TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1911. BUY IN CALIFORNIA Eastern Hop Dealers Operate in Southern State. PURCHASES ARE EXTENSIVE Cheaper Cl. of Good. Available Thre Than In Orrgon Local Trading I Lleht Condi tions In Kn gland. Raster hp dealers bar. turned tblr attention to California. A wire received ye terday reported th purehmM of l'X) bale of mediums at price averaclng 41 cent. This burins; followed the parchae of a tjnl- lar quantity on Tuesday. Toes estenetv transactions bar reduced the stock of hop In growers hands In California to about 7WX bales. The activity la the Southern state Is ae counted for by tha fact that a cheaper and of hops Is available there than In Or-son. Here, nothlna of a marketable quality la to be had under 43 cents. Ths transference of the market to Call fornla tlll hare no bad effect on the sltua tion locally. Tha best rade of heps Is to be had only In this state, and when ths poorer California hops are out of the way, in Oregon market should be stronger than erer. The -n-t was oulet yesterday. H. L. Bents bousht a JO-bale lot from Otto Knorr. .f Aurora, at 43 cents. An an-bal. lot of choir independence hops was sold at 43 cent. Market conditions In England are reported by the Kentish Observer of November 23. as follows: Imports of hops last week. SMS cwt.: In rerrespomltnr week 1110. 0"O cwt. Exports last week. 123 cat. The auppllrs of new hops are setting more -trtrfed e,erv week, ami homers are asa Ins; still higher prices. Home will not enter tain present offers, even though these show an advance of quite l rer oat. on the week. Where sales are effected the range of values la from III 13s to 13 tor fca.t K.ni.: ill IX. tn I IJ for Mld-Kenta: ill lis to III for TVealds; (11 to 111 lis for o usees: tin 13s to 111 ins Tor ramnams: and ill Be to ilS S for Worcester. There I. an actlr Inquiry for Belgians and old Kngllsh or anything that can he obtained af low figures. English yearling, are of fered at l 15s to 110 ins. and old olds at 3 to I. American hop continue to ad vanre In value. At Canterbury on aturday factors quoted to growers 111 IS to 112 10 as tha price for best qualltlea. There was no new feature at Worcester, where very few hop were on offer, mer chant havlna great difficulty In meeting their requirement.. Full prices were readily paid for all grades. RrTrTXKRIE LOWKR HOAR I-RICF. N Ve Diss I the local Joholnc Qwotatlow. Refinery prlcea of sugar bav been re duced another 10 cents, but the refinery list Is still a dim above that quoted by the local Jobbers. It Is expected there will be another cut of lo cent In refinery quota tions today, and after that the local mar ket wilt follow closely any change an nounced by the refiner. Bom Interesting figure on th European sugar beet situation are given In tha No vember bulletin of the International Insti tute of Agriculture, They show an Increase In the area planted this year over last year, the acreage In lain being 1. 331.146 hectare and la llt. 1.307.1; hectares. Th pro duction this year, however, la only T7. per rent af last year's. The yield. In quintals, of th several countries follows: l11. 1I1". Prussia BS.r.M.45 Peislura U7i H.Klf" l-enmark 41 77 7.3M.7:S llangary not tnclud Ing Croatia and tilaronlal I :ilww I 7? Ml Roumanla s.onn.oon .l.o1.3.-. rtu-ela ISO 42.YK71 I2.T 1-7S Hervta .............. 1.2S7.0OO 639.043 Total .224.1IS.100 "wi.0I,SS MAI.L mTniET IN ORAIV TRAITB Tli ass ml for Wheat I Slack and Keller Ara lew. There wag hut small Interest shown la th grain market yesterdsy. Wheat trad ing waa Tory quiet, with former price of fered for club and blues tern. The demand was slack and seller were also Indifferent. Tha oat and barley markets were dull and steady. Local receipts. "n cars, were reported by th Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hay Monday an 1 e.t Tnesday 7 7 13 Wednesday ... 7 1 1 ' 14 Thursday 44 4 14 Tear ago inc 7 11 5 10 H'ason to date. '. 1 1?-2 I2 141 Year ago no; li'9 634 109 KWtlPTS OF F4j; ARK INCRKAMNO I'snarr Price N Laager OWalnable Poul try Market Firm, ' Receipt of eggs yesterday from Valley point wer th largest of the season, and as a result prlcea were marked down. At th former high quotation stocks tended to accumulate. Buyers are Inclined to hold back aa th prtc weaken and only pur chase from hand to mouth. Th poultry market waa firm. Chicken receipt wer light and full price wer at tained. Ducka and geese also sold well, but the demand for live turkeya was light. Veal receipts wer a Uttla heavier, but firm price wer realised. Pork was steady. There wer no new development In th dairy produc market. Cheee was firm and butter waa about steady. CANNED MTLK AT VXRY LOW PKICX Caadeaasra Cat th IM ta Order ta Werk Off Oarplna. This would eem to be a good time, not only for th retailer, but also for th con sumer, ta lay In a supply of condensed milk, A series of prtr cuts haa been mad by th manufacturers, which ha brought th market down to a very reaannabl basia. On brand waa offered yesterday at 33.03 In single eaere and 33-43 In ten-cas lota and ao kind waa held over $3-. The reduction was made in order to work off the surplus held by the conden.era. Th production In October was unusually heavy and the manufacturers found they wer carrying more stock than convenient. J.4F.I X T.S K ORANCFJt AGAIN PLENTIFUL lArge sblpmewt Arrives aad 1 Quoted Laser Thaa First Lot. A larg shipment of Japanese oranges, about a car and a half, was received yes terday. They were quoted lower thaa th first shipment, at 31-40 a bundle. Rip bananaa wer acarce. as only thre cars arrived thla week. No mart ar du until Monday, owing to th delay In for warding at th ii!; port. There waa a gor1 mand for apples of all grid's at firm prlcea Cltrua fruits alsa movrd welL Navela wer firmer In Cali fornia, There was a fair trade In vegetable, of wblth th supply was good. Bask Clearta. -Rank clearings of the Northwestern eltleg veaterday wer aa follow: Clearinr. Palancea Portland 8L7I3.S33 3 B3 WO .-ieattla 1.770.WW I II. 7 Tacoma HSI0 24 TOJ r-pokan 87d.13 67.343 rORTUXD MARKET. Grain, Hoar. reed. Etc WHEAT Export tails: Bluest am, 31c: club. 1c: red Russian. 7e; Valley. To v.eniH ' 7to TUOVK Patents. 14.50 per barrel atralghta. S4.0S; exports. 3.0: Valley. 14.50; graham. MBS: whole wheat. CORN Whole. $37; cracked. I38 per ton. uiiijiti its Bran. I-i Der ton: mia. dlings. til: shorts. $J4: rolled hsr:ey. 3d. . Tfi 1 whit t '1 1 Tm f ton. HAT No. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy. $1 C1S.SO: No. 1 Valley. $153 1: alfalfa, 1J S14: clover, lilgi:: gram. i-v'. BARLET Feed. J5JI7 per loa; brewing. nominal. Vegetables and Fruits. Tnsirl. FRT-ITS Orange. navels. I2.7;: Japaneae. $1.4 per bundle: Call- lornia grapeiruii. tiii. fruit. tZ U 4.'-: banana. Ssiltt per pound: lemons. 10i per box: pomegranates, fl.5 twtr hnT- MrilmmoDL 1 1.6 C per box. FRESH FK11TS Pears. 60cl-0 per box: grapes. 11.Itgl.al per eu. grapes. 460 H per barrel: cranberries. S11.S401 per barrel; casabaa, 1.0 per crate. APPI-ES Jonathans. 1.S0S.;B per box; Spltsenberg. $18 3.00. Baldwin. 73c$l.W); Red Cheek Pippin. $1. -in 1.70: Northern Hpy. $l;o1.70: winter Banana. $i; B-l:noer. i.iJ l.:i. sack V EG KTABL.ES Carrota $1 par sack: turnips. $1: beets. $1; parsnips. $1. POTATOES Buying prices: Burbsnks, POcfitl JO per hundred: sweet potatoes. 2.W per crate. ONIONS Jobbing price. $1.V per sack. VKliETARl.KS Artichoke. c per doxen : beans. lOtjUSc; cabbsge. lSUo P" pound: cauliflower. $1.B0WI per crate; cel ery. 7.1c 01 per doxrn: fallfomla. $4 per crate: cucumber. l.ao J 1.71 per doxen: egg plant. 124c per pound: garlic, HO 10c PT pound; lettuce. 607.c per doxen: peppers, t lc pe- pound: pumpkins. 181e Pr pound; radishes. 80c per doxen: sprouts. 10c: squash. 11c per pound; toma toea. 31.70 per box. 6taple (jrocwrtea. SALMON Columbia Klver, 1-pound talis. 33.25 per doxen; S-pound talla 2-; pound flats. 3X40; Alaska pink, 1-pound tails. 3133. COFFEE Roasted, la drums. 29H4uo per pound . HONET Cbolc. 38.73 per case; trained honey. 10c per pound. SALT Granulated. 313 per too: balf ground. V. $.SO per ton: SO. $ per ton, NUTS Walnuts. l91o per pound: Braxil nuta 140 13c; filberts. 1413c; al monds. IStlllec; pecana. lc: eocoanuta. 800 tf$l per doxen: chestnuts. 124c per pound; hickory nuta eeioc per pound. BEANS bma.l white. 4 He; larg whit. 4"c; Lima. 7ic: pink. 81c; jlextcana. 6So; bayou. 3c- . RICE No. 1 Japan, 4ie: cheaper grades, 8 30 4.S3c; ' Southern bead. 367c: Im ported Imperial. Ic; Imported extra No. 1. loJSc ... 8LOAK Refinery prices: Dry granulated. 3.s: fruit and berry. $4.10: beet. t.W; extra C. $; powdered, barrels. $0.76; cubes, barrels. $ 90. DRIED FRl'TT Apples. 14o per pound; aclcota llHc; peachea. 123,14ei prnnes. Italtaa. lOSOIOVc; silver. lc; figs, whits and black, $4(14': currants, lo lie; rajs Ins. loos Muscatel. 'THc; bleached Thompson. HHe: unbleached Sul taaas. 14c; seeded. 4c; dates, Per sian. ISo per lb.; Ford. $1. per box. . Dairy and Country Prwdaca. BUTTER Oregon creamery butter, solid park, $: prints, extra; butter fat, lo les than solid pack prlcea POULT RT Hens, lie: Springs. 1414fec: dnrka. voung. lnc; gec. i;wj3c; turkta allvo. ;oc: dressed, choice. 21c. EU7S Fresb Oregon ranch, candled. 4So per doxen. CHEKSE Fresh Tillamook Oata, 17 17Hc; Young Americas, ll4c, PORK Fancy, ft a 9c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 13U13SC per pound. Prevision. MAMS 10 to 13 nounda 161317c: 13 to 14 pounds. 1t17c: 14 to 16 pounda 139 17c: la to 16 pounds. 16917c: skinned. 11c; plrnl'-s. 114c: cottsge roll. 164c. I. A r Kettle rendered. tierces, 13c: tubs. 13ac: standard, tlercea 114c: tuba, live: shortening, tierces. Pc; tuba c BACON "ancy. S6c; atasdara. zo: choice. .0e: Engllrh. 16917c. DRT SALT CURED Regular short clear. dry salt. 11 He: smoked. 13c: short clear backs. 13 ta 16 lbs., dry salt. 13c; smoked. 13 4c: short clear backs. 16 to 20 lbs., dry sslt, 114c: smoked. 13c; Oregon exports. Hope. Wool sad Ride. HOPS 111 crop. 4JJt5c; olds. nomlnaL MOHAIR Choice. SAty37c; per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. V0 16O per pound, according to ahtlakage; Valley. 100 17e per pound. PELTS Dry. lie: lambs, salted. esfjBOc; ebort-wool pelts. 30t70c HIDES Salted hides. 1014 SU per pound; aaltcd calf. 160170; salted kip. 11c; trreea hide. 3v9Hc: dry calf. 20c; dry hide, lwc; salted stag. 8c; green gtaga, 64 t-ASCAHA Par pound. BH0 6O. IJaared Oil anal Tarpeatlae. LINSEED OIL Pur raw. In barrels. 7Sc: boiled. In barrela 77c; raw. la cases. tOei boiled. In cases. 82c TURPENTINE Casaa. 70c: wood barrela 74c FLAXSEED OIL MEAL Per ton, (44. TOP PRICE LIXTAIXEX AT XOKTK PORTLAND YARDS. Choice Cows Sell Readily at Full Quotations Lamb Prices Are Good. The demand for hoss continues to b th strong feature of the livestock market. Only a few cattle were offered and they brought firm prlcea 1-ambs also sold well. The cattl offerings consisted uf two loads cf cows and a few bulla The best cows sold at 34.73 and a load of good to choice went at 34.60. Th bulls brought $4 and 34.30. Two loads of top grade hogs werv moved at $rt.b-"i. the price established on th pre ceding dev. Other lot ranged In price from $4 to $.. 70. A load of good lambs waa disposed of In the afternoon at ft.HO. Two cars of Valley goats sold at 32.20. No goats had been handled on th local market for several week. Th last sale was at 32.50. Receipts yesterday were 87 cattl. SIT sheep. 473 bogs and 211 goata bhlppera were M. B. Homer. Losttna, 1 car of hogs; L, E. West. Wallowa. 1 car of hogs; M. E. Hotcbklss, Elgin, 1 car of hogs; J. F- Hutchinson, Union, X car of hogs; C W. Wester A Son, Sheridan. 1 car of hogs; P. J. Brown. Baker, 3 cars of cattle; C. 1L Farmer. McCoy. 2 cars of sheep, and Smith Bros.. Hubbard. 2 car of goats. Th day's galea war as follows: Weight. Price, in.1 hogs 1st 34.S..1 2 1 lamha SO 4-hO :i coi 1220 4.G0 6 eo-a lo to 4.7A 24 cowa 0-;tf 4.73 1 bull 12i 400 1 bull I'.IO 4.00 0 hog 17.1 S.5 2 hoga 303 6 20 lO hoes 342 SCO 1 hog ........... ...... . a 6. so SS boss , 2." 6 70 KO boss 2"J 6 73 2"i goats , 1.1J 2.20 Prices quoted at the Portland TTnlon Stockyard for th various classes of stock were: Cattl Choice steers 30.40 613.50 tlood to choice steers 6.23 y 0.4(1 ('holes cows 4. do i 4.70 (iMd to choice cows ........... 4.2042 4.0 Choice spared heifers 4.70 0.00 Good lo chotc heifer 40oit 4. no Choice bulls 4.20$ 4 00 (.-vd lo cholc bull ......... 4.0"r 4.23 Choice calves 7 0oi 7.00 Good to choice calvea tt.0ou 6.00 Hon Choice light hng 6.60U 6.85 Good to choice hogs 6-4u 6.00 Fair to good hogs 6Mi 6 2S Smooth heavy hogs .23tf 3.00 Sheep Choice yesrllng wethers 4.009 4 23 Choice twos and threea ...... 3.83$ 4.00 Choice killing ewea 3.20 1 sou Choice lambs 4.20 07 3.00 Good to cholc lamb 4.00 -r 4 23 Culls 8.00 tf 3.7S Cblcagw Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 7. Cattle, recelpta esti mated at 3hH: market strong: beeves, 84.63 .-..; texts st-crs. e4.1"w3.T0: Wcsr steers $ 1. 4otf 7. 20 : stocker and feeder $3.M43 0.70; cowa and heifers, $2.00 6 0. eo, calv.s. $.V30tf .23. Hogs Heceipis estimated at 2VOOO ; mar ket, strong to Cc higher. Light. $0.."xic 610. mixed. $0.70ry6.3O; heavy, $0.b6tf6-35 roush. SO-MOfi 603: good to cholc heavy $. ..;. o c .;-. piga, 34.ooti3.40: bulk of sales. $o.woty d.20. Sheep Receipts estlmsted at 18.0OA; mar ket steady. Native. $2.Vn4 0o; Western. $2-T34iH'. yearlings. HlAiii(l); lambs, OallT. $3.70 i 4.10; Wcitera, 4.IAI, 6.U. 1 MONEY RATES F m Advance Has Depressing Ef feet on Stock Trading. BEARS FORCE PRICES DOWN Actlre Issue Close the Day With Ixse of a Point or More Wa bash Securities Touch ew Low Records--Bonds Heavy. NEW YORK. Dec. T. The movement of price on th stock exchange today ao nearly duplicated those of th previous days of th week that th market appeared to hav fallen Into a rut. Trading was listless and without Initially. Towarda the close bears repeated their earlier tactics, bringing th session to an end with a sharp . attack, which depressed price. Among the actlre stocks Union Pacific Reading.. Lehigh Valley and Amalgamated Copper wer forced a point or more beio the previous day's close. Maintenance of call money rates at hlRher figures was regarded as an Important factor In governing trading. The ruling rate for call funds waa 41? per cent, although some loans wer placed aa high as 3H per cent. Time monev waa also firmer. The rates for 60 and KO days equaled the highest rates of a year ago this month, while call money did not rise above 3X per cent In December ot iimo until the laat week of the month, when It touched 7 per cent. Further selling of Inactive Industrials, such as has been In progress for several days, resulted In some substantial losses. After Allls Chalmers preferred had estab lished a new record today by declining to 7. It became known that the first step had been taken looking to a possible reorganiza tion. The 0 per cent bonds rose more than polntn. In Wabash securities both the stocks and bonds touched new low records for the movement. The bond market waa heavy, with es pecially severe declines In some of the low priced speculative Issues. Total sales, par value. 3.1.SH1.0O0. United States 4s. coupon, declined on call. PLOSIXU STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales Hlvh. Ia uih Allfa Chal pf .. woo S 7 8 AmaJ Copper ... 19,is 61 60 (10 Am Agricult ... 4 14 fuv r,iu Am Heet rtigar. 7o .-3 f.jlj 02 1 American Can .. 4.1o 11 u. 0T I11V Am Car A Fdy.. 4ii r,;!i. ,;: Am Cotton Oil.. 20O 44 44 44 Am Hd i l.l pi . Am Je Serurl.. 100 jni, im. Am Linseed ... Ion pi oi ol. Aio Mnwiiuuir. jh H, K4S Til i Am iimel jv Kef 1 !,. 70 mn, do preferred.. iot 103V4 103 K2 V Am St. el Fdy . . . 3l Am Sugar Kef.. 40O JI6H Il 110'. Am Tel a Te... 2.4' last, l:is' 1.1S Am Tobacco pf.. .lo loa i3 104, Am oolen .......... ..... ..... 21 Anaconda .M Co. 1.0OO ;:rtV, " AlrhJsin 3.1O0 1;. M4't 104i, d preftrred.. loo 103 V3 W Atl Coast Unf ti4 l:irti, 1:10, 1:10 Halt A Ohio .... l.tMM 10I lio-T, loou llethlehem Steel 'A0 2t 2t 21 lirook K Tran.. 1SM 77 U 77 77 Canadian Pac .. 0,:oo 23siJ 2:i 2:iS Central Leather. 7"0 20 1 1u do preferred.. 800 lHt, W3 U Central of N J. 1o 2H 2H ISO Chea ft Ohio ... oi 73, 731, 7:iu Chltano Alton 28 Chi Gt We,t ... J iUlj, 11)1, J0 do preferred.. 21 J 3d", 31 W SH, Chicago A N W. " ..... 142 C. M it Ht Paul. 70 1104, 1094, 100 C. C. C St 1 63 Col Fuel A Iron 7O0 26 26 2li Col A Southern 411 Cotlsol Gas I.wni 1.1SI, l.H 1S7 Com Produeta .. 200 lux 10 10, Iel A Hudson.. loo 1k".i In.'. V 160 t R Grande I.40O 20 204 204 do preferred.. 4iM 46 40 S 40 Distillers' 6ecur loo 31 H 31 S 31 Erie ,0s Sn, KiS 8H do 1st Pf .... l.loo 01 H fi'S ROs do 2d pf . 1M 42 At At General Eo JM Gt North pf ... l.Ron 12S 126". 12X Gt North Ore .. g. 4. 41 4) Illinois Central. 1"h 142H 142( 142 Interbor Met ... Too 14S 14S 14 do preferred.. l.Vo 4rt, 46 4rtV Inter Harvester. 1h 114', I04 r, 114 1, Inter Marina pf. 2'" 17 1 in Int Paper 2Co P'ti P4, , Int Pump l.ooo 32 32 1IJ14 Iowa Central -. lg K C Southern .. 100 28 23 27 do preferred.. 64 Laclede Uaa ... "0 13 lOIVs K'2 J.ouls A Nash., l.soo 13.14 j.is 1044 llnn atitl,.. 200 33 33 32 M. S P J S M 13! 31. . Kan ac Tex. 1,600 29 Si 28 2S do preferred .... 6.1 H Mo Pacific 2.30O 3Sti 3SW 3il Nt Blsrult I" 1.1SV 1.1XI, 137i Nat Leud . . . 1.300 CO 40U 4VK N Ry Mex 2 pf . . . 83 H N T Central ... 1.10O 105V 105 lo.l N T. Ont a Wea 7 4rt 394 30 Norfolk a Wea ltXiO log 107 44 10TV4 North Am loo 784 73 78 Northern Pao .. 2.0OO H6V 116 11SH Pacific Mall .... 400 31 304 81 Pennsylvania ... S.3O0 122 121V 1214 People's Ual ... 400 103 10314 1"3 P. C C a St L . ..... 94 U Pittsburg Coal 100 17V4 17V4 17 Pressed 8 Car 8.1 Pull Pal Car ... 1O0 ISgu 1584 1.1 Ry Steel Spring. 30 Reading 68,4O0 J4!H 1474 14Vj Republic Steel . .ViO 031, 7, 23 do preferred.. OoO 2, M!i 31t4 Rock Island Co. B.2.m i.'i 231, 234 do preferred.. 1.600 4Si 45 Vi 4-1 Pt L ft 8 F 2 pf ..... 41 bt L Southwest. 29 do preferred.. 704 Sloes Sheffield .. T.rxWi 1104 OOT, 110 u bouthern Ry ... a,."".'" 204 21, 2ft do preferred.. .100 7o 70 1, 704 Tenn Copper ... ," sn 3,1 u. Texas tt pacific. 3" I?. H 23 23 Tol. St I. a We 400 1.114 15 154 do preferred.. 4'0 Its 36 37 Union Pacific ... 68.0OO 1724 170t 171 do preferred.. 30O 931a 93 924 H S Rea;ty 68 I S Rubber ... 1.5iO 4614 43 451 U S Steel Sl.300 62-, 61 , 61 V do preferred.. l-.K) 1'iPl, 10SV 109V Utah Copper ... 6.40O 50 4!)W 49. Va-Caro Chem 600 534 53 t2I Wabash B.60O 71, 64 i do preferred,. 11.10O 184 16', 1714 Western Md ... loo 6014 60U (Mil Westing Eiec ... 8"0 ,1 64 1 84 ix Western Union . 300 794 77h 77W Wheel a L E. . 800 4H 414 4$ HAMBURG - CRUISES PR LUXE SOUTH AMERICA to.aoo-MILE CRCISB by the S. S. "BLUECHEK" Leaving New York, Jan. 2 0,' 1 2 Fort of call: Port of Spain. Per Bsmbueo, Hantoe. Bueno Ai res (Across the Andes. Iunta Arenas (through the Straits of Magellan), Valparaiso, Klo de Junelro. Ilaliia, i'ara, Bridgetown and a sl.it to the PANAMA CANAL Optional side trips everywhere. KiE. 80 Days cost $350' Also Cruises to the Orient. West Indies, Around the World, Italy and Bgypt, Etc Writ for Booklet ef All Cruise. Hamburg-American Line, InO Towell t.. Fan Francisco, Cal.; O.-W. R. a N Co.. Nor. Pac. D. a R. J.. Burlington Route. Milwaukee a Puget Sound R. R.. C. F. Plluger. Mulkey Bldg.. I. B. Smith. ! Fifth St.. Portland. Oregon. WHITE STAR LINE WW r The Largest and Finest British Steamer r TO THE MEDITERRANEAN Aseres, Madeira, Gibraltar, Alsrlcm, Naplea, Genon, Alexandria "ADRIATIC" Jaanarr 10, Fabmarr 21. "CEDRIC" Jaaoarr 24, March . REGULAR SERVICE FROM NEW YORK AND BOSTON. "CRETIC" March 27. " CAN O PIC" February 3. March 1. WHITE STAR LINE. Room "B Bailer Bwlldlna; Second and Cherry St. brattle, ar Local Areata. Lehigh Valley .. 45.600 1764 176V, 176 Total sales for the day, 441.2O0 sharea BONDS. NnTW YORK, Dec 7. Closing quotations: TJ 8 re 2s reg. .1004 ! N Y C gen 3'. S!i do coupon ...100!No PacTflo 3s. 6OV4B U 8 8s reg.,...101i;No paciflo 4... JJ4 do coupon . . .101 irnlon Pacific 4a.l01V TJ B new 4s reg.ll-IVi Wis central 4s.. t4 do coupon . . .113Vs!Japanes 4s .... ot D R a 4s 91UI Stock at Boston. BOSTON, DC T. Closing quotations 'Allouex S3 Amalg Copper. . 60 A Z L a Km... 2.1 Arlxona Com . . 2tt Mohawk 44 18H TV 24 6 43 95 11V4 64 SH 25 SS 25 .14 H 474 42 4MS .1 88 Nevada Con . . . . Mplsslng Mine. North Hutte..... B ft C C a S M. '4!North Lake Butte Coalition. 10 Void Dominion Cal a Aria x-dr BOiosceola Cal ft Hecla 30.1 Parrott C8 a C). Csntennlal HVi:Qulncy Cop Ran Con Co 31 Shannon E Butte Co M. 11 Superior Franklin Sop Bos Mln. . Olroux Con .... 4 Tamarack Granby Con ... 74 U S S R M... 1 Koyalle Cop) in I do preferred... Kerr Lake 34 I'tan con ZAk Copper. . . 1'tah Copper Co. I.a Kallo Conner AV'Winona Miami Copper... 21 4 IWolverlna Money. Exchange. Etc NB7W YORK, Dec. 7. Money on call firm, 4Ht0H per cent: ruling rate. 4Vi: closing bid. 4 V,: offered at 3. Time loans, nrm: 60 and 90 days, 404! per cent; six months, 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4 041, per cent. Eterllag exchange easy, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 34.6275 for 60-day bills and at 34.84 for demand. commercial bills. 34.32. Bar sliver. .1.'. S c. Mexlcxn dollais. iOHc. Government bonds, easy: railroad bonds, heavy. . ( . LONDON. Dee. 7. Bar llTr, steady, 25 9-lfid per ounce. Monev. 344413 per cent. The rate of discount in th open mar ket for short bills Is 3 ' per cent; do. thre months. 3 per cent,. SAX FRANCISCO. Dec 7. Sterling on London. 60 days, 34.82Hc; do. sight, 34.S6. Drafts, sight, par; telegraph, 2c Condition of tha Treasury. WASHINGTON. Dec 7. At th nlng of business today the condition I'nlted States Treasury was: Working balance In Treasury of fice 3 75 In banks and Phllllplne treasury S3, Total balance In general fund... ISO, Ordinary receipts yesterday 2 Ordinary disbursements yesterday S, begin of the 9S1.772 167.159 466.270 74S.743 47S.317 6J, 28! 723.510 Deficit to date this fiscal year... 21. Deficit at this time last year 9. These figures exclude Panama Can public debt transactions. 1 and New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 7. Cotton futures closed iteadv. 2 to 4 point higher. Decern her. .14r: January. H.SHc: February. 8.370 March, 8..1c; April, 88c; May, 8.03c; June, 9.03c: July. 9.11c; August, v.iec; Bepiem her 9 lf.e: October. i.21c. jSnot closed nolnts hlrher. Middling uplands. u.40c: middling uull, v.oec oaies, boo bales. Dulutb Flax Market. nriXTH. Dec. 7. Flax on track. 32 01 In store. 31.9V; to arrive. 32,01: December, 31.99: January, n.tftui; May. 2.oo. Wool at 64. Louis. ST. I.OIMS. Dec. 7. Wool, steady. Terri tory and Western mediums. 1?fr20c; fine mediums. 16t18c: line. 1J & 15c. Hop at New 'York. NKW YORK. Dee. 7. Hops Firm. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVIN0 COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. 605-OS Electric Bids Portland, Or. Oakar Ilnber, Manager. - TKAVKLF.KS GUIDE. HONOLULU $110 FIRST ClaASS ROUND TRIP The noit dellshtrul spot on entlr world tour lor your vacatloua. Ielishtful mv bath lnc at tne lamoua bacn ot waiKiKU 'in plendld S3. Sierra ( 10.00) tons diapl&c snaot) make tha round trip In 36 daya. on a can vUlt on a alda trip tha living volcano or K..iaua wnicn 10 irvmmnaoumij ioiivv and aeo tor hlmaalf tha proceaa of world creation. No other trip eomparei with thla for tha marvaloua and wonderful In nature, Vlalt the Xalanda now, while you can do it mo easily mnd quickly and while tha vol cano la active. Promot attention to tele crama for bertha. Saillnsa: December la, January o, j wiuiry a., tic Oi tAMC S. (. CO. . Market btreet. San (YaorUeo. San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Eycry Wednesday Alternately at 3 F. at. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO., 131 Third Bt, l'honee Main 1314. A 1314V EXFKKHS STEAMERS EOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHA.N'OE. 9, S. Beisr balla 4 1'. .It.. Iep. IS. BAN FKAMISCO PORTLAND 8. B. CO, Ticket Ofnce. 143 Third St. Phone Main 40 and A 1403 COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER. S.llll 1 1 U 111 AlIIBWUrill UUCR, r Itl . I aallU, o P. M., very Tuesday. , Freight received at A I .. a. TtAlr rl.llw eisw a ea 3. D M Dsi. aW Ilia we F l v IJ iuva s .y uf v as a. ama . x aaes senger fare, first, class, 310; second-class. 37, f eluding meals and berth. Ticket offlc insworth LMck. Phones Msln 269, Main 170. JL 1234. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT 8ERVXCJC. Low Rait a. Schedule Time. AMERICAN HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. 315 Kali way Exchange Bide;., Fortlaad, Ore. Main 3378. A 3933 AMERICAN CHRISTMAS SAILINGS LONDON PARIS HAMBURG PRES. LINCOLN Dec 21, A. M. FRE8. GRANT Dec 23. 11 A. M. tAMERIKA Jan. 11 JL M. PENNSYLVANIA Jan. 18, 2 P. M, tUnexcelled Ritx-Carlton a la Cart Restaurant. Gymnasium, Electrlo Baths, Elevator. Palm Garden. Will call at Plymouth and Cherbourg. IHaraburg di rect; second cabin only. Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa . 8. HAMBI Kli Jan. 4. A. M. S. 8. CINCINNATI Jan. V5 VIC. LI INK (Orient Cruise) Jan. 30 PAY FEE WHEN CURED RELIABLE SPECIALISTS m- MEN'S MISTAKES SX Many a bright and promlslnir career haa been bilehted by Injurious ' habits before the age of knowledge and understanding, and many nave been cut short by the unfortunate contracting of ome poisonous special ailment, which through neglect or Improper treatment has completely undermined and shattered the physical strength and manly facultlfs. ro. greater mistake can be made than to consider lightly the first evidence of the Introduction of any special ailment into your system or to neglect the first symptoms of weakened mind and approach of Nervo-vital Ue biUty. caused by improper habits, exces.-es, dissipation, etc. Such indifference and neglect of the first symptoms are responslhlo for thousands of human wrecks, failures in life and business. Men. wny take such desperate chances? The manifestation of the first symptoms of any aliment or weakness should be a warning to you to take prompt steps co safeguard your future life and happiness. You should carefully avoid all uncertain, experimental, dangerous or half-way trentmenj:. for upon the siiccem of the first treatment depends whether you will be promptly re stored to health again, with all taint of the polsonoua aliment removed from your system, or whether It will be allowed to become chronic and subject you to future recurrences of the ailment, with the various ifc sulting complications, etc. MFN rsBCAD WHAT OUR PATIENTS SAT. The original, with hundreds ITlCJl 0f others on file in our cftice. No names or addresses revealed, as our dealings with our patients are sacredly confidential. These and manv other MEN have been cured of WEAKNESS AND AILMENTS f.ecullar to their sex after other specialists had failed to even give re lef. READ and be convinced. TESTIMONIALS. Ore. Mfdlral Inatltule, Portland Gentlemen: It Is some time since I called at your office. At that time you said I was cured1, which I am. I owe you 312 and would like to settle with you, but can't now, but will In a week. Tou did a nice piece of work when you made me a healthy man again, and I will gladly recommend you to all weak and suffering men. tslgned) . S. S. Heppner. Or.. July 22, 1911. Ore. Medical Inatttnte Gents: I have fin ished the last treatment. I have im proved greatly this month, and think another month will cure me, although I was in a terrible condition at first. ED. R. C. Chehalls, Wash. Dear Doctors: I am cured up now. I don't have any trou ble at night and my bladder is all right. In fact. I feel like a new man. I am not tired In the mornings, and the dark circles under my eyes are going away. v (Signed) O. M. Di,nsmulr, Cal., May 26, 1911. Dear Doctor: I am feeling better than I have for a year, I can discover no trouble whatever now. I have nothing but praise for your institution. A. O. M. Hillsboro. Or., April 17. 1911. Ore. Medical Institute Thanks to your skilful I treatment I cannot notice any bad symptoms. I again extend my sincere thanks to you all and shall always regard you as my greatest benefactors.. R. S. MEN. IF IN TROL'BLFJ, CONSULT US TODAY, write for free book and self-examination blank. 30 me. Hours 9 A. AL. to H P. ill. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 181 MORRISON ST, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH. PORTLAND, OR. Bltullthlc pavement . welcomes comparisons m: Listen To Me I am a duly qualified phy sician and sur geon. I hav had SO years' e x p a rlence la my par tlcular specialty. Disorders of Men I do not cure all ailments, but cure all I take. There la no delay. Tou are benefited at once. The spark of life la soon revived and quickened. . Once more bopa Is re kindled and Ufa becomea bright again. I Cure Men Quickly with Blood Ailments, Nervoug De cline, Varicose Veins, Piles, Rup ture, Kidney, Bladder and all ail ments peculiar to men. Do not let money matters keep you away, aa my cnargea are so low as to be within the reach of all. OOOD HONEST WORK and a SQUARE DEAL Is what you want. Consul tation and examination free. Call now or write. DR. LINDSAY The Old Reliable Specialist. Corner Alder and Second streets. Entrance 128V& Second street. Port land, Or. Office hour 9 A. M. to I p. M. Sundays. 10 A. .M. to 1 P. M. I Cure Men $io IS MY FEE Par When Cured Qeneral Debility, Weak Nerves, In somnia Results of exposure, overwork, etc All menu of Bladder and Kidneys, Vnrlcoae Veins, quickly and per manently eared mt email expense. I cure such ailments as Varicose Veins,' Piles Specific Blood Poison, etc., c o m p 1 etely and permanently, often with only a single treatment. Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO KtiV, Washington St, Corner First, Portland, Oregon. MEN A XI) WOMEN CURED Herb and root cur Can cer, nervousness, e a t a r r n, asthma. coughs, la grippe, lung, liver, throat, kidney and stomach troubles. No opera tion . Consultation free. Write for sympton blank. Of fice hours 10 A. M. to 9 P. M.; all da? Sundays. Lady at tendant. 1.E15 HONfJ- CHTVESB HERB COMPANY, HZH Second SU Portland. Or. EN ml t J4 The Chines Doctor. CONGESTED VEINS sre usually found on left side. Symptoms Aching or pain In groin or back, nervousness, weakness, loss of vitality, lack of ambition and wasting. I cure varicose enlargement by one treatment in one visit, without a severe surgtcal opera t I o n or suffering, or Keeping you away from business. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES, Obstruction, Straining, Pain In Back, Enlarged Glands. Nerv ousness, Swelling. Uric Acid. I can stop these symptoms right away and they won't come back, because the cause of them la done away with by a cure being effected. I don't use Btrong. painful, injurious injec tions that do great harm. My method cures without pain, gives immediate benefits and a lasting cure. Specific Blood Poison Tared In One Treatment by the (era an Method of Injection, the Greatest Dlicovrry of the Ace. You need not now take injur. ouh niedlc-nefi for year. The vmptoni. such aa aorea In the mouth, throat and touicuc. fall Ins hair, bio. chen and no re, be Kfn to disappear in 12 bourn. If you cannot call. Many ca30a cured at IS 1 m days 10 to 12. Dr. KEEFE Men's Specialist Modern Methods OF CURING MEN'S MALADIES BLOOD POISON "606" $25.00 NERVOUS DEBILITY Science has solved the riddle of centuries. ANIMAL, THERAPY con sist) of the extract of the organs of young, vigorous animals. It feeds and builds up the nerves and reju venates the old and worn-out tis sues. I would like to spread the good news of our victory over nerv ous debility to every man who Is weak or prematurely old. You are cordially Invited to call or write and learn how I administer this great remedy. PROF. NEISSER'S Bacterln treatment is another won derful new discovery for the most common diseases of men. PROFES SOR NEISSER'S BACTERIN VAC CINE accomplishes for these dis eases what THE GERMAN DISCOV ERY does for blood poison. If you have this common disease in the most chronic or aggravating form and think you are incurable, come to me and learn about this celebrat ed new discovery. I FULFILL. Mr PROMISES. I ACCEPT NO INCURABLE CASES. I Never HOLD OUT FALSE HOPES. Why treat with incompetents when you can secure the expert services of a competent specialist? Come to me if you have any of the following disorders: Varlcoae Vein, Pimple. Nervoua Debility, Nerve, Blood nnd Skin Disorder, Bladder Trouble, Blood Poison. Eruption, 1' leers. Special Ailments, Plies or Fistula. to 07 lo 8 Dallyi Sunday, 10 to 1. Examination Advice Free. J.J.Keefe,Ph.G. M.D. Rooms 11-14 Lafayette Bldar. 8134 WASHINGTON ST, COR. 6TH, PORTLAND, OR. . RECEPTION ROOM CROWDED Hi Practice Constantly Increasing Because ot tne wonaerrut varee r.iiectea oy SIMPLE, SAFE AND SURE METHODS c Gee Wo e f s. . Iv -7 1 " v(rsB,"g--:.s v. yt- 7 . mt J'ttt mi - The Chinese Doctor. natlente speak volumes of praise for his skillful and satisfactory services In each or their cases. Other patients have sent him personal, letfcers and testimonials, many of rnlcn are on iww ,u ."n ri o w n on reauest. ... His treatments cut pounded (ram Knots. Barks. Herbs and Buds gathered from even tne muai ........ - tret. corner Morrison. Remedies for nearly -ii ah.. eUsnaM fn th whole CaVteSTOTT Of medlcln at hi hand. CONSr-VTATION FREE. If you live out of town and cannot call, 'rite for symptom blank and circular, in Losinc cents in stamps. THE C. iEE WO CHINESE JIEDICIXE CO. 14W first St., Cor. .UoiTiBoii. rortlaod. Or. l.i.SI,. jHJJJ 'M s it Wo jjsr' I DR. A. G. SMITH. . The Leading; Specialist. I am a resrlatered anil llcenaed physician, eonflnlna; my npeclnl prnctlce to the ailment of MEN. I establishment than all other Fert hnve more money Invested In my land specialists combined. I see and treat my patients per sonally. All men should know who the doctor is they consult. I use my photograph so that when you come to see me personally you will recog nize me. Investigate my personal standing before accepting treatment from a doctor of unknown Identity or reputation. Are You being treated in a satisfactory man ner by your present doctor? Is he carrying out his promises? Has he cured you in a reasonable time, and lived up to his guarantee? Are you paying him exorbitant prices for medicine? Does he employ thorough ly up-to-date and scientific methods, which would be approved by the reg ular family doctor? If you cannot answer these questions favorably to yourself, come and have a confiden tial talk with me about your case. It will cost you nothing. Cured in 5 Days No Detention From Occupation, Family or Home. NO SEVERE OPERAT IONS. MANT CASES PERMANENTLY CURED IN ONE TREATMENT. MOST TIME - SAVING, MOST NAT URAL. MOST SAFE. A RADICAL AND PERMANENT CURE. I GIVE MY WORD AND WILL CITE YOU TO OTHER MEDICAL AU THORITIES THAT THIS IS A FACT. I AM CERTAINLY PRE PARED TO CURE BY EXPERI ENCE AND EQUIPMENT, WHICH ARE THE KEYSTONES TO SUC CESS. I HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED MEDICAL OFFICE ON THE COAST. FREE CONSULTATION. I Invite you to come to my office. I will explain to you my treatment for Varicose Veins, Hernia. Nervous Debility. Blood Ailments. Piles, Fis tula, Bladder, Kidney and all Men's Aliments, and give you FREE a physical examination; If necessary a microscopical and chemical analysle of secretions, to determine patho logical and bacteriological condi tion). Every person should take ad ventage of this opportunity to learn their true condition. A permanent cure Is what you want. My offices are open all day from A. M. to P. M., and Sundays from 10 to 1. A. G. Smith, M. D. 234)6 Morrison St, Corner 2d. Portland. Oregon. THE i OFFICE PUBLISHES NO TESTIMONIALS THE SPECIALIST WHO CURES. We are constantly receiving let ters of erenuine arratlturie anri nrftl.A from our cured patients, but we never p u d 1 1 s n mem. Absolute se crecy in all professional dealings is one of our Iron-clad rules. Of all the men who have been cured by us and made happy, amorif; them some if the best citizens of Portland and vicinity, not one letter, name, face or case has even been exposed or made public. What the afflicted man wants la not publicity, but a cure: a safe, rapid and permanent cure, and this we are prepared to give you in the strictest privacy. AFFLICTED MEN", before treating elsewhere, honeatly Investigate our proven methods. Voo will then under atand hove eaally nnd quickly we cure all enrable ensea of VARICOSE VEI.VS and HYDROCELE without severe aurglrnl operation; URETHRAL OB STRUCTIONS without cultlnK or burn ing;) SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON without Injurluna dniKs skillfully adminis tered when preferred) t NEltVO-VITAL DEBILITY without stimulative reme dies; PROSTATIC, BLADDER and KID .EY Troubles! CONTRACTED dis order I PILES, RECTAL complaints and all aliments of men. Our offer NO MONEY RE 3UIRED UNTIL SATISFIED la your absolute protection. Consul tation, Examination and Diagnosis free and strictly private. What you want is a cure. Come to us and get it. Once under our treatment, you will quickly realize how simple a thing it is to get well in the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but life to years. We put new energy into worn-out bodies. Office hours, dally, 9 to 5; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, DR. GREEN CO. 362 Washington St., Portland Or. BING CHONG, Chinese Doctor Mad of Chines herbs and root medicine cures aU kinds diseases of the heart, Junes, liver, stomach, kid uey, blood troubles of man md woman whta others (all. If you suffer, can or write to 232 Wash. St., or. 2d. Boom 18. forU Or. I i M BLADDER j j ; ffijJr 24 Hours ; . Beware cf counterfeit 4 A M