J so TITE MORNING OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1911. Lunch Today in Beautiful 7th Floor Restaurant Meier & Frank's Special Orchestra Plays Daily Express Elevator From 12 to 1:30 Edna Howard Baker's Free Cooking School, 2 P. M. Today, 4th Floor Doll Supplies Natural Hair Wigs, Dresses, Etc., Toy Dept. 5th Floor Another Big Pay for Thanksgiving Rirg-Holiday Sales ! ? j 1 j ' ine'-Winning Drawing No. 2 Faal B. ""aa. IS. Warta Third MKTt, to Ik wlfr af lodaf .rta ar S arrrtultar rdfr la taa aala ' Drll t'aateat. Ilia waa work sabailtttHt Safaraar. Kara . ji 3 prU la - far Ikt r a I Hi a dr. II aaaat aa la alack lak ajalar naralra Urtf. KHUI. I aar rirtarr aja a writ tea a rtrM -.prvalalaBT a ' aakjrrt. Oa tUr drawUMC Jlaclv aaa waa la fcla aaxraV aaraplaaa la aaaa Ta Meier Kraak'a, wkere all r are lap." Shop Early! Only 27 More ShoppingDays Til! Christmas Mrs. Humphry Ward's New Book 'The Case of Richard Meynell," an absorbing story of modern English society, now here in oar newly enlarged g y C BooK Store, in the Basement Annex, for only p I Taa Red af Roaea" W. I.. Gearce. 1 .35. "The Klas af Taoadrrla- Hawkere, S1.1S. A Peraoa of Some Importance," Lloyd Oa- klrir. SI .23. "Flad lh Wamaa," Galelt Burseaa, f 1 5. Vklmg People Happy," Themaa Buchanan, 1.25. Otoae of Old Harpatfc," Maria Daviess, $1.23. "Secretary of Krlvoloua Affairs, May Katrrtle, 91.2a. Gipsy Smith's Antoblography and "As Jesns Passed By," ea. $1.00 Shop Early! Early in the Day Early in the Season 6,000 Women's Initial Gift Kerchiefs. 6 in Holly Box, $ 1.00 An offering that we can't duplicate later in the holiday season, when this lot in soldi Women's Gift Handkerchiefs, with 4-lnch hemstitched hem and ini tial 2 inches long. On sale today, each 17o, or 6 in a holly box for $1. 50o TO 75c RIBBONS 7500 yards, 4 to 7 inch, warp print, Dresden, Persian, Jacquard and brocaded designs. Also 6 and 7-inch plain Satin Ribbons. Today qq at only, the yd. ZC WOMEN'S $1 TO $1.50 GLOVES of Mocha, in grays, . also incomplete line of colors and white in Glace Kid. Broken rsizes. Priced to- "TQ day at only, pr. i ZC 75o TO $1 FANCY SCARFS figured and floral Wash Scarfs, 2 yards long, with hem stitched end3. Also plain and dotted Seco Silk Scarfs in all col- r q ors. Today only OOC Dainty Ready-Made Undergarm'ts Stamped for Embroidering A Pretty Gift Any woman would be delighted oyer these dainty Ready made Undergarments that are stamped for embroidering' on fine French nainsooK. The famous Pacific PacKage Goods, for which we're sole agents. They're perfect fitting', neatly finished with French seams. Complete in sealed pacKag'es with enough D. M. C embroidery cotton to finish them. Readymade Chemise at $1.25 Stamped Night Gowns at $1.50 Readymade Corset Covers, 75c Stamped Drawers at $1.10 Stamped Combinations, corset cover and drawers, $1.50. Big UflderwY Savings To $2 Union Suits, 98c MEIER FRiXK'l FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. Another big mill surplus of Knit Underwear, secured away under price, brings these aston ishing savings today 1 A splendid lot of Wom en's wool-mixed Union Suits, in light, medium and heavy weights. All regular and extra sizes. Excellent $1.50 and $2.00 ffc 7Ut it grades, today at the low price of WOMEN'S 50c UNDERWEAR Fine ribbed cotton Vests in high necK; long, short or anKle no sleeves; Knee or length Pants. All sizes; at, only 29c WOMEN'S 75C TO $1 UNION SUITS ribbed lisle In white only. JHgh necK. short or long sleeves. Knee and anKle-lengths. p Regular and few extra sizes, at, only! C Women's $1 Union! Women's $155 Union Suits IImtt cotton Suits Our regular line ami fWce lined, .with of hiph-prade fleece Ions: or short sleeves, lined parments in all kne and ankle Q"7 Winter s,-vlesQQ-. Unetln; only O C nd weights ZJ OC Children's 65c Union Suits Warmly fleeced lined, in high neck, long sleeve, ankle lenpth, drop seat ; ages A j 4 to 14 years 4 C ITKA! Special Sales 8 to 12 Only WOMEN'S $15.00 TO $20.00 COATS Black broadcloth, in full-length, semi-fitted styles, with plain velvet notch or fancy braid-trimmed sailor collars. Special from 8 to 12 only at, each $9.85 TO $3 50 FELT HOODS FOR WOMEN AND MISSES A large assortment, in all colors. Special from 8 to 12 q only at the low price qZJJC TO $5 MEN'S AND BOYS' BATHROBES An Incomplete line of about 100, in all sizes and styles.- From 8 to 12 only, each $2.85 DRESS GOODS REMNANTS, HALF PRICE Lot consists of both colored, and black Dress Coeds, in two to five-yard lengths. From 8 to '-yardl 12, at 35C E M B ROIDERED LAWNS Fine sheer quality for waists, children's and in- 15c f ants' wear, etc Spe cial from 8 to 12 only 121.C FLANNELETTES m Warmly fleeced quality, in wide range of new patterns for nightgowns, pajamas and q the like. From 8 to 12 C 3-Piece Novelty Suits Less -ves Beauty and grace are pre-eminent in these tM lovely 3-piece costumes. Rich broadcloths1 v velvets and heavy suits witn starts in grace ful, willowy lines charming blouses of dainty materials and clever little jacKets that are "Frenchy" and chic $78 Three-Piece Suits $58.50. $98 Three-Piece Suits $72.50 $85 Three-Piece Suits $68.50 T Olli lis Three-Piece Suits S98.00 i; I I $198 Three-Piece Suits $148.00 Evening Gowns Reduced Rich, dazzling, beautiful are these exquisite V V T- J f r t Jn.AllalA sn1 tilo'Vi-naf If clvlnt M 1 .-f- Llf wwf r... -" -i n r - - - $75 Evening Gowns at $50 $100 Evening Gowns 75 $85Evening Gowns at S68 $125 Gowns only 93.75 $88 Gowns only 70.40 $150 Gowns only 112.50 Long Silk Kimonos, $4.95 Just as pretty and becoming as can be, in good quality mes - FaHnes. Graceful kimono sleeves. Neatly CA QC finished in plain satin bands; special at SfJ New Shipment of $50 Victrolas We've never been able to get enough of these splendid $50 Vic- trolas since the Victor Company first placed them on the market, three months ago. A new shipment includes ma hogany and mission finish, with nickle-plated tone arm and extra double-spring motor. Come In and hear it played today. Hear Gypsy Smith Sing on the Colombia Talking Machine DOUBLE-DISC RECORDS $! Jewelry, Half and Less La Vallieres for $1.98 3IEIER FRANK'S FIRST FLOOR- ORDER BT MAIL. A phenomenal purchase made on our Jewelry Chief's sec ond trip to New YorK this season, is just in 1 Of special in terest are the dainty French La Vallieres (see illustration), in silver and gold filled, with beautiful pendants, set with pearls, amethysts, emeralds, topaz and corals. A gift that'll delight any woman. Worth up to $10; today at $1.98 ! $2.98 Lorgnettes and Opera Chains Almost too many Kinds and designs to attempt descriptions. Gold filled, gunmetal and other finishes, set with corals, pearls and amethysts and many other semi-precious stones. The Lorgnettes and Opera Chains, more the ct 1 Q fad than ever this season. 3 lots, 79c, $1.25, i -0 ThaRksgivingSaleofChiiiia,CutGkss,Roasters,tc. The American Cut Glass Rich, sparkling Ameri- and imported Cut can Glass of new, handsome designs. A few specials: $5.00 and $6.00 Cut Glass Bowls, 8-lnch ske, 2.99 $4.00 Cut Glass Bottles, special at only, each, 2. 1 9 $4.00 Cut Class Nappies, 8-inch size, at only 2. 1 9 $6.00 Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer at only So . 79 $6.00 Cut Glass Fern Dishes, special at only 3.79 $2.00 Cut Glass Spoon Trays, special at only 1.29 $3.00 Cut Glass Nappies, special at only, 1.49 China Plates Are Reduced A splendid assortment of Austrian and German China Cake Plates, In scores of artistic patterns. Bowls and Salad Sets also greatly reduced. 50c Handled Cake Plates only 37cV 75o Handled Cake Plates only 56d $1.00 Cake Plates 74 6 $1.50 Cake Plates 1.15 $2.00 Cake Plates 1.50 50c Salad Bowls at 37 75c Salad Bowls at 56d $1 Salad Bowls at 75cV $1.50 Bowls at 1.13" $1.75 Salad Sets 1.40 $2.15 Salad Sets 1.63 $3.15 Salad Sets 2.38 Famous Savory Roasters A demonstrator to show yon how it differs from the ordinary Roaster. "The Savory" will do your turkey np brown the most deli cious, fragrant brown that yon could possibly hope for in your Thanksgiv ing turkey or fowl. Come in today. Family Style Savory Roasters, special at only 89 Savory Double Broilers, special at only, 1.09 Opening Sale in New Coffman Candy Annex fa Basement To meet the great Christmas Candy business, we have established a Coffman annex in the Pure Food Grocery, basement. Here yon 25c Coffman Taffies, pound 20c 40c Coff an Cream Pinoche 30c 40c Coffman Buttercups at 30c 25c Coffman Lemon Drops 20c 40c Coffman Wafers, at lb. 30c 50c Toasted Marshmallows 25c 40c Assorted Fruit Tablets 30c 25c Coffman SticK Candy at 20c 500 Boxes of Hxtra Fancy Apples Today at 80c We've secured another big shipment of these extra fancy, luscious Oregon Apples, to sell today far below C tne prevailing price! Fine Spitzenbergs, pacKed in one-layer boxes the sort that will delight your East ern friends and expressage is small.' THINK OF IT EXTRA SPECIAL FOR TODAY, A BOX, AT ONLY SO In the Grocery 100 lbs. Cane Sugar, 5.95 50c Baker's Chocolate, 40? Royal Bak'g Powd. lb. 39? Atmore's Mince Meat, lGc Eastern Bacon, pound, 22? Fancy Mixed Nuts, sp'l 17? Citron Peel, the pound, 16? 7557 . i . L"tr r: FIFTH, SIXTH, MORRISON AND ALDER STREETS In the Grocery Grizzly Bluff Btr. 2 lbs. 66? Eastern Hams, at lb. 16? 25c W. Baker's Cocoa, 20? New Layer Figs, pound, 8? 85c Queen Olives, bot. 40c? 25c Crescent Sardines, 17? M. & F. Special Coffee, 26? X TR A f JL H ii ii uiTli o Special Sales 8 to 12 Only TO $2.50 CHILDS' ROCK ING CHAIRS Mission finish, strongly built; regular $2.25 and $2.50 chairs. From 8 to 12, ea. $1.49 500 MISSES' AND CHIL DREN'S HOSE ' Extra fine lisle; full fashioned and seam less; in black, tan, sky, white and pink. From 8 to 12 only, at, the pair 25( TO $2.50 CHANTILLY LACE DRAPE VEILS Still so much in vogue; full iy2 yards long; in black, brown and navy. From 8 to 12 only, q q specialized at, each Q7G $1.25 AND $1.50 VELVET BAGS Smart, new combina tions of velvet and tapestry in the new Cordelier shapes. From 8 to 12 75c EXTRA FINE LARD The old-fashioned open kettle ren dered kind, in five-pound pails. Special from 8 to 12 p j- o'clock only the pail 33C 12V20 PERCALES Good, firm quality, in neat dark col ors, for house dresses, men's and boys' shirts, etc. Special from 8 to 12, yd 7c A