THE MORNTNG OREGOXIAN- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1911. 15 CENSUS FINES SMALL! TACOMA JUDGE HEARS PLEAS OF 17 ENUMERATORS. Olhrr Casn to Come Vp Are More Srriom and Heavier PenaJMrs Are pre ted Prom Court. TACOMA. TCaah.. Doc. 15. (Special.) Seventeen Indicted Tacoma census numrtor enteral pleas of guilty before Judre Rudkin In the Fed eral Court today and each ws sen- tnn-ed to pay a fine of 150 and costs. The fines were the smallest given In any census fraud cases prosecuted by the Government- In only one other Instance has a fine of less than 1100 been Inflicted. The men fined since. some of whom did not hare ISO with theru. were allowed their freedom until they eaa pay the amounts. Juds-e Rudkin and C A. Newton, snecial assistant to the Attorney-Gen eral, both referred to the fact that the 17 were the tools of hlch officials. Newton said the rases were "pathetic." Those fined $50 and costs were: (lenrxa A. Pefrich. Karl X. Bishop. Cieorge E. IN lie. Clarence A. Rraxell. Alphonse Carbune. Frank E. Jacquot. Benjamin E. Robbing Foster uuinian. Henry J. Jacobus. Hurray 1U Jiackall. Howard Cady, Ernest Tanner. Michael Danaher. Charles T. Jaeger. Thomss Oarvey. Samuel Fogg and John 1L Allen. Neglect of duty was the technical charge to which each pleaded. In most ff the rases the grand Jury had re turned four or five counts. The men were allowed to plead to the least rm-ious Indlrtment. with two excep tions, all 17 are young men, some Just out of high school. There are still cielit cases pemltng. C. J. Foley, whose attorneys withdrew yesterday, was given until Monday to plead. The charge against him is more serious and he may not be grantea ine clemency accorded the others. "It seems that some of these men wanted to quit." said Prosecutor New ton, in commenting on their cases, "but they were told by the other officials that If they quit they would be ar rested: that they would be practically traitors." DAILY MUTTEOROIXKiirAI. REPORT. PORTf-AVn T. li. Maximum temper. atur. ..t (l.r...: minimum. 41 djrr,'9. River readln at S A. -.0 f .et : change j In las 24 hour, "a foot riiM-. mini rainiun S P. M. fo A P. M-. o ln.:h; tola! ralnfail tnr, Peptemher 1. 1M1. Uu2 Inches; nir- mal rainfall since iepremn,r l. lo.a. iwn, nf ralnfiill since SeDtember t. lftll. 4.70 Inches. Total sunshine Dfcember Is. none; Doa.lM. sunshine, s hours. 3t min utes. Barometer .reduced to aea-Ievcl at i 5 P. M . Inches. THE WEATHER. S 3 Wind ; t? - ja c 3 - 3 c - o J 3 2. 2. I It f f . Ftate of Wuthir STATIONS Bolsa Jiw.on . ......... Caiffarr... (h:fo ?tnvrr T Moln4i. . . . .. Tu!uf h. Kurca. ........ i Gea;vtoa...... fifimm j konvtt: h i'ttj Mrhrttd M'inlrfH. Nw OTan Nir Y rk North ir-i1 rth Takaroa. . . T'hrxiMi rct-n. Tort land r.'tvir. ....... (crnnto Sf. f.otna Sr. Paul Satt IjiIc.. . Fmn fco Pmn FrmnclcO. . . . Spokane Tifomi Tttfvuh Island. . . x'a la iv M a Wiahlntton Wlnnliwic 4 E iRala 6 Nfe. ftain , 4 w lO ir 4 sK CU-ar I b K i'l'r 5 N A'Iftr XW jCInudr 4 S jt'htudy NWli"Iear 4 NWf":-udT 0. 4 i !, J !.' J l. t; o it o. ni: ll O !' 4 II. (Ni . 4-t I O 4i 1 V 4 I K fiNE i V (".oudy iTt. cloudy X W U'loudy i. o n i 4 i tmidy 4 X W 'I 'ljf is sw If "t. rloady 4 s Kim is ii'lfar 1i B li NW 4 SK 4 XW h V 'loa 1 rt. ifii A O. l-rt U-lnaia- I 't. rioudy 4 Rain A 1 ' ir si let 4 .W It. cloudy ft XJ n Art 4 X N"iudy 4 X !S"no WEATHER CONDITIOXS. The Alaskan dtaturbanc drifting at- ward and th apparent cntfr tlila rvntnt 1 Vfr A itM-'-a. It naa rtui'rt no yrv man w!nda over thin dtalrlt-t. lut rrclp(tat!on h bn rnrai in Xorthrrn raMforrua. !trrn and X 'rf ht-nt irrr-n. W ahlnvtnn. Idaho lord I'trm In a.ut is centra! .r lh lowfT Mtwtslt'pl Vaitcr and pr"- rtpitation. att'-rallv pahl. hat iM-urr4 from Txas and kt!ihfm northeastaard and a.t ril nvtr 1 he Annalahlnn 1! !chlanl T.ltrif mow hmw fal'n tn tha alley of tha Itrd River of the North, over Witrh a nrw. rate preur ft-!d m rsnlml. Tha wathe-f. la roit.r m tn wii.ii.pi ana siioiin y a and Lako nivertor region. rrJ It I" warmer In the south Allan II- S't and nutta cenerallv oxer th rntral and north ern portlcn of the Parttlc Slope. (Vno'tttona ar favorab for rain Patui-day In WMicrn Oreran and Western Washing ton and lor rain or innw eaat of trfe rm rarfe Mountalna. No Important chances In tmiHratura art expected and irnral aouth westerlr vlncli will obtain, hrlvtl tootsht. and decraaainc in fnrra Saturday. FORKOASTS. fortTand and virtnltjr O-raatonal rain; sour nweaterty wlnna. iireaon nd Waj-hlna-ton Ttaln west, rain or snow eait portion: aoiithwpierlv wlmia. brisk aionj ti coast, but decreasing tn fore Bunar ine nay. Idaho- Rain or snow THKOPOrtr: F. DRAKK. ...,-r T.,et-i -t For. fr Marrtaca I.leenmea. rRirrnr-Hiooivs John -r Pnicit. s- im. Or. SI. and Mary Kt:a 11 sctna. 3d. nrFHBAKNKV- A!ex Tlper. city. 21. ann Mrrtha tiarnev. JtTR'W-VETEH-O. D. Jurrcs, city. 42. ann Ann f.vT z. O'pHlKV-rKTKRsON-Prark A. CBrtrn. ctty. .'.. and Jennie IVterson. w. Birth. Xli'KKRSOV To Ur. and Mr. Creorae R N'rkarson. Il'.l K-iat Madlsoa straet, Ieca9m ber 4. a aaujtnrfr. KISSKL To ilr. and Mrs. Hsnry J. FU l Missouri aeuu4. X'o tmiyr 3, a daueh'er. KOFtT--To Mr. and Mr. Jarom H. Ko- tet. N ovf mwr J. a son. WILLS To Mr. and Mr. William Wills. ,rOt Third street. D'cen.b,r 5. a dnusjhter. PATNK -To Mr. and Mrs, Claret. A. Fayn. Fourteenth street. lt,-ctulr 7. a daughter. rrxritL notices. 1ERNK In tnt city. Ir. 12. at his lati realdnc. 73 Lambert St., Christian Arne. ajrd i yars months 1U days, father of Mrt F. Q. Freeberrer. C. A?rn. Jr., Robert and Wi'Uam Arne. Friend invited to attend nmrsl seme, wnirn wtJl bo hld at Holman t chapel. 3d and iimoD !.. 2 J, ll-, tcday iSatnrda). tac la. Interment in Lone Fir Ccmetiry. CRAWFORD Funeral service of th at Robert w. i raw for.i. aj-a 4 years, win be held at Pnnnin A Mi Enlrf i parior at 1 P. M. today i-Saturday . Friends Invtt- d. interment juouiu taivtry .emeierj. FEASSV Funera! service of Mary J. Pa w til b hcid ttrwrat'T 16, at her daughters rs derce. Mrs. A Urn, Ml' Leo avt at ji3 r. ai. rTieno invuea inier nfnt Rtvervjew iBHfr . IOXSETH FTARAL CO. MA KgiAil kiLU.Hr. ;. M ata 1 z j A 11SS, Dvotsr A JlrEatc. Fvacrml II ll, tth a.4 tls. t'bo.. Main U8. Lmiif 4h lUtul. Qfltc ot Csmty laraaar. A- B CE.U.Elt CO, Ut WlUUaaa ar rM. Eati luaa. C itfaa. tady iimlm. UAR1 HOI-MAX CO. Yvmml ulraca- srs . I X . ad ac. loj swww ronw. aa.,, J. r7FIXLXT A KO. Id a ad Madlaaa .ttradaat. mass Mat, a. a iw. KAT 61UB ftuaeral Dirswtora, s.rrssaant ta f a. Iaa.t. laa. K. t. W. LEaU H. r.dertaksT. w. Eaa AlaWr aa4 klaia. Aaa lai. at U4a. Itr AJfTSESTEJiTS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taykw Phones: Mala t and A lilt TWO PERFORMANCES TODAT. Fpecial Price Matinee 1:11 Lssst Time TaBia-ht, :!. COHAN HAHKIS PRESENT WIXCUELL SMITH'S COMEDY 1 H E FORTUNE HUNTER 1KI.II MHIO AMI A PtHi U T O-. lorimlins; JO-i PHINK IOHAS. THIS AfTERXUU.N: Loasr floor tt.SO. Jl.uO.: hajr"tiy l.-. 76c. w: gallery S.".c ZOc. TONIGHT: Lower floor 2.0o, 11.50: balco&r 11.00. 7So, 50c; gallery. 50c HEILIG THEATER TOMORROW. MTSDAT xiciirr, THE NOTED MEDICM. DR. EDDY Portland Symphony Orchestra HEILIG THEATER Sunday Afternoon, Dec 17 2:30 Price: 25c to $1; Bx Seats $1.50 B A, IV El F?. MaJDlf ASO tied 1.. I'.nri. fill. MAT. Iil.t. LAST TIME TONIGHT. Frederick Thompson preseuta IDA ST. IKON, (The Circus Rldlnr Star) In the Great American Play. "POLLY OF THE ClBt I'M." Klrst ttme at Paker prices. Exactly as seen iere before at Jt2. A real circus on the stage. Eeenlne- orlres. 5t 5uc. 75c. II. Next week. starting tomorrow matinee. "Three Twin." MA TV . A 1tt .UATlNi-E M1RI DAT 1 THEATER BKfK DEC. 11 EIBht Palace tilrl.. Kellar Mack and Frank Ortti. Ray Samuels. Caryl Wilbur Knlchl and Detor. MacKss sxnd Levering. Ixiushlln's Cootedy 1HSS. Mattnee Etrrr Day. ss Sullivan at roM-vldlBsh WEEK DEC. 11. Nat. Meld Co.. VUnwj Ur-toDv. Phillip and Merrill. Sullivan and l-miH-ilnm. Art Adair. Orchestra. Price. IV and SSc mum WEEK IFC. 11 Mrnor flfd I)Trhi and Ilia Z I Roal Italiitn Bauci- tit Ijirnba, W llaon nd ritimhy, 1r. Jara-a A. hn.t!n 4t (o. laa Nowlin, l'antaicr-ripe, iania4rr Ctrt-hn ra. Popular prieca. Matinea daily, curtain 7:13. :0U. LYRIC thkater ForKTH -AN.I fTARK Tba Ktlng Flood Musical Comady Co. Vrnintlr.f WKfcK TFC. 11 "Thf Hcopk Family." Ta PertarraattiDi Mulilly, . :SU. BilA; IW ud SAr. MMilkVfM dully, :0: any 1 5r except Pundiy and Holiday a. 2iejtt w- "In- 4..ri ann tin ftTlnc." MT-ETI0 NOTICES. OUEOON LOPOE. NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Stated commnnl- zCrJF at o'clock. Masonic Temple. VC. K lection and Installation of of- flcers. Visit ins; brethren cor dially Invited. Pt ordor W. M. A. J. H ANDUAX, fcec MT. HOOD TEXT. NO. IT. K. O. T. St Meet In th Seillnff-Hirach building. SmSH Washington trau vrv Wdaeday nigaU UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS Af:K HKLP AT THIS OF"- F! E KOi: TI1K rOl.WWINO ANStK VTR IIIK1-KS AND MAT BK HAD FY PBS- SKNTINU YOl R CHECKS AT THE OKK C.OXIAN OKFl' E. A H. 6IU, 41, 6ST, T1. SSS, 691. 603, Tii'J 71". M17. .. t. tT. a-a, 67. 770. ' fl-. tiX 6fcif. il.'l'.i. t;4t. 43. tttit. n.t. IH 67Z. K ti40. a-14. .47, 6."2. '10. r .-.. 4;l. 871. f.jK. I. J .i 41, 1147. .. 77. H . a..i ts. s SX J 1171. 7"4. 729. K .w. am. ml. im. 4n. I. ... o.'. 4 two. H4f. 4a. M All. 824. 640. 61.1. 4. R7.5. :.. 6ST, 67i. 63. n :it. m. e:4. 43. H4. ?;. 673. I" M. 72. T. 11. ., I2. K '."5, liul. ti.".0. tul, HOJ, lt.. 8V1. VT0, 878, a'.. --. a.-..",. 41. 1. 74. 67. T ;4. tUS. 71, 67. V 6.1S. H4H. 17i. 7". W I-.'S. B"4. a-'T. 83S. 844. 848, 881. 884. X 844. 8-nI. V ll-tl. 644. 871. 873. 8S. 709. 711. -1-2. 4I. 6-M. tiiR. Oil, 6.17. 81. A 0J4 627. 637, 841. 643. 64S 643, Sol. 8rt4. ). 2. AI) 848. . 681, 7J. 678. 612. 77. At: .;i. i!i. ua. 7t'5. At' 620. ezi. tk!7. 640. 848. 648, 6S0, t.Mi. tin,, h.j. n.. Ai 6--H. 617. 64t. 67.t. All CM 624. 67. :". 6X1, 644. 632. 8SX, !i4. 05.V AJ 25 K.11. .". 633. 644, 643. 652. 6.81, 863. ,174. 7'. AK :i. 6-M, 6U1. 674. A I. 6.1. .:7. .".. 841. 884. 88. A VI (I). (i'-'n. 61.1, 6?2. 65. A' 620. 62. 827. 8.77. 657, 659, 664, 673. 73. 876. 77. 67. 6S0. M AO 607, 6Zi. 62. 826. 623. 63K, 640. 644, 872-. AP 829. 8.14. 641. 673. AB 8'.o. 619. 630. 651. 652. 63T. 65$, 6A4. AM 822. 62. 631. 632. 610. 642. 649, tit. stvr.. 670. era AT 621 617 6SK. 611 647. 64s. 649. 8SS, 684. 68T.. 72. 67.1. 67S. If mdov. answ.r. ar nrt ran.d for wltala rx days. aarn. will b. dsatroyed. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY omn riTT it i.i- x.ia sss. a 7s. hijias ut It t.K, Miieut tnus. Hesidrnr.. 24 K. - 24th X. Kut 4771 R. A. Duiitri r.. Ks. Waaco St. W. O. Eaton. H.-S. 73 E. 16th. Eui Hon. Ambulance. A 61tl. Pr. Ex. a, Knhta. Sundara asl llolloaya A 616S; Pr. fe.a. . 4runa l. 'TTV TODAT. Have client for good buy up to $50,000 cas-h. Business property pre ferred. Will consider good lease. T 647. Oreeonian. l lRST MOHTfi AGK LOA1, FARM AXD CITS raVPEKTl, EDML'KD L DEVEREAUX, loot) Spaldl.a HI da. MORTGAGE LOANS J J U 62 saalaUas ttlaA. W0 . a IWS-M-I51 CLASSI.CIED AD. RATES Dadtx r SnndSa'. ' Per -Lte. One time - 'v. ii tasn ad tw onserit.v tiroes 22 havm sd thre rsosefutive ttme 30o bm ad six or seven ronsentiT time. . A6 Keouttmncc must acwmpsoj out-of-town rdr. Vbcti one sd vert laement U not ran In can termite fesne the onc-tlme rmt applle. Hi words count a on line on cstati d TrrtisMnrnl'- and no d counted tor 1 than tno line. On cb-riB or book nd-vertiaemoBt th chars; wiil be bMed on the actual number mt Une appewrins la th paiwr. regard. of the number of words la rarh lino. En New Ttxlar all advertifement ar eharsad bx mcasnro atilj. 14 line to the tnin. Ihe above rate PTit to adrertbtement nder ew Today" and all other ciaaaili ca tion ezreptinc ine fnllowins;: Mtnatioas Wamrtf. Mai. Mt oat ion Mantfft. s-cmal. Oresonian will acrept claaalfled adrertis menta orrr the telephone, prfTidinr the ad ertlier t abcrlber to either phone. o rire wilj b quoted over the phoue, but Ml will be rendered the foUowLna; daj. Whether aubsequeut adTcrtloementa w ill b accepted oer the phone depend upon th prompt new of the pNjmsnt of telephone ad vertisement, situation Wanted and Per ftonal advertisement will not bo accepnd over the telephone. Order for on Inser tion only will be accepted for "House for Kent, i urnliure for bale." "Bumlnea Oppor tunitle," " Koomn Ic-sAouae'' and "WajJied stent. NKW TODAT. 4 blocks, choicest close in residence property on East Side. $1330 per lot. Will retail at handsome profit. Absolutely safe investment. Address owner, AG 6(51, Orego nian. Sixteenth Street On the southwest corner of 16th and Xorthrup streets, Lot 50 x lOO The best buy in this locality. $4000 Will handle this. Barrett Bros. 303 Board of Trade Building. One Fore-door Warren Roadster Has been used; thoroughly overhauled. Guaranteed. Portland-Detroit Auto Co. 14th and Couch Sts. REMOVAL NOTICE Ward & Younger Real Estate Dealers, Have Moved from 526 Yeon Building to 425-26 Yeon Bldg. Main 7525. A 4274. Going South $1800-$1275-$525 Win sacrifice my six - room house, with bath ar.d pantry, on 39x100 corner lot: street paved, sewer connections made; on Thirty - eighth street, three blocks from W.-R. car; $1275 takes It, easily worth fiSOO. I want $775 cash, time, on the rest; $100 more taJtes the furniture. Must sell within a week. S14 gelling BldK. Hollatiay's Addition Thm one BEST rlaea m Portland t tV- GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST IjESIKABLJC residence propert at the city. EEIti IS BEIJEVlJffl BETTER go and see tbe roear CktOICB rest daocca under conatructloa svaa (Ae La. sieviueuie eTOLajf on. Ids Gresoa Real slate. Company CRAXD AVE. AXD Mn.T.OMlU ST. INVESTORS ATTENTION! Financial embarrawment brings loss to some and greaf grain to others. The Penn-Orejrnn ranch of 1260 acres rich bottom land, ne-vr Grants Pass, Or., 700 acres cleared. 60 In orchard, 200 In al falfa and hay; abundance of water to Irrigate from our own gravity ditch; price is less than 70 per acre. A big snap. Write for particulars. . E. TOWN'SKMJ, Grants Pm Or. Money to Loan on first mortgage. A. C. McDonald, Peninsula Station. Portland, Or. Of fice Wood lawn S13. After 6 o'clock, Tabor 1740. Apartment Site On Tweniy-Slxth and Bflmont streets. 100x100. Phone E 5 Si. COLLIS. BERRIIGB THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, SS Worcester . Blue Phoa Maia A Bargain SEW TODAY. FOURTH STREET SNAP 100x100, facing ast on 4th et.. near Sheridan, ood trackage for warehouse. Karate or stores, worth $7000; today, JIT.'.u each. Seeinsr is believing. 171 East 23d. Phone East 6948. MORTGAGE LOANS On Business and Kesldence Property. ri upci 17. 7 5 C V. EVEAETT, C. r. SIM11M. 416 Board of Trade Iildf. REAL EST AT IB DEALERS Keck. William O. 815-Sia FalUna bide BRCBAKER Jfc BENivUICT. b02 McKay bids;. aL. S49l Chapln A Berlow. 8S3 Chamber Crmmrco Cook, Co.. 60S Corbett bid a. Jsnninaa at Co. Main 18a. 206 Oresonlaa. CALMKK-JONES CU, U, 4u4-4v-4t Wilcox bids. The Oreron Keal Estate Cow, Orand av and Multngmah su Uo.ladaj Addition). RE.VL ESTATE. For Sale Lot. MINNEAPOLIS. H'l city lots (40x120 feet to a lane) en bloc, can be had at a bargain; guarantp-d high. dry. level and cleared ; ornameti!l trees: three minutes' walk: from car; ine and bt- autiful park. Price . $6000; term i,( cash, $300 in 1 year; $ut.v in '2 years; $1000 in 3 years, and bal ance years, T per ci-nt Interest. This Is an exceptionally good offer. Address; own er, Hamilton. Sll dominion Trust bids., Vancouver, B. C. OllCHAKU IOTS. Now open for alc. We have had many calls for lots in our orchard; located near 4;th and Division. We open this tract Sunday morning at 10 A. M. If you want one, call and pick one out, as they will not last; onlv Is of thera. Prices $750 to $lf00; down, balance $10 per month, I'hor-e Tabor 1"j42. A Bit? SNAP. TWO OTS. Two of the fintst lots In Waverlelsjh Heights, lo.s 18 and 19, block 17: or Franklin street, betw een 2ftth and 31st; price S150O. half cash. These lots are actually worth $1100 each; owner needs some montv. Gnrssx BOX.DS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ONK-Al'RE HOME SITE. At t'larnie Station, -i0 minutes ride on O.-W. R. & X. line and only a nhort walk from the Portland and Troutdale Electric Jv. ; an ideal s-ot for gardens or chickens. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Com-m.-rce. BUT NEAR REED COLLEGE. Lots. 40 by 100 feet, 2 blocks from Reed College. $400. per lot, $45 cash, $10 per month. M PRIDIAN TRUST COMPANY, :t't Hallway Exchange B'.dc, Fhons: Marshall 25 S4. A 7430. HAWTHORNE "BUILDING LOT. EASY TERM. Will srll a 45xlOO buildine lot on 41a St., near Hawthorne ave.. for the low price of $ltu0. on payments or l mommy Morrln & Baker, corner 43d and Haw thome ave. Tabor !I14J. 110 DOWN. Siu PER MONTH. Fine view lot; matured fruit trees: re stricted district, near car: cement waiaa. Bu'l Run water, fruft cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Mara Ball 473, A PRTSPRNT ORKOON. Now acknowledged Eastern Or. R. R Junceiton point now buiMing. Select lot now ror mg returns. rarurnmrs, rill Investment Co.. 206 Rothchild bldg. AN ACRE HOME SITE. I have for sale an acre just outside city limits, near carllne; water to property un dr pressure; eldewalUs, graded streets provided free, price $1200; $120 down. P uti'J. Oregonian. 'jr.o FOR A VICE lot 4 blocks to Mt. Scot carline, Be f.ire; $15 cash, balance $." pf-r month. Willamette Trutt Co., bio fcpaid ing bldg. pnHTI.A N n HF.IGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes and homes! tes, all views, location and prices. Can suit you. Main 3.VM. UKUUhli. A oo-si. W ILL jtill laice corner. 110 feet frontatre, nn 47th st.. 119 on Sandv road, for $1575. T-rtM. S-KK) cash, balance $200 yearly. S hi. Oregoniari OWNER of two choice lots In Laurelhurst FOR' "ED to MOVE to California on ac count of HEALTH: MUST SELL AT ONCE. AV 7uH, Oregonian. LOTS 50xH. one btock from electric car- lir.f. sfiuo to fi.K). very easy terms, j. w. HelTrlin Realty CO.. 4ns Cornell biag. BEE Le Nolr A Co for Wefc oide homes. Kxclusive dealers In West Side property. S35-7-1 Chan. ber or Commerce. FOR HALE 1 lets &0xl00. Villa Hill on Sit. H ood ca r 1 i n e ; W. J. H end e rson. care Closset & Jjevers, r ront and An it en y. lsOR SALK Interest in 32 city lots in Kakevlew. Or.: part cash, balance on time or tratir. Phone t.ast tjT?) .-. 3". blo'-'k 71. Minihorn Add.. snap. O. Mlddlekauff. Corvallis. Or. $.-rf CASH buys two East Sld restricted lots wnr n l.tvv. i on, up'yunian. lOf'xlOO fuhn Patton Ave. and Alberta at. A Ft 6r,T, Oretroniaii. For Sale Housee. HAWTHORNE nidTRICT. f'JOO Cash. SITO ner month. 7 room, vestibule, mirror doors, solid ak floors, built-in bookcases, buffet, fur nace, fireplace, strictly metWn in every dt-tall. National Realty A Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main ji'JW. SUBURBAN home, ctose to Portland; 0-room house, lots, ou i run tree. oerries. eic, ; nif-ndid for chickens: runninr water. spring: telephone, daily mail; two blocka from electric or station, on best auto mobile road; eJTOO; very easy trmi; or $2tKK for house ana six iois. j. w. xiei ferlln R-nky Co., 40S Corbett bids;. ti edited snr.n. Owner Rya-tu It go at JiO, but ourht to have ?Sio down. This U an attractive, new. strictly modern 6 -room house, finely located, where property la rapidly increas ing in value. A bargain, surely. No com mission. Inquire &2 Chamber of Com merce. PftKTLAXD TtEIGHTS SNAP. Beautiful new residence, rooms, fine view ; among handsome homes, best part of Heights; fully improved district, walk ing distance; must sen; matte an oner. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 3839 7-ROOM modern home, enclosed sleeping" porch, harfiwooa itoors. rignt on canine, in the heart of a rapidly growine dis trict: hard surface and ell Improvements in. Our price and terms will surprise you. rail ianor or laoor at4i. g4AP this week, new fi-room home; fur nace, ii replace, paneiea aming-room. dut fet. bookcKfes, linen closet, sleeping-porch, laundry trays; one block from car, near Laurelhurst; must be seen to be appre ciated. Owner, East 3S3D. A SACRIFICE ROFB CITY PARK HOME. 7 rooms, modern, good larn, roses, price includes many extras, such a linoleum, shades, fixtures; will give possession at once if desired. Bee owner. Address H ".7Jt. Oregonian. ' ARTISTIC HOMES TOR ARTISTIC PEOPTE ON ARISTOCRATIC TABOR HEIGHTS, END OF MT- TAP. OR CARLINE. FEE G. G. BAILEY. 008 HENRY BLDG. CHRISTMAS present; beautiful bungalow. 11S1 Ivon St.; sacrifice account sickness; accept cheap unincumbered lot with little cash first payment. Phone owner, Bar ney. i.ain -ouy. 1 V J 2XL,ja.UAXflU iivrfiljo. Buperior In every detail, finished In oak and mahogany, not water, hot air. best In Irvington; Investigate. C 1866, East 273 No agents. W. H- Herdman 4-ROOM modern house at St. Johns; will pell tor 1 w monin ana i per cent in terest or will take equity In good lot as first payment; price $1jOO. Smith-Wagoner Co.. ."11-312 l.ewia bldg. S3 500. Modern 5 -room bungalow, Just com pleted. East 53d. bet. Madison and Sal mon; will take good lot as drat payment, phone Main 2573 or E. 1311. $3iOU Your own terms; new. 6 rooms and reception hall,, half block from Hawthorne ave,; full cement basement, fireplace, buf fet, aet tubs; lawn and street 1m prove- ments all in. ynone owner, laoor ousa. 12500 NEW 5-room bungalow, modern fire place, etc. l-W East Caruthers. near school and car. Owner, aialn 9.58. Oor don. 70S 4th. near Salmon. MODERN 5-room bungalow, 150 feet from Waveriey-Richmond car; fireplace, hard wood floors, paneled dining-room, easy terms. Thone owner. East 2r.0 FINE new. 5-room bungalow, modem in every way. East 3 mil. near Hawthorne car: this is a bargain. CaU owner. Main 4'.'i'5. tor particulars. NEW. modern bungalow, at 1302 East Mad ison st.; easy terms. Owner, a. Weller. Phone Tabor 242. MY MODERN home; very desirable; full lot; at cofit. or trade for acreage or lota. 1104 Rodney ave- Phone C 1678. EEE Le ISolr A Co for Weet Side homes.' Exclusive dealers In West Bide property. filftO ELEGAVT 5-room bungalow, paved streets, modern, elegant location; 4100 down, $2u monthly. Tabor 17ti&. REAL ESTATE. TRVINGTOX BARGAIN. $llKK UNDER VALUE. A fine home on 50x100 lot, right on car line, with car age; has reception hall, large living-room, with cosy fireplace, dining room with built-in china closet and small den connected, also French doors leading to screened-ln side porch ; fine white enam eled kitchen with built-in tireless cooker and an endless number of conveniences In the way of built-in closets, bins, drawers, etc.; dandy lipht. airy white enameled pantry with class door cabinets, spice cases, bins and drawers, etc. ; three large bedrooms, bathroom and sleeping porch up stairs; cloihes chute and plenty of built-in ward , robes, also full attic large enough to make Into thre rooms. This house is ex tra welt constructed, has full basement with fine furnace, laundry tubs, gas and electric light. The property would be cheap at $J500, but for early and prompt saie would make It $6"00. $1000 down would handle It. Call 41S Railway Ex change. Marshall 1753, after 6 P. M. phone East FOR SALE BT OWNER, ' IRVINGTON HOME. NEW 2-STORY. 7-ROOM HOUSE, $5750. TERMS TO SUT. Reception hall, large living-room with fireplace and milt-in bookcases; dining room and buiU-tn buffet; paneled walls and beamed ceilings; 3 fine bedrooms with iHrge closets, windows in each; large sleep ing porch, bathroom, linen closet, attic finished, full cement basement with fur nace, laundry strays and woodlift. lot iox 100; faces eastor.e block to carllne; in fact, everything that goes to make a fine home; $'.00 catih, or might take a lot as first payment. If interested, call Main j or A 2613. J. V. GUTHRIE. 272 Stark St. WALNUT PARK. Near Killings worth and 2 blocks from t- nmn ave., a tine new modern seven room house; we challenge you to find any thing in the city that is better in plan, finish or construction; built by builder tSr his own home, but is forced to sell: Pric and terms will be made attractive. Inquire oua spaiaing nmg. sr. .-.ft PAPH Good corner lot 5 blocks from Union ave., near Alnsworth. Ntian & Parkhiil. 0f Spalding Bldg. THAT VACANT T.OT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD KELDLNCE OK JjLA i . PLAN'S FIIK K7 ITT WR RUT LD. OUR REPUTATION TOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS, 334 ABlNGTON BLD. MR LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOU K PROPERY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OV.K J. S. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. RFATTIKtrr. 8-room house, in Laurelhurst 2 fireplaces, large sleeping-porch, buUt-la refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, fire- less cooker, built-in wararooes, eic ; cur ii r- In TT.tOa rait front, beautiful View 7."00; 5500 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Provident Investment A Trus tee Co., 20i-awa-2U3 juoara oi inas oiut,' fhore Marsnaii 4.3. A BU1LDINQ CONTRACTOR GOING OUT OF 15 LOl.V CSS. I am going Into the automobile busl ii m a tinn Ka JieSB, U1J U Will BUtT-lli-D liuuars -ivu ' v. low the market. This is your opportunity. of them ; go look at them; come In and maKS me an orrer. uiutjo puuuo siiall 2p7, residence Kaat 3UI6. o PIEDMONT SWELL HOME. A sttictlv modern S-room house, furnace, firenla.'e. "hardwood floors and all the latest built-in effects; corner lOOxlOO, with street improvements paid. on Williams ave.. in the best part of Piedmont; price $32o0, $2750 cash; something swell at the right price. GRTTSSI & BOLDP. 31 S Board of Trade Didg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINGTON SNAP. New, 8-room modern house, with attic, A bedrooms, sleeping porch, bakiast room and den. fireplace, furnace, etc. hard-surfaced street: lot 5)xHrO; worth 7."i00. now $4trt, 10u0 down and $40 per month. Will take vacant lot. This Is a real en a p. see it. .ui r.. oin su near Thompson. Phone East 5048. FOR SALE Six-room dwelling; sun parlor and. sieeping-porcii inclosed in gjass; not air furnace; full concrete basement; sta tlonarv tubs: living-rooms. 13x22: one bed room same size, 2 other bedrooms; located at 753 Broadway; lot 00x100. For sale; very easy terms. McCARGAR. BATES & LIVELY, 301 Yeon Bldg. FIRi3T-6T. SNAP. Good 11-room house, rented for S35; has aras. electricity, iurnace, etc.; lot otxivn. on corn er : 5xno vacan t business corner. an exceptionally fine place for auto gar age; price $)250, $190 cash and -5 per roontn. ' GRUSSI & BOLDS. SIR Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 5-HOOM BUNGALOW, ONLY J.130U. Well built and nicely finished, plas tered. tinted, wired, PORCELALX BATH, etc.; good neighborhood, close to Rose City Park car and school ; you seldom have a chance to secure so great a bar gain; $10V cash. bal. $20 monthly. Wil lamrtte Trust Co.. 815 Spalding bldg. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. I have some S-room and 8-room houses to sell at the right prices; ail sew and up to date; rignt on canine. G. H. HAMPTON. 72S Chamber of Commerce. Phono Main 5129; Res., Tabor 1664. THE BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER. Present your wife and family with an up-to-date nome; every tn ing modern; new 7-room bungalow on E. 37th st. on Rose City Park carllne; price 80; amali payment down, balance like rent. See owner, J. S. Atkins, 529 Henry bldg. Main 3tr.ii or 'i anor -;s. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE HOMES. High-grade homes and home sites on Portland Heights. Nob Hill, Cedar Hill, Riverdale. and Irving ton-Hollad ay. Port land's best residence districts. To get full aescriptiona, prices ana terms, can up R. F. BRYAN. Main 1963. 505 Cham, of Com. A 1227. FIVE and six-room homes. flreDlaces. hard wood rioors, i urn aces, wun ail built-in modern conveniences; near carllne; all atreet improvements paid; monthly nay ment plan. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201, 202. 203 Board of Trade bldg. Phone 473. A 1022. BELMONT-ST. HOUSE. Fine ti-room house; S bedrooms, fux nace, fireplace, buffet, cement floor, laun dry trays, nara-surraceoi street in and paid; lot 40x100; walking distance; a bar gain: $4500, $500 down and $2. per mo. 74(4 Belmoa. near 23d. Phone East fW4. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. Two more strictly modern 4 and 5 room bungalows now ready for occu pancy; only $2000 and $2500; very de sirable location; good neighborhood. See owner, James A. Clock. 252 Alder. Phone Main 8189. HOMES FOR THE OLD FOLKS. 3 - room house, corner lot 60x80, 1 block to car; house has full concrete basement and fireplace. Price $1300. 4 - room house, Portsmouth, 4 blocka to ear, a neat little home, $300. Fred W. German. 329 Burnside. M. or A 2776. $3200 BUNGALOW $3200. " New 5-room modern bungalow; fire place, gas and electric fixtures, etc, treet improvements paid; 1 block to car; a big snap; a little down, balance like rent; will take vacant lot. Owner. 65J Wasco at., near 2frth st. COMPELLED to go East immediately to take cnarge my jamei uuBianes; win sen my beautiful new 6-roora, 2-story modern home; full cement basement, fine eleexria fixtures, all tinted, for $1275. Apply owner, 34i East 45th at. Hawthorne-ave. car. 5-KUOM ungalow; furnace, fireplace, buffet. bookcases, narawoou nuurs, gas, electric ity; good view; Rose City Park, two blocka from carllne; $3350, easy terms. Provi dent Investment & Trustee Co., 201-203 B oard of Trade. Marshall 473, A 1022. COTTAGE FOR $500. Beautifully located on Portland Heights, two blocks from car, overlooking city; balance of $30u0 on very easy terms. Hartman & Thompson, Chamber of Com merce. LAURELHURST. Equity in beautiful new six-room bun galow for sale by owner, $'150 cash; bal ance of $3570 on easy payments; no agents. AP C5tf. Oregonian. ' ROSECITY"pARK BUNGALOWS. Something entirely out of the ordinary, artistic to the highest degree; prices from $3600 op; reasonable terms. Fred W. Ger man, 829 Burnsidc. M. or A 2776, ft-ROOM house, close in, 2 blocks from car- line; house in goo a conauioa. iols ox cruit. AR 6o. oregonian, Fe Sa.l- fiusinese Property. APARTMENT. Right close in, Eaat Side; lot 50x100, corner; 18 apartments. 17 baths, excellent condition; 10-year guaranteed lease at $1:75 per month; will sell on a basis to guarantee lO per cent net. Nellan & Parkhiil. 609 Spalding Bldg. tx-A REHOUSE OR FACTORY SITE. 100x200 ( 4 lots) for $33,000; on track at York nd 22d; adjoining lots held at $10,000 and over with no trackage. CARLOCK A MUELLHAUPT, lu32 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE. For Business Property. BETWEEN Williams and Union ave.. south of Morris St.. fine business or apar;ment site lot: $Jlu0. 609 Spalding bldg. Ncilan & Parkhiil. For Sale Acreage. "THREE WINNERS." Only four of Gilbert's Garden Tracts left, the richest soil in the bt-st part of Clark County, only S miles from the city limits of Vancouver and 10 miles from Portland: this land has been seeded to CLOVER, the past 0 years a.nd never been cut. so the ground Is well mulrhrd and will produce a full crop the first year and one crop cf SPUDS will pay for the land and it's ideal for GARDEN TRUCK and fruits of all kinds; it's free from rcKk and gravel: have one tract with a fine spring, which makes it ideal for a home. If you have J20O you can own one of these 10-acre tracts and be Inde ptndent for life; only mile from a good store and a thickly sett-t-d neighborhood and only mile to one. of the best TROUT streams in the county; only about 15 stumps per acre and no brush to speak of. Price $150 per acre. 14 ACRES. 3 miles from the ferry slip at Vancou ver, only Aj, of a mile from school and mile from the streetcar line;' good ti-room house, with water in the house; old barn and sheds, new chicken-house and about 25 chickens, good well and gas engine, 2 horsrs, 2 cows, 2 Pigs, 2 wagons, plows. 2 cultivators, hay and wood enough to last until Spring: 4 stands of bees. 110 apple trees. Of. peaches. 10 cherries, 12 pears. 4 walnuts, loganberries, red and black raspberries, dewberries, gooseber ries, strawberries and currants; these fruit trees bore a nice crop this year; are you looking for a fine home and one that you can make a good living off from and be independent? It's one of the finest places in the county and could not be bought if it was not for sickness: price only $0000, cash and the balance on good terms, or might consMr a small place in town up to $lbM. If you want something good, you cannot equal this one. "ALL IMPROVED." 70 acres, all under cultivation and only H mile from a good store, school and church, on a good road, all level; a line black loam soil; all fenced and cross fenced; 2 wells and a windmill. 3 acrs of family orchard, a good ti-room house, barn tfUxSO and all kinds of other out buildings; 3 good horses, 0 cows, 6 hei fers, 2 heifer calves, one registered Jersey bull. 2 sows, 18 pigs, 250 chickens, ti tur keys, 5 ducks, 3 geese, new wagon, one hack, one single buggy, 3 plows, 2 har rows, new binder, mower, cream separator, hay fork and all kinds of small tools, Krt tons of hay, 150 bu. oats. 150 bu. wheat, 30O sacks potatoes and all house hold goods except bedding, dishes and linen. This is the best farm in the county and a money-maker all the time. Price $12,500 and $65i0 will handle it; now if you want a good place, you cannot equal this one for the money. Don't wait. Com now, as it will not-last long at the above price. E. F. GILBERT. 10fi Washington Ft., Vancouver, Wash. THESE ARE BARGAINS. lO arm riirht at Helvetia. Station m United Railways, of the finest garden truck land, with the price and terms rignt. 14 acres, right on the Estacada carllne, for $200. 14 acres at Wapato Sta., S. P. R. R-. for $3000. Only $500 cash down on this. 17 acres on fhn tnlalla. Road. i mile from the city limits at Oroeon City: 8 acres in cultivation and acres in ven ture. Small family orchard, 3-room noue, tiarn and outhouses, large spring ana wen S2SO0: SlTiOO ch. ThesA are f rw nmnlea of small places. We have what you want whether it is large or smacl, improved or unimproved. Come In and see us and you will b treated right. Ask for Mr. Hartog. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Farm Land Department. Ch. of Com. Bldg. Cor. 4th and Stark Tracts of one-half acre to 20 acres each, in valley west of city, only 40 minutes' car ride; electrifying of Fourth street will reduce this to SO minutes; the tunnel under Coun cil Crest will further reduce this to 20 minutes car ride; buy now at farm land prices and get the benefit of these improvements; rich land, good water, fine roads, rapid community development, selling at $250 to $500 per acre and upon easy monthly installments THE SHAW-FE Ait COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. THIS MUST BE SOI D AT ONCE. 10 ACRES FOR $2200. ft acres in full-bearing orchard that brought over $U0O last year, balance seed ed land, is all level and Is excellent soil fine barn and well, all cemented up; 7 o 8 tons of hay in the barn; this place is lo cated only 40 rods from a good town, with churches, schools, stores, etc.. it miles from Vancouver and near electric line this place is absolutely the best buy on the market and Is a great sacrifice at the price; if you want a place you will buy this one. we can give you terms that win suit you. STEWARD & THOMPSON", Grand Theater Bldg., 10th and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. 5-ACRE tracts northwest of city, 6-cent car fare on United Rail ways to within 2V miles of place, macadamized road all the way, school on tract, very rich soil, land lies rolling, running water across some tracts, some cleared, others in timber, at $150 to $350 per acre with small payment, balance monthly installments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 35. 102 4th St. A 3500. rCtir ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland ; rich walnut, fruit and garden land: only small cash pay ment. balance Days for itself In product! now on the land, which we accept and are the onlv people making this liberal oiler. F1RLAND TRUST COMPANY, S06-S Spalding Bldg, CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; Z acres, $2ou; it ceres, S4uu; iu acres, $800; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tracts near railway station, $2. to $0 Pr acre. . FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., SOU Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. K ACRES best Harden land in Oreeon. per fectly cleared ana unaer irrigation; near good town, railroad station and river; $125 down, balance easy terms; nothing better on the marKet. arz coucn oiag.. luy tn st. Oftice open evenings, jmarsnati ioa. $375 BUYS 5 acres deep red-shot soil, adapt ed to xruil U.HU cscnuica. an rniwuu miu tillable; no rock: wood and water; near good railroad town, i nour irom r-ortiano; $150 down, balance on terms. 512 Couch bldg., 109 4th st.; open evenings. 44 -ACRE tracts 30 minutes from heart of City, on eieciriv iimo, guuu U4I, ai l vteru and level; fine suburban home. Price $250, $25 down, $5 per month without interest. FIELD & GORDON. 739 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE ACRES onion and garden land, per fectly ciearea ana pioweu, suo-irrigation and well drained ; on railroad and river; near good town; price $1750 on easy terms. 512 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st. 5 AND 10-ACRE tracts for sale by owner, in Marlon touniy, i lkliuii, jii ui eg on juivc- tric; best of soli and location; termg rea sonable; part of land suitable for town lots. C. A. Bareinger, 3026 Park st.. city. 1. 2, AND 5-ACRE tracts, close to Port-, on eicuirig miiiuo, iu jjr acre, very easy terms. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co.. 408 Corbett bldg- WANTED Improved farm with good house. about lO acres: state terms, j. w. iiei feriln Realty Co.. 203 Corbett bldg. WORK out an acre or more for us; land under cultivation; i miies irom iew berjr. AC 637. Oregonian. 11 ACRES near Tualatin elation; about 1000 cords or wooa on piace; easy terms, .rnone Main 13. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up; large and small tracts, call K.tnney & Stampher, 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. y ACRES in Ascot Acres, easy terms. AR 655, Oregonian. ' For Sale Homesteads. ftO relinquishments of 150 acres each in Clackamas County and 320 acres in Lake County. O. J. tioimee, z&d -gay .or. For Sale Fruit Lands. 16-ACRE FRUIT RANCH. TTndwwood. Wash., directly across from Hood River; red shot soil, no rock; spring water p.ped to house and barn; y acres in peaches, pears, cherries and quinces; 10 acres slashed ready for burning; price $5000; terms $2000 cash. HP. PALMER-JONE CO-, 404 Wilcox bldg. For Sale -Farm. TWO miles from Colton. Clackamas Co., 120 acres, with good buildings, young orchard ; 40 acres has hog-tight fence, well and several springs, live stream; to be sold at sacrifice; $3000; half cash. O. J. Holmes, 2e? Taylor. , 57 ACRES. Lincoln County, $20 per acre; on river and ranroaa; a mues to county seat. A- J- Stimpson, 730 E. Yamhill. Phone East 2946. RANCH 00 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from fonjana. near eiectric line; oargaia for all cash, by owner. Ib2 Morrison su REAL ESTATE. t or Sale Farm, 4540 ACRES. Only S1S.50 per acre, 4 miles from goed town on North Bank Road, in Klickitat Co.. Washington; worth $40 per acre; 600 acres in crop; good barn, 2 good houses. 14V0 acrea fenced, all good productive land, will be under ditch and can be irrigated, but always produces good crops without Irrigation ; easy terms. Also 1250 acres, all in cultivation, in Adams Co.. Wash ington; highly improved, to exchange for Portland property.. GRUSSI & HOLDS. 31S Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FARM. 217 ACRES FOR NOTHING. Willamette Valley, three miles west of Carlton: tX acres cleared: beaverdam, wal nut and fruit land; i.".000 cords of wood with land, for $15,0H): no incumbrance and char abstract of title; this, land is worth $300 per acre and is a snap if you ever saw one. 412 Chamber of Commerce. WONDERFUL BUY 64 ACRES. 22 acres in cultivation. 15 acres partly cleared, balance in timber; good 5-room house, barn, chicken-houses, etc., 3 wells of water; lies on county road. 6 minutes walk from electric carllne and 6 stores; $90 an acre buys it. DAVID LEWI3. 61S Lumbermens Bldg. FOR SALE 5-acre place near Aurora, good home. $1750. 6 acres near Hubbard, $1S00. 37 acres close to Hubbard, 12 cultivated, $110 per acre. Fine 70-acre farm with stock $125 per acre. 2 lots in Portland, prices right. C. M. CRITTENDEN. Hubbard, Or. TIMBER WILL CLEAR THE LAND. 40 acres, 15 miles of Portland, ties fine, excellent soil. Cleared land in this locality- is selling for $200 an acre. An excel lent opportunity to own a farm at a low price, close to Portland. J. M. FRENCH CO.. 412-413 Abington bldg.. 10ju Third fft. FOR PALE Modern residence of 7 room, up to date in every way, located on 10 acres of excellent land, adjoining Forest Grove, set with different kinds of fruit, with chicken barns and yards; 10 minutes' walk from electric line. Address R. G. Allison. Forest Grove, pr. $4500 BUYS THIS. Beautiful 15-acro country home, with 6 fine buildings, all modern and new. within 75 feet of the electric carline and station; 300 feet from high school. S blocks from 6 stores : land all in cultl vation. Room 618 Lumbermens bldg. 173-ACRE farm, ltJ "miles from Portland; fine house, barn and improvements; am retiring; horses, vehicles and implements; 20 Jerseys, hogs, chickens, etc.; plenty feed for the Winter. Call and let me show you. W. W. Church, 2S3 Taylor. A 2395. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracts, suitable for general farming, grain, hay, fruit, hops, dairving. etc. ; about 40 miles southwest of Portland, Or. Call -or write for price list. W. E. Kidder. Carlton. Or. FOR SALE By owner, bargain. 20 acres, mostly cleared, best of fruit, garden land, spring, house and barn, near Chehaiem Mountain Orchard, Newberg district. Main 7235 or P 670. Oregonian. FOR SAL13 At a bargain; 220 acres about 4 miles from North Plains Station. Will sell all or in tracts to suit buyer. H. Kelly, Cornelius. Or. R. 1. Box 45. TO EXCHANGE. A SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE. 60 acres, 1 miles from county seat, 25 acres first-clasa. hop yard, 7 acres 4-year-old ' SpitzenbergNind Baldwin apples, 12 acres hay, 12 acres of hops has English walnuts set between rows that are 3 years old; hopyard, buildings and tools in good shape; new 2-story. 7-room house with plumbing in; barn fair, living water; can take Interurban car at door; will take good clean grocery stock to $10,000. W. A. BARTHOLOMEW, 2 Lumbermens. WHEAT FARM TO EXCHANGE. " My farm of 100 acres on Northern Pa cific Railroad, only 3 miles from county seat: good sail and running water on place. Yields "18 to ,Ht bushels per acre; mortgage $2300 due 1917. Wife's health bad and we must live in Portland, so I will accept any reasonable offer. Submit Portland property or small acreage. Will accept automobile as part. W 653, Orego nian. I OWN southeast corner Sandy road and Slst et., price $18M), owe $1000, payable in monthly installments; will take a build ing lot on my equity or will consider It as first nayment. on reasonable-priced res idence. 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2753. , CLOSE IN, NEAR O. R. & N. SHOPS. Full lot, good 4-room cottage. brick foundation, street improvements all in and paid, price $3500; will take small place farther out as part payment. Frd W. German, 329 Burnside. M. or A 2776. CHICKEN AND BERRY RANCH, $0000. 5 acres. 4 minutes' walk Gates Cross ing; 10c fare; nice improvements, good view cf city; will take Portland residftn'e up to $4000. Fred M . German, 329 Eurn side. M. or A 2776. . FOR EXCHANGE Lot and fraction in Seat tle for auto. Two SO-acre tracts in Columbia Co., for auto or home. C. M CRITTENDEN, Hubbard. Or. WANTED Farms from 10 acres, improved, in exchange for city property close in. Write or call at once. J. W. HEFFERLIN REALTY CO. 203 Corgett Building. TO exchange two Eastern Washington farms for good income Portland property, apartment-house or business property; must change on account of ill health. Address me, W. M. Watson, Lewiston, Idaho. EXCHANGE. New auto, has been run only 850 miles, to exchange for house, lot or acreage. HARDING LAND CO., 80 4th st., Board of Trade bldg. I HAVE fine 6-room bungalow, built-in buf fet, beam ceiling, fireplace, Dutch kitchen and everything modern; 1 block from car line; will trade my equity. $2200, for va cant lots or grocery. AT 604, Oregonian. IN GROWING CROP. Booklets tell all about Goodrich 10-acri tracts. Call and see what this means; you might make a trade; pric right. 510 Rothchild bldg.. 4th and Wash, sts. ORCHARD bonds always on hand for im mediate delivery; will exchange limited amount for acre property. J. F. Had ley, 310 Spalding bldg. Main 65S4. ACREAGE EXCHANGED. 4 acres, close in. all in cultivation; take" houBe near Irvington or Piedmont; assume difference. 206 Rothchild bldg. 5-PASSENGER auto to trade for a house. lot or mortgage: this car is new and has only run 150 miles; price $3200. Harding Land Co., SO' 4th st., Board Trade bldg. MY CLIENT wants, cheap acreage near Ore gon City; must have stream on place; will give clear Rose City Park lots. Y 602. Oregonian EUGENE PROPERTY. Favorably located residence property for sale or exchange on acreage. A. H. Lowry, Main 5579. ; 20 ACRES worth $2000 cash, 5 miles from Mosier, to trade for good building site in Portland. Neilan & Parkhiil, 609 Spalding B!dg. HAVE you a good $2500 stock of merchan dise for equuy in t gooa lots, dii ance of $10 per month, on the whole 7? Owner, box 2o. St. Johns. Or. HAVE fine fruit tract, 11 acres, near Roseburg. to exchange lor equity in resi dence. Hadley, 310 Spalding bldg. 40 ACRES rich black bottom land In Linn County, on w liiamette Kiver, wiu traoe clear for city property. F 651. Oregonian. WANT 640 acres cheap logged-off land, not . - -nn. DnrFlarrf ATT K? gonian. WILL trade mill and 50.000. 000 feet fine timber for real estate; wisn rest, s tjti, Oregonian. LAND and city property to trade Columbia River urcnara Donas. win. xyier, b. a Wash st.. Spokane. Wash. COLUMBIA River orchard bonds for saie. Feb. issue, at a very low price, ixnnmo. Runey & Co., 424 Hamilton bldg. WILL exchange elegant furniture. Including piano of 7-room house, ior unmcumoerea lot or grocery stock. 575 E. 6th South. COLORADO land to exchange for section of stump land near nere. j. a. iao.iey, diu Spalding bldg. 7 LOTS, fine suburb, for merchandise, email incumbrance, an or part; win iane uouse. Box 208, St. Johns. Or. ' FOB SALE TIMBER LAT8. ARE you looking for wood? Are you look ing ior a gooa pieca Ol tauu : rvv uavo both in one, 224 acres, fine river bottom land, 8000 to 10.000 cords wood, mile from O. W. P. R. R-. and facing on the Clackamas River; $75 per acre; terms. AV 767, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD C J. "M'CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 50.000.000 FEET yellow fir, 60 miles frra Portland, on toiumnio. nnmeumio ur ging chance. Owner, poetoffice box 598. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Farm 50 to 100 acres, well im proved. gOUU BUI I . (JlllD lUUBt, MKUL, ISfa over 50 miles of Portland; close to carilce. Owners only. AJ 650. Oregonian. FOR RENT A good ranch; 2 mares and Apply to J. W. Moore, 1 mile east of CurrinaviHe, ft