Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 15, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    riir: MonxiXG ottegoxtax. Friday, December 15. ion.
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Great Removal Sale AH Holiday Merchandise
Every Article in the Store Reduced
YouVe got to economize to a certain extent, especially if your , income is. modest
This is THE store for. the family of moderate means. Economy, the
Keystone of Thrift, is best achieved in this great Holiday store.
So trenchant are the reductions, so determined are we that all Holiday Merchandise
MUST be sold by Christmas, that we offer
Red Cross Stamps
Booth in charge of Mrs. Henry Metz
grer. Assistants this morning, Mrs.
Wm. L Cole and Mrs. Harry Thomp
son. In the afternoon, Miss Mary
Long and Miss Louise Bradley.
Store will be open next week, beginning Monday evening, until 9 P. M.
JL Merchandise of fteril Only
Full Text of Investigating
Board's Findings Trans
mitted by President.
f Committer' Work Confirms Theory
Which nroujrht on War With
Spain lo Atmsr Ix-atli of
: Mrn and Officers.
WASHINGTON. Ic. 14. The battle
ship Maine waa blown up by two dis
tinct explosions under the ship la the
flndloc of the Invcstia-atlns; board In
Its report, the ull text of which was
transmitted to ronsrmi today by a
special meaujrs of the President's.
The board was headed by Admiral
VreeLand of the Navy, and Included
Colonel William M. ttlack. of the Corps
of Engineers of the Army. It be ran
work on the exposed wreck at Harana
on November ! and found that 4he In
juries to the bottom of the Main were
rauaed by the detonation of a charaa
of a low form of explosive outside the
ship, between frames 2 5 and Si. on the
portelde. This reaulted In the Ignition
and explosion of the contents of th
six-Inch reserve maraxlne. The mora
or less complete explosion of the con
tents of the remaining forward ni
xlnea followed.
Th board. In Its report, emphasised
that It found that what Is called th
port aarboard strake. In a continuous
Una of planklna running- from stem
to stern, was "displaced upwards as
much as 2 4 Inches from a straight
line; that another strake railed "C
waa displaced "upwards and Inward
for JO square feet." and that part of
the Inner bottom plattnc was "dis
placed upwards" and left approximate
ly six feet above Its orlainal jlosltlon.
Tws KiflnloM IMffereat.
The destruction wrought h- th two
"explosions of distinctly different char
acter" was "found to be much more
extensive than had been anticipated."
Th report. In technical terme, ahowed
how plates were crumpled, how some
portions of what had once been a great
hattieahlp were turned Inside out. and
how parts of the bottom works gen
erally were displaced.
"The debris of one-pounders, slx
pounders. six-Inch and ten-Inch ammu
nition waa found widely - scattered
through the wreck." the report said.
"The location of much of this material
bore little relation to Its original
stowage condition. Powder tanks wer
torn asunder or crushed and flattened.
"The condition of the vertical keel
and flat keel at frame IS was ascribed
by the court of Inquiry of WSi to th
direct effect of an explosion -exterior
to the ship In that vicinity."
ew FiUrsr Kowad.
Ilecause of Its- better opportunity
for a detstled examination of this
wreckage It was fuiiy exposed the
present board concluded that th ex
ternal explosion which Ignited th
magaxlnes waa not In the vicinity of
thta frame IS.
"Th protective deck and bull of th
ship." th report said, "formed an In-
rloaed chamber In which the gasea
wer generated and partially expanded
before the explosion."
The boat portion of the Maine waa
found pointed to port, nose downward,
in the mud and lying on Its starboard
side. . Th upper part of that portion
of th ahlp In the vtolnlty of th for
ward magaslnea was swept away.
Only about one-half of th bottom waa
left In position.
Th Main explosion occurred al
most 14 rears ago. In that disaster
two officers and 2(4 of her crew per
ished. Th report, perfunctorily, was or
dered printed and referred to the na
val affairs committees of the two
Tarirr Hoard Will Justify Measure
of Protection for Wool.
ington. Dec 14. It Is learned from ap
parently reliable sources that the tariff
board In Ita report to the President
on the cost of growing wool In the
l ilted States and abroad, will make a
showing which will Justify a protec
tive duty on scoured wool of the first
and second class of about 20 cents a
pcund. a reduction of about 33 per cent
from the. present rates.
It la believed, however, that th
actual protection given American wool
growers will not be reduced 23 per
cent, for under the proposed new
schedule the skirting clause probably
will be eliminated. It Is under this
clause that high-grade woola are now
brought in under the low grade classi
fication, thus depriving the wool
grower of same protection he' Is sup
posed to receive under the existing law.
Man Wbo Helped Declare Civil War
Revisit Capital.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 14. Sydenham
Ancona, 17 rears old. on of th few
living members of th special session
of Congress of 11(1. which met July
4 to declare a state of war against th
Confederacy, wss ,th recipient of an
unusual honor In th House today.
Amidst cheers from both sides, the
House took recess of ten minutes to
permit a public reception for Mr. An
cona In front of th Speaker's desk.
Every Representative In the House
filed paat the white-haired veteran and
shook his hand. Mr. Ancona. who was
Introduced to the House by Joseph H.
Rothermel. as th occupant of the seat
formerly held by Mri Ancona as Rep
resentative of the 13th Pennsylvania
District. I
More Bodies Are located, but None
Ilenioved Front Mine.
BRICEVILLE. Tenn.. Dec 14. Not a
miner, living or deud, was brought out
of Cross Mountain mine today, and to
night the list stands at five rescued and
it dead.
Kir burned briskly all day In two
of th cross entries, and to the task of
extinguishing it the rescue men devoted
most of their time.
Th explorers hav located eight or
nine more bodies, and these may be
brought out.
rprlght pianos rented, 13 to IS per
month -Cblckerlng. Kimball. Ktelnway,
Kohler, and many other popular makes,
All rent paid can apply on purchase
price If desired. Kohler Chase. 17
Washington St. Open day and night.
Archduke Would Wed Girl Not
of Noble Blood.
Order of Kmperor Placing: Henry
Ferdinand on Leave Reveals Xcw
Romance of Royal Austrian
House of napftburff.
VIENNA. Dec. 14. Another romance
connected with the Imperial house of
Hapsburg Is contained In the dry offi
cial announcement that Emperor Fran
cis Joseph has placed the Archduke
Honry Ferdinand, brother of the Trln
cess Louis of Saxony and of Archduke
Leopold Sulvatore. "on leave, with the
stoup.ire of all emoluments."
Arrhduke Henry Ferdinand, a ho la
a painter with a great distaste for
court life and military duties, has been
living In Munich for aome time. He
has desired for a long period to aban
don 1:1s rank and title In the same way
as Archduke John Orth. Archduke Leo
pold Salvator and more recently Arch.
duk Ferdinand Charles, in order, as is
reported, that he might marry a Mu
nlch girl belonging to a family not of
noble rank.
Finding this to be difficult, th Arch
duke baa taken th easier course of
throwing up his military career.
Th Hapsburg family has figured In
many romances. Archduke John Sal
vatore. known as John Orth, disap
peared after giving up his rank and
title and marrying an actress. Miiiy
Ptlebel. He was said to hav sailed for
Chile in July. 1S0. No trace of him
has been found.
Princess Louise of Saxony dlsap.
peared from Dresden In 1902, leaving
her husband, th present King of Sax
ony. She was forbidden by Imperial
decree to use hr title of Archduchess.
She was divorced In 1903.
Archduke Ferdinand Charles this
year ran away from his military dutlea
and maxrled a daughter of a court
councillor, afterward aasumlng the
name of Burg and living as a private
Archduke I-eopold. a Major-GeneraJ
In the Austrian army, renounced his
career In 1902 to marry a Bavarian
actress named Adamovleks. whom he
later divorced. They lived in Swltxer
land under the name of Woelfllng.
Hydro-Electric Company AVork at
Hood River Enjoined.
MOOD RIVER, Or, Dec 14. Spe
claL) The temporary Injunction
granted the Paciflc Power & Light
Company by the United States Circuit
Court, which prevents the stringing
by the Hydro Electric Company of any
of Its wires m ths city or along th
county road, where they will hang
above those of the complainant com
pany, was unwelcome news to the peo
ple of this city this morning. A great
percentage of local residents have
signed contracts with the Hydro com
pany at a rat about half that at pres
ent charged by the 'Pacific, company
and th completion' of the new system
will materially reduce light bills.
The complaint In which the Injunc
tion Is asked Is based on the grounds
that the Hydro company's primary
wires will be strung over high voltage
wires of the complainant company and
will thus be a source of danger and
damage to its aystem. The Hydro com
pany Is also enjoined from setting
poles between the wires of the Pacific
California House Unanimous for
Presidential Preference Law.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Dec 14. The
Young Presidential primary bill, pro
viding for the election of 26 Presiden
tial Electors at large by a state.wlde
vote, passed the Lower House of the
(Hate Legislature today by a vote of
73 to 0.
The bill provide for the placing of
the names of the candidates on the bal
lots in groups, a 1 per cent petition
being required in each Congressional
District to place the name on the bal
lot. Each candidate must have tbe
Indorsement of his party campaign
committee. At the top of each group
column Is the name of the Presidential
candidate favored by the group below.
This method was adopted to avoid the
possibility of sending a split delegation
to the electoral college.
Individual candidates may appear on
the ballot and there Is also a "no pref
erence" column.
Continued From Flmt Page. )
genuine La Follette sentiment abroad
in th land and that what has been
known aa "La Follette sentiment" la
really Roosevelt sentiment. In other
words, the La Follette boomers are for
Roosevelt first and for La Follette as
second choice. This disclosure ram
ss considerable of a surprise to Taft
Republicans, but it was welcome, for
It Is generaly recognized that Roosevelt
is a staunch partisan and steadfast op
ponent of a third-party movement,
while La Follette Is no partisan at all
and on the sllghest provocation would
start a third-party movement if ho
thought he could thereby enhance his
own political fortunes.
As to Roosevelt himself, there Is now
little speculation. Roosevelt talk died
down after the committee had ad
journed and President Taft once more
occupies the. spotlight on the Repub
lican stage, sharing it with no one..
In. Cuba raw suisr at the mill brfngrs 4H
r.rf nonni. thf Mghgt pri in year.
No More Colds
for Bald Men
Thousands of bald men iu Port
land and neighboring cities es
cape colds by wearing
They are so perfectly const rut-ted
that no one can tell it isn't
your own growth of hair.
It us demonstrate. Privacy
assured. Mail orders filled.
147 Seventh St., Near Morrison.
S 9.75
$12.50 Black French Conev Sets
f 10.50 Sable Opossum Sets...,
$12.o0 Brook Mink Sets
tlo.oO Sable Squirrel Sets
$ 14.75 Gray Squirrel Sets.
.f,3.00 Sable Fox Sets.
Japanese Mink Sets, Black Fox Sets and many other popular FURS
at prices impossible to duplicate in
aijj UMiLJJKiJM a ahv miaana otiia, zu rit war ui r.
Buy Early while the assortment is at its best. . ,
Will hold selection for Christmas delivery.
An exceptional offer in Genuine Russian Pony Coats, Brown Sable
Ooney Coats, Fur-lined Cloth Coats with Fur Collars, Astrakhan and
Caracul Coats and many others at a LIBERAL REDUCTION.
288 Morrison St. J. P. PLAGEMANN, Mgr., ' ' Corbett Bldg.
Store open every evening until Christmas.
JL Verchandiae of (eril Only-.
Exclusive Man-Tailored Suits
For Women and Little Women
Selling Regularly to $35.00
Holiday Removal $10.00
t High-class tailor-made suits taken from our regular stock. Suits that
are strictly man-tailored. Suits for both women and little women.
Suits of serges, cheviots and fancy mixed
materials. The three most fashionable
materials for tailored garments.
Some of the suits are plain tailored and others are braid trimmed.
The jackets are 28 inches in length and all lined with silk. The
skirts are made in the newest panel front and back styles.
In black, navy, brown and fancy mixtures.
. Every suit is new this season.
Tailored Waists for Women at $1.20
Selling Formerly to $2.50
Strictly man-tailored waists for women of fine figured Madras and
, heavy lawn. These waists are made in a variety of plaited and tucked
styles. Some have laundered collar and cuffs, others made with laundered
collar and sdft cuffs.
Halcyon Cotton Messaline Petticoats
ut:j D i c i to
Soft-finished and clinging petticoats of finest quality Halcyon cotton
messaline in black, navy, gray, tan, pink, lavender and sky blue.
They are made in an entirely new model with extra deep accordion
and knife-pleated flounce, also in rucked and shirred ruffled effects.