TOE MORNING OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1911. Tl fl r LONDON BEST BUYER American Brewers Allow Eu rcpe to Get All the Hops. FOREIGN DEMAND STRONG Trrujr-Four llundrrif Bales lnr f-harti in Tat Week Are neine Shipped to Kngland I.arjro CraU I'ndcr Way. Th Oregon hop market U d.minat.l by the xport dsmand. A re Eastra ordr bin ben coming la. but th bulk or th pu:cbra In th jit wek har bea for English, account. Th Eastern enyr ar aot d!roed to offer full price. wept la a trw instance. Sons of th forlgn ortfrl ar also tmder the market, bat tn English buyer. &J a diss, ar ready to par ,x trcn price, and they ara getting tha sera. Tk nnrvhaaea fcv A M. Lawsoa la th pert week hav arreated 24"0 bale, and a3 of tbeia ara being .h'pped to tendon. It may be that th American brewer know hat they ara doing, but It eem Strang that they hou!d allcsr auca a hrg part of tha crop tj ptu out of tha country la a aea aoa like th:. The English brewer did tha aama tKlne ar:y In tha aeaaon. out they had tha American supply to draw upon to naka cp their deficiency. Tha brewer of thla country will find no och reaerr atocka vhea they com Into tha-market. Nog -t!a:tor, wer unJer way yesterday tit tha purchase of two large block of 400 bale, each at 43 cent, but the cloelne of tha deal waa not announced. Tha market waa strong at thl flgur for tha beat hop. Among tha purchase by Carmlchael not txfor reported wa tha Nelson lot of M bale at Kewsarc. HTTfJI pni W ITII A POOR DEMAND 'ot nieemeeal Sell a the Re duced PrW. The weok opened with a repetition of laat week' wheat prlcea and a repetition of lat waek'a dullness. There waa but little dl po sition oa tha part of gratnbuyer to operate, and farmera ahowed no Inclination to aetl at tha reduced quotation. Tha prospect faror aa Inactive week. Cargoe were reported firm at London. Walla Walla being quoted at ST d for prompt htpment. Liverpool option, how ever, were weaker and there wera alas de cline at Chicago. The local market for oat and barley wa quiet and unchanged. Local receipt. In car. wr reported by the Merchant- Exchange aa fnllowa: Wheat Barley Four Oat Ht M-Bdv 1 SO 63 lr go S 4 1 1 n to date O'l Ii 1S!3 T"2 1604 Year ago il.'.0 1V lOli 6-1 10ol The weekly wheat atattjtlca of tha Mer chants' Kxchange follow: American vtslbia supply-Bushels. . '.H 0"0 . .4-.!'.' . .r.l.t:M;.iirt . .sr.3IO.innl . .4 4.4-M.ihh MTS Walnut. lBl4e per pound; Brazil aula. 1401c: filbert. 14lRc; al monds. lltflBe: pecana. ISc: cocoanuta. oo fill per doxea; chestnuts, w-jc hickory nuts. SfrlOc per pound. BEANS Small white. 4tc; larga whit. 4,c; Lima. Tfcc; pink. c; jdciicana. c; bayou, ftc . RICE No. 1 Japan. 4ic: cheaper grade. lO04.S5e; Southern head. tt0"c; Im port, d Imperial. sfcc; Imported extra No. ViiiR Refinery prices: Dry granulated. $-60; fruit and t-erry. !.: beet. d.4'; extra C. .1: powdered. barrel. low; cubes, barre;.. 7. I'RIED FRUITS Apple. 14e per round; apricot. IfltflsSc; peaches. 11314c: prunes Italian. 10v J in4c; llver. ISO; fig, while and biack. I'tdlSt; currnt. lotf 11c: raisin. loo Muscatel. 'itrTHc; bleached Thompson. I1Vr; unbleached Sul tanas, thie; seeded. V,3o; date. Pr sian. Ho per lb.; Ford. 11.40 per box. rlry aad Country Produce. BUTTER Oregon creamery butter, solid pack. lc; prints, extra; butter tat. le lea than aoild park price. POULTRY Mens. 13e; Spring. 14o; duck, vounr lic: gee. 13rl4e; turkey, alive. IOci dressed, choice, tie. E'XIS Freh Oregon ranch, candled, 47 4 O 4c ?"r dozen. CHEESE Fresh Tillamook, flata, 16HO lTr; YouDg Americas. IT 6 18c PORK Fancy. 13 c per pound. VEAL Fancy. 12S61JO per pound. Provision. hams la to 11 Bounds. IsaiTc: 13 to 14 ruin nil, llTe: 14 to ! pound. 16 17c: ! to 19 pound. 19 17c: skinned, lto; nlenlre 11 Ue: eottsze TOiL 18c LARD Kettle rendered. tierce. ISos tub. 13 He: nandard. tierce, llc: tub. HVc: hortnlii(. tierces. c; tuba. e BACON Fancy. Koc; tandard. 22o; Cnolca, sue: English. l31"c. DRT SALT CL'tD Regular hort clear. drr salt. 11 c: smoked. 13c; short clear barks. 12 to 1 lbs., drr aa;t. 12c: smoked. 13 4c: short clear backs. Id to 20 lb-, dry salt. 11 tec: smoked, 13c; Oregon export, dry salt. IS wo; smoked. ISO. Hope, Wool and Hldea. HOPS 1011 crop. 4404Ke; old, nominal. MOHAIR Choice, 80 a 37c: per pound. WOOL Eaatern Oregon. (tlto pr pound, according to ahrlnkag; Vailey, lOtf 17c per pound. PELTS Dry. lie; lamba, aaltea. eotJBVo; short-wool pelte. Adff'Oc. HIDES Salted hide. 10 4 eila per pound; salted calf. loolTc; sa'ted kip, 11c; greea hide. uSc; dry calf. I've; dry hide, lire; aalted (tag. Be; green tg. 6 7c. cabcara per pound. SHQae. Iiaaaed Oil aad Turpentine. LINSEED OIL Pur raw. In barre 1. 7ncj bolted, la barrel. T7c; raw. la cases. Sue; boiled. In cases. 62c. TURPENTlJiE Cases. 70c; wood barrels. r7Ho. FLAXSEED OIL MEAL Per ton, (44. ILL STREET WAITS Traders Want to Know What Congress Will Do. MESSAGE ALSO A FACTOR CATTLE HOLD OP WELL BEST GRADES BRING FULL PRICES AT XORTH PORTLAND. 4. Ieember I .rcfi her I , cember 7. t-cmt'r I. Irrr.ber !. l'e-embr 11. Ixr'n!h.r 1 llt4 i'ce.-nber 7, 1.'.: Iecember S. LHC iail. l.lo. 1 :".. JI-". l:'7. r i. . 4t. J 1 I in . .31.71 l.'HM . .37.1iiS.oini . .40.V4H.tM0 Peeress. quantities on pasaa XA erk entilns; I'ec. i Ruche's .22 I 12 WO .lo.ftavouo For r. k. Continsnt Week emtir.c Nov. 0 Rube1 J -jt-v rM) 10.2'J.KHJ Increase. l.ft.v.i IIH) 'f."."'0 j.-42.l'l .vi. in) 1.3l3."no '.2r;..rMio 1 4 S 4t K 2..1..ii otiS.VOO Week ndln; Dee. 2. 'It) K'jshels in. 44" f"i la.4t'0.K0 Total . .3.7O.0"O 2.4t.KvO S7.S40.OuO World shipment"! (flour Included From U. P.. Can. Argentine Aus-raHa I m. porta Rttsitla .... India Week ndir.c T 'ec. 2 Busbele 4.'.-..0. 1 72" rt.wl 1I1 o. o 44.0"0 Week epdtnz: Nov. 20 Buhe:s 4.''2.lN 'l'tS.0'. l.f,4.r',o 744.0W Week emling Dee. 2. Id Bushels I. ",'.. noo 1.024 t'Ol 1.S.12.WH) 4.472 . VU2.OU0 of cull yearllnga Totala ...10.73.000 S.7M.0OO 12.03S.0OO POrXTRT StARhFT IS GOOD SHAPE. f-blrkewa aad fleeee tVarro, With a Straeui Detnaad. Chicken wa-a scare yesterday and with a good demand dealera wera nabld to get IS eanta for hens and 14 centa tor npnng. Thar waa also Inquiry for ge. but Bon ma offered. Geeae should command good price throughout th month. Receipt of gg have shown. om In crease, but th market la vary tady. No change wa reported In th local but ter market. Eastern butter market ad vanced on cent. ItrUk Demand for Apple. Ths ppl market ojened brlly yester day with n active demand for good atock of alt desrrlptlona Poor fruit dragged. Tha grapa market was firm, a atorar stock baa been cleaned op fresh express shipments can be disposed of wltho'jt di:(icultv. Ver and Muaca:s old yesterday at f 1.50. A car of sweet potatoes was received. Bmak riearlnsw. Fans clearing of th Northwestern cltla yrtrday wera as fol.ows- . ieT,r;ne.. sn.ti;. trt!and Taeoma trkan .12 S4.44 . 3.I7 4.0.H 447 . I. 2 I4.41 4. .'J J. MO 1A7.2UO PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Floor. Feed. TCI a. vfHEAT FTxport basia: Tllueatera. Slo: rlub. 7Te; T. HuxtlSA, 71; Va.lsy. T7c; forty-f'-ld. Tla. rLOlR Patanta. IA80 per barrel straight. 4.0J; export. 3.0; Valley. 14.50; graham 14 i"5: whla wheat. 4.A. t'ORN Wh:e. r.7: crs- ked. tJ per ton. MlLLfTlTrs liran. $3 per ton; mld Jllnss. 131: snorts, $.'4: roiled barier. Mi. OATS No. I white. I3l.( per ton. HAY '. 1 Eastern Oregon timothy. JIS elMJo; No. 1 a y. 1S1: alfalfa. flS all: rloT.r. 1110 12: grain. fll12. BaRLET Peed. IJiui: per tun; brewing. nmtcaL Vrcetablea aad Pre It a. THOPI0AL rrtUITS Oranre. aav:. t;.76(r3: Jspnnese. l ; per bundle: Cali fornia gra? rruit. Itffl: Florida grapefruit, u.53: bananaa. 4tf6Sc per pound; l":nini II Si per box: pomegranate. per b"X: persimmoua $!.& per box. FRESH KRI ITS Pears. ctTl.S0 per box; grapes. tt-2iLJ4 per box: Atmeria r ' l-. S. 6 CO per bsrrel: cxanoerrlea. Iil.t4 11 per barrel: casabaa. (I.s per t:il. ArrUS Jonathans. $l.Mi2.S5 per box: Srttser.'jere. II .iv. Ilaldwln. 75rCIIiO; l:d pippin. $; North-ra vr. 41 I.;-.. W inter Ranaaa. t2c)S; Iii l.SJ. SACK VECSKTAHI.ES Carrot a. tl par tlttk- turnips. $1; beets. $1; paraalpa. tl. COTATuta Ho, log price: llurbanka. sucdtl 2v per hundred; et potatoes. ti.2& per crate onion.-J Fuytng prtre. 11.23 per sack. E'JIiTA FiI.Ei Artirhokes. 7io per dozen; tin, loal-Wc; cabbage. 1914 per poend: cau.:f!ower. tl.V2 per crata; cel rl. "c per '. rn; California, tt per crai: cucumber, t- e' per bog; eggplant. I2ia0 per pound: garlic, ltfjije per pound: let tuce, 447c per dozen: pepper. 0 le per pound: pumpkins. ltrlVc: radish. 12s per dosen; sprouts, e ji c per pound: equash, 1, tWo per pound; tomato. tL7s per box. Staple ttrecerte. - L3tl'"N Columbia River. 1-pound talla. J -" J i per dozen: t-pour.d talla t2.S5: 1-po-jnd fists, t J. 40: Alaska pink. 1-pound talis, tl 3V COPFES Roasted, la drums. 24St 40o per pound HONEY Tholce. f S TJ per ca: strained hof'T. Irto per pound. SALT Oranuiated. tit Pr tea; kalf grouud. 1., 4i.wu per ton; ova, pr ton. Much Inferior Stock Is Offered. Ho Slarket Is Steady at Last Week' Ran ge. Cattl price held dp well at th stock yarda yesterday A moderate aupply waa on hand and tha best grade iid at full price. Th hog market wa also steady. Most of tha sheep offered wer Inferior. Por th bt leers buyers paid to.CS. but there wer not many of them available. Good cowa aold at t4.5t to t4.oo. helfere at 14.CS. bulls at t- CO to t4 and choice light calvea at t. Transaction In th hog market war at and (d U. A bunch of good w brought tt-25. and cull went at 42. A loaat 01 aoid at 13-So. Receipts yesterday war: 223 cttl. D2 hop and 1 horse. Shippers wer: Mr. Curtis, by boat. 110 hogs: J. Horton. Klamath Pai s. 1 car o( cattle and ona horse; P. H. Porter. Halsey. 1 car of cattle; Charles McCullough., 1 car of cattlet M. J. Devera, Parma. Idaho. 1 car of cattle and hogs: McKlnnon at Chandler. La Grande. 1 car of cattle; L. E. West, Wallowa and Lostlne, 2 cars of hogs; J. P. Alden. Illllgard. 1 car of cattle; W. I. DUhman. Loatlne. 1 car of cattle; Ed Knorr, Grangavllie, 2 car of cattle, and Phil Jone. Grangevtlle, 1 car of cattle. Tba day'a aale wera as follows: Weight. Price. 13 bulla 1 bull 1 bull , 1 bull 1 bull 4 bulls 1 calve belfera 1 calf 10 calve 4 cow ............ 22 cow 5 cow ............ 23 cows ., 24 steer , 24 ateer ........... I11 steer ........... 3 eteer ., ateer ........... 1 cow 1 cow ....... ...... 0 cows 17 cowa 1 cow S cow 4 cow ............ 2 cow 1 cow 2 cow 2 rows ........ 1 bull 1 bull 1 bull 2l ewes 2IS cull ewe 17 cull wes 134 cull yearling ... 45 hogs Id hogs 1 hog 4"t) l4 111 hogs 2v , Prices quoted at the Portland I'nlon 8tockyards for th various clasxs of atock wer: C ttle Choir ateer Good to eholc steer Cholca cow rlr to choice, cow Extra choir spayed heifers Cholc heifer , Prices Sag After an Early Advance, lat the Declines Are Later Made I'p Gould Securities Are Active. NEW TORK. Deo. 4. With a new session of Congress today and a Presidential me- see tomorrow to Influence trading, (took did llttl today. When trading waa begun tha market looked heavy. Prices soon ros to about Saturday close, but later drifted dowaward alowljr. Before tha olosa tha de mand Increased and tha decline ware large ly mad up. Th hesitation at tha time of th con vening of Congress wa due to recognition of tha faot that at thla session legislstlon of great concern to tha business interests la to be considered. Tha retirement of th old Standard Oil management had only aa Indirect bearing oa th scour It le, market. 6Iandard Oil atock remained unchanged at C50 bid. The itock never ha beaa listed, being traded In on th curb, and Its high prlc ha restricted apc ulatlon. Thar wa further heavy trading; In th Oould securities, especially Wabash stock nd bonds, which displayed further strength. Wnbaeh preferred and tho 4 per cent bonds at one time ahowed galna of two pointa or more. Bond wer Irregular. Business wa broad and dealing In th local traction contin ued on a large scale. Total sales, par ralua, tVCGd.ono. United State bond war un changed on calL CLOSING 8TOCK Bales. I'M .8'lO too TV 100 400 3.40 2uO 1.2"0 6.400 20 GOO 1.700 300 700 S.0OO 100 ioo . .1301 . . .l:i.) . . . 720 . . . Utto . . . 1 4 ...13H.5 ... 21'3 . .. I'll . . . 6. .tl . .. l!'2 .. .l'17'l ...112U . ..ll'.HI .. .1104 . . . 1 1 .13 ...1'isl . ..1"72 .. .lr.-rt ....IMS ... "'l . . . Pt . . .lf.4 .. . IO40 . ..ll'l .. .117 ...112.) .. .1 l'K 14 . . . " . . 7i . ..1.V.0 . . . 1 trio ...101't . . . I'd ... M . . . b.1 .. . 70 . .. 274 ... 212 . .. 4"0 t:t-$o 3 OO 2.3(1 4.O0 4.O0 3 30 6rt 4 S. 4.O0 7.O0 4 .25 4.B0 4.00 4. Hi &.OO 5 00 3.15 S.o.l 4 75 3 ro 3.00 4.00 A 30 4.00 4.23 4.. "ill 4.05 a . 4 60 4.23 3 75 a 7.1 3 2.1 3 23 2 OO 2.00 3.3) tlo Cholc bull flood to cholc bulls .... Choir clve Good to cholc calve ... How- Choir light hog .... flood to choir hog ... rair to rood noga ...... Conmon hoga hep - Cholra yearling wethera Choice two and three . Choice killing we .... Cholc lamb Good to rbolo lamb . Cuiia ...t-vsoets s . .. 5. SO f 6.50 . .. 4.C01Z 4 73 . .. 4... 4. (to . .. &...0. 44O . .. 4"rf 4-lel . .. 4.23 4 40 .. . 3,73 J 4.0O ... 7 OO 7.7 . .. o.iKij e.30 . .. r.St 0 75 ... .s:.t .so . .. .2" 0 23 ... 3.00 tr tvuo ... 4.0fij 4.40 ... a. s.. i 4 00 .. .23i S 0 . 4.30 tj 4.73 ... 4.O0 I 4.23 ... .00 .7i A III Chal pf .. Amal Copper . . Am Agrlcult , .. Am Beet Pugar. American Can.. Am Cotton oil . . Am nd & Lt pf. Am Ic Securt .. Am Linseed . . . Am Locomotive. Am Smel A Ref. do preferred.. Am Hteel Fdy. . Am Pugar Ref.. Am Tel at Tel.. Am Tobacco Pf. Am Woolen Anaconda M Co Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast Line.. Rait Ohio . . . Rethlehem Steel llrook R Tran. . Canadian Pac. Central Leather do preferred.. Central of N J.. Chea Sc Ohio . . . Chlrngo A Alton Chi Ut West ... do preferred.. Chicago N W. C. M A St Paul. C. C. C 4 St L.. Co Fuol & Iron. Col ar Southern. Co7sot Oaa Corn Producta .. 1I 4t Hii'ison.. D & R Grande.. do preferred.. Distillers' securt Erie do 1st pf do 21 pf Clea Electric .. Ot North pf ... Ot North Ore . . Illinois Central. Interbor Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. Inter Marina pf Int Paper Int Pump ..... Iowa Central . .. K C Southern . do preferred.. Laclede Gas . . . !ouls 4V Nash.. Minn ft St L .. M. S P A S H M Mo. Kan A Tex. do preferred.. SIo Pacific . Nat lilscult National Lead .. N Ry Mex 3 pf. N V Central . . . N T Ont 4 Wea Norfolk & West North Am ..... Northern Pac .. I'aclllc Mall Pennfclyvanla ... People's Gas . . . P. C C L.. Pittsburg Coal.. Pressed S Car.. Pull Pal Car . .. l:y Steel tiprlnz. R.-ailing Republic Steel .. do preferred.. Rock Island Co. do preferred.. St L A S P 2 Pf St L Southwest.. do prcf-rred. . Sloss Shetlleid .. Southern Pao .. Southern Ry do preferred Tenn copper Texas A pacific Tol. St L A We Sno do preferred.. 2fO Union Parlflc .. 25.2o do preferred.. 100 QUOTATIONS. Closing High. Low, 11 11 S4 C2 53 66 12 44 hi "sii '73 in. 44 H 72 i 10S 139" lvlS "ss ' 100 H i.isii' 102 77 21 74 S "ioii in4 100 ss 106 i lOlfc 77 ti 20 V. 74 H "aoii 2.300 110', 110 000 IOO 100 10 400 loO "ioo 400 "206 " '266 "ioo 100 wo 4.900 "joO I'lO 2"0 soo ' 'i('uy 100 800 100 1.4X io 8.300 ioo '" l.loo 1 52 4:i 1.-.2V, 127 42 "i.iii 48 "33" 103 15S4 134 ii .11 r,t, 40 'ioii 34 loOXJ 40 1 10 73 i 11SS Ml 122 J, 106 20O IS "1 10 ltl 70O 151 2i f.3'a 26 V, SIS 62 43 132't 127 H 42 i4 47 i, "iTH 'ki" 'ioi OAVa 102 136 'A isiit si f.fl'4 40 V. '60" 34 lO'l 40 i 10s n; 73 117V 31 U 122 4 104 H 'is' 1M4 2.H 400 424 4.000 8.2o S'H) T S Realty lT n Rubber ... U S Steel do preferred., t'tah Copper . .. Va-Caro Chem . Wabazh do preferred.. Western lid Westing Ko . . Western L'nton . Wheel A I. E .. LehlKh Valler 4"H 8.l' RiM 8.2O0 82. 206 7 !HM . 300 1124 3"S 71 17. 42 . 174 1-8 46H 04 1'M'S il 'iox,' 244 02 23 a, 110; 2KV 714 17H 42", 173 "4 U3 'i' ' i:i, 1'10'i 604 61 4 Bid. 10', 62 65 63 H US 44 21 194 o 85 72H 1031 32 11 13 W 101 hi 28 87 i l6'-4 103 137 101 2V 771, Sio 21 .m 820 It 20 V. 3S 148 110i 61 21 49 lSfl'4 1044 167 22 hi 47 . 81 H Site 62 42H 13214 127 42 1V24 l.H 47 4 lt3 IT 82 V 16i? 2'4 3t, 102 Ts 137 Ji 85 1S4 30 6 40 140 4 84 1(16 4014 lh 7S IIS .11 hi 122-, 14V4 K51i IS 83 15KH 81 l---oi 23 f.3 2'IH 4t4 42. 31 70 41 hi 112 30 71 37 23i it: 41 174S 2l4 64 40 H3i lo-m 334 JO 22 s tllw .4t, .VW R li 4 H 30O 1TSV 177 1 ioi4 aaiea tor tn day, -' sha POND8. NEVT TOr.K. Dec. 4. Closlnr quotations C 8 ref 2s rrg..loow;v Y C g-n 3u do coupon . ..Ioovnoj Pacific 8... 6t. V 8 8 reg 101 No Pacific 4. . . do coupon .. .101 I'nlon I'aclflo 4e,101u .ll"",wi Central 4a.. H' U H new 4a reg do coupon ...1l.'l Jaftanea D A R U 4.. S1'B 4. .. S7i,B f4tock at Boatao. -Closing quott!oas: CbJcagw Urretock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 4. Cattle Recelnta es. tlmated. L'S.K; market, steady to Iwo low-r. llreiee. 4..M'Ii0.1.,: T. .s steers. t4 lori 6,73: Westero steer. t4.40f7.13: stot kers n.l ftetlera. g.;6.3: cows and helfere. tl KOWi.1": calvea. (J Mu Hoge Recelpta, estlmat 4. 000: market. genrrally stea l y. Llxht. t3 tin 0 6 SO; tnlxe.1, t". &".ro.SO; hsavy. 43.v5b4V3o. rough. 3.( ti2si; gcod to rhou- heavy. 10 2"50.3o: piss. t(.30l5.3: bulk of sale. 1 ' u 4t. rbeep Kecelpts. etlniatl. 40.imm: m:ir. k't. teady to lilc lowrr. Native. t-'.50iM; Wetern. 42.75U4; yearllna-a. ttl3.2.".: lamb tuve. S.7on6; Western, tXi5i6. Coffee aad Bna-ar. SF.1V TORK. Dec 4 4'orfee et.t,,... closed weak at a net decline of 20u 38 pntnta. 4ecernoer. it.u; January. l.6.ic: Febru ary. 13-4k-: March. J.1.34C; April. 13.2lc; May. 13.24c: June, 18.22c; July. 1111c; Au- u.t. beptember, October and Novmbr, 3 77c Spot quiet: Rio No. T. 14ic: Santoa Kx 4. ICUulOWc: mlid coffee dull. Cordova. 14'talaSe nominal. i:aw augar ouit aluscovsdo, a test. 4-44c; rentrlfugaL td test, 6.04c; molasses sugar. ."5 test, .l9c; refined quiet. Naval fltaew. WANXAK Oa. Dec. A Tunntin firm; 47i4$474r: ssle. 528: recelpia, ee; sbtpmenta 896; tocka, S? ttosin tirm: sales, zoe. recainta 8643: shipmeats. lioi; stocks. 114.6S7. vjuote- b. .07i,; D. t,23: K. td.13: F. O. H. tA20 6t2H. I. H:io.UHl K. .oO; M. tO-70: N. -; WO. 7.!H; WW. 7.75. Drlea Frnlt at New York. NFW YORK. Dec 4 evaporated apple quiet; spot, fancy. 10c; choice, 64tfuo; prim. SSetMSe. pruaa steady. Quotation rang from Hc to lie for Callftirnlaa up to 40-30. and iviiiie Tor t'regon. Pa-he Inactive: cholc. UHfllS"; ex. Ira cholc. llnllc, fancy, 12V, 47 124 a TtoSTON. Dc. Alloues Amslr Copper.. A Z Lt Sm... Arixon Com . . P C C 9 M. Butt Coalition Cat A Cal A Hecla SS Parrott 3 A C) Centennial lHQulncy. ex-div Cop Ran Con Co 61 Shannon K Putte Cop M. 1 1 x Superior Franklin Suo A Bo Mln. Glroux Con .... 4W'TmHrok c.rnl.y Con ... 80 V 8 S R A M. . Greene Cananea. 7V do preferred.. I Rovalle (Cop 10 rtah Con Kerr Irke !'i ftah Copper Co. 61 3:1 winona 6 ... n Miami copper... II XI Condition of tha Treasury. WASHINGTON. Deo. 4. At th beginning of buelnena today the condition of the United S'atea Treasury waa: -Working balance In Treaury of fice t 7:1,441) 531 la hank and Philippine treasury 38. J in. una Ttnlnnoe In general fund 131.077.0S5 ordlnarv receipts Saturday 3.361. ni4 Ordinary disbursements 2.039747 .11 H Mohawk 62 S Nevada Con .... 23i Nlpls.ltir Mines. 80 North Butt 64 North Lak 16 Void Dominion... Ariz x-dr 66(4 Osceola Lake copper. .. Ia Salle copper 6' Wolvarln 43U, 14 74 24 u. W 46 97 11 C4 W 26 34 H 47 ti 16H The deficit to dnt thl fiscal rear la ?21.- thl. tune last year. 303.141. a against a deficit ot IS.T31.91T at Thee f:gures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transaction. Money. Fxoruvng, Etc. NEW TORK. Dec 4. Money on call firm, 4IS per cent: ruling rate, & per centi closing bid. 4'i : off'-red st 4 per cent. Time loans nrm: 60 days. 4 Y4 per cent: O days. 4 per cant; six months, 34 04 per "prim mercantile pper. 494H per cent. Sterling exchange tedy at decline with sctual business in banker- puis at 4.K3 tor t ft. Q615 for demand. 84.52 1. ao-dav bills, and Commercial 0111s, linr silver. rit.c. Mexican doilers, 46Hc Government bonds steady: railroad bonds Irregular. LONDON. Dec. 4. Bar silver steady: 23 7-10d per ounce. Money. 2ii3 per cent. Th rate of dl.count In th npen market for short hills l 314 per cent. Th rat of discount In th opto market month bill I 848 11-1 Pr for thre C4DU BJLH FRANCISCO. Deo. A Sterling on London. 60 day. 84.63 : do on London. Drafts, sight. par; tei- Ight. 84.86H. graph. 2. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables, k'rulta. cue. BAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 4. Th follow ing produce prices were current her today: eUbfl Cucumbers, $14j1.26; garlic. 8&3hbc; green peas. ovSc; string beans, 5$ 8c: tomatoes, 65c0 11.23; eggplant, 8ff5o- Rutter Fanacy creamery. 31c. Kggs Store, 42c; fancy ranch, 47c C'nions tl V 1. 10. Cheese Young America. lSHtyl'o. Fruit Applea, cholc. 81.25; common, tl; Mexican lira, t3.73tf4.30; California lent ptifl, choice, to; common, tl-23; navl oranges. 82.5003; pineapples, $2't3. Potatoes Oregon Burbanka, nominal; Salinas HurbanKs, tl-OoVl.bS: river Bur barks, l,13i l.Si; sweets, 1. 60ft 1.75. Mlllstuffs Bran. 2'u27; middlings, t33 t 35. Ray Wheat. tl320.50: wheat and oats. tl6t 17; alfalfa. 8.60r 13.30. Receipts Flour. 3UV0 quarter sacks; wheat, 2350 centals; barley, tf!-0 centals: oatsfi 60O centals; potatoes, 7 ISO sacks; bran, 10 sacks; hay, 4t& tona; wool. 98 bales. ' Metal Markets. NEW TORK, Doc. 4. Standard copper nay; spot and December, 12.75 a" 13c: Janu ary. 12.76& 13.05c: February. 12.75 g 13.10c; Maroh. 12. SOti 13.13c. London dull: spot, 59: futures. 39 lfts. Arrivals reported at New Tork today. 74 tons. Customs-House re turns show exports of 1401 tona so far thl month. Lake copper, 13 H Wac: electro lytic ISHeiSfcc; casting. HS&13HC Tin easy; spot, 45.b3 W 46.3tc; December, 45&4A.73C: January, 44.30 U 43.30o; Febru ary, 4S.S0iT44c: March. 42.50U-44O; April. 42 tl .3.310. London firm; spot. futures, 1104 us. Lead steady. .40T4.BOo New Tork, 4.809 4.37 ',0 East St. Louis. London. 413 17s 6(1. Sales reported locally, 100.000 pounds spot, Esst St- Louis delivery, under the rule at 4.974 c. Speltor weak. 6.60tJ6.75o New York, 6.60 3 t.03o East St. Louis; London, 27. Antimony dull; Cookson's, T.P'Hffto lron. Cleveland warranta, 47s 10Vd In London, Locally Iron waa unsettled. No. 1 foundry Northern. 14.7Srl5; No. 2, 814.50(9 14. 10; no. 1 foutnera ana ro. 1 Duuiueru soft, tl4.23ai4.75. New Tork Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 4. Cotton future olosed steady at a net loss of 13 to IS points. December, .10c: January 8.84c; February, .H4o; March, o.uc; April, o.eoc, My. 8.97c: Jun. U.Olc: July, 9.0tic; August, ailc: September. 8.14c; October, U.2uc; No vember. 9.21c. Spot closed quiet. 5 point higher. Mld- uplanda. 9.30c; do gulf. 9.55c Sales. Z911 baleA NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 4. Spot cotton firm, unchanged; middling, 9 3-lbc. London wool Sales. LONDON. Dec. 4. The wool auction sale wer continued today with offerings of - bales. The demand wss good and the best firlces of th aerie were realized. Queen and scoured basis sold at 2s 4td. Faulty ools were tha firmest. American pur chase Included a new lot of bright cross bred. Cblcaco Produce Market. CHICAGO, Dec. 4. Butter. Arm. Cream- rle. 23t'3t;c; dairies. 23'u3.fc. Kggs. steady: receipts, jiio cases; ai mark, casea Included. 232Sc; firsts, 28 9 30c: ordinary, zotj-tc. Cheese, steady. Daisies. 1514c: Twin. 14', t144c; Young Americas, 15Vl616Vsc; Long Horns, 13l5c Dulutb. Flax Market. DT.-I.TTTH. Dec. 4. Flax on track. t2.00: In store, 82.0O: to arrive, tl-08: December, tl.68 bid; January, 1.4it. nominal; jiay, -.vis bid. Woo! at St. Lous. 6T. LOU18. Dec. 4. Wool, steady. Terri tory and Western mediums. 17u20c; line mediums, 16lSc; fine, liaise ELGIN. of 1 cent. 'Klsrln Butter Market. Dec. 4. Butter. 30c, an advance Output 626.40O. Hops at London. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 4 Hops at Lon Pacific Coast. 11 a 12. Hop at New Tork. NEW TORK. Deo, 4. Hops Steady. POLE RIGHT IS FOUGHT COUNTY MAKES DEMAND OX ELECTRIC CO.MPAXY. Firm's Refusal to Grant Public lower Rates on Light Stirs County Commissioners. Brought Into a belllgrerent attitude by tho refusal of tho Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company to give them as low rates as they demanded for the lighting of the Courthouse and county farm buildings, the County Commissioners have made up their minds to make the company pay for the use of county roods If there is any way of doing lt. County Judge Cleeton believes there la a way. The follow ing letter was yesterday addressed to B. 8. Josselyn, president of the com pany: "In looking over our records we have ascertained that you have no franchises over our roads for your electric light and power poles. Inas much as we are paying your company for the service you give the county, we think It no more than fair that you should pay a reasonable sum for the use of our roads. We will be glad to take this matter up with you at once." What action will be taken If the compnny refuses to confer on the ques tion Judge Cleeton would not gay, but there is an Intimation that the poles might be declared nuisances and re moved from the public highways. The state law giving telephone and tele graph companies the right to string wires along county roads, subject to the control of County Courts, makes no mention of poles carrying trolley or power wires. Hence, the County Com missioners consider that they have the company, figuratively speaking, "on tho hip." "When the question of supplying lighting current for the Courthouse and Multnomah Farm came up soma time ago we asked for a much lower rate than we received." said County Judge Cleeton. "We considered the rate we mentioned reasonable. As it Is, we are paying more than the large depart ment stores. Wo thought the county should be given a better rate than pri vate corporations. In view of the fact that oounty roads are being used by the company, but our pleadings fell on deaf ears." "Now we propose to use the same half-bushel measure in dealing with tha company. The company dealt with us on what Its officers called a strictly business basis and we now propose to deal with them on the same basis. Why should the county allow this company the use of Its county roads for nothing when the company Insists on charging the county a stiff rate for electrical current?" OWNERS LOSE FAITH With Bearish Statistics Wheat Holders Sell. . CHICAGO MARKET OFF Visible Supply Increases More Than Million Bushels in the Work. Northwestern Receipt Are Very Heavy. CHICAGO, Deo. 4. With the Lnlted States visible supply Increased more than 1.000.000 bushels for the week and with Northwest receipts very heavy, wheat own er today became discouraged. Closing figures showed a decline of Ho to K&hio net. Corn finished He to down; oats off t to 4c and provision with a dsnp of to 30c. May wheat ranged from hio to S1.00H, clnKlng steady but e down at 9o. May corn fluctuated from 63Vo to 64io, closing steady at 63. 63To. a loss of hie to so. Cash grades were slow. No. 1 yellow waa not even quoted. High and low figures touched by May oata were 49. o and 4Vo. with last sales hia off at 49 Ho. At tha end of th allots pork had fallen 2S27Vs0 to SOc and other products 12 is to 17io. The leading futures ranged aa follow: WHEAT. Open. Hlith. Low. Deo. 1 S5hi $ ,;U f .4 May 1.00 1.00S .8914 July 4 .43t .94 CORN'. Dec 62 .63V .62 3, May 64 .644. July (4 .64 .63?, Close. .94 .99. . .94H .6341 .633 Deo May July Jan May Jan Mar July Jan May July. .47H .49 .46V 16.15 9.06 9.26 9.874 OATS. .47W, .474, .49V ,.49i .46V .46Vs MESS PORK. 15.87, 16.97V, 15.674 14.40 14.46 LARD. .174 9.174 9.40 9.42S 9.00 9.524 SHORT RIBS. 830 8. 8 8.224 8. HO 8.65 S.4TV4 8.50 8.5V 8.45 Cash quotation were as follows: Flour Easy. Rye No. 2. 924 eSSc Barley Feed or mlxlnr. 75 g"98c choice malting. Jl.10'5 1.S2. Timothy seed $1315.2. Clover $13.50920.25. Porlc Mess, per barrel, 115.(0 SIS. 75. Ijird Per 100 pounds, (8.90. Short ribs Sides (loose), 68. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour wera equal to 968.000 bushels. Primary recelpta were 1.459.000 bushels, compared with 1, 130,000 bushels tho corresponding day a year ago. The visible auppi- of wheat In the United State lnoreased 1,059,000 bushels for the week. The amount of breadstuff on ocean passage Increased 684.000 bushels. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 81 cars; corn, 454 oars; oats, 107 cars; hogs, 31,000 head. .474 .49S .46. 15.70 16.174 05 9.25 9.374 8.224 8.47 8.45 fair to Visible Supply of Grain, NEW TORK. Dec. 4. The visible supply of grain in the United States Saturday De cember 2. as compiled by the New Tork Produce Exchange, was as follows: Bushels. Decrease. Corn 2.054.OOO 463.0OO Oat 20.815.000 860.000 Rye 1, 848.000 83.000 Barley 4,210,000 201,000 'Increase. Th New York Produc Exchanre'a eatl mate of the visible supply of Canadian wheat will be Issued tomorrow. Grain at Ban Francisco. SAJf FRANCISCO, Deo, 4 Wheat Steady. llarley Firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.474 1.524. Barley Feed, $1.00; brewing. 2.124. Oals Red, $1. 80 1.17 ; white, 1.S5; black. SI. 80. Call board sales: Wheat No trading. Barley December. $1.76 asked $1.83 bid, $1.87 asked. - $2.10 $1,739 ; May, Paget Sound Grain Markets. SEATTLE. Deo. 4. Wheat Bluestem. fi3c; fortyfold. 7Ui4o; club, TUc; Jflle. ,c; red Russian, 78c TACOMA. Dee. 4. Wheat Bluestem, 83c; fortyfold, eOftrSlc; club, February delivery, blc; red Russian, 787Dc. Car receipts, wheat 105: barley, 4 1; oata, 8; hay, . corn, European Grain Market. LONDON. Dec. 4. Cargoes firm. Walla Walla, for shipment, 85s td. Kngllsh country markets easy. French country markets steady. LIVERPOOL, Dec 4. Wheat. December, 7s 3d; March, 7s 24d; May, 7s lHd. Weath er, cloudy. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 4. Wheat. Decem ber. SL02.: May. 11.004, r l.u6i : July, II. 07',. cash: No. 1 hard, $l.o::4: No: 1 Northern, (1.034 01-034 ; No- 3 wheat, KG uc. ROBBER PLEADS GUILTY LOCKIIAUD XOW TO TESTIFY AGAINST RICH "PAI." MAN IS WHIRLED TO DEATH Arnip, leg and Head Severed la Pulp Mill at Camas.. "- CAMA3, Wash., Dec. 4. (Special.) George CJ. Fellow, an acid maker for tho Crown-Columbia Pulp & Paper Company, was causrht In a 13-lnch pul ler whlje trylnar to replace a belt and Instantly killed here, this evening-. Both of his arms, his head and one leg were iwered from his body. Mr. Fellow was a native of Switzer land and leaves a widow and two chil dren and one brother In Camas. Ho was a member of the Foresters of America and the Woodmen of the World, and carried insurance In both of thee orders. Thief Tells Judge Gatens lie and J. P. nawkes Looted Dozens of Place9 Sentence Walt. Leon Lockhard, who was arrested with J. F. Hawkes, after he had made a confession to Constable Hall, of Lents, Implicating; Hawkes and himself In more than a dozen robberies, changed his plea of not grullty to guilty yester day In Judge Gatens' Court. Sentence was deferred until after the trial of Hawkes, against whom the stata will use Lockhard as a witness. In makinir his plea yesterday Lock hard reiterated to Judge Gatens the charge that Hawkes had tried to mur der him by putting strychnine In his food. Both Hawkes and Lockhard have served penitentiary sentences. The state foresees difficulty In convict ins; Hawkes. Hawkes is rich, his wealth being estimated at from $60,000 to $100,000. He has employed counsel and proposes to make a hard fight. Lockhard told Judge Gatens that Hawkes had rented a ranch near Lents as a rendezvous and as a place to take cattle, horses, chickens and other plun der which be says they stole. He de clared that he was "down and out" when Hawkes made the proposal that they go into the robbing business on a wholesale scale, and that Hawkes had not paid him as he promised. The poisoning episode brought about his determination to make a confesssion to the authorities, he said. Much of the plunder has been recov ered from caches, the locations of which were divulged by Lockhard. A GOOD TIME TONIGHT To select your piano or Vlctrola for Christmas. Open evenings. Sherman, Clay & Co., Morrison at Sixth. TO CURE A COLD IX OXE DAT. Take LAXATIVE EROMO Quinine Tablets. Druir;ista refund money If It fails to cure. . W. GROVE'S signature la on sash box. 23a UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SAW FRAACISCO FOIADED 1804. Capital Paid in Surplus and Undivided Profits.... BRANCHES Portland, Seattle, Tacoma and ,.$8,500,000 ...... $7,805,769 Virginia City We buy and sell Foreign Exchange; Issue Drafts and Cable Transfers, Commercial Credits and Traveler' Letters of Credit, available in all parts of the world; make collections on all points and conduct a general foreign and domestio banking business. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. PORTLAND OFFICE Northwest Corner Third and Stark Streets CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING. WM. A. MAC RAE, Manager. J. T. BCRTCHAELL, Asst. Manager, lumbermens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 per cent on savings Corner Fifth and Stark LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Fronts .$1,000,000.00 . 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in ail parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets. First National Ban Capital $1,500,003 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains White Star Line "OLYMPIC" Triple Screw 4.,ai'4 Ton HH2l Ft. lone NEW YORK PLYMOUTH CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON' FAST MAIL ROUTE TO liNGLANL and THE CONTINENT. The Lartest and Finest Steamer in the World Superb Unurpaaed Equipment FRENCH A I, A CARTE RESTAURANT, TURKISH AND ELECTRIC BATHS, SWIMMING POOL, FOUR ELEVATORS, OYMX ASIl'M, VERANDAH CAFE, PALM COURT, ETC. WILL SAIL FROM XEIV YORK Saturday, December 30 and January 24 and Regmlarly Thereafter. 619 Second Avrnne, Seattle, or Local Rallvray and Stenmnhip Ajre-nt. WHITE STAR LINE Let your own best judgment prevail and you will applaud the growing demand among taxpayers for the bitulithic pavement. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. 1 American Atlantic Transport Red Star White Star White Star-Dominion T. H. LAKES, 619 Second Are., Seattle Wash, Apply Local Uallwar Asent. Ask about "Olympic" Largest Finest Steamer in the World. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. 60 5-COS Electric Bid., Portland, Or. Oakar Hubcr, Manager. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. COOS BAY LINE STEAM EH BREAKWATER. Ball from AInaworth Dock, Portland, 8 P. M-, evry Tuesday. Freight received at Alnsworth Dock aauy up to a r. m. t-s- senger fare, first-class, $10; second-class, S7, Including meals and berth. Ticket office Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 269. Mala 170. A 1234. r5ff t55?L EXPRESS STEAMERS t'OB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT C1IAXGE. S. S. Beaver Sails 4 P. M. December I. BAN FKANCISCO PORTLAND K. S. CO.. Ticket Office, 142 Third St. Fbones Main 402 and A 1401 San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at 6 I. AX. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO, Hi Third St., Phone Main 1314, A 1314. Yillamette River Route Boats for Oregon City and Salem. Dallx 6:46 A. M. (except Sunday). Fur, CorvalllB, Albany and Independence, 6.46 A. M. Tueaday, Thursday and Saturday Steamer Anvil sail from Albers Dock No. 3 today, 12 o'clock, for Tillamook. Bay City, New port. Florence. Bandon and Coqullle River points. Ticket office 128 Third street. Phone Main 628, A 4506. Dock phone A 1902, Main 151. Frelgrht and passengers- Office and dock, foot Taylor st. OREGON till IK.isa, Phone Main 40. CO. NEW ZEALA.ND AND AUSTRALIA (I n loo Line of N. Z. ' VIA TAHITI AND WELLISGTOV. Direct through steamers, sailing from Sail' Francisco Dec 13 and every 28 days. Well ington and back, 1st class, $264. Other rata also low. The line to Isle of the South Beaa, For reservation ee Coupon Railroad Agents, or address Oceanio S. S. Co.. boa I'raoLisoal