it 1 . - TEAL JELLS PLANS Situation in Umatilla Project Is Set Forth. REPLY MADE TO SETTLERS Chairman of State ConwnraHon (onunlwlnn Explain Reasons for ravortnc Went KxtenMon. I tilled Effort I Asked. J. N. TeaL chairman of tha Orea-on ftata Conaerratloti Commission, yes terday made the folio-win statement relatrre to tha West umatiiia Iav r-rolecta: - .v t w develoned. for Mm r-won. .no In some quarters, opposition to the construction of th. weet extension ftiatlil prrjwt. before. Laving for esh- Ins-ton I desire in give tne peon-' stats some fects respecting It- -,.., Vurh I. now heard of the so-csll-d John rsr project." of th. benefit thai wo id coma from .Its adoption and th. oeslrabil ty of oar abandoning our efforts la th fir. i place, prop-rly sneaklne;. there l no sorb thtna as a -jonn i i . ... ......isim-v of reclaiming- aria landa throarn th. um of tho wlltri of the JnhD Par R:ver haa been ana la 4r t-mp'atl.n. hut ran only bo considered as a for the future All of tnaaa fa-fa could have been known by almply C" Irg to tha official records. In tha repotl of tho committee on Irrigation and reclama tloo of arl.1 landa. at pase iO. tha lollow- ln tatnnl Will bo ftjUDd: "?n tho Korina of 1.. a reeonnolsaance of tha John Day River wi ma.ia and roue a topography taken of tha Irrigable lands. It aoon developed that tha John Day pro ject would hava a high acra coat, and would a:o require an Investment of many millions before an returne could bo expected. This project wae r(nol'rc!r dropped from lmm dlate cnldoratlon." Furthermore, under Um taw authorising advances to tho reclam ation fund It la expressly stipulated. M part of the appropriation can bo expanded on new projects. Vami la Katlanate. Various figures are glen. ono appearing In yesterday mornings psper. of IS.OOO.OOS. Nota tho facts: Tha J-hn Day project co-r-ecs ;i0 acres of land between Willow eek and Umatilla River, and tha total ea i mated cost is about f ::. "00. or about ! 44 per acre. In other worda. tha cost of this ono project would require nearly ora. third of lha entire amount In tha re clamation fund. Including lh. $1S.-I0.v appropriated he Congress, wnlch by law rannot ba used on new projecta. and yat the people In this state. In apparent serlous es. In tho face of tha official reports and In the fs -e of tha facts, are urre.1 to aban d n the West I'maillla project and attempt what la at present Impossible. Whenever there la the slightest possibility of success, w will all be found working- hand In hand for tha John Day project, but In the mean lime we desire to use our efforts where they si;l qe productive of some good. The weat extension of tha I'matllla proj ect la the protect that la under eoneldera fori. It la not a new project. It haa been aoproeed by every authority who haa ex amined It. the Secretary of tha Interior st rongty favors It. and I have no hesita tion In sarins; It Is today la a position near er realisation than It haa ever been In Its history: which fact may have rery con siderable to do with the sudden opposition which now for tho first time appears, not withstandinc It haa been under consideration for a nnmber of years. This project In volves the reclamation of between l.n0 and ta.veo acres of land lying- west of tho I'matllla Rtver and south of the Columbia Ttlver. runnlne aa far west aa Willow Creek. It In aowlse Interferes with tho Jobn Pay protect, ahould It over be adopted, as that project will water htaher landa than can be reached by the present project, liberally estimated, the coot of thla project will bo about M.tM.sf. making- the coat per acra about 90. poeslbly aome less. nallroad Dors Fair Tklaaj. KometMnc la aald about tho ownership of the landa covered by the project. Aa a mat ter of fact, compared to the averaa pro jeot. the publlo ownership and the quasl ptiblle ownership la peculiarly favorable. Tho records snow that 40 per cent of tho acreaae la owned by the United Btates. About 30 per cent Is owned by the Northern Psclfle Railway Company, and X was re cently authorised by Vice-President Cooper, who now and for years past haa had charae of tha landa of the Northern Pacific Kali way Company, to say to the Secretary of the Interior (which I did say to btm. that o far aa tha Northern Taclflo landa ar concerned, the Oovernment could fix t-h terma. character of contracts and price a It saw fit. and tha Northern Pacific would abide by It. About It per cent of tho lands are owned by a company known as tho Ore son Land A Water Company, which I am told, although not personally, will act oa perfect.y harmonious llnca with tha Govern ment. If this company had any other Idea, which 1 do Rot believe It haa tho Oovern ment haa the power to protect to a very considerable desree the users of tho water. That leases about 13 per cent In what mta-ht be termed "private ownership." Fur thermore, there are very few settlers upon this land, so thst there will be but tew dif ficulties In this respect. The question boiled down is a simple one. Without water this land la lars-.r a draert and deserted. Irri gated, It will produce anything that will grow In the temperate sons, and win sup port a larse population. Is It better, now that success le apparently tn strht. to fol low It up. or to abandon H ami lake chances In the future oa the John lay protect? Something Is a:s aakl about Interference with the richra of water usera on Birch "re.k arid McKay Creek, and other creeks to ImatiKa County. As a matter of fact the nee of the water above the reservoir would not affect Ibis project la the siightsst aa It la based upon storsgo and the use of surplus w si era. While I am not familiar with the situation respecting rights aa to the use of water on these creeks and above this reservoir. I do know that under tho lawa of thla state the Stst Engtneer and the Foard of Control Is vested with tho au thority to determine all these questions, in cluding the rights of tho Oovernment. in other words, the rederal Oovernment -t.-.l- beforo tho Board exactly aa a private lltl- Itat. Flssesl Water ta Be I aed. It ta also said the Oavwrnraeat haa u reeted a certain number of acre feet a year aa a proper amount to be allowed, and that tho amoant euegeated Is Insufficient. If thla Is true, this is a fact to be determined bv the state officials. Furthermore, tho amount that wou'd be allowed for nse on these creeks, whether it wsa two feet or 2i0 feet, could not affect this project tn any de gree whatever, nor ought these two feat ures be considered togeiusx. aa they aro en tirely distinct matters. ., " m bB ,ht Reclama tion Service haa put water users to unnec essary trouble and toe, to have their righto approved. If this Is true. It would seem that there ahould be no difficulty whatever In having this corrected through tho proper channel However, again thla fact haa aothlng to do with the west extension of the I'matllla project, nor should It be used as a basis for oppos'tton to that project. So too. the rights of the Indiana to Irrlrate lands shove Hendleton haa been suggested as havlrg something to do with this project, and that thst Is a matter which should bo taken Into consideration and settled first. A moment s consideration will show that thla raa have no connection with It. The strsge reservoir is situated many miles of Pendltoa. la fact. It Is only about eght mll-e from the Columbia River. Th . . ..... . siorage reservoir for flood prelect. Something Is all from time to 'be ...el'.oe LUt ,h ,,mU required to N.J.M or .1 reservoir purpose by Director of tho Reclamation Service. Thle Is a matter of no moment. In the first to purehsse at the present time, and In the second p.ace. no one haa to sell at a fixed Tis. ar-m.nt cannot be reached court, will settle It. ad .um.a that justice will be done In the oourta I altew KaTort Needed. No land c-.u'.d be taken without eondem r.iflon. and the v-r.Hct of a Jury. It Is al most too trivial a matter to notice the state ments thst sorasone Is trying to put Presi dent Taft In a hole with regard to Oregon. President Taft Is the only authority there Is to appeal to. th only oa who haa power uemonsiretea the iheieiit. of soma of these contentions In fact It ap pears aa though every Incident, no matter 127 "T'L ,r""L ' b"n magnified and us4 hv someone to prevent the allot ment of money for this nrolect ln tha premises and the ono who has tho power. If appealing to tha only officer pro vided by law that ran do anything puts him la a hole, then I ssaume wo would have to plead guilty. However. I hava an Idea that thla petty attempt to play politics will meet with but little consideration from tho people of this state, a particle more than It would If we were asked to cease our efforts to nrart appropriations for tho Improvement of our rivers and harbors, or any other pub llo necessity or requirement, because aome officials did not desire thorn mad or would be put In a hole by It There has been a little too much of Ore gon's standing bark In the paat. and not asserting Itself, and It la time that wo were changing our attitude In thla respect and If necessary, putting people In holes and good deep ones. If our state Is to be given the go by and g!adhand only. When I was asked to take up this mat ter and io what I could to help It through. I looked before I leaped, and acquainted myself substantially with all the facta bear ing on tha question. I have no hesitancy, st this time, la saying to th people of this state: First That thla project Is of such mag nitude that It should be considered a state, not a local project. Second That It will bring Into euitl-ra-rton thoussnds of acres of good landa. Third That It I nearer receiving the approval than It has ever been before, and a united effort will now secure It. Fourth That at tho present time It Is utterly hopeless evn to think of securing an approval of tho "John Day project," no matter what wo may accomplish In tho future. I. therefore, have no hesitancy In orslng upon those Intereeted to do all they can at thla time to secure tho allotment of tho money, which In Justice to OS should no longer be delayed. Indeed. In ordinary fair ness to the people of Umatilla County, whoso property will bo required, thla ques tion should bo settled at ono. JOn DAY PROSPECT IS TOGED Farmers In t'matllla County Town Adopt Reeolntlona. STAN-FIELD. Or Not. JO. (Ppacial.) Farmers resldlna; south and west of Hermiston. Echo and thla city, at a meeting; recently adopted reaolutlona urging; th construction by the John Pay Irrigation project and farorlna- tba abindomiK nt of tha proposed West t'matilla Extension. Tha text of the resolutions adopted follows: Whereas, some S0S.0O to 100.00 acres of fertile soil In Ollllam. Morrow ana i menus Counties. In the mate of Oregon, which are now unproductive because of Insufficient precipitation of moisture, might be made highly productive and capable of supporting ln.oi'rt to 10.000 ramlllea by the construction of what la known aa the John Day project In Oregon and. Whereas, the Department of tha Interior has pronounced the said John Day project both feasible and desirable, and. Whereas. Oregon has contributed largely to the reclamation funda and has not re ceived! through expenditure within th ate. the amount of reclamation . luna hlcb she Justly deserves, and. Whereas, the Irrigation of tho landa of the West rmettlla extension, by means of flood water from the Cmatllla River, ac cording to present plana of th United States Reelsmatlon Service, would unjustly deprive old eetilera and small fnrmers along the I'matllla Rtver and all Its tributary streams above Htanfield of water, which they need and desire for th Irrigation of their lamia, and. Whereas, there la doubt aa to the suffi ciency of all the waters available from the I'matllla River and Ita tributaries, aftsr the rights of all prior approprlatoro have been compiled with, to Irrigate efficiently the aandy landa nearer the Columbia River, of which the Weat Umatilla extenalon Is com prised, and. w herena, tho continued consideration or the West I'matllla extension la rstajvjlng development of some 10.010 acres of land for which Irrigation has already been pro vided, and hindering and preventing Inveat msnt of capital In further Improvement of lands already under cultivation, and. Whereas, even deeded roada and highway Improvement by the County Court has been refused becsuse of tho existing uncertainty that such roads or highway Improvement, for which expenditure might otherwise be made, would b rendered uselesa and de stroyed by the construction of th reservoir for the West Umatilla extension, aad. Whereas, several thousand acres of moat fertile and productive land, up on which beautiful homes, representing the labor and energy of more than a generation la their building, will bo destroyed by being Inun dated by the waters covering the site of the proposed reservoir for the west exten sion, and. Whereas, many official, political, corpora tion and publlo Influences, as well as of many Individual persons, have been brought to bear upon the United Btates Reclamation Pervlce. the Department of the Interior and the President of ths United Htatea In favor of the West Umatilla extenalon, through what haa erroneously been made to appear aa a patrlotlo Intereat In having Oregon ae cure eomethlng which was bslng unjustly dented to her. and In most Instances these Influences and persons have not been In formed as to tho real merits of th propo sition, or have been misinformed by selfishly prejudiced, private Intereeta owning land under the proposed Weat Umatilla exten sion; therefore, bo It Resolved. That It be the sense of this meeting of farmers and land owners, resid ing south and west of the towns of Hermls ton. Fcho and Ktanfleld. In tha County of Umatilla. State of Oregon: First That wo recommend that th John Day project be eonatructed because It la th most feasible and desirable of all Irri gation projects yet proposed In tho West: Second That we recommend that publlo officials, commercial cluhs or Individuals In form themselves thoroughly and reliably as to the lack of merit la the proposed West Umatilla extension, aa compared to tho greater, better and more economical John Iay project, before lending their Indorse ment to the former, and. Third That we favor the Immediate and unreserved abandonment and Immedlst of ficial announcement of aach unreserved abandonment of tha proposed Irrigation of the lands In what Is known as the West Umatilla extenalon with waters from the Umstllls River, and the Immediate releaalng of all claims by the United Statee Reclamation Service to the flood waters of the I'matlUa River and all of Its tributaries above Ptanfield for the Irrigation of such West Umatilla extension. He It further resolved. That Copies of these resolutions be forwarded by the president and seeretar-v tn the President of tha Uni ted States. Secretary of the Interior. Sena tors from Oreron. Representatives from Ore gon. Oregon Development League and other Intereeted persons and commercial bodlea and given to the press. Which resolutions were en motion duly put end carried and adopted. Signed O. D. TEAL. President. Hermlstoa. Or. JOHX DORN. Secretary. I Echo, on O. Ie HCTtD. Aaet. Secretary. Stanfleld. Or. CITY'S CHAMGES WONDROUS Tillamook Capitalist Away 11 Years Raffled, by Prepay Car. Times and ways In Portland hava changed In the past 11 years. M Melchlor found when he visited Port land yesterday. Twelve v rears in Mr. Melchlor condueted a grocery and drygoods store on tha corner of Russell street and Union avenu. He moved to Tillamook later and grew rich on a 300-acro dairy ranch In 10 year a He also owns many houses In Tillamook: City. He and Mrs. Melchlor took advan tage Wednesday of the recently-ln- upurated railroad transportation out of Tillamook to Portland. Hla trouble began when he boarded a pay-aa-you-enter car bound for the East Side. He handed th conductor a quarter and the carman handed him It cents back In small change. Melchlor thought that was nice of th conductor, and went Inside. "HI. there!" yelled th conductor. "com bark here and pay your fare." Mr. Melchlor submitted meekly. Wheat he wanted, to get off the car he had more trouble. As of yore, he reached for a cord and pulled H to stop the car. Then he tried to rectify his mistake by pulling another strap. This time he rang up a cash far. Be fore he had rung up a ticket far. Th car continued on Ita way until a passenger directed the stranger's at tention to the little pearl button In the window sash. Then Mr. Melchlor realised "how things have changed in Portland. He pressed the button, th car stopped and Mr. and Mrs. Molchior alighted, several blocks beyond their dootlnatloa JUDGES SEEK SEAT Gantenbein May Run for Con gress if Kavanaugh Won't. PARTY IS UNDECIDED YET Plan Afoot to Center on Candidate for Representative to Kout frrtv Dr. Lane to Seek Place on Democratic Ticket. Circuit Judge Kavanau.h. according; to report, is not the only Judicial offi cer In Multnomah County who has as pirations to be tha first Representative In Congress from the newly-created ecv.1 v...te Thar. 1 S a rUDlDr. D" ! parently well-founded, to the effect that C. U. Gantenbein, circuit. uuBo and colleague of Judge Kavanaugh may strive for the Republican nomination, providing the field Is cleared of a mul tiplicity of candidates and the desired assurances of support can be clinched. Judge Gantenbein. It la understood. Is not an aggressive candidate for Con gressional honors and will not aspire for the nomination ao long as Kava naugh has a chance. In other words. Judge Oantenbeln la a receptive candi date and may be expected to shed his coat and get Into the fight for the nomination If Judge Kavanaugh falla to qualify as a candidate. Nothing definite has come of the movement Inaugurated recently among friends of Judge Kavanaugh to Induce Republican voters to concentrate their strength on Kavanaugh. There Is a de sire on the part of many Republicans to center their support on a candidate with a view not only of retiring Laf ferty, but at the same time eliminating from the field all auch possibilities as J. Andy Mad-en. ostensible candidate of organized labor, and Ralph C. Clyde. Madsrs May Not Una. Madsen's candidacy Is not taken seri ously and it Is fully expected that at the psychological moment he will step aside In the Interest of promoting the candidacy of either Lafferty or Clyde, probably the former. The movement to swing the support cf Republican voters to Kavanaugh as the candidate who can land the nomina tion and at the same time win In the election hag not been deserted. Th re ported understanding is that Ganten bein will not get Into the fight so long as Kavanaugh has a chance. There are a number of Republicana In every way qualified for the position who crave the honor and distinction of being the first Representative In Con gress from Multnomah County the Third Pletrlct. At the same time the deterring Influence that Is keeping them from getting into the contest Is the probability that Ir. Harry Lane may be the Democratlo candidate. Lane, aa usual, maintains absolute se crecy aa to his plans, but It is known positively that he Is seriously consid ering seeking the nomination on the Democratic ticket. Thug far he has re- ! II 1 1 I I 1 czicin c3i i i czz: i ' i i i 1 11 a THE Meier NO MORE CONSTIPATION, BLIOLS HEADACHE, . BAD BREATH, SOUR STOMACH, OR LAZY LIVER Kurred Tongue, Bad Taste. Indigestion. Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches com from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undigested food, which oura and ferments like gar bage. In a swill barrel. Thafs the first step to untold misery Indigestion, foul gaaea. bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that Is horrible and nauseating. A Caacaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a lu cent box will keep you feeling good for months. Millions of men and women take a Caacaret now V .;, V ja U EECIJCI SIDJiACB ESTEEQ-Kira tOe aswaVa?5 " A fx Soeaag AM lew aeaaa YOU CAN BE FREE FROM BAD COLDS OR GRIPPE MISERY IN FEW HOURS Says It Is' Needless to Expect Any Relief From Quinine, as It Is Never Ef fective. There Is not one grain of quinine In Pape's Cold Compound, which, when taken every two hours, until three consecutive doses are taken, will sure ly end the grrlppe and break up the most severe cold, either in the head, cheat, back, stomach or limbs. It promptly relieves the most mis erable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverlahnesa, sneezing. I fralned from making the slightest ad mission as to his designs politically, al though he Is known to have con fessed to personal friends that he Is viewing the Congressional office with envious eyes. j Jadarea Mot Bound, s For some time It has been x argued that the candidacy of a Judicial officer for any other office during the term for which he was elected was Inhibited by the nature of the oath he assumed on taking office. Formerly candidates for Circuit Judge on assuming their office have subscribed to an oath pledging thvmselves not to become candidates for any other offices during the terms for which they were elected. It Is now con tended by competent lawyers that this I obligation is no longer enforceable as to Judicial officers In view of the fact that the Judiciary amendment, adopted by the people In the last general election and entirely revising the Judicial sys tem of the state, no longer requires Judicial officers to subscribe to that or any other oath limiting their future ambitions and aspirations politically. Until the prospective strength of Judge Kavanaugh can be ascertained by his friends and supporters there prob ably will be no further developments In the Congressional situation In this dis trict. Judge Gantenbein. It is an nounced, will not enter the contest so long aa Kavanaugh has a chance of winning. In fart, Gantenbein will not get Into the contest unless. In event of the retirement of Kavanaugh. he and his friends can satisfy themselves that he can land Ihe nomination and win the election which follows. DAILY MKTKOBOI.WilC.4L RETORT. PORTLAND. Nov. SO. Maximum temper ature, .V" degrees. Mtnlmunr temperature, 41 desreea. River reading. 8 A. M., 2.t fet. Change In last 24 hours. .03 foot rise. Tual ratmail S V. M. to 8 P. M.). .01 Inch. Total rainfall since September 1, 1911. s2 Inches. Normal rainfall alnce September 1. 1-.OU Inches. Deficiency of rainfall tilnco September 1. Inll, 8. IS Inches. Total sun shine, 7 hours 31) minutes. Possible sun shine. 8 hours. 64 minutes. Barometer ito duced to sea level at 5 I'. M.. 110.7 Inches. WEATHEH CONDITIONS. There has been a moderate decreaao of pressure oter the greater portion of the United Statea and a corresponding increase over Southern Canada and the Lake Re gion. High pressure still obtains over the West and South and generally fair weather prevails throughout tho country, the only rains- reported for the last 12 hours hav ing fallen In Western Washington. In general the weather Is warmer In nearly all aectlona jot tne country, but tem peratures are still considerably below nor mal In the Lower Mississippi and Ohio Val leys and Lower Lnko Region, on the Ap palachian Highland and In Oregon. South eastern Washington. V.'estern Idaho and Northern Nevada. Elsewhere temperatures ss a rule are above the average for thla time of the yoar. There la still a baro metric degression over Alaaka, and Its south eastward movement Is expected to cause oc csslonat rain Friday In Western Washing ton. Klsev. here throughout this district generally fair weather will obtain. Tem perature changea will not be Important, and winde will be mostly southeasterly to east erly. FORECASTS. Portland snd vicinity Friday Increasing cloudiness, followed by rain Friday night or Saturday; aoutherly winds. Oregon Frldsy fair, except occasional rain nerthweat portion; aoutneaateriy winns. Waahlngtou Friday fair east, occaalonai rain weat portion: southeasterly winds. Idaho Friday fair. THFODORE F. DRAKE, Acting District Forecaster. ' Aged Tacoma Resident Passes. TACOMA, Nor. SO. Mrs. Jane A. Walters. 81, widow of Augustus Wal ters, died at her home here today. Bhe was the daughter of an English army officer and was born in Canada, going with her husband to California In 1852. She had lived In Tacoma about 85 years. - TothePublic Only 20 shopping days till Christmas. Select now from com plete stocks. Shop early in the day, assisting our employes in giving careful and unhurried service. GREA.TER & Frank Store and then to keep their stomach, liver and bowel regulated and never know a miserable moment. Don't forget the children their little Insldes need a good, gentle, cleansing, too. occasionally. av las-e. A m .-I As. tgtew M . aW .egss ML M - UVa 5-EStiS QSPEcaSeCKEll. sore throat, running: of the nose, catarrhal affections, soreness, stiffness and rheumatic twinges. Pape's Cold Compound Is the result of three years' research at a cost of more than fifty thousand dollars, and contains no quinine, which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not effec tive in the treatment of colde or grippe. Take this harmless Compound as directed, with the knowledge that there is no other medicine made anywhere else In the world which will cure your told or end Grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist In the world can supply. a, ssrag slot AMTSEMENT8. HEIlIG THEATtR ;th and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 1122. LAM3ARDI GRAND OFERA CO. 125 People 35 Orchestra. TONIGHT "THAIS" Tomorrow afternoon. "Rlgoletto." To morrow night, "Cavalletia" and "Pagll acri." Sundav night. "Thais." Monday. Faust." Tuesday. "Thala." Wednesday matinee, "Madame Butterfly"; Wednes day night, "Carmen. " Evenings, lower floor. 2.00. 1.P0; balcony. 11.50. tl.on. I.-c. :.c: gallery, 7.V. &0c. Tomorrow matinee. $1.50, 1.00. 7-V. Mic. SEATS NOW SELLING. ' IP KATE R, Mniu t and A 636 I. Hsker, Mgr. Morrison and 11th St. Tonight, Tomorrow Matinee and Night. Last Throe Times. Fint Time nt Popular VrlceS. "CHECKERS" The Famous Racetrack Comedy. Immense Cast. n Prices 2Sc. 60c. 7."c. Si: Matinees, 250. soo. Next Week. Dave Lewis, in "Don't Lie to Your wire. Bungalow Theater OM2 XIGHT ONLY. HOMIAV, DECEMBER 4, 9 P. M. AustralianBoysinTown Forty-Piece Band. TVPIC.S.I- AI'STHALIAX VACDEVILLH Tickets oneale at Sherman Clay A Co. and at T. M. C. A. Prices 60c. 73c, gl.OO. Bungalow Theater Only Three- More Times. Tonight. Tomorrow Matinee ana Nlgnt The Superb Musical Comedy. "Tim GOLDEN GIRL.." By Joseph Howard. Oorireoua production, splendid company. Including Jessie Stoner, Al Kaub, Carlton King and 60 others. F.venlngs. 25c. 50c. 75c. SI: Matinees, 25c 50c. MAIN . A 1020 3IAIlr.L r. r. ii 1 ifss 15-75-51 NIGHTS THEATER ihho-is. Mrs. Gardner Crane and Company In the faroe, "The Little Sunbeam," by Mrs. Gard ner Crane; Those Four Entertainers; Gen rTo A Hulley; liorton & La Trlska; Cunning ham Marlon; Mollis and Nellie Klmf; Keith A Kernan. TTnennal1f1 V arte will. Th Re Comedy Circus, Morrl and Hhrr wood, ieo and Mabel Dougherty, Mr. Charles -lbbft. Mr. .lame Kleroaa ft Co., 1eldlnfr Carlo. PajHuKescop. Popular prices. Mat inee dally. Week-day curtlnat 2:30, 7:15 and 9. Matinee Ererr D"T. 3 Formerlr tlrtnA anllran Conldloe. U.Hn,rf ai,tl,Vlllh WEEK NOVEMBER 7 "The Telephone Girl" and Edward Mimberr. Bernard and Arnold. Is Verne Barber's Players Burgos and Clura, Kcnnetry and Williams, Monilane 1'billlps. Lulgi Dell 'Oro, Grandascope. Prices 15o and .Sc.. LYRIC THEATER FOURTH AND STARK Tho Keating Flood Musical Comedy co. Presenting THE JOY RIDERS Performances nightly, 7:30 and :1S. Prices ISc snd 23c. Matinees dally at 2:80; any seat lBc. Friday night. Chorus Girls' Con test. Thanksgiving; Hay. Special Perform ances. Next week, "In Pay Paris." CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday. Per Line. One time i batne ad two ronserntlTO times Z-c Same ad three consecutive times 30o Same ail six or seven consecutive times . 6 Bo Remittaucea must accompany out-of-town 0rvCh!n one advertisement Is not run In con secutive issues the one-time rate) applies. hlx words count as one line on cash ad vertisement and no ad counted for less than two lines. On cbarge or book advertisements the charge will be baaed .on the actual number of Hues appearing In the paper, regardless of the number o( words In each line. Oregouian will accept clit-ssllied advertise ments over the telephone, providing the ad vertiser Is a suoecriorr to eimer puuuc. firlces will be quoted over the phone, but .ill will be rendered the following day. Uetlicr subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Mtuatlon Wanted aad Per sonal advertisements will not bo accepted over tho telephone. Order for one Inser tion only will be accepted for "Houses for Rent lurniture for Sale." "Business Oppor tuullirs," "Boomnie-Houses" aad "Wanted to Kent." MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND ' LODGE. NO. P5, A. F. ft A. M. Stated communl- vlJiaZ oclork. Work In F. C. degree. spTTV Snecial communication 0 o'clock. n . . 1 ' eeree . tl Me- Itors welcome. By order W. ij. HOSE CITY CHAPTER, No. 86. O. E. 8. Regular meeting this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock, Ma sonic Temple. West Side. Election of officers and payment of dues. By order W. M. UARAH B. OL'ERIK, Sec . ....T.rtm unnuTir D C r-T.I tt will give a dance Friday evening, December 1, at Ringler's Halt. cor. 3d and Morrlooo. ToIH's 4-plece orchestra. Everybody la vlted. Admission, gents 60 o, ladles J5c HA6SALO LODGE NO. IS. L O. p. F. Meets this Friday evening In Odd Fellowa Temple. cor. 1st and Alder st. Work In the second degree. Visitors welcome. . Coseoa, secretary. ARRHTtS CIRC1LE. ST8, W. OF W. Will hold an election of officers this (Fri day) evening. December 1 MARTHA WASHINGTON SOCIAL CLTTB will entertain wnn owinm una ii x- - -day, Dec, 1. 8:80 P. M.. East Side Ma sonlo Halt E. 8th and Burnslde. ai i. xww . . -. . . ..v. ., . . - j , Mests In the Pelllng-Hlrsch bulldlnir. T. . a ... avsa 1X7. nasrlav hlsKl WMniBKlOII a.WT.x.1.. ti' ' v. j. - FUNERAL NOTICE. WRIGHT Friends and acquaintances ar respectfully inviteo. to auenu idb luncrw aervlcea of the late Charles 8. Wright, aged 43 yeara. which will be held at Dunning A McEntees Chapel. Seventh and Ankeny streets, Saturdaj', Decem ber X at 2 P. M. Interment Multnomali Cemetery. PRIEST In this city, November 28. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. R. Wil liamson. 10B East Taylor street, Emma priest, aged 71 years. 8 months and 11 days. Funeral services will be held at the above residence at 3 P. M. Saturday, De cember 2. Interment Lon Fir Cemetery. Services private TONSFTH FLORAL CO, . .MAKUCAM BLDG. , FLORAL DESIONS. Phones:. Mala 5102; A 1103. Dunning A MrEntee. Funeral Directors, 7th and line. I'hone Main 430. Lady aa slstant. Office of County Coroner. A. R. ZELLRB CO.. 884 Williams ave. Phone East 108. C 10H8. Lady attendant. "iiBlVARO IIOIMA.N" CO.. Funes-al Direct ors. 220 3d st. Lady assistant. Pbone M. 607. pTjJNLEY A-SON." Sd-and-Madisoav IjdT attendant. Pbone Main A EAST M1E funeral Directors, successors to F. 8. Dunning. Inc. K. 6. B 2528. LEBCH. Undertaker, cor. East Alder aad Sixth. 781. B 1888. Lady assistant. iMBre A AUCTION SALES TODAT. At Baker's Auction House, 1S2 Park St. Furniture, etc.. at 10 A. M. At Wilson s Auction House, at 10 A. J. Furniture 1T1-S-6 Second street. DIED.. HAVILAND At the family residence. 327 College street, Kenneth Havlland. natlva of Edinburgh. Scotland, aged 50 yeara Funeral notice later. TRASK In this city. November 80. Harriet Myrtle- Trask, beloved wife of Henry Trask. Announcement of funeral later. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE CITY HALT.. Main 59S, A "589. Hl'MANE OFFICER, Sergeant Crate. Residence, L4 E. 4th N. East 477. R. A. Dunmlre. Res. 836 Waaco St. W. G. Eaton. Res. 7a E. Kith. East 178S. Horse Ambulance. A 6101, Pr. Ex. i. Nights, Sundays and Holidays, A 6165; Pr. fcx. . Trunk T. NEW TODAY. Do You Like the River? WOULD T0TJ LIKE TO GO BOATING AND SWIMMING FROM YOUR OWN FRONT YARD? Imagine 83 feet of river for your front yard! That's what we are asking only $3500 for. The ground (three-fourths acre) is worth that alone, but this has a mod ern 6-room house on it. See us today. Mix & Marsh 1208 Yeon Building. 32S,000 was paid a few days ajro for less than half block on Yamhill, bet. 7th and Park sts. W can make i price on half block. 100x200 feet, with In 2 blocks of this property, and equal ly well located, of almost half this amoui:. This is one of the best 'W'eet Side propositions in Portland. Let us snow you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35 103 Fourth St. A 3500 I can sell you a piece of West Side dock property at a lower price than is asked for any of the surrounding property. Must be sold this month. AN 646, Ore gonian. Ideal Home Bargain High-class, nine-room brick and concrete residence, Just completed, best restricted district on East Side; riigh and sightly, walking distance. Easy terms or exchange for good lots up to $3000. Owner, 3 627. Ore Ionian. Mortgage Loans 5 For the Larg-er Amounts. K1DWAKO K. GOODBIi Lewis Bulldlaa-. MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN E. CRONAN, jof BI2 Spalding: Bids- rol.I.IS. BERRIDGE THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 524 Worcester rsi ocii. jrnone ruaiu REAL E8TATE DEALERS. Reek. William Q.. 315-816 Falling- bids. BRUBAKKR A BENEDICT. 602 McKay bide. M. 649. Chapln A Herlow, 882 Chamber Commerce. Cook, B. 8. A Co.. DOS CorBett Bias. Jinnlnr. A Co. Main 188. 208 Oreaonlan. FALMKK-JONE3 CO.. H. P., 404-OS-SU Wilcox bide. The Oregon Heal Estate Co., Grand eve. and atultnomab st. (Holiaaay Aacuuonj. REAL ESTATE. tor Sale Lots. MAUOKt ADDITION. EAST 31TH NEAR HAWTHORNE. 15 MINUTES FROM WEST BIDJS. ALL, IMPKOVE.ME.S'TS IN. BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. PRICES 1600 TO $1100, EAST TERMS. GF.O. O. MAIK. TAB. 3477. B 2491. EAST 4iiD AND HAWTHORNE AVB. GO WEN-IDE TRUrlT CO. LUMBERMEN'S 6LDG-. 5TH AND STARK CONTRACTORS and builders We have 42 lots, part facing- on Improved streets, all -within 20 minutes of downtown, hard sur face all the way, to sell at less than $300 each; will furnish money to build. GOWEN-IDB TRI'ST CO.. Lumbermens Bldg. BUT NEAR REED COLLEGE. Lots 40x100 feet. 2 blocks from Reed College. $450 per lot. 45 cash. 110 psr month. MERIDIAN TRUST COMPANY. 309 Railway Exchange Bldg. Phones: Marshall 2584. A 7430. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Over 2 hi lots, about block from ear. near clubhouse, magnificent view of city, mountains and rivers. All Improvements in and paid; (4000; next piece, which la inferior, is (6500. Main 8551. BROOKE. A 8839. LOTS LOTS LOTS 1200 WEST SIDE 8200 50x100 lot. 80th and West Yamhill, on upper Washlngton-at. carl I no. National Realty A Trust Co., 728 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Main 6129. $10 DOWN. 810 PER MONTH. Fine view lot; matured fruit trees; re stricted district, near car; cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of cbarge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473, A 1022. DO YOU WANT A HOME ? I have a plan to save you some money, rf you are able to partly build a home, let me save you some money. Let me tell you about It- AH 619. Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN 50x100 corner, absolutely level, on lower Port land Heights; most exclusive neighbor hood; walking distance; improvements In. 84000. O 612. Oregonlan. LOT 8, block 1. Council Crest Park Addi tion, 50x120 feet, on carllne; beautiful view; make me an offer: terms. Mrs. J. St. Peter. 1021 33d St.. Everett, Wash. SACRIFICE. To raise quick cash owner will sell a $750 restricted lot for $5.0; 8400 cash n quired. B 618. Oregonlan. "PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes and homesites, all views, locations and prices. Can suit you. Main 8551. BROOKE. A 383. OCKLEY GREEN, 100x100. cor. Boston ave. and Jessup St.. $1375; $100 cash, balance $25 monthly. Phone owner. East 8400. For Sale Houses. JUfT completed, 3 beautiful bungalows; will sell cheap on good terms: we finance and build homes. Patrick & Hunter. Main 11)93. "02 Yeon bids. Bust 2IM4. I'ioO BEAUTIFUL modern bungalow, 5 "rooms, Hawthorne district, fireplace, buf fet etc For particulars call owner. Ma'in- 4995. Terms. FOR SALE very cheap, modern 4-room house, lot JOxlOO, at Myrtie Park, near Mt. Scott carllne. Call at SOT N. 19th at. "or phone A 4153. $2 500 NEW 6-room bungalow, fireplace, etc.. near Hawthorne. Waverly car; a bargain. Owner. Main 9348. Easy terms. BEAUTIFUL, attractive, neat, new S-room modern home, on carllne; best buy In Portland. Owner. Sellwood 69. MODERN bungalow. 3 lols, $2100; easy terms. Phone owner. Main 4019. 6-ROOM modern cottage. South Portland, cheap. Call 353 Hall at. Half Block REAL ESTATE. For Saie Houses. BEAUTIFUL MODERN NEW 7-ROOM , BRICK. BUNGALOW. FIREPLACE. GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS. CONVENIENT TO THREE LINES OF TROLLEY. NEVER OFFERED FOR SALE BEFORE. PRICE ONLY 8500; TERMS $100 CASH. BALANCE TERMS TO 6UIT. POSITIVELY ONE OF THE BEST BUT3 IN CITY OF PORTLAND. NO INFOR MATION BY TELEPHONE. J. W. CROSSLEY. 519 CORBETT BUILDING. EXTRA FINE BUNGALOW. 2 BLOCKS TO HAWTHORNE AVE. POLISHED HARDWOOD FLOORS Every convenience to make a cost home. Large pressed brick fireplace. 2 fine book cases, and dnndy buffet, paneled dining room and elaborate Dutch kitchen, ele gant bathroom fixtures and 2 beautiful white enamel bedrooms with large closets, also linen closet, full cement basement with laundry trays, and extra fine attic ar ranged for open-air sleeping; absolutely right In construction and finish, and only :;X0 on very easy terms. Tabor 2S5J. c-r t iiAiv 1UW1IIA TOT Fine modern "-room house, furnace, fireplace, china closet, den, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, nice auto garage; corner, 100x100; lots of nice roses, etc.: street Im provements paid; on a corner 2 blocks from Union ave.. near Piedmont; price a snap, only SooOO. $1500 cash; will taka good lot as part payment; not many bar gains like this. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 31S Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. 1RVINGTON. 83250. Six-room modern high-class bungalow, close to three canines; furnace, fireplace, fixtures and shades Included: nicely tint ed walla: lot 6UX121; exceptionally low terms. . . . rt Main 2182. A. J. DETSCH CO.. A 1559. 840 Chamber of commerce. Mil. LOT OWNER. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST: PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU lO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. THAT VACANT LOT. W1IY NOT TURN A BURDEN IfT? INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. IX WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. .124 ABINGTON BLD. tlvjari v i i l r .- , . iv c., .... Very swell fl-room house, furnace ana fireplace, buffet, bookcases, paneled dining room, beamed celllns. hardwood lloors, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porcn 2 lots lOiixlon. fruit trees, rhickenyard and house nice lawn and plenty of roses. Tilgh and stghtiv location on E. 45th st. near Stanton; price $4SJO. purt cash. : GRUSSI HOLDS. , . SIS Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. BEAUTIFUL Irvington home on Broadway for sale on reasonable terms; street im provements In and paid for; two-story, six-room dwelling, pr.-ictlcally new. sun parlor and sleeping porch Inclosed In g'aee. hot-air furnace, concrete basement, fire place, three bedrooms, largo living-room, garage, lot 50x100. This Is bound to sell In a few days. Call at once. McCargar, Bates a Lively. 301 Yeon bldg. 9-ROOM IRVINGTON HOME. " Furnace, fireplace, large den. etc.: street Improvements are all In and j.ald for; tne construction of this house is of the Very best; built one year; three blocks from. Irvington car; price SoT..r.0. H. P. PALMER -J ONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main SW. A 2A53. muusw run oAi.n $1000 cash, balance to suit, for aa at tractive well-built home of 7 rooms, with) enclosed sleeping porch, hot water, fur nace, stone fireplace, hardwood floors, located on corner lot, one block from car line: street Improvements in and pal. Apply to owner, S25 Tillamook street. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house, in Laurelhurst; 2 flreplacea. large sleeping-porch, built-in refrigerator, dust and clothes chutes, tire less cooker, built-in wardrobes .etc.; .cor ner lot 75x90, east front, beautiful view. $7500: 85UO cash, balance easy monthly payments, provident Investment & Trus tee Co . 201-202-2O3 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A 1022- . $3250 FURNISHED BUNGALOW. $100 CASH, 20 MONTHLY. New. u block to car. 1 block to school, lot fronts on 2 streets. 38 1-3x110 house is modern, full basement. Dutch kitchen, den and all built-in conveniences, tinted walls. Photo at office. Fred W. Ger man 82 BurnBlde. M. or A 27 1 6. COR OAl-C DI . ' , . . . . . .. 6-room bungalow. S-coat work; large, fireplace: buffet with lead glass; full base ment, laundry trays, cement walks and all complete: Improvements In and all paid: lS-mlnute car ride: one block off ?aline. I held this at $3500; will sell on easy terma for 83000. Call Marshall 2t.T. FIVETand six-room homes, flreplacea bard wood floora. furnacea. with all bum-la modern conveniences; near carllne; all street Improvements paid; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Jnvtr"e2.' ,, Trustee Co., 201. 202. 2"3 Board of Trad. bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A 102 . YOUR CHANCE. Two Rose City Park homes near carllne liave furnace, cement floor hardwood floor, fireplace, etc.: reduced price for quick sale, easy terms. . R. BAILEY CO.. Phone Marshall 646. 3 J-"." A U 111 ! uiua. ""WILLIAMS AVE. BUSINESS "CORNER. 60x100 corner with 2 stores and 10 living rooms- rental value Ifll per month; street Implements paid. Price $S500. 81000 Ca"h' GRUSSI A BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ROSE CITY PARK. fciUX IU1IA1. $1-00 cash buys T-room home, lot 50x100: Improvements in and paid; built-in buffet and bookcaaes. fireplace, furnace. Na tional Realty A Trust Co.. .23 Chamber of Commerce blilg. Phone Main 512i. ...ivTunoVE nmTHIt-T $400 for modern 4-room bungalow: fin" lot. with bearing fruit. south of Haw'horne; will take 83LK) cash, balance. t5 per month, including Interest; this bar gain for a few days only. Blanchard A Clemson, tig om su r r ri I 1 nnif I I NTPS Just finished, an elegant 8-room bunga low In Rossmere. on E. 37th St.: will take a good lot as first payment, balance easy terms- no agents. See owner. X 627, Ore gonlan. I ROOM bungalow; furnace, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, hardwood floors. gas electricity- good view: Rose City Park, two blocks from carllne: $3350; easy terms. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201 Pns Board of Trade. Marshall 478, A 1023. ROyK Uil rAna . , iciebt-room bungalow. Just completed; .11 IiD-to-date features: only $3800; smalt Sown payment, balance easy terms. Sea owner Mr. Carpenter, 529 Henrr Bldg. Main aotfx. cw ANOE In business calls owner south. so . . ... . aAll at once his beauti ful tf-room residence. In Ladd Addition; modern and up-to-date in every partlcu 12? "ill give good terms. 301 E. Uth sU E. '5023. ' ROOMS, RIVER VIEW, $3000. '. Unobstructed view of lower harbor, rlose to car; a modern home; priced right. Fred W. German ,32 Burnside. M." 8r A tTtt PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW SNAP. a-alow; 100x100 corner. $5200: this Is 1000 b-low reasonable market value. Mala 3B51. BROOKE. A SS39. Modern B-room bungalow. Just com Dieted East 63d, bet. Madison and "Salmon- will take good lot as first payment, ti. ' ' .... j- 9r.:a or E 1311. fnonc jyini.. -- .- tip iiTTtt'iTi. Trrwtrc Superior in every detail, finished la oak and mahogany, hot water, hot air, .best In Irvington; Investigate. C 1968, East 27S. No agents. w. n. ntrami "00 CASH, balance like rent, buys a beau tiful home, strictly mo.iern bungalow, large rooms, large lot. tine location;, price, only 82000. See J as. A. Clock, 252 Alder. Phone Main S1S9. RICHMOND. 3-room modern bungalow; gas. electrio llchts and blinds: corner East 11th and Grant, price $3H0O; $150 down, $20 a month. I'hone East 1077. ARTISTIC bungalow, 1170 Ivon St., offered responslDie pariy s own irr.iiB. KKcr.ii.-fa account sickness. Phone owner. Barney. Main 2' 00. 1500 WILL handle fine home in Ladd Add.; balance same as rent. Thomas V-cara. owner. 307 C. of Com. M. 5M5. E. 2725. f-or Sti ut.llTeiMi l'rtfierl. GROUND lease splendid garage or apart ment sue; louxi'M. very close in: iuuhti ient to East Eurnside st. Heirs estate will lease ground very reasonably. P. O. Box 128, St. Johns.