Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 21, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Overwhelming Majority Shows
Fears of Supporters Were
Without Ground.
Pr. J. T. rolrnun I FJwtcd Major
of Owhalls nmnmir and P--feUrr
An (bown Comraif
itonm by Small Majorities.
CENTRAUA. VTuh, Not. 10 (Spe
cial. Pjr a sweeping majority of 151
la ITT. the commission form of -oirra-mnt
rarrle-J at the election held In
C.ntralla today. ETery ward In tha city
carried by an wlilmlii margin
and fears of supporters of tha lua
that It would be defeated at the lllh
hour were unaroundotf.
Tha , proposed monlclpsl gravity
water system and the commission
form of government were clOMly af
filiated and tha fart that defeat of the
Utter would nae meant the downfall
of the former, le one reason glTen for
the bl majority. A Wahlnton-Ore-,on
corporation, which l seckiog a
year water franchise In this city, open
ly entered the field for the dfat of
a chance of government a week ajco
and It wae feared that their effort
would prove successful.
Today's election was the most
warmly foment of any ever held In
Crntralla and the largest vote ever
cast In the cMr was recorded.
The First Ward vote was l to 41.
Fecond Ward. to IT: Third Wsrd.
II to t: Tourth Ward. Il to :
Fifth Ward. 1S to i. and the Sixth
Ward. Ill to .
Big rrrrenltfC of Women Who II-;-Mcrrd
Arc Voters.
CHEMAIJS. Wash. Nov. 10. Spe
rtaL ehalls held Its first election
tfwiay under the new commission form
i.f government, to votes being cast for
XI a Tor out of a total registration of
Pr. J. T. Coleman was chosen Mayor
for three years by an overwhelming
majority over W. C Oreen. Coleman
received : votes to ITT for Green.
WiUlam Brunswig and Edward Deg
geller were chosen for Commissioners,
defeating A. E. Judd and John if. Gib
tin. Ieplte the great strength shown
by the first two named In the primary,
tha whirlwind campaign finish put up
the last three days and today by Judd
and Glblln told heavily In the final
rouot firunswlg's lead over Judd was
but 41. and Deggeler's lead St.
The totals received by each were:
Frunswlg 441. Deggeler 414. Olblln 131.
Judd 4 The vote received by the
various candidates by precincts were as
Mayor East Chehalla. Coleman 1".
Green 41: South. Coleman 114. Oreen t;
West. Coleman 114. Green JS.
Commissioners East Chehalla, Bruns
wig 124. Ieggeller III. Glblln li. Judd
1 25; Houtb. Brur.swlg 151. Peggeler
117. Glblln 10. Judd i:S: West. Uruns
wlg ItT. Deggeller 14T. Olblln US. Judd
A large proportion of tha 1ST women
who were registered voted, tha candi
dates providing automobiles to almost
every part of the city. The friends of
Judd and Glblln made the most active
f'.cbt today, which accounts to a large
measure for their showing la the finals.
Light Vol and Activity of Oppo
nents Defeat Proposal.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Nov. 10 (Spe
rlaL Aberdeen today defeated the
proposal to adopt the commission form
af government as prescribed under the
Allen law by a majority of Il. 4
votes being cast against the commis
sion and SS for It. Tha defeat was
primarily due to the opposition of some
of the leading business and profes
sional men of the city, headed bv W. J.
Patterson, banker, who contend! that
It woald be unwise to adopt the charter
as laid down under the Allen law when
within the course of a few years the
city would have a population of 20.0
and would be able to write Its own
Trie Initiative and referendum fa
turea also were strongly opposed and
bad much to do with tha adverse vote.
The women failed to vote and that cut
off all the hopes of the commission ad.
voratea Another factor was tha ex
ceedingly light vote, scarcely 5 per
rent of tha registration appearing at
the pell.
Tha campaign was apathetic np to a
few days ago. when opponents of the
commission plank fearing that It would
carry raised a fund and began active
work, r'rlends of the commission did
not attempt to raise a fund. Today op
ponents to commission used practically
all the automobiles In the city and got
out tha vote. Interest now centers In
tlie Councllmanlc Investigation which
will be made by County Attorney Wil
liam K Campbell and It Is declared
triat this will be rushed with the prob
ability that It will end In another cam
paign for the commission.
Sheridan Men Engage In Strnggl
I'd! lowing Street Argument. .
SHERrnAN. Or, Nov. JO. (Ppeclal.)
In a street fight between 8. T. Cran
ford and E. Bowers, two Shertdan con
tractors, this morning. Bowers was
stabbed three times In the head and
neck and seriously though not fatally
The two men met on Bridge street
and engaged In an argument over some
work that Cranford had done for
Bowera The latter was getting the
best of tola opponent In tha -fistic en
counter, when Crsnford Is alleged to
hirt drawn a knife and slashed
After tha tatter's wounds were
dressed ae . started for McMlnnvllle.
where he said he would swear to a
state warrant charging Cranford with
intuit with a deadly weapon.
Oregon ' Council Wins Silk Altar
- Cloth for Big- Membership.
a . at,. -,1-lniilnn nf a two. months'
campaign to increase their membership
to 100. members of the Royal A-rcanum
held class- Initiation at the Masonlo
T.mDle last night. In which 100 candl
dntes. were Initiated. More than 00
membership applications are In. 'but
the full class could not be ready for
the Initiation last night, as the papers
of many candidates had not yet been
returned from the bast.
The Multnomah. Oregon and Willam
ette Councils were represented In the
Initiation, which was. In a measure, a
celebration of the growth In their
membership which makes It possible
for a grand council to be formed In
this state.
Edward Becjter, past grand regent,
who Inaugurated and engineered tha
membership campaign, presided aver
the meeting before and after he Ini
tiation ceremonies, and la behalf of the
sunrame regent bestowed upon me
Oregon Council tba silk altar cloth
which was given as second prlxe for
the council recording the largest in
crease In membership during the cam
paign. The first prise was won by the
Multnomah Council, and consisted of
ORFftO riOFKIt OP 140 nir
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Joseph C. Palater.
WALI-A WALLA. Wah.. Nov.
20. (Special.) Joseph C. Painter,
one of the Northwest's early pio
neers, who died from Injuries re
ceived In altgntlng from a street
car In this city a few days ago,
was born In St. Genevieve Coun
ty. Missouri. September 14. 1S40.
When ten years old he crossed
the plains with his parents to
Oregon, settling on tha went aide
of tha Willamette River opposite
tha present site of Oregon City.
When Professor S. H. Marsh
starts! Pacific University at For
est Grove. Mr. Painter and tha
late Henry II. Spalding were
among the first students. Before ,
graduation Mr. Painter moved to
the Walla Walla Valley, where In
1S4J be entered the wheat-raising
For five years he waa Deputy
Auditor of Walla Walla County.
He was Receiver In the United
States Land Office at Walla
Walla, and was twice elected to
the lower house of tha Washing
ton State Legislature. He waa
married In Walla Walla In 1171
to Miss Anna L. Taylor, who died
In lXi. Six children survive him.
They are Mrs. Chester Hovey,
Mrs. Henry Wager and Mrs. Her
bert Larson, all of Ellensburg:
Misa Mabel Painter, of North
T a k I m a; Herbert Painter, o f
Hillsdale. Or, and Mrs. Ransom
Glafka. of this city.
Individual Insignia buttons, presented
by the supreme regent.
The Initiation work waa put on by
a special degree tesm composed of
officers of the Past Regents Associa
tion, as follow: Regent. Frank Wilmot;
vice-regent. J. E. lironaugh; orator.
Dr. N. K. Cox: past regenT. J. E. Wer
lrln: guide. IL C Weber, chaplain, E.
C Bronaugh; secretary. C A. Nelson;
ardens. F. M. bherman and A. A.
Visiting officers who artenaea ine
Initiation were: Hupreme regent. F.
T. McFaden. of Richmond. Va.; E. K.
Ingersoll. of Feattle, supreme regent or
Washington; M. F. MendenhalL. grand
regent of Washington: Charles F.
Ursrtlev. past regent of Kan Francisco:
J. W. Harry, of Heattle, grand sentry
of Washington, and A. T. Turner, of
Boston, supreme secretary.
Stranger Come to Lonely Cabin at
Nltrht and Begs for Food Ho
Grows Violent Later.
SHERIDAN. Or.. Nov. JO. (Special.)
-J. E. Welsh, a rancher who Uvea
with his wife In a lonely cabin In the
bills northwest of Wlllamlna. captured
a "wild" man yesterday. About night
fall Mrs. Welsh was called to the door,
where she found a man with staring
eyes, shaggy hair and clothes that hung
n shreds. He asked for something to
eat and a night's lodging.
The next morning the stranger
seemed loath tr go and upon Inquiring
Into the man s plans and how he hap
pened to be in his present condition,
Mr. and Mrs. Welsh discovered that
their guest was thoroughly "wild."
The stranger, refused. Insisted upon
staying at tha Welsh home. A short al
tercation ensued and this seemed tem
porarily to derange the man's mind
and he grew violent. After a hard
struggla Mr. and Mrs. Welsh overpow
ered the Intruder and chained him to
a Joist In the woodshed. Then, while
Mr. Welsh kept watch. Mrs. Welsh rode
horseback to a neighbors, where aid
was secured and the man placed In
care of the Sheriff. He will be taken
to the asylum at Salem.
It Is thought that tha man became
lost In tha mountains and weeks of
wandering and hardships unsettled his
mind. It la thought by residents of
the Darling Hill country that tha
"wild" man la the person responsible
for tha thieving that has gone on In
tha logging and fishing campa. Tha
man Is about 40 years old and will give
no name.
Couple Married 50 Years.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Nov. 10. (Spe-
ctsL) Just half a century ago yester
day Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Oalther were
married and yesterday the golden an
niversary was celebrated at La Cen
ter, ISO friends and relatives being
present. Mr. Galther' has been Post
master for La Center for the past SI
yesrs. Among the fcueats yesterday
were (0 persons who had coma to
Clark County 40 years ago. Four of
the six children of Mr. and Mrs. Gal
ther are living. They are: 8. P. Galther,
of Portland: F. O. Galther, of Chinook.
Wash.: W. T. Oalther, chief engineer
An the Wauna. of the Shaver line, and
J. C. UaiUier, of La Center.
Citizens Show Harriman Offi
cials Town Sights.
After Automobile) Rido Over City
Visitor Are Taken to Commer
cial Club Where Friendly
Speechea Warm Heart.
ALBANT. Or, Nov. 10. (SpeclaL)
Robert 8. Lovett, bead of the Hsrriman
system, accompanied by leading offi
cials of tha Southern Pacific, visited
Albany today while on a tour of In
spection of Southern Pacific lines In
Ins party reached this city on a
special train at 1:10 P. M. after a
run from Portland over the Wast Side
road to Corvallls and tbenca to Albany
over the Corvallls Eastern. They re
mained In Albany almost an hour, leav
ing for Portland over the East Side
line. Tha officials were met st the
Union Depot by a committee of the
Albany Commercial Club and were
taken for an automobile ride over the
city. They were then taken to the
Commercial Club rooms, where J. S.
Vsn Winkle, postmaster of Albany,
welcomed them to the railroad "Hub"
of the valley. Judge Lovett responded
to the talk and President Sprouts and
W. l. Fenton. of Portland, also spoke,
all urging a friendly co-operation be
tween the rallrosds and the people for
the upbuilding of the country. The re
ception was a hearty and enthusiast lo
one and many Albany men enjoyed the
opportunity to meet the distinguished
railroad officials
Judge Lovett waa accompanied on
his visit here by William Sproule,
president of tba Southern Pacific; E.
E. Calvin, general manager: D. W.
Campbell, general superintendent; L.
R. Fields, superintendent; J. M. Scott,
general passenger agent; Harvey E.
Lounsbory, general freight agent: S. L.
Burkharter. district engineer and At
torney W. D. Fenton.
Judre Lovett and Party Make Trip
to Corvallls and Return.
Judge Robert 8. Lovett. head of all
the Harriman railroads, returned to
Portland late yesterday, after a run
up the Valley over the Southern Pa
The spelcal train besrtng Judge
Lovett, William Sproule, president of
the Southern Pacific, and other offic
ials, left Portland early In tho day,
going to Corvallls over the West Side
line of tha Southern Pacific Tha re
turn to Portland was made via Albany
and the East Side main Una.
The special Is scheduled to leave
the Portland union station at B o'clock
this morning, so the party "camped"
on the train last night.
The party will visit Eugene today
and look over tha situation relative to
the construction of the new railroad be
tween that city and Coos Bay, contracts
for the construction of tha first 21
miles of which were let last week to
Twohy brothers, of Portland.
A. L Mobler, president of the Union
Pacific, who -arrived here Thursday
evening, left last night fop his home
In Omaha.
Camas Workman Comes to Oljrmpla
to Collect Insurance. .
OLTMPIA. Wash. Nov. 10. (Special.)
Without a doctor's certificate, with
out ever having had his claim filed,
and at a time when all of the Commis
sion members were not present, Tonl
Sella, of Camas, arrived In Olympla
Friday with only 10 cents In his pock
et, to collect money due for a smashed
finger, under the new Industrial Insur
ance law. Today he departed with a
check for $40.40. the Commission rush
ing it through after going good for his
bill at a hotel here.
Before departing he announced that
one-half of tha amount would go to his
old father in Italy. He saya every
Christmas ha sends half of whatever
he has home. In time past he has sent
as much as 1700 to his father, but this
year hi' only Christmas money consists
of the check received today.
After leaving the hospital tn Port
land he came to Olympla thinking ha
had to apply personally to get his
money, not understanding tha law. Ills
money represents pay for the 10 days
ha lost as tha result of his Injury.
Walla Walla Is Promised Warm
Campaign for Director.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Nov. 10.
(Special.) With the recent burning In
effigy scandal at tha high school still
fresh In tha minds of the people, the
selection tomorrow of members of the
Board of Education to be elected bera
on December 2 promises to be a warm
ly contested affair. W. H. Klrkman
and Fred Glafke. retiring members,
have announced they will not be candi
dates to succeed themselves.
John R. Oarvey and J. T. Crawford
today announced their candidacy by
filing their declarations with the clerk
of the Board. An Innovation for the
election, is promised, with the rumor
tonight that Mrs. Tabltha Jones, one
of the most prominent club women of
the city, will go before tha voters.
Several other persons are being
talked of and It Is probable that the
high school difficulty will divide the
voters into distinct elements.
Bon'd Issue; of $25,00 Is Voted and
Prog-re naive Charter Adopted.
GOLD HILL, Or, Nov. 20. (SpeclaL)
By a I to 1 majority Gold Hill today
adopted a new charter and authorized
a bond Issue of 124.000 for pure water.
A rousing celebration was held here to
night. Tha "mossbacks" were hung In effigy
and the old charter was burned In a
mammoth bonfire.
Woodburn Bachelors' Organization
May Move Ont of Town.
WOODBUBJf. Or., Nov. 29. (Special.)
At the regular monthlv meeting of
tns Bachelors' Club of this city, held
here recently, an assessment was levied
upon the members for tha purpose of
raising funds to liquidate court costs
snd provide for further defense in the
rases of the City of Woodburn vs. the
Bachelors' Club, which have been
through the Circuit Court and are now
In the Supreme Court.
In connection with the continued op
eration of the club, a plan was pre
sented to the membership to move from
the jrresent quarters on Front street to
a trect of land outside the city limits,
where It would be the intention to op
erate as a bunt club or racing club.
The plans provide that the grounds
shall contain a half-mile racetrack.
There would also be athletic fields,
with a grandstand capable of seating
1S00 persons and sheds for automobiles.
It Is proposed that steps be taken
to interest the various granges and oth
er farmers' organisations with a view
of holding meetings and fairs at the
Several offers of locations were pre
sented, but nothing definite was done,
although a West Woodburn 'rtte was
shown some preference.
Proprietor, Challenged to Try and
Catch Fugitives, Offers $100 for
Man's A it ret by Officers.
ALBANY, Or, Nov. 20. (Special.)
Leaving a flippant and facetious note,
extending thanks tor the articles be
stole. Jack Mantell, who has been worst
ing as night clerk at the St. Charles
Hotel in this city, disappeared yester
day, taking 110.50 from tha till and an
. ..tnAaA mrtA nalr nf fflnvAl
belonging to patrons of tha hotel. He
did not know me comoinauou oi
office safe, which contained 1450, and
make no effort to open It.
When Grant Plrtle, proprietor of tha
hotel, entered the office yesterday
morning, he found the following note
addressed to him pinned to the reg
ister: "I am very much obliged for such
favors as I found lying around. If you
think you can catch me before I get to
Frisco go to It, for I love that kind of
a game. I have followed it all my life.
There wasn't enough In your safe to
make it worth while to blow it Take
my advice, and don't keep much in It,
for it Is too old-fashioned. Give my re
gards to the girls. ' J. M."
Pirtle Intends to Indulge Mantell s
lova for tha game of trying to escape
being caught, for he has offered 1100
Jt hi. ..nit Tha fugitive IS
supposed to have left Albany on the
northbound train at 4:18 o'clock yes
terday morning. Supposing Mantell
waawon duty, none of the f other em-
. , . i k.i.l h nffr
piuyos U L vii ....v. ...v
for soma time after tiie night clerk's
departure ana it is ueuevcu nu
.i - . . TrtHvw. lafnlv before
um i . t" ' w, -
word of his flight could be sent to that
Mantell had worked at the hotel only
two weeks. He came here from Rose-
burg. It Is not oeuevea ne n
s i . 1 ,t,l.e It im thonsrht the
irDivn.i in,.. " .
statement to that effect in his note was
put there to give the impression that
it would be futile to pursue him because
of his supposed experience.
Mayor Will Attend Banquet to Bo
Given at Oregon City.
OREGON CITT, Or.. Nov. 10. (Spe
cial.) Mayor Rushlight, of Portland,
will be tho guest of honor at the ban
nuet of the Congregational Brotherhood
at the CongrecatJonal Church tomorrow
evening. Mr. Xushlignt win De ex
pected to make an address, although no
subject has been assigned to him.
The banquet will be the largest ever
given by the brotherhood, and it Is ex
pected that almost 100 members will
be In attendance. The banquet will ba
prepared by the women of tho church.
A committee recently appointed by
President Gary to prepare resolutions
regarding a purity campaign will re
port at the meeting.
Farmers Train at Dorrls.
(Special.) The farmers' demonstration
train traveling under the auspices of
the University of California and the
Southern Pacific Railroad reached
Dorrls today, but failed to coma across
the state line because, as the advance
noticea from the railroad company stat
ed, the Interstate commerce regulations
prohibited it. Klamath Falls residents
who wished to Inspect the train had
to travel to Dorrls to do It, an invita
tion having been sent to the Klamath
Falls Chamber of Commerce, of which
C. .T. Oliver la secretary. The train
consisted of seven cars with splendid
Scudder to Talk to Dairymen.
I.EOF, Corvsllls. Or.. Nov. 20. fSpe-
And Other Itching
Skin Troubles
Soap and Ointment
When all else fails. No other
emollients afford such com
fort to skin-tortured and dis
figured sufferers, young and
old, and do it so economi
cally because so speedily.
Although Cot 1 cur Sosip evad Ointment mrm k14
fer 4ra.rci.tta atx! 49wJera errfaar. a liberal m
of avrik. wttb 22-p. book, will b mailed trm oa
aXTpUrat'T to " CaUcura." Dpt 1U. Beatoa.
Days' Shopping Event
B..snaasasasas-ai sMSMSMSMSMssaa-aassasMSM ammBa
A Storeroom of Five Floors Crowded
With. Bargains
Note the following price reductions for two days' sell
ing, beginning this morning.
Open a Monthly Account With Us
Quadruple Plate Sets $5.79
Handsome line of Toilet Sets, Brash, Comb and Mir
ror, in silk-lined case. Heavy quadruple plate, in
plain and figured designs. Regular price $8.00.Spe
cial, the set $o.79
Special Handbag Sale
$6.50 BAGS AT S2.9S
New Handbags in pebble seal, calf-lined, inside
purse; uew long tailored strap handles and riveted
frame. Regular price $6.50. This week, spl. $2.98
Fine showing of direct importations in useful gifts,
consisting of jewel boxes, handkerchief cases, writ
ing folios, mirrors, etc.; all new and appropriate for
Christmas. $4.00 values, your choice $1.49
Get your Thanksgiving Place Cards here; appropri
ate turkey design Place Card Folders in colors, jit,
dozen 75.
fHT1.. S W ; ;, . -'iN'V'V'i'
VaTsT?! Vm sT" iti Vrr
Cut Glass Reduced
$6.00 BERET BOWL $3.95
8-inch Berry Bowls, handsome star pattern, regular
price $ti.00; extra special at $3.95
Very fine cut Mayonnaise, 2-pc. sets, rich in appear
ance; regular $4.50. Suecial at $2.9S
Beautiful Sugar and Creamers, fine, deep cut, sun
burst pattern. Regular $3.00, special, pair, $1.95
Bring in your pictures now for
Christmas framing. Largest stock
of new moldings on Pacific Coast
Out-of-town folks, mail us your
orders. Our cut rates will more
than pay cost of mail or express.
We are Fountain Pen headquar
ters. We will clean and refill
your pens free.
clal.) Professor H. D. Seuader. of the
agronomy department, will present a
paper at the dairymen's convention to
be held In Portland December 6 to 8.
taking- as his subject "A Hundred
Dollar Crop for the Hundred Dollar
Many WIU Attend Trial.
VANCOUVER, Wash- Nov. 20. (Spe
cial.) At least 100 persons from Van
couver, possibly more, will attend the
trial at Kalama of H. C. Phillips, for
merly president of the defunct Com
mercial Bank of Vancouver, beginning
Thursday. A large number of -witnesses
have been subpenaed by Fred
W. Tempes, County Attorney.
J. A. Edelman Sent to Asylum.
OREGON CITT, Or., Nov. 20. (Spe
cial.) James Alfred Edelman, who Is
thought to have lived at Mllwaukle
several years ago, today was adjudged
Insane and sent to the asylum at
Salem. Edelman was found wander
ing about the streets, and when ques
tioned by Chief of Police Shaw said he
was looking for Edward Carter, a
Car Supply Short.
SALEM, Dr., Nov. 20. (Special.)
More reports as to car shortage In
Eastern Oregon are being received.
Trauz & Thomas, of Kamela, on the
summit of the Blue Mountains, com
plain that they have not seen an empty
set down at that place for two weeks.
They declare that the shortage Is work
ing a great hardship with their business.
Josephine Values Increase.
claL) The assessed valuation of Jo
sephine County Is more than $10,000,
000. Inside of the corporate limits of
Grants Pass, irrespective of public utilities,-
the city's valuations amount to
Si',800,000. Valuations within the city
have increased more than $400,000 dur
ing the last year and J2.000.000 in the
entire county. The city's levy for last
year was 12 mills and this year the
levy perhaps will be' higher.
W. II. Ftzgerald Weds.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Nov. 20. (Spe
cial.) W. H. Fitzgerald, of Portland,
and Mrs. Musa Galther, of La Center,
were married here today.
Player pianos, 1225 and upward, easy
terms. In our bargain and exchange
room. Kohler & Chase, 875 Washing
ton street. -
GRANTS PASS, Or., Nov. JO. (Spe- Coal users ask Edlefeen Fuel Co.
wili welcome
with open arras
this new idea
You cannot possibly know each and
every different make of table food. There are so
many different grades and names and qualities.
Heretofore you have had to guess when you ordered provisions.
But under the Yours truly plan you absolutely know just what you
are buying. For the name " Yours truly" protects you on highest
quality strictest purity fairest price and most uniform flavor.
A superior line of table foods, backed and guaranteed, is now within your
reach. All made and sold under the one name "Yours truly." Not one
kind of beans another grade of macaroni and a third quality of soup.
But every food a high grade product each ingredient selected for quality,
and made with that genuine intense flavor that denotes the best.
Just, order any food you need for your table by the name "Yours truly." Then no matter
what the product you will be sure of securing the best the market afiords.
Ask your grocer; if he does not know Yoarw truly,
the grocer around the corner does.
Wholesale Distributers
I .':a'
u, .- ,.v.
a a S.v. .-". r ,,i w W
r .. 'jtctv rir-.v. i?