K V V $1650 Below Market I offer mv bountiful lx-rrwm SIm rha!lrl be-low ni.irk-t value If taken Ht ort. e. Corner lot. i"Xlu; flu Karaite; a. I Improvement pal l; only 12 minute in lorra on -r. furnace, fireplace-, laundrv. beautiful electric- fixture, built-in buffet and ..iokra"". t. Jlnen cloacta. Mlr. etc.; luOO caeti. bMlanre rn time. No real estate dealer need apply. re lr-cr H 1TVV -LI.I, Br.KKIIHiK A IllimMIN, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, -4 Kmnlrr Block, fhoa Mala BJ1. Beck. William a.. Falling bid. Ft BAKER BENEDICT. M McKay bid. M. 849. Chapin Her low. 3.13 fhimfcw Commrc Cook. B. . Co.. So Corbott bid. Jannlng Co. Ma o Is. I0 Oregonlan. rAlllR-JONKS CO, U. P, 4o4-4u6-40 Wlicoz b.ds. Tb Oregon Ileal ratal Co.. Grand are. and Uultnomja t. lliolladay Addition!. Foe e 4 FREE FARE TO BEND. OR. For a abort tim and to a limited number w ara paytng th round trip ra.road far to llend. Or., wher w ar -'.lira; bulr and eioe-1n rcstdene l"t toilil at f3uo. terms $lo per month. Our property la wuhin two blo--ks of lh union depot; a ara' the ownere, cot gents; we pay no p-mmii'ion THE XKWlON-KvLLIiR 0.. INC. ! Buchanan Hide. Portland. Or. BSaTtIVI 17 HOMESITE. ONLY 1 1 li" J acrea 15oi.Mi. on main lirttnn City road; view of both mountain, beaul.rul siop. covered with la-Re f r . beat of o.l: station 1 mil. Se tm today in our ma chin. C. F. SMITH A soy. 112 Raliway Ffhint. Thone M.r.l alL 2'.r2. A lW- MAI l.OKY AL'Il TJ' N". KAT 5:rH NEAR HAWTHORNE. 11 UIM Tr y K' 1 f Wi:T blLK. ALL IMI'lluVKMKXTS IN. BUILMNG P.K-i'hlCTK'NS. FP.ICKd $'.:o TO $llo. EAST TERMS. GEO. G. MAIR. TAK .1477. P 241 EAST 42D AMI HAWTHORNE AVE. G .WE.N-I t'E TKC-T O. lumbermen's nunc.. ;th and star; IAID ADDITION FINE CORNER. A swell corner, "il:-. m all ,rJ Improvement paid. S. E. corner I aim and Muloerry .. rl to Hawthorn a -. walking dlftan-- ard handr to 4 car tine; prl e $.12ni. part caah; balanc lerma at p-r rent. gkus.-i a bolds. a Board of Trad H.J.. 4ih and Oak. r.t r NEAR Rtro l OIXEilB. Lota 4al"0 fe l. 2 b.ocka frum Reed Co, v.,. (au pr lot. $13 cash. 110 per Bloc n ilKRIT'IAN rr.VfT COMPANT, M Ha:Uay K.s'banc Ill.l. rh'bet- Mernbglt Z A 74.1Q. HwWN. n l-i:K M.'.NTH. Fine view l"t. miiur.l fru.t treea; r tirlrtd d.trlcf. nar car; cement walk. Hu:t Hun fr-ilt cared fr fre of rhare. 7T . Hoard "f Trade b.d. I'aona UiKhl'l 473. A lu.'U WEST STT'E. I.irfj !. R:bt on earltne. u I'er Wahlnton t.. ad'oinln I'llf 1'ark. ct 3Jlh and 1am I 1 1 Nt.r.ar llealiy a Truat '"o.. 74 fhamNer v ommrc. ataia Dm! NT 1Ali"K- u.erri bullilln liea. fr.in t to i lot, from liono up; hrd-':r. far pvnipnt to rlt. :ew and eurround. Irt iir.iT' , your own term. I'hon la.l.a.l I.".".. fr at'T-'lnt ment to o out. Trie HM I e-d 1'1' 'l. 'om VV'T P.AI.'K SOME MO VET. WK aa.rif1' a f ne l-t on M' Tahor; mu! ba lioo at onr. . K. uro (unltn. lo f'Hll CKNT N'KT. fna of th rir.t .i r'e autdivl!ona In rort'and for aale. $-i.ie- ceah required; t'iiite:y no peru.;uiri ; If you maa bui.n'sa I will aL Addrria M CIS, Orv .n la a. CA.-H. ! morth:y. r.1l,,'. .t3d and A:naworth: prlre I5'ii. full !.. r.lt anj Jarre". 17.i. $."'' ceah. $ll nion'h y; !-;. lS:h and A mwnrlii. arL Hot- mrA l.ae.l i'.n-nnr. a.'l .swt?and bl'l- j7 h'K in beauilful lot. T;lf. facir aet on Jtiit bet. Hraje and Knott; ;--o cae.l. bj:anre at 4 per cer.l. 5 ara. Un prvemna a I In and :a:d S ir. I'bona w o".l Awn S.'' or C I'--? n H-.m i.l t.. ll'7i feet; owner will let w hi.e amount iand five year at a per eenl. if bu-r wl'.l erect a neat Mini or flat. rhon- varli"l I'.a f"r 1at to v-,. H-t I. and 'In i n of r. i. ;14 IajT. Keel rt-i'ti on H eriln frontili nil. Id-al hull.'. i lhrr. .1: t P' rM' toni ..n f''hr aide, l.'an) ;l h.nrt.a. APP.y ""I p illi b:d , Tort 'aad. ' ToTviNi-.TON. Knolt t . tnle corner, eart f--o: bar a.n at I ;. eaay term. J 72. Or imlin. riKi'M- st ihf;.;.ix. nAito. ai fc. J hlokt to carllna: only lli. tarrn. P. it. Lent. 411 Cor- bett bide W KT HHE comer view lt. rad-d atreeta. m'twer ar1 water In. .l minute from Poet offlc. -": HM down. bl. 170 In on to. V m. Th'irra. ' 'a :hn t. portlanT he'hTh rs. exi li .-ivelt. tau: ful bomea ami tiornralta. all view, iov-atlona ar d pri.-r. fan utt you. l.in 3-'-l HHiMiKK A - CH'H' E corner for f at or apartment, prl.e. Including all Improvement. I: I1"); miaht ta arnalj hou. M. l'teron. V6a t nion v- N. ri IBVINlJToN A 1.1. t'A.-H. tnoafli :!. Fred w. Grrtiart. 3; Humid M. or A 377. iHKAT for cnn. 1 v.l lot on Fori land HeKhta IS M-x-ki from carllna. Frank I'ha.uupka. 2il orceiter bid. LOTS. 3oloo. 1 block from electric carlln. flOA to H: vary y Irrmi J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co.. M Corbett bid. ' Far lluew. Hit NOW RO.-'K CITY I'ARft . .0 CASH 7 room, built-in buffet, bookcaa. aolld oak f'or. furnace. f're.ia.e. mirror d-Hra, Notional Rea.tv A Trnt t'o.. 7 -"3 Cham ber of Commerea. Wain M -V NEW ill .MiALuVVj. .ton. $alO down; a beauty. & room, dryln attic. coocrtU fuunilatlon. ba"ment. en. ml nickel trimmed plumbinw. pane'ed d'nln-room. Dutch kitchen, rua'le porch; b:ok of car; ood iot. cloa In. t:. M. Thomaeor.. S35 M'irrron t. iVE and nt-roflm home, fireplacea. har 1 o.. floora. furnacra. with a. I built-lo modern ronventenrea. rear earl:n. a.l t-t lmproTmente paid; monthly pay ment pian. Provul-nt Inveatment a Iruiet .'o.. 201. ill Hoard of Irade bid Fhor Marvl all 471. A lo'.l. CHAN'IB In bnaineaa eaiia owner Bouth. o b Inetrucl u to ll at ouco M beautiful -room raa:denc. In Ladd Addition; mod. m and up-to-dat to every partl.-uiar; will iva food term. oi E. 11th u a. Hi-- a-ROOM bunalow; furnace, nrplaca. burTet. bookcaaea. hardwood floor. a. elec tncltv; ood vt-w; Rw I'lty I'ark. two r'.c from car.ine; $.l.t.o. eaay terma. rnttMrrt Inveetnient a Truetee Co.. i'i'1 .. H i"a-d of "Trade. Mare-all 4 71. A 1"7.'. 11 !. N"w l-ro m iunRilA. Srtalii lot. mtl tarn and ha..e tree. I need l.'.O to carry on m bueir-. fc I nun lt It o for fllOo. If you buy at one. It'a wo-tn I'M" fhon Talor .e o A i ( . balance Ilk rnl. bur a beao "tlful home, a'.n.t'.y mod-rn buoa;ow. 4 room, lar lot. fin location; prtca cn.y 9Jeit 5e Jaa. A. Clock. 3.-.-J Aidr. fbon Mini M SNtlliE I'AH'JAIN. Py owner. J-roorn hou. completely fur nmied. Ir -iiidln piano, ranae. tc . d-.-itled bargain: wltn or without fumltura , dlrl I bon Main ll WKT HItE NAT. IP-rooni aptmnt. flai. tnewm taT.AOi. 4.b at. and Jevron. f r : by owner at a tar n fh ma Main I'll i d-roora houa. furnlhd. cor lot. paved etreet borledl Hawthorra-Rlctt-m.mid J:rU'U Ral.lou. oaarr. .M Alder A NEAT Weet yll hort-e. r-Km. full be-rnent. cement w.ke. wa'o. to tnia. walk Ir -o P o . I. t :."'tt"u plenty ard r.H.m ttj.o cl'li 1? Mfke-. ar rl le Nor for rtrl .de pcUert. etcluelve dealer In Wre: etd fea ! ; v. f'ff'cee ;".1".-T 9 t hamber of t'ocutnerc. Tfr.'HtM hone on Weet Mde; walking d(e 1r: cement basement, lot IalUO. prlc j o. . ;a U -od trol. M'l'LItN a-room houee. Wt Maia :70. ol. Hoard of Trade. Ask for Jar. Border. LEa-VIX' cltr. wfl el my eroife in n -v i room bi;i,' at a areai-i. -c., Hait M-l el.. " fet off !linr nr. -..ei WILL hand flt e hoiue in Iid i a-ld.; balan.e iwi a rem. T'-wtt v'i.ire, ewr.e- eo7 ,- of Com. M SM r". I7:". frj r; 1 Nolr A Co. for W et ftid home; acl-e T de'-r In Wet Si e proprtJF. awo--t Lsaiattr of Commctta nr alMooae. or -la - Z I IM ImWX. HAWTHuKNa lUt-TRICT. I am th o-.vner of tao home and mint aell on or tno other at one. Thia hou 1 I'ullt vpcctlti to mov Into niylf after e.l.t.i; t.i. on I am now occupying. Tnla beauuful home la aiiuatcd on(y two block front Hawthorne e.. and la very hull and a:iit:; In a reatrlcied dtatriit. with duu-ria aa.la and douole floor, aik larga rooma and a.eepln porch, reception hall. levi-cded p a:e-.a oak door, veneered door to kitchen. ;:lln door to living room, pollened oak f.oora. tripla window np.-ntn on porc.1. cr.a:ii briek flrepiaca v.nh nietal door b.wkcc on e:t her ll. roiurm arcli to llniu-roo;u. ooa floor. linin-rootii veneer pneied. plat rail, a l.a-i.itul, maiio buffet, vtittrrtd do-r to k:tch-n. Iiin.l kllcnen with ooodllfl, bo.n-r. cloe.t. d:l cilnt. flour and uar Mna. draa cr. pot nn.l kcttia cloa ei. etorjx cupooard. full c.-ment ba ment wuu launury tray. Iiedrooma lare. eaira Urn c.ool wl:h window, wall beiutifully tinted, full line of piumbln. and rr.-.m-In lUtil In bathroom; a deir aole peraon may maka practically bia own terma T. A. SUTHERLAND. Offlc cor S'.lh St. aud Hawthorn Ava. Hnon Tabor 2Q1T. IRVINGTON HOME TWO-sruKY. 7-KOoM HOUHE. Lara re.-.ptu.n tail, living-room wHn flrep.aca and hullt-ln bookcae. dlnlng-r-om alth hullt-tn buffer, beamed cen tra and paneled waila. back ball wltn aaeh baaln; all the above have hardwood floor. lut.h kitchen, large, whit anam e'e alth p.enty of cabinet pace; wood lirt; tipetalra ha 3 fin bedroom, wltb larce cioaela. window In emhl larga leep tria porch; batnroom and linen cloaeta: tne amc I flntehed; full cement haaoment with fjmara and laundry tray: prlc '.0; e.vii cab- If lateretted. call Main l'.T or A :l'li. J. V. Uulhrle. i'i Slark. A HKAL HfXGAl-fm. Very atchtly location, overbooking th city, on pad aireeu only 1 block to car. near K. l'.-d t. H I At 'I IF1"I. FIREPLACE. HARHWoop K1.1KIKS. fffBl.1, HI KKET ANl H (.'b.CAaKS. W.ill awltch In every room and very modern convent, nee ou could a lh for. Full cement 1 aeenter.l and dandy attic, all floored. Jut atiout flntehed and will tint to etui, a choir buy for :i'-."iii and o i t :.n( Cah. balance rvnt. Call Tabor j:.0 DOWN". BALANCE AS RENT, fl-room l.oue. near Mi. Scott carllna. full baeemeul. modern plumbing, lot ix llKi. cot present owner I-.Vmi; will mak big rtfo-e a owner want to mov onto h!a "West fstayton Irrigated farm. Here" your cbance to get a bona fid nap and on - lerma. Sea Mr. Hartog. quick. Room b ' Chamber of Commerce bide. HAP.TMAX A THOMPSON. Hl.i II A KG A IN. Fweli h-rootti house, built for a home, strictly mod'rn In every particular and doubly riirilnji-tnl; a fine view of in dry and the mountain, coat $7."no. but owner must srl; at one and we are of fering It at Id.sjO: flow" csh. located on Kl -"Iri si.. Just south of Hawthorn ate. and neir the beautiful lllrrcll home. Giit ssi holds. Sie Hoard of Truda Hid.. 4th and Oak. "Ta.-oHriu xiiAi.off HEnrcEP TO sonn H'lild.r d. Jinng lo clos out 5 houaea oti barrd wnl make a special Inducement on a &-riom bungalow on $'.e lot, 18 mlnntea car ride, on block off carllna; Improvements In and all paid: house ha firep.lace. bMik-ae and buffet with leaded glasa doors, full basement, this le a bar n: It is worth in vest Igal 'i : cail in i n: srn.tll cri paymant will taka Ihla C.ill MarshTll 2 '17 jJTt LT t.WNK'l. IIEilB 13 TOIR CHtNCK T.i IMPliOVK SOl'R PROP KUTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A I.nW I'.VIH or INTFKKST; PLANS Ft KNI.-U l.l FRKE. IT WILL PAT YOU IO cOME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S ATKINS. ARCHITECT ANI Ht'lLPIR, HENRT 1IJG. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT Tt RN" A Hl'RPEN INTO ISi'iiVR I'HOPERTYr IK TOI." OWN" A IOT WE WILL FCRNISHTHEMO.NET AMI Bt"ILt KKSII'UNCE Oil FLA1SL It. vs Hire. ! WE IICILD. OCR Ilfl'lTATlON" YOCR P-tOTECTIOM." IT WILL PAT rot: TO PEK IS. I rt. HAII.F.Y CO.. INC.. rONTRACT I N.I ARCHITECTS. AHiNGTONt BLD. SELL lll. Hlgh-rtaa Irvmaton horn. SOilOO. for. E. loth and ltr.a.-e. tor e7f"0. Iiooo rh. bin. term, t Per cant; r.o Incumbranc. Alt Improvament In and paid for. No trade. Phone E a.. for appotntmnt. HkltaOSti FSAI'. Nlca l-tory. fl-room houae. lot T510n. elegant lawn, lot of fin hrubbry and rossi om lrg beailng fruit tree; r:M on lh car. in and In th hthot ei'.atlon of Richmond, prtc only 4-'0; lio-io or m.r cash and -A per month! a dandy home at a barrain. irtl'r-M HoLO-i. ta Beard of Trade Bid. 4lb nd Oak. 8 AVE MONET. 1 bav 2 or a o-room bungalow Joat about cmp:ied 1 would Ilka ' o enow fou. or will build to ault ;ou on your ot. or will rurnish th lot nd ml:a eaay terma at ttte l.wt rai cf Int-rest and th price wilt b rlrhr 1123 .'lawthom riKAl Tll'I'l. a-ro..tn house. In I.euret h urt : X flrepiec. Iri-ae lecpl n f -porch, bullt-ln refrigerator, d- t and clothea chntea flra lesa c.M.s-r. built-in wardrobe. e.-.; ctr-r.-r lot 7oT'-iij. rNSt front, beautiful view; s:nn- .e cash, halance easy monthly patmenls prl.1lt Investment A Trus t.. ,-0.. Jtil-Iii3-2''1 Board of Trad bldg. phon Marshall 473. A K-- tniT WANT A HAROAINT I N"EKL THE MuNET. Tht I4S'S Horn Reduced to $8900. Thl Sid of Ijtur!hurv lodern 6-lloom Home. Full Lt. Have Albert Welch A 8on Show You Today. 7-S Hiard of T rade- HOLLA l A T PARK HOME. T-room modern houae. foil cmnt baa menl. fjmace. 1 flrepleeee. 4 bedrooma atttc. faoea south on paved atraet; prlca J.".o0; lnna H. P PALMER-JONES CO. 40 4 WHO Uldg. Phonee Mam . A fit l'o.-,0. Nice i-room bou-e. wltrl lot n?xl00. Just ha.f bio.-k from carllne and two i.;.-ks to sclio.,1; oriy take :Hl down, ba r.rce la or three year. Phone Main zz. a i:wj. OEO P. "'"HA I.K, stark St. TWO HOME FNATS. rV-room buneaiow. Wavcriy Height; fir-place. Dutch kitchen, baaement: all ery modern; l-i". ti eah. hat. easy; a. room house, new. modern; W. Moreland; CL rpFEl.TER BROS.. 414 Couch Bldg. gl'K.'IAL ImnelU'." action advised; coi taBe on Portland Helghla; pot many such oci'ortunttia tbia. thta Itrti home l within your mean, a few hundred doilara will put you tu possession: th balance mae b paid the same as rent. Hnrrman A Thompson, chamber of Commerce blilg. I1AR. IAIN New 6-room home. flrepiaca, furnace, buflt. bookcase, paneled dining room, large c.o-te. sle-plri porch, llnea eiot. Iin to. ;ton on block from car, near Laurel huret. I'bona owner. Eaat SSolA, after tt P. M. " " Ml'T FKLU lO-room Mount Taoor houst and S lora barn and greenhouse. fruit and shad tree, etc.: ' ah. blanr I25k. oa time. Tel. T.tOor 87a. or call on owner. Olat and K-.st atark. 1 II XNKS'llVINO HI NOAl.OW. liTiei. No. 1 bi.ick to car. strictly modern, fireplace, a'a tubs, window shadea, St. Inn i.a'1; '.,id cah or lot as first pay- t-:it. pnoto at offlc. Fred . German, j: Humslde. M. or A S77d. PT. JOHN SNAP. VMrn p-room house, coat 12'WO; lot 4f.jl.iii wor'h ion. close to canine and bus.n. ss Port of St. .lohr.s; can b bought from owner for l.-.T0. Prion Eat 41.11. ROSE CtTT PAPK SNAP. Elchr-room bonglow. Jut romp.ted; a!l up-to-date f.ature: only S.l''eiO: mall Onwn pvmnt. b.nce easy terma S-- oer.er. Mr. Crpntr. ' Henry bldg. V'. nI '". I . S " i'A.-H and rent, new 4-roo-n bunaaiow; 'ot o"Vl el. near XIV c:vr; full basement. H., . . wash tre. lutch kitchen; up-to-lce home. $.-"-' HIULKY A BISHOP. I Third St. JiT leaving-cTte; will sa.r.flca naw .-..wo residence w i.l roualder lull automobile or large diamond as part t aymcnt; balanc 7 ter cent Ir.tereat- Ca.l owner today, vsr-naii :n:. THIS IS AN OPPORTl'NITT. 1 a--re young bering tree, room house, close lo electric car service; will -t or .i hi-ii. lor Portland relderc. K 74. Oresonlri. l.l.-.a, f "I era 5-room bunglow. Just Mm. p'eied. East r.3d bet. Mad. son and Sal mon, will take good lot as first payment. phon Main U".7H or E. 1.H11. """ T HE Jf.iI.U AT ONCE. Good b. '.se. wh 2 acr. wt aid of on J""" ". I'.l don. NATI'iNAL XEALTT TRt'ST CO.. 7-i i.rn -r of Corc.m-ce. "TJi WEST S-AHTHCR ST. & rooms, lot Jtv.'.'V street improvement in srid ps.l. surlil nearly I;.Voi. Fred W. C.erman. Hjrnslde M. or A :77a. af.E cheap, houts and lot, ItrualOv). All v. Oicmulova. MOKXrNG OREGOIN'IAN. FRIDAY. XOYEmSEI. 24, 1911. the snttr f'ITT PARK BI'NGALOW. A genuine bargain; lot iOaloO: 6 and reception hall, hardwood floora. built in buffet, larga fireplace, Dutch kitchen, linoleum on bath and kitchen floora. win dow shade, galvanised sereena. PRICE. o.".o0; TERMS EAST. tei i . .. i l .liail trl On and a half blocks from car. four block I from achooL Th environment ar " ,ou would moat desire. Thl 1 for quick sale. Io really appreciate you muat Jrai ae it. fie Mr. Ainon, owner. corbati bl.Tg. Thon Matn l.K3. A lf'13. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. . MAGNIFICENT VIEW. Spacious grounds, modern horn witn vrythlng flrst-clar. bulit-ln cheval mir ror, hardwood floor, two fireplace. It I verr seldom that ucb a view plae on th Height l offered for eala. Tna prlca la only llo.iOO. H. P. PALMER-IOXES CO. 404 V.'llcog Bldg. Phone Main 1!. A 2o LOOK AT THIS! Our client MI ST aell very oon; $S.VX worth for $7.VH: blK. elegant P-room bouse. restricted district; verylhlng modern; about SOf cash, poaalbly om trade. . GROCER NEEDS MONET! Cut hi .;.VI0 reldenc to f.'loOO: about two caah; lot, new 2-story . -room modern house; good af buy. Daring, O. C. R. Ellla A Co.. IM.H-IO Wllcoa bldg. ACCOUNT alcknesa: dandy new bungalow at 1181 Ivon at., offered to responslOle buyer sacrinc and on own terma until 37th. Phon owner, Barney, Main Z.VKI. For Sale Hire In res Property. HOTEL FOR SALE. Modern 6.1-room hotel and grill In eon rectiAn in fin location; modern corner brick building; prtval hatha; beat of bra a and Iron bed and blgh-grad car pet: long leaae; clearing over $.00 per month. If you have 700i cash and want the bt paying hotel In th city, call and e this place. AP 414. oregonlan. For S le A eremite. CORDAVOOD PATS FOR LAND. we bar ome timbered tract near leetrtc lla and It. R-. on main macad amised county road. In Tualatin Valley: only a hort rlda from Portland; soil a rich black loam. SMALL CASH PATMENT. Tou Maka Wage Profit From CORDWOOP PATS FOR LAND. 4"S Couch Pldg. fS MOXTHI.T. i ACRES. NEAR PORTLAND. Only hort rid on electric car and close lo R. R- atallon; soil rich black loam: best of vegetable or fruit land; spring water; first crop pay for land; a par bargain. TACIFIC N. IV. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 4HC Couch Bldg. ACREAGE. 1. a. It and 10-arr tract in th Valley. Just weat of Council Crest, also .1-aere tract down the river, npuoait St- Johns, at price rang ing from loi to 8S00 per acre, and upoa your lerma THE RHAW-KEAR COMPANT. Main 33. l'lK Fourth St. A 3600. CHEAP ACREAOE. Co to Portland, ft or la-acre tracta. wltliln the a-mtl elrcla from Portland, at 81K per acr and up. First buyer who will Improve land can a-'cura term a Nv as IoO down, balanc easv. Th beet snap on acr tracta anywher within in mile of Portland. price will be advanced after nest few tracta have been aold. Get busy If you want to get in on the ground floor ATCHIStiX A ALLEN. 118 Oerltnger Hl.lg.. "-'d and Alder SIS- CHOICE ACREAGE TRACTS. C!ose to Portland: rtch walnut, fmlt and garden land; only imall cash pay ment, balance pays for Itself In product now on th land, which we accept aarn a caah: w own the properties and ara to only people making this liberal offer. F1KLANDS TRl T COMPANT. IU4-8 Spalding Bldg. CHICKEN and fruit ranche near Portland; walking dlatanc to good town; running water, best soil, fr wood, plndtd fruit district; view of Columbia River and snow peaka; 1 acres. IJiU; acre, 400; 10 acr. ItOO; 10 per cnt caah. aay pay ntenta; other tracta near railway station. 9-'ft to S30 per acre. FRANK M FA U LAND REALTY CO, vu yon Bldg.. Portland. Or. " BUY- GOOD LAND. And it will pay for Itself very quickly. My tract Ho cloe to Canby and are espe cially suited to onions, celery and chicken ranrbea. Aa low aa $1.14) per acr and up to 33t, for those that are mostly beaver dam. Three have been aolllng on sight; filet down, long tlm on balance. H. VV". Freexe, owner. 508 Merrhanta Trust bldg. I HAVE $ acre. OS mllea from th canter of th Burnalde brldg which I will sell and to th buyer I will glv niy new auto of standard make. Think of it! At $700 per acre. $.100 down. $.10 per month. Need th money at once to complete ad vertising patent. E 411, Oregonlan. 3 ACRES.$o0. West Sid, only It mile from ctty Court hou; An fruit and garden aoll: steam and electric railway: groceries and mat delivered ; It F. !. A splendid buy for suburban hnmo, $7.1 down. $13 a month. ATCHISON A ALLEN".- IIS Oerltnger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. fll'Bl'RBAN honie, close to Portland. C-room house. 2u lot lover 8 acre!. Ml fruit tree, l-errlea. etc.; also splendid for chickens, running water, spring, telephone, dally mall. 2 blocks from electric car station, $3oir0: easy term; $2no0 for house and lota J. V. Hefferlln Really Co.. 203 Cor-hc-t bldg. " 4-ACRB SNAP. Ko stump or bruali; eplendld garden soil: only 4 mlnutea" walk from electric and 9. I. etatlon. a chance to mnka half our living f.oni gurden and chicken; $t.1- down. e;ti.v monthly psyinenta. ATCHISON at ALLEN. 213 OerlliiKcr Hi'lg-. 2.1 and Alder. 1 HAVE three 5-aere tracts of onion and cel ery land, situated on Oregon Electric, rail road, within a mile of a town of ou; similar laud around Beavcrton sella for $7ti.i per sera I will sell mm for lese than half of that amount and will give tha moat llbral terma If you want to go out and look at It. phon C 8028. - "" ONE ACHE." Cut 00 cords of wood; fine soil; 18 min utes lo J-nnlngs Ioxlue. on Oregon City Klecirie. $4.10: $48 rash, balanc $9 rer month. See this and buv It. C. F. SMITH A SON. 212 Hallway EichaiiKe. phone Marshall 272 A 4111.1. lo ACRES, $liMa.i. West Sld. within th fi-mll circle, clos to both S. P. and electrlo station. $100 down, balanc asy monthly paymenta Th cheapest buy within 20 mile of Port land. Get busv It you wish a snap. ATCHISON A ALLEN, 21S flerllnger Bldg.. id and Alder FIVE or 10 acre cleared, level, deep, rich oll. splendid for rrull. garden truck and grain, near depot, big market, adjoining tract under cultivation. $Umk per acre, easv term. Owner. 1016 Chamber of Commerce. J." 4igi;est and best barcaln ever offered In a 2-l-acre Jionie: buildlncs. orchard; only 1 ij miles to streetcar. The prlc I way below that of a.ljo'nlng uncleared land. See my attorney. . fj. Throahcr, 4.H7 Chamber of Commerce. GARDEN Horn Acre, pertly cleared, near elation: good view of Mt. Hood nd Tua latin Vallev; only 8-ent fare; 20 nilnulis ride and 4t) train daliy; price $7hi. only $100 cash, balanc atralght mortgage for 8 vear. ST A VEJt AUSSIEKER. 14 oUchb!dg. yj-.V acre beaverdam land, under Irriga tion and ready for crop, best for onions, celery, canilnower, potatoes, etc.; river and rail enaportatlon ; nothing better snysht""! low price and easy psvmenla Investlca'e. 812 Couch b'dc . IiVi 4th I' jTlH ACRES, so acres In cultivation, good house and barn. Ii mllea from Xlalloy Stntlon. on the Oregon Electrls R. R. : will aell a a whole or a part. Inquire (c.3 Jefferson t.. I'onland. RE A L" SI" Hl'KrtAN HOME" 5 beautiful acre at Courtney; acre native grove. b..l. clear: Ideal homo !:: leaving for East and must aell; ineke me offer. Owner. 414 Couch bldg. $Voh rtit modern .1-room cottae. 413 l.iih. near Tillamook: fine apt. site; $1oo cah, bat at T per cent, .1 vara; this Is a bar gain. Woodlaa n 8229 or C 2121'. L2 8 AND 8-acr tracts, close to Portland, on Icirlc carllne. $:on to $100 per acre, easy terma J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co., Su3 Corbett bldg; grp7t4 seres of choice onion land, nia nlr.g water; miles from Courthou; onlv $e per acr. Jamea Wilson. Rout 1 Boring. Or. 1 ilRFAOU and UrmA from $12. .Ml per acr OP large and small tracts. Call Kinney a ftmphr, 8.11-2 Lumber Esenang bo. B IKilAlN Two a--:e. c'ose In on car, $S pvr month. O 6'.i3. Oregon!-. f -m i , i i EXCHANGE I FOR BALR HEAI, ESTATE. ., : Automobile.. , ro7-S.le-F.rm5, A.W EXTRAORDINART OPPORTTJJilTT. Take 18 par cent on your investment. Rental $2000. caah Lb advance, on FOKTT ACRES. II mile from city. All Improved, on county roed aaa P. R. R., which Is being iectrtfld. Take $000 caah to awing It- Get yoof $140 CASH INCOME the moment you ara la position to sign leaae. Lost us tell you more about It, WELLS A LABER. 44-8 Bwetland Bldg. Mala $$. 270 ACRES. One of th best ranch In Oregon: only 1 mile from Portland, on main Salem road;'fine automobile road to It; 4 mile from Oregon City: all of the very best ol deep. rich, well-drained aoll; nothing bet ter for hons; onlv one mile from siutlon. on main line; divides nicely In any size tracts; good, big 8-room house; largo barn, with cement flooia and foundation, cost I3.1H0 to build: good as new; prlc onlv $118 per acre. Including all of follow ing property: Seven head liorsee, -.i heatt Jerseys. Including a $1000. bull; 40 hogs. 8i0 chickens. 30oo bushels cats. Sou busn cl wheat. 7S ton hay In barn about 8200 bushels of potatoes In bin, an tool and machinery. Including wagons, buggies, harneas. gasoline encine, feed chopper, floe creamery house.- other out buildings, and cold spring water piped Into all bv gravltv; no other land ad Joining this for less than $2nil per acre: this tract will sell readily In small tracts and Is an ideal place for a home; we will take contract If you wish to reeell In entailer tracta at a big advance; terms $12,000 cash, halance long terma at 6 per cent; this place is going very quickly; get busy. CAMERON ft STOT'FER, 21 Lumbermens BUlg. Last week we advertised for 20 honest men. we found ten" such men. we now want ten" more men. MEN THAT ARE NOT AFRAID OF WJIEN-" THAT MAKE UP THEIR MINDS ON THE SPOT. . MEN" THAT HAVE FAITH IN WHAT WE SAT. , , MEN THAT WANT A PAIR START IN LIMEN THAT REAI.LT DO THINGS. - If you are such a man, come to our or flce and we will start you on a small farm In the best part of the Willamette Valley Don't expect to pay a high price; w will aell you as good land as you can buy for only $S.1 per acre. $1 per acre down. $1 per -acre monthly. You readily reailx w could not make auch liberal terma unlcsa we sell to the kind of men that really do tblnga Don't take up our lime unless you are really ready to buy. Our liberal terms make It possible for you to keep vour money and Improve your land. We are selling fast; mak up your mind. Call today and talk It over. Ask for Mr. Henehrest. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-838 Chamber of Commerce. DON'T DKLAT HUT WHILE TOU CAN. $73 per acre, 25 per cent down, balanc In 8 rear. ' 8. 10 and 20-acre tract, one mil from thriving business towns, railroad station and boat landings, schools, bank, depart ment slorea, churches and theaters; less than ons hour' ride from Portland; 4 train each way dally; deep, rich soil, fin water, fine view, delightful horn sites, surrounded by finely cultivated orchards, berry, truck gardens and poultry farms; good nelghbora who hav made comfort able fortunes off adjoining lands; neigh boring towns have largest payroll In slat of Oregon with same population. W have recently sold over 200 10 and IO acre tracts In tbla neighborhood. Call and Investigate. 812 Couch bldg., 108 Fourth st. FOR SALE 8ome charitable person to buy lflO acres sugar, fine; no reasonable offer refused; must have cash. J Ore gonlan. Fee fvale Fruit Lend. T WE NTT ACRFS heat apple land. Hood Hlver Valley. $3o-00; will take email home In Willamette Valley a part payment. For particulars address J. J. Knapp. Col lege Place. Wifli. 15 ACRES of fruit land; thla land baa been plowed and readv to plant to treea: If taken at one will aell for $loo pr acr and give you chance to pay for It. &06 Board of Trade. JO ACRES of fruit land; all cleared and ready to plant to trees; $100 an acre and terms to suit. BOS Board of Trade For bate - f- arms. CANADIAN FARMS. Do you want a farm In Western Can ada. whr the crop this year ar in ad vance of anything grown on this conti nent T For whrst growing dairying, mixed farming and cattle raising the Province of Alberta Is unsurpassed. Lands are now offered by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company at prices rang ing from $10 to $30 an sere on long term of payment or on the crop payment plan, that Is paying for your farm through a portion of your cropa each year. Land values have increased 30 pr cent In two year. Grat opportunity for the horaeseeker. Call or write for full particulars, book lets, maps, etc. Reduced rates for homeseekera IDE, M CARTHY LAND CO, General Agents. Csnadlae "aclflc Railway. Alberta Land Department, 3 Lumbermen's Bldg. A SACRIFICE. Beautiful farm of 3A0 acre, all wall Im proved and In cultivation, except 40 acrea, which 1 In timber; well fenced and cross fenced; two sets of good buildings: plenty of fruit, all A No. 1 soil, and lies well for aub.llrl.Ilng; situated oh good county road no Incumbrance on the place; good easy terms can be given pin cliat-tr. This Is on of th finest farms In Linn County: situated near Albany: good reasons for selling. Call on or writ J. V. Pip. Al bany. Or. A FINE, CHEAP HOME. P8 acres, 8o acres m cultivation, best of land, good Improvement, running water, on court Lv road, fine fencea, good horse and oow. all kinds of farming tools: 80 acres In crop now. feed and seed la barn for Winter. Everything goes with place at $12.1 per acr on good terms; th plac Is worth tt alone. One of the nicest home In Yamhill county. Write for description. M E Burgess. Yamhill County, Amity. Or, BEAVERDAM. S acrea for $ll2uu: covered with alder and ecruti. easily cleared; fine land and wll watered by large springs and drained by a good ditch; on mile to 'I'lacksmsl and Jennings Lodge atatlona on Oregon City Electric This la your opportunity. Terms easy. C. P. SMITH ft SON. 213 Railway Exchange, phone Marshall 272. A 4.118. MUST sell, small home. betwen five and six acres, short distance west of Portland, near good car line: house, well and fencea. very rich soli. $!.''!0, with good term. AS Grcgoniun, $0 ACRES, rich black aoll, all In cultiva tion but Is acre pasture, with living stream through It: Ilea perfectly: 1 mile to R. R. town with good schools: all other conveniences: fair 2-story houae, good barn, ail other outbuildings; good orchard, berrlea. etc; price $125 per acre; $47.00 cash, balsne years at per cent. Address B. G. Mulkey (owner). Amity, Or. R. F. P. No. 1. liio ACRES, all plow land, running water, good house, well, barn, granary, chicken-. iio-:es. close to good country town arid lu'lroad: S.m per acre; good terma. J. W. HCerlln Realty Co.. 1 0 1 Corbett bldg. 1 v . i splcndlj 10-acre tract, all In cultiva tion, near good railroad town. 38 mile from Portland, all free and clear of In cumbrance: p-lce $1.10 per acr; e-lll trade for Portland property. AT till. Oregonlan. li.NE farm of 1'0 acres, stone's throw to iiM'road station In Tualatin Vallev. Price el", per acre, free of Incumbrance; will ..o .i.ler trade for Portland prop-rly. AT i'l2. oregonlan. 20 ACKL7S. 40 minutes', ride from center of " cilv. near electric station; sell or trade; pr-o-a below adjoining land. Call owner, .".M I. eats bldg. AN ACRE. 1.17 sirei, Lincoln County, 4 miles to county scat, river or rallioad; best of fruit land or a fine dairy ranch. Phon Eost 2l4d. AN .190. Oreitontan. 10 ACRES, stock, linpl. tnenls. good buildings- near Vunciuvor. 2 miles railroad, irolto- or boal; good terms. AV 723. Ore-C'-n an. oil ACRES. Washington. 2.1 miles from Pot-Hand $.1"l. e.orlh double. Win. lrle, -l K. Mil. Portland. S.lltvood lim. RANCH- IV) actes. with bui'dins, l.S mlls f-om porttnr.d. near electric line; bargain lor all casb, by owner, 1(2 Morrison sb A FINE FARM HOME, Consisting of TT acrea of fine loam soil, 50 acres under cultlva-, tlon. IO acrea of timber, bal ance of land Is very easily cleared, several acres of fine bottom land, place fenced and crose-f nced. good 9-room house with hot and cold water; there Is a fin stream runs througn this place; also a good spring; water la piped from spring to house and buildings; bath, fine large barn, engine-house, chicken-bouses and parks, hog-house and all other buildings; orch ard of assarted fruits in bear ing: good automobile road on two sides of place: fine platting proposition; thla Is located Just 80 minutes' ride from heart of the city, right on tne Base Line road; 2 cows, 8 heifers, 6 hogs, 2 doxen chickens, buggy, plow, harness. cultivators mower, rake, hay fork and tools, cream separator, aome hay and pota toes, also household goods; prlc $25,000; will take city property aa part payment to the amount of $15,000, but must be at casb prlc. BRONG-STEELE CO.. Ground Floor Lewis Bldg.. 267 Vi Oak St. "Farm Dept." BOO COWS FOR SETTLERS ON BUTTER FAT PAYMENTS. Largest creamery company In West ha 8rlo oow a for distribution among Lo Mo ll nos farmers on butterfat payments. Every land owner get all the cows he can use the best to be found In Califor nia, some of them pay $15 a month In butterfat. One acre this fine alfalfa supports two head and six hogs yields 10 tons, besides Winter pasture. Every fruit of North America grown to perfection. Orangea now ripening: 16 varieties green Winter vegetables. Wild game and fish abundant, gravity Irrigation; roost abun dantly watered and perfectly drained of any project in California. Soil 80 feet deep rich sediment loam: no alkali, hard pan or overflow: healthy district; pure drinking water; choice tracts going fast; terma easy. Write today. IjOS MOLTNOS LAND COMPANY, LOS MOLINOS. CALIFORNIA. 130 ACRES, 5 miles from Red Bluff; best of road, 10 acres vineyard. 20 acres orch ard. tU) acres bottom ready for crop. 40 acres timber, 2 good houses: outbuildings, windmill, tank, gasolino engine, firm Im plements: 2 fine brood mares, weight 1.100. Price $7500. 25 acres in the famous Los Mollnos tract, 19 acres in alfalfa: will cut 6 crops a year; water right: house, barn, adjoining land unimproved being sold at $200 an acre. Price $175 per acre. 10 acres irrigated land with free water, closo to school and poslofflce. Price $1100. terms. 2u acres. Irrigated, with free water; houso, barn; this is the best of soil; a bargain; $2000, terms. lilo acres, 32 miles from town, SO acrea level, close to water; can Irrigate by pump; a bargain at $2300. terma Wo have many other pluces. and perhaps we have Just what you are looking for. Write for our list. K. HERBERT POE CO.. Red Bluff, Cal. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. BIGGEST FARM BARGAIN IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. Offered for $.10 less per acre than actual Talue; So acres on carllne and best county ror.d. onlv a few miles from Vancouver, Wash., fine soil, 2-1 acres cleared, young family orchard, will cut over 4000 cords first-growth wood. Including about 5O0 cords of the .finest hardwood. 4-roora house, bsrn, water in yard and pasture, unsurpassed for dairying purpose. Owner wants to retire will take $5000 cash, balance easy; low rate of Interest. For further Information address box 31, Vancouver, Wash. 277 ACRES. One hour ride on Oregon Electric Positively the finest piece of land In Oregon; all cultivated, but 30 acres: 70 acres genuine beaverdam. tiled, balanc rich bottom land; every foot can be Irri gated; right on river, but no overflow; feed, seed, stock and Implements Included; price, few days, same as common farm land. The 70 acres Is worth more than I sked for the whole place. Call today at 73 8th t.. near Oak. A VERT nice 60-acre farm on the Willam ette River, for sale; small amount down, balance long time, or will take a Port land cottage as part payment; land is all cleared; fine spring and two wells; tost landing on place: best of soli; a fine home: no agenta. Address A V 736, Ore gonlan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Acreage or farm; prefer earn closo to Portland; I am no real estate dealer and prefer to deal with owner di rect. State full particulars and lowest price. Address AH 895, Oregonlan. $25 DOWN. $18 MONTHLY. Have two clienta watting to purchaa mall home on above-named terma; need not b fancy. Fred W. German, 829 Burn lde. M. or A 2776. HAVE buyer for 4 or B-roora home, about $100 down and about $20 month, to Include intereat: give location and partlculara flrat lotter. AE 610, Oregonlan. WANTED Homestead or relinquishment anyaher If good; south of here preferred. Address C. Butcher. 430 JefTarson st-, Portland. WANTED 3 nice lots together in Irvlngton or Holladay, either vacant or Improved with' 3 modern bungalows, for cash. F. KUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. 2 DESIRE to purchase close-In 'lncom property, will not Invest to exceed $15. OOO. Call 60S McKay bldg. Marshall 2.100. WQM HIT-TIMIIEK l-At AM tired of paying taxes; will sell my 160 acres timber, Jackson County, at assessed valuation. AN 631, Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J M'CRACKENf. 804 McKay Bldg. 120 ACRES In Douglas County, 3.000.000 feet of fine timber. Owner, C. O. Anderson, box 40.1, Ballard Station, Seattle, Wash. ' FOR HtST FARMS, FOR RENT to responsible party who has equipment for cultivating It. 400 acres good wheat land In Morrow County, Ore gon. To the right party who will taka the land for a period of years will give exceptionally good deal. Apply to WT J. Sullivan, 20 Grand ave. Grand-Avenue Stables. FARMS WANTED. WANTED. RANCHES. We are greatly In need of ranches, both Isrge and small. Improved and unim proved, to supply our customers, also amall tracts close to Portland; if you would sell quickly see Mr. Camp. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., 418 Corbett Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE lot, 80x105. on 46th and East Salmon. Improved street, unincumbered, and some cash, for house up to $300o. Hawthorne, Sunnyslde or Mount Tabor '"district. Geo. A. Hammer. 40H Yeon bldir. I HAVE two lots In a good town In Oregon w.irth $iiml. and a little cash: 1 will trade for a .l-s.-ated 3o-horsepower automobile In good repair. L 01(1. Oregonlan. TO TRADE for Portland property, 20 A., cultivated and Improved, spring, house, barn. etc.. near Forest Grove, Or. 817 Allsky Milt- WANT small unoleared acreage, near care and Portland, In exchange for $1100 equity in high-class young apple orchard. Own er, AB 607. Oregonlan. 5 j."T LL lota for houso and lot or merchan dise, value I-IOImi; In good manufacturing district and worth the money. 04 Lewis bldg- WILL exchange good 8-room modern house for vacant lots, close In, value $3eon; house at 1"-T. South Jersey St., St. Johns. ao4 Lewis bldg. SALE or trade, two hay warehouses and grain warehouse In Ballston, Or, $10,000. O E. Focht. Pallston, Or. MV client oilers $4"bo Spokane home, A rooma, modern: wunts select Portland home same value. t tregonian. $10,'00 KWI'ITY la Wash. -st. hotel' to trade for improved river bottom farm, near liver or rail shipping. I) 023. Oregonlan. WVNt liiiptoie.l farm near Portland, under $1110 per acre; give cltv property. Haynes, Rainier Hotel. I2 North rlth. WANTED Automobile In exchange for ten acres choir fruit land close to Portland. J 60S, Oregonian. TO EXCH ANGE 100 acres sugar, fine value, $2.1isi. for an aparf ment-house which Is . 1 .-at. J 070. Oregonlan. 1 HAVE a clear building- lot I would like to' trade for a heating plant Installed in mv rcei'lenc. 6 rooms. K 7i" Oo-gonisi.. SKK me about Columbia Orchard bonds. J. F. Hadley. :'10 Spnldinc I'lilc. FoR SALE or exchange. 12 unincumbered lots in Klamath county. S 601. Oregonlan. COLORADO acres and Denver suburban lots . lor property here, HadJeJ, 319 Bpeudlng, 20 ACRES TO EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. This SO acre for exchange is de cidedly one of the most highly Im proved and productive farms near Portland; elegant 8-room bouse, fine barn and outbuildings; one acre of bearing orchard; all kinds of small fruits; situated 6 miles from the city of Portland; on good hara surfao road: the owner of this prop erty la in the city at present and will look at any city property If the owner cares to exchange for this -0 acres; price $10,000. HARGROVE A SONS. 122 North tith St.. Cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 4331. A T259. INVESTIGATE THESE EXCHANGES. Good money-making country atoro. stock about SS000, lo trade for good city prop erty. Nice JO-acre well-Improved farm near Forest Grove; will trade for grocery, con fectionery or pool room, around $1.1"0. Business property, new and In good lo cation; will trade for farm or vacant lot up to $10,000. Lots of other good trades. F. FIVHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGES. We have several small and large ranches and acreage tracta to exchange for Improved and unimproved Portland property. If you have any property of merit to exchange, bring it in and our exchange expert will handle It for you to your satisfaction. DON E KEASEY CO.. 2d floor. Chamber of Commerce. 130 ACRES improved farm, on county road, near Hubbard; good soil, new 8-room house. 2 large barns, granary, smoke house, milk house, chicken house, bearing orchard; all outbuildings: with plac goe 2 brood mares, 9 head Jersey cattle. ..0 hogs, some chickens, new wagon, hack, mower, all kinds small garden tools; will consider $10.10 city property part payment. Call room 31t! Henry bldg. EXCHANGE for house and lot. Portland, ranch. 12 acres bottom land, all In culti vation. H mile good town on river, county road and 3 R. R-'s on sdjoinlng property: ferry and boat landing on place: 2 acres 7-year-old orchard and complete equip ment for poultry raising; deal with own ers onlv. 421 Stark at. Barney. DOO A NEAR ' Albanv for Portland property. 100x100 on Killngsworth ave.; price $3,100 for house and lot of equal value-Rooming-house for house ar.d lot. House and lot for acreage close In. 87 A. near Vancouver for real estate. Hundceds of other good exchanges. GARLAND BARSNES. 191 4th St. TWO lots. University Park. Portland, for houso and lots. Seaside beach preferred: half Interest 620-acre stock and grain farm, three-tenths crops delivered. Also $.1mi0 S per cent first mortgage, tor guar anteed paving Hotel Business. Address B. P.. Box US. The Dalles, Or. LOOK THIS UP. 65 rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, ai! outside rooms, upper Washing ton district; price $rt.ino: will accept lots, acreage or close-in farm. E. P. KING. 213 Chamber of Commerce. ASHLAND ORCHARD. 40 acres, 4 mile from hard-surface streets; price $soifl: will exchange for Portland property. GRUSSI ft BOLDS. 3IS Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. WANTED Close-in lots, without restric tions, suitable for flats. In exchange for good Income property. If you have prop erties for exchange calj and see us. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. ' FOR SALE or trade 1G0 acres Alberta wheat land. 40 acre In cultivation, small house, good bam. well, for Portland prop erty, Washington or Oregon farm prop er t y. Price $2.100. AS 602. Oregonian. WANTED To trade furniture and leaae of IS rooms, rooming-house, for hotel fur niture and lease of same for term of years, in good country town; by owner. H.. NO. 2 N. 14th st. H ACRE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $4000. No Incumbrance; will trade for desirable 6 or 7-room bungalow, close In; will as sume. Fred W. German. 829 Burnslde. M. or A 2778. . MY client wants a cheap tract of lightly timbered hill land near Portland and cars; stream muat be on land; offers In ex change clear Rose City Park lots. X 224, Oregonian. 13 W -AC Hh: fruit farm near Medford; 200 Cornice pears, 600 Winter Nells and Bart lett. 1S5 grape vines; 7-room house, barn, all implementa; trade for city property or good equity. 614 Couch bl.Ig FOR SALK. Horses, Vehicles, tc. 1 team, 2i.i0 lbs. 1 team. 23.10 lbs. 1 team. 2200 lbs. 1 team. 2100 lbs. 1 team. 2200 lbs. 1 team, 270O lbs. 1 team. 2-'HM lbs. 1 team, 2MM) lbs. 1 team, 2000 Iba 15 other horses in the lot and well mated teams of mares and geldings; 1 21K-lb. team of mules, 5 and 7 years old: 1 pony-cart and harness; also farm wagon, harness, etc. Refer you to Portland Truat Co., at 3d and Oak ats.. as to our reliability and as to how we do business. All horses hooked and tested to your satisfaction and a written guarantee given to refund your money If horses are not as represented. Anyone desiring to purchase stock of any kind on time payments can do so by making a small payment and giving note for balanc. 15th and Couch Sts. Portland Stables. E. W. Hagyard and R. L. Evans, Props. I HAVE to sell my big and smooth 2SO0-lb. pnlr of geldings, together with their new Western breed. ing harnesa This Is one of the best teams In Portland; very gen tle and fast walkers. They will be hitched and tested In every way to your satisfac tion and written guarantee given. Price $275. The team will be at New York Club Stables. 605 Aider, today. Ask for th Kelly team. 8 new open runabouts and new harness, suited for ranch or city -work. One now light farm wagon, second hand, double harness, for $15; In good re pair. New York Club Stables. 16th and Alder. PAIR or 4-year-old black mare and gelding, nicely matched. weigh 1350 to UJrio, chunky built, nicest farm team on earth; pair o'f 6-year-old chestnut mares, weigh 2400, sound and broke every way; pair of bay geldings weigh 2S85, 8 and 7 years old, true and sound; 4-year-old bay geld ing, extra heavy bone. 1400; black, chunky Percheron horse, 1875. 7 years old; bay horse. 5 years old, low set. heavy bone, gentle and sound, true as steel: several other smaller farm and delivery horses: all sold with guarantee: come and get your choice. 834 Front st. FOR SALE Team white geldings. 2O0O lbs., sound, good workers: also harness. $0, and a buckskin mare 9 years old, fat sound and true any place, $05. St3 Water St. WANTED Horse and buggy or automobile in exchange for equity in beautiful six room house near carllne; ideal location. Marshall 189?. MUST be sold at once, pair 6-year colt, weight 2SO0; pair mares, weight 2800. In quire 838 East 28th st.. Woodstock car to - Gladstone. 1 block south. I WANT a horse. drive""slngle. 1000 pounds; part cash, balance terms; good, reliable part v. A 63:1. Oregonian. WILL, pay cash for a snap on young, gentle, well broke, safe-for-child Shetland pony. L. 614. Oregonlan. BAY MARE, 8 years old. broad and chunky built, heavy bone. In foal by Tom Clyde horse, $05. 334 Front st. FOR SALE cheap. 6 gooa work horses. Hubert ft Hall, 381Water st. (TyEAROLD bay mare, city broke, guaran teed sound; price $100. E. 42 or B 2242. BAY GELDING, 7 years old, 1200, good, honest puller. $75. 334 Front st. FOR SALE First-class buggy and harness. Phone Main 8365. Automobile. WANTED To correspond with parties that want to go Into automobile delivery busi ness; will sell machine and paying work; will help people in business to start auto delivery svstem, aa to cost of machine and upkeep, or will guarantee them good service. C 628. Oregonlan. WANTED B-passenger auto; to exehang as 1st payment on a Rose City Park new 8-room bungalow; no agents. A G26, Oregonian- , . I'lOO CASH and $2.10 per month buys little . t. .. . .. teoelr A11 flra- useu iiuv.0, ' --- - " - - - gonian. ALMOST new 5-ton, 50-H. P. auto trucks for sale. $500 down, balance easy terms. AR 602. Oregonian. VFW aarage Just completed. Live and dead storage. Speedwell Motor Co., 28. 8L 33 J5 14th St.. cor. Couch. FOr" little" used or rebuilt automobiles and truck, call r0 IQ'h St.. near Stark. T T"e-. IJiiaooill. A-l conail.011. late mode., .io IS 2 Morrison st priu :A1 E Maxwell runabout, in good order. Call 36th and Hawthorne. B 3117. FOR little-used or rebuilt automobile trucks, call oa Tenth, at. 19 WE offer you a few of our many excep tional bargains for this week:, Metz, 2-passenger( $175.- Buick. 5-passenger. $350. 1 Thomas, 7-passenger, $100. 1911 Reo. 6-passenger. fully equipped. Just like new, $SoO. 1911 White. This car Is as good a new; 5-paasenger, fully equipped, $1000. Cadillac from $S00 to $14$0. These car are real bargains. Call and look over our stock of over SO cars. All high grade, late models in A-l condition; 60 per cent and under the original cost. Remember, every car is guaranteed against mechanical defects. Main $244. " A 621$. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 21st and Washington St. AUTOMOBILES. , 160 acres at Aurora. Oregon: crmse 2.000.000 white pine and fir; all or pars for good auto: value S2000. Kissel Kar, 1911. 7-pass., fully equipped, for city property. $140w.- ' ,,,11. Garford Studebaker. 1910. 7-pass., fully equipped, for city property, $1400. Winton Six. 1 11. used 90 days, ftiliy equipped, fore.door, self-starter, Jiovow What have you? lA-ton truck for city lots.. $SO0. 84,-ton truck, new. $2230. terms. tarter Car. 1910. 5-pass., for first pay ment on bungalow. $;ooo. - Reo. 1910. 5-passenger. What have ypuT. $3.10. 0 . Many other splendid trades. V 604, Oregonian. . POPE-HARTFORD For sale, or trade -for property or equity in Improved property; a 1911. four-cylinder, 40-horsepower. tive passenger touring car, full equipped, Banker a wind shield, top. Stewart speed ometer and clock. Presto tank with rlasri Auto Lighter, electric side and tall lights. Hartford shock absorbers foro and aft, Fisk Demountable Rims, with extra rims, tires and tubes. This car Is an exceptional hill climber and Is in absolutely perfect condition. GEORGE W. SANBORN. ASTORIA, OREGON. . FIVE-SEATED E M. F.' SO. looks like new, run about 5000 miles, equipment "ctn plete. top. wind shield. Rushmore head lights. Presto-light tank, electric side ana tall lights. 80-hour battery. Claxenette. new 33x4 tires, two extra casings, four ex tra tubes: no trades, no agents; JS'io cash todav; must be old by Saturday, am leaving. Phillips and car at Cor nelius Hotel. 20 PER CENT SAVING. . To Introduce new car in Portland, era will sell 5 new. fully-equipped automobile nt cost, to introduce thia new car in Port land. Cars are fully guaranteed and 5 new cars in 5 satisfied owner-' hands I worth more to us than 20 per cent spent in advertising. If you are Intending pur chaser we will demonstrate. A 64S. Ore gonlan. MY $5000. 7 passenger, 40 H. P.. fully equipped and. in Al condition, for sale at a sacrifice, as I am leaving thia country next Monday. No reasonable cash offer refused. Might consider some real estate. See owner at 301 Buchanan bldg., 2S614 "Washington st. WANTED To sell, new automobile tourinsj car worth $19.10; want JIoOO cash and bal ance In trade, real estate, player-plana or any article of value; machine brand tic and standard make. C 629. Oregonlan. Pianos. Organ and Musical instrument. I WANT to sell right away a new mahog any case Behning aelf-playing piano which. I bought less than 2 months ago for $900. There is also $.10 worth of music I will sell this very cheap if I can get money right away. 990 3d st. LEAVING- CITY Would leave my elegant upright piano with reliable people who would agree to buy It on small payments Address D 616. Oregonian. MY' RICH, toned uo to date. 88-65 nota player piano must be sold this weekl make offer. Address G 612. Oregonlan. WE WILL aell our beautiful upright plana at $145; original cost $400. H 612, Ore gonian. - . WE WILL sell our nearly new, elegant up right piano. $145; cost new short time ago $4.r0. Address 123 14th St. $35 STORAGE charges on $500 upright piano; pav charges, piano Is youra. Ad d ress D 617. Oregonlan. $125 TAKES my Chlckerlng upright planot sweet tone, o tvio. uregoman. PIANO for rent, $3.00 per month. Mala 72: A 4530. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. SMALL trick dog. fine pet for children, , Sellwood 1024. t PAIR of beautiful Imported Japanese span lela for sale. A 10SH. -, Miscellaneous. 200 SINGLE BEDS, second-hand, excellent condition: 200 sanitary cots: 200 combina tion dressers and washstands at your own price; second-hand doors and windows and all kinds of building materials; bath tubs and wash bowls, hot water tanks and all kinds of plumbing at your own prlca PACIFIC WRECKING COMPANY. 291 Gllsan St. . MEN'S TROUSERS. e If you have a coat and vest that yorj could wear If you had a suitable pair of trousers, cal on me. I sell $4 pants -for $2.50: $5 values at $3.50; my system ol buying and $3o a month rent does it. JIMMY DUNN, Room 315. Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS. t 1 meet and beat strongest competition In the city on men's suite, raincoats and overcoats; no big profits tacked on' to pay for high rent. Take elevator and save $10. Jimmy Dunn, room 316 Ore gonlan bldg. - FURNITURE of 5-room home, consisting of dining table, chairs, sofa bed, stands, rugs, metal beds, mattresses, bureaus, car pets, 4-hole gas stove with oven; will sell any piece or $250 the lot. Phone Mara shall 384. - FOR SALE Minister's library. 400 vols., In good condition, many new; history, lit erature, sermons. theology, commen taries, encyclopedias. F. F. W., Oregon City, Or., route 6. box 112 A. APPLES. APPLES. ' I have a carload of extra fine Jonathan; and Black Twig apples for sale. Lou! Tanxer. Albany, Or., route 4. CONTRACTORS. attention Wo have for sale a lot of practically new cast col umns, 2c per pound. M. Bard &. Sons. Front and Main. ' STOVE- DOCTOR. If your atove doesn't bake, there la something wrong. I can fix 1U 368 East Morrison. Phone East 1022. FOR SALE $200 pair of lady's diamond earrings; perfect blue-white stones; weigh over 45 karat each; perfect match. K 5X2. Oregonian. SMALL, med. and large safe. Burroughs Ad mach., desks, filing cab., six-drawer Na tional cash register. S. W. cor. 0th and Oak. second f luor. FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain in Underwood. L. c. Smith ft Remington typewriters, so Th Northwest Typewriter Co., No, 6th st. , 6AFES New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO.. and PORTLAND BASE CO. 85 5th St. Main 630$. A 411s. SOLID gold Swiss repeater, original coac $250. Only $125. Uncle Myers, 71 6th at, between Oak and Pine. W ELLROTTED fertilizer manure; base ment digging and hauling of all kinds. East 2122. DROPHEAD Singer sewing machine, nearly new; also good Universal range and ga water heater. Call BSO Hawthorne. 1 STANDARD adding machine, $90. 1 awlnglng typewriter stand, $1.50. SOT Lumber Exchange, or call Marshall 8Pf SOLID GOLD 14-karat 21-Jewel adjusted Waltham watch: original cost $126; only $.15. Uncle Meyers, 71 6th, pear Oak. ELECTRIC PIANOS, harp and banjoa, casrs register, motors and all kinds of slot ma chines. 671 Washington. , Frank Griffith. 26 FEET 6H. P. motor boat. $160. E. Mat sen, 703 Willamette Blvd., University; Park. ROOMS tinted, $2; papered. $Z50, including) material; painting equally aa low. L, Conklln. 810 26th St. North. CHEAP it sold soon, $40 leather eouoh, 64 Ella st- 1250 GRADE Parker shotgun, nearly new, H. T. Hudson. Main 3226. Contractor's equipment by United Engineer ing & Construction Co.. 909 Lewis bldg. FLOOR showcase. Inquire Eastern Hat Factory. 04-Qo 3d at. DANDY Httle printing plant, brand newv cheap rentgrabthla. 26S Madison. FOR SALE- Universal range, nearly new, also reasonable. 442 Jefferson. - PEARS, choice "Winter Kelll," large boxes. cheap. Tenor 1H09. bAKE and desk for sal cheap. Address P. O. box 425. FOR SALE Good horse manure, Phon F.ast 4ii4. "UN "l TED-STATES CASHIER COMPANT. 10 shares at $1"... AT 116. Oregonlan, MANURE for sal. P on at ijfl. . '1