lfl - TITE MORXiyCr OKEGOXIAy, FItlPAY, PEUKJIBEK 1, 1911. i I I TZTT 1 WAKTKn-irELLAEOC. I HELP W ANTED FEMALE. I -.TCATIO.V8 BiNTED-TEAU: ; FOB ' it rT!Tt 1 nr-nii .-.--.--.v.. I I i . I - ni linn 1 Bonn, V rtiiclrm. Etc 1 T bJ Iloin l .. I tor I ' raJia. I : - REUNyl ISHMENTS on two claim. near railroad and wagon road; yellow nd ml" pine- 4 ixi O0t feet on- each: a-Joining t :lm. Mllmi for $'0: am going in sht cruisers work. Apply qulc. They are valuahi. $13 Marq.wn- bidg. Phons Mar hail v4. FoR faAL& ImprovtmtDd on a 120-acr homultil with a good lli-wom hiuH tui It. For particular, wrtlo to W. " Coy. Lamp. Cooo Co.. Oregon. r Kale- Ait ag. but moif ra. bays j-oset. or lO aero. near Portland. All clear and highly cultivated. Fin soil; pieaty water. ms px aero, easy wnnt $ OR 1 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND. Enough eor-wood to rT or clearing. p,eoty neighbors: orhooi ciooo by. l-o per tcr. easy wrau Black loam or red ehot soil. PACIFIC K. W. DEVELOPyKNT CO.. ACREAGE SPECIALIST.. , . 404 Couch Blag. ACTtEAO-. Small tract rn the allr Just weet of the rlty; food car rv lc and rapid community development; old on small caah payment and monthly Installments. TUB SHAW-TEAR COMPACT. 103 Fourth St. Phono Main Oi. A 8500k 3 ACRES, all cleared and plowed ex cept ve-etghthe of an acre, which la In timber: lie nice; echool on adjoining 5 aeree: no rock, gravel or kviten. and only I1, mile back from Wll:smlt Rlvr. opposite tit. Johna Thl la a bargain and oa term. THE IRAW FtAR COMPANY. llij Fourth Ft. I-bone Mam .t3. A 3300. THS 8H ATT-FEAR rOMPAST. 10J Foul-h Ft. Phone Slain 33. A 1300. FET BIT CHEAPEST S and lO-acre tract. $-" to 145 '": term.: deep red.hot anil, well "' tri-al for fruit. vegetable, dairying; fine view; eome buyer, already llylng on prop erty; echool on ground: on county roe a. rlH to lire town on railroad and rlrer near Portland. NEUHAl SEN CO.. T03 Lewi bldg.. cor. 4th and Oak- For appointment - . I. - . evening, pnui . - . rK'im-.iiAni.f ; caeh will ecure an acre; we or fer too 1 to i -T of our beaverdam gardene at $i0 p-r acre: come to ill and we will convince you that you win not need to put In any more caah by letting u farm It for you for fle year on a proflt-eharlng basis. Thl I your opportunity to secure ome of the beet onion and relerv land In the Stta of Oregon at Jem than half price. MAVEKDAM OAKl'ENS CO.. H; Couch BMg.. 101 4th 8- CHICKEN and fruit ranche near, Portland; walking dutanc to good town: running water beet eoll. free wood, eplendld fruit district. View of Columbia River nnd oow peak- t acre. 1230: S acre. $400; lit acre. $00: 1" Pr ent ,h- y P"y raente; other, tran near railway atauea. to too per acre. FRANK M FAKLAND RKALTT CO. AO Teon Pldg.. Portland. Or. A KICK little home and poultry farm. In operation; 4 -room modem cottage, fully plumbed; i nice chl.-ken-hou" with rum. fnm w;l with ceeollne engine and water piped everywhere: 3o hrr Jut (Inlahlng moulting, will lay all winter: will eell with I- or S acre of all cleared land. AP B14. Oregonlan. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACT". Cloee to Portland: rich walnut, frolt and garden land; only imall call -payment, balance pya for !te:f In product now on the land, which we accept eame a cash: w own the propertlee and ara tne only people making thie liberal offer. riKUNI4 TRVST COMPANT. eUd-8 Spalding Bldg. "acres t.evei. loam land. Thla I In good town, and only S block to echool. church and depot. No better eoll In valley. All In cultivation. Tha price la ;: term. 1130 caah. balance to ault buyer. I.ook at thin fee Mr. Weet at room 404 Ky. Ex. bldg-. or phone Mala :oi. ALL FOR 1.V 13 CASH. BEAVERDAM garden land at :o per acre down. In one year, and balance of S?40 guaranteed from half the profit on a" .year profit-sharing plan under con tract with experl-noed gardener. For particulars, call at el? Couch bldg.. luft 4th at- lift CASH OARI'EX HOME. Tha most beautiful acre at flartlen Home rn your own terms; high, sightly, on main road and cheap. STATER A Al'HTFKEn. 814 Couch b'.dg. " "" ACHES. Adlotnlng Kenton, on Hatton ave.. which Is all graded and paid for; this Is a choice location and price i very low; easy term. Call at e4 Yeon bldg. v-ACitE tract 1 minutes from heart of city, on electric line: good nll. all cleared and level; fine suburban home, rrlce I?... 123 down. $ per month without Interest. FIELD at GORDON. 71 Chamber of Commerce. 4) ACRES of good farm and fruit land for sal within 63 miles oT Portland; no Improvements; prlc 11000. part canh. balance on good time. Call K. T. M., 414 Spalding bldg. S ACRES HOP LAND. One-half mile from Hlllsboro. cleared and level, near the huphnu-. eegant land; must sell. Monno Iiertua. 43 l'lth at, Phono Main 6-". A 44-". b.NAP- acrea of choice onion land, rua plsg water: mllea from Courthouse; only S3'M per acre. James Wilson. Route i. Boring. Or. FIVE acrea very dlrabla for rtiburban res idence; 5 minutes to car. Cc far. Sea owner. 43 31'jrrl t. 4o ACRES, or part, mile from Tacolt. Wash.. 143 an acre. Owner. 631 E. Bth. Port land Pell wood 1W. ACREAGE and farm, from 112.30 per acra ap: large and amall tract. Call Klnaey A gtampnor. ft31- Lnmber Eacnange adg. 11 ACRE". Powell Valley road, near city rtmlt. Prlca 1-VX. B 611, Oregoplan. For T ACRES, with elegajit building: t room modern house, fin large bam. elaborate water system: 4 acrea or. ' chard. TO acree all cleared, no etone, gravel or bardpan. soli deep, fertile and durable; a horn for aomeone; only 10 mllea from Courthouse. THE SHAW-FEAR COJfPAXT. 102 Fourth 1 Phono Main 33. A 3300. 1ST ACRES on Tualatin Hirer; Salera Electrio passes across center of tha place: fair bulldlnge: must bo sold to close bankruptcy estate. W. A. "HAW. TRUSTEE. 102 Fourth 8t. Phone Mala 33. A. 300. J1O0O. Jnat thing of ttr only $lo for over $0 merv a few mllea from Bend. Or. It la like giving It awar. because the tlmb-r on rh place la worth the prioe. Term If rte.ired. C. J. McCracken. tH McKay 1 1-1 . Ol-'T ready for fprlng: 140-acr creek bot tom farm, some Improvement. Sl4; .mall payment; 140-acr e river front ranrh. w.ll Improved, new 1104s barn. 0, ten ns: ranches Je u: Soma for rcsnga O. Mlddlekauff. bos 1.4. Cor ulln Or. THINK OF THIS FOR 4&O0. Fifteen arr. all In cultivation, with b-autlful building, within 75 feet of elec tric carllne and station. Ftv atorea and high school within three, block, cloee to Portland. favld Lea is, fig Lumbermeaa bldg. 3l- ACRE-. lH-tor"y house, all Improve- ments new, all kinds of fruit. 1 mile from - stations. 2S miles west of Beaverton. f..r .'.''T'O' g'- down: balance term. vtra. MTrtle Hurlburt. Beaverton. Or.. K. No. 4 FoK SALE Neat B-acre horn c'oe to Aa- rora 1TM: a fin i-acre farm IT.ViO; eev-ral beautiful coon try borne, all else. Addr-e C M. Crittenden. Hubbard. Or. RANCH & acrea. with bulldlnga 19 mllea from Portland, near electric line; bargala for aJl cash, by owner, lit Merrleon su t4 ACRTS one-half mile from Me w:k. In view from tstlon: n min ute rid from 4th and Weshlng ion eta. In thickly ttled com munity: very rich soli; will clear It for $o per acre, and now o(T-rM at l-3. paabl $2 5" cah and IA--and accrued Interest each monin. THREE EXCELLENT BCT8. BEAVERDAM. ,. acre in renuln beaverdara or onion land. Thl la not waie but the genuine stuff. All cleared. In hih state of cultivation, with run nlng water for Irrigation. Adjoining Tand yielded W0 sacks per acre thl year that sold f.r 1.5 per aacV.. Thl tract is located IS mile from Second and Stark street. mil frm electric station and country town. Price oniy 1300 per acre; one-third cash, balance yearly pay ments. If you have enough money to make the first payment, you can lease the land and more than pay Xcr tb balance. 03 ACRES. All fenced and eroee-feneed. with g acrea under cultivation: fair house, barn, chicken-house and good well; 120 bearing fruit tree. 1 good team of horsea t registered Jersey roes, t brood sow. 12 pig, chick en, turkev. duck, mower, rake, harrow, plow, heavy wagon, buggy and cart, harnee and cream sep arator; this property I located mil-e west of Tamhlll. face main county road, close to church and scnooL Prlc liSOO ISfsiO caah, balance year at J per cenu MOVE RIGHT INTO THIS ONE IS 14 acre. SO acrea In cultivation . balance oak timber: fair a-roora house, fair brn. and all necessary outbuildings: 2.1' apple treee. 400 young prune trees, three horses. 8 hogs, will wetgh 2O0 pounds each; 73 chickens, one cow. 2 plow, har row, cultivators and all kind of ma.ll tools; A acre In kale, ona acre in corn. This property Is lo cated 4 mile from North Tam hlll. 1H mllee from carllne. H mile to church and echool. Facee on main county road and all level. Water Is piped into hou and barn: price H3 1'a cash, ba.anca t yeara at 6 per cent. RRONV5-9TEELE "0.. Ground Floor . Lewi Bldg., 2"H 0k Street. FARM LEPT. TOU CAK LIVE CHEAP. In the wlnterless climate of Loa Moll Boa Vpper Sacramento Valley: llttl fuel ruir",!: garden supplies ynur table Jn January same Iti May Id varieties of frrei Winter vegetables: greatest alfalfa district in C f ; ecre supports two cows snd s. hogs: good cows pay llO a month In butter rt: creamery furnlahea tn-m. taking half your cream check In payment: more drci.luoite fruit grown than In any oth-r equal area of the world; gravllay Irrigation all the water you can use. neb eoM'ment aol!. 30 feet deer no alka li. har,lan or ov-rfiow; beautiful coun try; healthy: land cheap. Going fast 4o0 acres eo.d last week. LOS MOLIXOS LAND COMPANT.' Lo Mollno. Cal SMALL place, almost l acre. In rally Just west of city; nice little house, good well, ftlace fenced, the very best of lnd: an d-al rlac f.r poultry, berries, fruit and egetai.i-; all for 11730. with monthly psjmenta AM 601 Oregonlan. THINK OK THIS FOR 1100 PER ACRE. Fifty-four acree. 22 In cultivation. 13 partly cleared, balance In fine timber: lay on main county road: haa fair buildings; half mlie from elettrlc cariin and fiv tore; clove to Portland: terms. David Lewis. "I. I.umbermene Mdg M leceliaaeona. NATIONAL real eetate ystematler: lira pllfy lifting and showing property: In stalled In th following offices: Eollpsa R-alty Co.. 274 Stark St.; . J. H.lglit. IK I'nlon ave.: other to follow: system for ealo. ar,3 chamber of Commerce bldg. Price 12 and up. tVANTEIJ RF.AL E8TATB. WE can sell your boats If yon put th right price and terms on It. If it Is in gooa neighborhood, and if you will give us time to Inspect it ourselves before wo offer It to our clientele. DORR E. KEASET CO.. 2d floor. Chamber of Commerce. CASH for lot or Income property eouth of Jefferson or weet of lHth and mouth Over ton. O .!. oregonlan. TVA NTEO One or more lot In Irvlngton. Vsnduyn e. Walton. 313 chamber of Com merce. TOR S41.F TIMPTR MM) FOR SALE Timber: a rare Investment; 2V) acre, facing on ClacKama ttiver. mu from O. W. P. station: estimate H"0o corda wood: land will double In value In the n-xt 3 years: ISO per acre; terms. AV 747. Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J M CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. LA4; body of Tillamook timber to ex change for Portland property. 413 Co ot Com. 120 ACRES in Douglas County. 3.00O.OOO feet of line timber. Owner. C. O. Anderson, box 4o3. Ballard Station. Seattle, Wash. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. HOprAii. A responsible party wsnt to lea a good hopyttrd: yard and plant must bo In good condition- Address Hops. AV Tot, Oregonlan. WANTED 1 have $0,000 to Invest In close in business property; quarter block pre ferrci. If you have a real bargain, please answer this; If not, don't answer lu T ;.'t2. preyonlnn. WANTED to lease for term of lO or 13 y-urv 00 or 73-acre good, cleared land, suitable for raising hops. Apply P. C Ilarn-s Co., 4- Worcester blclg. 3wi-a:he dairy farm, bottom, for rent. Call 7to Union ave. N". TO EXCHANGE. lo ACKES conimerclal apple orchard, 7 years old. In the cent-r of 320-acre or chard tracts. 1 hour's ride from Portland, water, ateam and electric transportation, at a bargain, on easy terms; or, will ex change for a stock of merchandise: also have a few one-acre tract, desirable. In cultivation, to exchange: some desirable farms to rent: very reasonable. See tho owner. 622 chamber of Commerce. Ask for peso. 14 ACRES fronting right on Willamette River: fine view; lo acre In cultivation, 5 acreg In aeaverdam: never overflows: 30-foot bank: on main county road; I mile from electrlo station. !! miles from Portland; sandy place; price g:;lK; will exchang for Portland property. Call 320 Hallway Exchange bldg.. 4th and Stark. HAVE" 9 acre high -class, close-In and small paying rafg. business and cash; what have you for one or alt Improved only: glvs price and lot and blook number or no at tention paid; owners only. H 630, Orego n 1 a n. . GROCERY and delicatessen store, S1200; store nxturee. delivery horse and wagon, flood, to exchange for part caah and bal ance real estate: eior doing good cash business; best location. Ca,l mo up. East r-vz. TO EXCHANGE Modern new 7-room house with Imprc a ment In and paid; situated one block from Broadway car: value $7000: to exchange for good paper or corner lot suitable for flat or Iora AT al'l. Oregonlan. 20 ACHES, s-room bones, barn, etc.: li'O fruit tree. H year old. at Tlgardvlil. 10 mlle from Portland, near e!-ctric carllne, elao two lot on Portland Height; term, A O. Chaloupka. 251 Worcester bldg. 140 A.. NEHALEM VALLEY, 3.o. Price not Infleted. yours must not be; will take good property and pay or as sume difference. Fred W. Oermaa. M or A J774; TO EXCHANGE for a amall tract of well located timber land, a flrst-clsse business corner with a new two-story brick build ing. In a good growing location. Address A.N e.l'o. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange. l0O acres In Klick itat Co.. Wash.: price 112 acre: near river and .railroad; fine stock and fruit ranch. Alt 6J1. Oregonan. jo TRADE SO acres of good land In Whit Flmon Valley; unimproved, close to school snd P. O. : runnlr- water, mortgage l..oO, j years; equity 14300. AK Oregonlan. LARGE body of Tillamook timber to ex change for Portland property. 412 Cb. of Com. ' NO MONEY" II6.O0O equity In 600 acrea Wil lamette farm, for Portland property or smaller farm. 332 Lumber Exchange. GARDEN IOME acreage for Portland Height home. o!4 Couch bldg. AO ACRES. 4' cleared, part caah and Port land property. T 631. Oregonlan. S7e me about ColumMa Orchard bonds, J. f.-. Ha d'ev. .110 Spalding h'dg. AUTO to trads for team. th and Madison. C. E. Ctur COLORADO seres snd Denver euburban lota far propsrur here. Had ley, gio apaldlasV IMPORTED PEDIGREED SPANISH JACK, Active, sound and guaranteed. 503 Lumbermens Bldg. TWKNTT mare snd geldtnK. 10u0 to IO0O pounds; several well-matched farm and draught teams; a. so some well-matched chunk ultable for delivery purposes; tho nicest Belgium mart In the city, weight 133U. heavy with foal and sound; all tock guaranteed and four day- free trial. 351 Second. . 3S AND CP. Carload of horses. Just arrived from Eastern Oregon: good single and doubl workers: eeveral well-matched team. East l?th, one block north of Hawthorn ave. phone East 2276. "BOARDERS wanted at New York Club Sta ble. Kith and Alder: delivery teams so licited, central location; horses to let by day or week; also stall to rent. 16th and A,aer. FOR SALE Black teem. 4 year old. weight aJOO; both gelding; mut have at leat 1760. Address f, box Jl, Sheridan. or. FOR SALE On good horse, harness and grocery wagon. E. Helmer, phon Main lnv. zmi ana r,onorwp ONE doubl drsy wagon, horse and har ness and one single rig, good for delivery or express. PS3 Belmont St., Portland. Oft WILL take first-class young team, wagon. . . - . .....1, n fln lot narness, etc., mi r - on carllne. value 17M. 31 6-4. Oregonlsn. FOR SALE One team of -heavy draft horses, weighing S00O lbs.; a bargain. 22 Russell st. FOR SALE A snap: team, wagon and har ness. ai.p:yg47WMadlson, Saturday A. M. Pianos. Organ and Musical Instruments. I WANT to sell right away a new mahog any case Behnlng elf-plavlng plno which 1 bought lee than 2 month ago for S900. Thr I also .".o worth of music I will sell this very cheep If I oan get money rlghtaway PHO rd t. OV-account of ilSnre I am compelled tc 'ell my Hallett Davl piano at a. sac rifice; cot me $tK0 and la year old. W Old. oregonlan. JIOVING to California, will sell best play er piano one-half prlce. Address O. Klntx. .."O 1 lliamiHiK m.. 1 . .1 t w AM leaving for East nr.d must sell my new Voso tt Sons piano. W 613. Oregonlan. Antomobll ORECION' ACTO EXCHANGE, -1st and Washington Sis. Exclusive Dealers In Slightly Used Automobiles. Wcnld It lnterot ynu to know that you can buv an automobile from u that I practically good a new for les than 00 per cent of the original purchase price! A car that 1 fully equipped. In Al condi tion and guaranteed by us, la the car for you to buy. Can yon ask for a more square deal than wo offer you 7 We solicit your pa tronage and know we will make you satisfied automobll owner. Here are a few of tha many bargains ws have to offer you: Premier, 1911. -oyL. 7-paaa., I23-.0. Hudson. 6-pasa.. 1910, 1950. Bulck. 6-pas $360. Thomas, 7-paas.. 0-H. P.. 1400. Cadillac. B-pasa.. 33. Fo. 1911, B-paa.. 80 H. P., JSBO. Meg. 2-pas.. $175. Babcork Electric, lust like new, coup body. Thle Is a beamy. Here Is your op portunity to buy a swell electrlo at a sac rifice. Tou will havs to seo It to appre ciate It. 6 oa for tracks and light asllyory cars. REMKMBER. FTt'FRT CAR GUAR ANTEED. Csll or phone for demonstration. A 6218. Main 6244. OREGON ACTO KXC (li.VGE. 21st and Washington Sta. POPE-HARTFORD For sale, or trade for property or equity in Improved property; a ll'lO. four-cylinder, 40-borsepower. flve-pass-nger touring car. full equipped, iiankrr-s wind shield, top. Stewart speed ometer and clock. Presto tank with Hh Auto Lighter, electric side and tail lights, Hartford shock ahsorberi fors and aft, Kisk Demountable Rims, with extra rims, tire nd tubes. This car I an exceptional hill climber and la in absolutely perfect condition. GEORGE W. SANBORN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FOR F ALE On Warren roadster, used as demonstrator; guaranteed same as new! big barr.:iln. Portland Detroit Auto Co, 14th and Couch sts. Phone Mttrxha'.l l.V'3. FOR HALE Hupmohlle. 1911 model, 4-PJS-srnger. fore door. $".no cash; no trades considered. Tnbor S"07. FINK ll'lO rr.ectrlc Baker runabout; cost last year $-'730. Owner going East. Tours for J 1 quo. David Lewis. 61 H Lumbermens bldg. HEW garage lust completed. Llvs and ' dead nones Speedwell Motor Co.. 23. II. 11 IS 14th t.. cor. Couch. SPEEDOMETER for sale. 367 Burnslde t. Dogs, Illrde, Pet Slock. ONE fine Boston terrier, 1 year old. Phon East 3070 or call I'lM Broadway. Miscellaneous. STOVE DOCTOR. If your tov doesn't bake, thr la something wrong. I csn fix It. , III Ess! orrlson. Phon East 1021. Si! ALL. med. and larg safs. Burroughs Ad niach., desks, filing cab., six-drawer Na tional cash register. -B. W. cor. 6th and Oak, second floor. FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Underwood. L. C Fnilth A Remington typewriters, see The Northwest Typewriter . Co No. II t'h st, SAFES New and :d-hsnd; low prices; easy term: safe opened, repaired and palnled. PCRCELL SAFE CO.. and PORTLAND BAfE CO., li 6'hst. Main 1801. A 4111. FOR P 4.LE 600 or 700 cords of second growth wood In ths stump. In ths heart of Portland: cheap: you will not be dis appolnted. Marshall 1743. FOrt SALE Dental office, modern, elegantly equipped, city; reason for selling, going Into other business; big bargain. T 663, Oregonlan. LNDEHWOOD typewriter, fins condition, 140. If old today. Root. 728 Chamber of Commerce. t SOLID gold 8w!s repeater, original east I2SO. Only -1123. Uncle Myers. II th st, between Osk and Pins. SHOTGUN. Rsmlngton Automatlo, No. , like new. Apply after 8 oolock. ISO Crosby st. SOLID COLD 14-karat 21-Jwol edjuetea Waltham watch: orlitlnal cost $123; only 1.-..V Uncle M-yers. 71 th. near Oak. FOP. SALE One No. 6 Oliver typewriter. Phone Woodlawn ltflo. FOR FA1.K Well-rotted manure fertiliser. Esst 2-70. , FOR SALE Well-rotted, fertiliser manure. Phone Esst 21'-'2. SAFE Medlum-stxed- fireproof, combination lock. Address P. O. box 423. $:.'.0 GRADE Parker shotgun, nearly, new. H I . ttuoson. Main o... 7-liHAWIlK Pingtr machine. $20; adjust able dree, form. I. 4"i-, 6th et. Contractor's equipment by United Engineer ing . "onslructlon Co.. OOP Lewis h'dg. MANURE for sale. Phone Esst 1778. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. I HAVE from .ot to $10,000 to Invest In some good business; whst hav you to offer T Owners only addreaa X 222, Ors- goniaa. WANTED. Good second-hand adding machine: atate price, make and condition. P. O. Box 426, Marshno'd. Or. WANTED Movlng-plctur machln. foldtng chslrs. filma is outfit, etc &ictt Waan, Phon Main S4.-.8. PARTT to ahars car, shipment of house hold goods to Dallas. Texaa H. Whits, lu Lewi bldg. 6x7 VIEW camera wanted; atate prlc. M. M. Gallagher. Washington Hotel, on 1st. AT ea2. Oregonlan WE pay tha highest caah prlc for second hand furniture. Sealer A Martin. Phon East 8134. 848 Hawthorns ave. RARGER'B AUCTION HOUSE. 870 E. Morrison. Phons E. lo32 Pavs highest 'cash price for furniture. I WILL pay caah for a good grocery store; Owners only. Address W 221, Oregonlan. FORD Auotloo Co. pay most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 81151. A 2M3. WILL tint rooms for Li 60 and paint houses at your prto. Phon B. 2678. WE Buy CLOTHING, FURNITURE, TOOLS Highest price paid for men's and ladles' cast-off -clothing. hoe. furniture, tools, mechanic, lodging. Call Main 20S0. 290 Firs: st. The Olob. WANTED Gasoline launch, 23 to 83 feet In length, seven to nine-foot beam engine from 15 to 20 H. P.: In good repair. Launch must be covered. Slow speed engine preferred. Y 601. Oregonlan. KELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. Ono of Many.) ' Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, atranger, ont of worn (28 Ma total cash asset) If 1 pay you IS for special employment membership 1 will heve only $13 left between me and star vation. Secretary If vou pay $5 tor special em ployment membership you will nav th T. M. C A., with lis rssource. between yon and starvation. , . . Result: Young man Joined Association, In less than a weak bad satisfactory em ployment. Record for 10 months sndlng Oct. 81: Calls tor msn 2"M Positions filled 19rtI Mew Members 1$& Employment membership gnsmnte emnloyment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full membership privileges, 10 months' social privileges ard undertake to keep party employed during th f jli term of membership with out further chant. We hav constant demand for !gk grads, experienced men. Ar foa tUt4 for a better position T See secretary employment department. T M. C a. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the TJ. 8. Marine Corps, between the, ages of 19 and 85. Must be native born or have first pa per. Monthly pay 115 to $69. Additional compensation possible. Food. clothing, quarters and medical attendance free After 30 year" service can retire with iS per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all part of tho world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corpa Recruiting Office, room 1 and 8. Breeden bldg.. 3d and Washington sts., or room . Winchester Houso. 13 8d Portland. Oregon, . ---, I WANT a eleman." I don't car how old or how young, hovr Inexperienced you are. If you think you can sell a good proposi tion which require hard son and good logical argument, but will pay you mors money, than you over earned before. Call and see me If you think you sr a sales mn. Call for Mr. Jones. 289 Oak at. WANTED for U. 8. Army, able-bodied un married men. between ages of 18 and 83. citizens of United States, of good chsrac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writs tho English lsnguage. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Worcester block. 8d and Oak ata,. Port land. Or. WANTED An office boy. by a rapidly growing wholesale concern; must bo bright and quick; small salary to start, but an excellent opportunity to learn a stapla business. Answer In own handwriting, giv ing age, schoolage, etc. O 519. Orego nlan. WANTED Young man about 20 years old. high school education and familiar with the street of the city; must write a clear ' hand and have a good memory: permanent place, with advance If aatisfactory. An swer In own hnndwrttlnc. stating salary expected. X 683. Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced traveler to han dle JASMINE PERFUMED WRITING FLUID. e:iliig the book, stationery, de- artment store ana oe ana j'e tor-e. 1 uw lilted New A Stationery Co.. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Solicitor of either sex for Pan ama World's Fair publication; big com missions; exclusive territory given to re sponsible parties. For particular address or call International Fair Publishing Co., Ill Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. BOOKKEEPER; niut bo expert; double en try; must have experience In mall-order house, etc; good salary to - right man; amateur not wanted. Apply at 9 A. M.a 2-0 Purrtelde Bt. , - WANTED Strong, active boy. 18 to 20 yeara old; steady place: inside work: wages $i per week. Apply 10 to 12 today at. r,l E. 10th L A. A. Hoover, th Doughnut King. , WANTED Two algh-class salesmen on a new proposition, to work In advance 'of a big development. Big returns a certainty. . Call from to 10 a. m. at 146 hi 6th t.. and ask for Mr. Jones. WANTED A good stock salesman for com- fiany with moat of Its stock sold; good cads sad slror.g support from present stockholders; first-class talesman only nc-d apply. 606 Oregonlan bldg. WANTED Man of experience In publicity antr- organization work: must bo a live one ard a hustler; good salary. Addresa Commercial Club. St. John. Or. WANTED Young man for clerical work. 6 to 11 P. M. ; preference given to business college or hlirh scnool student; good chance for promotion. AC 621. Oregonlan. WANTED at once Tool and die makers. United State Caahlar Co., Kenton. Or. BUSH ELM AN wanted at once. 168 West Park. TOL'NO man In Photoshop; -venlnga only. 310 McKsy bldg- WANTED- A first-class meatcutter. R 771, Oregonlan. yOUNO man for clerk In grocery. $ per y"k to start. 66 Grand ave. SOLICITORS for coal, new proposition; big pay. United Coal Co.. 304 Ankeny. WANTED Live arent to sell photo coupon. Boston Studio, 842 Vi Washington U PERMANENT Income for salesmen. Ask for Mr. Bryant. 1118 Yeon bldg. WANTED Boy over IS. with wheels. 71 HI st. WANTED Officeboy. high school graduate preferred. Apply room 718, Electric bldg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents new offer. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg MEN to haniflo article needed In every house. Chapman, St. Charle Hotel. TWO barbers wanted. 263 Russell t- JlELP WANTED I "EM ALE. A CHEERFUL woman In good health, good cook, for general housework In a family of I adults, house not large, everything convenient; placo permanent; $25 month ly Call before noon. 360 Elisabeth, Portland Heights. On carllne. WANT ED -Girl or widow adult companion tor feeble-minded lady; little work; good home; 8 or lo a month. Apply at once, 1407 Hassalo St., corner E. u3d N.; take Montavilla car. ALTERATKjN hands, ladles' garments; al so two competent fitter; stata axperlence, alary and phone number; new Arm. V 617, Oregonlan. ST. LOUIS AGENCY Young lady, good ap pearance, stenographer or cashier; first class woman: washing, cleaning. 1084 A'.der. Main 203'J. A 477. WANTED Will give good home to som person for light services. 405 East Couch. t'none tasi ion. WANTED Girl or womn to help with housework. Phon E 8035, 1082 Pacific, Lurelhurst. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Ai W ashington t.. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. ' phone Main 2602. WANTED Experlenco1 cloak and utt saleslady. Apply 480 Washington street before 12 A. M. only. G1KI, for general housi ,-ork and oooklng; three In family; six-room bungalow. East 4o"2. 301 East 2uth N. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Wasnlngton bldg.. 4th and Wash Sta. Main 8l or A 1211. GIRL, not over 18. to answer telephone In office: $4 per week to start: must writs plainly. AD 126, Oregonlan. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 60$ Roth rblld bide.. 4th and Washington. EXTKIlIEXCED girl for general house work; -ood wages; three edults. 5S1 East Taylor st. WANTED Chocolate dipper for our new factory: good wages.- Apply Coffman Candy Factory. 43 Front St.. near Ash. WANTED Ladles to make Xmaa novelties st home, all or spar time; good pay; experience unnecessary. 223 11th t. WANTED Girl for dining-room at 163 12th and Morrison. Gil. L 10 do cooking and rei 71-1 Ha'.scy et. .East 11 PP. and general housework. ANOTHER flrl to tie ribbon and mount photo-'. 810 McKay bldg. mTddLE-AGED lady for general house work: 3 In family. Call P12 East Alder. GiRL forgenerar housework. East 1S70, C 13S. 821 E. 18th N. ; A COMPETENT housekeeper for apartment house ; rcfe nees:Inqj-1j--JI4JJG2 WANTED A girl for moving picture show. cashier. 69 y North Bd st. WANTED Responsible - woman for goneral housework. phono Tabor 2316. ' WANTED Young girl for cigar stand and poolroom. 2--lliEverett St. WANTED Olrl for general housework. 810 Columbia st. GOOD girl for general housework. 881 Thompson t. East 810, WOMAN for general housework, small fam ily. Inquire lttO 4th St.. or 683 East AJdsr. WANTED Thoroughly capable foreiady for hlr: factory, with a knowledge of all blanches of ihirt making and ability to handle a large force of glri: state ex perience. Apply Brownslein-Loui Com pany, 238 So. Los Angeles St.. Los Angeles, CaL STENOGRAPHER desired by the week for the presemt; possibly permanent. Must oe 21 years of age and experienced In corre spondence, salary $1.23 per day to tart ;ive age. experience, salary, phone. AK 618, Oregonlan. HFT.r WANTED MALE OB LEMALrL BOOKKEEPERS, cashiers, bill clerks, etc.? I will gusrantee your qualifications to nil positions In 80 days; private Instruction by public accountant; position sscursd. J 480. Oreconian. MARKER and distributor wanted. Inde pendent Laundry, 121 K. 8d at- HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN wanted, age 18-85, firemen $100 monthly, brakemen $S0 on nearby raj' roads. Experience unnecessary; no strlks. Positions guaranteed competent men. Pro motion. Railway employment headquar ters 981 men sent to positions last four months. St.ite age; send stamp. Railway Association Kox, oregonlan MEN ana women to learn the barber trads In eight week: special inducements; per centage paid while learning; tools free: expert Instructor; 17 yeara In the bul ness: 87- schools: a lifetime membership given to each tudent, Moler Barber Col lege, SO P. Jflliun su, runmuu. v. NUMBER young men wanted to learn wire less or Morse telegraphy; great demand for operators; positions paying $75 par month: easy to learn; good position guar anteed; Southern Paelllo Co.' main lln wires In school. Call or address Telegraph Dept.. room COS. Commonwealth bldg. WANTED Men st Los Angeles. Can learn trade. Fair wages after second month. Automobiles, electricity, plumbing, brick laving. Practical work on actual Jobs. 12i0 students last five years. Only few months required. United Trade School, Los Angeles. TRAINING school for salesmen; absolutely no charge; good position guaranteed; all we ask in return for teaching you a good business is hard work; don't answer unless you mean business. If you do. call at 146 Fifth st. and ask for Mr. Hodson. WANTED Ry. mall clerks. Portiana exam lnatlona announced Jan. 15: sample ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 841-K. Rochester, K. Y. - NUMBER young ladles wanted to learn tele graph; easy to learn: good positions guar anteed. Call or address Telegraph Dt room 60S, Commonwealth bldg. PRIVATE SCHOOL Bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting; day and night classes. OJO vnamoer 01 .omiiitri MAKE money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay; free booklet tells how. United Press syndicate. San Francisco. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Associa tion. San Francisco. PRIVATE school SHORTHAND and TYPB WRITISQ. $5 mo. lit 14th st. Main III-. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. B10 Swetland bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN from South, good salesman, desires permanent -position with some leading real estate company: successfully handled "5-Town-6 Lot' proposition for one year; has had 6 years' civil engi neering. I with L. N. R. R-, 2 as city engineer of Huntsvllle. Ala.; wishes to thoroughly learn business and eventually become member of firm. Address Mitchell Carter. Y. M. C. A- POSITION wanted by young man of 80. 8 years experience with one Portland con cern, 4 years of which were spent In th office a manager and Inside salesman. 2 years traveling on the road as saleeman. Abl to compose good business letter and ran use typewriter. Good references. AR 613. Oregonlan WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balances and state ments. Install systems. GUllngham. an al toftlrlLejwibli sMshUl71L Miscellaneous. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 215 Secor.d, corner Salmon. Women department, 243 Salmon. All classe of unskilled, skilled, profeselonal and clerical, male and female help fur nished on short notice. No fees charged. Phone Main 8S.15. A 6624. WANTED Position as foreman or manager of a large farm: engineer by trade; ac customed to subdividing tracts; hava had large experience in Western States In wheat and stock farming; married, 1 child; best of references; no troubl to call. AN 623, Oregonlan. ACCOUNTANT EXPERT CERTIFIED. Experienced all lines; books opened, closed, written up. financial statements: private Instruction; service anywhere; permanent or temporary bookkeepers fur nished. 602 Bwetland bldg. Main 440. LOOKI A first-class waiter, short order or second cook, wants place at once; 20 years' experience; an A-l hustler not afraid of work; go anywhere; sober and reliable and a stayer. AP 625. Oregonlan. WHO wants a first-class clothing salesman, either allorlng or ready-made? Many years' experience; am now employed. Do not answer unless yotj can pay good sal ary and commission. AC 622. Oregonlan. CARPENTER and cabinetmaker wants em ployment in maintenance department; un derstands furniture finishing; first-class man; must bo steady work; expect $5 P"r looiivo. m I WANT a Job "with contract to cut cord wood; If you need men 'I am ready to take contract and finish your Job. 93H 4 th st. YOUNG man from the East, ambitious, with Initiative and selling ability, desires to make connections with reliable firm. Q Col. Oregonlan, BY an Al horseman and caretaker, married man no children: good references If re quired. W. E. Walte. 830 Chapman St., per montn. i-none geuwoou cj,. city. MAN AND WIFE seeks position, man ex perienced steam and gasoline engineer. In or out of town; must hava work; refer ences. AN 622, Oregonlan. YOUNG man attending school wants work for boaid and room after school; good references given. Address or call H. D. B., wi nor. commonwealth bldg. AUTOMOBILE mechanlo wants position; conversant In all the branches; glvs ma a trial. T 630. Oregonlan. BOY IS. henest, teady. wants position. anVthlng; can drlv auto. L 625. Orego- nian. INDUSTRIOUSLY strong boy, experienced 'as dishwasher, wants position. 4S3 Mar . . 1 ,-. 11 . ) snail su r iiuno ..,,.-...,.. ...... MAN and wife want position, wife cook. man wora . . . . - . son. Llndell Hotel, 4th and Market sts. X OiJ N G msrr,,- "-"- -- -- -. . "" pect any xinu ot to-, lu' Phone A 1022. LKCTL7RK demonstration salesman open for position. 00 " .' - v . JAPANESE schoolboy wants situation as " 1 , 90A Va-n.lH janitor or "",n"u' HOUSE) cleaning by day. Phono Woodlawn -won. FIRST -CLASS Japanese cook want position in family. Tel. Main 6521. A 892L JAPANESE wants situation at house ork or CnOOlOOy. A "" HONEST Japane boy wanta work of any ..... . . O ')A I.'..n. r. aina in iponuns. ' - - "ELECTRICIAN CAPABLE. r, dllf, urfKonisn, SITUATION "I WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED stenographer wise perma nent position with opportunity for ad vancement; will begin on mall aalary; references. Call Hilwaukle Black 642. BY thoroughly efrlcient experienced lady book k eeper ; references. Phone C 2844. WANTED at once A position by urst-claaa s'.enographer. Phono A 7tU. YOUNG lady desires position in office. Phone C 1802. Woodlawn 781. pressi maker. WANTED By dressmaker of six year ex perience, who Just came to the city, dressmaking or aewlng of any kind to do at home; all work guaranteed to be first -class Call at 140 E. 84th st, Phon B 2318. Prices reasonable. FANCY gowns from $10: tailored, from $7; waists, from $2: utlsfaction guaranteed: Portland reference. Md'lle de Blllaut, 635 Washington, A 8940. DRESSMAKER will take day work; prices reasonable. Marshall 1705. Hooeekeepers. WANTED Middle-age lady, with girl 12 years, housekeeper for widower or batch elor or old couple; good home considered; country or city. Addresa H., 149 10th sL, bet. Morrison and Alder. EXPERIENCED lady with child 4 years old. desires housekeeping. AV 745, Ore gonlan. ' GOOD woman wants light housework; rea- sonsble wages. AS 628. Oregonlan. Domestics. GIRL wants general housework. 815 14tb at. North. OUR dear baby having died, would go out ss wet nurse; best of reference. IS 6U1, Oregonlan A GOOD. practlcal nurse, with good refer- ences, l-nc-qo a ioio. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED woman wants cleaning. Ironing and laundry work by the day In quiet family. Addresa Mrs. Nelson, 11 East 14th St. Nortlu EXPERIENCED woman wants day work; washing, ironing; any kind of work. Main P37S. WOMAN wlshe to take care of child at her home. Phone Sellwood 1360. LACE curtains laundered right, 25c and up; quick service. Phone Tabor 817. WANTED Sweeping or any work by the hour. . Phone Marsnau aiai. WOMAN wants v,ork by hour, 25c Phone Marshall 1028. , WANTED AGENTS. INTELLIGENT, well-educated women to sell The Book of Knowledge and Children Encyclopedia, a work the children devour; experience unnecessary; big money being maae on tna Drupuaiuuii. ui .-- IHIUd Oil mo J1ujjuuuii. ..,, The Groller Society. 132 10th at MEN and women to demonstrate and sell Silica, the modern paste cleaner; cleans everything. See Mr. Holland. 11 to 1. Hotel Teton. 142 N. 10th. AGENTS wanted to sell necessary article; haa great demand: Just been patented. Call at 288 Crosby sL AGENTS wanted for "Richmond" suction cleaners. See Mr. Sweeting. The McCrum Howel Co., 167 7th St. WANTKD TO RENT. Houses. GENTLEMAN In Government service wishes to lease or rent small house where care of premises rather than large rental Is consideration; no children In family. Please address F 021, Orejonlan. stating terms. location and particulars. WANT to rent Dec. 1 modern flat or house. West Side, permanent. Phone A 1215. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPENI Those three beautiful furnished hotel. HOTEL. HOTEL. HOTBU. MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. $1H4 4th st. 21H4 4th rt. 2074 4th L On Fourth t., running from Taylor to Salmon at. ; brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private bath, hot and cold water in all rooms: atrlctly up to data In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of th ordinary. In tho heart of tho city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as wo know you will like It. Room by tho day, week , or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL ALDER. ... Beginning today HOTEL ALDER. 4tn and Alder sta. will offer special Induce ments on weekly and monthly rates to permanent guests during the winter. Best location In the city, convenient to all theaters, stores, business district and post office. A comfortable home, with VJ'T modern convenience. In the heart of tna city. Local snd long-distance telephone and cold running water In every room. Tha best of bellboy and elevator service day and night. Rooms singly and en u'te House thoroughly modern and newly tur- nisnea. Kates on application. THE CORDOVA HOTEL. 11th and Jeffer-, son sts.; new brick building. Just com pleted, over 60 rooms, all with private tel ephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths; newly and splendidly furnished. This hotel will cater to the home-loving, permanent tenants and wll make every effort for tho comfort and pleasure of its guests; rents the most rea sonable considering furnishings and equtp- uivii 1 111 lub city. aui r. 1 a ai i.i-o. Residential. 850 Taylor. Transient. Bet. 7th and Park its. Opposite Hellig Theater: Central, quiet. Rooms from 73c dally, with private bath, from $1 dally; special weekly and monthly rates; suites. New, handsomely furnished brick: elevator, telephone, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot J car to Taylor or "W" car to 7th: from Hoyt-atreet depot, "S" car. transrer on Morrison to Tth. Phone Marshall 2200. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington st,. opposite Multnoman Athletic Field ,VSw brick building, all modern conveniences, well regulated resi dential and family hotel; splendid accom modations for transients; convenient to the business center and tha rate are mod erate (plenty steam heat. Marsnau iujq. HOTEL FORD. 733 Washington, cor. Lu cretla St.: new brick building, just com pleted fine large outside room with tele phone service, with or without private baths; new and splendidly furnished: hot . and cold water, steam heat; best of serv- I ,.--0 --DnnaKl- ,,.. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suite, with private bath: hot and cold water, steam heat and private phone In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates; grill in connection; tran- UrtTPT RAVOV 181 Eleventh street. New, modern brick building, steam-heated, private baths, hot and cold water in roomn, beautifully furnished, coxy, com fortable; rent reasonable, call and sea ue. Regular and transient trade solicited. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms, with ho' and cold water and steam heat: offers special rate to perma nent guests; rates 30c to 2 per day; $3.50 and op per week. Phone Main 8413. SUMMIT HOTEL. 147 18th St., near Alder. In business dls. trlct newly furnished, steam-heated room's; a quiet, homeilto place for quiet people; permanent, transient; $8 per week and up. . THE PEER HOTEL, East 3d and. Burnslde, new fireproof building, steam-heated, hot and cold water and phones In all rooms; private baths, lobby and parlor; elevator service; rates $3 per week and-up; tran sient ss11clted;PhnJEstr71; MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Washington. Any room In tho house for $3 a week and nothing extra for two In a room; thoroughly modern. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105Vi Twelfth St, Marshall 2790. In heart of business district: steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone In every room; $1 day and ua: $4 week and up. HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for bus iness people: centrally located: elegant rooms: all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Hellig Theater. Phone Main 916. THE GARLAND, Washington and Trinity Place; hot water and'phone in every room; new brick building; easy walking distance; $3.50 weekly and up. t 10HT airy rooms, modem, suites or single, $2 and $3 week: five minutes' walk to theater and stores; free phone. LINDELL HOTEL. 32S 4TH. ARMENIUS HOTEL, 410 Morrison Best and cheapest rooms In the city. Come and see for yourself; transients and permanent. Mains""- CLOSE In. large, light steam-heated room; freo phone, bath; reasonable. 651 Wash., flat C. Main SOW. THE MONTGOMERY Cor. East Morrison and East 8th, nicely furnished rooms, rea sonable. HOTEL BENNETT. Just opened: new furniture, every room i.,n steam heat- 226 Taylor. THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near 22d , Nicely furnished outside rooms, private bath and phones: board If desired. M S6&J. 77w AND-WASHINGTON Steam-heated rooms, $2.50 up; room with bathroom. Breslln Hotel. riu PLACE, 414 Yamhill, oorner 11th st rooms $3-50 Per wcffk UP hot d cold water, steam heat, private baths. NICE warm, pleasant rooms, steamt heat, free phone, baths. 3S7 Taylor. NORR1S HOTEL Room strictly n 13.50 per week and up. 1H2H 17th modern; st. THB HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices. Cor. 3d and Montgomery. 434 SALMON ST., cor. 12th. every modern convenience: a home for business men. THE Larrabee, 22TH Larrabee; under new management; modern; transient; close In. Farnlshecl Rooms In Private- Family. FURNISHED rooms for rent, with or wlth- out board. 821 West Park. 708 EVERETT ST. ' New three-room .ipartment; no chlldrea. -tVELL-FURNISHED rooms, very clean, bath, phone, all prices. Main 0451. 171 13th St. TWO nicely furnlshel rooms, 12.50 and $3, walking distance. 827 W. Park. LARGE front rooms for 1 or 2. strictly modern, walking distance. 14 North Hth. COZY room with folding bed; modern; $3 weekly. 855 Washington. NICE clean furnished front room, modern, 80 North 16th st. vO nicely furnished rooms, private fam ily, -ralltlng distance. 329 West Park st. NICELY furnished room. 87 Trinity Place, bet. 19th and 20th sts. NICELY furniFhed room, centrally located, (g per month. 404 Clay, near 10th. . FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences; walking distance. 209 lath st- Mala 8B&8. IF YOU WXNT SOMETHING FOR NOTH ING. DON'T ANSWER THIS AD. . BIT IF YOU WANT AN ELEGANT. CLEAN, LARGE. LIGHT. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN STRICTLY MOD ERN. STEAM-HEATED. PRIY AT KJ APARTMENT. S MINUTES' WALK TO P O., AT RIGHT PRICE. COMfc. AND see it. Marshall 2345. NICELY furnished room, suitable for on or two gentlemen; easy walking distance, close to 6 carllnes. bath, electric lights and phone. 6H0 E. Main, corner 13tn. Phone East 4720. NEWLY furnished room, heat. bath, hot and cold water, very comfortable. 12 N. 17th, bet. Hoyt and GUsun. Phon A 7301. ONE nice front room facing park block, all modern conveniences, furnace heat. St2H Park st. Mnrshall 212U. ROOM to rent, large front room, upstairs; furnace heat, electric light, bath. 127 --d N. Phone A 73S!. SLEEPING room, neatly furnished, furnaca heat. 46 N. 21st St.. near Washington. Main 1311. FURNISHED rooms with all modern con veniences, plenty of hot water, heat and telephone. 67.1 GUsan st. Phone A 749 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In modern home; every convenience: walking dls tance; $10. "Phone East 143. NEW, fine, front rooms, also housekeeping suites; modern, central, reasonable. 355 11th st. LARGE room, warm, light and modern; has 2 closets, good bed and extra clean. 363 6th. NICELY furnished room for gentleman; quiet and clean, furnace heat. electrlo lights, bath, phone. 700 Flanders. FLRN1SHED rooms, steam hoat. elegant flat, reasonable. 649 C Washington. Tel. Main ii-'t. DESIRABLE room In quiet home, clean, modern, reasonable. 740 Irving. Marshall 3 -jo. $2 WEEK Furnished room, phone, heat and electric light; walking distance. 427 Harri-, son st. 7bl LOVE.IOY ST. Very nice warm room; all conveniences. NICE rooms, suitable for two, or single; everything modern. East 4631. 20 E. 15th. Unfurnished Room. ONE large, unfurnished room, light, clean, gas, electric light. Main 94.il. 171 13th at. Boom With Boaru. 654 COUCH ST.. 1 block from Washington. 2 desirable outside rooms, suitable for 1 or 2 people, steam hc-at, ruimlnir water, electric lights, closet, well furnished. DOES a home appeal to you? The Whitehall, cor. 6th and, Madison; large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close In. near car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. TWO lino, lares rooms, each suitahle for two three or four persons; young men preferred; home cookltiK; walkiiil!' dis tancc. The Magnolia. H17 Kearney st. PARLOR suite; llrepiare, hot and colJ water: other rooms, choice board; rennea neighborhood.701 Marshall st. ROOM and board for one or two gentlemen or married couple. Marshall 8302. Mod ern conveniences. I ROOM with or without breakfasts for ona or two gentlemen with references; private family. Phone Marshall 3H-8. NEWLY furnished rooms with flrst-class board: all modern conveniences. 635 Everett St. t POPTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Rooms" with board, use of aewlng-room. ftb rary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath. upU YOUNG woman employed wishes room or room and board In refined family. West Side. AT 6H4. Oregonlan. n rniNI room, facing Park, reasonable: tLltiAji ' . hrj1 -it. Part. can accoiiiiii-jw-."- . - . BOARD and room 800 Jefferson Cass, Rosa. t , TH'-" Calvard. 4f2 Morrison, cor. 13th, well furntphed rooms: modern conveniences. CHOICE Binglo room with board. 33 N. 17th, one block from Washington. SINGLE -or double. $6 per week home cook ing. 2S1 ll'h. Marshall 2693. NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen, with board. 195 16th st, PLEASANT rooms, single or double; good board- 656J31lsan St. NICE placefor two young men ; homo eook- lDg ano BU vcn,.. LARGE alcove room, furnace heat, best of table board. Phone Main 20iL GOOD room and board for ono gentleman. 5H1 H Davis. . NICELY furnished rooms with board; cen- tral location. 225 West Park. Rooms With Board In Private Family . ROOM and board In private, newly furnished room, all modern conveniences, beautiful neighborhood, best car service, 2 or 3 or 4 young people; reasonable. pnone ti -i.-t. t. . ROOM and board for one or two gentle me'n; plenty of heat and hot water; strict ly private family: everything flrst-class. In Piedmont; three carllnes. Woodlawn 2345. ; PRIVATE) boarding-house, single and douhl rooms, home cooking: price n reasonable. LARGB. desirable front room, -well fur" niehed;' fireplace, excellent hoard near. desl red. 7.'.4 Hoyt. cor. 2:ld. Marshall 2S20. BOARD nnd room for ona or two young men. 6-l Everett at. BOARD and room for 'two; good home; bath, phone. planoqiisan. GOOD room, new house, near Multnomah Club; two meals; reasonable. Main 2219. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. 2i.2 12th st, MODERN" front room and board for gentle man. West Side, reasonable. A 387. FURNISHED room, with board. 820 llth. in. SI. ;-oim. ' -- - Phone A it"'- I,- -B room with board in modern homo, 'reasonahlo. Phone East 2891. Apartments. BEAUTIFULLY furnished four-room West Side modern apartment; walking dis tance from business district; rent $55; reference required. Telephone A 43H8. THE MORTON. Very nicely furnished and unfurnished apts., very reasonable. Phone A 6749 and Mam ..jo-. -j, THE SOUTHAMPTON. 410 Hall SU One unfornlshed. one furnished, etrlotly; flrst-class. A?i8 KINGSBURY Apartments, 1S6 Ford , near Washington Elegant new brick building, complete and modern, private balconies, best of service; 4 .ooma with bath $40. B.ANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th st near Main An elegant 3-room apt., with, private balcony, every modern conven ience, $37.50; two sleeping compartments, " ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 Bt. Clair; 2 nicely furnished S-room apartments and one unfurnished 8-roona apartment; free phono In each apartment. 8T FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21st and Hoyt; 4-room apartment with private bal cony; very desirable and convenient la every way and reasonable rent. iliS WE STFAL. 410 5tn Furnished atjd unfurnished, trlctly modern apartments; walking dis tance; price reaaona-blej nojchlldren, THE CHETOpTaNXBX, 18th and Flanders 2 3 and 4-room modern apartments, furnished and unfurnished: new furniture, -,w building. Apply to Janitor. "untight Apartments: 3 rooms, elegant. modern, furnished. 12U5 Bolmout. Phono Tabor liijb. vlkcaVTLT furnished 3-room apartments. mooerii, . , Main 6032. I'D AND $25 Very desirable 2 and 3-room furnished tlats; fine location; walking dls tance. E. 8400. . THE BERYLE APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished. 6'J5 Lovejoy. Take W car. ,.TT n APTS., one 3-room, 122.50; one 4 riom, r-51 bet. 23d and 24th, Thurraan and Va-ughm i.tr verv desirable modern six-room apart nient, the St. Clair. 715 Wayna st. Phona Malna-. ctTaCE Apts., 24th and Northrup sta.. -room apt., front veranda and sleeping? porch, private phone, hot water heat. THF JUANITA. 325 lltb. near Clay; nicely furnished .two-room apt., large, iigat rooms, fine view; modern; ii,.bu. FoLAJMBl AN Furnished apartments, lltrt and Columbia 3 rooms newly furnished, Jgj.SO; -iuporb location, best of service. BRAiNTKEE Elegant five-room apart ment West Side, walking distance, rent imotiable. Main 7741. 205 12th St. THE MAKLBOROUG- 21st and Flandera; walking distance; ono 5-room apt. Mala 7516. .. 8-room apartment, every modern convenl ence. be jcarllnea. Cor. 2-d & Johnson. THEELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nished. 11 14th st- Main 6444. MODERN 4-room apt. and sleeping porch. Bryn Mav.r. 1SS East luth. near Yamhill. FLAT "A." 649 Washington street Steam htaL Phone Marshall 452. LEONCE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district! convenient to 2 carlinea, 186 22d at. N. A J J! J