th and Broadway sts.. for acreage suitj . able for chicken ranch. " WATSON ft THERKELSEN. t"lf gu0Spalding Bldg. no" GOOD gasoline launch. 40 feet long, 10-foot beam. Union enjrine; suitable for towingo or carrying freight ; will trade for good equity in lots. 321 Electric bldg. Mar- shall 22K1. A 3625. ? TO exchange two Eastern Washington farms, j for good income Portland property, apartment-house or bus fn ess property; must change on account of ill health. Address-; . me. W. M. Watson. Le wist on, Idaho. Jjlt ; SALE or exchange BOO-acre wheat farm, all ft in cultivation, guaranteed a fine place; will ,,; take some good city property and balance - piaue manes it. rnonr tiast Lfs4. WILL exchange my equity for a 5-passenger " auto and cah in a goon" 6-room -house f 1 ' 5'tth, near Broadway. F. Richet, 11211 Yeon bldg. HOOD RIVER AND WHITE SALMON i -J Income orchard land to trade for Port-, land realty. Vanduyn ft Walton, 615, . Chamber of Commerce. ' 30 ACRES improved land, with stock and 1 implements, 15 miles from Portland, for '" housft and lot. v-j GARLAND & BARSNES, 191 4th St. - 't 40 ACRES rich black bottom land in Linn" County, on Willamette River, will trade clear for city property. F 651. Oregonian. LIST your business or realty with me for. quick action or sale or trade. A- R. Bullier. 301 Falling bldg. i NICELY furnished outside steam-heated room for sign painting. Newcastle, 402 V ' 3d st- HAVE three good residence lots; will trade for timber land. Lueddemann ft Burke, - 9'l Electric bldg. . FOR exchange, a hotel, by owner, for housed and lot. acres or farm. 271 Morrison st. Phone A 3720. CuLL'ilBlA River orchard bonds for sale, Feb. Issue, at a very low price. Nlmmo, Runey & Co., 424 Hamilton bldg. COLORADO land to exchange for section of " stump land near here, J. F. Hadley, 310'' Spalding bldg. 1, 40 ACRES for Eastern land; cant lot. Swank. Main 4190. auto for Ta-C TEN acres, Kennewick strawberry land, for-'-home near P.ortland. Call owner, C 1622. K'V 8-ROOM modem house, Beaumont, for5 Portland Heights lot. AJ 655, Oregoniamr. WANTED REAL ESTATE. OWNER, we are authorized to buy for a- j customer small tract or vacant business lots (comer preferred) on Union ave. or elsewhere on the Peninsula west of Union,'- for Investment, $3000 to $5000; location- must he of the best and low price. ;l ; GO WEN IDE TRUST CO.. . - Itoom 2 Lumbermens Bldg. IF you have anything in acreage or city . property for sale or exchange, list same." with us and you will get prompt and -" good resuits. WATSON & THERKELSEN. 306 Spalding Bldg. WANTED From 2 to 6 acres within 10c car faro to Portland, suitable for home. In exchange for close-in East Side 6-room v residence, 50xl00-foot lot. on corner. WATSON & THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding Bidg. WE have several buyers for acreage tracts on small payments. If you have anything to sell close to carline or R. R. let us heaf from you. Ray mo re Realty Co., 430 Worf,,v ester bldg. I AM in the market for the best house T . can buy for $-'000 or $3000; can pay $150 N to $200, small monthly payments; answer. i. 7 quick. N 00. Oregonian. Z I HAVE client for 6-room bungalow. Haw- thorne or Irvlngton district, t- $4250; , Immediate result if price righf. -Lamar, 417 Corbett bldg. ' FOR RENT FARMS. 4 ACRES, all cultivated, good house, barn" and orchard, located il mues irom th business center of Portland. V mHe .from -station, on electric; 32 acres of this place. n is first-class beaverdam land, a good gar den or onion proposition; 14 acres into!J onions just over the fence yielded over-. 800 sacks per acre this year; has running water that can be used for irrigating; will t" give a long lease and cheap rent; a man who understands the onion business can make a fortune here. W. C. Harding Land; Co., SO 4th st. FOR RENT 164 acres, all cleared, l- miles from i nitea itanways eieciric ime, 2-story house, good barn, fine for truck gardening or chicken-raising; good fruit land; easy frms. W 67". Oregonian. r.f.' FOR RENT Five acres. Multnomah, Or. " electric mir.ates jeiieroon a?-irts fare- new 5-room bungalow, barn, chickan-. house, Allen Ehattuck. Portland. Or. .. SMALL farm for rent. 24 miles east of Oregon Cltv; DCtween ana o ncrcs under cultivation; with cow; for cah rent Call 701 Marion ave. yenwoon i;' : : . . . ,i jr. NO. 1 agricultural tt- i. ianu to lease, sections i' 1 o i . " - - room 16. ix WILL rent SfiO-at-re farm; S275 See owner, 30 Ablngton b'.dg. S273 per year FARMS WANTED. WANTED To buy a choice stock ranch with farming land combined. Give full-''' est particulars in first letter. Lowest.-, price and terms. F. FUCHS, 4J0 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED from owner The best farm that , $10,000 spot cH-h wii; buy. including stock and ImpU-ments: buyer waiting. Everett Crew. 510 Rothchild bldg. ' FOB SAL: TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD J MTRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FOR SALE. 7. A B a rse . h Ides. Eto. READ THIS! $5'5 buys corner lot. 32d and Wygant sts this lot cost S550 two years ago. E. r o'b'rnwon. 141 Lownsdale st. TEAM of bay mares, weight 1000 pounds each Cheap If sold at once. Ask for R i tter, 187 Market, near Water. , , FOR !ALE Good, cheap, honest farm team,--il,i 5Hth st.. end of Hawthorne carline. walk one block west and two block souih. 4