Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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Prtrtfne-rom ..
ritjr eirulation
KtRtmi Editor
huntity Editor ..
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uiH.riniaiBt bulld:n. . . . Mm JoTO A o
BAKER THKATEH E:nrs and Mrrt.
mil tv Lwls In "Don-t U to Tour
Wife." tonlnht at 8.14.
ORPHEl'M THE ATFR (Morrison, hrlwn
F'ltn and Sn;h VaudoTliio. This af
ternoon at Ml and tonight at
FANTAGES THEATER (ftoventh and Al.
rl Vaudavtl.a. This, altarnooa ml :ls;
tonight at T 10 and St
EMPRESS THEATER ( Prk and Waahlnt
tonl Vaarievlli. This afternoon al 2:11
and ton the at T:0 and .
LYRIC THEATER (Fourth and Star)
Mualral comedy. "In Oay Paris." Thla
afternoon at 2.10 and tonight at T:J
and til
plcluraa. H A. il.-H P.
AdertWmnts Intended for th City Xiwl
n BrW colamoa la tuaari taao ani
d'd ha Tfco Ortgaalu haalara aaTtc hy
ereiovfc Baiarday nln.
McCriKEB Orcxs Hkadqvaiiters. Th
announcement waa mads yesterday that
x-n roiieue headquarters will bo estab
lished In the Lumberman's building; In
charge of Thomas McCusker. It is the
plan of the friends of Senator La Fol
lette to orgranlse clubs throughout the
state and make an effort in that way to
secure ror the Wisconsin man the
popular vot for President In the pri
mary election next April. Designation
of Mr. McCusker as the man to handle
the La Fotlette campaign In this state
followed correspondence between Mr.
McCusker and W. L. Houser. chairman
-National organisation that Is
working in the Interest of Mr. La Fol
ic tie.
Charges of misconduct were filed
with the City Auditor yesterday by O.
W. Hays against Policemen Gill and
Griffith who are accused by Hays of
baring entered his room In the Turney
block last Saturday night, without
authority or provocation. In a sworn
statement Hays says the policemen In
plain clothes entered the place at mid-
nignt and threatened to arrest sev
eral persons who asked what was
wrong. Hays declares the policemen
reruse-a to snow their stars or to ex
plain their mission and embarrassed
Mrs. Hays greatly. The charges will
go to the police committee of the Ex
ecntlve Board.
Momtatilu Woxak Bor.hb to Rest.
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret R.
Hanthorn. who died at her home, at
T East Eightr-drst street. In Mont
villa, Tuesday, was held yesterday
arternoon from the Montavllla Metho
dlst Church. Rev. W. J. Douglass.
pastor, conducted the services. Mrs.
Hanthorn was a member of the Metho
dlst Church. Women's Christian Tem
perance Union. Women's Relief Corps
and Grange. She was prominent In
all these organisations and members
of each attended the funeral. Mrs.
Hanthorn was a widow. (7 years old
and bad been a resident of Portland
for Ave years.
As a guide In the selection of Christ
mas rifts from the "best sellers." lntl
mate Information on what to buy and
what not to buy will be given In a
public talk on "Modern Fiction. by
Miss March, or the Public Library. In
th Toung Women's Christian Assocla
tlon Auditorium this evening at 7:10
o'clock. The talk will be followed by
an Informal social hour and Miss
Dagmar Kelly will contribute vocal
selections. On th's occasion no ad
mission cards will be necessary and
everyone Is Invited.
Aiaixi Ci-ca Elects. The North
Alblna Improvement Association has
elected S. L. Osborne president and
II. A. Ruble secretary and treasurer
for the ensuing year. It waa voted to
start a campaign for a complete sewer
system for the Peninsula. Including
North Alberta and Woodlawn. and H.
O. Parsons was made chairman of a
committee to take np that subject.
Other clubs on the Peninsula have been
asked to appoint similar committees
to confer on the sewer question.
Bex Hrm Tbibb to Initiats. E. L.
Iliberly. state manager of the order
of the Tribe of Ben Hur. will attend
a meeting of Court No. 7. Alberta dis
trict, tonight and assist In the Initia
tion ceremonies. The court will elect
officers and start a membership cam
paign. Mr. Hlberly attended the meet
Ing of Court No. S. at Granges hall In
Lents Monday night and addressed the
Siptiocxaria.x Resident Dies. Ed'
ward L. Lyons. Ts years old. died at
his home, at 101 Harney street. In Sell
wood. Tuesday. He had been a resi
dent of Oregon for 25 years and of
Sell wood for five years. He Is survived
by his widow. The funeral will be
held today from Hemstock's chapel and
interment will be made in Milmaukte
Suit in Kqcitt Filed. A suit In
equity to quiet a title was filed In
the L'nlted Slates Circuit Court yester
day by . A. Coughamour against W.
E. Lees. L. Belle Lee. Thomas Crothers
and Dale Robertson. The property In
question and to which the defendants
claim a delinquent tax deed is located
In Malheur County.
Charles Robertso to Speak. Serv
ices will be held at Congregation
Ahavat Sholom. corner Park and Clay
streets, tonight at o'clock. Charles
Robertson will address the congrega
tion on the subject "The Woman of
Early Judaism. Tomorrow morning
services are at 1:10 o clock. Rabbi R,
A bra ham son will officiate.
Thi Annual Show of the Oregon
Poultry and Pet Stock Association Is
now In progress at the new Multnomah
Hotel, corner Third and Pine sts. Ad
mission. IS cents. This Is the best
show ever given by this association.
there being over 1200 birds on exhibi
tion and exhibitors are present from
all parts of the West.
Ckehto.x Ci ru Meets Todat. The
Mothers and Teachers' Club of Cres
ton School will meet today at 1:10 P.
M.. at the school In the assembly halt
The committee will report on the move
ment to have the woods cleared In
back of the school. Fire protection,
the need of more water and cleaner
school grounds also will be discussed.
OitAxat Favors Direct Represexta
tio!. At the meeting of Pleasant
Valley Grange Saturday It was voted
to Indorse the State Grange amendment
authorising the subordinate Granges to
elect delegates to the State Grange
direct, and do away with the present
convention plan.
T. W. C. A. Grbem Tea Pot Mnu.
Friday. December t: Bouillon, clam
chowder, roast veal, baked salmon. T
bone steak, spinach, breaded tqmatoes.
baked onions, artichokes, chicken salad,
fruit salad, asparagus, pumpkin pie,
graham pudding, with hard sauce; ice
cream with cake.
Arista Plus to Meet. The Arleta
Mothers' and Teachers Club will meet
tomorrow at the school building, at
1:4$ o'clock. Pf. W. B. Holden will
address the club on "Effect of Cigar
ette Smoking and of Narcotics." Miss
Wold. Arleta librarian, will give a few
minutes talk.
Thi Jewelry business of A. Lyon,
formerly at 110 Washington st. now
located at 10S Corbett bldg.. where a
splendid selection of goods suitable for
Christmas presents Is on display.
A Hiohlt - Appreciated Christmas
present Is a diamond or watch. My
stock Is large, anything In the Jewelry
line. U. J. Alutock. Jul Corbett bldg.
Db. E. A. SoatMBB returned 1017
Corbett bldg.
Batumi all day today. Oaks Rink.
Eoi-xdlioi Made fob Proposed Bridge.
Under the direction of the City En
gineer soundings have been made for
the proposed bridge for South Portland
between Woodward avenue and Woods
street. At the last election the bridge
bonds were placed on the ballot without
the condition of the river bottom being
known. Dr. Dav Raffety. chairman of
the Greater South Portland bridge
committee, said that no plan for a
bridge campaign had been adopted and
will not be adopted until the election
date Is settled. He also expressed the
opinion that any change of the bridge
location toward the south or on Beacon
street will be unwise and might defeat
the bridge project, as a big cut would
be required on Beacon street for the
approach, which, property owners say,
would ruin their holdings. The sub
ject will be considered at the next
meeting of the Brooklyn Improvement
Club December 11. Mayor Rushlight
has been asked to attend and express
bis views as to the bridge project.
Other Defendants Socoht. In the
land grant suit of the United States
against the Southern Oregon Company
the defendant filed a petition yesterday
asking that the Sheriffs and tax col
lectors of Coos and Douglas Counties
be made parly defendanta and that
they be restrained from the collection
of taxes from or making assessments
against the properties Involved
In the suit' while It Is pend
ing. Judge Wolverton granted
summons against the proposed defend
ants that la returnable January IS. The
property Involved In the suit Is In these
counties and the defendants do not
want to pay taxes on it If it Is ultimate
ly decided to belong to the Govern
Hons fob Hots' Club Socoht. A
meeting will be held tonight In the
Plcturelsnd Theater, on Alberta street,
to consider plsns to obtain permanent
quarters for the Boys' Club organised
under the auspices of the Alberta
Business Men's Club. The general
committee composed of Benjamin
Brick. Dr. E. A. Lumls. D. E, Smith,
W. J. Lundy, George E. Crump. H. 8.
Re id, Myron Kilgore. Sylvester Pren
tlce. Frances Wilson. Verl McAdams
and William Sylvester, has been In
vestlgattng and will report at the
meeting tonight. Leading citizens of
the district have Interested themselves
In this movement to build a club
house for the boys of that neighbor
Patton avenue Is to be Improved from
Portland boulevard to Columbia boule
vard with cement sidewalks and curbs.
Arthur D. Kern submitted the lowest
bid $11 6 for the work, and he prob
ably will do the work. Patton avenue
has been graded between Killings wort h
avenue and Columbia boulevard, and
eventually will be paved as part of the
boulevard system on the Peninsula. It
Is 100 feet wide. Portland boulevard.
which extends from Willamette boule
vard to Woodlawn, has been Improved
with cement sidewalks, and will be
paved later when the property owners
decide they are able to stand the
Camp- Gives ' Turrets. In
the membership campaign carried on
by Multnomah Camp. No. 77. Woodmen
of the World. 100 turkeys were given
those who brought In applications for
membership before Thanksgiving. Clerk
Wilson reported yesterday that fully
100 more turkeys will be distributed
before Christmas and New Year's for
applications. He said that 41 applica
tions had been received In the last few
days to be reported at the meeting
tonight. Initiation will be held Decem
ber 19 when It Is expected that 100
candidates will be admitted. The total
membership of Multnomah Camp is
1100. .
Crrr Seeks Steam-Roller Butsr.
The city Is looking for someone who
wants to buy a second-hand steam
roller which Is slightly out of repair.
The machine was recently struck by a
Southern Pacific train and damaged to
the extent of about 1700. Besides this
the tires of the wheels are worn nearly
through, the machine has gone through
about seven years of hard service and
Is a trifle out of date. Otherwise It is
good roller. The city Is willing to
part with It for 1700. The street
committee of the Executive Board yes
terday decided to buy a new steam'
roller If someone could be found who
would pay f 700 for the old one.
Fzbbt Plans Accepted. Plans for
the ferry between St. Johns and Clare
mont, which were prepared by W. R.
Phillips, were yesterday approved by
the County Court, Bids for 'the build
ing of the boat will be opened Decern
br 17. The county, which by virtue
of an act passed at the last session of
the Legislature takes the ferry over
from the City of St. Johns, refused to
accept the present boat as Inspection
proved that It might be condemned
at any time.
Topic Is Christtaxitt asd Pouno."
"Christianity and Modern Politics" Is
the topic which will be taken up by the
social service committee at the Y. M,
C. A. at the noon luncheon tomorrow,
W. Q. Eggleston will lead In the discus.
slon of the subject. Eight school prin
cipals, two Judges, six lawyers, besides
bankers. Insurance men. solicitors and
ministers, are members of the com
mlttee. which la holding meetings once
week to study social and political
Thieves Thought to Have Used
Waook. Thieves who are supposed to
have come In a wagon, looted the
Standard Outfitting Company's store, at
41& Washington street, Wednesday
night. When the employes arrived yes
terday morning they found a, back
door open and property missing that
weighed about 100 pounds. The list of
missing goods Included six pairs of
velvet curtains, a large plate glass
mirror and two suits of clothes.
Dr. Blacsteim to Speak at Temple.
Dr. David Blausteln. of New York,
will speak at Beth Israel tonight. The
choir under the direction of Mrs. Rose
Bloch Bauer will sing the ritual and
Mrs. Pelphlne Marx will sing "Like aa
the Hart Deslreth" (Allltsen). E. E.
Coursen will play "Cantellna" (Goiter
man). The service will begin at
o'clock. All men and women are wel
Smoker o." Cab FoRrxrrs Bail, Ad
judication of the question whether one
msy smoke on streetcars, about to be
brought on by the first arrest for the
offense, has been postponed through the
failure of the accused to appear for
trial. J. F. Obrock, who was arrested
early In the week, forfeited his ball,
when the case was called In Municipal
Hexbt GRirrtM Faixts. Henry Griffin.
head of the County Board of Relief, was
attacked with a fainting spell In the
corridors of the Courthouse about noon
yesterday. Dr. H. R- Cliff, who was
called to attend him. found the fainting
was caused by nervousness due to
stomach troubles. After resting several
hours In his office In the Courthouse
he wcat to his home.
Potton Nearly Kills Lodoeb. Taking
laudanum and whisky for Insomnia,
nearly cost the life of Charles L.
Dubois, a lodger at the Rex Hotel, at
Seventeenth and Washington streets,
early yeaterday. The police were called
by other lodgers who said the man
was dying. He received medical atten
tion and was reported out of danger.
Mrs. Jtne MacMillai Ordwat'S
postal card poems on sale at J. K.
GUI's and Meier Frank's.
with each purchase. Our windows
show list of Christmas presents.
Archer Wiggins Co.. th and Oak.
Devils Cast Oct will be Evangelist
Vsn Marter's topic tonight, at Cen
tenary Methodist Church. ,
China. Glasswarb and Brasses.
Gifts for all. Bailey A Co., 424 Wash
ington, between Eleventh and Twelfth.
Prescription druggist wanted. Rows
4b Martin,
When You Start
To Save
You don't know
to what lengths of
success it may lead.
We have a larfre nnmber
of depositors who didn't
begin to save in earnest
until they saw the first
interest credited on their
pass book.
And many who have made
successful investments se
cured the money to do so
by having a savings ac
count here.
This is the age of oppor
tunity for those who are
But if you spend all you
make as fast as you earn
it you'd have to lose-the
most flattering chance for
We Pay 4 Per
Cent on Sav
ings Deposits.
Portland Trust
Company of Oregon
Third and Oak Street
Mrs. Lctke's Condition Seriocs.
Mrs. R. Lutke, who has been at Good
Samaritan Hospital since Monday, was
reported to be verv low last nlirht
She was operated upon by Dr. E. D.
Johnson and Dr. George E. Wilson, but
ner condition made no headway. While
her condition Is serious, there are
still hopes for her recovery.
Franchises to- Be Discussed. The
North East Side Improvement Associa
tion will hold Its regular meeting to
night In Woodmen Hall, at Russell
street and Rodney avenue, to discuss
the franchises sought by the Portland
Railway. Light eV Power Company, the
proposed bond Issue for more parks
and the Broadway bridge situation.
Dr. Decb-mann to Speak. Tonight at
8 o'clock Dr. Louis Dechmann will
deliver a lecture at the City .Hall, on
"Food as a Remedy." before the Con
gress of Mothers.
Brownsville Stores Celebrate.
To celebrate our 40th anniversary
we will up until December IS give the
free pick and choice of any suit or
overcoat In either of our two stores
sold at $16. 114.50. $18 and 820 for
Thla Is a genuine saving of
82 60 on all $15 suite or overcoats
$4.00 on all $16.50 suits or overcoats
85-50 on all 818.00 suits or overcoats
$7.50 on all $20.00 suits or overcoats
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store,
Sd and Morrison $d and Stark.
Free demonstrations of player pianos.
Victor talking machines, Vlctrolaa and
all the latest music at Sherman. Clay
Co, Morrison at Sixth.
We offer our $1 wines at 81 a gallon:
81.50 wines at 75o a gallon; Straight
Kentucky Whisky, seven years old.
regular $4.50. at $1.50 a gallon; Ken
tucky whisky, regular $3.50, at $3.60 a
fallon; $3 grade whisky, $2.10 a gallon,
rldar only. $79 E. Morrison at. Phones
East 287. B 2426. t ree delivery.
Chrlstmns Suggestions.
Fascinating and charming features la
photography. Aune, Columbia bldg.
The raglans are favorites;
the English slip-ons are also
much desired, as are the
new button-through models
the Box and belted-back
Ulsterettes, made with 3
way collars, and Auto coats
It's a complete display.
Our new suit model, the
modified English, has won
popular favor.
Our new Suits and Over-
pn-itQ rpnrPQpnt the Greatest ' Just a word about Xmas shopping: We have this season
COatS represent ine greatest a Xmas Suggestion Card, showing the various articles
pOSSlble Value : . --, of wearing apparel for
15 -'50
Portland's Fashion Center Since 1863
Fourth and Morrison
men and boys, showing
price for same. One will
be sent you on request.
Makes shopping easy.
Mail Orders Solicited.
Christ mas Photoarraphs.
A. Tft MrAlnln. rthotne-ranher Central
building, Tenth and Alder sts. Make an
appolrtmcnt. Phone M $340.
Superior coal $3 50. Edlefsen's yard.
Traffic Officials at Seattle Consider
"Back-Haul" Cases.
A meeting of the traffic officials of
the lines affected by the recent deci
sion of the Interstate Commerce Com
mission in the so-called "back-haul"
cases on eastbound freight rates from
Coast terminals la In progress at Se
attle for the purpose of considering re
adjustment of the tariffs In conform
ance with the ruling.
W. E. Coman, general freight and
passenger agent of the North Bank
road, and R. B. Miller, traffic manager
of the O.-W. ft, & N. Co., are In at
tendance. Representatives of the Great
Northern, Milwaukee and other Inter
ested lines, will meet with them.
So that our women friends can help
us celebrate our 40th anniversary we
have made up a splendid lot of coats
and suits which for IS days we are go
lng to lot you have the free pick and
choice of fur only
There's no coat or suit In the lot
worth less than $25 and more are
worth from $30 to $40. Salesladies to
wait on you. No alterations made.
Brownsville Woolen Mill Store,
3d and Morrison 3d and Stark.
Tomorrow night and every evening
(except Sunday) till Christmas Sher
man. Clay & Co., Morrison at Sixth.
Main 165. A 1165 First and Oak
Plenty large. Juicy Tamhlll crawfish.
Dining-room for ladles. 6th ana btarK.
Place orders now with Edlefsen Fuel
Co., for best, largest and hardest coal.
aver &. Co.
148 THRD STREET. A 4432, MAIN 9432
A Holiday Assortment of Merit
' We have stocked ourselves with goods from all over the world;
Germany, Smyrna, Spain, France, Italy, Sweden, all are rep
resented; saying that WE ARE IN A POSITION
To Attend to Your Christmas Wants
Among these Dainties are the following:
Pommersche Goosebreasts.
Nuraburg Lebkuchen.
Smyrna Figs in 1 and 2-pound baskets.
Stuffed Dates and Figs in 2-pound baskets.
Stuffed Dates and Figs in jars.
Malaga Raisins, Arabian Dates.
Spanish Nougat, English Pudding.
Stock Fish, Gedost Cheese.
French Cammembert, Champagnes.
Rhine Wines, Mosellle and Hock.
From all parts of the United States we have selected :
Glace Fruits, from California.
Sage Cheese, from Vermont.
Litle Pig Hams, from Wisconsin.
Virginia Hams.
Herkimer Bitty Cheese.
Jones' Dairy Farm Lard, in 2-lb cartons.
Florida Grape Fruit, ripe and heavy.
About December CO, we will receive a limited number of "The
Famous Watertown Stuffed Geese." These will weigh from
18 pounds to 22 pounds dressed and will be worth your time
to come in and see. We are taking orders-now.
You can always secure fresh Eggs at this store.
Try "Rhode Butter," exclusive handlers.
Tf Ln iv a. 73 '
-a triumph m
brewing to which
we point
with pride
as you will
when serving
it to friends!
Just Arrived
A Car of
Heidelberg Beer
Delivered at your home same price
as local beer.
If your dealer can- g7
not aupply you,
phone A LLfyi
Fleckenstein Mayer Co.
Main 6565 A 5123
Ladies Tailor
We announce our ;reat ele;hth
anniversary sale. We are forced to
sell at reduced prices to keep our
tailors for the season. Our prices
and work cannot be duplicated In
the city. Before going elsewhere
come and look at our materials and
get our prices.
Pit . M
,- ',."" II I "i"T1-t
Qtm 91.75 per doei
Pints, 91.90 per cue
of two doxen.
Delivered Every
vrbere. Bottlea Ex
changed. phone your dealer
or grocer or
Mala 708. .A .J5.
T ''l . fa-',.
5k J Fi ii M-iy'rnin
Hams, Bacon and Lard
All Our Own Cure and Manufacture.
Extra fancy Sugar-Cured Bacon 25
Medium Sugar-Cured Bacon 22
Heavy Sugar-Cured Bacon 16
Ejtra fancy Sugar-Cured Ham 16
Sugar-Cured Picnics 12
Sugar-Cured Cottage Rolls 14r
5-pound cans 60 10-pound cans $1.15
Third and Ankeny Streets.
O. A. C. Short Courses
Begin Jan. 3, Continue Four Weeks
Every cltlsen of Orea-on ts cordially Invited to
attend the short courses of the Oregfon Agricul
tural College, beginning- January 3. Eleven dis
tinctive courses will be offered in Agriculture.
Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art. Com
merce, Forestry and Music. Everv course la de
signed to HELP the student In his dally work.
Make this a pleasant and profitable Winter out
ing. Xo tuition. Reasonable accommodations. For
beautiful Illustrated bulletin, nridress
H. M. TENNANT, Registrar, Corvallls, Or.
Farmers' Business Course by Correspondence.
Ws are contractors and will furnish
lot and finance th building; of a boms
for you on easy payments. Ws glvs
references and UK references.
801 Conch Bids. Phone Main 4211.
Foster & Kleiser
Uish Grade Commercial and Elect!
East " and East Everett S tracts.
Fhoncs) swaat 1XU, U XO.
. J View
Easy to put on, easy to take
off, easy to tie the tie in.
Cfttett, Peabody A Company, Makers, Troy, H. T
Talking Machine
Records Popular
Eilers Music House has just received
a large consignment of popular talk
In? machine records. Including: Alex
ander's Ragtime Band. Talking- Ma
chine Department. ,
Main or A U1S
U Anything In Printing DDCCO
Front and Suuk fits. "W M