DECEMBER 1911. ao , i i fok ben1'. . nr. i p ytmi-i at-ty BIkiKKCKI'KK and warehouseman, t'i and t-.ard for K K eonira-tirg Ilrm; n familiar with Millng and fre.gtit. references, .tog., man- Apply Pron after 1 A. M. .... Cerk country grnersl merehsndt.. Hotel 'or ra.tsursnt pastry cook. Ices. French pastries, ele : c b. iu.vit:. co.. - 2 N. 1 St. JAPANESE merchant desire, the ..rvlce f a competent ao-oaim a n I. Birdie man. mld-lle-a.-d. Ibe'al s.a.j I rt.M prt : nwet hae no oh' to travelina- lu lrnt. aaartt principall.' In Metal. In Amrlt'jin .y.leme of I.-- akaepinc If lars. ritie. of Japan. Vi:l Irate about Jan. IS. AH i'3. irr"""- KM'tillh.Ni'LU piarlal a.-.d drummer for mall dance vixaa.lra ' P M W .i.vrtl ifallrturn 23 1 ' ni.A-i hiff. l.-l Front at. I.EM) g lit Front at. iinr T.TXI I KMAU. aM'EKirN''KP auintn to look after chil dren for t.o we-, peclnnnie- wMie nuis- I good wage. i-e Mr. Iiowman at Bioan.nll. Woolen Mill .tore. O W t r. N T riin;n for i.n and eiu-r-roider.-a mil t o r iprtftic-'l ral'ti; rone but n?rtfnpf'l rely n-ed api.v. S j-'upi. r-etaeen and lu A. if. Roberta rl-oav. .ol and M-TTf -n. lAKklt.l lad without a a n tiirm furnished hou. k.-entn j rooms far rarlnc '"r small inuininj-hiufc'. .aa. rent. Apply North :''tu. "A . -r west on .iifiMi l w. b: -ck north. KANUXlVIAN mnn to do h-ueork and rinVm n- .lay a .l"',',"1" f. rally, .tat. pr.o p-r alsy. AU '-- IQniAti. WANTED Y'ou-.a womn to anler training ..-"no.. I for l u-. -. '-'a "am- .-..u -. Ap p'r AwrOf-u O-acrtl Hospital. Aberdeen. Wash. . rvKHGETI' woman, e er 25. for perma nent position w:;li local bus'.ne.s C-m; ipr:iii u:inecearv. AO 49, Uregon tan. WAVTKl i-t.i. i-arn tha b'iln. of th. Sanitary ll.auty I'arlora. U.auro -'t. , lt N'i irt to aiai-t In anrral h""Jork i .11 8cllood t'taaro and o c'oca. 1,1 ,r! nantrd t-r co"-ln ar.J rr.l h .,,..or; .mall faml l. I bona Vain 44'. HA.V.-KN' t-AfJIo-l A'.t;.S.'V. SIJS W a.Mn.ton at.. or. . h. l.p.atra. Phot. M.n 'Iwj. MRi Hi..UH l.APlFs- A.'llNCr. Va.. n. n.l m tl.lj. 4tli ard Waal, a M'n s..rt - A 3-0. VAN ril- U- wf.-.a ""." 'it-a poC,:l... p.w IHn. Vl . " 3 i-o-a-rl-.::.l o!i. :h ar..l '.Ml f a" vriT ml .t- wa'treaaea want I at rr-. not part -.V to color .,ol.l- Cafe. f ALEiI.APT to dinona-rat r,lar..i rra r'lJc r utcllui. pl-on-.aranna App.y t"i to. V- irar.f ae. WAXTi-. ':. l't,rn,i! i ,Tii lna a f r 'm.i't'sl he ;. tlHe I". ' laut. a.. v..h': T' .n. r llr-at. enl-a iio W A NT rll .- .,.! for .""--at ho"" work. ama.l fam.iy alul-.a. .J. Kr.r.iey lrt1. fiYlY.WOll V.S'. rtN.rn..l In aelllr.C plc 11T. App.y at .uperir.tendrnt f ". to 1 I A M . OI'!. Aortman tc K.I .. WANTKI-A. e.r-erl.n e.l .. tor rem-ral bouaeaork. wa'.. I i'J lo I"1. ...I llaa ai . t. UAPT paat S' attr-1 .Ick tUurhter. .n.all U'AMFII1 A jlrl f r fanrral hou..aork. Appl KM".-) ATr."lJ T" l-.ncr. ltla A;.y leer- e. fafeten. M ,(rV Ulltl. foe reneral houe-ork. 3."l 4'ltl o-ftlloe tjy l'.-car fllltl. for fenara! houw-.'k. .mall famll;'. y. Ka.t ll'h North. Kaa: ."tl. HIT.IP WAXTIJV-VUCOH fKMI.K. r.XIr. KrT:PEhS. ajh'r. 11! ci-raa. ate. , t wt.l guarantee .-ir eiu'-'ir-catl-.n. lo poaitlon. In .lo d. prlw... Inatru'tlolJ . put l.e ire xiflunl; poaitlun MClUaU. . at"'.. Oregon lan. v . r Youn mn to ! ara ni"'n plf.ira otramci !'' Oak. rHilV'ATK tw.kkecplnc. aoonl-anj. tpewrt ln. I Chamber of i'..mme..a. M .in - w . - .. . T ..Ij.Tt.l- tlltV v c. r. r v ' . -' ..... Pr l.arnlnjx lo opiatt m'tlnt Ji.-lurea. oiratora earn 113 t .15 w.ekiy; eaay lotd w or -.tiart hour., l.arn lualnaaa In Id djya In tha and bet eouivped a.h.i.1 In tha wor.d; Je.ui.. rearonnble. liar ar.d wwrilnc r's'". N:w IcI.K III.M KX IIAN'.B i- Waahir.ion. near IT'h. MKN VN ANTKK. 1" to 3'.. nramen ! -iot-th.y. brakemen l". on ncart.y ral r:.p.r1.-nca unt.ereaaary ; no .trla-. Poattlona auaract-d ti'-D-t-nl men. pro motion. Kallw.y amploiimenl be.ti,uar t.ra men ant to pualtlona four moot ha. S:ata a: .tamp. li-i:way A..o.'latlon Io.. O rw a I a n. ilErrND90Y8 TO I. EARN' AITOMO BII.E rapalrtn-. drlvln .n up-to-dala cara. al.ctrl.-al. civil at.ilneertnr. aur.ey ln. In m.l practical wav: room and b.r. whlla learn. na. poa.tlon. .coured; aati.fartlon --.larantael 1 catak-.'ie fro-. Xatlrnal BVhool of Enlnrln. alio .t 7th. I.o. Anfrlet. - MEN and women to learn tha barber trada in weak.: .lcci-i inducement.; per cantafia paid whlla larnlr.; too. a frea: ax pert Inatructora: II ara In tha tai.l eaa: 87 acbooia. Uferima mcrtber.h.p alvan t a.h atudent. Molr Barber Co. ia((. S- N. Fourth at., furl'.and. Or. WANTErtMan at Loa Anaiea. learn tra.Je. r'alr waf.a after aeror.d month: aulo hllea eiactrtclty. plummns. brick .a in ; practical work on actual Joba: l'.-o atu lent. laat five yeara. few montna re quired. I'nltcd Trada bcoooU l-o An- "!. Bl'iiNEi altCN. avail youraelvaa of our frea employment uepartm--i.t; competent ateno-raphtc help ratfardle.. of machine uaed. Tha oller Typewriter A-.ncy. Main WANTKI ny ma.l rlerke. i-ortland e.a Inatlou. announced Jan. 15; aample qi:e. tlor.a free. Fianklm Jn.tltu'.e. 1cpu l.'.-K. Hocheetcr. .N'. V. bTeToGRa'I'h'kRS. learn lo ..pcrale tha Oliver, poaltldna .4ii..iri u. our free ?rac'.!ca room and file your app.-c-tion. he Oliver Typewriter Aency. lae Ankeny atreaC MAKE money wrltln- abort atorlea. or for fa per.. bl pay; frea booklet teila how. nlted Pre.. Syndicate, ban r-anclaco. WANTED Picture play wrltara: bl pay; well teach you. Picture play Aaeocia- tlon, San rra-cia.-o. FILE you application for poaltlon and uaa our free practice room. Tha Oliver Type wrlter Agency. HI Ankany at. PRIVATE echool SUORTUAND and TVI'kl WRIT1NO. ti mo. -tfa 1-tth at. alaln lUeJ. link TCACHka a.aHj-lAT;0.i aii (wetlead bide ajxr ation Tr -i -rrrn vim Bookkeeper, aad C Weka. TOCNO man. a"., wiahee poaltlon aa -Tocery clerk or aaalatant b.okkeper: A year. ea peri ne. aa arorery clerk. 3 veara aa book deper: will accept temporary work; good at naurea. city reference.. AH btlo, ure--onlan. IF vou need highly educated m.n. tnor ourhly eaperlenced In all kiml. of rTlce work, legal, ral'road and bot-jl manave naent . local rrferencea. AK one, ore gontaa. JlOTEl. ..part accountant and bookkaep-r will accept temporary or permanent en Ca.ement . will douhl- eTerk and kcep b-.ka: Mrheat Indoraamrnta and bond. 3 7;a. r.regoman. ftAffD h-.kaeeper. .tenok, penman, ntercaaiile. lumber, bank, etc.; long e x -prtenc. and ability: reference, and bond: temporary or permanent ebguxement. J ?: Oregon lan. KXPHIKN.'Lit eaahler. offlc. man. grad uate Itoaton I'nlver.ity. nore-.-noker. total abatin-r. at pree-it errr...ved. datre. to mak a change where r-n! Ir.tirre ad vancement, referenc-a. All a .-. Qr-r.iphn. BiMiKKKKfEK. op-raie tvpewr.t-r. have wa mach'na. evparlenced b-nkmg. lum bar tn other Ilica. city reference. N .. ..regon-an. WU.t. Al I1T. ol'MN. '!.--: K WKITK up booka. prepera balaree. end atat nienta. Ir.atail a-ema tl. llrel. .m. au d tce !1 t.ew'a b'dg Marahall 717. TOI'R booka kept, a-jdlted. atatementa by e.part a.'Ountact. fee lt and up per month. J 7J. tregonlan. X )K K r.T.YK H. yoong man with y-ara of geaeral office eter.rn e. n-.t of ref-r-eneee. w'ahea poaltlon. A'J3. Oregon lan. t'N' mat d.lrea rl--Ul or off I. e work; ,1 r, f.r-n.-. AT 7. oregonun. MMeelian tr"r.tK.V r.l man want, poait Ion a. ior or porrer, good refereucva. Phone Vood'awn ioa. J f: : NTF.K'! a.prentlc. wuiti poaltlon in eity .hop. t 7. Oregonian iAi. VNFlSrl family eo..k w tnta -alllou in ctlV or country.. AK 70, on gonian. MTVATtOX WANTtn MAUt. Mtatllaora. I AM 1 ar o.d. marr;ed and of f..r tiia pjat i year. I nv ar.d xcu lta i ititioit. in t'lutaso and at pn-anl am aatra nira.'r of ona of II. a rnoftn. and bui..'.ID paper ronipanu. in th. country: l.av tip-riana In tna Iron anj .:rl bu.m.. a..-: am wl.ltn to .tart at a, n-bMR4j: aalary. and it you in w a irood man I would b. -aa to hair from )ou. AV lri:onlan. JllMCIPAL fKKK KUPWDIaXT JlillKAL'. Fftnnl cornrr Salmon. Womrn d.-;.r:mnt. its balmon. An c:a-aa of ui.akllid. aain-d. ;.rof-..lonal a-1 rlrnral. mala and I'malx halp fur Dlthfil on .nort nolicr. No fea. cnargao. Pbona Main S.'.SS. A a"t- W ANT in A poi 1 1 1 . . n In bull line or flnt a. r-i-lm -r janitor; cuuintl nn -lr:n. al. l umblna a:iU r. pjir .ra. ,.,rt- ttiiTil or. pcru-ncl. Ah. 1, IT'ir. .an. I-J.INT!:.-. Kir.t-. la... all- rnun 1 rtiaa. rn-r-r.l. alra.j.t. tan produra ito...... an'' P.rma..nt j.. ,n loan hr. h. " '" J.ta f.,.llrJnd .nil l."m; not l.aa tnan K 1 s. All ''. IrrfUl 4n Ur.l'.MAN can and lf. no chlMran. Janl ...r.. man bat.dy mllh tool.; would IlK p...'tl.n in .i.artmcn-.a or hotal m,ui .mall Ira- B.rsmann. A -lilt lolMi mar., attanalnc "'" d"oVftlr work for board ai.d room tfo-- " achoot. 7all or a.ldr. .. tna. 1. room f, .'QTimon.aalth bldg. . "TTai-and tnarrlad. I want a poltton M f.,rr:uan on bl atork ranch anywl,a lo 1-. h. or i-rxlcc; t.t of refrrtneaa. O atf liiiv war.r. work aa f!rman. anRlnaar or a r . . nt- ftatfbmilll COod re f.r-:ira. -V...n- Mr. St re. 1. Main ZSi. t.ri:ml:.S''FI' ln.l irlmnir i!x!i p..ri..n In rlo-hl:iK or any of muae. AP M.s. tireaonlan. II VV ..n.l w!f-; ni'.n KooJ cook, wlfa to...l w .ltr.-aa rh-:nb.riraid or a I. . a-aa.ier . my. ..u::try i.r ramp. AG T4. Jr. g mlnn. vT.Vvi, i" ."-iperlen. 'd ho.j.e:r.n and bu.'l. r. in prtva; f.ttnlly. At. ti;. Ore- KonUn. KXrti.r fumllur. iim.h-r au:a Jo. fur-nl-.ur. .tore or aroun 1 V S4. t'r. Kot:Un. rTl7T"Tir!-S man. at jirr.ent employad. wia-i-t Uc In f'ne hotel aa porter; beat r,fren. e. A-: '' I. ' 'reeonlan. JJ yof N ; Ire- k I-. wiahe. aituatlon with me family to Uo' houaen orit. Apply t'a?itnet..n f. llil'M' utv.r ..!.: witti an old. r atior'nee w n-ra he t..n act aa aa at:aru. A!' 0T. t !;.. Jjpn..e w-it position f'T roolt and h..u-aork m .mail faJi.lly. AF Or Itonlan. C'I.'r.KI mnn and wlf. wsnt p.i!tlon. first and a. cook. Call or AK CI., i .i r..n!.in. iu. i A i - rl' TI I.K operator 'with machine .a-ila situation Immedlateie. 1; UM- gonl.i" jvI'V.NK.-E flrai-elaaa cok. want. .i "t'on In prlvte family In city or local. j; o-e. .n'.vn. CTiVSti n. in wlrh.e p ace to work In re- taur-nt for m-a .: kitchm work preferred. AI. ..'j.i. r ..-Ulan. t,, .m il m..M-r (a. I rinn .' aliua-.lon a. j in. i.r .r w.i:.-hm.iu. city refereccea. I ll -na Maraliall pi'-V s.i. r I 'ourit man want, work of any kind; n..t ar'ral.l lo worn. Alt P'-l. Oregonlan. JXrATiKVl-: wanta aa eveclna: Job. Main u:.:. A jwl. MTt tTI)aWAXTtl-rMAl.l. ISaoalkeepa.ra and HI rnagri pbera. tiiVvKVu. T.ffice'wohk 'vastkd lit K.V.'KnlKMKH KVi-Icn GIP.I. yMII. M,; I I H TYPKW KITKr.; HEST :i!": KAVE ilFreilKStT.A CALL HKTWiiK.N loir p. i-li'l. N wanl-d by .od lenographer ; 10 jejrs- eiperieme In whole. ale line., aillo m .Lll.- .in ly h'.u.o and Inaumnce office. Al. t-;7. t 'rv gonl n. Ma e.j -rieiiced la .tcno-raphhy a-ul o'.'i.-a work, wanta poaltlon with ...aico f-r advancement. Phone Tabor i .;.s. ...KAPrirlK and bookkeeper saw p...;tl"ii. some .sperlence. 1'hona Wood btwn IJll. . aT.'V'KAI :-: stenographer P ...lot.. reaaonaOle salary; raferencoa. ilar- Sll.4.1 '.'-. H-I.MHlRAI'HrlH. willing worker. wllh . .i... aapvrlvnce. ge.ka poaltlon. a.arana.1 . - YO''N'J stenorB(her wishes permanent po- atil..n Main L-'Z. . I'AN'.'Y g.wna from II": lal.or.a. iroia . waists, from $2: satisfaction guaranteed. Portland references. Md-ile da Illllaul. tii astunston. A 8 .' DHESSM AKING don. by the day: I1W .ay. Work guarantt.J. Address Mlsa 'r;s:ers...i. f'-4 Ml.iia.lppl Prion V'ooi'.wn r-j'-f.. E.Xl HKIKNTEn dressmaking dona by day ..r at home; tailoring and ailerallona. Ta bor 1 41"'.. Dl'.ris.-MAKING. !.. a Uy; work neal.y done, l'hon T.bor li- a. YOr.NO I.ADT. 24 YEARS' HOSPITAL TltAlNIN-1. WANTS I'll A KG BJ vP CH1I.; l.liKN' ..B INVALID. hUST noc'Ajiis I'l'l'KRl'NCKS. CALL k To 12 'lt TEH 4. IMPERIAL HOTEL. H "M Kl'-kU'.Ni'KU child', iinna or nurse-.ew-ln maid, good references: open for an etna.ement. AM jo. oregonlatv JIAIEll.MTY nuw; be.t ot reterence. l'hor.e iw-liltn -i i- A ;'iD practical nurse wllh food refer ence.. 1'hone A 7314. a FOR "in" eirx-rlerice 1 nuw. plione Tabor J-la or Main ti'-. Mnnvrkf HOl'SEKEEPER of hotel or apartment house manag-r: etewardc.. of Ir.ilrmary. etc.. by e.lucata.1 lady of long experience and bu.lnes. ability : years with last employers. J 7.7. Orcgoulan, WANTS DLttht bousework; good .cook; neat aud reliable; werva i P" w'-k: 'JT to take posin-n Dec. Is. Address Box SiX Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Permanent position aa houae-ke-i. r f r Idower or 3 or 4 men or chamber work: would leave City. li'S. 1st it., room 1. XPEi7ie'v:E1. widow wants position tak ing ihaig- of small r.w.nmi bou.e. out or In citv. Main t77 1. Loom 115. lAomeallc. SECOND work, by experienced girl. Addroaa AH .'-ti. Oregonlan. MkerllMMM. Toi Q lade with exerl.nca de.lre. posi tion In physician's office. T twa. ore- gonian. (ji'BMAX girl wanu coking; and general houaework; small family. I'hone Main 7 A IP. , Yi,-i-, lady wishes position In confection ery ior. or bakery; experienced. AP Cou. V.T S'O. Oo. J-OblTlON by middle-aged single lady aa helper and coicpanloa. Pbe Max.hall 1SU. OOOD expertanced worker wanta work for afternoon.: laundry worst preferrad, AJ bo. Ure g on lan. WOMEN wants .leady work, washing. Iron ing. Phone Tabor 24I. ,At.'E curtain, laundered. 2.1 and 3 So, called for and delivered. Tabor 317. COMPOSITOR, want, .teady position la coun. ' try or city. AV 7'1. oregonlan. fcXPEHIKN.'F.D rlil wanta work by day. T-n :ie Mais WOMAN wanta washlnr. cleaning;, by hour. vt.m t-rf A Mia Itoom J. M'AXTLIi laundry or housework by tha h-'ur. iroue .o-" -.... DV work wanwed today aud Friday. Main H7. WOMAN wants to take In washing. E. M .rria si. CAKE of children, day or rlijht, while moth er, ar. out. ..all C 14: 4-APAliLi- woman wanta .lay work; phone ,r.-in Va'n 2-'J". room a. PLAIN aewmg by the day; pne eery rea.- ri ab'e. I'hor.aA rj-l'.'.'t. tl'KKI K.Vi'Kl wommn wants day work ,io!-s Ironlnr. Mnn fca. WANTlllI Mtuatton In famliv by Finnish woman: rvaaonahle waga..K42 Alhambra. ;Tir woman wanta day work. Tabor 3122. WAMI'll TO RENT. WANTED Fulte of furnl.hed housekeeping rooma. where couple can make renu Ad .-.. . icn-hr. U A.Mr.I-.t roome foe Meat housekepelng; 2 h l r.K-iiia. state price. Alt .'.o7. Ore- eooian. Kaaoma Vvllh Hoard. H m M and board 12 tncalal by gentleman: fam.iy; r.eau. home surroundings eaaentlnl: Irvtngtoa preferred- AG dli, r conlan. WANTED Good ho.rd for two Jr.'inK ladle. near ltlth and Montgomery; reasonable prices, AK 614, Oregonlan, W A THI1 AG EXTS. AfiKNTH to .all a Hood aultabla bolulay article; ttnaral com in La. 10 a. G. I. ber man. aO Orand ava. JOB RENT. twrnjaued Kooma. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPES! Tno.e tnrea beaatlful furnlahed hotela H'-TEl. 1IOTKI. HuTtL M1.VOUX. PAiiSO.NS. KOWLAMi'. M't 4lh SI. 2114 4th bt. io7't4lhtt. On Kounh at., running, from Taylor to Salmon at.; brand-now brick, elegantly furnished, .team heat, prlvato balli. hot ar.d cold water In all room.: atrlctly up to rtate In all reaped., and at popular price. If vou want eumethlug out of the ordl-.rj'. Ih Ilia heart of the cil). At r--aonai.lo pri.-ea. give u. a rail. a. we know J-ou will' Ilka It. Boom, by the day. week ortnor. t h. Tourlnt trade aollclted. HOTHI CAPI.ES, , . Re.itlntlal. Hid Taylor. TranelenL Hel. 7th and Park Sta.. O-po.lte Hell'g Theater: central, quiet: roome from 70c tlallv. with private bath, from 11 dally; .peclal weekly and monthly rat-; .ulie.: new. han-Momely furnished l.rlck; elevator, telephone, hot and old running water. Prom I'nlon Depot "J" car to Taylor or -'W cr to 7th: from Voyt-atreot depot, "S" car, transfer on jlorrl.on lo 7t'i. rhona Mauhall l"-'"0. L'oKLiVA Hole., llih and JeTer.oti ta; brand new brl. k bulldlngl splendidly fur nt.ned; all room, with leltphon. .team heat, hot and cold water. many a with batha: every effort la made for the com fort and convenience of Its stuest.: the rents are most reasonable; room, by the week, monta or day. "J" car direct from depot. ANGELA. HOTEU . Washington at., opposite Multnomah Athletic Field Now l.riek building: all niodarn convenience.: well reeulated resi dential and famllv hotel; splendid accom m'latlona for transients; conven.ent to the busttiea. center -and the rate, are niod ernte (plenty .team he.ti. Marshall l'.i.'.o. CHAM) I'XIOS HOTEL, asTvi Eaat Hurn.tde. Live on the East g!!e and save money: 12' mcMlern roinl.. ainsle or en au.te: rtcam hot and old running water In all rooms; rooms with private h?'h: rate, from SOe to Jl.f.0 per day; 2 to lo per wok. Phone East f."40. B 1I5. SAPGENT HOT'CL. corner Grand and Hi. thorr.e aves. Hrautlfuily furnished rooms, single or en suite, with private bath; hot and cold wster. rtenm heat and private phono In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates; rnll In connection: tran sient, roilclted. ' ; . liuTl'.i. Foil!'. 7:13'nirton. corner Lu-c.-eila St. Nci brick building. Just com pleted; fine large outside rooms with tie pnone service, with or without J""'1'"' f.aths: new and si.iendldly furnished: hot and cold wster. steam heat; beat of serv ice; very reasonable rates. Hf TEL h AVON. 231 Eleventh Ptr.-t. Ne-r. modern brick building, .team-heated, prlvat. bath., hot and co.d water In rooms, beautifully ftirni.hed coxy com fortaale; rent reasonable. all and S; ua. Hegularand transient trade splinted. HOTEL LA PAI.LR. phone Varehsll 833.V Absolut-ly fireproof Rooms by the day. v..;. for. Tenth and Burr.alde streeta Two Blocks North of Washington- KL'MMtT HOTEL. 147 13th at., near Alder In ulreae dis trict new It furnished. steam-henten room'.: a quiet, homelike place for aulrt peo-,le; permanent, transient; 3 per ana up One block from .!on Iiepnt: 140 out side rooms, with hot and cold water and team heat: offers rpeclal rates ! P'JT; n.n: r..-.a :vc to 2 a clay. 13.-0 and tip per weci, i no..e j...... THE PKEH HiiTEI. Eaat Rd and Burn.ide. New fireproof building, .team-heated, hot and co'.d water and phones In all rooms; tnvate Yixhm. lobby and parlor; elevator earvlre: ral-. 13 per week and up; tran sient, aollclted. Phone Eat lil. lfome comforts, modern conveniences: .1 ratea to permanent roomers; tran- ' a rt - i la. . Tin 11 TY ctwll a.ent irauo espcci.i.,. .o - - -- fal location; cara lo all part; of tue city. l.'.O First St., cor. Morrlton. Portland. V A N G OrTfi h liOTtlL, lnSH Twelfth PI. Marshall 2700. In heart of buslnee. district: .team heat, hot and cold sinr, free phone In every roomil avandup: f-4 week and up. . IK i-rf-L nENWlCK An Ideal home for bu. irsr people: centrally located; r elegant r-orrs- all modern conveniences: 7th and T.vlor st... 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite He'.'.lThsAter. Thone Main H8. T1IE OLrNDCRA, lMh and Couch: nicely furnished rooms, alnsla or en aulte. 10 ra.- month and up: public parlor with piano pool and blll.ard-room free to gue.t.. lU-MINl-'TE walk from P. O., newly v.e.1- fitml.hed front room., j; free phone, bath, heat, reasonable, 2 Mocks off car- -line. Everett St., near 22. L L. HIT s'ry rooms, modern, suites or single, steam best. : snd f3 week; 5 minutes' wa'k to theater ant! stores; frea phone. " 1.IVPEI.L HOTEL. Ills 4TH. f-KOO! basement apartment with heat, at tha ltoo.vv.-lt. 67l Kearney .t-l 23 per month. Portland Trust Co., Portland. LAH.jS front room., wllh or without bath, electric light. .team heat, reasonable. 14.i 7th .1.. between Morrl.on and Alder. ' IlOTElIBE VNETT."" Ju.t opened; new furniture, every room modern, .team heat 229 Taylor. $2 .Vi" U'SXK House all newly furnished; modern conveniences. 428 8tark. bet, 11th snd J'-'th. THE GAY' OH A Rooms .3 week up. with prlvat. bath. 4 up: all modern coiva nlence.. Grand ave. and East Stark. IHfcl WEAVER. T10 Washington, near 22d IMcely furnished out.lde rooms, private bath and phona.; board If M buol, tTTiJ HAZEL furnished roomiat inoU.r. t. prices. Cor. 3d and al otit.omer. TlT E Larrabee, 227 Larrabee, mo.lern steam heated room.. 2.f.. up; close-in. ITT" SALMON' ST.. cor. 12th; every modern convenience: a home for btialneea men. GOLDEN GATE. r.:itj jJorrlsoaTcouple nice outsido rooms for rent. Furnished tiaootna in Private Family. 2 LARGE front rooms, sultabj. for 1 or 2; one room f r $3.60 a week, also tha other room for 2.i0 a week; heat, bail. 120 is N. Kith at. 4 Id , TA Y LOH. near 12th si.. l.lce, warm, c unfortable room for gentleman; reason able, modern. NICE largs furnished room., free phor.e. light, hist and bath, wulldna; u'stauce. Apply 414 Main st. WELL-FURNISHED clean room forgentle- man; electric furnace heat and bath. 7lsi Flanders. N'f"i ELY furnished rooms In prlvat. home; walking dial ncs; reasonable. 3 last llth- r-.. STEAM-HEATED room la well-appointed horn, for young woman: reference, given and rcqulrad. AD 01 Oregonlan. NEWLY furnished room In new fiat, modern convsnlenoas and bed Qt to sleep In. be4ir. Everett IU PLEASANT rooms, walking; distance, good car service, res-ocuvhie. private family. I 11th at. NICELY furnished sleeping room, modem Conveniences. U4 Ella st. Call after 4 M. , NICELY' fun-ilihed room, with steam heat and every moltrn convenience; eery rea sonable. I'hone A 4t-70. PLEASANT room facluf park; bath, tele- J.hone. electric lights, furnace heat. SOoto ark st- LARGE ILsl.t room, steam heat, sultaole for two. also small slnKle room. phone Marsiall .40 Irvltg st. FRttNT rooirs. newly furnltthed: furnsce heal, hot and cold water: ery close In. IK l.-.ths:. ETal-l'JANT ncwly-furril.lied "room, .ultahle for two. with privilege light housekcepina ! desired. 2-fl Eleventh at. A 44S11. CHEAP, nell-fumlshed roo-n. S'l mouth; bath, walking uanntr. s.-i oiu. NI' ELT furnished front aulte, three or four m-n; Sd week. 47 Bth. 4 MoM'll. nl.e room for mail. ol4 Ever att; also one In basement. 1'ItoNT parlor for one or two r'f-'emen. 414 S.i Imon St. LA 'I'll, ll'tbl rooms, riiunlna water, furnace beat, eh.ap rent. I! 11th .1. 5-4 41 !l ST. Neatly furnished hou.ekeep-to- rocms. Phot'. Main V.''7. X I.AL.iE fiorl room, suitable for one or t... l.'.-. rub. FC I:N IS1I ED rooms. to ". No. 2 Nona 14tU St.. near Wa.lilngton. Fl'I'.N'lHlIKD rooma. from 12 to 11 per week; phone and bath. .'.11 Mor'.oti .t. iiOIdltlS rooTf-s. reasonable; one suitable for office. an". Yamhill st. NI.'KI.Y" fii-riished room, r.7 Trinity place. tetween ltth and 2'i:h. Nl.'l'-I.Y furnished room In prlvat. home: s'ctlrr por-h 'f 1e-lr-d. Malyt li '.!'. ONE furnished rwm. vanlahlng bed, $3 'week. ti-." Washington. 1 73 TO 13 per week: gentlemen preferred; desirable location. s.. 12th at. NICELY furnl.hed room, all convanleacea, clo.e In. 22S 10th at., ssar Balmon. FOB KENT. Pnnil-hed Hoomi to Private Jf arnlly. FINKLY furnished room., private home, hnth. phones, hot water heat, ranging In pries' from ,..', per wee' up. -41 Mar l:r:. corner nth. s block, from Olca, Vortman or Kit. a:. HKKK YOU ARE. Ewell room In modern brick .team rd private nimrtment. H minute." walk from Postoffice; gentleman only. Mar shall 2.H.". TWO r.l.-ely furmrhed r.m. In cliolce neigh borhood; wulking ditnnce; geinlenicn pre ferred: one room $lo. odl- Si-t. Phone Main il.'.. or call at &03 Ev.rett at. NICKI.T furntahedf .team hrated room In mouutri apartnient. close In: gentlemen only. Phone Mar. "43l. or call 10S lth .1.. apt. 4'H Pl.KASANT. light out.lde corner room for l.r.AA.. i . iisiit uuiiiiii l .. - - ... rent; titctri.: llcht Lath, phone; clo.e in r.o Hint Main, corner 111th. East a:?rt TWO largo I ounce -lli.if rooms with fir. place, elet-irlc 11k lit a, K.m. furnace heat, bath and p'l.ine; itlru well luniiin-G, mi.- io... I far young tutu. 3111 tt.. coc of -Mill- TWO well-furnished rooms reasonable. au North 1'ith. n.-nr Washington. rlooma vllb Kcnrd. DOES a home appeal to you? TUB WHITE HALL, cor. Oih and Madison; larg rooms, bath, broad veranija", uulct. closo In, near nr. 4 Mocks from P. ". American p'.n. LAM KIC1 1 SON. .'.."4 Cou. h St.. cor. 17th; very editable, clean rooms with steam heat and running water; good board; fine lo cation for business men. POKTLANO wIMfcF.V3 L'NfON; SSd year. Ilooma with hoard, use of-vaewin!-room, library. M Fianders. F. N. eath. supt. THE CALVAK1" 4.r.J Morrison, cor. lath at. Well f-irnlsoe.1 rooms, and board. L'lioli i; room. wl:h board, modern conven lercr. home roe'rtlne. all N. 17th. Tim mamtoi: Lt;i loth st. rieasi'lit rurtnm, excellent board. M t1nllg4 KlTeOANT room, faclna Park, reasonable: cm .ccOmnioUate t w o boarder.. .1 1 4 Park. Room. Willi Board In Private Family. 6Tr.TCTLY modem, newlv furnished rooms, larce or single. 7 mlnutea- walk toP. o.; home coking, nk-elv located. 4Ji Clay, near 11th. Phon. Marshall 3Uo'.'. PLKA.-ANT. wfli-hearcl front room with i.oir.1 for one our two. all convenience., rets Table. 501 East Ma.Laon st, Phona tt 2'0i. iitlAL'TirL'L .team-heated roon 1 or 2 g-ntiemen. wnlklns dl.iance. comtort. of home, board If Uelrcd. 715 Wayne. Main 7o7. LA KGE front room with board, suitable for two or thrre. modern, desirable, home privilege.. 'JUS N. 231 at. Main f.CTO. V;;itY Nli'K r.oiit roriur room with boaiu; plesant nirrouadiiiKs: good home cookinir; horn, prlvllen-s; turnaco heat. Main H2o. CLEAN, warm rooms for 3. first-clnss hoard. Holladay Addition; references. Pllona C li4l. $20 EACH; 'oenullful front room for two; all new. moilrrn conveniences. K 17th St.. between Ilverert Brfl Klrtnder. .ts. COM !"(JhT AHl.S rooms with b 1. furnaco bent. gas. etc. -i ...ontgor'..--- s. fcEAl TIFL 'I.LY furnished room, everything rriodern.vvajklng di.tance. East CJ23. PLEASANT -no-na. .Incle or duuole; gaod toard fl'ij Cllsanst. LAHGn front room with board. 204 N. 22J, Phone A 7'-i0. NICE room with excellent board at 123 23d eireet N. l'hon. A 1003. NICELY' furnlihed rooms with board. 10 East 15th .t. Phone East 4631. Fl FIST-CLASS room., board; private family: m.Klcrn. Marshall lo2. 7'i., Eer"tt. KOuM ai d board; home cooking. 4S4 7tiu Main 4 ML NKE.alry frn,,t room with best of board. f.lilU oth. Phone Marshall b"26. tlNOLE front room with boat d, Kentleman cnly. references roq.iired. H91 W. Park. Apartnienla. THE OKLAND Al'TS. 20TH AND WASHINGTON' STS. To and three-room furnished upts.: every convenience; very larare rooms; steam heat and private baths and phones, automatic elevator: within easy walking Distance: references required. I'hone Alar- shall 1H4. , JI LIAETTK APAKTil EXTS, furnished and unfurnished, 2d and Montgomery; lie; private phone., dl. appearlnff beds, water coll. refrigerator: steam heat, mod ern laundry and dryer: latest sv.tem of ventilation; rent H0 to 2S. Also Iris, 3d and Mill: 4 and 5 rooms. tZO to $40. THE MOI1DACNT. We have one unfurnished 4 rooms snd large reception hall, all out.lde rooms, close In. ISth and Everett, opposite Chris tian Hclanllat Church. Pbons A 1S0L Main Hl-46. WINSTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th St.. near Market New corner trick, ready for oc cupancy December 1. All bright, outside rooms; two and three-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping. $25 to 137. SO. For Infnrmttlon. Main 1739. Till-; AMLI ttlCAN. list and Johnron sts.. walking; distance; finest apartment In Northwest; 4 and 8 rooms: every convenience; free phone; all out.iue. dayllpht room.. Apply on prern Ises. or call Marshall 3300. GRANDEST A. furnished spsrtments. Grsnd ave. and East Stark st. ; new brick bldg. : 3-room splendidly furnished apts. ; elec tric elevator and every modern conven ience; close-in location, beat of service; very ren: onal.le rent. . CECILIA APARTMENTS. 22d and Gllsan sis.; best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service, alFo easy walking distance; 3-room upt., with bath; modern conveniences; very reasonable rent. THE HJELLAN'D. 1Mb. and Lovejoy a aad 4-room unfurnished apartments. strlct'y modern, brand new, $.10. 3o and $10. In cluding phone, heat and water. Phona A InUi or Main 1867. UISLOP HALL, furnished apartraents. Haw thorne ave. and East nth st. Near brick building. splendidly furnished. S-room ap.rtmenta. modern conveniences. very rt nsonatle rent, best of service. ordi;rleigh apartments. f.2 Grand Ave., cor. Eu.t Stark. Nicely lurnished two ami three-room apartments, modern, price, rrasonable; walking di.tance. Phone East 3'i. KINGSBUIIY" Apartments, lbil Ford au, near Washington Eioiant new brick building, complete and modern, private balcur.lea, best of service; 4 rooms wltb hath f-en. ST. CKOIX APAUTMEXTa. 170 tt. ('lair; 2 nicely furnSheil S-room apartment, and one unfurnished 3-room apartment; fro phone In each apattment. BT FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st ar.d Hoy;; 4-room aparLiutiit with private bal cony; very desirable and convenient In every way and reasonable rent. THE WERTFAL. 410 5th Furnlsied and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walking dis tance prices reasonable; no children. WANTL'.D A refined youn-f lady employed to snare sms'l, coxy apartment with an other young lady, close lu. Phone Mar shall 2'.'72 nflT P. -M. PARK APARTMENTS. 3..3 Harrison; beau tlful 8 and 4-roo:n furnlslied apartment; walklnr iis:asrce; best uf service.- phone Marshall 8070. THE Lillian Apartments, cor. 6th and Mont gomery: handsomely furnished 3-room aDt, all outside rooms, private bath and phona. walking distance. Marshall 1378. THE CHETOPA ANNEX. ISth and Flanders j g and 4-room modern apartments, furnished and unf urnislied ; new furniture, new building. Apply to Janitor. nXN'rHOKN APARTMENTS. r51 12th .u. .,r Main Ar e.eKint 3-room apt., with trlvate balcony, every modem ccnien- j fr n -e f-aii.o'J; two .leeplng c-m;iarlmerita fc " ' THE" CAR MAR. 704 Lovejoy St. Furnished and unfurnl.hed. modern, up-to-dau and tlio best, reasonable. T1IB J EFFERSONI AN, 3-room apartment. furnished, reasonable. .Ml Jefferson at. Main I.-I32. -QH-'LIH I'TS.. strictly modern. 3 rooms. bath', steam heat. :7 Ciilun ave. N. "Woedlawn il-t GRACE Apts.. 21th and Northrup eta. -room apt., front veranda and s.eeplng porch, private phone, hot-water beat. CLAYI'OOLE APTS.. with nearly new fur niture, complete, for sale. Main 330S. A $141. u x -. vry ajeslrao1. mo.iern six-room apart ment, the St. Clair. 715 Wayne st. i'hone Ma!u4u-o. aTi'UMARI.E Furnished or unfurnished Kpsr-..iieiiia. private buth and phone. Eual 41.a. . VEBIXI'A ipartinents Two cr three large. Iljt'.l rooms, "lean and neatly furnished, lent Ivasoriable. ..4 East Jdaulson .:. TrA 1 iT P. E E Klegiuit apartnient. West tide. Wo.king i.l.tanio; rent rea.on- Rb!e. Main nil 2D.'. 12th St. LOoLllbl o.N r urnislie.l apartment., Ula ar.4 (.0:11.00- ...... ... t ojotianru. -..IJeCl 3Uleri joeaiion. V- .t of service. TH11 ELM mill. -1. I 2 and 3-room apartments, fur l'Jl 14:11 st. Main (1444. Mo'),:RN 4-roo'ii apt. sr.d sleeping porch. Hr'n Mawr. 1-'. Has' i-'h. rear Y'amhlll. V! T - a " 545 Washington .treel Steata brat. Phone Mar.hall452. LKONCE Modern apts. : Nob Hill district; conv.nlect to 2 carllnes. 186 d at. N. THE Northampton. 407 Hall at.. 3 anlJ rooma, strictly Orst -class. Mala 42'JU. FOR BENT. Apart uie-nte. THE IRV1NGTON. IO1I1 and Hancock. Beautiful new building. 6-room apart ment, prlvute porch, sleeping; porch, fire place, hardwood floors, tile bath, large closets, hot water heat, among beautiful homes and fine car service; rent $40. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. Owners. 2M and E. 835. C 2322. THB BARKER, cor. 21. t and Irving st..; this nw 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room rultcs; reception hall, electric, automatic elevalor. Holmes disappearing beds, built in hmf.-t and writing desk. 60S range. Ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker, -Phone. A 1744. Marshall 2IH1. N, TKIXITT PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Placo. between inth and 20th. Just off Washington. Ju.t finished; most mesnlflccnt apart ments on the Pacific Coast; location ideal; rebtals reasonable; every modern con venience; hlgh-clar. service; references -r ouir o. I'lione ..laoii-in oo- HEINZ APAKTMENTS !4lh and Colum bia. 4 blocks south from Morrl.on st-. new brick building, completely first-class, furnished In 2, S and 4-room family apart menls; private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month, 12a. $.!. f4 and up; must be seen to be appre clsted. , " the Villa-ft. claba. 12th and Taylor. Ju.t completed, mort magnificently fur nished apartments In the Northwest: loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modem convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones In all apartments; high-class service: references required. Main 2270 and A 70-J.. the'everett, C44 Everett at. New nnd elegantly furnished apart ment.: 3 rooms, reception hall and sleeping-porch; automatic electric elevator ana Pacific telephone; located lu one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes: walking 0.1s tanca, ' MEREDITH. .1 4. 5-room furnished apartments; elegantly furnished: walking dlstanco ; rea sonable. 22(1 and Wash. sts. Main ilaO, VFSHTTR APARTMLNTS 20TH AND UPSHl'K STREETS". Thoroughly modern 3-room uuturnished apartments. 2u; 4 rooms. $-3, tli eludes shades, steam heat, hot find cola wat. r. gas ranees, private Pa clflc tele phones snd Janitor service. Apply premises. LCCRETIA CCL"RT. unfurnished, a class bv themselves. See them. Lucre-la. near 23d and Wash.. 2 to 8 rooms a" large. llKht and outside; large c osets and baths; hardwood floors, free phones In each apfr Phono prop, and mgr. ilar shall 1.121). Janitor. Marshall ISP". RfSSELL APARTMENTS on W'J"1" street, between Pith and i with bath, unfurnished, modern -avn' ences. .team heat, on first "I-'stl Irent parlor could be used aa t?"cl; flee. Apply or phone A. .".'ns Wadhams & Kerr Bros. Main 3105. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King St. ... 4. 3, 6-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. Ties'. Park and Columbia sts.. one choice S-room un furnished, and one 2-room furnished apartment. all modern convenience,, choke location, only B minutes' walk from huslnesa center; apply to manager. THE DEZENDORF 2fS lflTH ST.. NEAR TATLOIt. ONE ELEGANT 5-P.OOM LNFLR NISHED APARTMENT Al'PLY ON PKHMlMM. CUKSTERHCRY APARTMENT, corner of 2lh and Kearney; elegant, newly fur nlshed front apartment... every conven ience: board If doslred; references. Mar shall 3Co. A H ADDON HALL. cor. 11th and Hall sts.. 3 and 4-room furnished apts.. private bath, phone and balcony porches. $30 up. r-none aiarsuan no t LUAtt 11 i .1. A c o. 0. 1 ' -- Sunny 8-room apte.. attractively furnish ed; concrete bldg.; 1 blk. south 2.4d and Wash 1ST Green ave. A 7523: Mar. 3151. -it- ar-l.-l-v-IL-"V 49 E. Morrison, corner of 7th. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m gt. BAN MARCO Apartments. E. Sth and Couch; brick, modem, 3 roims.balh and phone; S2f lo SJi.ov. v-aii x-. .u. THE M ARLBOROUOes 21st and Flanders; walking uistance: one 6-resm apt. Main 7016. FOUrt or five-room f-artilshed apartment. Address J. P. Kennedy, 40O oregonlan bldg. Hats. FIVE-ROOM flat, 7S2 Gll.nn St.: new build ing hardwood floors, fireplace, gas range, waterheuter, furnace, etc.; $32.60. Js-oys at lla. aiorgan. riiomai GO'S MA.RKET ST. 0 rooms, all modern Key at R"2 Market; $30 per month. Port land Trust V-O.. i-oriiaiiu. v.. FOR RENT $20; 4-room modern flat, 2 block, from Washington High SohooL call ..M h.ast l-liir. a 11. oe. LOW Fit S-room. close In, strictly modern, reasonable rentto right party. 293 College. I'.oono , ini'i. MODERN flat, tt rooms and bath, 733 hi Hoyt at., near 22d. Apply 13J 6th su Main 027. a r. w aivKi - 3 and 6 rooms, walking distance; rent very reasonable. Marshall 11321. FOR RENT Modern 7-room flat, 444 Park St.; fireplace and furnace; $3i.."0; no chil dren, i'lione 1 au.-r i e.. 01 i-.. FVRNISHED fat. 3 rooms and bath; no children. 400 4th st fKoOM flat, modern. 007 6th St., ft block f 1 oin c ar . . i'OR RENT S-roora flat, bath and furnace, 5D!t salmon. Key at 000 Salmon, 5-ROO M furnished flat for rent. 2S3 Grant .Main atoi 3 OR 4-ROOMED flat, modern, central; also furr.lsneu tiai. -og-j a...... UNFURNISHED 3-room XlaL 225 Market St. r'nono aiaui oao. 0-;tOOM furnished I'.at. close In, reasonable. Phono M. 015orA 3313. A5-ROO.NI lover modern fiat. 4 blocks from Mfi-I prince. ultimo . .....wj. $20 TO $25; well-furnished very desirable and o-rOOTTi Ham, line aovo.oo. li.r-LY furnlsiied flat, on 2nd st. North, NVest Side, vnoie i.m. 4-ROOM upper corner flat, modern, 177H 7-e.oe DUd Waih. Main SP.Ha 4eii WEST PARK: 3-rootn, flat, bath; $15; water, garbage frea. fTveROOM modern flat; adults. 606 Bel mont, near auui. FOR RENT 5-room modern flat, close la. Inquire oaa cvoroii. MODERN 6-room flat, furnished or un furnlshed. E. l$th and Ash. B 2008. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat, 1S3 18th. Apply 1M lath. cor. Tamhlll. Uoueeieeplng Kooms, THP5 BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas ranee, elec tric lights hot water, hath, laundry, free: $iJ ptr month up; a clean place, host In ll-ie city f-r the money; short distance rom I rion Depot. Take "S" or lH:h-st. r car. Vice-'.h. fet off at Marshall t. No dogs. I3- Pi. R V. EEIC for a pleasant housekeep ing room; $4.50 per week for a fine suite of two housekeeping rooms. These are ex ceptional bargains, only S minutes' waik front down town. 1C7 Stout St.. one block south of Washington st, fl.oO TO $2.50 WEEK: clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry. Lath, phone, clean linen, heat. 4l'tl Vancouver and 2i'3li Stanton; take U car. WILL renTa furnished housekeeping rooms of tny houseboat to man and wife In ex change f-ir board. Mala 1940. 430 Wor cester biag. DESIRABLE unfurnished two-room bay window suites within 5 blocks of Post office; absolutely respectable. 305V. Jef ferson. cornerFifth. SIVGLE housekeeping room; clean, well fur nished; gas range, furnace 'heat, plenty hot water. $3..".0 a jweek 1.0 Nl&th st. THE "Cavoja, 2-room apts., $2e and up; oeryth"ing modern. Grand ave. and East Stark. HOl'SK K EEI'iNO rooms, steam heated, clean and Ucht. hot and cold water, rent ll'i. Marshall 440. CAMBRIDGE. furnished. unfurnished, housekeeping rooms. $3 week up. Room 3d, 3d and Morrison. HOI'SEK Et: r'iNG rooms In new concrete bid- .-.,i.e Woodlawn 2Hf7 or 2379.' HOUSEKEEPING and aingle rooms: .team heat, bath nnd phone. 75 North- I4th St. THE G I. EN DORA, lllth and Couch: house keeping rooms. IIP per month and up. NE4.TLY furnished housekeeping room., $16 and $1 suite. 4iij Washington St. Honaekeepmc Roc-pie In Private Family. CiR H-rooni suite, sink, two prlvat. en trance., very reasonable, tight parties. 604 Everett, Housekeeping Kooms In Private Family. $2' Four completely furnished rooms, de strable neighborhood, walking distance private bath and phone, call foreoons. 12S East IDth St., near Morrison at. Last f.o46. ' $3 WEEK, linen, light, heat. 3-burner gas plate, running water, plenty dishes. It private home, separate entrance; groce. near by. HS0 Benton St., block east 01 Mississippi ave. SINGLE or en rulte. largo front rooms: rare view point; first class, heat. bath. I'S" $U to $.10 per month: W car from L'on Depot: walking distance to North Bank. 57." Couch, northeast cor. ISth. . SCITE of two housekeeping rooms, location and outlook tiusur asaed. convenient and homelike; large closet and rood furniture, close In and price reasonable; alfo one extra good single room; NICE front worn completely furnished for housekeeping; electric littht. nas. batn and phone: easv walking distance; S-io monthly. CO N'. 21st st., 1 blocks from WaEhington. s 2 OR 3 large, clean and elegantly furnished front rooms. In modern home, walking dis tance, reasonable. 04 East 12th st. North. East Qi.ioO. . TH REE beautifully furnished housekeeping rooms, furnace heat, hot, cold water, wood and gas range, fireplace, laundry, 8 beds, piano, first floor. 4.5 Clay. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms: heart of the city; free phone, gas anil bath; $2.50 and up. 350 Oak. Phone Main Su73. NICELY' furnished housekeeping front rooms on ground floor, fireplace, gas. bath; two carllnes: pleasant neighborhood. 11- East Taylor, phone East 52H0. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for -housekeeping; heat, water, light and fuel. gas mciuueq. &. aiauiaou CLEAN nicely furnished housekeeping and sleeping rooms; heat, light, bath and phone tree. -aoi ctiiuiiiuiaa. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for $:5.50 and $4 per week, free light, bath and phone. 10 minutes' walk to P. O. 14'i 11th st. 446 CTH ST., 2 nicely furnished front roojns for housekeeping, convenient, central. Main 449. HOUSEKEEPING suite In private flat, free heat, light, gas. telephone and bath, ooils Morrison. Alain iuu. THREE clean. light, furnished housekeep ing rooms, modern, $16 month. UD2 Fro n t. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single and en suite; clean, reasonable. 3SS N. 15th. HIGH CLASS new S-room suite, hot and cold water, electric lights, gas range, furnace heat, 7cO Flanders. 4 NICELY-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; private bath. 215 10th St., corner salmon. NEWLY papered and painted furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone B 11$!. 4ib E. Ilurnside. 'I , i furnished housekeeping room, at 407 Ea.t pine st. CI. C.V X. light, well-furnished housekeeping rooms. 393 Oth st. VERY central, desirable housekeeping, pri vate family. 32 N. 11th st. 334 CLAY: unfurnished housekeeping rooms; no children. Main 7147. i LARGE front suite, first floor, gas range, well furnished, clean. 447 5th. $13 TWO furnished hous-'keeplng rooms; bath. gas. Call 651 E. Morrison NICELY' furnished housekeeping rooms. tiT N. 14th St., Davis-EveetL ON 13 nice lousekepeTrig room, modern, closs In, very reasonable. 4ml Halsey st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. good location, light, heat, rent rea.onable. Ii5 N. litn. THREE! desirable rooms completely fur nished for housekeeping. 54 1 Oth St. FRONT and back suite, running water; rent reasonable. 1140 College. 3 LARGE, airy housekeeping rooms, modern, very reasonable. 431 3d st. ONE or two furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, yard. 450 Yamhill. t ROOMS, furnished for light housekeeping, ill;'') Lnrrebee st. FURNISHED housekeeping suite of 8 rooms. 6S North st. 2 NEWLY furnished front rooms, housekeep ing, rftfi. Datn. pnone. o..w -u oi:hc--.q - j THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. bath, IirSl HOOT. I none Jiam i . t ... XWO furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. di-i uo"t.. ....... PLcASANT, light housekeeping room, every convenience, walking distance. 361 10th St. TWO completely furnished rooms for house keeping; reasonaoio rem. ' 0 .,. 813 14TH. corner Clay; choice 2 nnd 8-room furnlsheo nouseKecpnis -u-i 8 DESIRABLE unfurnished housekeeping j . .. . U llrh mt rooms, waitting uieiaucc " - - 71 "- ONE housekeeping room. 375 14th. House EQUITY of $2000 in 6-room cottage and lOOx 100, northeast corner Garheld ave, and Going St.; hard -surface streets, cement walks, fruit trees, roses, hothouse, ohlek-en-hous and lawn; will consider small cash payment, bal. as rent: vacant lots or acreage, unincumbered. Owner tnon-resl-flent) on property today, can give imme diate possession. Any Unloa-ave. car to Going st,. one block west. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. JOHNSTON. BOTHFUR .i.T-tT-TrroTJ TV 009 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6067. $12 50 MODERN 5-room cottage on sight ly lot: $20. modern It-room house, E. 33d St.- $25. on York St., .near 23d. These are ulco modern homes and are offered at low rant. Western Sec. Co., 414 Spald ing DlUg. FOR RENT Modem 6-room house, close In on Hawthorne ave.: beautiful yard and roses; rent only $30. Call for key 807 Yeon Bldg. , 6-ROOM modern cottage on Kearney St.. bet 21st and 2:d; key at 730 Kearney. Call before 10 A. M. Tel. Main 2S42. Rent 1-5 per month. 42D AND Holgate; partly modern: 7 rooms, 7 lots: $15 per month. Portland Trust Co., Portlann. or. MODERN 10-rriom house, nice yard. 10 min utes from 3d and Washington. Inquire -75 Williams ave. 04 AND 517 Front St.; 5 rooms each. In good condition: $15 per month. Portland Trust CO.. l-oruaiui. v COTTAGE. rooms. In good repair. 2'!S Caruthars st.; rent $19 per month. J. YV. f'gllbee. room 11. 14.'V.i 1st st. 6-ROOM modern house, furnished or unfur nished. 1381 Burrago st. Ed. Lodge. St. John car. Woodlawn 1S2S. MODERN 0-room house, with bath and fur nace: "desirable location. Call OliS Broad way for koy. bTrOOM cottage, attic, bath. furnace. Call H! E. 11 tn a-iion- , FOR RENT 3-rooin cottage. 050 Vaughn Phone Main 2080. -5 7-room house, porcelain plulnldni,-, fur- nace. gos,. electricity. Phone Fellwooil S'.-7. MODERN 6-room house, 733 E. Main. B mob. Taber B400. i-.0 5. ROOM cottage, near Washington, on 21st. Key at 62 21st North. aor floom "modern house; walking dls- -T- , i 'lj.'t V. (tlta.on St. lance, iii-i-"." " c, TT AGE 5 rooms and bath. Portland Heights. PhoneMaln0210. $30 MONTHLY rent buys homo; r.o first payment ncc-.-ca-.i y. J-OI: RENT b-room house. 4i Ha., au. f27.50. l'.-one a a io SIX-ROOM modern; .mall yard, good view; .",.11 reasonable. Mam ISIIH. nFAL'TIFUL oeiv nungalow In Irvlngton; an Ideal home. Qwner.PC35 Oregoiiian. jtqh- RENT or sale, 2-room houseboat is. tlrsr.e:iiss con'. 1. 100. ' ' , ... jij 4. ROOM liouse. laru. e Aain. nerti lCth .t. PTiIt T LAN D HEIGHTS. C-room unfurnished house, excellent location. M. 5S1. a.vrnlatled Houa ONE of the nnest homes In Nob Hill dls Irlct hardwood floors and elegant. y fur nished; will lease for one year lo respon sible party. Portland Trust Co.. Porl- land, or. MODERN house, 4 rooms; only small fam ily of adult-, with no dog, need apply. J N 1 to Mar. 1. nice 5-room bungalow c,n river, near Courtney: $2.1. includes wooj, water, phone. Il-l lstst- t FURNISHED 5-room flat : lias fireplace, nice poVcn; heated by furnace: rent very rea ionablC; Call441 11th St. tTroom house, well furnished, block from Seliwoud car, rent $3o. Sellwood 1200. FURNISHED complete. 8-room house, piano, large grounds. Phone A 6C41. apt. Iu4. NICELYurnishe.' 4-room flat; walking dls- tance. 444 Rmliieyave. PhoneEast 4s;l.. 3 ROOMS, $1". C. W. wens. Biewart s Kta. Mt. fccoir line. ao-o g.g COZY cottaiie. large yard, near 2 car- lines. Main 4-:il. 5- ROOM furnished flat, permanent, 4G6 Jerferson et. 6- ROOM furnished house to adults: refer ences; centrallly located. Main 24S2. Furnished Houses. ONLY" $23 PER MONTH. Nicely modern 6-room house, corner, gas. electricity, piano, on carllne, close in on East Side. 705 East 21st street, Brooklyn car. FRED C. KING. 814 Spalding Bldg.. 3d and Washington. NEW modem finely furnished 5-room house, furnace, gas range; Ideal location; close In. near East Morrison street cariine: no children: only $;kr per month. 652 Bel mont St.. eornerEast lbth. - 851 TAYLOR ST., near 17th, 6 large, ele gantly furnished, flat, new carpets, gas water heater, electricity, 3 large bay win dows, fully arranged for subletting part of flat; rent only $45j do dogs. FOR RENT House in a nice home district, furnished or unfurnished: reasonable, particulars. 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. M. 7357. NICELY" furnished 5-room modern home, newly tinted and painted; Hawthorne cariine. For particulars phone aln Ssoo. fOJl KENT Completely furnished 7-room humrnlow in Irvington. $10 per month; located at 52 Clackamas street. Call Mc Cargar. Bates & Lively. 301 Yeon bldg. FOR RE-NT Modern furnlsirid 5-room houia with piano, garden spot, rent $20. Call r.'.HO 30th ave. S. E.. ML Scott car. Phona Tabor 15SS. FURNISHED modern 5-room cotlnge. piano, furnace, v.alking distance. Call before 1 P. M. 5.12 Mill, near 17th. phone Main 4390 HANDSOMELY furnished home oH rooms, exclusive of dressing room, quite modern. Phone Main 4li21, A 2924. $27.50 COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cot tage, bath, fireplace, front and back yard. HI13 Sherman st. Phone Main 70S3. FOR KENT- Furnished cottage. East Side; close In; $22. 732 Chamber of Com merce. 5-ROOM tottaaie completely furnished. Ap- ply 541 6:h st- lli-ifai - tor at -tit. rnrnllure Tor aie. 11 ROOMS.' well furnished, modern house; full pood onyinir roomers; mostly house keeping: will grvo you a bargain If you have $4(X cash. 170 North 10th st. COMPLETE furnishings of 13 rooms, fine house; rent $45; houso clears $00 Pr month; price anil terms reasonable. 594 Everett st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS: biggest bargain yet: must close, at once. Investigate. M. COS. HOUSE. 7 rooms, neatly furnished, beauti ful location for roomers; Just across Steel bridge; big bargain. 291 Crosby. IN Irvlngton. to rent, owner going souch; 450 East ISth N. . n 2 w modern home; furniture for sale. WILL trade newly furnished 6-room flat for lots or acreage. Marshall 1250. MODERN 3-room flat for rent. furniture for sale. 3S1 5th St.: evenings. COZY B-room flat, completely furnished, at half price. 673'!; Glisan. KENT 3-room cottage; furniture for sale. $50 ; rent free. V 049. OregonlRn. GOOD furniture for 3 rooms, complete; will sell cheap. 413 Taylor. Stores. STORES 86 6th st,, opposite Wells-Fargo bldg., 25x100 ft., with largo basement, for lease at a very reasonable rental. 80 7th St., between Stark and Oak sta.. across the street from new Oregon Hotal. 25-xloo feet. . Haw-ftiorne ave.. corner Union, stood re tail location. 20x55 ft. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main S090. A 20..1. STORE for rent In new building on cor ner 43d and Haw thorns ave., plate glass front, rent $1:0 monthly; dandy location for meat market, hardware, plumhlng, mll'.lnarv or mostly any lino of business. Call 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2753. FOR RENT Store and 6-room flat above same, 737 Savler St.; reasonable rent. """'""-VAKEFIELD, FRIES es CO.. 63 FourthL ROOM 25x23. suitable for hall or sample room, also storage space In basement. Howe-Davis Co., Ill 2d st. near Washlng ton st, . 413 WASH. BT. 20x70 with full basement; will give leaBe If required to rtsponslble parties. Portland Trust Co. Portland. Or. , . SEVERAL stores at east end Madtsoo-at. bridge. $20 to $40. according to alas, ln qqlre 271 Hawthorne ave. TWO small stores with living-rooms, oppo site the Arleta School; $12 and $8 per month. Phone E. 1250. , ux5o OR largor If desired, on Oak st beu 6th snd 6th. Archer & Schans Co. BEtiT location In city for c8 hou" "i1" restanrant. I-t. .narizicri. mooe . - n-o.ierH and Mont- 1 g?mery R. L. Bailey. Ablngton bldg. Offices. MOOT CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICBa. All-night elevator aervlcai special "a acments on yearly lesse. 80S Sw.Uan- t,:cg.. 8th and Washington. FURNISHED offlos with phone, use of re ception room. In Una suite. Taon Bldg. X 051. Oregonlan. AN Ideal location for dentist or doctor's office. PhoneMaln 6002. A 8671; DESlvROfTwith necessary furniture, to de- slrable party. Inquire 820 Yeon bldg. CHOICE front desk room aud phone to re- spunslble party. 004 Wilcox bldg. PRIVATE office and desk room for rent. 439-441 Chamber of Commerce. Warehouses. FOR RENT 3-story building. 11th and Flanders, suitable for stable or warehouse, 8-year lease. Phone A 6211, Main 4611. Room 522. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT or snle. 2-room houseboat in good condition. W .C32. Oregonlan, BPSINF.S3 OPPOKTrNYTT-a. RARE SNAP FOR A PHYSICIAN Four elegantly furnishod rooms, best lo cation in Seattle: office practice estab lished 26 years, ladies only, private hos-I-Ual In connection, clearing 1100 a day, everything tlrst-class. Owner retiring, price $5000. half cash. Address Dr. J. McDonald. 3.10-331-332 nnd 383 Peoples Bank bldg.. Seattle, waaii. IN015 o-u..i.'. FIna location, sales about $2500 a memtn. long lease and very reasonable rent; fix tures and stock will Invoice about $3000. this Is a deal If you are looking for a good clean established business. 118 Board pf Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WANTED Party to Invest $2000 In a com pany to be organized for the Introduc tion and manufacture of an educational device. Best of Indorsements. U. S. and Canadian patents. Nothing hut success awaits this enterprise. G 679. Oregonlan. GROCERY" store, sale or trado. good fresh stock; well located; rent very reasonable: living rooms. Price $500. Discount for cash. Call 217 Abingdon bldg.. or phona Main 5097J . (TcHAIR barber shop; In good neighbor hood; moneymaker: $150 takes It: fixture, worth more than $200; I am sick and hava to selL Phone Main 1853. DANDY "grocery splendid business, cheap for cash, or rooming-house part pay. 618 Tourny bldg., before 11 A. M. or even ings. BUSINESS" opportunity for you; no capital needed; men of experience In selling a live proposition. Call for Mr. Jones, 25.6 Quit. . PORTLAND machinery house wants prac tical machinist to take charge of shop; must Invest In business. 322 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Established, growing business, Ht est of stock and office furniture. 214 SwetlJtnrl bldj. WANTED A man with J.SOf'O cash as pait-luu- In well-established fancy goods bus ine?c. All tills OroMinian Ii-- vou nave Slnr-D that is not working. dri.p a line for li-foi n:atl n 011 a sure in vestment. AK 'l'1-.i. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted to lielp In store: will P iv iictlve man S150 month: requires small Investment. Call 24'-; Stark st. Rl-ISTAURAN'T. old est alillshed ; would in voice $'.".': to trade far lot. 303 Lumber Exchantie. REAL" ESTATE business: owner wants !n- -'.-rested he;.; active man c:in clear $150 month. Parllritl!.rs 2 4 '. Stark St. RELIABLE lln.n for office in .-smi.-ut iviiuiied. in. change. business: small 1 Lumber SPECIAL $150. wllh so you in a growing busine i.-r than vviiges. Call '. s. will pl.iro 11 n make bet Stark St. rtrSTAURANT H:ive opening for energetic l'-iali- can clear if'-'iO month: requires very little money. Ca!l24iiVi Starkest. $Tb0O AND expenses given to lady or gen tleman of ambition: experience unneces sary. P. Z.. 374 Yamhill. Portland. GROCERY" for $12'Bl; choice district: extra rood trad-- :iri not one dollar sold on credit. Call 24s'- Stark .1. 1IOM E bakery and doliatessen. doing nice business. Ait up-;"in.'-'. RESTAURANT for sale trade. 1117 li 1st st. by f wrier; good LUNCH counter clearing !0l month: price $375. terms. :l"o Lumber Exchange. BARBER SHOP for sale; r chairs, baths; leaving city. 26;. N. 6th st. (I