Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 04, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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: : ; i
Five Minutes
Sometimes Makes
A Big Difference
If Tou Are Suffering the Tortures of
Indigestion and Have to Wait
Until Someone Buns to the
Drugstore for a Box of
Stuart's Despepsia
3) A
Federal Inquiry Will Be Far
Rsachjng; State Is Giv- -.
Ing Assistance.
Free Trial Package.
The Instant relief afforded poor over
burdened stomachs by the use of a
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet should be a
reason for constantly keeping a box
on hand at home and at the office as
- ii
ii sLiusiLILf o
Amounts Surrendered Voluntarily
Said to Exceed Total Amount Of
fered la Rewards Franklin
WUI Be- Prowecuted.
LOG ANTE Lira. Dee. . The United
States Oorernment anil California au
thorities arc co-operating to uncover
on of the moat gigantic conspiracies
rar conceived In tha history of this
This was tha declaration today of
Assistant District Attorney W. Joseph
Ford, second In command to District
.Attorney Fredericks, and the man who
was arrested In Indianapolis for the
altered Illegal extradition of John J.
"It Is only a question now whether
tha Federal OoTernment or the state
-authorities can reach certain persons
better and bring them to Justice mora
effectually." continued Ford. He
has been In charge of the gathering
of evidence for the prosecution and
while his chief. District Attorney
Fredericks, was res:. tig on a ranch
near here today, Fonl occupied h'lm
elf with the details of tha McNamara
Federal Aalkorttlea Aells.
Ha admitted that tha prosecution bad
under surveillance In other parts of
ths country some prominent labor
leaders alleged to have been involved
in ths Times explosion. "But said that
arrests might first be made by the Fed
eral Oorernment in connection with
Its investigation.
"The Federal Oorernment has shown
every disposition to assist us and wa
are helplnir them as much as possible,"
he declared.
The vigor with which tha Federal
Government la pressing Its Investiga
tion Into ths conspiracy that It al
lseed to extend over the entire conn
try has been Increased within ths past
fortnight, according to well-informed
persons here, and in proof of thla it la
observed that United States District
Attorney McCormlck is in Washlng
ton and T'nlted States District Attor
ney Miller, of Indianapolis, and Dis
trict Attorney Fredericks are In close
RanUrlratloaa Are ?Cat1ea-Wtde.
Evidence desired by tha Federal
grand jury In Indianapolis from thla
place will go forward as quickly as It
Is asked for. Ford said. This ques
tion has been raised repeatedly and
local authorities have not stated their
position until today. The ramifications
of tha case are said to be so extensive
that It would cause no surprise here
If the aubject bad been brought to tha
attention, not only of President Taft.
but Attorney-General Wickersham. A
S rand Jury will be empaneled within a
week. In fact. Immediately upon the re
turn of Judge Hutton. presiding mag
istrate of tha Superior Court of Los
Angeles County, who Is now In Chi
cago. M. A. Schmidt and David Kap
lan, jointly Indicted with tha McNa
maraa for tha Times disaster, have not
been captured, but tha state. It Is be
lieved, -has a good clew to their
whereabouta and they may be appre
hended within a fortnight. But others,
aid to have had much to do with tha
directing of the destruction of tha Los
Angeles Times and with other explo
sions, are reported to ba implicated by
Information now fn tha hands of tha
state authorities and tha Federal Gov
ernment may ba tha Brat to bring
theaa men to trial.
a Others An Issssaae. .
Assistant District Attorney Ford de
nied that tha atata had entered Into
any contract by which other persons
were to ba circumscribed by tha con
fession of tha McNamara.
"Tha confeaslon concerns tha future
. of two people James B. and John J.
McNamara. There Is no other con
sideration Involved." ba declared. "Tha
McNamaraa agreed to plead guilty and
take their chances on their sentences.
It Is absurd even to think wa ahould
make a compromise aa to their sen
tence. That Is a matter for tha court
to determine."
That the pleaa of guilty by tha Mc
N'amaraa did not preclude the prose
cution from activity In any other di
rection or with, any other person was
evidenced today by tba announcement
of Ford that ha would press tha
ehargea of bribery against Bert H.
Krankltn, a detective employed by tha
FraakJIo Case Helta Kay.
Asked If there would be any mora
arrests, Mr. Ford declared It would de
pend upon tha testimony of certain
witnesses In tha Franklin case.
"There may be soma sensational de
velopments, however.' he remarked to
an Eastern newspaper correspondent,
who contemplated leaving here soon,
"and you had better not leave for at
least another week."
Franklin, who la out on 110.600 ball,
furnished by counsel for the Me
Namaraa. would not discuss his case
Judge BordwelL It was pointed out
today, haa nut been in communication
with tha District Attorney's office at
any time concerning the pleas of guilty,
nor haa be discussed the subject with
anybody. Hitherto he has not presid
ed In an Important criminal case. but.
as one member of the atate'a counsel
put It, he "haa a good deal of the milk
of human kindness, and will do tha
right thing."
Tweaty Tears Predicted for Joea J.
Tha Judge. It Is believed, will sen
tence Jamea B. to life Imprisonment,
and John J., It la said, will get 20 years.
Under the parole laws thla would mean
that John J. would ba released from
custody In a few years.
Mora light waa thrown today on why
John J. McNamara pleaded guilty to tha
charge of dynamiting the Llewellyn
Iron Works, and why the state did not
Insist on a plea aa to tha indictments
against him for having, with his
brother. Jamea IU. wrecked tha Tlmee
building and caused the death of II
persons. It waa asserted that John J.
McNamara could not have been sen
tenced for a greater crime than that
of manslaughter in connection with tha
Times disaster, aa he waa not In Cali
fornia at tha time. Tha sentence under
the statute Is only from one to ten
years. As far as the Indictment for
blowing op the Llewellyn Iron Works
is concerned. Ortie E. McManlgal con
fessed that John J. paid blm money
to blow up tha building, and tha state's
case. It was said, waa here mora com
plete. Tha dynamiting charge, too. It was
observed, is punishable by a sentence
of not less than a year, but there la no
giuimua penalty, and It may ba from
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J WALTER BORDWELL. 1 . . , , i i t l
one to years, within- tha discretion
of the court.
Iadletmeata Will Stand.
Tha Indictments against John J., In
connection with-the Times disaster, will
not be pressed now. but they will stay
on record to be acted upon, according
to the wishes of the prosecution. That
it will hang as a lever upon John J.
McNamara la admitted by officials of
the state.
State officials said today that before)
tha McNamaraa confeasad Information
of tha state's Intention to try to ,n"
1... l.mArm In (la
had reached counsel for tha defense).
"These iioor teaaers. guciarei m
member of the prosecution today, "may
not have, had criminal acquaintance
with the McNamaras. but they were in
communication with them at certain
times and certain places which would
have caused distasteful publicity."
Details of the struggle for the testi
mony of witnesses present a realtstio
story, covering activity in many cities.
"Many witnesses came over to us In
tha laat few weeks." said Ford, "and
thy brought with them money used to
get them. Tou would be surprised at
the number that came to our side vol
untarily, too. Tho fact la. we frustrat
ed the plana of tho other side to win
by Illegitimate means, and they know
they could not win If they took their
chancea on legitimate procedures be
cause we had a chain of damaging evi
dence. I worked on overy detail of It
and know that they were up against a
stone wall, whichever way they turned."
Bribes W ill Exceed Rewards.
The money which witnesses were al
leged to hava received from persona
who wished to ally themselves with tha
defense waa aald to' amount to a con
siderable sum, and District Attorney
Fredericks estimated that It would
cover mora than all tha rewards ever
offered for the arrest of the guilty par
ties. The defense, even to data. It waa
said, had no knowledge of the fact that
some witnesses would have turned upon
them when It ckme to the giving of tes
timony. Against such odds as these tha
defense would hava been battling, and
to roeanbera of tha prosecution, there
fore, tha surrender was not surprle
Ing." Ths Los Angeles Typographical Union,
a local of the International body to
which Jamea B. McNamara belongs, re
pudlsted him and his brother, John J.
McNsmara. secretary- of tha Interna
tional Association of Bridge and Struc
tural Ironworkera. In resolutions adopt
ed hero today.
The resolutions, adopted by the mem
bership. Instruct the officials of tha
union to mako a statement, thetext of
which is Included in the resolutions
"Now that they have confessed their
guilt, having duped, deceived and be
trayed us and our officers, Samuel
Qompers. president of tha American
Federation of Labor, and James M.
Lynch, president of tha International
Typographical Cnlon, by commission of
such dastardly act. wa repudiate all
connection with thnm or their kind,
tha resolutions say.
I'aloa Desnaada Law Eafoveesaeat.
"Tha union stands." tha statement
declares, "for rigid enforcement of
l,w." Belief la expressed In the right
oi every man w -
declared that today'a meeting wsa Tor
the purpose of expressing "our repro
bation of auch dastardly methoda."
The atatemrnt further polnta out
that tha officials of tha union, at tha
time the Lob Angeles Times was blown
up, asked that a special grand Jury
be empaneled to investigate tha trag
edy and asserts that It "Instantly cama
to the aid of that newspaper and com
posed the Issue of that morning."
Tha seclusion thrown about tha pris
oners was not penetrated, even by their
counael. today, although Attorney Jo
seph Scott visited them for about an
hour tonight.
Attorney Darrow, seemingly greatly
refreshed, walked about a little lake
near his home, chatting with friends.
"I slept all night." he declared, re
ferring to the preceding two weeks,
which hava driven him near to nervous
breakdown. He said there waa noth
ing to ba said about tha case.
Confeesloa Aroaaea Interest.
Interest here centers about the con
fession of Jamea B. McNamara. which
District Attorney Frederlcka haa an
nounced will ba made probably on
Tuesday, the day set for tha sentence
of the brothers
Fredericks declared definitely that It
would not be forthcoming sooner, al
though he ass entreated by a room full
of newspaper men to "hurry it up."
"I wouldn't If I could." he said. "It
will not come out before then."
Among rumors thst circulated to
night was one thst Milton A. Schmidt,
also under tndlotment for tha Tlmea
dynamiting, was In town and under
surveillance. Thla was denied by At
torney Ford.
"I don't know anything about it, and
I would know it It were so," bs aald.
every man to a fair trial, but It la
Unions Suggest Turning McXinurt
Fiind Over to Kin of Victims.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., Dec. I.
Grand Rapldy Typographical Union.
No. S. today passed resolutions de
nouncing McNamara brothers aa "arch
ilends." but refused to Join In the de
mand for tha death penalty, a larga
part of the membership being opposed
to capital punishment.
The resolutions recommend that all
money remaining in the McNamara de
fense fund be diverted to the widows
and orphans of the victims of the ex
plosion attributed to the dynamiters.
NEW YORK, Dec. 3. A proposal
that the $190,000 subscribed by labor
unions to aid the .McNamara defense
fund be turned over to the relatives of
victims of the Los Angeles Times dis
aster was Indorsed at a meeting of tha
Central Labor Union of Brooklyn today.
Infammatory Address Attributes
Times Crime to Conspiracy
of Employers.
Addressing an audience of 800, prin
cipally men. at tha Socialist Hall.
Fourth and Alder streets, last night.
C B. Ellis, a Socialist street speaker,
charged that the "capitalistic class" aa
it was represented by the Merchants
and Manufacturer Association, waa
alone responsible for the destruction
of tha Los Angeles Times building and
tha death or xi worKingmen. ad
dress was replete with Inflammatory
and inferential atatements, tne aoie
purpose of which was to leave witn
wi- i . v. . Inutlnn that amolOT-
dii auuuu'i -" "
era of labor were the real perpetrators
or tne loi
Without offering any aetense ior mo
McNamaraa or mentioning their con
fession, save aa a basis for his inciting
statements, the speaker asserted that
tha violence of the explosion which de
stroyed tho Los Angeles Times build
ing wss doe largely to escaping gas
and did not alone result from the ex
plosion of the dynamlts. Because of
tha leak In the gas main, r.uis uuuer
. i. .vi. ih. roananslhtlltv for the
result of the explosion to General Otis,
owner or the ouuaing. no ni '""
i v. V a H-frnctlon of the
IO snow ..- ---
building was not the work of anarch
ists, or of union men. nenner oi wnum.
v . . 1 A k.n.flt hv 1 1 bUt WSS
Ii aaiu, v. - -
tha result of a conspiracy on tha part
of tha "capitalistic class" to crush or
ganised laoor.
"I waa told today by a man who
knew the two McNamara brothers."
said Ellla. 'that neither waa aotually
a structural ironworker and that tha
only work In that relation they ever
did waa to paint one or two bridges.
Tou probably wonder how It was that
they got Into the organization. Well,
they got in all right and tha Interests
in Hvnamltlna the Los An
geles building saw that they got there.
Such men as tney cwum
and remain long In our organisation.
because we keep track or tnem ana
would soon have ousted tnem.
Ellis referred to Burns and Pinkar-
ton and their operatives as muB
and prophesied thst so long aa xno
. , .i...- .nminiiMl to be ODDresseoL
Just thst long would violence continue.
General Otis waa aenouncea as a. ma
ster who had the blood of Innocent
worklngmen on his hands regardless
is Not waste when
you telegraph.
Western Union "Day
Letters" and "Kight
Letters" save waste.
Telephone the West
ern Union any time.
f 1
. A
Tbe Stomach Welcomes Quick Relief.
A Ftuart'o Tablet not only aids diges
tion but It actually does the digesting
Itself. In other words It furnishes ex
actly the same elements for the diges
tion of food as the natural Juices of the
stomach. The stomach, therefore. Is
not called upon to do any of the work
except to churn the Juices furnished
by the tablet and then push the digest
ed food along Into the intestines where
It will be still further digested and tho
strength taken up by the blood to be
carried to the muscles and nerves of
the body.
So by taking a Stuarfa Dyspepsia
Tablet after a meal you gi-ve the stom
ach the rest it needs in which to mend
Itself and grow well again. And you
absolutely prevent the souring of any
food, the formation of any poisonous
gases, belching, foul breath or consti
pation. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have done
more for humanity and have caused
more rejoicing than any other one
agency that can be named.
Every druggist everywhere sells and
personally recommends Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets. The price Is SO cents
per box. If yon first wish to try them
a sample package will be sent you free
If you write to F. A. Stuart Co, 160
Stuart Bldg., Marshall. Mich.
of tho confession of the McNamaras."
Larry Sullivan was classed aa a "vil
lain and a spy."
Tha meeting took on the appearance
of a revival, a collection being taken
and an appeal made to converta to So
cialism to Identify themselves with the
organisation. Several signed member
ship cards which were distributed In
the audience.
(Continued from First Pass.)
and correspondence are now in
. . . ! D.J.HI rrand lurT.
nanos oi -
The faot that two men are to be
punished for dynamiting Is not the
most "Important feature of thla inves
tigation said Mr. Badorf.
Damage to Plants Big.
"The members of the National Erec
tors' Association are Interested chiefly
In exposing and bringing to Justice the
persons responsible for 100 explosions
destructive of bridge and structural
iron work since August. 1906. In many
states from Massachusetts to the Pa
cific Coast.
"The property destroyed was that or
companies employing non-union Iron
workers. The cost of this campaign of
terrorism was enormous and it was
systematically carried on. We assert
that a number of men besides the Mc
Namaras were concerned in the plans
for these explosions and we purpose to
assist In every way In uncovering
them. We shall lend every assistance
to tha Federal authorities and we have
every assurance that the inquiry will
be most thorough."
Ryan's Whereabouts Not Knovra.
No information was available here
tonight of the whereabouts of Frank
M Ryan, president of the Association
of Iron Workers. Acting Secretary H.
S Hockln said he was advised that Mr.
Ryan would arrive here tonight from
Atlanta, Ga., where he was yesterday.
He had had nothing from him today,
he said. He added that no meeting of
the executive board of the Iron Work
ers would be called to take action on
tbe McNamaraa until Mr. Ryan re
turns to headquarters here.
"Do you continue to affirm that yon
personally do not believe that the ex
ecutive board should repudiate John
J McNamara as secretary-treasurer of
the organisation?" Ms. Hockln was
asked. t .
i have been quoted to that errect,
ba answered, "but now I refuse even
to say whethsr or not I waa quoted
correctly. The executive board will de
termine our policy."
From Indianapolis Mr. Burns said ha
was going to Cleveland and thence to
New York, and he probably would ba
back in Indianapolis later this week.
ut he was not sure. He said he ex-
pected to go to the Pacific Coast in
a short time, all of his travel being
in connection with the McNamara case.
He Also Seeks to Know Why He) Waa
Kept In tbe Dark.
NEW YORK, Dec 8. Late tonight
Mr Gompers, when asked about any
knowledge he might have of the con
ference called by Attorney Darrow at
Los Angeles preceding the McNamara
pleas of guilty, attended, it is stated
by at least one member of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, Edward Nock
els, secretary of the organization in
Wo have secured from the largest
silk hosiery mill In the United
States a special shipment of their
"Run-of-Mill" Silk Hose at a spe
cla,XlgTire. Made with rein
forced garter tops, lisle soles,
splendid wearing, designed to sell'
up to, per pair, 2. (Black
only) special at
Regular EOo quality Women's Silk
Lisle; also Fine Cotton Hose in
special holiday boxes. gl QQ
Three pairs la box, only
ttt Mphnanlr" Plira fUlk
three montb
III tit 0 and
Fiber Silk Knitted Ties for men
a 50c tie In an individual holly
box all desirable colors, 25 C
Unusual values in all grades of
Umbrellas, from the cheapest to
the best. No present more ac
ceptable than an umbrella. We
vrlll lay aside any you select.
As a boost for the Holiday trade, we will
give with every Suit or Overcoat ordered
this week an extra pair of trousers of the
same material as the suit or a fancy striped
trousering, worth $9.00.
"We show 250 different patterns in Blue
Serges, Blue and Black Cheviots, Imported
and Domestic Tweeds in brown and grays at
" With an extra pair of trousers free.
200 different patterns of English Black
and Blue Clav Worsteds, Imported Harris
and Bannockburn Tweeds and a line of
beautiful Cheviots in all the late colors, at
Our stock is all this season's new goods.
Our workmanship is the best in Portland.
IWe use nothing but the finest tririiniings.
You Must Be Absolutely Satisfied With
Your Suit, Otherwise It Won't
Leave Our Establishment.
This sale lasts but one week.
n t? h h o n t
mm I ctMF!M h
Chicago, reiterated his denial that ho
knew of the object of the conference.
"Until the whole thing came out in
the newspapers I had not the faintest
suspicion of an idea what the confer
ence was about. I simply knew that
Darrow ad called some of the men to
Los Angeles, but there "was never a
hint as to the object of tha call."
Mr. Gompers, asked If he could ex
plain how he came to be kept in ig
norance, replied:
"What we want to know, is why wo
were kept in Ignorance from tha first.
We had a right to know."
Asked if he blamed the men in charge
of the case for not setting him straight
or for not reporting to him, he con
tinued: "Am I In any position to blame: can
HfVft slaves am vMBttmsf
309 Morrison Street
Opposite Post-office
Glove, Hosiery, Umbrella
and Tie Sale
An unusual offering for this sale
only. An opportunity for early
Chrisjtmas shoppers In
a W o m a n's Fine
French Kid, with lat
est wide e m b r oidery.
all the new colors
a beautiful holiday Cjg
The following have been grouped
in order to make an especially at
tractive offering for Gift Gloves
or for your own wear:
Women's Fine Outseam
Kid, Pique Sewn Kid,
Genuine Arabian
Hose In Christmas
Mocha. Real Engnsn
Cape Gloves In all thq 1 ff
desirable colors, styles ax.ij
guarantees V(i
per pair.
ruin rOMRrJATlO SKT Heavy, Pure
Silk Hose
Pure Silk Knitted Tie in fancy
,-, . .rr.ivnt c-lft box value $2.00, on
Men's "Varsity" Guaranteed
Gloves made of finest KASSAN
stpek a soft, pliable, splendid
glove worth $2.00 of t r?f
any one's money i X
Auto and Driv
ing Gloves
We are headquarters for Auto
and Driving Gloves. Fur backs
and fur-lined gloves are here in
abundance. Also mittens of all
I.ennon's Glove Orders offer a dignified
method of making m most acceptable
Christmas Remembrance.
Hotel Block
I blame before I know mors of, wh
McCormlck Meets Wickersham.
WASHINGTON, Dec. S. Several co
ferences have been held between A.
McCormlck. United States District A
torney In Los Angeles, and Attorne
General Wickersham, but both del
that these have to do with the McN
mara case.
Judge Will Preside at Olympla.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec 3. (Sp
AiDi i rtnnaiH ltTpATftflter Judca of tl
Superior Court of Clark County, w:
preside for Judge Mltcneu, at (jiympi
from uecemDer a to jv.
sK aa
3) 1 .UU
1 04.2 f