MATivivf. nTrr.nvT A "V irnvnAV. DMEMBER 18. 1911. . . - - . I REAL KCTATE. -Arm AHICAIE our .penalty: ha r-ibd:tdd rcir. than 5'"4 acrea ad jacent to Portland within part flva .-r. 17av. two larir. piattlnc on. In Valley west of Council Crest, ttie otn.r St. Johns on wst ld; .very comra-nltjr coxv lc. : U7 urml & a. TUB BBAW-TEAR COMPACT. Mum 3- 102 a'-urta . A CHOICE ACPEAGB TRACTS. Cle to Portnd. rl-h walnut, fruit ar.d garden land; small ca.n pay ment, baiince ta. lor ltelf In product now on tc iar.i which w accept nd rt tn. c-.:t p-op.. miklri this literal oH.r. HKLAND TRUST CuMPAXl, bvo-S Spa.din,' Li-g. Ciil'KN tnl fruit ranche. Portland: walklnr d.stanc. to g-v-d town; running wtr. bt poll. free wood, a;lcndld fruit a-tricf view of Ci'urobia Rlv.r and aaow p-.ks. S icr. $2-i-: o acrea, $400: 10 arrra, $"0: 10 Pr cnt caab. aaay pay m'r:n; oth.r traci. near r . .way atalleo. t: to S'til rer acre. FRANK M FAKLAND REALTT CO, V Yroa It- !.. Por:.r-.. Or. ft S AKKS. half-way bfiwea Portland and H"lbom. 2 acrw ftearU. lutl -rora j,duw. wll and f-nc-: -mll to stat;on; bou In s.arht; -d rood neirh ton a:d a ciianc for p im on to Trt tn cheap; 17.0. with sasy monthly pjrmDti. J TH, OTrgonlnn. eS ACftlTs Or.;on trie II jr.. flnest p.a'tn g proposition on th mar KM. rn . c ird land, attorney at 414 Spalding rOK SALK-I- cr.. 1 mii from FKj iTfik sta'ton. $110. 24 First sU M;U- f or Sale Hnelewda, i m i- -Tr:.vrs. j'ralrie. ti.-ep :.n d ; g"' '1 w::h timber unl wter. nr.s. nar Portland: "nn oil. wh-at. fruit ai.d stu.-h nfi, n.r railroad and river I.Kl.lNwt iH MhiXT Mr -. C entral Or k-c. rtr'i h thru ;k-h land. 4 N- 4'.h t. For Sale- rroll l.nd. Irt-A'i:K KKS-JT hANCH. t"ndero-d. Wn.. dtrct:y a-ros fro: .. a , . M k r .nil nvk - ittrin wa:er rrd" to house and barn: ft acre III I n'-r.f ptiri. rnirir mni H"'"1 lo ars .-th' l rc!7 for burning; prjc 1jnjv: terms f.-vn r-.. H. P. PAl.V rlR-joNES CO. 44 Wllroi bl!g. C"if FT F'KST orchard lan. Is; finest fruit belt v.i!m'i ".. : to k.kI town ; ay t-ms. CUtRTNHT. 42 Lumber- m.-re b'rtc. r Sale I-vtbm. TUP most rmrkaliT civic growth of any rut in Or-r io. out.k! of I'ortland. hm ba la ..i.d the past yr. N-it yer w .1 b far greater Iand surrounding th eapi'itl ef reg.n t the best In the rAte. I'nt- are not InfTat-'d. It 1 the n c fr the imiil fruit ntnch, bcas t:i- market for th fruit ha b-en d ve ir-l by the frulr unions, canneries and k in c plants. "all for booklet and MLKU ItOAltO OP TRnK. TCr. Hnry HUig Phone Marshall -"73. WuM'KIin'L I IT i A"iK3. ; J t.ri'1 la cult! .attcn. IS area partly ctearrd. h tlsn- In t!mb-r; r'od 5-room hous. barr ch I -kt-n-hnmi. etc. 1 we: !s . wat-r; on, count roafl. minute' alk frun' rier-tnc car lane and stores; liiJ an acre hu it. . ivvn i.rwm (t t Luninifr.i PMr F R paI.F 3acre place near Aurora, food h.--ne. $1T.V. 6 acre near flaM-".. ft10. H7 -re cioa to Hubbard. 13 cultlrmted. !! per cre. Fin TO-acrw farm with stock. 1123 per 2 In Porind. price rlsht. i KITTHNI'ITN. Hubbard. Or. ha I -K M dro feSKlenc-1 of 7 room, up to tlate In eTtirr way. located on 10 a res cf ec-Hent lnd. a-ljolnlng F"rt i ; rve set wl: h dffr-nt kind of fruit, wlih chicken bams and yards: 10 minute" wai k fro n eictr'c line. Addre K. Q. A ' ;iin. Frt rtrore. Or. $,r.00 Ht'YS THIS. p-'it!rtil 1 .'- re count rr boma. with C fine bulMlng. 11 mod-ra and new. wtth:a ? fet of the electric eart'.n and stat! n; to ft from htch s-hool. S b.o-ks ffm starts, lard m In cultl- FXi-tII.l- rn'c'NTT FARMS Foil lrce and small tracts, suttnbl for rrr.r a I f irmlrg jrrnln. har. fruit, hops. d:rirr. etc.: about 40 mile southwest of ryr'.'.rl. Or. Call or write for prlc Il.t. W. K. K dr!er. Carlton. Or. a ACKKiJ by owner; larrTl't: ail cleared but a ar-re; b.-t ft fmlt. gardm land, spring houj and baxn. fn Nwbrc dls-trs-t. n-ar rratloa. Mala T-or A R ttfV Oregon Ian. Jo A"liKS nar r-avertnn. with hou and barn. tr a o.m b"v. Wt6T! RV SI-'TRITIES CO. 4T4 Spa'd'r.g bM t- FOR SM.K At a bargain; 2 'JO acre about 4 mt!-t, from N'rth i'Liln .-"ration. Will sell a. I or In tracts to suit buyer. H. K -:!r. Correlttit. tr. R. L Hoi 43. liN"iI "to e. with bu'Mrticm. 1 mile from Port : and. near elecric line: bartraio fr !! rah. tv r ner. 'Z !o-rirn st. FOR KFNT F4RM. NO. 1 itrlrii'.uri! R. R. lands trt lea; l s -t!.ns per y-ar. Ci:i o make your own s'ertionm, 2 -' Washington t rvn m Id. for pvt.c minrR uxrw. TIM'tKR I.AMS B' iM r AM' S l.T J V'l'H ' K KV :io M.'K-T PM. WAfTFr- RFAt fTATB. Mtl KEAU r.TK MAN. Can yorj h..-i,..- un.!-r contract 12 lots tn nine: npt-Py growlr.j town oa the I'oj.niMs P'..T")t of views, water, lights. enMesi of puylti .".'.. U ta&cs, no Inter si. L!'ral Commission and Pontis. Address l. W Hall Co.. Owni, or. to F.cnvi;r- TtAK-iAlV. 1U acre cf fin rcha-tl land near t i.r; ever 3U1 rrc In orchard. nly f-r a. r. n-l si i.l a.Mt'l mlern P rt -hid rcJenc part payment. ti2, rec or mti. Itrl.Vl VI VI T. Ut K A N l ItLLI. VIEW. cn W i ;a.rt: bouiev rd. two t..cks cf 5 .xl rir ri.-e. " iom nio-rn hou. lot o-".l-'. ::l accept wei;-h.-a:. d biJ-n-M los as f "t payment. InUm i easy trriT S. pru-e e-joinj. JOa l;ord wf TraJ U:.a nt .1 ; Al. I'. Far ;n m . 'i-rji k . a ' rtf and s.Vfc. J t: s a go d tn of iyp.e; s i'l ciT.s: icr u-i-'urnVrt-J F.Tt.and prop. -ty ur t f .i i'"1; mu; ber lnest!a t.on. .it IMS pro;rty wl'.: retvr carwf'il l -;.-.-tn ; ala of farm $ n.tV u. C ia, .--- IN. -N--AU O U at N .slIOl 3. F u '. I lc t. g . 4 room cot tax . brl-kt f unJ-t.' 'i. str : !mproment a l tn and ra..:. pru- i;to. ta ir.ji:i pi f.rtfcer out as part Fred W. rrmaa. 3.' H,riia.d. I.or A 27T4. 7Tu ' " K F S A ND W KRRT RAV'H. fVx-O. B re. 4 minutes walk U? Cross lr. ; 1 sr far: mv Im pro ement. go.4 .: cf c!'t; -!' take Portland r-CJn.-e tn to Fre ! V., 3 Huxn- . i-. M cr A2T4 Tv !tFXCH ANUE d fraction In 8U t.e for ito lo o-A-T tracts ta Columbia Co, for Uta or h-"rr.. O M t'M TT ENTKN'. Haro'. Or. Va.NTF.1 Farms from 10 acre. Improved, in a.aans-e for city property cioe in. Writ or call at or..-. J. W. HKFKtRl.IN r.rLTT CO. Corgstt Bui:d!Cg. t, two Ettira VfMiuta f&rmi for v4 tnccrr. 1'ortland property, apart n er.t-hous or buaina pruptrt) ; must chang oa a -c-unt of 111 health. Adlraa n.e. W M- W ts-n. Lew 1st jd, Idaho. uT'.rowTno cr.or. Booklet te4i all aout viiodrtch 10 -acre f-xs-m. Call and what this meansi yn n- ifc-nt maks a trad; price right. ftlO r. - "n-h t d bKIg.. 4:h and Wah. . VI V v LJXNT wan'J cheag. acreage near Or. c n a1:y; ttiutl h. stream on plac; .1 gu clear Km City Park lota. T . ore jon Lan. 3 A 1 KS rich b.--k bottorn Land tn Ltnn Oountv on W';t R.-r. will trJ c . - f.'r C'f property. F Or-gr.'an. our tu.".neas or realty wit en i r ij Lit k ac'lon or sh or trade. A. R. l. i M-r. 3 1 F!''-rg M'g- I'M f.l A K:er cro!ifl bonis for sa... F- iseu. at a very low price. Nlmma, p rT i . 424 H ami: ron bid w- E-wt'ITT In n eciier.t 6 room. 3- rvid-uc f-r vacant city lot. J. li T". -r.. !-r-vld'r. h'.djr. vo.a'HaI") .and to ev.'ha: g for -KtioB r-f p'lj-p laa.1 t.ear here. J. F. liauley, 2 Is TO EXCHAVf.E. WHEAT FARM TO EXCHA.NGE My farm of itfv acrea on Northern elfto Railroad, only ml.- from county -Wat; good soil and running- water on p;c. Yields 1 to bah-:: pr ir.ori-a $-40 due 1917. Wife's bid and w must lire In port .and. will accept ar.y rMaombil offer. bu1i1.J arcpt automoblA part. W csj. Ore -CO- ORCHARD booda ajway on hand mrilat deUery; will eiehann Umity amouct for acre property. J. ley. 110 SpaiUlnf M1ni59- ""HOOD RIVER AND WHITE salmon Incoma orchrd Und to trad for Port land realty. Vanduyn Walton. ii Chamber of Commerce. FOB BALK. HoriM. Vehicle. Ktc GOOD work team, mare and hor. weight pound, with g-ood hfcrnen. Nice chunky pair, mare and rior. weight about 1000 pounds each, auiutbl lor an r llRlit work; rood traveler. Uttf ing.e horse, welfht 12i0 pound, food, true worker; price $5. Good S '-4 -Inch vifon and top Bprln wairon. but 12th. ou b.ock norm ol Hawthorne ave. 41T5 in; YS itt.r mar.. -GtO Ibi.; good workers and rltl; black mire. 140ft ajr 0: pair Clyde mare. lbs.. 8 and 9 yars old; good, true worker any place; evernl ch jultahle for farm work : also rN-ib- ialr readings; 2 hed to ptck from; come and lo'k thern over and if suited try them until you are satis fied. We guarantee all horses sold. s-"irfj. near Stnrket. AUCTION SAL.H UK Horwt. Mules. Wagons and Harne. n Tuesday, Dec at 2 P. M.. will hold our last auction for thta year. Anvon having any tuvk to sol) will do wil to bring It to tu; Bal; everything s-lii be so.d un.ler a guarantee Haw-thArne-ve. StaV-. Hawthorne ave. SPA N" matched sorrel with ll-ht manes nnd tai!s. 4 year old. weicht -M'0; sniooth buitt. extra nlca pair; yrlco very reason nt. A?k fr White. rH Front. A liAKOAIN; burn good work team, we-.cht 2.'M Us.; with rwd harness; f-5 hn s S. -inch wa"n. Wnolatick. "7th tt. and f.;: i ave. Phone Foils ood 1 TEAM of bay mares, weight luOO pounds h. yv. if ,1 nt nrf- A . kr Inr STH AND Hawthorne A woodyar-1. marea. inu add horse for sale at th abov place. Call and them. iiiiksi-N and wifoni for rent by the di vrek or month. Portland P tables. ltb and '"ouch. Phone Main 120. A 1120. 1 ilt SALE 1 lam of fin Mack hors.-s, T!gnln. 2XK; aoucd and true; a bargain. i:uell st. Fiit SALE Good, cheap. faonet farm team, 2"1. iith St.. nd of Hawthorne carltne, walk or block west ard two ' fk south. Antomohlle. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES A-yOUXCBMENT EXTRAORDINARY lOO AUTOMOBILES ALL MAKES 100 WTT ATt B COINO TO SELL TITKPr? FT.I.,HTI.Y-T'SFr CARS AT REAL fcACRIFlCl.Nli 1'ltICES. Now ! the tlm to purchase your aut tnnM. You can bur now for a great deal le than you will be able- to pur chasw the same car for 0 days hence. We carry the best and latest stock of IUh'I--ud cars of any firm on th pacific Coast. XT have In stock alt make, runabout, roadsters: fv and seven-passenrer cars; Limousines; Landelets; Electrics Truck. Guaranteed EVry Car Guaranteed. TTB TEACn TOU TO PHI YE AND CARS FOR TOUR CAR FT. EE. W are rotnt to sav automobUe pur chasers thousands Cf dollars in the next frw wk. Is a fw hundred dollars worth anything- to ynu? If It Is we know you will take ad van tag of this excep tional offer. Main 244. A C215- ORFOOV ATTO EXCIIANOn. 21st and Washington eta WE hav moved but can't take our Ure stock of slightly used with n. Mom'.ay special ciosliig-out aa.e per fect runnin s.iichtlv usd automobile at your own prices nnd term. Come eariy. Stoddrd-D ton Auio Co.. 80 Tenth St.. ne-ir tark. . MERCHANTS. ATE.VTION. 1500-Ib auto delivery car. new. "-horsepower top. glass front. $200r down. $.00. Sou can afford to b up to dat when the car pays for itself each month; a limited number only sold on easy term a M . re goman. HARIIS'l BRASKETT. liomobil. rrpalr.ra: f 'H ov.rhmal. r- rlr car. at owner. " ar'.- worlt ruaranted. Adoreil iwn i;rar!d a rlu-n. Kat ill:. 6-t-Aii.SENOEB TOrillMJ '.Alt, fJ0. OR WIM TRAllH Will ta. a lot la th. Row CltT Park tll.:rlrt. t cwn.r. Addr.a. X 600. Or- r-miai. , BE''O.VI-HAND auto aupp'.tea. anything yoa want: tita . -' -u!canlrl Sio. Auto Supply Co, 3A1 Sl!:n at. OUARASTEED 5-ton capacity truck for .aia. a pnaD. onty . month? For particulars call 6 Washing ton st. A 2-TON truck In A-l condition. Just over hauled and painted, will sell for 1-m than its value; price for quick sale, Call and t- 2 0 11th et; 7-PASSENGER, CO-horsepower Thomas Fiver; goou as new- a ucutj . Ihne Marshall B143. m lsi?:W Just completed. Live and dead 'orat:. fpee.iii oiw v-.. -. r. nth st., cor. Couch. piiioe. Organ and Mulcal lnstrwment. WHY NOTP''T A riA.NO FOR CHKISTM KS7 You can make no more approp'-iale gift On of o'JT guarantsd pianos or player pumos will be p. act-J In yur home on payment of or IW then pay a few dollars each month until th Instrument is pari for. trood upright piano from 90 up, cood plater ptani-s from 273 up. Weber. Steinwuy. Chlckerlr.g;. Kimball, Chase. Knab and many other aiacdard makes to select from. KOHLER A CHAS8. J 75 Waahtna-ton tit. $t4 NICE LITTLE CH1CKERIVO Upright piano, boudoir deslcn. full oc taves, was cce;.M as part pay on a new pianola piano. This must co at $a: Ij each and 1 a week take it. K HLEK 4e CHAPE, J7A Wah:cg:ton 6. U5 SPLENDID FISHER PIANO. tr.glnail cost fo4; buv. u now; terms cash r 1 4 p-r month. K'Hl.KR At CHASE. J7a Washington SU '.5S Is th price w ask for a $15 Kimball uprig-ht p:ano. very latest de signs: terms to suit KHLEK .t CHASE. 17& W ashing ton St. flTT 1 our pr'.c on a Chlckerfng up rlgot piano; orislnal cost -'W; 1T7 bus It now; terms W cash and per month. KOHl-ER CHASE. a; A WaahmgLun St. f ;TS buy a fuM-ts cabinet oprlcht ma hncany p;ano; S'.i model; this is a splen dia ar-ap at :7. term $10 cash and $ per month. KOHLER OHA5S, I Wash met on St. STEINWAT UPRIGHT PIANO, tfi. Ebony cas; terms 14 cash and SI per month. KOHLER A CHASE, J7J Washington bt, buys a darabl mahocany player rtano. has had lttl us, originally cost ov: now f 1 7. Terms to suit. Free mu SiC roll. KOHLER A CHASE, 174 Washington Su 15 will buy a hich-grade oprlxht p'mp.v old ri:aM maker, ha had lit u, not a scratch or mar on caolnat; term $19 cash and per month. . KOHLER A CHASE 175 W ashlr.gtoa SU UK ALE. cneap. on walnut cast Wbeel ook pi co. In first-class condition. C O. ,P)okJs warahouM, N. W. corner 3d and NEW $.;73 piano, ner been used; $20 cash if tak-n at one. Fhon Main 214. U.l ftr 30 P. M. ANYONE bavtrg a Martin guitar for aal pleas wril AG 607. Oregonian. " " Wrd. Tet Stock. H lOH-CLA? lioton terrier pup. f.m, sired hv Th pr'r winner B'-rf. C." Prlc g.'-V Phone Monday Fast 42. COl. LIE puppies make fin Xmaa present. on hand, new catalogu for stamp, Shadeiand Farms. Amity, or. iil &.vL--. ai-s pui'p:. $1X r boa bAllwood i201 FOR SAMS. loc. Kirds. pet Htock. BIRDS received al Portland Bird Co, 1 Union Ave. Phones Kast 4391 An other shipment of th celebrated Harts Mountain Hollers and Faint Andreastrg Roller canaries; English llonvich. Bull finches aad Goldfinch. Taree imported Japanese spanlsls. one femal German cacninuno, on puppy, juit m TWO White Leghorn cockerels, thorough bred and from pniewlnnlnc strains; pnc 13 each; also Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels. Call S10 East 60tn su, or phone B 2-.M. TWO Eng-llsh bull terrier puppies, male and. female, cheap if sold una wee. ot -wax- kel au. near W'ater Gt"IN'EApIgs make nice, harmless Christ mas present for the little folks. Call klaurlc Mann. C 24&S, East 350; 171 sccltmneoo. FOR SALE. Watsr wheels, all kinds, at less than PfiC" M. BARDE A 60XS. -Th House of a Million Bargain," 240-22 Front SU. Cor. Main. MT CHRISTMAS GIFT. Overcoats and raincoats make practical Christmas presents. For my 2T.60 to .J0 values marked 1S.75 pay xne $2 mv irC. Co to 23 values, marked 14. pay me 2 less. This is my Christ ma rllt to purchaser. JIMMY DOTK. ... Room SIS. Oregonian bldg. Tak elev-itor. K EI N Elt, furrier, has on hand extr fin mink, otter, beaver ermine, etc.. et-.; s-alskln coat, slightly worn big bargain, bear and leopard rugs: selling at cost to oIob out; save money, buy her. v Merchants Trust bldg-., th and W ashing;- t"n BIS. MEN'S TilOUtlKHS. In .weeds, corduroyi. worsted; S4 I"P" at $2 50: $3 values at $5.B0. No big profits tacked on to pay for high rent. Ji"?my Dunn, room 8l Orconian bldg-. lait etc ator. FOR SALE OR F EXT LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINES, locomotives, con tractors equipment KAILWAT EQUIPMENT CO.. 74 First S t ree U SAF?7S Genuine HaU susVaTncw and second hand, low prices, easy terms. Safes opened and repaired. Purcel Fafs Co. and Port lend Si4f Co.. 85 6th st. Main 3ll. LADIES 17-JeweL adjusted, lady W al tham. In 14-karat solid gold, watch set with 9 diamonds; only $3u. Uncle Myers, 71 0th st. - CHRISTMAS TREES. A largo quantity at a nominal prlc. ready to load for market. Just outside citv limit, phone Main lr.3T. MoTION-PICTURE outflu will sell whole or separate cheaper than you can steal one. A. A. H e r r 1 n g. W a 11 W alia. Was h. JIOL'PEHOAT (scow ). very cheap, furnished, newly painted and caulked. Inquire Kenton Boat house. Columbia Slough, after noon. i;.JLVEL Hmvaid 14-karat Boas filled wutch for at Unci Myers. 71 ta. near Oak. CAPITAL JI NK CO.. dealers in Iron, metal, rubber sacks, machinery, pipe, tools and jrh lot.. Marshall adrift. 7-rt3 N. lt st. CHRISTMAS bargain m all make of type writer. Come and see them. Northwest ern Typewriter Co.. 0 6th st. PlR E-W .TtE R wlilte diamond. Zhk l-2 karat: K) net price, cash only. S 000. (iregorlan. AVM'AL FAI.E of unredeemed pledges at I'r.ria Myers. Tl 6th St., near Oak. 40 Contractor's eou.pment by I'nlted Enfrlrteer in a cnn.triifilnn Co.. !"'- Lewis bldg. BAKE Mvdiurn-sUed fireproof. comblnaLloa lock. Address P. O. bo 423. For SALE 2."u aicks potittoea Address Hcnrv Kramt-r. Sara. V. nsh. clt SAI K or wi;i rent 2-room houseboat In good condition. W .J2. oregonian. Foil SALE Well-rotted fertilizer manure. Call K. Sin- Well-rotted manure fertilizer. East 22 ?. MANURE for sale. Phona East177SI WANT ED MI HC K LLAN EOCS. WAN T E ANT r. U a O, 1 irr.ll .u n b. i" uv -- bargain for cash. Phone Woodlawn 2100. a 1 1 Tor . rs. r tuner. Wr. KCY CLOT1IINO. FUKNITUKB, TOOLS HlKhrst prlc. paid for mn a and ladlr calott clothina. aho.a. furniture, too;, mchanl--. loKKlnit. Call Main 20SO. -i0 lat at.. Th. J.ot). . iFMTlKT prt'-cs j.ald for ladlra an.l tents' caatoff clomlns; wo respond promptly. Call MHrnhall Soil. r AHTT to ihn ahlpm.nt of Jovn hold to Dallaa. Tax. E. H. w ntle. WK pay th. nirhc.t ca.h price for accond hand furniture. Kcatrr A Martin. Phona .-.V.. i. t tt.nn. FT m-Jl payg h:gh".t caah prlc. for furniture. CA.SOARA aaitrada bark. I would Uk. to r-prrcnt Rood houac. Richard illlllcr, 10 unam at., .-.fw iui GRAMA PHONE. 1 V."' on rccorls In aoa orurr. r vi-, ...... V. U.U tint room, for ii.r.O and paliu hou.ea your pnrfc rnom - - T1CKKT Ei. male. ChlcaKO N. V.. Waah- Incton or Kirnraonu. j i-". Ful'.D Auction Co. pay. mo.t caah for any kind of furniture. Main 1)1)51. A 244. 5e tTnt roomi. $2.59 up: do palntln at reasonabl. price.. yml 614. HH.P WANTEO M AU- DO YOU wnt a proposition that will .ell? On. that haa o many compelling argu irent. In It. favor that If a man haa any al.aman qtiallllea at all h. can earn from iu. to luot) every aln(t:a month that h work.T Thl. I. not an old proposition that everyon. knowa ahout. It I. brand new and no ..leaman who hDtle. can P"blr f ill to mak. ood. Lead, furnlehed. So. Mr Jonca, Kred A. Jacoba Company. for- a position on our own aalaa tore. aa you are ahla to fill It. CaU 146 Filth t. and ak for Mr. Hod.on. WANTED An experienced underwear aa.ea man for Orocun. WMh!nlon, Idaho and Montana to H1 an ex.ilu.tva line of men a union aulta. s to 4J per floien. to the bet retnll trad., on commllon. Send reference, with application. Correepoml enr. ronfld-nt ial. Th. Imperial V nd.r wear Co.. Plqua. O. F. !: M. KsTATS eALteSISN wante.1 at once, to aell Leaumont. aorvice nnd completed Improre. mrnli ar. b:lr.ainB nclivo Inquiries; ex perloncej men delre(l. gee Mr. 5undera. between p M and 10 SO A. M. Monday. COI.f.MHIA TKL'ST COMPANY. Ground f;oor Hoard of Trad. bldy. RE At. ESTATE 8AI.ESVFV. You want to m.ik. more money. We hava a tew plan for supplying leads. If you ci.n close .ale. and stand prop.-rliy. rum. in with us. Ask for aa'.ea Binjr.r. The Fred A. Jacoh. Company. 1SS-140 Fifth tPTTr.n a aood. all-roiind blacksmith for country .hop. Must ' be A 1 hor.hoer and mut bava fumlly of not ees tha, a ehll.lren of .chool aire. Salary. .o per month. Perman-nt position for rlht party. CaiJIKoomJ)7.Yeonbld. TOfSfl men wante-1 between aa. U and ..." railroad service: lelecraphers. station a'xenta. clerks: .Alarles Ti to 0 per n" No strike: position, guaranteed competent men. Addrea. N ilJ. Ora- ron!". r.ncioe. .xminp. bH-ilAl. INPiTEMENTS TO AOE.NTS TOU CHRISTMAS TRADE. HcClil'M-IICnVKLL CCX. 1 OT TTH ST. THRFB first-elaaa clolhlns; salesman at once. ll.t th 9t- rledman Ciothea c'. .p. Orfgorlan VMg. WANTK Good optlclaji to take spac. with ,in-to-dte J'; tood location on tVa.lilnirton t. AT 8TP. Oregonmn. BOYS wanted (2l with bicycles, a'.so boy Bi-oualnted with Mount Scott and Lenta. 274 Taylor at.. od waia. WANTED Man and wife to do general farm work. Call Monday between 0 and o. at MS Corbett bli'a. .A l'l t ssobrr. reliable man to arn th. automobllw buainesaa. Call at 2td lltn t reg t. WANTEP Carc-entcre helpers, at East 4.l:h and Marrleon; non. but hustler need rpvly- IIt 'OG RAPH coupon and portrait ap-nte. new ofler. Cutbbrt Studio. Dekum tlda. v ni WENT-Incom. for saleam.n. r Mr n'ryant. l'.ll Teon bldg. WANTED Helper on ladle, coata. fijo h-isell .t w iNTBD llv agent t aell photo coupoa.a Bult on Studio. Wahlnctn at. vt, wanted to .ell Christmas decoration a n a novetwr ... i vk'S' wanted to SAM Christmas decoratlo and noveltlew. 4TS Washington at. WANTED iiaxbex, stdy Job. at 2SS Iststl VfS hava c:abllhed a training achecl f;r an:carr.en In which YOU may learn FREE OK CHARGE one of th. beat-paylnc of j.rof-alona Many oun- nten try aellln iooda and fall .Imply from lack of traln r. . . thl dofect nnd clva you DELP WANTEO MALE. INCIDENT. Toung; man. cranb'er. out of work - Ms total cash asset; If I pay you 13 for special employment membership I will have only li left between me and star a:lon. Secretary If you pay IS for special em- ? laymen t membership you will have th . M. C A., with Its resources, between you end starvation. Result Young- man Joined association. In less than a wees; had satisfactory em ployment. Record for It months ending; Not. Calls for men 2163 Positions fliUd 174 Employment membership guarantee. members will secure employment or re fund of membership fee; gives 2 months full membership privileges. 10 months' so cial prlvllcvts and undertakes to keep party employed during the full term of membership without further charge. We hav constant demand for hlRh- Jrade, experienced men Art you fitted or a better position ? See secretary employment department. T. M. C. A. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ses of 19 and lb. Must be natlv born or have first pa pers. Monthly pay $15 to $9. Additional compensation possible. Food. clothing, quarters and medical attendance free. After SO years service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore In all parts of th world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corps Recruiting- Office, rooms 1 and S. ilrfedcn bldg-., Sd and Washlncton sts.. or room 7, Winchester House, U Sd St., Portland. Or. PTOCK SALESMEV. Men of ability, personality and rood ap pearance for & high-grade financial propo sition; a new, clean-cut Portland company, that will show dividend earnings that will appeal to conservative investors. FRANK M. BROWN. Inc. 1020 Chamber of Commerce Bldg-. WANTED Several Finnish or Swedish colonist families, to clear and live on fertile lnced-off land, near Centralia. Wnsh.; houses and rent free for term of years. Andre AF, Qrec"nian. WANTED Night clerk at Weinhard Astorli Hotel; references required. UK LP WAMEO FEMALE. WANTED TOUNO IADI&3 FOR TBLaV PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THB PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO BAST tTH AXD AN KB NT STsV WANTED Several youn ladles betwee the of 18 nd 23 for permanent posi tion. Apply the P. T. T. Co.. 74 Alder I n alTIl IT. Anafsanv Mt . A FOriELADY for the finishing depart ment In a manufacturing; laboratory; must b thoroughly experienced; between the agn of 25 and 35; state experience, ref erence and salary first letter. Address AP 6M, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED wmin who would want a home to help with llcht housework and be companion; reasonable wages. Call 5ol4 37ih ave. S. E-, Archer Place is tail on, on Mount Scott car. WANTED A woman with no children to bo cheerful companion for sickly lady; small w air eg. 147 Hassalo et., cor. of Kaat 5od N. AN experienced girl wanted for sjeneral housework and cooking, family of 8, rood wap. 77S East Salmon. Phone East 11. .7. WILL give excellent home and small pay to midille-aged woman who can -ew and help with general housework; hot water heat, all conveniences, phone C 8084 WANTED Neat, capable young widow, to superintend widower's home; In answering give phone and particulars. F 001. Ore- pnnfnn. WANTED Young wamnn to enter training; school for nurses; 2 years' course. Ap plv Aberdeen General Hospital. Aberdeen. Wash. LADY to rake restaurant (nearly furnished) In hotel ; sleeping-room included; board on for rent. Apply 8'i4 North 26th., S car north og 3d to 2th. block south. STENOGRAPHER with hlph school or col leice education can secure work part time while preparing- for position requiring ex pert service. K 033, Oregonian TWO younc women to represent children's educational Journal; teachers preferred; excellent salary for right party. 723 Marquam bldg. WANTED Refined young ladles for legiti mate business ; easy work; pood salary. Apply the New Scott Hotel, bet. 9 and 2. 7th and Ankeny sts., room 244. A LA D Y wanted to act as land I ad y at rooming-house. Apply at 10 A. M.. 41 N. 5th and Couch gts.. city. EXPERIENCED g-irl for general housework. :2 E. 46th st. N. Take Kose City Park car. HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, cham bermaids, nurses, day workers. St. Loula AgenTyoSVs Aider. Main 2039, A 4775. HOUSEKEEPER, respectable; must have references; small lamlly. 132 10th sL, room UH. WANTED Ladles to make pillow tops at home. aM or spare time; good pay; expe rience unneceeary. 225 11th st. .UUINESS FIRM needs a woman over 25 who Is capable and ambitious; experience unnecessary. A t.!M. uretronian WANTED Lsdle to learn the business of the Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bid. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 845 H Washington st.. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Mam 2C92. MRS. HOWE'S LADIF.S' AGENCY. Washington bldg-., 4th and Wash sts. Main s-3fi or A 32fiJ. WANTED Refined, cspab; woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co., tW9 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED An experienced cook in small famllv, s;ood wages. Phone East 570 and C 2iM. WANTED Cilrl to do general housework; must know how to cook; good wages paid. A pply 733 Irving si. near 2Jd. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. 794 Water, cor. Glbbs. GIKL to car for baby; room and board and S5 a m nth. 177 Ea-st 15th st. WANTED Girl for general housework. 703 North ru p. Co K fr general housework. Immediately. 822 14th st. . REFINED gentleman wants housekeeper in iourrv. E CGJ. Oreconian. LilKL for general housework, no cooking, Kd home, no washing. 674 5th st. WAIST finishers, first-class- also appren tices; come ready. 132 luth. room ,"8. UIKL for rer.eral housework; no cooking. A t pl y 60$ E. 11th st. North. GIRL for general housework. 720 Hoyt. I1F.LP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, bill clerks, etc.: I will guarantee your qualification to fill positions In 30 das; private Instruction b.- public accountant; position securU. J 430, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED subscription solicitors mnk j big money on new j nmf anuc " -Fair monthly publication; satisfactory ref erence or cosh deposit required. Apply 9 It Yeon bidg. HELT Vt A? T EP MlCEUaA EOCB. WANTED By mail clerks. Portland xa Inations announced Jan. 1ft; sampl ques tions free. Franklin Institute. DepU 841-K. Rochester. N. Y. ' STENOGRAPHERS, learn- to operate th Oliver; positions waiting; use our free practice room and file your application. The Oliver Typewriter Agency, 33 Ankeny street. FILE you application for a position and use our free practice room. The Oliver Type writer Agency. 33 Ankeny st. MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay; free booklet tells how. t nit ed Preas Syndicate. San Francisco. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Associa tlon. San Fraociaco. LE RN chiropody. Famous Dr. Wagner's Method taught by Harriet Marchant. 402 ten t, bldg.. 1 0th and Aider. Main PRIVATE bookkeeping. 6horthand. typewrit ing. 81 6 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5S35. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. 5 mo- 269 14th it. Main 8atf3. F.SK TEA Hif.Kd' ASSOCIATION. 1J ti wetland bld HELP WANTEO MISCF-LLANEOrS. KEEP OUT OF THE RAIN. Learn to operate moving: pic tures; operators earn J-5 week ly; easy inside work; short hours; learn business In th finest and best equipped school In the world: lessons reasonable. , Day and evening classes. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE, hk Washington, near 1 th. MEN" WANTErage IP to S3, firemen $100 monthly, brakemen on nearoy rail roads. Experience unnecessary; no striKe. Positions guaranteed competent men; pro motion. Railway employment headquar T9 nSl men sent to positions last four morths. State age; send stamp. Railway Association Box, Oregonian. MEN and women to learn the barber trad in eight weeks: special inducements; per centage paid while learning; tools free; expert instructors; 17 yexrs In the ui-nt-ss; 8"7 schools, a lifetime membersh.p given to each student. Molcr Barber Col lege. 85 N. Fourth at., Portland. Or. WANTED Men tt Los Angeles, learn trade. Fair wages after second month: "Mo biles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying, practical work on actual Jobs; 1200 stu dents last fiv years; few months re q u i red. United Trad fechool. Los a- geles. BUSINESS MEN. avail yourselves of our free employment department; competent stenographic help regardless of machine used. The- Oliver Typewriter Agency. Mam 627S. SITUATIONS WANTED M4.T.H Bookkeepers and Clerks. rni.i.rrTinv anecinllst and business cor respondent, with selling ability, knowledge of bookkeeping ana compeicm muu" nher. HI vears old. 10 years" business ex perience; will accept any position in or out or. city witn opportunity -ment. B. Bluhr. phone Tabor a885. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balances and atate rr.ents. Install systems. Gllllngham, au ditor. 411 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. YOUNG man seeks clerical situation; four years' experience bookkeeping, collection and cashier work; Al references; can fur nish bond. V 650. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER stenographer. experienced banking, lumber, real estate and other lines, best of reference. AE 6o0. Orego nian. BY young man of 20. 4 years' experience general office and clerical work; A-l ref erences. 414 Alton Hotel. Mtftm 7116. EASTERN Hhrlncr. stranger, must hav work at once. Phone Main 623Ji Mlrtcellaneoua- MUXICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 215 Second, corner Salmon. Women's department, 243 Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, professional and clerical, male and female help fur nished on short notice. No fees charged. Phone Main 8C55. A 0624. WANTED By George .H. Emery, a job as watchman or handy man in factory, nop or warehouse In Portland or vicinity. Ad dress In care Of The Whitney Co.. Lt., 004 Lewis bldg., Portland, who will vouch lor Emery a loyalty, souriety ana PARTIES that have mining or business in terests they would like looked up In U. S. or Mexico or Canada, or traveling com panion on such trips; knows trails and can DRUGGIST wants position, in or out of town, 14 years' experience, Al man, ca- fab! of assuming managership; registered n Oregon and Washington. Address K 630, Oregonian, WANTED Position as steward in hotel or club or as commissary man for construc tion camp; fiv years with last employers; can give good references. H 07. Orego nian. DETECTIVE wants work; competent, high class man wants position on private work with Individual or corporation. naD agencies don't answer. Address AB 654. Oregonian. YOUNG man. attending college, desires to work for board and room before and afte school. Call or address me. H. D. B., room i'Vii common weaitn piuk WANTED Position aa manager of lumber yard in town where there 1 good school; can give A-l reference. For particulars write AV 7i6. Qregnfclan, A STEADY, sober man wants position a auto or truck driver; In addition will do any other kind of work; good references. A UELIABLE man wants position to take care of automobile and drive; can do all repairs. A-l reference, phone Main 2143 after I mornings. A LIVE salesman would like to become Identified with a jobbing or wholesale firm, road or city; salary or commission. T 660. Oregonian. . SITUATION wanted; etndr salesman, with good established trade m Oregon is open for contracts for 1612; can furnish ref erences, bond, etc F 653, Oregonian. HIGH School boy. 19. wants housework or care of automobile for board and room. Interview appreciated, an sua, uregomau YOUNG man attending college desires work evenlnprs. Saturdays and Sundays all day. AB 651. Oregonian. BOY, 18, want Work; will take short hours. B 24 s7. GENERAL house cleaning and Janitor work. Thompson, phone Marshall 1460. GOOD Japanese want position In family, cook or housework. G 600. Oregonian. MAN and wife want position as Janitor; a partm e nt house preferred. Ref. Main 9120. JAPANESE wants position In family for cook or housework. E 663, Oregonian. JAPANESE ' wantg- daywork. Call phone A 2319, 8 A. M. SITUATIONS WANTED FE M ALE. Bookkeeper and hlenographera, EXPERIENCED lady bookkeeper wishes re sponsible position; can take full charge. Phone A 3i'52. STENOGRAPHER, considerable experience, wishework. Main 6522. LADY stenographer, experienced, want! po sition; reasonably pay. Tabor 44. Dressmaker. PLAIN sewing of all kinds neatly done; reasonable. Phone B 2157. SEWING by the day or at home. A 1041. Phona FIRST class dressmaker will sew for (2.50 per day. R Ci. Oregonian. DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Phone Main 6222. . DRESSMAKING and plain sewing by the day; experienced. Phona Tabor 433. DRESSMAKING done at reasonable prices. Phone Tabor 982. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, work by day; references; alterations a specialty. A 57U9. MIDDLE-AGED, practical nurse, doctors' references. Main 6937. "rtneeeTeT. POSITION wanted by experienced house-k-eper In hotel or apartment house. AS 6'S6, Oregonian. Domestics. A FIRST-CLASS colored woman pastry cook and all around cook wants position in private family or boarding-house; will help with dinners or parties. Main 8345. Ml seen an eon. WORK by day or hour, cooking for parties or dinners a specialty; good references. 575 Everett St. Phone A 392. COMPETENT German woman wants house work and cooking by the day. 220 East Monroe st. WOMAN wants day's work, sweeping and cleaning. ai-iu - LA ("E curtain laundered ; expert. Tabor : 44 3. LACE curtains laundered, 25o and 35c, called for and aeiiverea. ispor i. WANTED Cashier work by responsible lady. can jiaxgnau .no. WOMAN want to. take care of child at her hnme. r'none c-Fuwor-a FII:S T-CLASS laundress wishes work for 'Monday; references. Woodlawn 161L WANTED Laundry or housecleanlng by the hour. Phone Marshall 2137. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Mrs. Roberts, East 6057. A GOOD, reliable woman goes out washing and Ironing. E. L.. C 1972. WOMAN wants work by hour. Main 2012. GOoD woman wants day work. Tabor 8121t WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS to sell a good suitable holiday article; .lberal commission. G. D. Sher man, SO Grand ave. WANTED TO BENT. House. WANTED 4 or 5-room modern bungalow. Rose City Park, hy party of three adults, furnished or unfurnished. F 656, Ore gon', aji. Room. COUPLE want to give board in first-class rooming-house, 20 rooms or more; kitchen, dining-room and bedroom needed X 670, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants room with sleeping; porch, 1L 677, Oregonian, WASTED TO BENT. Booms With Board. WANTED Room and board in private fam llv. fairly close in. West Side, by young married couple; husband travels; refer ences exchanged; reply letter only. M. R. T.. 275 24th st. North. FURNISHED room and breakfast wanted by young man In STRICTLY PRIVATE. RE FINED AND CULTURED family; West Sid preferable; give full particulars. AE 661. Oregonian. . WANTED A home In private family for girl 4 yeara old. Call Mrs. Farias, Mar- shall 2118. Business Tlacr. I WANT to lease the upper floor of a 6 to 10-storv Are-proof building, close In to the business district. Y 6:8. Oregonian. FOR RENT. HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE ROOMS. Nicely furnished, steam heat, very reas onable: at the Geneva. 445 Columbia; ou will look no further after seeing theae rooms, also the low prices Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CARLTON 14TH AND WASHINGTON STS. A LIMITED NUMBER OF BEATTTI TTLLY FURNISHED AND APPOINTED ROOMS AND SUITES, WITH AND WITHOUT PRIVATE BATH. FOR PERMANENT GUESTS ON VERY REAS ONABLE MONTHLY RENTAL RATES. EVERT CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT OF HOME WITH THE ADDED CON VENIENCES OF A FIRST-CLAs'S HOTEL AND ASSURANCE OF A POSITIVELY FIREPROOF BUILDING. ROSS FINN IG AN", MANAGER. NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI NOW OPEN! Those three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK, PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 213 4th St. 211V 4th St. 207 r 4th St. On Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon St.; brand-new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of the ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL CAPLES. Residential. 350 Taylor. Transient. Bet. Tth and Park Sts. Opposite Helllg Theater; central, quiet; rooms from 75c daily, with private bath, from $1 dolly; special, weekly and monthly rates; suites, new, handsomely furnished brick ; elevator, telephone, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot "J" car to Taylor or "W" car to Tth; from Hcyt-street depot, "S" car. transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2200. CORDOVA Hotel, 11th and Jefferson sts. ; brand new brick building: splendidly fur nished ; all rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and cold w ater, many with baths; every effort Is made for the com fort and convenience of Its guests; the rents are most reasonable; rooms by the week, month or day. "J" car direct from depot. " ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington st., opposite Multnomah Athletic Field New brick building; all modern conveniences; well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for transients; convenient to the business center and the rates are mod erate (plenty steam heat). Marshall 1050. GRAND UNION HOTEL, 3S7H East Burnslde. . Live on the East Side and save money: 120 modern rooms, single or en suite; steam heat, hot and cold running water In all rooms; rooms with private hath; rates from 50c to $1.50 per day; $2 to f6 per week. Phone East 5940, B 12.5. HOTELFORD. 733 Washington, corner Lu cretia st. New brick building. Just com pleted; fine large outside rooms with tele phone service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly furnished; hot and cold water, steam heat; best of serv ice; very reasonable rates. 6 ARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne avea. Beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suite, with private bath; hot and cold water, steam heat and private phone in every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates: grill in connection; tran sients solicited. HOTEL fcAVON. 131 Eleventh street. Nt modern brick building, steam-heated, private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL LA SALLE, Phone Marshall 3335. Absolutely fireproof. Rooms by the. day, week or month. Cor. Tenth and Burnside Streets. Two Blocks North of Washington. SUMMIT HOTEL, 347 13th et.. near Alder, in bu-lness dis trict; newlv furnished, steam-heated rooms; a quiet, homelike place for quiet people; permanent, transient; 3 per week and up. .. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat: offers special rates to perma nent guests; rates 50c to 2 a day; $3.50 and up per ween, rnone aiain Mij. THE PEER HOTEL. East 3d and Burnside. New fireproof building, steam-heated, hot and cold water and phones in all rooms; private baths. lobby and parlor; elevator service; rates $3 per week 1 ad up; tran sients solicited. Phone East 171. tctp.W OCCIDENTAL. Home comforts, modern conveniences; special rates to permanent roomers; tran sient trade especially; rooms 75a up; cen tral location; cars to all parts of the city. 150 First St., cor. Morrison, Portland. HOTEL RENWICK An ideal home for bus iness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main 916. LARGE, warm, double, front rooms, suitable for four men, $1.50 each; also other rooms; free phone, hot bath, eta 8S7 Taylor at. LIGHT airy rooms, modern, suites or single, steam heat. $3 and $3 week; 5 minutes' walk to theater and stores; free phone. LI N DELL HOTEL. 328 4TH. HOTEL BENNETT. Just opened; new furniture, every room modern, steam heaL 226 Taylor. jhe" GAYOSA Rooms $3 week up, with private bath. $4 up; all modern conve niences Grand ave. and East Stark. THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, central, rates including bath S2.&0 per week and up. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near 22d Nicely furnished outside rooms, private bath and phones; board if desired. M SGL THE LARRABEE, "227 Larrabee. modern steam-heated rooms, $2.50 up; close in. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. 434 SALMON ST.. cor. 12th: every modern Convenience; B nvmts ivi uusnma mnn. NICELY furnished rooms, $10 a month, at the Elgin, v.v mn u OS EVERETT Room suitable for 1, 2, or Fnrnifched Rooms In Private Family. NEW EWLY furnisnea room in new iisi, muciem conveniences and bed fit to sleep in, 694 H Everett st. NICELY furnished" room, bath, telephone, walking distance, reasonable. 564 Main street. . NEWLY furnished front room for one or two gentlemen; furnace heat, close in. 214 13th st. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable one or two; privilege getting light meals If de sired. 2f".0 11th st. A 4403. ' LARGE furnished room, Bplendid view, modern, furnace. 340 Hassalo. Phone East 49S8. ' NEATLY furnished rooms; free phone and bath; near 23d and Washington. 171 Green ave. Main 8979. NICE front room in quiet home for one or two gentlemen, reasonable. 272 park st. ONE nlcely-fumtehed front room, heat and bath, suitable for 2; $12. 509 MUL LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for two; use of piano. 3G1 10th at NICELY furnished room, all convnleacea close In. 228 10th St.. near Salmon. , DES1RABEL front room; all conveniences; two young men. Phone Main 7653. Apt. 22. NICE clean little room, heat, phone, bath, $2. 264 12th st. 2 LARGE front rooms, suitable for 1 or 2, $iu month; heat, bath; 1254 K. lfith st. ONE niceiy furnished room, walking dis tance; heat, bath and phone. 327 W. Park. 1WO suits very nice rooms; every conven- lence. 13 and $22.50. 163 33th. FURNISHED room, sleeping or housekeep- ing. Number 2 North 14th at. NEATLY furnished bedroom; gas and phone. $1.50 per week. 429 6th st. $8 PER MONTH, nicely-furnished room, hath, phone. 7 xxiin. 152, 5th st. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. PLEASANT, lifrht outside corner room for . rent; eiectrio lights, bath, phone; close In. 560 East Main, corner 13th. East 4T20. FIN ELY furnished rooms, $2.50 per week and up; privato homo, bath, phone, hot water heau 414 Market, cor. 11th; eight blocks from Olds, Wortman & King. WE have beautiful front rooms for 1, 2 or S; hot and cold water, all conveniences. W or 23d-st. car. 275 N. 24th SU, cor. Over ton. MaxshAU 30S0. LARGE front room with piano, electric light, suitable for two ladies or man and wife; kitchen privilege. Phone A 5704. 324 Jackson st. FOR RENT Furnished room in new steam- heated flat. West Side, walking distance; two in family; no other roomers. Fhon A S476. . LARGE FRONT ROOMS. Ladles or gentlemen, doairine homelike rooms, with or without board. $11.50 and $3 wee k. 401 H South ad st. NICELY furnished rooms, modern conven iences; centrally located, reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. LARGE front room, heat and phone. Jeffer son car, eay walking distance; $2.50 per week. 32S Chapman. LARGE, newly furnished, everything mod ern; walking distance. Phono Sellwood SS9. COMFORTABLE, well-furnished room for gentleman; every convenience; $1.50 week. XHZ 14th. FL'RMSHED rooms with all modern con veniences; plenty of hot water, heat and telephone. 6T5 Gllsan. A 74117. NICE, comfortable rooms, furnace heat, on carline, walking distance. $16 and $13; private family. 3S9 11th st NICE large room, suitable for 2 men or man and wife, furnace heat. 474 Clay. oor. 14th; walking distance, ELEGXxTLT furnished room, well lighted, running water, hot and cold, furnace heat. Sat West park, bet. Columbia i.nd Clay. WELL-FURNISHED clean room for gentle man; electric lights, furnace heat and bath. 700 Flanders. ONE nice, large, neatly furnished bedroom with hoat, light, phone and home conveni ences. 549 Belmont, pnone t, o;io. FURNISHED room In private family, with piano, phone and bath. 285 ft Holladay avenue. FOR RENT In private family, very pleas ant, warm room, for gentleman. i81 Lovejoy. Koom. With Board. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITK HALL, cor. 0th and Madison; larga rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close In. near car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. BOARD and room In private boarding-house, home privileges, phone and bath, good, wholesome food, home cooking. 40o Weat Park- M. 47U1. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; ?3d year. Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, library. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heath, sunt. CHOICE rooms with board, modern conven lences. home cooking. 3.1 N. 17th. " THE MAN1TOU 261 13th st Pleasant rooms, excellent board. Main 11E4 ELEGANT room, facing Park, reasonable; can accommodate two boarders. 3i4 Park. Booms With Itoard In Privato Family. BOARD AND KOOM. In private family, strictly modern house, walking distance of town; good home cooking and home privileges, with use of piano. Phone P. 2724. 223 E. 20th t- NICELY furnished room, furnace heat, H.50 a week and up; all modern conveniences, board if desired. 571 Gllsan. Phono M. 42.SS. . YOUNG man of good habits wants room mate of same character, pleasant homo, good board, reasonable. Main oooo. BOARD" and room In private family; all modern: reasonable price. 205 N. ISO Phone Marshall 2-98. ELEGANTLY famished room with board In privato family; modern conveniences. 440 E. Chicago St., St. Johns. I BEAUTIFUL front room; for two, $40; all new, modern conveniences. 88 17th St., betw. t.v,?rei. r .aim-' a. ONE double and one single room with board, home privileges. 708 Flandera. Marshall 107S. $1S A MONTH for room and board at 48 E. 28th St., two blocks south of E. An keny car. NICE airy front room with best of board. 54;iii 5th. Phone Marshall li26. BOOMS with boarl Call 389 Taylor. Private poarQiuii-Huu.r. WEST SIDE, large pleasant room with al cove. Excellent board. Main 20iL ROOM "and board In private family. Phona Alain o.i- v..... COMFORTABLE rooms with board, furnaco heat. gas. eic. t-i j PLEAt- NT rooms, single or aouD..; board 658 Gllsan St. fwocTryfurnIshed rooms, with board, home cooking androomf orBMaln 2941. 663 WASHINGTON ST. Room and, board. S6 a weeic. SINGLE front room with board, gentlemau only, references required. 291 .P LARGE front room with board. 204 N. 22d. Phono A7230. . ROOMS, with board: home cooking. 650 4th st. phone. Apartments. ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand Ave., cor. East Stark. Nicely furnished "two and three-room apartments, modern prices reasonable, waiklng distance. Phone East 300. 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. ONE ELEGANT 5-ROOM UNFUR NISHED APARTMENT APPLY UJ fiicuAoio. LINCOLN APTS., cor. 4th and Lincoln sts. Completely furnished two-room apartments for housekeeping; new and modern; house Just opened; walking distance; no chil dren: iZO to HlfLOP HALL, furnished apartments. Haw thorno ave. and East 6th st, New brick building, splendidly furnished. S-room -apartments, modern convenience,, very reasonable rent, best of service. Nicely furnished and unfurnished apts., very reasonable. A 1024. Main 1082. 697 AVasnmgion. . , lOiOTW PUTS Sunny 3-room apts., attractively furnish ed! concrete bldg.: 1 blfc south 23d and Wash. 1S7 Green ave. A m23: Mar, aiol. KINGSBURY Apartments, 186 Ford St., near Washington Elegant new brick building, complete and modern, private balconiea, best of service; 4 rooms with bath $4Q. 410 Bth Furnished and unfurnished, atrictly modern apartments; walking dis tance; prices thf I illian Apartments, cor. 6th and Mont Tomer"; handsomely furnished 3-room Im. all outside rooms, private bath and fSi. .lkina distance. Marshall 1378. HANTHORN APARTMENTS, 251 12th St.. near ain J" ........... - . - -- ortvaie balcony, every modern conveu t35.oo; two sleeping compartments. THE M'KINLEY. : 49 East Morrison, corner 7th, 2, 8 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; --...-..I Vinthq. moderate price, new m'gt. PARK APARTMENTS. 353 Harrison; beau- tiful 3 ana .-iou. walking distance; best of service. Phone Marshall 30'0. RRA1VTREB Elegant 5-room apartment. West Side, walking distance: rent reaaon hfe Main 7741. 205 12th St. a nnoM apt., well furnished; elevator, In unary, telephone and good location; rent $30. Drickson. 448 11th at. - ,v i-ROOM furnished, 5-room unfur- " nis'hed. suites all modern; very reasonable. ' loth and Everett.LMam124 rvr SUNLIGHT Apartments, elegant threa rms, furnished, modern. 1235 Belmont. Tabor 1708. , Vi vrvAVLE Furnished or unfurnished apartments, private bath and phone. East 41 -.'3. : Tc- LAURETTE One furnished 8-room T apartment; private bath and phone. 225 11th st. vrs- CLAY POOLE A S-room apartment. L-ith nearly new furniture complete, for ?ale Main 3306, A 544L t m PLACE, 414 Yamhill St., room, $3.50 per week up; hot and cold water, steam - heat, private bath. ArE apis-. 24th and Northrup sts.; 0 iCom apt., front veranda and sleeping JwVrrh private phone, hot water heat. 7,vk vtrv desiraole moaern six-room apart ment . the St. Clair. 715 Wayn. st. Phon. M ain4"-'. : , bTnMARCO Apartments, E. Sth and Couch; hHck modern, 3 rooms, bath and phone; .25 to $27.50. Call E. 275L '-He MARLBOOUG 21st and Flanders: walking distance; one 5-room apt. una 7516. T-.V qip ABLE 8-room apartment, com- v - j - . rr xj elms 2 and 3-room apartments, fur- nished. 1U1 14th Et. Main 0444. MODERN 4-room apt. and sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr. 185 East 15th, near Yamhill. pieteiy i""--- LEONCE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district; convenient to 2 carllnea. 186 22d .U N. THE i Northampton. 407 Hall St.. 2 and 3 rootna. atrictly Srat-ciasa. iliin 29a. A