e K THE MORNING OREGOyiAN. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1911. 13 V 15 Pilots Without Branches Say Federal License Enough. STATE BOARD POWERLESS Threat of Oregon Pilot Coniml mUslonrrs That Prosecution Would Tollow Non-Compliance Not Carried Oul. At tie last meetlnjr of the Oregon Board of Pl.ot Commissioner a resolu tion ii adopted that was Intended to affect those pliota who are doing busi ness within Its jurisdiction without caving received a branch from the commission. At tha same time It waa announced that unless these made ap plication and secured branches they would be prosecuted under tha stata law. 81nea that tlma none of tbeaa pilots has applied for license and no suits have been filed against them. A sim ilar threat Is made every few jeers w'th tha same result, and liml.ar con dlt'ons elt In nearly every s'ata In tha union that claims Jurisdiction over pilots. Those who have no branches ar. licensed pilots by the United States Inspectors of the district, and they as sert that this Is sufficient and con tend that the stata haa no r!ht to In terfere with them In the discharge of their duties under Federal direction. At tha same time there Is no question but what the Federal Government has ex clusive Jurisdiction over navigable waters. Also In support of this It Is ttiotn that If a pilot Is chanced with njr misuse of his occupation It Is the Oovernmnt Inspectors who decide as to his guilt or Innocence and Inflict the peaalties. over which a stata board has Ttr concurrent Jurisdiction. What authority the state board actu altr has is vet to be discovered al thnurh tt holds monthly meetings "and rubm.ts occasional reports to the Sec retary of State and explain how It -ends the biennial appropriation. Lonrnhorrniiin If Injured. M. Luttmar.n waa quite seriously In jured yesterday morning while asalst- trr In loadtna lumber on the British steamship Kumerlc. which Is taking on a cirtro of flour and lumber at the Portland Flourtnr Mill dock. As a sllna of lumber was being hoisted It slipped and fell on I.uttmnnn. breaking his ntrht les; at the ankle and It Is be lieved that Internal lnjurli-a will devel op. The police patrol boat waa sum moned and the man carried away and later sent to Ms home at 119 Hast Ninth street. I.uttmann has been hav ing a series of hard luck recently as h: home was completely destroyed bv lire a few months aao. then being laid up with a pa'ntul Illness for some time ar.d now comes his present accl- rrt. He Is a mem her of Local No. of the Longshoremen's Union. Toledo Again Has Ilonf Service. TOLrno.( Wjsh . Nor. I. (Special.) -'.win t" trie r!.e In the waters of the rowiii; !;ter InrMent to the recent -. m. Tiietlt ac&in has boat eervtee. Tv.e rte-trrer I'r.rMer I. now making Irs u;il Winter scheduled run. Cap tain J. II. 1'eck Is In chsrge of tha iViirr. The resumption of the boat ervtre between Portland and Toledo w .1 be a great advantage to tha only l.vrl County town that enjoys river t-an"r-rtatlon. as It mill enable the marketlnc of an Immense tonnage of train frm the fertile Cowlltx Valley f.rrrn. Xew fcorm Fine to o l"p. The Weather. Pureau has adopted an additional marine warning to be known as the "mull craft warning" to notify the owner of fHh'.ng. towing, motor ar.d yarht'n craft of the approach of a strong wind thst might Interfera with the safe operation of small Tea aels. This will go Into effect I'ecem ler 1 and will consist of a red pennant flown from the fUKstaffs. which will slvnlfy high winds that would not Jus tify the issuance of a regular storm warning. Winter Fcijrs Appear. A heavy fog haa hung over tha river fir the past two days, extending down a far as the Pkamokawa channel. It la the first of any consequence of tha year and from now on they may be expected periodically. Tast experience haa taught that the first heavy fog of tha Winter lasts for three days, but thereafter rhr ara of a shorter dura tion. h!pp'ng haa been delayed some what around the mouth of tha Wil lamette, but no accidents of any kind have been reported. Marine Notes. The steam schooner Tamalpals la loading lumber at the North I'aclflo Mill for San Pedro. The gaeollne schooner Tillamook sailed last night for Tillamook with a full freight but no .passengers, Tha steam schooner Yellowstone sailed last night from Ft. Helens for San Francisco with a cargo of lum ber. The steam schooner Fxcelslor arrived yesterday from Sun Francisco and Is discharging freight at the Oak-street dock. Tha oil tank steamer Maverick ar rived yeeterday from California with a cargo of gasoline for the (standard Oil Company. Tha steamer Roanoke arrived last ntght from Han I'edro and San Francis ro villi a large fre'arht but her pas senger list was small. The steamer Oeo. It. Vosburg ar rived yesterday from Nehalem with a barge containing T&.000 feet of lumber for tha Northwestern Door Company. Tha steamer Breakwater arrived last n'ght from Cooe Uay wltii freight and passengers and reports severe weather oft the coast during Saturday night. The British steamship Kumerlc. whlrh Is loading tluur and lumber for tha Orient, will be shifted ths morning from the I'ortland Klourtn Mill dock to the Alblna dock to finish. Captain Fd S-Illvan. who recently broke his right arm by a fall at As toria. Is back at work again. He fell through an open street hatch to the r-earh. li) feet below, and had a narrow ry-ape from death. Movements of Veela. ATOr.IA. Nov. 2 Condition at the moutn of tha river al i P. M . amooth; wind aat. tv mile.: weather c:oo!r. A r rt-J at and ! 't u;. al A. M lt.am.r -rn'. from sn Pranciero. Arrived at 9 and lJt uo at . A. M Steamer Hoanoke. f oru riae l.o and mr porta. Arrived at t 1 1 A. M a-, t ln i ar 3 p. M itamer r.re.kwat.r. from Par .!! at 11 y. steamer Sh ..rtona. for Man r'raacta .o. ateamer a'na. f r I.oa Ar.elaa. Ar -1d at roon liini'i ak C"nay Ca.tle. f-om ie:v.rr. taid at I IO P. M. Staamar iuti. for ner Pranei.co. Arr ved at a P M ermaa bark titalnbek. from fa-ra Poaaila. !"ao rvunvn. Not. f Ar-1v at S P. V Steamer Koae City, from Iran Padro; at NOTICE IGNORED Fldr. from Port it until sreamer Iteer. from Portland. flailed last night si.aiK.r Feirheven. for Port;and. ct Per. Nov. M Arrived eiaaraer Al liance, from F'ortlaad. Los Arrl-a ?ov. I Arriv.d Tsnoe. frm Ore li.rr.or. San Grl. from I ml ik fliv.r. hei'ed riKtadr. f"v an Kran r .io ; (laata riarbara, fr Oraje Habor: To eetnlte. for Portland. . n-ett!e. Nor. !. Arrive Jla Pack man, from Pan rrtarlico; et.aioer Oclpe. from Taroma: a'eamer VK-roria, from Ta oma: steamer Prlnr. Rtjpert. from Prlnre Kui-ert. schooner Edard R. Wnl, from N-wcas'la. V. W. Hllel Sreamer H"n-lu.-n. for Monol'.ilu: steamer Tallar-. for fir erett; e:amer Parta Kit. fr Fan Fran- STEAMEB IvrTIXJCECE. Do ta Arrive. Name. From Data Kom.rlc Manila In port fc.ar fu I'edre .. la port poa-ioke Ban Fnarleee la port Breakwater. ...Coos Bar.... In port See H. Elmore, 'i Memoes... Nov. -n Cod. a Gate. . Tillamook. ... Nov. 17 arvu. .. ...... .rtandon Nov. -T Fa eon ....... aa Dleso... Nov. " Row CH; ban Pedr.. . . N"v. Al.iaace Eureka Hec. I Filter San Pedro.... Iec. Ceo. W. Elder. .San D1.se... Pec. Srbedaleel U Depart. Name. Oo'.dea date.. Hoc H. Elmore. Pear breakwater.... ABV.I P. eneke. Kumfrlc. Falcon. . ...... Poa City Al.'lanee r.eo. w. Elder. . Beaver For Tillamook. Tillamook.... ?aa Pedro. .. Cooe Bay. .... Pea (toe. ..... San Dle-re. . . . Vanila Fan Fraoetsce faa Pec re. . . Furaka. ..... ran ti.ce. ... Baa Pedre. ... Data. Nov. 2 Nov. 31 Nov. H Nov. 2i Nov. 2i Nov. : Nov. SO Dec. 1 Dec. S I'.o. 4 rec Dec. S elaee; steamer Prinoe Rupert, for Prtnce Rupert. Tldea at Aatovla Xoaday. UIiIl T 6 t A. M feet ll:" A L..' e.I P. M l feet 11 J p. M... .4 4 feet .1.0 feet PUBLIC MARKET RUSHED BCIMU.XG TO BE READY MAY 1ST, SAYS PROMOTEII. I'ncler One Roof Iepartments W1U He Kmbraee4l Which Will Supply Wide Range of ProTtkns. Embodying every feature found In the most modern public markets In the world, the Portland public market which Is to be built by H. 8. Warren A Co.. of Iietrolt. will be ready for oc cupancy May 10. declared Will IL Walker, the local representative, yes terday. "With over half the space for our market already subscribed for and leased. Portland has shown that there Is a real and vital demand for apubllo market that can embody under one roof tha elementa of competition. quality and price." said Mr. Walker. "Edible commodities and their quality present to the public the most Important problem of the day. This Is the problem we hope to solve with our market. Mora than half tha stock for tha public market which Meaare. Warren are building baa been subscribed In I'etrolL Tha building proposed Is seven stories and a basement, only the base- ent and the first floor to be devoted to the purposes of a market. Among the unusual features prom ised are a central delivery system. elaborate showcases and a ventilating scheme which will replenish the air every eight minutes. The site at Fifth. Sixth. Fine and Ankeny streets has been secured already and work will be ruahed. the plans having been already prepared and approved. Over 1,000 square feet will be available for tha market stalls. INDIANS SHOWN ON FILMS Xew Rill at People's Theater Inter- eats Audience. At the People's Theater yesterday tha management for tha first tlma put on an Indian feature and tha thrilling adventure therein portrayed pleaaed tha audience. Tha actual Ufa of tha real cowboy was Interesting. "A Blind Deception" was a combination of com edy and pat hoe. while "An Innocent Burglar" mildly amused by complica tions arising over mistaken Identity. Mclvor sang a pleasing new rag song, while alias Brown for tha first tlma used a splendidly Illustrated song of tuneful melody. The Star Theater featured "Home. a Thanksgiving picture which had In It the odor of new-mown hay. "Tha Lost Necklace" treated a new theme and three other film subjects made up good pictorial entertainment. The trio sang In fine style "The Creole Love Cong." and ths turn was liberally applauded. "The Night Herder" top-lined tha show at the Arcade Theater and was sufficiently thrilling to satisfy. "Vane's Temptation" told anew the atory of the Jealoua lover tempted to overthrow hla rival by foul means, who relents at the last moment and saves Instead of destroying. "His Brother's Double furnished the merry end or tne Dili. Wilson's song waa new and cleverly rendered. At the Oh Joy Theater. The Ranch man's Daughter" provided a Western drama of unuaual strength and power. "At the Stroke of Twelve" waa vastly Interesting and "Getting Married'" brought out the laugha. Standard new bills met with approval at tha Tlvoll and Crystal theatera on tha Eaat Side. Swedish Society Meets. The IJd anniversary of tha Swedish Society Unnrt waa held Saturday night at Unnea Hall in Irving street, and an Interesting programme was given. The anniversary address was delivered by WUlam Sunden. who reviewed the history oi the organisation. xno ad dress of welcome waa given by w II- helm M. Johnson. Vocal numbers were sung by Mrs. Fred La. Olson. Knute Kkman and Fred Holm. Instrumental urn" era were given by Miss t-thel Nel son. Miss Modesta Mortenson. After tne programme there was dancing. The committee In charge of tha celebration comprised Charles X Foleen. Theodore nderson. Edward J. Uraba. barauel Holm. Oscar N. Linde. I1AILT atETEOKOLOGlCAl. REPORT. PORTLAND. Nov. 24. Vaxlmum temper ature, 41 decrees ; minimum. decrees. Klver readme, a A. M-. .s real; mange in aat 21 hours. .3 root rail, i oral rainra;i is 1. M. to S P. M 1. none, total rainfall alnce aepiember 1. Ivll. 9 79 tncnee; normal raln- r.:l atnee pepremfer I, ll.u? incnee; aeri ic-y or rainfall alnce Mpttraixr i. ivn. 2-.to In.-hee. Total eunehtne. none: poesible sur.ahlne. s hours. Barometer (reduced to sea r.l. at i P. M.. 30.4 laches. WEATHER CONDITIONS, a a alon anted depreaelon ovarllee the central portion of the United Btattt. wtta rout h extandlne from AMsoaa to Ontario. and bich preeaure obtains In the floutheaat and In tha Northweat, wberw a larce hlco praasure field haa moved Inland, beinc cen tral Ihlv eTealne ovar Cittern Waahlnaton a'id Southern Prlrlah Columbia. Precipita tion, eenerallv Itehf. haa occurred In Interior Ue.tera Oregon. I'tah. Idaho. Bntlah Co lumt'la. Alberta. Saskatchewan. Manitoba, the Northern tlalne and plateau statea. and In the Ijika reel 's and St. I-awrene Valler. The weather l much colder In Interior Nirthweetern Oregon. FT. tern XVaahknclon. VCeetern Canada. Northern Idaho. Montana. Wyoming Co.orado and the western portions of tha rakotas and Nehraaaa. It Is warmer In that eeiion of the country eaet of a line drawn from New Mexico to Lake Soperior. P. af- meanier , land. Arrtnl 11 I- AMrErrTyT T HOKUM ITS RirPlNO Hril f THEATER CilLil VJ 7th and Taylor Pbenes: Mala 1 and A 1111. Tonlxht S: 14 Tomorrow Xaht. John ort Preaenta the Ir Imltable English Comedian. LAWRANCE D'ORSAY In the Comedy Success. -THE E.tRL OP PAWTrCKET" Ixjver floor. $1.60. 1.0O; balrooy. rows 11.00. e. ro.a 7 11 rows iwc: al lery. 60c. SEATS NOW SELLING. JiEAT fiAIJE OPENS TOMORROW, 10 A. M. 'Hetlla- Theatre. LAMBARDI GRAND OPERA CO Bealos Thanksgiving llaj. Thnr. Ml.. Nov. SO t-orla. Thnr. Kve., Nov. Mme. Butterfly, t rldav Kve.. Iec. 1 Thai.. INit. MaU. Hen. t Klxnletta. Sat. F.te. ( aiallerla and Pag'larrl. Mio. Ke.. IHT. 1 l hal. Moo. F.ve., ixe. t -anieon and Ttelllaa. Tne. Ilia, Ilee. 1 hnlv Wed. Met.. Iee. Mme. Bntterfly. W rd. x.e Irec a ( araeo. US People S3 Orchestra Evening Prlreet Lower floor. $2.oo. 1 6: balcony. I rowa. J1.50; 6 rows. II. oo: 8 rowe. 7Se: a rows ao: irallarr. ra.-rved. 75c; admis sion. 80c: box seats. 2.S0. Prices for All Matlneea. Loan floor. II Bo. II 00; balcony, 8 rowa. lion, 6 rowa 76c 11 rowa 60c; gallery, reserved and admliilon, 60c; box seats, 12.00. IrPORTANT Not more than aeats sold to one person for any alngle performaaoe. a i.jm op kubelik; if I A IT I Wednesday Evening, lUXlellle Hrlllg Theater. Inrertlon m w Steers-Coman. I nnoTT pricks lUUdV 3. IS.0O. Il.til. Boxes r 14.00; locea. 3 00. MAIN' , A lfWO kMATINEK K KRT DAT 15-JS-51 VjGHTS THEATER is-km-tso Mr, fiardntf-r Crane and rorapanr la the fwe, Tt. I.Htl (iinlam.' by Mm. Gard ner frnop; ThiMM l-'our trtainvr2 ra rrt Iiall7: Hortn La Trifka; fnnnlnc bani Maiioa; .Mollie and INvllle Kln; KHch Kvrnao. Cnenaalled Taodevllle. The Re Comedy Cirrus, Morris and Sher wood. I-eo and .Mabel Itooaberty, Mr. Charles .lhha, Mr. Jamea Kkernan at Co., Ileldlng arloe. Paatacearope. J'opolar pricea. Mat inee dally. Week-day curtains, I: JO, 1:14 and S. B Ferr t SnIIUan - Keftned Veiiderllle. WrFTK NOVEMBER 1 The Trtephone t.lrl" and Kdward Blmherg, Iternard and Arnold, la erne Burtorr'a Playera. Boriot and t iara, KenncUy and Wllllania, Moodane phllllpa, Lnlct UeU "Oro, Oranil.aoope. t'ricoa l&e nod iiao. LYRIC THEATER t'Ol'RTH AM PTAKK The Keating Flood Mostcal Comedy Co. Presenting THE JOY KIDtRS Performsoees tightly. 7:30 and 9:15. Pricea 15e and 2S-. Matinees dally st 3 "0; any seat lie. KTIday night. Chorua Olrla- Con- teat. ThankegWlng uay. Kpenai rmoru. tnrea. N.it ween, "In pay Parle." ExceDt tn Colorado and Waiters Montana. di'parturas below the ecaaonal average are generally not Important. Conditions are favorable for generally fair and cool weather Monday throughout this dlatrlct. It will be cooler eaat of the 4 a.oe.le Mountalna. Aortneasteriy winaa will obtain, FORBCA8T3. Portland and vicinity Pair; northwesterly wlnda. imnii and Washington Fair: cooler east portion; northeaat to eaat wlnde. latneriir, poi't. THfcODORE F. DRAKE, Acting District Forecaster. Cars Crush Brakeman DangraiH THE DALLES. Or, Nov. 16. (Spe cial.) Caught and crushed between two cars. John Dungan.. a nraaeman for Twohy Mros., the railroad con tractors, was critically Injured yester day near Grants, Or. Pianos rented, IS and 14 per month; free drayage. Kohler & Chase, J7S Washington street. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROT AL ARCANUM, meets at K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder atreeta. the second and fourth Monday cf each month at 8 P. M. Vlaltors cor dially welcomed. P. Lloyd Cover, Secretary, at Union eve. g, HARMON1 F. A A M. V. tiona thla Li f'VV 8 and 8: HARMONT LODGE. No. 12. A. -Fpet-tal communlca- (Monday) evening at .30 o nock, work in K. A. and M. M. degrees. Vialtlng brethren welcome. W. M. vita UN. becretary. a -WILLAMSJETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. P. AND A. M. Special r'raT evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work In F. c decree. vialtlng bretnran welcome. W. S. WEEKS. Eeeretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER. No 14. O. E. 8 ritated meeting this (Monrlay) evening. Eaat Sib and Burn.. da. Social. Or der W. M. BELLE RICHMOND. Sec. HT. HOOD TENT. NO. IT. K. O. T. M. Meeta In the Kelltng-Hlrach building. Sirtu Washington street, every Wedneeday night. DIED. HIBBEN" Maude Atcheaon Illbben. In this city, elovember 2a. beloved wife of N. T. Hlbben. of Edilyvllle. Or. Remains at Dunnlur a UcEntea parlors. Funeral no tice later. STRODE In this city. November 2. at St. Vincents Kop'tal. Blanche Ethel Ftrode, ace 2e eara 2 rcntha. beloved wife of Pred A. rltrode, 1 8 -.e Rodney ave. IXNERAL NOTICE. Ittn In thle city, November 23, at the boma of hla si. tar, Mrs. E. li. Colwall. 873 Corbett at., Jamea 11. Teed, egad 87 years 8 montha. Prienda Invlred to attend fu neral aervtces. which will ha held at tbe re.tden-e of hla sister. Mrs. E. B. Coi. well. 73 Corbett at Tueaday, November ;. at 1:30 r. M. interment Greenwood femete-y. p-rviea at the prava private. 1UIITII M.OKAL Cl, MAItllt'AM Ill-DC. I1AIUIL HKMt.NH, phone.:. Mala 5101; A 1108. Ironnlna MrKntee. Funeral Dlrertere, 7th aad line. 1'bone Main Lady ae al.tant. Oftlce of onnty C orooer. A. K- II.LI KR CO.. 884 William, sea pnaneEaat I una. C lUaH. I-ady altandanu EIWAKI HOI-MAN CO.. Funeral Klrevtl era. I-e 2d at. LadyaaaUtant.l'hone M. ft7. i.P. FINI-ET a HON.3d aadMadlaeak lady attendant, pbone Mai n 8. A loea. EAtT MIK funeral lrlrectore, eoceeaaers UP. 8. Panning. Inc. E. 82. B tits. I.F.Kf H. t nderlaker cor. Faat Alder and Clxln. Faat 7S1. at 1888. Ladjr eaalslaaC f aiatlnee Cverr Dev. Impress J B Formerly tjrane, W SnIIUan A Coe.ldlae, ACCTIOX BALES TODAT. At Wllaoa a Auction House, at IS A. M. Furniture. 171-3-3 Second .treat. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally er Sunday. Per Una. One time Heme ad two eonaecntlve times e Same ad tnree eonaecuUve Unci...... Je bame ed ala ee aevea eoaaeeuuve lunee. . . see Kemittaacee most accompany eut-of-towa erdera. Whew one advertlaemeat le not run tn eoe aerutlve Uanee tke one-time rate applies. biz worde count aa one Une ea CU ad vertlaemrnta and no ad counted for leae than two llnee. On charge er book adverttarmente the rharce will be baaed ea the actual number ef llnee appearing In Ibe paper, regaxdleae af the aumtirr of words la ea 0 Una. la New Today all advertlaemeaU are rbaraea by gaeaaure eauy, aa uma lacn. Mtoatlona Wanted. Male. klftietl.ina U.nted. pemale. Ike ebove rate, apply te ndverrleemeote nndrr "New Todwy- and all otuer ciae.mc llone exceotlnc tlze followlog: Oregonlan will accept claaalfled advertlae snenta ever the telephone, providing the ad vertiaer la a aubarriber to either phone, e pricre will be quoted over t"e plione, but bill will be rendered tbe following day. Whether eubeequeot drertl.emanta will be accepted ever the phone dependa upon the proruptneaa of tne pavniaiii oi irii- ..MU.MMI. hltn.iinB Wanted ana Per- eonal advertlaemrnla will not be accepted ever the telephone. Orders for one In sertion only will be accepted foe '-Uoueee for Kent. Furniture, for hale." "Buslnees tipportuoiilea." "Boomlng-nousee aad -HlDtm to atenc OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OITTCE CITT HALT. Mala 5SS, A 788. Ill MANE OH-lCi.K. Bergennt vrmiw. Heildance. 24 E. X4th N. Ka.t 4178. T A n.inmlM R.a. HltA WaSCO Bt. W. O. Eaton. Baa 73 E. 6th. East 11U Horae Ambulance. A 6101. Pr. Ex. 4. Nlchu. Sundays and Holidays. A 8183; Fa. fc.x. a. l run a i. XEW TODAT. ocii 1325,000 was paid a few days ago for lees than half block on itmnui, Deu 7th and Park: sts. We can make a price on half block. 100x200 feet, with in 2 blocks of this property, ana equal ly well located, of almost half this amount. This Is one of the best Wwt Side propositions In Portland. Let us show you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Mala S.1 102 Fonrth M. IRVINGTON Thirty-Second and Tillamook Ms. Beautiful home, just completed. 1-arge reception-room, living-room with fireplu--e. dlnlnir-room paneled, massive buffet; kitchen perfect in detail: four lnrpe bedrooms, tiled bath and sleeping-porch; full cement basement, furna.-e, Bliades. chande liers, etc Kvery convenience. Street Improvements In and paid; 8135,000 flreprof school one block. SfiOOO TKIt MS. DR. (iEOHurl PAItltlMI. Kaat DEAD Laurelhurst Is not a dead Issue. Over 1100.000 worth of property sold slnco October x. GRIEF The only enre for srrlef Is action. Act on this now. Choice lturelhurst corner lot, 3x100. Prloa 11650. HAPPINESS ' 6ee this, enother dandy: Well locat ed lot for (1360. MR. ALLI'O.tr. Main 1503 ar A 1315. 19 13 Grand Trunk pacific R. R. will be eora cletad. Bur now. Brltlih Columbia farm lands. Pricea are going up We are eelllng land in tn tsuiaioy auej. run unui ro, Fraaar Vailey country and the Nechaco Val ley. Write for booklet on thla laat and best Weet. Addreis North Coaat Land Company. Ltd. 1017 t'hamber of Commerce bldg., Port land, phone Main 3267. Main office, Van couver, II. C. Paid-up capital, 81.600, OOP. COLLIS. BERRIDGR ar THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 824 Vtorreater lllock. Phone Muln Mortgage Loans SyS For the Leaser Amounts. KDWAKU kS. GOtUKI, Lela Uulldlac. MORTGAGE LOANS ClOf JOHN E. CRONAN, ncf J O UX kpaldlua lllda V REAL ESTATE IIEAURS. Park. William Q.. 815-314 Falllnc bldg. URCBAKER A BENEDICT. &u2 McKay bldg. M. 648. Chapln at Herlow, 8S2 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. Co.. 60S Corbett bldg. Jennings at Co. lialn 188. 208 Oregonlan. PALM KH-JONt;8 CO.. U. 4O4-4O&-408 Wilcox bldg. Tbe Oregon Heal Estate Co., Grand ave, aad nlullnomah at- Holladay Addition). S. REAL ESTATE. For 6ale Lota. I HAVE to leave town; 1 have two of the choicest view lots In Council Crept: I will sell 8300 below tha market; 8200 caah, balance four years, 6 par cant; all Im provements are in, straut paved. T 616, llregonlan. WEST SIDri LOTS 810U Rlght on carllna, uiTer Washington St., adjoining City Park. Weat HUtu and Yam hill. National Realty & Trust Co., 723 Chamb-r of Commerce. Main 6129. 60x114 LOT. Kaat 60th at., on Hawthorne carllne; fronting eaat; Ideal building spot; flna realdenca on either aide; 5u0 wilt handle. Apply 701 Spalding bldg.. Port land. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN 50100 corner, absolutely level, on lower Port land Heiifhts: most exclualve nalglibor- inot.a ; vailini numuta. iiuymtvmiuii in. 84000. O 1H. Oregonlan. 8200 CHEAPEST and beat 50x100 lot In Portland: Bull Run water, graded atreeta. Rose City cara; forced aale. AL 6o0. Ore gonlan. 6AC R I PICE tract 210x201. nice home site: or could be platted in six good lota; 8 loo caah. balance IH"0; own lenna. Bin.. 3'.S 10th. M. savT. " BARGAIN Will sell 100x100 corner Terris Park. 8300 under price for cash. 20H Rothchlld Wrwr M1E. corner view lot. graded atreeta. sewer and water In, SO minutes from Poat office: :i."0; $1 BO down. bal. 7.D0 montn. Wm. Thomaa. 8'.'6'4 Vaughn st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, EXCLUSIVELV. Beautiful homes anil homusltes, all view., locations ar.d pries. Can suit toil -.(..... C.r.l UUll.lk'k- A IttiHA BROOK E. A tf3. PIEDMONT BARGAIN. 50x100. curt face, 8 blocks to carllne; only $1100, terms. P. B. Lent, 417 Cor bett bide?. LOT 601100. 2th at., fourth lot north from earllne. cheap If taken at once. Phone M. fr"42. LOTS. 50x100. 1 block from electrio carllne, $ 1 00 to $ 1 50; very essy terms. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co.. 203 Corbett bldg. VACANT lot on Division street, suitable for fists or apartments: $1100; must sell at once. Call 414 Spalding bldg. LAURELHURST lot: owner will sell cheap his equity In lot IT. block 10. Call Mar shall 217. Monday. E1G sacrifice in Union-ave. corner lot. 50g 100: only $170O; don't miss this oppor tunity. Owner E. 617, Oregonlan. JT FEW lots in Marshfield, Or., for sale very cheap. Fee Bowner, Antlers Hotel. CORNER East 7th and Ankeny. fine aparV ment site. $10,000. 432 E- Ankeny. I . I rOB SALE. , jvr.au x.o...... For Bale -Lta. MAI.I.ORV ADDITION. EAST 31 rH NEAR HAWTHORNBL 15 MINUTE? PROM WEST SIDE. ALL IMPROVEMENTS' IS. BlILDl.NO REof MICTIONS. PP.lCEd 8C50 TO 8111M), EAST TERMS. GEO. G. MAIK. TAB. 3177. B 24S1. EAST 4il AND HAWTHORNS AVUL Go WEN -IDE THC.iT CO. LUMBERMEN BLDG.. 5TH AND STARK CHEAP LOTS CLOSE IN. Lots 60x100, corners. $12.".o. Inside 81000; easy terms; on E. 'Mth and 27th streets, one block north of the Rose City Park carllne and one block to E. Ankeny and Eandy road carllne. ' J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. lnr.xtOO. SACRIFICE. Corner, 2 Inta en K. 4:h and Oatman. In Lenox Addition, vnlue 81400; alckneae compels ownr to sell; our nrlce for a few days Is 3SO0; half caah and 813 per month, 8 tvr cent. Ultl'SSI A BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade blrtg.. 4th and Oak. BUT NEAR REKD COLLEGE. Lot 40xlu0 feet. 2 blocks from Reed College. 8450 per lot, 843 cash. $10 per month. MERIDIAN TRUST COMPANT. 800 Railwav Exchanse Bldg. Phones: Marshall 2064. A 7430. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Over 21- lots, about block from car, near clubhouse, magnificent view of city, mountains and rivera. All improvements In and paid: 84000; next piece, which is Inferior. Is 3S0U0. . Main 35B1. BROOKE. A 839. 810 DOWN. 10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot; matured fruit trees; re stricted district, near car; cement walka Bull Run water, fruit cared for free or charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Phone M arshall 473, A 1022. ; TTVO lota. Woodmere. 100x100, 1800; terms. Bee owner, 692 Front. for Hale Houses. 8300. GOING ST. BUNGALOW. Brand new B-room bungalow, fine fire place, double floors, bookcases, china clos et, paneled dining-room, Dutch kitchen. - a very nifty little home; street paved, ce ment sidewalk, all paid: price 82000; JoOO cash and $20 per month; located on Go ing street, near 11 th. 818 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak PORTLAND HEIGHTS resltlence. coin pieteijr modern ana nffw, one . fhnlraa smite. fh H 4 t tT h t B 1 bfAUt the iful view and Burroundimvs; can be purchaa led at a nominal njrure; resicenc roomi and 00 by UK) feet of ground. For full Information eee. 7 50 Alder St. HOUSES FOR SALE ti nnn eah h!nr tn suit, for an at tractive well-built home of 7 rooms, with enclosed sleeping porch, hot water, lur nace, stone fireplace, hardwood floors, ir-w e,fsrt nn pnmr int. one block from car- line: street improvements in and paid. Apply to owner, Tiuamooa sireei THREE &-room bunnalows. Just finished. oak Hoors, Dutch kitchen, Duui-m ounet, horiknnRPi f ireniace. etc. : 2 of them k block from Clinton carllne. the other one 1 block ; price $3360. $3450. $3500; 1400 to $500 cash, balance monthly; they are worth the money. Phone Tabor 30 or 112 East zstn st. for SALE Beautiful home In cl-y limits. S acres, s-rooin house, with lartre ve randas, fireolace. sleeping porch, modern In every way; all kinds fine fruit trees and shrubbery; private waier piant, a. aw Bull Run water; this Is an Ideal self- unnortinr nla.ee: would make splendid sanatorium s!te; 113,500, easy terms. AG 617, Oregonlan. SELL $11,000 High-claas Irvincton home. 80x100, cor, E. 10th and Brazee. tor SS200. $2000 cash, balance terms, 7 per cent; no incumurance. All Improvements in and paid for. No trade. Phone K. Qliss for appointment. EKAl'TIFl'I, 6-rooni houffe, in Laurelhurst; 2 fireplaces, larce sle-plng-porch. built-in refrigerator. dut and clothes chutes, nre 1cjs cookr. built-in wardrobes, etc.; cor ner lot 7-x90, east front, beautiful view; $7500; tooO cash, balance eauy monthly pavments. provident Investment & Trus tee" Co . 2fl--2-'y Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473, A 1022. IN making an Investment 1n real estate use judgment and buy something that has value. We are offering lOuilOO feet of ground, with s-room nouse. no tasi mni St., north, corner of Gilsan. for $CA', which we think comes under this head. Parrlsh. Watkins & Co.. 250 Alder sL WALNUT PARK EQUITY SACRIFICED. I H -story, modern, 6-room home, full cement basement, wash trays, fruit, clos ets, . furnace, etc.; two fireplaces; large porches, beautiful lawn and garden. 1135 Rodney ave. rnons iiooumwa -aiix. FIVE and Big-room homes, fireplaces, hard wood floors, furnaces, with all built-in modern conveniences; near carllne; all street Improvements paid; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investment A Truete Co., joi. 202, on Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473. A IV?2. "fOOM house, near two carllnes, colonial style, conveniently arranged ; no Incum brance; Improvements all In and paid for; In walking distance of Steel br'dge and ferrv; chicken yard In back yard; price $5000, half cash. Address V 60S, Orego nlan. CHANGE In business calls owner South, so he Instructs us to sell at once his beautiful 6-room residence, in Ladd Addition; mod ern ard up-to-date In every particular; will give good terms. 861 E. 11th. st. E. 50-3. MODERN. 6-room cottage, cement basement. fireplace, extra room pamy xinisnea in garret; Jot 84x105, 1 block from carllne; a snap at I? G0Q. $50O cash, balance Ion time per cnt Interest. FIELD A GORDON, 7S& Chamber of Commerce. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN. Just finished, an elegant 8-room bunga low In Rossmere, on E. 87th St.; will take a good lot as first payment, balance easy terms; no agent. See ownes, X 627, Ore gonlan. ' TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. Good house, with 2 acres, west side of town. S3S0u; .'0" aown. NATIONAL K EA LTY A TRUST CO.. 723 Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM bungalow; furnace, fireplace, buffet. bookcases, naruwuou i iuui gas, elec tricity; good view; Roe City 1 Park, two Mocks from carllne; $3.'I"0; easy terms, provident Investment & Trustee Co., 5tf 1 203 Board of Trade. Marshall 473. A BARGAIN New 6-room home, fireplace. lUmaCe, DlllH, uuriru iJIIIIlg- room, large closets, sleeping porch, llnn closot, nn c location one biock from car, near Laurelhurst. Phone owner. East S&39. after 6 P. M. ROPE CITY PARK SNAP. Eight-room bungalow, Just completed ; all up-to-date features: only $3'00; small down payment, balance easy terms. Bee owner, Mr. Carpenter, Henry bldg. M sin 86U1. SUNNYSIDE BARGAIN. By owner, 6-room house, completely fur nished, including piano, range, etc.. de cided bargain: with or without furniture a, desired. Phone Main W12. TO BE BOLD AT ONCE. Good house, with 2 acres, west aide of town. $3S0u; $5no down. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO 723 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW SNAP. A I in ob t new. Hiuuoi ii, oiKui-roora oun gnlow; 100x100 corner, $52o0; this is $2000 below reasonable market value. Main 853L BROOKE. ' a 8839. 13500. Modern 6-room bungalow. Just com pleted. East 3d, bet. Ma. Upon and Sal mon; wiU take good lot as first payment, phone Marin 2573 or E. 1311. TWO BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Superior In every detail, finished In oak and mahogany, hot water, hot afr. best In Irvington; Investigate. C IfiCu, East 273. No agents. W, H. Herd man. $20 CASH, balance like rent, buys a beau tiful home, strictly modern bungalow, 4 large rooms, large iov. une location; price only $2 oo. Se Jas. A. Clock, 23 Alder, phone Main 8i9. $2J0 CASH bus new modern bungalow, cor ner. Kawinuwm uimaivi, ui securities taken as first payment. AK 624. Orego nlan $1450 WEST SIDE. ARTHUR ST. $ rooms, lot 33x50. street Improvements In and paid, worth nearly $!000. Fred W. German. iiurnsiae. Ji.or A. 2 , 6. ACCOUNT sickness; dandy new bungalow . at H&l I von St.. offered to responsible buvtr sacrifice and on ovn terms until 27th. Fhont; owner, Barn-y. Main 2."(hj. A KE AT We4t Side home, 8 rooms, full basemen t. cement walks, walls. 10 mln. walk from P. O., lot 25x100. plenty yard room. 42'Q csflh. 512 Market. WEST SIDE SNAP. l-room spartment. flats. Income $87.60. 16th st. and JefTVrson; for sale by owner mt a bargain. Phone Main 912. BEAUTIFUL, attractive, neat, new 8-room modern home, on carllne; best buy in Portland. Owner, Sellwood 69. vrw. modern 6-roora bungalow, lam f- tic. 2 blocks from Mount Tabor car, on ' terms. 'wrier, noor iVV MODERN 8-room house, garag. Mount Scott; cash and terms. AO 605, Oregonlan. NEW house. $400 cash, $30 monthly. Zella Gossett. 7 West KllMngsworth ave. FOR SALE cheap; house and lot. 100x100. AH 60. Oregonlan- Fna IswIIOOM. 1 7.000 10 ROOMS, every one a biff one. new bouse, built on quarter block by owner for a home; it will appeal to ne looking for a big nous, welt built; two baths, four toilets, four lavatories, big leaping porch.- bis front and side Borch. lawn in ornamental trees and shrubbery; music-room, conservatory and conven iences not found in many houses; in Holia day Addition; street Improved and paid. t 570, Oregon. n. MR. LOT OWNER. HERB 13 YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME, FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW aRATE OF I.NTEKE SI : PLA N S FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU IO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY .BLDG. THA TV A CANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT WB WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE, IF WE BUILD. OLR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. XT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US v.- L. R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLD. t--.T cat-c Tiv OWNER. R-room huniralow. 3-coat work; large fireplace; buffet with lead glass; full base ment, laundry trays, cement walks ana all complete; improvements In and ai paid: lS-niinute car rid;; one block oil carllne. I held this at SfiOO; will sell or easy terms for $:;0o0. Call Monday, 2o7 snn Minnay r.ast ouin. V tr J. oiw - ' ... 2 Kood d-room houses, rented for per month. lot tvuxiuu. waiamst u... v-, Porter street; price $3000; I300 cash. balance in 4 years. "CT'pi-i a. TirT .TtS 818 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oalc. Hi-iO Tt-TT T hanrtla flna hnm in TBdd Add balance same as rent. Thomas Viara, owner, 807 C. of Com. M. 5315. k. J.j v nr sl. KiiNinnN Property. SEVERAL ciose-ln Eaat Side income prop at-!.. .. a, rlraMlvu nrtAl. It wtll DEV ti tn l.....etlnr.ta V Q n ! l V n J(r WaltOBL 515 Chamber commerce, WILL build for tenant: long lease; near nurnsiue, ciusr For Sale Homesteads CAN locate good homesteads 50 miles west t-, a i .J J . - mt n.-b-ra !t n T O T 1 TV - tJ. .nana Mrrnv ' AH4 North UIB, a ill 1IHU6 . otiK "' -' . . t 2th. 6 to 8 evenings; S car north t :mn, a diock bouiu. RELINQUISHMENTS 160-acre homestead KUUU iwubo in v iv. : 820-acre desert claim in Lake Co. Churc FOR SALE Improvements on a 120-acre homestead, with a good six-room house v- l...lnrs irrlta to W. W. t-'II 1 L. r Ul jiaiui.iiiai, " ' Coy, Lampe, Coos Co., Oregon. HOMESTEADS, timber and water, desirable claims near Portland, some prairie,, good soil, near river and railroad, will make good homes. Covey, -.u oaic. room For Sale Acreaugro, LAST WEEK WE ADVERTISED FOR 20 WB FOUND TEN SUCH MEN. T.I.-C uriMT TEN' MORE MEN. MEN THAT ARE NOT AFRAID OP MEN THAT MAKE UP THEIR MINDS ON THE SPOT. MEN THAT HAVE FAITH IN WHAT WE SAY- , MEN THAT WANT A FAIR START IN LIFE. - MEN THAT REALLY DO THINGS. Tf vn,i ar. sinph man. tome to OUT Oi' fice and we will start you on a small farm in the best part of the Willamette alley. Don't expect to pay a mgn pnew, we will sell you as good land as you can m v for onlv S5 ner acre. 1 1 Dcr acre down, $1 per Were monthly. You readily realise we could not make such liberal terms unless we sell to the kind or men that really do things. Don't take up our time unless you are really ready to buy. Our liberal terms, make It possible for you to keep your money and Improve your land. We are selling fast; make up your mind, can today and talk it over, ask lor Mr. beachrest. CHAPIN A HERLOW. Members of Portland Realty Board. 32-338 Chamber of Commerce. GARDEN HOME. Buy a beautiful acre at Garden Home at $700 to J 9 00. terms 0 per cent cash and 2 per cent per month; only 2oO yards fnm depot; 44 trains dally; double track to Garden Home is a necessity; this means special service ana a o-cent tare: tnen prices will be 9700 to $900 on a 6 Ox 100 foot lot; buy the acre now and profit; soil deep shot clay; altjtude high, sightly; water pure and abundant; present fare 3 0 cents by book; only 4 miles from Courthouse when tunnel Is completed ; come and be "shown" ; 3 acres with fine house, large barn, l acre bearing; iruit. only ej4uuu; same terms as aDove. GRUSSI A BOLDrf. Sit Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. 5 ACRES, all cleared and plowed ex cept flve-elghths of an acre, which Is in timber; lies nice; school on adjoining 0 acres; no rock, gravel or hard.an, and onty 2hk miles back from Willamette River, opposite St. Johna This Is a bargain and on terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT. 102 Fourth St. Phone Main 35, A 3500. 2tt ACRES, one-half mile from side walk. In view from station; 40 min utes ride from 4th and Washing ton sts., In thickly settled com munity; ve-ry rich soil; will clear it for $40 per acre, and now offered at $i35, payable i2.5L) cash and $rt.23 and accrued Interest each month. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANT, 102 Fourth SL Phone Main 35, A S500. 4 ACRES, close to city limits. Weat Fide, near and between two macadamized county roads and two electric carllne extensions rich soli, no rock or gravel south slope protected on all sides 2 acres ensllv put under plow balance big, heavy timber 100 cords A-l market wood and enough other wood to last buyer ten years 2-room frame house well and small garden $1200 on easy terms, or good discount for cash.' B 5"7, Oregonlan. HOSIER WANTS MORE FAMILIES. 100 acres, near town of M osier; 60 acres cleared, about 35 of which is In young orchard. Good spring on place; beautiful view and attractive surround ings; prl-e $12 000. Will take modern UN INCUMBERED Portland residence as part pavment. No cash required. See this place at or. re if you want a bargain. N (11 1, Oregonlan. A NICE little home and poultry farm. In operation; 4-room moaern cottago. ruiiy plumbed; 8 nice chlrken-houaes with runs, fine well with gasoline engine and water piped everywhere; 300 hens Just finishing moulting, will lay air Winter; will sell with 2 or 5 acres of all cleared land. AP 614, Oregonlan. CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. Close to Portland; rich walnut, fralt end garden land ; only small cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In products now on the land, which we accept same as cash; we own the properties and are the onlv people making this liberal oSer. FIRLANDS TRUST COMPANY. 806-8 Spalding Bldg CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland; walking oismnce to gooa town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow pesks; 2 acres, 1250; C acres, $400; 10 acres, $00; 10 per cent cash, easy pay ments; other tracts near railway station, $25 to $50' per acre. FRANK M'KA R LAND REALTY CO.. aj9 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. TWO ACRES." $750." With new 2-room house, 3rtx24 close In on-West Side good soil, no rock nr waste land. 300 cords wood in large fir trees will furnish profitable work this Winter. Above price is tor cash If you really want a snap and mean business, address AN 593, Oregonlan. ACRE SNAPS. Deep, rich soil, four blocks from car, sidewalks, water, graded streets, some small fir trees; $160 will handle; balance easy terms; 6 per cent Interest; In Une with the city's greatest growth; price jtll.-.o. A N 639, Oregonlan. XI - ACRE tracts 30 minutes from heart of city, on electric line; good soil, all cleared and level; fine suburban homo. Price $250. $25 down, $5 per month without Interest. FIELD A GORDON, 739 Chamher of Commerce. HOOD RIVER and White Salmon unincum bered property to traii; for Portland real ty. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. BA KG A IN. close in, small acreage on car llne; absolutely best buy on the market; easy terms. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. 1 2. 8 AND 5-acre tracts, close to Portland, on electric carllne. $2t0 to $400 per acre, easy terms. J. W. Hefferlin Realty Co., liiM Corbett bldg. AP 17 Mr acres of choice onion land, run ning water; 8 miles from Courthouse; onlv $3ou per acre. James Wilson. Route 1. Poring. Or. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up: large and small tracts. Call Kinney Ftampher. 531-2 Lumber Exchange bdg. m ACRES at Tlgard Station, mostly bea verdam. cultivated, creek, fenced, snap. Make offer. $300 per acre. East 2337. -Acreajre. ACREAGE. Small tracts In the valley Just west of the city; ood car service and 'rapid community development; sold on small cash payment and monthly installments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Pbone Main o3, A 3500. 70 ACRES, with elegant buildings; 8 room modern house, fine large barn, elaborate water system; 4 acres or chard, 70 acres all cleared, no stone, gravel or hardpan, soil deep, fertile and durable; a home for someone; only 10 miles from Courthouse. , THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Phone Main 35, A 3500. 20-AC RE farm, nicely improved, adjoining the thriving little town of Falls City, Or.; all under good state of cultivation, ex cept two acres; 1 acre in Htrawberries, 5 acres nice young orchard, all kinds of small friuts, including grapes; good - 1 room house, barn, chicken-house and other new outbuildings; good water, good team horses, harness, wagons, 3 cows, a lot of chickens, farm implements and furniture; several other articles; a swell place for the money. For particulars, call at 515 Spalding bldg., Portland, or the owner, C. M. Vcrmaas, Falls Ctty A SAC RTF-ICE. Beautiful farm of 550 acres, all well Im proved and in cultivation, except 40 acres, which Is in timber; well fenced and cross fenced; two sets of good buildings; plenty of fruit, all A No. 1 soil, and lies well for subdividing; situated on good county road, no Incumbrance on the place; good easy terms can bo given purchaser. This Is one of the finest farms In Ltnn County; Situated near Albany ; good reasons for selling. Call on or write J. V. Pipe, Al bany, Or. ' THREE BARGAINS. 175 acres, first-class improvements, 3 hours' drive from city; rich soil, well wa tered; horses, stock and Implements all go; $100 per acre. 120 acres, good house and barn, small orchard, about 8 acres cleared, rich soil, well watered, on good road, near Colton, Clackamas Co. ; man sick and forced to sell; $25 per acre. 100 acre relinquishment, within 1 mile of above place, very good. Church A Holmes, 2.K3 Taylor. . 157 ACRES on Tualatin Rfver; Falem Electric passes across center of the place; fair buildings; must be sold to close bankruptcy estate. W. A. PHAW. TRUSTKE, 102 Fourth St. Phone Main 35, A 3500, $0 ACRES, rich black soil, all In cultiva tion but 15 acres pasture, with living stream through It; lies perfectly; 1 mile to R. R. town with good schools; all other conveniences; fair 2-story house, good barn, all other outbuildings; good orchard, berries, etc.; price $125 per acre; $4500 cash, balance $ years at 6 per cent. Address B. G. Mulkey (owner;. Amity, Or. R. F. D. No. 1. FARM for sale. 8 miles west of Portland, on the Oregon Electrio Railway and the Base Line county road; good place for dairying or other farming; creek; best of soil; fine for platting. 107 acres; some In Winter crop now; grain, stock, imple ments and everything on the place goes for $225 per acre. This Is a special prico. Reason for selling. Terms. No agents. N. O. Wlngren, Beaverton, R. No. 2. SMALL place, almost 6 acres, in valley just west of city; nico little house, good well, place fenced, the very best of land ; an ideal place for poultry, berries, fruit and vegetableti; all for $1750. with monthly payments. AM 60S, Oregonlan. GET ready for Spring: 160-acre creek bot tom farm, some improvements. $1600 ; small pavment; 140-acre river front ranch, well improved, new $1000 barn. $3S0O. terms; ranches $300 up. Some for ex change. O. MldUlekauff, box 12, Cor vatlls. Or. FINE farm of 100 acres, stone's throw to railroad station In Tuaiatln Valley. Price $125 per acre, free of Incumbrance ; will consider trade for Portland property. AT fil2, Oreponlan. FOR SALE Neat 6-acre home close to Au rora. $1750 ; a fine 85-acre farm $75o0; several beautiful country homes, all sizes. Address C M. Crittenden. Hubbard. Or. $20 AN ACRE, 157 acres, Lincoln County, 4 miles to county seat, river or railroad; best of fruit land or a fine dairy ranch, phone East 294 !. AN 500. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES, stock, implements, good build ings; near Vancouver, 2 miles railroad, trolley or boat; good terms. AV 723,' Ore gonlan. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, IS mil- from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash, by owner. ls2 Morrison st. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Did you ever list your property and have it pigeonholed? They don't i! that with a National Real Estate System atizes The purchaser decides which piece suits him best. See the system before you buy or list. Now Installed in follow ing offices: E. J. HaigM, Otl'J Union ave. i Eclipse Realty Co., 274 Stark st. Sys tems for sale by company. 833 Chamber of Commerce. Price $ 1 2 and up. FOR SALE Before buying real estate, see an agent wno uses i ne rsaiionai ttetu Estate Systematize, ay terns installed in the following offices: Ecllpso Realty Co.. 274 Stark: E. J. Haight. I169 Union ave., and for sale by the company. 333 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Price $12 and up- TO EXCHANGE. S ACRES all under cultivation and fenced; only Z miles irom tne city ; nne son ; no gravel; between Mtlwuukie and Portland; will trade for house and lot if price Is right Call Blanchard & Clerason. tiG Sixth st reet. 63S-ACRE farm improved and all in culti vation, on electric line between ioise ana Caldwell, to exchange for Portland prop erty; owner will offer good Inducements. C. L. BAMBERGER. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. ACRE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, $4'M0. No incumbrance; will trade for desirable 6 or 7-room bungalow, close in; will as sume. Fred W. German. Burnslde. AI. or A 2770. 20-ROOM house, corner, on own floor, run ning water, electric iignts, cam, u-yeur lease, cheap rent, exchange equity $20m for largo apartment house. N 020, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE or trade 160 acres Alberta wheat land, 40 acres in cultivation, smaii house, good barn, well, for Portland property. Washington or Oregon farm, property. Price $J500. AS 602, Oregonian. A MONEY-MAKER. A fine farm on the John Day River, with a hot springs hotel and sanitarium; furniture, stock and tools at sacrifice, or will trade. 333 Lumber Ex. 2S-ROOM house, corner, all on one floor. running waier, electric ugnis, oani, o-yeur lease, low rent, exchange equity $2000 for houss. cot tape or bungalow and lot. N 622, Oregonian. 2T-KOOM house, corner, all on one floor. running water, ejectrio ngnts, natn, a year lease, low rent, exchange for 10 to 15 -room modern house ; my equity, $1800. X 62-'!, Oregon inn. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $30O0 for a 5-room, modern bungalow; lot 60x112; will take small rooming-house or lot value 5500, and cash $1!00, balance monthly. This la a snap. 0i 6th st. I HAVE $700 equity In 10 acres of fine land which I have purchased on con tract; will exchange for launch or auto mobile of equal value. AG 621. Orego nlan. 050 EWL'IT Y in 100x100, graded etree's, city water, balance of $750 payable $'J0 monthly, to trad for cheap runabout, gasoline launch, furntturo or will discount for cash. A 644, Oregonlan. IHAVE contract on 15 acres of fine land near R. R., have paid In $500; will ex change my equity for lot In Portland. AT 623. Oregonlan. TO TRADE 100 acres of Red River Valley wheat land, 25 miles from Fargo. N. D.. for acreage near city. H. M-, 104i Cleve land ave. TO TRADE for Portland property, 20 A. cultivated and improved, spring, hou?. tarn, etc.. near Fore3t Grove, Or. 817 Ali'ky bldg. VaNT small uncleared acreage, near cars and Portland, In exchange for $1100 equity in high-class young apple orchard. Own er, AE Qu7. Oregonian. WILL exchange fine 7-passenier automobile, value $-750, for lots in Piedmont or Wal nut Park. Phone Marshall 473. A 1022. Ask for Mr. Robinson. - A BEAUTIFUL toned violin for upright piano: have r'fus-:d $150 for the violin. Box 236, Sheridan. Or. g0 ACRES of land near San Diego, In Cal ifornia, to trade for a house or store busl ness. Call 414 Spalding bldg. SEE me about Columbia Orchard bonds. J, F. Hartley. 210 Frnldlng bldg. COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lots for property here. Hadley, fllQ paldlAfe . , . I