19 TTTK MCVRXIXG OREOOXIAN. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1911. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wlla.a Auction Horn at 1 A. Fvroltur. ITl-s-a caa4 tUML Fl'NERAL NOTICED. PARKS At Los Ang.lea. Cat., Mrs, Fannl F araa. aged 7" ears, bctoed mother of Mm. A. K. Bl Ira. Mrs J. C. C'nprer. B. N. larks, of lhl city. Mrs. J. G. Hulborow. of Ls Anttift. and Arthur Parks, of New Vrk The funeral services will be held at Holmans chapel, Saturday, Df'mhr P. at I P. M. Inlfrmcnl at Greenwood Cem.tery. Services at the grave private. LTO.V Funeral services of Edward I. Lyon w'll b h:d Mda) l Friday! at 2 P. M. fr-'rn nematode's Funeral parlors. It1 Kasr Thlrlr-nth street. Friends Invited. Iii'-rmrl Mi.waukle Omftrry. iomi ixoraa. co, makwcam max;. ILUKIL IIK.-U.N4 rboaes:. Mala iloi; A 113. inuinlnr UrKilN. Funeral Du-eets, ttta and I'lna. I'bon. Mala s. Lady as sistant. Oftlc. of iouotjr l.roaer. A. R. ZELI.F.B CO.. IX Williams a.a. Pfaoa Eaat In. C tttaS. Lady altoadant. EDWAIU) 1IULMAN CO.. Fnneral Direct- ar. t: Id it. Iily aaaietaat. i'bon. - .si J. r. FIN LEY- HONi M aad Madlaaa, Lady .tle.tlacl. rboM Mala . A 1AW. EAsf MUC fuaersl Ulrectora. aarrraancs la . 8. Uunntng. lae. t. a:. B ziia. LEKt H. lodertak.r. alula. taa 11. lass. ar. Eaat Alder aad Lady aaUataat. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dallr mr ffOBrtiar. Per Uim. On tim le taiwe ad t ctifHt time Tie tame ad three eoneerulKe tlm 30e heme ad sis or setea ronani.v time. . 5 Kemittaocr must accompany eut-of-towa ra-rs. H beta an ad vert I -em en t W t rem In e arnlu kaaim Ih eoe-t ile rat BDPllea. Ms ward ruot on line ott rah d Teriieenteiif and mo ad ewuated for Woo tha wo lines. Oa rharii or book artTfrtW mwitt the ohm r.a Vat it I ha betted OB 1 he XtDftl nnmbff of Ur appearing In tho pa ier. regardlcae of tfa aumkr of word In rafti Ho. la rw Today nil adtertieemente are charged by xneaettr anly. 14 liaeo to the Inrb. Mtnatton Wanted. Mnlo. faltoAiiMano W anlotl. Irn!. lb ratr nppljr to ndvrrflfnnta gndr tw Today ma it nil other rfaMlnc- 1 1 tin ireiiilnir tho follow ins: rai will nrrrpt rl-l11 ndvortioo mHita orr tbo tHnbono. proaiilnc the od vrt ter t n ah-rl-r to elrher pbooo. o phr will bo qunted er tho phone, bat hill will b rrndfrrd the folla.TlnaT dor. brthrr ubaeiueiit odverllaententB will bo rrvpted orr tho phono Hvprnd npon tho promptne-m of in- pmrni or leiepiione nu- rrt tormnto. M t nn t ion Wonted and I'er onol oirrtf-rin . 111 not bo ncrptew or tho tl-phne. OrOer for one Inser tion only will be neepied for "llouo for Kent, i-nmiiuro for Poie, "Huslneoo ppor Ittot'l." ''Kootiinls-llouoco'' and "Uaatnl to Kent." OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFTTfE CITY HII. Mala 8B, A "Mt. IH MNE OrtKKX. brrsraal Crata. Kil-n.?. i t K. 14' h N. taat ;: F. A. Dunmlrt. Rra MS Waaco St. W. O. Eaton. R.a. 73 E. lt!i. Eaat llai. Uoraa Ambulaaro. A IT. Ei. a. Nianta. bundiri and Hoildaya. A 610S: Pr. a. Trunk T. NEW TODAY. 4th St. Snap lOOilOO farlnir raat on Fourth street. near Shortdan. on tha trark; good for warehotis or tore; worth JiUUU. to- day In0d cah. 171 Ka.t 3CM at. Tel. F-aat RMS. FOR A LB NEV brlrk apartment bulldlns. lon fle. West Side. Will take up to 112.000 In Willamette Valley farm or West SMe unimproved property In part payment. Muat have about tsOOO caab. Address Owner. J adS, creonlan. 2lst and Glisan EOx 100, with 1 houses; aom Income: eaat front: on North 31st near Uhsun; line apartment site, fries tlO.OVU. GRUSSI & BOLDS ia Board Traite Blda, 4ch aad Oak. FOR RENT MOW. DOI BLK STORE, 1:4. : Williams Ave. Splendid location for snail department store.. WILL SELL AT A BARGAIN Tile Co. stock. ISH shares. Pays a !)' dividend. Keason for selling;, needing the money. not el--, .-sewners;. nr. WiVTFn to do buln'"s with a reliable TlrkltiLU loan company that ran fur nish the money on Rood real estnie se curity. Am In the real estate business. W .. Hog e I 2, New her, or. MORTGAGE LOANi COT JOHN E. CRCNAN, 70 J JO bus aaaldlaat Hldat- t O Mortgage Loans S 70 For tha larger Amnuntv UW1KU I-- LUlUgl, Ueh llallUlna. COLLI. HERRIDOK THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, St 4 Uomotor Block. Fbone Main e4J7. RFAL EjiTATtS nEAIJTM. frk. William O-. 1S-31 Fallinc bid. BP! BAKKK a BIuNEiiCT. 603 McKay bld. It. o4. Chapto A flvrtow. Chambor Comarco Cook. B. 8. 4k COa. 60S Corbett bids. Junius Co.. Jdaln 10. Orvsonlaa. PA LUcK-JON KS CU, U. if-via-U Wilcox bids. Tbe Ortgaa Kal Estate Co.. Grand ara. aad bf oliaumai. au tUotiaday AddlUoa. REAL ESTATE "For Smlr Lota. FOIR I1T.S AND A $ UHH BARN. 4 blka Mi. &ott car. at NaahrUto arta tlon; u, ch; a tAtrsAin for j:on. M1imIlililf'rbu bids. M. 3I-3L -I II AVE a nuintMr of yood rity lota. S blocks of atrortcar. 1 mlnuiM of Vonifc. hign and Bhtiy. for tlJ down. 110 pr month. tntrt 4 per cent on d'rifj pa rnanta J. H. Tipton ft . Ufta Spidms bid. SVEKETT T.. S-ft. lot. c;iDt buy, la celnt lw:aiion. rfPtHnnihle tenant wt;I pay li pr crnt on building 41 Cham ber of Commorr. FORTLAND irS I.-.HTS Brjttfal alto to build tf uai.oa; WAvikins diaianco; only flTO. Mam 0-M. BROOKK. A SW. $. : N YSI T't; lt. aU irnprovncnia paid, t cah, balanco atra!tcht inort sajr at par cent, mo Chamber of Com merce. PORTLAND KEIGHTH E.VWHIVKLT. b-auiiful horn! and hnmiii-i, all 1tr. locatiam and prf-ea. Can autt you. Matn 3.VM. HKOKE. A stS-lttt, BL'rINF.?S lot in Wratr.orfland. 00 all waukio tvvo., for a!e cheap. Call on or a J. iresa C. C. Woodworm. P. O. Bos PORTLAND HEIGHTS But.fui. level lot on ui per aide of Haveaavlew Lrlra; SO-ft. froatas. fina view. M4!r 3...M. BROOKE. A SMS. i DOWN. S MONTHLY. Choi Ita nar Klrnd aratioa. UOLUARU W1KDK1CK, '.tj Stark it. hACRIKICK TO CLOSE KSTATE. Two bt lota nn Council Creat for 4) J-SOQ. Mam 3.VM. A 3ttf. CORNER. i.xlo (two lm Q Lenta; 3 black from station; maki ma an offer. D Ore gorian. .AR K;l:lnasworth. Hishland Park, arreet Unproved, aome term. Phono Mala 4 '. Li'TS 5xlX. on bK;k from electric car lln. 10 to 9 1 "W. very easy ferma. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. 40s Corbett bids- Soir fo- for Weat Plde homa Exclualvo dear In Went Kido property, r - -t Chamber of Commerce. 7J IRVIViiToN. ALL CASH. 30:b and iSrhuyter; enough aald. Fr-d W. German. 3 -J Bum aide. M. or A 2774. BKAl'VONT Beautiful lot cheap If taken a . on.-e Fng Hah. olO Mr Kay bids- LOT. .Vxl00. So. on ear;ina.k terma. C tvud. Oroniix. . REAL ESTATE. SPECIALS IX LOT". 100x100 corner at end of Woodatork carllne. Splendid location for movlnpicturo houjc 1.V)0. $400 cash, balanca 18 raonlba. Ala'v some barsnlns In fontavllla and Richmond dlatrlcia. Bee ua for vacant propvrty. DORR E. KEASET A CO.. 2d Floor chamber of Com. MAI.LOKY ADDITION. EAST S3TH NEAR HAWTHORNE. 15 MIM'TES FKcjM WEST BIDE. AI L, IMPrlOVK.MENTS IN. HrjLDlNO RESTRICTIONS. PRICES TO 1 100. EASY TERMS. r.KO. O MAIR. TAB. 3477. B 241. EAST 42I AND HAWTHORNE AVE. t;OWEN-IDE TBI ST CO. l.fMBERMES S BLPO.. .1TH AND STARK B.N A P. a LOTS. SNAP. Ronton, on Saralora at.. H block from car. traded streets, aewer. til. water, and on bard surface atreet. 4 blocks from Ken t.n Hank. Price i:Ti. Call for C. a. iteacan. CHAPIN A HEP.LOW. Members of Portland Realty Board. . 132-114 Chamber of Commerce. UiiO. 7 LOTS. Mt bur In Kenton, lota 4'Hllo;. Pin ftr srove on tract, lays exceptionally fine. 4 blocks from two carllnes. Owner broke, must bate cash. Plica 12SS0. (Call for C. O. Ileaian. CHAPIV A HBRLOW. . Members of Portland Raity Board. Ii:-31 Chamber of Commerce. lftOiICO SACRIFICE. Corner. 3 lota on E. 4'llh and Oatman. In Lenox Addition, value 14n: sickness compels owner to sell; our price f-r a f-w days Is bait casa and lo per monta, a per cent. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 31. Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak HL1LPERS' OPPORTUNITY. Have 7.xluv corner In 6wlnton. flna bulldlne- site, lust right for two bunga- lows: will take second mortgage back on lots for full price. 41 Railway Excnange. Phone Marshall 2753. after 4 P. M-. Eaat TWO CHOICE LAfRELHVRST LOT3. 113'Ni. You know this means a sacrifice. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark St. SKI.LWOOD BUSINESS LOT. Corner. oox!4MI fert, on atreetcar switch, acroes tbe street from brewery: price for Immediate sale fiwo; terms, half cash. H. P. PAl.MtR-JONES CO, 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phonea ilaln aot'W. A 2653. BUY NEAR REED COLLEGE. 1te. 40 by joQ feet. 2 blocks from Reed Coll. re. $ io per lot. tti cash. flO per mont h. MERIDIAN TRUST COMPANY. , Z9 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Phones: Marshall 20a4. A 74::o. ROSE CITY PARK LOT.""l!;2.V Close to car. fine view and In the beat section. Thla la a bargain for someone. as tbe owner is leaving town. lie YOUNG A JOHNSON. KM Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 110 IKJWN. (10 PER MONTH. Fine v?w lot; matured fruit treea: re stricted district, near car: cement walka Bu'l Run water, fruit cared for free of charts. 202 Board of Trade bids. Phone Marshall 473. A TRVl.VnTO.V B1ROAIV. 75 1 IOO. on 21st St.. between Brasee and Knott sts.. facing east, street improve ments all In and paid for; one block to car. For particulars phone wooaiawa ezv or c 10-s. For Bale HAWTHORNE. pRtrp. i:irmj smo cash. a -room houae, pew and modern, with hardwood floor a. oiay one block from Hawthorne ave.: haa larce norrh exlrnd Ins clear arroaa front; nice reception halt, beautiful llvtns-room. with old KnsH"h fireplace and built-in bookcases; paneld dlnlna-room. with maasive burret; com nlete Dutch kitchen, with brrakfaat al cove and cooling cloaot; full cement baa ment. with cement floor: 2 lars bed rooms and sleeping porch upstairs; also nice, roomy cki dm closet ana eiegani bath; this Is below real value, but we must hava noma money, so com out today and let us convince you that this Is a genuine bargain. Call V2b4 Hawthorne avv or phone Tabor FCRNISHLD. new. 2-story. (J-room house, mod-rn. cement cellar and vnb tray a. comtilnatlon fixtures; lot oOalM: saras rented S per month; oSi j; loOO cash; balanca per month; thla ts a snap; names are lea vine Portland: alao fur mshed S-room buntralow. with two lots. SMru cash: balance 125 per month. Includ in Interetit : both are cloae to business section and could be used for business lot now. phone Sell wood 194 H. L and A. M. "tevena. Clinton and East 84th. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOCR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROPERY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT: WILL FIN ANTE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLANS FI RXISHEI) FREE. IT WILL PAT YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BT'ILDER, H KN'RT PI.IK3. bKALTlnL 8-room houae. In Laurel hurst ; 2 fireplaces, larce sleeping-porch, built -In refrigerator, dust and clothea chutea. fire leas cookr, bullt-ln ward robe a. etc.; cor nr lot Txt. east front, beautiful view; STJVhO; S.'rOO caah. balance easy monthly payments. pTovidnt Investment ft Trua-t-e Co., 2"l-2r2-2"3 Board of Trade bldg Phone Marshall 471. A 102. b'LHUKBAN home, cloae to Portland; S-room house. 2) lota, V fruit treea. berries, etc.; splendid for chickens; running water, spring; telephone, dally mall; two blocks from electric car station, on best auto rr nl. tie road ; $oa0- very eaay terrna; or 8too for house and six lota. J. W. Hef ferltn Realty fo.. 4"8 Corbett Mdg. S-ROOM house on Broadway; alcove, dea and sleeping porch; elegant fixtures: fur nace, fireplace, bullt-tn bookcase and buf fet, laundry tray a, shades, combination gaa and coal range Included; price $100 cash, balance $320 per month. NATIONAL BOND A MORTOAUE Ca, 4i2l Falling bldg. PUNNTfilDE KNAP. 2 n Ice a-room h ouaea. re n ted for $40 : nearly new. on corner lot oxioi; room to build on more houae; E. SOth and Alder ata; price SomO. $.it-ix cash, balance at 6 per cent, nn n vast men t. OHUWI A BOLDf, 81S Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IRVINOTON Just nniahed. U-roora houae; 4 bedrooma. buffet, bookcaaeav furnace, nropiac aleeptug-porch, beautiful beveled plate-glaaa; everythlcg up to date; beat value for the money In irrington: $S70; Broadway car. 032 chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Marshall 2R&2. FIVE and sis-room homes, fireplaces, hard wood floors, f urnacea. with all bullt-tn modern conveniences; near carllne; all atreel improvemente paid; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investment A Truate Co., 741, 202. 25 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A 1022. MVKT SELL IMMEDIATELY. Must leave the state In a few days; profit by my troubjee; 8-room modern house, electricity, furnace, garage, lot Vx Z$. near E- OHaan carllne; all for $2.V0; terms: If you want this bargain, hurry. Room S. Washington bids. T BI'NOALOWS at barralns; prlcee $25Hk, '.75o. 3iKW. iJ.-ao. ann $:i -: 5 to 7 rooms, $4h to $1m0: sood terma; some very aishtly: can take lot In excharge on some of those. 81 1 wood 1VM.V if. I, and A. M. Stevena, Clinton at-, corner 84th. SEE T"Hr?V Must sll for S.ltjOO modem a-room house and 8 lots. I block weat of Arleta school, on ad at. and 6-d are.; will sell part cash, balance time; will aell part or ail of fur niture, bee owner. J. E. Wllaon, on place. FORCED SALE. Modern house of A rooms. In fine loca tion, cloae In. on Hawthorne arc, will be sold at big aacriflce If taken at once, aa owner needa some money. Only S10O0 cash required. P ftlW. Oregon tan. I AM compelled to aell my i-atory S-room home in Kosamere; ouni last July; has every modern convenience; 1 can make terms to suit. Call owner, mornings be fore 1 o'clock. Tabor 249. ROE CITY PARK SNAP. Eight-room bungalow. Just completed; all up-to-date feat urea: only $1o, smalt down payment, balanca eaay terms. See owner. Mr. Carpenter, 529 Henry bldg. Main 391. $3500. Modern 5-room bungalow. Just com pleted. East 53d bet, Madison and Sal mon; will take good lot aa first payment. Phone Main 2573 or E. 1311. :H CASH, balance like rent, buys a beau tiful home, strictly modern bungalow, 4 large rooms, large lot. line location; price only $2mii. See Jas. A, Clock, 253 Alder. Phone Main 81S. $35 CASH and $-5 per month, new 6 -room VUUAIO, lltv ss.a) Ik (.as, vuilll V Us-. ment. wash trays combination fixtures, n replace. Dutch kitchen : only $2850. lilGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. $200 $100 DOWN. S2S month, modern nouse; wort a fjwvv. vwner, v u- Uams ave. REAL. ESTATE. For gale WE list no bouses unless our own etaff re ports that tho house la ribt, the price ia rignt asa u terms rignt. In dealing with ua we protect your tereete, m-hether you are buyer or seller. e allow -no misrepresentation stand back ef every tranaactlon. We have houses from f22ttO up to SLWOOO. On many of our choicest offerings sav ings of over S10tH fan be effected tnrough immediate action. On some we can ao- ct-pt lots as first puymenta. On some we can accept traoea or eacbangea. Whether you want an Inexpensive bun galow or low-price lot In Montavlila or Kose City Park, a cottage In Irvlngton or i.aureibtirst or a chalet on roruana. Arlington or Kings Heights. Bee TJs for Houses. DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of Com. LET ME HELP YOI! PICK A HOME. I have a list of modern bungalows and -houses In the Hawthorne and Waverly dis tricts that Is sure to contain Just what you want. I can give you the beat or pricea and terma. aa I am not connected with any real estate firm. I can put you In touch with the .owners and you deal di rectly with them. My time la yours. Use . It. if I don't bare what you want I can find It for you. A FEW OF MY CHANCES. d-room houae, 1 Mock from Hawthorne, lot 87xl'0, corner, $4 'WO; 7 -room house on Hawthorne. lot 40x110. S42DO; -room bungalow. 1 block from Hawthorne, lot JI3x1h., S.t5iH; 6 -room bungalow, on Haw thorne, lot 4.xloo. sooo: ti-ronm bunga low, on Taggart. lot 33x100, 1"0; 5-mora bungalow, on 3Sth at., lot 33x100, S2:mO; 6-room houae, on Madison, lot 4x0O, 3-room bungalow, on 3th sU, lot 4'txlOO. 12400; ft -room bungalow, on Ste phens St., lot 50x100, $2'loo. Any of these can be bought on terms. X am glad to answer any inquiries. MISS E. SMITH. Phone Tabor 124. WALNUT PARK. BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. TWO-itorr. full fmnt bitatment. laun dry, furnace, fruit and vegetable cloeete. two Areolae, lurce kitchen and pantry. buffet, double window shades. artistic light fixtures, wire doors and wlnno screens, beautiful lawn and garden, 15-foot alleys; r-trlcted district, close to Jef ferson High School; social environment the best; evervthlng modern. 1135 Rodney ave., near Killings wort h ave, woou.awn 2271. $.Voo. worth $00, 4 cash. CLOSE IN. SCNNYSIOE SNAP. Strictly modem residence, very well ar ranged and of very attractive appearance, built for a home: S rooms and den. re ception hall. lull cement basement and attic, fireplace and furnace; corner lot. close to cars: a snap at frt5: terma. K A I'FFM AN A MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. THAT VACANT LOT WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO IN'OME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE IF WK BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECT ION. ; IT V ILL, FAY YOU TO SEE US. L R. BAJLFY CO., INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLD. $2.V0Oi HOME. 1 4 -room, handsomely appointed home, with large grounds, facing on the Irvlng ton Tennis Club: double aarace: this house was built by the owner for a home iss man a year ago. For particulars ap- P'y o H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. $400 BUNGALOW $4M. Modern, new, 5-room bungalow with attic, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, gas and eiectric nxiurea, wtnaow ahadea. Dutch kitchen, double floor, laundry tray a, ce ment, baaement, street improvements paid. A snap at $3200; $4O0 down and $25 p per I montn. wasco St.. near 2th $2675 FOR SALE BY OWNER $2675 will buy one of our modem ho me a 18 minutes car ride, one block off ear line, fireplace, buffet, bookcase, full basement. Improvements In and all paid. Daytime. Marshall 267; night, E. 80& M. I. Ford Co.. contractors and builders. Make your own terma FURNISHED 6-room houae. S beds and bedding, table linen, kitchen range: everj-- thlnr complete to keen houae: corner lot. ftoxluO; chicken-house; 72d st. North, one block to i v car; owner left city and writes to sen place at some price; e-ioo; $.150 cash takes It; balance monthly. Phone tfellwooa l45. BARGArV for quick sale. New 6-room home, furnace, ri replace, paneled dt nine- room, buffet, bookcases, linen closet; large sleeping porch: one block from car. near , Leaureinursi. Must. De seen to be appre ciated, owner. Eaat After 0 P. M. 8-ROOM bungalow; furnace, fireplace. buffet. bokcases. narawooa iioorw. gaa. electric ity; good view; Rose City Park, two blocks from carllne; I-iJM), easy terms. Provi dent Investment A Trustee Co., 2O1-203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473, A 1022. WILL double In value, near E. 6th and Burn side sts., splendid 6-room house and lot for less than actual value of lot; don't overlook this opportunity; only $3500; terms. l. l.. Bamberger, room 2. Urn bermens bldg. Marshall 712. A 4163. CLAY STREET. WEST SIDE. Good 7 -room house; gaa. bath, eta: lot 2M KM), on Clay St.. near 15th; price 4iwu, nair casn. GRUSST ft BOLDS. SU Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. FOR SALE BY OWNER. We have four houses from $2675 to $lH5a Call us up. M. I. Ford Co., con tractors and builders. Marshall 207, even ings. 3016, Make your own terma PORTLAND HEIGH T8 SNAP Modern 8- room bungalow, near car; $7000 would be a conservative price, but can sell for 13200 ror a short time. Main 35M. BROOKE. A 839.' IRVLNGTON Beautiful new bungalow, ev ery modem convenience. ideal home; owner will sell far below coat; Inapec- tion win snow an exceptional bargain. owner. P 433. oregonian. N-EW A-room bungalow; have equity of $K50 which I will sell for $550. makTng price 3307O. payable $20 per month, 10J feet off Hawthorne ave. 267 East Met st. Phone B IS. TWO BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Superior In every detail. finJahed In oak j and mahogany, hot water, hot air. beat In Irvlngton; Investigate, C 166. East Z73 iNo agenta w. h Herd man. WHAT will you give for thia handaome. new S-room houae ? Furnace, bath, lin en eloset. etc S20 Chamber of Com merce. Phone Marshall 62. 7-ROOM house. Just finished. Cl3 East 86th St., one block aoutn of Hawthorne ave.: price $3750; will give terms; 0 per cent j interest; see owner on premises. IRVLNGTON SNAP. W1JI sell ray $-ooo bungalow for $".500 cash or terma. Phone Main 11756. House address. 533 East JTth North. $25 CASH, neat painted house, lot 40x101. oearing iruii. mtnuiea out, aiount Scott dp car; price ..v. HXGLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. 6-ROOM bungalow, lot SOxlOO, easy terma Call and see It. V3Z r-. llth st. X., near I preacott. Woodlawn 3229 or C 2429. AM leaving city: will sell new 7 -room, $&o00 residence. iiioo casn. can today. Main aa.'v. SEE Le Nolr A Co. for Weat Side property. Kxciuaive aeaiers in weat mae realty. 835-7-9 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN bungalow. 8 lots. $2100; terms, pnone owner. Main 4Ui. ' For Bale Pnalneee Property. MONEY WANTED. We have party wanting to borrow $1500 and $-m on good aacurtty. No agents wanted. BRONO-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bids. 'Call for Steele. 1400 FEET fronting on deep water down the river from romana. tne way tne anip- ftng and manufacturing must go; $10 a ront foot. C 612. Oregonian. WILL sell my brick building leased 8 years at $30 monthly. Price $3000. owner. No agents. AL 629. Oregonian. lOOxlOo, FINE Weat Side apartment-house site. Nob Hill district. $28,500. Owner, 662 Wasco st. APARTMENT-HOUSE site, close In. on 13th st., can be had reasonable. Watson 4x Therkeleen. 3"6 Spalding bldg. WAREHOUSE site. Il0x2'0. trackage, for sale reasonable by Watson A Therkelsen, Sort Spalding bldg. For IS I- -Acreage. ICS ACRES. sO acres In cultivation, good house and barn, l"i miles from Malloy Station, on the Oregon Electric R, R.; will sell as a whole or a part. Inquire $6S Jefferson St.. Portland. FOR SALE by owner, a bargain. 20 acres of finest of fruit and garden soil, spring on place, 53 miles from Portland. mile from station. Main 723$ or O $44. Ore gonlan. A CHOICE five-acre tract, all under culti vation, adjoining North Plains; terms to suit purchaser. B 643. Oregonian. MODERN chicken ranch. S miles from Port land. $10,000 value for $45w0. 31$ Cham ber of Commerce. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up: large and small tracts. Call Kinney at Stamp her, 531-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. REA L ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. READ THIS The best acreaae buys with in z miles of Portland at the present time are along the Una of the Forest urove and Yamhill branch of the soutn ern Pacific, now being electrified. If you want a ten-acre tract of tha finest cleared land, one mile and A halt from station, at only $23 an acre more than the cost of clearing. I can give It to you. Watch the Jump In this land in the next rn' aayo. tne garden spot of Oregon, held back for SO years by a poor railroad, which has at laat woke up. Only T tracts " 1 inn price to enable owner to improve the balance. Address O. K, Jeffrey, 1004 Yeon bldg. Phone A 4484. Marshall 8718. BEAUTIFfl. 10-ACRE TRACT. Just out side limits or town or Yamhill; weii aettled neighborhood; would make a fine combination poultry ranch and orchard: all In cultivation and free of incumbrance: price 150 per acre; will sell on terms of $1.10 cash, balance easy payments; would consider trade for o-ronm bungalow In Portland. J. W. Croasley. SIS Corbett bldg. , NEAR RAILROAD STATION IN TUALATIN VALLEY. Fine 107-acre ranch; 76 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture and timber; old house, barn, granary, etc. good well and spring, family orchard; all free and clear of Incumbrance; price $123 per acre; easy terms. Will consider trade for Portland property. J. W. CP.OSSLET. 619 Corbett Bldg. READY to move Into, t acres. 40 minutes' car ride from center of city, 2 -room bouse, well and fences, best of soli, part cleared and of fered at $2250, with small cash pay- ' ment. balance like rent; good com munity. AR 435. Oregon. an. CHICKEN and fruit ranches liear Portland; walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaks; I acres. $200: 5 acres, $400; 10 acres. $300; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tract near railway station. $2 to $."0 per acre, FRANK M FARLAND REALTY CO., S0& Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. BARGAIN IN PARK ROSE ACRES. Four choice acre tracta, all In one body, Including corner. Just one block from car line and 2 blocka from Sandy boulevard: will cut Into 4 nice lots, worth $350 each $740o and soon worth $.V0 each; my price for the 4 acres. Including sidewalks and water, only $'250, on easy payments; act quickly. J 6-ft. Oregonian. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS, rioae to Portland; rich walnut, fruit and garden land ; only small cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In products now on the land, which we accept and are the nnlv people making this liberal offer. FIRLAND TRUST COMPANY. SOrt-S Spalding Bldg. I 5 ACRES beat garden land In Oregon, per fectly ciearea ana unun .unsauuH, ' -" good town, railroad station and river; $125 down, balance easy terms; nothing better on the market. 512 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st Office open evenings. Phone Marshall 1639. a -ACRE tracta 30 minutes from heart of city, on eieciric .inc. ruwu ! and level; fine suburban home. Price IZsO, $25 down. & per month without interest. FIELD GORDON. 73$ Chamber of Commerce. $375 BUY'S $ acres deep red shot soil, adapt er. tO irUll a rsriaific. -'I s,i.s.to,i, ssuea. tillable; no rock: wood and water; near food railroad town. 1 hour from Portland; 150 down, balance on terms. 512 Couch bldg.. 10 4th st.; open evenings. B AND 10-ACRE tracts for sale by owner. In Marion COUIiiy, at aiauon, on urrxun tiirv- trlc; best of soil and location; terma rea sonable; part of land suitable for town lots. C. A. Bartinger, swz rars st., city. i a l AND 5-ACRE tracts, close to ron- land. on electric canine, i.uu io per acre, very easy terms. j. w. Meaerun Realty Co.. 408 Corbett bldg. fi:ipi7u acres of choice onion land, run nine water: miie uum .. uno , only $300 per acre, James wuson, itoute 1, worm Or. FOR SALE One acre on carllne. only 35 mtnutea rrom oubiucbb cnuci, e eluding water and walks; easy terms hurry. Y 673. Oregonian. 10 ACRES. Powell Valley road. $6500; want Irvlngton lots. Ay ojq, umguniAa. A CHOICE five-acre tract near GEARH ART Station, nvu ; ternn. ti--. ksi cnumi For Hale Homesteads. WANT 20 homesteaders at once for land Just thrown open; plenty or water tor ir rigation, good outside range. 426 Falling hldg. TWO relinquishments of 160 acres each In Clackamas county ana ou acres iu iaae County. O. J. iioimes, a ay i or. For Solo Frolt Lands. 2o ACRCS fruit land, near Lyle, Wash.; H pi an tea with Bplizenoerg xoiiww fw- town ancles; terms. Address owner, AL 630, Oregonian. For f? ale Farms. &0 ACRES IN NORTH BANK TICKET OFFICE WINDOW. w mean, look In the North Bank R. R ticket office window, corner 5th and Stark streets, and what grows near Oold- endale. Klickitat County: then If you want an Improved ranch In this district, ' m. it h orchards, nlace fenced and cross- fanii water In evenr field, running wa ter m the chicken yara, two raoaeru h,ie one with nine rooms, the other rntta?. the larce house has telephone, electric llahts. (Say. this place Is close to Block Mouse mineral springs uwmi y sort); we can sell It on. terma at only $123 per acre, including hay in Darn, tools for place, and Jumlture in house. This Is your chance of a lifetime. See Mr. 418 Corbett bldg. VERY FINE 204-ACRB VA.T.T.EV FARM. "(,( efrea In cultivation. 80 acres of mellow bottom land, balance very Tine upland: farm Just rolling enough to drain well; 40 acres In red and 20 In alsike clover; 2 acres family orctiara; crops nearly all in ; compieie set ox una cunn ings; garden, with all kinds of berries; 2 drilled wells, one dug. windmill, tank and tower, lighting system, fenced and cross-fenced with cedar posts and Ameri can wire fence; within SO miles of Port land: reasonable terms; come In and in spect pictures of farm. Price S i .to i'r Acre. See Mr. Beck. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 272 Stark St. FARM BARGAIN. 193 acres. 100 acres bottom. 90 acres In crop. 75 acres cultivated. 40 acres slashed and goated, all fenced and cross- fenced; 10-room house, new barn 40x60, frulthouae, woodhouae. 2 chicken-houses. e-oathouse. implement nouse. 2 came sheda. water on porch, running water through place, road on two sides; span mares. S and 9 years. 1150 and 1200 lbs.. harneaa. waxen, aurrer and harness. 100 head good goats, 14 head young cattle, and $ or more hogs. 1 self-binder, 2 plows. 1 cultivator, 3 harrows, 1 roller, lot of small tools, lot of hay; 55 miles southwest of Portland. Price $70.00 per acre, one fourth cash, terms on the balance. CHAFI.N A MLKLUW. Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-334 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK RANCH AT A BARGAIN. This ranch has 200 acres, located 13 ml lea from a rood town and from R. R. station, 350 acres now in cultivation, more than 300 suitable for growing timothy, about 300 for growing small grain, bal ance has excellent pasture, lots of water, some rood saw timber and fine roads with fair house and barn. This ranch can be bought If handled quick at $11.60 per acre with good terms. AO 408, Oregonian. " ON THE WILLAMETTE RIVER, 14 miles from Portland, close to good town and electric depot. This Is a fine home and is all first-class garden land: no rocks or gravel; 15 acres cleared and the balance In fine timber; has a fair house and good barn; price $3700; a bar gain for someone looking for a home on the river. DeYOUNO A JOHNSON. 814 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 173-ACRE farm. 19 miles from Portland, fine house, barn and Improvements; am tetlrlng; horses, vehicles and Implements; 20 Jerseys, hogs, chickens, etc; plenty feed for the Winter. Call and let me show you. W. W. Church. 2S.1 Taylor. A 23W5. I3OO0 SAC R1F1CE Unincumbered 80-acre Willamette ranch: Improvements, build ings, stream, timber, excellent soil; im mediate possession; some exchange Port land unincumbered property. Owner, 1030 Grand North. TWO miles from Colton, Clackamas Co., 120 acres, with good buildings, young orchard: 40 acres haa hog-tight fence, well and several springs, live stream, to be sold at sacrifice: 130U0; half caah. O. J. Holmes, 23 Taylor. CALL at the office of the Salem Board of Trade. 2-5 Henry building, for booklets and Information about lands cloae to Ore gon's beautiful Capital city. There Is no better location for you on the Coast. SI-ACRE farm for sal. or exchange for Ore. gon or California farm; mostly under cultivation, part fruit. 22 miles from Port land: price $6000. 'Warren Emrlck, R. F. r. No. 2. Camas. Washington. 19.00 PER ACRE. 160 acres Tillamook dairy and stock farm. Improved. No. 412 Chamber of Com merce bldg. REAL ESTATE. For sale Farms. FINE FARM. tw?ixt a v r cpi'n t.IVT). 50 acres, ALL CLEAR. BLACK. BOT TOM LAND. 14 acres in wheat and oats, balance nearly ready to plant to prunes; trees now on hand for 24 acres; Just ready to set out; 7-room house, 3 years old; big barn, outbuildings, windmill and. am Just Installing a water system; 500 bu. oats, 100 bu. potatoes. 10 tons of hay. lots of shorts. rhn ahpat. etc.: 120 fine, fat Plvmonih rhlT r(ttlne 12 eees a day DOW; fine Jersey cow Just fresh with calf; fine team of horses, one of which Is a regis tered driving mare, that I paid $350 for , this Fall; good buggy, wagon, plows, etc. Now this land is ALL CLEARED and is spud and PRUNE LAND; it lies 14 miles from West Stavton alonr the R- R-' aT- . tha Wot Slavtnn nAnl are retting $JdO and $.'io0 an acre for the same soil for prunes without buildings, stock, tc- 1 am forced to sell on account of other Interests and will take $160 per acre; EVERYTHING goes. Now this Is a GOOD buy, and you will want It if you see iu I will accept $5000 caah. balance on time. Address H. GRAHAM (owner). AumsvlUe, Oregon. R. I. box es. FINE 15-ACRE FARM. 15 acres of A-l soil, no rock or gravel on the place; 13 acres under high state of cultivation, 2 acres timber, place fenced and cross fenced; good well, 4 -room frame house, good barn, chtcken-house and parks, 1 h acres of strawberries, 2 acres of young peach trees, 1 acre of apples. 4 acre of assorted ber rtus; lUs on main county road, close to school, 30 minutes walk from ?ood town and R. R.. and 20 mllea rom heart of Portland; this Is a line buy. Personal property: 1 horse, new wagon and harness, plow, har row, cultivator, all hay, chickens and tools; this is one of the best farms In the valley; the. price Is $3000, 1-3 cash will handle this. " BRONG -STEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg. 2S7H Oak St. "Farm Dept." DISTRIBUTE CARLOAD OF COWS AMONG SETTLERS. Thirtv-siY flne Hoist eln. Jersey. Dur ham and Shorthorn cows were distributed amorg Los Mollnos settlers by tne cream-si-v thia H;,if the monthly cream check is taken in payment. An acre of thts fine alfalfa land supports two cows and a x hoes. Dava S20u an acre revenue; yields 10 tons besides Winter paature. Soil 50 feet deen. rich river bottom aedi- ment- Gravity Irrigation all the water . vou can use. Garden now doing fine. 16 vtrlsifli Winter vegetables. Orangea get ting ripe H weeks ahead of Southern Cal ifornia. Best deciduous fruit district in U S. Land cheap. One thousand acres sold in last 80 days. Choice tracts going fast. Write at once to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, Los Mollnos. CaL 20 ACRES RANCH 00 acres, with buildings. IS miles from Portland, near e.ectnr nne; otram for nil cash, by owner. 1S2 Morrison st. Miscellaneous. BUY your real estate from agents who use the .National i-teai jstaio Bsiemmioi. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR FARMS under $10O per acre. They mean business, and If your price Is right, vou will do well to communicate with MR. BECK, WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO.. 272 Stark st. WANTED. T.OTS LOTS LOTS. As first payment on houses; 5. 6, T and 8-room houses; no cash required: all places west of E. 40th, south of Haw thorne; prefer lots in Hose City Park or Vernon district; casn values oniy; 101 ana block number or don't answer. AB 625. Oregonian. WE can sell your house If you put the right nrlra and terms on It. if It la in good neighborhood, and If you will give us time to inspect it ourselves Deiore we oner . . to our clientele. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor. Chamber of Commerce. nrrrw KArirvn misitnena corner on carllne. costing not more than $3000; will pay all cash for right location in growing neigh borhood; I am not an agent, but a bona fide buyer; don't reply unless you can fill these "requirements. al, oregonian. WANTED From 3000 to 10.000 acres of land; in Oregon or Washington; must be within reach or transportation; price muss be low; give complete acscription, loca tion, soil, etc,, in first letter. AP 64L Oregonian. RESIDENCE or suburban property, clear of debt, value about $6000, from party who will take prominent w asnington-sc notei business paying: $500 monthly profit and assume some difference. F 647, Oregonian, WE have clients for seven to nine-room modern homes in Irvlngton district or Holladay Park ; lowest prices and best terms desired from owners. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. uivEo win niirchase neat, strictly modern home under $SO0O If attractive price is made; profit over actual cash value not consmerea. rnono jimn oua i wivT a new r. or 6-room bunxalow from owner: will Py S500 cash and good monthly payments. Address O 628. Ore gonian. WANTED Snaps In Farkroae acrea. or lots; have cmjsb: xlve mil particuiara. r oo-. Oregonian. IF you are a builder and have cheap lot or tract for sale, address 1, f. vernon. gen eral delivery. wiVTKn or 7 -room house on West Side. close In. and must bo modern. Watson A Therkelsen, 806 Spalding bldg 7 l v-Tt-n t -t in TinxR Titv Park district; state nrlce and location; no ageuia. vw 484, Oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. WILL rent 10 acres of rich river bottom ; soli, perfect potato trucx iana: nunuamo ; Or pure running water, near . uo wu of 500 population, bank, stores, factories, churphM inri achools: vou can 4iave phones and electric lights, near factory where steaay employment can do uuibu at good wages; do not take up our time unless you have enough money to oper ate with. CHAPIN A HER LOW, Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce, RAILWAY land, 160 acres fine sotl, lots of timber, good location, rent zo per year. Koom 10. -.aa - wasningio.1 et. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD C. J. M'CRACKEN, 304 McKay Bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent, a farm, by a practical farmer ana stock man, jjnvneo oujiii. An oat. ""-- TO EXCHAVGE. 11-ACRE garden farm, few blocks to sta- lnn Ua.V.non .1 CUIL1V.I.U. RUW 11-1 nrovements. for house In town. 415 Chamber of Commerce. ON Oregon Electric. 10 acres, new house. furnished; can maae irom i io w aay, no commission; price (3000; might trade. 510 Rothcniia p,ag. vpiv r.-t-nnm modern cottaae. price S2100. equity or SIVU to traae ior grj. tsu S03 LumDer mctbiirb. WANTED Clothing and shoe salesman, also saleslantes. Apyi.. mi. uhw.. era lo work. Hamburger's, 145 2d st. RESTAURANT A good one. to trade for small nouse ana lot or jqi up - io ,oou. Call 301 Lumber Exchange. ACRE ground and 5-room house, stable ana cnic.Bu-j..u, v . . " . ...uo. Inquire 144 t- M l .n. FOR SALE) or trade, 320-acre farm, level land, deep soil. Sherman Nelson. 804 Lewis bdg. . 20 ACRES pear Woodburn. all cleared, with good - buildings, to trade for Portland WANTED To apply high-grade piano on equity, bungalow preierrea. Address zu:i Cordova Hotel after 7 P. M. FARMS, acreage, city property, hotels and rooming-houses for sale and exchange. C. A. Leete. sua oregonian piqg. WILL take Ford auto part payment Improved farm; balance own terms. 629. Oregonian. FIRST mortgnge 17500, 6 per cent Interest to exchange for stock of general merch andise or hardware, n qi, uregonian. ,3000 EQUITY In 1 One lots for furniture; must be good; right price. Hurlbert, 304 Lewis bldg. SEE me about Columbia Orchard bonds. J. F. Hadley. A 10 Bpaiqing plug. TRADE (125 equity In lot for horse; allow boot. Phone E. 917, C 2609. COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lota for property here. Hadley, 310 Spalding. TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE. 10 acres 3 miles south of Salem; this tract Is all level and faces on main county road, mile from church and school; the soil is A No. 1, absolutely free from rock or gravel; 5 acres under high state of cultivation, baiar.ee light brush that can be slashed oft for $3 per acre; only 6 standing trees on the whole tract; the price $2000; will take In vacant lota or houso and lot. BRONO-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bdg., 27 Oak St. "Farm Dept." Vs-rv rr.nsE TV East Side flats; income $60: will tafci good residence lot as part payment; prlc isoou; win arrange terms. I14.5O0 income business property; Income $150; will take lot suitaoie xor nai. We have anme verv fine farms to X change for city property. See Mr. Beck. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 272 Stark St. . -PER AfRK. . 440 acres near Roseburg. part under Plow: 315 trees. 600 scrape. 8-room house, barns, 6 million saw timber, cows, team implements included, at $25 PER ACRE, WAAT PORTLAND rt KAliT I . CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 211 Lewis Bldg. "KTAN'T a. niilclr eirchanefx: no cash rPOUired want nouee ana tot, city, up m fowi, iui my 42 -acre Xarm; new nouse, nam. chlckein-hoiiRA. fenced : 2ft acres CUlti vated. balance pasture and timber; stock and implements; equity sauou, oaiance can sta.nu o or i years, o per ueuu th st.. near Oak. TO exchange, two Eastern Washington farms lor good income fortiana property. apu.iL-ment-house or business property; must chance on account of ill health. Address me. W. M. Watson, Lewiston.Idaho: T WISH to trade 3300 worth Of stock in large tract or lajia mat win pay tw per cent and a good lot In Berkeley, cost me $200, and full value, for good team of young horses. R 73. Oregonian. GOOD rich orchard tracts, all cleared, rrnwiiis- rron. narticuiariv aaaoiea to fruit, berries and vegetables; terms: might consider trade, U. O. Ireland, aiu toiu child bldg. ' EXCHANGE equity in $1700 Tacoma res! dence nroDerty. 2 lots, new mouera cut trnre block from carllne. all improve ments in. for Portland real estate. AO rtLO, Oregonian. t.e;t m. imrfa what vou have for what yo t-q n t aflfh nronertv eiven lnniviauai ai tentlon. Several pieces of acreage for city property, j. it. Haignt, ovw cnara her of Commerce bldg. . T ijSts .Eonltv of $2500 to exchange f r.i.v merchandise or acreaee. the bal anr ham Rt. sin ner month on whole mis-ht taKe auto ior pari. c. v.. nun bert. 304 Lewis bldg. AM leaving this country; must dispose of my new 4U . r. iour-uour hiviiihe. artfir-e- will consider trade on Portlan real estate. Ask for Mr. Anderson. 20. Wilcox bldg. t vi a ve :tfio mnrtzate. monthly payrnen anrf 4 fine beacn iota ann poasmiy unl eash for good, rooming-house; no agents. AB 62. Oregonian. IF YOU have a small ranch to exchange for a rooming-noue or a avvv siwci business, l will traae one or duiu. uu-, Oregonian. . EXCHANGE high-grade player piano for lot or equity. ti. avereit FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc wav i vi nolrt mv rauch and going to Cali forn a. I havo jeit at tne ew xur. wiu Kmhioi a nir nf black mares t and years old. one mare with foal, both regit hraariu r-m UnrYt true nfnelu and doun and very gentle, for $120; also a 1500-lb, geldiirg & years oia. sounu anu worker, for $200; guaranteed and trla giver, on these three. Appiy joiu u .i Oer. ASK ror tne xayim hvjiob. THE handsome show horse Comet, weight 1100 pounds, a prize-winner, wnn irin4- nf snuoH Tf vou want a fine horse, come nd see him. I will exchange him f rir a .rood liverv horse, as he Is too good for m v business. 1 4 Union ave, corner of Ash. 1 WANTED 1 horse about 1250 weight vniino- reliable ana Wltnoui oiemisii. wui incia nr i on hie: must stand trial. In quire A- Weber, Hillsdale, Route 1, Box 74. WAXTED 1 or 2 delivery horses & or viir .-iirt. weiarnt to i-'ou; musi blm.ii' 2 or 3 days' trial and veterinary inspeo tlon. Inquire sales manager Royal Bak ery, lltn ana jiiveren. t.Tr.HT cnver-d watron. suitable for an kind of delivery; l ' a-i cunumon. amu good sound horse ana spienma narnnss. an for $75. 16th and Alder. New York Club Stables. JUST arrived 20 mares and geldings, weight to I.MK) lbs. ; a guarantee got? cvcij horse, and if not as represented, money will be refunded. :..m 2d, near 311.1. ttw. httvs a eood team, mare and a horse, weight 2aou. wun goou iiumesB uu wagon, senwooa car to moiy r. kivt.i.f. ton hua&rv xood as new; cheap. E k. t. arnenier. toi.t v-wv an, e 1 tu CL' Xffr &Knf car to Firland. r.nnn ranrh team. 2500; one team 2'juu one bunny horse. u-"; two tauu -nuu-. 580 Carlton. Sell wood li58. TWO patent dump wagons, almost new; two xarm wagon, jmu a. rtconw ou 0.1 scrapers. SSO Carlton. Sellwood 17oM. rpa R-vear-old geldings. weight $400, heavy boned, tine woraers, price very reasonanie, tnoruugn tn.i. oot r 1 1 1 l bi, SALE Brown mure, $05: sound and a good worker: weight no ids.: .o hub mua chunky bay mare, $ttO. 393 Water st. HORSE, buggy and harness, worth $1000, cheap; traae ior amniuima. iu oiain. Automobiles. 9ft "PER CENT SAVING. To Introduce new car In Portland, we will sell 5 new, fully equipped automobiles at cost, to lntroauce T.nis new tr m run isnn rni ATA fully guaranteed and 5 new cars in 5 satisfied owners hands Is worth more to us man -5j per cent apcui. In advertising. If you are Intending pur chaser we will demonstrate. F 636, Ore gonian. ; x7.li TiELOW value. 1910 Stearns auto, 60 hnMnnwpr. i-uasseiiKci, lunj cumuutu, In first-class condition; price $1350; $10o0 cash balanco 10 suit. AuurB jl Malloy. Oregon City. Phone 390, A 18. 10.10 E f. F. 30 TOUKING V Art fully nnVa L'R nW I COSE l-.Ttf. DliCB ID 5. Custom-House Auto Co., cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. rnungfi. nt-p i d 1.1-1 vivr. citv. would leave my new four- door automooiie- wun reuaoie yeopio wno would agree to buy on smaa payment, a 630, Oregonian. BAKES ELECTRIC RUNABOUT, rmt the owner, last year. S2750: ma chine Just as good as new In appearance: SlOliy casn ttuje n. unmcrmcn. urns, FOR SALE New Packard auto truck, used only 42 aaya. .au r. u. cotsiora 1.0., 1321 Yeon bids;. HAVE $1000 equity In Laurelhurst lot to exchange for nrst-ciass automooiie. . can today. A j-ii.o. rivc.PiSSEN'GER 30-H. P. automobile. casn, oaiance easy terms, pea car on Tentn St. MUST aell my Maxwell tourlnir car. com nlete equipment; win guarantee. rnone E. 4549. NEW enrage Just completed. Live and dead storaiee. speedwell 3lotor -o.t w. 31, 34 35 14th st., cor. Couch. WILL take hlKh-grade 1911 automobile for my 1-oou equity in new i-room resiaence. Call for Lyle. Marshall 2432. LARGE 2-oassenger auto: S05O cash. would exchange ior clear properly. 47, Oregonian. ' BRUSH AUTOMOBILE. sale, groceries, acreage or trade for lot. Main piano, 8753. $500 CASH buys 30 H. P- B-passenger car; gas lamp, top ana winusmeia, gooa tires. 103 4th st. FEDERAL TRUCKS. Solid as the Nation. S6 10th St.. near Stark GARAGE building done, best and cheapest. by J. K. cuer. i'none 3lain ztJ ntn. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. FINE 1-year-old male spits cheap- will 67th trade for good parlor heater. 4518 p. E. Kern rarx station. ENGLISH bull terrier puppies cheap If taken it once. 187 Market. FINE parrot cheap, with cage; good talker. fhone xaoor i,ox. E. M. F. 30., JfWO. BOTH pleasure and delivery Tower. 733 Glrard St. beds Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. SPLENDID mahogany case, 8S-note player piano, in A-l conamon, lo; must be cash. X 648. Oregonian. TO settle storage charges, will sell good square piano ior ei.. in. uisen irans fer Co.. 248 Pine St.. near 3d. WANT to rent piano for tho V inter; re sponsible party. j. tx. aicuormlck, bo Mauory ave. FOR sale or trade, piano, in excellent con dition; must be seen to be appreciated. Address S75 E. Oth South. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. KOHLER CHASE, 375 Washington St. IN OUR EXCHANGE ROOM YOU WILL RUN ACROSS MANY FINE PIANO BAR GAINS IX UPRIGHT. GRAND AND PLAYER PIANOS. WEBER. STEINWAJ. STECK. VOSE. CHICKERINO. KIMBALL. CHASE AND OTHER WELL-KNOWN MAKES. THESE PIANOS ARE GUAR ANTEED FULLY. REME.MBh.R THK NAME AND NUMBER. KOHLER & CHASE. 373 WASHINGTON STREET, An elegant, up-to-date player piano; has been used but six months: Is- same as new; has beautiful mahogany case. Regular price 50. Price now 4So. Terms $3 per week. Kohler A Lhase, 3ii Washington atreet. $70 Nice little practice piano: has had considerable service, but Is still a good piano. You can pay $5 cash and $o per month. Kohler & Chase, 375 Washington street. A splendid upright, mahogany piano, $195. Terms lo cash and $ per month. Guaranteed for 10 years. Kohler A Chase, 375 Washington street. . - $10 will place a brand-new upright-' pi ano in your home and $6 per month will keep It there until paid for. New pianos from $150 upward. Used upright pianos from $50 upward. Kohler it Chase, ;375 Washington street. $95 Kimball upright piano In fancy wsl nut casing, latest model; has had -very little use; only $95. Kohler 4c Chase, 375 Washington street. $118 Kimball uprlprht piano; will suit small room. Regular 300 style. Our price $tls. Easy terms. Kohler & Chase, 375 Washington street. Pianos rented $3 and $4 per month. All money paid as rent can apply on pur chase price. Kohler & Chase, 375 Wash ington street. Handsome cabinet grand upright piano, $300: model, old renowned maker. Our special price $-77: easy trms. Kohler & Chase, 375 Washington street. Autoplanos. $275. $2S7, $390. Free music rolls. Kohler & Chase, 375 Washington street. $. per month will place a piano In yo, ir home and a few dollars each month will keep It there until paid for. Kohler iz Chase, 375 Washington street. Pianos rented. $3 per month. Chlcker lng. Kimball and many other good makes. Kohler & Chase, 3 75 Washington street. IN OUR EXCHANGE ROOM YOU WILL RUN ACROSS MANY FINE BARGAINS IN UPRIGHT. GRAND AND PLAYER PIANOS. WEBER. STEINWAY. STECK. VOSE, CHICKERING. KIMBALL. CHASE AND OTHER WELL-KNOWN MAKES. THESE PIANOS ARE GUARANTEED FULLY. REMEMBER THE NAME AND NUMBER. KOHLER & CHASE, 375 Washington St. Miscellaneous. SECOND-HAND BUILDING MATERIAL LUMBER, all kinds and sizes, perfect condition. $ per M.; BRICK, perfec-.ly clean. $6 per M delivered; DOORS and WINDOWS. 40c up; BATHTUBS, LAVA TORIES. TOILETS, sinks. etc., very cheap; electric light wires, etc; every thing to complete a building. Several hundred sanitary single cot beds. $1 each. Genuine OAK COMPORTS or WASHSTANDS. $1.25 each. PACIFIC WRECKING COMPANY. 291 GUsan St. AN Xmas present that will be appreciat ed. Genuine Navajo Indian rugs on sale at 'i price. Schemer's Souvenir and Curio .stores. 144 Second st., bet. Alder and Morrison: S6 North 6th St.. bet. Everett and Flanders. MEN'S TROUSERS. I can sell you $4 trousers for $2.50; $5 values for $3.50; no big profit tacked on to pay for hlsrh rent. JIMMY' DUNN. Room 315. Oreaonlan bldg. Take elevator. FOR SALE Very cheap, a Goss newspaper web press; will print 4 and 8 pages, 111 good condition, with complete stereotyp ing outfit. Apply Goldstone, pressman Daily News. FOR SALE OR RENT LOGGING AND HOISTING ENGINES, locomotives, con tractors' equipment. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., ' 74 First Street. STOVE DOCTOR. If your stove doesn't bake, there Is something wrong. I can tlx it. 368 East Morrison. Phone East 1022. SMALL, med. and large safe, Burroughs ad. macn., qosks, nung cao., o-urawsr .-national cash register. SW. corner 5th and Oak, second floor. SAFES New and 2d-hand, low prices, easy terms: ssifes opened, repaired and painted. PL'RCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO., 85 5th St. Main 6309, A 411S. LADIES 14-karat solid gold watch, set with 14 diamonds and l ruDy, only aju. st Uncle Myers', 71 6th. 17-JEWEL Howard 14-karat Boss filled watch ror e-J. at uncie myeio, ix uiu, near Oak. ' FOUR fresh cows for sale. 2 Jerseys and 2 Durhams. 'laKO r.aracaaa car to r air view. Inquire of T. R. Howltt. CAPITAL JUNK CO.. dealers In lion, metal. rubbers, backs, machinery, pipe, iiwin aim Job lots. Marshall 3839. 67-69 N. 1st at. DIAMOND RINGS, $60 and $100; diamond bracelet. oo; nugget ana aifiiuunu imh pin, $35. Room 1. 245 '. Morrison. MUST be moved; new shack. 14x20; lumber cost abemt sou; yours ior io caeu. Becker, 331 14th St. Phone Marshall 8054. NEARLY new dining room furniture, con sisting Ot lour cnairs, aining inn serving i.bles, heavy fumed oak. Marshall 1130. CHRISTMAS bargain In all makes or type writers, tome ann see Liioin. .swmweii ern Typewriter Co.. 90 5th st. STEEL blue, diamond Tiffany rings. 14 karat, $2o; j, Karat, s-io; Karat, ia; a karat. $120. At Uncle Myers'. 71 6th. $65 PHONOGRAPH outfit, with SO new records, an s.vj. u quo, uigwwimii. FOR SALE Well-rotted manure fertilizer. East 2276. ONE iron oil tank. 4 ft. 10 In. by 14 ft. 481 Johnson st. SAFE Medium-sized fireproof, combination lock. Address r. u. dox azo. 5000 SECOND-HAND firebrick, perfect con dition. Pacltic wrecking i o., 2vi tiiisan. WELL rotted fertilizer manure. Call East 2122. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. I WANT 25 SHARES Portland Concrete Pile 4i Equipment Co. stock. WILL PAY CASH. No attention paid to answers unless price is quoted. W 042. OREGONIAN. WE BUY CLOTHING, FURNITURE, TOOLS Highest price pai.l ror men s ana laaies caatoff clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic, logging. Call Main 2tjS0. 21(0 1st St., The Globe. PARTY to share .car, shipment of house hold goods to lianas, -lex. n. w line, 908 Lewis bldg WANTED Llsht Spring wagon with top preferred, capacity about lr.8. t-all at 441 Glisan st. Phone Main C24.r). WE pay the highest cash price for second hand rurnlture. neater et .-narun. i-none East 3134. 34S Hawthorne ave. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. 370 E. Morrison. Phone E 1022. Pays highest cush price for furniture. ELECTRIC fixtures for bungalow; mission design preferred; must be Dargain. a? 670. Oregonian. Contractor'a equipment by United Englneer- Ing at Construction Co.. MOD Lewis bldg. ORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of rurnlture. Mln Miol. A zhi WILL tint rooms for $2.fi0 and paint houses at your price. Phone East 34J. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED First-class clothing salesman; no other need apply; steady position, can m person. Apply to D. Shafer, 133S Pacific ave., Tacoma. Wash. WANTED Tailor: first-class coatmaker; experienced on ladles' clotnes only: steady position; Italian or French. 320 Idaho bldg.. Boise. Idaho. HAVE an attractive side line for shoe sales man In Washington: give particulars as to present line. AL 635. Oreponlan. BOY wanted to learn auto . business. 561 Hawthorne ave.. cor. i:uh. ANTED Barber for Saturday. Sweeney's, 39'i Stark st. WANTED Live agent to sell photo coupons. Boston Studio, 342 ft Washing tin at.