TITE MOUSING OHEGOXIAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1911. FUMES III HOTEL FIRE OVERCOME 4 Cpium in Drugstore at Clark Hostelry Affects Tenants and Fireman, Is Belief. (charge haa been mad against the, Jew that iie Is a lorer of money. In auch a mraui aa It la true. It la not be I rause of aa Inherent trait, but la one I of the accidents of environment. The .lev.- has ever been downtrodden. He has been denied the common rights of men. And as lover of power and am bition he has taken the only medium I of realising tits hopes available to hlro. j and that has been gold." I Spraklng of the Zionist movement as I the beglnnlna- of the unification of the ' Jewish people. RobU.cn said: "A re turn to Jerusalem Is a return to Judaism." In a musical programme after the regular business. Miss Ulhel A b rams nH Miss Liilu Price nave vocal selec- I tii'ns. Philip I'eli violin selections and I Leo liaplrer piano selections. A choir I t'f five young people, led by Dr. II. N. i Heller, sans Zionist songs. MOTHER AND BABE SAVED I'rrtou .lprp n RnlMiitS farrlrl Hot in Night t "lot lira by Flrr flshirr Parnate Will Not Br More Than 300. T'-n firemen r rendered tempor anlv unconscious and a woman and her l-abv In arms mere carried down the fire ladder suffocated, when the base ment of the B. F. Jonea drugstore, on the around floor of the Hotel Clark. Tenth and Stark streets, took Are late .at r.Iarht. The fumes of what Is believed to have been Maxlnac opium stored In the hement of the drugstore affected a larse number rf f IreMahters. several ..f t.nem becomlca almost delirious, while residents of the hotel were car-rt.-l out absolutelr Intoxicated by hreathlnr the smoke, which spread r'jhi through the hotel. Fire ("onpaslea Work KITertlv. Tre prompt work of three companies. I eidrd by Fire Chief Powell, was re .rrnMe for checking what proved to "oihinar worse than a bad basement frp' with ilamave not to exceed J3900. overe-I bv Insurance. Roomers in llie Hotel Clark assert t'i! an explosion preceded the blaze. ; tit P. K. Jor.es says such was not the rae and that the fire was caused by il.ier spontaneous combustion or the l'ii nlnat out of an electrical fuse. Klames and dense smoke were pour s out of the basement windows when .mi.al F.nsMne No. 1 reached the ho tr! In response to a telephone call by ;. R. Tremblay. night clerk of the Ho. i Mowers, who was Informed by K. W. Stark that there had been an es ploslon at the Clark. Immediately af terwards the box at Tenth and Waah lrSton ran- In. , . .. Several women were carried down fie fire ladders shrieking, the Bra es capes being rendered Impassable by reason of the dense, blinding smoke, the fumes of which were so acrid that anyone breathing them closely became almost overcome. Klressaa Makes Rrarae. Mrs. Kdward Matthews, who with l.er baby waa on the fourth floor of the hotel, was seen through the amoke. which waa dense around the building. ft have fallen unconscious across the window ledge. Lieutenant larmenten. of Company 1. mounted the ladders and .arrled vomta and child down to gether. Mrs. W. K. Lyman and Mr. C. J. Ituffey. also living In tho hotel, were similarly carried down from lower floors bv Thomas Gavin and Christo pher Osferson. None of the women a waa garbed In anything but the flimsi est of eight apparel. This la the aecond fire at the Clark within two weeka. Chief Dowell waa particularly Indignant because persons escaping by the side atalrcase on Stark street mere compelled to break through a locked door to reach the street. The chief asserts that at the previous fire he found the Iron door leadtirg to the fire escape on the top floor locked. He purposes to bring the matter before the fire committee. Companies I. 3 and S responded to the call and the South Portland com pany was on Its way when the fire was declared under control, which was -iiortly after midnight. Hysteria waa marked among the res idents of the hotel, none of whom, however, waa Injured. As soon aa the smoke cleared, residents were carried Lack to the hotel. Mr. Jones asserts a large stock waa t irrled In the basement among which oat powdered opium. He believed the actual damage tnere by fire would not ! more than 1300. but smoke and ma ter wrought havoc In his store. Religous Harmony Runs Through "Thais" Manle la tapeallasr and Rlnga Will) eee of acred. . BT JOSEPH M. QUENTIJf. A criticism of story of acting In Massenet's lyric opera, "Thais." has already appeared In The Oregonian. Ijist night the Lambardl Opera Com pany gave second performance of Thais." and It met with cordial and earnest, but not tumultuous apprecia tion from another large audience. It Is now seasonable! aeelng that the first glamor of the opera baa sunk deeply r i i K t " v v Jr. si .-: T alvatore I Tonight aa I'swl la Opera mt i Srarettl. That Name. he Appears i POULTRY'S ELITE IS HERE tirrton's Ilrt CacWW-rs Lift Throat In Jojful PraUe. The cromlng of hundreds of the fin est roosters In the Northwest attracted a crowd of people yesterday evening around the Multnomah Hotel, comer of Pine and TMrd streets, where the en tries In tF'e third annual exhibit by the tregon Poultry and Pet Association were being tranjferred to the exhlolt (-tope, to be In readiness for the open -tnsr of the show to the pubile at 8 o'clock this morning. I Tier upon tier of coops ranged along the exhibit hall, held types of prac tically every standard breed of chick ens raised by the poultry fanciers of regon. Washington. Idaho and British Columbia. The glare of the electric lict ts kept the fowls wakeful and bois. lerous. and the ha!l sounded continual ly with the orchestral challenge of the clanticlers. ranging from the deep has of the Plymouth Kock section to fie high C of a group of chesty little came bantams. More than 1J00 fowls occupied the oops. This Is. by at least 104 birds, t''e largest exhibit that his ever been siren In Portland under the auspices . f t'-e itrearon Poultry and Pet Associa tion, according to S. E. Smith, secre lirv of the organliatlon. who waa su perintending the Installation and marking of the entries last night. ZIONISTS GAIN RECRUITS One Hundred New Members Join at Meeting of Ivrr of Zion. infusing new vigor Into the move ment locally to buy Palestine from the Turkish Government as a place of ref uge for persecuted Jews, the Lovers of 'ton at a stirring meeting at Knights of Pythias Hall last night added 100 members to Its roster. ravld N. Mosessohn. who presided, briefly outllrted the scope of the move ment. The Lovers of Zion Is the name of the local branch of the Federation 'f American Zionists, hy which the world-wide movement for the purchaso of Zion l conducted In America. Al ready Io0.000.000 has been collected for this object and Is nh- deposited in the Jewish Colonial Trust Back, of London. The local branch hopes to obtain a membership of 1000 within the roming ear. I. Brnmberc at.it Charles Rohison were among the speakers last night. "'The characteristic of the Jewish peo ple bss ever been the love of power." said Roblson. "Take the Jew In what soever clime or whatsoever condition you may. and yon mill find him a man of large dreams and purposes. The Into our minds, to view "Thais" from a purely musical standpoint. Last night the cast waa the same as that of last Friday night, except that the part of Nldlas was sung by Fran cesco Alblach. He Is an excellent ac tor, but mas plainly a little tired, vo cally, from the many times he has lately sung In different operas. Al- blach's sinning lacks force, but last night he did his best and Is to be commended accordingly. Maggl. bari tone, was AthanaeU the monk, and Peanette Alvlna. resplendent In a new, glittering gown, waa the Thais. Al vlna displayed more passion In the en trance scene last night, and certainly rannot be accused of coldness this time. She was In splendid voice. The opera "Thais" Is a musical nov elty. It Is not built to make one laugh, but rather appeals to one's emotiona and sense of the sacred. Its music tells of reformation and re qulrea more than one hearing to thor oughly appreciate It and drink In Its woitdroua beauty. The critic may be pardoned for doubting If the muslo of Thais" will ever become popular and be received aa a classic of the new. modern school of music, one of the creators of which Is Jules Frederic Emllie Massenet, mho was born In Min ts ud. France. May 12. 184Z. and whose opera, "Thais." received Its premiere March 1. 1894. Massenet, according to the judg ment of the best musical experts, writes for the Parisians, and seems to be happy If he only pleases his be loved Paris. In "Thais" his style is Oriental, mlth very little of the gay French In It. and la sugary and volup tuous. The French swing and gay atmosphere so finely accentuated with liberal use of drums, cymbals and brasses live In the aria that Thais first sings to Athanael when she meets him before the house of Nlclas. in Alexandria, the aria "Perche Tanto Sfvero"' This air la heard at inter vals throughout the opera, but In the repetitions the brasses In tlie accom paniment are toned down. The aria Is very effective In the ap parition scene mhere Thais haunts Athanael. In the second scene of act three. This time It haa a wistful, haunting sound. In two or three weeks from now that aria can be whistled softly. It grows on one's memory. The other "Thais" air that Is mem orable is the "Medltazlone Religloso. played as a violin aolo in the aecond scene of act two, and repeated at In tervals, very softly and delicately aft erward. This aria la deservedly popu lar In thts city as a violin solo, and Is devotional and awe-compelling. It la charged with the sense of a soul that haa passed away. Other solos sung by Thais, solos that linger In the memory, are those that belong to the second act: "Ah lo son sola. sols, alfln," "O specchlo mlo fe dele," "O diva non vista" and "Pleta ah non ml." The orchestral prelude, to open m-ltb, ts very short, only one and a half pages, and gives no hint of the beautiful melodies that are to fol low. The score extends to 275 pages, and the Lambardls do not play the ballet music In Its entirety. These hints will perhaps help a bet ter appreciation of "Thais" when It Is repeated Wednesday night. Tonight the bill Is "Faust." with Sal vatore Scarlettl In the tenor role and Ida Fasslo as Marguerite. PEOPLES HAS NEW BILL Dramatic. Conile and Descriptive Films Feat a re Programme. The People's Theater programme ts headed by a blograph drama, which keeps the audience In suspense throughout the films. The other at tractions are "His ljist Cent," a com edy drama: "In Japan." descriptive, and a l.ithtn comedy, entitled. "Nico tine Conspiracy." The musical num bers on this programme are given by MIks Brown, who sings "I Love. Love." from "The Red Widow." and by Jean Wilson, who sings "Cutle." The Star Theater ts featuring "The Volceiens Message." a drama. In which a popular deaf and dumb child actor Is playing the leading role. The other numbers of the programme are the "Hear Hunt Romance." "Seeing Cincin nati" and "How Betty Capturcj the Outlaw." m farce comedy. There are also two slns-lng acts. The Arcade, oh Joy. Tivoll and Crys tal have nem- shows today. CokliiK coal Kdlcfscn's jard. 0B0ZC0 TRAITOR TO f.lEPiO, RUMOR Officers Said to Have Letters in Which General, Offers Aid to Reyes. NEWS CAUSES SENSATION Mexican President's Assistant tn I .ate Revolution Is Shadowed by Spies Shipment of Rifles Is Watched For. EL TASO, Tex.. Dec. S. Five letters, said to be signed by General Pasqual Orozco. one of the officers of Madero's revolution, offering his services and those of hia men to General Bernardo Reyes. In his alleged contemplated Mexican revolution, are In the hands of secret service agents here. It is said tonight, and will be used against Gen eral P.eyea In his trial at Corpus Chrls tl. when It Is called. The Orozco letters produced a pro found sensation In secret service cir cles. The matter was kept quiet, only leaking out tonight. Orozco was in Juarez for several weeks, but left that city a few days ago, shadowed. It is said, by a spy In the employ of the Madero government. The secret service men are looking for Garza Galant. a former associate of Genersl Reyes In Mexico, to whom a carload of rifles, it is said, wss billed to Kl Paso from Chicago on November 23. The rifles have not yet arrived here. In a bank there is said to be a fund of fTO.OOO on deposit to the credit of the Keylsta Junta. The bank Saturday went on the bond of Dr. Jarza Adelpe. arrested with the alleged 14 Insurrec tos here. ORCHARD GLAD, HE SAYS GOVKKXOK'S ASSASSIX COM. MEXTS OX M'XAMARAS. I.lfe-Termer In Idalio Penitentiary Likens Position of McManlpal In Case lo Ills Own. BOISE, Idaho. Hec. 1. Harry Or chard, serving a lift term in the Idaho Penitentiary for the assassination of Governor Steunenliorg, which crime he said he wss paid :o commit by of ficials of the Western Federation of Miners mho were tried and acquitted, gave out an interview today relative to the confession of the McXamaras. He said he was glad the McXamaras has pleaded guilty. If they had stood trial and been convicted, he said, there would be ground for the creation of public sentiment In their favor by use of stories of bribery, etc., by the prose cution. The pleas of guilty cleared up the matter for all time. Orchard said that McManlgal was In much the same position that he him self mas mhen he made his confession of the Steunenberg murder. In Mc- Manlgal's case, however, the prosecu tion at Los Angeles was about to pro cure corroborative evidence. Samuel Gompers. said Orchard, In his opinion, was not advised of the dyna mite schemea employed. These. he thought, were formulated and carried out by an organised Inner circle, as he bad said was the case with the West ern Federation of Miners. BLAST KILLS FIVE ON BOAT Boiler on Ohio River Tow boat Ex plodes; Houses Xear Damaged. FITTSBURG, Dec. J. Captain E. A. Swaney and four members of the crew of the ton-boat Diamond were killed today In the explosion of the boat's boiler while she wan lying In the Ohio River off Avalon. six miles south. Four others were Injured, two fatally. The boat, which was remodeled but a few months ago. lies at the bottom of the Ohio with the wheel and part of the afterdeck house exposed. The cause of the explosion has not been learned. 05 Phoebe got a house for Christmas Tug Warburton's father gave Phoebe a house for Christmas, either bought or built. Phoebe started out to find the sort of house she wanted. She tells about it herself, about her change in standards of house building, as she chased this question of taste around the circle, as a cat chases its tail, and finally came out at the house she was born in and lived in all her life. It is not only amusing as a story, but Phoebe goes through all of the stages that we all go through before we land upon the safe ground of good taste in house and furniture. "Phoebe's House Book" by Inez Haynes Gillmore in the December Amer ican MAGAZINE Pieces of machinery were hurled Into the houses of Avalon, tearing away chimneys and landing In the streets. Only one body was found. It having been thrown on to a neighboring coal barge. Aviator Schrlvcr I Killed. SAN JTAN. P. R.. Dec S. Tod Schrl ver. a m-ell-known American aviator, mas killed last evening In an exhibi tion flight which he waa making at Ponce. Schrlver fell 100 feet Into a canefleld and died within half an hour on the way to the hospital. Thousands of spectators m-itnessed the accident. Apparently he lost control of the ma chine In making a turn. Kobber Takes Wedding- Ring. The first time in years that Mrs. M. R Nelkes removed her wedding ring proved an unlucky day for her. Mrs. Nelkes took off the ring to wash the dishes last night and left It lying close to the mashbasln in the kitchen of her home at 831 Minnesota avenue. A rob ber "Jimmied" the front door of the house while the Nelkes were absent THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphslt and Other Bitu minous Pavements. gOS-608 Electric Bid Portlaad, Or. Oskar Huber, Maaactr. and took, the ring. Other Jewelry, of small value, was also taken Pianola Pianos at $8 a Month All Pianola Pianos to Be Closed Out or Rented Before the Holidays. We're in Deadly Earnest. The Pianola Piano was considered the very best Player Piano up to aome time ago. Bat the many improvements de veloped in the Antopiano have relegated the other instrument far to the rear. There are now more than twice aa many Antopianoa sold aa all other makes of Player Pianos combined. We are therefore determined to get rid of all Pianola Pianos, no matter what the sacrifice. The injunction secured by the Combine recently, whereby it was intended to compel us to adhere to certain big retail prices, has been dissolved. Eilers Music House has the right to sell Pianola Pianos at any price it sees fit, provided it offers them as so-called "second hand." Thus it is that Pianola Pianos that have never been used, and are the latest improved types, are ticketed in our salesroom as "second-hand." OUR SPECIAL OFFER Pianola Pianos, at the reduced prices, as heretofore ad vertised, on payments of ?8 a month. Remember, there are no extras. Rent a Pianola at $8 a month, and if at any time within a year you determine to buy it, we will allow all rent paid toward purchase price. Nothing could be fairer nothing more liberal. On this isis we ought surely to dispose of every Pianola Piano in onr establishment, long before the Holidays. . . EILERS MUSIC HOUSE Now the Nation's Largest Alder Street at Seventh f you believe in reduced land tax, work for bitulithic streets. TRA V E US RS- CI-IDE. HONOLULU $110 FIRST CLASS ROUND TRIP The mut dellshtrul spot on entire world tour for your vscatlona. Delightful sea bath lug at the ftiuoua bench of Waiklkl. 'ins plendld SS. Sierra (10.000 ton diaplace ntal) makes the round trip In 1 daya. ons can visit on a .Ide trip the llvtn volcano of Kliauea uhlcli is trsmendou.ly actlv. snd e tor hlmaelf the proceM of oria creation. No other trip compares with tn.a tor the marvelous and wonderful In nature. Visit the Islands now. while you can do .t o easily snd quickly and while the vol cano is active. Prompt attention to tele- 5 rams for bertha Sailings: December 10. anuary 6. January 27, etc. ' OCKANIC P. 9. CO. 7t Market Street. F.an Francisco. EXI-RKfS STEAMERS TOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE, a. 8. Beaver Sails 4 r. M. December . SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. S- CO.. Ticket Office. 14i Third St. Phones Main 402 and A lUt THIS bank is the depository of the United States Government, the State of Oregon, and the County of Multnomah. We offer depositors service and facilities resulting from a quarter century's adherence to safe, conser vative banking principles. Your account is cordially invited. i MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Founded in 1886 Washington and Second Sts. 4 per cent interest paid on time deposits. lumbermens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 per cent on savings Corner Flftli and Stark HOW SAVINGS GROW: In order compound to illustrate the rapid irrowth of snrlnars Interest Added, we. have prepurcd the with A per cent following tablet A Weekly Deposit of $ 25 50 1.00 2.00 5.00 Rate of Interest Will in r. v. Amount' to Will lu I Will in 10 Vrs. 20 Vrs. Amount. Amount to to Will In 40 Yrs. Amount to FOUR Per Cent per a n n n m, compounded twice at year, January 1st and July 1st. $ 73. 146. 293. 585. 1,462. !$ 162. i 324. 650. 1,301. $ 403.!$1,294. 806.1 2,588. 1,614. 5,177. 3,223.110,355. ,252.8,070.!25,888. $1 OPENS AN ACCOUNT Hibernia Savings Bank (ESTABLISHED IS YEARS.) Conservative Second and Washington Streets Custodian Open Saturday Evenings, Six to Eight. WELLS Every man and woman shonld make a will, and the advan tages of a Trust Company acting as Executor or Trustee -Kill be generally conceded. WILLS may be drawn and filed with this company, which is authorized under the 6tate banking law to act as Administrator. Security Savings & Trust Company Portland, Oregon. Capital $1,000,000. Surplus, $400,000 First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains HAMBURG -AMERICAN San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wedneadajr Alternately at 6 P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO, ISt Third St.. yhonea Main 13U. A 1314. COOS BAY AND EUREKA STEAMER, ALLIANCE SAILS MOSDAV, DEC. 4, S P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. 8. CO. Tbird St. CRUISES PR LUXR Around the W orld Two Grand Cruises Not.. 1812 I Feb.. 1918. (From New YorkV I (From San Franclac By the palatial cruising steamer "VICTORIA LUISE" Will follow eame Itinerary aa S. S. CLEVELASU. E.-iand I including all necessary ex pOOU uo I penses aboard and ashore A few accommodations available for Second Crulae of the S. t. Cleveland from San Francisco. Feb. 8. 1912. Pnratlon of Each Crntae 110 Pays. Also cruises to the Orient. YVet Indies, South America, Italy and Egypt, etc CHRISTMAS SAILINGS B LONDON PARIS HAMBURG tKAISKKIN AUU. VIC Dec. 12. 11 A. M. PKKS. LINCOLN Dec. 21. 9 A. M. PRES. GRANT Dec 28. 11 A. M. t A3IKR1KA Jan. ft 11 A. M. trneicelled llltx-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. Gymnasium, Electric Paths, Elevator, ra.'m Garden. "Will call at Plymouth and Cherbourg. Gibra'tar, Algiers, Naples, Genoa 8. 8. HAMBURG Jan. 4. 9 A. M. 8. 8. CINCINNATI Jan. 25 VIC. IX11IISE (Orient Cruise) Jan. 80 nmfi I ur niHihiris ok rtii irwm Hamburg-American Line, 160 Powell St.. Ran Francisco, Cal. : O.-W. R. A N. Co., Nor. Pac. D. A R. O.. Burlington Route, Milwaukee & Pugot Sound R. R.. C. F. Prtuner. Mulkey Bldg.. D. B. Smltn. 6:) Fifth St.. Portland. Oregon. COOS BAY LINE TEAMER BREAKWATER. Sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland. 8 P. M-. every Tuesday. Freight received at Alnsworth Dock daily uo to Si P. M. Pas senger fare, first-class, $10; second-class. 7, including meals and berth. Ticket office Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main 289. Main 170. A 1J3. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Rates. Schedule Time. AMERICAN -HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. IIS Railway Exchange Bldg.. Portland. Ore. Vain 8378. A 3922 The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1867. Bead Office Toronto, Canada. New York 16 Bxchanice Place. London 2 Lombard Street. Over two hundred other branches In the United States and Canada. Every care taken of collections. Lrafta on all foreign countries and prin cipal cities In United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general Backing business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS f. C. MA LP AS. Manacrr. , WHITE STAR LINE Tlie Lareest and Fluent British Steamers TO THE MEDITERRANEAN A lores, Madeira, Gibraltar, Algiers, JVnples, Genoa, Alexandria "ADRIATIC" January 10, February 21. "CEDRIC" January 24, March . RF.GI I.AR SEItVK'E FROM KEW YORK AD BOSTON. "CRKTIC" December 8, "CANOPIC" December li "ROMANIC" February 3, "ROMANIC March 1 WHITE STAR LINE, Room "B" Bailey Bnlldlns; Second and Cherry St. Seattle, or Local Agents. t