Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 16, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Buy Merchandise Bonds for Christmas Gifts When iii Doubt-Lunch in Tea Room, 4tH Floor-Dairy Lunch in Basement
Wells-Fargo Co.'s Branch Office, Main Floor Dennisoh's Paper Novelties, Seals, Tags, Enclosure Cards, Etc., 1st Floor
n... im ,1 5 Velvet Bags $2.98
17 18 19 20 21 22 23j
Olds, Wo
Open Until 9;3Q This Evening; Only 7 More Days
Snta Claus Will Be Mere Afternoon and Evening-Bring' Children
Card Printing
100 finest quality of calling OQr
cards; specialized at only wV
100 business cards, printed CH
while you wait; special, only''-''
Sale Kayser
Venetian SilK
1.85 Vests $1.59
In the Underwear store. Main Floor.
A sale of Kayser Venetian Silk
Vests; very handsome for Christ
mas gifts; pink, white or 11 CQ
blue; $1.&3 values forPj;7
Kayser SilK
Kayser black silk Stockines, with wide
double tops; some have all-silk tops, some
all-silk feet, with lisle soles; T Efl
specialized at only, the pair
Kayser BlacK SilK Hose $2.00
Kayser $3.50 SilK Hose at $1.95
Kayser's black silk Hose, the celebrated
"XVonderfoot." the hose with wonderful
wearing qualities. The best silk Hose on
the market; black or colors; flJO ff
An exceptional Christmas offering of Kay
ser's Italian Silk Stockings, with hand-
embroidered insteps, also embroidered
clocks; fine assortment of col- jjl QC
specialized at only, the pair ors; values to $3.50; specials'''
65c Holiday Ribbon for 33c
Headquarters for the narrow Ribbons so
much in demand for fancy work, tying
packages, etc; 20c ribbons, 14J, OO
30c ribbons 17S 3oe ribbons at"C
65c yard; offered special for only'-'' ( Ribbon bows tied free.
All Shell Goods Are V4 Off
Sl.OO Combs 75c $20.00 Combs $15.00
$2.00 Combs $1.5010.00 Combs $7.50
Your unrestricted choice of our entire stofk of Shell Combs and Barrettes, oompris
inir the most beautiful novelties of the season. Idea gifts for mother, sister or for
HER. Hundreds of patterns in shell, amber or pray; each one put fC
An extensive showing of Holiday Ribbons;
11 new and dainty effects in every color
and combination of colors one could wish
fnr; a wealth of prettiness: worth OO-
Hundreds of patterns in shell, amber or pray; each one
up in a neat oox; regular i..uu 10 jtju.uu values; pncea at a saving or
Christmas Sale Fine Toys
$8 Radioptican. $5.4&
$12 Radioptican $798
The "Radioptican" is the latestami most successful and most satisfac
tory, post card projector ever invented. An easily operated instrument
which throws a brilliant illuminated and greatly enlarged picture from
post card photograph, or object on any white screen or surface. An im
provement on the magic lantern will work with electricity, gas or
acetylene. $8.00 Radioptican, $5.48; $10.00 Radiopticans, QO
$6.48, and $12.00 Radiopticans at the exceptional price of P
$i.50 Hill-Climbing Touring Car for 98c
The hill-climbing toys are most popular. Here's the Hill-Climbing Auto, of the tour
ing car type, enameled in cream and red and striped with gold; one driver QQ
and one passenger. These are $1.50 values and are sold special for only IOt
$1.50 Hill -Climbing Toys
on Sale at 98c
Hill-Climbing Engine with tender meas
uring 24 inches over a.l, w.tii weivoai
.ni..fl n ntnr. finished m roc. ana riac
enamel and striped with gold; bell rings
when the engine is in motion. AO
This is a regular $1.50 toy at JOC
$1.00 Piano at 79c
Correctly tuned Tiano, neatly packed in
a pasteboard box. On special iQ
sale at the very low price of JC
75c Wheelbarrow 49c
In Tov Land on the 4th floor we offer
Toy Wheelbarrows, with wood frame and
handles and body of sheet steel. Red
color with stripes, handles 28y2 inches
long; wheels 8 inches; body 9l ylQ
12x5 inches. Our reg. 75c value ffrI7C
$1.25 MilK Wagon 89c
Single Milk Wagon with plush Horse;
23 inches long, 10 inches high, 4 milk
cans, red enameled with yellow stripes;
made neat and strong to stand QQ
rough handling. A $1.25 value, QJC
5)3.75 Doll Cart $2.98
Folding Doll Carts with celluloid handles,
8-inch rubber-tire wheels, good steel
frame, adjustable back 28 inches high;
made to fit any size doll; colors red, tan
or black. Our best $3.75 drt QQ
value; at the special price of D0
$1.50 Child's Chair $1.19
Child's Oak Chair, back 24 inches high;
seat 10o inches wide ; 12 J I 1 Q
inches from floor; $1.50 val. ; P X X J
S2.75 TrunK $1.98
Dark canvas covered Trunk with Suit
Case; $2.75 value. Placed
on sale at special price of
75c Hill. Climbing
Delivery Van 49c
Hie latest out in hill-climbing toys, a
Delivery Van' with Chauffeur. This car
will climb a very steep hill or will run
made with adjustable wheels so cars can
be run in a circle ; a handsomely finished
toy, transparent blue with gold A Q
striping; a 75c value at only TpiC
A timely sale of black velvet Hand
Ba-rs, in many desirable shapes the
very latest novelties, well made and
line"d; gilt or silver frames; our
resrular $5.00 values at I?1 QQ
2.98; $3.50 values atPA,J
Sterling Silver Toilet
Sterling silver novelties are always
acceptable and useful. Our stock
of Toilet Sets is unsurpassed. All
are sold with the O. W. K. guar
antee. Supply your needs here now.
$1 Fancy NecKwear for 69c
$3 Fancy NecKwear $1.98
She would be delighted to receive one of these very dainty Neckties.
There is a good assortment to choose from; all the newest and best
novelties; each one put up in an attractive Holly decorated box; $1.00
values at 69; our $1.75 grades, 9S; our $2.25 grades fc- QQ
at S1.49; and our $3.00 values on special sale at only V
Demi-Made Waist Patterns
5 Values for $3.37
At the embroidery counter, on main floor. A sale of beautiful hand
embroidered demi-made Shirtwaist Patterns, in many beautiful designs
on sheer material; the most acceptable and appropriate fcO
Christmas gifts; sure to be right size; $5.00 values for only
Sale of Small Rug's for
Christmas Gifts
Could you suggest a more appropriate or pleasing Christmas gift than
a Rugt For mother or the married sister, or for sister's room at home
or for brother 's room at -school.
these special prices:
Fine Wilton Rugs, size GJO QC
Hard to beat for a useful gift. Note
27x54; our $5.00 vals.,
Fine Wilton Rugs, size J?? 9CC
36x63 in., $8.50 values P0.6J
Axminster Rugs, size
27x54 in.; $2.25 values
Axminster Rugs, size
36x72 in.; $3.75 values
Smvrna Ruars, all wool, lJO O C
30x60 in. $2.75 values 4.iJ
Smvrna Rugs, all wool, fcQ 1 f
30x60 in.; $3.75 values PJAU
Kayser Italian SilR
S7.50 Union Suits $6
In the undermuslin store, second
floor. A sale of Kayser Italian silk
Union Suits, knickerbocker knee,
with Kayser band top, reinforced
under arms; handsomely embroid
ered, for Christmas ((
gifts; $7.50 values at
Kayser Venetian Silk Vests, made
of good, 6trong silk, with crochet
tops; our regular $2.00 " CQ
values; specialized atrA,
Kayser $2.50 silk vests, $2.00
Kayser Italian Silk Vests, in white,
pink or blue, handsomely embroid
ered in floral or conventional de
signs; $4.00 values $2.91; $5.00
values for $3.89; or ttf
regular $7.00 values Ptt.OU
Kayser Italian Silk Knickerbock
ers in white, pink or black, open
or closed, elastic band- fcO QQ
ed top. Reg. $4.50 vaL P.J70
Xmas Sale of Men's Sweaters
$6.00 "Ruff" Necks for $3.75
A new shipment of men's Ruff -Neck Sweaters, just received by express. A
special purchase from a factory which was cleaning up stock for the new
year. The very newest styles, with large roll collars, heavy, warm, knit
coats, in Oxford gray; sizes are 40, 42, 44; actual $6.00 values. d0 "7C
They are specialized for this sale only at the very low price of P-
$4.00 Sweaters $2.15
A genuine Sweater bargain in the coat
style ; Sweater Jacket, heavy Cardigan knit
wool, V-necks; colors are brown, cardinal,
Oxford and navy ; all sizes in the lot. They
$5.00 Sweaters $2.95
rioliday sale of Sweaters for 6mall men
and youths; sizes 34, 36 and 38; in fancy
weaves; coat styles with V-necks; colors
are brown, cardinal, tan, green and gray.
Splendid $5.00 values. Placed $ O QJ
on sale at special price of vb.O
are our regular $4.00 values ;
on sale, special, each, only
The Ideal Gift
for Men or Boys
Order by Mail
Suede leather Folders OC
for men's ties, etc., at"''
S6.50 "Ruff" Necks for $4-95
yle for men,
ray and car-
Here's the Sweater for the college chap, th
women, boys and girls, all well made, firm an
dinal ; sizes 40, 42 and 44. They are our re
placed on sale at the very extraordinary lo
$3.50 Sweaters $2.95 .
Hen's Jersey Sweaters with the turtle
necks; well made and correctly sized; col
ors are white, cardinal, brown, navy, Ox
ford. These are regular $3.50 q ty Q C
values and are on sale at t&i70
e Kutf JNeck, tne popular style ior men,
d durable ; colors are Oxford gray and car-
gular $6.50 values, and are
w price, special, of only
$2.50 Sweaters $1.45
Men's heavy Cardigan Knit Jackets, in
the coat styles with V-necks and side pock
ets; all sizes, jn Oxford, brown and ma
roon. They are our regular rf a
$2.50 values. Special, at only. A I'O
Useful Gifts for Men Are Priced Low
$5.00 SilK SHirts $3.95
Two styles in men's pure silk Shirts; one 'with starched collar
band, the other with collar attached; French style cuffs, plain
cream and tan colors; all sizes, 14 to 13; our rez- (tJO QC
ular stock values at $4.50 and $5.00; special at V -'-'-'
Christmas Sets $15.00
Accordion Knit Mufflers, $485
Special Christmas set of ac
coidion knit Vests. Silk Hose,
Silk t-iispendt'rs. Collar R:ig
and accordion knit Tic. all to
much; the prettiest effect of
the season; t"C fifl
special at only
In the men's corner, on the
main floor. A showing of ao
coruion knit mufflers, in black
or white, with nice CC
fringed ends; only V ttOxJ
The most beautiful line of
Neckwear in all Portland.
&2 9 SilK Mufflers 31.55
03.75 Crochet Mufflers. $325 Ea.
Fine silk Peau-de-Crepe Muf
flers, reefer style, blk.. white,
pearl pray; self eros stripes.
Also fancv square silk brocade
Mufflers. "blk. and - CC
colors. $2 grade P
dive him one of these very
beautilul crocheted silk Muf
flers, in black and pearl pray,
reefer style, with frinst'd ends;
our. $.1.75 values; JJ
specialized at only fOtiJ
$5.00 SilK Pajama Suits at $3.95
$10.00 SilK Night Robes for S6.95
$3.50 Flan'l Shirts $2.55
Men's best quality heavy blue flannel Shirts; all wool, single or
double-breasted; also plain gray and dark brown flannels,
single-breasted; guaranteed all wool, tag in every tf?0 CC
shirt; faced cuffs; all sizes; $3.00 and $3.50 Shirts Pi.vw
75c SilK Arm Bands 35c
$5 Motor Mufflers at Each $3.50
Big assortment of fancy frilled
Silk Arm Bands, with jew
eled buckles and fancy bows;
put up in pretty Japanese
boxes and baskets; 50c5C
and 75e grades at only
lien's Motor Stintt-1 Muffler
in white, black, tan, gray and
nurv. in th rtfifr ctvlp with
fringed ends; our most attrac
tive 90 vals.; now CJ2 tZft
priced at only, ea. pOJJ
35 Overcoat S18.95
x kt vo mnvcii waw vi Ann.
Another remarKable offering of Men's Overcoats, which our buyer
picKed up on his recent trip to marKet at almost half the manufac
turer's price. They are the season's newest and best novelties, made
by one of the most reliable firms in the men's clothing Cjl Q QC
business. Actual $25, $30 and $35 values, special at only P A O.IiJ
$20 Raincoat $14.85
A seasonable sale of men's New English Gabardine Rain Coats just re
ceived. New colors and better materials than you usually get in $20
Coats. Tans, browns, modes and olives, cut full in the d?1f Ofi
body and lon& styled with the raglan shoulders, $20 vals pl4r.Oj
Sale Boys' Winter Sviits
$6.50, $7.50 Grades at $4-45
One of the best purchases made by our clothing' buyer on his recent trip
to marKet have just reached us and will g'o on sale today. The
maKer wanted to invoice the money instead of the g'oods, so we let
him. The lines comprise all the newest colors and best patterns in
cassimeres and cheviots in browns, grays and mixtures; sizes 8 to 18
years; coats are cut full and very mannish, extra full peg' f f C
pants; regular $6.50 to $7.50 values special, the suit, only pT'.TrO
$5.00 BatH Robes $3.98
A new Christmas line, new ma
terials and patterns for boys, good
values at $5, special do no
for this sale at only PJ.I0
Child's $1.50 Hats 69c
Children's Hats in a broad range
of styles in felt, cloth or velvet, all
the popular new shades.
$1.50 values at this sale, OzJC
Everlastings ox Sl. 25 Bx.
50c SilK Sox-Six Pairs for $2.50
The thin Sock that does wear,
fine mercerized cotton, medium
weight, with absorbent linen
soles, in black and a full range
of colors; put up six pairs in
a Christmas box; lji OC
special at, the box P
Men's pure-thread silk Socks,
full fashioned lisle soles, black,
all colors; regular QO Cf
50c values, 6 pairs P.Ol
"Onyx" black silk Lisle Hose,
imported quality; sfjX QC
box six pairs, only P
$3.50 Soisette Gowns for $2.55
$2.50 Soisette Gowns, Each $1.65
argain Circle
Men's 5Cc Ties 25c
On the Bargain Circle, between the elevators, a great sale
of Men's Silk Four-in-IIands, bought in large quantitieg
especially for this Christinas sale. The quality equal to
any regular 50e ties and the color ami patterns range
so extensive that every taste may be pleased. Of
Values to 50c, bargainked for this sale at only OC
Evening' Special
Boys 85c Pants 49c
6 to 9:30 P. M. In the Basement
In the Basement "Underpriee Store" a sale of Boys'
Knickerbocker Pants in serge, corduroy and tweed ma
terials; good, heavy Winter weights; well made and fin
ished; all dark, serviceable colors; sizes 5 to 17 a q
years ; extra good 85e values, special, the pair xj C
Pure Pork
This delicious sausage comes to us fresh daily; it is
made from Government-inspected little pigs only and
is seasoned with purest spices and salt. Phone your
order. It's put up in sanitary parcels. Order early.
English 10 II Soft Shell on
Walnuts 1 OC II Almonds ZUC
Uncolored Japan,
60c grade; special
Cncolored Japan ; CA
75c grade ; special O vC
Ceylon Tea; ourtl-,
best 60c grade, at"
The very reliable and al
ways satisfactory 0. W.
K. Imperial Roast Coffee.
A perfect blend, roasted
fresh daily; otn"OQ
40c grade; special fc"Oi
Basement Grocery
No phone orders will be filled on. these two items:
Basement Sale of
500 Boys' Suits $2.98
A very advantageous purchase of 500 Boys' Suits, expressly for
the basement. The materials are tweeds and mixtures in smart
neat patterns, well made and lined and finished as well as men's
suits. Some have two pairs of pants. All are good, serviceable
colors, in shades of brown and gray; heavy Winter weights; to fit
boys 8 to 17 years of age. These suits are actually An ao
worth up to $5.00. Placed on special sale now at, suit J)y O
400 W'men's Suits
On Sale in the Basement
$30 Suits HO
i00 ELEGANT TAILORED SUITS in this sensational
offer, and every one a splendid style. The materials
are plain all wool serges, cheviots and diagonals, smart
mixtures, corduroy, velvet, etc.; a goodly number of
them lined with Skinner satin ; plain tailored or semi
trimmed styles ; smart, jaunty jackets ; skirts are up-to-the-minute
styles; the season's best colors repre
sented, colors are navy, black, brown, gray, green,
tan, etc.; complete range of sizes from 32 to
44; regular values up to $30. These t r ff
are placed on sale, extra special, at.. 2) A VU
5.00 Trimmed Hats $1.00
$3.00 Hat Shapes for 25c