TUB 3IORXING OREGONIAX, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1911. 10 MiacvliMwM. FOR SALE. Wtr hn mil kind. at " than H ' M. BARDE W)N-. . Ttla Houf of a. .Million Barraln. -o--2 Front it. Cor. Main. at 1 MiKioaf v . it-eo,l and raincoat mw practical rhruimu pr.nl.. For n-J '-' ,so s ' V -- , valuta, 914 oar nf. 12 le-a. Thl u mr t-urtstma girt t norcaucrs. . JIMMT PINS. Cwn SIS. Oreor.lan tvldg. Ta elcvat". AFi O'auln Be. I . new na . . , i . . , larinlL Safe nrnr- and r.lrd- 1'urc il far Co. en-1 prt.""l oaf -"a 3 5n t. V.o. A 41 11 . tain FDR AI E OR RENT LOOOINO AND HOIST1XO KV.1NE4 locoiill. con tractor' eor-lpment. , IUILWAT KQCtPVKNT CO. T Flral HI real. MAM RE for Mi. nn E. l.'7i. f- 1 " yer. put uthimi. furniture Toou H'.n..t pr c. pa.a .or '--.-" -....tan'-. loKirc Call Main -. - 1st -. Th l oo. FAH1 1 r-r V a- II i-h.ia. h-'d good lo Daiia. Tft. E. whit. oe, l,e-ie b'de WE pay fh. fti;ht ca.n PrJ "ZZI. nan! fnmltaire. Ml-r M.rtln. Phon Faet 1 114. 544 rlwtnorn- " BA1MEH-S AUCTION Hol. -.a v Phon E Hv.' rT hlht een prlre for furnirir FOIlD Auction Co. py mo.t tl f or ny kind of furnltur. Main M'-l. A .'U irrT.p n . yre r M a .J". INCIDENT. Tear.- tnn. !rnir. out or worn - m. "oTii "..I. i.-if i -"iMJ;ii .WUI ompiorm-nt n..mb.r.hlf 1 will h-r. only :S left betw-" " nd "li?"..T-n rn pr "'"TJ"' : ioml tn.lub.r.btp ,ou -111 havo th V. it- C. A.. I1 rooowrco atwn Jon nnd rrs i ion. Hu.t 1 aurxjc man Jo!n4 aorlallon. l. lru than a w od aatUfaclorr pioymanu Itx-ora tr tl monttaa mdlnc No. ral.a for mn 1BI.E -KllIF.D man aranlad for th U. M. Marino Corpa. b.ln 111 aro of 1 ana J. Muil bo Dtixt b'rn or ti f" P portx Monihlr pay Hi to Aa.lltlonaJ aomponaalion poa'.b:. KihxI. clolrilrs. quartara and mrdkal attnlanc frr. Aftar i yaarar arir ran mir with nor cam of pay and allowancra. Horalca biard anlp and aahora In all pari or tho world. Apply at V. H. Marln Corp Il-Tol:!n Ottft. room 1 and J. HrarJrn M'!.. 3.1 and Waahlritlon ata. or room i. V, inchratcr Houaa. 11 Id at.. PorCanO. Or. WP! haa taatht othrra, w can loach yon. Wi want a faw cltan. Inlriiia--nt inrn to lam aalaaanahlp m otir tralntnc ahoot. FKEE OF CHAKGK. Thla la tha tly of tn tralnaal man. Tn unrdocat1. lllltor ac aalaaman la a rollc of th p-aai, conao quntly in ordrr to arcura comprimi mn w ar Wllilnf to aprna iimo "ii n laaraoaary properly to aqulp man lo so out and mako cood and to provid thrm a aood poalilon aa aoon aa hT are anl to Tl 1 1 it. cau aa aia m. Hodaon. aak (or Mr. AVAXrEI On maatar bollarmakar at I par dirm. A eompatltlv axamlnation wlil r- held at h Navy-Yard, ilirat Pound. Waah.. January ft. 1912. for tli purpoa f n.lln th abo poaltlon. Nr Iurthr Information afldraaa "'ommaadant, 'avy Yard. PuaTQt boupd. ffaih." 1,1 v K man. mn of mlddl a and youna man. bow murn monay ax yoo arntnr 1 ran ibnw yoa a plan and a boa:naa wber our rf'orta and nray. NO CAP ITAL. StrDtlt. will earn mora f'ir you. hour a day work. Call for Mr. Jonaa, 4 Oak. L'HSCRIPTIOX ao. icltra taithar al for "Intarnatlonal Fa'r liluatra'.ad." th n.w T'orld'a Fair parlodlral; flrat lumtar Juat ut: a cah dapoait or aallafaciory refr ro rrnuirad far outfit. Apply to ml Ton bldg. V AMLD Truck uirimtn wh ta corapa tant and aiparlancad : truck alrrarty ra tabltahad and bat arllar of It kind In Voniand; only firat-claea man ccad ap plv. AN" Orrtronlan. EATERIENCKl) art ralanUar and advrr tialna; allalty aalaaman wanted. Apply aftar u.30 Tueadar momln. Imparlal ilotal. F. F. Cllhart, mana(er largest fa lory In th world. WANTFD Tll. paatry roi'k. T."; room ' and foard. Clark for aror-al mr rrhand.aa atora. dry (ooda drpt.. 7S a month; a aim writer and clotn lattarer. C. R. Kan- arn. H X. yi at, M ANTKD Oarwa nliht man, to waah. and pollah car, you muat hav xprlnc and know how to operate all make of auto. Tnohjte: atat expcrlcnc and refcrencea K 447, oregonlan. trr.r IAL IS pT-rEMFNTS TO AGENTS FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE. McCRl.MHoWEI.L. CO, 187 7T II ST. M AN" to take reataurant (nearly furniahed) In hotel; a!eeptnr room Included; board on for rant; snap. App'y 34 North S;ih " ta car north on 3d to JHth. bioa-k aouth. WANTED Firat-claa clothlnir aalesman: no other Dead apply; eteadv poaltlon. "all In aarasn. Apply to It. bhafer. IZit Faclflo a a.. Tacoma. Waah. 60I.I"1T0R to work on commission, merl tortoua proposition; a mora beat class peo ple; only honeet. Intelltgrnt harl work ers wanted. Telephone M-iln 7,i?. A NET young man rlano player, a rood slfht reader. Ca.l B 3" A. M . Hotel Clark, lnth and mark. Pe Mr. l'owars l-OI.U'ITOR-4 can make blc money on new rnam-Par!nc World" Fair publication. an !! Yaon Ttldg. W" ANTED IntelHrent and cnpablo man to team th automobll businiss. Call at 1J3 th St.. north. TRl STWtiMTHt hoy for errands In th wholeaal dlatrlct. Apply Jones Cash Store. Kront and k ata. WANTKH A friuemaker. Mjhmakrr. aiao a sticsermsn. a good man. muat hat a kittle, money. Call 1110 Uwwlhorn ala. jlS cirr Hwl opportunity for a oung man to eecure prartlcal tralnlnr In drtectlv work. 503.404 Swetlsnd blr! WANTEl ritendy man as nlBht wstrhmnn; good pay: amall itiyeatment required. Cail 3ri Lumber Exchange. 4 j. WITH aervice aa a;cemaii. pliacca )ou In a legitimate bu;nrsa thtt pa belter than aaaga. AJ atl. reg.ntan. LXt'KKIKM'KP pianlal and drummer for ama'l danc orchestra. Tabor g to 7 r m. WANTED Collcllor for family liquor trade; high commissions paid. Call be taeen 10 and l: A. M. 44'.-447 Ptark WANTED Young man, baritone, for vaudo. villa act; ore who can rly plan pre ferred. i 7T. Oresonlan. rHiTOfi RATH coupon and portrait agents, pew offr. CM'hhert ptodto. Wknm h:dg. hlt'RMANENT Income for salesmen. Ask fr M- B-yant. UK Yeon bide. WANTF.D l.lv agent to sell photo coupons. Hoe-on stodlo. Washing! m at. WATE1 Lunch man for salon; tefar encea. K 7. Ora;.irln KKVEHALa honest men to aell Holirood lota J. H. Tlcton "o . lo ypsldlng Mdg. 3t EN wanted to set! Christmas decorations and roveltl. 473 Washington St. jv e men clicitore. out-of-town and city work. 21 Oak St. t . L beaeier. l-l Front St. 1 FAD giaaler. HI Front au P1KLP rT.ISTtn-rt1l.4lr.. WAIPTDRATEB With reanonalblllly and high eiperlant. Reglne. iH Central Mdg. 110lEKEErER only, with references, for ems, I family. Apply Sunday "Jol lath. W'AIcT FINISHERS, experienced, alao girts to learn dreaamaklng. 133 loth, room -'o. WANT E tt- !ouk. Apply 743 Thompaon cor. - '1 ; wagn 3". LADY past attend alck daughter; small a gea. Call 1QJ - r a n d. N o rth. vVrv., girl t aaslat Inflight houaework. all 774 oyt si. . W.VNTELt A girl for general housework. Apply 7-1 s Keamer. rmploymtit tnmbrhlp marant mrn!- will "art mplirmant or ra f in.J of mmbrahip f: ! 5 montra fu.l mmtfnip pnllra. IO mooter ao rtal prltit' anl unlrtjk' o p P-tt iirl'ofd Surtr lh full term I m'mMntilp ajl-.fiou: furrn.r cnarsa. Wa hao cona-ant namand for p'B ralo, aporlanrad man. Aral l filiaa for a bttrr poalilon? am:roiarjr amploymanl drpartmani. T. M. C. A. tlHL for general houaawork. 7J llojt at.. near JJd -. KXPLRIENCKD saleslady ar.te.1 at 1"S3 Vorrliun at 6IRONO girl for g-oeral hoaeaorW no cocking, ap -washing, good hami Ait otn. HI Lr WAXTFTI FFM ALB. tv- i vtcti -mniT" Ktenographer. it; cook, IIS: ranch cook. -'; ltreaa. I!.'.; a houaakeepers. (IS to .:.'.; solicitors and girls for general liousework. PACIFIC EMPLOTMKNT, Ijtdles" tept. i'tOS Morrison. COMPETENT girl for general housework, family of three. til l.u.ratla alraat be ta een Washington and Eyerell streets. West fide HKFINKD young lady or widow for hotise keepin on acanrh. exprrlenced. for two b.-i,,...rs; particulars. W. J. Havener. I.?le. Wash. . SALESLADIES lor a'l d artmnt of Olds. Vortiuan. King ore; muat b experlrnced. Apply at Superintendent pflic a to 10 A. M. WANTED Stenographer; muat hav xper lenre and neat appearance; salary accord ing to et.'U iency. Apply at p. T. T. Co.. 374 A'der at. CIRl, ran find good homo and US monthly for general houaework In small faml y In bungalow on Portland lWiabta. Phon !am WANTED Immediately; lady pianist for high.c.a company touring California and South. Apply Percy Challenger. Calumet Hotel. ENERGETIC woman, over .1. lor perma nent piHiltlon with local bualness firm: tporlenc unnecsasary. AG o4U. Oregon lan. WANTED Experienced shlrte operators on power machine. strauy work guaran teed Dagg Drndn Company, oealtle, Wash. WANTED Idl-s lo learn th bualnea of th Sanitary lleauty parlors. 4o Dekum Mdg W ANTED Young lady, contralto, for vau djvia act: muat be abi to play piano well, O 7S. Oregonlan. cilOfOLATE dipper wanted. Inquire at th laoiiy VarJen Candy bhop. J7 Morrlaon street. - - YOUNG girl lo assist In general housework Call Scllwood 1070, between and at o r;ocK. r TUANSFER lilRLS. Id eara of age and oer. Apply to lu A. M. Superintend ents odue. Olds. Wortman A King. WANTED An-expe"rlence,l girl for general houses "rk. Apply 347 ti. 4Sth St. 1S a 11T i-iara A.M Ml Kill 1 1 ' ": . , taml.y of three; wagea f-i to begin. Phone Eaat 6VQ. Wo.i.X wltliout children -to stay with sl.klv lady; very little work. Apply It' Haaaalo at., cor. En"t Sid St. N. OILMAN artrl -anted for cocking and gen eral bouaewora; small family. Phon Mam 744. REFINED young lady for companion to midd.e-aged !-dy; no others need ap ply small -au-i. A pt-l. Ionian Court. " HAN"SFN-s"LADIE-i" AC.ENCT. SI5U Wsnc;on at . cor 7-.h. upstairs. Phone la I ni fiM. MI'.S. HOWES I.A1I1LV A" r. .- i . Washtnston b.dg . 4th and Wash, ata, . . . . a 'i M WANTED R. fined, capab.e woman for re- .'- vi.vt f rt tl Roth- .K-rf a.i.1- lih and WaahlnttOtL 3 NilAT whit waltreaa-a wante-l at one. not partial to eo.or. t.oiuen - " 3 7 Everett. Call be2eerignd II. Oi n girl Tr general houaework, smalt f-imllr ad:ilt. 7 , Kearney a.. Mil'li-E-A;E1 lailr for cooking and gen eral houaework. Call 3JJ 14th. irr'.t.P TTANTFH MA1.B OR FTMAIB. BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers. Mil clerks, etc.: I a 111 guarantee your g" au.. . positions in 30 dss: private instruction by puMlc accountant: position secured. J So", i -rrionian. Al'ToM ATIC card press printer wanted. man or lany laniiuar -' . - begin work December 1 Apply Card Printing Dept.. Meier at Frank. HELP WAXTEP MISCFlXAyEOFS. MEN WANTED, ag 1 to firemen H0 monthly, brakemen on neaviwj roada Exp-rl.ni.- unnecessary: no strike, positions guaranteed competent men: pro motion. Kailaay emp.oyment beadq'iar i,rs K41 m.-n sent to positions last four month a. State age; send stamp. Hallway Aaaoi latlon Uox. uregonian. MEN and women to learn the barber trad In elaht weeks: special inauceuiu... -; centage paid while learning; tool free, expert Instructors: 17 years la the Busi ness; 7 schools: a Ufrtlm membership given to each student. Mulcr Barber Col lege. 35 N. Fourth St.. Portland. Or. W' A STED Men at Lo Angeles, learn trad. Kalr wgaa after aeeona "" , biles, electricity, plumbing, bricklaying, practical work on actual Jobs: l- iu-d-nts last five years, few months re quired. United Trad School. Loa An geles. BtsINESS MEN. avail youraelv-aa of our free employment aepanmena. stenographic help regardless of machine used. Th Oliver Typewriter Agency. Main 7i. WANTED Ky mall clerks. Portland exa- Inatlons announced Jan. ia: amiiia j'e tlona free. Franklin Institute, Dapt-841-K. Rochester. N. Y. 6TENOC.KAPHERS. lesrn to operate th tillver: poaltlon waning; so our n practice room and fil" jour application. The Oliver Typewriter Agency. Hi Ankeny trect. - . MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay; rrr cooaiei ten now. L'nlted Free Syndlrat. San Francisco. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. picture i-iay Aaputia tion. San Francisco. PRIVATE school bookkeeping. shorthand. typewriting. BIB cnamoer Ol commerce. Mum J3.v FILE vou application for a poaltlon and viae ur rree practice room. ine aiiver aypc wrlter Agency. JJJ Ankeny St. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. S3 mo. -t'l lltBII. aiain aa-.i. FisK TKACHEit-" ASaOClATlON. Hwetlsnd bldg sSITr.ATIOXS WAXTEIT MAX! Bookkeepera ad rlerka. BOOKKEEPER with knowledge of short- hand, exja-rlenred banking, lumper, real eatate and other llnea; speaks Cerman; best of reference; hav nw tjpewrtter; no objection to leaving city. X tlild, Ore gonlan. HoTEL expert accountant and bookkeeper will accept temporary or permanent en gagement: will double, clerk and keen books; highest Indorsements and bond. J 7i. Oregonlan. RAI'ID bookkeeper, stenographer, penman. mercantile, lumber, bank, etc.; long ex perience and ahility; references and bond: temporary or permanent engagement. J 714. tregonian. WILL ACD1T. OPEN, CUSB OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and state tnenta. Install atatems. Cilllnghnm. au ditor. 411 Lewis b'dg. Maraliall 717. BooKK E EPER. young man with 8 years experience, operates typewriter. best or references, wishes position. C 633, Ore gonlan. A Yol'N't'a man wishes a place to work where tner is typewriting ana steno graphic work to do part or all the time; salrtrv no ot.Jert. AH t5l4. Oregonlan. Yol'K books kept, audited, statements by "Xpert accountant, fee is and up per nonth. J :.'. Oregonlan. K.XPERI ENi'ED bookke por wants poaltlon; best references; moaerat salary, o tug, Oregonlan. EXPERT furniture finiaher wanta Job. fur niture store or aruuua nuusea. v tH Oregonlan. ADvn ;t:sexent whiter wants POSITION; H elr LRLMLa. M SJ.l. OPE- ; n i a. iAKL'ENEK t experienced l. requires situa tion: age .'S: willing lo do any odd work. Y 6!-4. Oregonlan liOoD Jatane war.ts poaltlon for root and houaework in small lamuy. jkF otk. Ore gonian. MOVTNO-PtCTCRB operator with maehtn wants situation immediately. B g.lL Ore gonlan. JAPANESE, flrat-class cook, wants posi tion lu prltate lamuy in city or local. II J. Oregonlan. St.iir.I,. mlddie.aged man seeks situation as Janitor or watenman. city relerencea. Phone Marshal! Z3 DRAFTSMAN, exp-r.enced In auto truck design ana aeiaiuus. sanit poaition. L o-ii. Oregonlan. YOUR building. carpentering. repairing wanted t . romrnani wgiaman, reason able. Sellwood 1,61. IIXPFRIENCED man wanta poaltlon aa Jan. I'or or porter; uoa rcicoukca a none Wood lawn f.S. Yot Nvl man would tend furnace In morn ing for furnished room. U Oregonlan. AS collector, aged S. city experience; bond. ... it-.- -rn PR1 NTE R'd apprentice wants poaition in cly shop. i r..t. i.i"inii. JAPANESE cook wanta position In private family. Main t'oi. a i"" jacaneVf: '.o wants an srening Job. lain SITTATIONg W A NTF D M A I.E. Mlace llaoewoa. MUNICIPAL FREB EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 215 Fecond. corner Salmon. Women's department, 243 balmon. AH classes of unskilled, skilled, professional and clerical male and female help fur nished on short notice. No fees charged. Phone Main 36S. A Itia4. r.rnuiv man and wife, no children, lanl' tors; man bandy with tools; would Ilk position In apartments or hotel; start w th small waaea. Mrs. Hcrgmann. a 2:!7. It! It anyone who would glv a seafaring man. 47, sober and steady, all around handy man. lob for the Winter. In return for keep and small wages; i mi, or gonltin. M A N wants work aa fireman, engineer or caring for horses or watenman; gou reference. phon Mr. lrvln. Main s.". VOCN'O man. attending college, desires to fter school. Call or address me, H. 17. B., pop Commonwealth bldg. room SORER and 'eomoetent motion. nlctur op erator wishes position: chance to mak good most desired; location leaser Import ance. write box 111, Oregon t-iiy.ur WANTED Poaltlon as salesman by young ansn of good education and aatiresa oe slring to chang from offlc work. AU 4'.. oregonlan. . 11'iTEI, clerk, lust disengaged, wishes po ttlon. day or night; total abstainer, non smoker; first-class rfernc. H 6-7, Ura- gonlan. I AM 8J and married. I want a poaition aa foreman on big stock rancn anywner in 1". a. or Mexico: best of references. O o4S. Oregonlan. V 1 DOW. light work of some kind at once; no cooking. AO "71, oregonian. WANTED To leach music for room and board. Phone woodlawn J..1. MTTATTQ-Xa WANTED KKMALE. Bookkeepere and Stenographars. STENOtlRAPHER and bookkeeper: lum ber experlanc; Al references. AE 807, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER wanta position for expo rience and some wages; will accept any kind or office worn. N ii:. uregonian YoCNll stenographer wishes permanent po- -11. ... VI ... ..-.? Ore. FANCY gowns from $1): tailored, from 9 .. - I , S a , '1 ..tLraitllnn ,i',r.hl(. Portland referenc IT lid 11 d UlilauU i3 wasnington. a bvw. III! V-1I 1 L' t'l 1 Ann k. Ilia tl a V 12 .Ml day; work guaranteed. Addresa Miss Krlsteraon. (Mi Mississippi ave. Phon Woorllawn 26-3. WAN'TKD Poaltlon aa houaekcetier br widow, also a competent nurse; best ref erences. Call 4-tt Alder si. DRESSMAKINCJ and tailoring by compe tent dressmaker. Phones Main lUsJ. Si'.-.U. DRESSM AKI.V1) and alteration, experienced dressmaker, at homes. Miss Kelly, 63 East ;n.th st. tc'a'T and experienced dressmaker wants sewing by the day, gs.se per oay. l-iione B :KS. DRESSMAKING, l..vo a day; work neatly done. Phone Tabor S3. Nut YOINO UDV. YEARS' HOSPITAL 1 u.v I 1 ', n A.M .-i i nAnor. r i.a VALID OR CHILDREN: DOCTOR'S REF ERENCES. CALL IMPERIAL HOTEL. ROOM 'HO. EXPERIENCED nurse-girt wishes odd Jobs raring for children while mothers Silop. -3c per hour, phone c 4803. WANTED By an experienced nurse, an In valid to care for. Phone Main 101C after A. M. GERMAN nursery governess desires posl. tlon: best of references. AJ US. Or, gonian. AN experienced nurse would like a few more eases, maternity or any awno. bor 819. MATERNITY nurse; best of reference. Phone Woorllawn ST.".). SITUATION wanted as nurs girl In prlvat family. Phone hi j.'40. A OOOD practical nurs with good, refer ences, pnon A 73 is. Moaaea HOUSEKEEPER of hotel or apartment- house manager: stewardess or Infirmary, etc. by educated lady of long experience and buslneas ability: years with last employers. J 73 7. Oregonlan. WANTED Permanent position as house keeper for widower or I or 4 men or chamber work: would tear city. -uss sd St., room 4. BY middle-aged woman as housekeeper for wldotaer; or care of small rooming-house. A J a!". Oregonlan. Ilomeet Ire. A FIRST-CLASS" colored woman pastry cook and a 1 around cook wanta position in private family O' boarding-house. Phon Main .1343 mornings. Mlacel laneaaaa. VuL'NO married couple from England. eek situation In private service, or any place of trust; man experienced chauffeur, and can work around house; wife superior do mestic servant: highest references for English service. Low wages, for good sit uation. . D 67n. Oregonlan. LAUNDRESS would like more eteady work for Tuesday and Thursday. Phone Sell wood 10S11. LADY wishes place where she may be com pany and assist with work evening for room and board. Tabor 8020. EXPERIENCED cook wants position In res taurant, hotel or hospital or position as housekeeper: references, pnone A ai-Qj IOSITION by middle-aged single lady as helper and companion. Phone Marshall 13-C GOOD experienced worker wants work for afternoons; laundry work preferred, AJ 604. Oregonlan. WOMEN wants steady work, washing, Iron ing. Phone Tabor 2M1. LACE curtaina laundered. 25 and Sac called for and delivered. Tabor S17. GIRL wishes position as companion or sec ond girl. 4J-i-i Washington. COMPOSITOR wants steady position in coun try or city. AY "is. Oregonlan. LACE curtujns laundered, expert. Tabor '-'445. C 2.J7. CAPABLE woman will care for sick person and light housework Main B04L YOI.'Nil woman wanta laundry work by hour. Phone SulL 17S7. A VERY good laundress wishes mora steady work. Tel. Tabor 2-X'S. OOOD girl want position cooking and gen eral housework. Marshall ZiO'J. WOMAN wanta work by hour. Hoc. Phone Marshall 10: DAY work. Wednesday and Friday; no H days; good laundress. Main 147. WOMAN wants washing, cleaning, by hour. Main 5220. A f-04rt. Room J. WOMAN wants to take In washing. S E. Morris St. PLAIN sewing by the day; prlc vry reas- onaMe. Phone A r,t2a. OOOD woman wants day work. Tabor R122. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS to sll a good suitable holiday article; liberal commission. O. D. Sher man. 0 Grand ave. Houa WANTED To rent, a modern, unfurnished bungalow, must have furnace, fireplace and yard, good neighborhood, clos In. Phon Tbor 2C4&. Room With Board. TWO young gentlemen deslr board snd room nnrtn of Ollsan. between luth and "'th: private family preferred. Call Mr. Evans. Msrshall "QMS, after 6 this evening. THREE young men wish board and room on West Side, private family preferred; beat of references. I 673. Oregonlan. 61S1EK and brother wish rooms or board and rooms. West Side: prefer private fam llv. AF "4. Oregonlan. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooma. TUB PEEK HOTEL, Eaat 3d and Burnalrle. New fireproof building, steam-heated, hot and cold water and phonea In all rooma; private baths, lobby and parlor; elevator service; rates t3 rr w-eek and up; tran sients eollclted. Phone East 171. NEW OCCIDENTAL. Home comforts, modern conveniences: specii.1 rates to permanent roomers: tran sient trade especially: rooms 7.V5 up: cen tral location; cars to all parts of the city. 1M) First St.. cor. Morrison. Portland. MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Washington. Any room In th house for $5 m week and nothing extra for two In a room; thoroughly modem. VAN" nORDER HOTEL. lOflu, Twelfth St. Marshall 27". In heart of business dlatrlct; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phon In evry room; 81 day and up; 4 week and up. FOR KFNT. Furnished Room. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Sixth and Morrison Sts. Half Block From (.rand Ave. Just Opened. Beautiful outside 1001ns with steam host, electricity, hot and cold running water In every room, $lfi and fno per month. Rooms with private bath 1-0 and 123 per month. Two-room suites, with bath, for two. 840 per month. Beautifully furnished, handaom lobby, best of service. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautiful furnished hotels HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 213-x 4th St. Silt, 4th St. 207S4thSt. tin Fourth St., running from Taylor to Salmon St.; brand-new brick, elegantly furnished; steam hent, private baths, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of th ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, aa we know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tour i st trade solicited. HOTEL CAPLES, Residential. iio Taylor, Transient. Bet. 7tb nnd Park Sts.. Opposite Helllg Theater; central, quiet; rooms from 70c dally, with private hath, from 1 dally; special weekly and monthly rates; suites: new, handsomely furnished brick; elevator, telephone, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot "J" car to Taylor or "W" car to 7tn: from lloyt-street depot, "S" car, transfer on Morrison to 7lh. Phone Marshall li'-'OO. CORDOVA Hotel 11th and Jefferson sts.: brand new brick building: splendidly fur nished: all rooms with telephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths; every effort Is made for the com fort and convenience of Its guests: tho rents are most rasonub!e; rooms by the week, month or day. J" car direct from depot. AKOKT.A HOTEL. 623 Washington st.. opposite Multnomah Athletic Field New brick nuiiuin. an modern conveniences; well regulated resi denrlnl and family hotel: splendid accom modations tor transients: convenient to the buslneas cenfcer and the rates are moa. erate -plenty at. am henO. Marshall 19.'.Q. GRAND UNION HOTEL Uf-i- East Hurnslde. IJve on the East Plde and save money 120 modern rooms, single or en suite; steam heat, hot and cold running water In all rooms: rooms with private bath; rates from 0c to $1.50 per day: 82 to ftt per week, pnone r.aat tiwiv, x 1-1 a. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw. iKnm. v-a ltaiit I fn ll V furnished rooms. alnria or en suite, with "Drlvato bath; hot and cold water, steam heat and "private phone In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates; gnu in conucctiou, stents solicited. HOTEL FORD. "33 Washington, corner Lu cretla St. New brick building, Just com Pleiad; fine large outside rooms with tele . ...u.. ' t r aalthOIlt I") f I V 11 1 baths; now and splendidly furnished; hot ana co:a warer. steam nei, aicn, a Ice; very reasonable rates. HOTEL SAVON. I'M Klventh street. New. modern brick bulldlns. steam-heated, private bathr, hot and cold water In rooma. beautifully furniahed. cozy, com fortable; rent reasonable, t an ami are- us. Regular ana transient iraue lumm HOTEL LA PAI.LE. phone Marshall 33H3. Absolutely fireproof. . Booms by tho day. week or month. Cor. Tenth and Burnslile Streets. Two Blocks North of Washington. SUMMIT HOTEL, 147 13th St., near Alder, In business, dis trict: netalY furnished. steam-heated rooms; a quiet, uummar 1"-' ' "" m . people; permanent, transient; 83 per week ana uu. " RAINIER HOTEL. .. . . Ti-nA. Un ejiit one mock imm iin.u ich...., side rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat: offers special rates to Pennit nent guests; rates f0c to 82 a day; 3.50 ami up per w -r. . ........ - HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for bus . -. nvni. centrally located: elerant rooms: all modern conveniences; Tth and Taylor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main 616. THE GLENDORA. ISth and Couch; nicely furnlsnea ruuma .."b1- -.. . - oe.- month and up; public parlor with piano, pool aud billiard-room free to KUesin 10-MINUTE taalk from P. O., newiy well- fUrillSncu lii ,w.,.. , ,.,.uua. u.nt, furnace heat, reasonable, 2 blocks off car line. 7QS Everett St.. near 22d. LIGHT airy rooms, modern, suites or single, steam hest, 8: and 13 week; 6 minutes' walk to theater ana stores; rree phon. " LIXHEI.L HOTEL. 328 4TH. i.iH(ir warm, double front rooms, suitable fr four men; 81. DO each; r also other rooms, free phone, steam heat, hot bath. 8S7 Taylor. HOTEL BENNETT. Just opened; new furniture, every room modern, steam heat. 226 Taylor. THE W'EAVER. 710 Washington, near 22d Nicely furnished outside rooms, prlvats bsth and phones; board If desired. M b651. THE HAZEL Nicely Xurnlshed rooms at moderate prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. THE Larrabee, 227 Vi Larrabee, modern steam neaiea i"... ,--" ". ow 4.14 SALMON ST.. cor. 12tli; every modern convenience; a. home lor business men. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NEWLY' furnished room, very best bedding. heat hot and cold water, pnone, ciomea closet, $1-1 a morth; 4 blocks off Wash ington. 11" N. 17th st TWO nicely furnished rooms in choice neigh borhood; walking distance: lenuciucii in ferred: one room 813. one $20. Phone Main 5S1S. or call at r.03 Everett St. NOB HILL Large room. heat, electric light, bath and pnone; two meats 11 u alred; 13 mtlnutes walk from 6th; reason able. 6'.i'J Flanders NICELY furnished, steam heated room In modern apartment, close in; gentlemen only. Phone Mar. 2431), or call 2US loth St.. apt. 404. WELL-FURNISHED clean room for gentle man; electric Hunts, furnace neat anu. bath. 70 Flanders. NEWLY furnished room In new Hat, modern conveniences and Deo nt to sleep to. vvais Everett St. PLEASANT rooms, walking distance, good car service, reusonaDio, private iianij. la 11th sL CLEAN, nicely-kept rooms; furnace heat. electric Hums, nam, pnone: an mniir ,.n, forts; use of piano; reasonable. 04 N. Itlth. NICELY-FTRNISHED front room in private family: (ras. pain. 1t1rnn.ee nea, ple.no. phone E. lfll'9, 2 NiCE furnished rooms in private home; reasonable: near car. i. x iiiauiooa. Phone East 22211. JlICELT furnished room, with steam heat and every modern convenience, verjr i sonable. Phon A 4(70. PLEASANT room facing park; bath, te'e- honu. electric llgm. lurnace nri. ark St. LARGE light "room, steam heat, suitable for two. also small single room. Phone Marshsll 3o trying st. FRONT rooms, newly furnished: furnac leat. hot and COid water, aery t.ia 10- 214 1.1th at. DELIGHTFUL steam-heated room with aleeping porcn. pot water on - a tot mtiii. rent reasonable. W eaiO-egonlan ELEGANT neatly-famished rooms suitable for two. with privilege iitot iiue-irai if desired. t.ievemn at. j JUAKiiE. Unlit rooms, runnlna; aaler. furnace l-.eat. cheap rent. j-t mn ?' NEWLY furnished rooms, reasonable, walk ing dlstsne.. aH. an st. 554 4TH PT. Neatly furnished houaekeep- ina rooms, pnone aiain o-.t. A l.AKUR front room, suitable for- one or two. ll'. l-im. XK.'EI.Y furnished front room, walkln dis tance. :i- o si KOdM.S silitahle for one or two; heat, phone. bath: waiKing m'"1. -i-." NEATLY furnished bedroom: aas i.hore: tl.'S per week. 4U'.) Cth st. .. . l.- t.e. for rent In steam-heated apartment. waiKins; oiauine. mi . .. . . . 1 , 1 twt.rH arenrlemnn only, references reaulred. 291 W. rark. BATLT furnished sleeplntc room, stove heat, bath and phone. 1 Yamhill. NK'TKI.Y furnished room. 57 Trinity place. between iwtn anq -un. ONH furnished room. vimtmns a u, o weeK. '" B1.I1UI.1..11. ( NK"EUY furnished room, t month; bath. heat. waiKins: oiatwin". 7.1 to 18 ner week; -tentlemen preferred; 1 dealrable location. 305 12th St. N1C . . v , . . mnm all convenience. do In. 2-is 10th -. BWar Balmon. FOR RENT. Famished Booms In Frlvate Famlly FINELY furnished rooms, private home, bath, phones, hot water hut. ranging In price from t2..ri0 per week up. 414 Mar ket, corner 11th.. S blocks from Olds. Wortman A King. HERE YOU ARE. Swell room In modern brick steam heat ed private apartment. S mlnutea' walk from Poatofflce; gentleman only. Mar shall 234B. FRONT ROOM, all modern conveniences, furnace heated. Jewish home: will make some Jewish young man comfortable; rent reasonable; walking distance. 43s 3d st. Main471; . . . Id MONTH, furnished rooms, phone, bath, electric lights, suitable for one or two. walking distance, near carllne. 4- Har rison. ' STEAM-HEATED ROOM. Unusually attractive and modem in every way. 12th and Columbia. Call Mrs. Layman. Main 7741. PLEASANT, light outside corner room for rent; electric lights, bath, phone; close In. 660 East Main, corner 13th. East 4 720. TWO well-furnished rooms reasonable. SO North lilt it. near Washington. Room With Board. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, clos' In, near car. 4 blocks from r. o. American pian LAM HER SON, 634 Couch St.. cor. lith: very desirable, clean rooms with steam heat and running water; good board; fin lo tatlon for business men. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Rooma with board, use of sewing-room, library. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath, supt- THE CALVARD 452 Morrison, cor. 13th at. Well furnished rooms, and board. CHOICE rooms with board, modern conven iences, home cooking. 33 N. 17th. THE MANITOL 261 13th St. Pleasant rooms, excellent board. Main 1194 ELEGANT room, facing Park, reasonable; can accommodate two boarders. 374 Park. Booms With Hoard in Private Family. LARGE, finely furnished room, suitable for one or fto; private family; all conven iences free; with or without board. West Bide, close In. Marshall 2424. 2S0 14th st, BOARD and room at 629 Everett at.: fur nace, phone, reasonable terms: also one large attic room, suitable for two or tnree young men. BTRICTLY modern, newly furnished rooms, large or single, 7 minutes" walk to P. O. ; home cooking, nicely located. 427 Clay, near Ilth. Phone Marshall 39.i". VERY pretty front comer room, nicely furnished, with board: West Side, walk ing distance; best home cooking. Main 32sO. BEAUTIFUL steam-heated room, 1 or 2 gentlemen, walking distance, comforts of home, board If dealred. 713 Wayne. Main 7V)7. WANTED Children to cere for In a nlc home: can give reference. 830 E. sth st. North, near Failing. LARGE front room with board, suitable for two or three, modern. desirable. home privileges. 2u8 N. 23d St. Main .S27. 20 EACH; beautiful front room for two; all new. modern conveniences. SH 17th St.. between Everett and Flanders sts IN SMALL family; warm room, board near, business woman preferred. E. Salmon near l.ith. V 643. Oregonlanj NICELY furnished front room with board for two. private home, modern, references. 334 Halsey st. E. 1371. 83 ROOM for two, board optional, home comforts. 171 Ella St.; first residence south of Wa-lilncton. NEWLY furnished rooma, all outside, with bath: good board; 2 or 3 Christian friends; walking distance. S76 Williams ave. COMFORTABLE rooms with board, furnace h ea t. gas, elc. 4H7 Montgomery st. LARGE rooms and board: well furnished; furnace, phone. East 4US8. Hassalo st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, everything modern, walking distance. East 6023. PLEASANT rooms, single or double; good board- 618 GUsan sL NICE room with excellent board at 123 23d street N. Phon A 1003. NICELY furnished rooms with board. East 15th st. Phone East 4631. Apartment. JULIAETTE APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished, 2d and Montgomery; now ready; private phones, disappearing beds, water coil, refrigerator; steam heat, mod ern laundry and dryer; latest system of ventilation: rent 820 to 2. Also Irlat 3d and Mill: 4 and B rooms. $30 to $40. THE MORDAUNT. W have one unfurnished 4 rooms and large reception hall, all outside rooms, close In. loth and Everett, opposite chrla tlan Scientist Church. Phone A ISO", Main 61(46. WINSTON APARTMENTS. 841 14th ... near Market New comer brfclt. ready for oc cupancy December 1. AU bright. outBide rooms; two and three-room suites com pletely furnished for houaekefpinp. $25 to f S7.60. For Information. Main 1739. THE AME1UCA.V. 21st and Johnson sts., walking distance; finest apartment In Northwest; 4 and 5 rooms; every convenience; free phone; all outside, daylight rooms. Apply on pr sm iles, or call Marshall 3300. GRAND ESTA. furnished apartments. Grand ave. and East Stark st,: new brick bid?.; 8-room splendidly furnished apts. ; elec tric elevator and every modern conven ience; close-In location, best of service; very reasonable rent. CECILIA APARTMENTS, 22d and GUsan sts. ; best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service, also eny walking- distance; 3-room apt., with bath; modern conveniences; very reasonable rent. THE B JELL AND, loth and Lovejoy a and 4-room unfurnished apartments, strictly modern, brand new. f3t, $35 and 40, in cluding; phone, heat and water. Phon A lfc7 or Main 1867. HISLOP HALL, furnished apartraents. Haw thorne a vo. and East 6th st. New brick building, splendidly furnished. 8-room apurtments, modern conveniences. very reasonable rent, best of service. ORDERLEIGH APARTMENT.1?, ft 2 Grand Ave., cor. East Stark. Nicely furnished two and three-room apartments, modern, prices reasonable; walklnjc distance. Phone East 3m. THE M' KIN LEY, 42I E. Morrison, corner of 7th. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private baths, moderate price, new m'gt. KINGSBURY Apartments. 138 Ford St., near Washington Ei-t?ant new oricK Duiiaing. complete and modern, private balconies, b'st of servlre; 4 rooms with bath $4t. BT. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Clair: 2 nlceiy furnished S-room apartments and one unfurnished 3-roora -apartment; free phone lu each apartment. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, Zlst and Hoyt; 4-room aparinieiii itn jirnmw ui cony; very desirable and convenient In every way and reasonable rent. THE WESTFAL. 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern apartments; walking dis tance; prices reasonable; no children. PARK APARTMENTS, 3C3 Harrison; beau tiful 3 ana -rM'ri. luniinut-a nimrimrin; walking distance; b-st of service. Phone Marshall 3070. THE Lillian Apartments, cor. Cth and Mont gomery : nanuenmiNy iurui-uca a-rMiii ant., all outside rooms, private hath and phone, walking distance. Marshall 137S. THE CHETOPA ANNEX, ISth and Flanders tt ana - ""'in "-"- " ajioi liucihs, furnished and unfurnished; new furniture, new building. Apply to Janitor. HANTHORN APARTMEaVTS, 251 12th st. pear ;. ---.-v -private balcony, every modern conven ience, 135.00: two sleeping compartments. THE CARMAFt 704 Lovejoy HI. Furnished and unfurnished, modern, up- to-date inn tno uepi, reaaotiaDie. GRVCE Apt.. 24th and Northrup sts 8- rooin apt., front veranda and sleeping porch, privaie unon-. not-watr neat. ONE very desirable modem six-room apart ment, the St, Clair. 7JS Wayne u l'hon Main "0- ITbSI A RLE Furnished or unfurnished spartment. private bath and phone. East 4 1 03. . WANTED Two respectable youns; men to snare four-room apartment at Highland Court. Phone Marshall 81S1. VERANDA apartments Two or three larse, llltht rooms, clean and neatly furnished, rent reasonable. 554 East Madison st. BRAINTREE Eleg-ant 5-room apartment. 5-room West tide. walKlng- oiat.tnce: rent reason able. Main 7741. -"a.. 1-tli St. COLL'MBI N lurnl3hed apartments, lltn and" Columbia 3 rooms newly furnished, $.'12.50; nuperb iocetlon, best of service. .,s so sUNLIfiHT apartments; elegant 3 '"rooms, furnished. 1295 Belmont. Tabor four-room furnished suites, one five-room, unfurnished, all modern. 15th and Everett:Maln 11M5. TUl- ttt.mS it and 8-room apartments, fur nuihed: 101 14th st. Main 0444. v. . T 649 Washington street Steam htatPhon Marshall 452. EONCEModera apts.; Nob BUI district; convenient to a ... - - - -- wnnTlRN 4-room apt. and sleeping porch. Brya ila-a-r, 185 Eaat 15tb. near Tamhlll, FOB BENT. Apart men Is. THE IRVINliTON. ltith and Hancock. Beautiful new building. 6-room apart ment, private porch, sleeping porch, fire place, hardwood floors.- tile bath, large closets, hot water heat, among beaU.Uul homes and fine car service; rent 845. F. E. BOWMAN as CO.. Owners. 22(1 and Braxee. E. 933. C 2322. THE BARKER, cor. 21t und Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4 -room suites: reception hail, electric, automatic elevator. Holimts disappearing beds, built in buff"t and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closet room, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, como to the Barker. I'honn A 1744. Marshall 21M1U TRINITY PLACE APARTMENT3 Trinity Place, between 10th and 20th. Just off Washington. Just finished; most magnificent apart ments on the Pacific Const; location ideal: rentals reasonable; every modern con venience; hiKh-class service; references require!, i-none .viarsnan HEINZ APARTMENTS 14th and Colum bia. 4 blocks south from Morrison St.. new brick building, completely first-class, furnished In 2, S and 4-room family apart ments: private bath, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner, jnnitor service; rent per month. -. 30. 840 and up; must be seen to bo appre ciated. THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rental reasonable: every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden: both phones In an apartments; high-class service: references required. - Main 2276 and A 705 1. THE EVERETT, 644 EVCreit St. New and elegantly furnished apart ments: S rooms, reception hall and sleep-lug-porch: automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located In one of the choicest residence districts, sur- . V... l,n,1.a- H 1 k 1 O IT tl I S- rounueu. uj :i.t,aua .....-. - 111 ilea. MEREDITH. 2 S. 4. 5-room furnished apartments .i. .i. eni.bAo. n-ntwinir distance: rea sonabie. 22d and Wash. sts. Main "130. UPSHUR APARTMENTS 20TH A,M) l i crii.1. , . . . Thorouehly modern S-room unfurnlsneo apartments. J20; 4 rooms. $25; this In ailudes shades, steam heat, hot and com wattr. gas ranges, private Pacific tele phones and Janitor service. Apply premises. LUCRETIA COURT. unfurnished, a class bv themselves. see tnent. Lucieo-'..- ti'nah o to & rooms, all large." light and outside: large closets and baths; hardwood floors, free phonea In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr. itit shall l.'i'JSt. Janitor. Marshall l."P. miKi-M. ipibtmestS. on Washington street, between 16th and 17th; S rooms with bath, unfurnished, modern conveni ences, steam heat, on nrsi n'. e-ont narlor could be used as business of fice. Apply or phone A. H. Kerr, car Wadhams & Kerr tsros. ' 730 EVERETT STREET. One new, elegant apartment of six large outside moms: finest In city; reasonable rent; walking distance. KING HILL APARTMENTS, 171 King St. 4. B, 0-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. West Park and Columbia sts.. one choice 3-room un ' furnished. and one 2-room fJi'shed apartment. an mouein - choice location, only 5 minutes' walk from . nr.nlH - T-n n fl 8Tr. DUsintss -e.ii.-. , lv " 1 tlili iJi-r----'a-'"- 2S lftTH ST., NEAR TA TLOR. ONE ELEGANT 6-ROOM VNFUR NISHED APARTMENT. A-J-,i- X --' -a-a. -3 CH ESTER BURY APARTMENT, corner o !ith and Kearney; elegant, newly iur niched front apartments. every conven ience; board it desired; references. Mar- TUt' TI-FINTA VISTA. Cor. l.cn anu nm A 2-room comer apt., furnished; every modern convenience; rcsuu-f rrences rcquirca. HADDON HALL, cor. 11th and Hall sts.. B and 4-room furnished apts.. rrvat hath, phone and balcony porches, 530 up. Phone Marshall 1171. I ED Art ril L.L. Ar.-n i.'-y . . . n . nitr-npt un v furnish Runny o-roum -i-"-. v. ----- . ed; concrete bldg.; 1 blk-. ath 23d and Avasn. ia u-reen -- BAN MARCO Apartments, B. &th and Couch; brick, modern, 3 rooms. batb. and phone. ,' IO l.lV. v. tl 1 l Jl. I UJ. THE MARLBOROUGh 21st and Glanders; walking distance; one -5-roonx apt. Main 7516. - Flats. THE 1RVINGTON. juxn ana hhiiuu,i. 5-room flat, new building, hot water neai xurnisnea, .inruouuvi .--, - -place, tile bath. largo closets, private porches and aleeping porch; gas range fur nished. F. E. BOWMAN fc CO., Owners. 22d end Brazee. E. m5, C 2322. THOROUGHLY MUDERN ITLATS. Front and Gibbs Sts. $13 and $20. 6-room flats, gas and electricity, large bathtubs and washtubs, range and gas plate and the shades In. Apply at the drug store, corner Front and Gibbs sts., or at Gevurtz & Sons, Second and Yamhill sts. FOR RENT In select neighborhood, up-to-date flat, lower corner, & rooms and attic room; furnace, fireplace, gas' range, drying-room, hardwood floors, etc.; at 24 North 26th. corner Northrup; adults; references. Owner, 875 Northrup. FIVE-ROOM fiat, 7S2 Glisan St.; new build ing hardwood floors, fireplace, gas range, watTheater. furnace, etc. ; $32.50. Keys at flat. Morgan, Flledner & Boyce. ALMOST new upper 5-room fiat, clean, light rooms, heated by furnace; haa fireplace, porch and walking distance; rent $.10 month. Call 441 11th st. LOWER 5-room. close in. strictly modern, reasonable rent to right party. 292 College. phone Mar. B-78. MODERN 5-room flat, wood and gas range, whidow shades. 209H Halsey, $20 per onth; near stec. -r,us-. MODERN 5-room flat two blocks north Steol pridgeV fronting river, 292 Margin, $U2.uO per niortth VnDPRX flat. 6 rooms and bath. 733 hi Hoyt st.. near 2nd. Apply 1Si 6th st. Main e-is. ininc.nM VI. ATS. E and6 rooms, waikinc distance; rent very reasonable. Marshall Ho-l. FOR RENT Modern T-room flat, 444 Park St.; fireplace and furnace; $37.50; no chil dren, pnone tnuui MODERN 6-room flat, walkine distance, 3 blocks from Steel bridge. .UO", McMillan st. C" 2183. 4-KOOM upper flat, nicely furnished; piano phone and water, close in. Number 6 East llftll St. -orin. FURNISHED flat. B rooms and bath; no children. 400 4th . eTKOOM flat, modern, 607 th st. 14 block from car. Jtor RENT 5-room flat, bath and furnace. 50" salmon. my A s-ROOM lower modern flat. 4 blocks from Steel brklne. Inquire Bl': Halsey. t2t TO -'5: well-furnished very desirable ana a-room ii.i. im . . LOVELY 4-room flat, furnace; 2Sth and E. w-a a- . o n. T-i 1 A T f 3 Irving, r-noug NI 'ELY furnished flat, on 23d st. North, West Side, phone Sellwood 1047. . . ... flat nWrn 177 1- 4-KOOil upper -"'" - ,, , 'tQ"cV - Green ave.. near - u. . am a-.j. 4-;i WEST PARK; S-room Bat, bath; $15; Jjvatcr garbage free. FIVE-ROOM modern flat; adults. 606 Bel- mont. near 15th. FOR RENT s-room modern flat, close In. Inquire 585 Everett. mi inFRV 5-room flat, furnished or un Mrnishe.8tandA3h.B 200S. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat. 1S5H 16th. Apply ioi 111". i-1- c... ....... Housekeeping Booms. 850 u MORRISON ST.. furnished apartments, steam heat, elevator, all conveniences; CAMBRIDGE, furnished, unfurnished, housekeeping rooms. $3 week up. Room 86, 8d ana Morrison. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In M VVX" bldg Phore Woodlawn jhp7 or imv. HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms; steam h,.t bath and phone. 75 North 14th st. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, bath, phone. 48H Washington. THE GLENDORA.- ltfth and Couch: house keeping rooms, iiu - " - FOR RENT 3 ur.turnished housekeeping rooms, modern. 405 Halsey st. FOB BENT. Howsekeeplng Boom. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free: J15 per month up; a clean place, best In the city for the money; -short distance from TL'nlon Depot. Take "S" or 16th-st, cars north, get off. at Marshall st. No dogs. $3 S'ER WEElt for a pleasant housekeep ing room; $4.50 per week for a fine suite of two housekeeping rooms. These are ex ceptional bargains, only 6 minutes' walk from down town, lbi Stout su, one block outh of Washington st- "l.50 TO S2 SO WEEK; clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, free laundry, bath, phone, clcun linen, heat. 4uu Vancouver ave. and 23 4 Stanton; take U car. KlNt'iLE room, well furnished and clean; gus range, furnace h-at, plenty hot water; a week. 170 N. ltith st. NEW YORK. 7th and Belmont, new brick steam-heated, furnished and unfurnished apartments; ld up; walking distance. TWO large unfurnished front rooms for light housekeeping, on Belmont st. : $1-: nhoneSuildayB 1503. Monday Tabor 23.. J7ea"tLY furnished housekeeping rooms. $16 and $1S aulte. -IM". Wnsliington St. Houoekeepius Kuoms In I'rlvate Family. 2.-Four completely furnished rooms, de sirable neighborhood, walking distance; private bulb, and phone. Call forenoons. l'.'S East 10th St.. near Morrison St. East r,.iil. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms In private family: all conveniences; heat, light and telephone; walking distance. 14. Grand avenue North. NICELY lurnlfihed housekeeping front rooms on ground floor, fireplace, gas. hath; two carllnes; pleasant neighborhood, il- East Taylor, phone Eaat 52i0. ONE large, well-furnished housekeeping room and kitchen, electric light, bath, telephone, water and gas range, free, $o."0 a week; $15 a month. 808 4th st. 2 NICE rooms, kitchen and furnace heat, bath, phone; $-17.50. Also two single, rooms for light housekeeping, $3 and $4.50 per week. S47 Hall St. , .'THREE beautifully furnished housekeeping rooms, furnace heat, not, com wood and gas range, fireplace. laundry. 3 beds, piano, first floor. 4i Clay. SUITE of two rooms, newly furnished, eleo tric lights, furnace, heat, bath and gas. 1113 East Clay. Phone Tabor 3504. Fl'KNISHED and unfurnished rooms tor housekeeping; heat, water, light and fuel, gas Included. 5S7 Madison st- CLEAN. nicely furnished housekeeping and Bleeping rooms; heat, light, bath and phono free. 4o7 Columbia st. . THREE clean, light, furnished housekeep ing rooms, modern, $10 month. 69 Front. 290 BENTON. 2d floor frurnlshed for house keeping: private family; separate entrance, water, light and heat free; $5 week. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single and en suite; clean, reasonable. 18S N. 15th. ; HIGH CLASS new 8-room suite, hot and cold water, electric lights, gas range, furnace heat. 70O Flanders. TWO nicely furnlBhed rooms, bath, gaa range, sink, electrlo lights and phone. 105 Morris st. Phone C 1173. ELEGANTLY furnished housekeeping room In prvate family (Brooklyn car). 675 E. Uth South. NEWLY papered and painted furnished housekeeping rooms. Phona B 1180. 475 E. Burnslde. VERY desirable sunny front 2-rom suite, newly furnished complete for housekeep ing CLEAN, light, well-furnished housekeeping. rooms. UU3 0th st- S54 CLAY; unfurnished housekeeping rooms; no children. Main 7147. ONE or two furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, yard. 450 Yamhill. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $10 per month. 823 Montgomery. THREE desirable rooms completely fur nished for housekeeping. 641 fith st. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67 ' North 14th. Davis-Everett. FURNISHED housekeeping suite of 3 rooms, as North 14th St. 2 NEWLY furnished front rooms, housekeep Inc. ga. bath, phone. 3'.0 Montgomery. TWO furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. ni3 Irving, near join. PLE.SA.NT. light housekeeping room, every convenience, walking distance. 3tf 1 Huh ft. NICE furnished housekeeping rooms to let. fl per week up. 435 Main St.. cor. 12th St. TWO completely furnished rooms for house keeping; reasonable rent. 275 N. ..1st at. SUITES of two rooms, clean, airy, phones, bath, walking distance. 407Ho!Iaday ave, DESIRABLE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, walking distance. 893 6th st. S13 14TH. corner Clay; choice 2 and 8-room furnished housekeeping suite, reasonable. lTouse THE GREATER MEIER Ac FRANK STORK RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAL. Home hunters, visit our up-to-date ren tal and Information department, 4tb floor, main building, and see the vacancies w have listed of desirable houses and flats. You'll save time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep in touch with all vacant houses, flats and apart ments tn the city. We also keep a list of new buildings in course of construction. The combined lists of all real estate deal ers. This Information Is absolutely free. "WHEN YOU WANT TO BENT A HOUSE SEE US." THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. $12.60 MODERN 6-room cottage on slght lv lot; $20, modern 8-room house, E. 33d St.; $25, on York St., near 23d. These ere nice modern homes and are offered nt low rent. Western Sec. Co., 414 Spald ing bids. 8-ROOM house. 418 Prescott St.. 2 block from Union ave.; lot 100x100; chicken house and yard, fruit, near Hyland School, fine basement, gas range, $25 month. This Is a snap. Phone Woodlawn 8223, C 2J2U. IN IRVTNGTON. A beautiful new home, dandy furnace. farden. sleeping porch, etc.; owner leav ng for South; rent cheap. 450 E. loth st. North. 4-ROOm" houne and almost an acre of land set out in fruit; Bull Run water: i oiock from Woodstock school and 6 blocks from W. W. car; $10 per month. Call 414 Spalding bldg. or phone Main 412!. FOR RENT Modem 8-room house, close In on Hawthorne ave.; beautiful yard and roses; rent only $30. Call for key HOT Yeon Bldg. HOUSE, 6 rooms. $1S; near Brooklyn School, two carlroes. Beacon and nun. Lan r lsn er. next door, or 653 East Uth at- Phone Sellwood 873. . S-BOOM modern cottage on Kearney St., bet. 21st and 22d; key at no ivearney. Call before 10 A. M. Tel. Main 2S42. Rent $-5 per month. ; COTTAGE. II rooms, in good repair, 2'iS Caruthers st.; rent $18 per montn. j. w. Ogllhee. room 11. 145H 1st st. FOR RENT 8-room house; large grounds; ail kinds or iruit; rent rtaouimuic, n, give long-time lease. Phone Tabor 1562. 5-KOOM modern house, furnished or unfur nished, 1391 Burrage Bt. a. j-.ouge, nt. John ear. Woodlawn 182i. MODERN G-room house, with bath and fur nace; desirable location, t-au woo xtroau wny for key. FOR RENT 4-room house at Mount Tabor,. near carllne; montn. Apply owner, Rhelnpfalz Hotel, room 96. 6-ROOM cottage, attic, bath, furnace. Call HO l-J. inn. X -none, j.ctat -i.. COTTAGE. 5 rooms aud bath. Inquire 42 E. 15th st. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, 658 Vaughn st. Phone .Main -ujiu. $j- 7-room house, porcelain plumbing, fur nace, gas, eiecu '.i-i. ? rmnc c... $j0 5-ROOM cottage. ner.r Washington, on Hist. Key at o- iai j,oiiu. j fo jTptboM house, yard. 524 Mill, near lllth st. COTTAGE 5 rooms and bath. Portland Heights. Phone Main 8216. $30 MONTHLY rent buys home; no first payment necessary. Owner, East 2741. ItiH HENT b-room house. 462 Hall at-, $27.50. Phone A 8102. blX-ROOM modern; small yard, good view; rent reasonable. Main 1P6D. BE "tUTIFUL new bungalow In Irvlrgton; a n Ideal home. Owner. P 835. Oregmian. Fijmlshed House. e-(j 5-ROOM new modern flats, newly com- pletv furnished. 572 Mill St. Mala 6447. A 2'.Sn. MutiEI-iN house, 4 rooms; only small fam ily of adults, with no dog, need apply. Call 40 lHth ft. VA"T SIDE, six-roam cottage, clean, well furnished. $35; references. Phone Mar shall 101. . 5-ROOM new bungalow, furnished. 1113 Di vision ; $35 ft month. Tabor 2143. 7-ROOM house, well furnished, block from gellwood car, rent $30. Sellwood 1203. FURNISHED complete. S-room house, piano, large grounds. Phono A 1641. apt. 104. NICELY furnished 4-room flat; walking -114- tance. 444 Rouney ate. runc toaa -.o a ROOMS, $10. C. TV. Wei'"- Stewart' Sta. Mt. Bcott Una, Tabor 690. 1 A fev.i. at ae-i. ... 1