rv V MARINE MEN SEEN New York Official Inspects Harbor Conditions. EAST LOOKS WESTWARD Captain F. YV. C. Smith IXolarea That Shipping Men on Atlantic Coatst Art) Making- Trad Fian for Canal Orw-nlrifr. Captain F. W. .. Hmtth. formerly port captain of Near York for the Htm Tor sTt Cuba Mail Steamship Cum pinjr U In the city Hudylng; marina conditions and conferring with local shlrplng; men with reference to the completion of the Panama Canal. In peaking of his visit to the Pacina Coaat Captain Kmlth nM: "The com pletion of the Tanama Canal will mean aa much to American water transporta tion aa tho first overland train meant to the railroad world. Official, of prac tically every eteamshlp line of elo quence operating out of New fork hare dlaoueeed service through the Panama Canal. There are a lot of plan that hare not been made publlo and will not be until the canal la com pleted." SKIPPFRS t.MKI HANDICAP Cowrnmrat ptscrlnUnatra A grain! Colombia In Tide Tables. The Government publication of the t'rr at different places in the Vnlte.I State Include those on the bara of nearly every river In the country ex cept the Columbia River bar. The nearest arproa.h Is In civlng the tide, at Astoria, fully II ml w'r' he time of high and low water on the bar la fully half an hour earlier than at Astoria, with consl.iernbie variation at tlmea from thl estimate. If the Government officials would estimate the time of the tides from Cape Disappointment, or on the Jetty, near I'ort Stevens, from either of which it would be practicable, more exact data would be given. As now done It would do almost as well : give the tides at Portland and an nounce the difference on the bar. .Marine Xolc. The oil tank steamer Jtosecrans ar rived yesterday from California with a cargo of fuel oil. The steamers St. Helens and Nome City sailed yesterday from San Fran cisco for Portland with general freight. The four masted schooner Virginia. wth a cargo of lumber from West port for Pan Pedro, went to sea yes terday. The steam schooners f. S. lop and J B. Stetson arrived last night from San Francisco with general cargoes, and will load lumber for return trips. The steamer Breakwater arrived yes terday afternoon from Coos Bay with freight and pwnTj. Sl;e was fully six hours earlier than her usual sched ule. The lighthouse tender Columbine. In the river from Alaska via Pugct Sound, will unrlerpo a thorough overhauling here this Winter before she starts to her station In the North again. The Installation of a wireless plant on the bar tug Walluia la nearly com pleted. Aa soon as she goes Into serv ice again ths Oneonta wf.l be laid up to have a similar plant Installed. Movement- of Vessels. A'TORIA. Or., pec. 3 Condition at ths mouth of the river at B I". M-. cloudy; tnd. .oviir.fiit. ml.M. e-a. smooth- Arrived n't led tip et A M.. st-amer "reak water, from on. Hay Arrive.! at 7 3K nd I 'l UP at A. M.. steamers t. Loop erd J j;. "t.tsnn. from San rranrHco. l eft ud at T .tn A. M.. British bar Inver oie. Arrived at If" A. M. .tmer Rose rraiis. from Monterey. Sailed at 10:15 A. M . steamer Falron-t l'l r.O A. M.. schooner Vtra.r.i. for ?an r -nnira a st 10 2U A- M ana ua at is ' -"-j amr Rot City, for Sao Francisco and ean P.dro. .... .. esn Francisco. Dee. .". Fallen1 at tt A. M iium'r Bear, ror San I'edro; at 1 l M teamer St. Helens. f"r portlan.L an Francisco. D.-. 2. Hailed at ft P. M.. earner Roanoke, tor Ban !!; steamer !ympic. for Porl'.-nd. Arrived at 5 P V team-r Tamalpais. from Tort. anil. i:ecl at 11 P. W . stesm.r Nome City, for Portland. rleatr'e. Dee. 2. Palted British steamer K'imerl.-." from Portland, for Hongkong. an Pedro. De. 2- Arrived steamer Ye' owetone. from Portland. tiandon. ree. S. Arrlve.1 Oaeollne s. hooner Tillamook, from Portland. L-e Aree. I .-. A"ii-'.-lj!ini, f-ora fi l-oa. Pannma: Kort ltraec. from Vort Fras: roni l ev. from Sen Krinc!.-o: n.hone. (rm PoMienrf; ilsremont. from Willnpa Ifnrbor. p.tld Jemee S, Hlcit'.e. fr F' -t rtrnrs- Co llev. for Hvn f'ranoie ro: Arrvll. tor Fori Harford; Sfcoahoive. for l'o-!and. eeiifle. rec. S FaTed Pteirner orth a.rrn. for Southwestern Aleka; steamer Vdith. "f r l ?ut h western A '3l.A. stesmer 1'rlnee Rupert, for Pr'nre llui-ert. Tscoma. lec. 3. Arrlr.d Hritleh steam er f'rovdon. from Fn Kranenco; ste:nr Admiral Sampeon. from Hattle. alled jepaneee steamer Tacoma Maru. for hcatt'.a. Tide at Astoria Monday. Hih. l-ow. ll-tl A. M . faef4 .1t A M o ft !S::.5 P. M....-OS foot AT THB THEATERS UOJCT lie TO TOCB WtTE." A rarre romedr by Campbell B. raaevd. Pieeenled at the Baker Tb eater. CAST. George Fensdlrt Sam Rose Arthur Prlnsl Halworth Stark Leell Craft Benton Oarvtn James Dillon Hnrrr Ellis Ferdinand Mueller. .. Mart Franklin Reporter John Ksoih Iavld Coatee Egbert Armttage Mrs. Doppledae atlrlam flhelby yra Benedict Mable Doppledae.. La Belle Amass. . . Coldle De Vm. ... Toddle Twlnkletoes Faasy Bloom Amos oppledse. . . .Edna Roland . ..Oladva Wilcox . . . Fetelle Vernon Nell Love ...Eleanors Frey ..Virginia B'.uart Dave Lewis PT LEONE CASS BAER. ONE OF those chuckle-chuckle en tertainments Is "Don't Lie to Tour Wife." a farce whose admonitory title In Itself bespeaks a bit of comedy. For the first time In his many years as a maker of fun on the American stage. Iave Lefwis visits Portland this week, stopping at the Baker, and Is the tolg tactor In the merry farce. Aa In most farces, the comedy la made as much by "complications" snd "situations' as bv tho actors them selves, although Mr. Iwls Is a cap ital farceur. In this partlcu'ar Instance the "com. plications" are brought about by the adventures of a suppoeed-to-be-stald married man who fluffs around with some dames from the chorus, while at the Sams time Mrs. Fupposed-to-be-a- stald married woman goes to ths races and loses her winnings when she Is "pinched" for auto speeding. Every body tries to keep everybody else from learning the truth, the inevitable squarer" Is rushed In. and becauaa the audience Is "on" It's all a great round of fun. A larga and capable company helps Mr. Lewis put over a clean entertain ment full of bright new dialogue that sparklea. and replete with touches of refreshing "business" that gets the au dience's goat every time. Of the sup port, a young married man In the wholesale coal business In New Tork named George Benedict, who laughs his way through life. Is played by Sam Rose: a young physician called Arthur Prlngle. quite pess.m:stlo by nature, who is In love with Mabel, who knows It. Is portrayed by Halworth Stark. There Is a press agent in the employ of the Folly Theater, who. by his am blt'ous endeavors, complicates things generally; the character Is Leslie M. Craft, and ths player Benton Garvin. An owner of a race horse, one James T'tllon. whose horse "Nevermore." by reason of his winning, causes Joy and sorrow. Is characterised by Harry El lis. To this role Mr. F.llls lends so much real comedy In Interpreting It. alanglly. noisily and with so much self assurance that It becomes a gem. Fer dinand Mueller, a bicycle polloeman on the Coney Island boulevard, whose grafting proclivities are a part of ths story. Is presented by Mart Franklin. The managing editor of the Morning Recorder (one of New York's popular dallies) saw fit to ecguge as a police reporter Moreland Strange; the gentle man endeavoring; to depict the char acter Is John Keogh. The Mutual Bonding Company, having engaged tha services of David Coats as their rep resentative, provides the reason of as algnlrg the part to Egbert Armttage. Mrs. Mary Doppledae. who la her hus band'a decidedly better half, assuredly the wife of Amos, and distinctively ths mother of Mabel, is Illustrated by Mi riam Shelby. Beslues adding constantly to the hi larity of the comedy. Miss Stuart sings a delightful ditty. "My KUlarney Rose." Mr. Lewis has the role of Ames Dop pledae a German-American, a model husband almost, and a fond father. He doesn't Imitate other comed'ans, but Is natural and gets lots of laughs out of his audience. Hrt one big song. "After the Honey moon, brought a dogen recalls In Its train. Ton't Lie to Tour Wife" will be at the Baker all week with the usual mat inees. ELK TODAY LOCAL IrODGEMKX TO ESCORT JOHN" P. SCIXIVAX. Grand. Exalted Knler Will Bo Con sulted About Plans for Bl Con vention Herts In JnntSk When John P. Sullivan, of New Or leana. grand exalted ruler of the Elks; arrives In Portland with his party, from Ban Franclaco, at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon, he will be met and escorted to the Portland Hotel by a committee consisting of K.' K. Kubll, R. E. Moody. D. Soils Cohen. Gus C. Moser. David M. Dunne, Sol Blumauer, John H. Bur gard. W. O. Van ichuyver. George L. liaker. J. H. Diets and Dr. 11. F. Mo Kay. Mr. Sullivan will meet the grand lodge commlselon In the evening to discuss the plana for the Elks conven tion In Portland In 11I. After this conference he will be entertained at an Informal reception In the Elks club rooms, to which all local and visiting members will be Invited. Wednesday Mr. Sullivan and his party will be entertained with an auto trip about the city and a dinner In ths evening at Richards Grill. In the afternoon he will be the guest of tha Ancient Order of Hibernians, of which be Is a member. The Knights of Co lumbus have also requested the privi lege of entertaining him at some time while he is In port'and. but ths time has not yet been definitely decided. The official visit of the grand ex alted ruler to the Portland lodge will take plaoe Thursday evening, after which Mr. Sullivan and his party, who will depart on the 11 o'clock train for Seattle, Wash., will be escorted to the Union Station by the members of the lodge In a body. He will pass two days In Seattle and will teturn by way of Portland to San Francisco, going thence to Salt Lake City. Denver. Chicago and back to New Orleans. While In Portland Mr. Sullivan will select the hotel which Is to be the of ficial headquarters during the grand lodge, and will sign contracts arrang ing for the entertainment of the lodge officials at the hotel selected, when they shall be In Portland next June. In the party are J. P. Sullivan, grand exalted ruler, and Mrs. Sullvan; Fred C. Koblnson. nf Dubuque, grand sec retary, and Thomas B. Mills, of Su perior. Wis., nnd Cary L Applegate. of Salt Lake, grand trustees. 4551 IN SALEM SCHOOLS Incrpaa of 801 I'll pi Is In Venr Is Made Accordina; to Census. SALEM". Or, Dec I (SpeclaL) A total of 4551 pupils In the publlo schools of Salem la shown by the cen sus Just completed by Lee Acheann. This Is an Increase of (01 over Inst year, when the census showed IV bO pupils. The Increase Is IS per cent. There are !l!ll male pupils and 1340 female pupils. Orrfron city Will Elect. OREOON CITT. Or.. Deo. S. (Spe cial. Oregon City will hold Its reg ular city election tomorrow. William Andresen and Grant B. Dlmlck are can didates for Mayor. M. D. Latourette has no opposition for City Tressurer, which office he now holds. Thres Counctlmen will be elected. nAILT METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dec- 8 Maximum temper ature. 43 degrees; minimum. 4J degreee. River readme; at 8 A. M.. t. fet: chance In last 54 hours, o 1 foot fall. Total rainfall 3 1. M to 5 P. M-. none; total rainfall since September 1. 1!1. 8.K2 Inches: normal rslnfsll since September 1. 12.72 Inches; de ficiency of ralr.fsll etnee ceptember 1. lftll. S lev Incheff. Total snnehtne December 3. 1 hour. HO minutes: possible sunahtne. a hours, fr4 minutes. harometr reduced to sea level, at a P. X.. 21.II7 Inches. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A new dlsturbsnce has made Its appear ance north of Montana and the high-pressure area vesterday over Idaho lias ad vanced esstwsrd to ths middle Mississippi Vsiler. A smsll low-pressure are ,s central at sea off the Csrollnsa Precipitation In the I cited staLa durlnir the laet 24 nours has been lleht and moniy snow, which has fal'.er In the lakes region snd the Ohio slier. Cloudiness has Increased In the North pscirlc fctates. but aa ei no rain r snow has occurred. It Is cooler la the MireourL middle Mississippi and Ohio Val leys and warmer In tsoutneaetern Idaho, tha Gulf States and upper Michigan. Ths conditions ire fsvorable for rain or snow Mondsv in Western Oregon and West ern Waahlneton snd for fair weather east of the Cascade Mountains. FORECASTS. Por1snd and vicinity Rain or snow; sotirheantcrlv wind. Oregon and Washington Rain or snow west, fair esst portion, southeasterly winds. Msho Fair. EDWARD A. PEALS, District Forecaster. Superior coal $5.50. Edlefsen's yard. tttt: Monxiyo OREOOXiAy. aroxDAT. pt:ce3ibeii 4, mil. . . . . . f WF4T. KSTATK. f - ESTATE. FORESTERS TO CONFER WESTERN CONSERVATION LEAD ERS GATHER HERE. Elr Fighting- and Hazard, Trail Building "and Lognrlng; by Elec tricity Will Bo IMscnsncd. The annual conference of the Western Forestry and Conservation Association, an organization composed of all the forest protective and conservation or ganizations, II In number. In Oregon. Montana. Idaho, Washington and Cal ifornia, will open In Portland this morning. The two-day conference will be held in Forester's Hall. In the Mar quara building. Leaders In the conservation move ment In the West will compare notes, exchange views, snd formulate plans at the conference for greater efficiency In methods. Arrangements for the con ference are In the hands of E. T. Allen, forester, assisted by local forestry men. Promptly at 10 o'clock this morning the meeting will be called to order by the President. A. L. Flswelllng. of Spo kane. The forenoon will be devoted to short reviews of the experiences and lessons taught In 1U. , The afternoon and the first period .tomorrow will be devoted to the dis cussion of subject under the head of "Fire Hazard." Among the topics treated wlU bs ths slashing menace, logging hazard, railroad fires, and the camper, settler and hunter. Under the head of "Patrol and Fire Fighting, the rest of tomorrow morning and part of the afternoon, organization, com munication, transportation and flre flghtlng will be discussed. Other topics to be discussed are: Educational Work, publlo and private co-operation, fire laws. fnder the head of "Logging Has ard" ths use of electricity In logging operations. Its practicability and ef fectiveness In preventing forest fires, will receive attention. By way of ex periment an electrlo logging engine has been operated In Coos County for three months by the C A. Smith Lum ber Company. Trail and telephone building, signal systems, supply depots and the sys tematizing of provisions, supplies and emergency assistance will be another Important topic Particular attention will be paid to the portable telephone, and actual model will be demonstrated. It Is expected that 135 members of the different organizations will at tend: several delegates had already arrived last night. Among them were State Foresters C W. Jungberg, of Montana. Fmith Riley, of Idaho-. J. R. Welty. of Washington, and F. A. Elliott, of Oregon. United States District For esters F. A. SUcox. of Montana and Idaho, George A. Cecil, of Oregon and Washington, end Coert DuBois. of Cal ifornia, will also attend. President Flewelling. of Spokane, Is expected to arrive this morning In his private car with a large party. Dnck and Goose Farm Planned. VANCOUVER, Wash.. Dec S. (Spe cial.) A farm to rear ducks and geese for the Portland market Is what John Moore, of Adna, Wash., will establish In this county near Vancouver. Mr. Moore has been studying the question of raising ducks for market for more than a year. He will begin the first of the year to put in the Incubators, duck pens and other buildings neces sary. Mr. Moore finds that he can sell ducklings at a profit In from six weeks to two months after hatching. Tha feathers will be sold to feather fac tories. MEETPtG NOTICES. a WILLAMETTE LODOE, NO. X f A. F. AND A. M. Stated com- tfK munlcatlon this (Mondsy) even TLiVTeT Ing st 7:30 o'clock. Annual eleo tlon and Installation of officers ' N and payment of duee. Music light refreshments snd a general reunion of mem bers and visiting brethren will be ths order of the evening. VT. S. 'WEKKS. Seo. TV T T I , WFTTP COnNCIL. ."Hv; ROYAL AHCANTM, meets at K- p- Halt, Eleventh and Al- at'.'-..''i er sireei., in, iir.i eiu H i-VJ Monday of each month at S t; " sj.tr, P. M. P. H. KOLTNEU, Sec. ,'ei;ij.,,r care Crlhben A Sexton Co., raer care Seventeenth and L'piaur street HARMONY LODGE. NO. 13. A. Tr ANIF A- 34. Special communt cwfl.tn thl. lUnntlavt eve. at 6:H0 rffVWar.d 8:SO o'clock. Work In E. A.. WtX K. C. and M. M. degrees. Visiting brethren welcome. W. M. DB LIN. Bee. . CAMEL! A CHAPTER. NO. 2T. vy-V O. E. S. Stated communication liK thle (Monday) evening at Masonlo if Temple. West Psrk and YambllL lllecr.'-m of officers. llv order W. M. LYWA BUTTER WORTH, bee a WASH 1 NO 1 ON' LODGE, NO. ,r 4C. A. V. AND A. M. Special -m communication tlila Monday "C. ' t'r evenlnr 7:.V. Flast Eighth and X-"r7V Burnside. M. M. degree. Vlslt X on welcome, firrter W. M. J. It. RICHMOND, Secretary. M T. HOOD TENT. NO. IT. K. O. T. M. Meets In ths Pelllng-IIIrsch building, Snss Washington street, every Wednesday night. PITO. LYNCH At the residence of his daughter. Mrs. IL Deney. 3i6 llenton street. Jemee I.vnch. agi-d fH veara Remains at Dun ning McEntee's parlora Notice of funeral later. HAtiLEY In this eltr, December , Clark IJ. Hsiliey. aye o years, of THIsmook. Or. rX'NEJlAL NOTICES. SMITH In this city, Deo. x. at her late reiKlence. 41 North 5lh IL, Agnetls E. rimlth. aged $ years 1 month IS days. Funeral services will be held at Holman's chspel. fid and Salmon sta el 3 P. IL to day Mn?day. 10M.ITH FIAJHAL CtX. MAKWCAM 1ILDO, ILOH.AL IlESloNS, rboaes:. Main MOii A llOt. panning alcRntae, Funeral Directors. Tth end Pine. I'bone Main 410. Lady as litant. Oftlre of County Corner. A. B- ZELLKB-CO.. 6M Williams as rbooe East luSS. C 1S. Iaady attendant. "eDWARO HOI.MA.1fO, Fnneml Dlrect rs. t'-S 1 st. Lady aasletaat. I'bone M. " JJ." pTnNl-KV OX mai Msdlsoal lady attendant. Phone Main . A 1QIM. EAST MIDK funeral Directors. eacceeaarS to K. 8. Donning. Inc. K. Bt. B . LEKCH. rndertaker. eorT" East Altier and lath. Iast 741. u 1HSS. Lad asalstaas. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Far Ltne. On Um ISo htun ad tw con-at1 tlrntj IU Sam ml three rooiiecuU'v time So Hiti mJ !. or Kvea rontitiT tlnie. . 6e Kairaittafti must tccotnimaf oiu-uf-towa rd -. H b ftdTvlsTMmaeist u set mn ta eoo terntlve Usim lh a-tlme rat aapplle, Ms words count aw one Lin on cmU d Tertlrenints and n d cooatrvd for Imm ihnn two line. On rharge or book adrvrttoetiifatai tho chare will K1 bad on tho rtuml number of llneo tieiiiiK In the poper. rtmrUmm t)f th number of isordf) In each line. In New To-day ail adverUeinent are c harried by meaaora onlj, 11 linoa to tab inrb. Mt nation Wanted, Male. hltuailona Wanted. eniMle. The dtxiTe rate applj to aVtvertlaornenta under ew Today and all other ela.alti ca tion a exreptbic tUe folloalnv: Orenonian will accept claelflel arertaa ment over tho telephone, provldlnic tho ad Tertlaer I a abscrllier to either phono. No price will bo Quoted over the pbone, bat hill will be rendered the follow Ins (lay. Whether ubequeut adTerllaement will b accepted over th phone depends npon th prom pi iic-m of the payment of telepnono ad terilftetnent. hltuatioo Wanted and fter aonal advertlenieata will not b accepted over the telephone. Order for ono luaer tlon only will be accepted for "House for Kent, r urn It nre for hale.' Hulnes Oppor tanliles." Mlioagrmnls-Uooo' and M Wan ted tm Kent." A 1 ! AMfSEMEVre. I - - -. .r- For Sale Acreage, HE" I j I P THEVTER M, Li JL J 7th nnd Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 11 -'2, LAM6ARDI GRAND CPERA CO. TONIGHT. :15. TACST." Tomorrow night, Thais." Wednesday Mat.. "Madame Butterfly. Wed. Xlgfat, "Carmen." Evenings: Lower floor, $2; ILBO; Bal cony. 6 rows, $1.30: rl rows, $1: rows, T5c: 5 rows. oOc Gallery, reserved. Too: admission. 30c. Wednesday matinee: Lower floor. 1.S0. II. Balcony. $1. TSo. ."-Oo. Gal lery, SOc BEATS NOW 8 ELLIN 0. B A El R Main 2. A B360 Ceo. I Baker. Mr. Tonlrht, all week. Mat. Wed. 0. 23c, and Sat. 53c. Ma Th Aviator of Uauchter. r ; IAVE LEWIS. ffcTi In th Sons-Farce, t "Don't Ue to Your Wife." V'v I.auirh-Tourlf-filck Farre. -sk -J? Kveninrr. 2ftc B0c, 75c, fl.0. W J a . Next Week Ida Ft. Leon in - T -Holly of th Circus.- Bungalow Theater MOVPAT. TTESDAT. DFfEMBF.R II. It, S:1S P. M. WORU'S U KF.Al'EST MALE CHORTV, Th. Celebrated Mountain Ash Male Choir Welsh Singers. Wales. Great Britain. . yrlc.es: frOc. 7 Sc. il.0X I.B0. MAW . A 10f (EE EVERT DAT IWJ-M MIGHTS i5-25-fvr3o WEEK IWEMTtr.B 4 Dorothy Kos-ers Ces, presenting "Babies a la Carte" t barlea F. Kfroon, (ourad and Whiddra, Klce. fiullr and 8eoU. W. B. Fat ton tt Co., ratty and Uesperado, btnart and Kesdejr. TTneqnalled Tande-rllle. WEKK. DBTEjIBER 4 Mile. PaJerma, as sisted br befalo Jb Co, "The iurdea of Mjsutry''i bvran and Bambard, Jenkins and Covert, The bandro. Hrtbers, The Diamond lour, PMtaareaoope. Pantaan Orchestra. Matinee k.xvr? Day. ress lm.a.l. f.rmnA. fnlllvan Jt roDli)lne. n.nn..i .,I.1II. WEEK PBCFIIBER 4 Joe Tinker. Maude and Gill. Donahue and htewart. Tbe Llvlnos, Owen Wright. Kara, oranuautcopo. . l'rtcea, JAci and 5. LYRICS THEATER 'IIIHTH ivn ax a Rsr The Keating A Flood Musical Comedy Co. Presenting WEEK DECEMBER 4. In Oay Parle, see the great bathing scene. Two performances nla-htly, 7:80 and 9:15, 15c and 5e. .Mntlne. IHiIIt. t:S0: any seat loo (except Sundays and Holidays). Next week Tho Henpecked Family." AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilsons Auction Bouse, at 1 A. M. rarnlture. 171-8-6 Second street. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HAIL Main 693, A 7S89. HI MANE OFFICER. Sergeant Crate. Residence, 2 E. I'ath X. Kast 4J7tf. R. A. Dunmlre. Res. 130 Wasco St. W. O. Baton. Res. 7S E. IHth. East 1783. Horse Ambulance. A S101. I'r. Ex. 4. Nights. Sundays and Holidays. A S163; Pr. i-x. e. Trunk 7. KWV TODAY. Best Buy In the City 100x100 corner, south and east front, on business street, lnolde was sold for $40,000 and wife would not s!f?n deed. This can be bought for 3.000; lift. 000 cash, $16,000 four years from July 1, 1911. at 6 per cent Interest, balance second mortjragre. Several other fine apartment Bites at a bargain. A bar gain at $12,600; $4600 to handle, bal ance mortgage. lt years. 6 per cent Interest. Income $60 per month, oorner. O. FRED FISH B1S-AM Selling; 11 Ida, Opp. Oresomlan. A T771, Mala 4S41. $4000 A dandy new home on Clackamas street, near E:ast Twenty-eighth street. This property Is now In line with Ankeny carllne extension, and consid ered an exceptionally good buy at above price. Mall & Von Borstel I0-t aerond. 4K Knmt Bnrnstde. FOR sale; new brick apartment building:. Ions; lease. West Side. Will take up to $12,000 In Willamette Valley farm or v"est Pide unimproved property In part pavment. Must have about $5000 cash. Address Ownor, J 695, Oregonian. FOIt m K'K HALE! Seven-reom. two-story hiuse, mod ern, excrpt (urnaco; lot 60x100; value 13500. Akio three lots 60x110, ralue $3000; both close in on East Side. Need $2500 cash. AM 3. Qretronlnn. I OOX LE4VE FOR CALIFORNIA Will sell tny flats on Belmont St.; easv terms: Income $70; $2000 nuts you In possession; $1000 worth of furniture Included: $9500. E. C. Hl'HLOEHT, 304 Lewis llldat. ' MORTGAGE LOAiVj 5 JOHN E. CfiONAN, nol a-i Spaldlna Blda- 0 C GOISG TO CALIFORXIA. S ACRES, 8 miles weet of river, 40 minutes' from center of city, on elec tric Tour own terms. K. C. HIKL I1KRT, Owner, 804 Lewta Bids;. Mortgags Loans Sco Tot the Laxrer Amoants. KXIWAMU K. GOIDICI. Lewie Bulldlatf. COL LIS, BEKRIDGK THOMPSOX, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 8t Worcestes Block. Pbone Main eo7. BEAT. ESTATE DEAUM Heck. William O.. 815-81S Falling bids. BRCBAKER BBNEDICT. t02 McKay blag. M. B4S. Cbapln A Herlow. 5J Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. B. a Co.. B0 Corbett bide. Jennings Co. alaln 1SS. X0 Oregonian. PALMEK-JONES CO, U. P. 04-va-0 Wilcox bids. Tbe Oregon Heal Estate Co.. Orand ava, and Tatultnomah sL (Uolladay AddlUon). REAL ESTATE. For Sale 8ACR1FICB TO CLO.-ili ESTATE. Two best lots on Council Crest fur 12000. Main 8061. A SS.HH. FlNaTSV lots In Irvlngton Park, 80tb St.; a soap; easy terma Bee owner, cutberth, D.kum blag- 76 IRVINlTON, ALL CASH. 80th and Schuyler; enougb aald. Pred W. German. Bum side. M. or A 2778. OTrm Vv.f'-v ' - Wis SEI5 HERE. 7 fins lots In mfg. district, near 'Wil lamette blvd.; a payment of only $25 puts you In possession; only $7 per month to pay balance; cheat. Owner, BO ttwl. Bids;. E. C. H I' hVbkhT. For Bale Lots. MALLORS ADDITION. EAST 31'TH NEAR H A.WTHORNB. 15 MINL'Tt? FKOM WEST SIDE. ALL IJll'HOVEMK.S'TS I.V. Bl'lLDl.NO EE.-THlCTlu.N3. PRICES U50 TO 11U0, EAST TERM1 GI-:0. u. M AIR. TAB. 1HT7. B 2-161. EAST W AND HAWTHORNS AVI fiullTV.inf! TH1NT CO. LCilBE EKUKN'S BLDG.. TiTlf AND STARK A BIO SNAP. TWO LOTS. Two of the nnest lots In Waverlelgh Heights: lots 18 and ltt. block 17. on Franklin street, between 29th and 81st; price 15x. halt ens.-u These luts are actually worth .1100 each; owner needs money. RRl'SSf BOLDS. I SIS Board or Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WILL build your home sccordine to your plans at actual cost plus 10 per cent In beautiful Laurelhurst. giving you full benefit of builder's discount on lot: cost of lot net $s5o; actual enst of house $2-73; builder's charge You provide S4O0. I will provide the rest. Address 11W5 Multnomah St. LAROE lot,-S0xl50, excellent location In a strictly first-class close-In residence dis trict, paved streets, cement walks, sewer, water and gas; close to good carline; gen uine barealn for JlL'ti'). Terms. Phone Main 1.u3. Ask for Mr. Vruahl or call 5-'2 Corbett bldg BUY NEAR REED COLLEGE. Lots 40x100 feet. 2 b'ocks from Reed College, $420 per lot. $45 cash, $lu per month. MERIDIAN TRUST CPMPANT. 809 Railway Exchange Bldff. Phones: Marshall 154, A ?430l BTJTLDINO sits, 80x130, facing a beautiful park; houses will never be built across your street; positively unobstructlve view; exclusive and strictly biKh-class. close In. The price fs right, $34u0; terms. Phone Maln15US. ask for Mr. Lrdabl or call 622 Corbett bldg. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. 1200 WEST SIDE J200. 80x100 lot, 89th and West Yamhill, on upper Washington-street carllne. National Realty A Trust Co.. 828 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Pbone Main 612:'. LAST OPPORTUNITY. Mr. Builder, If you wish to tsks ad vantage of our very liberal building prop osition, lose no time In getting In touch with our f.rra. Phone East 93J or C 2035. Ask for Mr. Delahunty. $10 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot; matured fruit trees; re st rioted district, near car; cement walks. Bull Run wster. fruit cared Tor free or charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Pbons Marshall 473. A 1022. IRVTNOTON BARGAIN. TMxlOO. on 21st st.. between Brazee and Knott sts.. facing enst, street Improve ments all In and paid for; one block to car. For particulars .phone Woodlawfl 32211 or C 1028. LOT Full PALE BY OWNER. Must have at least $100 cash, bargain hunters; 50x100 at less than 1-3 value. I need money. No agents. Answer, giving home address. Owner. AK 6.13, Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS build two buugatowe Beautiful site to walking distance only $1750. Main 35")1. BROOKE A 8S39. $2000 FOR tl2Z0 CASH. One of tho most sightly lots In Lsurel hurst for $1250 cash, worth $2000. Address AF 623, Oregonian. GARAGE LOCATION' on Division St.. sll hard-surface into the city; price $12.V. You can never beat this buy. Let me tell vou about It. Call 414 Spalding bidg. LOT 3, block 1, Council crest I'uri. Aam tloh. 50xt20 feet, on carllne; beautiful view: make me an offer; terms. Mrs. J. St. Peter, 1U21 S3d St.. Everett. Wash. PORTLAND HEIOHTsi Beautiful, level lot on upper slda of Ravensvlew Drive; 0-ff. frontii8e. fine view. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 88.10. rUK'l'LAMJ HEIOUTS. UXCLL'SI VELi. Itcaulilui homes and homeslles, all views, locations ai d prices. Can suit you. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 3S3'. IRVINGTON Fine quarter, Kxl02V4, 25th and Tillamook; owner will sell cheap and furnish you money to build; choose your own architect. J SB7. OreRonian. CHOICE Laurelhurst lot, 40x100, one block from Gllsan-sireet car; price $S50. Ad dress AK 624. Oregonian. CORNER. HOxloO (two lots). In Lenta; 2 blocks from station: worth $800. Make n-.e an orter. D C3S. Ortgonian. I HAVE a few lots fur $25 down and $10 per month. Including Interest. See me at once. J. H. Tipton. 110S Spalding. BEE Le Nolr & Co. for West 61de homes. Exclusive dealers In West Side property. 835-7-9 Chamber of Commerce- EQUITY in Kenton lots' at discount. V 631. Oregonian. I or Sale Houses. UK. LOT O WNER. H EKE 13 YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMKNT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEUEST; PLANS FURNISHED FKEE. IT WILL PAY YOU 7 0 COME IN AND TALK THIS OVUK. J S ATKINS ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. w THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY;? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNlSHTKEMO.NET AND BUILD RESIDENCE OK FLATS. PLANS FKEE, IF WB BUILD. OLR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEB US. L. R. RAIT. Fir CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINOTOX BLP. 9-ROOM IHVINGTON HOME. Furnace, fireplace, large den, etc; street Improvements are all in and i.ald for; the construction of this house Is of the very best; built one year: three blocks from Irvlngton car: price $d35rt. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 4i4 Wlloox Bldg. Phones Main 8CB9. A 2361 BEAUTIFUL S-rcorh house. In Laurelhurst; 8 fireplaces, large aleeying-porch. built-in refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, flrs less cooker, built-in wardrobes, etc; cor ner lot 75x90, east front, beautiful view; 87500; 5uO cash, balance easy monthly payments. provident Investment A Trus tee Co.. 201-202-203 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marhall473. A 1022. WESlTsiDB" SNAP. Double house of 32 rooms, two 6-room good houses, rented for $40 per month; lot 60x100: on Porter St.. walking distance, price J5000; .1 '.00 cash, balance 4 years; not many bargains like this. ORUSSI & HOLDS. .! Bosrd of Trade hidg.. 41 h and Oak. 82 250 FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 8100 CASH. IIO MONTHLY. New 6 block to ctr, 1 block to school, lot fronts on 2 streets. S3 1-3x110. house Is modern, run psiement, uutc.i Kiicnan. den and all bullt-ln conveniences, tinted walls. Photo st ofllce. Fred W. Oer man. 819 Humslde. M. or A 2778. 6-ROOM r:ous on Broadway: alcove, den and sleeping porch: eiegant fixtures: fur nace, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcase and buf fet, 'laundry trays, shades, combination fas and coal range Included; price S50O0; lOriO cash, balance $32.50 per month. NATIONAL BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 42B Falling bldg. $3200 BUNGALOW $3200. Swell new 5-roo:n bungalew, with at tic fireplace, bookcases, buffet, gas snd slectrlc fixtures, window shades, Dutch kitchen, double floor, Isnndry trays, ce ment basement; street improvements paid: at a bargain. $32"0; a little down and balance like rent. 850 Wasco st., near 2Sth. F1E and six-room homes, fireplaces, hard wood floors, furnaces, with all bullt-ln modern conveniences; near carllns: all at-set Improvements psld; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investment a Trustse Co.. oi, 202. 2"1 Board nf Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A 1029. " TOUR CHANCE. Two Rose City Park homes near carllne iave furnace, cement floor, hsrdwood floor, fireplace, etc.; reduced price for quick sale. eRsy terma L. R. BAILEY CO.. Phone Marshall 84a 822-24 Ablngton bldg. B-ROOM bungalow; furnace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floor?, gas, elec tricity; good view: Rose City park, two blocks from carllne: $3,150: easy terma provident Investment 4 Trustee Co.. 201 20S Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A loa. " ROSE CITY PARK 8NAP. Eight-room bungalow. Just completed: all up-to-date features: oniy $3000; small flown pavmsnt. balance easy terma See owner. Mr. Carpenter, 629 Henry blag. Msln 8691. CHANGE In business calls owner south, so he Instructs us to sell at once bis beauti ful 6-room rseldence. in Ladd Addition; modern and up-to-date In every particu lar' will give good terma 801 E. 11th st. E. 8023. ' " FORCED SALH. Modern bouse of 6 rooms. In fine loca tion, close In. on Hawthorne ave., will be sold st big sacrifice if taken at once, as owner needs some money. Only $1000 cash required. P 619. Oregonian. " : $3500. Modern 5-room bungalow. Just com pleted. East 63d bet. Madison and Salmon- will take good lot as first payment. Phone Main 2578 or E. 1811. $2tW) CASH, balance like rent, buys a beau tiful home, strictly modern bungalow. 4 large rooms, large lot, flue location; price only $l'0o0. See Jas. A. Clock, 252 Alder. Phone Main 6189. ROOMS. RIVER VIEW, $3000. Unobstructed view of lower harbor, close to car; a modern home; priced right Fred W. German ,32$ Burnside, M. or A 2776. 5-ROOM modern cottage. South Portland, cbeap. Call Marshall 8400. jr or pair nuuni i . w ruA.oi . . . . . - -j -- Better than "Installment Plana Here Is a chance lor everybody to build their homes at exact cost. DO NOT PAY PROFITS TO THE .. MIDDLEMEN. Builders expect to clear $1000 or more on every house they build to sell. BUILD IT YOURSELF Any place In Oreg-on or Washington. Complete plans and specifications at a nominal cost. MATERIAL AT UNUSUAL FRICE& "ROSE "CITY"' ARCHITECTURAL AND DESIGNINOvCO. Rooms 3-5-3:!6 Abington Bldg-., Third St., bet. Washington and stark. Portland, uregon. IRVINGTOn' SWELL HOME. New 7-room swell house, furnace, 2 fire places; doubly constructed. hardwood lloors. bookcases, buffet; paneled dining room, beamed ceillnc Dutch kitchen, tireless cooker, refrigerator. 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch; lot 5irxlO0. east tr"nt street Improvements paid; on East 20tn. near Thompson; price $S750. part cash; will trade good lot aa part payment. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 813 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WEST SIDE HOME. $250. Good 6-room house, gas. full cement basement, bath, etc.; lot 42x120; 7 bear ing fruit trees, ehieken-house and yard, nice view, on First street, near Bancroft ave.; price only $2900. $250 cash and $2j per month. 6 per cent. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 818 Board of Trnde Bldg., 4th and Oak. $4100 HOLLADA Y ADDITION $4100. Attractive, artistic, six rooms, large at tic, full cement basement, furnace, fire place, 48x100 lot, hard-surface street, all paid; one of the finest homes In Holladay addition, on Haisey St.. near 17th at., -Mocks to Irvlngton and Broadway car lines; easy terms. 614 Couch bldg. Mar shall 1377. $-675 KG It BALE BT OWNER $2676 will buy one of our modern homes. 18 minutes' car ride, one block off car line, fireplace, buffet, bookcase, full basement. Improvements In snd all paid. Daytime, Marshall 267; night, E. 3016. M. I. Ford Co.. contractors and builders. Make your own terms. CORNER E. 1STH AND ASH STS. 60x100 ft., with 8-room cottage: rents for $25 per month; future apartment house property, price $5500. H. P. PALM EK-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8009. A 2053. ROSE CITY PARK. BUY TODAY. $100 cash buys 7-room home, lot 60x100; Improvements In and paid; built-in buffet nnd bookcases, fireplace, furnace. Na tional Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Chnmber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 512IK 6-KHM bungalow. East 55th St.: fireplace, buffet, cabinet kitchen, laundry; Interior decorated and fixtures selected to suit purchaser; restricted district, and social environment very highest; close to car; price S2in0: terma C. W. Lamar, 417 Corbett bldg. IHVINGTON. 9-room new and modern house, tiled kitchen and bathroom, hardwood floors, furnace fireplace; absolutely complete In every detail. Faces east. Price $8000. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldir. NEW and strictly modern, hardwood floors, full fireplace, furnace, beamed ceilings, street Improvements all In; price $41)00; easy terms; $350 cash, balance monthly. Phone, write or call H. H. Urdahl. Main 150S. 622 Corbett bldg. HOLLADAY AD. HOME. 7-room modern house on Wasco st., cor ner; lot 60x100 ft; price $7,600. For par ticulars see H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 404 Wilcox Bldg. 7-ROOM modern 2-story bungalow, on car line, privato water system. , fruit trees, out buildings, etc., etc., 3 'i acres ground for the price of a lot. only 25 minutes' ride and 7ii-cnt fare; terms If desired. Se owner. 619 Corbett bldg. BARGAIN for quick sale. New 6-room hon'e, furnace, fireplace, paneled dlnlnc room. buffet, bookcases, linen closet, large sleeping porch; one block from car, near Laurelhurst. Must be seen to be appre ciated. Owner. East 38:i:. After 6 P. M. i' oil e.Ai.r. li .,0.1 We have four housss from $2875 to $M50. Call us up. M. I. Ford To., con tractors nnd builders. Marshall 2B7. even ings. .I'Jl'i .'iwrvc ..vjn. ...... PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP Modern S room bungalow, near car; $7000 would bo a conservative price, but can sell for $5200 for a short time. Mln 3551. BROOKE. A 8R39. . t r TTCurc-a Superior in every detail, finished In oak n Irvlngton: 'investigate. ' C ISc.O.- East 273 o asenia. . ......... AF'l'isTl'' bungalow. 1179 Ivon St., offered responsible party's own terms; sacrifice account sickness. Phone owner. Barney. Main 2500. JUT completed. 3 beautiful bungalows; w'I'l sell cheap on good terms: we finance and build homes. Patrick Hunter. Main Y,g 702 Yeon bldg. East 29ii4. T-ROOM modem house on paved street, one block from streetcar. The price Is right and terms to suit- Call Marshall 274.-.. EFE Le Nolr & "o. for West Side property. Exclusive dealers In West Side realty. s'.1-7-9 Chamber of Commerre. MODERN bungalow. 3 lots. $2100; easy terms. Phone owner. Main 4019. For Sale Hn-lneaa Property. 100x100 FINE West Sid" npnrtment-house site Nod Hill district. $27,500. Owner. 663 Wasco st! For Sale Acreage. BEST BUT CHEAPEST. B and 10-acre tracts, $20 to $45 an acre; terms- deep redshot soil, well watered. Ideal for fruit, vegetables, dairying; fine view; some buyers already living on prop erty; s-hool on grounds; on county road, close to live town on railroad and river near Portland. NEUHAUSEN CO.. 703 Lewis bldg., cor. 4th snd Onk. For appointments evenings, phone East 894. SFAULTHNO Acres Oregon City car. Con cord station. 35 minutes' ride, 7 minutes walk to station, board walk. Ideal place for a suburban homo. Building up fast with bigh-ciass homes. Orand view, gen tle west slope: finest cultivated soli; on main county road, near excellent graded schooL Easv terms at price of lots same time out. Go out today, then see Hall Roatk. 522 Cham. Com. phones A 4S85, M. 9204- READY to move Into. 6 Ui sores. 40 minutes' car ride from center of city, 2-room house, well and fences, best of soli, part cleared and of fered at $2250. with small cash pay ment, balance like rent: good com munity. AR 63i, Oregonian. CHICKEN and fruit ranches nesr Portland: walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River end snow peaks: 2 acres. $250; 6 acres. $400; 10 acres $800; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tracts near railway station. $25 to $50 per acre. FRANK M FAP.LAND REALTY CO. 809 Yyn Bldg.. Portland. Or. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland; rich walnut.- fmlt and garden land; only smalt cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself in products now on the land, which we accept same ss cash: ws own the properties and are ths only people making this liberal offer. F1KLA.VD3 TRUST COMPANY. S06-8 Spalding Bldg. xT-ACRE tracts 30 minutes from heart of city, on electrlo line; good soil, sll cleared aid level; fine suburban home. Price $50, $25 down, $5 per month without interest. FIELD & GORDON. 789 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES BEST ONION LAND. 1 mlloj from Canby, near boat landing and 8. P. R. R. Will sell $300 loss than others ask. $100 down; your own terms on balance. Freeze, owner. ' Room 3 08, SSSVi W lishlr. gto n st 8 ACRES HOP LAND. One-half mile from HillTboro, cleared and level, near the hophouses, elegant land: must sell. Monno Bertus. 43 19th st Phone Main 6280, A 44S0. FIVE acres onion land, perfectly cleared and ready for plowing; under Irrigation; best land in Oregon, on railroad and river; price $1760; easy terma 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th St. 6MALL place of 4 to 6 acres, on carllne. near city, all or part Improved, with house, etc; will pay spot cash for right place: no agents need apply. P 650, Ore gonian. FOR SALE by owner, a bargain, 20 acres . of finest of fruit and garden soil. 22 miles from Portland. i-m!le from station. Main 7235 or O 644 Oregonian. 25 ACRES with 4-room modern house. S line chicken-houses with runs, good wa ter system, close to car, 40 minutes out; this at a bargain. AP 612, Oregonian. 1, 2. 3 AND 5-ATRE tracts, close to Port land, on electric carllne. $200 to $410 per acre, very easy terms. .T. W. HefferJIn Realtv Co., 4 '.'8 Corbett bldg. BNAP 17H acres of choice onion land, run ning water; 8 miles from Courthouse; only $300 per acre. James Wilson. Route 1, Boring. Or. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up: large and small tracts. Call Kinney SV etampher, 531-2 Lumber Excnaaga bda. o, o ft s5 fza ONE ACRE OF BEAVKRDAX1 LAND. Under perfect system of drainage and sup Irrigation, with proper cultivation will yield annually: . 30O sacks potatoes, worth - ' ROO sacks onions, worth J'1" 800 dozen caulillow er. worth vm 3000 sacks celery, worth . . . .. . ' Leaving a clear profit of $200 to $s00 aa CWe will sell you land that wlll produea these results, located 2!x hours from Portland, with cheapest river and rail transportation. In small tracts, at S-J down and $10 a month, per acre. This land is readv for cultivation and. If you wish, wo wlil advance the necessary ex pense, cultivate it for four years to one or more of these crops nnd pay yoa one haif the profits. BEAVEKDAM OAR DENS CO.. 612 Cou-.h bids; open even ings. Phone Mar. 1:i. $10 MonthIy: $10 Monthly. Only $10 3H ACRES, on carline. 23 minutes' ride, 74 cents fare, almost new 7-room. 2-storV bungalow, several outbuildings. prlvata water system, fruit trees, etc.; price right and terms If desired; might take lot as part payment. Take Grcsliam car to Wlch It.i Station. See owner. 519 Corbett bldg. I HAVE 5 acres. 5i miles from the center of Portland, which I will sell, and to the buver I will give mv new auto of stan dard make; think of It T At $lu0 per acre. $500 down. $50 per month: I need ths money. AK 645, Oregonian. 10S ACRES. So acres In cultivation, good house and barn, m miles from Malloy Station, on the Oregon Electrlo R. R-l will sell as a whole or a part- Inquire 663 Jefferson St.. Portland. II ACRES. Powell Valley road, near city limits. Price $0500. S 01S. Oregoniatu For Sale Homesteads. HOMESTEADS and timber claims, desirable locations, near Portland; some prairie, deep, level soil, wheat, fruit and stock; land; near school, railroad snd river. Covey, 267 Oak. Room 21. TWO relinquishments of 100 acres each lti Clackamas Countv and 320 acres In Lake County. O. J. Holmes. 2b3 Taylor. For Sale Fruit Lands. MOSIER WANTS MORE FAMILIES. 100 acres near town of Mosler; CO acres cleared, about 35 of which Is In young orchard. Good Bpring on place; beauti ful view nnd attractive surroundings. Price. $12,000. Will take modern UNIN CUMBERED Portland residence as part payment. No cash required. See this place at once if you want a bargain. P 622, Oregonian. TWENTY ACRES best apple land. Hood River Vallev. $5000; will take small home In Wlllame'.te Valley as part payment. For particulars address J. J. Knapp, Cul lege Place. Wash. For Sale Farms. FINE FARM. PRUNE AND SITD LAND. 50 acres, ALL CLEAR. BLACK. BOT TOM LAND. 14 ncres in wheat and oats, balance nearly ready to plant to prunes; trees now on hand for 24 acres; Just rea 'y to set out; 7-room house, 3 years old; biff barn, outbuildings, windmill nnd am Just Installing a water system; 600 bu. oats, loo bu. potatoes, lrt tons of hay. lots of shorts, chops, wheat, eto. ; 120 fine, fat PIvmo.uth chix; getting 12 eggs a day now; fitie Jersey cow Just lresh with calf; fine, team of horses, one of which is a regis tered driving mare, that I paid $350 for this Full; good buirgy, wagon, plows, etc. Now this land is ALL CLEARED and Is spud and PRUNE LAND; It lies l'A miles from West Stayton along the R. R. ami tho West Stayton people aro getting $2."iO end $300 an acre for the same soil for prunes without buildings, stock, etc. t am for-ed to sell on account of other Interests and will take $160 per acre: EVERYTHING goes. Now this Is a GtXD buy. and you will want it If you see It. I will accept $5000 cash, balanca on time. Address H. GRAHAM fowner), Aumsvllle, Oregon. P.. I. box SS I IUV0 100 acres In Harney County which I will sell for $4 per aero cash. I never saw this land and know littls about It tho buyer takes little chances while I risk selling land worth two or three times thi asking prlco. Harney County will soon have railroads. Buy this DVO acres and forget about It for a few years. Abstract and deed furnished. Might consider trads. S 033. Oregonian " THINK OF THIS FOIt $4500. Fifteen acres, all In cultivation, with beautiful building, within 75 feet of elec tric carline and station. F".ve stores and high school within three blocks, close to Portland. David Lewis, 618 Lumbermens bldg. , THINK OF THIS FOR $100 PER ACRE. Fifty-four acres. 22 In cultivation, 15 partly cleared, balanca In fine timber: lays on main county road; has fair buildings; half mile from e.ectrlc carline and five stores;, close to Portland; terms. David Lewis. filS LumbermensbldlT FARM near Beaverton. only 11 miles from the center of Portland, 20 acres, all In high state of cultivation except nbout 2 acrts In timber; large modern home and new barn and outbuildings; price $5500. The Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bld. 17.1-ACRE farm. 19 miles from Portland, fine house, barn and Improvements; am retiring; horees, vehicles and implements; 20 Jerseys, hogs, chickens, etc; plenty feed for the Winter. Call and let me show y?u. W. W. Church. 2S3 Taylor. A 2:li5. $;j000 SAO RIFIOH Unincumbered 80-acre Willamette rurich; Improvements, build ings, stream," timber, excellont soil; Im niodiato possession; some exchange Port land unincumbered property. Owner, 1030 Grand North. TWO miles from Colton, Clackamas Co., 120 acres, with good buildings, young orchard; 40 acres has hog-light fence, well and Sovoral springs, live stream, to be soid nt sacrifice; $3000; half cash. O. J. Holmes, 2S3 Taylor. WE are In a position to secure a tract of land containing SoO square miles that will maintain 6000 head of cattle, some alfalfa under Irrigation; J45.0O0. Nat. Bond 0. Mort. Co., 420 Failing bidg SI-ACRE farm for sale or exchange for Ore gon or California farm; mostly under cultivation, part fruit, 22 miles from Port land; price SOlKJO. Warren Einrlck, R. F. D. No. 2. Camas. Washington. v ANTED To seil S. W. 8. 8, Tp. 28. S.. R. 9 W.. Coos County. Oregon. S. B. Linn, box 573. Aberdeen. Wash. RANCH 00 acres, with buildings. IS miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain for all cash, by owner. 1S2 Morrison St. Miscellaneous. YOU have a property with merit you wish to soli and In most cuses It Is filed away, so tho agent hims-!f can't find it, but when they use a Natlonni Real Estate Sys tematized that can't happen, as all of their listings are clearly put before the purchaser and they take their choice. Systems installed in following offices: Eclipse Realty Co., 274 Stark St.. E. .1. Ha'ght toil" Union ave.. Berry's Realty Company. 249 Fourth st- For sale by th i National Real Es-.ato Fystematlzer, K,;:; Chamber of Commerce Plug. Ptark st.; E. J. Halglit. 060 Union ave. Systems for sale by tho company. 3"-3 Chamber of Commerce bldg. '(ik nir-TnntF. t.a v FOR SALE Timber; a rare investment: SOrt acres, lacing on Liainuaiiw 71 from O. W. P. station; estimate 8000 cords wood: land will double In value In the next O veaia. 1 . . . . ... ... 747. Oregonian. Tiuncn T.irQ BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. MCRACKEN. S04 McKay Bldg 120 ACRES In Douglas County. 3.000,000 fet of fine timber. Owner, C. O. Anderson, box 413. Ballard station, Seattle, Wash. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. HOPYARD. A responsible party wants to lease a good hopvard; yard and plant must bo In good condition. Address Hops, AV 759. Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. WAXTEIi An improved paying farm not over $15,000 that owner will trade for a general merchandise store In good town on Columbia River; present owner cleared $1500 in last OA days. Nat. Bond & Mort. Co., 420 Failing bidg. WANTED REAL ESTATB. WANTED Residence or vacant lots for fine platted, cleared and cultivated acre age on Powell Valley Road near city lim its, can't be beat for chickens, large or smail truit and vegetables, will give time on difference or assume. 418 Railway Ex change bldg. Marshall 2753. WE can seil your house if you put the right price and terms on It. If It Is In good neighborhood, and if you will give us tfrn- to inspect It ourselves before we offer it to our clientelo. DORR E. KEASEY CO.. 2d floor. Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Lot in Rose City Park district; state price and location; no agents. X 4S4. Or-gonian. TO EXCHANGE. A MOLEKN 7-room house, good location, for unincumbered residence lota AG 698, Oregonian. COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lots for property hers, .Sadlsy, 810 Spaldm. WHY TRY TO SELL your property and have It pigeonholed, wnen tne lollop ing oiTlces use the National Real Es:!e Svstematizer: Kerry's Realty Company, 2;: e nnrtn 1 4 no o