CONTAGION DANGER GROWS AT CITY JAIL Unclean Condition of Hive of Prisoners Adds Problem for Officials. MEN PACKED LIKE CATTLE Exerrls ImpoMltile la Corridor That Tem With Errtnc nomn. Proposal to Bnlld Temporary Qurtrr Get Setback.'lenc. mar ta ' Jail If some metr.od Is not found promptly to remedy . "nd.tlon. weks- The conestlon ha. reached point in. ordinary a"1'1- caution, aro no loner possible, and th. dally which '" Jail by a .quad of trusties hi defn- er.t. into an ' w'?rb1l"" ' th. spaces on which bunkless prUon.ra ar. not standing at th. time. Last n!r.t ti men at. .upp.r In th. main jalU and th. number nlsrht drew on. Saturday at tnldnlnt ttirl w7r: 11T m.n !n th. which ar. normally int.nd.d for not to Tet?n""Ch!.f G.ov.r walked Into th. earcMr room last night and looked around, but tould only shake hla head. Huddled humanity, non. of It 1 lariy clean and mo.t of It far from Uat condition, Jostled In 'ro corridor and presented th. aspect of a crowd gathered In nui meeting. Alr aad Fetid. The Instinctive seeking 'r exercise, expressed In pacing th. corridors. prisoner. Invariably eek to do. was almost entirely cut off. and such a. attempted to str.trb their limb, did so only by bumping Into a fellow-prisoner at every .tep. Th. air wa. foul and fetid and wa. rendered more ao by tna team from th. night meal. A a temporary and .light r.ll.f. th. Actlnir Chief directed that th. cells on th. third floor, usually reserved for prisoners kept Incommunicado. b. fil ed to capacity, but .Ten after this device waa resorted to. th. down.talr. quarters remained congested. Problem Revalaa titelTtt Plan, for a temporary Jail at Fifth and fc-verett .treet. hare mad. no progress. An agreement aa to th. t.rm. of rental ha. been reached with th. owners of tii. property, but at that point th. project remain. In abeyance. Ken If It were adopted, th. problem would remain of housing th. prisoner, while th. cell material waa being; transferred to th. new site. Superintendent Vaughn, of th Llnn tnn rockplle. wa. present at a discus sion of the condition, snd reported that h. had every man In th. stockad. that he could accommodate. He sugrested that the sub-ca-np at Rocky Point, be low L.lnnton. which has been shut down f.r several months becau. ther. wa. no 1mand for material at that point, could b. reopened on two days' notice. Th. Impression exists, how.r.r. that this would require action by th. City Council and a new agreement with tha County Court, a. th. .listing compact Is not believed to cover th. Rocky Point ramp. Arrears Ar Ilel4 Dewat As cold weather becomes established and construction and woods work slacken, th. conditions grow worse, even though arrest, for petty offenses are kept to a minimum and police cap tains exercise the maximum of their prerogative of releasing small offend ers without trial. After all this th. number of men who require restraint of liberty continues far abov. th. ca pacity, even though those charged with state offenses ar. sent direct to th. County Jail. To complicate matters, an ugiy tem per is observable among th. men, de prived of air space aia room for sxsr clse. snd Jostled about Ilka cattle In a car. Should this disposition grow. th. consequences might be an attempted break or violence among; th. m.n with in th. bare. "SHOP EARLY" IS URGED Plea. Mad to Relievo Harden of Tboso Serving Public Procrastination In Christmas shop ping will result In th. placing of an abe solutely unfair burden on the delivery horses and their drivers, compelled to attend to work within a period of a few day. that ahould be attended to In a pan of weeks. Realising this, owners of stores ar. making mora and more urgont pleas, by means of advertising and other ways, that th. Tul.tlda shopper make an effort to get a largo part of th. buying of Christmas presents ac complished In th. eours. of th pr.aoot week. Christmas day Is three weeks from today. Every department store employe, from th. managers down to th. .mall eat cash girls. r.altx that from now on their fat. Is In th. band, of th. public Early shopping will result. It Is potnted out. In the clerks and assistants enjoy ing their Christmas; delay must produce exhaustion .0 that pleasure of any kind will b. greatly lessoned. Therefor th. plea, "shop early." Just It shopping days to Christmas. POLISH VICTORY HONORED Commemorative Exercise Are Held by Portland Church. The Poles of Portland yesterday celebrated th. 10th anniversary of th. war between Russia and Poland. In th. course of which th. Polish p.opl. for a abort time gained their freedom from Russia. At St. Stanislaus Cathollo Church, Maryland avenue and Falling street, special commemorative services were held- Speeches eulogising th. Polish people and telling of th. conflict with Russia war. mad In th. afternoon and evening. Although Poland I. under th. rule of the Csar. the Polish people ar. .till nominally a free people. A National government was organised during th. war commemorated yesterday, an army raised, and la January. 1111. the Polish diet of Warsaw deprived Csar Nicholas and his descendants of Imperial au thority In Poland. BRIDGE CONTRACT IS DUE Award on P roadway Structure May IVe IX Today. Friends of th. Broadway bridge ar expectantly awaiting the meeting of tis hrklxa oommUU oX U ExsauUTa, Board this morning when It is ex pected that contract for th. con.truo tion of th. .up.rstructur of that span will b awarded. The several bids for this construction worn nav. twin fully tabulated by W. E. Angler, rep resenting Ralph ModJeskU the engineer who Is superintenaing ir.e u"""" . . j Th. MAmmitre Is exoected me u 1 1 u k " to recommend the award at today- meeting so that wora on aw iiti may b. .tarted without delay. The contract probably will be awarded to th. Pennsylvania Bteel Company, of Bteelton. Pa. Th bid of thl company was 1700.151 or about 132.000 less than tha estimate ox Mr. ModJeskL , . "Everything Is In r.adln. for work on th. superstructure." .aid City En gineer Hurlburt yesterday. "Juat a. soon a. th. materials can om . h PAntrinti hav. al alia infmuimj u - - ready been let for making th. necessary fill, for th. approacnes muu - structurs 1. In r.adlneaa for th. su perstructure. In submitting pro posals, th. bidders estimated that 11 months would be required to complete the contract. In .v.nt th. contract is awarded tomorrow and work la Im mediately atarted. the new apan .hould b. completed and ready for trafflo on January 1. 1U" RESULTS NOW IN DOUBT CIPST SMITH GAINS FEW MEM BERS FOn CHURCHES. Dr. John H. Cud 11 pp. f Graco Church, Warn Hla CongTC (ration Against Juaging Hastily. eiTnttti What KetT" was th. toplo eho.en by Dr. John H. Cudllpp for his sermon last night In Qrac. j Methodist Episcopal Church. H. .aid . Orac. Church r.c.lved 10 slsrned cards from th Olpsy Bmlth meeUngs. but ; . . . , ,mjt nnt vet been any addl- , tlons to th. church as a result of th meetings. In spit of th. fact that Grace-Church had IT workers. -With th. Investment of 114.000 in th. big tab.rnacle, with th. big choir of 1000 Tolcea. and with th. many per sonal workers with that investment, we should expect considerable, he said. -They say 1000 carda w.r. .Igned. In cluding those s'gned by th children. The results of th meetings ar. not to b. comput.d by th. number of cards signed, but by what th. churches actually gather aa member, a. a re sult. We ought not to measur th result, by th great hurrah." Dr. W. B. Hlnson quoted a statement of -Billy" 6unday. mad. at Wichita, Kan in a recent meeting there. In . . . i 1 1 I. criticism of his methods by saying that the j minister naa a duhu varnlahed pews, and that was about all. but that Sunday preached In a great auditorium, which, whll not finely finished, was pseked to th floors. "Th Gipsy Bmlth movement wss born flv years sgo." continued Dr. Htnson. -when Olpsy Smith snd Dr. William H. Foulkes met In Iowa. As soon aa Dr. Foulkes cam to Portland he began to plan for It. It had behind It 110 Protestant churches, and .om. of th. laymen and their money. Olpsy Smith himself Is a unlQU. char acter, a sweet-splrlted fellow. -But this Is the crucial tiro, for th grat leader 1. gone. th. great choir Is gone, and the tabernaal. Is vacant, so far as religious services ar. concerned. Th. men and women who attended th. meeting, ar. now left alon. with their own conscience. How many hav. been actually Influ.ooed to a better Ufa and .ndeavor In th. days to com. I. th. question now. GRANGE HIGHLY HONORED j. j, Johnson Master ' Evening Star lor Ninth Time. j 3. Johnson waa r-.lrt.d master of Evnlng Btar Orange. No. IT. Pat rons of Husbandry, at th annual meeting In th hall on th Section Un road 6aturday. H ha served eight years, and this will be his ninth year, which la Try unusual In th ordr In Oregon. . Other ornears ictea are: v" t D. Elliott: lecturer. Mrs. J. E. Nel son; steward. E. J. Bpooner; assistant steward. J. E. Nelson; lady assistant steward Mrs. Lura Beckner; chap lain. Mrs E. A. Kelly; treasures-. Mrs. E. J- Bpooner: secretary. Mrs. jl M. Eaton; gatekeeper. Andrew Holm; Ceres. Addle Calvin: Pomona. Miss Fenn Allen; Flora, Miss Clara Oglibee: trustees. E. M. Emery and S. H. Cov.y. for two y.ars: musician. Miss Minnie Altman; assistant musician. Miss Clara Bmlth. At this meeting th by-laws wr amended, changing dues from 10 to ii cents a member. The increase will not go to the State Orange, but will b. retained for us. of Ev.nlng Star, which still retains Its place as ths largest grange In th state. It was roted to hold a publlo Installation of officers th. first Saturday In January. CAR SERVICE DEMANDED Residents of South Mount Tabor Want Lino Extended. Declaring that they must hav street car service, th people of South Mount Tabor will meet tonight in th school house ther. to consld.r ways and means to get the Hawthorne or Wav-erly-Rlchmond lines extended. Dr. Hamilton Meade, leader of th. move- are determined to get ear servloe In some way. He said that they had been working for a carlln. for several years without success, but Intend now to re sume th agitation. Alfred N:blln. a resident In th 8eo- t ..14 that it will not be difficult to get rights-of-way through private property ivr mn wti the Waverly-Rlchmond line, but that the county has refused to give a fran chise In the Section Line or any of th county roads. Mr. Ntblln contends that th extension of the Waverly-Rlchmond Un Is th logical means for giv ing car service for Bouth Mount Tabor. STRIKERS ACCUSE OFFICER Quarantine of House Near Carshop la Declared Unfair. Placing a house tinder quarantine to hamper th work of th sink picket around the Southern Paclflo Railroad shops 1 charged by the plckats against patrolman Burm. according to a report made by th officer yesterday. The pick sis allege that th house is on. used by them for telephoning and communicat ing wlih their leaders. They asserted that th aotlon waa Inspired by th rail road company. . . . Bunn saya th fact Is that he and Officer Simpson bad Information that there was a caee of typhoid fever In a houae at 711 Bismarck street, and they went together to investigate. Blmpson went In, whll Bunn remained outside and In a separate report says that there Is no disease In the boos. Superior oel Edlefjen. rard, J TTTB MORXTyCr OREGOXIAy. MONDAY, PECTOrBEIt 4. tOll. When You Are in Doubt Btxy a Merchandise Bond Good for Any Amount at This Store c r, Ws.lKiTrf Doris on Sale in Our Toy Store-Fourth U loor XJfJ vJVll C Uim JCC UHlfj J a. aaaaassj w- - J - RED CROSS SEALS ON SALE AT BOOTH 1ST FLOOR All our beautiful Pattern exception of Knox Hats- 5 II A Cleans Sweep of Hats Sfto 187 Mats 12 Price JMmm Vz On A very complete (assortment priced from 95 up 935 All Ostri'clhi Plumes -at e ' Our entire stock or beautirui maie sxoc usmtu a. KoUrtri nnrf nerfectlv dred: from the cheapest to the jr . r I wo Phon. Z fa. 12 or A 6231. Supply yoT Winter need, pi Economical housekeeper will sure adrsgi of 0 er,rdie. rr-.t Snprial Prices by the Dozen or Case or on Wholesale Orders .xtra Special rnces ay -""fr lm ..... , ,M KtrtarieSs. during a , d.2 sa.75 Tomatoes Solid Pack, selling at, per dozen, S1.4Q TomatoeB Solid Pack, selling at, per casa, S2.75 Tomatoes Standard Pack, gelling at, per dozen, 95 Tomatoes Standard Park, selling, frer case. S1.85 Corn Fancy Maine, priced here at only, doz., SI. 35 Corn Fancy Maine, priced here at only, case, S2.G5 Peaches Supreme, priced here at only, dozen, S3.25 Peaches Supreme, priced here at only, case. S6.25 Peaches Staple, selling here at only, the doz., S2.10 Peaches Staple, selling here at only, the case, S4.10 Peaches Staple, selling nere at omy, mo o-.xu r I erosse ft BlackweU's Lncoa on. only 75 Golden CLYDE IS OPPOSED Objection Raised as to Im provement Ordinance. MIGHT DELAY NEW WORK Proposed Imprcrvemen-U Could Be Defeated tT Few Objectors, Ar gwB Member of Council Otls er Member Talk In Fsvto. Bom. opposition has drvslop.d to tho orainsno. proposed by Councilman Clyde prohlbltlns; th. City Council from awarding; oontracta for stra.t lmprovv msnu when th. cost of such Improve ments exceeds th. assessed valuation cf the property required to pay for tha improvement. Thos. obj.etlnc to ths proposed ordinance fear that In Its op eration It mlg-ht check street Improve ments to the end that It would be pos sible In many Instances to defeat the Improvement of a street or a prescribed district In which the Teat majority of the property-owners desired the work performed. in substanoe, Mr. Clyde's proposed measure provides that no lot or tract of land or parcel of either shall be assesssd for any local or special Im provement, lnoludlns; all unpaid as sessments or previously bonded liens. In an amount greater than the as sessed valuation of the property as shown by the last annual assessment by the County Assessor. By It the Council Is prohibited from awarding thi contract for any such Improvement when the cost of ths Improvement ex ceeds the assessed valuation of any lot or lots, except the owner of such prop erty files his written consent. Bladla Only CowacO. The proposed ordinance is not li teral, but it Is entirely useless and Im practical." eald City Attorney Orart. yesterday, "by reason of the faot that If enacted it would be binding; only on the Council which adopted it. Besides, the Council now haa ths rlg-ht to rem edy the very condition sought to be corrected by this measure. The C6un cll has the power today to Investigate sjiy proposed Improvement and to as certain whether the cost thereof la out of proportion to the value of the prop erty to be assessed for the improve ment. It then has the power to le fuse to award the contract for the Im provement." M, Members of tho City Courcll are di vided as to the practicability of the Clyde ordlnano.. Several of the Coun climen were out of the city ve'ter day but II W. Wallace and John H. Burrerd oonour with th. view of City Attorney Orant. -The charter gives the Council am ple authority now to deal with ths cueetlon of street and other Improve ments assessed to ths property bene fited." aid Mr. Burgard. "and there le no need for ths ordlnsnos proposed br Mr. Clyde. It would be a mistake to enact any legislation that wouid in any way make possible checking ths further and continued Improvement this city Is snjoylng." Joy New Move. Allan R. Joy, Councilman from the Seventh Ward. Indorsed the proposed ordinance. "No arbitrary asa.ssment Should D. uuim " aaln proporv o auy imuo-reman Olds, Wo irikn RSo' FoTro-m Store ii iliaW e&aWe' ski?f m& 3HW , a Hate, Dress Hats, Semi-Dress prices ranging rrom o.uu up Fancy Feathers at fialf Price Paradise Goods at FourtK Off Hat Shapes at Half Price ech - , i . a.4.-:i, -Dita ' Days' Apricots Apricots whan that assessment reaches an amount greater than that for which the city would be willing to take over the property," said Mr. Joy. "As a member of the street committee I al ways have favored placing a proper limitation on the cost to the property owners of the cost of all Improvements, Ths ordinance should, and I believe It will, be enacted by the Council. "I am not prepared to support tho measure that has been proposed until I have a better understanding of its provisions." said Mr. Wallace. "Its purpose apparently Is good but I am doubtful of wnal win result irom ii operation. I shall not support any leg islation wnicn. in Its operation, win m nr way retard the Improvements that Exhibition and Is Attracting Buyers rrom Attempts of Player Prices Thwarted to pay ail casa. . A positive demonstration of what the Eilers sales system actually accomplishes- ,1050 ssked .elsewhere .here now........787 WO SSSSSamm $975 asked elaewnere, nere In short, a storeful of finest annihilates competitive attempts head of a family. Many Autopianos, Pianola Pianos and other n- Jrtmnrt tta 0 splendidly complete? Is the crowning' acoievemcas m IN OUR NEW BUILDING ON ALDER ST. AT SEVENTH feiliwl WOT Si; rtman Silica, ' . - . i -r-r- i Ua .ana lauorea a--w- iu ?a.o i.w sf01 ' i' rhn ProTih ftr Wi nw. In hlack or COiOTS. .ail wen , - i 11 ii - . " " " - ; - , , , . 17 OFP best we price them during this sale at just A 0 - j-. of dasnse Corn Standard Grade, priced here at, dozen, 95cl Corn Standard, during this sale at, the case, Peas Extra Sifted, bar gaumed at, the dozen, Peas Extra Sifted, daring this sale, the case, Peas Choice Stock, priced at only, the dozen, Peas Choice Stock, priced at only, the case, Apricots Supreme, priced at only, the dozen, A.pricot3 Supreme, priced at only, the case, Staple, priced here at only, the doz., Staple, priced here at only, the case, r- . r-- - . Glow Butter. Mb. square for are being made and others that aro necessary In this city. "I am afraid the provisions of toe ordinance proposed by Mr. Clyde would make it possible to defeat many needed lmprovementa This would bs the case in some sections of the city where there was great nee Tor tho improve ment of a street. The large majority of the property-owners Interested might want the Improvement made al though Its cost might prove a heavy assessment against their property, even exceeding tho assessed valuation. In that event, two or three or at minority of the property-owners would be able to defeat the improvement al though It might meet a publlo demand as well aa materially benefitting and Sale of Player Pianos, All Kinds, Piano Combine to in Oregon, at Least . i 0400 r- player pianos are and makes player piano buying a .... , jjj1 - lit. xV. j I W" e u- i2 rnce lU Off Beans T&y Stringless, this sale at only, case, g5.2q Beajis Fancy Stringless, priced at only, doz., S2.20 Beans Fancy Stringless, priced at only, case, S4.25 Beans Cut, specially priced at, the dozen, SI. 50 Beans Cut, specially priced at only, case, S2.90 Beans Lima, special price this sale, the doz., S1.50 Beans Lima, special price this sale, the case, S2.90 Pineapple Queen Lil, sliced, priced at, dozen, S2.25 SI. 85 S2.10 S4.00 SI. 75 S3. 40, S2.90 S5.75 S4.1Q Pineapple Queen Lil, " . 75$ LgsgtagyJ adding to the value of tho property to be Improved." Grant. Pass Firemen Named, GRANTS PASS, Or., Deo. 8. (Spe cial.) A. T. Cass and Hank Crolsant were appointed today to serve as paid firemen at a regular salary. Cass will be assistant to the chref and Crolsant will be assistant chauffeur. It le tne object of the Council to have the fire company "orBanl"d1,ftnd,1?uth. h-id salaried basis. Drills will he" regularly and the Bremen will all be brought to efficiency In handling the equipment furnished with the auto fire engine. , tvery where Maintain Exorbitant ror tne n nvoot.iir rAdnfierl tirices at Eilers t positive duty xo my qo w mtIv showers and NOW THE NATION'S LARG EST DEALERS DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY AND YOU WILL SAVE TIME AND MONEY smm mm OrOO sliced, pneed at, case, ih4.D . i Starch, 6-lb. box, 55J MTANT THAT PUBLIC. SHOULD um ABOUT GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY. The testimonial I am to rlv Too, comes unsolicited. I have been suffer ing from lumbago for ten years and at times was unable to stand erect. A Mr. Dean, of this city, saw me In my condi tion (bent over) and inquired the cause. I told him that I had the lumbagro. He replied. "If you get what I tell you to, you need not have It." I said I would take anything: for ease. He eald. "You fret two bottles of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-. Root and take It, and if It does not fix you O. K. I will pay for the medicine myself." I did so and am a well man. For five "months I have been as well as could be. Before I took your Swamp Root was In constant pain day and night. This may look like advertising:, but It seems to me most Important that the public should be made familiar with this treatment aa It Is the only one I know which Is an absolute cure. I owe a great deal to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and am anxious that others situated as I was should know and take advantage of It. Hoping that this testimonial may be of benefit to some one, I am, J. A. HOWL AND, 1734 Humboldt St, Denver, Col. State of Colorado I la City and County of Denver! Personally appeared before me, a Notary Publlo In and for the city and county of the State of Colorado, J. A. Howland, known to me as the person whose name Is subscribed to the above statement and upon his oath declares that It is a true and correct statement. DANIEL. H. DRAPER. Notary Public Letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Dlnghamton, N. ' T. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do ForYoa. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blngham ton. N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, tell ing all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention The Portland Dally Oregonlan. Regular flfty-oent and one-dollar else bottles for sale at all drug stores. . No Risk If This Medicine Does Not Benefit, You Pay Nothing. A physician who made a specialty of stomach troubles, particularly dyspep sia, after years of study perfected the formula from which Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are made. Our experience with Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets leads us to believe them to be the greatest remedy known for the relief of acute Indigestion and, chronic dyspepsia. Their Ingredients are soothing and healing t& the In flamed membranes of the stomaoh. They are rich in pepsin, one of th greatest digestive aids known to medi cine. The relief they afford la almost Immediate. Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time brings about a cpssation of the pains caused by stomacli disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will insure healthy appetite, aid digestion and promote nutritionr As evidence of our sincere faith In Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets, we ask you to try them at ouf riek. If they do not give you entire satisfaction, we will return you tha money you paid us for them, without question or formality. They come In three sizes, prices 25 cents, 60 centa and $1.00. Sold only by the Owl Drug Co. storea In Portland, Seattle, Spokane, San, Francisco, Oakland, jLos Antrales and, Sacramento. d f