17 tiie aionxnro oregoxian. Saturday. November 25. ion. SPOIL GOOD MARKET Washington Apple Shippers Lose by Consigning. LOW PRICES AT LONDON Srnd rrolt to th Cotfnt Garden Auction With the IUuU That Transaction Are In Bnrrn' Fawr. fnuul Alert W. walm. of "Jeuthamptoa. writ on American appl la Boutnara ua- lan A . follows: -Import of appl la at Bouthamp toa have arsatlr lneraa la th paat twe year, a trowth to which tb orcharIIM tfia lit at of Washlne'en bar twmirai larval?. Or.cn wrapped aad lctd c apple bar tn on the gncUan raar i-r yara and bar won an nvlabl plae. Th wahlnton fro It baa cloa It third -on. with tba quality all that could b oo trtd and Ua paeklat aaeelleat. Tba financial rulta of tha seon4 year af tbl fruit la tba Southampton raarkat lad a aambor of Washlnston jrowar to do th!r own shipping and cwisls:r!n with a ! ta direct tradlnc. Th dmora!lslne ttct f tbaa ladlacTlmlnata hlsmnt eaa best ba shown by conert amploa. Th -on' first con!nmnt of eholc Wbln toa Jonathans sold quickly at J Pr cut at eaarslde. with a demand booked that would hava tka th nt Jonathan crop from that tat. but btn th arrlral at Konthamptoa of th flrt and cond con sHore.nt. on of ooo ec of tra fanry Jonathan w. nt to Covtt Oardsn. In Indnn. and old at auction at SIM to S per c. thu naturally dmorIIin th twal market. Th rult wa lhat tntad of a wll-ru!ted ealo of that appl at (ood price throuhout ta eon. th early barer found thema.lv In competition with dealer who fruit had eot them much leu. A eonlnment of apltenber netted It Washington jrower .2.75. Soon er warda th mm variety wa auctioned off at Corent Garden at 13 Pr rasa. nttlnf th rowr of that hlpment about II. An other pcle waa cold at Southampton at ll.ao at. but Corent Garden auctioned a ron.Knmeat of th earn hind of apple at St. SO and I'. frlht and communion to b deducted. -A omwhat different reutt waa obtained by the Vahlnton appl known a th Win ter I'anana. Control of tbl TarlMy fell Into th hand of on man, who Judiciously fed th cooeianment to th market at con stantly adancinc pticea th actual alea la lot beln at to l net t tha pro ducer. -England' purrhe of apple from th Wl ar of at Importance to th Ameri can orrhardiat If the (rower la rlhtly dv1ed and follow a cood business policy he ran be ur of profllabl return In th Southampton market, but h must keep con. ml of hi shipment never Bllowtnc th i-ntrnl Oarden auction to rank blm a vic tim. Th producer ha a unquestioned rlcht to protect himself In th line of fair profit. T secure this protection h must reculat hi shipments ta avoid glutting an otberwts profitabl market.- WHIIT TltADINQ OS MAIX STALK raraner Ar HolUIng A here Etport friers rsn Uralaa Qatrt. Wheat -grower throughout th eaaatry ara letting go (lowly, bat thr U an activity la tha market. There ha bn a llttl de mand at roast point for club at about DO rata and tor o'.b.r varletlea In proportion. Ev port. re cannot afford to pay ta price and ar practically out of tha market. Farmers, a a claaa. ar Indifferent, aad un less something occur to gtv price a ma terial lift, ther la not likely t b 'much activity tn th market from now on. Tho oat market i quiet and steady. Ther ba booa om selling by pca!ator. which rhcked the rise that wa In peogr, but at preoent value ar being fairly well maintained. Barley In again quiet. A few small eiport order for flour hav been booked, but there la no sign yet of general rovival In th Oriental trad, and none Is looked for until th Chinee revolu tion in ended. Th movement la patent la rair. atuifeed of all kinds U steady and unchanged la price. Larre atsppll of timothy on th track kp th market for thl kind of bay ta aa any condition. Alfalfa and other kind are steady Wkly foreign wheat shipment wcra aa follow: This Wk. Laet Wk. law Tr. Argentina )llr 4.'.;.0O T7t l"0 Australia iO.iHi "l.Mx 7 7 .". India T Ooo 32o.ooo 432. ooo Loral receipt., la car. wr reported by th Merchants EacRang aa follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 71 1 24 Tuesday TI tVclnesday . ...,,-AV .. Thursday ..... 3 i KrMay -'4 Xaeon to date. US Tear ago tyi 2i- 11 6 S '11 BtU i'H III 14 lu 144'J 13U 12 12 72 SIS OTTLOOK FTR TTlUtET MARKET. Fas hewad DeeUcea Hay Tbeir Wants Ara HUasl. Drs sd turkevs sold on Front street yes terday at price ranging from SO to 23 c.nt according to quality. Buying was light and waa confined to Saturday's retail nda. Thanksgiving stock will begin arriving to day aad tomorrow. A larg supply Is looked for. a It Is known heavy contracting ban been dona In Idaho. Th price Is still un certain, bat It I th opinion of moat deal era that th markst will b under 29 cents, and many of them look for a quotation aa lew aa 29 cents to prevail. Denier on Pugt Sound bav been approached, but th majority of them say they hav provided for their requirements and will not buy her. Local dealer bav not taken hold yet. l.rve poultry wa fairly aetiv at an changed price. Th egg market was firm with a good de mand for Oregon and Kaetera stock. CAR.MICH AM. Bt'T JOYK.S CROP AT 43. Ileiiwrtrel ta llav Wecnrvd t'.eulct Lot at .me rrtr. Ther waa further buying In th hop mar krt y..terdar by John Carmli-ha.l. He pur chased th Ben Jon lot of I'D bale at 13 cent and la reported to have secured the Homer tou!et crop of 104 bale at th sail prlc. Carmlcha!' total purchaae ta th past few day ar estimated at 1 1O0 hales. So far aa known, there wer no other enyera In th market at the top price. Offer of SI cent for 1013 Oregon con tracts have been made, but have not re ulted la business. rREAMCBT BrTTr.B t fEXT IXWtI taw Market lOghtly e.ptlled sued rrtcv Have lpward Tewdeocy. Battar prims will be quoted 1 cent lower la tho local market today. There ha been ami dlaaattsfactloa among th city cream ery aaea over the price that ba prevailed for the past week, aad th result ba been n decision to reduce the prlc. Th new se'ld pack-basis price will be 3 cent a. The cheese market la very firm, with aa upward tendency. Loral stocks are much reduced. A small shipment from th Coast la do today. Tens Car af Saved Orange la. Two car of aavel orange were received yesterday. They were quoted at 2-M u wa at m hinann alsa arrlv Cranberry sale were large and tha market waa firm, un to SI par barrel Being asaeu for the beat atoek- Anotber car of clry was put oa street. th Bank Clearing--. Bank clearing of th North western cities ysteruay were a loiiowa: riMrir.rl Bnlance. Portland il l-4.4- - 1.3i-o S-attl J.SH M4 1 J4 pi hrokane 717.41s 124.5J7 FORTLAXD MAEaETS. Grain. IV. ar. reed. Eta. WHEAT xraca pneew: '""''". ' - " aac; c.ub. V: red Muasiaa. Tec; Vallsy. uc; FLOUH fatsnta '. straight. 14.0J; eaporta. tJ-SO; Valley, 4l grab am. 4.: whol wheat. $4.85. fol.X Whole, tii . cra-ked. 4. per ton. HILUTlfri Bran, Z1 per ton; mid dlings 131: shorts. ;: roiled tsrley. $39. OA 19 r O. A wone. .jv.mvW.ww v - HAV No. 1 Eastern urgon timothy, II UH rler. (Un il.'rrain. (llvtli BARI.ET reed. i3 ti . rer ton; brew- ng. numiDsi. . cgctaoiee aad Fralta. nx-ir-ii-il. FRUITS Oranges. navels. (JiotrS: Valencia (S per bos; California grapefruit. 0: riormn rpirii. . banauaa. (eiS Per pound: lemons, (a per box: poniegranates. s i .v pvr- k-dl-cu vmi-it.4 Peara (1.2&tfl.a0 Pr boa: grape. (ocUd-OO per boa; Almerla grape.. iOBT per barrel; cranberrle. 12i13 rer barru AfHLK Jonatnana. lUIIUI Pr box; fpltaenberg. (Itfl.e; Baldwin. HcfllUI Red Chek Pippin. 1.2tfl-75; .Northern Spy. (12101."; Winter Banana, 1101; Bellflower. (Itfl.M. SACK VEGkTABLCS Carrots. (I 00 par sack, turnip. 1.M; beet. ILOO; parsnip. Il.oo. potatoes Ihirlns Btie: Btirbanka llcill.ll per hundred; sweet potato, 1J per erata ONin.ss Buying price, L1I per sack. VEGETABLES Artichoke. 75c pr dosen; benna Hluo: cabbage. 101440 per pound, cauliflower. 1.')4 2 per crate; celory. 7i nor dosen: California. (4 per erat; cucombers. 2.5 per box; eggplant, 12H0 per pouna: garlic, inw l-c re P,uu" luce. 7.1WM0 per d'ien; hothous lttuc. II ;S per b"K: peppers. tl"c per pound; pumpkins. ltjlVc: radishes. 12H per 6W-: sprouts. BQik' per pound: equafth. laefl0 per pound; tomatoes. BOcej(l.fe per box. Maplo f.roc-erle. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. 12-A per dosen; S-pound tall. 12-85; 1 pound fiat. (3 40; Alaska pink. . 1-pound talis. l 86. COFFEE Roast.d. la drams. 40 per pound. HONET Choice. (3.7S per case: attained honey, :0c per pound. SALT Granulated. IIS per ton; batf greund. loos, (a.50 per ton; B0. ( per ton. NI TS Walnuts. 14 C 14 Vis per pound; Brasil nuts. U 0 16c: fllberta 14913c; al monds. 139!fic; pecans. 16c; cocoanuta. 0o (1 per dr.zen: chestnuts, 12SC per pound; hickory nuts. gtflOo per pound. BEANS Bmsll whit. 4e; larg whit. Hr; Lima. V.c; pink. fcc. Mexlcana. aje; bayou. 5 RICE No. i Japan, e: cheaper grade. .Soe4 55r: Southern head. 6St7o: Im ported Imperial, A c : imported extra N L 7tf7Ht St'OAR Refinery price? Try granulated. f-70; fruit and berry. (4.70; beet, (d.50; xtra C. (4.20; powdered, barrtl. (U.U3: cubes, barrels. $7.10. DRIED FRTITB Apples." 14o per pound: apricots. lllsc: peacbea 12914a; prunesL Italian. 10S91(e; silver. 1c; figs, white and black. l,THo; currants, loo lie; raisins. loose Muscatel. 0 7Hc; bleached Tbompaon. lmc: anblacbd Sul taaaa. I.e; seeded. IHfiVa. Dairy and Count ry Frodoc. PLTTER Oregon creamery butter. olld park. 3.1c; prima extra; butter fat. lo lea than eoi'ri pjek price, POILTRY Hns. lie; Spring. 119 12c; ducks, young, l.taltc: gees, lie) l.'c; turkera. alive. 20A21e: dreed. choice. i-2 0 2'.c K1;?1 Fresh Ortcon ranch. tW? per doxen, lirJSK Fmh Tillamook, data. 1.II 17c; lunar Americas. 17wiac, i ' tt n. rancy. lilo per pouna VEAL Fancy. 13 at 13 per pound. 1-revUlooa. MAMS 10 to 1? nounda KttlTc 11 14 pounds. l17c: 14 to 1 pounds, 19 9 17c: J to 1 pounds. lOtJlTo; .klnned. 17e; picnics. 11 He: cottage roll. 1H. I.AKD Kettle rendered. tlrrcea ISO; tuba. lic. etandard. tlercea llc; tuba 11 c; ahortenlng. tlercea, ac; tuba, Vac. HaCON Fancy. ;. : standard. 22a: choice. 2w-; Kngl sh. 19917c. 1RT SALT CIIIKU Kegtilar short cleara d.-y salt. 11 Ac; amuked. l.V; short clear bark. 13 to Id I be . dry salt. 12e; smoked. 13 We: short clear backs. 1 to 2v lbs., dry ait. Use: smoked, lac: Oregon exports. salt. 12Vtc. amoked, 15c Hop. Vol aad Hideo. HOPS--1011 crop, 49 4."c; old, nominal. afOHAIK 1 liolce. a34o per pound. V, xL. F.a.t.m Oregon. (9 loo per pound, according to ahrlnkag; Vallny, 139 17c per pound. t'KI.Ts Att. lie: lamb, salted. M9S00; Short-wool pclta Uf "u& HIDES baited hida 10H911 Pr pound, salted calf. 1dtfl7e; aalted kla, llo; green hide. tlSc: dry calf. Sue; dry hide. lo; aalted ataga sc; green ataga 4 s 7c CASCARA Per pound. 3H94C. SMALL jU!HF STOCK SIIT.EP THE HRH FEAT CUE AT LOCAL YARDS. Two Load of Dairy Cattle Are Itc-crlvr-d lYom a SUnnrsota Shipper. , Two load of caul and calve from SL Paul. Minn.. wr unloaded at th atock yards yesterday. They were dairy stock shipped her to find a market among the dairymen of this section. There was a small general run of stock and trading, therefore, was not heavy. Several load of cows wer moved at 12.3 to 11.11. Hogs did not sell above (.i. The sheep market continued firm, with lambs and owee bringing full price. Receipt yesterday wer 43 cattle. ( calve. 17( hogs. 273 ahecp and tS mulea tfhlpperx wsr J. P. Flint. Junction city, 1 car of bogs: T. E. Lutko, Canby. 1 car of hogs; F. Thompson, South tft. Paul, Minn.. 2 car of cattle and NuUve; Carl Webb. Heppner. 1 car of aheep. and R. H. Stafford. Th Pal Irs. 1 car of mulea Th day's salra war a follows: Wolf hL Price. :t? Iambs "( (4 10 ;:i ewe ? 1 63 31 yearling wethers ........... 107 4.3( 10 hogs 121 60 : cows 1014 3 50 13. cows 94 Z.' i c..s :. ; 0 7 l.oga 17 4..-.0 g hog I'lO 4 00 Trices quoted at th 1-ortland Union Stockyarda fur th various classes of stock were : Cattle. Chole steer (;od to chol- ateer 'holce cowa Fair to good cow Ktra choice spayed heifer.... Cholc heirer Cholc bulls l'Kd to choice bulls .......... Choice c!"-. Oocd to cholc calve. ......... liog . Cho:ce light hog Oood to choice hog .. Fair to good hog. . Cu:nmon hug rheep Choice jtarllnf aethers, coar wool Choice twos and threes........ cito.ee killing ewee Choir lamta Good to cholc lamb Cu:. ,16. 40 (MS SO . (.03 b 1 13 . t.lii , 4 25 r . 4.:su , 4.S0O . 4.:s it . I ODD 4 43 4 5 ( 00 III 4.3 4 : 7 0 t 7. T.ooty 7 14 .Ma a.o.1 t JSO .! i ) t : (.009 4.:S9 I II 4 04 O 4.2( J lAyf 3.4C 4 to 4.7S 4 2( 9 4.30 it um (.( rtklcaar Llv-ewtork Market. CHICAtlO. Nov. I. Cattle Receipts. -ll.-ntcl. 3MOO: mark.t. steady. Heevca, (4.(0 4t. Texaa atera (4tJft.70: Weatera altera. (I 4' .: alockra and feebler. (2 Vutf .. nt. cowa and hellera. (l.uw3.o; calves, (.v aa .(.;.). Hogs Rec-!pta estimated. t4.1rOO; market, alow to srtaoe higher. Light. (.V73n40; m.s.-d. (rt i-3 v c-i. heavy. (rt. iu p; tn' : rouah. (i-f3 a 3'; good to thotce heavy, (t if Arj v, ; pigs. $4.20vyo; bulk of sales, H .24 0CJO. Sheep Rcelpl. :lmated. 4000: market, 1 higher. Native. (2.2.1 1 3 7; Western. (2.4Ow(.70: yearllags. (3.tif4.30: lamu. aatlvaw (0.30 iti li. Wectara, (3.00 9 (.Uu. GAINS ARE CERTAIN Business Situation Continues to Improve. METAL TRADE IS ACTIVE Purcbauea of Textile Goods Are on a Larger Kcale and Price Arc M Midler Footwear Bnrln Improrrs With Mad-Season. NEW YORK, Not. 84. R. O. Dun i Co .' Weekly Review of Trad tomorrow will aar- tiotn in ousmesa coniiuwvw " of builn?.. tr,aactlona th ""Vo?,l d tlnue to improve. J urn . '- r----.,,n conservative, and there I. llttl. d .po.i Ion to go beyond .attraction of 1'?''? wsnfa. But It Is a gain, and th thing I that this Improvement ha ben mmilned f-.r several a1"-. A notaol development I th more ctlv buying of ralia, car and other equipment t.y til ranroaaa; a tact - . .ot..ti. k..r rcaiinw In th Iron and steal and supply trad. heavier furcnasing .i ci' ilLJ " " and coarser description for th manufac turing trades has steadied price during th Print cloth ar selllcf more wio clotns are irom -t Urn sales of blue denims hav been tuaae, and Jobhoro ar doing a fair buatnea on colored domeitlca Print ar blng bought .... . it ni a anrl U fa- If SOI IT, OUCH mrw - on uu Oerwrar and btlry for Fall mr firm. ... . . .14 -M rh tiK ar b- nip'":; . -"k ,.,... I ing maae rcguianj, -----slow. Miscellaneous export trad, however. Footwear condition Improv as th sea- . , . i .r A.it.ra for son aavances. sou vnw " - ; prompt shlpmant. as wll aa for future o- ilry. snow ;.. " -' r. in oemana rr icaincr i. mil m- -trad shows some Improvement over a week - . , , i . i - h.i l The recent inn ano prit-w. " ' mo,,. . - - ctlv buying of domestic hide has fairly well suppllea in requirement, and sales ar now small In volume. nOUMY Hl'VINO HAS EXPASDED. ScauKMiablo IV eat her Influence Botall aad Jobbing Trade. NEW TOIIK. Nov. 24. Bradstreaf to morrow win aav: Seasonable weather ha continued to exert a salutary Influence on retail trade; holiday buying haa expanded; jobber at a number of centers hav don a belter business In th way of reorders; operations In the Iron and steel trade dls plav mors seat, a th resu.lt of mor recant buying by th railroad, and th outlook In tbo latter lln Is quit encouraging. On th other hano, traoa, apeaaing oi a a whol. 1 still reeling the cnecg rein of conservative buying; prlcea for Iron and ateel remain low because competition Is yet In evidence; trad In larger line at South ern point I quiet, due principally. If not wholly, to the Increased price of cotton, and outdoor operations ar fenerally waning. In fact, a strict analysis indicates that ther Is considerable room lor (urinar improve ment Kroueat for nromnt shipments ar still a feature with most order, thu confirming the belief that stocks do not tak up much space on the shelve of final purveyors. Business failure In tn lnuea state inr tho w.ek emllnir November 23 wer 2ns. again. t 2.1 last week. 213 In th Ilk week of mi". 217 In IKim. 1V3 la 1U08 and 2Ss In 1!hi7. Failures In Csnada for th week num bered 4. compared with 81 last week and 3 in the line week or l'jiu. -.. I..lui1lh. tlniiF . . nn . Co,,. Ihl I'nlted States and Canada for Che week ending November 23 aagregat 4. 082,440 bushe's. against S.M3.0S4 last wck and 4.014. rtio Una week last year. Com xports for th week ar 1S.18 huli.l. scalnit 164,278 last week and (01, eU In 1U10. . Dank Clearing. NEW YORK. Nov. tt. Bradstreet'a bank clearings rport for th week ndlnf No vember 23 show nn aggregate of (3,214. (14.000. as against (3. H 631.000 last week and C.121.441.000 In the corresponding week last yar. P. a Inc. New Tork (l.S7..0C0 1S.S Chicago J Ji.401A'('O 3(.( ll'slon 1(7,331.000 22.1. I'hlladelphla lr,;. 742.00 11. 1 Ft. Louis 81.441.000 20.0 Knnaas City (3.(73.000 21.1 I'lttshurg (1.244.000 3.4 San Francisco (3.(14.000 30. ( Baltimore II. ITS. 000 ((.I Cincinnati K.134.0OO 14.1 Minneapolis 37.073.000 20.4 Cleveland 11.433. 000 1.7 New Orleans t4.Xl.000 24. ( Detroit 20.404.004 34. ( Omaha 14. 484.000 7. lot Angeles ;4.:o.ooo 63. ( Louisville 12.723.000 11. Milwaukee 13.474.000 :.( Fort land. Or .. lt.CJ3.000 38.1 Seattle 10. 20. ooo 13.3 St Paul 11.300.000 U.I Atlanta 1 J. 06. 000 43.4 Buffalo 10.S04.000 2 3. ( Penver 11. 190.000 14. Indianapolis (.142.009 21.1 Providence 7.771.000 7.( Richmond 8.3(3.000 44. S Washington. D. C 7,041.000 16.1 St. Joseph 4 Oia.000 14.1 Fort Worth (.131.000 17.7 Memphla 11.(74,000 1.( Halt Lak City 10.M2.000 (0.9 Columbu (.712.000 lt.i Albany 7.3S0.00S lt.l Tacoma 4.67S.00O 23.2 Savannah T.(.0OO 21. ( Spokane. Wash. 4.4X5.000 (.3 Duluth (.300.000 4S.T Oakland. Cal 3. 327. 000 27. Sacramento. .Oni, l.oct.OOO 25. ( Helena 1.4S:.0O4 lS.t Houaton 10.174.000 7.4 Galveston 14.1JS.000 (0.4 WALL STREET BEARISH STOCK PRICES ITUtKG TJ LA R, BUT FIXAIj SWIXO DOWXWAKD. Union Pacific and Steel, After Rpachlnjr Highest Point of Pres ent Movement, Close With Loss. NEW TORK. Nor. 24. With no Important new Influence to affect th securities mar ket, quotations followed no well-defined trend today. The opening was Irregular. For a tlm price ros with aome vigor. The bulla war unable to muster the same degree of force a yesterday, and th mar ket lacked buoyancy. Before th dy wa advanced th lint wavered and alerted to fall back. Union Faclrlo and United State 6teel rose to the highest price of the preoent movement, but at the close stood a point or so below yc- terday'a final quotatlona Th varying cours of prices apparently waa largely th reflection of the varying temper of speculation. Expectations of a poor showing In tomorrow's bank statement contributed to the growth of bearish senti ment. Bonds wer active and Irregular. Pome of the lower speculative lus moved wide ly. Total sales, par value. (3. 064. OOO. Unit ed States bond unchanged on call. CLOStNO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Bale. High. Low. Bid. AMI Chl pf 13 Amal Copper .. 11.400 64 H 3 Am Agricult to . Am l.-et Sugar. M4 5St. B5ti .V. American Can .. - US 11 H 11 Am Car A Fdy. 2-10 ( Mia 8( Am Cotton Oil.. l.ioO 4i 44 V. 44 It Am lid Lt pf 24 Am Ic Hecurf.. 200 1 19 19 Am L.lnd 9 Am Locomotive 1.100 (71 17 84 Am Erne! A R.f. .1'" T44 7SH 73V, do preferred.. S'H 104 JOSS 103 V Am Pteel Fily .. 2K 84 84 84 Am fugar Ref.. 100 in lis 117 Am T.I 4 Tel.. 4,700 142 1414 141 S Am Tobacco pf. 3'o P1 Kea Am Woolen ... K- 2 Ui 2R' 27S Anaromla M Co 3. l'H noa, S- Xf Atrhlaon .00 inei, 107 1, I074 do preferred.. 1.1S 103i 1)3S Atl Cat Un.. 1.4" 13S 134 17 Belt A Ohio ... I'Ji K'3 1"3 . Il.thlrii.m Steel tM 304 80Af, 80 Brook R Tran l. 71H 78 7 Canadian Pae .. B"0 242 34ft 2X Central Leather. 3a 23 V. 22 H 22 Aa 1 I do prafarrad 93 Va Central of N J. 2.400 764 75 7S! Chicago Alton 80 Chi Ot West ... 200 21 204 20S I do preferred.. 8S Chicago at N W 900 14H H1s US' C. M ec St Paul. 17.000 112 110 110 C. C. C i 61 L 73 Col Fuel A Iron. 2O0 .28 2S"4 28 Col & Hou'hern. 1,2X 142 141', 141 Corn Product a .. bv) 1114 11A It lel A Hudson .. . ilOO 171 H 171b I'O D A R Urantle 23 do preferred.. 100 4SH 48A 48 Planner' Sccur l.ROO 82 H 82. Erie 1.9"0 Si hi 82 S3 do 1st pf .... 3.000 54 1 Wa fr3t do 2d pf .... .'."0 44'a 44 S 44 General Eleo ... 30O ir.d lr.r.v. is Gt North pf ... 8.200 12114 12S 12SH Ot North Ore .. 400 43 43 42 Illinois Central. 7'X 14.". 145 144 Intrrbor Met ... t.Wtt 15 14 14'4 do preferred.. ,700 47 444 45 Inter Harvester. 70O lu9 108 108 Inter Marine pf SuO 15 15 144 Int Psper 10 Int Pump 100 84 84 38 Iowa Central ... loo 17 17 1 K C Son them .. 40O 80 30 29 do preferred.. loo 6d On 3 Laclede Gas ... 100 105 16 105 Louis ft Nash .. 8,'JOO 160 15tk 15H Minn hit L 32 M. S P A S 8 M 600 1.15 134 134 Mo, Kan Tax. 2,800 82 81 81 Mo Pacific 1imi 40 40 r.T Nat Blacult 4" 139 1311 Hl'.l1. National Lead .. l.loO 51 ."1 N Ry Max 2 pf. 1.1' 0 33 8:1 33 N Y Central ..." 2.7X Ii9 101 los N T. Out A Wes 1.3oO 41 4) 40 Norfolk A West 2.800 110 110 110 North Am 2.7'l 7.1 74 74 Northern Pae .. .7oo 121 119 11lH Pacific Mall l.loo 83 XJ 32 Pennsylvania ... 6,100 1l3 122 122 People's Oas ... T1 10.1 15 1"5 P. C C St L. 1C0 89 l f4 Ptttsbcrg Coal loo 1R 18 1S Pressed S Car.. S0O 84 84 33 Pull Pal Car .. 100 158 1.18 15 Ry Steel Spring. 32 Reading 134.4O0 154 1.12 1.12 Republic Steel .. 200 2.1 2.1 23 do preferred,. 6' 84 4 84 Rock Island Co l.OOO 27 20 29 do preferred.. 90O 61 M 5" Ft L A S F 2 pf BOO 44 43 42 St L Southwest 81 do preferred.. 200 71 Tl 71 Pious ShaRleld 5 Southern Pao .. 8.700 115 114 114 Southern Ry ... fl.5o 81 80 80 do preferred.. 1.2o 74 73 .78 Tenn Copper .. 1.70O 8S 87 87 Texa A Paclflc. 100 24 24 24 Tol. St L A We .o- 1S 18 -18 do preferred.. 20O 41 41 41 Union Pacific .. 90.4'o 178 176 179 do preferred.. 600 94 .94 93 V 8 flealty ... 100 8 S 7 U Rubber ... S0 47 47 47 U S Steel 187.0OO 9.1 4 84 do preferred., l.nno 109 109 109 Ftah Copper .. 6.700 5J .v 50 Va Caro Chem .. soo .14 M 53 Wabash Soo 11 11 10 do preferred.. 700 22 21 21 Wetern Md ... l.OOO .63 2 92 Westing Klee .. 40O 09 0.1 6.1 Western fnlnn.. 70O 78 78 78 Wheel L K 4 Lehigh Valley .. 19.600 ISO 178 178 Total sales for th day. 6O5.9O0 (hares. BONDS. U B ref 2i reg.lO0lN T C n 3s 8 do coupon . . .100 Northern Pac 8s. no U S 8 reg 101 do 4 100 do coupon 101 Tnton Pacific 4s. 101 U 8 new 4s rg.ll3iWla Cent 4 97 do coupon .. .113 Japane 4 b. . 88 D ft R G 4 90 EAWrtoni Mining: Stocks. Allouez 85 1 Miami Copper.. Amal Copper ... 1i Mohawk Am Z. L A 6m. 2'1 Nevada Cons .. Arlxona Com... 15 IMplaalng Mines. Bo A Cor CAS 6;North Butte .... Butt Colltlon. 17 North Iak .... 22 48 1S 7 22 0 49 07 10 65 10 26 8 27 35 47 'ft 90 Cnlo A Arts.... 00 uia A'omimon Cnl A He ex d.S9 Centennial 122 Cop R Con Co. . 5 lO.f-.olo. IParrott mil A op IQulncy IShnnnon ....... Superior - K Butte Cop 11 Franklin ... Oiroux Cons 9 4'Super A Bo M. Granby Cons . . 31 'Tamarack c.rcene Can. . .8 11-16 U Sm. R A M Isle Koyalle cop. 19 do preferred.. Kerr Lake. b. . . 3'rtah Copper Co. Lak Copper . 23 ' Winona La Salle Copper 5;WoIverin Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Nov. 24. Money on call, steady 24j2 per cent; ruling rate, 2; clo'lng bid. 2; offered at 2. Time loan tedy: 60 day. 8"8 Pr cent; 90 days. 8 per cnt; six months, 8 at 3 per cent. Prim mercantile paper. 4fM per cent; sterling exchange steady, with sctual busi ness In bankers' bills at (4.8375 for 60-day bills, and at (4.8950 for demand. Commercial bills $4.83. Bar silver 55 'c. Mexlcan dollar 49e. Bonds Government stesdy, railroad Ir regular. LONDON. Nor. 24. Bar silver, unoertaln at 25 d per ounce. Money. 28 per cent. Th rate of discount In th open market for ahort bill la 3ST3 per cent; for thr months bill. 84pr cenc 8AV FRANCISCO. Nor. 24. Sterling OD London. 0 days. (4.83; sight. (4.86. Drafts Sight, par; telegraph, 2c. Condition af the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Nov. 24. At th begin ning of business today th condition of th I'nlted Statea Traury wa: Working balano In Treasury offices 73.731.150 Banks and Pbllllplna Treasury.. 84.792.474 Total balanc In general fund... 130.995.204 Ordinary receipts yesterday 2.185.252 Ordinary disbursements 1.8S3.541 The deficit to data thl fiscal year. (24. 07D..VJ2. -as against a deficit of (11.987,754 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transaction. SAN FRANCISCO PRODCCB MARKET Price Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables. Fralta. Etc SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 24. The follow ing nrodu- price were current here today: Vegetables .'ucjmberk. 6.1otf(l; garlic. S8(c; green pea. ( 7c: string besns. (9 ic; tomatoes. (5c ltd: eggplant, Scy(1.16. Putter Fncy creamery. 31c -Kgs Store. 46c: fancy ranch, Clc, Onion 90c 4 (1.03. Cheese Young America. 16917c Fruit Apple, cholc, (1: common. T8c; Mexican limes. (4 6; California lemons, choice. (5.5o; common. (1.75; navel oranges. CJ.1iiiA'3; pineapples, (2 1)3. Potatoes Oregon Burbanka. (1.404 1.66; Salinas Burbanka, (l.Oufe l.t.0; sweets. (1.60 tl L7(. MlllstuHs Bran. 126.50927.50; middling. 3Hay Wheat. (13920; wheat and oftts. (12 17. alfalfa. S. 1013.50. Receipt Flour. 624 quarter sacks: wheat. 2U20 centals: barley. 74.9S3 centals: oats. 1125 centals; potatoes, 8595 sacks: bran. 70 sacks; hay. 207 tons: wool, 425 bale. w Metal Market. NEW TORK, Nov. .24. Standard copper, firm Spot. 12.751 13.10c; November. 12.80 b 13.10c; December, 12.803 13.05c: January, 12.824,13.25c; February. 12.00tf 13.25c. London firm. Spot. fStf Is 8d: futures, foO 19s 3d. Arrivals reported In New York to day 200 tons. Custom-house returns show exports st 44S tons, making 22.676 so far thTInStrong. Spot and November. 44.25 M5.00c; December, 44.009 44.76c; January. 4o.t-.vu 44.00c: February. 42.503.50c; March. 41.83 9 42.91c. London, .firm. Spot, f 1 ' futures, 11S9 5s. Lead Vlulet: 4.85U 4.40c. New York; 4.20 9 4.22C East St. Loula London, 15 17Spelter Nominal: ,609.80a. New Tork: 6.60 0 6.80c East St. Loula London, f26 ''Atlt'imony Dull. Cookson's, 7.87 9 8UIron Cleveland warrant. 4Ta 10 d In" Ixinflon. Locally Iron was dull. No. 1 foundrv Northern. (1615.25; No. 2, (14.75 6 15; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern oft, 115 .15.60. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO, Nov. 24. Butter Steady. Creameries, 2543.1c: dslrl.s. 23929c EgKa Firm. Itgceipt. 2n01 caaes; at mark. Connecting at Prince Rupert, B. C with "9. S. PRnrCH JOHN," Wednesday, at 1 00 P. M for Stewart. B. C. Thursday. Nov. 2d, 16th. SOth, Dec..l4th, 28th, for Queen Charlotte Island. Thursday. Nov. th. 23d; Dec. 7th. 21st. for Alassett emd Naden Harbor. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY (Mountain Livlalon Trains leave Prince Rupert for Vanarsdol (100 miles) on Wednesday nnd Sat urday. Returning-, arrive Prince Rupert 6:20 P. M. Thursday and Sunday. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double Track Route.) FOLK THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO EXCESS FARE. Between CHICAGO aad all polata East. Through PULLMAJV STANDARD aad TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. J. H. BURCilS, General Ascot. Passenger Dept. First Ave. and Toaler Way. Seattle, Washington. Horsemen and automobil ists never fail to express their appre ciation of the "foot- ;hoId" feature of "bitulithic pavement THE B ABBES ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu minous Pavement. 605-608 leotrl bldf., Portland. Or. Oskar Uabsr. Manager. cases Included. 22928c: first. 28 9 80c; prim firsts, 25 927c. Ch. ese Steady. Daisies. 14 915c; twins. 14914e; Young.. Americas, 14915c; long horns, 14 15a Drld Fruit at New York. 'NEW YORK. Not. 24. Evaporated sp ples. inactlv. steady. Spot." fancy, . lOo; choice, ( 99c: prime, 8t8c- Prune Easier on the pot. owing to lib eral suppllea Quotations range from 79 11 Ho for California up to 40-6OS, and 10 912c for Oregons. Aprloots Dull, featureless. Choice. 159 15Hc; extra choice, 1616c; fancy. 17 18c Peaches Quiet. Choice. llllc; fcxtra choice. ll'12c; fancr. 1212c. Raisins Irregular, quiet demand. Loos Muscatels. 89 7c; choice to fancy seeded, 798c; seedless, 697c; London Layer. 81.4031.45. Dnlnth Flax Mtu-ket. DULCTH." Nov. 24. Flax on track and tn tore, (2.01: to arrive, (2.00; November. (2.01: December. (2.00 bid; May, 82.04 asked; January. 82.01, nominal. TRAVELERS' Gl'IDK. Ask about "Olympic" Largest Finest Steamer in the World. i American Atlantic Transport Red Star I ftTiite Star White Star-Dominion T. H. LAHKK. 16 Second Ave.. Seattle Wean, Apply AOU Mwur OPEN IUVKB TRANSPOKTATIOX CO. STB.J.N.TEAL Fraliht received dally at Oak -at, dooi ter The Dalles. Hood River. Whits Salmon. Uma till, Kennewlck, P a a. Klchland. Hanford, Whit Blolt. and lntrmMllate DOlBta ITKer-CLASS PA(51iJ0.K BICKVlC'sV FARE 5U UtiJM Aa TO II OOO RIVER. WHITB BALM OK. THB DALLES. Sleamer leaves Portland Sunday, Toosday. Thursday, 7 A. at. Kturnlnr lav Th Dallas Monday, Wednesday. Friday. T A M-, srrlvlna at Portland about S P. AA. seme day. W. 8. Buchanan. Bupt.; W. & fimaUwoed. Oan'l Mar. Y hone Mala 90. A 637. CANADIAX PACIFIC BTEAMSHTML Kxprc Kervlc via bt Lawrence kiveb sckxio koctb lit Thaa Day at bea by tba EMPRESSES OF THJB ATLANTIO. Wkly Salllnr to Europe. Flrit-claaa. S6.00; Becond-claaa ti3.1S; ono clas cahln II) FECIAL CUKABIMAJJ EXCURSIONS. Friday. Dc L Empress of Britain. Thumday, Dec. 1. Lak Manitoba. Friday, Dec. IS. Empress of Ireland. Berthing plana now open. Book Early.. erinK.n-f7T.AIAA RATES Bamburc, Antwerp, Bremen, etc. ISO, A1L0 Norway " Denmark. Sweden M4.16. fSAUU Special rail rate on request. F. H. Johnson. O. A.. 14s Third BC AU acenta sell Can. Pae. tlckta. San Francisco Los Angeles and San Diego Direct s. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Ball Every Wedneatlay Alternately a 6 F. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO., 18 Third St.. Phone Main 114. A 1314. Willamette River Route o..... eA nt9 and Salem. Dally :45 A. M. (except Sunday). pur, 'Corvallls, Albany and Independence, :43 A. M. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. uince anu uouiv. iuui . ....... BH OKKOON CITY TRANS. CO. Phone Main 40. tXfKttis 6TEA.UEK8 FOB San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. 6. Bear Bails 4 P. M. November t8. SAX 1HAM1SKO PORTLAND 8. S. CO Ticket Office, 142 Third St. Phone Main 402 aad A 140 COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER, all from Alnsworth Dock. Portland. I F. Aa.. vry Tuesday. Frlsbt received at Alnsworth Dock dally up to t P. M. Paa sner tar, first-class, i0; aacond-clas. 11. includln meals and berth. Ticket affloe Alnaworth Dock, Phone Mala ua. Maia llu a 122. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA U nion Lino of N. Z.) VIA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Direct through steamers, sailing from San Francisco Deo. IS and every 28 daya Well lngton and back. 1st clasa 1264. Other ratea also low. The line to Isles of the South Sea. For reservations se Coupon Railroad Agents, or address Oceanic 8. S. Co.. San Francisco. WW EFFECTIVE FROM OCTOBER 28, 1911 Steamship Prince Rupert Leaves Seattle, Washington, Every Snaday at 12:00 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT FOR Victoria, Vancouver and Prince Rupert, B. C. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus Profits $900,000.00 OFFICERS: ' J. C ACTSWORTH. Presldeat . R. W. SC TIME FIR. Cashier. It, LEA BARIfBS, Vlce-Prealdent. A. M. WRIGHT, Aaaistaat Cashier. W. A. HOLT, AaaUtant Caahler. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES lumbermens National Bank CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 per cent on savings LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits.. Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, availi sble in all parts of the world. Corner Washington and Third Streets. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National ' Rocky The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1867. Bead Officer Toronto, Canada. f New Tork IS Exchange Fine. London 2 Lombard Street. Over two hundrea other branches in the United States and Canada. Every care taken of collections. L-rafts on all foreign countries ana prln clpal cl tie In United Statea and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking business transacted. Interest allowed on Time an d Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS V. C..MALPAS, Manneer. WM. WHITFIELD & CO. ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS AND SYSTEIWATIZERS, Announce Present Location 218-19-20-21-27 Commercial Club Building, Portland N 300 Colman Building, Seattle, Wash. Also Represented at San Francis ce and Los Ansrelr. Members American Association of Public Accountants, Oreg-on State So ciety of Public Accountants, iz White Star Line New York Plymouth Cherbourg Southampton FAST MAIL ROUTE TO ENGLAND and THE CONTINENT The Largest and Finest Steamer in the World Superb . Unsurpassed Equipment "OLYMPIC" French a la Carte Restaurant, Turkish and Electric Baths, Swimming Pool, Four Elevators, Gym nasium, Veranda Cafe, Palm Court, Etc. WILL SAIL FROM NEW YORK SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, NOON and Regularly Thereafter TTTTTTrn-rt OT AT? T TTTT 1 SECOND AVEXUE, SEATTLE!, OR WilllXi D1AJ iU-HX LOCAL RAILROAD AGENTS. Corner FiftS and Stark .$1,000,000.00 . 800,000.00 Bank West of the Mountains Triple Screw 45,324 Tons 882 Ft. Long