20 TITE MOKXIXG OREGON-AX. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911. ros MLS. Hnn. tehtclee. tie. Jy-'-HVI ND pair geldings with Baw harness. 2..: aim two ouni marts, about earn we.gbt. on la foal, wl.l sell er rata; ; v pou -.1 tram. Hund. fat and work any place. -lj. chunky tram of bay, work ' rincla ar;d double, weight 2J"o. $13 buy thwra with new breacarn liarnraa; plr blacks. 24ng pound, for lJi; eavral other eingl horsee and snare, soma la foal, from $'- up. Ail lock guaranteed ani trial a. .owed. Ml -J. bet- Market and Mi.L IHF band'oma ahow horaa Comet, weight lion pounds. a prlsealnner. with ail kind of a i L If Jou a ant a f.n hore. come and e Mm. 1 a til eschange bim fr a go.d ltvery aore as br Is too rood fr my bualneaa. It Union xa, cornor of Aai. $14'. TA Kl- choir of two tram and h r aeaa. welrht 24 "O lb, rarh. a,-, pair of mini, tutcv and harneae. ;7- )ii 12th. cor. Madiaon. bousa Id IS par. TEAM of horaa weighing 2ih 11... harnraa and wagon, alao epan of mare we. going r -i I;.... baxnraa and aiwlng wagon. 409 K- Salmon. TFAM mar and gelding. 2ioo Iba. : ara . o''!; S'turd and true pullera; $230. Fort land btablee. 1Mb. and Couch. I Vt.ArK brea. Bound, a year old. weigh re Ivfrg II'" ar.1 1 20 work alncla or double. Wdln. 1J4V. 84 M'.lslppl avr. llOflSEH aRd aiccn for rent by tha dav. wrrk or month. Finland Stable. 1-th an.! foufh. Phone Main -1?". A I I-'. FOR SALE Cr-J horaa and buggy Oroticr). owner. 241 Stark t. rlnaa. Ortaaa and Maairal Instraraeat. KOHLER - CHASE. TS WASHINGTON STREET. BARGAINS IX SLICHTLT USED PIANOS. en.1 for anr aporlal prlra Hal and full description of oor many bargain In used PUnoa. I-et u know our favorlra makr. fata boar much you can Invrat la a runs ar.d we al l -nd lomplete d'crlo of lh barsaln that know will lnt-reet you. ia our uaed piano department yem have trio We"-r. flrlnway. Fieh-r. KohlT Cl.ase. KulK. Chlckertnr. And.-sw hoh lar. Voao ar Son. Hoffmann. Decker Rrothrra. Irrraon. Ol bert. Hrlnk-rhorT. KohVr Tumplv-'.!. and ahout li" othsra. whirii incluil raery aell-known maka oa tha mark-L V'i of thrao uard pu no ara prartl ra.iy a rnml aa nrw. a many of thrm k . ., K. t.k.o In rlrhinll fOT OUT Piannla-I'lano. and Iha " lh" would not ha partrd w;ih thraa pljnoa I'-Pt to aeruro tnia famous tnatrumrni. Wa ran mako you v.rv ar trrma on any uard Plan.a. and wa ara alao willlna; to ship uard piano on aporoval. If yau w lah to sava monry whan Buy Inc a piano, arnd lor our special barcaln """u.-En PIANOS FROM CP. W- jk your od piano In - abani aa Pr: payinrnt for " ' . Kkr a; 1'.iar. Klachcr. Andrsw Kob.rr. Plano a Piano, ate. , r-n.i for our ipclal bartala list of uaod P'iSKlmbll uprlrht plino. rTla MSO mo-l-i. latrat dra.cn. Kob.rr -baa. i;S Washington st. rhrkrtr. uprtsht piano. trm: fu'l o-tT.. plain caaa. iaoblrr at Cn a sr. Z.i iVahlnition St. ftrlnway oprtaht piano. .-.; ahony raaa. raar t.rma. Koh.rr A ChiSo. 3.i Vtasb Incton fl!3 Ttrantlful colonial d'tlcn oprlarit Piano In rich mal."r .n ;'. fnu.lcal ton.. uarant.l for l '""" $.. now $t-. Vrry ra.v Irrill. Kob.ar ai fhaa. ill Waahtnrtoo su .-. will buy an rlarant np-lo-d'a -not. Autoptaro. .mahoaanv caaa; terma l par monlO. fraa muatc roi.a. KOHI.KK i U-?r-.1. T VA.-lll.NG'0N Tl.i.LT. rR ?M.K. rlr.r. on. walnut caaa r"k p.aao. In I ral clas. tor.dl.lon. -h t, ..i,Mux. N. . corn.r 2d and f'lra ata " .NKW r'.Ti pian... nrvrr bn '. -,' raah If lak-n at on.e. I'tiono XaiB -ial. I a. I after li y-JM- . II HI.I.ET I".V1S upr'd't piano. w ' ... f I'ri -II .1 A - K SALE iiol aifl o. tall Woodlawn A ii t orsobl lra. 1W AlTOiIOPILr.S. 1 AH raakra. a!l prices, all guaranteed. Ca'l at our aalraroom and aea tha lorg eat n-imt-r of sl:ht:y ua-d cars ever brourht toaettier on Ih. I'a. ine t oaat. i on r.l no, look fur-hrr for a good car at the right price. Wa hav. Ilnui and can aavo you raon.-y. Mr. ara a few bargains wa offer you for thia week: t-halmrra r.-paas. 3-h. p. full equipped; brat of condition; only iii". R. 3-pass.. 30-b. P.; snap: I'li-11. Ra:. pa-. So-h. p.; nearly : tSM. nrerett, 4-paM.. 80-b, p.: !". V-ta. i-paaa. JITS. gI 3Ialn C-44 OREUON AUTO F.XCHANOE. list and Wa--hlngto Sta. KEiONU-HAND auto supplies, anything you 6 -ant: t.rr. a to I-O each, all a.aea. tub-. ulranlad iic Auto Supply C. -JJ Mam SU FTltErif'-OF garage, with baaomrnt and ina.hio- .hop. f..r rent: """J1 .-atlon lor particulars call 0 Naan- IT'"T 1,1 AllaSTEKH .".-ton rara. llr trilk for at.', a soap, onlv noau. ha.-n. e -a a mom I. For partKU'ara call . Wa-.unt-lon ai- jTTiTVTN' ll lackard 3i." 7-p--ua'r to irn g car beat of lonulllon. must ail this weak, tetiua c-Jh. Abl td. Ora contan. -- a &.'Ac-LNiKK Mitrnoll to trad for real estate. I'ortland-Detrolt Auto Co.. litU and C.urh ata tA i iVA(T10N aa.e. &-r.ai"-nirer rar. wllft a Ind'litrld; tlrea worth M. snap, f 1 - mi mg Mile., cor. 3d and aalilncl-m. aVEW gar. so Juat eomnirtrd. Live and dead aioraaa. .ipaedae l Motor Co.. -V. 3L S- Xa l-4tli St.. cor. Couch. ihik at tso-paaaenger Whl .teamar. AI East SJ; axchang for anything. frp.(iSKNOF.R auto. A-l condition, cheap for quick buyer, si Hh. room 4Qt. " Usga. Bird. Fat orb- 1 vo Wh:t Leghorn cockerela. thorouah hrrd and from pnaewlnning strains; erica eaih; ala. Karred I'lymouth K.x-k r.m krrela. Call llii Eaat i"ta at., or phona -.' 2 .-'N.'iKm f.'r aXCo racb. 1-t k iltb. I'rtone TaSi.r I iL Ji.it rAl.K Sllvir phraaanta. alao pair rlng ne.-k and si.ver cfjssed. Woodlawn 121.. " ' flaeetlawewqa. JlK.Vj THDl Kli. In . we; a. corduroys, worsted; 94 value at - V; i aalura at M iu. No big prolits tarkrd on to pay for high rent. Jimmy f fir. it. room 313 Oregoiuan blJg. Ta e!.ai'r. i; Jr:ntl. lio.ard 14-karat Koaa filled watcb for J-i. at I'ncia alyaca. Tl gib. near Oak. tTlllI-l' No. 10 printing preas and ma.c lantern. kmx! rondltlou. cheap. .13 latb ai . niornlrga. 4 PIT A L Jl Mi I'll.. dalera la Iron, rr.atal. rui.;era aa. ka. machinery, pipe, tools and lot. lot. M.rha:l 3'.n. T-6'J X. I at at. CH.IISTalA! bargaia m all makea of type writers. Coma and aea them. Nortbwaat a TO Type wrrer C.x. to IHl St. eTtFl. t;,i diamond Tiffany rtnga. V karat. $.'": karat. 4n. - -rat. 7S; 1 karat. I -. At I nrla MVera. 71 8th. In -KLL a numoer of gaa bea'era. flreplaia - b. ail praitirally new, t ail Main ti.o.4 11 I I. mah.'cany buffet, band carved; alao la.lv's draaa.rg tajle to matcb. Jul Ilaw t home. j ; f ; . dairy an. I family cows. tnila east of irnta. a . i 1 r W KI.L-ROTT KD ferilliaar sjaaura for aaia i all : 2'-- lIt Al.r: or ..l r.rl J-r.io.n houaatoat la ..-mI roinl'lli-a. W o-tf. liregoman. Lar:n !' culpni.al l.y I'nue.l Kngmeer a Cona: rui-'.on Co.. ! Ieli r. dc. r4'r; 3Jcd.u.n-aijd er-prof. tatablaatlal . '.t A-l-lr- I. ' "' IfAMlla Xur sale i'boa i liiaa FUK ALE. ll FOR BALE. Water vbcala. a:i kinds, at Its tbaa H prlca. U. SARDS SONS. Tha House of a Ii.:lon ijircatns." :0-tj Front bl Cor. Main. MT CIII.I.-TMAii ulfT. Ovarroali anil ralnroa'.s tr.aka practical Cbrtatmas prrarnta. Kor ni 1-7. to 9 lu aalurs markrd IH.T5 pay na - Iraa. V or my ii.'.o to ji alura. marked $14. i .V piy m 2 ra. 1 hu la mr Curiaima gift to ffurcbaaers. JIMMY Dt'NN. Room Orrronian bliia. Taka rlayator. I 1UVH rnn rr.l anotnrr bualnraa. but atlll rptiln m hiift.'raiU Itm-k of diainonda. wan lira and Jrw.ry that I will a-: I at lra th.in actual cat: bi-fors buylr.a It wl.l par ou to ao what I hav to .rf.-r: oprn rnlnaa only. T to 30. l5-llJd Wi;co blna. Taki t Icvaiur. . . i. . i n 1. 1 n. iiaii ajifra. naw and " ond-hand. low pricra. eaay trrma ttafoa oprom and rri.alra.1. larcni rm .. an! I'oi: and fafr Co., b4 4th at. Mala hi o a all , FOK fI.E OR RKVT l.or.lilNU AND HOIST1NIJ :.NUIt.a. IKDDIOUiaa. vu tractors' rotilpmrrt. RAILWAY KsjUIPMENT CO. 74 Flrt Ktreat. VII I. mrd. and laraa a'r. Burroniths ad. ......k .i-.b. (I'm. rah. A-ilranriT Na tlonal'caan rrla:r. . cornsr Olh and Oak. sim nml n or. KINK IS-lnch douhle-Jointrd doll. 8 plcralri wardrobe, blcriy made. Main S41. I3 13th at A PAIR of .l.-lurra. ITrneh duel. J.iat right for smoklna r win or Urn. t Olds. Wort man A- K'm'i. l'li-turr Dei-. M .'1II.N rJI; V of ;. II. raparl'y sawmill, piri ..r In full at hurfala price. A. I ll.'ilc. r. Tolrdo. V illi. fX'H PAI.K r'lne saloon fixtures, linoleum. Muln fl". . . Hi:TS yolil and allvar electro-plating ounlt lifi'on. 14 N. rl'h sl Vi:i.I.-IUiTTt L) frrtiUzrr manure. fcaat rciUriAl.fc. IiiNaiM puah-i-halr. almoal new; barcaln. W. J. Williams, -."T Morrison St. 1TA,TEIllf KI.LAXF.OfH. WK HI V rlJ.lHl.Ml. FLKNITURK. TOOLS Hixnrat prlra i.al.t for enrns and ladies" riilo? i-lofhlna. ho--s. furnlturi. toia, mrchanlr. luit nc. Call Main i;u!0. .Vtl 1st at., Tl t;.ole. 1 HA" KB WAXTKH. Will arcrpt a aoo.1 sjf aa part pajrraent on a braut.ful piano, uaed aiiout a year. Main Ol-'u or A :.il--.. OFFICE FI RM ri.K': W AN'TKl). Wan! the fu.-nlahlOK for two office: It rmiat 1:. good; aak for Mr. Martin. Mall l-'i. i.ir t ommiTcuu o.ova. HMIIKST price paid for ladle- anil entJ c.tat.iff rtulhlrg; wa respond promptly. Call Marahall -nil. PAHTV to aliar- car. shipment of hpuae h..:d goo-Is to Da lias. Tea. K. L W Ulta. pi'a l.ewls Ding WE pay the hienrat caaii price for second hird furoUure. s-ai-r A- Martin. Fbon Fiat Sll'.l. 3. Jl.iwthorn- are. H A KCr il'S AUCTION HollSK. STtf E. Morrison. J'hone E lnJi. Pna hlch-at cusn prlre for furniture. WANTK To railroad tickets East- AN ai. oregoniun WANTED Ho! Hop Ursk; inuat bo clieap; gtvr d.-arrlliTInn: atnle prlre. l. O. R"l 34. WILL tint room for J2.S0 and paint houseg at your prli e. I'hone E.-at fit.'.j: B FOHD Auction Co. pavs moat taah for any kind of furrlture. Mala IW1. A 244S. WETI.VT7.vim. Z.'-n up: r!o painting at rcaaonable prices. East 1-4. HFI.P W AXTFIr MALI- INCIDENT. Tiiurr msn. ilranittr. out of work !. bla toial raail aaael l If 1 pay you IS for apeclal employment membarehlp I will hus only tii left between ma and star ration. . , , Secretary If you pay 13 for special em plovmcnt momb-rshlp you will hava tha V. 31. c. A., with Ita resourcaa. between yon and starvation. Iteeu.l Young man Joined aaaoclatloo. In lr than a week had aatu:actory m- ployraent. Record for II months ending; Nor. J": Calls for rrrn Sl Positions filled Employment membership guarantee m-Tiiber will secure employment or re fund of mmbrahlp fee; gives 1 months' f ull mrmberahlp pnv lli-cra. lo months so cial prlvnrT'S and undrrtakra to " pirty rmp'oyed during the full term of ntrTibaraMa without furth-r chargv- le bavo conatant demand for high grade. earY'.eni-. men. Aia you fitted for a b'tt-f position? Sea secretary employment acparxment. T. M. c. A. DO YOI want a proposition that will sell? One mat Ilea so many compelling argu ment. In It favor mat !f a man has any snirman iiuaiitU' at all lie can earn from $.'.! to Stui'U every atnglc month tbat b work? Thla I not an old propoaltl.m that everyone knowa about. It la brand new and no Mnan wbo huatlee can poealMy fall to n;ake good. l.ra.1 fumlahrd. riea Mr. Juno, Fred A. Jaiulu Company, fora niKina. WiNTEl for U. f. Army, able-bodied, un-m.nrl-d mn. bctwe.-n ag of IH and 33. rllis'tia of I nited rlralr. of good charac t.r and temperate habits, who ran aprak. r.ad and arita tna English language. For Irformailon apply to Recruiting Officer, Wori.a.T block. Third and Oak streets. Portland. Or. Yol'N'O man for arlioleaala house: ona who understands stenography and general of fice workr- uiuet lo apt at figures: ad rlrras In own handwriting, staling briefly prior exiierlence If an. and wagra r x -looted: go. opportunity for advance ment. A yj. Oregon Inn. WANTEI Manaffer for commissary depart ment of large iuinS.-r company; must ba thoroughly experienced buer and stock kceper; able to get and hold trade. Com mission out of town. alrct representntlv of compare at ofllc of IH.uglaaa Ftr Sale, 3d floor. Ycon bldg.. Haturday. II A. M. WANTEDA mill latent office asslatant aud coat accountant, by larg lumber manufac turing coiiipanv. poaltlon out of town. Cult fiatunlav. in A. M., at offlc of Imiu g:a Fir alos Company, 3d flour. Ycon I i.'.r. WAN'IKI' Kxi erlenccd hushelnian wh-v p ,., clnrinrt or corn-f: t-O: married men preforml. tither bandmrn vitb trad wrif'i ricretary Commercial Club. Kenne arklt. Wash. EXPERIENCED aubacription soilrltora maka big money on new Panama-I'aclf Ic World's Fair montbly putillcatloo; aatl.afactory ref erence or casb dcpoa.1 required. Apply PI Yeon bldg. WANTHIi A young man for geuural ofiloa work In siockroom: small salary to atari, good change frr aiKancemcnt and learn ing the bulna. lihe f.ill firtlculara and 31 1 11LE-A.ED man. married, for general farm work: must understand fruit and gardening; give experience; housa. fuel and vegetable fumlah.rd. AM C'-tt, Oregonian. XLTOIt warned, for 1-4-year-old boy In grnmwiar school work; 1 hour each day. 3 days eacb week. Addreaa with refcrancea. II H. M-. r. o. nog i.-. cut. 6PEt IAI. IVPI'fEMF.NTS TO AviKNT FOK CHRISTMAS TP.ADE. ltcCl:r'HO-.VEI.L CO.. . ld7 7T II ST. AN KXl'KI'TIONAii opportunity for a oung man la e.'ure practical trslntng In de tective work. ."!.; -i" I wetland bldg. I WANT n ro..d cafeteria man who la bon eat and capable of taking chart of new lunrhrnvn. Addreaa jl.ix 7'r.. city. WANTED Traveler. -" p-r week and ex penses. App.y lo ..inniciimi-ry and W a I k e r. ."."2 Lumber Exchinge bidg. Boy living with parents to learn auto re pairing; state sac, expertenca and salary wanted. .o glo. Oregon. an. WANTED Solicitor on the road to work on p-rrenrage. Apply 364 1st St. II. Kauf r n. the Hi'tT. W'ANTEl" tlob.-r. rvliablo man to irarn the automobile businrsxs. Call at 00 lltb street. TK AVEI.EH balary and, exp-'tisrs: no phon ing, l.c.iox Hotel. A. 31. to P. 31. Hoy. WANTED Barber, steady Job. 3'4 JKurn- WAN I Klf-l'tiTf'rlan to treat member for Ti.taplta! A ia ; Ion. All fT4. irrgonlan. PIL'TlHlKAPH coupon and lurtralt agent, nrw oT'-r. Cuthnert Studl... I, kilm blilg. Ff" KM A .N E ' r income for vaieaman. Aak for Mr Bryant, lilt Teon bidg. WANTED Llva agrnt to etl photo coupons. Button Studio. BI2S Waahlrgtia at- 34 ATTR K.M A K E II. mmt b first class. King-FIaher Mattre Co. Eaat 4'.7. WANTl:i Palmer- ant paperlinrKcra. king job. hour. 1" il2. oregonian. 31KN wafur.l to rll Christina, decorations a'n-l p..r,ii.'a. 4TJ W . il n g Ton .t. JJARHKIl wauled for s-aturdsj-.- 2)i alaui aon St B.tRnr.n want-d Saturday. 3!i- gi.rk t. XitSilELMAN wanted. 104 loth. IIEI.P VAXTFI tlAIJT.. AHI.Il-BODIKll men wanted for the U rt. -larln Corps, between tha ages of 1 and 3. 34ut bo native born or have first pa pers. Monthly pay lla to I6. Additional compenaatlon pnaslble. Food. clothing, quartera and medical attendance free. After 1 years' service can retlra with ia per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board sblp and ashore In all parta of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marine Corps Recruiting Office, rooms 1 and J. Breeden bldg.. 3d and Washington ats.. or room 7. WlnchesterIiou. 13 b d L. Portland. Or. TOfXo" men . wanted between age IS and 33; railroad aervlce: I ilegraph-r. station agents, clerks; salaries Tb to u per month. No strike; positions guaranteed competent men. Ailurvss N :17. Ora gonlan. Enclose stamp. nru WANTr.n ftmalb. WANTED An experienced girl to do gen eral housework: must know how to cook: good wages. Apply 713 Irving at., near :rd. WANTED Young women to enter training acho..l for nurane: 2-r, years" course. Ap ple Aberdeen Uecsral Hospital. Aberdeen. Wash. , WANTED A good Mubretlo to work la moving-picture allow: none hut flrst-elnas nerd apply. S. J. rihemanakl. Star The ater, North Bend. Or. WILL g e excellaul home and small pay lo mld'llc-aci'd woman who can aew arid help with general housework; bot water heat, all convenlncea. phone C 3f(M. wTnTED Refln-d bualness lady, exception al opportunity for lady of mean I'hone Marahall J7S or call after 1:1". 41t Swet land bldg. . CHOCOLATE dipper wanted at out new factory : good wagoa. coffmao Candy rarlorr, a.l r root near o - BAI.KSI.AllV In Jewelry store. experienced preferred. F. Abendrolh, Jeweler, 34- vv namngion at. A Hi mii drraamaker for f-w das at once, must be Prat class. Call Marahall 2.4H, room -!. neiore noon. Vul'Ml la.lv caahler. over 1 yVars of age Applv to 10 A. M-. superintendent' of fice. Olds. Wormian A King. for Nti lady wanted to rare for child morning and evening, for board and room. :im em. TRANSFER GIRLS, 1 years or over. Apply k 10 14 A. M.. uierlntndent's office. Ol.'e. Wortman King;. WANT v. D La d liV to make Xmas novelties at home, all or spare time; good pay; ein'rlenre unnecessary. 2-3 11th at- WANtVTd l-dlrs to learn the business of the Sanitary Beauty I'arlora, 400 Dekum Mdg. HH SU girl wanted, office work, short hours, must be with parents. Wage f IS monthly. Au O-.I. Or.-sjun Jal,. . WANTED Experienced aecond-glrl. flrsl elnaa family; wages .'t". it. Loula Agency, -".IS Aid. r. Mam gi :;!. A 477.V WANTED UidUs to make Christinas novi 1 tlrs at home or spar lime; good pay for neat workers. 225 11th at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. C43W Wash'ngton at., cor. 7th, upetalra, . V. ll,in " I'.'l ' MRS. HOWES LADIES' AGENCY. Wasblneton bl.lg.. 4tli and Wash. ata. Main K-So or A r.2Bfi. WANTED Ri-rlned. capalila woman for re sponsible position. Vtavi Co.. 09 Rotn rhlld bldg.. 4:h and Wnshlnnton. WANTED Ud girl for general house work: small family adults. 7.1a Kearney street. ANTED Girl for general houaea-ork. fain. My of 3. $-'.". per month. Tabor 3U. WANTED A girl for general housework; two In family. S"3 l-ovejoy. 2 eALESI-ADIES: apply Hotel LaSalie, room o"Mi, 10th and Burnalila. . WANTKH Experienced bookkeeper; mutt le goiKl penman. A'iurrn . r. v -e U11OU home for a jouuc or mlddle-asd ladr. and some wages. Phone hast Ol RL for general housework, small lainlly. 21M East14th North. East ."744. WANTED Arglri to assist with general honaework. I'nnna .-nam ua.-.a. GIRL for general housework. Apply 3U 11th WASTEli Young girl at rlgar stand and poolroom. 2itll Everett st IIEI.P WAXTFIk MALE OR IT MAI. R, BOOKKEEPEHS. caahler. bill clerka, etc.; 1 will Kuarulltre vour quaiincaiioua ill in. poaltlons In 30 daa: private Instruction be publle accountant: position secured. J 430. oregonian. HELP W A X T E I M I SC E L LAX F.O f S. KEEP OUT OF TUB RAIX Py learning to operate moving pictures; operatora earn I-o to S33 weekly: eaay Inside work; snort hours; learn business In 10 days In tha finest and best equipped school in the world; leas, ins reaeonahle. Illy and evening rlnsara. N W YORK FILM EXCHANOG f.-'M'i Washington, near tb ilr'.S WANTED, age I" to .".. firemen ! monthly, brnkrmen ". on nearoy rail road,. Experience unnecessary: no strike. Positions guaranteed competent men; pro motion. Hallway employment headquar ter tal men aent to poaltlons laat four months. Stat age; send stamp. Hallway Aeroclatlon Box, Oregonian- 3fKN and women to learn the barber trane In elvlit weeks: specisi inuuceuir.ua, renniKe paid whiie learning; toola free; ex p. rt instructors; 17 yrara In the bual nraa; 7 schools, a lifetime membership given to each student, iloier Barber col lege. 83 N. Fourth at.. Portland, Or. WANTED -Men at Loe Angeleg. learn trade. Fair wagea after eaconu monm. euiu blles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying; practical w-ork on actual Jobe; LVD stu dents last five years; few months re quired. United Trade School Loe An-g-.-l.-s. . UI'alNESS MEN. avail yourselves of our free employment department; competent stt-nngru;h:o help regarrtlcas of machine uaed. The Oliver Typewriter Agency. Mam sr7J. WANTED By mall clerka. Portland exa- ll.atlons Blinouncoo J an. ja; aaoipiw ci u.- tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 841 - K. Rochester. N. Y. STENOGRAPHERS, learn to operate the Oliver; positions waning; use our iree practtce room and file your application. The Oliver Typewriter Agency, 3.2 Aukuny street. TI T Kh- with tlii ad and get a enn) I'm meal at lite R. at 1 . Duiiy Luncli. ioa . -a at. 1; .ikI Friday only MAKE money writing abort stories, or far paers; big pay;- free booklet leu now. United I'rraa Syndicate. Fan Francisco. WANTED Picture play writer; big pay; we 11 leacn you. ficture 2 lay aawa- tlon, ran rrancivco. LEARN clilropociy. Famoua Dr. Wagner's 3I"thod taught by Harriet Marchant, 40! Cent. Mdg.. loth aud Alder. Main Ssa.V FILE you applioalion for a iMisilion and use our rree practice room. 1 lie Oliver lype wrlter Agency. 333 Ankeny St. PRIVATE bookkeeping, shorthand, typewrit ing. Hid Chamber of Commerce. Mum &-..io. PIUVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE- MI'.ITINO. IS mo. 2o 14th st. Mala 3'j. FlbrC TEACHEH-" Itwetland bldg ASSOCIATION. 13 SITfATIOXS WANTED MAIJB fViokke, pera sad Clerka. IF -you need highly educated man. thor oughly experienced In all klncia of olilce work, legal, railroad and hotel manage ment; local references. AR 000. Ore gouian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSS OK WRITE up book, prepare balances and state ment.. Install systems. Glltlngham, au d tor. 411 Lewis t.Iilg. Marshall 717. AN A-l general merchandise man with 10 years' experience, wlaht-s poaltlon In store. In or out of city. AL 007. Oregonian. B00K K EEI'E It. young man with K years of general oinee experlrnce. best or refer en. e. wishes position. AO fil.'l. Oregonian. TOUR books kept, audited, statements by expert accountant. Tee 119 and up per month. J 72o. Oregonian. YOUNtr man desires clerical or office work; ,1 reference. AT Oil, oregonian. Mlaes llaneana. COLOKED man and wife want poaltlon. first and s--rond cook. Call or auarcss Ah, 077, o-egonlan. rluHEK, mtddlv-aged man seeks situation as Janitor or watchman; cuy referencea, phono Marshall 313.V Di'.Utl SIOKE poaltlon wanted by unregis tered clerk, will work all or part 01 time. AP itrtl. oregonian. YOllN.. Japnneee wonts d.itry w-ork In the country. Ml nun at. rsonu. cuy. GROCERY stora ooaltlon wanted by young man. A 101. oregonian. YOUNtl man dcslrea position of any kind- Tabor 3..v2. JAPANESE boy wants poaltlon In family. V en4. orer'Tlan. SITUATION wanted be experienced Janitors or houseman, am ba4. oregonian. JAPANESK wants roRItlon In family fur cook and housework. A.I n.-,i. Oregonian. WANTS ptivatc cars to waah and pollali. by an experienced chaafieur. c 0S3, Oregonian. HlTfATfOXH WAN.TED MALE. l l-cel lar. rona. MUNICIPAL FitEK EMPLOYalENT BUREAU. 213 Second, corner Salmon. Women- department, 213 Salmon. All ciaaaes of unskilled, skilled, professional and clerical, -male and female help fur nished on short notice. No fee charged. Phone Main 3.13. A 3024 POSITION C'.iief engineer; day or night work; expert on stem and hot-water til ting, air coinpn-.aaors and hdraullc a-ork: 23 year' expcrlenoe. Address L. F-, 0-2 Wllltama ave. A YOUNG man wants ame kind of work Immediate: can operate typewriter and do su-noeraphle work; salary no object. At rt::2. Oimonian. TOUN'J man. attending college, desires to work for board and room tefore and after school. Call or address me. II. D. H-. room 5ofi Comnionweaith bide WANTED Position ae manager of lumber yard In town wheijs there la good school: can give A-l reference. For pattlculara write AV 7inl. Oregonian. " I AM S3 and married. I want a poaltlon aa foreman on big stock ra.ich anywhere In V. S. or Mexico; best of mferencea. O 04E, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wanta position as Jan itor or porter; good reference. Phone Woodlawn fii.S. A-l BREAD taller, would take charge of shop or work second; city or country. AX 04. Oregonian. PRINTER WANTS JOB; ALL-AROUND M AN. STRAIGHT; MARRIED; NOT LESS THAN Si".. AV Tin. OR KGONI AN. MAN" and wife would ljke 10 take care of rooming or lodging house. It- E. Vinson. Vancouver. Wash. Route 5, box 44. YOUNG man with reference want. work. Call from 11 to 12 A. 3J. at-office. Traut man Hotel. MAN wants wo.-k as fireman, engineer or mrlnc for horses or watchman: good re fere-ire. Phono Mr. Streel. Main IS.'il. FIRST-CLASS. steady. all-around black smith want position In city or country. AP oregoi'Ian. HIGH School hoy. 10. wants housework or core of automobile for board and room. Interview appreciated, AN fiVI. Oregonian. MAN nnd wlf: man good cook: wife good waitress, chambetmeid or dishwasher; city, country or camp. AO 074. Oregonian. YOUNG man" attending school, desires to work for board and room before and after school. Addreas V Oil', Oregonian. A Y'OUNG Greek boy wirhes situation with some family to uo housework. Apply 440 Washlnton at. IIOUSECLE.-..MNG and window - w as'.ilng done reasonably. J. Wllmor. Main Soul. YOUNG man desires poaltlon as collector. Bond furnished. AL Q')3, Oregonlnn. Al PACKER." experienced, bond. Phone Woodlawn 2273.' YOUNG Japanese bov wants poaltlon as himreiioy In family. AH rt:..-i. Oregonian. MAN and wife want position as Janitor; apartment house preferred. Ref. Main 91"6. SITTATIOXS TVAXT Kl I "KM A I.E. Buy k k eepera and StcnoicrapOera. POSITION wanted by good stenographer: 10 years' experience in wholesale lines; auto mobile supply houae and insurance office. AL ili. Or.-gon !hh. YOUNG lady. A-l bookkeeper and stenog rapher, now holding Uk position In Seattle- has frl-mila In Portland and would like employment here.' AM o32,Oregonlan. . YOUNO ladvexperlcncel In stenography nnd general office work, wishes position. Tabor 2-4S. 6TEXOGRAPHBR and bookkeeper wishes poaltlon; soma experience. Phone Wood-iKW-n 1313. ACCt'KATE lady stenographer desires po sition; reasonable aalary; reference. 3!ar- slmll 21. UrswtiuKfln, l K M A K i ' 1. tailoring. remodeling:: 1, rice, reasonable: will go out. ilaraliall lTlle. . 1'LAIN dresses, waists and children's Hewing neatly and reasonably done. Marahall ::si:. Il. ESr MAKING done at reasonable prices Phono I1-22. TRAINED nurse, accustomed to travel, like to take patient South after Jan. 4. AL r.i.ri. Oregonian. FOR an experienced nurse, phone Tabor SCfiS or Main 41C9. INVALID lady enh have room, care, home comfort, reaaunable. Tabor 2213. If on- a H 1 liiiI.E-AGKD woman wants work a man ager or housekeeper -In hotr! or first-class rooming-house; haa had wide experience and can lake full charge.'Call 472 Taylor St.. or Main b3". POSITION wanted aa housekeeper by a widow with a boy 8 and girl H years: city or rountry. Atiorcaa jiox ia. o.e-ior.n. c.. Vol I Mil woman. ?5. wishes position AS house keeper for refined gentleman. AH 658, Oregon lam . Domestic. A Fl KST-CI-AFS colored woman pastry cook and all around cook wan la position In private family or boanilng-houa ; will help with dinner or parties. Phone Main 3.113 mornings or evenings. POSITION" wanted by a middle-aged woman, general housework. X 61. Oregonian. Btlaeellaneovac I WILL do Xmas handiwork; German flax linen worked with ailk; tablecloths, cen terpieces, pfllow top.; seo me Sat. and Sundav onlv. 444 East 11th at. South, cor. Sherman. Take Kollwoodr Waverly or Woodstock car. GERMAN woman wanta to do washing, Ironing nr.d hnusccleanln-. 181 14lh st I'hon Main 5H04. HOUSEKEEPERS, rooks, waitresses, cham bermaids, nurses, day-workurs. St. Louis Agency. 2MIS Alder. Main gilSO. A 4n.i. CAPABl.K young woman desires situation, dlaiiwaaher. city or country hotel, bt. Louis Agency. 2,".3'iA!ilc-J-. Main 20.TJ. WANTED Work by first -class chamber maid. Phone Mnln 1870. PO.-lTloN wanted, chambermaid : clean, t:'dy English girl. V i2. Oregonian. SWEDISH "r lrl wants general housework In small family. Call 733 E. Couch St. WASTED Laundry or nouae Cleaning Dy the hour. Marshall 2137. COMPETENT woman and Wed. 3inln 141 rlshea day work. FrL WOMEN wnnta ateiidy work, waahinR. Iron ing. Phone Tabor 2H. EXPERI ENi 'ED cook, hotel, boardlng-houso or restaumnt. Main 2"3?. A 477... VOL'XO German woman wants day work by hour. Main G'-S. LADY wishes position as housekeeper. Call today, ftp 8 Hawthorne ave. WOMAN wants washing or work by day. phone Tabor n. LADY 1 ants work by the day. Phone Main r. 1115. SWEDISH girl wishes general housework. ".Iti.'s Larrabee. phono East 323. LAC"curtalns laundered. 13 and 35c, called for nnd delivered. Tabor 317. DAY work wanted. Marahall 131;). WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS to soil a good suitable holiday article; :iheral commission. G. D. Sher man. feO Grand ave. WASTED TO REST. llouie. WANTED Nicely furi-labed. house of 7 ronnw: walking distance. AH 033, Ore gonian. BUNGALOW In Overlook or Alblna, i or 6-' room. AM 6.3. Oregonian. WANTED Suite of furnished housekeeping rooms, where couple can make rent- AS tl-'!l. Orcronlan. Koooia With Board. WANTED Room and board in private fam ily, fulrly doR In. Went Clde. by young married "couple; husband travels: refer ...... - ' 1 a 1, . 1 1 roi.lv letter onlv. M. R. T.. 24th st. North. YOI NG man wtsnes piave wnere no coum . . v. - .. .. ,. 1 ... f.ir room and hoard. AJ Hill. Oretfonlan. DINNERS for three, , must be close In. xi.in uatii FOR REST. HOUSEKEEPING AXD SINGLE ROOMS. Nicely furnished, ileum heat, very reas onable: at the Geneva. 443 Columbia: vou will look no further after seeing these rooms, also the low price. Furnlshrd Boo ma. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near 22d Nicely furnished outside rooms, private bath and phonest board If desired. 31 feflal. Ti'cj HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at nioderote prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. THE l rrab.e. 227 Larrabee, modern atram heated rooms. up; close-in. GOLDEN G A I"E, ;;41 '1 Morrison, couple nice outside roouis for renw FOR REST. -urnllied Roam. HOTEL CARLTON 34TH AND WASHINGTON STS. A LIMITED Nl'MBER OF BEAUTI FULLY FURNISHED AND APPOINTED ROOMS AND SUITES. WITH AND WITHOUT PRIVATE BATH. VOR PERMANENT tU'ESTS ON VERY REAS ONABLE! MONTHLY RENTAL RATES. EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT OF HOME WITH THE ADDED CON VENIENCES OF A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL AND ASSURANCE OF A POSITIVELY FIREPHOOF BUILD1NO. ROSS finntoTan. MANAGER. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Thoae three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS 213Va 4th St. 211 V, 4ihSt. 207', 4th St. On Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon St.; brand-new brick, elepuntly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water lnTull rooma; strictly up to date in all respect, and at popular prices. If you want semethlng out of the ordinary. In tho heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will 'ilk it. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist tiade solicited. CORDOVA Hotel. 11th and Jefferson sts.; brand new brick building; splendidly fur nished: all rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot nnd cold water. many wit 11 baths; every effort Is mad for the com fort and convenience of Its guests: the rents are most reasonable: rooms by the week, month or day. "J" car direct from depot. ANf3ELA hotel, 023 Washington at., opposite Multnomah Athletic Field New brick building: all modern conveniences: well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for transients: convenient to the business center and the rates are morl erate (plenty steam heat). Marshall lDao. GRAND UNION HOTEL 3'-7'- East Burnslde. Live on the East Side and save money: 120 modern rooms, single or en suite: steam bent, hot and cold running water In all rooms: rooms with private batli: rates from 50e to $1.30 per day: 2 to 30 per week. Phone East MHO. B 12 ' HOTE"FORD77M"rWashinston, corner Lu tretia st. New brick building. Ju com pleted; aflne large outside rooms with tele phone service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly furnished: hot and cold water, steam heat; best of serv ice: very reasonable rates. HOTEL SAVON. ' 131 Eleventh street. Xew. modern brkk building, rteam-heat-ed. private butha. hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and traiislenttrade solicited. HOTEL LA SALLE. Phone Marshall 233.". Absolutely fireproof. ' Rooms by the day. week or month. Cor. Tenth and Burnslde Streets. Two r.locks North of Washington, tl JlJiH ncct.... 147 13th at., near Alder, In business district- newly furnished, steam-heated rooms: a qlet. homelike plare. for quiet people; permanent, transient; J3 per week ana op. . . v t ... n unxri. One block from Union Depot: HO out side rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat: offers special rates to Perma nent guests: rates 50c. to M a day; ti.oO . 1 - 1 hnnA Cl'.IO ?t,l.1. ajld up pel weeo. . ....c ........ THE PEER HOTEL. East 3d and Burnslde. New tir-proof building, steam-heated, hot and cold water and phones In all rooms; rrlvata baths, lobly and parlor; elevator s-rvlce: rates $3 per week an.I up; tran al'ent rollcited. Phone East 171, -.-., .-11 vi nRVT II.. Home comforts, modern conveniences; anecial rates to permanent roomer ; tran sient trade, especially; rooms 75c up; cen tral location; cars to all parts of the city. 130 First St., cor. Morrison. Portland. HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal homo for bus iness people: centrally located; elegant room- all modern conveniences: 7th and Tavlor st 1 biock from Portland Hotel, opposite Heills Jheater. Phone Main 914, THK GLENDORA. ISth and Couch; nicely furnlah.d rooms, single or en ulte. 110 re- month and up; public parlor with piano pool and billiard-room free to guesi 10-MINlTE walk from P. O., newly well f iirnialied front rooms, 3; free, phone, bath, furnace heat, reasonable, 2 blocks off car line. 70S Everett t.. near 22d. f I.IHT airy rooms, modern, suites or single, st-am heat. 2 and $3 week; S minutes' walk to theater and stores; free phone. W T.IXDELL HOTEL. 82S 4TH. HOTEL BENNETT. Just opened; new furniture, every room modern. stoam heat. 220 Taylor. THE GAYOSA Rooma 3 week up, wrlth private lath, t op; all modern conve nience. Grand ave. and East Stark. 434 SALMON ST., cor. 12th; every modern convenience; a home for business men. Furnished Koona In Private Family. CLEAN pleasant, furnished rooma. good lo cation, hot and cold water, furnace heat, each room IarKe enough for 2 people; with or without board; rates reasonable, b-4 Flanders at. Main IMS. VERY desirable large upstairs front room, -larce windows. 2 large closets, all modern conveniences, good location, price reason able, breakfast If desired. Phone Tabor blS. NICELY furnished, steam heated room In modern apartment, close In; gentlemen only. Phone Mar. 2430, or call 208 lUth at., apt. 404. PLEASANT, light outside corner room for rent; electric lights, bath, phone; elose In. 500 East Main, corner 13th. Eaat 4 720. LARGE front room with piano, eleclr.c light, sultablo for two ladles or man and wife; kitchen privilege. Phone A Di04. H2I Jackson at. , FURNISHED rooms with all modern con veniences; plenty of hot water, heat and telephone. 073 Gllsan. A Ttm FRONT bay-window room, per week, new furniture: private home; bath, phone. Hot water heat. 414 Markec NICE, comfortable rooms, furnace heat, on r.-irllne. walklnfr distance, $10 and 118; private family. 38U lltli at. ELEGANTLY' furnished room, w.-ll lighted, running water, hot and cold, furnace heat. ... ,--. . . ,. k a'-.l ., , Kin ono C SV. rfi.ii yvesi rm.1 I'PI. - ...u,,.wM .- NICELY furnished rooms in i" close in; prices reasonable. 28 10th -. . , .-. , . , 1 . a.; .N ortn. imiuii ami" -,.-. FINE front room with alcove, 2 beds, well heated, $20; also large room for 2, 14; us of parlor and piano. 473 Main. j PRIVATE family, steam-heated, front room. Harford Apts.. 0S7 Flanders. Ap ply Janitor. . SO MONTH, furnished roms phone, hath, electric light, suitable forl or 2. walking distance, near canine. ,1 nai n.... NICELY furnished rooms, J2..'.o and $.1; phone, bath, electric light; caJ' forenoons. 307 Jefferson at- . CLEAN, nicely-kept roomst, furnace beat, electric lights, bath, phone: all home com forla; use of piano; reasonable. 04 . lutn. LARGE handsomely furnished front rooms, modern conveniences, 15: other nice room, 12 and f.i per week. 23 7th st. WFI L-FURN1SHED clean room for gentle man; electric lights, furnace heat and bHth. 7 on Flanders. ci a i v furnished room In new flat, modern convenience, and bed lit to sleep in. 0u4 Everett st. PI PASANT rooms, walking distance, good car service, reasonable, private family. as. me LAPGE light room, steum heat, suitable for- two. also small single room, phone Marshall 369 740 Irving St. LARGE and small rooma, heat, phone, bath. walking distance. 221 13th at. A LARGE front room, suitable for one or t w-o. T.i5 lUth. "LARGE clean sleeping room. 1.50 a week. S28 Clay. , 44il TATLOP.. near 12th, nice, warm, com fortable roomforrlejrnjreasonable. ONE nicely-furnished front room heat and bath, suitable for 2; 112. ..09 Mill. 11 T-. TO f.3 per week; gontlemen preferred; desirable location. 3o5 12th st. NICELY furnished front rooms, ?S to 13 locl-iillnc- bath. 2'.'4 10th St. NICELY furnished room. 57 Trinity place, between 10th and 20th. CHEP room. I2.5M week, bath, heat, walk ing distance. 452 5th. NICELY furnished room, all conveniences, close In. 228 10th St.. near Salmon. NICELY furnlehed room, suitable for two; walking distance. 20 West Park- LARGE. "light" room, .running ,w,atr. fur .,.,. heat, cheap rent. 1S1 11th St. DESIRABLE furnished room, reasonable. Main 7.V.I4. Rooiiia W ilh Board In l'rivale Family. RoSMS with board. Call 3S3 Taylor. Private hoardlng-nouse. GOOD board and rooms, 02 N. 21st 3L 1 r Ills hwi. I r .- Room With Board. DOES a home appeal to you? THc WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad verendas. quiet, clos In. near car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. LAMBERSON. 654 Couch St.. cor. 17th ; very desirable, clean rooms wVh steam heat and running water: good board; fine lo cation for business men. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, libra ry. MO Flnr.ders. F. N. Heath, supt. CHOICE rooms w-i:h board, mcmerfl conven iences, home cooking. 33 N. 17th. THE mXn'ITOU 261 13th St. Pleasant rooms, excellent board. Mnln llS4 ELEGANT room, facing Park, reasonable: can accommodate two boarders. 3i4 Park. Rooms With Boaril In Private Family. PLEASANT, well-heated front room with board for one onr two, all conveniences, reasonable. 531 East Madison St. Phone B 2'iO'i. -' EACH: beautiful front room for two; all new. modern conveniences. 83 17th St., between Everett and Flanders sts. J-.AROE room. 2 closets, bath, heat: suit able for 3 or 4; private and reasonable. 734 E. Burnsici. East 16&6. YOUNG man of good habits wants room mate of same character, pleasant home, good board, reasonable. Main 33.ig. VEKY nice D-ont corner room with board, pleasant surroundings, good home cnoklnt;. home privileges, furnace heat. Main 3IM0. BOARD and room in private family; all modern: reasonable price. 203 X. 23d. Phone Marshall -SS; jolpR week each for 2 front rooms, home cooking. 3 meals. 2J1 11th near Jefferson. Marshall "3. ARTISTICALLY furnished room, with or without board: suitable for one or two persons. 739 Glisan st. ONE double and one single room with board: home privileges. 700 Flanders. Marshall 1P7S. CLEAN, warm rooms for 3. first-class board. Iiolladay Addition; references. Phone C 1340. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, everything modern, walking distance. East 0023. PLEASAXT rooms, single or double: go4 board- 050 Glisan St. LARGE front room with board. 204 N. 22d. Phone A 7230. NICE room with excellent board at 123 23d street N. Phona A 1003. ROOMS, with board: home cooking. 550 4 th st. Phone. FIRST-CLASS rooms, board; private family; modern. Marshall 3302. 703 Everett. NICE, airy ftont room with best of board. tH1 5th. Phone aiarsnau 1 -o LARGE, comfortable attic rooms with board, $20 a month. 120 X. ISth. Fl'UNllHKD rooms with board. 320 11th st. Phone A 1030 or Main 7373. FINE room with board in modern home; furnace heat. tast -i'.'l. NICELY furnished corner room with board for two. 11)2 1:1th St.. near Morrison. SIXGLE front room with board, gentleman I ,1 '.Ol TT Tae" oniy, reierences icn-11-. ... - WEST SIDE, large pleasant room with al cove. Excellent board. Main 2071. ROOM with good board for one gentleman. ii.i ip. . ROOM end board In private family. Phone Main o!i70. 332 10th. Apartment. 8-ROOM APARTMENTS X25. New brick building. West Fide, private bath9. phone, steam neat, not anu com water, good range; best of Janitor service; rooms up to date in every way. AC OtiB, Oregonian. FIFTH . AXD COLLEGE. Splendid furniture, quiet home place, one 4-room apartment. $10, worth JiiO; also a 3-room, furnished way above the average, every modern convenience. The Altamont. " CLAVtOOLD APARTMENTS, 11th and Clay Nw brio!; bulldinir. 3-room apartments, with balconies. 2 wall beds in each apart ment; close In; reasonable rent, bent ot service, every modern convenience; splen did neighborhood. GRANL1ESTA. furnished apartments. Grand ave. and East Stark St.; new brick bids.: 3-room splendidly furnished apt.; elec tric 'elevator and every modern conven- - lence; close-in location, best ot service; very reasonable rent. CECILIA APA RTMENTS, 22d and Glisan sts best of service; desirable location, with uncxcctled car sorvlee, alEO easy walking distance: S-room apt., with bath; modern conveniences; very reasonable rent. Uli.;LOI' HALL, furnished apartraenta. Haw thorne ave. and East 6th st. New brick building, splendidly furnished. 3-roora apartments, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent, best of service. OKDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. h2 Grand Ave., cor. East Stark. Xicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modern, pries reasonable; walking distance. Prsnne East 3oo. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. New brick building, corner 3d and Mont gomery sts.; modern. 2-room apartments, furnished complete; private bath and phon.-. elevator aervlce; five minutes wa.lc to businesa center. 3srt 3d st. Main 8H10. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS, West Park and Columbia sts., one cholco 8-room un furnished, and one 2-room furnished apartment. all modern c?nveP'eil.l-e choice location, only .1 minutes' walk from business center; apply to manager. wc nEZEXDOKF. 20S IfiTH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR ONE ELEGANT 5-llOuM U N FUR NISH ED APARTMENT. APPLY o." ri,i.iiii- CHESTE USURY" APARTMENT, corner of 20th and Kearney: elegant, new.y fur nished front apartments, every conven ience; board if desired: references. Mar shall 80S. A 4439. HADDON HALL. cor. 11th and Ball sts.. 3 and 4-room furnished apts.. private bath, phone and balcony porches. ,110 up. Phone Marshall 1171. .c-t-.au mil APARTMENTS. Sunny 3-room apts.. attractively furnish : eonfrvto bids.; 1 blk. south 23d and efl: Wash 1S7 Green ave. A i-a: var. qui. l-'OK RENT Good 6-room modern apart ment In desirable location: rent $5-1 per month. Apply Wakefield, Fries & Co., So 4th at. KINGSBURY Apartments. ISO Ford St., near Washington Elegant now brick building, complete and modern, private balconies, best of service: 4 rooms with bath S4Q. I- FRANCIS APA RTMENTS, 21st and ilovf i-toom apartment with privare bal cony;' very desirable and convenient In every way and remonable rent. THE WESTFAL. 410 5lh Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walking distance- prices reasonable; no children. PARK APARTMENTS. 333 Harrison; beau tlful 8 and 4-room furnished apartment; walking distance; best of service. I'hone Marshall 8070. xhh I illlan Apartments, cor. 6th and Mont gomery: handsomely furnished S-room ant all outside rooms, private bath and phone, walking distance. Marshall 137S. Tile- CHETOPA ANNEX. ISth and Flanders il 2 3 and 4-room modem apartments, evrnished and unfurnished; new furniture, new building. Apply to Janitor, ilASTHORN APARTMENTS, 231 12th St.. near Main An elegant 1-room apt., with nrlvat balcony, evert modern conven ience, 35.O0: two sleeping compartment. chaCE Apt-., 24th and Northrup sts. 8 rooin apt-, front veranda and sleeping porch, private phone, hot-water heat. i-i yVI'OOLE API'S., with nearly new fur n'lture. complete, for sale. Main 330H. A 544l" 1-N.-K-U1' NICHED 4-room apartment, sieam Healed modern. $23 per month. Cottel 1' r co- jc o..c - . c-i.- c.rv deeirable modern six-room apart- nfent the St. Clair. 715 Wayne st. Phone Main -- rTwMARLE Furnished or unfurnished apartments, private ba:h and phone. East 4100, t vv-RANDA apartments Two or three large. iiiht rooma. clean and neatly furnished. reiil reasonable. 554 East Madison st. uMlNTREE Elegant 5-room apartment. v-oVi side, walking distance; rent reasou- aUe. Main 7741. 2i)o l-'tli St. ,, i-ci.ilAN r urnished aparciuenls, 11th "ind Columbia 8 rooms newly furnished. n..-K location, heat Of aervlcn $32.iO; ouk-o " " - SN MARCO Apartments. E. 8th and Couch; brick modern, 3 rooms, bath and phone; to $27.30. Call E. 27.-.1. -FVCASTLH, 402 M Sd st. Housekeeping and sleeping rooms, steam neat, bam, phone, laundry. S2.50 per week up. THE MARLBOROUG- 21t and Flanders: walking distance; on 3-room apt. Malo 7610. thf Jefforsonlan. cheapest modern apart ments in city. 614 Jeiterson. Main 54"2, DESIRABLE 3-room apartment, com V - - -- . wrrjv rt MS - and S-room apartments, fur- inc. c. ... - xi.-.In IU4J pletely 1 LI. nisneo. ii -- ... idkrn 4-room apt. and sleeping porch. Bryn ilawr. 185 East loth, near Yamhill. ... . ... . 54j Washington street steam heat. phoDoMarsbaIl452. ri-nTE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district; convenient to2carll0es. 180 22d su N. THF Northampton. 407 Hall St.. 2 and 3 rooms, atrlcUy tirst-class. ilaln 42DU. Apartments. THE 1RV1NGTON. 10th and Hancock. Beautiful new buildlnrr. 5-room apart ment, private porch, sleeping porh. "re place" hardwood floors, tile bath, large .closets, hot water heat, among beautiful homes End fine car service; rent 43. F. E. BOWMAN CO.. Owners. . 22d and Braree.- E. 833. C 232-. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. S and 4-roorn sulies; reception hall, electric, automatlo elevator, Holmes disappearing beds, bul.t in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something race, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 2WH. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, between 10th and 20th. Just off Washington.. Just finished: most magnificent apart ments on the Pacific Coast: location ideal, rent:. Is reasonable; every modern con venience; hish-c'.nss service; referencea i-ersiili-eil. -I'hone Marshall 502. . HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th nd Colum bia. 4 blocks south from Slon-lson St.. new brick building, completely first-class, furnished in 2, 3 and 4-room family P"" menls: private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elsvator. free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service: rent per month, J-b. aao. $40 and up; must be seen to be appre ciated. . THE "VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently rar n'.shed apartments in the Xorthwest ; loca tion perfect: rentals reasonable, every modern convenience. Including barau't hall and roof garden: both PhonfB apartments; high-class service ; referencea required. Main 2270 and A 057. THE EVERETT, 044 Everett st. New and elegantly furnished fo ments: 3 rooms, reception hall and sleep-Ing-porch: automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located In one of the choicest residence districts sur rounded by elegant homes; wa-king Qis tance. MEREDITH. ' 3 4 5-room furnished apartments; elegantly furnished: walking dista nc: rea sonable. 22.: and Wash. ats. Main .130. THE OKLAND APTS. 30TH ANT. WASfI,NC;T0v,TSB.nla' Two and three-room furnished aP';: every convenience; very large oms. -steam heat and private baths nnd phonea. automatic elevator: wlthm "v '"ft1" distance: references required. Phone Mar s :i 11 1 1 in. ........ . nioTIIVA'TI! "GTH AND TTl'SHUR STREETS. , Thoroughly modern 3-r unfurnished apartments. ?20; 4 rooms. $2a. this In eludes shades, steam heat, hot and com waiir uas ranges, private Pacific . teie Phone, and Janitor Vefvlce. Apply premises. LUCRETIA cliuTiT. unfurnished, a class by themselves. See them Luc-ret a St . near 231 and Wash.. 2 to B rooms, all "arge. MBht and outside; largo closet, and baths; hardwood floors free phones in each apt. Phone prop, and mgr. Mar shall 1.12!. Janitor, Marshall l.iOO. iiUSSELL APARTMENTS on aj"1" st-eet between 16th and lith; 6 rooms with bath, unfurnished, rnodorn conveni ences steam heat, on first floor, $uo. front' parlor could be used as business of fice. Apply or phone A- H. ,ferJ.-. ,car Wacltiajtis&erBjajnJljl6; jTLIAETTE APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished. 2d and Montgomery; now readv; private phone, disappearing beds, water coll. refrlserator; steam heat, mod ern laundry and dryer; latest yr ventilation; rent $20 to -s---A,,"0,.Il,rls' Sd and Mill: 4 and 5 rooms, $30 to $40. THE MOP.DAUNT. We have one unfurnished 4 room ana larTe fecepUon ball, all Omtdde rooma. close in. 18th and Everett, opposite Chris tian Scientist Church. Phone A 1901. Main 6'.)48. WINSTON APARTMENTS, 341 14th St., near Market New. corner brick, ready for oc cupancy December 1. AU bright, outside rooms: two and three-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping. $26 to 537.50. For Information. Main 173. "" THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson sts., walking dlatanoet finest apartment In Northwest; 4 and rooms' every convenience; free phone: all outside, daylight rooms. Apply oa prem ises, or call Marshall 33C0. KINO HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King Bt 4. 5, e-room apartments; aelect tenancy. Apply' on premises. Plata ELEGANT furniture of 0-room l'0" (except furnace), good carllne. store con ienlent. excellent neighborhood, cheap for cash; rent $20; best little home in tho city, phone Marshall S3 17. . A FINE 5-room Hat. furnace beat, unfurnished- $30. Also 5-room upper, nicely furnished' (piano nd sewing machine). 775 Belmont Btreet. Phone C olun bl a 307 or Maln jQSHurlbcrt, 304 Lewis Bldg. FTvE-ROOM flat. 7S2 Gllsan St.; new build ing, hardwood flours, fireplace, gas range, waterheater. furnace, etc.; $3-..iO. lyejs at fUt. Morgan. Flledner & Boyce. - MODERN flat. 0 roori and bath. 733 H Hoy st near 22d. Apply 130 0th et. Main 627S. . i.iR hunt Modern 7-room flat, 444 Park; ; fireplace and furnace: $U ; jo cnu- dren. phone laoor hm ... . .,aii?uv cr.ATS. and 0 rooms, walking distance; rent very reasonable. Marshall x.wi. vrmFR 5-room, close in, stnctiy moucni. LOroa';'.iaHo rent to right party. 2U2 College. T.i,one Mar. H47S. MODERN 5-room Hat. Lovejoy between 23d and 24th sts; 30 month. Vanduyn A Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. vi-liMUlKIl 5-roonl nat, has fireplace fur naie nice P-rch. etc. Will rent reason able FLAT up-to-date corner. ;-room flat hot vater heating. Cor. 17th and L. Madison. Tel. East 2114. . FLTRNISHEd" flat. 3 rooma and bath; no chi'ldren.400 4th st. NFW modern flats, 4 and 7 rooms, 1S and S25. S12 i'psliur at. vTTtt "pe NT 3-room flat, bath and furnace. ininr. Key at BOO salmon. Toil 4-KOOMED flat, modern, central; also fnrnisi'Cd flat. 3 '.. Ha- UNI'UKNl.-liHD 3-room flau 225 Market VI. one main ,iiu. 4-ROOM upper corner flat, modern ITT ureeu ave. uea. - ... ., . .... v- K.r.m flat, fumlshed or uu- tait SIDK, cl'se in, --room, nam, UIET 5-r..om modern Hat. 7.S4 Gllsan. Ret--..ee Main 14::3. Graves Music ' o. vli'i . iiltli XLY uiodein 7-romn flat, 1S5V4 10th. Aiiuiv 1S1 loth. cor. Yamhill. -1I TO ''5 well-rumiSliea very cieaiiae.o flars. fine location. E. 6043. TltOOM upper Ha', nicely furnished; piano, w ater. phone, clos e in. 0 E. 1 2h a u N. JODEHN 5-room lower flat. 711 Kearney St. rtioao e.ac . . 11 nn..a ,l..l hrirleo. 6-1 IlOOVl lower iiiii.. c.ee close In. cor. Ross and Dixon sts. Uouseueeping Boom. THE F.EAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur- n sheu for nouseaeepniii . ' - " ic lights, hot water, fcath, laundry, free; $13 p.-r month up: a clean place, best in the citv for the money; snort distance from Union Depot. Take "&' or lOth-st. in 1.1 c i. e- M,.,i,. ... k-o dogs. ars nori.ii. pe. i. q. ..." .. 1 -r , citv" veVv iSgni. 'w-ith . . 1 ..I ii.ll lifter 10:30. 141 la aisappeaiiug ... - 11th st. . ilPS) TO $2.50 WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, cl-an linen, heat. 4'Jo ancouver ave. and 2t'3 Hi Stanton; tike L car. DKSIUAEI.K unfurnished two-room bay " window suite, within 5 blocks of Post-olik-e; absolutely respectable. 30oV Jef ferson, corner Fifth. The Mllt-er-3501-. Morrison St., furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat. eleVtor, all conveniences, best locafn. THE Gayisa. 2-room apts., $20 and up; everything modern. Grand ave. and Eaat Stark. . TWO large unfurnished front rooms for light housekeeping, on Belmont St.; $12. l hone Sunday B l.'uS. Monday Tabor 23.. s7v"iJLe housekeeping room, cheap, well fur nished; gas range, furnace heat, plenty hot water; $3. 50 a week. 170 X. ItSth t. CAMBRIDGE, furnished, unfurnished, housekeeping rooms. J3 week up. Room 80, 3d and Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new concrete b'.dg Phore Woodlawn 2'07 or 237. THE GLENDORA, l:)th and Couch; house keep i n g toms$10permoritli FrKNISlIED housekeeping and sleeping rooms. lvl 14tli.. YamhiJl and 14th. Housekeeping; Kooins III Private- Family. FURNISHED housekeeping Yamhill ft. 513 2 FRONT connecting raoms. running water, phone, suitable lur couple. 3SJ Park at. 4 A i