J4 ttte aroityiyo oitEcoyiAy. moxpay, noy-Mrer 21. 191L WMmiwmwmwb'iw"imm"MmMMmmmM " " " " ' 1 1 - - a F'O1 E. 1 E N T ' I TOR a a , 1 HFI.r WANTFD-MALF. t HH P WAN niD-fTMALB. f MTXATIONS WANTEIV-FF.MALF OJl RENT. AparfmenU.' TO EXrilAXGK. I RALJ- I " 1 ;r.vTL-nMnvniv l)r,Um.krn. Furnished Rooms. ; . Half tt -r-t in mT or a'l f 7 ;..! fronting n n A Ian-!. ir4 r jr-d. m .t.i txAjt;f .1 unoustrurttbie view. fir. - J, :r-,-i and Put I'.un water, elo i. v .-1 srwc. at T Pr L for 4 - ra " -r auto; mut L li.-mrr, r.irr-p -t - v t, i'V l! and f0 caatt lu a . j:t.:rg !- three -e ar h.d at ; -an. AH '. r-g -man. IT AT. r fnt:r land, only mile v.--.- '.rie. rch autl and ! under ;.- t. . 3 '.-:ric linn sur-jet 1 .n i - 1 iri- t: tan cut up Into lots or a - r . . 1 . a; ex - "taage for insld F . ;.-. 4 i ., r'y. A.N wrgunla. H. H :. f..r r u- and lot. n" nn.it. 1. i-!..m land. a:l In eu.M t.ii. 'j n.i gxi tun on rtr. rounty tn.1 aid 1 K. L. a n adjoining property; f -rri .i 1 b iir.g on p:c. 2 a r -y4r-- J oi-fiM r.i comy:t equrp tnrni f. r fc.-t; ry rA !nr g ; deal with wn-- . 4't j-:- t. p-rn-y. A-H.V.; t.iii HAKD. rt arr i rt! fr.m hard -urf c - rn. i 1- w hi fo I r:.u4 1 r p-r . M HOLD. Si TMarJ ( It a lihis . 4th W T K HANOK M-v-fn p r T-ruom btu with lmprT mir in and pal-1 . aHuf on D:o-h from .-.,.:mr rar. Iuo $;: to hanto Trt- .4 firt'r rr rrner lot ultb.o lof or AT Qrnomaa A rttlKKN T-rootn hfur. jood locatl-Ti, f..r unin. utntro riicnc iota, AC VTAXTTO REAL KTATX. VA.VTr.t lo poopio to :ut and bur who uao th t- r .rr"Tty of afn aI Kal Fstattt hMtroMifr; ha ! tira thm in following offia: E. J Ma.gat. tKo I'moa F-l'.pa Realty o . IT Mark at. fMirmi for ai i "i romj-any. "51 t han.lr of Com-m'- M-:. I'tIo 112 and up. JA IyWN, $tS 3MONTHLT. t o rlt.nra waiting to porfhM 9Tr.A t ftnj. on aboo-rtamd tm. a4 nn: ba faavy. rd W. lirmAA, 4.9 Bura M. ur A K'"' h-u. hifil-ri.iM Bf c!bftrho-v1 nir t-rl. i'xlM lot. will :,'H to $" can and $ ! raor( inclaJln( all m t - J r?yon :an. k w;KI Il or imi:l rwM'nra on kw t'-.r-.- I rit cartino a part oxct.anc for I r -m h.t'.t in Irviogioo; avloct location. orironlan. cA-i: frtr Im or incotn prMrty utvi of Jr(Tr.a w t of Mtb and tout a ciror i 'rcB'.in, i i'f.MKS t- (rurcr.i c!o-:n Inro-n p-.yrtT Wtlt n..t nt to tr C Call MrKay Ml. Maraha.1 r.ARMI WAXTFP. 1 WANT a farm within & mlin of Port lan.l I: muit bo wt irnprovd. with r4 h.xio mi bul dins; valua l'X1 to fii it W ul trad In a corner lvy 1 o Id )( i:aday AUd . on block from ft road way. aiurnr at 414 tpa tllD bid. iWAT about 144-n-r ha ranch. fnrd. lir., auitabio a.falfa or vrtch. im b,wt.m n.t ovr M mllea Portland or int. frm rnilroad tiyton, not to axceod AM Orfnin. TiAVK bur f-r arnai: lmprrl farm aaar l'ortiand. Sr.l full tl "r . jt ;-'n. C. U HAVriKKwKU. Koonl 2. Luiut.-m n i:id;. AM f Pr'"V taxr: mill t-1 my a r-3 i!-nor, Jtckoa rounty. at aaaa a i ..Alton. A X M 1. Orgonian. rOHilir A.NO bOLD. r J VlHA.KKV McrCay P'd j A, KKS in Iufi'aa County. S.uO'.o ft V ' It S M K r rr.: I . : 4 a:rr of whaal Ur I. .-ruith. 114 ITaml'tton bUJf. II. r 4-v-ir-o'd b.a.-k mr and ntAtrho-l. w-'ch 11 to l.Wi, r: k y but ' t : o (rin t m on rt n . r cf Vyrx-oi 1 ch':nut mirrg. w-it in-t to I broc '-ry way. pair .f -i.l:n?a. waiM 2 3 an I . yra . truo aud aoun l. 4-yr-":,i hly r:l- ri a Ii.ay bono. 1 : b ack rhur.ky 'tr.-.n horao. 13 7 T old. bay & vrra old, l L rn"ay bon. r.o tni aoand. Uu a at;, aav-ral rr tuj:r farm and ilciKfry bora-; sold wttU varantr; rino and got i o !. 4 Front at. t t r ., t 1' r :i;h)RTKD TEDIGnZED PrANI5ai JACK. Art!, aound and gnarantaod. H3 Lamborrr.ana DMg. AND IP. m 'arlrtatl of bora. Juat arrlr-d fmm V.trm Oron ; good ir.cl nd dnuN.o . .rr; avral wMl-milrli trma. t lth. on bi'V north of liawthorno h-na Eat -T t. f -o FifVrf chunky but!: farm tram, brown m .ro vtrf o.d. wngha fjai in fI by 1 CI I? bay bora. hay but.t. w!rha J .!. a! und in.l go I trua pu ra. t br-rhng harriMS inriudd (or tgv r-f . 3: KT'f t n, m s ;u n--. 4'i T. a. gool. truo "rltr, r ch aitn fat. nod n-- 6T br -htr.g h .-:!. com ;;:. f rt1'' g''.!inc. va . g-x4. tfuo (ram. I 5 : a lao in .. w h-aTT toam parnea fr ahova jl Jiocond. ii . n.rat djpp grv horvi In th cltv, . vn o.d. o.frky built. h ay rnana an 1 !-.., tai . vnrki any p ar. gnt a f-r t,!v to r !. cma aad thta taP bar. in- a: r"rDt- f"F pa rh-tnut mar) 5 yr oi4. ririi ,'. aoi;nd. city broka. i ni an i flu.. work rUM P tth-r. ".nt and a tma patr hitcn-d. font with guarantr and tr-ai. F.' ". Front at. AFTNK tam of bay gldlnjra. city bmk. i ad 4 rar oil. w.-U matrhod; a f." -!: mar. ry at). ah. 4 yar old; m b- Bn at lacK.c Coast Staoiea. and aa. STli F:pilr of bay goidinga. 7 and . ciry r.kr. gHd pr:a and trarMra; wlchc u;j; for d;i"ry or imiM ram n " x rr. . iMh hi-rm t."-. Jt Frort at. Uliri K-T I H K fe:udbakr aurry. i 1 In r n-i hilon; must har room. . 134 WAN I Mi" Tram of hort" or mua for kp: not und-t I'JH). A.tJrtti H. I - ", S h.rToo-t. f.. K R. N 4- ii M A ti K. ft yara o.d. broad and chunky hui't. h i y b r. in foal by To.-n ,C) d a ...-": Front at. liAV r.t.l.MNi, T yara l-i-'O, good. f)1-, !T.V Sa4 Front at. r AKM on w.m tw Xwr a. ftu- --. at. j7 N H mara and horaa. wlcht -"0 t ! a Hawtiiorno a wo-dyard, 11 . Mb vira oldj r11a and drlvoa a r.c .; wrltfhn PM.'; $Ti. .VFronL A FKFII mKcb row and WXMb. horaa. Z2& CUAym-ia t- Mam 'I'J'ZT. I'v it HAl.K n ttm hay draft horaaa. : Thing 3W0 Ia Z-G "W'L".. AtttnajobilrS. JI4LF lrtr-; In an or ail of a' ..tj frontirg on tha Alamn1a, and r: J-d. mltrt beautiful unotatruttM view. w ra-lI rrrta and liull Knn llr. rloao t mr ifnlc. t $Tih pr 1t fo a 4 p4'.'rnrr auto; moat b a bl!l-ciinirr, -nip'rir quippd and gnKj cah vain r ;omtng i t throw wava ir bold at ! a h. AH 1 . Orre nian. kt Y J, '4', 7pa-ncr. 4) if. t u.ly -u!ppd and In Al condition, for aal at n aarrifir. at I am leaving th!a country ir Vn.1if. No reaaonabl cash offr r f-;d. alicht conaldr noma ral aatata. S' owner at Sul Buchanan bidg 241 . inry''n at. ELKCTRIC COUPK L 41 t uVj for dmnnBtrator; parfaet r..ii.i,m and guaranteed by ma Frank " : a:. ! A W '.ahington a:a W l.NrKl &-paaawnr auto; to exrhaaga a. t r-avmTt on a ftuaa City Park new r--m buxgalow; no agota A o-a. Ora- g-'n.aTu g, Arf and $15 pr month buye llttl t.f l trjek. flva-ion track. AP u 1 1. Ort ' ' n- W N.N 1 i T-iej-nr-r automottia for caah; mut o iMil mak. in rood repair and .rr rht. Aj 5PT. Orguntan. rr t, ,-Al.L U intoa f:i. (u..f equipped and I r.d condition. w..I tka city proerty r : on lerma Aj BaH. lreg-niaa. i t..-. n i-tan. io H. P. auto truck f. ,- i.hm) down, aalaaca aaay tar ma. v t k . '-enr.an. N ,v 4riuf Jtiat completed. Llv and doad .rc spdwttl Motor Co.. 9. Jl. it Si X 4 : n at.. r. Couch. ii'ti u-l or rebuilt atitomo'-tl and kv ca t 4 lo'h al . n-a- S'irk. o .. tit i"d u(. A-i r nauwjft. la. sodai. f ' SI 1 i Jal 'mon ( t-K )tti u 1 or rt(ib..l aatonub. truck, tiu U itnth at. Aaton Pol'E-HAhTrVKU For ala, or tradn for property or aaity In Improved property; a 110. fourcyiindr. 40-tooraepower. five- taar rr touring car full aojlpped. inker wtnd at.ieid. tr.p. Mewart ip'--mur and clack. Preato lank with :aaa Aulo L-a"htr. a.actrlc aid and tall llghta. lCaitford ehock abaorbera fora and aft. Fik I-nouniabl Kim", with tra rlma. tir-o and tuba Thta car la an xcapttnal bul c. mber and la in ataolutaly porfaot Condl:Kr. unrT1: v. Avr:R?f. ASTuitlA. OltS'iON. 12100 PACKARD 17100 A o-paaaangor foradoor. fully 'equipped open car On SO Phaaton, B paaaanger car. On SO touring ear. T pangr. Wl'h my guarantea Frank C Rlggs. SSd A Washington ata " zo pr.f crsr avin. T Intrcdac nw car tn Portland, w wi:i tell A bw. fii1iy-Ti!ppd nutomoMl a: eat. to introdur thta r.ew car In Port land. Car a ar f-.ii: e guarantcad nd 6 B"w ear In ft fit:fied owner." hand 1 worth rr.or to ua than 3 Pr ffrt arnt In ad rt'aing. t you ar intending pur chase w w.il damonatrat. A MS. Ort gon'an. CHALMERS 110 4 FT P. Cha'mer fully aoulpped. fnr am cheap, or kill trad tor good city ftroprtv. Ownr leaving city. N w?. tre con "an . pianos. (rran and Miwlral loairitmewta. l ant" to aell r'.ght away a new maiog anv c.i Jhnina ae:f-plavlrg piano which 1 bOTt-tr t lea tf.Jin 2 mor.tha ago for fdoO. Thre fa mo worth of mua:c I will a:i th! very - heap If I can get monay rrht -ay. vo ;id it. PIA Vt rci riint condition, ael'.ing at ytnir yr --e- on ner leaving city. 4tJ Filedner Vtr". Blfda. Pet Mock. JIIfI -i f-mi Iioaton terrier. 14 year. ei marked. ao or. Itn.ton terrier pup. wei; bred. N il. illnky. phone Sun Oiv. )rilaauai INn.k or Monuay F tat 4J FO:; SAl.i. Two youcr blooded Ft. Her nard Ofi. u-d to cn'l(tren. I-eter Howell. Cld torro .. Portland. I'hor. C MlcUaneou. 2t PIN;i.B BKPS. accord -hard, excellent condition; 2'x atn'rary cota; -0 combina tion drrvri and wai iatandi at your own price; aecond-hand doora and atndow and a.l kln'l of building mntrr.als. bath tus ar.d ih bowla. hot water t.inki and all kinds of pi jmMnf t your o- n p-ic. PACIFIC Wr.K K!N'1 f'OMPA.NT, Uila.m at MF.VS THnf.-KrlH. If yoo htvt a cojit and v-at that yon rouid wear if you had a sutrabl pair of trouper. c:i on ma. I aell f 4 pant for $ $" vr.: a I $3 my a at em of buying and S'1 a month rnt doe It. JIMMY IK XX. P. 00m 13. r e " nu n bri g. Ta k vtor. TWO rrod aawmlil planta for aala, 40 to 00 thousand capacity, with or without 1 aintt and c.okboua outflta: four good donkey enajlnea with or without Una and lorctna; ior.;a. T;mber cut out. Mc Coy, 34 North Cdih. ft to d avenmra. S cr north on Jtd to -1h, b!-.ck ouih. ToVB UuCTuK. If Vonp atov-a doean't baka, thr 1 omathing wrong- I ran fix It. 2(1 Eaat rior--a-n. Phan Eaat 14:1. SMALL, mf-d. and large aafo. Hurrough Ad mach.. d"aka, tring cat-. alx-draaer Na tional cah re r rater. S. W. cor. wtb and Oak. cond flour FOR EXCtPTION'AL bar,rjin In Underwood. L. C. Fmith A Hemlngton typewriter. Th Nortiiwtat Typwrltr Co.. No. 4 tth at, tAr T.S New nd ;d-hand; low price; y term: aafa craned, repaired and pointed PL" Iti ELL. AFE CO.. and roKTLA.NU BArlk CO.. a 6tnaL Mala lvi, A 4111 iOLTD "gold 5w1a rpeater. original coat i;;o. onlv 1125. Inn My era, ;i 4th u betaen oak nd Pn. 1 ffTA VPA RO admire marhin. ion. I awtntlne tviewrlter atand. $1.30. 87 Lumber Khang or call Mwrhall SS bul. ID1 iiLl 14-karat l.' 1 -J' n atljuated U"alt?-an wtch. oricir.nl com $1-".; only f t re' M-era 71 wrh. near Oak. &,!-.. "1 1 I .' HUN'. barpa ard p.mjo cah rTintara. motor and ail ki' -!! f airt rr. a c in -a. 571 Waahington. Frank Griffith. HOOKS tinted. $2; papered. $2.50. Including inat. rl-ii. 1 tm :ng fua:: a low. L. nkli.:. - h t N-rth. S.'.'o t;RilK Tark-r aho-gun. naarly saw. tl T. Mutlaon. Main S-JV loitliai iir a niu.i'inut l I nurd kintjinear lu r A Con truit on 'o.. aOQ Lewia b id g . AKfel and dek for aal cheap. Addrwa P. U bx :&. Fi'-t sA!.K Vil-rottd manure fertiliser. XANi UK for a., Phona Kaat 177S. w XTrn airrLLANEors. W K pay tha luitheat prli ea for acond band car Denier a. meianlc. ! org era. wtiodchopper. plumbera and b lark inn th too.. Letn Hardwar Co.. 21 Front U Ma:rt tt-'7J. - V a. iL Ti iLulhlNti. Fl KNiTl 'KB. TonM li.gheat .ri' paid f r i:i-n'a and iadlea' fit-.)'( clothing, ano-. 1 urnitur. too! a. n.ec taruc. lodging. Call Main StusO. ih f.r; at. Th ii'-b. W" A NT Fl .Vo Ing-ficf ur machine, fo'dirg chairs, fllma, a outfit. tc li Wajft. Phon Main 4.'!. rAJlTT to nhar nr. shipment of houa hni.i gmd to u.i1.ia. Tax. a. r- H. (. htte. twla b;ag. W rl 1 a t.ie bn-t cn j ric fr aecond t an 1 furniture. Sctr A Martrn. pbun Kaat XI i. 8 1 : ort; av. pa Rorh-fTA ii loxlior f?. 3T. K. ;-jrri.n. f'non K ln3. Pa hi.-bet cnh pric for ftirn.tura. Fur:i Auc'i. j Co. pm a mat CAh fr any kiiid of furniture. Main n5:.A 24$. WILL, tint room for ??( ar.d paint hou at your pnc. Fhon K. 'iT9. WANTED To r-t or lewe. butcher lihop in ! ci'jntry town. F nl. 'rgonian. WANTKI To b-jy second hin I rah rg ltr; inuat be cheap. AN 4J. Oregonlan. HEI.r WANT FT M W'ANTKU A g'od il'ick uimin for com pat with mo'.t of ita toc fold; good I-adi and atr-vi support from prent stockholders; nrt-cia9 anletaan only red app y. 6"5 trer ntan bldg. LJVri r.'jrrantatlv In evry Oregon town; ilendid opportunity ; tnrom; advanc n.rnt to c;-aM men and women. Call or ad lre American Ontral Uff Inauranc o.. i m Ii ail w Fxrha.ige. Portland. lo amoittoua. it.tj;( ic anlea-nen. w offer permanent Income lt.un; adancment; ev-.erlnco not nroMiary. American Cen tral I.:fe Iu jrant a Co.. 21ft Ha. I way Ex char ge. WANTKi" Flrl-cl cioihlng and furnlh Ing g od man. one who ki.ov.n the buai re.s and can dre-a a window. Friedman' cl':hca shu. 13 A d-.h st. SOLICITORS for old ostaMlabed corpora lion : beat paying ofter la th city for fcigh-cls men. Fe Mr. Colbouer. 413 Vohik blcg.. to 1 MAN to tak rtaurant nearly furnished) In hotel ; aleor-ng-room Included ; bfrd on for rent; srt-tn. Ap'y 3.4 North -nth. n cr ronti on ! to jnrt. imock south. W A NTK.l A salesman fur the whole Pa cific Coast; a god Una of goods: on co-n-mtaaton boas. See Jo Uoldstone. Hotel Kcoft. 7th onl Ankeny WANTKI .Van of ex p-rienc In puMI'-lty ard orcamzat ten work : muai do a 11 one ,r d a ln:tr, Of. WANT at. expert ence-J solicitor ar. ;d driver f.r cTranlng aud dye house. Ca.l tre. 1A4 11th tl KKIK.WK'i social clltion advertising kiTor. ho! Id j r numter. commission, dlctin press. SGS Madison. itK'FONI Pl-K. party to take lnr eord- voo-I contract. I'loneer E.nploynient Co., 1 N'srth '.'d. 2iftlHT, energetlo young man to learn real ea-Pk: business ; beat offer In city; no r.ionry required. Jv;ter. 15 N. 3th L riWT-CT. book a4esman wanted for a good owny-mak;n proposition; steady I n rn to a pro.'ucr. Fl! e d ner b ! ! g. WANTED a Jentiat for a suburban of.-. Clood opening for good dentist. AD Oreeonlan. B!lIprtXO clerk for Portland machinery hoiw; prT y a M to ln--st In coniTany r"v-r prr-'e-erce, "! lerry b!dg. WANT on, f'-l-claas welter. Apply at '- 'n-d r. Tth and filSun sta. WANUU Boy o.r 14, with wheeuv 74 MAN for food pay In g pr-oa; r irt. Apply u--.it V. r.J 4 M -Kav b"dc. W an f.l Ji.cktaUh end machinist. 4"4 1 1 t: Ptii'TO(l'lAPH coupon and portrait agents. Dw Ter. Cutberth S'udio. tkum bdg. WANTEIV-T.It as"nt to 1 photo coapona Itotoc Studio. Waahfngion st. FLNE laat!a r danUaL Mala 1U INCIDENT. ' (On of Many.) Office crtary Empioymant Departmatit. T. M. C A. Tonng man. stranger, out of work (TO ha total cash asset) If I pay you $3 for special empoyroent membership I will hsva only lift lft between m and star vation. Pecretary If you pay 13 for special TB" plo raent membership you will nav th T. M. C A. with Ua reaourc. katwa you and starvation. Result: Young maa Joined Association. In lea than a wa had aatlsfaotory em ploy m mau Rcord for 10 months ending Oct- Sis Cai for men " Poj:Jons filled 1T New Members IM Employment membership gnersntees muio ment or refund of trenioerahtp f'; gle two mor th full mmhernip Bnvt rge. 10 mcmiha social prlvllges ard undertsk.es to keep party employed during th fjli term of membership with out further chsrge. We have conatant demand for bgh yade, experienced men. Are oa fitted tor a better position T He secretary employment dpartmeat. T M CA. WE ARE MAKIXO A RECORD SAI-R OF CLCMniA A 1 RES A.M WE IF-SIR: TKREel rutNd MEN OF Alii LI TV TO ACT A3 HALKSMKX. WE t'FFEK A VERT FAIR AND LIBERAL CONTRACT, Gl'A R A N'T E EI N A PERMANENT POSI TION. WITH CHANCE FOH RAPID AD VANCEMENT. PKAli ESTATE E X P E -RlEXf'R NOT NECESSARY. Af ALL OCR SALESMEN" ARU TRAINED KTSTKMAT JCALLV. CALL IlEFOKE 10 A. M. F. B. HOLT. HOOK CO.. ROOM S15 I.CMnK EXt'HANOE. SEO OND AND FTARK. . API.E-BOD1ED men wanted for the U. Marin Corps, between the ages of 10 end ?". mturt be nitlvi born or bare first ta per; monthly pay Tift to l'"!; additional compensation possible; food. clothing, quarter and m ileal attendance free; af ter to .- service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; servlc on board ship end ashor in all parts of th u-o-M. Apply st V. 8. Merln Corps Recruiting Office. Breed en bldg.. Id and W a:tiik -.on sts.i or room 7 Winchester T'o- t liw d at.. Portland, dr. WANTED Two solicitors, gentleman and lady. I will start you out with a new Ilr.e. mnnuf.trtured, to you only. In Ore gon. W nshlr.gton or California : only one manufacturer and big profit ; gent's larg s-Msnpl oufflt f-5; lad..:,' smalL $7; a clean-cut proposition and a snap to right party. Call from 3 to 4 P. M., Monday, but not unless you have the cash with you for sample. 467 7th st. Schoar , I WANT a salesman. I don't care how old or how young-, how inexperienced you are. If you think you can sell a good proposi tion which requires hard work and good logical argument, but will pay you more mo ner than you ivr earned before. Call and see me If you think y u are a sales man. Call fur Mr. Jones. HS4 Oak at. W A N T E D Py f u m I ture b ou se. a com pe tent sign wrltor, or cardwrlter, and win dow trimmer; a yoyng man. active and ambitious preferred ; good remuneration from the start with opportunity to ad vance. Ol v age. experience and refer ence In first letter. Address A 640, Oro gonlsn. WANTED Local representative to sll Graphic Arts Tear Kook to printers, encraver and advertising managers. Good selling propoaitinn for a good salesman. Write for full particular to The Repub lican Publishing Co.. Hamilton. Ohio. WANTED Good all-round blacksmith for country shop; must be A-1 horseshoer and - hav family cf not lesa thwn three chil dren of school ace; salarv ITS per month; permanent po. t inn for right party. Room 007. Teon bld(t. WANTED Man of temperate hahlta for farm work; m'it have famllv of not less th;n three children of school age; snlary S- 1 per month and permanent work for richt party; other need not apply. Room fto". Yeon bid;. WA NTED DruuC'st to open a first -class drucsrore s. the nw Hotel Multnomn it. covering entire block. Pine and Third s. Apply to hotel or L Grurtx & Sons. 173-3 I'lrst st. .-,f per WEEK t.. We w.tnt a man at once who can writs a lIMrc le:-r; loa of rood propecta. THE NEWLON-KOLLER CO.. S01 Huchunan Pidg.. '.(;, Wash. Pt. PERMANENT Inc. ne for snlesmen. Ask for Mr Hryant. 11U Y"en b.!g. HELP WANTED I'EMA LB. WANTEDTOUNO LADIES FOR TBI LB PHONE OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE APPLY THSJ PA CIFIC TELEPHONE Y TELEGRAPH OO eabt era and ankknt rrv WANTED Severn! young Tad! between th ages of IS and -5 for permanent posi tion. Apply the P. T. i T. Co.. S74 Alder st.. or 4 id E. Ankeny st. WANTKI1 A good housekeeper by a fcwlss German bachelor; would like to correspond with a Swlj girl or widow woman; a good p!ace a-nd home fur the rinht party. Ad dresa p. o. box 13. University Park. WAIST draper, with long experience; htsh w aajca; also IO exrrl'rTcid waist fin lib era; onlv exrTlenced and respectable need apply No others. Apprentices. 132 loth, rot.rn 20S . KEI.I A Ul.K firm wanta long-term employ ment contra.-t. bright office girl; expei lenc unnceasary; give references and particulars; own handwriting. O 616. Ore i"nlan. E.XPEUIi'NCED girl for cooking and seu enl housework: no washing; no children. Cnll 6lft East th st. North. Phone East ru. W A NTEi Capat'i young women to enter training school for nurses. For particu lar write Mim Rodpe-a Hoquiam General T!opital, Hoquiam. Wash. WA NTE Attractive y 011 tig ladles for so ciety entertainment. Call at the Orlando Apta., Lth and Washington, between 12 B-..1 1. Apt. 811. WANTED Girl to cook and do housework; family of three; Portland Height. Phone Main r6 A n.V1. WANTEIV work. C -Foreign s r.th. girl for light house- W A NTED Yotni girl to help care for 2 chl.clien; go horn nlngs. Apply to Blurb. 1K0 N. -I'l. Bt :si NEri ' FIRM needs a woman over 25, who Is trusi worthy nd capable ; cxperl en unnecessary. Alt as. Oregon! en. DoN T be satisfied with drudgry. learn moving picture operating. Lemmle, ii3 ik. ANTK i Experienced body lronr and mark-r. Ajply at once. International I.n undry Co. HAN.-iN S LADIES AGENCY. S3W Washlr ston at.. Cor. 7th. Upstairs. pit one MhIii 21-'. MRS. KOWK LA DIES AGENCY. ' WaJ.iington bid.. 4th and Wash Sta, Main ft-34 or A 3244. WANTED La-lie -to make Xmas novelties at home, ail or spar tlrre; pood pay; experience unnecessary. 2- 11th st. ANTED Refined, cananlo woman for r-s-onsiM- position. V'lavl Co.. 6i9 Roth Mld bldg.. 4h and Wahlngt.n. WANTED A girl ft gsnera) housework, surrtan home; $30 a month. Apply 853 y-ark. ' GIKL to assist with caring for child and 1t:ht housework; must b fond of chll dren. 5d 6th. BRIGHT girl to learn millinery; good op portunity to advance. FraJey Bra.. 214 Sd st. COMPETENT rlrl; plain conking. Inquire ar.d st.. K'O Mlrlmar Place North. Monta illa car. 2W ITRESS t'S. country, 25 ; other help. Howe's. Ladles' Agney. 2704 Wash. VANTEI Young girl for general house work. 702 Nor-h nip. G i L fur general house work, family three, a 1 roomings. 6' Flanders St.. Apt. 1. Gihl to help wit- general h"sework. o22 y lit :2d. cor. Market. B7 WANTED A girl to do general housework; no children. Apply 31 10th. S "EXPERIENCED dippers, good wage and steady work. 3l.V3 Ilumside st. WATED--Oirl for general housework. 447 loth st. 6T;iL to do gen ami housework In small family. 733 E. Couch. WANTED Waitress at PS Rusell at. WANTED Lady barber. Call 271 Taylor st. Pastry cook for first-class hotel, 160. 2 waitresses. $2$ each. Chambermaid. -1. Houaeketper, $7 per week, fare ad vanced. Girl for shooting gallery. SO. Scamstreas (out of clty, S2 per day. Girls for general housework at $13 to 13ft. s PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. Morrison WANTED Lady stenographer to act also con.Mdentlal secretary In executive oflicej rpMrant should have had several years' experience in stnoKraphic work requiring fair speed, ftroat neatness and absomt accuracy. Answer In own handwriting and gtv redren os huvlnc knowie-lic of pres ent sbillty. Address Jox -'2, Portland. Ol RL wanted lor general housework. W N. 21st, corner E er'lL HFI.F WANTED MALE OR FEMAXJL TWO ladle and two gent vf good appear ance end hustlers for brand new proposi tion; can make $3 to $10 a day till Janu ary 1. Everything furnished free. Call this day. iloom 40. Selling-Hlrsch bldg., VnMnirfon st. BOOKKEEPERS, cashlersv bill clerks, etc.; 1 will auarantea vour Qualifications to fill ' positions la 30 days; private Instruction j bv public accountant; position secured, J t iSO. Oregonlan. SHORTHAND. typewriting;, bookkeeping; new term Deo. 1; aperlal shorthand speed classes. Portland liualneaa College, 10th 1 and Morrison ata. SOLICITOR for high-grad education, money-making propoeltton. P. O. Box 104. HELP WANT E I -MIC ELLAS EO CPA, MEN" wanted, age 19-.13, firemen 1 100 monthly; brakemen on nearby rail roads; experience unnecessary ; no strike; positions guaranteed competent men; pro motion; Railroad Employing Headquarters. 8M men sent to positions last three month. State ace. aend stamp. Railway Association. Oregonlan. MEN and women to learn th barber trad In eight weeks; special Inducements; per centage paid while learning; tools free; expert Instructors; 17 year In th busi ness; 87 schools; a life am mem Deri-hip r;lven to each student. Moier Barber CoH eg. 35 N Fourth sL. Portland, Or. WANTED Pay or board at start to learn trades; automobiles, electricity, bricklay ing, plumbing by actual work on job; onl fe r months required; no apprentice shiy drudgery; 20 students last year; catalogue free. United Trade School. Los Angcics. NUMBER young tnn wanted to learn wire less or Morse telegraphy; great demand for operator; positions paying $75 per month: .isy to learn; good positions guar anteed: Southern Pacific Co.' a main line wires In school. Call or address Telegraph Dept., room 605, Commonwealth bidg. r'aixI rain"! raix. Learn to operate moving pictures. AND KEEP OCT OF THE RAIN. OPERAT ORS EARN m TO H0 WEEKLY. Pbort hours. Inside work. Special low price on lessons. N. T. Film Co., Ctife Wash., near 17th. WANTED Ry. mall clerks. Portland exam inations announced Jan. 15; sample ques tions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 41-K. Rochester. N. Y. N CM HER young ladiea wanted to learn tele graph; ctsv to learn; good positions guar anteed. Call or address Telegraph DepL. room R5. Commonwealth bldg. PK1VATE HCHOOL Bookkeeping. short hand, typewriting; duy and night claaaea fa 10 Cha'mber of Commerce. Vein r.'. ' MAKE money writlnr shrtt stories, or for papers; big pay; free booklet tells how. 1 :. .d Pr S ndlcate. S;n Francisco. WANTED Picture play writer: big pay; we'll teach you. Plctur Play Associa tion. Pan Francisco. PRIVAT1C school SHORTHAND and TYPE- WRITING. fc mo. 69 14th at. Main Wl NTKIt'S cmlng. have you good trnd? Li-Hi 11 moving iicture operating. 3.13 Oik. I Mi Tie's solfd and hueled. T5c; good leather. TlTH TtlAt'HEHS' ASSOCIATION. 610 Swetland bldg PTTrATIONff WANTED MALE. Ooakkeeper and Clerk. B01 KKEPEP.. Aj.erier.Led bnnklng. lum ber, towusiie an 1 uther lines, write short hand, hnve good tTewnter. si.eak Ger man best of reference?; no oi.jt.-ct Ion to leaving city. A K r.Od, jTtrengnlan. COOKKEEPEFt and general office man. 2 vears old. capable of tailing charge of of fice over 8 years experience in whole saler houses; first-class rcf-rnces, wishes position W O'H, Oregonlan. BOSTON yoirig mrVn wanta position, ex perienced ralcsman. bookkeeper, cashier, cost accountant and iiunuiter, start im mcii.nely. B 07, Oregonlan WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balances and state-m-nts, lnstnih s sterna GUMnshf.m, au ditor, 411 Lewis bldg- Marshall 717. STENC G RAPHER want urrotiln. location. 6 610, M im-e II n neoua. MUNICIPAL. FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 215 Second, corner Salmon. Women's department, 24S Salmon. All classes of unskilled, skilled, professional and clerical, male and female help fur nished on short notice. No f.ea charged. Phone Main B.'.SS, A f.d,4. 8IT"UATI(JN; -aTnted by high-class chef, cook, lust from the East; European or American plan; am an artist In high-class work, and can handle either French or American bllle of (are; give me a chance and let my work apeak for Itself. Address ruoin 3, Lincoln Hotel. CAN any wholesale house with a staple or lerltltnate line use the services of a first cuss salesman ? Salary or commission, the latter preferred; city or road; real estate firms, don't answer. C 67, Ore gonlan. . REGISTERED PHARMACIST wants - posi tion either In or out of city; best of ref erence. F. S. Bea:h. Phone Woodlawn I4i, care Samuel Lab be, 731 East illst and Alberta. MAH1UED man would like position with some contractor on any kind of building work; cm read all kinds of blueprints. In fact am all-around man ; wants steady work monthly. AD tilo. Oregonlan. MARRIED man wants position In factory on woodworking as benchman; good with 11 kinds of machinery ; waxes not so much as steady work; can make good In wood or iron. Y 047. Oregoman. bor-R and experienced man who thorough ly understands care of holier, desires sit uation as Janitor or porter. AK 60S, Ore k on inn. YOI'NO man wants work running elevator or dishwasher In restaurant or hotel or any kind of work. Address to 2094 First st.. room 4. i KELIABLE married man would like a steady position in some mercantile house, can moke himself generally useful at any thing. H 6J4, Oregonlan. Ylu'NG mna attending school wants work for bo.11 d ar.d room afr school ; good r.'ernt s given. Address or cull H. D. B., room ."-Or Commonwealth bldg. TIK'ItOL'G n LY reliable young man desires tedy position, electrical or other work; experienced, handy. 64-i E. Oak. room 7. Phone E. 152iV A BOY of 12 wants home In Christian fam llr to do light work and attend schooL Willing to pay small sum. AB 406. Ore goman. YOUNG: MAN, 2- years' experience as machinist apprentlee, wishes place to fln fsa trade.E.H. Swain, 21l Morris st. 6PEAKH 4 languages, young man desires ;.iun some kind. Inside preferred. Phone Tabor 2S4L SITZ-V TloN. carpenter or millwright 00 3 .e;nt. middle-aged man. Gibbons, 63: Savior su r i"f ED House-cleaning, window-washing, lob work Joe Wllmore, 115 North 7th U. Phone Main BtU'3. HANDY man. R slightly lame. Oddfellow, w'lsh.s work for room and board and small wug.s. O t7. Oregonlan. JAPANFEcook. with 15 years experience In several lines, wants position. F 019. OrrKonlnn. EM'rnT wlKmalter wants position. fiend 'offers 607 Pettigrove street. Tat vN ESE cook v. ants position In private f n ro I i y. Main P.lfil. A 150 a YOl Nti man. sober, not nfrald of work, wants s 1 e n y work. Woodla wn 44. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, stranger here, wiyhes emp'oyment. Phone Kut rt.'lii. HONEST Japanese boy wants work of any kind In forenoon. 324 Flanderg st. N. M TT'A TION WANTED FFMA L. ookkeeper and Stepographera. A" FEW more small sets of books to be kept, by thoroug hly competent and expe rienced accountant; new books opened, old bioks audited, closed : trlnl balances, financial statements, monthly statements, etc. Address AC 602, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer: college grad uate, wishes position as secretary. Special training for 1'ierary work. Highest ref erences. A J .. Oregonlan. IF In need of services of a thoroughly com petent bookkeeper, experienced, rapid, ac curate, address AD 605, Oregonlan. MRS. DAVIS, dressmaking parlors; worn guaranteed; reasonable. 300 Madison. Main 2:.:. SEAMSTRESS work neatly done." Tabor 1126. B 1604. Phone WANTED Dressmaking by. the day, prlc reasonable, pnone A S'iJS. , LACfi curtains hand laundered, 8O0 pair. call, delivered. Main S 'JS. AN expert drassmaker will vtalt ladles at their homes. Ftiona A 3940. Honekeeper A GERMAN woman would like to have eod place as housekeeper, irood cook; wou.d like t-j kop house for old coupie or wid ows. Tahor 2MS. EXPERIENCED lady would like position In hotel as housekeeper or will do chamber work or waiting. Room 12. 387 Yamhill. WOMAN with best references wants posi tion to care for Invalid; good housekeeper. E Oregon laru j.ADY wishes position as housekeeper for rtspectaule gentleman. N 60S. Oregonian. WISH to keep house for honorable party with home. AH Oregoman. Aiuraee. MATERNITY nurse wants cafe will do 1 j 5 ht hounwork. Marshall 1V7. PRACTICAL nurse wants position; will do om housework. V two, urtgonian, MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse; doctors' referenoes. Main 68i7. M lacelianeoos. YOUNG woman desire concert or accom paniment work. Nine years' musical study under excellent master. Phone Marshall 2S7djrAR 608. Oregonlan.; YOUNG lady attending school wants worX for room and board after school. Address or call J. C. W., room 303 Commonwealth bldg. GilcL, wants housework In small family with afternoons oft; will assist In even lngs. Call M. 6181. WANTED Position by experienced wait ress in second-class boarding-house or ho tel. AH Oil. Oregoman WAN TED To care for children afternoon and evening by teacher with references. Phone Wooa'.Rwn HTtK COLO RKO woman wanta work Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturday. Irvlngton prefer red. ' WOMAN wanta work. 25c hour. Phone A 3i'W2. WOMAN wants work by hour, 25c phone Marshall 1Q2S. EXPERIENCED laundress wanta washing by piece or bundle. ' Phone East 6200. FEW hour' dally care bachelor's or Indy'i anartments or cieaniny. .Maranan LACE CURTAINS laundered by expert. Ta per -., A VERY good, reliable laundreS8 would like regular work. Elils. C. 10T2. LAUNDRY your holiday lace curtain now by experL Phone Woodlawn 20S4. TWO gir!s want to do regular housework. 814 N. 17th st. Phone A lS'Jtf. F I P.S T -C LA SS coiored laundry woman Fri day and Saturday. Main 7067. WOMAN wishes to take care of child at her home, pnone benwooa fov. WAXTKT? AGFvXTS. WANTED An nsent to sell our line of hall racks and toilet stands on commission. In Oregon. Washington, Montana and Utah. Address A. Keneach & Co.. Cincinnati. O. AGENT3 wanted to soil necessary article; "has Brent demand; just been patented. Call at 2S9 Crosby st AGENTS wanted for "Richmond" suction cleaners. S-o Mr. Sweeting. The McCrura Howel Co., 167 7th st. WANTED TO REST. Tfonae." " WANT to rent furnished house with hoard ers. In good locality. AS 614. Oregonlan. Apartments. WANTED lo rent c'ose-!n 4 -room apart ment, furnished ; will buy furniture for cash !f suited; Rive rental and location. H 604, Orenonlnn. Koom. WANTED By yoiii! man. furnished room In prU ate fa:nliv ; dlsirict near 'J-id and Waihlrmton st. preferred. AC 613, Ore-fL-oiiian. BUSINESS man wants completely furnished housekeeping room, Aesr. Side; state price and conveniences. O 1 Orejronian. KooTns With Board. YOUNG mnn d.:.:rt s room and board tn pri vate hoiiifl, preferably nn or near Sunny si. le line. P. O. box O.V.. ROOM and board, walking distance. 4th and Couch ; state terms, etc. O G17. Oregonlan. Business Place. WANTED Location for small lunch coun ter or coffee house; give full particulars. Address N 6!0, Ort-tronian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms.- ANGELA HOTEL. 625 WashinKton sL. opposite MuHooman Athletic Field New brick building, all modern conveniences, well regulated resi dential and family hotel: splendid accom modations for transients; convenient to the business center and the ratea are mod erato fp'enty -team he.it). Marshall li0. HOTEL FORD. 733 Washington, cor. Lu cre 1 1 a st.; now brick buliding. Just com pleted fine large outside room with tele phone service, wit h or without private baths; new and splendidly furnished; hot and cold water, steam heat; best of serv ice; very reasonable rates. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorne aves. Beautifully furnished rooms, single or en suit., with private bath; hot and cold water, steam ru?at and private phone in every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates; grill in connection; tran a'ents solicited. HOTEL SAVON. l.H Eleventh street. New, modern brick building, steam-heated, private baths, hot and cold water in rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Cnll and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. GRAND UNION HOTE S7 Fast rtiirnslde, 120 modern steam-heated rooms, close In; hot and cold running- water; rooms single or en suite; rooms, with private lath; rales 5c to fl.50 per day; $2 to 7 per week. East rP4U. B 1275. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 out side rooms, w'ith ho and cold water and steam heat; offers special rates to perma nent guests; rates BOe to 'Z per day; $3.50 and up per weelc. phone Main 3413. " SUMMIT HOTEL. 147 13th st., near Alder. In business dls. trict ; newly furnished, steam-heated rooms; a quiet, homelike place for quiet people; permanent, trnnslent; $3 per week and up. THE PF'ER HOTEL. Efst od and Burneirte. new fireproof building, steam-heated, hot anj cold water and j. hones in all rooms; private baths. lobby and parlor; elevator service; rates $3 per wee-k and up; tran sients solicited. Phone East 17L MADRAS HOTE U I2th and Washing ton. Any room In the house for J5 a week and nothing extra for two In a room; thoroughly modern. ' VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105H Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone In every room; ?1 day and nn: (4 week and up. HOTElTrENWICK An Idea! home for" bus Jness people; centrally located ; elegant rooms; ail mocWn conveniences; 7th and Tavlor sis., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite HelHg Theater. Phone Main 816. THE GLENDORA. 10th and Couch, warm furnished rooms, large parlor, piano, bil liards and pool table free to guests; $10 per month and up. THE GAT LAND. Washington and Trinity Place: hot water and phone in every room; new brick building; easy walking distance; $3.50 weekly and up. LIGHT, alrv rooms, modern, suites or single, $2 ard S3 week: five minutes walk to theater and stores; free phone. LT N r ELL HOTFTL. 32S 4TH. ARM EN I US HOTEL. 410, Mortlson Best end cheapest rooms in the city. Com and see for vourself; transients and permanent. Main 8iM). ; HOTEL BENNETT. Just opened: new furniture, every room modern, steam hesL 2J6 Taylor. TH AND WASHINGTON Stearnhea ted room", S2.50 up; room with bathroom, presiln Hotel. THE VONTGOMERY Cnr. East Morrison and East 8th, nicely furnished rooms, rea sonable. THE WEAVER. 7lO Washington, near 22d Nicely furnished outside rooms, private bath and phonea; board If desired. M S'iflL PATMR HOUSE. SWH Aider at., furnished rooms; steam heat, free baths; $2.00 and ti p per week. NORRJS HOTEL Room strictly modern; 3..";0 per week and up. I "? 17th St. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms" il moderate prices. Cor. 3d nr.d Monrjeomery. THE-Iarrabee. 227H Larrabee; under new management; modern; transient; close in. MOTEL FR -NKLJN. 13TH AND WASH. Modern rooms, $3.50 to $5 per wk. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautiful furnished hotels. HOTEL. HOTEL. HOTEL. MINOG PARSONS. ROWLANDS. X1JH 4th st. 311-4 4th st 2074 4th sL On Fourth st., running from Taylor to Salmon at. ; brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and cold water In ail rooms: strictly up to date In all resp-cxs, and at popular price. If you want something out of the ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea sonable price, give us a call, as we know you will like It. Rooms by the Hay, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTL ALDER. Beginning today HOTEL ALDER. 4tn and Alder ets.. will offer special induce ments on weekly and monthly rates to permanent guests during the Winter. Best location In the city, convenient to all theaters, stores, business district and post office. A comfortable borne, with every modern convenience. In the heart of the city. Local and long-distance telephone and coid running water in every room. The best of bellboy and elevator service day and night. Rooms singly and en suite. House thoroughly rnodrn and newly fur nlshed. Rates on application. HOTEL CAPLE3. . m Residential. o50 Tavlor. Transient. Bet. Tth and Park sts. Opposite Heilig Theater. Central, quiet. Rooms from 75c dally, with private bath, from $1 dally; special weekly and monthly rates; suites. New, handsomely furnished brick; elevator, telephone, hot and cold running water. From Union Depot "J car to Tavlor or "W" car to "th; from Hoyt-street depot. "3" car. transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2200. THE CORDOVA HOTEL, 1 1 th and Jeffer son sta. ; new brick building. Just com pleted, over 50 rooms, all with private tel ephone, steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths; newly and splendidly furnished. This hotel will cater to the home-loving, permanent tenants and will make every effort for the comfort and pleasure of Its guests; rents the most re sonable. considering furnishings and equipment in the city. Now open for In spection. 434 SALMON st., cor. 12, every modern convenience; a home for business en- Pu ml shed Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; easy walking distance, close to 5 carlines, bath, electric lights and phone. fi'k K. Main, corner 13t Phone East 4720. FINE ROOM, fine new house, fine location on Hawthorne ave. ; ladles or gentlemen; kitchen privileges if desired. Phono Tabor 3 4.13 or address A3 613. Oregonian 2 Mt'ELV furnished rooms in Piedmont, Vi Mock from St. Johns car, 2 blocks from Mississippi car, in refined family. Call at 113 Kerby St., or phone C 190. - FOR RENT Newly. elegantly, furnished room for gentlemen, with modern conveni ences, walKing distance. West Side; refer ences. M 610, Oregonlan SM ALL, clean bedroom, free phone and bath, plenty hot water. 170 North 16th; 8 minutes' walk to business center; $2 a week. LOVELY furnlBhed front room, all conven iences and breakfast for two. $12.00 each a month. Phone A 8507. NEWLY furnished room, all modern con veniences, w alklng distance, 6ti4 -4 Ev erert. HEATED, well-furnished room, DatnJ phone; suitable 2 gentlemen or man and wife. 4--H East Ankeny at. LA KGli pleasant room, suitable for two; use of piano, walking distance. 8G1 10th tftrect. . VERY desirable room In quiet home, every modern convenience, reasonable, 268 Park, near Madison. NICELY furnished room for gentleman; qutet and clean, furnace heat, electric lights, bath, phone. 700 Flanders. $2 A week, furnished room with phone, hatfc and electric light; walking distance. 4J7 Harrison st. MODERN 4 -room furnished basement apart ment for rent. S25. 21st and Irving. Phone Marshall '.t,2. NICE single room. Nob HH1 district. 10 min utes' walk, $12, gentleman only. Main 7481. NICELY furnished room for gentleman only. 720 Johnson. Phone Mah96 GOOD rooms, two blocks from Postoffice; cheap. 30S Saimon st. 2 N'CELY" furnished rooms, private family, walking distance. "V-m West Park. MOST comfortable rooms In city. 3S9 11th st.; under new management. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance. $1.73 per week. 42i 0th. 70S EVERETT ST. New three-room apartment: no childrea. FRONT room. heat. bath. 437 Larrabee, one or two young men. Phone East 303. TWO large rooms for rent, rate reasonable. Apply 5."-0 Hoyt st. Marshall l-.r8. BEAUTIFULLY' furnished rooms In good home; references. 738 Johnson at. DESIR BLE rooms, close In ; prices mod erate? references. 26 7th st.Maln l03U. STEAM "heat," hot and cold water in rooms. 163 17th, cor. Morrison. SMALL bedroom. $1.75 per week; 5 North 18th fU FURNISHED rooms, modorn conveniences; walking distance. 2 14th st. Main 3803. SEVERATwell-fuiished rooms from $2.-0; phone. 655 Washington. Rooms With Board. DOES a home appeal to you? Th Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison; large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close In, near, car, 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 23d year. Rooms with board, use of sewtng-roorn. Horary. 510 Flanders. F. N. Heaih. supt. NICELY furnished front room, with first class board for 2 Eastern gentlemen pre ferred. 62 N. isi. ELEGANT room, facing Park, reasonable; can accommodate two boarders. "74 Park. CHOICE single room with board. 88 N. 17th, one block from Washington. BOARD and room 300 Jefferson. Cae Rota. RoumWltli Board in Private Family. NICE, clean, airy room, with board, home privileges and home cooking; bath, phone, all conveniences; easy walking dlstanco. 5th st. Marshall 726. ROOM and board in comfortabls modern f :at, new and clean, good home cooking. Fine location, furnace. 47ra Cth sL A S7.v. Very reasonable. NICELY' - furnished room for one or two gentlemen, with or without board; fine lo cation and reasonable; all modern con veniences. ISohn 16th st., near Yamhill. ROOM and board for two gentlemen, near two carlines. modern conveniences. 611 East Couch. Phone B 2205. NICE furnished rooms and board In pri vate family, home cooking. No. 20 East ' 15th st. Phone East 4631. WILL care for boy of school ago in my home, located near school. 5012 45th ave. S. K. FRONT room with board, private family, Hano and laundry privileges. 531 E. 30th st cor. Ellsworth, Richmond can NICELY furnished room, with board, for a gentleman; Scandinavian preferred. 11 10th st., bet. Stark and Rurnside. VERY desirable large front room, excel lent board, near 74 Hoyt, cor. 23d. Mar shall 2820. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, every thing modern, walking distance. Call B 1 22.' WE have a nice room for two or three with li'rst-'lass board, all ronvmimces. 27." N. 24th St., cor. Overton at. Marshall S05'J. ROOM with or without breakfasts for one or two gentlemen with references; private family. Phone MarahaM 33sw. PLF SANT rooms, sliiK'e or aoubie; good board- 656 Glisan St. NICE place for two youns men; home cook ing and all conveniences. Call B 8087. ta E alcove room, furnace heat, beat of table board. Phone Main 2071. fdrw1' furnished room for two, with or wlth ou hoard. 204 East 15th at'. COMFORTABLE side room with pood board; reasonable for one gentleman. 5U1-4 Davis. 63WASHINGTON ST., room and board; rates reasonable. . Apartment. ONE very dcslrab1 modern six-room apart- j ment, tho SC Clair, 715 Wayne at. Phone VI -In Main 90. GRACE Apts., 24 th and North rup sts., F room apt., front veranda and sleeping nrivate nhone. hot water heat. BRAlNTREE Elegant five-room apart ment West Side, walking distance, rent reasonable. Main 7741. 205 12th st. THE LOVEJOY. 17th and Lovejoy. and 8 room newly furnished apartments. Main 215. THE MARLBOROUGH 21st and Flanders; I warning - .-! 7516. n AND 3-room modem, nicely furnished apt., reasonable. 700 Everett st. TH E Kfng-Davis corner King ar.d Davl& One very nice 3-room; re'erertcea. MODERN 4-room apt. and sleeping porch. Bryn Mawr. 185 East 15th, near Yamhill. FLAT "A. 540 Washington street Steam hat Phone Marshall 452. fjCONCE Modern apts.; Nob Hill district; convenient to 2 carlines. 180 22d st. N. HOUSMAN APARTMENTS. 730 Hoyt St. Elegantly furnished 3 and 4 -room apart ments, strictly modern, with built-in re frigerator, electric cookers, gas range, pri vate phone and bath; also sleeping porch; referenoes required. Main loo2. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.j this new 4-s:ory brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2, 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric, automat lo elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing dcsK, gas range. Ice box, pientv of closet room, both phones, vacuum clVaner free to patrons. It you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phones A 1744. Marshall 2001. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS Trinity Place, between 10th and 20ta. Just off WashinKton. Just finished; most magnificent apart ments on the Pacific Coast; location Ideal; rentals reasonable ; every modern con venience; h:h-ci:s service; references required, phone Marshall 502 THE VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Just completed, most magnificently fur nished apartments in the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof garden; both phones in all apartments; high-class service; references required. PHONE A TOBT. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14 th and Colura bla, 4 blocks south from Morrison st.; new brick building, completely flrst-clas. furnished in 2, 8 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam beat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner. Janitor service; rent per month. $28, $30 (one J..5 for $42). Must b Men to b ap preclated. THS DEZENDORF. 20 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. Theee elegant 0-room unfurnished apart ments, situated In the heart of th city, within lo minutes' walk of the buatea center. Apply on premises for reservations. THE EVERETT 644 Everett st. New and elegantly furnished apart ments; S rooms, reception hall and sleeping-porch; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located in one of the choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant homes; walking dis tance. LTJCRETIA COURT, unfurnished, a olaa by themselves. See them. Lucrotla at-. near 23d and Wash.. 2 to B rooms, all large, light and outside; large closet and baths; hardwood floors, free phone In each apt. Phone prop, and mgr. Mar shall 152'J. Janitor. Marshall 1500. MEREDITH. t. J, 4, 5-room furnished apartments)! elegantly furnished; walking distance; rea sonable. Si'd and Wash. sts. Main 713. THE IRVINGTON. 'Beautiful new building In th heart of Irvlngton, excellent car service. 5 rooms, sleeoing porches, hardwood floors, fire places, tile bath, large closets, hot water neat; rent $45. F. E. BOWMAN CO.. E. 22J and Biazee. E. 035. C 2SZX JULIAETTE APARTMENTS. 2d and Mont gomery; now ready ; private phones, dis appearing beds, water coll. refrigerator, steam heat, modern laundry and dryer, latest system of ventilation; rent $20 to $-2S. Also Iris. 3d aud Mill; 4 and 5 rooms. $30 to S0. ORLANDO APTS.. 2-Oth and Washington, 2 and 3-room furnished apartments; ev ervthing strictly high-class; private bath ari phone, steam heat, automatic eleva tor, within easy walking distance of busi ness district; references required. Phone Marshall 184. UPSHUR APARTMENTS, 2th and Upshur. Thoroughly modern 8-room unfurnished apartment. o2:: 4 rooms, $22.50, facing the court; thta Includes shades, steam, heat, hot and cold water, gas ranges, pri vate Pacific telephones and janitor service. Apply on premises. IONIAN COURT. 570 Couch, 1 block from Washington st. on ISth st.; tel. Main 1102; 3 and 4-room modern apartments, steam heat, electrlo elevator, hot and cold water, telephone and Janitor acrvice. Apply of manager. reference required. CUMBERLAND APTS., West Park and Co lumbia sta., 1 choice 3-room unfurnished apartment, vacant Dec. 1; all modern con veniences; choice location; only 5 minutea walk from the business district. Apply to manager. - THE CHELTENHAM. 155 19 lh st.. cur. North rup. Nob Hill district. Just completed. Splendidly and CDmpletely furnished; offers very attrac tive 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; prices $30 to $50. Mar. 'JS3S. , WINSTON APARTMENTS, 341 14th St.. near Market New corner brick, ready for oc cupancy December 1. All bright, outside rooms; two and three-room suites com pletely furnished for housekeeping. $25 to, $37.50. For information Main 1739 or 320. PAGE APARTMENTS. East Eighth and Hurnslde Sts. Beautiful 2 and 8-room furnished or un furnished apartments; strictly modern, and free telephone; cheapest in the city; walk Ins distance. . ELEGANTLY furnished four-room apart ment. Including piano. In one of the best apartment buildings In the city, close in. West Side; every modern convenience. Phone Main 4H'S. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson sts.. walking distance' finest apartment in Northwest; 4 and 5 rooms; every convenience; free phone; all outside. duyll?ht rooms. Apply on prem ises, or call Marshall H300. SHEr'FIELD APARTMENTS. 7th and Jef ierson sts-' a 4-room apartment with bath, two sleeping compartments, 40 unfur riFhed, or newly furnished for $5i50. Bt st of service, unoxcelled location, five minutes' walk from P. P.; outside rooms. KEKLER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay Sts. One of the finest 4-room suites ra ths city unfurnished; electric elevators, prl vrue VcFtih'ile; phone and bath: $18. THE MORDAUNT December 1 we will have one four-room with large reception hall for rent' IStii and Evtrett, opposite Chris tian Scientist Church. Phonea Main 6940, A 1001. . ORDERLEIGH APARTMENTS. 82 Grand Ave., cor. East Stark. NIe!y furnished two and three-room, irarlmen's. modern, prices reasonable; walking distance. Phone East 800. CECI Ta A P ART MEN T S, 2 2 d and GHsaa sts best of service; desirable location, with unexcelled car service, also easy walking distance; 8-room apt., with bath, modern conveniences, very reasonable rent. THE'bJE L L A N D."l 0th and Lovejo- 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, strictly modern, brand new, $;lu, $35 and $40, In cluding phone, heat and water. Phone A 1807 or .Main 1M17. THE M'KINLEY. 429 E. Morrisorh corner of 7th, 2, 8 and 4-room apartments, furnished up to date; private baths, moderate price, new tn'gL TH 1 i E E-P.OOM private apt., porch and bath, completely furnisiied. sewing machine, electric, iron, silver, linen, etc. : price $35. St. Croix. Apt. No. 33. Main 8074. " THE CAM A R. 7U4 Lovejoy St. Beautiful two, three and four-room apts., furnished and unfurnished. THE SOUTHAMPTON. 411) Hall St. One Tinfornls'ied, one furnished, strictly flrst-claj-s. A 2048. HaIT'FhORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th St., near Main An eieyant 3-room apt., with private balcony, every modern conven ience. $37.50; two sleeping compartment. " THE NORTHAMPTON. " 407 Hall st, 2 2-room furnished apartments, strictly . modern. Main 420l. ST. CROIX APARTMENTS. 170 St. Ciair; 2 nicely furnished 3-roora apartments and one unfurnished 3-room apartment; free phone In each apartment. ST FRANCIS APARTMENTS. 21t and Hoyt; 4-room apartment with private bal cony; very desirable and convenient in every way and reasonable rent. " THE WKSTFAU 410 5th Furnished and unfurnished, strictly modern a 1 aiimenta; walking dis tance; prices reasor.aoie; no cnuuren. THE CHETOPA ANNEX. IPth and Flanders 2. 3 and 4-room modern apartments. furnishec. and unfurnished: nw furniture, new building. Applyto janitor. 534 COUCH ST., 1 block from Wnshinerton. 2 desirable outside rooms, suitable for 1 or 2 people, slei'.m heat, running- water, electric lights, closet. well furnished. ' THE JEFFERSONIAN. ' Cheapest modern two and 3-room apts. In city ; walking distance. 614 Jefferson. GUILD APTS.. one 3-room, $22.50; one 4 room. $23; bet. 23d and 24th. Thurman and Vaughn. ' THE BOYLE APARTMENT?. 2 and 8-room apartments, furnished and tinfurnlyhed. il." Lovejoy. Take W car. $25 SUNLIGHT Apts., elegantly furnished ft rooms; modern. 1203 Belmont. Tabor 1768. 6-room apartment, every modern conveni ence, bet. 2 carlines. Cor. 22d Johnson. THE ELMS 2 and 8-room apartments, fur nished. 101 14th st. Main 0444. X